5 FRANK H.SIMONDS REVIEWS BRITISH OFFICERS IN NEXT SUN DA YS JOURNAL - '-I-. Te Bslkaa State Ttoumanla, Serbia and Montenegro should be evacuated, occupied territories restored, Serbia accorded free and secure access to the sea, and the relations of the several Balkan states to one another deter mined by friendly counsel along- historically established lines of allegiance and nationality, and international guarantees of the pollt- ' leal and economic independence and territorial integrity of the several Balkan states should be entered into. President Wilson (Peace Point No. 11). . t , X"1-' Fer a Leagae et Satloss - We shall go to th . .-irantee that a league of nations is a reality. 1 am one of thoe who believe that without peace wo cannot have progress. A league of nations guarantees peace and guarantees also an all-round reduction of armaments, and that reduction of armaments is. a guarantee that you can get rid of conscription here. Lloyd George. THE OREGON DAILY. JOURNAL, PORTLAND, : SATURDAY, DECEMBER ' 21, 1918 Good Things in Christmas Week Portland Playhouses Book Inter- esting Bills for Entertainment of Holiday Visitors. hTIIERE is much in the way of high la. class entertainment, both of the poken and the silent kind, featured for the Christmas week pleasure of Port land theatre-goers. A number of focal houses are making special effort toward seasonable decor ations and features at their houses, the usual Christmas trees, holly and mistle toe and green and red colored lights be ing used to good effect. Promises for the new week: HEILIO Wednesday night for the rest of the week. "Business Before Pleasure," a Potash and Perlmutter" tory that has to do with the two part ners is the motion picture game. ALCAZAR Opens Sunday afternoon lor the week, Alcazar Players in "Moth er Carey's Chickens." . BAKER Opens Sunday afternoon for the week. Baker Stock company in "The Eoollers." Rex Beach story or Alaska. nnPREU M Sunday afternoon to Wednesdav afternoon. Ous Edward's annual musical revu. headllner. Added attraction, authentic motion pictures of the surrender of the German high fleet to the British navy. HIPPODROME Sunday afternoon for week, Viola Napp & Co., Dot Marcel! nil nther . vaudeville numbers. Photo- niv f An turn Frank Keenan In "Ruler Of the Road." IYR1C Dillon and Franks' musical travesty company in "The King of Bing Bong," Sunday afternoon for the week. STRAND Sunday afternoon, for three days. Millie Brooks, novelty dancer, and ' three other vaudeville numbers : photo play feature, Monroe Salisbury in "Hughon the Mlirhtv." . LIBERTY Sunday afternoon, for three days. Private Harold Peat in "Private Peat"; also "Mutt and .Jeff" cartoon and pictrrrnpri. COLUMBIA Starting today for the week. Marguerite Clark in "Little Miss Hoover." "Mutt and JeffV comedy. Bur- ton Holmes travelogue. ' . . MAJESTIC Beginning today for four days, J. Warren Kerrigan In "A Bur glar for a Night"; also one-reel com edy, Pathe News and official war re view. 1 " PEOPLES Starting Sunday. ' "All Eaba and the Forty Thieves." .Children 12 years old and under free on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. Added attrac tion, "The Surrender of the German Fleet.?,;, -- - STAR Opening today for the week, , Bryant Washburn In "His Nineteenth Proposal," or 'The. Gypsy Trail"; also . cne-reel comedy and other short fea tures. SUNSET Today for the' week. "America's Answer," official American film, reviewed and approved by Gen eral Pershing. CIRCLE Three uays. beginning Sun day. William S. Hart in "Wolves of the Rail" ; also a Luke comedy and educa tional and coml crtr-on reels. e e m GLOBE Beginning today for the week, John Barrymore in. "The Man From Mexico"; "How Stars Twinkle Outside the Studio," having to do with well-known motion-picture tars in . everyday life, will be an added feature for the Chrlstmns trae. PANTAGES Monday afternoon for tile week, the Great Leon, magician-: photoplay, Ruth Roland in "Hands Up." heveral members or provisional na tional guard organizations in Portland are wearing their uniforms, when not on duty, and some of -them have neglected to report . for drill for weeks, according to Colonel North. The colonel says he has sympathy for the lad who wants to go a-courtlng in a military uniform, but there Is a limit. Unless report Is mada very shortly of each uniform out. Greater food value - , GUARD NOTES Jj Li making chocolate cakes u3e BAKERS CH0G0LAIE M.' u. ' pat, orr. "!lse'w This use of cocoa or chocoktein creases the food value of the pre pared dish. (Booklet f Choice Recipes sent free WALTER BAKER & CO. Ltd. ,tr..;r. i Established 1780 - ; : : ; RS. T. A. EASTMAN, president Mount Tabor Parent- Teacher association, wnicn. is aoing mucn exceuenx com munity work and Red Cross sewing. 9 V-MZ-r&vzzrszr'Mttz the United States military police will be ordered to arrest every offender. The engineers have had plans drawn for the timbers for a knock-down bridge to use for demonstration and drill work. Some of . our Portland mills will be -asked to donate the timber, which will require a total of nearly 1200 feet. The engineers have set Friday, Janu ary 17, as the occasion of the first an nual military ball of Companies A and B. Tickets will be on sale by officers and members after the first of the year. A general muster of the organisations of the provisional national guard of Oregon units has been ordered for Salem and Portland, to be held on the evening of Monday ,vDecember 30. Thla will include infantry and engineer units, bands and other sections.. Major J. Francis Drake has reported to the adjutant general that provisional companies of the national guard are forming in Ashland, Medford. Riddle, Roseburg, Tillamook, Marshfleld, Eu gene. Cor vail la. Independence, Hlll&boro, Pendleton and La Grande. . The mus tering in of the First battalion in Port land will be followed next month by the organizations throughout the state in rapid succession. ' The provisional national guard engi neers. Companies A and B, will furnish volunteers Sunday, under Lieutenant J. R. Davidson, to string the electric lights and ornaments upon the municipal Christmas tree in front of the Liberty temple. Major Thomas W. Watts, medical corps, examined 51 applicants Friday evening; for the two companies of en gineers. A and B. provisional national guard. The companies are rapidly fill ing up m preparation for mustering in next month. FRATERNAL NOTES xne junior uraer ot Moose gave a turkey supper to SO members and guests at the Moose temple Friday night. The lads enjoyed the good things provided through the efforts of E. M. Freyer muth, governor of the lodge and steward of Portland lodge, L. O. O. M. assisted by Mrs. William C. H. Smith and Mrs. Amelia Amacher. The toastmaster was increased palatability ',,: ' r t -I. ' A -';-' Ar, ,'.', "'.f h , I' s. , l? yy;'-hyy xy yy y with barley and buckwheat "11 flour. The chocolate covers the color and taste of the dark flour so it is practically as good as when made with all white flour. - - ... 1 ' DORCHESTER, MASS. e4 1 I I 4 Dictator Cliff Gardner, and everything passed off pleasantly with a program of music, games and short speeches. Washington chapter. Royal Arch Masons, held a session this afternoon' and evening and will meet this evening at East Eighth and Burnslde streets in Masonic hall. Degrees will be con ferred upon four sons of Eminent High Priest James E. Martin. Officers will be installed in the evening session, J. H. Richmond, deputy grand high priest, of ficiating, assisted by F.' M. Patterson. A Grotto dance tonight at Multnomah hotel is to be given by- a social inner fraternity of the Masons. Webfoot camp, W. O. W., passed out orders for more than 35 turkeys Friday night, the reward for hustling in new members. The dance and card party oc cupied the main hall with a large party. TODAY'S AMUSEMENTS ROAD SHOW HEILIG Broadway at Taylor. Thia afternoon 2:15, tonight 8:15, Carter th. Magician in '"Show of Mystery." VAUDEVILLE HIPPODROME Broadway at Yamhill, Head liner, The Military Dancing Trio, photoplay comedy. "Eight Bella." PANTAGES Broadway at Alder. VaudeTflla headline act, Era La Rue, in "Here Cornea Era." musical comedy. Film feature, Ruth Roland, in a continuation ot the aerial. "Hands Up." STOCK BAKER Broadway and Morrison. Baker Stock i-uiupKiiy, i u onuueu. auuun, : a , t night, 8:15. . I ALCAZAR EleTenth and Morrison. The Al- ) cazar Flayers, in "The Daughter of Mother Michree." Matinee. 2:15; night. 8:15. LYRIC Fourth and Stark. Lyric Musical Farce company in "In Bad." Afternoon and eTening. , ' PHOTOPLAYS COLUMBIA Washington near Stark. Marguerite Clark in "Little Miss HoTer." 11 a. m. to 11 P. m. LIBERTY Broadway at Stark. "The Squaw Man." 11 a. m. to 11 p. m. STRAND WanhinKton- between Park and West Park. Peggy Hyland in "Caught in the Act" Fonr taudeTille acts. 11 a,m. to 11 p. m. MAJESTIC Washington at Park. J. Warren Kerrigan in "A Burglar for a Night." 11 a. m. to 11 p. m. SUNSET Washington at Broadway. "America's Answer. 1 1. a. m. to 11 p. m. GLOBE Washington near EleTenth. John Bar rymore in "The Man From Mexico." 11 a m. to 11 p. m. ' CIRCLE Fourth near Washington. George M. Cohan, in "Hit the Trail Holiday." 11 a. m. to 11 p. m. STAR Washington at Park. Bryant Wash burn, in "His 19th ProposaL" 11 a. m. to 11 p. m. PEOPLES Yirian Martin in "Jan. Goes a-Wooing. . Portland Is Invited To 'Helpf Formulate An Industrial Code An immense, program of Industrial re construction is to be taken , up by. the federal bureau of standards at a, con ventlon which will assemble at Wash ington January 15. Charles E. Oakes, a representative of the bureau, appeared before the city commission Wednesday to' ask that a delegate be sent to the convention. "We are proposing an Industrial code for the safety of workmen," said Mr. pakes. "This tentative code will be sub mitted at the convention, to which all leading experts in the line of industrial activity have been invited. "The government has established safety cod which has already operated successfully in the army and navy plants that were operated in the production ot material and supplies used in war. time. Now that peace is approaching the gov ernment intends to Bee that private in dustry shall continue along the lines set down heretofore by the government La bor, unions and municipal and state or ganizations are being invited to have representatives at the coming conven tion at whichj it is hoped to establish a universal safety code for the entire country." N.' P. Is Promised. $30,130,168 a Year Washington, Dec 21.-(TJ. P.) Op erating : contracts today were signed by the railroad administration with the .Northern Pacific and Its subsidiaries. guaranteeing a standard vn"ai return of $3Q.13f.lH. Mrs. Ross Again Lavender Club President Delightful Birthday Luncheon Is Enjoyed; Illness and Holidays Cut Attendance. - By Telia Winner THE East Side Lavender club enjoyed another of its delightful birthday luncheons Friday in the cosy rooms of the East Side - Business Men's . club. Since the last luncheon, the club has had its election in which the president, Mrs. S. L. Ross, was unanimously chosen to head the club , another year. Before the luncheon Friday, Mrs. M. F. King, in an appropriate little speech, presented Mrs. Rosa with a beautiful cluster of lavender and . white chrysanthemums tied with lavender ribbon ; to this" Mrs. koss responaeo, Bespeaking the con tinued support of the members, to which she attributed any success the club may nave attainea. xn taDie presented a holiday appearance with Its decorations of holly and was loaded with good things. On account of illness and the approach of the holidays, the attendance was not as large as usual, covers being placed for 15. Mrs. L. I. Lombard, the only "birthday lady" present, was the honor guest. Mrs. L. F. Additon spoke to the women after the luncheon on women la Industry. v Lawrence Brackett, 1231 Tillamook street, will be host .to ttie Carrie Jacobs Bond Musical" club Saturday, December 28. A business meeting and program will be followed by a Christmas party with exchange of gifts. New memoers are Marciel Wells, Eleanor Boyles, Law rence Brackett, Miriam Tobey, Mrs. lone T. Wells, Mrs. A. E. Boyles, Mrs. S. E. Brackett and Mrs. W. F. Tobey. Mrs. E. F. Mullay, prominent in the activities of a number of the women's organisations,' who was called to Spo kane recently by the niness of her son J. W. Mullay, will probably remain in that city for several weeks to recuperate her own strength. Her. daughter, Mrs Edgar H. Anderson, was ill for some time before Mrs. Mullay left, and Mrs, Mullay attended her. Mr. Mullay is now on the road to recovery. CHRISTMAS SERVICES IN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES Additional Presbyterian services on Page Fourteen. Rose City, Park Special Christmas services will be held both. Sunday morning and evening Rose City Park Presbyterian church as follows : In the morning: the pastor, Robert II. Milligran. D, D., will preach on "The Song of . Peace." . The evening service will bs entirely musical. The program for morning and evening will include the following musical selections: t Anthems "Arise. Shin..' from "The Christ Child' . . Hawley "Shout the Glad Tidings" , Waller "Therei Were Shepherds" . . . Birch "How Beautiful Upon the Mountains" . . Hawley "Holy Night" , Hawley Solos Soprano, "This Da Is Born a Savior". ..Stewart Alto. "The Virgin a Lullaby" Buck Tenor. "O. Little Town of Bethlehem. .Worthing Baritone, "Nazareth" Gounod Carols "Hark. What Musio". . . . Ancient Latin "O'er the Cradle"..: Old Breton Melody "While Shepherds Watched" Old English ,"0 Holy Night" Adams "Silent Night" German Hymns "O Come. AU Ye Faithfu." "As With Gladness .' Men of Old." "It Came Upon the Midnight Clear." "Hark, Ten ' Thousand Harps and Voices." Mount Tabor Mount Tabor Prefebyterian music for Sunday is. " MORNING SERVICE Ortn Prelude. "Adoration" Rockwell Anthem. "Arise, Shine, tor Thy Light Haa Come . Ftt Offertory, Chriatmas offertory introducing a ononis oi inepherds Lemmena Solo, "Holy Night" Adama F. R. Mitchell Organ poatlude, "Christmas March" .... Merk el EVENING SERVICE Organ Prelude. "Chantique ! Noel". . .Adama Chorus, (1) "Hail, AU HaO. the Glorious Morn" Riebel (2) "Jesus. Friend of Sinners '. .Greig (3) "He Shall Re Great1' .Lansing Offertory, "Silent Ntjht" Gollier Solo, "This Day Is Korn Savior" Stewart Mr. J. Curtis Simmons Organ Postlude, "HosannaV Hartmaa Calvary In all Sunday services at Calvary Presbyterian church the Christmas mes sage will be emphasized with special music. An interesting program is to be given by tlie children of the Sunday school immediately after the morning preaching service. Kenilworth Sunday evening Kenilworth Presbyter ian Sunday school will give its Christmas program in the form of a pageant en' titled "Bethlehem." Thirty people in Oriental costume will reproduce the scenes in Bethlehem at the birth of Jesus. ; The angel, the shepherds, the star and the wise men' will appear. A large 'three-panel picture, 9 by 27 feet will furnish decoration for the front of the church. All will be in keeping with the Christmas season. An offering will be taken for suffering humanity in Ar menia and elsewhere. The little folks are to have their Christmas celebration in the basement of the church at 1:45 o'clock Sunday. The pastor, ,Rev. Paul Ratsch, will preach a Christmas sermon in the morning. , Trinity Christmas music is to be -a feature of both Sunday services at Trinity Presby terian church, of which Rev. Theodore P. Smith is pastor. Sellwood . ' ' : The choir of Sellwood Presbyterian church have prepared special music for both Sunday services. The evening pro gram will include Christmas carols and anthems, f A chorus of women- will sing "O Holy Night" (Adam) and "Still Chime the Merry Christmas sens- t Harris) Mrs. Lambert A. Beard, director of the choir, will sing "It Came Upon the Mid night Clear" (Sullivan). - .' - . - Vernon "Christmas Joy and Peace" will be the subject of the morning sermon preached by Rev. J. R. Landsborough of yernon Presbyterian church.. The peace mes sage of tha angels will be the foundation of this sermon and ' Rev.; Mr. Lands borough will call attention to the fact that this message has always j brought happiness to the world. In the evening his topic- will ! The Star, at Bethle hem," how. the star pointed the way to tha three wise men and how: various Bed Time Sammy Muskrat and Dick Otter , Quarrel. WHEN Dick Otter asked Father Beaver what lie was crolnr to d6 witlfl that load of hay he carried on his head across Mirror pond. Father Beaver was kind and good natured and he an swered. Tm going to put this in my house for a bed. You know we Beavers are very particular in keeping our houses neat and clean and we like a fresh straw mattress to be often changed so that it will be soft and dry." And then Dick Otter and Sammy Muskrat swam back hdtne and Dick re marked, "Sammy, I think when you get home you better fix Up your bedroom and get yourself a fresh new mattress ; for the last time I saw your room every thing was topsy-turvy and your mat tress was as wet aa a drowned ra-. Thank) you kindly," retorted Sammy Muskrat, "I .think your remarks are very personal and I'd thank you if you'd attend to your own little cubbyhole In which you sleep," . But in a few minutes Dick and Sammy were swimming together again, each getting over his bad temper very quickly. They loved to swim and dive for hours, just like some other little people whom I know who have to be dragged out of the surf at the seashore by their anxious parents. . And as Dick and Sammy swam near the Beaver's house they saw another strange sight. "What in the world are the Beavers doing now?" gasped Sammy Muskrat. "Why, see; the whole fam ily are lying out in the sun. side by side, like logs of wood." "Sammy," exclaimed Dick Otter Don't you know that the Beavers take a sun bath every day for their health? Why, that is one reason why they are so well and Btrong. And they never have to call a doctor." But Sammy Muskrat continued, "But Dick, I never knew that they lay in a long row like that ; and why does every other Beaver lie with his head towards stars through the centuries have pointed the way on different occasions. The Christmas tree will be the feature of the entertainment on Monday evening, at which the children of the Sunday school will participate in the exercises. , Hope Christmas program of music will be given at the Hope Presbyterian church. East Everett and Seventy-eighth street North, on Sunday evening. It will com bine the Christmas praise service with the dedication of the new organ, a re cent gift of Mrs. Prultt a former mem ber of the church. The church quartet Mrs. E. F. Phillips, soprano; Mrs. W. S. Gilmore, contralto Edward L. Phillips, basso and leader, and J. S. Peppin, tenor; Mrs. H. R. Jewell, organist, has teen augmented by the addition of Mrs. IT. L. Sumption, soprano; Mrs. J. u. Custer, contralto ; I. M. 'Custer, tenor, and Robert Barton, baritone. A special feature of the program will be the or- tan selections by Charles Burton of Birmingham. England. .The Christmas program given by the Sunday school will be Kald on Christmas eve. Tha treat Christmas tree ana Santa Claus, will be the attractions for the children. ' Piedmont Piedmont Presbyterian Bible school will give the Christmas program in the school rooms at 7:30 o'clock Monday evening. Sunday morning at 11 o'clock Dr. A, I Hutchison will speak. Sunday evening a large chorus choir under the direction of Miss Alice Mae Phelps will give an elaborate program of Christmas music Instead of a sermon. Mrs. E. M. Hurd will read "The Angel and the Shepherd," from Ben Hur. Kenton Christmas songs .will make up the major portion of Sunday evening's serv ice at Kenton United Presbyterian church. The Sunday school unnstmas tree will be Monday evening, to wnicn the public has been invited. The pro gram follows: Song: "Holy Night Peaceful Night" Choir Snnr: "It Came UDon the Midnight Clear". Choir Chorus Prmary and Beginners' Department Recitation: "The First Christmas .. uucue ,aj Number: "Birthdays" Esther Candy's class Hm.itAt.inn: "How to Be Hanpy . . Arann r.uis Solo Lacona Tanner K-nit.Hnn - "Th Birthday of Jesus' Moms sietcaii My Gift" Russell Fletcher Recitation : Chorus . . Primary department , Petty G roe beck Number Lullaby ..Mrs. Heisner's class A nnounrements By the Pastor Recitation By a Girl Song Missea Brown and wieprechta claws Reading By a Girt Recitation : By a Boy Rnnff "Oh LtttlA Town of BeUUenem Recitation By Girt Ttnriinv: "Tha Other Wis Man'. : . .Miss Snath Closing song Audience Benediction. Major Deich Returns From Booze Chase Major Richard Delch, commanding the Oregon military police, has returned from a month's campaign in southeast ern Oregon after bootleggers. He secured $3700 in fines for the state and confis cated 1440 quarts of whiskey. Major Deich says he was well supported by the local authorities, but found it a hard country to travel over. Some regularly established liquor importation routes from Nevada with branches to Idaho and Oregon towns were broken tip. Ma jor Deich said. Albany Man Wins Marine Commission Albany, Dec 21. Edward F. Bailey (Fat Bailey), who gave up his law prac tlce here and enlisted in the marine corps, has received a commission aa second lieutenant, according to word just received here. Lieutenant Bailey was a member of last season's famous marine football team. He has been attending the marine officers' training school at Quant ico, Va.. and in his examinations stood highest in his company and fourth in the entire class. He expects to be sent to the tropics soon. Poland to Launch Loan Amsterdam. Dec' 21. (U. P.) Poland is soon to launch a loan of 600.000,000 francs, which will be guaranteed by the Polish mines and customs. The loan will be taken by French and American banks. ' ; - . ' . ; Will Abandon Aviation Field Dayton, Ohio, Dec-' 2L (U P.) The Wilbur Wright field will soon,, be abandoned by the government for all purposes except for storage, it was of flcially, announced today by. officers In charge. . , - . Taler ' JL 1 he Beavers take a sun bath every day for their health. the Great Forest? Why don't they all turn their heads the same way, towards the lovely Mirror pond, and see all that's going on?" "Now look here, Sammy Muskrat, blurted; out Dick Otter, "Why don't you use your headpiece and think about such things? X should think a Muskrat with half an eye could see that the Bea vers are wonderfully smart. They are just like soldiers, and half .the Beavers watch the Great Forest for enemies and half watch the Mirror pond. I want to tell you that the Fox and Wolf and Wildcat will not catch those clever I Beavers napping, jso, sir. They are the most wonderful little people in the Great Wood, and don't you forget it. Sammy Muskrat Why, the Muskrat family can't hold a candle to the Bea "Well, what about the wonderful Ot- ter iamnyT ' snapped . out tne peeved Sammy Muskrat. CHRISTMAS SERVICES IN METHODIST CHURCHES Additional Methodist services on Page Fourteen. Wilbur Dr. Francis Burgette Short, D. D.. pastor of Wilbur Methodist church, will have an elaborate program of Christ mas music Sunday, both morning and evening, under the direction of William Mansell Wilder, organist and choir mas ter. MORNING SERVICE Organ pastoral symphony "Messiah" (Haa- del). William Maxwell Wilder. Anthem "Bethlehem" (C. Whiteny Coombs! Tenor solo "The Birthday of a King" (W. R. Nekilinaer). Fred 8. Pierce. Baritone solo "An Old Sacred Itliaby" (D. Corner. A. L. 1623). Dr. Stuart MeGnire. Organ postlude "Be Not Afraid " (Elijah) by Mendelssohn. EVENING SERVICE Organ "forgo" (Xerxes), Handel solo, Harold C Barley. Contralto solo "The Virgin's Lullaby" from "Tha Coming of King" (Dudley Buck). Miss norma Lacn. Anthem "The Right Sobs of- Bethlehem (Dudley Buck). Contralto solo Sarionr Blessed Redeemer (Danai. Mrs. If an Strang-Perren. contralto soloist of First M. E. church, Spokaaa. Wash. Anthem "Bethlehem" (U. W. Coombs). Baritone solo "That Sweet Story ot Old" (West). Dr. Stuart MeGnire. Soprano solo On. Holy Nicnt from ' Can Uqne da Noel" (Adolpb Adams), lflsa Harriet Anthem "The Dawa of Hooe" (C W. Coombs) . Organ postrade Hallelujah." chorus from the "Mount of Olives" (Beethoven). Immediately following the evening service, the -quartet has been Invited to present Christmas selections from the mezzanine balcony of the hotel for the benefit of guests. Centenary Choice Christmas music is to be ren dered by the choir at both services Sunday at Centenary Methodist church. Rev. J. C. Rollins, pastor. Sunday morning the pastor will speak on a Christmas subject. At the evening service the choir will render a special Tuletlde musical with the following numbers: Organ prelude, "Noel." Processional, Silent Night." Carol, "Hall Christ mas" (Weigand). "O Little Town of Bethlehem" (Nevln). Anthem, "There Were Shepherds" (Marks). Solo. "The Virgin's "Lullaby" (Buck). Anthem. "O Holy Night" (Adams). Solo, "The Light of the World" (Dresler). Quartet, "Beth lehem" (Coombs). Rose City Rev. D. Lester Fields, pastor of Rose City Park Methodist church, will preach Sunday morning and the women s quar tet will sing the "Angels Chorus" from the -Oratorio Blljah." Mrs. E. N Wheeler will sing "The Angels' Refrain." In the evening at 7 :30 the Christmas program will be given, consisting of unique living tableaux covering the an nunciatlon and the life of Christ. A fine musical program will Intersperse the tableaux. May Choose Woman As Club Secretary Salem, Dec 21. Mrs. Winnie Braden. formerly secretary of the Dallas Com- j mercial club and more recently connect- i ed with the labor department of the State Council of Defense, is being con sidered as the possible choice for the position of manager of the Salein Com mercial club, according to reports in circulation in Commercial club - circles. A manager for next year will be selected in January. Halt Importation : s Of Foreign Labor Washington. Dec 2L (TJ. P.) No more permits for Importation of Mex ican and West Indian laborers will be Issued and permits already granted are void after January 15. the labor depart ment announced Friday. Admission of quasi-skilled laborers from Canada will be stopped immediately. Government bureaus to be used ex clusively in finding work for American soldiers have now been established in 22 states. . 1 WkticMac Ckttstife Bt reikis nl eallif Ltlw Marine for Red- our Eyes; ness. Soreness, Granula tion. Itchine and Burnrna of the Eyes or Eyelids; 2 Drops" After tha Morses, Motoring er Golf will wis your confidence. Ask Your Druggist foe Monne when your Eyes Need Care, Murine Xljra Remedjr Co. Clxlcga - . - s COLONEL COLLECTED COMMUTATION TWICE' GEN. LEITCH CHARGES Col. Wolven, Dental Surgeon at Camp Lewis, Arrested; To Face Courtmartial. Tacoma. Dec. 21. (U. P.) A general courtmartial to try. Colonel Frank H. Wolven, ranking colonel at Camp Lewis, was ordered today to convene Decem ber SO. Colonel Wolven was arrested Friday by order of Major General Jo seph D. Leitch. accused of collecting commutation for quarters, fuel and light to which he had no right under army regulations. The officer and his family have been living near the mili tary reservation., but it is 'alleged he drew commutations for a house in Washington. D. C. i;oionei woiven is a dental surgeon and has been in charge of all dental work at Camp Lewis. Because of his position as a regular army colonel. It was found Impossible to obtain suffi cient officers of enual or hlaher rank to try him and Brigadier Generals Kd- ward J. McClernand and Peter W. Da vison have been ordered here from Camp Kearny. Cal.. to sit in the. court- Captain Herbert W. Meyers, former Se attle' - attorney, will act as judge advo cate to prosecute the case. Before coming to Camn Lewis. Colo nel Wolven was- stationed at the Pre sidio, San Francisco. S. A. T. 0. Post at Willamette Being Closed by Officers! Willamette University, Salem, Dec 21. Today marked the complete demobili sation of the S. A. T. C. unit of Wil lamette university. The men who were examined and who signed their dis charge papers in the middle of the week were paid today. The December pay ment Included the amount paid by the men on the bonds subscribed for in the last drive. This was the result of or ders from the war department canceling ail Liberty bond subscriptions to be paid by allotment All men discharged have been given the opportunity to buy their blankets, shirts, shoes and other articles of cloth ing at a 10 per cent reduction on the quartermaster's price. Many of the men are taking advantage of this offer. The officers of the unit are busy pre paring a complete closing of the post At the conclusion of this work Lieuten ants Clerin and Darden are expecting to receive their discharges. Oolouel Young will remain in the service aJ in spector of Instructors in the Oregon National" Guard. Lieutenant Clerin will return to Whitman college, where he will continue his studies as a junior In that institution. Christmas Vacation Begins Willamette University. Salem, Dec 21. Examinations for the first quarter at Willamette are now over and the Christ mas vacation has begun. The work of this quarter has been broken into by the Influenza epidemic and the S. A. T. C. work and these facts were taken into consideration by the faculty in the ex aminations. The next quarter will be gin on January 2 and an enrollment of 350 is expected. A large number of the S. A. T. C. men will stay and complete the year's work. Pennsylvania Road Issues Bond New York. Dec 2L (I. N. S.) A $50,000,000 issue of Pennsylvania rail road general mortgage 5 per cent gold bonds at a price to yield about 5.06 per cent was announced Friday by Kuhn. Loeb &. Co., as head of a syndicate of bankers. The issue Is being sold to re imburse the railroad for Improvement expenditures. Motker Kiyou)3 Ideal Bread and Milk R esinoi does stop itching and relieve eczema Many sufferers from eczema or simi lar skin troubles have found Resinol Ointment invaluable in stopping- the itch ing, in soothing and cooling the irritated skin, and in most cases, clearing- the trouble away. Its gentle, harmless ingredients make it safe for use on the tenderest skin. and it is so nearly flesh colored that it may be tiled without hesitation on ex posed surfaces. . Ask year drof gist for it. T" PARKER'S , HAIR BALSAM A Soslae Sf1araflisl f sacrl BripstoaraOlratsdaadraC. - r. n ..i i 1 fulnr buts Sesmtr teGray er Faded Hair. lPI iJ" BREAD 3a Grants Pass Forest Supervisor Has Big v Stock of Stories Back to the Siskiyou national forest, -where the wild game Is abundant. Ivor-' est Supervisor X. F. McDuff ot Grants Pass, who has been on a month's detail at the forest service office, will go to night. Mr. McDuff is ready to vouch for the statement that on of his rangers, starting for tha barn, shot a cougar on the way which had attacked : a deer, and after putting up his stock was met on his way to the bouse by a bear, which had just cleaned out his ' garbage can. , " . At another time Mr. McDuff declares his ranger shot a deer. Jumped on its back to cut its throat when the deer jumped up and began kicking with Its hind feet to dislodge the ranger from his back. The ranger was obliged to call his assistance to help him let loos. I c nftj tin mnv -f&iKs 'tis said. 1 BytR0LSDribreej3 is mexde by tpjt. each product used must betfWbest: The f fours all . mu3tw6irestb4?.v our iAiway5) . AMUSEMENTS , Ticket! Sow Selling , HE1LIG THEATRE Broadway at Taylor Mala l aid A-llli LAST TIME TONIGHT, 8:15 CARTER ASK HIM HI WILL TILL YOU. ILLUSIONIST MAOIOIAN MIND READER. THIS AFT.-rFloor. $1; BaL. 75e. I0e. TONIGHT Floor. 11 rows t-l.E-o. 7 ? II; BaL. $1. 75e. SOo; tial.. SOe. AROAIN MAT. TODAY, g Tonight an Week Famous BAKER STOCK COMPACT la BRANDED Startling Comedy Drama of the Underworld. Ifenlnos, 2 So, 50c i Mats., 2Bs (War Tat) Next Week "THE SPOILERS" MORRISON AT 11 tW.. PLAYS THAT PLEASE Bargain SHatlase Today,' tie To a !r at tit. Me, " THE DAUGHTER OF MOTHER MACHREE w f"s.gEAT OX SALE 3TOW FOR Ka MIDNIGHT MAT., PEC ! OUS EDWARDS' ANNUAL SO NO RtVUK. Intreduclns OLOA COOK. With Twe Dszaft Basutla anS MarmenMa, 8w A Avay: Paol Tkwksr A- Co.; tha Klralff KfcMin; Wallac Ualria: The Utllcjohas; Orphenm Ttarcl Waekly. , OtTlclaf War ftwlaw. Including THE SUKRKNDKR OW THI GERMAN NIOH SEA FLEET. LYRIC MUSICAL STOCK Dally HUUnm. lOe Only PIIXOX and FBANK (Mil and Iks), la Th UowUns Fares, with Musical Trisaastiata, IN WRONO. The Reason Dst Cif le-Gttr. Nsit Was "TM Klnf r Bins Bene.' PANTAGE S it MAT. DAILY 2:30 0 Tba Thor Anmriaafit Co. . Inc . PrssiuU EVA LA RUE, Tha ramsoa Broadway Osi Issue, and an AI-Oin Cast t tn Smart Musical rerea, " -MERE COMES EVA." . SIX OTHER BIO ACTS. Thrsa Performances Ifell. Kibt Carta! a an T and a. DANCING TONIGHT r .alia WW 11 Lnti inn Hall - 14TH OFF WASH. ; Portland's finest aavd larg - est : Ballroom. Wonderful baD-beariag spruff floor. Learn te dance at emr school -S lea mmm sons S3. ' 1-4 , ; . .;,. . . -, ;