THE 'OREGON DAILY JOURNAL; PORTLAND. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19; 1918 11 TOWN TOPICS THRIFT 8TAMPS . -and WAJl 8AVINO8 STAMPS ' on 'Sals at Business Office, Tbe Journal JOTJBXAX TBATZL BTJBBATJ Tnnlm to H potaU of the Cnrtad tta am mttntmA kmM k. nntin of IPTVtatq inform tioa and errle offered throats Tk Oracoo Journal TrsTtl Bureau, in penosal chart f Vvntj B. Bastta. tuuroaa acseu ew v5' ehrp bookings wruM roreise ezehaBze taraad. lntermatioa slvea fesaidias peasporta. : TODAY'S FORECAST Portland and Tteloitjf Tonight and Friday, rain; aouUiarly wii. , ... '' nln w tuirtlim nln or inOW Ut portion; warmer toniabt cut portion; atronf southerly wlnda, . ,., . VI1THKU coftDiTlOXS ckaiim hinmatriii Aimraaetona ar ahown in Wastarn Canada, off tha Oron coart and in the wtrrroe aouthwert. 0r tha remainder of tha country tha prawura la htfh. the hisheat mains being on tha north Atlantic eoart. Precipitation haa occurred en tha north Pacific oaat and in tba Plain and Wert Golf atatca. Temperature change hr bean naevenlr diatribntcd. Tba tmtmi imnnrtant timmt in trniDeratare have bean in Northern Montana and Vaatern New Tort., and tha mot rapid chine to colder baa been in Weetcra Nabraaka. Tba temperature ia below . nonnai ore, an area reaching from Eastern Or eastward to Nebraska and louthward to tba Max lean boundary, and i generally" abore normal in other taction. Tha greateat excesa m temper ature li in tha uppei Mlwiwlppi valley. KDWARD U WILLS. OBSERVATIONS ' STATIONS fteker. Or. . . . Boston. Maae. ......... I Chicago,, 111. .......... innvar, VUtu. . . . . l)ea Moinea, Iowa . Ftetno, Lai. ........ . (lelveaton, Taxaa Helena. Mont Huron, H. 1. Kansas City, Mo Iam Anfeles, Cal . . . . . Marohfirld. Or Memphis. Tens. .... - New Orleana, La New Tort City North Head. Wash . . . Oklahoma City. Okla. Pittxburc.'Pa. Portland, Or. St. Louis, Mo. fit Paul, Minn. Malt Lake City, Utah. Ian Francisco, Cal... . Heattle, Wash Hpnkane, Wash. Tampa. Fla Vancouver, B. Walla Walla, Wash.. Washington, P. C. . . . TtMP. g 'i f18 f" 2T1 asfl 0 84 22 0 44 42 0 2 10 0 44 40 0 44 8S 0 2 6fl .44 80 IS 0 82 28 .02 48 44 .06 68 B0 0 02 42 .28 ! 62 46 0 60 83 0 44 84 0 43 82 46 .02 84 86 0 42 40 .85 64 42 -0 36 34 .08 80 26 0 68 44 0 44 40 .08 82 80 0 70 88 0 42 84 .02 36 82 0 48 26 0 Have You Mafle S Good on That W.S.S. Pledge? : Do you weary of reminder that you haven't kept your W. S. S. pledge? Do you think, "this suirgrea tion that ; War Saving's Stamps be suusuiuiea ior . casn -' presents ai a Christmas time leu me out of my pledger" Do you say, "The war la over and tha government doesn't need tha Investment la W. S. S. which I promised?" ; . t f' lt you think such thoughts lslmply means you are trying to fool itour own. conscience. You. are , offering: poor: excuses which, are worse than none. You are making- futile experi ments In pledge camouflaging. . No thing satisfies an unperformed duty except doing it. Uncle Sam is going to know 1. by tha - first of January whether your pledge Is good or mere ly a scrap of paper. Keep your W. S. S. pledge and do it now. " ' "-- ' - ; 1 Pbi Delta Theta Hold Banquet and . - Elect Officers Private Seely Is Listed Among the Wounded in France The Phi .Delta Theta Alumni associa tion of Portland held its annual ban- duet in the Oregon hotel Saturday eve-"J nln?. with 87 in attendance. . . ' Many Phi's from the different sec tions of. the country weroj present, - es pecially the military personnel stationed In and around the rlty. The evening was spent in telling stories. 77 Wallace McCamant ; was toastm aster, "iii . s j - Among those present ' were ; JFirst Ueutenant E. T. Patee, Captain-William J. Connlff, First Ueutenant Thomas M. Strublinc. First Lieutenant John J. Joyce, Second Lieutenant Brewer BiUie, First Lieutenant H. B. McOlll, Privates John O. Baker. , John K- Ooodwin, Palmer Rogers. S. W. Smith, Sergeant XX a. Smith, Flying Cadet Robert E. Morton. Among the clvllana present were: L. P. Hewitt, B.i C, Morgan, Kenneth Lancefield, W. H. O'Gorman. C. F. Thomas. C. W. Raynor, B. M. Howard, Miles Standisb, Dr. William O. Spencer. I. R. Fox. Li li. Hurst, a. w. tjuiier, it. 1. i (jroxicr, xtu U. Miller, H. B. Beckett. M. D. Spencer, F. C. Howell. Thomas G. Donaca.iF. W. Cutler, A. M. Swartly. H. :H. Ward, A. S. Olsen, L.; D. Howard and R. W. Wil bur. r Private Chester J. Seelv. son of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. SeeV, 143 West Liberty ""i w wounnea severeiv Kerjum- er 27, according- to official disnatches. ine parents have received no word from their son since September 13. Private Seely wenKto France in Aug ust with the 157th infantry. He left Portland in June with a selective service contingent for Camp Lewis, was later sent to Camp Kearny and after a few weeks went overseas. . Chester Seely Is a native Portland boy. i He was employed by the North west Steel company before entering thl service. Haaf May Be Interned Fred Otto Hanf, enemy alien of German birth, was apprehended by Deputy United Stat Marshal Rons this morning and prob ably will be interned at Vancouver, Wash. He failed to register as an enemy alien and was several times seen within the half-mile sone around the Armory. So far as known he has not been causing any trouble. Hanf was born In Bremerhaven, Germany, and has lived in the United States about .four year, mostly in the eastern part of the country. Christmas . for Soldiers To make Christmas seem like a real Christmas for the 12,000 men of the spruce divi sion still at Vancouver barracks, the V. M. C. A. is collecting through its of f ices here and at Vancouver all sorts of Christmas gifts, principally candy, cakes and cookies. All sorts of fruits ' and jellies and anything else that healthy young man likes is asked by the association. The Y. AT. C. A. plans to have a Christmas tree and large en tertalnments. Parcels may be sent to Vancouver collect and should be ad dressed to the Army Y. M. C. A. Promised to Make Good On condition -'that-he make restitution, and settle his . back bills, Fred Runkle, convicted of lar ceny, was sentenced to a year in the ' county jail by Municipal Judge Ross matt Wednesday, and paroled to Attorney F. J I. Whitfield. Alva E. Morrison, a me chanic, charged with the -larceny of an automobile. "Waived a preliminary hear ing, and was bound over to await action of the grand Jury. Railway CIsb to Meet The annual meeting and election of the Portland Railway Social club will be held Mon day at S p. m. In room 620. Electric . building: Each division or department of the employes' organisation Is request ed to send a delegate. Plans of the club for the coming year include entertain ments, dances and picnics. The first dance will be given in January. Longed for Forest Home SI Bingham, forest supervisor of the Malheur X tional forest, has returned to his home , at John Day after a month's, detail at the district forester's office. Mr. Bing ham complained of lns6mnla because of the streetcars and autoa that constantly passed his hotel while In Portland and longed for the quiet of his home town. 1 40 miles from a railroad. Plckard Owasd Ball On Saturday last The Journal published a photograph of the famous Golden Glows Chief, Jersey bull, as owned and bred by W. S. Ladd , Estate. This was art error ; the bull was bred only by the W. S. Ladd Estate and was owned at the time of his death by Ovid Pickard of Marlon, to whom is due the credit for developing this champion. . Beed College Concert The seventh an nual Christmas concert at Reed college will be given this evening at '8 o'clock vat the college chapeL The numbers will " be Christmas carols and selections from The Messiah.". Miss Goldie Peterson will be soloist. Miss Louise Huntley will be director. 6 The public Is invited. Bay School, Wlfni School Classes In , shorthand, typewriting, bookkeeplnn, stenotypy, modern filing, penmanship, all commercial branches, start after . Christmas In Link's Business College, Portland. Enroll now. Adv. ' L. A ITelioa Retarit L. A. Nelson, ' recently placed In charge of products at the forest service, has just returned from the forest products laboratory at jjadlson. Wis., where he haa been mak- Ing a study for tha last two weeks. Te Accommodate Holiday Shopperf, JShanahan's store will remain open 5rvery evening from 6 to I o'clock until Tchrlstmaa. Wonderful bargains await ' 1 you In every depatmcnt. Adv. Steamer Iralda, tor St. Helens and Rainier, dally at 1:80 p. m, foot of 'Aider street! Sunday, St. Helens only, 1:30 p. m. Adr. General Amaetty Meeting Potipoaed The aeneral amnesty meeting an nounced for this evening in Arlon hall bas been postponed Indefinitely. Steamer Jessie Harklas, for Camas, Waahougal and way landings, dally ex cent Sunday, leaves Alder street dock at a p. m. Adv. W. B McDonald Insurance that ln- surea ; claims paid direct from my omce. Phone Marshall 2351. icon oiagv aov, Given Year's Sentence Robert Staphs n. arrested by Patrolman Randall Saturday night In tha attempt to force an entrance into a store, was sentenced to serve a year In the county jail by Municipal Judge Kossntan. Wednesday Stephan, who is about 20 years of age. admitted to the police a long list of other offenses, but because of his poor mental condition, 'little credence was placed In his confession by the author! ties. ' , Georgiana, 7 a, m. Bally, exeept Frl day, Astoria and way points: Lurllne, 8:30 p. m. daily, exeept Sunday. Adv, Xmas Umbrellas, beautiful lavaliers and most everything at Beldings, the Jeweler, 245 Alder street. Adv. Sr. Win. A. Trimble has returned. 412 Mohawk bldg. Main 1235. Adv, Br. Mvrray M. Levy, returned. 207 Medical building. Main 8932. Adv Br.. Chae. e. Hill returned, 811 Orego- nian bldg. Phone Main 789. Adv, U. H. Liberty Bonds Will pay cash. 416 PiUock Block. Adv. Br.! Seamana, Stevens building, turned. Adv. re Agtlny motor supplied with current from a car's batteries operates a' new wind shield cleaner fbr automobiles. DANCING Guaranteed 1ST 8 LESSORS' Ladies $2.50 vance agent for the Chicago Opera com pany, and has many friends In Port land musical circles, - - ; . Mr. Pettigrova is connected with the Monarch mills of North Portland and Well known In business circles.' After a brief trip to Puget Sound cities over the holidays. Mr. and ' Mrs. pettlgrove will return to Portland, where they, will make their home at the Multnomah ho tel. Son in Letter to Mother Makes No Mention of Wound . Although Private Louie W. , Pregge was reported from Washington to his mother, Mrs. WUhemlna' Pregge, 845 East Thirty-fifth street, 'as being "wounded, degree undetermined, on Oc tober 1." Mrs. Pregge bas veeeived let ters from her son dated October 27 and November , In which no mention Is made of wounds, but In which the sob expresses himself as being well and happy. It is thought by the family thai pos sibly Private Pregge' received a very slight wound which he did not consider worth while mentioning. Reported Missing, : . Youth Writes Later ' Telling of Wound ,. Reported by the government as miss ing sine September 10. Private Roy A. , Wright, .son of . Mrs. f Sarah V. Doah fields.. 6256 Sixty-ninth street, has writ ten a number of letters home since then and Is now probably on his way borne. according to Mrs. Dostmelds. ' . In a letter dated October U. Private Wright said that he had been wounded October 7 and waa in a field hospital. He was later moved and a leUer dated No vember 4 stated that he had been moved to a basejioepltal and was getting along nicely, although he was yet so weak he could scarcely write. Friends of Private Wright have re ceived a letter dated November 16, ac cording to Mrs. Doshfields. : It Is reported that many parents are keeping their children home from school as a precaution against influenza. An added precaution, for children and arrown-uos alike. Is Purola Chloroxin. an antiseptic gargle and mouth wash which tends to nrevent disease trerms from en tering the system. AU druggists aell it In 25c and 81 bottles. Adv. MrsAPangle and W. A, Pettigrove Quietly Married .;-:-7 " ! "- V. Mrs. Frances Pangle and William A. Pettigrove were quietly married at the residence of Rev. John H. Boyd Wednes day at 5 p. m. in the presence of a few intimate friends. Later a dinner was served to 12 close friends atxthe home of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Hyskell on Westover . Terrace. Mrs. Pettigrove was for a time ad 3 Jtr.vr, A, LONG TAIL ! :A long tale could be told about the pains we take m J brewing Gentlemen $5 at DeHoney's Beautiful Academy, 23d and Washington New classes for beginners start Mon day, Tuesday and Thursday evenings. thissweek. This rate for ladies is for this week only. Secure your tickets at Once. You can take one or three lessons a week. Tickets are good until used. This is the only school teaching one les son the entlr.e evening, 8 to 11, Plenty of practice, no embarrassment. The only school with a separate step room and extra teachers where backward pupils receive special attention. The only school with a system which teaches the gentlemaji to lead and lady to follow correctly, where you will dance with dozens of different partners each les son (the only way to become a practical dancer), and where each pupil receives a thorough printed description of all dances free. 'Private lessons all hours. Lady and gentlemen instructors. Join the leading achooL ' Learn from profes sional instructors. Meet refined people. Call afternoon or evening. Phone Main 7656. - The drink that fits Suffice to say,! Blitz has body, flavor, pep and that means Satisfaction for You Blitz at dinner Blitz at lunch Blitz any time In Bottles On Draught Everywhere The Portland Brewing 7 HOODRIVER APPLES ! $1.00 PER BOX ' The Apple House. MOTHER RECEIVED A Real Christmas Present of a properly fitted pair of glasses. Something she will always remember, and then think of the real satisfac tion of being able to read and do her work without the bother and incon venience of changing glasses. vj All of us children went in together and got her these beautiful rimless glasses. The double kind that are not noticeable, and then the total cost was much more reasonable than we expected.- Why don't you call on Dr. Duback and let him show you something that will give pleasure for years to come. His specialty is the eyes only, and the proper glasses. You will find him at It Broadway, aext to Washlagtoa. MAS GIFTS FOR LESS This Electric Iron WITH HOTPOINT ATTACHMENTS ONLY $4.75 Universal Lunch - Boxes at.. . J . . $3.1 5 Thermos Bottles : at ...... . : .$1.75 Roller Skates . ; . 75c OREGON HARDWARE CO. Ill SIXTH STREET Privacy Beauty The family room of the beautiful floral chapel ia so arranged that those ia it can observe all that transpires within the chapel without themselves being seen. It affords complete privacy. The chapel itself is one of the most beautiful ia the Northwest. F. S. Dunning, Inc., makes do charge for its use: Families who do not wish to have- services held elsewhere have' only to designate a desire for the chapel's use, and Dunning attends to all other arrangements. As for -prices set your own and the reputation of this long-established institution is assurance that perfect service, will be given. Lowest Pr Specials for Friday and Saturday m I 414 East Alder Phone East 52 B-2525 3B& !,SPNERAL DIRECTORS Irtc. We really feel that if you want any kind of Kodak to give at Christmas You'd better come in here, where we make a specialty of Kodaks and carry the full line. ' Golumbian Optical Go. Floyd F. Brower, Mgr. 145 Sixth Street 1 ' - mmm I a iif-aii-t;i .Hi' I " , ,WJrtaiaifla nfcaWsaaV..--- a. I Reg. $7.50 8-piece Mani- d Q 'A Q cure Set. . . .... .... 4)Oot7 French Ivory Mani cure Sets in fey cases French Ivory Mani- (Q CAnd es4JJUVUp Fancy Ivory Dresser Sets From To50anauP Reg. 3.50 Mil. itary Brush set !n leather case, 4 eb ony finish. Spe cial at ...$1.98 50c Durham Blades 39 $1.25 Set in Rubber Shaving Brush... 79 50 SPECIALS FOR MEN s $1.00 Gem Razor 89 I I $J $5.00 Gillette Razor $4.25 I 10c Barber Soap...... Reg. $2 Hot WaterBottle Made in one piece. No seams. 2-q utrt sise. Special QQ -J UK, Rubber Goods of Quality at Lowest Prices Sanitary Douche Combination Water Bottle and Syringe t.qsart molded, fall capacity, extra heavy aaage, fall rats forced, metal stop per, rapid flow, plala to bins: . metaJ shat . off, 3 screw pipes, lafaats' rectal sad varlnaL Ktg. $1 $1.85 Large scored bulb, ad justable shield, hard rubber bent pipe, throws whirling spray. Reliable and safe. Reg ular $3 quality Spe cial $1.49 at Regular $2 Foan tain Syringe, 2 quart sUefull length tube, 3 hard rubber at tachments. Spe at QQ only .... aOl Agency Eastman Kodaks - Antiko Remedies Xmas Grocery Specials At the D. C. Burns Co. These Holiday Specials will save you money. Read carefully our special prices , on Canned Goods. Buy in quantities and save We will sell canned goods in dosen lots at H the dosen prices APPLES AT SPECIAL PRICES Hood River Spits C-t. $1.75 Hood River Newtown X... $1.85 Hood River Jonathan Apples, GO KA per box.. DSetJU The DIET During s and After The Old Reliabb Rcsnd Packggo mm mm 9B Very Nutritious, DIjost&SD j The REAL Pood-Drink, Instantly prepared. Made by the ORIGINAL. Horllck process and i from carefully selected materials. : - Used successfully ovef - century." Endorsed by physicians everywhere. nsisims Ralclna, Cluatar Tabla Wo. 1 , cai- tons, aach Ralilna, Oluttsr Tabla Na. 8. ear- tena, aaflh Ralilna. Sadad. bulk. SB lb. b.x-a onl Z.7S Bon Ton. Saadad. i 15 or - eartnna. for S1.BO: oach .13 Bon Ton. Sa.dlMa.1B ox. ear- ton. ar dex.. S14H): aaoh. . .13 Fancy Unbleacrted Sultana, bulk, paMh. .1 P. . Currant, IS es. ,arton, -; aaeh . ..... - -SB OaWlrtD FNUITS AND VEOCTABLES Oorn. Onarsa brand, fancy, regular SS.OO srada, par doz ?-?5 Oorn Iroquot. par doc. ...... . . . . Z.1B Asoaraflua. Z, lars white, par doz. ..... S.TS Ktparagua, ZVt, flerge eraen, par . dor. S-BO tparaaut, 1t. wtilta tloa. par doz. 3.7B Atparagu, Braokdat euta, 3a, par. doz. .. . S.2B Ssparasu. Hlllatrllla, T. f., 1. tall, par doz. -0 Tomatoa. Claarbraak brand. 2 Via (PylM), w dox i-8B Tomatoea. aolld pack, Z'i. P. . ' par doz. f " Paas, tondar, swaat, par doz. ..... 2.78 Ma. I Ittia. nrMt. DW dol 3.1B Baant, atrtnglaa. P. S par doz . . . 3.1 B aana, w. .. cui. sa. aw w . . . Squaah. P. !,... 1." Bolnach. Llbby'a. par doz;. . . ; . ZA9 Artlohakaa, Prattlow brand. 2V4a, In ean; par doz., SS.2S; aach . . 30 Artlohokaa, PratUow brand. No. 10. M can, par doz., SS.OO; i aaeh ,. . . . t ..... . i ...... . . . M Peaoha. Barrratta, sstra Y cllna, 2 Via. per doz. S.E0 apricot. Barryaais. extrsj V,t, par doz. 3.2S MMHalt. Raaadala. aztra Std.. 2a. par doz. ... . ..... ..... nnoappw. . annini oxtra. m.vtm, par doc. - 2.90 Ptnoappla, Rotodala, sratad. 2. . . . 248 Peaehaa, Fyl.'a solid pack. Clear, brook brand. No. 10,par doz SS.SOI eaeh .78 Pumpkin, solid pack. No. 10, par doz., SS.2B; oach .48 Cataup, Praf.vrod Stock, IS oz. ' par doz S340; aach,... . 1 .30 PRUNES Rarf Hill brand. Dundo. Or.. fane lU'lan rYvnaa, 2S lb. bozee. asnh SS.tS RRSSOMHIA OHIRRIES Lyons MaraaRhlno Oharrlaa, iaroa, par .. S7.R0 rmntt ........ .78 Lvoa Maraanfcln , "'TtI.. mo dtum. nor dns. M-BOs aaoh .BO Lyone- IWaranHlfM, QharHaa, amalL per doz., S2.B0; oach n. J29 NUTS Oiwoon Almond. 3 So par lb.; S lbs. for SI .00 Oreoon Soft Shell Walnut. 38 par lh.t Iba. for. . 1.00 Oraoon rilbarta. 3Bo par Ib.j S Iba. for a.00 Brwll Nuts, 3 Bo par Ib.j 8 tba. for .00 Pecans, par lb. ..... , .28 . PLUM PUDBINQ . Plum PudnMna, Heinz brand, 1 lb. can, each . .:.S 30 MINCS! MEAT T OardMt Mlneo Mat, No. t . . . 8 va O wi Minor Mawt. No. 8... 1. Mines Mort. In bulk, par lt. 0 Atrnoraa-Canned Mines Most, per doz.. 81.80: each.... .14 Red Ore Mince Meat. Cen'd. 8 lb. COFFEE Tliar are Juat a anamr different kind of Coffee a there are different kind of peonle. atoms sood, eomo bad. eemo In. dHTorent sood. and eomo Indrffarent bad. Coffee are the earn war. We ha, araaft pat I no. and ak III In aelsatlns eoffee. for we hay a eoffa trad that M the beet In Oregon. The peoele w eater t. demand the finest eoffee In the country, and we realize that H to up to to provide tt. ' Juno Coffee 30c Lb. A OOFFEE WITH BUARANTCB SATISFACTION OR MONEY BACK TO MAIL ORDER CUSTOMERS W will deliver Fro of Charts te your noarart shlpplne potnt or by parcel poet. June Coffee at SO par pound, wtUt tha auarantee that If thl OofTae I not atl. factory, w will rafund the full amount of the pure hast price. TTT A ROSE OF -CEYLON TEA, regular 75c per lb. KOa , X jt scecial vet lb tJUC lb. " ' V ' . - JAM TXXi Plum Jam. lS-ofU.per desea 925y sack A. a 11. soaa, per aosea oe, eaea.... ....200 OTJT.Or.TOWir PEOrtE-TAWE FAKTICTJI.AB IfOTICEt All mail orders will ee filled caret ally mad promptly t taese lew prices proTldjBg yea order not later tbaa Veaday er Taesday. - " D. G. BURNS COMPANY - SS-S1S THISD RTBKET, "BET WKTS3T TATXOR A ICS 8AX.X03T. Oa aad Oae-Hsll Blocks SoatB of FabUe Market. Special Mall Order Service. Write for Moataly lrtee List. TT. 8. Feed : Admtalstratlea Iiieease Ko. G-47. Member of tke Greater PerUaad Attoelatloa. vrkoieialers te Frtvate FamlUes, Hotelaaad Betiaaraats. SAMPLE i S H OP 264 Alder St, Near 3rd, Opp. GillYBook Store 0 B REMEMBER During this sale the Globe Sample Shop will ex- 4 change all .sale goods and refund money if not satisfied. , mm, Sale ctf SAMPLE SKIRTS, COATS AND SAMPLE SUITS AT ONE-HALF PRICE 2k SUITS Some in this stock run up to -$45.00- at only $ IB ill V. idw 1 roar bay wood 1 1 II V. iy w our All - White II 11 ii-irfr-rti 1 Butte, Nut Bread. II ll ' ll Ti hacao It teata - It T , 1 1 1 JV . ; th.hlf bert la food J J Reliable Dentistry We rearasfaa oar work for ie mis, W will tuahw soar tortk free and feu roe it wnai ibt rronlr. and what tt wfll eeat. Beta orewna .... Porcelain Orewna. . .SSo-SS.OO Batd FHIIne. . . .S10 end V Fail aat f Teeth fee M O Pern Sureties.. ...... SO Ur piuint ...aoe I slv smr persnrial atlas Ooa la aa Mwfertsta) db. ar. r. Ksrrroir. praa. Open Bvaatas CatU IS Boston Painless Dentists Between th aad Btk aw Vshh DRESSES Sample and stock' Silk and Serge Dresses. You will wonder how we can do this, but they must go at only $ (g .95 SAMPLE COATS Specially priced for this sale. Some in this stock run up to $45.Ulr at on (CD. WAISTS Holiday Waists, that run up to Specially priced at 1s only.. . . . T. . D- 95 f.OI.Baltes 6 Cora AT ft u DC3 mm Tirttftsd OjS 0 inew to ironyr &ks lis aattx BqtaHUlmibread is.mcxde by tevst. must- berftp best: I sssBVda dr a " -. . irve noun? au v our Aim is tMwoy Thns fluoidtng Imitafons 115 Second and Wash.