THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND. -SATURDAY DECEMBER 21. 1918 12 ttOBSES, T-H1CXES. ETC. 1 i-. tj r Tt i J .oenn l.HtL ' Big strawberry toea 8 "J'v, end true to work; also sound, gentl and ktna to handle and drive; Also big grey eW'n' Mtt to the roan bom. also fat. sound end true to pull: gentle for anyone to work or handle any place. They are not lame and J?"? Hot to be street sore in wsy. t Thi tm baa also been replied with auto trucks, also feeavy breeching, batl-top name harnee Boston backer and collar, complete. ery aheap. Coma and eea them and 1 will tell yon b tha ownar is and you can go and Ul wun NOBBY STABLES. Flsndcre at 12th at. il.P. .k..r. r exchange. 40 bead of good honaa and mule from 6 to 12 yean old. nd from 900 to 1800 lb.. k.ndsof harness and wagon.- Will rr"'t .rt. ",hJ balance an time. Everything gurnt a. rep resented. Phil Surlier. Crown stables. ,.86 Front. " FAMILY" HOB8E I hay a good, gentle bnn. weight about V 900 pound., gentl. for any lady or boy to ride ot drivewill alv plow; yer ohl 2 must sell, at 1 bsve no ns for him, price lor nirk -li 125. Call 42 Flanders. iKMH77tle7T000 poond cream-crtUred gentle for children to- handle and drive! to good order and sound; also good single SarneVs wlthoollar and; hemes, very cheap. $50. 49 J Handera. ALL"Tiinas'' of" wagons, light and heavy, double , driTinaTdoubl. work, light and heavy harness, two .xt good top buggies. fin tck saddle. 80S Front st. rrx fci-,L of horse, teams, ssdilles, ponies ... . .11 r.nrmrntl. irom uv ri.. . u- -til take cattle, milk goats or Uh.rt hnnrfs in exchange. '- Front St. m l; .. i....T fr,,m ; uu: cim go" ril00 1b saddle horSe; fin. ,-air of young Jet vi k ui.-.i.r,H .nles. cheap, or exchange for cows ar milk goals. 30 AUTOMOBILES ACCESSORIES 4 HIT fall Come in This Evening WE'RE 'OPEN UNTIL 9 O'CLOCK And yon are aura to find ear here that salts you. II you can t come in call us up. We can tell you a lot about thee can over the phone. We list below iust a few. airing a general idea of what extremely low prices we are selling cars at. We have: An Overland (ready to run) $ 175 An Overland (can't be beat) . ,T 250 A Michigan (a mighty good car) 250 A Studebaker (a sensible car) 200 A rational (soma snap) S00 While for a little mora money we bare: Front st. SfrSffT!LM "hone gfteg 6 p- m. Woodlawn 636. . IBfrteam7"weight 8000. firt cla set of harness. 1T5 take team and harness. 380 Front st : - $26lNf7nd and gentle, with saddle and bridle: gentle for anyone to handle or ride. Crown Stables. 55 Frontst- GoWosWeck wsgon. ib fine rubber tired top buggies, high grade surrr. kni1" uf wagons, harness snd iwu'He!0.2 rnn ' f-61tRALE.o7ie ranch tm, weight 2800: one team 2200; one team. 2000; two ponies. t!all at 3f0 K. Wssn. si. A Saion Six (a little dandy) ..... A Maxwell (tn - fine chape) ....... A Studebaker, '16 aeries (a real car) A Cadillao (that won't wear out) . . , A Dodge touting; won't last long at , AUTOMOBILES ACCESSORIES 41 CHRISTMAS SPECIALS 1818 HupmobUe. run 2400 miles. .. .$1400.00 1917 Paige, T pans.. 8 good tires car thoroughly overhauled in our shop. . 900.00 Ford touring, demountable rims, shock . absorbers, lint class nres; ear At throughout ................... 875.60 Six cylinder Hudson, 5 passenger. .1 . - 800.00 Mannon roadster, new body anil top, lfilft nHulnr. www tjrM- enultl trade for 6 peas. car. Price 750.00 IB 17 Ford track. thoronehlT over hauled, good tires and good body... 600.00 We Sell on Easy Payments. D. C. WARREN MOTOR CAR COMPANY AUTOMOBILES ACCESSORIES 44 FIAXOS. ORGAU8, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS DON'T Used Car Bargains Hudson Super Six. fine condition, S new tire. . ... ...$1400 1917 Chalmers. S ras.. . ... . . 1000 S9U 750 SO. 7388 I im I vuimBn, w vs. .......... Winton Six 1917 Chalmers roadster, runa beautifully. 6 tires 1916 Orerland ........ 191R Ford. $100 extra equipment. 6 tires 1918 Ford 1917 Ford : 4-ton truck OTerland roadster, snap MANY OTHER BARGAINS 950 450 575 500 425 350 300 Hickmanf & Co. 341 Burnide. hUIn 780. 58 North 23d St No. 7387 I "Oh FYem-hY We'll lo Our Share eoio. No. 7392 I "Smiles." fox trot. Itosrn South, banio A accordion. No. 7405 I Everything la Peaches Down in tieorgia solo. Tha Sifter of Rosa O'Grady. solo. No. 7385 1 "Cheer I'p Tommy Atkina-' eoio. lncbanola, solo. No. 7393 I "Paul Hesere," solo. k7y Little Service I lag xias Seven Stars, solo. No. 7376 I "Everybody's Craxy "Bout the Dog tjone Blues." trot. Soreiia Hpanbh one step. No. 7408 I "General Pershing," march. 4 , Walk Uer, one step. Come in and make your selection before they are all gone. We are open until 10 every night until after Christmas. THE SAHLSTKOM CORPORATION. 4D3 MorrUon w Broadway 2700. .$ COO . 600 . 650 . 550 USED AUTOMOBILES" TERMS GIVEN ' 675 and repainted 1917 Mitchell, 6 pass.. 6 cyl 1916 Studebaker, 7 pass.. 6 cyl. 114 studebaker, 7 past., 4 cyl.. 1914 Maynea, 5 pass. . We could list a hundred mora bnt what's I 1916 Chevrolet. 5 nasa. ' 4 cvl... . the w? I 1913-Hudson, 5 pass. 6 eyl...... I 2 ton truck with cab A Studebaker, '18 series, 6 eyl.; see It at 1050 191 Mitchell. 7 pass.. 6 cyl $1150 ii oiiicneu. o pass., o cyl.. overnauiea 1150 1000 550 600 400 600 650 1200 FORDS FORDS NEW AND USED i Ford Auto and Radiator RUSHLIGHT & PE Authorized Ford 863 EAST' BRO Phone East FORDS UasMaU VU IN p!?Brlnc. Agents 03. Ilia UK team blnrJi-., mare and norw. n- u. good workers, single or double. Crown Bu llet, sua roni s. I - ;t Portland Used Car Store 25 N. Broadway at Burnside. I'bone Broadway 616. LOOK FOR THE YELLOW FRONT. LtVESTOCHt S.I ViiL trade 4 good cows, f reeh Jan 8. for Ford. will sell on. or elL Horn. .after 4 p. m. P1H .t r north. 824 H Vaughn st. amlllTcowa for sale Will exchsnge for dsiry cows; Liberty bond aweptea ae rao. 9n I., a. UIan 240 K- Btb ST. WANT to buVGuinea pigs, cash. Main i00o or Tabor 82H2. f-QR BALE Fresh Durham cow. -1819 Kell y. ' r"c."iodfsmlly eow. 302 Front t. FOR JUST NEW CARS Go to Cooler's. Ha haa them, all kinds. aTl sixes, all prices, all overhauled, aU ready to run. A written guarantee witn every car. The best I dark green. uu; . on earui. iooa terms, xaoeny oonaa ac- oiTI.TRT. PIOEOHS. PET STOCK 17 IfcKAE'H flork of trap-nested wnue ccpted on cars. 1 I.i.nd Keds has been moved Conlev's Used Car Center ' Entire second floor, not downstairs. Big brick A Number of Others to Select From. We will accept your old car as part payment Used Car Dept. Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co. cast first at East Morrison its. Phonea East 7272; B-1216. FORD DELIVERY CARS 1918 Ford delivery, brand new. beautiful Harriett panel body finished in maroon. If you want class here's your chance. 1917 Ford delivery, finest condition, express body, roll curtains, finished in red and black. 1916 Ford delivery, finest condition, express body, roll curtains, brand new 4ody finished in AUTOMOBILES WANTED . i9 WILL trade 4 good cows, fresh" jln 8. for Ford, or will sell one or all. Home alter 4 p. 23d st. car north.' 824 V4 Vaughn bU WANTED, to buy a 1917-1918 Ford R. ; will nav cash. Main 1845. A-1818. 172 3d st. HIGHEST prices paid for automobiles, eondt ttornno object. 121 N. 3d St. Bdwy. 2629 AUTOS FOB HIKE 68 AUTOS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DRIVERS. Brand new cars. Reasonable ratee. ' Fearing V Robnett. City Garage. 86 10th. Between Stark and Oak. Broadway 840. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS FOR HIRE rvT7CTfMAN A SULLIVAN. MARSH. 232 10TH AND YAMHILL A-1236 FORD, competent driver, $1.50 per hour; go anywhere. A. H. Winter. Tabor loan, MOTORCYCLES, BICYCLES 6$ Terms if desired. na o. . , . from MilwaiAie. Or., to McKenna rara rm w farm. Portland. Or., where both "J? nnd.r the irsonal snansgement of nnaer me - tn nn wiun secona iioor, not uownsrairs. nig nncg Ks. White Leghorn chicks. 20 " building, entrance 127 Lownsdale. S. W. corner cents each; hatching eggs half the pric e ot 16Ul ajjd w.shingtoI1 gtfc chicks. Bed hatching eggs only, at 5 to J0 s. r i."ra. Mtr.r.. Park Poultry Fartn. McKe'nna ae. 'and I-ombsrd St.. Portland, Or.. WE WISH ymt all a Merry ChriFtms. snd a , kih ,.n will certainly en- O, '.rWu wi!l V.U and see" u. for Uv. and ' dressed poultry, etc. We retail at wnoiesaie " CASH PRODUCE CO. ' v.ln 42. Cor. Front and Morrison. 5T" fTiOROiTGHBHED beauties. Barred Rock March-April laying pulleta. $2 up; 40 White .. u . rhnrru. 11.25: horse, harness. , . .I . i.v.v.. trm bnzgv. cheap. &viiu caTto SUrk; walk 8 blocki west to ' Portable Rabbit Hujches . n wiiii.m Tabor 629. 6125 E. 82d nir. ' a, 1 ' ti u...t. t'mm Inrae birds. O. Al O. best laying strsn. $3 each. Mrs. K i Frakes. Scappoose. Or. . PHONE BROADWAY 2656. 1917 FORD, 5 pass.. Just been overhauled: 8 brand new tires, demountable rims, $450. 1914 Buick. 5 pass.: will trade for a later model, o or 7 pass. car., some cash difference. 1917 Buick Six. 5 pass.. $1150. 1917 Ford truck, $425. USED CAR MARKET West Park and SUrk Residence I'bone East 6005. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR CO. E. 8770 E. 13th and Hawthorne are. WE HAVE THE FOLLOWING AND A GOOD MANY MORE TO SELECT FROM. TERMS TO DESIRABLE PARTIES; AND LIBER TY BONDS ACCEPTED. .$300 . 550 . 750 . 395 . 475 . 600 BICYCLES for Christmas: the best for the least money. Bee our selection Deiore purcnasing. TV. .r, i the lo rent district. 4U8 Haw thorne avenue. S4 form to bar -some EMERSON RECORDS at 85a or 3 $1.00. for Chriat- Latest hits of dances or songs. Here's a few of the many good pieces: "He's Got Those Big, Blue Eye Like You. Daddy Mine" eoio. A Canoe sons solo. FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS 1 MAI TREES Choice aelectioB. beat and cheapest place to buy. on account of large stock. 6th and Yam hill, by Journal bids. To Prove to Portland That Our "Qlir Qhrn" proee-s beata them alt. OUr Oil TP we win sharpen six blades mb. W Km.f nvrhina vott shave with. free. We sharpen anything you shave Money hack if not the beat you ever nseo. Shrp'1 Shop, 226 Morrison at "bur FERTILIZER Old rotted manure for . ROSES. LAWN and GARDEN. Big scavenger wagon loads delivered. 53. East tTMHRAVS REAL APPLE CIDER Clean and Dure, made fresh daily. Come in and ; ree it made. Lots of Hood River apples, $1 box and np. ' 1108 Hawthorne, between 37tn ana asin. USED PIANO BARGAINS'" J. & C, Fischer Ainsworth. mahogany ........ Ehrhardt, oak case , Strauss A Sons, large size . . . . , Corl, like new . 180.50 . 250.00 . 278.00 SEWING macbinea. new and see niul hni sold for lew: no urn La emDloved. Complete boa of parts tor all make machines, re- Mlnl anil U.m fi 4 S 1 . SEWING MACHINE KMPOrtlUM 190 3d. near Taylor st. Manv other hieh arade slightly used pianos at especially attractive prices and special Christr terms. EEED-FRENCH PIANO MFG. CO.. '435 Washington st. mm mm Tennswss and Port Orford cedar, copper trimmed: latest designs; factory prices. Factory , K. Ulisan. bet. 76th and 76th. Tabor sils. 1 AM the best and cheapest clothes washer, can solve your servant problem My name the THOR ELECTRIC WASHING MACHINE. Yon can learn all about me bv telephoning Smith-McCoy Electric Co.. Bdy. 2686. Liberty Pongs accepted at par value. 571 W Washington st. wai conras it FOR SALE or trade, good 1 horse wagon and bnggy for eow. 709 W. sow st, v sucouver. Wash. FOR SALE Piano, rash $230. or will trade lor automobile. Mrs. aa. jucnaras. i V Main at.. Vancouver. Wash. WILL sell or trade IS aacks of pots toe. What have yout. Col. 148. 1859 Chants anna. TWO New Zealand does and cash for girts bicycle. Phone Tabor NOTICES SI mtHTSTMAS SPECIALS $125 Swick A Co. upright piano, ebony! .re. ' $135 Remme A Long piano, good practice pianc. $175 Automatic Mnsical Co. piano. $286 Almost new Kohler & CsmpbeJ. res nlar S400 stvle. $300 8. W. Miller piano; regular $450 stvle. - $842 Just tike new Shattnck oak piano: regular. $425 style s $678 P. 8. Wick player-piano, good as I new: regular 900. flnlandid line of rood rjiance to be sacrificed. We must have cash to meet heavy iceomlng shipments. If you want a good piano cheap, don't fail to look theso over. WAKEFIELD MUSIO CO.. 427 Washington st. Electric Motors Bought, sold, rented and repaired. Walker Electric Works, 418 Rnrn aide. corner 10th. Broadway 5674. JOHNSON'S PURE APPLE CiDER MADE ON TTIH PREMISES DAILY. 247 YAMHILL BET. 2D AND 8D. "MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS.- Typewriters and "Household Goods" are separate claastfl-eation-. All advertiaemcnta of these goods are published under their respective classifications. LOOK THEM OVER TM f ff1ES drop bead sewing macbinea with vi I UiUU attachments: all are in very good condition. Sewing machines rented at $8 per month. Phone East 2359. or B-S307. E. K. Btecn. 162 Grandjve.. near Behaoat. 1918 CLEVELAND light motorcycle, perfect condition, cheap. Evenings or Sunday 1027 E. 33d st. N. Alberta car. LEAVING city, must sell twin H-D. A-l condi tion, fully equippea. oee ncnacraoo, ou Wells-Fsrgo bWg. FOR SALE Cheap, bicycle, Herbert Johnson, 850 Alder, or Tabor sa l. Ford roadster, extra equipment ...... Chevrolet touring, lots of extras Series 18 Studebaker. good condition . Overland touring, mechanic take notice 1916 Reo. a real buy 6 cyl. Overland tourinfr, refinished . . Oldsmobile Co, 37-39 Broadway. HARLEY-DAVIDSON. 3 speed, A-l condition, fully equipped. East 2135. $ S8 CASH trays good used $123 Parlor Organ. $ 85 Cash buys good used $250 Angelus Player. $65 Cash buys small used $275 Upright Piano. 9 75 Cash buys small used I1UU t'pngni nano. $190 Cash buys used Kimball $409 Upright $265 Cash buys new stored $450 Upright Piano. $275 Cash buya used Crown loon upngnx $290 Cash buys new stored $475 Upright Piano. $395 Cash buys nearly new $760 Player Piano, tins r..h him nearlv new S960 Plaver Piano. Part Cash, Bonds and other Securities accepted. Pianos Bought and boil for uun oniy. Storage 50o month. Phone Main 6321. SECURITY STORAGE CO., 1 em ou FIG PUDDING, salad dressing, sweet pickles. olives, mince meat, homemade aaner kraut, for your Christmaa dinner. When atiopping in cen tral Market, look for stall 14. 4th and YamhUL J. II. Bnrk. proprietor. LAUNCHES Alf D BOATS 64 WANT to buy a houseboat of 4 or 0 rooms, H-881, Journal. PIANOS. ORGAN'S. MUSICAi INSTRUMENTS $4 BRONZB " turkeys, big. vlyorons range oc: bens $7.60; toms $12.50. O. J. Van Avery. 1tMn 9 Indeoendence. Or. . TllREE does, 2bred. 1 with young. 1 bncji arid 5 young, 7. oaua-ouin bi... -R. W. $20.' U3U3 tWO young Poland China sows, 69th st., cor. 68d sve. S. E. '9 R. t. RED chickens 6 months old. $9. 69th St.. cor. oou aveo. r,. E fi ,inrnnR IHI.AND REDS ' eorkerels for sale.. Wdln. 685 t-fin nlf.F White Ijeghorn h millets, good stock. Bell. S045. 6303 ack Minoroa and some SAVE FEED I guarsntee to pick layers. l snor the non- fTTp. HALF Young pullets. Tsbor 8745. DOGS, BIRDS, PETS. ETC. 4$ WninINS in pedigreed Flemish GianU, blacks, grays and dark steel grays, all ages. Prices $2 snd up. Hill Top Babbitry. Oswego, Or. Box la'-". S39VHV9 J'HICKEN HOU8ES WOOD SHEDS ' vox. See samples I at oe uooa st, Main 1167 Millmade Construction Co. n ;t WANTED MEN AT ONCE In the Big Practical School to learn to operate and renair intnmnMlai tractors and trucks. Special day and niirht cusses. Students can enter at any time. Call or mn nempnura lraae ucnoola, 707 Hew- inome ave.. ai utn st. NEW TIRES What brand of new tires do j yon prefer? We have them, all ; makes and sires. Also we make 1 the famous O-V-C Double Tread (sewed) tires and do all man ner of tire repairing. Oregon Vulcanizing Co., 1918 FORD ROADSTER 191 8 $500.00 Car in perfect condition throughout. for quick sale, with liberal terms. WANT a used piano for an Xmas glftT Big sav ing for you if you choose one from our large stock. Among them are well known makes. Sterling, Hobart M. Cable. Smlin c oarnea. I ester. Story A Clark and many others. Spe cial terms if desired. REED-FRENCH PIANO MFG. CO.. 435 Washington st 68 North 23d St Main 780. D. C. WARREN MOTOR CAR CO. 1918 VELIE 1918 vcv. .re not aeenta for the Edison. Vlctrola. Grafonola or Stradivara, yet you win ima au these instruments for sale on our floor at re A.A nrieea. Whv is this so 7 Because peo ple trade them to us in part payment for the RrnnswicK pnonograpn. loej asm " i that the Brunswick tone is better. 427 Washington st. Will stand big loss and aell on easy terms; car I OUR record service is junexeelled. We carry in absolutely perfect condition throughout: run 4000 miles on pavements. Best of reasons for selling. 1a U. XtAXUSXtACn. 68 N. 23d st. , Mala 780. GUARANTEED AUTO REPAIRING. PROMPT SERVICE. EXPERIENCED MERCHANICS. GIVE US A TRIAL CHAPMAN REPAIR CO. CHAPMAN 8T BET. YAMHILL TAYLOR. Maui 1191. VMnr r'nlnmhla and ; Edison records. - REED-FRENCH PIANO MFG. CO. 435 Washington st. Phonographs and records bought, sold. Mchaneed and rented. Expert repair ing. 142 2d. near Alder, upstairs. WE HAVE THEM Victor. Columbia, Edison ml Stradivara phonographs. Come early, better selections now than later. Cash or terms i - to suit. HEEIX KEM.I1 riAau am, 4 35 Washington st. BETSDINtTTnd canary bUds for sale or trade 888-835 Burnside. near Broadway. in, ntiicKens.' ox i jn1, inu ' t. . . .- ear. ' FOR SALE White pink-eyed Angora guinea pigs. 15c-25c esc-h. K. Bman. imn u liama are., cor. Wiedler st. Inquire in. grocery. THOMPSON'S bird store buys and sells guar .t.4 hlrrl. Call or address 957 Missis- slppe ave., Portland. Or. ilEAUTIFUL orange singers for sale. 346 Ross St. VMt 4971. tan aiier noon. WANTED AUTO, LATE MODEL; WILL TRADE MY 5 PASSENGER CAR AND PAY $200 CASH. 393 QAK ST. i n finn PHONOGRAPH ' RECORDS THIS IS TOUR CHANCE 1 Don't forget we carry over !." "ras lor fTVJ. r. f V.. lof hnn In tn. tn.V I TAinn. Victor. i;olUmoia ana oruillWKS. T1 in, i v.. ; n j... , , . l ). l reeora ana uiHtiuuo iwmi, . 1. inn maraei. vit ui". , a-r-mjiii . rr.innw r. truck with roadster body complete: Universal tilatea every it. " filler in front tires. This truck haa four speeds, giving it .unlimited power; am leaving city and must selL . uawy. chine Co.. 350 Alder. Brrscoe i ITOR - BALE Fin jouna singer canary birds, .. wi rr Oil Q Q "":r. '"TJ'ZL ii Ro . Mf- a Repairs. 8000 franteed U ivs DALib rmir , , i axocK ; prices reoucea. w. iota st. each. 2H7 uidds si. THOROUGHBRED rabbits for sale cheap. 1925 Oregon. If you want a good little roadster, here you I rison at. are. 1918 Briscoe, in A-l condition, .race is right, good terms given. 522 Alder. ifn nivit inst the record you have been looking for. A clear and noiseless one. Come in and let us demonstrate these OKeH records. Ask anyone who has heard them how wonderful they are. The Sahlstrom Corporation, 405 MoT- Club Roadster TWO beautiful Angora kittens for sale. 1. yel- low and one pit re wnne. mh at do c. uui. PERBlANklttena for ssle. Broadway 4556. This Is a dandy little car, a Briscoe. Is right, terms reasonable. 522 Alder. 1918 FORD SEDAN. $696 Price FORD TOURING CAR BODIES We have five 1917 and 1918 Ford touring ear bodies complete with wind shields, for sale cheap. FRANCIS MOTOl tAK CU East 8770. E. 13th and Hawthorne ave. AUTOMOBILES. MOTORCYCLES. LAUNCHES or boats are asperate classifications, a large listing can be found under these different flseri- ficatlona. TERTILIZER Best rotted cow and horse manure, big scav enger wsgon loads delivered. East 58". $12,50 to $15 SEWINO MACHINES Guaranteed. We rent a no repair. 172 8d St.. near YamhUl Main 1846. A-l 81 8 NOTICE Pnnn.nt tn rhanter SS4. LaWS of OregOB. 1913. notice fct hereby given tliat the Board of CVranty Commissioner of Multnomah County, ipreffnn rv. .a him i nm sin ui w umi uiw,. 191K. at the hour of 10 o'clock a. as., at their chambers, in the court bouse, Portland. Oregon, as the time and place at wliirh the proposed es timates of taxes lor toe year 11. may d ilinnin A with the ttoard: Following is the estimate of the amounts ol monev tn ha raised for the ensuing year: Registration and election 6 Board of county commbnioners. . 12.000.00 Purchasing department County auditor County assessor (main division).." County assessor (tax division)... Hoard of equalization County treasurer County clerk County sheriff (tax division) .... County sheriff (main division)... County sheriff (jail division)... County veterinarian Sealer of weights and measures.. Court house (janitor department) Court house (mechanical dept. ) . County surveyor State circuit courts. Juvenile court and home placing - department District courts County court The ranch Constable County coroner Insane and feeble minded. District attorney Justice court (Multnomah DiL) Portland municipal court. Superintendent of county schools. Board of health Fruit inspector Multnomah fans (main division). Multnomah farm (farm division). Multnomah hospital Indigent soldit-rs . Hoard of relief Fraaer IH-tention Home aiye bridges and ferries. Widows' prnsions Scalp bounty I'ostaae Real estate .ivestock indemnity O W. bridge rental ounty agriculturist 4 . . . Brand inspector Insurance Roads Damages to William C. Miner, in jured while employed by Mult nomah connty Comfort stat'n. Multnomah Falls Condemnation of property. Crown Point Emergency and contingencies. . . . Interest and, principal on ponded indenteaneea to ne paia oui 01 funds raised by tax levy Rose Festival fund, proeeeda of the levy of one-tenth of a mill upon the assessed valuation, estimated to prouiKw Multnomah county library, the proceeds of a levy of one half of a mill upon the assessed val uations estimated to produce. . New Multnomah county hospital. The probable receipts of the coun ty for the year 1919. from sources other than direct tax ation and the balance on hand December 31. 1918. are esti mated to be aa follows: WAJITED MISCELLANEOrs WANTED People of Portland t know thaTT . Bar highest cash price for ssnnnd hand hnms hold good. No amount toe asrga or w Prompt attention. IS. SL. B CATCH, Phone East 2208. ,143 RawseB st. $7.50 for Second-Hand Suits Meier, the tailor, pays moat for eJethtne .i (boss. Ws call day sr sTaning. Marshall 122$ or 8Z asaauOT. . 813 I Qkxnb n PorUand. Front Ut Oliailrv VUs Oregon. Hides Metals Robberv Write for prices and anrprima vsgs aism !. GOLDSTEIN The Tail or pays highest prices for ladW and gentlemen's suita. sUessea, ate. Broadway 8982.. g a a itqrwsMie. ManhaU S.2IDELL V, 11SJ Ji t-IUL-LL Front et We pay the hie Bert nrtre fnp aarand-faaml toola, junk, pipe, etc.; will can promptly. EMERSON RECORDS 85e or 3 for $1.00 Double Dbo. "Smiles." fox trot. No. 7392.M "Everything Is Peaches Down in Georgia, solo. No. 7405. . .... Hello. Central, -uive ate rno man a una. step. . THE SAxI L8TKUM UUHrUBSUU.1 405 Morrison street. Open until 10 every evenins until after Christmas. POTATOES $1.20 up: Mve or dressed chickens, dried corn, kraut, crochet yoke. Bring con tainers. Cabbages, aqnash $1.60 sk. Douglas farm. H mile south Troutdaie. BICTCTJ.S SnnM1 sal for the holidays. Pricea have advanced bnt we aell at the old prices. Purchase for cash and save money. 408 Hawthorne ave. ELECTRIC wiring and repairing. We employ onlv eomnetent electricians. Smith-McCoy Elec. Co.. Bdy. 2686. 671 Washington st. PRINTING FOR LESS 50 wedding invita tnn. ne snnmineementa for 83.50: general commercial printing: beat work: prompt deliv ery; try na. Smith, printers. 204 SUrk at. WHY an everlasting aggravation by a leaky roof T Why not a permanent and Indestrnctible roof? We oxidise and renew all kinds of leaky roof. 60S Tourney tmg. atain . Phonographs and Records for Gifts It is hard to think of a more universal ac ceptable .gift for Christmas than a phonograph. Now is the time to select your Christmaa pho nograph while our stocks are eomplete. Our $47.50 Mah-Urafnnola IS a winner. terms. S. & D. Phpnograph bhop 172 8d. near Yamhill. I clMPt.R SC1TS for men. young men. sixee 84 I k tt It a 44 and 46: also ruc SMAT,L) Columbia phonograph jm records I trousers; some 'dress shlrtt for men and boya. iid: victor mar nine, nae new. tiv. vwiuur t- nr nnces pnono wu,us. , . v. - u 3.655.00 H. 9 2 0.O0 4H.5UM 22 1.920.00 905.00 8.100.85 69.032.OO 48.805.00 63.020.00 29,220.00 500.00 446.90 82.111.60 66.342.80 4.983.00 65.000.00 16.500.00 16. 140.00 7.2BO.O0 7.000.00 16.895.00 10. HIS. 00 4.750.00 11.147.O0 160 00 500.00 5.450.00 8.945.00 1.525.85 63.156.00 19.311.76 62.687.00 35.0O0.W0 22,555.00 10.000 00 21H.4H6.77 M). 0O0.00 25.00 5.0110 00 1,000 00 8.800.O0 48.867 96 1.600.00 25.00 8.400.00 623.187.50 4.258.88 ' 8.000.00 6.000.00 40.000.00 171.280.00 82.600.00 163.000.00 200.000.00 BUSY TAILORS Highest pricea paid for etnthtng. Talk ion wiu oe eaiesnea. sroeawa 1021. OVER THE TOP, $ Spot cash for -tecond-hand sn old shoes. Mam 788. or buyer PERSONAL TRY THE PETERSON 70Ud its. orcoata. .i I areX II PLAN Late winter and'early siinng samples Women are taving bait at Peterson's Mairafi rurera Bample Outlet on suits, coats, dr waists, petticosts. Take elevator. 2d Iksec. room Zli.l r-lttnrs Mnrl - TELL your own fortune with a deck of those wonderful Fortune Picture cards. Instrae. tlve srTrl rdurattamal. . With full direction. Price $1 On. M. L. Hease. 48 82d street. Mil. waukee. W la. GLASSES AT A 8ATI.NU I solicit yon- patronage on tha basts ef rape Us sernca, Tbovj. sands of aatlaftMl miimm. i'K.. OMmin, ootor-etrt.t. 20(1 Mnrrioaa COME IN and est both tmr r- n.t n tor i oy lr. uton. the CHIROPODIST that doesnt hurt you. 8 yearl tn Portland: exam. free. Globe Theatre bMg.. 11th snd Wsh Bdy. 2824. WHEN you hsve trk-d everylJifng on the rhen msttc calendar and siren no as a hrmeleM eua. como and see Jsck King. No cure, no pay, 326 r-tsrs si. (.entlenien only hi PERFLT1OU8 hslr. mole, warta. removed by . I needle method; trial free. Josle Flniey. 614 Bush A Lane bMg Main 6S68. COLDS, nervousness, excesses treated without druga b "Brea thine Inui.n. .ai Macleey bldg. DH U. V. KETCHIM. woman. n....ii acute diseaaaa of men. Washington hM. AtM PhntM Marshall 448. and Washington. TO all parties concerned: 1 will tint h sible for any bflla eMrtnrlni v nk F. W. WELDON. We I don or Ruth Currie. UL Kl-NA 8'KKNoe..N. (OS Panama bide. I)ruW- phrstcisn ; ennrtrstWtei ne rbeumatteav MRS. MABEL HARRF.R. ap'.ritual adviser; daily 1 0 to B. 146 11th st. Broadway 82887 CLEAN your own home with new elect rie vacuum cleaners; $1 a day deliv'd. M'a 7 676. LADY HABUKKs Shsve 15c. hairmt 25c. fao maare 88c. 825 Ollssn.omer 6th. MRS 07.I.N. sptrituaust atd pslmuiry taachet. acientiio Wme. GRENELL. treatments. 280 fsca and seals Fleidner bldg. Bdw. 1668. Ptt0rE5S!ONAL AND' BUSINESS DIRECTORY AOOOROCOa) PLAITINd. HKMaTtTOHIBia WE CUT, HKM AND PLEAT SKIRTS. A1I General fund 287.6OO.00 sttMSTITCULNO lies Rod fund 10.0O0 00 k n a s g- ils xw s v n r . s . a w e e 00 r in rs ot. ToUl $ 297.600.00 The following ta a statement showing the total of all the taxes for the ensuing year levied by tax levying authorities within the Jurisdiction of Multnomah county so far as the same have been reported at the date of publication of thia advertisement: City of Portland $8,861,000.00 Port of Portland 661.707.60 Com m Melon of public docks, Port land Town of Troutdaie Town of G pennant Union High School IXstrirt Na 1 I nion High School District Na 2 School IKstrict No. 1 BDWY. 3009. HEMSTITCHING and plcnte. AU work guar anteed. Singer Sewing lick Co 408 Hash fngton and 10th. HEMSTITCHING. He per yard. 860 U rison at. Room 405. bet. Bdwy. and Park at. ANTIQUES UtO BRA 60, copper, curios, taoeetr and as Hwelry bought end sold. $53 Id st ANTIUUB and all kinds of furniture! ' oiere salvage Co.. BIS Washington, st. EAT HORSE MEAT BcTto for lesa than half the price of ether at. Passes tbnmngh Inspection. 149 1st st. bla machine and 11 records only $20. SOCLE BROS.. 166 10th st., near Morrison. FOR SALE Edinon phonograph, 60 $16. Phone Tabor 2974. records. I BEACTIFCL black opal dinner ring with ten diamonds, cost azzo; siou casu 01 uocriy bonds. Phone Woodlswn iai. TYPEWRtTERB ' " FERTILIZER Old rotted cow, horse and sheep manure de livered anywhere. Call after 6 p. m. Main 7820. GUARANTEED factory rebuilt typewriter, '"all makes," sold on monthly payment. Send for price list The Wholesale Typewriter Cow. re- tail dent.. 821 Washington St. FOR SALE 1 ton Ford truck attachment, cheap. Oliver Chilled Plow Works, corner E. 1st and Taylor st. WILL exchange new Victrola, Edltaon, Brans wick or Grafonola and records for good type writer. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. aou Aiaer. HIGHEST prices paid for dlamonda. watches and Jewelry. Repairing a specialty. Reiner Jewelry Co.. 449 H Washington at. HOT water tanks, all slsea, tn good, eervieeehle emuUtion. 80 gaL 87. 40 gaL 89. 201 SPOT cash paid for your old Understood. Royal Adams st. East end Btcel ondge. fnone a. 8516. or Li. V. smitn typewriter. Exchsnge. Main 4660. 428 Railway J poxATOES 2c per pound: very choice smooth Burbanks, aeepera. uraers 01 a sacks de- TYPE WRITERS rented, repaired, exchanged. I rrvered. rnone im. 0010. Tvoe writer supplies. I FOR SALE Christmaa trees, all oixea: aln REMINGTON TYPEWRITER CO.. 88 BroacTy. I nol pears. Tabor 8727. 1492 E, Oak at. on E. 65th. nnrSEHOLl) GOODS run. HALE iFOK balk CHtAi- vnite mr aet, never worn. room saoor 12m or U-JBBS Mon day after 9:30 a. m. FURNITURE for sale and Cat to rent. 8860. Mais ALL models Brunswick and Stradivara pbono eraDha. the all-record machines: Path and Oke H. records, all the latest numbers. 1 SOULE.BROS.. i 166 10th St., near Morrison. ' FOR SALE Household goods. 1304 E. 8th st. N.( Woodlawn. OAK davenport, fine condition; Yaxley vacuum cleaner. Tabor 2230. FTJBITTJRB tTAIv'TED 74 1918 FORD tounng. mohair top, mirror, light intensifler, speedometer and .n,o ' 0 . , , jut avio w vmmm. ivra .ugna car. in wimw. i . . . . . . . . , 1 , , AI'TOM OBI LE ACCESSORIES 44 tlon.lly good, mechanic.: ndttion; xkI tirea, "Wtancl HrTeV 00 ifta tlrSBiM. WONDERFUL bargains in new and used pUni CABINET grafonola, dark finish and 65 high class records. 35 Red Seal, bought few 1 4- in nerfeot condition, cost X 9 1 n robe raU take $145 cash. Phone Mar. 3242. Sun- dav. 10 to 12 s, m. oniy. VMl the man who is looking tor a good de- livery car, have the very thing. Nearly new Briscoe, in good condition. Come and see it. 622 Alder. ("A1IH nald (or old cars. . condition no ebiect: parts for all makee of ear. Oregon Auto Ex Changs. 120 Lownsdale at 16th nd Washing- ton. Broadway 38UB. . " FORD-TRUCK " 1918 Ford 1 ton worm drive truck, only used vgry little, inst ss good as new, with open express body. Woodlawn 1427. ' MOTORS, Gearings, Bearings. Wheels, Axles and Trailers Ws wreck sll makes of cars and sell their food parts at half price. David Hodes Co., " Broadway and Flanders st. Broadway 196. Bio- Hccn PARQ PRICES stock uonu jrno right COVEY MOTOR CAR CO.. Slst and Washington sts. Main 6244. cash or bonds. Woodlawn 754. No terms. 1065 E. 15th N. for$695; $376 cash, balance on term, Tabor 1 mo, ' nivnv KtM k .. M. , 1 1 , , V ' ".uaiiicai COn- 1 -, -vrtr. -.t lit. n V.. J. ninon. tor i . tiza nnvn aK 1 idiu i vi. . . - c-v.n mc- Broadway 2482. Eellv. liren box that fits on rear; $375: terms v have what you want. Liberty bonds at face vaine " ciatttw tna 166 10th St.. near Morrison. Easy terms or $103 down, $25 per month. D-867, Journal. 1918 COUNTRY club Overland for sale cheap for cash, Montgomery Garage. Front and Montgomery. lUNDY Ford touring. Ores almost, new. $360, $140 down. $26 per month, no red tape. Kelly, nroadway zvz FORD touring: must sell st once; one man top, ' ' special brakes, manifold, etc., $375. 855 Salmon, corner Park. MAXWELL 1919 touring, will 30 brand new: trade7 light car and terms on difference. Grand ave. N., near Burnside. CAN use your Ford or Chevrolet if you can use my 1919 Maxwell Touring car. Call Adam. Tabor 630 - ' 1917 FORD touring body, in good condition; cuvnp, f-UO, fUUUMl, . BTITnlrB A lrvw 1017 ; , . ... . , . , , , ,vuiuir, just e new, 1 . - , n , t : j:.t WU1 consider light car or Ford, balane. wrarin-, 1 ux., . uiuon. . a , 1 .nn, ,,i ar nr, i ii mu. i in n i.nn lenns. ov unna are. near nurnside. nnnaider Ford in trade, balance terms. Grand ave. N-, near -Burnside. Will 80 BRUNSWICK BRUNSWICK Hear the new Brunswick phonograph; plays all records. We carry all models from $32.50 up Special terms. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 1913 BUICK in good order, electric light and IF "you have the cash will give you bargain on p vvr vjt: wima. t A A -X A nnQ ITfl, LATE MODEL FORD TOURING This ear is In good condition. $525. Easy terms. . i oa ajuuco, OA. IF you are looking for a bargain come and i tee mine. East 43d. I 564 In a Font xnvision, corn late Ford roadster. Electric starter and Other lextras. Tabor 4 573. BUICK runabout, good knockabout car; a gnap at 8350; terms. su urana ave. ix.. near I Burnside. . i DON'T be afraid because it is cheap, 1-ton delivery, in fine codition, $300, $100 down, $20 per month. Bdwy. 2492. Kelly. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 1 EDISON phonograph and 65 records. $15 if tsken at once, odud etn si., cor. 03a ave. 8. E. , ' HIGH oven. 4 bnmer Peninsular gas range. cheap. Phone SelL 386. Call 499 Kenil worth are. near 28th. A FOLDING baby buggy, almost new. Phone 1780. , for $5. Read Important Read Ws carry greater assortment ef new and tried merchandise than any store tn the elty. There la hardly aa item we do not buy and eeU. W speeailix tn shelf and heavy hardware. sporting gooaa. nousenoia gooas, owe lunytareb hotel and camn supplies. When you have anything to buy or sell, can or pnon. Mala 9072 A-71T4. LEVIN HARDWARE FURNITTTRB CO zzi-s-o r roni sr.. cor. naimon. School Itstrict Now 8 School District No. 4 8-hool rtistrict No. T School District No. 8 School Iitstrirt No. 9 School District No. 10 School District No. IS Srhool IH-trlct No. 14 School District Na 16 Kehool Dtetrirt Na 19 ' Rchool Instrirt No. 20 Srhool In-trict No. 28 School Instrirt No. 25 School IHstrirt No. 26 School District No. fix School I KM net No. 29 School Diitrict No. 81 School District No. 82 School District No. 88 School Instrirt No. 85 School Instrirt No. 86 School District No. 88 School District No. 89 School Instrict No. 42 School District No. 43 School District No. 44 Krhoot Instrict No. 45 School District Na 46 School District Na 4 8 School Instrict Na 49 School District Na 60 School Instrict No. 61 School District Na 62 School Instrict Na 6 School Ihstrict Na 9 Srhool District Na 15 School Itwtrict Na 42 School Instrict Na 2 School District Na 67 Rchool District Na 88 School District Na 84 Bt-AUTT SfCOILIT ' CPKHFLL'OL'B hair deatroyed forever by Ma- eus Bwetland bldg ttple Needle Method. FIRST CLASS kitchen stove. Come and see for yourself. 378 4 6th. Hawthorne car. FOR SALE A sideboard, or swap for dresser. Bdwy. 3068. 95 N. 13th. FUR coat, seal muff and collar and taupe coat. Call Marsh. 2961. WARNING is given against buying or selling any furniture withont determining if artirlx are fully paid for. Furniture bought on con ditional sale and sold before final payment is a criminal ofiense. N. w. rnmlture Dealers Assn. Msin 8608. DUBRUILLB TOP TO. 9th at Oak. Broadway 1664 BARGAINS in used tires; no Junk; new tire also: vulcanising and retreading. Vulcan Tire Shop. 41 Grand avq $195 LIGHT five passenger car In Al condi tion; will demonstrate. Crown Stables, 285 Front st . CHALMERS bug. has new top, 4 good tires. For particulars call Columbia 315. CAN save you money .on truck body. 389 Ev erett. ! CHEVROLET touring, 1918, like new, $700, with terms, au Urand ave. near Burnside. fiCBT aell my 1918 Maxwell touring ear at X-614, Journal. LATE model 1918 Oakland Six, extra equip ment, tip top shape. 155 Grover st. WANT a small ind-hsnd truck. Ford preferred. Wdln. 782. . ilUST sell my nearly new 1918 Maxwell tour ? Ing car. A-l hape. M-P67. Jonr-al. WILL seU my 1917 MaxweU cheap. x-l" " toemaL CPOT cash paid for used csrs. Deera Used Cat Clearing House. Grand are, and B. Stark. WILL 11 my iiuoson speedster chi a.i 206T)OWN buys 1917 MaxweU roaclster. good Gvnuiuon - au-uh, j.aoor no v. ' I... , ,!' . T t T y, . 1111 oii-.o-r.s, i-paas., m tine con dition, at reasonable price. Bdwv. 2409 $800 DOWN bun my 1918 MaxweU touring ssr. Call Tabor 630. GA SOI JN K 20 CENTS A GALLON. OILS AND - misABts. rAOT CO., 186 1st ClAKAMUiP auto repairing for late, KaM - ill. . V8ED CARS Tbo street ts full Uif them rne on orer. etn anq jouen. $30,000 WORTH OF USED CARS. GERS GARAGE. RTAU Tn AK1 COUCH. LET US SELL YOl'R CAR. QUICK ACTION. BTAHiEH B t.AHAtiK. TH AND COUCH. SPOT CASH FOR YOUR FORDS '- Francis Motor Co.. 18th and Hawthorn. - a ST CHANCE Marmon bug goea for $225 R. C Julian. Cornel) ua hoteL . BUICK 4 touring, 1917; fine condition; a snap at $650, with terms. 30 Grand are. N., near Burnside. AM owering a 1917 MaxweU with 4 good tires, in good condition, i-i the low price of $685, and wiU give liberal terms. See it at 522 Alder. 1916 MAXWELL in A-l condition, repainted. good tires, for sale at bargain. $525.; terms. Call East 1962. ' 1914 FORD touring, finest condition, lots of extra equipment, newl? painted. $360. Terms $100 down, $20 per month. D-868, Journal. 50 USED CARS TO PICK FROM AT 8'1'Al GER GARAGE, STH AND COUCH. AN Olbs. auto for sale, also' 100x100, near 8t- Johns. Can East 4366. $12.50 CASH sends new piano borne; $12.50 lirered. call Tabor 4213. J.nuT-$8 ced" FINE fresh home grown apple, for sale. Main "rins Sctiwan Piano Co.. Ill 4th st. . 2"2- i . THE NEW EDISON PHONOGRAPH FOR-.,iiAL xtTin' 2 o , onC'' ttfath hom row Hear the new Edison diamond disc phono- Pplwt- M1n 2-1.. graph Indestrnctible records. Special terms. Hy- POSTCARD magic lantern, good as new; will att Talking Machine Co.. 350 Alder. aell cheap. Phone B-3371. 1100 CASH or more paid tor good used upright FOR SALE, steel range! fine baker. 6647 pianos by the Security Storage Co. - Can 82d st. S. E. Phone Tabor 4809. Main 6323. 109 4th st-j FOR SALE 32 special Winchester riOe. proe" WIIA there be a Victrola in your home for D-1746. Xmas? Our easy plan will solve the question. WE have new ana. second-hand safes, moderate Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. price. 46 Front. Broadway 1966? RICCA. modern. $188; Hchsffer. fine tone. ED V. PRICE A CO., TAILORING. $175: autopiano player. $838. Harold B. 409 E. MORRISON ST. ?eTt- 8 J"b"?,f . c r- - TOfCALLEP for trnormYdei-iU $12.80 up. $190 CASH buys $410 dull mahogany Kurt. Taylor the Tailor. 289 H Burnside st, man upright piano at Security Storage Co.. -,,.-.. ; j 109 4th st. st Washington st VACUUM cleaners sold, repaired, rented, - 1o 4tn st. st vasningTonsj. . changed, bought. Bentley Co.. Main 8582. IF you are going to store your piano, respon- ,..,., . sible party Would (riW good care for use ot f,.""?,' JSl eT" same; no children. H-870,Jonrnal. Davis Co.. 212 8d at Mala 797 EDISONphof.ogTaph7oi:n, 100 record. $25"; FOR SALE, first class doll buggy. East 2817. cheap. 680 Water ft COW menu delivered Call Bellwood 465. WANTED r-Piano, pay cash. Mar. 6246. HOUSE and eow manure for sale. Tabor 6634. OWL FURNITURE CO. nr-t 204 We want your used furniture, stoves, carpets and pianos: WiU pay highest cash prlcsa. Call Main 4627. Want Household Furniture WILL PAY CASH Phone Mala 8882. WIGHTMAN-JOHNSON FURNITURE CV 88-90 Grand are. East 7766 Highest price paid for used f-mirore. ear. pets. stoves, ranges, eta We csH prcmptly. tslK BOOK MAK ) DAVIS A HOLM AN, ISC. 10tf2d St.. t !' 00k manufsetarers . A-318S Main lag. E. 8589 CAW-tT CLKANIMa I-LUFF RUGS B-1289 old earpeta. carpet cleaning and iwfntls. w .mm vg , an staea. Mail erdars aiSMnlsd NORTHWEST RUG CU. Former addrs IB t:ni-n . M 188 E. B-1280 (Joint) . (Joint) . (Joint) . (Joint) . (Joint) . (Joint). 818.76 (Joint) . 268.28 (Joint) . 789.7T BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. By RUFUS O. HOLMAN. Chairman. By PHILO HOLBROOK. County Comm. . xy A. , lciv. uounty comm. Dated, Portland. Oregon, December 10, 191$. rim puoiicauon. Ajecemoer 11, 1 V 1 9. Second publication, Ierember 21j 1918, $11,258.20 956.26 8. 000.00 8.528. 83l 10.821.16 1.949.517.00 8.763.00 "41,604 16 405 87 666.00 816.60 409.61 2.675.60 1.116.19 l.AOO 0O 224 60 1.500 00 665.78 445.00 ' 880 66 1.000 00 196.4 8 940OO 1.906.16 9H18 415.40 846 00 1.462 00 1.601! 00 2.S0J.75 654 44 794 99 6.000.00 2.705.85 1.025.19 878.40 . ;M!! Die UAUTNtkU. HPKciALiai ii Coms,BunionsWfflrS!ff,a? .T31 OUOTIOS)L ijiooioo FOB STUDENTS between SUth at. atxl .Otis et 486. 00 V-yZO B-1475 64 Lmne) as. A. F.s.t 6516. JOYCE Hium . ktcina Cleaning Woraa itmf' pete eiaaiMa and laid, refitting out sceeUllgk Eaet 440. H lftA3. 204 R. 19th st N. O M I ROy ) A CTO W DR. LACRA Jt. DOWNING, Broad n 'BIT Druglass Pbrsiciaa 10 t axnat r(. prectJc. Eleetricity. Vibratory Maasage and Diet' DH MeMAHON is nuking good; 81 ) aran " eevew. a a. K-tat terms. OHIMOPOOMTS r llawtnorae ave.. nrlvate lt-m-t-ri tm any ef the grade studies; also high school work. none l a dot ovny. DAN0INO NOTICE OF MEETING OF LANDOWNERS vm Jul 1.1 sumam tUJTTY DRAIN- ' AGE rI STRICT K( 1 Notle is hereby girsn that the board of su pervisor, tas railed a meeting of the owners of land- In Multnomah county drainage district Na 1. to be held on Friday, the 27th day of December. 191. at the bow of 10 e'elork A m . la the Swiss hail 1 Na mi s.e atreet, near Jefferaon street), lm the ctty ef Portland. Or . it which time and plaWb rwners shaU meet for the purpose ef else tin one supervisor who shaU bold his offio for Qualified " nBtiJ nrc elected ad .,.,A M meeting each ewner shall be en- "7 " vow id person or by proxy for - - - mm oy aim In surb die- Dated this nth day of December, 191$. J. EI Kllll A..-, r. - Pr"i.1TOt ""W auperrieoi, Seeretaty. ALTS M. BROWN. Issctwi of das eta toa staee and ballroom rls bH n laa 1 ats l Morrison. Phone Bm4ws 2686. MISS I R ELAN D 10 LESSON H SS $09 TVktna bldg. Personal attenrf-a. T MRS. FLECK'S ACAD1.MX. low 4 ac SaAT room and stage dancing. Class Tnandsy -rf Friday evening Main 2100. Pftrate Ii 11 m PAUL J'. KISSNER. violinist. Room 1. 24f wsnmgton. PROF f i t i r Mala 6610. Tea leesoi T. E. LAW SON Piano ltaanns at your home, I i;ahui.l AJA I , plane, vmj praetice plane. 1 br. day fl me. E 'aa4$lf I 80 year espenenee.. , 76a Tabor 72. w7 ik Bdy. THIKIJiOHN Violin tn 207 PMedner bldg. Broadway 1 . poi 1629 PU SeveM. atAic ADvirmsiRia CUT freight rates oa household goods shfoped east and south. Manning Warehouse A Trans fer Co.. 9th and Hoyt. Broadway 708. A-179S. WILL PAY CASH For ed office fnrirnr. Main 1971. Pacific Stationery A Ptg. Co.. 107 24 WE pay the highest cash price ever paid by anyone in the city for furniture. Call na for one article or s house full. Main 784. pQU paid for furniture, stoves, ranges, heaa. UnOn era. carpets, rugs, dressers, etc. Phone Msr. 2673. Hsrtsell Furniture Co., 841-43 1st. PHONE East 7710 wben you want tn aell your furniture; we will come at once and pay you CASH. M. R. 8 EATER. 848 Hawtl$Vne are. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS GOING East or South f Household goode shipped at reduced rates; moving and packing. Psrifi Coast rant anting Co.. 40 Hoyt a. Bdwy. 701. CRANK LETTER CO.. 612 Royal bldg. MaJtC graphing, mlmeugiaphlng. Marshall 6622. J. IL CLIFTON, painting, tinting, papering. fJT is. 11m sr. nroaaway 4414. Woodlaww lilt PATttir ATTORN IV OOLDHEHU 620 Worrestet bldjl Msla Sail' BALI EM A" DDIMTlMf- F. I lllll I IliU.nd Oeh ete W, 'f, l! M. 15. A-'il6t SPOT cash paid for-misfit clothing. Atlantic Cleaners Alteration Dept Main 6701. WANTED Indian relic. Give particular and lowest price. H-H7H. Jonrna. WAXTKO Klfles. shotguns, o HnrhfleM. H6 8d - Phone SS91. WANT cheap 38 special Smith-Wemoa gun. I 691. Journal. DIAMOND waned. pay caah. What have youf ' aln st, 10 n e .o. WXEIV Girl's bicycle. Tabor $672. PMT6ICIAM6 DR R A PHILLIPS. 906 Broadway baildiag. KBeameusm, lemaie tuaonien, eaia treila, omaeh. hve. kidney, bowsla. UsraaL e-ta. high blond pi sseare. RAZOft AND OWTLKNV ONINOISta TKY THE selety ruat and cutlery gnadet as 302 st. aeev the eowrtb 1 ie. "' 6UH18 9TAa-6 AL0O MTK.NCILA, Trade Cherka, Metal 9gaa sininii iqait itius arnsxa . 6wBroa6ws Broadway 719. A-2716. BRINGING UP FATHER (Copyright. 1918. International New Service) ALTED ARB IMOKIO FISN By George McManus luikA HtaRisa a mo.. . I tribntor ef salted and smoked fish. Tilt I YamhUl at.. Portland. Or. MET THE IXJKE DE PCX-K, II. riO VAi: DO HURR I-M T ! I rTTl I VEUL-l WENT I I Wr fTTj I 1 A . 5 ' - ' :' --'. - - 'y--'. Tstg and rrowAas OREGON TRANSFER CO. " Established 1879 Transfer and Forwarding Igiafg Hterag Free Trackage Of flee and Storage 474 Oilsaa 110s ted GHsea. Broedwey 1281. A-l 199. American. Transfer Storage ' We 4s huc ef aH krada k ee east ef i efty. Baggage gad f nrnitore movtac war a. t etalty. 1 day free etoraga (et ear peioea. I Broadway 4133. 609 Oak at. f S1.WAIB riv & TM "ui jULflhUL,y 1 GOODS SPECIALIST Clmss. mktm. I fa sa movtag. nana isa aate vaa, SpaataJ i C O. PICK TRANSFER A BTORAOE CO W pteecsa ana nm. Broadway , A-l . "STORAGE AND TRANSFER CLAY S. MORSE, INC. 421 FT rulers at. ; G. L. DAVENPORT 'M TRAN8FTB AND S" IHACS 1 ' LOKO-DLtTAMC-B tLIIM - Msta 8676. A-S16A 144- ffVoa PACKlNtJ MOVING STORAGE-" SECURITY STORAGE A TRASS kl t:rt 166 Park st. Maia 6196. A-18II i FIREPROOF STORAGE . FOR SALE CHEAP 1916 Ford touring caT 2-767. JonrnaL i a m. olaon TRAssrxa oa, ss ron.