10 REAL F.STATE rOH HAITe HOUSES i FRANK L M'GUIRE . ALBEBTA BARGAINS r $2400 $200 down; 5 room modern bunas U .. bur; whit enamel ' plumbing electric . . lights and cm; rtitle Hnee. Price re j dnned: owner fct going to lee state; real herein. Vacant; immediate pos ! .; . -: session. , f 2 J 00 Easy ternu: ' 5 room very attractive 1 bungalow, adjoining Aiameoa jrers; t.teii claw residence district; very lrg living room with fireplace! core celling: electric lighU and gaa; Dutch kicben; whit enamel plumbing; sleeping porch; full cement beeement. $2650 Eaey term: very attractive 5 room i t home; 2 block east of l'iedmont; large . - living room and firepUce; paneled dm- -1 ' : ing room; Dutoh kitchen;. white enamel . i plumbing; electric lighta and g; gar- 5 j age; on pared utreet; sewer and side- ! i walk in and paid In full; no mortgage j to aaauine. ' $2800 -5 room very attractive mouern home; like new; iftrag; large living room; ! iwneled diurng room; Dutch kitchen; I white enamel plumbing; hot water heat- " lug system ; paved atreet, aewer and aidewalk in and included in thia price; 2 blocka east of Union avenue and 1 .- ,'. Piedmont. $2680 Term; 5 room neat modern bungalow; large riving room and fireplace; Dutch I J kitchen; close to Alberta on E. lltu. WOODLAWN HOUSE BARGAINS V $1400 200- down; 5 room house; 50x100 : lot; modern plumbing; electric light ; . awl gaa; 2 V block to Woodlawn . r ' i' car. Hargrfin. $2800- -Terms; 6 room modern boue; 1.00 lot; Ainsworth are. lOOz $2?00 Term; 5 room neat bungalow; 60x100 1 comer lot; wh!te enamel .plumbing; i electric light and ga; Mongolia at $2800 Term: 0 room attractive, modem home on full lot; due to Woodlawn car. KENTON DISTRICT HOMK BARGAINS $2100 Term; ."V room modern bungalow; ar tistic line: white enamel plumbing; electric light and ga: 50x100 lot; 3 block east of Kenton bank. $1100 4 room bungalow cottage; full lot: . i hardwood floor in bring room; fruit and place for chicken. Minnesota at. $3400 Very a r Untie modern 5 room bungalow; . hardwood floor; fireplace: Dutch . kitchen; finished in old ivory: corner lot. . Will help you make first payment if necessary. t W hate oer 400 appraised house on our list with 400 photograph, all type", price and term, all pari of the city; ome remarkable bargain. I hare personally iiinpected all these houae and only offer houe that are good fcgys; 4 experienced real estate salesmen with aato at your erTlce. Come In and look over oar photograph. Bee FRANK U McGUIRB, ABINGTON BLDG. i To buy your home. Main 1068. ' Successor to II. D. MrGuire Co. .1 EstablWicd 1HR0. T" ROOM, bungalow t new house, with ;lee)ing porch, hardwood floor, closet in ery bedroom, window in every closet.- fireplace, bellt-in bnffet, full cement basement, wash trays, 2 tnileta and b?.th, built-in linen closet, kitchen .white enamel; graie arbor in front, 4t ft. long; 5 -fruit trees, ma;i cJUckenhouse. cement sidewalk, electric light anfga. The hmi toily would cost $4500. Price for all $4200. The same xrty own remainder of V bhnck or 3 lot. 38 bearing fruit trees: ham 16x20. rltickenhouie. good view, close to Reed college, on Woodstock cr.r. Price with above house and lot. $5250. 6 room modern house, fireplace, basement, t fruit tree. hickeiihonse, on 2 lots, 100x1011, lit. Scott carline. Price $2200. $200 down. $16 per month. 6 room modern house, bath and toilet, full anient basement. In Vancouver. Wafli. ; good location. Will servifice for $1800. Terms. A I, I. EN & 'ALLEN. - 408 Stork Exchange. ' IMPOSSIBLE TO Dl'PLICATE THIS ONE. SEE TODAY. 561 GOING ST.. CORNER 13T1I. $3260 0 room modern bungalow, attic, fire place, hdwd. floors, book cane, buffet,, china closet, hullt-ln writing desk, IKitch kitchen, full beveled glass mirror door in entrance hall, beautiful electric fixtures, . ' full cement baseiniit. with plastered celling, furnaoe, wash trays, fruit closet, garage in basement. Terms. Open to day. 10 to 4. are going to sell 4.1H T today, even if we have to cut price. So hurry. 1 A. WICKMAN CO.. 314 Stark St. Main 583. iWM mndrrn bungalow. cloe in. paved st-; t price $2500. ' 6 room modern bungalow, paved st., Haw thorne district; price $3150. 6 room modern bungalow, Hawthorne dis trict: price $3600. ' 5 room mxlrrn bungalow, paved st ; price $3150. 6 room modern bungalow, paved St.; price $10. . These bungalow are all fine condition and Bloat of them have gardens, snd all ready to xuove into. Easy term; NEW YOUR LAND CO., 803 Stock Exchange bldg., ' Phone Main 776J " ' BUNGALOW OFFERS LAURELHCRST Strictly up to date in very detail; Davia- st. ; $4900, -including all street lien. ' ' IRVINGTON All hardwood floors, tile man .. tie and everything to match; E. lth near Knott; $5300, including lien. PIEDMONT Modern: Rodney svenue; 1 blk. KHHngsworth; $51100, Including sU liens. - UUN-NXSIDE 7 rooms, osk floor, fireplace, ' furnaoe; K. 84th, north of Belmont; $8600, including lien. HAWTHORNE 6 rooms, oak floor, fireplace; X. 4 1st, 8 blk. Hawthorne avenue; $3500. J. 0. CORBIN CO.. 305-0-7 Iiwi bldg WEST SIDE CASH SACRIFICE T room, well built modem house, ground quel to about 60x100, 2 room cottage in rear, hard surface streets, 1 block from car, clear of all incumbrance. Front treet. Price $2050. WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. C A. WARRINER, RITTER. LOWE CO.. 203-5-7 Board- of Trade bldg. JJEAUTIKI'L HOME AND GROUNDS PIEDMONT DISTRICT '' 6 room bungalow, completely furnished, hot Water heat. 100x100 corner, nice Iruit trees and shrubbery, all hard surface in and paid. Price $6500; easy terms. Immediate possession . can be had. 0 A. WARRINER. RITTER. IX) WE A CO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. READ THIS. HAWTHORNE. $2000 Positively the biggeat bsrgsin in Hawthorne. A practically new 5 room bungalow-type home, with bath, basement and floored attic. ' The Street is psved. the sewer in snd aU paid. If yon can pay lSU cash here i a snap. COB A. M KENNA st CO. Main 4522. 82 4th St.. Board of Trade bldg; DO you want a good 3 mora limine, with full basement, on a full lot. with such convenience ' as city water, gas, electric light and near a city school. This property is located on the West Side and tne price Is only $1200. All you need is $200 cash, the balance in monthly payments. M. I. CLOHEK8Y, 415 ABINGTON BLDG. $100 CASH $950 4 room plastered home, near 57th and JS. Kverett K O. C. GOLDEN BF.RG, ABINGTON BLDG. "85 Years in Portland.'' Main 4803. NEAR JEFFERSON HIGH A nice 5 room bungalow-type home with bath and good basement for $1900.- Pay $250 down and it yours. COB A. M KENNA A CO. Main 4522. ' 62 4th at. Board of Trade bldg. . , A 8NAPI Oood 5 room house, lawn, flowers, cement waiaa, aewer. paved atreet; K. 84th, near Divi sion. Price $1850: $300 wUl handle. Ask for .Mr. Carlos, the Brong Co., 26T Oak at Main 1743. AN EXCELLENT BUT 82860 will buv 2 storv. 6 room honu v Grant et, pavement paid, full cement basement; xoellnit plumbing, 3 bedrooms and bath on za floor, caay term. OODDARD st WIEDRICK. 243 Stark S. una emit ninvrf ifVoV ' '6 room, bath, toilet, water, paved atreet; lo cated in Going st near Williams ave; price R. J. M'GUIRE. 545 UNION AVE. N. IN HAWTHORNE DISTRICT B room modern bungs low, street improve ments m ana paia. lor s.'aoo. caoo cash, bal- anoe easy. P. M. Madden Realty Co.. 1028 inviniinia -laoor Uiiaa. liODERN house, walking dbttanc to ahlovanls . extra aise lot. garage, large porch, sleeping porcn, oeautiTui viw. Buy from owner, no com sawaion. aaain zs.u. $2600 KENILWORTH HOME O room modern home, full lot on orlin. Bvwly painted ani in fine condition. Look this VP, a rare enanee. cast jl50 CASH $15 MONTH AND INTEREST Buy 6 room cottsf near Union and Kus- seu ; pne a.-oou. R. J. M'GUIRE. 545 UNION AVE. N, HULOLS ar aur to advsnc . I . - - w as . law vtUJ sBllvr - a a tH. I'sTnt fa irvtTTaE, xToT SEAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 1 2650 6 room, in Piedmont district, well improved and fell worth, the money. $2400 6 room, in Piedmont district An other cheap place. $2700 6 rooms, modern in every way, cloae to Alberta at., on K. 15th. $1750 5 rooms', modern'; furniture if desired. $26505 room, in Piedmont district; a very good buy. $2000 5, roomv City View Part; nice place; , only 1 block from car. $1600 4 Toom, in Piedmont district; thia to a bargain. $2500- -3 rooms, K. 18th St.; tie place. beautiful lit- $ BOO 3 roomv on E. 28th st; very cneap place. - All these place can be bought on term, with a small payment down. V hare hundred of other places to pick from. BROWN Ac BROWN. Real Estate. Loans and Collection, 324 My. Exch. bldg. Mar. 3381. $1500 7 room house, on lot 50x100. E. 18th st, N.; gaa and electricity. $1600 5 room cottage, on E. 0th at- near Brooklyn; easy terms. $1800 5 room house, on Sumnef at near 17th. lot 40x100; easy term. ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT $2200 Modern 5 room bungalow on lot 50 1 100; easy terms. $3250 Modern 6 room bungalow: lot 40x100. with garage: E. 43d and Clinton, 1 block from cast end Richmond carline. IIOI.LADAT ADDITION $ 800 Lot 50x100. on Broadway between 27th and 28th sts. ROSSMERE . $ 600 Lot BOxlOO, on K. 3Sth st between Thommon and Brazee at. $11(10 One uncompleted house on North 18th t, or will finifli to suit purchaser; easy terms. w Liberty Bond Taken at Par Value. WILLIAM G. BECK 215 Failing bldg.. Third and Wash. ats. COME BETWEEN 1 AND 3 P. M. MIST BE HOLD TODAY $.1350. ROSSMERE BUNGALOW 4 94 E. 38th t. N.. nesr Thompson. Take I Rote Cjity-Rfsumont car. get off Beaumont car at 42d and Thompson sts., walk 4 short block west. & rooms, large attic and also a ceiled room in aiuc. iiarawoon tmora in entrance J0 acre fine land, 8 acres in cultivation, new hall .living and dining rooms; built-in effect m U room hoase barn weI, chicken house, wood kitchen, cement basement and furnace. Bun- ! .kj ..n ..,.,. . i, ... galow built less than 3 years. Nice lawn and iiVe5la?.rert 'nd.neerJbonle :"'ri. ,i, '""' " .r."- "" "CJnt- x-none Mst s,l;, $2500 6 room house. 2 blks. Alberta car. full line of plumbing, corner, good "buy: terms. $2700 5 room bunaalow. 2 hlk. Alberts, ear Hard surface st.. pd.. large attic, full basement. Owner leaving citv. $2000 rooms, full line plumbing, 50x100 ( lot, on 8th, near Rcwlawn. Convenient to union sve. csrs. $500 cash. I Many strictly modern home from $3000 up, " u iirst liaymenu i.ei us how you. Auto at your wrvice. J. A. WICKMAN CO., 314 HUrk. st. Main 683 $050 MT. SCOTT, 4 r. house and barn. $1750 Ross st., 5 r., modern. .$2500 Franklin St., o r.. modern. 3MIO i7tn g, t near Dirigion 7 r $2700 acre, ti r. bungalow. $4200 piedmont, 7 r. home. $35O0 Sunnyside bungalow, modern. I4B50 Ijiurelhurst. 7 r. and garage. $5000 Irvington bungalow and garage. fi!!'"',0. Kose ri,y bungalow and garage. $jO,500-7Iortland Ht. view home. UIASJrtNGLEK & CO.225 Henry bldg. HAWTHORNE HOME ' RECTOR HEATING SYSTEM i rooms ami large sleeping imrc h. full cement basement, nice comer, hard surface stretts. close " "r"1""- '-all and we will show term. snrubbery. Trice $5000; C. A. W'.RRINER, BITTER. IOWE A CO. 203 .1-7 Board of Trd hu. NIFTY HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW $3150 5 room and sleeping porch, built-in con venience, fireplace. . furnace, full cement base ment, hard surface in and 'paid. ' 1 Vi blocks ..iu. i.t. vua iKxuession ana easy terms. C A. WARRINER RITTElt, LOWE & CO , 203-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. $2500 CLASSY 5 room Sunnyside home.; modern conveniences, close in; real snap: l!00 esh G. C. GOLDENBERG. ABINGTON BLDG. o inn in i-orciana. - Main 4803. . ,.UOAME1.stred h,,u, in ""ed of repair, full 50x100 lot for $400 same snap. 1 f) room TTiociprn fn t-.Ku .-., o i . Hall outhouse: $1300. $250 cash takes iton00Toootta8',' th' toiIet- nous iaement: J.Ji '. 00 CRsh' Dalan5e terms. Houck. 110 I 0th st ROOM house, gas. lights, water, phone, ga rage and poultrr house. Pric. ia7i terms. - . """" earlv 4 cm -. t ; home Sunday. - tyuoK, tllNltl IflrTfll I 1 1V 4n GEO. MORSE. Owner. 309 Cham, of Com. VILLA HEIGHTS. IjUUl) VIEW. 1 0 room resirdence incl. 7 bedroom, fronting 'rnd,,,7' wiu view of Willamette on river 3 in-piaces, a toilets, liv. rro. 17x27: 17x20. paneled; lot 50x100; pavement n. rm. i v orner to c"we tne estate quickly ' ,Ai;T., V.v" .lw.. ay term. k wir.uHitjK, 243 Stark St WOOTiSTOrK aviTn ' 1 .lis is a peat weU built 5 room hnnnim , uuiii-in conveniences, full cement basement wash trays. 2 blocks from car. 44 th near Ho? h;b iuuu: term. O A. WARRINER. 'm rf tSj i I "'" road. 1 mile east of CottreU, 20 miles from r L RMSHED HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW Portland. 17 acres in culUvstion, fsir build o room, fireplace, hnilt-in .... I tntfJ 4ir,m -w n nia. rnA -..ii i rioored atUc. full basement. 1 block from Haw- ' ""S suriace m and paid, clear ... luvuuim.ncc. rnrt nipuu; terms. y . A. IVAKKlMSlt. BITTER. IX)WE CO., 203-S-7 Roard of Trade bldg. HAWTHORNE BAHT1AIV Well built 6 room bnneslow .1n-4.. clo e to Hawthorne car; full lot paved street- room all on one floor, nice .ttio nn ... iii i ii. """" i.t iiaiiuir. A. K. HILL, 419 Henry bldg. Main 1902. HAWTHORNE" Come out betwpn 1 i Ai v a. ,, wTowyearaoId- lnnr. 5 ? Snd sewer aUM Sfron- Vin p,Ied11,'rMt r.V. , T-,3-.?0- 400 cash, balance ""p ifin, win sru luiniiure. Main SKN9 1R.ut1 modern house, fnmfched complete, 2 ..C.-.V mucu sou; goou car service; 20 min- clS t!!L ''l'i5' 300 down, balance FOR SALE 80 acres of unimproved land un easyurm. 1785 North at., Sellwood Garden. der Warm Springs irrigation district, 1 mile OR SALE by owner at sacrifice, modem 5 from Ontario. Or. Good Isjid. $3000. $1000 room bungalow, restvicfori Hrf .)-.. l oi river, saxnu. T2N Overlook bl vd.,, south mm i nuii are. rnone wain. 7 00. HERE it is, 3 rooms, semi-modem, on carline; improvements paid. 50x126 ground, close u-i reach to several summer resorts, Oood rich St John: only: $900; desirable- terms. Call I land- creek and spring, some timber. Good mar Tabor 8143. ' I ket. roads and neighbors. W. , H. Burley, 685 Vi 1 IJ ,3 . , E 'Tit- i a , .. . j . , - iences; cash or terms. Tabor 6422. uiuuciii room nouse. an mnnprn mnvMi. ACREAGE, houses and lots, cheap. See the rest estate oil ice at snth anil iXri.inn ... - Hawthorne sve. car. FOR SALE: 7 room house, 50x100 lot. Rea- . sonable. Terms. 3 blocka north Russell- 8haver carline. 85 W. Prescott St. i7sn u . . T i : : w w v , wjmn i ,i , jisymom aown. oalance lute rent buys a good 7 room house in Sunnv- aide district This is a real opportunity to get a bargain. The Brong Co.. Inc. 267 "4 Oak t gfiR mi.B -h., ' , i. ' - kn.inni'. T ? . -"v". " iiiuc. By owner. Call Sell. 2126'. H V . 1 U U njl. I 1 1 1 1 1. 1. 1 II. . IT. alTttnA Ka1hl8'fi.E7.,if ? tdI!!Uinf. houso' 8ult- .v. i-.Ti--. Ti V"" ........ . r... ummnm. flitranu oubh. qir Tma 4 , . . st.r I Hl new 3 room bungalow and give me an oiier. exxra line oixioo toot corner lot, fall s.ny. v an woiiaieig. xn an it. $2500 ROSE CITY PARK, 8 room modern uwn imj qu, mere. s 4jet me snow you, r-rentiss. Qua Corbett bldg. -50 3 room house, newly renovated: full lot: Alberta carline; $250 cash; $15 monthly. rnone casr. oazv. LARGE 6 room 2 story modern home, with iuii autc, ooo; Westmoreland. 1806 E. i un sr. a. yau lsnnday. i FOB SALE LOTS 16 LOT 4, B. 22. Jonesmore add., Glisan and 71ti sts.. 50x143. location fine for business or residence: a. bargain for somebody. Call on S-oT.oo ' $25 CASH and $10 per month buy a beauU- ful building lot near Union ave. The Brong 1 Company. Inc.; 267 Oak t: I ' "tcEPSSif".. " REAL ESTATE FOR BALE LOTS 16 FOB HALE LOTS VALUABLE LOTS LOW PRICES 8. W. corner Glenn and Jarrett, SOzlOO. 1 block from Kennedy school, cement walk, clear of incumbrance. Price $500, $150 cash, bal ance to suit. - -a 50x100. on 11th st. 100 ft south of Kil lingsworth, cement walks, mil clear. Price $500; $5tf canh, balance to suit. 63x150 on Killingswortb, 100 ft. west of Vernon, north facing. Price $000. $100 cash, easy terms. t Roasmore, 60x100, on 43d St., 100 ft. south of Thompson. All street i improrementa in and paid. I 'rice $1000. half cash, baL easy. WATCH OCR ADS." WE GET RESULTS. O A. WARRINER, BITTER, LOWE A CO.. 208-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. BUILDER'S SNAP . NEAR LAURELHURST 27 lots on E. Glisan and Flanders at., bet. E. 47th and 40tb sts. : These lots are owned by client in Canada who instructs us to sell regardless of value. Take one lot or a many a you like. Will consider good automobile. GODDARD WIEDBICK. 248 Stark at. WANTED, AUTOMOBILE FOR ROSE CITT PARK LOT Lot 50x100 in the best district of Bos City Park, atreet improrementa all in and paid lor; will take good auto in trade. WAKEFIELD. FRIES CO.. Main 14. 85 4ta at. ' $400 CASH ! Choice corner lot on East 12th. Church, cloae to 2 carline. concrete walks,'' curbing and st. improvements all in and paid for. Own- er. Phone Tabor 1503. WILL aell 100x100? free and clear. Lenta district. for $90 cash or bonds. Z-547. Journal. ACREAGE $7 THE war is over. Cut the high cost of living by getting on a. good piece of land. Look these over. We have many more. , 1 acre, west side, near Ryan station, on car- line, 6c fare, 10 minutes' ride. A-l soil, city water and- gas. $1200. $130 cash, baL terms. 9.3 acres, on Base Line road, 4 miles out. on carline. $3750. 10 acres, 13 miles from foot of' Stark st. near Base Line road, all cultivation, 4 room house, good outbuildings, herse, two wagons, buggy, farm tools and implements. A real bar gain at $4000. We are headquarter for bargains in acre age, farms and homes from $ t DO up. One visit vtill convince you. A. W. LAMBERT Ic SON Cor. E. Alder and Grand ave. Phone East 040 THREE ACREAGE BARGAINS driving mare, chicken, hay and tools; 6 mil fTOm Vancouver, on auto road. Price $2500; good terms. 9 jn cuItiTatin 3 acres in bearing Prune, good 4 room house, barn, chicken house "? Prk: on ""e suto road, ad oins school. wile from carline and 6 miles from Vancouver. Price only $2400; $000 cash. 13 cre f"e level land, all cleared, house, barn, etc., on auto road, adjoins school and sU tion, 0 miles rom Vancouver. Price only $2200, very easy terms. Thompson, Swan ec Thompson, 8d and Main st., Vancouver, Wash. THIS a 10 acre tract, just on the edae of the city limits, east- with a 5 room cottage. good barn, other outbuildings, : lots of fruit and berries, in fact it ia.in a nice state of cultivation; close to streetcar. Price $9000, easy terms. Also 12 acre with 7 room modern house and all outbuildings half in bearing fruit, bal ance in garden land: 3 block from the street car; jurt outride ,of the city limits; a big snap at 91-.V", easy terms. NEW TORK LAND CO. 303 Stock Exeliange bldg. Phone Main 7676. CLOSE IN GREAT BARGAIN 3 acre. 2 acres cleared. GO fruit trees, all kinds of berries, near Garden Home, 5 blocks Oregon Electric line. Price $2000; terms. See Mr. Rich mond. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., Broadway 4133. 309 Oak St CHEAP ACREAGE 5 acres. $250; $10 down, $5 per month buys 5 acres of land, between Portland and Cen tralis, on the main line of 3 railroads. 1 u. ' miles from a town of 800 population; sawmills anu sningie mills, some partly cleared and some cleared; running stream; some bottom and some bench. Can give you any kind of place you want ' , BELL REAL ESTATE CO. 318 Railway Exchange bldg. ' COUNTRY HOME WORK NEARBY 0 Vt acre. 30 miles from Portland and mile from large logging' company, which affords steady work for settlers; good soil, free from roc or gravel, easy clearing; store, station and fchool handy. Price $625; term $05 down, $15 monthly. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, -013 Chamber of Commerce. 10 ACRES NEAR HOLCOMB SCHOOL. About 4 miles N. E. of Oregon City, near new Carver line. 5 room house, bam, etc. Good fences, between 5 and 6 acres cultivated. Price gzzuu Mortgage $800 at 8 per cent interest Terms. $350 down, balance easy, or wiU trade for a house in Portland. E. A. LINDGREN. Savon Land Co., 935 N. W. Bank bldg. ATTENTION See my choice acreage and learn my nrice before purchasing elsewhere. Property and owner 2506 7 1st st S. Jii. VERY CHOICE CHICKEN RANCH SITE 5 acres, facing Powell Valley road, near Buck ley ave. ; 2 acre cleared, fine grove of timber on back end. You can't beat this location for a poultry farm, as hundreds of autoists pass it uaujr, vr 1 1 n: i kite, n wuie puuuuiiy. XJCt us show it to you. Price $3000: reasonable terms. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE 25 seres on the Ssndy Bluff cation. Price $3500. Terms on part at 5 per cent G. SI. Andrews. No. 1, Boring. Or. Phme Gresham 374. $50 LOCATES YOU ON 3 ACRES Located 10 miles east of Portland; 2 electric stations and paved road handy; land lies fine; fine grove of trees; no i improvements. Price $1200. Terms $50 down and $18 monthly. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. 913 Chamber of Commerce. FIFTEEN acre prune orchard for sale. 16 tons . dried prune sold this year. This place will be sold on terms at low figure on account of owner not being able to long after it n.T,nnllv ITnr v..rfi,l.M mAArmmm T.B1R T nr . Y.i ' 5 ACRE CHICKEN RANCH FREE This place is, right at station on electric. '50 minutes out ImDrovements cost 840OO. Owner 1 - .. ... . . . .l-. . Inquire E. M. Brown, with Neilan & ParkhUli i i.umoermens oiag.. om ana ctarg st. 1 will hTittlA t.bis himin. Mnv others but this f tne best buy in liameur county. K. w. 1 nwagieT. iintino, vr. 40 ACRES for $550. Near Yaquina Bay. Easy Irving st. Mar. I tain t acres extra line iana near Baiem I . rw - - . , . ,- . f jciecinc. iwo tract toaeuier ii aesireu ; m .oorl timber, small hum., a ono I Wilcox bldg. Ask for Marsters. Phone evenings i rasi iim, I CHICKEN RANCHES l w" haTe" tew more 10 and 20 acre tracts, I cie to Amity, to sell. Will accept government 1 bonds. Small payment down, baL 10 years, 6 per cent. ea-w ooa uesity ;o... 248 stark st. 1 - . . EOR SALE 88 H acres 5 miles west of Banks, 1 50O0; $2000 worth of improvements, $1000 I worth of Mock and machinery. 20 acres in cul- I HT10B- J1.1 " U - W. K. I Hudson. .Bangs, or. 1 1 . . . I 9 ACRES, all cleared, bet Grays Crossing snd I more? Essy terms, or might consider good Ford kmihu bwiiuii, , i.u per acre. nona s " weaver mug.. Oregon Jlty. I vuiuiBiru acre. Close 1 to station and on good auto road. Price onlv . l t . t-1 1 1 . . t-. is-- It! . a $14)00. easy terms; worth $1500. Ask for i McCormlc at Oarden Home. Phone Main 9318. 1 IF you are thinking of buying prune orchard. wheat land, acreage, or farms, see J. B. At kinson. 112 W. 6th st. Vancouver, Wash. 12 H ACRES, all level and cultivated. 1 mile trom wooaoum. toT quick sale will sell for $110 per acre. Easy term. Owner. Main 9451. TWO or 3 acres, improved with buildings, in city jimits or close, in, for chicken ranch. H 988. Journal . CRANBERR S are wares; will sell a few more ac marsa, reasonable. It Hansen. cr V- M; I 40 ACRES in ngton county to trad for orj house and lot 700 Dekum bldg. U ACRES near Tigard. worth $1800. $1400. 1 with term to suit 700 Detrain bldg. i SUBURB A3? ; ACBEAOE U FSX. d 10 acre. US REAL ESTATE SUBURB AH ACREAGE 7$ HERE la an absolute give-away. A neat lit tle 4 room bungalow, 1 block from the carline, with each convenience as city water, gas - and electric light, a ahort . distance , from the city school, on fie carfare and the price i only $900. The lot is a big lot considering the price. - Nothing cheaper than thia will ever be found. M. J. Clehessy, 415 Abington bldg. Near Garden Home This k i bargain for you 2 ' acres, all cleared, house, chicken tonse, running stream all year, on carline, 2d minutes out. Be fare; $1500; term. Ford a part payment. i 7 Corbett Street. Main 6882. I WANT to correspond with someone who wants . good small home in country., Oood building, good water, hot and cold in house and piped to chicken house, near good aehool, on hard road and daily mail, 3 miles from good town ana Dig mui. W ill take used Ford car or Lao erty bonds at present value .as part payment. Cyrn Cole. Route 4. Silverton. 'Or. FOR auburban homes from acre to 5, on either .the Oregon City carline or Oregon electric, highly improved with modern Duuoinga, for Price considerably lesa than their real value. we lure large list of such places and if you are looking to buy can and make inquiry. J. 1. Cldhessy. 415 Abington bldg. , ONLY $2000 for almost half acre with a neat 5 room bungalow, fine garage on the place. blocka from the station. 1 block irom ine big school st Oak Grove. $350 cash will handle this, the balance easy monthly pay ments. M. J. Clobessy, 415 Abington OlOg. ACRE HOME snap at .Metzger, on Oregon Electric; has fair 5 room house, chicken house, bam; lots of bearing fruit; on good auto read: sacrifice for $1500. easy term. Phone Main 0318. JJ'ST tho nlane for father and mother. 1 Vs acres In town wltn a electric lines, nouse. barn, oreward, best of garden soil ; an ideal home place. $1100 Buys It. MOixn aouoic J. R. Wolff. 618 O. of C. bldg. $1150 5 room house and 80x110 lot. all in earden and fruit If you want your money's worth in a nice suburban home. Just taac look at this. Prentiss. 505 Corbett bldg. 6 AND 10 acres on base Line road, 1 miles from city limits, improved and unimproved. Will seH 'cheap; Bull Bun water. O. P. Potto. 1 9 80 E. Stark st $350 for a fine large garden tract, city water and gas, 2 carline. 20 minute out $10 cash, $5 month. M. E. Lee. 505 Corbett bldg. SUBURBAN HOMES 7$ ONE ACHE WITH A SMALL HOUSE At Wilson ville. Or., close to school, nostoffice, electric station and several atore. All under; cultivation, eond welt and three bearing cherry trees. Price $550. $350 will handle the deal. bal. on long time at O per cent interest E. A LINDGREN. Savon Land Co., 935 N. W. Bank bldg. FOR SALE FARMS 17 640 ACRES unimproved pasture land. 1 mile from It R. and town in Lincoln county. Or. Land lies rolling, but is all good soil and mostly. nnen (was burnt over by fire years ago I . aou irr ran h farmed. This is a fine stock ranch with unlimited outrange aad can be had at tne very low price of $15 per acre. Easy terms- 1 60 acres of open land 50 miles from Port land on the Columbia river. Has smaU house and bam, about 5 acres clear, a few fruit trees, 2Sb miles from town; a snap at $2500; very easy terms. 160 acres, 8 miles from Molalla; rock road within 2 mUes of the place; improved with 4 room house, large bam, 10 acres of orchard, 40 acres under cultivation, most all the bal ance is open land, plenty of outrange. A snap at $3500. NEW YORK LAND CO: 303 Stock Exchange bldg. Phone Main 7676. ABSOLUTELY THE BEST DAIRY RANCH FOR THE PRICE ASKED The average monthly income from milk alone from Jan 1 to Nov. 30 has been $415.75. The ranch contains 80 acres snd ia located 3 miles from Oregon City. Or. 7 rocm plastered house with hot and cold water, large bam with patent stanchions, milk house, fruit house and other outbuildings; 119 cow milking, 1 bull, 2 calves, 3 horses, some chickens and farm im plements and tools. Plenty of fruit and ber ries for family1 use and a very large silo with concrete' foundation. The price for this dairy is only $14,000 and $4000 to $5000 will handle the deal. Will consider a good Port land residence up to $5000 in trade. If you are wanting something good, don't waste time but look this up. E. A. LINDGREN, Savon Lanfi Co. 935 N. W. Bank bldg. BEAUTIFUL HOME 10 acres, all in high state of cultivation, fair buildings; 2 acres of fruit and berries; near Pa cific highway and R. R. Owner non-resident; geU at a bargain and eay terms: $2250. SUBURBAN HOME ' 20 acres. 18 acres in cultivation; complete set ' of buildings, family orchard, on R. R. and a good road to Portland. 1 5 miles southeast of Portland; $3000 with $1000 cash. Farm of 65 acres. 65 acres, in cultivation, heavy black loam, set of farm buildings and a family orchard; good road; spring brook; $150 per acre, on easy term. F. B. MADISON. 216 7th it Oregon City, Or. COUNTRY HOME DON'T MISS THIS 35 Vi acres, rich, black loam, 32 acre in cultivation, 3 Vi acres in woods and pasture, large barn, small house, across tlie track from depot on electric line, ad joining good town. Note the location, then the low price, $140 per acre, terms. See Mr. Richmond. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO. Broadway 4133. 309 Oak st i An SMALL FARM BARGA 10 acres, located 16 miles from Portland; all fine Dlow land, excellent soil; 8 acres under cul Uvation, thoroughly cleared; good house, wen at back door, good bam, spring water tn barnyard, chickenhouse and runway; fenced and cross fenced. You can move in immediately; no de lay. Price $2250, reasonable terms.. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY 913 Chamber 'of Commerce. CLOSE IN FIVE ACRE TRACT. 1 MILE SOUTH OF TOBIAS ON 8. P. ELECTRIC Splendid 5 acre tract, about 2 acres in cul tivation, very large creek throug the place, 4 room bungalow with fireplace and sleeping porch, small 2 story bam, very large chicken house, good well. Price $2350. $500 cash, balance to suit This place has cost over $3300 and is a wonderful buy. Fred W. German Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce. FARM FOR SALE Ten miles of Portland. 1 Vi miles from Da mascus on the Foster road. 78 acres, 82 in cultivation. "26 in crop, balance pasture and 800 cords standing timber, well fenced, gasoline drag saw, 3 horses. 1 cow, 100 laying bens, all nec essary farming tools, feed, family orchard, well, house, bam, outbuildings, household goods. Price $10,000. half cah, balance terms st O per eent interest P. H. Thomsen, Clackamas, Or.. R. R. 1 HERE i is 40 acres in the garden spot of Ore- son: 1 mile from the station at Tualatin. 23 of these 40 acres are in high state of cultiva tion. There is a small house on the place and a paved street all the way. This land is nicely situated, plenty of water ana other conveniences. You can buy it for about half its worth. Call and inquire about this. M. J. Clohestry, 415 Abington bldg. PACIFIC HIGHWAY SNAP 25 acres. aU the finest of soil, 18 acres tn cultivation, balance pasture. 5 room house, bam. well, etc., good large orchard. This place is located on the Pacific Highway, which is paved, 9 miles from Vancouver, and is a real snap at $3500: $800 cash, Thompson. Swan & Thomp son, 3d and Main sts., Vancouver. Wash. 20 ACRE FARM NEAR GRESHAM All in cultivation, mostly in hay and grain. all good land, on good road, beautiful surround ings, 1 acre orchard, new house, barn, chicken houses, owner going east is reason for offering at $4500. This is the best buy in the district Don't fail to see it S. P. Osburn, 610 McKay bldg., 3d and Stark. OLD AGE Compels owner to dispose of his 885 acre stock farm, has 10 rocgn good house, 4 bams, plenty water; place is well' stocked: all kinds of machinery; plenty feed in bam for winter; crops all in; price $62.50 per acre. R. J. M'GUIRE. 545 Union ave. N., Portland, Or SNAP ES SMALL WHEAT FARM 240 acres near North Bank road, in Eastern Washington, 160 acrea in cultivation. 80 acres bunch grass: aU lie well: 80 acrea in crop; fsir set iarm buildings; water piped to them; family orchard. Price $3700, all eah. Lueddemann Co.. 913 Chamber of Commerce. BENTON COUNTY FORTY-SIX ACRES" 46 acres. 3 miles from Corvallis, land ' lies fine, has no buildings. 8 acre in oak sruba. 38 acres in fall wheat which bring $50 per sere at least Price, including crop and imme diate pcseaeion. i $4500. WiU give some terms. F. I. Kinney, Corvallis, Or. " 220 ACRES. 4 miles O. A. C, creek and springs on ranch. Price $5000. $1000 first payment. 10 yean on rest at 5. Owner. 561 Glisan st WELL improved 5 hi acre place on Tualatin river, near Tualatin; a good buy for some body; $1750, term". J. R. WOLFF, 618 Chamber of Com! bldg. HIGHLY improved prune orchard, big income. mile of town: price $10,0002 ernrW pay for it; easy terms. Claude Cole, 323 xienry oiug. A DAIRY ranch, fully equipped witn or with out cows, on paved road, near Portland. Cows for sale. Phone Milwaukie 44T. IF you are thinking -of buying prune orchard, wheat land, acreage or farms, see J. B. At kinson. IT 2 W, 6th rt.. Vancouver, Wash. MODEL chicken ranch of 18 acres, land gently rolling, good nous and barn, finest chicken h i-e . Call 537 Pittoek block. RICH Albert f.rm land. Crop ""i swg. j tsenry Diog . 450 ACRE Willamette valley far Owner. 60 : aw rvrusBO, vx REAL ESTATE FOB SALE FARM S 1) SPECIAL BARGAIN In a atnek H.ii-v ratvti aonthlI of IZWI acres about 80 acres of bottom land under plow. 20 acre more practically cleared, a amau appie arehanl t)s tm la ranni house, very large and substantial barn, and several other building. 2 streams run through the property, tu lano. js all good, about two third of it rough, suitable for stock grazing only, one third could be cleared and cultivated; there la a great quantity of cedar and fir on the place which could be con verted into- fence posts at a good profit. Thia place is only on half mile from good town: bouse facing on macadamized highway. It would make splendid dairy or sheep ranch, situ ated in the Columbia valley and can be bought for $13 500. tasoo cash, balance can be made payable in 10 years with reasonable payments y carry, interest on (lererrea paymenra u " " v (OTTO ic HARKSON REALTY CO. 413 Chamber of Commerce bldg. FOR RALE 422 sera, near Sookane. Wash., -on hard surfsc road. 85 acre of timothy meadow cut nearly 200 tons of hay this year. 35 acres of orchard, which prbduced 6000 boxes of apple this year. All kind of other fruit Good 7 room house, barn 150 feet long, all good out-buildinSn- snrin water nioed through house and barn, all fenced and cross fenced. Will sell for 325.000. on easv terms. 80O sera t-k farm." near Portland. 9 room house, hot and cold water, electric lights in house and barn, on good road. Thiacan be boueht risht 104 acres of Hood River land, 4 miles west of city. 5 acres of orchard, good build ins. This ia a anao at our price. We have several other small farms that can be bought right. See us before baying thst I arm. ACME REALTY CO.. 10 8-9 Abington bldg. Main 7478. FOR SALE, GOOD LITTLE FARMS NEAR CORVALLIS A nice 5 -acre place at city limit. House, barn, outbldg. plenty fruit; acre Logan berries; city water, sidewalk to house, $3600. , 2a acre. 2 miles out. on good road, 17 acres heavy bearing prune, bal. in cultivation. New house, 7 rooms, basement, water system; new prune dryer, trays, boxes and all tools neces sary to work orchard; good team, etc., $1200, A cash. baL 7. 21 acres, 3 miles out, 'ton good road, 4 r. house, new, large barn, chickenhouse, all new; 6 acres .prunes, 4 a. 4 year, 2 a 1-year-old; other fruits; 2 a. timber. $3600. . These two places are in proven prune dist and well located. FRED T0MKINS. CorvaUis, Or. 640 ACRE wheat farm. Eastern Oregon. Fine soil, fair buildings. One good crop will half pay tor the place. Price $25 per acre. See owner, Andrew Peterson, 864 Interstate ave. Phone Woodlawn 3672. FOR REST FA RMS. II BETTER than renting or. buying. Established ranch wants money to buy adjoining land bar gains and more livestock, large or small amount. Will incorporate: live and work on ranch if de- slred H-8-8. Journal. 40-ACRE farm. $50 a year; young team, har ness and wagon. O cattle, farm toots and feed. $450. Quincy M. Fowler, Box 65, Bux ton, Or. 250 ACRES. 2 miles O. A. C. adapted for stock and farming. Cash rent Well im proved, running water in every field. Owner, 001 tilisan st. FARM for rent. 86 acres, house and orchard. 1 Vi miles electric line: 20 acre seeded to clover. Write W. W. Davis, 6220 26th ave. 8. E. FOR RENT, farm in heart of city; stock and im , plements for sale of trade for equity in a house. 4100 68th ave. S. E. Phone Sell. 4 73. FAR-MS WANTED RENT OR BUT 3$ KB. FARMER We ar th largest farm dealers In the City of Portland, a peep at our ads or a trip to our office wUl convince you; why not. list your farm with u. If it is a real bargain we can aeU it; why liv in hopes from others when we caa get you Immediate action. Send full par Ocular to WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS, A. O. Bender RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 208-6-7 Board of Trad Bldg, HIGH CLASS FARM WANTED 60 to 100 acres, well improved; not over SO mile from Portland: must be on eood road. Write us 'fuUy or caU at office and give na full particulars. Neilan & ParkhiU. 219 Lumber men's bldg.. 5th and Stark sts. I WANT a dairy farm to rent, from 200 to 400 acres; must be 100 clear or more; will buy personal property from $2000 to $3000 from 20 to 80 miles from Portland. Address 227 Morrison st, Portland, Or. Telephone Main WANT to buy a farm from 40 to SO acres. partly improved. Must be on good road and close to school. Want to deal with owner only. "ill pay about half cash. N-883. Journal. HAVE out of town cash buyer for 40 to 70 acres improved farm, 25 to 40 miles' from Portland F. Vanduyn. 615 Chamber of Com. DAIRY farm wanted, west of mountains. Will pay cash rent for dairy farm for 5 to 10 cows. Box 68. Route 1, Coeur d' Alene. Ida WANTED To buy 40 acre farm from owner 1042' Union ave. N. HOMESTEADS 47 TIMBER 29 ABOUT 2.300.000 ft of choice tie. piling and ship knee timber; also some oak, 2 Vi miles from R. It Down hUl haul. Plenty of water. Ideal mul site. Address J. U. Lauterman, Sa lem, Or. EXHASCE-REAL ESTATE 94 FOR SALE Or part trade for Portland prop erty, 100 acres well improved; 200 acres .well improved, 1 Vi miles from K. K. station 102 Vi acres to trade for Eaatern Oregon prop erty. A. Weinert, agent, Salem, Or., route 9, box 88. . 15 11. P. pleasure launch, all equipped; 50 gal gas tank, boathous and 3 room green house boat, large fruit cupboard, near St Johns ferry; $600, $300 cash, rest easy payments; wUl trade on house and lot or lot E. Hibns, It 1, box 64, Linnton, Or. Prefer St Johns or Kenton. BEST STORE ON WASHINGTON STREET FOR TRADE Want an automobile or farm. See Abahur. 502 Couch bldg. 72 ACRES of rich, level land. 64 in cultiva tion, some in crop, fine stream of water, 6 room bouse. large bam, silo, 10 cows, 12 young cattle, harness and equipment Want city prop erty. Price $150 per acre. Main 1963. 508 Chamber of Commerce. BUSINESS property on Union ave. near Oak St.. leased to a reliable mfg. eo. Calue $7500, mort $3000 at 1. long as wanted. Would like to exchange for bouse or flats to the vslue of $4500. Henry F. Cover, owner, 64 Union ave. $2800 Rose City Park 5 room bungalow, 874 80th st. ; would consider scgne acrea on Ore gon City line or some Gladstone or Oregon City property . as first payment Herman Nelson, Gladstone, Or. Phone Oregon City 413 R Owners only. FOR EXCHANGE 80 acres well improved A-l soil, 9 room hard finish new house, running water, phone, 9 H miles from town, for timber. Must be reason able distance from R. R. , on or near good road. Address J. B. Lamsr, Hall, Wash. WANT CITY PROPERTT FOR RANCH Highly improved farm, of 60 acre near Ore gon City. $7000. See us for eauitable ex change. . R. F. FEEMSTER. 309 Abington bldg. 75 ACRES, all equipped. 440 in cultivation. 30 seeded, young span horses, 5 cows,, plenty of feed, all machinery. 18 .miles from Portland. 3 miles from Sherwood. Price $11,000. Sell. 3588. 489 E. 34th st FINELY improved 12 acre home near Santa Rosa, Cal., 50 miles San Francisco. Price $7500; equity, $5000. Take Portland residence or close-in improved. B. Best. Bebastopol. Cal. BEARING commercial orchard, 11 acres, near Spokane, trade for bouse, furniture. Liberty bonds, or what hav you? Box 83. Tilla mook, Or. 21 ACRES. 7 acres beaverdam. about 4 acres good orchard, large bern, worth $ll,O00. house poor. 10 mile of Portland. Price $6500. Some trade. Sell- 8588. 489 E. 34th st 28 ACRE improved farm, mile of town. $1 fare Portland, clear incumbrance; price $3000 exchange for house and lot Claude Cole. 323 Henry bldg. FOR SALE or trade, well improved 16 acre in - Washington Co. Address 5319,33d ave. 8. E. Phone - (evening) Tabor 8237. . BIG prices for wheat and stock for year. Trade your property for good Montana ranch. N M. Apple. Lewiston. Mont TO TRADE. 3 acres extra good cranberry marrili as part payment on bouse and lot. Monta villa preferred. East 5281. HAVE good timber land, income property, some lots; want lsrge tiact of land, Klamath or Tillamook counties. HX-877. Journal. LOT with cozy house at Lents, near carline, to trade for acreage. Phone Tabor 5410 or write NX-877, Journal. IMPROVED 10 acre, near Vancouver, $2000 will take some trade. - J. R. WOLFF. 618 C. of C. bldg., HAVE lota in Portland and Vancouver. Will trade for light runabout or truck. ' Address 415 N. W. Bank bldg.. city. 280 ACRE ranch, well improved, good build ings; some timber; closa in. Johnson, 740 Minnesota ave. 40 ACRES stump land and some cash lot Port land house and lot. Tabor -'33. BY OWNER. 44 acre ranch, near Hills bo ro. for 2 to 5 acre borne close in. Call wain. 820 ACRES wild 33 mile of Portland. What have you? 434 Morrison st. or Mar. 5945. FARM to trad for general mdae. bniinea. "j. B. Atkinson. 118 W. 6th st. Vancouver, Wash. REAL ESTATE EXHASGE-REAL ESTATE BENTON COUNTY STOCK FARM 750 acre aheeo or cattle ranch, located 4 railea from R. H,. 1$ from CorvaUis, 140 acre in cultivation, mostly in crop now. 75 acres In fall wheat of which 1-8 goes to the owner, bal ance hay crop, 60 acres of level creek bottom land. 350 acres of open hill pasture, 250 acres of timber pasture, aeveral thousand acres of out rang joins the place. Small, poor house, two feir stock barns and outbuildings, good, creek and aeveral springs. Will sell stock and equip ment if desired. Price $16,000. Will-accept house in town or am all farm up to $5000. $4000 cash,- balance kmc time. 6 interest. F. L KINNEY. Corvallis, Or. EXCHANGES OF MERIT " aao acres, highly improved, near Salem, at iuo per a., clear of inc., for close in acreage. $80,000 clear city for stock farm. $20 000 to $30,000 clear houses and lota iox vauey iarm. Business cor.. 2 stores. 2 flat.' 3 bouses, for iarm. iv.auu. , E. B. HOLMES CO.. 272 Stark. jiain 8051 eOR SALE or exchange. 2180 acre stock and 7in ranch; will be 1200 acree in wheat and alfalfa the coming year; good house and barn; horses, cattle, tractor, threshing machine, other machinery complete: personal property alone worth $25,000; a normal year thia ranch will net $50,000; located 7 mile south from Great Falls, Mont., on Missouri river; reason for sell ing, owner getting too old to operate and want change to milder climate; price, including per sonal property. $140,000; free and clear of in cumbrance: would exchange for good Portland income property, clear. Address John Csrmody, general delivery. Great Falls, Mont BENTON COUNTY GRALV FARM 443 acres, desirable for grain or general farming, baa 800 acre in cultivation, part bot tom land; has fair set of buildings creek thru, place: station about 100 yards from place, near school. Owners want itniU farm on a main road (prefer river bottom laud). They are raising purebred stock and desire rjlaca whm people will sea it as they go by. Price of this place u $35 per acre cash or trade. What have you to offer from $10,000 to $12,000? r. 1. ki.n.vey. CorvaUis. Or. GOOD Iarm of nearly 1000 A., very well im proved; tun line of farming machinery, horses; quite a lot of cattle and sheep; good buildings; contract 'now being let to milling company to aeU big tot of timber from place. wm gru witu aaie oi uie iarm. 1 rice 170.000; consider part in good property. Highly improved 640 A. Alberta ranch, part fl arm in - i rVnm y. n An A fat! as - wuw a a uut v lS V WU yci f 1 J per A. Want good T-lley Una. L K. Moore, noini m i Tidf . DO YOU want a modem up-to-date six room bungalow with one arm nf trrnunri. a vsritv of fruits in full bearing; no prettier auburban place to be found; on a paved street from the business center of Uie city to the gste: nesr to the Oregon City carline and near to the river. This bungalow contains all the buUt in effects together with a fine fireplace. $4200 is the price. A modem, .up-to-date house in the city will be considered in exchsnge for this place. M. J. CIiHESSY. 415 ABINGTON BLI;. LOOK. .STOCKMEN! 2 1 00 acres, best stock ranch in . Wheeler Co., 75 head cattle. 16 hones, all farm euum- ment. 30 acres alfalfa. 100 acres grain. 600 acres csn plow; good houae, bam. fences and onier improvements; good town school, high school. This year's profits were' enormous. Price with stork and equipment $20 per acre. WUl ac cept up to gn.ono tn clear valley ranch. It. r . F'KK.MHTKK. 809 Abington bldg. ONLY $4000 for three acre of land, all in cultivation, with a big orchard, a variety of fruit. There is a good modern 6 room house, bssement. garage, chicken houses and a paved street to within a short distance of this prop erty. It ia cloae to the river on the Oreson City carline. A good modem house in the city will be considered in exchange for thia place. M. 3. CLOHESSY, 415 ABINGTON BLDG. $1800 5 rooms, very -nice place; will take good auto in part payment $3000 5 rooms, modem ; wiU trade for farm property. ' $3500 5 rooms, outside city limits; wUl trade for 2 -small house In city. BROWN A BROWN. Mar. 3331. 324 Ry. Exch. bldg. ONLY $4250 for a high class suburban place containing one acre of ground. There is a six room modem house with up-to-date chicken bouse. This place ia right on the Oregon City carline. two stations aouth of Oak Grove. Will consider trade for city property, mortgages or auto trucks. M. J. CLOHESSY, 415 ABING- Ill.lMi. 100 ACRES 100 acres of logged-off land, within B0 mile or Portland, to exchange for a 4 or 5 room house with Vi acre of ground. Valuation 82500. J. L. KARNOPP A CO., 310 Ry Exch. bldg. Main 875. ON f93 E. Salmon at i a comer lot with a fine 9 room house. This is the comer of 15th and E. Salmon. There ia $3500 equity in this place, of which the present owner wUl take lend clear of indebtedness for his equity. Anything you have, present it M. J. CLO HESSY. 415 ABINGTON BLDG. SPOKANE ACREAGE FOR PORTLAND -ANYTHING I have 1 0 acre near Spokane, highly im proved, bearing orchard. Can't take care of it Want something here, a this is mv borne. RITTER. LOWE A CO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. 520 ACRES irrigated land, paid up water right. Central "Oregon ; one mile from Des chutes, 12 miles from Redmond; 130 acres under cultivation, good buildings and fences; rural conveniences." Price $15,000, incum brance $4800; want Portland property or close in acreage. John Ferguson, GerUnger bdg. WANTED. AUTOMOBILE FOR ROSE CITT PARK LOT T.ot 50x100 in the best district of Rose City Park, rtreet improvements all in and poid for. Will take good auto in trade. WAKEFIELD, FRIES CO., Main 14. 85 4th st. Trades Trades Trades We have houses, farms, stores, rooming houses, lsnds. lots, etc.. for trade. What have you to trade? J. BRUCE GODDARD. 602 COUCH BlJiO. MAKE MONEY WITH STOCK Will trade S. E. Ore. partly improved farm: high sch. 1 mi-, stores and homes near; abundant outrange for stock. Take re, or acreage up to $3000. Miss Slocomb. Main 7266,. 624 Henry building. ACRE, mile from Oregon Electric, 5c fare; good road, good house, gaa. Bull Run water. all in cultivation; fenced, chickenhouse; 8-year-old trees and bushes. Want house and lot or more land. Phoae Marshall 6844. FOR SALE or trade. 20 acres, some improved. nesr United Ry.. about 15 miles out: want a smaller place close in that ia improved, d re fer near Oregon Electric Columbia 899, after 7 p. m. HAVE 9 acre cleared, near Clackamas sta tion. Would consider trade for Portland home up to $2500. No inflated values con sidered. 17 Beaver bldg.. Oregon City. 42 ACRE irrigated ranch in Utah. Bungalow, bam. granary, flowing welL Trade for city or country in Oregon. J. It WOLFF. 618 C. of C.-bldg. APARTMENT house. U block. $500 Income per month, to exchanse for alfalfa and stock ranch. Owner. 561 Glisan t. 10 ACRES for- bailding bouse. Lot for acre. near station. East aide house, 2 lots, for alfalfa land or acreage. 8-766, Journal. 3 FINE acres, water system, 9 room house. suoo. tor I'ortland res. I. WTieeler. Canbv. Oregon. 100x100, CLEAR, to trade for house equity. s-i9, journal. 5 ACRES, all improved, 6 room house, home in city. Room 1 1 , Mulky bldg. for WASTED REAL ESTATE 1 GOOD GOODS are usually in small packages. I am not the largest firm in I'ortland, but do my share of business. List your farms and city property for sale or exchange with me. . 4. R. WOLFF. 018 C. of C. bldg. WANT INCOME BLDG. TO $65,000 FOR 230 sere farm, clear of incumbrances. 23 xnBea from Portland, a part, balance caata. RITTER. LOWE V CO.. 203-5-7 Hoard of Trade bldg. HOMES WANTED. $2000 or lesa; $200 cash. Numerous clients for immediate occupancy. Main 4 603. G. C. GOLDENBERG. ABINGTON BLDG. "35 Tear in Portland." VA. 1' a modern bungalow with attic and all convenience, on paved atreet, in a restricted district, not over 8 block to carline. $3000 to $4000 cash. Write (only) description in full. Mary F. Wall. 976 Corbett t WANTED West side houses, north of Sheridan st WUl consider fractional lot.' Hav many buyers from $3500 to $7000. Be John Singer. 420 Cbam. of Com. bldg. CASH and quick deal for real snap, farm or city. Submit description, price and amount of incumbrance to A. K. Hill. 419 Henry bldg. Please 'answer by mail only. WANTED A 30 to 60 million feet tract of timber. Price and location must be right Give specific information. U-460, Journal. - WILL pay $500 down oa house with half acr or mora ground, not over $2000. Z-S48. Journal. WANTED to leao for term of years. 1 or more acre, close to carline, suitable for pet stock iarm. i-B(i, journal. HAVE a .client who want to buy ft or 6 room i ngaiow . vug prram bttg. WANTED To -buv. nnimrtroved land in Wal- I low county. 351 E. 57th st. N. I WANTED 2 or 3 t hirmt rims ta rhTins Woodlawm 4699. REAL ESTATE WANTED HEAL ESTATE 31 WANTED " . Modern bungalow of 5 or 6 room, elose tn. value $4000 to $50011. WIU trad in acreage on Salem Electric. U mih from station : finest black loam soil; will raise anything: 12 acres in eultvation. all fenced, on county road. Will pay difference in cash. See L D. McCutchsn. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. Broadway 4133. 309 Oak it. WANTED In Sellwood. 6 or 6 room modern house to $2500: $200 cash, $50 per mo. Client ready to. bay. R. M. Gatewood A Co.. 165 H 4th at. Phone Main 8291. DON'T WOKRS I can eeTI or trade anvthine anywhere. Layman. 1 Park St. ixooMiJsc tIouses 12 ROOMS. NOB HILL RENT ONLY $40 i Located on a nice comer, furniture first class, and building in good con dition, steam heated and enough fuel In basement for winter. All goes st the price of $1500. One-half cash See Mr. Fulton. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO. Broadway 4133. 309 Oak st APARTMENT HOUSE SPECIAL $700 Tou will be just $7oo ahead the minute you close the deal for this place. The owner has a telegram from the east calling him there at once. 56 rooms, strictly mod ern, brick, west aide; one of the best locations. Clearing $285 per mo. The party wUl sacri fice and give terms. You wiU have to . act quick. 1 GILSON REALTY CO.. 431 Chm. of Com. bldg. Main 6127. 33 ROOM BRICK PRICE $2500. EASY TERMS This is a steam heated brick build ing, nearly new. on a nice comer, and full all the time. Furniture is good and place is clean. Rent $100. Net income $25. See Mr. Fulton. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO. Broadway 4133. 309 Oak st. Very Elegantly Furnished Strictly Modern 15 Rooms $1000 down and you assume the furniture contract. Owner fell and hurt herself and must Rell. I-ovely home and $100 it month clear for you. J. I'.KlTE GODDA RD.50 2 COUCH 1U.DO. WE HAVE Just listed one of the best transient rooming house on Uie west id. A rare opportunity for the one that is fortunate enough to res dihia advertisement and has $3300. We hsve several good small rooming liouses at attractive price. A finare deal to all. G 1LSON ' 1IML1 x CO. , 431 Cham, of Com. Main 6127. The Best Buy in Portland 19 rooms, heated, well arid completely fur nished, hot and cold water in all ro.itus. Tuke in $225 per month. Cheap rent Best location. Takes f00 to handle. This Is positive nap. J. BRUCE OODDARD. 502 - COUCH ltl.HG. 2 Rooms $1350, Terms Rrass sbetts. silk floes mattrews, Meel springs, oriental nuts, beautiful new furnishing, 'on west idt- Modem house. J. BRUCE OODDARD, 502 COUCH BI.PG. 50 Rooms, West Side, $2800 Rent $100. Clearing $300 per mouth above expenses. Apartments. This place wiU pay for itself m 9 months. J. BRUCE GODDARD. 502 COUCH RLIG Fine 12 Rooms $800, Terms Rent $35. Takes in $120 month, beside leaving 2 large rooms to live in. Close in on west side. J. BRUCE OODDARD, 502 COUCH BLIm;. 'j Rooms Down Town, $400 Clean, completely furnished, rent $20. Clear $70 month above the rent bnap lor someone. 502 Courh bldg. 20 ROOM housekeeping; rent, $44; clears $90 n onn 1 n rooms, rent $30: a bargain. $550. Call room 11 Mulky bldg. for bargains and exchanges of all kinds. 15 Rooms $850, Terms Well furnished snd elesring big moDey. J. BRUCE GODDA KD. 602 COUCH BLPO. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 1$ PACIFIC AGENCY. INC. 612-13-14-15 S WET LAND RLDO. GHOCERYMEN AND GARAGE MEN WE WANT STOCKS AT ONCE. PHONK US AND WE WILL CALU WE ONLY CHARGE YOU 6 IF WE SELL YOL'H PLACE. WHY PAY MORE? Restaurant, $1000. Best restaurant buy on Washington t Doing $70 per day.. Come look and you will buy. Grocery snap. $8500.. Best location in city, doing $100 per day. cash; no del., no rent. Hurry. Grocery. $1100. good clean little corner, do ing $25 per day; living room. if these don't suit we have other. PACIFIO AGENCY.. Inc. WOULD you like this kind of a business? ? a day, net profit after all expense are paid. Including Interest on investment . Nice, c-w, clean stock of groceris and small line of over alls, ahirta, notion, etc. in a densely populated section of Portland, working people, where a large number own their borne. Ch ah- run ning around $70 a day. Stock will invoice about $2600, fixture $400. Am calll to ot!i-r im portant dutie. Will sell for ca-h or trade for a good small farm. No agents. M -961. Journal. BIG OPPORTUNITY Practical contractor in special line established buainesa having some money and equipment wants a partner with some money; excellent op portunity; season's btulnes just opening up. CHISHOLM. 0-975. JOURNAL. WANTED Msn with Ford, who can give all or part of time, to join me, 50-50, in handling big money making proposition. Some thing new which meets the popular demand. Demonstrated success in Seattle. Direct faoj tory connection. Investigate and be convinced. Give address or phone in reply. 11-987. Journal. SIBERIA ia the next great investment of vaat resources snd opportunities. w anted pros pectors and hutler to become identified with a 40.000 square mile concession now being procured from the Russisn government For informstion write P. O. Box 530. Portland. GARAGE for sale, good location, cheap rent and good lease; do repairing, sell supplies, gasoline, etc. Full of steady storage. Price $1200. Room 403 Dekum bldg. Vi ACTIVE interest in tie mill. 20 mile from Portland, on psved rosd. mill ts running and output is sold; a good small proposition and will bear investigation. Sellwood 1036. EXCEPTIONAL opportunity for investment of $1000 to $10,000 in the soundest roost prac tical business there t." now enlarging operation Active connection possible. U-863, Journal. FOR SALE Furniture hospital, old established business; also delivery car; a bargain. H- 871. Journal. IF ' YOU have $500 or $800 idle. I can put it to work with good advantage to you; se curity. 0-856. Jonrasl. WATKINS route, and stock for sale; old estab lished route. Write for full particulars, V. B. Madison. 216 7th at, Oregon City. GROCERY for sale, present owner 6 year, want to retire; sal lo a oar Try tx until rat- fcified. Room 408 Dekum bldg. FOR SALE, a complete butcher shop doing a good business, pnone w ooqiawn gin. REKTAI'BAXT for sale or easy terms 82 N. 6th ri. Dtin go od bu iness. FOR SALE Small grocery and delicatessen. living rooms in connection. Main 4. FARM to trade for general mde. business. J. II. Atkinson. 112 W. 6tb .. Vancouver. Wash. 1IONKV TO LOAK BZAti ESTATK PRIVATE FUNDS Lowest rat, $500. $1000. $2000 and up; farms or city property. Prompt. fftcient service. A. n. mil, i Henry bldg. BUILDING loans on city or auburban property ; motley Bovancea as worn prngrea. w. (). Beck. 216 and 816 Tailing bldg. Main 3407. $260. $80, $400. $600. $600 aad larger amounts, current rates. Quick action. Fred W. Get-mas Co.. IT. . Chamber of Comrarep. Dr YoU want money see ua ; w bar rt ( Keaxt A Co.. sine 1905. $1$ Uertlnger kldg Phone Main 2601. MONEY to loaa la amoanu of $100 to $5000 on city property. A H BELL. Boom 10-11. Moltey bldg. PRIVATE party ha money to buy or loan on mortgage and municipal bonds. : . 0-857, Journal. $1000 at 6 per cent for 3 years. First mort gar on 120 acre farm. Principals only. Csll Sellwood 1671. $2000 . and $4000 on , city property. C'tsmber of Commerce, 821 MONEY to loan, any amount. OH and 7. R. J. McGnire, 545 Union ave. N. MONEY to losn am city property at kwst rate Fred 8 Williams. 92 V lt t- SEE UREGON INT MOKTOAGR CO.. 222 Cbambrr of Commerce, 4 Lb and Stars. JMUUTUAUE kin, and 7. . A Osv. 408 availing bate. - MONET TO LOAIf REAL ESTATE f? OUR installment plan la ta beat aud auras ... method of paying a loan. .$33.26 per month for 8 Booths, of ; $21.24 tog 60 months, or $1.IT tor u cwntna. pay $1000 loss aa late ml . Other amounts tn propwrtloav We loan en improved city property. Or for building purpoaea, Ko commission ehsrge, - EQUITABLE SAVING A I.OA!" ASOCXATI0!l 24$ Stark at-. Portland. Or. PAY OFF THE MORTGAGE ea your aity boas am easy installment with 19 yaara' tin to repay: fully protected by Ufa rn suranc under Horn Purchase Plan of the Equh abl Life Assurance Society. Interest 6 pet cent: no ccmminlan. See Ur. Strong. Equitable office. Oregonian building. $500 TO $500 ON IMPROVED CITY PROPEBTT AMOUNTS TO SUIT HERMAN MOE1XER . 1025 Ga-co bldg. Main 1480. $800. $400. $500. $750. $1000 and opt lowest rnterev. rates. Liberal repayment prte ' (has No delay. GORDON INVESTMENT CO, 631 Chamber of Commerce, $S00 TO $9000 to loan, city or farm gage: no eommbsien. P. O. Bos 878. LOANS WASTES 80 LOANS WANTED 4 $5000 on $15,000 value city property. 9. $2500 on $.0O0 home (Piedmont). 7 int. $750 on $2000 house near William av., 8:r int. $500 on 100x100 ft. on Vancouver ave S int. See Mr. Graham. THE BRONG CO., INC. Main 1741 2K7 H 0k street I NEED MONEY To use a working capital in my growing busi ness; been incorporated one year. Will pay BIG INTEREST PHELPS J 770, JOURNAL. WANTED TO BORROW WUl pay 10 per cent for one year; security th finest of household furniture. FISHER S-743. JOURNAL. GOOD FARM MORTGAGE FOR SALE $1000 on improved clow in A. ranch. good buildima: place valued at $2500; due in 1 ft years. 8 nrr cent Fred W. l-mm r 732 Chamber of Co. lerce RESPONSIBLE party " w...il,l like to borrow 5oOO on vacant property, valued at 20 . OOll Answer utile. V 445. Jmiraal WANTED $3000 LOAN Have the very bet of aciuritv: will mv 7. R-781, Journal. . BEE OREGON INV. & MORTGAGg CO.! 222 Chjmter of Commerce, 4th aad Stark. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS, SALARIES , $7 DO YOU NEED MONEY? Loans made on automobiles, diamonds. pl ano. household goods or anything of vain. Security usually left in your possession; ALSO TO SALARIED PEOPLE on their note without security. If your payments to othef loan companies or on furniture or automobile contract are larger than you ran make, we will pay them up, advance you mora money, if Decenary, and you can repay us In an monthly payment to suit your convenient. l.l-.i.AU Ha.Tl-.rl. NO 1IKI.AV. BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. TORTLAND LOAN COMPANY (licensed) 806 307 Deknm Bldg. Marshall 8286. Open Evenings Open Evenings. CHRISTMAS MONEY WE LOAN MONEY To salaried and workingmcn on their personal notes. NO MORTGAGE. NO INDORSES. NO PUBLICITY. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. We also losn on household furniture, pianos, etc., without remnvaL CALL AND SEE US TODAY. Investigate our modem money-lending meth ods It will cost no more uow than If yoej wait until a few days before CHRISTMAS Open 8 e. m. to 9 p. m. UNTIL XMAS COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY, . Licened. 218 Failing Building. S, E. Cor. Third and Washington BU. Open Evening. Open Evenings. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASBN.-" Established by Portland bnnln men to protect - borrower. C. MTERS HERMAN. Mgr.. 894 STARK BT. LOANS ON DIAMONDS. JEWELRY. PIANOS, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. FINANCIAL LIBERTY BONDS. AU Issues Bought and Bold. Bfor troytng or eetnntj get our quotation. E L. DEYEREAUX A COMTAIT& Government and Municipal Bonds. 87 Sixth Street Between Stark sod Oak. Where Do You Keep Your Liberty Bonds and Other ' Valuables? Our Safety Boxes afforl protection against th dangers of fires and burglar. $3.50 yearly aad Bn. Liberty Bonds Bought and a4d. Don t aril your bonds at pie nt low rate if ym can avoid it, but if yow must cell w will pay the highest possible price fog them. Mortaase Loans On improved realty in sums to suit at lowest rabaa UNION SAFE liKrOHIT & TRI'ST CO., BONDS. MORTGAGES, SAFE DEPOSIT VAULTS. 284 Oak St, Bet 4th and 6th. LIBERTY BONDS CASn PAID FOR ANY ISSUE OF BONDS FULL MARKET PRICE RECEIPTS WILL CASH YOTTR RECEIPTS FOR PARTIAL PAYMENTS ON BONDS AT PAIR VALUE. DO NOT SACHfFlCK TOUK RECEIPTS, WHICH REPRESENT GOLD DOL LARS TO YOU. BEE E BURKITT. SECRETARY OREGON BOND A MORTGAGE CO., 212 BELLING BLDG. " (SECOND FLOOR). CORNEit BliTH AND ALDER STREET. HERE'S TOUR CHANCE WANTED A MANAGER WHO HAS FOMS MONEY. OR ONE WHO CAN SECURE BOM B TO INVEST OR LOAN FOR A SPECIAI, CONTRACTING LINE, ESTABLISHED OM YEAR. Season Just Opening Up WHETMAN T-99 1 , JOURNAL. CASH LIBERTY BONDS FULLY OR ONLY PARTLY FAUX MARKET PHICE PAID. OPEN TILL 7 F. llV DONALD MACLEOD 100J SPALDING BLDG., THIRD AND V'ASHINGTON. BONDS BOUGHT i SPOT CASH. SPOT CAST CASH FOR PAYMENTS MADS ' CASH FOB YOUR RECEIPTS ' : Ms& -.bonds to us: we remit return aaaS. Cme to 728 Gasea bldg. BtB and Alder. CELLAP.B-MUT1TON CO.. OPEN BAT gYaa. ' OBEnTY BONDS - " . Partly paid contracts boncM. Open tiH 7 :$ 0. DORCAS A DORCAS 20 If. W. Bank Bldg.. 6th and Morrtooa. U. S. LIBERTYONDS" Will ner eaab market vara. John : WiVcx. 41 Plttock blork. CASH FOR LIBERTY BONDS H. L. Morton, 446 Sherlock bldg $J. ear. Osk. Open til) 7- Bat. a W ILL pay rmrli tor equity ia . Liberty hood! Bring receipt and gv your cash, .209 Ak sngton bklg. CrVESTMENTB. loan. . raortg. . H. Lews. 808 Lewi WdsT Mar 184, -