The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 19, 1918, Page 7, Image 7

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. journal desBaW, " Conservative
Criticises -Allied Diplomats '
' Xgf or long Delay. -x V
r PmI Scott Mowrer
BUff Comapondmt of Th Journal nd Chicifo
(Copyright. 191, by Chicago Daily .KetM Co.)
Parts, France, Dec. 19. The conserva
tive Journal Des Bata publish? a criti
cism of the allied statesmen for hav
ing allowed so much tins to elapse
without accomplishing anything toward
peace. The article Is causing a sensa
tion In. diplomatic circles. '
"In- St days," says the paper, "they
could at least have agreed on the es
sential conditions of peace with Ger
many.1: : ;
' "Whole Armies of Specialists
; "Responsible statesmen should long
ago have bad the solutldns all ready in
.their heads.. It appears, however, that
this is not the ' case. The arrival in
Paris is announced of regiments of all
kinds of specialists belonging to the va
rtous' administrations of the allied states
and the debarkation of hundreds of
tons of archives.
"Air, these men and this paper are
going to encumber for months the Paris
hotels in which travelers even now are
unable to find room. Not only are the
archives of two hemispheres being
"'" dumped into the hotel bedrooms, but a
British printing plant Is being erected
on the lawns of the Bols de Bologne,
If each allied bureaucracy wants an es
pecial .factory to Inundate us -with sup
plementary printed matter, Paris, which
escaped from the Oothas and Berthas,
will succumb under the weight of paper
- and the Invasion of bureaucrats.
, Smothered by Diplomats
"In the meanwhile the Parisian news
papers, whose duty it is to inform our
public and defend our interests, will
continue, to be reduced to two pages
three or four times a week because of
the lack of paper. Pure madness." Never
has emptiness of brains more clearly
appeared. It looks as if we were going
to flounder indefinitely in diplomatic
"The multitude of specialists and
pyramids of portfolios are going to sub
merge us in inexpressible confusion
Each will desire to justify 'his presence
and use his portfolios. Kach will out
line his own solution. We are greatly
flattered to have among us so many
friends disposed to collaborate In the
preparation of .peace, but in our opinion
their chiefs would have acted wiser In
leaving them home and Impregnating
themselves simply with the conclusions
of thel reports. '
Paris Makes Protest
"If the plenipotentiaries have not
already precise Ideas on preliminary
conditions they never will have. For
each of them a few collaborators with a
valise full 'of documents would be suf
ficient, In the interests of the peace
of the world and the tranquility of
Parisians we beseech .that this bureau
cratic invasion be stopped."
eon county sends 824 and Astoria la now
at 2046. - -.'.-
. Big' Friday Is Anticipated
Few returns have been made by t the
industrial division So far, but as Thurs
day is pay day at most of the big plants
and yards, 'Friday reports are expected
to be most substantial. Outside of Port
land, inr Multnomah county, there have
been approx Imately 2500 members en
rolled. , , ' ' " '
' Those who wist to be' seen wearfng'a
Red Cross button Christmas . will , have
to enroll as a member before Monday
night,, and the earlier the better. With
the coming of the rain, It As prohable
that; the canteen workers will be used
on the - downtown corners, as ' they are
equipped for' wet weather, having rain
coat uniforms for emergencies.
p . i, , .
Gravity Law Again-.
Is to-Be Enforced
Salem, t)ec : 19 The state law . regu
lating the' gravity of gasoline Is to be"
enforced again, ; according to instruc
tions ; sent out by . ieputy State Sealer
Spence Wortman to all district' sealers.
Last September, owing to war, necessi
ties, dealers in gasoline were . relieved
Ufrom the provisions of the law, which
provides that no gasoline shall be sold
which testa less than 56 degrees gravity.
The new order becomes effective today.
Americans Nearly
All .Out of England
London, : Dec 19. (U. P.) Great
Britain is practically cleared of Ameri
can troops.1 All the American "camps
except those at Winchester and Liver
pool have, been evacuated. The contin
gent still remaining here consists prin
cipally of Major Biddle's staff and 2600
wounded. -These -are being sent home as
rapidly as possible.
Money advanced at 7 per cent to- make
your payments ; cash -loaned on them up
to 80 per cent of face value. Elwood
Wiles Co., 231 V. 8. National Bank bldg.
Adv. !''"'-...' ' , .
In case of grippe, colds, etc., use Pu
rola Influenza Treatment. Box of 30
tablets. 50c; at ell-drug stores. Adv. ,
City's -M illioris VY.iil ' Endeavor sto
Outdo-Paris' 'Reception to
American President
London.1 Dec 19.-MI. N. S.) British
labor will welcome President Wilson to
London as "the "leader i of world-wide
democracy," according .to a message
sent to him today by Arthur Henderson
in behalf of the trades union congress.
Mr. Henderson promised, the support of
all British labor leaders in the presi
dent's fight for a league of nations and
also for 'reduction of armaments . and
the suppression of secret treaties and
secret "diplomacy, t , : , . : ' '
London, Dec.: 19. (U. P.) London in
tends to eclipse Paris welcome to Presi
dent Wilson in the same degree that its
population exceeds that of the French
capital, v .- - -' )
While great numbers of organisations,
political and non-polltlcal, have already
considered separate demonstrations in
Wilson's honor, it is believed they ulti
mately will forlow the example provided
by Paris and combine in one big cele-
bratlon.' .' - ' ' ' . v
- The government, of course, will pro
vide the president' with every official
attention, but it is London's millions
who will furnish the real welcome.
Wilson's visit, however, will be much
more than a holiday, since he will ar
rive in the midst of an increasingly
warm discission regarding the allies'
Russian policy. . It is practically certain
his counsel will be sought in this regard.
It is almost equally certain he will be
urged to define. in more detail his atti
tude concerning freedom of the seas and
enlarge on his plan for the League of
Beneath the surface of social atten
tions ' which will be .showered upon
President and Mrs. Wilson in the . form
of parades, banquets, speeches, memori
als and general felicitations, it is evi
dent, therefore," much of the preliminary
work of the peac i conference will be
transacted here.
' A mm -
Do away with dangerous candles by getting one
of these electric outfits, which can be attached to
any lamp socket and operated on your regular light
current:-4 . : . - . v -
, . .8 Lights, complete . $ 4.00
16 Lights, complete ... $ 8.00 V
, 25 Lights, complete: . .$12.00;
32 Lights, complete . ; .$16.00
Assorted, colored lights, as illustrated, or fancy
. lights ia various shapes and colors at slightly ,
advanced prices.
mO go
Sixth at Pine
Both Phone
We Deliver
i .; (Continued nm Past On)
E. Richards in the terminal yards this
morning when she called to the 'engineer
on a passing train. The engineer, J. R.
Gearhart. stopped the train, climbed down
and wrote a membership for himself
and five other members of . his family,
while te rest oV the train crew was
calling for- Engineer Gearhart to get
back into, his cab.
As the organization for the drive is
as near perfection as such' a volunteer
force can be, the slowing up In the re
( turns is attributed to the public The
fact that- there are 200,000 wounded
American fighters in Europe who are
receiving attention from the Red Cross
and will have to be taken care of for a
long time to come, is being lost sight
' of by many people.
Oatstde Counties Better Marks
Figures on . Portland at noon had
touched nearly 50,000 enrollments, while
the state is a trifle better. Considering
; the cause and the many people working.
the total la not considered what It should
be. There are . some counties, however,
which have already exceeded their Red
Cross membership of the .drive of a
year ago. Wasco county' has passed
Its 1917 membership mark, for example.
Washington county reports 2100 and
Klamath 1331.
Lane Is now at 2498 and Salem reports
S690, with the outside precincts to hear
from. Little Pilot . Rock has rolled up
)660, which is exceptionally high, con
sidering the territory to be covered, and
Clackamas Is good for 6000 - with more
coming. , Shaniko wires 60 and" Gilliam
400, with Sherman county ' 675. Jack-
180,000 Mothers 300,000 Children
Diet Yearly From Preventable
Best Shoes in the
Here at the Big Store A $100,000 Stock of Standard Makes of Shoes '
U the secret ef this always bttr Btore.: Pleaae remember we. assure you the best1 of service,, the newest and most
popular styles, without the fancy prices .that are so noticeable In most of the stores nowadays.
NQTICE-peid Saturday; Monday and Tuesday Nights Until 9 o'clock
These cbme in
all grey, leath
er or in . grey
leather v a m p s
with new grey
cloth t o;p low
or high heels,
all sizes $4.93
$8.00, grades in
all ; sizes $5.98
New Havana Brown Shoes
Real ' Conditions Must Be Made
Known. High Ratio of These
Deaths from Infection Thru ; th
. Mouth, Dae to Ignorance of Mouth
?l 0 j
Om j '
j Os I
$2.50 Spats
These come in
nine buttons,
with s t r a p s.
Colors white,
g r a y, t a n,
and black
Newest shade of all
dark brown - calf.
Hieh cutvlace,' nar
row toe.. All sizes.
Same tyle. new
brown. . cloth top;
6.G0 erade, spe
; '. :
Mahogany Oxfords $3.98
Made on the new
military lasts with
military heels;
now pair,
Children's Of) i O Q
Scuffer ShoeseDsW Li tJ
Mads oa nature sltaps lasts; ' mads
.'with extra sewed soles ; either pearl
elkskiB, taa calf or '
g-on metal; , button
or lace style. Slses
S to 8. ' .
Sizes 8 to 11..
Slses 19 to 2
Boys' Solid
Satin Calf
Lace. Shoes
Built for? Oregon
....wear.. .
Price delivered to you:
Sizes 9 to 12 Vi . . . . ... . $1.79
Sizes 13 to '2. . . .$1.98.
Sizes-2J4 to SI. .....$2.25
Utde Ladies' English :
Made of gun
metal, soft cloth
top, fibre soles.
! C to E widths.
Sizes 1 to
3. ; $ 4.0 0
1 New Dark-Tan
I j English $4.98
I I The most popular
I I ' style now made.
; They come 7H-lneh
J f top. lew dark shade,
f r Best f style. AU
I V. sliesand widths.
200k) Pairs Ladies' Pumps
$2.48, $2.98 and $3.98
These come In all the
ew leathers, blacks,
white and colors, also
fine satins, blacks and
colors. Every pair
. a beaotv worth
ap to $. AA to
. widths. Every
lad y's foot
can be fitted;
Ions; and short
vamps. On
- sale at
$2.48, $2.98 and $3.98
Same as above in. Brown' with
leather soles . . . . .$2.98'
Boys' $4 English ; Shoes
Made of gunmetal.
calf, i leather or fiber,
soles, very" dressy.
Sizes 12 to 2. B
toE widths. 4
grades, now
at, pair-
Sizes 2 Vi to 6. B to E" widths.
$5.00 grades now at. . . . $3.98
Same styles as above, $4 grades
Neolin sohij, iV to 6... $2,98
Misses': ,a n d
Gun Metal
Button Shoes
All solid exten
sion soles, broad
last, b n 1 1 1 for
hard service.:
Sixes a to 8. V
Black English $3.48
These are made with
gan metal vamps and
soft leather top, ex
tension soles; ladles'
slses . IV, to 7 at
93.48.. ,
$ grrades with white
Xeolln soles,
alt sites
priced at
Children's Colored
Top Shoes
Made with pat
eat vamp, broadl
plain toe. These
tops, very dressy C to EE widths.
Sizes S to t, o heel.......... 81.48
Slses to 8, spring heel. . vS1.98
Sizes 8 to 11, spring heel... 82.48
Slses 11 to S, spring; heel. ..82.98
Sizes 8 to 11... .........81.98
SUes 11 to f .............. . ,82.48
Ladle's sizes t .to ..82.98
These are made
of dark 'tan
chrome leather
with regulation
toe caps and solid
oak soles.'
Sizes 9 to 11 priced at,
Sizes 1 to t priced at, the, 9 OQ
pair ... ..... ,;. , 0-t.70
Sizes t to priced at,
palr ....................
One word covert the situation and
.that -is the word Irnorante.
How do we propose to combat these
horrible conditions? By educating- our
ftatienta as they come to us. Every one
n this Institution Is a teacher and every
patient without effort or extra expense
automatically becomes a student. You
may have pyorrhea or other mouth In
fection without Knowtntr- it. .. Thla i
college for the prevention of decay and
aiseaae.' '.-'' V' ;s
Mail Orders Filled Same Day Received
Bow' Hioh Tops $2.98
Made of tan
chrome, lS-ln.
. tops, closed
ton-sues, all
solid leather
Sizes 9 to 13.
Sizes 1 to 6, at
; $3.98 . -.
Extra Wide
Women's S4
vie! kid, patent
tips, button or .
lace shoes.
Very comfort-
able, flexi
ble soles,;
low heels,'
Elk Moccasins at 98c
The ideal shoes tor house wear.
They are made of tine leather and
will outwear any . other shoes. A
toctunate "factory" purchase en
ables us to offer these, to you at
these extremely low prices
' Children's sizes' to 10.'.. .'..98
Misses sizes, 11 to IS... '....81.48
Boys' sizes, 1 to S 81.79
Boys' sizes, t to ... ...... ..82.25
) OF
t i pq
m . -I T.H33
- -
. - Lot : of Inf anU' i Soft
:- rr- Soles 4 29C '
An almost endless variety --
-i in -Mack and colors and
combination ' of colors. :
button, lace, and ankle
pumps, sizes 0 to 4. " ' -Pair,
ate.i . V. . -29
. Men's $6.50 High Cut
These are.
made In
black or tan
..'12-lnch tops,
i heavy soles. :
. Sizes S-to H.
1 arid EB
. widths. -
' $60 High '
Tops, no
f i
Until after Xmas, store will open 9 al close 6 p. tn.
j -.
.11 MMmAT ...
The Hustle of Gift Buying Is On!
Ypu Haven't Any Time to Waste !
Even ' though , your have ;. bought some of your Xmas
f needsl don't let up now, but buy today and every day
till your buying is done. Shop in the. early part of
the forenoon when possible. Come profit by the
special offerings we've arranged for our ' :
945th Bargain Friday
Women's Fashionable Coats, Suits, Dresses
Extraordinary Values at $20.00 for Choice
A Gift That Confers the Highest Appreciation
Not only the -delight of something worth while, but also a certain appreciation of the elegant, goes
with the presentation of a dress a suit or a coat, as a gift which cannot be as reasonably accomplished
with any other purchase. This sale, then, is of special Importance, as the price reduction brings to you
an additional savjng.
; THE SUITS are of fine navy serges, tailored and finished in attractive styles.
.THE COATS are of velours in all. wanted shades and this season's best styles.
THE DRESSES are of dependable silks, rich velvets and wool serges. You have unlimited choice of
styles and colors.
Come! Select Your Gift From This Special Showing. YOU SA VE ONE
Highly Appropriate Are Handkerchiefs
Quality for Quality and Price for Price, the Best Are Here
Box of Three For 50 Cents a Box Handkerchiefs at 20c Each. 3 for 50c
Dainty Sheer Handkerchiefs, embroidered with ini
tial or corner designs, in white or colors 3 in a
handsome holiday box for box 50c
Box of Three For One Dollar a Box
All-Linen Handkerchiefs .with;. Irish hand-embroidered
initial on corner; white,' French grey or deli
cate colors; also imported Swiss Handkerchiefs in
imitation Madeira and pretty colored effects 3 to
a box at a bo . . .51.00
Imported Shamrock Handkerchiefs, hand embroid
ered in-white or colors.
Handkerchiefs 25c Each, 6 for $125
Linen, Shamrock and Lawn Handkerchiefs, embroid
ered In white, or colors; also in printed styles.
Silk Handkerchiefs 15c Ea., 2 for 25c
Heavy Jap Silk Handkerchiefs, shown in a .large
range of pretty printed patterns.
Boudoir Caps Priced 50 Cents Each
A wonderful 'assortment of .styles to select from
dainty effects in lace, ribbon, silk,, nets, satins,
crepe de chine, etc. each in a separate box.
Women's Neckwear Priced 50 Cents
A great array of Women's Neckwear at this popular
price Organdie Collars and Sets Satin and Georg
ette dollars Net Collars Sets, Guimpes, etc.
dainty inexpensive gifts.
Lace Stock Jabots Priced at 39 Cents
.Always acceptable and a most pleasing gift Pretty
Jabots of white or cream nets or laces ejich In a
separate box. . .
Exclusive Novelties on Sale 98 Cents
Beautiful Collars, Sets, Vestees, Guimpes of fine
Georgette crepe, wash satin, net, imported organdie,
silks, ribbons, laces, etc. exclusive novelties.
Art Needlework
Dainty, Useful Articles That Will Make Most Welcome Gifts ,
PAY ONLY HALF, REGULAR PRICES for choice from Centerpieces,
Sideboard Scarfs, Bureau . Scarfs, Doilies, etc. Lace-Trimmed,
- 'Scalloped and Hemstitched Styles.
There's a wealth of .selection for" useful Xmas giving in the assortment of needlework shown for table,
dresser and stand readyto"-us t articles that will prove most 'welcome , gifts to any housekeeper. Come
early for first choice. : ; ' ...
A Holiday Special 1
Linen Damask Towels 35 Cents Each
Or Three for UDO
, A fortunate purchase permits us to offer this
splendid bargain at this opportune time they are
fine Linen Damask Towels with fringed ends
they come in plain white and with red borders-
not more than 3 to any one purchaser at the above
A Holiday Special !
Striped Turkish Toweh Four for.
Only S1J0O
. Another special purchase and sale of fine Striped
Turkish Towels they come 18 by 36 Inches and
are shown In blue, pink and yellow stripes not
more than 4 to any one purchaser at the above spe
cial price. '
INDIAN BLANKETS Specially Priced for Friday's Sale at Only S6S5
Fine standard quality Indian Blankets, of regulation size 66 by 8a inches. They come in beautiful
styles and colorings. An attractive and practical gift.
Ivory Bonnet Mirrors
at $3.98
. - - - -
Grained Ivory Bonnet Mirrors of
beveled' glass, 6 by 8 Inches.
Size over all being 9 inches wide
and lS inches long..
Children's Books
at 25c
About .3 50 Children's Books of
large size all popular' titles such
as Joy Books, House of Fun, World
of Fun, Once Upon a Time, etc.
Women's Silk Petticoats
at $4.45
Fine Taffeta' Sllfc Petticoats,
shown in ruffle styles and In all
wanted shades a - gift- that is
sure to please.
Ribbons for the Little Girl's Xmas
Hair Bow Ribbons at 25 Cents Yard Ready-Made Hair Bows SO Cents Ea.
Taffetas, rnoire.s, and corded-effects in light and Good. full size 'Bows, already tied they come In
dark warp print fancies, checks. and stripes, plaids j plaids, stripes, checks and flower effects as well as
and plain colors-i-all In good wide "widths. ." - I in the popular plain colors.
( Every little girl' likes a hair ribbon and mostjittle girls like sashes, too, so we arranged this special
sale don't mis -it. . -i ; ; " ' - - ; ' ' - - - " " ...-;!.
EXTRA! Timely sale of Men's
Fine Kid ;- rA Q
Gloves ..;.!) JL Tty ' -
. " ' - - - l ;, :
A well known and? reliable-; make in, one
button style, in the embroidered back and
full pique seams; sizas 7 to 9 VS. in tan
PURCHASER. - v . . --v vs- , -
The Most tn v aiueI'he Best in Quality
t I
Broadway Building
: - " - 'I
,4 ,