V THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY, DECEMBER . .21, 1918 13 TURKEY MARKET DOES VERY- EXCITING STUNTS LOCALLY . Edited , by llyman 1L Cohea POTATO BUSINESS IS L ULUV VMnl I VI L Ul. VLII OlfinLL OILL WITH TRADE LIGHT lew Cars Are Rolling to Outside Sections and There Is -No Disposi tion to Tske Hold Some Garnets Are Moving for Seed Purposes. Continued mu.ll thipment of potato are be ing made from local point to outside sections but gener!! peklng tb trade is very Inactive. At th moment th potato market reflect a holiday appearance to far ai shipping demand ts concerned. A law carloads are being moTed here and thaw to southern and sovthwastcrn point bat tew of tb leading shippers ar doing any thing at all Just now In table stock. A UtU bustnea ! confirmed In garnets with growers sale at $1.60 $ 1.65 per cental f. b. country points. Stocks of garnets ar said t bar been about cleaned no. Onion business, la stagnant in all quarters of the ractfie slope. Anxiety on the part of Call fornlav Interest to unload their lanky stock and the disloyalty of soma of the local wholesale trade to the home producer keeps the market here at low ebb. ' CHICKEir MARKET IS TERY GOOD Demand for all poultry, lira as Well 'as dressed ruiasens. is Terr eoua aun me eireeb xtv heavy bena ar selling quickly at 28c a pound Wttu even light weight stock quickly moved at 25c. Wool Grower. Is Urged to Contract Fleece; Old Game Is Being Revived - ' ' ' . . By Hyman H. Cohea' Already the Pacific Northwest is be ing; invaded by representatives of east ern houses to consigro their next year's fleece clip to the Atlantic seaboard mar kets or else sell It to them direct at lower prices than the market Is likely to Justify. - Growers are being told right and left by some of these interests that they had to sell their fleece on contract to protect themselves against probably lower prices next season. Were the matter notj so serious it might cause laughter. ' The eastern wool men are not trying to save the wool growers of the Pacific Northwest from taking a loss on their 1919 clips, but they are trying to secure these supplies at a price that will make It safe for them' to buy many months in advance of delivery time. The wool grower who sells his fleece on contract deserves no sympathy what ever if he finds that he is out many dollars. Such selling on his part would not only result in him obtaining lower prices generally than if he waited for delivery time to sell, but such action would result In making it harder for other wool growers to obtain proper values. Wool speculators generally hold these contracts as clubs against other growers who want a decent price. VEAL MARKET QUOTED ST.ROWG Market for country killed calves is quoted strong along the street with sales as high as file a pound although some' transaction were JIm. . A ! I.' ...M IJ ..... bm. ....,. tb bulk of the good stuff at 10c A tew at 20c. CALMFLOWEIi SALES ARE SLOW While there ar quite good supplies of Call fornis cauliflower on the local market and the quality is fair for arrivals from that section the trad is very slow at $3.50 a crate of two dozen head. APPLE TRADE HOLDING STEADY No general change was indicated in the trend of the apple trade daring the day. There Is still an abundance of over ripe "C" grade stock and this is dragging while good a toil is moving well at former figure. . SWEET POTATO MARKET MIXED While one carload of Los Angeles sweet po tatoes arrived with showing of very poor anal fty and Is scemelyTit for use, other arrivals from tL A a Tvmnri. SRIEF NOTES OF PRODUCE TRADE Borne shading of lettuce price to 12.80 re ported. . Mutter and cheese market unchanged. Cleaned milk market inclined to soften some what. Banana are almost too scarce to quote. Green good auppllea generally liberal along tha street. WEATHER NOTICE FOR SHIPPERS weather bureau advises: Protect shipments during tb next 86 hours against the following minimum temperature: Going north, 86 de grees: northeast over the Spokane. Portland Seattle railway, 20 degrees; eat to Baker. 20 degrees, and south to Ashland, 28 degrees. The minimum temperature at Portland tomorrow. about 88 degree TURKEY MARKET IS BOOSTED HIGH WITH ROSEBURG NIDEN T Outside Buyer Invades Saered Pre cinct and lias Nerve to Try to Do Business and Pay Extreme Values Besult Is General Advance. How the tnrk-v marked Inmned so suddenly is now told bythe trade here. It developed that a certain Pua-et Sound buyer, nnablerto secure hi needs elsewhere, decided to go into the Roseburg section for his require ment. Now Roseburg and Oakland always have feeling that anyone who tries to buy direct jrom the bom grower is some sort of a rebel and it baa been the plan and aim of the trade there in other season to "run out" such in vaders. . - - Tb Invading buyer tried to secure his supplies from the regular . trade and 'failed.. Then be tried another stunt H advertised to growers direct that he would nay 41 a pound f. o. b. Roseburg for No. 1 dressed turkey a price that was considerably ,ebov any previously paid and large supply was offered as 'a result. This fa bow Roseburg value lumped op so suddenly. Naturally this had an effect upon the Port land market and lata sales of dressed stock were shown around 42c a pound and some were ask ing 4 So in a small way for selected birds. Strength in the trad hi confined mostly to outside requirement aa the average iocs! tailer was so badly burned at Thanksgiving that ba fa going to be mighty careful in the Christ' maa trade. JOBBING PRICES ITS PORTLAND The are the prices retailers pay wholesalers sieepi as otherwise noted: Dairy Product BTJTTKB Sailing price, creamery print, parchment wrapped, extras, 66o; prim first. 2c; first. 60e; in iU) Fi. boxs. Ue less: 60 lb. box , 1 leas; cube, lo less; dairy; 40o per lb. ; Jobbing prices, cubes, extra, 61e per In.; prime first. 68 0 09c; storage butter, 619 S2o per lb. BCTTKRFAT Portland delivery basis, No. 1 our cream, 67 68e. OLEOMARGARINE Local brands, SO and 60 lb. tube, SSe; 1 lb. cartons, 86e; 9 lb. cartons, 80 Me; nutmargarine. 1 lb. cartons, 8 So per lb. j CHEESE Selling price. Tillamook, fresh Oregon fancy full cream triplets, 3940o lb.; Yonng America, 4O0 41o: prices to Jobbers, f. a. b. Tillamook, triplet. SSe; Young America. 8 To; price to Jobber, f. o. b. Myrtle Point, triplets, 83; Young America and long horns, 804c: . . . J , . ifik,, IflKfti -JOO, UlUUUItal, 90HOlOi block Swiss. 46 0 47e per Tb. BOGS -Selling prio. 74 75c do.; buying price. 72c; selling price, selected, 75c. - KOGS Public market retail selling price. T8 per dnaen. LIVE POULTRY - Heavy hens. 28o lb.; light hens, 25a per lb.: broilers. 2flo cer lb.: old rooster. 18e lb.; stags, ,28c per lb.; squabs, fa. 00: ducks. 80q per lb.; pigeons, $1.50 2.00 pet do.; turkeys, li-e. 81e per lb.; dreSMd, 40 42c per lb.; geese, live, 25c per lb.r dressed. 80 per lb. Fresh Vegetables and fruit FRESH FRUITS Oranges. 88.00 94.7S per D"i; nananaa. vvvvto per In.: lemons. 85.00 a.50; huckleberries, 12 V 013 lb.: Florida grapefruit, $58 7.00; California, $3.75; tan gerines, xs.ou a. 70. AFFUuS various varieties, locts . 7 per box. GRAPES -Emperors, f rags, 20. PEARS rer box. $3.00 2.2 DRIED FRUITS Dates. Dromedary. 22 0 40c: Fards. $4.50 per box: raisins, three crown, loom Muscatel, 10c lb. in 50 lb. boxes; figs, S3.no per box of 70 oc packages. ONIONS Selling price to reailer, Oregon, 62.00 2.26: awocUUon selling nrica. carloads. $1.75 f. o. b. country ; garlic, 85o per lb.; green onions, 85 9 443 dozen bunches. C RAN BERRIES Northwest. $6 per bushel box. POTATOES--8elling price. $1.60 2 00 pet cwt.; buying price for fancy large sixe, $1,85 0 1.50; ordinary. $1.00 1.25 per cental; sweets. IWItic per in. , VEGETABLKS New turnips. II 7K per sack; cairota. 1.TB2.MI sack; beets. S2.00A 2.25 a sack; cabbage. 2 Ml 2 At: lettuce. $1.00 per. dozen;, celery, HrcSl.r J per dozen: artl choke. $1.5001.60 per dozen: encumbers. $1.00 do.; tomatoes. California, S2.OO0Z.75 per bog; egg plant. 20o per lb.; cauliflower, Cali fornia, $8.25 crate; horseradish, 15c per lb. Meats and Provisions COUNTRY MEATS - Selling price: Country killed, best bogs. 10 0 20c per lb.; ordinary hogs, 18o lb.; best veal. 20 21c; ordinary 10(lHe: rough, heavy. 18c; lamb. 20021c; mutton. 14 0160 per lb.; beef, 0 011 He lb. SMOKED MEATS Ham, 87 88 H c; break fa t bacon. 85 0 02 hi c; picnics, 27c; cottage roll, 86c: short clears, 29 84o; Oregon exports, smoked. 8 lo per lb. IABD Kettle rendered, $1.50: , standard. 28Vo per lb.; lard compound, 2 3 Vie. Fish and Shall Fish FRESH FISH Silverside salmon, storage, 18 0 20c; .halibut. 26c; black cod. 11012c; silver smelt, 9 010c; tomcod, " 10c; sturgeon, 18 0 20c; fresh herring. C&7c; Columbia smelt, 25 0 85c per lb. SHKkl. FISH Crb, $2.00 0 3.00 per dos.; shrimp meat. B2c per lb.; lobsters, 80c per lb. OYSTKHS Olympia, gallon. $5.00; canned, eastern. 7 5c can, $9.00 dozen cans: bulk, $4.00 per gallon. Oreoerlag SUGAR Cube. $10.50: powdered. $10.00: fruit or berry. $9.80; D yellow, $8.90; granu lated. $9.00: beet, $9.40; extra C. $9.10; Golden O, $9.00. HONEY--Now. $6.00 0 7.50 per case. RICE Japsn style. No. 1, 9 K 010c: New Orleans head, llttllc; bine rose, 10 & lie per lb." SALT Coarse, half ground, 100s, $16.00 per ton; 5 Oh, $17.25: Ubk dairy. 50s. $22.60; bales, $8.10 0 3.38; fancy table and dairy, 820.23: lump rock. $20.00 per ton. BEANS California (sales by Jobbers) : SmaQ white, ise: urge wmte, izc; pink. Bo lb. Limas, 14 Vie; bayou, 94e; red. 10c Oregon beans (buying price) : 'White, machine cleaned. 7 0 7 14 c per lb., I. o. n. CANNED MILK-i-Crnaon. $7.50: Borden, $7.75; Aster, $7.25; Eagle. $9 95; Libby, $8.25; Yelobsn, $7.25; Holly. $7.25 per case. COFFEE Boasted. 20040c. in sack or drums. SODA CRACKERS Bulk, 17a per Tb. NUTS Budded walnuts, S0H 081o per lb.; almonds, 24 0 26c; filberts. 28c in sack lots; peanuts. 18c; pecans. 25c; Brazil. 82c Hops, Wool and Hid HOP Nominal, 1917 crop, 23 026c per lb. HIDES No. 1 salted. 80 lbs. and up. 14a per lb.; No. 2 salted. 80 lbs. and up, 18a; No. 1 green, 80 lb, and up, 11c: Nc 3 green, 30 lbs. and up, 10c; No. 1 Salted bulls. 60 lbs. and up, 11c; No. 2 salted bulls, 50 lbs. and up. 10c; No. 1 green bulla, 60 lb and up, 9c; Nc 2 green bulls, 00 lbs. and up. 8c; No. 1 green or salted calf skins, up to 15 lbs, 29c; Nc 3 green or salted calf skins, up to 15 lbs., 27 He; Nc 1 green or sslted kip skins, IB to 80 lbs., 15c; No. 2 green or salted kip skins, 1$ to 80 lbs., 18Vc; dry Unt hides, 7 lb, and up, 28c: dry flint calf, under 7 lbs., 38c; dry salt hides, 7 lbs. and up, 22c; dry salt calf, under 7 lbs.. 82c; dry cull hides or calf, half price; dry stags or bulls. 18c; dry salt or bulls. ISc; dry salt stagi or bulls, 12c: dry cull stags or bulK half price; dry horse hides, according to six and take off, each. $1.00 0 2.60; salted horse, according to size and take off, each, $3.00 0 8.50; dry COTTOIT MARKET IS IRREGULAR AT THE NEW YORK OPEITING New York, Den, 81. (L N. 8.) The cot ton market opened irregular today with Decem ber 25 points up and other positions 10 points higher to 10 points lower, but exrengtn soon de veloped and within the first 10 minutes ad vanced about 25 points over last night' close on all options. Trading throughout the first IB minutes was active for a Saturday, reflecting a strong bullish sentiment By 10:13 o'clock the market was off about 6 point from the top" under scattered realizing with trading still active Furnished by Overbeck & Cook Co.. Board of Trade building: Open. Hieh Low. Cloe January 2R45 2879 March 2712 2770 May ........... 2600 2680 Jnly 2522 2602 October 2320 2367 December 8020 8055 2840 2707 2600 2522 2310 801S 2860 2738 2675 25'98 2355 8049 All Livestock Us , . Quoted Strong in N. Portland Yards With Prices Firm . ; ' f V PORTLAND LIVESTOCK BUN Hogs. Cattle Calves. Sheen. Saturday W eek ago Previous week Four weeks ago.. Year ago ...... Two years age.. Three years ago, , Four years ago. . 883 881 609 780 S41 117 685 13: 149 73 290 196 . 18 HoHday-28 1816 921 66 60 681 Fourteen carload of livestock entered the North Portland yards over night and considering that it was the closing day of tha week, the movement was liberal. . - Rather small movement was shown In the cat tle division and sales in this line continue at extreme figures, quality considered. General cattle range: Prime steers L $12.00 013.00 Good to choice steers......... 11.000 12.00 Medium to good ateers ........ 9.50 1 1.00 Fair to medinm steers 8-800 0.60 Common to fair steer 7.500 8.80 Choice cows and heifara . . - 9.00 s 9.00 Medium to good cows and heifers 7.00 0 8. 80 Fair to medium eowa and heifer. S.BO 0 7.00 Oarraer 8.60 0 4.80 BuUa 6.00 0 8.00 Calves i... 9.00 012.00 Blockers and feeder 7.00 0 0.00 8w1n Trad I Firm Trade in the swine market is steady to firm at North Portland eren though arrivals continue very liberal. A total of 883 head appeared for sale on the closing day of the week. Tops are continued around $17.00 generally. Genera) hog range: Prime mixed ....... Medinm mixed ...... Rough heavies ...... Pigs Bulk , .$16.85017.00 . 16.00 016.70 . 14.70 016.00 . 14.00 013.00 . 16.88 Mutton Run Is Liberal Over night there was a mutton run of 1316 head in the North Portland yard but as the showing of arrivals recently has been compara tively limited, this Supply was quickly cleaned up with muUon and lamb value well maintained. General sheep and lamb rang: Prime lamb. ,$12.00 1 3.00 Fair to medinm lamb 11.60012.25 Yearlines 10.00 0 11.00 Wethers 9.00 010.50 Ewes 6.00 0 8.S0 Friday Afternoon Sal STEERS Nc Ave. lbs. Price. No. Ave. lbs. Price. 1 610 $ 7.75 BULLS 1 2010 $ 8.25 COWS w York Bank Statement ! New York, Dec 21. (L N. E.) Bank state ment: r. Average Loans decreased:, i,i4,ooo: de mand deposits increased, $64,043,000; time de posit decreased $1,479,000; reserve increased $5,912,150. Actual Loans decreased, $20,805,000; de mand deposits increased, $37,831,000; time de posits decreased $0,310,000: reserve increased, $19.822.240. Saa Francisco Grain Market San Francisco. Dec 21. Uto Grain Trade as sociation has published figures on grain, etc., re maining in the state of California on December 1: Flour, 186.102 barrels vs. 155,173 barrels last year; wheat, 2.420,980 cental vs. 2.142, 704 lant, yer: barley, 2.719.320 centals vs. 6.810,860 centals; oat. 460.460 centals vs. 462.870 centals: corn. 202,140 centals vs. 235 660 centals; rye, 54,580 centals vs. 9900 cen tals; beans, 2,982.952 sacks vs. 1,936,198 sacks. San Francisco Grain Market San Francisco, Dec. 21. (U. P.) Cash '"Barley Per cental, milling, $2.25 02.35; feed. $2.15 0 2.20. , , . Oata Per cental, whita feed, nominal; ved feed. $2.05 0 2.70; d. $2 900 3.05 black feed, $2.40 02.00; seed. $2.60 0 3.00. Money and Exchange New York. Dec 21. (L N. 8.) Sterling .Thn wm etradv with business in bankers' Kill. t t 75 18-16 for demand. $4.72 H for 60 day billa and $4.70 V for 90 day bills. 8 a a) 52 2. . 1.. 0.. 2. . 930 $ 5.00 1.. 870 6150 1., 730 6.25 2., 720 8.15 1.. LAMBS 65 $11.00 1 66.. 85 12.75 I EWES 120 $ 6.50 BUCKS 150 $10.60 2., HOGS 125 $15.25 330 14.75 290 15.85 240 10.85 7S0 $ .1080 . 950 . 700 4.75 7.00 8.00 .. 80 $13.00 HIGHER STUFF AND LOWER FLOUR LIKELY TO BE NEW RESULT Taking Off of Government ; Restrie tions Will Have the Effect of Boosting Bran and Shorts and Easing Off Flour Values, MILLFEKD UP ABOUT SIO ASvancee mt about SIO tan lav th price of mlllstuffs ar announced by miliar as a result of aisoontlnuano of government value. Tnts vance to u to the fact that miliar bar must compete with eesUm miliar In tha export flour market. Minneapolis miller recently advanced their mlllsturr Quotations 018.00 0 20.00 ton. Miller Quote oeollne of SO 0 26c barrel in 100 ar cant flour under eld regulations, and will orrsr patent flour hereafter en, tn same price basis a 100 par cant stock sold recently. NORTHWEST GRAIN RECEIPTS -Cars- Portland. Sat... 14 Year age 4 Total this week.. 213 Year age....'.. 25 Season to date... 0474 Year age 3580 J acorn. FrL..,. 21 Year age 1 Season to date. ..8650 Year age...... 8101 Seattle. Fri. 30 Year age : . . Season to date.. 3809 Year age 8248 Wheat. Barley. Flour. Oat. Hay, 18 16 1 4 82 91 6 18 759 1880 142 452 1 16 51 46 180 12 5 814 917 11 4 6 2 89 27 $9 087 1981 740 1089 ... 7 115 791 166 1028 2 115 1774 730 2111 Fourth Loan Is Again Forced to New Low Price SPAN STRONG FOR New York. Dec 21 (L N. 8.) Tb ment at tb opening of tha stock market today was without importance, and asms same mad mod rat gain, while other yielded wader small offering. About tb meat inter tin feature was buying of General Motor, which advanced 2 4 to 180 ti. Studebaker gained 44- to 02 H. but Plero Arrow deolsned 1 point to 41 H on reports that the dividend would be deferred until another period. Some of th leader wen in scant apxly. and a trifling demand caused early gains. - Marina preferred moved no to 111. and Utah ad vanced to 74. Steel common ranged from 95 aj to 95. against 95 H at th close yester day. Mexican Petroleum rose 1 to 169 H. Th fourth Liberty issue eon tinned under pre sura, selling down to a new low at $94.48. LEAGUE OF NATIONS ' aftx.tfxBwaWj i -'",-''- Premier Says Sentiment Is Unan imous for President Wilson's Programs Furnished by Overbeck at Cook Caw Board of Trade building: 221 87. . . .. 125 $10.00 410 $14.85 195 16.85 130 10.00 145 10.00 Saturday Morning Sale STEERS No. Av. lbs. Price. I Ne At. lbs. Price. 2.... 690 $ 6.50 1.... BIO $ 6.00 COWS 1.... 940 $ 6.50 2.... 800 $ S.00 HEIFERS 1.... 620 $ 5.00 3.... 690 C 6.50 HOGS 25 260 $13.85 423.... 220 $16.85 6 275 16.65 1.... 170 16.75 18 '185 16.50 0.... 240 15.50 1 480 15.85 15.... 8K0 14.85 1.... 820 15.35 15.... 130 15.00 Hi... 250 17.00 ' 9.... 70 12.50 22.... 95 14.00 EWES 174. ... 110 $ 6.00 LAMBS 19.... 03 $12.26 I The taking off of all milling restrictions by the government ha set the milling trade in a whirl throughout the country. The trade scarcely knows what to do. but some hive the idea that definite change in doing business will be shown soon. With the removal of government prices on flour and millstuKs. there appears little doubt that the price of milkituffs will show very sharp advance in th Pacific Northwest, such as has already been shown in tha leading eastern centers. Considering the demand, mil Is tuffs bsve been far too low and flour too high. The result is that with mUlstuffs advancing with the greater call and small supply that flour price will drop with the huge suppies and limited calL Another effect that the removal of government restrictions will have will be to make millstnffs a competitor of the barley and oats market, while under government control tha coarse grain values were kept down somewhat by the lownees of mill stuff values. FLOUR Selling price Patent. $1L20; fam ily wheat flour. $10.95 011.00: barley flour. $10.70: Willamette vallev. 111.00: local 9.001 straight. $10.85 011.05; bakers' local. $10.80 Kii.iu; Aioniana spring wneat, psient, aio.na 011.20: rye flour. $12.70; oat flour, $10.70; corn flour. $11.60014.00 per barrel; graham, $9.80; whole wheat, $10.00. Price for city deliveries in fire barrel lota. HAY Buying prices; Willamette timothy. fancy. ( ) ; Eastern Ore go-Washington fancy timothy, $31.00 0 32.00; alfalfa. $27,00 0 $27.50: valley vetch. $28.00: cheat. I ): clover, $26.00027.00: grain, $28.00 .per ton. GRAIN SACKS Nominal. Nc 1 Calcutta, 25 H 026c in car lots; less amounts higher. MI1.LSTCFFS Mixed feed, at nulla, sacked. $42.60. ROLLED OATS Per barrel. $11.20. ROLLED BARLEY Per ton, $52.00 0 03.00. CORK OFF WITH OATS HIGHER AT THE OPE2fnffG long wool pelts, per lb., 80e; dry short" wool pelts, per lb., 15 0 20c; salted long wool lamb nelta each. $3.00 02.75: saRed long wool sheep pelts! each. $1.00 02.50: dry aheep abearlings, each! 13 0 35c; salted aheep shearlings, each. 80 0 50c (Prices quoted above ar per pound, except where otherwise designated.) WOOL Mohair, long staple, 6.0e; mohair, hort staple. 40c; mohair, Murry. 30c; Nc 1 tort staple. 40c: Burry. 30c ... TALLOW AND GREASE No. 1 tallow. 10c; No 2 9c; Nc 1 fretse. 10c; Nc 2 grease. 7c CHITTIM OR CASCABA BARK Groat weights. 12 Vic Ropes, Paints, OH ROPE Sisal, dark. 24c; white. 23 tt.; standard Manila. 32 He LINSEED Oil- Jtaw. bbla., $1.98 gallon; kettle boiled, bbls., $1.95; raw. case. $1.95; boiled, caaes, $2 05 per gallon. COAL OIL Water white, in drams or Iron bbls., 10c gallon: cases, 20c gallon. GASOLINE Iron bbls., 2LVie; eases, 31 He; engine distillate, iron bbls.. 13c; easee, 23c WHITE LEAD Ton lota. 13 He; 600 lot, a.e TURPENTINE Tanks. 80c: ease. 96e; 10 ease lets, lo less. ... WIRE NAILS Baste Price, $0.40. Chicago, Dec. 21. (t N. S.) Corn opened lower today with but light trading. The locals and commission houses were comparatively in active Oat opened about o higher. Trading was light. ! Provisions were slightly higher but featureless. furnished by the V Low CORN Whole. $67.00 0 68.00 $69 00 0 70.00 per ton. Merchant Exchange bids: FEED OATS Dec Jan." Ne 2 whit 5400 " 0500 BARLEY Feed 4H00 4950 "A" 6000 6050 Eastern oat and corn in bulk: OATS No. 3 white 6000 38 lb. clipped whit ... 0200 CORN No. 3 yellow 6100 Nc 3 mixed ........ 6000 cracked. Feb. 6530 0000 6100 DESCRIPTION t tOpen t High Low CK Am. Beet Sugar. . . . 6S T"M Tea" 1 68 Am. Can, e. ...... 46k 46 46 46 Am. Car Fdy.. c... 8T 87 ST.- 86 Am. Cotton Oil. c. S9-H Am. Unseed, e 44 45 44 44 Am. Locc. e 61 61 61 61 Am. Smelter. .... 79 9 78 78 Am. Sugar, e 110 110 110 110 Am. TeL At Tel.... 98 98 98 98 Am. Woolen, e 81 Anaconda Min. Co.. 64 64 68 68 Atchison, c 89 90 89 90 Baldwin Loco., c... 74 75 74 TB Bait. 4k Ohio, c 62 03 62 62 Beth. Sterl B 61 62 63 63 Brooklyn R. Transit. 30 80 29 29 Butt A Superior. 20 CalL petroleum, o 20 Canadian Pacific... 166 156 106 L00 Central Leather, c. 69 69 68 08 Chesapeake A Ohie 66 Chi. ULW.;c... 8 8 S 8 Cht. M. A St. P. . . 42 42 41 41 Chi. A N. W.. . . . 98 99 98 98 Chino Copper 83 83 83 38 Cole F. L. e 88 Corn Products, o... 47 41 46 46 Crucible Steel, e. . 66 08 06 67 Distiller, 60 61 60 61 Erie, c 17 17 17 17 General Motor ... 129 131 129 129 Goodrich Rubber 00 Ot. Nor. Ore Land. 82 82 82 83 Gt. Nor. pfd 93 06 98 96 Greene-Can 45 46 46 45 IUinois Central 96 Industrial Alcohol.. 102 103 103 102 Inspiration 45 40 40 40 Int. Mer. Marine. . . 26 26 26 26 Kennecott Copper.. 83 84 83 83 Lackawanna Steel... 67 67 67 67 Lehigh Valley 67 07 06 66 Maxwell Motors, ... 29 29 29 28 Mex. Petroleum ... 169 170 167 167 Miami Copper 23 23 23 23 Midvale Steel 44 44 44 44 Miseourl , Par. 24 23 24 25 National Lead 63 Nevada Oona. 17 17 17 17 New Haven 82 82 81 83 1 N. Y. Central 75 76 73 70 N. Y., Ont. AW 70 Norfolk A W., c 106 Northern Pac .... 98 93 93 94 Pacific Mail 89 89 89 87 Penn. By 43 45 44 45 Pressed 8fl Car. c 63 Ray Cons. Copper.. 20 20 20 20 Ry. Steel Springs... 78 78 73 78 Reading, e 81 82 81 81 Rep. I AS. c... 74 74 74 74 Rock bland 25 20 Sears. . RoebuckACc 167 Shatluck 18 Studebaker. a .... 02 62 61 61 Southern Pac .... 99 99 98 8 Southern Ry.. c. 29 29 29 29 Swift . ., 123 123 123 128 Texas Oil 187 188 187 188 Tobacco Product.. 80 81 80 81 Union Pac. c... 128 128 127 127 U. 8. Rubber, e..;. 77 77 77 77 TT. 8. Steel, c... 98 96 90 93 Utah Copper ..... 74 74 78 74 Virg. Chemical, c 62 V. U. TeL 86 86 86 86 Wertinghouse Elec. 43 43 48 48 Willy Overland ...23 25 26 25 Wool worth 120 BVO0 0300 6000 6900 0150 5350 6006 6900 By Haary Wood Paris. Dec 2L (U. P.) Spain to tha laat man favor the lea true of nations. Premier Komonoa declared tn ma Inter view here today. "Spain unanlmoualw recotrnlse the project ts th only salvation of tb amaller nation," said the premier, wrho has com to Paris to confer with Presi dent Wilson. "Half of Spain's national budget con sists of war expenses. If the leas-tie of nations were now In existence, this money could have been used for indus trial and commercial development. . "While couhtlnr upon formation of the league to help us out. we alsoToount upon our friendship and commercial r latlona with the . United States. With America the past no longer exists only the future, in which we hope for de velopment of our commercial and in dustrial relations. This should ba ay. oecaune our ports ar closest to Aratr lea." Foch Reduces Yank Army of Occupation With the American Army of Occupa tion. Doc. 2 L Marshall Foch Friday or dered further chang-ea in the dlstribu tlon of troops in the American sons of occupation- reducing- the Third army i to eight divisions. As a result, the Thirty-third division, made up of troops from Illinois, will, be transferred to the Second army and will not enter Ger many, but remain in Luxemburg;. The change necessitates an extension of the positions taken up by the Els-hty-nlnth and Ninetieth divisions in the rear area ot the occupied territory. President Wilson Referred to.astlie ' World Liberator By WilUaat Philip Klmm Paris. Dec 11. U. P.) President Wilson's decision to enter tha war "vu one of the greatest events mankind baa ever had to rsclstar.' declared Vice Rec tor Lucien Poincaro today, in conferring th degreea of doctor of laws and his tory upon the president at Sorboan unl- , versity. "History will tell bow be tried to realise the Imperishable supremacy of right. by an association of peoples to liberate th world." saM Polncare. In dosing bis address, he said: -in the. name or the University ei - Paris (Sorbonn) X have the great honor ' of bestowing the insignia, and diploma of a doctor upon whom posterity will ill the Just." v - - The ceremonies took place In the pres ence or President Polncare, 1 Termer Clemenceau, the cabinet and the presi dent of the senate and chamber. Swedish Warships Reported Appearing Off Esthonian Coast Copenhagen. Dec. IV iV. P.) The Swedish fleet has appeared off the Es thonian coast according to a dlsrjUca , from Konlgaberg today. Bolshevik forces are reported to b returning from the Wesenberg front. Wesenberg Is 0 miles southeast ot Hovel. British Bombard Royal Bolshevik! Copenhagen, Deo. 2V (L N, 8.) A British fleet in the Baltkr began bombarding ' the Bolshevik forces at Keval on December It, said a dispatch from Berlin today, quoting the Lokal Anselger. The Bolshevlki then Jf treated to the Weaenber; line. A' Swedlnh fleet occupied the Kstho nian coast in Russia. Swiss Minister to Russia Galled Home Washington. Dec 21. (TJ. P.) The Swiss minister to Russia has left Pe trograd, Berne advices today stated. He l.has been the only European diplomat at the Russian capital for some time and his departure marked complete sever ance of diplomatic relations between the Bolshevik! and the outside world. Hoover to Discuss Food Need London. Dec 21- II. N. 8.) Herbert C Hoover, American food administrator. along with British and French repre sentatives, will meet Austrian delegates at Berne on Monday to discuss the food needs In Austria-Hungary, the Daily Express stated today. Auto Collision at . Junction City Fatal Eugene. Dec. 21. O. P. I Olson of Junction City died here Friday as the result of injuries received In a head-on automobile collision Wednes day night on tb Faclflo highway near Junction city. Morris Koon. driv er of the other automobile was badly brulBed. It was brought out at . the coroner's Inquest that neither car waa lighted at the time of the aeddant. Ole Peterson, who waa driving th car in which Olson waa riding, es caped unhurt. 1 American Officers Arrive. New York. Dec 21- (L N. a Thirty-seven American army officers, includ ing three major and two colonels, ar rived here from France today on the 1 transport Metapan. ' DAIRY PRODUCE OK THE COAST Ttange of Chicago prices urn tea t'ress: December January . February , . March . . . May . . . . December January . February , March . . . May .... January . May December January . May .... January Open. .147 .141 ..137 . .180 ..137 CORN May 2420 $750,000 Warm Springs Irrigation District Bonds Malheur County, Oregon Denominations $1000 . Choice of Maturities, 20 to 39 Years A Desirable 6 Investment because of its ample security. because of its prompt, expenseless and convenient pay ment of interest, twice yearly. because of its quick, simple and effective marketability, r in case you should require the principal before ma turity. because of its exemption from all Federal Income Taxes, the entire 6 interest thus being net. - because issued directly for farm improvements to increase agricultural production and passed by the Capital Issues Committee at Washington as not incom patible with the interests of our.Government. . because it is a legal investment for Banks, Trust Com panies, Trust Funds, Insurance Companies and State School Funds. ; i because it is legally acceptable to secure deposits of ' - State, County and City Funds in Oregon Banks. - Descriptive Circular on Request r " BONDS OFFERED SUBJECT TO. PRIOR SALE AND CHANGE IN PRICE Clark. Kendall & Company .. " NORTHWESTERN BANK. BUILDING PORTLAND, OREGON ' . BOND DEPARTMENT y: The Anglo & London Paris National Bank SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA PACIFIC COAST BANK STATEMENT Portland. Bank Clearings. Saturday 6.701.340.23 2 ear ago ......... Balances, Saturday Tear ago ......... Week clearings . . , Tear ago Weekl balances;.., xear ago .. High. 148 141 187 137 187 OATS 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 PORK 4400 4400 ; LARD , 2420 2430 2430 2453 RIBS. 2497 2587 2420 147 138 130 135 133 71 70 70 71 71 4300 2400 2410 2475 2372 Close 147 138 186 185 180 71 71 71 71 71 4700 4300 2400 2400 2420 2475 237S Seattle Market Seattle, Dec 21-(C. P.) Butter Local city creamery bricks, in cartons, 65 66c; do parchment wrapped. 63c; do cubes, 63 9 64c. Eggs Fancy ranch. 78e: pullets. 68 72c. Cheese Washington triplets. 88940c: do Young America, 4041e; Oregon triplets, 88 40c; do Young America, 36 41c Sen Francisco Market San Francisco. Deo. 21. iJ. P.) Butter Extras, 64c; prime first. 63 c Eggs Extras, Bio; extra pullets, 79c Cheese California flats, fancy, 85 c Loe Angeles Market Loe Angeles. Dec. 21. L N. 8. V Butter Creamery extra a, 26c Eggs Fresn extras. 72e: case count. 67c: pullets, 66c Clearing Balance Clearings Balance Clearings Balances Clearing Clearings Seattle Bank 8,030,422.82 1.131.875.83 622,636.68 82.707,504.69 19,602.073.77 7.829.687.70 8,713.304.19 I 6.109.916.00 1,365.620.00 728.038.00 169.477.00 1.299.701.00 ' 434.135.00 San Franelsoo Bank .....820.312.630.00 Los ansel as Bank ! 6,027,164.00 .......... . J . Taooma Bank Spokan Bank POTATOES ALL ALONG THE COAST San Franotsoo Market San Francisco. Dec 21. (TJ. P.l Pot. toes Per cental, fancy, lanre, selected Deltas. S2.25S2.40: do fancv. S2.10A2.25? tr choioe, S1.85O3.00; choice. $1.6091.76: Ore- gun, tancy. S2.00&Z.20; choice. 81.60 1.75. Onions Per cental. Australian brown., fancv. wvc v ax.zo; .cnoic. uuejvuc Lo Ansel Market Lo Angeles. Dec 21. (L If. 8.1 pn. Stockton Burbanks, select. (2.40: poorer. sweets, best, 60 70a lug; sacked. ,12.23 Ot Seattle Market 1 Seattle. Dee. 21. (L N. 8.) Onions Cal- uoruiav, 4.uu. uiegon, Z.DV, ot,r-IkUM- MQ.OOSS,00 Isom, Chicago Dairy Frodaea Chicago, Dec. 21. (L S. 8.) Butt Re- oenn zuo luoa. mm nrst. 87 He: firsts. 66 68a: peeking stock, 88 0 40. Eggs Receipts 1009 eases. - Current re- cctpia eatyovc; orninary una, o 7 fte D He : firsts. 60e; extra. 66 (f 67c; check 86 89c; dirties, New Tork Sugar Market f . ?eWiT,'eIMi- 21'T"'lJ- P-Sttgr--Cn- v"iues P i.iQa Wool Price Is - About. 20 Per Cent Off Boston Par th etoef ng 'ay's trad In soeured wool held by th government In, Beaton, values war generally about to aer cent off, seooreV Ina to a speoiai menace received by th Co lumbia Basin Wool Warehouse company this city. Three eight war elos t the prta of July SO, wtill low ana Inferior grade war meetly withdrawn became the bid war aeislsred far tee low. Ooed lot f wool far Immediate us war n good aa mand frem manufacturers. AMERICAN LIVESTOCK PRICES Chicago Hogs $17.65 Chicago. Dec 21. I L N. 8. ) Hon Esti mated receipts. 7000; steady. Bulk. $17.25 17. ou; tops. alT.oo ; butensr bogs, beavy, $17.65 17.63; packing hogs, heavy. $16.00 17.40; medium and mixed. $17. 00 17.40: light. $16.65 17.40: pigs, $13.75 & 14.75; rouges.' $10.00916.00. - r Cattle Estimated receipts, 8000; lower. Sheep Estimated receipt. 2000: steady to lower. Omaha Hogs S17.20 Omaha. Dec 21 (L N. S.) Hoe Re ceipts 0200, steady. Top, $17.20: mixed. $17.10 (SClT.ViO: good choice, 17.0O lT.lO; rough. iio.suw n. zu: iignt. sie.butei7.uo: Bui $16,903 17.10; piss. $12.00914.00. Cattle Receipt 800, steady. Sheep Receipts 600. Seattle Hog $17.40 Seattle Dec 21. (L N 8.) Hoes Re ceipt. 120; steady. Prime lights, $17.25 17.40; medium to choice. $17.0047.23 smooth heavies. $16.00 16.40 : rough heavies. $15.00 10.40; pigs, $10.00 16.40. Cattle Receipts, 20; steady. Beet steers, $11.00918.00; medinm to choice. $10.60 11.00: common to good. $6.00 8.60: best cows, $8.00 9.00; common to medium eows, 85.00 7.601 bull. $0.007.00; calve. $7.00 Sheep Jf one. Denver Hog $10.90 Denver. Dec 21. U. P.) Cattle Recemta 4UU, steady, pnee nnenangea. Hogs Receipt 300, steady. Top, $16.90; bulk, $16.80 1C.85. J Sheep Receipts 4700. steady. Lambs. $14.00 ej.ia.i9; awe, a.uvsa.zo. Forelgm Bond Market Furnished by Overbeck A Cooke Co., Board of Trade building: Bid. Ask. A. F. 0 Oct, 1920 96 97 TJ. K. 6 Nov. 1919 94 94 U. K. 5S Feb. 1919 100 100 TJ, K. 6 Nov. 1921 98 08 A. F. Sec 6s Aug. 1919 99 99 Rep. France 6s 1931 100 ISO Pari 6s Oct. 1921 98 99 Marseilles 6s Nov. 1919 100 101 Russia Kxtn. 5 1921 62 64 Russian IntL S 1926 161 169 Dom. 6s Aug. 1919.; 98 99 Dom. 5s April 1921 97 98 Dom. 6s April 1931 96 97 Dom. 6s April 1926 96 97 Argentine 6s May 1920 98 99 China 6s 1919 96 99 Dom. Canada 6s 1937 93 96 French 6 1919.... 104 104 Total sale for th day war 218.700 share. Cyclone Uproots Trees and Poles in Vicinity of Eugene Eugene, Dec El. Five very large tel ephone poles and many large trees, some of which were more than two feet in diameter, were torn up in the vicinity of Eugene Thursday night when a small cyclone visited this section. in coburg, wnere uie cycione nit tne hardest, it could be heard for several minutes before it actually struck. Resi dents of that vicinity were awakened by the loud crashes of falling trees and poles as it swept through the country. The main line of the Oregon Power company, wrucn carries tne current to Brownsville, Albany and Junction City, was torn down, according to Richard R, Jottes. who drives a stage betweea Eugene and Coburg. Every window pane in the home of Clyde Wells, proprietor of the Wells Dairy of Santa Clara, was broken dur ing the storm. Huge trees, he declared, were twisted in two. In Eugene the ratn fell for a depth of .75 of an inch, the heaviest of the year, but no serious damage was re ported. :3 " 1 High Cost of Meat In Chicago Shown At Wage Hearing Chicago, Dec 21. (L. Jf. 8.) Testi mony of packing house employes who are seeking wage lncresea will be com pleted before Judge Alschuler Monday. ' During the hearing Friday th court was shown just how little meat of even "mediocre quality" can be purchased for $1. One and a half pounds of beef steak, costing 45 cents and two slices of uncooked ham. costing 68 cents, or $1.03 in all. were placed before Judge Alschuler. Dennis Lane and other meat workers said the meat wae of mediocre quality but as good as can be bought now. Lane said the total purchase was about what is required lor a wormngman s family of four. Liberty Bonds If yarn stt KT.LL year Liberty Bead. SSLL to V. If foe eaa BUT more Liberty Beads, BUT freaa US. Vf bay aad aeU Liberty Boads at tte aiarkau You cannot do better you may do worse. The closing prices of LIBERTY BONDS on the New Tork Stock Exchange for week ended Friday, December 20. were aa follows: ......... S7?o0 7.88 98.00 98.14 98.13 98.20 First . First Becond 4s 4S 4s 4s 93.40 11$ 97.10 9S.D6 93.21 93.10 97.40 96.80 91.10 91.0$ ' 97.4S 96 48 91.10 93.03 97.40 96.2 91.20 92.90 97.00 94.80 93.10 92.90 97.00 94.2 Third Fourta 4S V6.0J 96 0$ 96.10 95. $$ 9.40 96. (4 4S S.80 t.7 t.$4 5.44 94.74 .$4 Saturday Monday Tuesday .. Wednesday Thursday . Friday Liberty Loaa Departmeat Opea Until S F. M. SatarAays MORRIS BROTHERS, Inc. The Premier Municipal Bond House 309-311 STARK. BETWEEN STH AND 6TH (GROUND FLOOR) Taleaaoae Broadway SKI XstablUka Over SI Tears PMd by th Capital bene Committee a not tneompatfbl with th national lutrrera, but without approval of legality, validity, worth or security.- Opinion Ko. A1TI1 St. Louis Metal Market 8t Louis, Dec 21. L N. 8.) Lead Un changed. Price fixed at $6.75 St. Lonja. Spelter Weak and dull at $8.L0. LIBERTY BOND SALES Liberty bonds official closing ptie tn New Tork: Conv. 1st 4th 9a Xt 4 2d 4s 4s 4 Monday .. 9790 9820 9812 9736 9378 Tuesday .. 9800' 9380 9300 9740 9563 Wednesday. 9810 9310 9300 9700 9042 Tbnmday '9812 9800 9290 70 n73 Friday ... 9814 9300 9310 -0714 9452 Saturday... 9820 -9800 9800 9690 9440 TURKEYS Prospective! Market 40 or Higher We want -to handle your Christmas Turkeys. Forty years In the same loca tion means reliability. We can get top prices for you. WHITE US. PAGE & SON 12S-12S Front St. ' Porttaad, Ore. US IP YOUR PLCOOK.. BUT W. S. B. Stocks. Beads, Cettea, Orala, Xta, tl$aif Atqard ef Trade Bellelsf Overbeck&CookeCo. DIRECT PRIVATE WIRES TO ALL EXCHANGES Members CfeJeage Board of Trad Carrot eoadeaU ef lgaa Bryaa Cticag Sew Yerft Advance Offering New Issue Short Term 7 Semi-annual interest Janaary 1 Jnly 1 t Coupon Gold Bonds Denominations $100 $500 $1000 Two Year 7 Bonds at 100 to Yield 7 Without deduction for Federal Income Tas except is' excess ef 4 Van Detaile en Beau LUMBERMEN TRUST COMPANY LUMBERMEN BUILDING - Capital aro Surplus S 600.000 FIFTH AND .TANK TRANSPORT ATtOB) sam rruNoiaeo-ioa abbilss LOW RATES. S. 8. R08K CITY Salts 8 S4ru,rr4.,Da.tO THE 8AM rRANOiaOO dk PORTVARB) a. a. lines. Ticket st Third and Washington. Tessphen Brwawway ee. Mala aaae. a-isa,. A-sii. PALACE HOTEL OtasWIa testy vTWJVsftV feCrfak Sfssj tfrfJyTliOWvai Rale TS t SS.OO par ay. 440 Waftlnfte St. Farmers' and tAarchant Hauartar JAPAN" Wa rap went all TTa-Pifie 8teaaMs Caa offer yea available spaee o any steasaabip- Guides furnished in Japan aad China.- Foreiga evrhg awsd. - Joiirnal Travel and Information Bureau DORSET B. aWtTM. SSanaeer Th Aavrnal BiilMlaa, fl IHaranafl 19T8 V. 9. r. A. Ueense He. 80101 SHERIDAN-BECKLEY CO., Inc. Kt1255. o2 We offer for Sale Attention 1 UK1UU - bliippcrs LOS ANGELES FANCY SWEET POTATOES - Per Cwt. . ' NEW YEAR'S TURKEYS ! WILL BE HIGH . Ship to arrive the 56th to 29th. Christmas market closed with high prioes on all dressed poultry. Get our net prices before shipping elsewhere. . - . j" - ! SF.FF.BKirCB8t HIBEBSIA SATnroS BAIT at -We deduct no oornmisslon. V Prompt retorna roaranteed.