TJIE VOREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLA ND, SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 15t 1918. 11 J 1 yrAVTzn aget j- i fc.'FicU'L'ladotW war bcok. toft. ohtt aa2 diagram Unions coyrghted aejr-4 Insert , for soldier, photograph, regiment n wlitorj . twoord. Belle Uks botoakes to soldiers slid rt'n regardless other war book. Endorsed by highest ' V. 8. military official. American, Canadian, British. French and Italian official photographe. Cemuleto an authentic, tow pries. Afents profit. $1.10 to $1.60. 81 premium; extra. (Prompt shipment. Freight paid. Credit given. TbrUUac battle aocaea, wonderful airplanes, Zep- v-ltns, submarines, torpedo basts, tenke and . Wttlashfpe. Hun atrocities, poieon cm ixt Hquid fire. Bend 10 cnU for pontags on rnageJflcent free outfit. H. I Baldwin Co.. Cleveland, Ohio, " . 14 ItockafelloT bldg. ; . 'i i VlUfcNDSI AGENTS! Laee and Gentlemenl Ind me you noes. Use ml kII Egyptian Mafia Perfume. A powerful high grade extract of flowers tht fives entire settafaeon,j Mrs. H, writs-.. Your pertains is Junt grand." Miss IX Mr "It'a wonderful. already people take won notion" Un. Kelsef writes. ' It my be the perfume, anyhow bntinens to bettor. Hun dreds of satisfied etwtomerv Ona bottle, port paid. 2Bes three, 6e: five. $1; dozen. $2; arose. $ 1 k. O J. Churchill Chemical Co, M rgra,, Beaumont. Teres. ' mi L'atitv uia ui-k nrofita. New earbu- I . vrf or Plmnle. not a moving part, installed to 30 minutes, guaranteed to doubla youf mileage and start In awro weather without heating or priming 15 day FREE trial. J Write IT. A J. Carburetor Co., 603 W., Jack son bll., Chicago. tTtif Au uiiSTri WAR. Authentic, eon plete and Illustrated from official photograph of allied government. Introduction . by Oen. aH . r iff TJ. . B. ermv. Blggeat , eommieeiorie to agents. Prospectus and outfit frea. Bend 10a for malting. Bibls Kducalional ' fioclety. 7 th and Fine eta., Bt Louis. Mo. SALESMEN Big. quick profits. New carbu retor for ITord ear. Simple, not a moving part. ln tailed in 80 mirutea. guaranteed to donble your mileage and atart in aero weather without heating or priming. 15 flay FKEE trial. . Write IT. J. Carburetor Co., 606 WJackon tild.. Chicago. illHTOBT of great war, Big, Ultwtratad, eom- pleta. IJbaral coromliwiona. Wonderful op portunity for agenta. Proapertus and outfit , free. Bend lOo for postage. N. D. Thompson Co.. k'ullerton bid., Bt. Iouis. Mo. ; AGKNTH Don't wait longer, .fitart now Uk ing orders for our "Complete History of tha Wat Bast term. Write today for frea outfit. ; Hfrhola Co., Naperrllle. 111. " BITTJATIOKS MAXE TO FACTOHT E3XCUT1VI3 . Offers his aerrirea a factory cost specialist to 1 aaaks preliminary cost surrsy. Install systems and would consider a permanent position with ' well aatahlished firm. Government contract ez- perienoe in faetoriea. Chicago, Cincinnati. MU- WsuJIee ana roruana. Ti.LEPHO.NB MARSHALL 6209 - 61$ Lumbermen's Bids. CARPENTER. An xperlenoed mechanic, for - years supt. of general construction for largo I corporation, capable of doing aU kinds of interior ! finish, and general construction, would like steady , employment at moderate wages, or will take Journal, or 485 K. Mason St. VANtR T l'rmitlon with lumber company ; . 1 fe va&ra' armrlmiMi wholesale and retaiL lumber. ku'ii, doors and millwork. geaefSl office, auditor and. collector. 827 Gaatenbeln are. ; Phone Woodlawn 188. I'lliaT class maclianio. will aare you big garage and repair bills by calling at your home and overhauling your machine; electric lighting and starting systems and vacuum trouoiea a specially. Kant 6902. WANTK5 iTo taka charge or automobile re nalr shoo on commlnaion ban is. by first class yneehanio; must bo a live one. I'hona Tabor ld06. ; ; WAV sm H7- with lona experience in gen. sndu., good knowledgs of bookkeeping, speaks 8 different languagn. wants position m awre, )lty or country. Y-B29, Journal. LAWYER. 82. 6 Years' active practloe. want position aa law clerk, big firm Salary ac cording to results. P. O. Bo lOOd. lifKIVH mnaired. reshinaled and painted. All kinds of carpenter work. Gall Wesley eV Chttwood. Phone A-2487. shop, or A-2325, res. WAM sieeay wars wnere j cau gr Chevrolet car. T-88r, Journal, or phone Bellwood 606 JrOli expert pruning and trenplsntln of trees nr inruM, call r.f t'onisna utnascape vju. 418 Prescott. Woodlswn zyai aIII)tl.R-AGEl) man with txperlence In mer cantils and hotel built". ' Kpeaks different languagee.. wants position. T-V28, Journal. ALL' "KINPS o"r"repaIr work-' promptly don by xperienred carpenter. Cau wooauawn oi Mala 8U37. U. II. Tucker. gHIN'OlJERS When you want shingling done. eaii wooaiawn ozuo. ; : SXAj KIN Dfl of " excavating' done ; cesspool! dig mg. Tabor 6397. : FAINTING, paperhanglng and tinting; good work; reasonable. Tabor 4 sot PATnTYnG, tinting, psperhanglngr Phone Tabor 2677, ' fld'CSE painting, papering, kalsomlnlng; the best of work. Kast 1011. PAtNTiSG, papcrhanging. tinting, reasonable! Main 1809. ; .. t , MAN'wsrita )obcarets8r of summer resort or farm. Woodlawn 1039. J.. 84, Boselswn ave. ELliuU.Y man wsnfe iKwitioa as iahitor or houseman. R-778. Journal. ; washed" polished and, repaired at your hou prices reasonsble. East 8780. BTJTT.OINO- and rruairing done by J. It Hag- grtt Phone Main 6120. ; VANTEI 1'oeition as Janitor. Beet of refer- eneei. Q-85H, Jmimal ; 8HTNOLER LeaVy roofs patched; reshingling done. Mar. 1072. PAPERING, painting, repairing done . without delay, lowest prices. East 8780. ' ItOoF work, reshingling. patching done by oon tract Phone Beacham. Marshall 706. SITUATIONS FEMALE CAPABLE, intelligent woman, excellent reader. Would go to Honolulu as lady's companion. nurse for serrti-tnvalid or fursery governess for one child. References. Adrlress D-S89. Journal. BESPEdTARLE elderly widow, experienced, de- tires cooking for a-few working men er house keeper in a widower's family. Phone Taboi 643$ after 4 p, m. , . EXPERIENCED teTephono operator wtihes poei tion in private exchange or small office. . Call ?!art 2848. Apt 211. CARRIED ,lady would like apt or rooming house to' manage and do Janitor Work. Refer enoe. Tabor 8775. NOTE For $160 auto chassis for bug or dellv ery; hood eto,; good running order. Main Y6UNU lady, employed wishes work in family for homes neat about self. Work, seldom out evenings; close in1; references. T-OOT. Journal. EitrERIENTEb snd efficient accountant d tlres position; capable also 'secretarial work; Nl 5 9. J ournal. ' ; - CAPABLE business woman desires position aa manager or housekeeper, of apartment house. 81U 1845. SITUATION'S WANTED MALE AND FEMALE It a(AS' aud wife desire work in moving picture theatre aa operator and pianist Some ex perience. Main object experience. Address . R- T78, journal. EXrKRlEN'CED couple wishes apartment house to manage. Mam 102V. FURKIsnEB ROOMS ' V HOTEL FRANKLIN , WASHINGTON AT THIRTEENTH ' 61 a Day Up. Special Rates by Week. HOTEL SARNENT, Hawthorne and tirand. Starting point special ear frtt Vanfnnver. Hotel Princess E. 3d and Burnside. , FUBNISHED BOOMS PRIVATE FAMILY , i i ONE large south room, furnished. $12: also . uafuruislied rooms, $8, bath, 911 E. Flan drs, cor. 80th at ; TWO rooms or separately! Good location, well furnished, 2 blocks from 2 oar lines. 635Han coefc. - East 2118. ' .FURNISHED room in modern home .with pii vate family. Mt , Tabor .car. Phone Tabor 1398. &LKA6ANT furnished front mora, garage room. t i board optional. Tabor 207 T. - FURNISHED room. heat, phone, bath, 847 13th at PURELY furnished front room, suitable for 1 or 2; near Broadway bridge. 334 H Larrabee at 1 SLEEPING room, oioee in. 47 E. 8th st . S10 SLEEPING room. 827 6th st - BOOMS AND BOARD I fiir ' ui7,'.i'Xi.i iih- H nik.i. J- Even eomion. nome cooaing. iDint, iiOARD aT room, all home privilegea, and lunch put up. Tabor 8995. i BOOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE ' ' 1 '.. . - ' - yAJT1L T " ' . ' rCRNlSUED room and table board for 1 or 2 persona: hot and cold water, bath, furnace heat: homelike privilegea; on carline. Depot and W cars to 23S N. 21st at. phone Main 1267. iiOOM and board1 for i or 2 young ladies. Modern , conveniences and home privilegea. f Rates reasonable. Wdln. 2180. f ' ' VyAXTEP BOOMS AHDiOARD 89 .WANTa. hoard aud rocu by couple witli 4- . . year-old child, in private family, lief ersncea. I l , 4-Ur . , HOtrsEKEEnro booms s PUBLISHED AND T7FFUBNI8HED KICK, alean, heated houaeaeepiog rnoma, includ- Ing cooking gaa, $3.76 week. Phono, Hgbta, bath, water, etc Adults only. Or 2 nioa room for $28.60. Farnac heat.. 72 N. 14th. cor. Ererett. ' La IME, clean, airy front room. funiUhed. per wees, in eluding cooking gaa and neat, or 2 room with 2 beds for $27-60. 2S 4th at., oppoulf pity hall. KICK U. K. mw,da for hht H. K furnlahed - room by day or week. 349 V4 Ankeny at., eor ner of Broadway. The Waklo. - FCENIMIIED honaekeeping rooms for rent, close in. aat 36. tTNFUBJ(iSlIEr houaekeeping clean and rlght on carline. .14.1 45th aU 8. E. HOUSEKEEPI3TO ROOMS 91 FtJBJilSHED ANI rJ?FtJRniStIED PRIVATE FAM1LT tYYO " tarnished.. 1L K. room. in prirau faa- ily. 164 N. lth. Bdw. 11. I PtniNISIIKD housekeering rooms. Call :80. 804a H. Belmont. E. Z5th at. i$tOIEiSN rooms, bath, phone, heat furnisheiC no children. 843 Haig. Sen. 1000. HHKK InrnUhed bmiftettrping rooms in pri- at family. 1T27 Woolsey rt 2 EMI'LOTED adults, fins front room. $20 month; all found. 484 Tamhiil, LiARGE room with kitchenette, furnace heat! use piano. S27 6th st. i CLEAN, furnished JH.K. rooms. 640 E. Stark. FOB BEST-HOC8E8 UNFUBIT'.SHED iixixB rnAWK'8 rUtB RENTAL AND INFORMATION BTJBKATJ Reliable m-to-date Hsta" of deelrsble vacant nouses, apartggentn and flats with definite Is- lormuoo periaimcg to eacn. Hewcomara In Portland wfll find this bureaa of great value In helping them get properly and quicaiy looatoo. EIGHTH FLOOR 3 ROOM house, $l2.60r garage near, $5; land lor 'cultivation, up to la acres, cheap. Apply corner 88th and K. Stark; Mt Tabor (1LT. 88th) ear to end, 4 blocks north, 1 east. $30 8 ROOM, modern home, paved street, Haw thorne district; vacant. No. 1036 E. 9 rant si. ain iuus. FRANK L. M'GTJIRB, Ablngton Building. RoTTSos E. Washington st, 8 rooms In good condition: reasonable rent to reliable people. Henry F. Cover. 64 V nion ave. 4 ROOM upstairs home with electric, bath and toilet, and sleeping porch; $13.60 with water. 050 t;. I4tu at Kelly, or phone Bellwood 214 5 ROOM house, barn, garage and poultry house. 6823 83d st. S.E.; move right in; see it Sunday. Mr. Morse. MODERN 7 r. house. 5803 45th st S.E., cor. 63d ave.: key at 6351 45th st or 018 u. or u. pidg. PORTABLE garage, will set and move It to aiy part of city. Phone Tabor 7700. $12.50 Corner cottage, 1102 E. Salmon. Gaa and electricity, water free. Wo boys. HOUSE for rent and furniture for sale or trade for good Ford. Address 887 E. 7th N. (MODERN bunsalow, furnace, fireplace, close in. Woodlawn 198. R. C. PARK car, 6 room bungalow, partly fur nished, $20 per month. Tabor 6058. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE FOB SALE , $8 FURNITURE of 8 room flat for aale. good condition, low rent walking distance, close to Northwest Steel. A bargain. Main 4848. 601 4th st. FOUR room house with sleeping porch, f rent furniture for aale. Phone East 2723 Monday FOR" SALE Furniture of four room modern house; house for rent; $10. 626 E. Stark. FURNITURE of 4 rooms for sale; flat of 7 rwgas for rent 641 Vfc. 1st st SHTPYARD district cottage, reasonable . rent; furniture for sale. 252 Glbbs. 8 ROOM' house for rent furniture for sale or rent furniihed. Owner, Tabor 890. FURNISHED HOUSES 8$ LARGE 8 room bungalow, with fireplace and large attic, completely furnished ; electrkflighta. gss and water furnished; no children; $40. Phone Tabor 1610 or call 242 K. 44th St.. 2 blocks north of Hawthorne. FOR RENT Furnished new 5 room bungalow home. Irvtnston: references reouired: no ehil- Sl dren: $50 per month. 798 Weidler st Phone Bart 7536. NICELY furnished, modern. 5 rooms second floor; hath, electric, gas; $25 month. 891 Fremont st Phone Woodlawn 6812. Take Union or Williams ave. car. 0 ROOM furnished house, modem, near Rkh mond car. Phone Tabor 4893 mornings. Call at 4 89 E. 4 let st. S-, afternoons. 5 ROOM furnihed house for rent 426 Glenn ave., call bet 9 and 11 a. m., Sunday FOB BENT FLATS IS 4 TiOOM mortjrn lower flat garage and wood shed: front rooms arranged for cleaning, pressing or tailoring parlor; 913 Williams are.; rent slo mo. mono wooxuawn i. 4 ' ROOM flat at 35th and Hawthorne. $20 per month. Phone East 8421. K'EATLY furnished 2 room apartment or 2 adults. Phone Tabor 6940. FTJBN1SHED FLATS WEST sideT nicely furnished 5 room flat 2 porches, yard, furnace, fireplace, finest view. Bellwood 1870. GIRL to share flat, who wishes to study music; reference. Main 8018. THREE room fist, partly furnished. 846 Bow doin st Col. H22. ; NICELY furnished flat 1043 Gantonbein, cor. Alberta. Williams ave. car. APABTMENTS 4$ .FURNISHED AN V UNFURNISHED UADT A DA DTM ITMTC Second and lirilll nl nil I IVI.I1 I O YamhOl Newly furnished modern bouse seplng and sleeping rooms. $2.60 and up. WEST SIDE corner, good apartment house sites present inoome $720 a year; price $4500. $2500 cash. Owner, Marshall 3282. PENINSULA apta., 1135 H Albina ave.: con crete bldg., 2 and 8 room apta, Woodlawn 1352. C-1170. MAUNOL1A APT. East Sd snd Belmont; modern 1 and 3 room apts., $1.60 per week op Sleeping rooms. East 212. $30 NEW 3 room furnished lower apartment 540 K. 27th st. Richmond car to 27th.; 1 block Sooth. BRAND new 4 and 6 room unfurnished apart ment $15. 1840 E. GJisan-72d. MV car, CARPENTER would build garage or do repair work for furnished room. N-879. Journal. PLEASANT apartment Col 165. HOTELS Si AN attractive 27 room beach hotel, unfurnished. Will sell very cheap for a quick sale. D-594, Journal. FOB RENT MISCELLANEOUS 8$ FOR SALE or rent lot 16, Hollywood, con taining about 1 acre, with small house. Ad- dress Apt 24. the Octavia, Washington, D. C. FOR RENT or exchange for property near Los Angeles, small fsrm and greenhouse, equity $5000. RX-893, Journal. FOR RENT Wood yard, with barn and office. Front and Clay ets. Phone East 6352. WANTED TO BENT FARMERS. ATTENTION 1 have three thoroughly experienced farmer with eaah money ready to buy stock and im plements and pay cash for rent and fall seed ing if any. Send me particulars sad arJdl rent your farm without delay. W JUS VbU Alia. WE OCT BJCSUbTS. A G. Bender, RITTER. LOWE it CO. 208-6-7 f Board ef Trade Bite. YOUNG, reliable ooUDle. without children, wish to lease 4 or 5 roo modem bungalow, good location; will pay total rent ia advance; best care guaranteed; A-l reference. D-600, Jour nal. MODERN furnished house or apartment, by "re- sponsinie young cpupie vmnout cinidren. Kea sonable. Meferencea. Tabor 1812 Sunday, 10-22 WANTED- Furnished or unfurnished 4 or 5 room bungalow. Must , bo reasonable. T-99S, journal. WANTED A 4 or 6 room furnished house; reasonable rent: east side preferred; will gire references. Call Tabor 4787. 6 ROOM furnished or unfurnished flat Close In; would buy furniture and rent flat if good ana reaeona Die. Ae-ouv, Journal. MAN and wifs want 'dairy ranch on aha res; Ti eowa. Experienced. References exchanged. ii me it. neaioit, uoiorooc, ur. 5 OR 6 room modern bungalow, furnished sc partly ; lurnisnea, by couple, about Jan. 1, Reference. Mar. 256. Mr. Chandler. MODERN housekeeping rooms for unemployed lady. References. Close in. tV8e. jm.m.i i'OUNG couple want to ahare 8 or 6 room notwe witn someone by Jan. 1. fV788, Journal. FOUR or 6 room furulhtied eottage or Hat leM No S-Udrea. I'houe Bdwy. 2274. - WAJTTED tO BEKT I PORTLAND - SHIPBUILDERS WANT houses FLATS ' APARTMENTS Phono or mail information regarding your vacancies to "Heave Together." Care Northwest Bteel Co.. Main 1188, WANT clean unfurnished 4 or 6 room boose. near car;no ehildreo. Box 770. Kt. 8, Lents. BE A I, ESTATE EQB SAliE HOUSES . ti $1560 A RTIBTta MODERN BTJNOALOW RESTRICTED DISTRICT. CLOSE IS VA0ANT. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Hera is a chance to buy a very attractive prac tically new 4 room modern bungalow: A-l con dition, Just painted inside and out,- in a high class -neighborhood on a paved street, close to car and school: cement basement, white enamel ? lambing, electricity and gas, white enamel hitch kitchen. H block south of Richmond car; No. 630 E. 34th st.; price only $1550; easy terms; perfect title; vacant; spend Christmas in your own home: a bargain; go look, house is open. r4e .--, FRANK L. M'GniRE, ABKOTOS BLDG, To Buy-Tour Home. Main 108$. T ROOM" house, bungalow style, with sleeping porch, hardwood floors, closet in every bed room, window In every closet, fireplace, built-in buffet, full cement basement, wash trays, 2 toilets, 1 bath, built-in linen closet, kitchen white enamel ; grape arbor in front, 45 feet long; o fruit tress: soTd 848 worth .at herlM off 1 tree last season; small chicken house, cement day would cost $4600 to build. Price for aU $4200. dose to Reed college. The same party owns remainder of H block with 88 bear ing fruit trees, all kinds of berries, barn 18x20. 1 long chicken house; good view of Willamette river both ways. Price of this with above house and lot $5250. ALLEN" ALT.ES 408 Stock Bechance 6 ROOM modern house. 2 blocks from carline. lot 40x120, $1600 some cash and monthly payments. 6 room modem house. 2 corner lots, side walk in on both streets and paid for; near car line, $2100, .$500 cash. 8 room modern house, nice lawn In front. garden in rear, sidewalk in and paid for, S blka. from carline, $1600; some cash and monthly payments. 6 room house, 1 acre ground, on 73d st. S. E.. $2800. $800 cash. NF.AL HMTTTt. 8514 Foster Road. Tabor 1881. LACRELHURST 1178 East Glisan. East SBth. rmaa street. Beautiful location. Built for a home. 8 rooms and glassed in sleeping porch. Strictly up-to-date' in every aetau. ybtn you see this bouse you win see something different All plate glass windows, etc Concrete drive and garage. Now vacant. Has fust been appraised at $4500 cash valuation. Out-of-town owner win sen at UU3 price, including street liens, and give any rensoaable terms. Might consider smaller house up to $3300, at actual caah value, as part pay- I ment J. C. CORBIN CO.. 805-6-7 Lewis bldg. ANSWER Tins QUESTION Don't you owe yonmelf a eoxv little homef Here is your chance to get one right located on tha IN . K. corner of 49th and Broadwav. There is a strictly modern 5 room bungalow, nice lawn I nrl .),. .11 1. , ... i n -n .,! . .11 I for $3250; imagine-it Out of town owner. must have some monev. - WATCH OUT ADS. WE GET RESULTS. C. A. WARRINER RITTER. LOWE 4 CO. 208-5-7 T"ard of Trade bldg.' I TWO LITTLE HOMES: 1600-1760 1 , In Bellwood we have a practically new 4 room OOTTJLffA W1f.H ' tMtli tnil Mm,nt rtm niMit In, I only $1600. pay $200 down. On Brooklyn ft., near car, we can show you a real bargain In a nice 4 room home vrith bath and large basement The price is $1750, with $175 down. COE A. McKENNA A CO., Main 4522. 82 4 th stj Board of Trade bldg. IRVINGTON 88000 FOR 64500 T room, den with fireplace, 2 baths, splendid rurnace, oak floors, large basement A com plete 6 room below, besides 2 bedrooms and large eatn above. AU improvements In and I paid, $1000 cash. E. B. HOLMES CO.. 272 STARK. MAIN 8031. tVttsi'c TTMn tt I i nn.i no . . w win.;, chu u luum in iiiiii i. i irmi luun i her milU. factories and shipyards. South Port- land, clear of all incumbrance, for $2500. Easy termi. I WATCH OUHT ADS. WE GET RESULTS, C. A. WARRINER RITTER. LOWE & CO. ,808-6-7 Board of Trade bldg. ftrtr r a Ti I I ' .Tixuii iiHiin 8H00-J-MOST ATTRACTIVE 11400 1 5 rm. complete bungalow, full nlumbin. alee. and gas, bas't, built-ins.. 75 th st Double const'rK Main 4Rfia " G. 0. GOLDENBURG. Abinatoa Blda. BO I ears in Portland." fiACRrFlCB PRintf From 4Sf)n tn SS.ORO HfVarn ft mM, V w. Cement bawmont. wash travs fnrr ee hMntifni fireplace, hardwood floors, built in buffet book- cases, modern kitchen, electric lights and gaa. on r-ast- loth st. $1250. Cash balance on wine. m, ,. A. didvd wiui neiisn Ac i irr- hill, 219 Lnmbermena bldg.. 5th and Stark st 6 ROOMS and enclosed sleeping porch, modern conveniences, such as furnace, fireplace, oak floors, garage, etc Fine view of Mt Hood and ir,Su "ewIM: locauKi in wesunoreiana; lot 50x100, on level with street, all street 1m- provementa In and paid at this price, $4000. Offer your own terms. Possession soon. P. B. Van Nice, 401 Concord bldg., Marshall 5454. LET US SHOW TOII TUTS Beautiful Rose City Park bungalow of 8 rooms and sleeping porch, fireplace, big hand- some buffet large basement with furnace. Mrs. HomeseeKer, wo want to snow you this beautiful noma. Ane price is sauuu, vntn siuuu a own. COBA-..McENifA 9- Min, 22, vvm bu. oi mui mag. $2100 KENTON BUNGALOW $2100 Here is a real bungalow on Kilpatrick at, close to Kenton tank, 0 rooms, white, enamel plumbing, elect and gas. Dutch kitchen, verv tooW "eS- UulM DeW- PriG' M'rrftRlB AMNPTnv tiTTin n,.. -if . TrV. T V J SS?,; To Buy Your Home. Main 1068 EASTMORELAND HOME n ear xne municipal golf links: T room mod. , ,, - .. . . . .. era house. -fireplace, steam heat and usual built - .. 1 11.IAA. ,1 . .11 . 1 provementa in and paid for; pries $4500. P. B, ib, vuv, tiiiv iimuto ,ip as, ail rinxi u n- Van Nice, 401 Concord bldg. Marshall 6454. ior terms. $200 DOWN $1400 HOME BARGAIN 81400 6 room house, 60x100 lot, with white enamel plumbing, elect and (as, 8 blocks to Woodlawn car. Bargain, nee FRANK L. M'GUIRE, ABESGTOX BLDG.. I io nuy xour nome. lain lOtSS. T.ATTRiri.wiiPBT ttirvri itnw ' Strictly modern bungalow, it is a dream, in arrangemewt .and finish. Davis street. Garage. Out-of-town owner will sell for $4900. in- eluding all street .Improvement!, $1000 cash. J. C. CORBIN CO.. 805-6-7 Lewis Bldg. $750 $100 CASH Half acre, 3 room house, oak floors, cistern. gaa, fruit; Base Ijne road near Buckley. u. u. uUL,i?iBlCHU, ABINGTON BLDG. "3S Years in Portland." Main 4803. HERE'S A GOOD ONE: 81900 " Near Jefferson hicb. schroL 6 room hinMlne type home. Corner lot Fruit trees. Only $2501 down. - COE A. McKENNA A CO.. Main 4522. cA, -- r,w., ,w.tA ui 5 BOOMS, modern, porches, basement, first-class h' : r . c , DiamDlUff. llUnarf UIDS. Jinnimm ! Ph1rlra-r -rr. r'rS. .n 7 s' "---V. . j -V". beautiful home. $1960. Terms. ' Owner. Ta! DOT 101. UNFINISHED bungalow. lathed and wired: Rom (- City district: Broadway and Fruit at; 4 kfooras, sleeping porch:' $1125, $650 cash, bal- n- , ..-.... " , m WW CMU. DW a nee $15 per month. Take light car or delivery to $400. 691 E. T6th rt. N. SIX ROOMS Ar.ffr.RTA gonsn 8 tdoni thoroughly modern housa. int satIHA. in paved st, 1030 E. 16th at. N.; $800 -cash. 25 inohthly: street work Sll in-and paid for. -- ... i im, a i,j vinam. or torn, a -r Dandy 3 room bungalow and 60 ft lot. Hungalow baa nrenlace. bathroom and ueuiens ana a oniy X nice irom A rat til a high. PRENTISS. 80SCorbett Wdg. STORE building. 6 living 'rooms end corner lot $180, $950 down, $700 can stand if ds- irlred. This property is worth 82500: am sac Wficina for onldr sal.- if vnn t, It n. . . rnone is nor tvvv. Sismiv T 'mam ...- TZ1 iL; : ' . . . ,.J. i". uouince I rem ouna u l tries, lull cement basement stationary tuba, fireplace, lights and gas, r trees improvements, reasonaois terms. 843 E. 7th st N. Phone East 8290. ONE acre and3 iroom bouse; all outbuildings; 2 cows. 1 horse and bpggy and milk route, gas and water ia house. . $1700 Terms, Te- oof 728R, ALBERTA SNAP 8 rooms with furnace, strictly modern, fat nlahed if daairsd. . Wdln, 6028 or E. 7787 Owner. BELLWOOD HOME; PAVED STREET,' 12260 dent owner. Small eaah payment Mias Slo- comb. Main T260. 624 Henry bldff. MODERN O room cottage, with furnace, on Wil- Iuw sh,: $3150. Fred 8. WUliama. 92 H 1st st ; - . ' - I BARGAIN Modern haa lartn rjaroh. -leM- . ing porch, garage, beautiful view, large lot and work shop. Owner, Main 2870. - STRICTLY . modern 8 room house Wast aide. muusuii, its aaat BE At ESTATE EOU SALE HOUSES ' LOQK ATJH ESE TODAY r O 7Kf 2 room hrnxe. lot 100x100. oa E. vP JJ 81t bet. fcollsday and Multaomh, 200 easn. . . t QOA .room cottage, beih. elactrtaty. lot I j, www 43X102. 121 Bancroft ,ava- west I aid, s l no k I $1 300 1 si.S-eSS- " CI room cottage, lot 46x181, 414 1 V I vvsv reasenden- st. near Stewart, Bt. M OAA Nice -6 room eottaga. 1246 Minn-1 a an x..v. vp I OUVJ sots near 8imnaoa. $200 cash. T4 frf a w D I 3UU street, 188 Nebraska, west aide. 1 as . . i N I 1 11 ) ' Iso"?"' Ji AL.V" V nam, near a i uu. evyt I (DO AHA 7 room house. 2 lots, 1028 Inter vpZUUUstate are., cor. Humboldt; $500 cash. CO AAA B room cottage. 832 Fremont near vDUUU Rodney are.. $600 cash. flMMAA ft mom Mtttaa-a. 888 Fairbanks L. V..JJ near Thurman. west atde, ooo easn. i r ii i . . . i 9400 7 toom non' 2 "i.fS1 IIibl"nd I V4- ' w st, near -m. iiui, eovu emu. big snap. 9fifin rm. cot.. 259 Haasala, nr. Larra vJ)ZUUU bee. nr. Bdwy. bridge. $500 cash. flJOCRA 6 room house and two sleeping I Hwwv porches, garage, 452 Jessup near --.n. rr Fine rood era 5-na. bungalow, eon- H,i 1 HI 1 crete block garage. lot 60xlQ bis 1 W E. 12th N, near Mason. $500 cash. J. V. G&USSI -818 Board of Trade. Main 7452. WE HAVE DISCOTERED ANOTHER GEM. EVERYTHING AS DESCRIBED. 832505 room bungalow, attic, fireplace, book' eases, china closet, built-in writing a ess, buffet, window seat, Dutch kitchen. M-?'riWCrr fnli .nrmntrTth hdwd. floors, full cement basement with I carase in basement drive right in and let your family out in the dry; beautiful electrio futures, beveled plate glass mir ror in entrance naii; corner lot, imp. paid; near Imngton car. Terms. 3. A. WICKMAN CO., 314 Stark. Main 6S3. Sunday call Tabor 8317.' OPEN SUNDAY 2 room house close to tine ear serlv ice: baa toilet, city water and eleotrlo lights; kng lease on large lot at $4 per month; this can be bought at a snap price and $75 handles; yon can't beat this. 309 Oak at Broadway 4133. VACANT 6 large rooms, enclosed sleeping porch, center I reception hall. Xlreplale. furnace, oak floors. garage on alley at rear, newly tinted, enameled I and painted: 2 sets French doors-,built-im and 3 porches. 647 Ladd ave. All street improve-1 ments in and paid at this price. $5250. Offer the terms you can best handle. P. B. Van Nice, i 401 Ooncord bldg., Marshall 6454. CLOSE-IN SNAPS , , lux,., "'l.n., tioyw, . .ft, ri. . a nf . aa T7S Montana ave.. B rms. 81800. 828 IS. Sslmon st. 6 rms.. 8800 cash. 1008 E. Salmon. 6 rms.. $2000; $300 cash. 1000 S Morrison st. 6 rooms. $1750; $80$ 1 gaSh "P'T'-J!!I5m? fL.1?'? J100, i? "J. Inspection is In vtted ; photos at office of Fred W. German Co.. 782 Cham, of Gosa. WEST SIDE HOME AND INVESTMENT $2000 will buy a good 5 -room house on hard surfaoe streets, short walk to business center; I lnT oI u incumbrance; 11th st near College, A CJ 1113. ' O. A WARRINER BITTER, LOWE & CO. 1 203-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. $1850 COMPLETELY furnished 4 rm. neat home, modern plumbing, 82d st, real- snap, $450 'cash. G. C. GOLDEN B E RG , Abihgton bldg. "35 Years in Portland." Main. 4803. 1100 DOWN. $10 MONTHLY. PRICR tft40 Buys neat 8 room cottage completely furnished. good sleeping porch. $300 worth of furniture, garden tools and wood in the ahed. an included in the nrim Thta nl. i. in UnM.Hii. in the price. This place ia in Montavilla at least 16 min. walk from the car and not on Broadway and Wash, sta, Fred W. German . - 82500 HOME BARGAIN $2500 7 room attractive home, white enamel plumb- mg. electrlcuy and gas full lot close to -Irv- ington car; cost $4006; mortgagee offers for $2ouo: terms: K. 18th nesr Shaver. See FRANK L. M'GUIRE, ABINGTON BLDG. 10 Dur iour nome. sm iuos. 12qo rmwN. ' $1500 4 room j neat cottage, newly painted. Hancock st. near E. 6th. Walking distance. No rnortgage or liens. FRANK U M'GUIRE. ABINGTON BLDG 10 xour aome. Main 1068 FOR SALE House at 610 E. 7th st N., modern, well built 7 room bungalow: corner. 50x100 foot lot: garage: house comDarativelv I new; will tell to responsible buyer on terms like monthly rent See P. W. Haroo d. 811 Journal bw- Phones Main 7178, A-6051. $10 DOWN, $10 monthly 4 room ceiled and i t nerea nnmn in verv n 1 1 t oni,.: . nice lot 40x100. picket fence all around; total price $060. Mere a a chance for Mr. Man able I to do -hie -own work. Fred W. German Co., unamoer or commerce. NEAR LONE FIR CEMETERY $1800 Very neat 6 room modern bungalow The bouse is not ia the best of condition and needs a few minor repairs, but Is a very decided snap. $300 cash will handle. Fred W. Ger- man Co., iaJ (jnamber of Commerce. 1 HAWTHOHNE BUNGALOW BARGAIN I Modern except fireplace: got to be sold this I week. Price slashed to $2000. half cash; paved I streets in and paid, uwner. a'hone evenings. isoor o; oaytime juain ouvn. f $1100 KENTON Disf tllC'T $1100 Neat 4 Tfom bungalow.- 60x100 lot Hard- I wood noors in living room. Terms. See FRANK L. M'GUIRE, ABINGTON BLDG. To Buy Your Home. . Main 1068. I Tf i ifTTlAD'T 'TV AT AtIT $375 7 roon andreeTing reh. atrictl, modem in aveSy detail: hdwd. floors, fireplace, furnace, imp. all in and paid. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 314 Stark. Main 563. rmrratr. Tot- I siika r . .-j m.iin i t AAWW. V WW Ml. dV .V l"l 111 1 1 11C 1 .ni,i,.,i-. n -n n . rn. hn. .,. . i l. I " - - - I mfc tlS. M. E. LEE. 505 Corbett btdg. . - ROOM house, lot 40x120. 20 ft alley. 2 blka carline: street rraded. sidewalk and eorbing In: worth $800, for $500, $50 down. $10 month, 6 per cent if sold st once. Ts. 3029. . Houses All Sizes $700 no. We have them. - - AB8HER. WITH GODDARD. 602 Couch bldg. I NICE warm 8-roora eottage. 'Ideal location improvements not modern, but the best bar- I gain in city ior iuu; some terms; 2 car lines. 984 28th st Take Alberta car. $150 CASH, balance $2200 easy, secures you a I pretty modern 6 room $3000 bungalow, clean as a pin, M-v car,' 2H2 2aj, vacant walk in. Owner, Tabor soa lorenoons. I FOR SALE, 4 room cottage, lot 50x50 ft, paved st; close1 in: rented $12 per mo. I Price giouu; eaan liuu, on. ume. Pbona Wdln. 4473 WEST SIDE close in 6 room cottage, lot 2$v I 100. free of incumbrance: near South Ports. land shipyards. I'rtce $28VU. rbone liar. 523. I ,v-10 CUP A tnnAmrt i 1 rnnnal himui V n .nri r.m. NT.-Ton TrYitia ay.. Artcrt-v. Ot, A NEW- KEA't HOME ONLT S1260 I m -,s nn. I a :$ a it . . I w rwuiB,- tvuAiw. Dvst tvUs au or part I eaan. Taoor Bl.i 1 HOUSE, 3 room,, good : condition, lot 50x100 fenced. Price $700, $100 cash, balance easy term."!. Marshall 1V7V. 6 ROOM house, snap for poor people, lot 100 103. 1 block from Woodlawn car. $1050. isnn I ' r. A ... . 7 . - " 1 flown, uwner. i-g s-perty lawv - WILLAMETTE HrrtTTSna1bRIFICEr- 85R00 for modern 7 room home. T,nn, Harsnaii it. .. . 6-ROOM house, large corner lot; $200 down. balance monthly same aa rent Owner. i fst 2670. I FOR SALE Modern 8 room bungalow, with or i hn rnmitni,! lots: in Gladstbna I Phone 43T-R j MUST sell at once.N cheap for cash. 100x100 ih ve.fl aim in nrau . niiMflra tn I t.asa imi'maL iinmeRN hnme" i500" "worth" tlfioo- .n I MOS'N.? i0.w,efl.?"0I!' improTeme,, amau pay- . .nt tinwn. i ion ueimsna i -z . . . -w- - I itV-J . , .. - vw . . .'W. , TTl . T r,T . T . I . Park; very l cheap. I'hone Tabor 6985 1 t--: . ' . ' ' " Or SAIJ-urnahedoase o: rnnnu. full lot. on pavea street, uio cpoaane eve. 8T. JOHNS 8 room bungalow, modern. $550, East 1635. I 6 ROOM bungalow. Rose City Park; beat buy in dirtrict Call Tabor 6985. rOR SALE, house and lot. BOxiOO 14B7 Omaha at near, Kenton ear. aun taxes place; terms. 1 HtVINGTON-Modern, desirable f room ho ie. Owner; attractive term a . East 7919. 5 . ROOM bungalow. Rose CHy Park : thoroughly modem; 83100: easy terms. ail Tabor 6985. .ZT, .hoV, UhfufT-ahed, 5222 07th st S. E. phons D-61-1621. COZT 3 room hooae, urnuhed or unfun-ahed! 6222 97th st 8. B. Phone D-61-1621 MODERN up-to-date bungalow. Must sell. Make roe a cash offer. T-947, Journal. - I FOR SALE Portable garage,, painted. Will I move tor purchaser, moke Tabor - 7705. I FOR SALE 9 reomanodera house, 2 baUix, -oss w. a'noaa tyoooiaaa suss. REAL ESTATE , FOB SALE HOUSES OPEN SUNDAY . .IMMEDIATE POSSESSION $200 Cash T rooan raodem.. furnaoe. ficeplaeex garage. A dandy for the money. Only $2500. Monthly Darmsnta to suit on the balance. ' .S1 50" Cash 4 room cottage, 85x100 lot. corner, s block to hard surface strorti 44 baaemena. Unit $TU. Balance as like monthly. 8 Hoot Imngalow. with 2 unfinished rooms In attic; large lot. chvken runs, fruit trees, etc. met oniy aizio. nauuice vo nu uomiuj. 900 u.vw wun 8 room modern. 5 blocks to ear. Price $1900. . ..j j i.l !. h. xuw am m iwm uwuio m w balance $16 a month. S300 Cash Furnished 8 room buncalow. lot 68x100. built-in buffet. paneled walls, beamed ceilings in dining room; nTir irri u, uta . . . -,.,Kin- n Rnt all tK furniture goes' with the place, for only $875. and will give immediate possession. S250 Cash 4 room plastered, bath, toilet, gas and electric lights; block to Killingsworth ave. oa Detroit. Tols to , dandy. Price $1700. Balance $25 onth $400 Cash Furnished 6 room modern, completely furnished; good lawn, woodshed: everything a woman wants. Price $1600. Pay the balance goonuuy as jam Want, vjo-ei TT A VP! W1HV OTHTfllfl FTJRNTSHKD AND UNFURNISHED. THAT CAN BE HAN DLED WITH SMALL PAYMK.V1S LUa. CALL AND SEE US TODAY RE.VPIT nw THnsR WORKE BENEFIT OF THOSE WORKING, WE ARE OPEN SUNDAYS. AUTO AT YOUR SERV ICE. HOLLAND BOND. AND ' MORTGAGE COMPANY 147 Park Street BETWEEN MORRISON AND ALDER. PHONE MAIN 4L34. s OPEN SUNDAY rBYTNGTON FORECIrOSTJRE 8 ROOM HOUSE ONLY $5500 This house has all the latest modern Improvements; has 2 fireplace, one of which is in a large bedroom upstairs; fine boiltin buffet, Dutch kitchen, fur nace, etc; lot 50x100 feet; good garage with cement runway; street improvements all paid; located In the very heart of Irvington, 1 block to the club grounds; at the price quoted, this property is being old $2500 below the original cost price: terms on part See Mr. Fulton, RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 809 Oak St Broadway 4183. Open Sunday FALLS CimiORTG, CO, 517 Chamber of Com, Bldg. Phone Main 3718 8 room . house, new and now ready for plumbing and plaster, located at 17th and Bryant near the Woodlawn car. Some lum ber oa the premises to finish the house and there la still $200 coming from the Bui-ling Loan Co. This property is In a good location and thera are three lota. We are going to sell this property Saturday. Dec 21. at 2 p. in to the highest bidder for equity. Building loan on said property is for the oven amount of $1200. due S years from date. Rose City Parl BARGAIN Nifty and cheerful 5 room bungalow, the home of your desire. Unequaled for the price. Ideal location. Close to car, west of hilL Beau tiful lot paved street fireplace, furnace, hard- tXinVirT 77 - ood floors. Dutch kitchen, etc. Only $8350. i in seu xurmrare u aeaireu ana give ubdhqi . . . , ...... , ia nDH. " you warn nice m noma spection cheerfuHy invitedL Main 1002 or phone Tabor 7SS2. No agents, please. $200 DOWN ST. JOHNS CAR 4 ROOM NEW BUNGALOW $2500 2 good bedrooms, bathroom. Dutch I kitchen with breakfast room and built-in iron ing board, laundry triys in basement Only 1 block to car. 60x190 ft. lot with alley. ("Patent fiber" long drain board In kitchen.) Easy monthly terms.. You can move in at once. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, No. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg.. 4th and Stark. Main 208. A-20B0. PENINSULA DISTRICT $1200 NEAT BUNGALOW $1200 This place must be sold and ia a real snap; I R rooms and 1 slenrrina Barcbea. lot 50x112: I fruit trees; 1 block from car and hard surface; nice location: quick action needed. C. A. WARRINER RITTER, LOWE & CO. 203-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. TOU CAN MOVE RIGHT IN ' GO SEE IT TODAY. I no. 1Z3U Lazeiiern i-iace, m x lureinursx; i e "fTrnlc.0". h.rdw floors: vacated: $500 to $600 cash, bat easy terms. : r - " . " - - Will sell very cheap; $50 worth of fuel and linoleum ' foes with it Call Mr. Barr, with Lueddemann Co., 913 C. of C Main 6967. $950 TERMS $950 - Very attractive 3 room borne, white enabel plumbing, . gas and all oonveniencea; Omaha at. near car. This certainly is cheap. G. O. GOLDENBERG, ABINGTON BLDG. "35 Years in Portlffrid." Mairr 4803. FOR SALE BY OWNER Do you want a Rose City bungalow at $400 f TTnder today's cash value. A change In plana necessitate disposing of my strictly modern bun- galow at a sacrifice. Is complete in every de- tail; location the best fine view, 2 blocks from Rose City car. East 194 7 $2800 PIEDMONT DISTRICT $2800 6 room attractive modern home. White enamel plumbing, hot water heating plant ga- rage, paved st Rose lawn are., close to Union. Price $2800, Terms. See FRANK L. M'GUIRE. ABINGTON BLDG.. SH w - r as- aiB To Buy Tour Home. Mala 1068. $675 ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT Coxy 2 room plastered house, lumber for build ing on two more rooms; good ful lot with cement sidewalk, some cash, balance like rent: Interest 6 per cent Wuick possession. Tabor 6559 $650 2 ROOM HOUSi; $650 2 blocks from Kenton car, near Peninsula Park. Fractional lot 6 fine fruit trees, elec tricity, gas. water. Paying 25 per cent on Invest ment now; a 8 DO oown. SMITH-WAGONER HO.. STOCK EXCHANGE. BY OWNER, neat 5 room bungalow, nicely lo - catjul rlnm to school: shade and fruit trees, coal and wood in basement; furnished ready to move in. Albina Add. Call and get price, 1228 Missouri ave. NOTICE Party that made offer for my T r. nouse IDU m uns last duuuij , n 11 , will accept Must sell, going away. 95 East! 60tb st. cor. Washington 6 ROOM bungalow. Every modern convenience. oement basement and Porch : linoleum, screen and awnings, 830 East 89th, 2 blka south of Hawthorne. Tabor ooa. VERY attractive 7 room home, with 2 or 4 Iota; restricted district Price reasonable and best of terms. L. J. Robinson, 323 Lumber Ex change. Main 1538, or Tabor 7457. BARGAIN 5 room modern house, full base ment.- lot 60x100. fine lawn, flowers and fruit trees. See tt before you buy it Class to Union sve. Cash or terms. 401 Church at Q ll 11 .na . Kn.i in fina .nlul i t inn " 1 : . nuxiwu. a Diocxs w oar; e uon coax shiiH more than price asked, $2750. Terms, MOORB A ROBINSON, 825 Lumber Exchange. FOR SALE 5 room cottage with sleeping porch. 1 XL hlnck- Ttna- CAt ear. 688 K 72d N price $2250. your terms. Phons today Broad way COMFORTABLE 5 room cottage, with modem Pluntlng, electric lights, gas .full baaemenl, lot 60x100. oa hard surf ace street la Boss City Park. 83500. Fred 8.- Williams, 93 tt . 1st a- Unuvna. a n hao. in rnnd eondition. with- iti-i j r , 1 ,.. BOxlOO: $2750. Fred S. WUIIams, 92 tt 1st ill w aiaina unwncv iruui uniii" , wuvs, ,u $360 Fine large homeaite. Gas. water and eleotrlo lights. $25 casta and $5 per month. M. K. LEE, 606 Uorbert bldg. FOR SALE 6 room 1 tt story house, modern. newly tinted. -Owner. Tabor 1890, Terms, $1350. Bsrgain Tor cash. ACRE home, city; cut your living half: 1 block to car; fruit berries, beautiful location. Act quick. 0-977, Journal BUNGALOW- bargain New, 4 rooms, bath; near ,ww. ii,- in. im: urar ear. Only S20UO. 8200 down. John At- Pavne Co.. Mala 9012. HM-iirii' 't-K lrr .-.-'IflA.H v. wua iuuiii uvww, ivvil a i land, -gas, electricity: little dews, s rent' V-890. Journal. '' . a ... c-ttvated balance Uk K'ROOM modem' cottage, with lull lot near kt . .. . . .... . . . Scott carline. $1600. Installments. Fred a. Williams. 92 tt 1st at 7. ROOMS and batn, in Beaumont ; garage. See , it Make your own terms. No agents. Tabor 2 On 3 Sunday or Msm ZB41 Monday. FOR SALE: A new room & tt story unfin- tshed house at a bargain if takea at ones. Phone Tabor 4293. MODERN 6 room how, with full lot, taooo.! .voouatttt eaxiUMw Ara aO. niaiuami. vs ta . ." . .. , .ah- . en -mm ;; . BE AIi' ESTATE ' FOB SALE HOUSES 1 BUY A HOME .. FOR ' XM AS $40008 mean modern noma, hath, toilet. lights, gaa, full cement basement, hot and cold water. 100x100 ft. ground, fine fruit and berries, ga rage, ONLY 2 blocks from street car. $500 cash, balance like rent. $3750 T room modern home, bath, toilet. lights, gas, not and eold water, fireplace,, full . basement, furnace. Bleeping porch, garage, $500 cash, balance like rent. $2850 7 roeaa house, bath, toilet, gas. ugata, not ana eoia water, etc ; lot 60x120 ft.: fine bearing trait trees, berries and roaea. Only 2 blocks from the Laarelhurat para. $1000 cash, balance like rent. $2000 6 room house, bath, toilet, lights. gaa, not and cold water, etc, eor near lot 50x100; garage, fruit and berries, 2 hi blocks from carline. $250 cash, balance to suit. See W. W. JOHDAN with Inside Property Dealers. S3 4th Street Marshall 892 A FEW OF OTTR BARGAINS $16004 room modern bungalow, close in. ; Imp, aU In and paid. Tarma $2500 6 room modern home, comer, near A berta car. Terms. $35006 room modern home on Height are.. corner, imp. in and paid. Terms. $2850 7 room modern bungalow. Alberta. aooo B room, strictly modern bungalow; Imp. paid: Hawthorne district. Terms $8000 Beautiful, nearly new 5 rooms, strictly mrvlm nMr JaflanMI fllarl. J. 'A. WICKMAN CO.. 814 Stark. Malm 683 Sunday, call Tabor 8317. MORTGAGE FORECLOSURES No. 1 Bungalow. 6 rooms, fireplace, eto.. U ' block Union ave.. near Preaeott at This sold for $3500, now $2450. $300 oown. dsl terms. No. 2 Neat 5 zoom bungalow. E. Grant near 80th st Sold for $2975, now $2100 $300 down. baL terms. No. 86 room house, corner let, fruit trees. Bt paved and paid. Sold tor $8200 now $2600. $300- down. bal. terms. Call Mr. Barr. with Lueddemann Co.. 818 C. of C. Bldg. Main 6967. EXCEPTIONAL BARGAINS . $1600 8 room house. Mt Scott district $65008 room home, close in. oa AXbetv ta st. soma fruit berries and walnut trees. $400010 rooms. Southwest psrt of city. - 2 $8000 homes, built-in kitchens, flreplacea, bath, toilet electricity, gaa BROWN A BROWN. 824 Ry. Exeh. Mar. 8331 TWO SNAPS No. 1- Neat 8 room house, sleo. lights, gaa. patent toilet and sink; completely fur nished. Terms. Ld!,t-o v n i ,V v "fc a 0 room plastered eottage, modern I plumbing, comer lot 60x100, In Sell- 1 wood, convenient to car, school, ete. T1 AKA nVl- . I ia easily worth $2000. B. M. GATEWOOD CO., 185 H 4th st HOME COMPLETE $3100 Neat bungalow. 6 rooms, bath and shower bath- hot wtm beat, full lot. laree -araee. nice I fruit trees, lawn and shrubbery, clear of all in-1 cumbranoe. aulck poaaeesion. half block from car. Alberta. Terms. I O. A. WARRINER RITTER. LOWE Ac CO. 208-6-7 Board of Trade bldg. 9n tinrntfiBvp k..-..l A9i .r I Hard W. noon. Paved sta, fireplace. $4950 Rose Oity, large bungalow, garage, paved sta. Pd, 4 bedrooms. skaaa t ; . m . ,uik wu ki uu,.iu n hot water beat . .H -,1. , fiSotr", V ."" W $2500 Modern 5 r. house. $1750 Ross at, 6 r. near Bdwy. bridge. CHAS. KING ER CO.. 225 Henry Bldg. $2650 WILLIAMS AVE. HOME$2650 $350 DOWN Here 1 a real value: 6 room house, modern plumbing, eto.; 50x118 foot lot: Williams eve. ? ,J w V. V,wh o 1L(! if an 2 2."v ?dr f4 w dT near Alberta st: paving in and paid; this la a uuu; total price Hee FRANK L. M'GUIRE, ABLNGTON BLDG. io ouj xour Some. Alain igos. A FINE STONE HOUSE NINE ROOMS TtTMaJl .-.. lis. --. a.4.1.1 - - .., fireplaces, furnace, sleeping porch, oak floors. enameled bedrooms, den or library on first floor; all street imDrovementa in and oaid for: rinse in. - blocks from liawtnorne ave.: price $oo00. Offer the terms yoa can beat handle. P. B. Van Nice. 401 Concord hide. Marshal S4R. $3150 ARTISTIC HAW THORN E BUNGALOW A m mnriera hnnMi Kk tion hall, foil mirror, livine room firnl beaded glass, bookcases, paneled Hl-g ; mtcn Kitcnen, wiute enamel plumbing, close to car. paved ..rtreet Terms.' "w. i t -r at ftraxnwa Knnara iw a tea, hi. riiteta a - FRANK U M'GUIRE. ABINGTON BLEKi.. To Buy Tour Home. Main 1064. ' wnoiwTfiTK .v.. -vi. - -Lx0--1-. BA , A MR , 1Mb, WCH UUUk, U IWI111 DUOfUOW, built-in conveniences, full oement basement wash traya, 2 blocks from car; 44th t near Holgate. price $1700, terms. C. v. WARRINER RITTER, LOWE It CO. 203-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. $1830 BUNGALOW BARGAIN $1850 $200 DOWN.- $20 PER MONTH 4 room attractive bungalow, white enamel lumbing. electricity and caa 40th near fnoi,. 'full lot: help you make first payment necessary. See FRANK L. M'GUIRE, ABINGTON BLDG. 10 Buy lour Home. Main 1068. omiltrv house, olentv of wood, nice shruhberv. I a aimirv t-v vnpvtaurn wmcn it rt-on Neat eoay 5 rooms, bath, fireplace and built- I nt features: full basement stationary wash tube I .. 1 ,-,, t ..1 1 1 1 1 ,- avsn 1 it. I " a , w w w 1 " aa-avavaa --usr ,to noisieealc-. See owner. 432 E. 68d at N Koee Qty r-. $100 DOWN 1950 FURNISHED COTTAGE 6960 8 room furnished cottage. 40x100 lot eloas to car. Vacant Move in. 64U at. near 40th See FRANK , M'GUIRE. ABINGTON BLDG.. To Buy Your Home. Main 1068 SNAP NEAR E. SEVENTH AND BROADWAY It wVra n Kntl-i in ma e f ri law i-s-wi fa f V tc. lot 50x50 'and leta of room and light on 1 all aides; all street improvements in and paid np: price $2830. P. U. Van Nice, 401 Ooacoril mag, marsnau dim. FURNISHED BUNGALOW 7 rooms, furnished eomrjete. 60x100. Inelud- 1 . i" -w.i.-, v -.wi , v ,, on weet side; $500 down. baL to suit. Big bar 1 .. i. - , o ic Art a . - 11' , r'Vrr; r RuA .V "" ROOM MODERN HOUSE B. 26TH BT. Price. $2500 Terms. Close to ear. All Improvements in and paid for. HERMAN JdOkiUyKK, 1025 Gaaeo bldg. Main 1480. A REAL home ia Piedmont modern 6 room and receotioa ha firem3 $5500 -to the Ptaoe w nd rf?e5, m...rioL f-Tf'vJ!- bouse. Data carace. worth make me an offer; must be sol Call Mais 4222, or Woodlawn 8677 FIVE room bungalow. Breakfast alcove, sleepinf twnh cement fa-i nt fn-iaee firmae. I i . I - , , I porau, crmrai la-utiii, lurnece, iiraviace. 1 garage. $3260. $200 dow . mel snd partly furnished if desired. 2 blocks R. C. carline. 728 I E. 68d N. Tabor 963 Irvington vacant $30008 room bungalow, fireplace, -418 E. iztn. st. nono, ca, norm of uroaa- way. Terms. I J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 814 Star. Main $81. large 88x178 feet; beat of soil, will, small , wnndahad and fr h air leel,ln .: t- ity UjQita oa good carline, 20 minutes out! I Will aell chess for cash or Dart eaah and terms, I vao V ..1 ' , ,,a .. I six Urge rooms, sleeping porch and battC Dateb kitchen, beam ceiling, hardwood floors, .aa. fie .laaa 1 !.).. 1J. nit. aa a I9RI1A Half cash and Liberty bords. Tabor 7245. ' ' TA-E NOTICE WU sacrifice for $7000 my treat side ln- eexne property, lw minutes walk from P. O. Income $100 a month, owner. .28 N. 6th at $575 3 room aback house, lights, water, 7 nice fruit trees. 40x100 " ffsrags. Mt i i . i - DWa "I w aivwvMa aw. --w in, D. r. I UlS PAIiS s ihtoj sueu awn lev eoyagw ana I o svxiuu. ti u or an. nut seu xaess cheaa W caah. D-693. Journal. l i in. i i. n i . I BIG bargain by owner 7 rood bona, fine Iocs. I tion. 2 lota, bearing fruit trees; food ptnms- I .a aaKat aa aa- r.Ka 1.111 fo-f-ch,? 'J4rtTtlg? 1 AlA a . , . . 1 ..! . .. J BA.1 A A I $350 $-room bungalow and 80x100 corner. small payroenx aewn ana i e per mania. I ii . , . I SMALL modern boose In Seiiwocd, best paved I st t. aersraa. .mu. pen, jtate. BOOM honae for sale or trade) on emaH fa I provea screage, iww i-aum oiag. rvn baluib . . . ... I AUi-. kt .iuu urai. 411 . I . thattkk U mmw esa-aseaaw sa REAL ESTATE FOR SALE LOTS 1$ , THE ALAMEDA ' OLMSTED PARK BEAUTIFUL 100x160 Hoeae Rita, 1 abort block Broadway ear, facing va the Alameda; very choice; Improve ments in and paid for; SPECIAL PRICE, quick sale. SEE W. . v. JORDAN. Manager House and Lot DepartmeAU Inside Property Dealers. - Ground Fir., Henry Bldg. DON'T HE SITATT $550 UOSK CITY PARK LOT B 0x1 00 ft. northeast cor. 58th and Blskiyon. I No aw wesments. cement sidewalks and curba in. I and only 1. block to pavement J. U HARTMAN ith .-Tr. J., nw i i n A'a1 Iucrc 4th and Stark. Main 208. A-2050. N ON-RESIDENT owner haa a few beautiful kta I wlth all improvements in. at E. GlUan and I 47th st that be will sacrifice for Quick sale or I will trade for good late model ear. P. Jump. I owner, Blackstone hotel. tvin i onih u. ,K .11 h-. I provementa in and will asll for $160O. in-1 elading all saw-amenta Easy payments. Out of town owner and she does not Intend to return I here. P7B. Van Nice, agant 401 Ooncord bldg. .. . . r- r" , : , a-, j ii.r I FOR SALE Improved lot. 60x100. In West- moreland. Liberty, bonds accepted. ii.-ooo, . .. . . . Journal EOT 50x142 on Glisan and 7 1st menu all in. WU sell very cheap. Apply 614 I Panama bldg. ACREAGE $7 PRICE cut from $3500 to $3200; will take 82000 cash, balance 5 years at 8 per oent The owner of this place wanta to sell oa ac count of other business. Is not a speculator. Bee him at place, quarter mile north of Hartfield eta. on the Orchard Slfton carline: 14 acres. 10 acres in cultivation, 4 acres good pasture, plenty of timber for fuel, all good land when cleared. no rock or gravel, all level, fine clay loam soil good 4 room dwelling, bath, hot and cold water. good barn, chicken house, orchard and small fruits, extra Tine water piped to all buildings, all I fenced in good shape, on good auto road. 1 mile high school. mile grade school, near church and store; 8 miles from Vancouver. Clarke Co., i .Wash. See owner or J. B Atkinson. 112 W. 6th at, Vancouver, Wyh. CHEAP ACREAGE S acres, $250; $10 down, $5 per month Vnys 6 acres of land between Portland and Cen- tralia. on the main line of miles from a town of 800 pop' and ahingle mills, some partly c cleared; running stream; some bottom and some bench. Can aire you any kind of plaee you want BELL REAL ESTATE CO. 818 Railway Exchange bldg. CHEAP ACREAGE 6 acres, $250; $10 down. $3 per month buys lia. on the main lirw of 8 railroads, 1H ,d ehlnala mills, aoma narttv elnH -nd cleared; running stream; some bottom and sosas bench. Can riva von anv kinf r,t rl an . - - BELL RKAT, MTt m 818 Railway Exchange bldg. FOR SALE OB EXCHANQB Non-residrnt owner wfll dispose of IS acres I v-year-oia up-to-date commercial bearing orchard. ner Lyle, Columbia river. Peach crop alone 1 as ' season over ooo txnea. Also good side Income Irora care of adjoining orchard. Price right Favorable terms or exchange for .city. - runmr I . - I " ACRES, small bouse. $675, good level land. I w,lu gooa umoer. 8H acre tract heavily timbered, for $800. 14 sere tract, small house, geod. level land, some good timber, for $1100. These places are - all between Portland and Salem, one mile from electrie station. Tha soil cannot be beat Cord wood Is selling at the electric atatioa for $5 and $$ see owner ior Aak tor Marstera. Bee swnar for terms at 202 Wiloox bldg. Phone evenings, Eaat 1193. FIVE ACRES, located In suburbs of Kdso, Waah., 4 room house. 2 chicken houses, good bam and other buildings. 1 V, acres in young orchard and small fruit - This plaee ii worth $2000. I am leaving this state and will sell for less than the raw land ia worth, or will take the beet offer I can get In the next 10 days tor eaah. or tetma. fan 15 N. 6th at "ll.l??'ii.l- 8 fiuDdJ I "" ' J""- I NICE SL'BLUKAN llltUC w uregoa -ity canine. Between MUwaakle I and Oak Grove. 8 acres, lets of fruit modern 7 I room house, cement basement furnace, elea- R rt -V,",.! f,!!. "Tl-i.5 7 ' I 2.1 T?0 cash, balance on time. 6 r r cent. See I f' "rown- "l"1 .-.eiian s- l-arxmu. LAim Dermer, pm,., otn and Ptark sta. unrsiua Bargains. iow ; spienaia o acre ff-. "?,. A iRiinni wajs "rma. sa v wnnii hiiu arawe ntuwt " yoa want uus mrain. 21 ecrea near station, good road, splendid aoil, 8 acres cleared: $2100; terms. KRIDER A ILK INGTON. ireham. Or. I ' ' ' ' ; I 4 ACRES of fsrm land for sale. DrUled welL abundance of water. 200 acres ia grain. 180 acres hog fence, over 150 acres more in cultivation. 20 to SO head of horses and a full fanning outit goes in at $85 ter acre. Terms. 14 miles to railroad. MX-1000, Journal. 4 ACRES FOR EXCHANGE K of a mile from Durham station on Oregon I Electric. 14 miles from Portland. $1000 Take acant lot, auto, or light truck See E. M I Brown, with Neilan A Parkh-1. 219 Lumber- 1, wiui mwn inn, bldg., 6th and Stark eta. 1 5-1 00 ACRES, new 4 room honne. sood hern. I fresh cow. 1 nig. some chickens. 4 blocks of atation. Oregon City car $2900. Good teftna. I '0 Morse, Jennings Lodge, or 809 Cham. 1 of Com. aa .Mri . 1 'l .. oA -III i a lv a, , ewwariv ilUl'rvCUir;uW V V UlUfl $ 1 aas Vancouver. Wash.: 2 miles from R. R. ata- I Hon and P. O.; can be bad with or without stock. Will sell or trade for house and lot, or I take late model car aa first payment Add I NX-97H. Journal. J FOR SALE 40 acres of good stump land. 214 miles West of Coble. Some improvements. good springs and food, rich soil and s bargain I St $80 per acre. Terms. Evenings st Clay ton hotel. 12th near Washington st . Sundays at Coble. Or. J. W. 9 H ACRES, well improved : good house, barn, orchard Meat tA aiihriivirfa hand tn whnnl - I about 80 minutes' ride out from city. Price I llisnn term, And T alsn have smaller tf-eta 1 HENRY F. COVER, 64 Union avenue. 40 ACRES of good rich land for $630 near V.nnln. t I'll. anil anMnM a mm1 . i A and neighbors, first class markets, ea-y reach to snmmef resorts; . great activity in this district I - w. 11. nor ley, ess irvmg au, atarsnau 2W08 I FOR 8 ALE Nice little borne near B-a-erton. 1 tt acre- er more if desired. 4 room bouse. all kinds fruit and berries, gas, food well; $1000, cash. A. Uhina, M, 4, Beaverton. ONE or two acres, on Oregon Else. Br.. 25 minutes out Bo fare I 600 feet to station, running stream all year; One for hickea, 976 Corbett at Main 0882. Owner. TACRER onion land, all ia cnL73 miles from Cltr UraiU Vancouver, 5 blka. from store, Uod el-trw line: pe $1300. $800 cash, bal to suit 6 int 411 Henry bldg. SllliS 1 2 Crr, 1 horse Sod bugiyand miU route. - ,. a 1 Ton rr.-. I miam - I . TZ' ' 6tt ACIIE.S all In culUvatioB': 2 bouses; locat ea oetweea city ana vresnsm. rnce oniy 83757. on terms. This v s rare ptcaua. Mc- t lore A Sc time urn id., sua runway y.t riMg. TO TRADE 3 acres extra choice cranberry h marsh ss first parment on hooas and Tot i-".'-" -o. FIVE acres. aU eultivated. on Baas Line road. near city, good bou-e. barn, fruit trees, tor quick Mie $8260. 412 FeT-tra bldg. Bdwy. 1733 1 . na 1 . , 1 i . . a" a a X' I m Av.Ciai WJ liaoproveu. ckm iij. mi , 1 . vu, will sacrifice or trade. Room 4, 328 Main at I 2 tt ACRES for sale or trade la oa small bungalow. 700 Detain bldg. WANTKl) From 6 acres to 7 seres. Will pay cash. Call Sell. 1839. grBURBA ACREAGE 7$ FIVE acres adjoining city, oa Jeved. roaj, near acbool snd 2 carlinea. Cheap. Ilousis, Bull Ron j water in. telephone snd. light wires snd gss la I aMaa frtllt Iffaaa. a M nniHliMI - - I i rnn, i'J o,d. ' an irddf o-rn. tt AC KB and 8 room bouse, 6 blocks south of Stanley stattoa; He fare by book ; a bar- -T r ' - I gain at $ 5(H); 4200 rath, bat 6 Hertsman place; Come out I 7 i.-... ' - . , t 7" ;7 . - per esat STcBES . blocks to Stanfcvy atatioa. 6 room 1 H.f.n Italia li in.aa ' amwHhal .halai lu . . unfurnished bouse: woodshed, chickea hoase $1675, H rash. - Aa at stars for Mr. Psrker. SUBURBAN HOME. I 79 I WANT to wants good small horns la errantry. Good ; buUdinga, good water, hot snd eold in hot ise and fnpe d tn chicken hoa-w; near good" w-haot, on hard -nd hl mllK Jvill tAk wed Ford w or Ub- I a ll l l, - M , i m 1 1 1 . m ik, in mi lira, hi.i 1 crty jt, i resafut, vaiu a t-ry ptjiocfit. 1 ".-. "a-,1- IfAV.a(-a $ 11 : 1 , wA-sa gmi v a vj asna .Ww Vavl a aVeaiewaaA-iaei waatsM. ' REAL ESTATT5 srnrnniv rrnr Ca . illOO BARGAIN 1H acres gardem land. r. house, barn, well, chick aa. wood ' and fruit -eases, tlpu ere bard, best of sral. right in good town wit 2 eUctrte tinea, .set tha pttew for man and wife, worth doable the pries asked. If yoa get this ya . will have to act - quark. J. R. Wolff. 418 bldg. - : FOB BALg FaKM S '"---IT BEACTIFrL 8UBCRBANll0li ' 11 H scree, sncetly all tn cultivation. acres bearing prunes and rge family- ore hart m inn bearing, berries and sbrobb ry- sf all kinds. ' 6 room house, with city water, good ' barn, all nece ary ewtbuUdinga. Fenced and fenced. No reck or gravel. Fins Mm soil. Streetcar withis 10 blocks of place. Will be saitabia tn very short time to plat in -city lota land Joining this has aokl. tor as high aa $1000 per acre. Pries, for a eery short ' time. $3500. This will have to be geea te bs appreciated. H eaah, baL ts suit, , S acre, nearly all under sultivattoa. situated mi. from Vancouver, 1 - mL from eoaatry ' town, church, school and stores, la thick If set. tied community. No rock or gravel. Well watered by sprlnga. living stream sad well at aouse. Good 6 room bouse, bars, chics ea- 1Ma aDd other necewary outbuUdiax- Pries svsn . w w.i m - a ee'rea. IU un in eu'ltlvatloa- amaTl balld- inr. t4 mt from electric car. Goad Jand. aU rural advantages. Only 4 at frosaVaa- cowver. Price 8960. Va eaah. 13.92 acres, new 6 room plastered a new barn, inclndlnst tatace. 10 acres la u 10 acres la tivatton, nioe family orchard, berries and ahrab- back porch. seres lenoed witn crura en w ire. sogetaer witn gnoa cows, one norae, JH f ehW-kewt. lmplementa, hay and potatoes, Only 1 mi. from city limits of Vancouver. Close ? achocu, on good auto road. Price, lor a aaon ume. only ataou, H eaan, Dai. to sun. 1 mtitim. fenced and enm f,n(V(d fmU- orchard in full bearing. 4 I room boose, small bam, necessary outbuildings. . rake, plow. . wagon, harness. band seeder and small tools. 1 M mt from eleetrlo line, on good auto road. All rural advantages. 8 sat from Vancouver. Pries $2000, H cash. THOMPSON, SWAN ss THOMPSON - 3d and Main eta. Vancouver, Wash. IM-ll)Y FARM - ' For aale. 91 acres S miles icf Oregon City. oa good road. 70 acres in high1 stats of eurU ra tion, good 6 mom house, barn 60.12, hedded. wita. concrete floor in ansa; onuainga au set oa concrete and nicely oalr tad: ears re .12x18. cement floor; root house, tool -owe, thicken noune, granary, au m in vuncm, i i vict i floors; farm tools of. ell kinds, new; $ work honea. 8 cows, brood sow. chickens, hay snd - grain, household goods, canned fruit, everyLhlng . you need on this fafm. Now, then. If yoa are looking for a dandy farm with everything ia - apple pie order, hers It is. Good soil, good com munity and only a muse out. t-nee sis.uuu. $8000 cash, balance to sun row at a per seat Tfh and Main .ate.-. Oregon City. UU;1aVi. JO ACRE rarh, rood Rlj fine Vufla v cleared and' some rnga. 6 acres of good orchard. 1 acre of I bStom and strawberrtas: water rights; 6 room cottage with 8 closets, 1 pantry, bath, hot and eold water: coed wood house, tank and wind mill: also ' pear, cherries and nut trees. This can bs bought - right. Will accept small boqss aa part payment. 60 acres erf choice river bottom land, H die from city limits, 2 beusea,' 9 barns, potato faoasev wagon shed, chlckenhoaaa, 8 walla, stock -, and horses, machinery, cream separator, go with place; 4 acres of this land raised over 800 bu. , of spuds t is year. Must be sesa to as ap Predated. ACME REALTY CO. 208-8 Ablngton Bldg. Mala T478. A QUICK FORTUNE IN -ALFALFA AND HOGS 40 acres. 85 irrigated. $0 tn cult!- - ,-T ration, balance ia pasture. This land ( Will produce fine ajialfa. $0 buaheU -of wheat er 100 seeks of potatoes to the acre. Improved with a small i hones snd barn and outbuildings. 6 H miles of good town snd 2 railroad. Price $3500. Terms. See Mr. .Rich mond, . RELIABLE INVEPTMENT CO., $09 Oak at Broadway 4183. V . ' . 80 ACRES AT A SACRIFICE Bers it a place that merits yon In watl ra tios. 46 acres ia cultivation. Raised 80 bus, f ,Ki tha tit t r. Inra ted 11 mile of Portland at luncUon of two stlto hard gar I faced highways; every aero caa be cultivated. The place would be ideal to sutxlinae ana ma I in aereaee tracts. Adjoining land Is held .at 1 $250 per acre. Now this farm caa bs bad lot $179 per care. $Tooo eaan, oai. at S7. A square leai to ail . uiunu.i JVXVA .J. K. -v-, 481 On. of Com. Main 612T. - t T n f - 1 , r HERE 13 A . GREAT BARGAIN' m ' 90S acm i stork er- dslrv farm. 1 M -. auieg from good town in Cowlita county. Wash.. 66 miles from Portland. Over half tillable land. balance paature and Umber; 60 acres ia cultiva tion now; creek through the place; 6 room hoase, fine new dairy bars which sost 82000, other outbuildings: fins family orchard. .Ownrl will sacrifice this at $5000, one third down, bal ance 6 per rent Ton- can't beat It IiTIEIlDEMAMJI IVafA.lI 91 S Chamber of Opmmoroa. PACIFI0 HIGHWAY SNAP 28 seres, ail lsveL very fins land. 18 aer 1 la eulUvatieai, balance paatnrs, 1 acre bearing orchard. s room no is, large barn ana out buildings. -This pises Is oa mala Pscifls high way, 9 mt Irom Vanoouver, and aurs a m snap . at $8500. $800 sash, bat easy. TIIOMPBON. BWAN ex J 11UMKOU7V. Sd and Main eta, Vanoouver, Wash, - ni700 60 ACRES 1 6 acres cleared, part alaahed. soans timber. Ian rolling; 6 room hooae, bars and other out . buildings; orchard; on county road, near school snd church; sa milk route I 22 miles froas . Portland, 8 miles electric line, in Washington county, $500 rash, balance 6, Albert lUrele, Owner, 801 Minnesota sve. : AMlf X UANCU v ... ''62 acres. Tamhiil Co.. running water, pad ' cultivated, some cleared, part fenced, enough of timber on Av acres to pay ior au it, run a,.1 88600. 8500 down. baL $100 per year, t per cent. Sea-Wood Realty Co.. 248 Stark at FOR SALE 20 acre stock ranch. WUUmetts valley foouaii. gooa sou. no rocs or gravel, -house, barn, orchard, fenced.' part in cultiva tion, pasture, springs, and creek: gotas tins - timber, near railroad station, sebsol, cbareh, Only $27.60 per acre. Will take clear raaW denes to $8000 value. Owaer. J-899, Journal, v BEST 20 acre farm near Greabaaa, all unde ' cultlvaUoa. over half tn ere, gooa orcnara, . new houas, e aerate foundation ; earn fall ot her, chicken In ts. ne OI sou; use naei use Mrrrmndlraxa, With stock, srop sad tntpteme-ta. $4600. A genuine bargain. KRIDKR A ELS INGTON. Oreaham. Or. 20 MILES of Portland, 71 acres ot food soil, letel land, 66 acres la cultivation; 6 rooal house, largs bars, outbuildings. 24 head lA stock; tmplenenta. hogs aad chickens: aw good roads, aear station. Will sacrifice for $8500. Terms. 508 Chamber of- Com meres. : Mm us 1986. Man all 866. - - 60 ACRES, improved, close In, including ili sheep, 2 cows. $6000. 5 acres, modern heuss, $4250. 6 acres, modern house, $$500. Zhi. acres, strictly modern house, $1000. WOLFSTE1JL 114 1rt. GOOD stock farm ot 160 acres, only tt from railroad town. Good small hooae, lares chicken houas and barn, water piped to hooae. 8 acres to garden and fruit. AXta.or oa trance. Some terms. Clear. Mrs. E. S. UErey, Leb anon, (XT 800 ACRES PASTURE LAND 60 miles from Portland. This would maki an ideal stock ranch, watered by springs snd creek, is ote the price. S7.0U aa acre. Been sll opea land. J. Haas. 609 Chamber ot Coca, INTERCRBAN electric atatioa on place, 10 minutes to town, psrt or all of sole did 209 set fsrm st sa sttrsctivs prios sod oa easy terms. Owner. - Tabor 9448, or 6110 88U at 8. E. .. . . " 18400 FOR 60 aerea. 8 rawm bouse, large, weu DuMt a am, w oosneq, spnrars, arret tl cleared and fenced; 100 acres with 2 mlluoa ' ft yellow fir; 2 mail a day; 16 tt miles from Whits Salmon, TeL Broadway 2245. ' A REAL farm bargain: 60 acres of fine soil, good buildings: ton have goner price 600001 get ia touch with- owner and Aaara - what feet wita place. I'hone ivaat Agio, yo K. bus at Portlaa . - , 8 AtntE chicken snd duck ranch, aear Tuaiatia nn.lktln rtver. an mOtm 1 mad ' mod sat ot balldinga, good orchard, very beet at aoil. mat -a apiendid buy at $1750. Some term. - j, K. wuLrr, ai .nam, ot mm. oiag. $6000 cash eemnuaslon to . anyons f urniatunf a buyer for my Colorado ranch. W rile et wire for information. MeWUliama. 201 Bennett bldg.. Colorado Springs. Colo. 60 ACRES level, food land. etw to market- About 86 cleared. Equity. $5000- Caa gel. yoa buyer for wood at $3000. Tarma oa bat ' B-70., Journal " FARMS for aala, near Wllheit Springs, WUIanv ette valley, aear Molalla. This is a bargain. Tabor 6965. ' , ' 192 ACRES. 100 la cultivation. Good baJ Jdlngaj living water. 860 per sera. Phone Tabof 1620 after p. a w before 8 a. m. riN-wnUmeUe valley farm by owaar. C3S E. 18U N. Phone Eaat 4844. 46"0 4 0 acres; self supporting bargain. Swank, 617 Henry bldg. ; . r RICH . Alberta farm - lead. Crop, peymaatik Claade Cole. $28 Henry blog 450 ACRE WUlamett valley teres. Owaer, $ let st, Portland. On 40 ACRES. $650 - 80 a-rea, $1200, easy terms, tt' fart Port land. Claude :oM. 82S Henry bldg. SPEt'lAt. banram, 40 acre, at Ljle, Waau. AA .. dxeas 119 -W. tarrafut I'erUand. .