The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 19, 1918, Page 2, Image 2

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Exchange of Visits to Be Wade
in Paris 'Todav on ; Arrival
V, I of Royal Party
Br Htirr wood
Pari Dec. ; lf(U. P.) Kln Vic
tor Emmanuel of Hair arrived In Paris
at 1:10 o'clock thla afternoon.'
The Italia official party include
tha king-. Queen Elena,' Crown 1 Trlnco
Humbert, Premier Orlando, Foreign
ttlnlster Sonnino and other ministers.
Ther were greeted at the Bote 6ou-
nm aiailon bv the French cabinet
headed , by Premier Clemenceau.
The king- and hie party were con
ducted to tha Qual d'Oraay, where be
will ta.ka ud his residence.
- President Wilson and the kin will
exchange vislta thia afternoon.
day'a program also .includes a
bv the ' king to Clemenceau's o;
The. premier will return the calL
they would welcome allied Intervention
If the' Americana predominated.' They
declare no others would be welcomed by
the Russian liberals, ,
General'Kugena de Miller, former chief.
of staff of the fifth Russian army on tha
east front, who has gone to Archangel
to command the Russian troops cooper
ating with the 'allies, estimated that be
tween 200,000 and 300,000 men would be
needed on the northern front ana a simi
lar force in the Ukraine.- He expressed
tha hope America would . provide tne
bulk of these troops. He believes the
winter Is the best season for operations,
as sleds can be used for transport.
whereas the spring mud would hamper
-king and queen will be the guests of
President and Mme. Foincare at me
Palais Elysee this evening.
King Victor Emmanuel also will re
view a parade comprising Italian units
which fought on the French front.
deiiutles of the redeemed provinces and
members of the Italian colony in
Spaniards to 8ns Wilson
Madrid, bee. 19-(U. P.) In re
sponse to a request from President Wil
ton for a conference, premier Koma
nones and officials of the foreign of
flee have left for Paris. Before their
' return thy will also confer with Pre
miers Lloyd George, Clemenceau and
Orlando. i '
(Oomtlnued FroA Tg On)
press of all shades of political opinion
hint that great opposition wilt develop
If an attempt Is made to carry out such
a plan.
' Les4oa Prets Opposed
"An attack on the nefely formed de
mocracy, however mistaken might be the
ideas held about that democracy, would
lead to disappointment in some circles,"
said the Chronicle. '
This .is regarded as significant, be
cause the Chronlcla Is accepted as Pre
mier Lloyd George's personal organ. But
this comment is mild compared with that
of soma of the other newspapers.
. "Before any big military development.
such as committing this nation to war
, with Russia, the people of this country
- anouia m consulted," -the Express said.
" The Manchester Guardian has been
hinting for several daya that the govern
ment la proposing to enter the Russian
project on a big scale.
"We might be sending machinery and
tools to Russia, Instead of machine
guns," declared the News.
Want Amerleaas to Take Fart
Russians, In London are divided In
their pinions. Representatives of the
old regime are? keen to see a big- military
demonstration by the allies carried out.
Moderates of the type of Kerensky say
? Bfff Army. -Being Formed
London.' Dec. i9. -(British Wireless
Press to I. N. a) The poisnevi
regime In . Russia Is expected to make
an attempt to recruit a big army in
"order to invade other parts of Europe
to spread the principles of Bolshevism.."
according to a special correspondent to
tha Dailv Chronicle today.
Tha Bolshevik! have an army oi
about 180,000 scattered over the former
Russian empire, it is reliably reported.
at IS difficult to., get any. precise
Information. tegardlnif the situation in
Russia as all means of communication
are in the hands of the Bolsheviki,
who take care that nothing comes
through without being heavily cen
sored," writes the Daily Chronicle cor
'But the story of a great Bolsnevia:
army of 3,000,000 men , la not credited.
There ; is, however, likelihood ' that an
attempt will be made to Increase th
present force with a view to invading
other parts of Europe In order to
spread the principles of Bolshevist
Poland is now in a disturbed state
and is almost helpless. There would
therefore be' little ' difficulty in th
way of the Bolsheviki marching- into
Germany, In which country a largo
amount of propaganda work has al
ready been carried on during the past
"It is fortunate mat president wii
son is now in jsurope so mac mis
matter can be discussed by the allies.
It would be advantageous if some line
of policy could be decided upon by
other nations in common so that th
problem, could be jointly tackled."
German Ambassador Mobbed
Amsterdam, Dec. 19. (I. N. S.)
Count Kessler, German ambassador to
Warsaw, upon his arrival in Berlin, re
ports that he was mobbed, robbed, and
expelled from Russia, according to ad
vices from the German capital today.
Kessler states that the crowds In
Warsaw attacked him in a hotel while
others robbed the German- embassy.
taking valuable archives.
Railway Workers on Strike
Washington, Dec. 19. (I. N. S.) ;
Railroad workers between Tapsal and
Vallr -Rnsala Bra on afr-iltA heftftiiHA nf
an f fnrt hv tha Germans to xeonf iseata 1 uons oi national me.
tw mint, atock of th railroads . at "Can Hood River make good on her
ranort reachlna- tha state department Quota T" i asKea prominent resiaens
nrAnamAav M of Hood River.
vade our country," he asked, in answer,
Fred lockley Says W. S. S. Money
Needed by Government to Help
Make Democracy Secure.
By Fred toekley
River, Dec. 19. At the front.
when men are needed for srvicejthat
means almost sure death, Volunteera are
called fox. There Is never i a lack of
volunteers, no matter how, desperate
tha enterprise, nor how dangerous the
task ." f:
Are we, here at home, equally ready to
volunteer, not our lives, but our dol
lars? ! '
Hood River county .has been asked to
Invest $226,460 in War Savings Stamps.
To Invest not to give for, not only -will
every dollar be returned, but it will
come back with 4 per cent Interest, com
pounded quarterly.
.Hoed RiVer county Is Just Halt way
to the objective. Are thero volunteers
who will see that the County the com
munity, the valley known all over the
world, goes over the top? The time is
short? Sure It is. All the more reason
why every citizen should be a willing
volunteer in pulling Hood River over the
top by a safe margin.
Many Unredeemed Pledges
There rfe "many unredeemed pledges
to buy War Savings Stamps In Hood
River county. Redeem your pledge and
pass the word to your friends and
neighbors. There is no law compelling
you to keep the pledge you made during
pledge week last June no law except
the law of honor, patriotism, loyalty
and self-respect
The boys over there have not been
taking, part in sham battles. ; They have
taken part In real battles. It takes real
money to pay the price of liberty. Sham
battles or sham pledges do not win the
war, nor do .they pay the price of vie
tory. Forgetfulriess and neglect to help
by lending your tollars to pay for the
war is a poor alibi -when you read the
dally casualty .lists.
Promise Made to Geverameat
We have promised the government . to
back It up. While each one of us la a
part of the government, we cannot shirk
our responsibility as individuals to sup
port the government. The realisation of
our responsibility to our country is
forming .a new national character. We
are preparing to realize that President
Wilson spoke the truth when he said:
"Economy and everything which min
ister to economy supplies the f ounda-
tn excess of its quota, and is the banner
W.S. S. county ofV Oregon. W. 8. S.
committees In "over the top" 1 counties
are still active, counting their duty per
formed only -when they have done all
they can. t .i . . . t .- . -
Reading of Seized ; .
I. W . W . Literature
Amuses Members
Sacramento, CaL, Dec 19. (U. P.)
Reading- from seised I. W. W. litera
ture, the prosecution In the conspiracy
cases against 46 defendants is now
presenting before the jury propaganda
declared to bo In direct opposition to
the draft. The items "were published
subsequent to the entrance of America
into the war, in 1. W. W. printing es
tablishments. 1 ' v
The defendants seemed to glean con
siderable amusement from the reading.
especially of poems, many of them
laughing so loudly that the .United
States marshal rapped for silence at
times. Following is the .ending of one
chorus: ---f
You shall not keep them In the pen or
send them forth to die.
Or fifty, thousand men hall know the
reason wnjr.. i
' Cold Cinnn" Grin and Inflaenaa
the eaau. Tnro la cruy on " Bromo Quinine.
B. W. GROVE'S lisnitura on box. 30c. Ad,
Mrs. Drexel Doing Nicely
New York. Dec. 19. (I. N. S.) Mrs.
Anthony J. Drexel Jr., formerly Mar-
jorie Gould, eldest daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. George J. Gould, was reported to
fee doing nicely today after an opera
tion for appendicitis performed at her
Fifth avenue home yesterday.
Two. Arkansas inventors have patent
ed a cannon tnat uses a mixture oi gas- i ,Tr D ounnT
nline and air. spark ignited, to propel O I Alt rAK OriUKI
shells, mstead of powder.
"Is- there a man here who wouldn't vow
unteer to defend his home?: Make our
people realize that wh4t they are asked
to lend the government is to pay for de
fending their homes and to keep a for
eign enemy from our shores and the
response will be immediate. !
'Yes, Hood River can meet her quota
and, II believe, will do so."
' r t ;
: i
. (Continued From Pas One)
Mann Leads in Race
For Speakership of
House; Gillett Next
- Washington, Dec 19. U. P.) Tha
race for the speakership of the next
house of representatives today narrowed
down to three contestants. Representa
tive Mann of Chicago la leading the
field by reason of his work as Repub
lican floor leader and his length of
service. Mann's announcement of his
candidacy Wednesday with the backing
of the Illinois delegation put him first
in the field. .
Representative Glllett, Massachusetts;
choice of the east, has not yet an
nounced his candidacy formally, prob
ably will come Out soon.
. Representative Fesa, Ohio, still says
he' is not a candidate, but his name la
almost certain to be put forward. Fesa
will have the support of the middle west
Progressive wing-. i
I" $33-l
s, II
Cecil B. De Mille's Special
Production of i
An exile from his own peo-
pie I Tha girl he loved tha
wifo of another I Lifs gave)
this proud whit man no
choico bat eternal loneliness
or tho beantifal red'
skinned maid
Mutt and
ears to the truth that the war isn't over
until its bills are paid and pledges must
be kept.. , .-. -j
Multnomah Worst Offender
The reflection upon certain individuals
is paralleled with the reflection which
promises o rest on certain Oregon coun
ties. - i
Multnoman , county, which means
Portland, is the worst offender. Mult
nomah county was given a Quota of
96,322,280 by the government, pledged
17,000,000 and has paid $5,844,473
$437,507 ' short of the Quota and only 13
days left, of the year after today.
Benton county's quota was $271,020.
pledges kept $255,667, shortage $15,353
Clackamas county has paid $620,061
op a Quota of $748,580 andxas a short
age oi i2B,ai9.
Columbia county shows a shortage of
$14,431. having- paid $260,589 on a Quota
OI $275,020. : !
Douglas county has only $10,627 yet
to secure in order to attain a Quota of
Jaeksoa Is Far Behind
Jackson county is far behind. The
quota is $691,160, the pledges kept, $350,
226, and the shortage is $340,934.
Josephine county makes a showing al
most as serious ; quota. $231.260 : pledges
kept, $160,321; shortage, $60,949.
Lane county has a quota of $882,660,
has paid $652,623 and has, a; shortage of
$130,037. i
Marlon county's quota Is $971,800 ;
pledges kept. $846t372 ; shortage, $125,-
428. ' . ; t - : '
Polk .county heeds $37,395 In order
to go over ; the top, the quota being
$421,160 and the pledges kept. $283,765.
Crook county is behind, having m quota
of $82,160, pledges kept aggregating $67,
710, and a shortage of $14,650.
Harney county has only i kept about
50 per cent of Its pledges, having- a
shortage of $50,967 on a quota of $102,-
Hood River county, likewise. Is far
behind, the quota being- $226,460, the
pledges kept, $118,525, and the shortage,
$107,935. !
union county has a quota or, $325,580,
has paid in .$278,956 and has a Short
age Of $46,624.
s Wallowa has a shortage of $47,746 on
a quota of $208,540. . .
: Wasco county, which hasAmade a fine
record in many patriotic drives. Is $64,-
752 short of its $423,380 quota.
Clatsop Is Banner Connty
Other counties : which have as yet
failed to keep their pledges are:
Jefferson Quota $111,560, pledges
kept $38,643, shortage $72,917.
Klamath Quota $238,000, pledges kept
$170,686, shortage $67,314. I
Lake Quota $119,580, pledge's kept
$99,703, shortage $19,877. 4
Malheur Quota $236,200, pledges kept
$94,907. shortage $141,293. i
Morrow Quota $90,160, pledges kept
$72,182, Shortage, $17,978. I (
. Sherman Quota $96,000, ! pledges kept
?j..uo, snoriage
. All the figures used show maturity
leviuco i
In the honor roll of Oregon counties
that have kept their W. S. 3. pledges
to unci sam are; ,
Clatsop, Curry. Linn, Washington,
Baker, Gilliam, Umatilla, Coos, Lincoln,
Tillamook. Yamhill, Deschutes, Grant
and Wheeler.
V Clatsop county has reported $89.6C9
afn m viBsicssiast wcbbsihs :
OUr Sefreshlif tnd Bcilfaf
E2 ll t Lttlta Murine for Red
BLt VC S neS3 Soreness, Granula
' tion. Itchine and Bundni
of the Eyes or Eyelids; "2 Drops" After
tha Movies. Mntnrinr nr naif will win TOUT
confidence. Ask Your Druggist for Murine 1
wnea your Krea rtaea uie.
Murine y Remedy Coh Chicngo j
We have read a great deal of Jeff
and Mutt, . .
And the great big AD of the Nut
House Nut
And we all know that It paye to
If we have njee goods we wish to
eell ;
We think Tolly and- Pals" must
have bought Nuts there.
For his goods are advertised every
where. ; ;
And when a Teller needs a
Friend," .
If "Maggie and Jiggs would only
"Hooligan" after "Jeff and Mutt,"
And stop on their way in THE
And all get into 'Der Captaln'a"
And each of them eat. a CHIEF
Couldn't they have the time of their
life? ' . '
And "Jiggs" wouldn't need be
afraid of his wife ;
He needn't try to sneak out at
And he and Maggie needn't fight.
Poor little Snookums could go and
With the "Katien jammers" across
the wayv
And "Hooligan"' take a quiet smoke
And "Honorable Pa" could see the
And none of the bunch could be
classed as Mutts, -
If they would all get full " of the
i Laura E. Fuller.
GOOD poetry, like the
above Whelps -to get that -$5,400,000.00.
Yours for NUTS OF
I f r i-r JTf " "
J - r ,..1 ,v
i cfficrffr-Ti&so cfel tfcrit Only
Join the Red Cross
All You Need Is a
Heart 'and a Dollar
EF l N .
A -f
V , K , ,
This Store A bounds With Them
From playthings in the basemenUo Victrolas on the Seventh Floor
and every floor in between is overflowing with the most delightful
Christmas gifts. Gifts for every member of the family and for all
your friends. "
So Many Men Are Giving Them
Men who appreciate the importance of "taking
the 'work' out of housework" are giving them to
their wives. Hoover sweepers clean quickly, eas
ily and dtatlettly a long step in the cause of
sanitation. The only sweeper with motor-driven
brush, and may be bought at this store on terms
arranged for your convenience.
Electrical Corner Street Floor-
Let Him Do Justice to the Turkey
Two, three and five piece, sets with stag, imitation
stag, silver plate and bone handles guaranteed first
quality steel. Priced from $4.7 S to 15.
Three piece sets imitation stag handles, Sterling sil
ver mountings excellent steel. $2.4$, very special.
Two piece game sets silver plated handles. Uni
versal steel. 1.50.
"Kodak Service Sta
tion" now located on
the Sixth Floor.
We handle Eastman Kodaks .
exclusively, thereby Insuring; the
best results.
An ideal gift suggestion Is the
vest pocket Rastman In a new
belt case, S7 tor the kodak
Si. 75 for the belt case. Other
zases for the vest pocket at 7 5 el
and 2.
-No. 1 Junior 813.50. Leath- ;
er case, S3.
No. 2 A Folding; Brownie with
' R. R. lens. Six.
No. 2 A Premo, sin fie lens, S8.
No. 2 O AnasUfrmat lens the
best lens, entire outline brought
out sharply. S23.SO.
We have a new lot of albums
priced from S2 to SJ4. .
Sixth Floor.
The Gift of Slippers f oi
arrior Toys Basement
No armistice has been signed in the Toy Section from all appearances the war is still
in progress. Anyway, kiddies have become so imbued with the military spiVit that subs,
tanks, machine guns and other warlike toys continue to hold first place in their hearts.
Wllkins Destroyers, regular up-to-date destroyers. in mini- -ature
1.25. m
Aeroplanes that whizz through the air and sound Just like '
real ones, 25c and 65c.
Battleships 25c to 1 honest-to-goodness ones that can .
sail in the bathtub.
Subs at "3 5c up.
The lifelike Maxfield Pirrish soldier at 11.75.
Warrior games whole tables of them, at many prices.
And everything else that the heart of a child could desire
in the way of toys. An endless variety.
Housewares Section, Basement.
No gift will pledse a man more than a comfortable pair of
slippers to puton after his day's work when he wants to
smoke and read in comfort so until Christmas to make this,
a more popular gift :wc. have decided that ', .
All Men's House Slippers
Reduced 20
And Delivered by Christmas
. All orders taken up to Monday night will be
delivered before Christmas. We have the best
and most complete line of frames in the city.
All sizes all prices all styles, stand, swing,
swivel, wall, etc., etc. Complete line of mould
ings to select from all the new two-tone ef
fects antique, and many others. - Expert ad
vice on picture framing gladly given.
This means every, pair leather
and felt--every style, color, qual
ity and. size. For example:
MEN'S Brown Kid Cavaliers strictly
high quality kid? upper with soft,'
pliable soles, high cut, with cuffs.
Sale price, $5.60. T
MEN'S Brown Kid EVERETTS on a
wide, roomy last soft pliable sole ,
with inside Cushion. Sale price
$3.60. , .'.
MEN'S Brown Kid OPERA slippers
with medium heavy ;tum soles sale'
price $2.60. vjr
MEN'S Light Brown Kid . ROMEOS soft uppers and ' soft pliable
sole elastic in sides. Sale price $2J&0.
MEN'S FELT SLIPPERS brown or grey with padded soles. Sale
price $2.40. -
MEN'S FELT SLIPPERS black and grey with leather 'soles and
heavy telt soles, sale price $2.00. -
; MEN'S COMFY SLIPPERS brown and. grey with chrome leather
soles heavily padded. Sale price $1.60. v
V 1 Second Floor, Lipman, Wolfe & Co.
J 'Merxhandiso ofc Merit Only
-Every giver and "givee" knows hdwmaeh
a bit of Holly or scarlet ribbon adds to the at
tractiveness pf a Christmassy-looking parcel. .
At the booth just inside the Alder Street En
trance is everything to "dress" up your par
cels. . -Street
Save Energy, Time and Money
"Electrify your Christmas" you will rdp rewards
the year 'round. '
Handsome) Percolators Universal and Manning Bow
man." Solid copper, nickel plated, complete line of
both make, Fully guaranteed. 9.50 to 121.50.
Wastinchousa Cinderella Iron 64 lb. The laun-'
dry iron built for service. Guaranteed for all time.
Walfl Irons Makes two waffles at once COOKS
ON BOTH SIDES AT ONCE requiring no turning.
Takes a minute and a half for two waffles. Handsome
in design complete with cord and plug- '
' Street Floor.
The Feminine Touch
Dainty aprons are always
tcceptabie for both maid and
matron. '
Dimltv. or ran
round, pointed, square. Dain
tily adorned with lace inser
tion, ruffles, embroidery, rick
rack, etc. A pienmuae oi t
ttyles for many uSes. 95c
A variety of apron styles
priced 59c, 75c, 85c to i
t2J9S. Crisp ruffles perky
bows, pockets, . lace ; tijin- i
mmgs, etc. , ; .
In another lot are the love
liest hand made' and hand em-
hmiAerri aorrma of . French
lawn and marquisette.' Spe-
dally priced . 125. $3J95.
Fourth Floor.
ni mm n n'sTn 'mm imm n n n ii' ul
ymmMHymmMPOmmwtomwmHMS&mMSKtmmMtomwmKimwGmmtommstommmom 1 1