o THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1918 CL S. JACKSCMf. a. ,..PbUhf lbuaae every 6mj. afternoon mjdo ,, .. Mt Sand ifurmm) . at Th Joarn. T ln. broad and taahul re - . Oregon, . : ' restates at the Poetofflce at Portld. Orfo, fof traamtaeioe throw the Mil M second cle . asauer. , ', ' I ' TKMCrHOXr Main JIT; ( All departta r.cbei by th ,namb.. fr.n 4k. afail aaoartnent 70a warn. REPRESENTATIVE iivi a a - e u TI1 ... Benjamin Kaiunor .. " "V" u . i i.r. Building, Cho. , ' ' " SubecrlpUoa term by mail la Oregon an4 Waah sngtoa. DAILY (MORNIXO OR AFTXBSOOSr Om mM...$I.M I Ona ewsta.,...! .80 SCXPAT Om Mr 88.80 I Ona stent, k... 9 DatLT (IfOaXINO OR AJTEBMOOK) AND BUS DAT : . Om w.....lT.tO I Ona aionta. . . . . S . decide. Other' people have exhibited And those who say this have a wide gains It has made for the public, a burning interest in the 'matter hearing among voters. Again, the It Is asked to make the transmission lately. i league of nations is stigmatized as of knowledge by wire a minis trant The - interest Is so hot that an a' "combination of British and Amer- to privileged pocketbooks.' overlook amendment to the federal const! tu- lean Imperialists. ing the greater good of the greater tloa is dow under- consideration Thus the ' publio mind Is' being number. - " ; ;. which. If ratified, will settle all de- poisoned. Nothing can stop the in- . Public utilities like the wires are bate concerning liquor at hotels for- sidious process except open and free essential to , the sovereignty of, the ever. It may also be said that the discussion, not in papers . only, but nation. The American people should amendment bids j f air, to be ratified, on "every platform. The suppression not acquiesce In the private control In that case It matters not a great of publio debate is the Jjest weapon of basic elements in the nation's deal what decision the Pennsylvania of the anti-leaguers. sovereignty. hotel men make unon the subject senator Knox's attack on tne league It would be diverting to learn of peace Is purely legalistic Nobody where Villa ot the money to stir up who really wishes for the league to another Incipient . Mexican revolu- Letters From the People M ... iA A- a ; I . WUUIIUUICUtnn PFDl V9 M. IkM OUIUU IOI le form will pay any attention to nis l ikUo is tw dtcrtment should b writun a tinn rrtiiM aiiV raatn line-noa throw 1 rlfixtron. Verbal ' iBgerv. ' There is I WeB "I" ? tn paper, abookj not exceea sou w . oo -o- i 1 erora in lenetB ana must be mnca o ids writer. any 'light on the dark mystery? But I little doubt, however, that Mr. Knox J mail adore in foil ma ccopany to never mind. The new revolution speaks for powerful interests. The I " will never aret nast the incfoient staire. oeoole who make money out of wars I AH Inquirers Attention! f a entea a .r11 In hari1 TMnH. I nattrrallv rlroad tha . frtrmntifm hf ft Ja anawering question M to the location or '"swu im uun vv r. v. w " 1 ...w . - 1 uniu or tha army in Franca, eara la taken to norntia nnf on fori anri 4vaI1 irrrvPrnpA I lea mm whftRfl declared mipriOKft ia to I atata tha diatknea and direction tha dirinion loca- , " . ww --ln . . . k(.h . tnat tne puDUO Order IS in no reaiipui a Slop 10 wars. aulrara mar find on any map Franco. To a Tola unnaonaarr repetition it la nere atataa that St. Dlziar. at which 23 diruiiona war in part located on armiftie day. la 120 mile eaa and a liul aouth of Paria, and 40 mile aouth mnA m 141 . . All uinlr.t a wm HE Clifford case in the Oregon reqoeated to fnrnish tha number, if they know it. th. it. or toe turiaton ol wnion toe nut tnat u tne ouyicuio vuu aubject ef toqnirr U a part. Thia will fwatly ex- COmpleXitieS brought by the aU- pedit th aaarmbUnc of the information dealred. . vii .., AU inquirer are arced abo to aign their namea tomobile Upon SOClety. to their communications. The nam will be Clifford sued the railroad for dam- withheld a it i o derired. ages as administrator of the esute ine suztn. inraniry Ooaaip 1 alwaj, A penonal eonfeaaion, either of malic or imbecility. J. H. Holland. THE FARMERS' INDICTMENT ' rmllE gross inequalities in assess Invent valuations are strikingly 'brought out by a committee of farmers in Desohutes county. State Treasurer Kay, after eight years service on the Btate tax commission, declares that' legislation is necessary to provide more uniform and equita- . oie valuations.. The Deschutes farmers, in their re port, declared that property Is as sessed at "all sorts of valuations, They cited Instances. Here Is an excerot from their reoort: ! Ona stock of rood invoicing nearly 150.000. pays upon a valuation of $5200 Another invoicing 140,000 pays upon aeuuu. Anotner invoicing: ai,uuu pays upon 3500. j . Pointing out that Insurance cannot be legally written on a building for more than 75 per cent of its cash Value, the farmers say: ? Vti 11 4 1 AMMnv f IK AAA 4. m danger. AN AUTOMOBILE DECISION WANTED, BRAINS AND NERVE P T ORTLAND had the brains and had the nerve to build ships. The community hopes Portland has. the brains and has the nerve to operate ships. There has ben a Ion wait for an of Prank WevcandL who was killed Sheridan. Or Dec 18. To thelEdl operating, company to beganized. by a freight train at a grade crossing. J" t0f tT JSSSf &: dWiXn The Chamber of Commerce officials A truck which Weygandt was driving which the S07th infantry is located. have striven manfully to nring such collided with the train. v Where was thla division when the ar an npfrnnlratinn intn hinsr Th nccaalf.n nt thm ar'IHpnf apoma I mlatlce WM Elgned? Is thia division The government is offering to char- to have been a hill which hid the Heth storfSerSn pr ter wooden ships. Jt may soon take track near the crossing. Weygandt oner held by the Germans, through the same4 steD with steel shiDS. An drove unon the track without stoo- th Red Cross? if so. how should it operating company is necessary to ping to see whether a train was sisterop three soldiers. late advantage or tnese oners. coming or not. unrortunateiy, one The Three Hundred seventh infantry a in V..t. t i n.nnj a I ..... a nmtn unr iiiin I th SeTentj-eeTenth diriaion. which waa stationed "6'u uciu.um riivwuu - " viiuu8. in th vicinity of 8U Dialer. 40 mile aouth of Chance tO dO a Shipping business On Which he lOSt his life and Mr. Rob- Verdun, on November ll. Cannot aUta whether smaUer capital There is no need to ison, who was riding with him, was .t, deZr0L?3Ea r&S buy the ShiDS. The Only risk- tO injured. . I However, on will do weU to addraea i. .h. , ,.,i m. 4 u.t j r 'American. Red Croaa. Genera. SwiUerUnd." and was is tuo iiucauuu ui vyucmw ui i iuo tuurt iiciu uiat mi. vt.)0duuvimu tnqniry.j not the business can be made to 'pay. ought to have stopped and examined To Get News of Soldiers ! There is more in" the business than the situation before going upon the Portland, -Dec. 20. To tho Editor of the mere income and outgo as shown track. Inasmuch as he failed to do The Journal How can relatives of soi- on the operating company's ledger, so, he was chargeable with contrlbu- iinltrom or Tbou't hem for In an article ' tomorrow. The Jour- tory negligence and his estate can iong time? relative. nal will show great profits that flow not recover damages for his death. f Addrea "Bureau' of communication. wah- to the' community through stimu- Was it the driver or the state that nny?'ien.ndtobVJ lation of every kind of business that oermitted such a made crossing that lra.reu. infornution on requeet of th . ' . . . aouuer was impossible- to give owing to their short stay here. I completed "Jbout 100 cases, most of . which showed long standing trouble caused by foolish neg lect. Most of these men werw of ages 20 to 25, and it seems a very serious matter that proper instruction for care COMMENT AND NEWS IN BRIEF SMALL CHANGE tK , - .nnhlllMll I ,Iour intno win -view W1W IU1IW of the oral cavity, is not mphaslxea pleasure a gift that has a double meas- anuugn. . jaan w " lire, lilM war savlnira Btamss. ended in the bad use of the rorceps, .t.n narfy i . FLS 1!tl!lnCTvMo'n t.nd.:ttcnVP ln, rJZ? "Z'JE a th. nature of a tna meeting. tary authoriUes organUed the atuoen Vties. niht.' army training corps at vne coueaw. f-itivai thr . e, 7 7 V V.t sisting of 27 officers and 1600 men. While IecUve. ther fr first of the year. giving the medical examination six ,..:rV,, L.r - . ui.ungu unea were rejected on account of bad teeth, ftJMl45ffif ESlS'! -1 ,i.rni after 1 r004 rainstorm : -Welcome to our nuvui " " v- - i mint. i rriMtin 1nte1 remnlreimenta. . having 1 mm . . r unr. I The man who aa.t nxt to ma rnlnv oiwni. aiuv or more) iw " . 1 ,m- .k. i... -T J, "J Ices in Portland. Of 1500 men examinee i ; T-vrj"L for dental caries. 600 cases needed lmme- lion. rcaomg u s:u dlate treatment ; 250 of these cases were i . - completed, again showing tho Inferior ovf"hrd,y ,w i to r,r ? onc mx. 1 I At a . Mmmr sA mmmmi A t I - - w ww viva auva BS mi V Si Villa au SrS-ShT rttrlar: m'",ri? k Thursday rived at thla post for. the dental depart- . . . ment to return property before Dm-L.mri., ber 21. thereby discharging the omcers mtl founiHn,. wno will have only what of the dental corps. Christmas cheer you may send them. GEORGE M. HOFFMAN. .0overnor, mt f l. of na. u.i Uonal problems." to onote tha esteemed M""' auiaim headline. LJtUs did tha rnvtmnr of Portland, Dee. IS. To the Editor of I North Carolina and the governor of The Journal I hold no brief for Dr. I bjhw Carolina a ream or tne vast import of the precedent they ones unon a time established. C. H. Chapman, nor do I hold any condemnation for W. H. Woodard or Mayor Baker, but I wish to call the attention of these men to chapter S of Acts of the Apostle, ind particularly to verse 38: "And now I say unto you, retrain irom tneao men, ana ici mini Viaitins Uandaff. in Walee, Mr. Lock ley alone ; for if this counsel or this work I iewa the ancient cathedral and wandan about be of men. it will come to naught." Mr. .buryin around attached, copying certain OREGON SIDELIGHTS J. C. Ea-bert of Th Dalles. 10 years old, and 66 years a Mason, was honored by his lodge In a social session last Saturday. Among tnose present were a member of 66 .years standing and another of 67. Notion la urviwi in the columns Of the Woodburw Independent that "cutting down evergreen trees on the cnurcn ot God campmeetlng grounds is not per mtttad. and fhnaa enaraaed in such DTSC- Ucs are liable to get into trouble." And. come to think of It, one would think one would. .. .. Commenting on the general scarcity of teachara. and a recent call from the East, the Eugene Register believes "it is not liknlv that any of the Lane county teachers will b available for any other part of the United BtatM, as all are now naraarMl In tha work and several schools in the county are without teachers be cause of the shorts:." 1 "Soma of our exchanges," says the Reedsport Courier, "are giving consider able prominence to big potatoes which have been raised In their respective com munities. We have quit talking about that subiect. We were told by a repre- reeentatlve of agricultural activities that this section of the country raised too large potatoes, and' that some means would have to-be adopted to prevent their growth." JOURNAL MAN AT HOME By Fred Tuockley : Ragtag and Bobtail Stories From Everywhere.. Woodard as a prominent business man, in terra tins epitaph.) neareet relatWe. 1 The Sixth Marines Durkee, Or., Dec 18. To the Edjtor of The Journal. Where was the supply comes from the inward and outward was guilty of contributory negli- handling.of ships In a port. It is a gence? story of almost amazing profits. itjs a kind of occurrence in which The Portland community will back there must always be Question as to company. Second battalion, sixth ma- snv ODeratina- eomnanv to th limit. whorA rin-ht onrl wrnntr Ha Tt. U aim rlnes, at the signing of the armistice, and If guarantees against losses are neces- of the problems the swiftly growing 6ary, there is not a doubt that the use of the automobile has brought community will make them. upon society. Just what did their duty consist of? MRS. BTRON VANDECAR. The Sixth marines Li in the Second diriaion. Judges Will gUeSS and ,t SL IHzier and Foaae. St. Dinier ia-a large The community has never faltered some of them be moved by bias. Reg- ?"p ,o u outwe,t ot fo .... . . . . ... I . . . ..... ... i 20 roilea south of Sedan. Information ia in its aesire ior a port crowaea wim uiatory laws will long remain maae-1 lacking to what their duty aainment waaj ships. The people have always voted quate, and when made adequate, they overwhelmingly for every measure I will be slow to be applied. Drivers The Fourth Engineers Portland, Dec. 18. To the Editor of at $1600: another insured at 115,000 is that promised to enlarge or facilitate U,nd , those afoot are almost helpless in -The Journal in whaa division is com- tlegaiiy worth 120.000 and is assessed shipping enterprises. Votes of three the maddening whirl of the growing r&ny."' T engineers, ana woe n! i v " I. Any sound operating company with The grade crossing Is one of the txh Fourth enemeer i in th Fourth di- huK mmsat Bend Ttsays oodintenUons and with Its cards all perils. It is also one of the prob- VTi. ! raiiproclatmed ito have iTomTooo. of guarantee it may want from the is not always secure. The reckless, j It pays upon a valuation of $202,000. It people. ; don't-give-a-whoop speeder is his j la conservatively estimated that on the Portland's reliance on outside ship- peril and his problem. yarts6fMthh'comp feet companies has been disastrous. There was a reassuring incident In 1 of lumber. This lumber is offered on course has allowed this port's Portland th,e other day. At noon. th markets today at . $25 to $75 per commerce to sink almost to the van- when the street was full of people. The Eleventh Field Artillery St. Paul. Or.. Dec. 19.-lo tne Editor of The Journs! To what division does Battery A, Eleventh field artillery, be long? Where waa It stationed when the armistice was signed? A READER. fTh Elerenth field artUlery ia in th Sixth diriHion. It was at S tonne, about 13 miles south ZITm ,snin Plnt i Tnere no reason t0 dri'W nning a powerful cari came an. .Ut sKrn thTa'rni'SaSc. valuation would be $600,000. Yet this believe that outside companies will round the. corner into quite a little' wea-i company offers as the valuation of its do more for the port in the future throng. At the same instant a girl f The Fifth Artillery . lumbsr $52,000. than they have done In the past of five or six years toddled out uDon Newberg. Or.. Dec 18. To the Editor 1 The farmers estimate that the They were always in the past a the pavement directly in front of oC The Journal where was the Fifth Brooks-Scanlon company had on hand broken reed to lean upon and there him. Here were the elements of a tolfret'divtaior?' s'theigmng oT'the at the same time not less than 40,000.- is no assurance that they will not tragedy. If he had been running at armistice? is it listed for early return? 000 feet, which at $10 per thousand always continue to be a broken reed, the speed so many use he would have And is the 818th engineers listed for WAS VVrtrth lififl (Yin T1T BSQemnt Rocnliita man nt aaesMniiii mon ll.llUJ v, ut t.l V, ... . earlT return. A BU DDniDHJV. on the company's lumber Is only lean only on themselves. Heaven careful man. His car was obedient 13900. ' ' . helps those who help themselves , The farmers point out that live stock Is assessed at nearly cent of the cash value to the brake because he was going only moderately and the big corru- rTi VitiY, ertlllerV la in the Flntt diriaion. It waa at N'oaart. 20 mile aouth of Sedan, and mt st TXnier. No information lm at hand aa to the return date of either the Fifth artillery or the Three Hundred Etsnteenm engineers.! The SOfitKTEfantry Portland. Dec 17. To the Editor of To what division does tne w Per It seems odd that the east sfd gated tire barely grazed the chili's The small hank should not know how mucli arm. Everybody who saw the clr- property owners valuations rat around 50 per cent of the cash value, 0f his loot consisted of securities His nights will not be haunted with- the last fewdays of the war, and what iney say. ine report claims tnai Dy belonging to the bank's patrons that, the vision of a child killed for the is its present location? mm iow valuations on large proper- no doubt. It is difficult to arrive sake of speed ties, me nuraens or tne small tax- at the exact amount. One would payer are increased at least one half. Buooose. however, that' a nearer The report concludes with this as- estimate might be made! than any sertion: "We believe In every man's rhir.h ...... I J . V Brv,aivu. j . uoiiar oeing equauy patriotic in tax atlon." MRS. RAY. C. WILKINSON. fit k in tha SeTentT-aerenth diriaion. Do not know ita present location. In the laat day of th war it was at St. Dirier. La Beaac and Varennea. til. rnxier u a oaa camp iu It is human for every man to se cure the lowest possible valuation on his property. The Individual who places a high valuation on his own " property .for taxation purposes is a P At Beaverton B. Leis harvested 18,353 pounds Of dried prunes from mile southwest of Verdun. 1 Beaac is about . A. IS mil aouth of Sedan, and Varenne about TCy acres, accuruiug w UlV tlllisooro the same distance west of Verdun. Argus. The product was sold at the The Third Army Corps going price, Which Is around 10 Portland Dec 19. To the Editor of cents, in some cases, a little better. The Journal Please tell what divisions RESIDENT WILSON is right about Land is worth while when it yields it. The speeches ;of PROSPECTS OF THE LEAGUE knox and his compeers do not reflect the publio mind of the rare bird. Assessors are human too. United States upon the league of na if they increase assessments much tions. Senator Knox and his group beyond the point fixed 'by their pre- oppose the league more or less frank decessors, they make enemies who ly. The American people favor It. take revenge at the ballot box. The open opposition to vthe league a oetter system or equalizing as- is dying out sessments should be devised. are in the Third army corps and where tho headnuarters tTOOD of the Third Senator a gross return around f 73o an acre, army corps is now located. AN ANJCIOUS READER. The Third army corps comprisea dirisiona S. 6. 27, S3. 78 and 80. (Foaaieiy tne m auirer intend to inquire as to the, "Third . . A, "mnv nf decimation. In Genstov nt; campaign xor nanaing tne publio utilities back to Wall THE WIRES amv. If m. the answer is that it comprises dirisions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 29, 82. 42. 8 and 80.) Kara not the information to th second question 6treet grows in outspoken vigor. By a contemporary, whose Wall In Its place comes a street sympathies are warm and ten- Journal in what division is the 1 59th - I . . . . I . r - ..... ... - .1 Infontnr A Kt II.IJI H. K. M AIUI'HKK. ine iudi r aim morn nancprrma simtar. inor wn rA rnin mar. nna k m inn """' Desohutes farmers have shown why. ranean opposition which,!asks for the simple item of reconstructionTs" that postponement of the league to the the It Is in the Fortieth Albany, Dec 19. To the Editor of The i what division Is the 159t A SOLDIER'S MOTHER. , The 830th Aero Squadron The 830th aero squadron was last re ported November 28 at Romorantin France, northeast of Eplnal. Company F, 37th-Engineers On November 28 Company P. Thirty' engineers, was at Souilly the First army, telegraph and telephone lines For the last year it has been ail signing of the peace treaty. The next should be handed back to the former me rage in Portugal to shut men up natural step would be to postpone it managements. . in prison for their political opinions, until the next day after never. There is not a solitary argument The fashion has become quite an I The people favor the league but for government carriage of letters seventh orgy, with the usual accompaniments their favor is not solidly grounded. I which does not apply in all its force France, attached to : of outrage and torture. It is said It stands In danger of being under- to government carriage of telegrams uUly u near "v that the Portuguese government has mined by subtle arts because it Is and telephone . messages. If it is kept 6000 persons In prison for the not fortified by debate, argument, right in one case it is right In all. last year because It did not like their publio discussion. It fs something If It is wrong. In one case it Is views on pontics. The consequence that has been conferred upon them (wrong in all. is tnat persecution is merging into from above. ItTias not been gen -assassination. President Paes has al- erated in their own brains. nil Mavnr WaVor a nrnmtnent nolli I Whil in Great Britain I made one trio tlcian. either as individuals or as co- through Northern Wales and two trips operators, will not prevent the propa- ouinern wales. On my second trip ganda of economic Justice or the waving t?So""ern Y'f" I visited the quaint of the red flag, by such intolerance as ?ld,.v,1Ui?, of Llandaff. Before going: tbey display. , I "' , 17., .. .. , I think A. L. Mills of the First a- " XX." unnai v,nv n ,t .Mr.. bf0r the on d ' the vUlage. The first. : "I ." , .v. or oio. cathedral was founded by Drifrlr, county coramirarone vu nsn. .v.- ,,- t t..j.M t road toward alleviating conditions that I V" V,"" V'V . w.T,,: make for BolsheyUm- It eem8 t0 beautitui NoAnan door that with recent taperial abdications in waT. and mwMlv. Norman arches mind we as a people might profit. These .m .y.nmr ki,iih.. .trin t-v- .k.i emperors and other royalUes could aU WM added to and partially rebuilt to have perpetuated themselves and made j the Early English style of architecture. themselves beloved or tnetr peoples ui From the time of William and Mary they had only had a sincere desire to it was neglected, until about 1157. when make some concessions, but they, like it waa reopened. My wife is the archl- all men in power, were selfish to the tect In our family, so X won't attempt to last deeree. with an Inordinate desire describe this fine old cathedral. 8he to rule and hold power. No man can I thftika so little of my ability along this go on In any position of trust and power Una that she won't let me build, nor who does not rule With Justice ana cvc" Paa, me ciucaen ouopa wa nave righteousness. History is full of fall- o umi o iime. ures. SO that tne USt Ol prominent x -tonnad to read tha rathar oualnt names Begins wim iuoses, men jumj w rules of admission to the graveyard sur Christ, then to George Washington, then roundlnar tha cathedral. The firat oual to Abraham Lincoln, ana prooaoiy we iricatlon, of course, ir that you must be next name that will be immortalized will dead. : Here is the table of fees and be that of Wood row Wilson. If he charges : Earth grave 7 feet deep, 12s holds steadfast to his declared prlnci- Cd ; earth grave 9 feet deep, las 6d ; nles of emancipating humanity, there is I cost of grave, 15s ; to reopen grave, 8s ; no power In heaven or hell tnat wm nricaea grave, ti is; ror a vault in per- prevent his name being inscribed as one petunlty, 9x8 feet, Ss; fees to offlclat- of the Immortals. mg minister, 7s ; for select situation. We know that society is In a con- 1 Is; number plate for grave. Is; In stant state of evolution and that it has terrlng stillborn child, 3s ; turfing grave. passed through various stages and if it 4s ; keeping grave In order, per year. 5s. tma that Socialism Is the next stage As a shilling Is only 24 cents. It can that society must exist In. there Is readily be seen that In Wales the high nothing that either Mr. Woodard may ui aiievuni do,. or Mr. Baker with his police lorce, i "ia i to stop the progress or. justice ana j waiiced around reverently through righteousness. My opinion briefly ex- tne beautifully kept cemetery and then Dressed Is that they only make these went into the cathedral. One of the men and their friends more determined I first graves I happened upon was that of to carry on their work. I oeueve thai with Russia. Germany, Austria and the probability of France and Italy being allied under a Socialist program, there is nothing to stop it, and England and the United States may be halted to stop and Question the reason why. VICTOR Mliii. Landlord and Soldier's Wife Portland. Dec 18. To the Editor of The Journal Please give some Informa tion in regard to vacating. Does the government protect the wife and family while the husband la In he military or naval service? Can the landlord raise rent or make the tenant vacate? I pay my rent In advance and am in no finan cial condition to pay a cent more rent or pay the expense of moving. My $40 per month allotment aoes not go iar nowadays ; still, I have managed for the past seven months. This law Is en forced in California. How about Ore gon? A SUBSCRIBER. There i no law, state or federal, that pro tect a soldier's family under such circumstances. But the courts are inclined to be indulgent in such eaaea. Attempt by landlords to exact increased rent from soldier- aepenaena are not encooraed by the conrta-l The Contract Holds Portland. Dec. 19. To the Editor of The Journal Kindly tell me if a pub lishing company can make me pay for books that have been sent back to them prepaid and the first payments paid on them. They wrote they can make one pay for books that have been sent back to them. A JOURNAL. READER. I Tea. it you signed a contract to nuy tne book. Sir David Matthews, "standard bearer ! to King Edward IV at the battle of Towton, March 29. 148L" The next was a marble tablet which read "Sacred to the memory of Ferdinand Frank Wil liam Arnold, captain First battalion. Twelfth Suffolk regiment, killed In ac tion near Yprea on St George's -day. 1915. aged 27. son of Frank Thomas Arnold. M. A.. Trinity college, and Edith Maud, his wife, late of this pariah. 'Behold. I take away 'from thee the de sire of thine eyes with a stroke' Exeklel 24: 16." Here is the dust of a warrior who answered the last roll call before Co lumbus discovered America, and here are the lads of today together In death. What a wonderfully populous city Is this quiet city or the dead, and how plainly evident Is the desire of the dead not to pass from the memory ot the living. I stopped to read an ancient inscription almost effaced by time. It read, "Here lyeth ye body of Thomas Roberts. Here also lyeth ye body of Alice, ye wife of the aforesaid Thomas. Here Is a monument reading. "This monument was erected by a considerable number of the nobility, clergy, gentry and freeholders of Glamorgan to the memory of Morgan Morgan." e Pausing beneath two tattered battle flags. I read this strange Inscription "To the glory of God and sacred to the memory of the officers, N. C. O.'s and men of the Forty-first Welsh regiment who were killed In action or died of their wounds during the campaign In North America. 1812-14. Lieutenant Col onel William Charles Short, Lieutenant Charles Sutherland. Lieutenant J.C Govdon. En. -r Hall and N. C. O.'s ahd 129 men. .'.Wes of Detroit, Queens- town. Mi-ml and Niagara." A hundred years and more have passed. and our boys have been fighting shoulder to shoulder against a common foe with the great-great-grandsons of these men who met in battle array our forebears at Detroit and Niagara. Some Dry Spell : TTHE artist was painting sunset, red - with blue streaks and green dots. The old rustic at a respectful distance. says the New York Globe, was watching. . Ah." said the artist, looking up sud denly, "perhaps to you. tooAtiature has , opened her sky pictures, page by page? c Have you seen the lambent flames or . dawn leaping across the livid east; the red-stained sulphurous Islets floating in the lake of fire In the west: the ragged clouds at midnight black as raven's wing, . blotting out the shuddering moon?" "No." replied the rustle shortly ; "not since the state went dry." Peace The world at pre re! We scarce ran grasp Th Import of that eweet That cam to million that had brought Earth'a treatot tyrants to defeat. So lone had tumult ruled th world. IHsturbed th ky and atirred tha sea, lien eotttd not realise when told That Hixht bad woa the victory. Enrsaed by camac. rated by hat. 1 And freniied by their grief and rata, lien heard th aoothing voice ot peace. And ferred pula grew calm again. "A world at peace!" The preehnai word Brought sweet content to every land. 3" lie dawn of brotherhood ta here. And nation oumey band ia hand. And never nine tba world was new Here word meant snore ta sous of earta. An age of nnlTereal peace In thia glad boor has it birth! Nell Beeklay. - Portland. December 20. Uncle Jeff Haovr Says: Mebby after some of our most patrlotio trusts gits through with Uncle Sam they'll wish they'd kep' all the money they spent advertisln their yirtues all over the country. HOW TO LIVE By Dr. Woods-Hutchinson. Former Portland Physician The News in Paragraphs World Happenings Briefed for Benefit of Journal Readers. THE CIVILIAN IN WARTIME (No. 5.) Another London woman, enjoying the first Installment of an unaccustomed war Income, as soon aa she actually saw throa whole srolden sovereigns lying In her palm, to spend just as she Uked with out Tear of remonstrance even irom ner husband, hailed the largest and most sumptuous publio automobile that she could find and piled in her whole tousel- headed. shabbily dressed family ior a ride around the parka Anotner one marched Into a fashionable department store and bought herself a biasing and gorgeously embroidered Japanese ki mono and Insisted upon putting it on over her soiled and snaDDy woraing dress and wearing It home. Each of these was trying. In one reckless, splen did moment, to gratify the ambitions. the cravings, the unfulfilled longings of a lifetime for something supremely beautiful to the eye. soft to the touch. or delicious to the taste, but. naving blown off their accumulated steam, thir lonar auDDressexi yearnings in Freudian phrase, ""'their stranguiatea Deplores Lifting of Flu Ban Portland. Dec. 18. To the Editor of The Journal Does the board " of health of Portland imagine that they are de luding the thinking people by lifting Anrtmiatari mtnrla iHno- tn a Hi the flu ban? What excuse can they tinction between letters and other 2"" ready been shot on the street Haeo A very large quantity of league messages whleh does not exist in taiavation at the nresent time can oniv fabula doeet what does it teach? literature has been sent out. It has. I fart. It is nurelv Imaginary. When do harm, for it wHl only lull the peo- upon the face of it, been widely dis- our postal system was first iniugA.JLl1 ADVANCED IDEAS j semlnated. But a little reflection jurated there were no such things 1 tost 40,000 lives in Europe for a just I ShOWS that the dissemination ha nntUa win mpctaips. If thfr had hppn i riiiu. and now let ua not brlnsr added -HE- Pennsylvania hotel men have been so effective as one might desire, they would naturally .have been -orrow into our Z??7 nein ineir Tirintn annual inn. 1 ifn, i !;..... 1 1 . ..j , mu . . 1 1 m. . 1 viva, v mm kuuc g u .ciiLuiH iiits 1 1 re a Leu aike lCLLcra. iuo Kuveruiueui ventlon. The assemblage was gone to the "upper classes." The would have assumed the carriaaa.of v targe, some zou memoers T I ventlon. The assemblage was gone to tha 'unner iaae.pa' Thn Lim ,v aec.,m th Mriaer r ' Enlisted. Men's Dental Status I w sr S- wew w M. w a a w f U1VA AA U v wwiaiiiwe waa w wua a avaiMV a I -- , , VeUaTTeTUliBs m W. ' A V aU9 eUilVr VX. hi JouraaJ-After receivlnar tnv Mim- mind I none were Justified. : I mt touched Upon topics of current in-1 acquiescent rather than ifull of lively I If th government had been alert I corps. June 14. 1918. I was ordered to terest In their business. Among other real A mind which merely acqul- to U-4uUes it would, have taken wAuJl"raV.f 0el6o 1 topics they took up whiskey. esces in a project can readily be charge of the wires as soon as they men eutld fsplca? uatafng Some of the hotel men were ef the turned against it. And there the began to -be used for conveying in auto mechanics, mechanical engineer opinion that .whiskey should no danger lies. t - r v ; knowledge. But it neglected to do tng. radio, biacksmithing and carpen longer be served in their establish- Between today and' the time when so' and allowed those basio nubllo f fJJ.l? '.BJJ2 ments. "Light, wines and beer should the league of nations comes before utilities to. lapse under; the control possibly handle, tn the first contingent take its place, according to their the senate for ratification a malig- of mammoth combinations of money. of 2B0 men' wko California, r2.ic2 ; I1 mrt ten, the government to K,7S u t i.uii3jiioui uufcci lucu are w 11, o wh ww Dj sparea to mism-1 rescue . tnem irom tne siuggara m-lof cases. Twenty-five or more were be congratulated upon this advance form, pre judiceaa mislead the pub-1 competence of private operation, to the officers' training school, toward enllahtened thans-ht nnnn tha liA ranv-tfr, Ma r, .1 !..,.. j,nAai i n.,n -i ...ik I showing the advantages of the 8. A. T. I..V, " I, ZT . . . U1' H c. over other military posts. ; Abolit uujeva om uua ui.ua. ouk j is f oeeu Bpyeuauti no wiwxou, success. I Us employes tne energy mat OUgnt I August 17 a new contingent came from not niteiy tnat the question whether l In some quarters we hear the! to have gone Into the nubllo service, .the state of Washington, and m tui whlfiltev or. hmer ah air h arvcd nn iitia f miinna cnnvDn "nt . I xt... 11,,) 4).a te r,,o hm o...,. I worse condition In relation to dental, all their' tables will be left to them to league collect bankera' debtsiernment, is pressed to surrender the 1 "ho deeded immc;ute service! ewbich Oreflon's Legal Holidays rorvallis. Dec. 19. To the Editor of The Journal If there are any legal holi ri. what are they? Also, is a note lawful if made on a holiday? A CONSTANT KEAUKK. Legal holiday in Oregon ar January 1. February 12. February sz. aaay o. jnjy , th first Monday in September, October 12, ThankagiTing day and December Z. Is. J The Adopted Child Portland, Dec. 18. To the Editor of The Journal If a couple, well to ao, inr,t a child, and afterwards, are di vnrced. who takes the childT (Or may they give the child for adoption to an other party! l say mey cnnnoi. j ova vps. A SUBSCRIBER. fTh court award the child to' one or th ether 01 tne pa,ruo ""'7, . " nertiea eonaent in writing th child aaay be adopted by other. Why Do Boys Meal Autos Portland. Dec. 18. To the Editor of The Journal The answer is easy for the same reason that any, , other- thief would steal anytmng it mey anew vnai by getting caught the worst they would e-,t would be a "lecture" from the judge and turned loose to go out and steal attain. How to prevent them? Easy answer again rockplle. A VICTIM. PERSONAL MENTION Looks for Business Growth Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Van Orsdell of MaM are Kuests at the Benson. Mr Van Orsdell vis in the lumber business and expects within the next 60 days to see business better man ever veiore. Mrs. Hamil Is Called East Mm Hamil of Corvallia la at the Im nariai. on .her way east, where she has been called by the serious Illness of her mother. She will leave tonight. W. E. Tallant. engaged In the can nery business at Astoria, is a guest at the Portland. J Corporation Commissioner H. Schulderman of Salem la visiting at Multnomah. . W. C Walters of Central! Is aUy Ina-at the New Perkins. Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Hedges f The Dalles are guests at the Oregon. Public Service Commissioner Fred Buchtel and Mrs. Buchtel of Salem are at the Seward. . j Judge A. L. Clark of Rainier Is at the Cornelius. I - - " ' 1 L. L.- Lovee of Aberdeen is stay Ing at thft New Perklna .5 i M. F. fiommarstrom, -.a shipbuilder emotions" they soon settled down to tamer and more rationally balanced methods of spending. In Matthew Ar nold's phrase, "the sense in them for conduct, the sense in them for beauty reached an equilibrium. This was most Interestingly and con vincingly shown in the matter ot foods by actual scientific test and experi ment. Naturally, one of the first in dulgences which the workers gave them selves when the big pay began to come In was the direction of their favorite aavory and attractive foods, particularly meats, sausages, pies and rich, plummy cakes. Numerous headaches and bil ious attacks and internal dissensions of all sorts followed at first, but the net result was that they got more real food into their systems, gained In. weight, im proved in health and strength, and did more and better work than they were capable of before on their old poverty diets. Next Monday : Time (No. 6.) The Civilian In War of Columbia City, is registered at tne Washington. Morris Lux of Seattle la a visitor at the Carlton. Mrs. Edward J. Catlow of Bend Is a guest at the Multnomah. xt TTenrv B. Stlenhus ana airs. w. E. Robbleding of Seaside are visiting at the Portland. TTrr.,rt Nnnn. state highway engi neer, who arrived at the Benson from Salem Friday, left this morning for Til lamook. . . Mr. and Mrs. W. li. aercneu 01 osrou are registered at the Oregon. Kan Smith of the forest service, who has been attending the S. A. T. C. at the University of Washington. Seattle. has returned to Foruana ana us ay- lnff at the Imperial. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Fisher of Silver ton are visiting at the flewsrd. Mr. and Mrs. J. noun 01 ror vallis are guests at the Cornelius. E. L. Hamilton, ot wauas is at the Washington. Harry Kimball or aan rrancu visiting at Ahe Carlton. J. M. Galvin or t-entrana is Bpengma a few days at the Multnomah. Mrs. Alta Wrenn or saiero iagnn at the New Perklna Mr. and Mrs. & E- Sinclair of Ilwaco, Wash., are guesU at the Portland. Mr. Sinclair is a banker. ' M ... Mrs. J. Van Buren or wanus Portland Friday night for Los Angeles to spend the winter. She has been stay ing at the Benson. Professor Jonn u. uanmourj University of Oregon at isugene is a guest at the Imperial. , S pence Wortman of Salem, deputy sealer of weights and measures, is at the Seward. Mr. and Mrs, Frank Fuifon of Astoria en.is at the Cornelius. R. E. Bristoe of Albany is vlBitlnr at the Washington- Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Johnson of Coltxm aM atavtnw at the Carlton. Miss Eunice Catlln of Seattle la regis- . tha Multnomah, Mrs. E. A. McArthur of Leth ridge. aiK-rta. has arrived at the New Perkins. Mr. and Mrs- F. E. Judd of Pendleton are visltora at the rorxiana. Ttinrna Babcock and C R. Pope, lum bermen from Hoqulam, are staying at the Benson. 1 J. E. Ferguson of Hood River is a niMt at the Imperial. Colonel 1 M. Maua of San Francisco ta among the arrivals at tne romana. Miss Ruth Haney and Mlas Ora Jane Foster are at the Benson from Astoria, Judge J. W. Knowles of La Grande ta viaitlnsr at the Imperial. - Mr. and Mrs. William A. Pohl of As toria are staying at the Cornelius. Mrs. J- D. Guttery and daughter. Mary Helen Guttery, of Hood River, are stay- ins' at the Portland. - A. J. Neland, formerly salesman for t.w mr e.M . I Lit) az. sr.. nuuurnMiiiuis igauyajijr, has returned from San Francisco, where he was enlisted In the aerial service. He is staying at the Benson. Colen R. Eberhardt of La Grande Is 1siting at the Imperial. J. C. Robertson of Driggs, Idaho, is staying at the Carlton. Mr. and Mrs. AZ. S. Hudson of Bend are guests at the Benson. R. D. Campbell, an attorney of As toria, was a .Portland visitor this week. Olden Oregon Flood of December. 1861, Waa the Wil lamette's Highest Known. GENERAL The puId and Daoer section ef the war ' Industries board was disbanded Thurs day. Wares of 250 street laborers In San . Francisco have been Increased from 84 1 to 5 per day. Commercial radio service between San Francisco, Hawaiian Islands and Japan was resumed Thursday night. The White SUr liner Adriatic sailed from New York for Liverpool Thursday carrying more than 600 passenger. The Droving ground at Aberdeen. Md.. covering 86.000 acres. Is to be retained by the government tor testing gun. Throughout the world about 6,000,000 persons have perished from Spanish In fluenza during the past three months. Five hundred persons lost their lives in marine disasters in United States waters during the year ended June 80. 1918. A 24 pound codfish has been ehlpd from Boston to Paris as a gift tP Presi dent Wilson for his New Year'sYUnner. Captaln Teh Yuen Lee. the frfs naval attache ever sent to the CMrieiei lega tion In the United States, has reached Washington. A - The National Colored Congress for World Democracy, in session in Wash ington, has elected 11 representative to go to Versailles In the" Interest of the colored race. NORTHWEST NOTES More than 40 pupil of the Baker high P school have enrolled In the cadet claaa More than 600 women were elected to office in Kansas at the November elec tion. Twenty-seven submarines have been assigned to tha Mare Island navyyard as a home yard. Klamath Falls has been under the in fluenza ban without intermission for over two months. 8tevenson. Wash., is calling on the Fed Cross for nurses to aid In relieving the . Influenza situation. Paid employes of all state, county and local food administrators will be dis charged January 1. Machinery is being assembled for min ing for gold and platinum on the ocean beach near Bandon. Twenty head of pure-bred Shorthorn cows and heifers were shipped this week from Carlton o Roseburg. W. C. Holt, son ef Mr. and Mrs. John Holt of Albany, was wounded in France October 8, but is recovering. Pacific Northwest . shingle manufac turers will hold their second annual congress In Seattle January 8 and 9. The Umatilla county Red -Cross will maintain a county public health nurse , to look after all cases of tuberculosis. For remarking that he would burn every mill In the vicinity If wages were lowered, rx r aircmia im in cuiiw at Centralis, T.wrn TIwif rrtim, un rt XT rm - 1L P. Root of Grants Pass, was shot snd perhaps fatally wounded by a Com panion while the two were hunting rabbits. Roy W. Rltner, Just returned to Pen dleton from Red Cross service In France, Is the choice of the UmatlUa county chapter of the Red Cross as Its presi dent during the coming; year. Fire at Ashland Wednesday night de stroyed the Baughman building and clothing stock. The Fourth street bak ery building adjoining waa wrecked by an exploeion during the fire. Because 1000 quarts of liquor were found concealed on the schooner F". 8. Loopat Seattle. Captain L. K. Mason snd 12 members of his crew-have been bound over to the federal grand Jury. The flood of December, 1861. was one of the thrilling events of early days Never since has th Willamette river risen to such a high point. Tha duun between Corvallis and Oregon City was great and several lives were lost Towns and farm buildings were swept aaay and livestock drowned. Many lives were saved by Captain George A. Pease, who took the steamboat Onward from Cane mah to Salem. ' The river was full of sawlogs and floating trees, houses and barns, which occasionally contained men and women as well as horses and other stock. When the Onward reached Sa lem it carried 40 people who had been reecuea irom nouses and tops of trees. FOREIGN The Peruvian government has named Francisco Garcia Calderon as minister to Belgium. A German mine which had been planted In a bridge at Guise has ex ploded, killing 15 persons and Injuring 25. Marshal Joffre is now numbered among France's 40 immortals, having been made a member of the French academy Friday. i The American legation at Bucharest was entered and robbed last Friday. More than 8100.000 left there for safe keeping was taken. The Greek government has appropri ated 8500,000 for the relief of Greek In habitants of Macedonia wfio have been left destitute by the war. Santa Glaus to Uncle Sam . YOU will not be forgetting our own United States this Christmas if you convert the Money you in- tend for Cash gifts into War Sav ings Stamps. Buy them at Banks, Newspaper Offices and the Postoffice. f Portland War Savings Stamp Committee. tVer ee-lws Sterna ma to pimimi ait Sanaa, ' Hswiasaar Office. A PseterTlea, an