THE OREGON DAILY . JOURNAL,. PORTLAND,. THURSDAY, DECEMBER! 18, .1918 17 BUSINESS OFrOBTUNlTTES t$ . PACTFIO AGENCY, INC.. 812 13-14-15 Bwetland bldg. Buyars' beskiusrters for Grocery stores, Cixsr stores. Confectioneries, Garage. Hardware stock, a Hotels, ... ' BnUannti, Poolrooms. If ft W anything In business line, ee us. Our lint it complete. We bay mercliandw stocks. It you naiit to sell, come i is and talk tt over. PACIFIC AG KNOT, INC., 612-13-14-15 Swetlend bldg. PACIFIC AGENCY. INC., 512-13-14-13 SWKTLAND BLDG. BIGGEST REHTAL'BANT SNAP ON WASHINGTON 8T EVEB ' OFFEBEP: DOING $70 PKB DAT; IN AUTO DISTRICT; FIRST MAN i IV WITH $1000 TAKES IT; WOBTlf $2000 PACIFIC AOENCT, INC.. I 2-1 0-14-1 5 UWETLAND HUN). ntpva -rnrrn nil A NOR WANTED A MANAGES WHO HAS SOME MONEY, OB ONE WHO CAN SECURE BOMB, MTk fUtVult sTkU T AIM A KPMXjIAIj CONTRACTING LINE, ESTABLISHED ONE YEAR. "Season Just Opening Up WHETMAN T-9dl VoLLD you like tiii. kind of a business $7 a da. net nmtit srtr an sinenses are yam. including interest on investment Nice, . new,, rlean stock of groeeriea and small line of qyer slit. shirts, notions, etc., in a densely populated seotion of Portland, working people, where a larea number own their homes. Cash sales run ning around $70 s day. Ktook will invoice about $S00, fixtures $400. Am called to other im portant duties. Will sell for each or trade for a good small farm. No agents. .81-901, journal. BIG OPPORTUNITY Practical contractor In special tine established business listing some money end equipment wants a partner with some money ; . excellent op portunity: seasons business lint opening up. CH1SH0LM. 0-975. JOURNAL SAFETY and profit in land and cattle ; estab lished ranch wants money to bar adjoining land bargains and more livestock; will incorpor ate; smell Investments welcome; can me ' services ell or pert of time if desired. H-WB7, Journal WILL sell or lease well equipped restaurant read for business if taken at once; cash. BroewslOII; BCSISEBS OFPOJITTJNITIES WANTED WANTEIV To bu bur a gr , Z-741, rcery on west aids with liring rooms. Journal. 'MONEY TO LOAW RKAL ESTATE 27 OCR Installment plan is the best and -surest - method of paying a loan. $82.2$ psr month for 80 months, eg ' $21.34 lor 00 months, or $14.17 for 90 months, pays $1000 loan and SDtereet, Other amounts In proportion. We loan en improved eity property. Or for building purposes. - No eommtaainn ehaned. EQUITABLE SAVINGS LOAN AftftOCIATIOS s z burs st., Portland, or. " PAX OFT THE MOHTGAGE a your eity home on. easy inntallmenta wKh 10 yean' time to repay: fully protected by life ip saraaee under Home Purchase Plan of. the Equit able Life Aaeursnce Society. Interest 0 per cent; no commission. See Mr. Strong, Equitable oittce. Oregoman building. asuo. $400, loo, (tso, giooo and up. lowest tntrrest rates. Uberal repayment prir Bsgea, No daisy. - ttORDON INVESTMENT TO.. a OS I Chamber of Commerce. PBIVATB prNIOt-Loweiit rites7$500. $1 Orio" $2000 and up; farms or city property. Prompt, Hlt'tent terrier, A. K. IIU1. 4 1 Henry blilg. BUILDING loans on city or suburban property; money advanced at work progress's. W. O. Bck215 and 810 railing bl bldg. Main 3407. $250 $860. $400. $5S0; $000 and larger amounts, current rates. Quick action. Fred W. German Co., 78 - Chamber of Commerce. IF YOU want money see us; ws have-it Mck KenaV Co.. since 1905. 515 Gerlingsr bids. Phone Main 2801. ! alONKY to loan in amount of $100 to $6000 en eity property. A. M. FELL. Knom lo-ll. MnlKfV bide. VbsM to toan en ctt; roperty at lowest ratea. Fred . Williams. 99 1st st He OREGON INV 232 Chamber of Commerce. 4 th and Stark. MORTGAGE loans. 0 and 7 . Louia Salomon Co.. 40)1 Selling bldg. $800 TO $9000 "to ioan city or farm mora gsge; no commission.- P. O. Box M78. UOXET TO LO AW CHATTELS, , SALARIES 67 DO YOU NEED MONEY? Loans made on automobiles, diamond , pl 8 not, household goods or anything of value. Security tuually left in your notseseion: ALSO TO BALABIED PEflPLE on their notes without security. If your payments to other loan companies or on, furniture or automobile on tracts, are Isrssr than you can make, we will pay them up, adranoa you mora money, if necessary, and you can repay us in si monthly payments to suit your convenience. LEGAL BATES. NO DELAY. BrSINKSS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. - POBTLAND LOAN COMPANY (licensed) B00 807 Dekum Bids. Marshall S28S. bit a Evenings. Open Evenings. CHRISTMAS MONEY ' WE LOAN MONEY To salaried and workingmen on their personal notes. HO MORTGAGE. NO INDORSES, NO PUBLICITY. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. W also loan on household furniture, piano, etc.. without removal . CALL AND SEE US TODAY1. Investigate our modern money-lending meth ods. It will cost no more now than U you Walt until a lew days before CHRISTMAS Open 6 a. m. to 9 p. as, UNTIL XMAS. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY. Licensed. 218 Failing Building. 8. E. Cor. Third and Washington Sta. Open Evenings.' Open Evenings, " PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. Established by Portland business men to protect Borrower. m uvvna frtrniriN Li thi 1 Jr ir mm LOANS ON DIAMONDS, JEWELBY-TlANOa. uuusamji.u urtwumtfa. LOANS WASTED SO I NEED MOSEY To use a working capital m my growing busi ness; been incorporates on year. Will pay BIG INTEREST PHELPS 1-770. .Journal. '' WANTED TO BORROW Will pay 10 per cent tor on year; security the - - 11 nets of qouaeaoiu lunuuut, FISHEB 8-7,43, JOURNAL. ' - j ' , ' Good farm mortgage fob sale 81000 on improved close in S "4 A. rancrl. good buildings; place) valued at $2500: due in " 1 H year. P cn1 782 Chamber of Com per cent, Fred . w. uermaa Co, -aeree. BEE OREGON LW. A ' M0RTGAOB UO, 823 Chamber of commerce, ta and stark. WANT to borrow $1000 for 3 or 6 yean from private party oa 120 acre ranch. Tabor zzoa, FINANCIAL 61 bring receipts and get your cash. 209 Ab ' fngton bldg. LIBEBTY BONDS J J ' ,Wrfl pay cash for fully or partly paid bond. roosa 20 Kauway nxensnge Dili. INVESTMENTS, loans, notes. . At, Ls wat. 80S Lewi bldg. mortgage. Mar. 113$, T 1 r Liberty Bonds. . ' . If yoo nrat seU your Liberty bond Mil to u. If you can bey mora Liberty bonds boy front us. We buy and we nil Liberty bond, at lb market. You cannot do better You may do worse. W at, today paying tb, following price tat United Sta tea government Liberty lea bonds FINANCIAL , $100 Bond SHa ....,..,.,......,.. 97.36 lit 4i ... 83.85 2d 4a ,..; ,. 92.72 1st iK a. 90.25 Sid 4 44s 94.01 3d 4tt 9000 UU 414 94.97 $1000 Bond 878,50 28.60 982.27 067.50 951.11 985.59 953.79 MORRIS BROS., INC, The Premier Municipal Bond House of Oregon. Kstsblished erer 25 Tears. Stark at., bet 5th and 8th. Ground Floot Phone Broadway 2151. LIBERTY BONDS WE BUY BONDS AND RECEIPTS. BE. HITTANCE MAILED OUT OF TOWN ELL- ER PAY BONDd ABE . V-ECSilYm. LI CENSED BY U. B. GOVT. si ,i . -r . r 1 wonnwesiem rusx uomDany SECOND FLOOB 'WILCOX 8LDCL 9TH AND WASH. LIBEBTY BONDS. AU Issues Bought And Bold. Before buying or selling , get our quotations. E- U DEYEBEATJX V COMPANY. Government and Municipal Bonds. 87 Sixth Street Between Btark and Oak. LIBERTY BONDS CASH PAID FOB ANY ISSUE OF BONDS VLL MAKBET PK1CB. BECEIPTS WILL CASH TOTTB BBCETPTS FOR PARTIAL PAYMENTS ON BONDS AT FA IB VALTJB. DO NOT BACB1FICB. YOUB BECEIPTS, WHICH BEPBE8ENT GOLD DOL- LAKS TO YOU. BEE B. BURKITT, 8ECBBTABY 412 BF.r.T.INfl RT.TM1 IRPI'Avn B,r-rtU CGJINEB B1XTH AND, ALDEB STREETS' I LIBERTY BONDS Do not lose what you bar paid on your can i tracts. If you are not able to maks-your pay ments, see na. We pay cash for partly paid contracts or nonas. or loan you no on your investment at 7 and S per annum. Hpectal attention given out-of-town customers. Bonds bought and sold at market price. Loan negotiated on faint and city property. Peal wHb responsible licensed brokers. Open ta p. -J. HOWELL & DAVIS. 401 Board of Trade. CASH LIBERTY BONDS FULLY OR ONLY PARTLY PAID. MARKET PRICE PAID. OPEN TILL 7 P. M. DONALD MACLEOD 1002 BPALDING BLDG., THIRD AND WASHINGTON. BONDS BOUGHT SPOT CASH. SPOT CASH, CASH FOB PAYMENTS MADS CASH FOB YOUB RECEIPTS MaB bonds to us: we remit return Oome to 725 Oaseo bldg., 6th and Aider. CELLABg-MURJON CO., OPEN SAT EYE. LIBEBTY BONDS Partly paid contracts bought. Open tin 7:80, 920 K. W. Bank Bldg., 6th and Morrison. U. S. LIBERTY BONDS Will per cash market value. John Wilcox. 410 Pittock block. CASH FOR LIBERTY BONDS H. Ij. Murton. 446 SheHoek bide. eo. ctt. mi. . vpew mi t , uaw 9 p. HOBSES, TEHICLES. ETC. II SALE Cheap, or exchange for automobile or cattle, 'JO ,hesd of good young chunky built horses ana mutes, irora tiwii to J mill lbs. ; harness ana wagons 01 au stnoa. This stork is all guaranteed a; represented and will take tTlM- Vo wi. : w--.. tivaii'irt w L7 p t,uMw aa. ALT, kinds of wagons, light and heavy, double driving, double work, light and heavy harness. two extra good top buggies, fine stock saddle, '02 Front st ALL kinds of horses from 825 ud: extra eood 1 100-lb. saddle horse; fine pair of young jet black Shetland ponies, cheap, or exchange for cows or milk goats, suz Tont st. FOB SALE OB TRADE For anything of value. one good horse. 1482 E. 8th it N. Phone! after o p. m. vvooaiawn uao. FOR SALE One team of mares,' wetsht about I800 lbs.: also wagon ana narness. or will trade for larger team, rnone wain. 6938. FOR SALE cheap, light spring wagon. Call tunger sewing uacnine uo., aip urana are. Pnone East 4V4U. DEAD horses taken quick. Cash paid for cows and crippled horses. Tabor 42 03. Horse and wagon. $1.60 dsy: 2 horses and $T50dsy wagon, (3. t. uohen, 00 rront Main 8308. GOOD, gentle, sound pony, saddle and bridle. only ezo. trown ctaoiea. xno rront st VAUiiHN drag saw to exchange for good team and wagon. F-974. Journal. FOUR delivery wagons cheap, one or all. two at 8 to each. The Wardrobe, 72T Raleigh, DEAD horses and animals hauled away free. CaS woodiawu 20. Portland Rendering Co. FOR SALE 3 teams; weight from 1300 to 140O. Weinhsrd Stable, if. 8th and Couch. LITESTOCK S3 FOR !ALE One first class dairy cow, one young family cow. 2857 68th st. Hawthorn car to 29th ave. fO H0L8TED: sows, 4 to 6 gals. ; sell or trade for beef cattle. Take Vancouver ear to Co lumbia blvd., go 1 block north. PBESH row for "sale Wfll exchange for dairy rows: liberty bonds accepted at lac value. Frasier A McLean, 240 E. 8th st .a good family cow. 302 Front at BRINGING UP FATHER HUftrVt AND VTART A FIRE NR. PIFFLE COIN4 TO OVL.LON DAUGHTER jr f I pry u 111 flifCs litestocb I FAlt ALE Freah Holetein cow 0 Fears old. in good condition. : Call at booth. 885 Yamhill publie market, or "Oregon Electro railway. Greenburg, Or., of address T. P Lano, Bearer. ton. Or. TWELVE dairy cow., ID to Koktein, 3 to 8 years;' extta good milkers: all fresh exespt one will be soon, S. J. Chcnowctb, Oakland. Or. lAvANTED To lease a Dure bred. srecistered Toggenburg back to breed to tew does. Uoe i for sale. I.. . Wotun, 8?th and R eta.. Vancouver. Wash.. Box 44. Phone 20F25. EOLSTEIN oow, 4 years old. lust fresh, giving 3 14 gals. Also Jersey eow, giving-'Z H gals. I Fine family eow. Crown Stables, 285 Front st i POPlVTltT, riHEOirB. FET STOCK t7 WE WISH rem ill Merrr Christmas and a Hann New Ymr which voa will certainly en- W H'Vm'eilV'nll and -see na for lire and dressed poultry, ete. We retail at wholesale prices. CASH PRODUCE CO. Phone Main 4S02. r. Front and Morrison. 40 THOBOnGHBRED beauties.: Barred Bock March-April laying pullets. $2 op; o wmte and Brown Tgboras. 51.23 noree, oarneas, i lishf Btudeteker wieon. too buggy, enesp. I onUTUia oar to Bterk, walk piocas wees w 1918. , Portable Rabbit Hutches AMD CHICKEN HOUBES B. D. WiUiaasa, Tabor 029. 543a E. zo i st, SB. BRONZE tnrkeea. Me. Tleorons range stock; bens 87.60s tome 812,60. O. J, Van Arery, Boute 2, Independence. Or. 80 FINE White Leghorn pullets, beginning to lay. $1,6 each. Barred Rocks. B. L Beds. 51.59 to $1.75. 757 Oregon it,. -0 ear. Two' Bna. trkey.: win td for cwrrtia hoc sexw. two x. a m ev SAVE FEED- I guarantee to -pick the non- layers. Tabor MX 2. DOGS, BIB.DS, PETS, ETC - 4$ FOR SALE White Maltese poodle (male) , chil dren's pet, $10. fall between e ana o'clock at 817 Hi Lombard st.. city, or write Mrs. I. B. Thornton, name address. TttdMPSON'8 bird store buy and sells guar anteed birds. US or aaaress oi aauai- siDne are.. Portland. Or. FOB SALE Four good does (bred) , $2.53 each. 207 Gibbs st. TWO beautiful Angora kittens for sale purew'hitlUSi 7t 88 a. ivTh. low and one FOB SALE Yellow St. Andreasbarg roller; also cage. Phone Mars&all stt. AUTOMOBILES ACCESSORIES 44 1918 iELIE 1918 VM stand big .lose and sell on easy terms; ear in absolutely perfect condition throughout; run 4000. miles on 'pavements, veal oi reasons tor selling. L S. BAILSBACE 58 N. 28d st. Main 780. GARAGES MOUSES ''HICKES IfOUSES V WOOD SHEDS Portable or ready- cut. See asaaplee at as a nooa ss, Main 11T. Millmade Construction Co. WANTED MEN AT ONCE In the Big Practical School to learn to operate and repair automobiles. tractors snd trucks. Special , day and night classes - students can enter eteny time. Uall or write Hemphill's Trade Schools, 707 Haw thorne eve., at zotn st i x GUARANTEED ATTTO REPAIRING, PBOMPT SERVICE. EXPERIENCED MERCHAMCS. GIVE US A TRIAL CHAPMAN REPAIR CO. CHAPMAN ST BET. YAMHILL & TAYLOB. saavus mi. 6 TON truck, in good condition, for sale or trade tor 6 passenger oar; terms. va Handy blvd. East 875 mi, - . ,. PUBBUILLE TOP TO. 9th st Oak. ; Broadway 1604. Binnints in naMl tires: no iunk: new til alao: vulcanising and retreading. Vulcan Tire Shop. 41 Grand ave. "m6dEL FOBD TOCBING This car to in good condition-, $525. Easy terms. 622 ALDEB ST. SANDY Ford touring, tires almost new, $330, $140 down, szd per muutu, uv im nyo. j w.ii-, ,1.anj mmiit tfA'rtxrtr.T.l. 1919 touring, brand new; will 80 trade light car and terms on difference. Grand ave. N. near nqmsine. fcnnfi r.niMt tires, stieedometer, Bhock absorbers. laio vaioe iui Mtfu. , . v. wu. I and Couch sts. I Sr must sell at once; one man top ,1.1 brakes, manifold, etc.. $375. 3o5 I n.imnn. comer Park, 1618 CHALMERS, good tires; run only a. few thousand miles; repainted and in A-l condi tion; af a bargain; 81 IOO; terms. East 11)62. t 1 CAN use your Ford or Chevrolet if you can use I my 1919 Maxwell Touring car. Call Adams, I Tsbor 03U. I . .. I ""ij .350; trms. 80 Grand are. N. near BurnsMe. : f PODGE touring. 1817, fine t condition. Will consider r ora in traae. oaiauce . teruia. 30 I ftrand ave. N. near Burnaide. j fSB SALE 1 Ford deL. good condition, $375; I terms to responsible party. : .105 Beech st Call Wood lawn 67 B STI'DEBAKER 1917. touring, just like new. Will oonsiaer ngnt car or iom. naianc arnnr -.11 m. lOtS Maxwell tonnna CTe 1 ' " - - , -- - ". ' . - once. ". w" ; - CHALMERS bug, has new top, 4 good tires. For particulars call fjoiumcia s 10. CAN save you money on truck body, 389 Ev erett MUST sell my pearly new 1818 Maxwell tour-1 lng car. A-l enape. -'(,: Jourriei. PODGE, 0 passenger, 1916, $575; some terms. 208 Madison st "WILL seU.Jauy 1917 VlaxweU cheap: K-BTiT sournal. . ; e POT cash paid for used cars. Dealers' Used Car Clearing House. Grand ave. and E. Stark. WILL sell ILL sell niy Hudson speedster cheap. A-l condition. Z-781. JournaL $200 DOWN buys 1.917 Ms well roadster, good condition. Call Adams, Tabor B30. $195 LIGHT 6-pass. car, in A-l Crown Stables, 285 Front !-at. condition. 1917 8TUDEBAKEB. 7-pasa.. in tine con , dition, at a reasonable price. . Bdwy. 2493. $300 DOWN buys my 1918 Maxwell touring car. Call Tabor 630. GASOLINE 20 CENTS A GALLON. OILS AND GREASES. PIONEER PAINT CO., 186 1st fcHKVROLET road'ter, 1818,s will sacrifice and give terms. 80 Grand ave. iN. near HOTTUHde. GUARANTEED auto repairing for leas. East 8218. TO TRADE $223 equity In 1917 Ford. What nav you to trade! 148 fare st. CHEVBOLET touring, 1918, like new, 3700, 80 Grand are. N. near Bumside. i with terms. TONkiriT - !p? ' C""! 1 ; , I j ''' AUTOMOBILES ACCESSORIES 41 TWO REAL BARGAINS; 1917 8-oaas. roadster, driven lass than 6000 miles, 8QVUS 2UU down, najanea aaonuir. irora enaasu. lost oyernauiea; mass a gooa bag; $175, terms. Call Broadway 217. ask lor Mr. Mountain. MANLEY AUTO CO. 10th and Burnside. USED AUTOMOBILES TERMS GIVEN 1917 Mitchell, 7 pass., 0 eyl ..$1150 in 1 7 Jiltcucll. o pans., o cm, OTcroaiura and repainted 1150 1917 Mitchell, 6 pass.. 6 cyl.. 1000 1910 Stndebaker. 7 peas., eyl 1914 Btudebaker. 7 pass., 4 cyl. 500 1914 Hsynes, 5 pass. 400 1t1 f'h.irnl.t S no.. S ct! eoo 1913 Hudson. 6 paX cyl ' 5? 2 ton' truck with sab .............. 100 A NnmhMT nf Othera to Select Frara. We will accept your old ear as part payment Used Car Dept. Mitnhfl, Lewis dt Staver Co Fast First at East Morrison sta, Phones East 7272; 1917 FOBD, 6 pass., just been overhauled; brand nw tires, deasauntable runs, og. 1914 Buick. 6 pass.; wfll trade for a later modeL 5 or 7 pass. car., some cash difference. 191 7' Buick Slx pass.. $1150. 1917 Ford truck, $428. USED CAR MARKET West Park and Stark Residence Phone East 6003. FOB" SALE 1-ton truck. 2 auto tops, 1 Ford. 1 Ford rear serins. 2 windshields. 191 Ford ear fender. 2 electric horns, 2 carburetors. z ess tsnxs. A-iuu cai. water una, x cream aenasator. 1 vulcaniser. Other articles too numerous to mention. u. a, ssiaen. w Glisan. Briscoe If vrt want a cood little roadster, here yon are. ipib unseoe, in a-x conauum, j right, good terms given. 622 Alder. FT1RT1 TOURING CAB BODIES We have five 1917 and 1918 Ford touring ear bodies complete with wind shields, for sals cheap. ITILASIJIB KU1VK U1S -S.. i East 8770. E. 18th and Hawthorne are. LA Mfg. and Repairs. 8000 guaranteed spring stock; prices reduced. 84 N. 15th tt Club Roadster This is a dandy little car, a Briscoe. Price is right, terms reasonable. 622 Alder. 1018 FOBD SEDAN. 8898 Mr 1918 6 pass. Ford dosed ear, in exeep- rlanallv coed mechanical condition: good tires. for St; Mia aasa. oaiauce on xarxoa, isoor 7150. FOR the man who Is locking for a good de livery car, nave tne very ining. r early new Briscoe, in good condition, vouie and see it 622 Alder. I CASH paid for old cars, condition no object parte for all makes of cars. Oregon Auto Ex change, 120 Lownsdale at 13th and Washing. ton. Broadway zoos. MOTORS, Gearings, Bearings, Wheels. Axles and Trailers We wreck ail Bakes of ears and sell their good parts at balf price. David Hodes Co., Broadway and riandrrs st Broadway 1 WO. BIG STOCK USED CARS PB1CE8 BIGHT COVEY MOTOR Cat CO.. 21st and Washington sts. Mala 6244. BUICK 4, touring, 1917; fin, condition; a snap at $660. with terms. 30 Urand ave. Ti. near Bumside, DANDY little 5-psss. car, A-l mechanical eon- dition. for $350. $125 down. $25 per mo. Broadway 2492. KeUy. 1910 FORD roadster. like new, has extra de livery box that fits on rear; $375: terms $100 down, $25 per month. D-867, Journal. DON'T be afraid because it is cheap, 1-ton delivery. In fine codiuon, ?30O, $100 down, $20 per month. Bdwy. 2492, Kelly. Ail offering a 1917 Maxwell with 4 good tires, in good condition? at the low price of $689, and will give liberal terms. See it at 522 Alder. FOB SALE By retiring army officer, almost new Ford sedan. $600, -it taken by Fridav. Call Mar. 5442. 1914 FORD touring, finest condition, lots of extra equipment, newiy pain tea, shoo. Terms I a 1 no .inwn I'll nar mnntJi H.SSB Tnn.i Z I TO ,, . r. irwiklria fm a hirM n i - B , 1 - . Cast 43d. wu, "", www . wun, conur NOTE For $150 auto chassis for bug er deliv- ery; hood etc; good running order. Main 8380. ' GOOD Ford runabout, 1918 body. 75 Grand ave. See it at 1915 FORD. A-l, Bumside st for $295. Call 44 E7 "USED CABS Th street is full Gire theia the once over. 9th and Couch. WANTED An overslxe piston for Saaon Six. Sellwood 1487. ' ONE set Weed chains 34x4. new; will sacri'ie'e! I , Woodlawn 4001. " . ... 1918 HUP-, nearly new; leaving city, will sell at a sacrifice. iu lsoor so is. , 830.000 WOBTH OF USED CABS. ' STAl- KGH O win n .1 If UlUJfJH, LET US SELL YOUB CAB. QUICK ACTION" STAIGEB'S GARAGE. 9TH AND COUCH. SPOT CASH FOB YOUR FORDS Francis Motor Co.. 13th and Hawthorne. LAST CHANCE Marmon bug goes for $225"; R. C. Julian, Oornelius hotel. . - ' FOR SALE CHEAP 916 Ford touring car. Z-767. Journal FORD touring, $80 worth extras besides extra tires; looks like new;, terms. BelL 8098. 60 USED CARS TO PICK FROM AT a'i'Ai GER GARAGE. 9TH AND COUCH. BUICK SO touring, in fine condition. 8375. It's a bargain. Owner, phone East 1922. ' I Copyright, 1918, International ATJTOTtf OBILES ACCESSORIES 44 .CHRISTMAS SPECIALS 191$ HnpmobDe, run 2400 miles. .. .$1400.00 1917 Paige, T pass.. 5 toed Urea ear ' Uioroutily orsrhauied in our shop . . 900.00 Ford touring, demonntabla rims, shock eoeuroers, rail Class Urea: ear 11 throughout .v.. S75.00 8ix cylinder Hudson, fi passenger 800.00 Harmon roadster, new body and top. muiaior, new urea: would trade for 6 pass, car. Price 750.00 I17 Ford truck, thoroughly orer. hauled, good tires and good body. . . 600.00 We Sell on Easy Payments. D. C. WARREN MOTOR CAR COMPANY Main 780. 58 North 23d 6t FORDS FORDS FORDS NEW AND USED FOBDS .Ford Auto and Badiator Repairing. RUSHLIGHT & PENNEY, Inc. auuiunuu r ora Agents 868 EAST BBOADWAY Phono East 803. FORD DELIVERY CARS IB IN aVnVfl tflJlll Va ltMwul W ai Barnett panel body finished in maroon. If you want class here's your chance. i fn , t. i .- . .... . J'' ,7 aeu.ery, iineai eonainon. express iiii r j . i .uusnea in red and buck. "rareu, iiusbi conaiuon, express body, roll curtains, brand new body finished in dark tmrn. Terms U dylred. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR CO. E. 8770. E. 13th and Hawthorn. ... 1918 FORD ROADSTER 1918 CeVT ill MrftVlt mnrlifinn tSsVnlSnnf stKAA A A 58 North 23d St Main 780. D. C. WABBEN MOTOR CAB CO. MEW TIRES What brand of new Una 8 tou prefer f We have them, all makes and sixes. Also we make the famous O-V-C Double Tread (sewed) tires and do all man ner of are repairing. Oregon Vulcanising Oct. B3S-SSB BnrvjsMe, near uroaowey. AUTOMOBILES TfAIfTED 78 AUTOS "WANTED We are sold out of light cars: we will vay caah for any make of late modern light antos; must be In good condition, ready to run, roedster or touring. Bring your ear. A-l auto wukks fasINTINU uu WANTED, to buy a 1917-191$ Ford R. : win pay cash. Main 1843, A-1818. 172 3d st WANTED lAte model Chevrolet or light Dodge: will pay cash. Walker. 11 N. 2d st HIGHEST prices paid for automobiles, condi tion no object 111 N. 3d at Bdwy. 2639. AUTOS FOB HIRE tt AUTOS FOB HIRE WITHOUT DRIVERS. " Brand new oars. Seasonable rates. Fearing A Bobnett. City Garage. 86 10th. Between Stark and Oak. Broadway 840. AUTOS WITHOUT DRP.'ERS FOB HIBF" COUCHMAN A SULLIVAN, MARSH. 283 10TH AND YAMHILL A-13S6 FOBD, competent, $1 60 per hour: go anywhere. A. H. Winter, Tabor 10ZS. MOTORCYCLES. BICYCLES 68 BICYCLES for Christmas; the best for the Vast money. See our, selection before purcheaing. We art) in the low rent district 408 Haw thorne avenue. VLicvtiiAfli' iis ror a Bargain see ma chin at 146 E. 20th, corner Morrison, after o p. m. ; casn or terms. 1918 CLEVELAND light motorcycle, perfect conoiuuu, ciinp. evenings or ounaay 1UZ7 k. naa st i. AiDcrta car. FOR SALE Cheap, bicycle. Herbert Johnson, 850 Alder, or Tabor 9251. BARLEY-DAVIDSON, 8 speed, A-l condition tuiiy equrpiwa. un zisa. PIANOS, ORGANS. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS $ USED pianos at apecial r rices until the halirfava- Very reasonable terms of payment and a large number of used instruments t select from. Prices range from $145 up. Every instrument guaranteed. Beed-French Piano Mfg. Co., now in new store, 435 Washington st. cor. 12th. rnone nawy. i oi. D few l mmm Phonograph and records bought sold, exchanged and rented. Expert repair ing. 142 H 2d, near Alder, noatain. SAVE $7 We will sell six slightly shopworn Columbia phonographs, regularly priced 82.0U, wnue iney iat. at i. uegniar $20 tyla for $17.50. You'll hats to hnrrv. Ttaarf. French Piano Mfg. Co.. 485 Washington t. wr, t.ui. 10.000 PHONOGRAPH BECORiSr Don't forget we carry over 10.000 records for Edison, victor, Uolumoia and Brunswick. We have 12 record and machine rooms, each ven tilated every few minutes. Hyatt Talking Ma chine do., aou A to. ex. WE HAVE THEM Victor. Columbia, EdiiS and Stradavaria phonographs and in most all styles and prices. Come early better selections now tnsn later. iteea-rrencn mano Mfg, 435 Washington St., cor. 12th. Co. BRUNSWICK BRUNSWICK Hear the new Brunswick Phonoeraoh : nlava all records. We carry all models from $32.50- np. special, terms. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., tou anier. r 812.50 CASH sends new piano borne: flS.Kn next payday, then $8 or $10 monthly after January 1, constitute our reduced Christmas terms. Sell wan Piano Co.. Ill 4th st THE NEW EDISON PHONOGRAPH Hear the new Edison diamond disc phono graph. Indestructible records. Special terms. Hy att Talking Machine Co., 850 Alder. 8100 CASH or.mors paid for good used upright piano by the .Security Stursgs Co. Call Main 6823. 109 -4th tt WILL there be a Vietrola in your home for Xmas? Our easy plan will solve the question. Hyatt Tslfcing Mschino- Co.. 850 Alder. BI9AJ auodem, $13$; Schaffer. fine tone. 61T8: autopiano player, $338. Harold S. Gilbert, 884 Yamhill st - WANTED Piano, pay cash. Mar. 5246. News Service) FIA3TOS, OROAITS, MUSICAL IK8TBUMEJTS v it! "clTalsfiiAS fci' CTaT3 123 Swiek ek Co. priht piaDa, ebony I $188 Remma "eV Long piano, good practice piano. $178 Antoanetl Mtridral Co. piano. $3S Jllasoat new Kehler ek CampboA reg ular $40O style. ' $$008. , W. . MiUeg pianoj WgUku $460 atylav $342 Just like new ghattuck oak pis we; regular $435 atylav $678 P. S, Wick pUyer-piano. ' good as - new: regular 8800. Stdendid Una of aoad olanoa ta be aaerifieed. I a ii m nnjaa hti caaa so meet oeavy ueowins shipments. If you want g good piano cheap. don t taxi to Kwk tbesj evrer. WAKEFIELD MUSIO CO. 427 Waahtngton at $26 CASH bar? od need $11$ Psrioe OrsaZ BB rjaab boys good used gzso Angetus Player. 65 Cash buys smell used $278 Upright Piano. 78 Cash burs email used $300 rprisbt Piano. $190 Cash buys used Kimball $406 Unrigbt $265 Caah buy new stored $460 Upright Piano. lilt V .2,, V7?0 W K-t (Z7S Cask buys used Crown (BOO UprigM $405 Cash buys nearly new $950 Player Plane. I Part Cash. Bonds and other Seeuritiea accepted. Piatuia .nd RoM fo. Cah onlv. 1 Storsge 50c month. Phone Mala 6125. SECURITY 8TORAGS CO., 109 th St Phonographs and Records for Gifts It is hard to think of a more universal, ac ceptable gift for Christmas than a phonograph. Now is the time to select your Christmas pho nograph while our stock are complete. Our $47.50 Mah-Grafonola is winner. Term. S. & D. Phonograph. Shop 172 3d. near YsmhilL WE are not agenta for the Edison, "Viet role. tbeae instruments for sale on our floesvat re. I duced prices. Why is thU so? Because pec-1 AmImmI. m smmaImm k, im am rtvui an pie trade them to us in part payment for the Brunswick phonograph. Tbey aires wtta us that the Brunswick ton is better. WAKEFIELD MUSIO CO 427 Washington st EXTRAORDINARY sal of small phonographs. several Columbia machines, only a "ttje shop worn, at exceptional banal na. Regular $47.60 styles. In msbogany or oak. will be sold wun Six records (12 selections), for $89.75. Cash or ,...7u t.m. ni v..ii oi.n ur, rv. I K.liiVt mt- Co- 433 Washington st, cor. 12th. I $190 CASH buya $410 dull mahogany Kurta man upright iano at Security Storage Ca 109 4th st at Washington at TTFEWUrTEBM 11 GUARANTEED factory rebuilt typewriter, "all maaea, rrlct UsL aid on montnry peymenta, seua so The Wholesale Typewrit Co, re- tail dept.. 821 Washington st SPOT cash paid for your old Underwood, Royal or U. Exchange. C Smith typsw: 428 Railway Main 4000. CORONA Like new, $40, if taken at eSeZ Call 4830 87th t Phone Tabor 0101. 8. E., Mt scot ear. TYPEWHITERS rented, repaired, exe hanged. Typewriter supplies. REMINGTON TYPEWRITER CO.. 88 Broad. WILL exchange new Vietrola, EdiUon, Brune- wick or urafonoia ana records lor gooa type-1 r Gralonola and reeora for good type writer. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 850 Aides. ALL MAKES typewriters rented and repaired.' Oregon Typewriter Co.. 94A 6th. Main 8. HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOB BALK 6$ Furniture Brokerage 206 Madison t Bteel range. 312. 6O1 gaa range, 810.76; cook stove. 38.50; beaters, 81.83; dressers. $0.75; iron beds. $1.86; springs, $1.75; nut trees. $2.75; chairs. $1; rockers. $1.50; kitchen i.hi ei nn. wnli.n tnamTa ISDI): exten sion tables. $3.75; center tables. $1.25; llorary tables. ST.BOl buffet 114. DO: Steel two, tt RO: standard sixe nsol table, complete, $35:1 China caoineis, oressing taotes, su big yellow tag. TAKE ADVANTAGE . We are closing out a carload of up-to-date White Rotary, the latest model sew ing msehines. The regulsr price la $85. Lea than orue half. $89.50. FELPSTEIN FUBNITCBB CO. 166-168 1st st Between Yamhill and Morrison. fV.-t..rrrnknnnB rf SELLS FOR " LESS Iron bid l '"1 " Spring J-vw in m Mattresses .., 15! "5 I! Dressers . Phair, .7 ana up Dining table f-J Center table 76 and Up Cook stoves .. . " " ' Rockers . -JL--11. ; ' OWL FUtUHlUllE KM., s e. to a t?t (.nlinr. nf 4 room att for sale. Apt tor rent vau peiosw i S p. m. Mar. 883. SOLIP oak library table book rack. $13: piano -stool, $1; sweet tonea guiar, ao; insuucuoa k. 826 Margin. FURNITURE for sale and Cat to rent. Main 8860. CHOICE houehold fnrntture for aaiel 99l Belmont Tabor 7789. FOB BALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 FOR SALE 1 ton Ford truck attachment, cheap. Oliver Chilled Plow Works, corner K. 1st snd Tsylor sta. Sujhest c rices paid tor diamonds, wstchea and Jewelry. Repairing a specialty. Reiner Jewelry Co., 449 H Waahtngton st HOT water tanks, all sisas, la good, serriceahls condition, su gsu ei, gu. . zoi Adams st. East end Steel bridge. Phone E, 8516. FERTILIZER Old rotted eow, horse and sheep manure de livered .anywhere. Call after 6. p. m.. Main 7320. OAK. leather upholstered davenport, good condi tion, 827.50. iaxiey vacuum Cleaner $3.00. Tabor2230. t 14-K GOLD Swiss watch, strikes the hour and minutes. Cost a short time ago $600, now $100. Belding. the jeweler, 245 H Alder at WHITE ICELAND fox muff" and scarf, almost new. for sal cheap. Tabor 8483 or C- 2208. A LARGE Hughea electric bake oven. sulUble lOV m La.M - v' W . m var Lunch. 124 Broadway. Basement POTATOES 2o per pound; very choice smooth Burbanxs, xeepera. vruT .at Hvered. Phone le East 8846. FOR SALE Christmas trees, all sixes; also some peers. Tabor 8727, 1493 EL Oak at. on E. 65th. FOB berry bearing holly bush, cheap, de- liverea, cau iiwhiju. AI.L kinds fruit, 83c and 40c qt including Jar! Broadway zoei. nan ma at. FOB SALE, three burner Quick Meal oil atove in first class condition. 47 8(1 bOtb st. 8. E. FOR KALE Variegated Xmaa holly with berrieaT 964 E. 15th st.. N.. city. FOR RALE 32 special Winchester rifle. Phone j D-1746. WE hav new and second-hand safes, moderate price. 46 Front, Broadway 1886. FOB BALE Potatoes, $2 a sack, and pump kins lo a pound. Pb one Ta bor 7078. ED V. PBICB A CO., TAILORING. 409 E. MORRISON ST. FOR SALE Wagons and harness. Good chance East 4325. for hlscksmith or wagon- maker, FOR SALE-: Second-hand lumber: alt sixes tor heavy construction work. Esst 4325. UNCALLED for tailor made suit $12, 60" Ttyior the Tsuor. ZBVtt BnrnsYle st VACUUM cleaners sold, repaired, rented, n ' changed, bought Bentley Co.. Main 8662. COW manure delivered. Call Sellwood 465. HOKSE and eow manure for sale! Tabor 6624. FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 TREES Choice selection, beet and cheapest place ta buy. oav account of largo stock. 6ih and Yam hill, by Journal bldg. To Prove to Portland That Our UO... OI M nneeea beat theea all. OUl OUip we will sharpen ata Wade ae. We shaman anything you share wita. Money back if not the beet you waajd. "Su fthrp-' Shop. 226 Morrison st bUtae, new and tec told for leas; .aw Ihr end tents J pert emnlered. Cesnpleto parts for ail maks enachlnee, re paired and rented. Main SEWING MACHINE EMPOHIETM 190 Sd. near Taylor 1 AM the beet and cheapest clothes wsaher. JF'l SmiUs - MeCor iWo rvT iuJ. oeai v ldTaoeep .TSr rtii?) w?lJJ?7 ' Pf ' 51 Washington st Electric Motors Bought, spld. rented and repaired. Walker Electric Works, 419 Bur, aide, earner 10th. Broadway 6874. JOHNSON'S PURE APPLE CIDER ON THB PREMISES DAILY. 847 TAMHILL BET, 2D AND 8D. "MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS," Typewriters ana "Howaehniii nvi." . - - .i.ifi. atlea-. All advertiseaaeeits of thaaa awnda an wauer metr re.pectlve etas4ntaea. "Juaruisal OVEB. Rl O fif dropbead tewing msehines wtth attachments: all are in very good onditlow. Sewing nsachln rented at 88 month. Phone East 2889, or B-S807. E. B. seen. 188 Uranava near Belmont HOOD BIVEB APPLE STUBS APPLES BY THE BOX " $1.25 AND UP . BY TnB BASKET AND DOEEX 624 WASHINGTON ST. FIG PUDDING, aalad dreasbic. sweet nieklaa. ",,r. ntinow meai, nomemaoe muer xrsut, lor your Christmas dinner. When shopping in Cen- trel Markt- knk v .t.11 is a.i, lT v.Jii.i olivna, mine meat homemade saucr kraut for J. H, urk, proprietor. w vaaxeess Www" sail as a , AUTOMOBILES, MOTOBCYCLE8, LAUNCH tJ or boata are senarata elaaaifieations. A km Bsting can bo found under these dilferast rlsist mooas, " " A I" SNAP ' An A. B. Sanitary Gas range, almost new; same range selling for $35 new, Call Tabor 4 S40 if interested. Will tee ri flee. TERTTEIZER" Best rotted eow and horse manure, big eneer wsgow ineos rn'iiverea. East BBS. C1 O Rft 4 Oi fi cBED DBOPHEATi"" 9 I - JJ. IU p I iJ SEWING MACULNES Guaranteed. We rent and repair. 172 3d st, near Tsmhffl. Main 1848. A-1818. ELECTBIC wiring and repairing. We employ onlv eomnetent electrteia na. Smilb-MeCor KVec. Co., tidy.eZOBO. 7i wasmngton st PBTNTISiG FOB -50. "wedding invita- tions or announeemenU for $$.50; general emmereial printing; beet work; prompt deliv ery: try na. emith. printers, zo Burn st WHY an everlasting aggravation by a leaky roof t Wht not a nermanent and indestruetibU roof f We oxidise and renew all kinde of leaky swots. 60$ Tourney bldg. Mala OBS. EAT HORSE MEAT . Sails for leas than half th price of efhe at. Passes thorough inspection. 149 1st st I PLT'MBINU supplies, wnojeaaie price. StarV uara tv, 111 ea et. aiis 111 ni-cn 1 vi i ,r mk order of 1 sacks delivered. Call Sellwood 465. FUBNITTJBB WANTED 74 J?eTl2g,2iri?ed We earrr a greater aasoVament of new and used merchandise then any store in the eity. Then is hardly an item we do not buy and sell. W speeailiae in shelf and heavy hardware, sporting goods, household gooda. office furniture, betel and camp supplies. When you have earthing te buy 'or sell, aaQ or phono. Main 9072 A-T174. LEVIN HARDWARE A FURNITURE CO, 321-8-6 Front St., cor. Salnwm. OWTFURNtTURECO. First 204 Ws want 'your used furniture, stoves, emrpets end nisnns: wUl par highest cash prioor. Uau Mala 4zt. Want Household Furniture WILL PAY CASH Phone Main 8332. KjtftMAN-JOirNSON" FUBWlTTrKB .COT 88-90 Grand ave. East 7766. Richest prices paid for used furniture, nan. pets, stove, ranges, etc we can promptly. CtTT fraieht rates on household goods shipped ast and aouth. Manning Warehouse A Trans fer Co., 9th and Hoyt Broadway 708. A-1T-8 WILfi PAY CASH Vss nsad offiae foritnra. Main 1971. Pacific Stationery Ptg. Co.. 10T 2d at. WE pay the highest cash prices aver paid by anyone In th city for furniture. Call us for one s litest or a house run. Mam 7. A A ni I naid for furniture, stoves. ranges, hea linOn era. carpets, rugs, dressers, ete. Phone Mar. 2678. Hartaell Furniture Co.. 341-45 1st 1 pnnF. East 7710 when you want to sell your furniture; we will' com at once ana pay you CASH. M. R, SEATEB. B4B. Hawthorn ave. SWAT COLUMN, 2$ A STORE for f trade, what have you ? Tabor 8033. TWO New Zealand does snd cash for girl bicycle, rnone laoor GAS and e We trie store, fur and watcA lor chickens. Main 4190. Swank. , WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED People of Portland to know that 1 pay higbeet caah price for second hand house hold goods. No amount too targe sr too smalt Prompt attention, M 1TO pnone East 2203, 148 Base, B at. $7.50 for Second-Hand Suits Meyer, tba taDor, pay auost for clothing snd 1920 Madleoa, aia L. Shank Co. Portland. Front L.I OUallf " KjVt Oregon. Hides Metals Rubbers. Writ for price aad snipying rags, sism in, ' , G6Lb8TElS I The Tailor pays higbeet prices for ladies' and aenUemeo e suits, euaaita. ana. oraaaway 245 BornsMa. BUSY TAILORS Blghaat price paid , tor clothing TaBt l You will be t satisfied. Broadway 1031. MarahaU O vlrlCI i 208 S. ZIDELL e highest price f ym. etc.: will call i 1882 VJl .IUtlL. Front st. We pay th highest price for second -band toe Is, junk, pip, etc.; WUl call promptly. OVER THE TOP, $7.50TJd" Spot cash for second-hand suits, overcoats, old those. Main 738, or bayer will call, GOING East or South 7 House hold goods ahtpped at reduced rates: moving snd packing. Pacific Coast Forwarding Co... 40 Hoyt t Bdwy 703 SPOT cash paid for misfit clothing. Atlantic Cleaners Alteration Dept Main 6701 WANTED Rifles, sbotcuns. cameras. Hochfield. 85 3d st Pbon SftSl. DIAMOND wanted, pay cash. What hav you Main 34, IP to 4 O WANTED Girl' bicycl byyclci ' Tabor 8672. By v George McManus tt - TBT TTTE PETEUSON PLAIT - Winter and eerie mtmwtm a.winl mwm sW, ' Woaseu' arc savirK k&lf at a.iu.', Ui.nfu. tare' Sample OntkH M suit, eoats. diiai.s. ? Petuoeet. Tak sieve tor, Sd Ueos. ream 20 Pittock block. . TELL your own fortune with a deek of thoeo wonderful Fortune Pietnre cards. Inst roc Sf 4 - odueatjonat With full direeUona. Price $1.00. M. L. Hera. 438 (3d trae, M,is waukeo. W uv . . T - GLASSES AT A SAVING I oUett your psteeaaea en iha f . eepal-Je service. ' Thew. eaaas er aatwied patrona, - Chan, Goodman. rtotrsTit. 209 Mwuos st OOMB IN and ft both , ' 'or 31 by Dr. atoa. Uu CUIBOPODIST tbag dnean t hurt you. 6 years In Portland; exam. fma. lobe Tbeetre bldg., 11th and Waah. Bdy. 884. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC Notice i, bareby -, " I will not be reepenstbM for any , febts contrerted by my wile. Alice Ert Decern . Per 18, 1918. CHRIS ERL I'HEIf you hare tried everything oa the rheu matic calendar and eieaa mi u . Imiu , "d Jack King. No cure, no pay. 826 W SUrk at Gentlemen onry. . , BCf Kr" .?!." ,0,e-. noved by mmtm: uiaj rree. J oale lnler. 614 Bnah A Lene bldg Main 6868: COLDS , nervousnesa. treated withwnt drugs by "Brea thing Macleay bldg. PynamUm," . 408 DR. G. v. KETCHUM. woman" a maladlaa emf acute of Ma. Wa.hletmi kCdg- u nd Waahinctow ii, nannau sss. rfSu 1,. . I will not be reepon". '.rr, ,rjr Um contracted by RutT "eldon or Buth Carrie, f. W. WKLDO i PR ELNA innevtrv ana m-. n.i .zr. "" ov- , - ''"- '"irnrsnw or rneamatlsm. .WAaBEIJ BA?BEB. ftritual eavWrrdaiiy " 10 to 6. 146 11th st. Broadway 8288T? CLEAN roar on hnm. 4,k -1 .. J .- -.-"-i., 91 m oar ociivq. at n 7576. - LADY BABREBa Shave 15c, haircut 25a. 1 -maaeage 86". 826 Glin crTetht MUE. GKENELf.: aciMtifU " r... .-A .IJ treatmenta. 8j6 Fleidner bldg. Bdw. 168$. rnnpr w - NOTICB OP MEETING OF LANr MiWNfcka " OF MULTNOMAH f OLTY DBAW?" r;X! f. h"B7"o that the board of su- ,"irtom-,,-o0"t" d district No. 1 to be held on Fridey. the 27Ui da J - . .'.T meeting of Use u-eemocr. lgl, ,t the hour ot J 8' i7c!oek : a" kali No. 88 1-8 ThSd Vw e".'r!', ;-. in the city of Portland, Or., at which time and place such, rwners shall mt (or the purpose 1 electing wo aupervUor wh? .hall boil hi. wfrJcTfor Oalifiei untu h ueoeesof is else tad and f14 meeting eech owner shall be " aw. titled to one eot tm swrem. h. . m t M T . . f ' trirt w wui uj mm to Dated thi llth day of eoember, 1818. . ' J. O. fcLUoD, " Attest D. C $2$Z t" Seeretery. BUSJNE5S DIRECTORY SOOOBDKOai PtallTIWQ. HtWSTTTeHIIItt liyi. "EM AND PLEAT SKlilTK- lifr VrdnrUi axEMSTITClONO lOt FEB aw ess. at s sa. KARTFRV vnvrr we, nn. 86HFIFTH ST.' " Bfrfr. ,BOB. ".IIJ TC11 IN G"d, Pico,- "AU'wori tngnd 10,r M M MSTrTCJIINU. 8o per yard. 860 W . Mml nmm t. Mootn 4Qgt. bet Bdwy. and Park st AWTI0U86 ilt?wJlS'4?' S1!" nrU- "pastry aad'art 'w'ry hought and sold. 363 94 V . V.'!" . kinos of furuiturev ' " Stem Balrag. Co., 68$ WamSo. ml B8AUTW IrlOmilT WsrteCW,-- terete by Mai VP" rdm WtFtn4w AAA 61 at V. a r " wv wTtSWI mfKtf. BLANK sjoom 9KKIa "a!f5 HOLMAN, XNcTToiT-id at.. manmaetorers. A-8168. Maus 188, CAWPIT Ctttmsa E. 3580 r ' ETrug. "in?" rf""" refitting. sag rugs woven jTI .Im,. w,u or.a ROHTMWtST BUG CO, r- OTrVA" 1, Vnioa aa EAST 3580 mnn, r.iori. F 84 Loins at. .V." East 6516. B-14TB fMti5 ictrt Cleaning Worae-Cast . . f law, Ttmtisl tsar spedaitA, Eaet 440. H-1063. 204 a, CHISOSSlnvnaa 1 TJiU.5:. J, Broad-a, HlC Practic, Electricity. Vibratory Masssge aad Diet ua. neaiAUUM is making good: 11 aHu.T ia; sevan. 65. E-Hest term. HIBOPODTS ua. 81-ki Iai uo rn S. H I J n l n n c ."??, 8 1 1 AVm ayas, at asw - . - ' r w v ( iWO )8wetUnd bldg. Main 1081 GOAL AMD WOO a NATIONAL. FULL CO. lihort slsbwood. M.-. weod, 2 load Ms. 4 ft ee..J si h tmti 041. 6DU0ATIOWAL .?TF.DT8 80th st and 40th at near Hawthorne are., private instruction jl an, of the grade studies: sjao hlehZTZJ? I 'hone Tabor 59S9. ; . ' DANOINQ ML8H IRELAND " 10 I.PHNIiWa it 809 TVtnmi Wdg. Parsons 1 attentloei. )) to m. MRS. FLECKS ACADEMY, 10l 2d st Bait", room and stage dancing. . Clas. Tuesday iad Friday evening Main 2100, Privsta l-2!L MUSIO ICHOOtl lis Ttieu... " " -w. .a. wain V 1 V, Y atn - - 6t si at PROF T. E. LAWaON. 2o" s-asno lesaons at row hnraa L. CARROLL tlY, ptsno. vocal Uaaon. " BTT , Practice piano iTA.. E- .T11IEI.HOBN Violin teaeW a 2Q7 ruedncr bldg Broadway 1629 CBANE LETTEB CO A 612 Iteysi bldg. Matt? graphing, mlmeoeranhlne. Marshall 682? ir l H-iFly PeinUng, tinting, papestng. lif ...... o. nroeoway 4414, WoodUwsj 2128. GOLDBEKO. 620 VV'oreest,, bide- if...-?sTs- PBIWTiaiQ, SWOSAViaiO. BINOINO) PRINTING snd Oak ea U ls. A-iiaa. PHyIOIAI6 DR- R A. PIULLII-a. OorBroadws, building Bbeumatlsm, Irmaia disorders, akin tronblaa. stomaeb, Uver, kUloey, bowsis, throat aesoZ high blond presmre. ' . . RAZOR AND OUTLCRY aRIMDisia TRY TUB safety raror and fimrv ariaHT 303 4th t near the, courthouse. BUBStB STAMpg ALSO STENCIXS. Trad Cbecka. Metal SlgaaT FACIF1G COAST STAMP WORKS 6$ Broadway. Broadway 710. A-7716. SALTS D AND SWOstSD PI8H ALASKA HERRING Y IMPOBtlNG CO.. i'u tributats of salted and smoked flan. . YsnrhiU st, Portland, Or. TRARgy 8 R AND 6TORAOS OhtG0N..lRANSFEft CO. Xstablishad 1878 Transfer and Forwarding Agents i Storage Frae Trackage Office and Storage-474 Gllaaa 1801 and Glisan Broadway 1281, A-l 169. American Transfer & Storage We do hauling of aB kind in or out of tba city. Beggag and farwitare moving but spa. eialty. 7 day free storage. Get our prices,' Broadway 4138. 809 Oak st ALWAYS "PICK" 1 Hit BEST UOlMEHOLB GOODS 8PC1AU8T Storage, packing. ahip , pfog aad moving. Horsa'aad aato vaas, 8peciJ gate to all points. C. O. PICK. TRANSFER A STORAGE CO. Second and Pine. . Broadway 696. A-1996, STORAGE AND TRANSFER -CLAY S. MORSE. INC. : 436 Flanders : -G. L DAVENPORT 7 TBANSFEB AND S" RAOB V rwsn ruatilktr'ta Uf A T-r r .-- i . ivvy-Aia a mji-m 7 1 1 ' J l ir Mara 8676. A-8166. 144 Front ati PACKIN'i MOVING STORAGB . ... SECURITY 8T0BAGB A THANH FEB CO. 166 Park tt - Main 6195, A-HH FIREPROOF STORAGE - & 14. OLSON TEAKSTZB CO., 14$ FINB. PERSONAL s,