, THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, ' PORT LAND, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1918 20 'V . 1MQ5ET TO I.OA7T-BEAT ESTATE t7 OUR Installment plea U the - best and surest . method of paying a loan. . (S3 29 per month for 86 month, or Itl. 24 for 60 month, or tlA.1T for 90 Ounth. pars 11000 loan sad satereet Otbor aasounta In proportion. . Wo loan on Improved city property. ' Or tor building puivues. No commission ehsrged. EQUITABLE SAVING A LOAN ASSOCIATION 243 Stark St.. Portland. Or. PAT OFF THE MORTGAGE m four city homa on easy installments with 10 wars' tin to repsy; folly protected by Ufa In surance under Horn Purchase Plan of the Equit able Ufa' Assurance Bociety. Interest ft par awnt; no commission. See Mr. Strong, Equitable of (tea, Oregonian building. $0O. $400. 1500. $750. $1000 and up, lowest Interest rates. Liberal repayment prif Dsgea, No d'lay. GORDON INVESTMENT CO.. 1 031 Chamber of Commerce. - BUlDlINO loans on city or suburban property; rnoaVT advanced aa work progresses. W. ft. Back, 71$ and 310 Filling bids. Main 840T. EECP.EGON INV. Ac MORTGAGE CO.. $23 Chamber of Commerce. 4tb and Btark. MORTGAGE losns. 6 end7 Louis Salomon Co.. 408 Belling bldf. ' $400 TO $9000 to lusn, city or farm mort- horses. Vehicles, etc i Good, gentle, well broken and sound T and 8 year old ; work single and double and ride. They an both fat and short, sleek coated. Just out of work and ready to to right back again. There is a good heavy double breeebing harness and Boston ' team colls rs. also a goose-neck ex press wagon. l"rce complete outfit, $165. or will ell aeparatj. Taka Liberty bond and give guarantee. 462 Flanders. 7H0RSE. WAOOVAND HARNESS 1 have just bought a truck and have left n my bands 1100 lb. 7 year old sound borse that i gentle for .anyone to handle and to good to plow with; also: good single harness and ex press wagon. Mtut be sold quick as I don ,t wsnt to pay feed bill any looser. Cheap at $95P complete. 462 Flanders. APTOMOBlXES-ACCESSORtES 44 gage: no commission, t P. . Bos 878 MOJfET TO "TOATT CHATTHL8, SALARIES $7 DO YOU NEiED MONEY? Leans made on automobiles, diamond, pl baoa, household good I or anything of. value. Security nsnally left in your poswadon; AUK) TO SALARIED PEOPLE on their notes without security. If your payments to other loan companies or on- furniture or automobile r on tracts are larger than you mn make, we will pay them up, advsnce . you more money, if Beaesesry, and yon ran repay nj in small aonthly payments to suit your convenience. LEGAL RATES. No DELAY. BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. ' PORTLAND MAN COMPANY (licensed) i 806-807 Dekum Bldg. Marshall 3286. - RAUI'LT! anlta for men. vnlintz enen and boys. Alio shirts, union suits and. odd trousers for men and boys. . Telephone evening for list of sizes and prices. " Weodlavrn 5488. 1200 LB. bay mare, 6 years old. aell cheap or trade for cow or young stock. 1160 Macadam at Kiverview car to Richardson are.. 1 block east in pasture. : ALL kinds of bones from $25 up; extra good 1100-lb. raddle horse: fine pair of young jet black Shetland ponies, cheap, or exchange for cows, or milk goats. 802 Front at WANT horse, about 1200 lbs. weight, suitable for small farm;, must be free from disease. Write full description and price in firat letter. T. A. Kendrlch. Boring. Or. , R. 8, box 167. A MESSAGE TO THE MAN WITH 100 DOLLARS A LOT OF TOO FELLOWS HATE AN EXTRA HONORED THAT ISN'T "WORKING" WHT NOT CUT OUT THE STRAP HANGING AND DRIVE A CARf THE PAYMENTS ON THE BALANCE i WILL BE MORE THAN TAKEN CARE OK fN SAVING OF TIME. HEALTH AND PLEASURE FOB YOURSELF AND FAMILY. j BUY A GOOD USED CAR OF A RELIABLE DEALER . set tocr moneT'S worth, besides FREE SERVICE. FREE LESSONS AND A r: I - a i xj T t- r vars a w AWDflTlV'rr.n with im-w-ir. rsvn rni tivvm in nvll917 Chevrolet touring: runs beautiful h'trui itiwis wif ht en ira unvrr a no I 1916 Chevrolet touring. $42 new battery, MUST UNLOAD YOU MAT NEVER HAVE JSJ! M.a7we11 Just overhauled. ANOTHER SUCH OPPORTUNITY. ALL kinds of wagon. light and heavy, double driving, double' work, light and heavy harness, two extra good top buggies. " fine stock saddle. 302 Front si. - GOOIi 2400 lb. team of mares, good farm wagon e:.d heavy double harness. $135. Hawthorne Stables. East tjth and Hawthorne ave. LllThlirTteniiiTck! Cash paid for cows and crippled horses. Tabor 4208. BAY mare tor "sale f will tradefor furniture or fuel. Inquire at 204 rtnssell st. HORSE and wagon. $I..10 .day: 2 horses and wagon., $3. J. Cohen. 546 Front, Main 2208. CHRISTMAS MONEY WE LOAN MONEY To salaried snd workingraen on their personal notes. JfO MORTGAGE NO INDORSER NO PrRMCTTT ' ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY We also loan on household 'furniture, pianos, te., .without removsl. CALL AND SEE IJS TODAY Investigate oar modern snoney lending meth 'oda. It will oot no mire now than if you wait Until a few days before CHRISTMAS.; COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANT. , Licensed"-" 218 Failing Building. B. K. Cor. Third and Washington Sta PORTLAND REMEDIAL lOAN ASSN. Established by Portland business men to protect borrower. C. MYERS HERMAN. Mgr . 31)4- STARK ST. LOANS ON DIAMONDS, JEWELRY. PIANOS. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. LOANS WANTEP . SEE OREGON INV 30 A MORTGAGE CO.. 222 Chamber, of Cosnmerce. 4th and Stark. FINANCIAL $1 LIBERTY. BONDS If you must sell your Liberty bonds HELL TO VS. If you csn buy more Liberty bond., BUY FROM US. ; Wa buy and sell Liberty bonds at the market. DEAD hones sad snmls hauled away free. Call Woodlawn 20 Portland Rendering Co. 200 LB7"tean.r" $85 30 FrontHit. LtVEHTOCK $i 5 FRESH cow. Durhsm-Jeneya and Jerseys: ettra good rich milkers;, will take your beef cows in exchange." 1 1 B0 Macadam st. River- view car to Richardson ave., 1 block east to pasture.. WANTED Jood young cow giving 3 gal. or more L-807. Journal. . FOR HALE Berkshire boar. 1 8 ' months old. W. 8. Wston, R. 2, Bos 36, Oregon City. A, GOOD cow for salv, tuhcicular tested. E. ,ltt,N1, MonUvilla car. EXTRA good family' eow. 302Front at. 142 POULTRY. PIGEONS. PET STOCK 87 Portable Rabbit Hutches : 8. D. St. SE. AND CH1"KEN HOUSES Williams. Tabor 620. 5125 E. 82d BRONZE tnrkeys, big. vigorous rang stock; bens $7 50; fores $12.50. O. J. Vaa Avery. n . n . j . ' neutB a, jnaepenuence, ur. FOR- SALE 1 Barred Rock and 1 R. 1. Red rooster, thoroughbreds. Tabor 8062, after o:3U p. m. PULLETS, for sale. W Rocks, R. I. Reds, $1 irregon St., .Kofe City car. Leghorns. Barred to $1.75. 787 FUR HALE-FeedTIwheat and cackling mash for ruickena; uroreas barley for rabbits. 415 .les-up ft. '-Woorilawn 4344. HAVE 20 thoroughbred 8. C. Red cockerels, prices reasonable. Bee A. J. Raney, 206 Cor OPLl, Ulflg. SAVE feed, guarantee to pick the no layers irom your nock ol chickens by acientUie memoos at- normal cost. Tabor 6422. I. strain. White Iehorn and R. I. O. A ' pull'ts. sell cheap, car. Wdln. 6659. red 1245 Gay st. St. Johns YOU CANNOT DO BETTER DO WOR8E. -YOU MAT RABBITS 5 bred does and 6 half grown rab ors. i a. -ji7 iilbbs st SIT VEH CA'IUNE cockerels. Phone Woodlawn 319. and up. -DOGS, BIRDS. PETS. ETC. 4$ $100 $1000 Bond Bond " 08.47 4S9.71 04.72 952 17 92.7S 932.50 98.40 989 00 95 55 060 49 96 24 967.37 05.57 060.76 V! are today paying the following prices for Hi 1st 4s 2d 4s 1st 4 'is 2d 4 '4 s 3d 4s 4th 4 '.is MORRIS .BROTHERS, INC. . a. . Tha Premier Municipal Bond Honne or Uregon Established over 25 yean. 809-811 Stark, between Sth and Oth, Ground Floor. Telephone Broadway 151. LIBERTY BONDS WE BIT BONDS AND RECEIPTS. RE MITTANCE M AILED OCT , OF TOWN SELL ERS ' DAY BONUS AR-K RECEIVED. LI CENSED BY U. S. GOVT, Northwestern Trust Company SECOND FLpOR WILCOX BLDG. ' 6TH AND WASH. O.M-. thoroughbred pit bull for sale, about 22 monuis oia. aisncnesters very best blue rib lion stock. This dog u pedigreed. Call Tabor O O J . THOMPSON'S bird store buys and sells guar anteed birds. tall or address 957 Mii- sippe ave., i-oruana, ur. BOSTON terriers at etud: world's greatest toy blood, from Mass.; tea $10. Hamlert. Tabor isns. ono sza st. RABBITS, young and old, prices right 07 th and 66th ava. S. E. Cor. WILI, exchange fancy work for singers an. ' ii rfiomings. 2I 4 Miss. ave. rvti HAI.E Toy Boston. terriers; 3 months old. r.n-i uoifd or I . izo. AUTOMOBILES ACCESSORIES 44 1 AUTOMOBILES ACCESSORIES 41 CONLEY'SJUST: NEW CARS Stilf wa lead in aaiea In vjaed utomobflaa. WhF Because It is on everybody's lips, that you can go to Conley'a and get just what you pay for, a written guarantee with every car. All aizes, all makes, all prices. Wa make no excuses. . Our cars are ready to run. Btttek touring, elec generator and lights ..$ 800 High-grade bug. elec lights, overhauled.. i i o t oro roadster, runs like new ...... 1910 Ford Coupe. Council Crest on high: Bulck roadster.' elec. lights, fine tires. . . . High-grade 5-pass., Bosh mag., elec. lights. 1018 Cadillac, elec L. A 8.. newly painted 1914 Overland tour., elec L. and S. ; per fect. ......." Hudson roadster or delivery, runs fine Hudson 6. 54, 5-pasv, elec. L. and S... JUST NEW CARS 1918 Chevrolet roadster, runs like new. . 1917 Overland roadster, model 75B. . , 1918 Overland touring, model 00...., 1017 Maxwell touring. It's perfect. USED CAR CLEARANCE NEARLY ALL MAKES AT RADICAL REDUCTIONS LIBERTYS ; BRISCOES OVER LANDS CADILLACS: HUDSONS ; MAXVyELLS ' STUDEBAKERS FORDS ' .'! AND MANY OTHER POPULAR MAKES , Free Service. Free Lessons ftLLBHGF 800 300 400 800 850 400 400 200 500 $ 650 H50 750 600 550 500 600 1914 Buick. elec L. A. 8.. new too. newly painted 000 TTTGH-fiB AT.W ' HudJIm Super Six. 00 7 new $1400 Oldsmobfle 8. runs and looks new. ...... 13O0 Chalmers 6, 5-pass., a real buy v 850 Series 18 tttudebaker. tour. 09- new... " ouu Series 17 Studebaker Six. 7-pass.. new tires , 800 Paige Six, 5-pass.. just about new.... 1100 Moon Six. 5-pasa. It's perfect all over. 1000 Pierce Arrow. 7-paas., 00 perfect.... ' 800 Cadillac, 7-pass., guaranteed 90 perfect 850 Terms, ZJIberty bonds- at face value on cars. . CONLEY'S USED CAR CENTER Phone Broadway 2656. 2d Floor, Big Brick Building S. W. cor. 15th and Wash. sts. Entrance 127LowUbdale et CARS Beat These Prices if You Can $ 285.00 425. 00 285.00 195.00 245.00 195.00 175.00 325.00 835.00 775.00 450 00 Reo light delivery, Just painted... ouks a pasa., a gooa urea . . . ora panel delivery, runs fine . . . 'landers 20 tourine. economical . Maxwell 5 pass., can't beat it ... Warren Detroit roadster Marion 5 pass., fine family car.., Stoddard Dayton, d pass., powerful lvln Ford touring, good condition 1917 Studebaker. 4 cyl . 'T paas. . 1916 Maxwell. 5 pass,, finj tires . American Bear Cat new fres ... Velie Bear Cat. some class 4 95.00 White light delivery 290.00 818 Velie. 0 cyt, 3 pass.. 98 per cent new 1275.00 1918 Elgin. 6 cyl.. 5 pass.. 98 per eenx new iuio.uu 917 Studebaker, 6 cyl.. 7 pass. . 885.00 917 Hudson Super-tt. cord tires . . 1450.00 EWISE. OBYE MOTORS CO BROADWAY AT COUCH. PORTLAND. OR. FHONE BROADWAY 8327. 16TH AND ALDER BROAD WAT 2492 WE ARE MAKING A COM PLETE CLEANUP ON SECOND HAND CARS ring ! duced prices: 1916 Chevrolet touring, perfect condition. 1917 Overland, model 85. touring, like new. iu Htudebaker, 4 cyl., touring. 1914 Ford roadster. A-l shape. 1918 Oldsmobile. 8 cyl.. touring, almost new. We also have one Reo 2 ton truck for sale at your ;own price. bee us quick if you want a real bargain. OLDSMOBILE CO. 37 N. BROADWAY FORDS EAST TERMS $205 to $545 ' 1 1913 touring, looks fine, runs better. 1 1915 touring, in good shape. 2 1916 touring, in fine shape. 1 1916 touring, electric starter. ' 1 1916 touring, has new Kelaey body. 1 1917 Miring, A-l shape 1918 touring, fine shape, all new urea. 1916 roadster, can't be beat 1917 roadster, a bargain. 1916 delivery, panel body: A-l car. 1913 one ton trucks, chain drive, with bodies. SPECIAL ' Studebaker touring car. in excellent condition has electric starter and spare tire; $300. See these cars u you are looking for a ser viceable machine. TALBOT & CASEY, INC. Grand ave. and E. Ankeny LATE 1917 Dodge touring. all cord tires, bumper and spotlight; perfect mechanical con dition. 1'nce $87 5. Oldsmobile 6. run abont 10,000 miles, snot' light, bumper, ana otner extras. fries siluO 1917 Chevrolet $490: a hard looker but fine running condition. Pnce $375. PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO 10th and Burnside sts. Broadway 521. AUTOMOBILES ACCESSORIES 44 'SOME REAL SNAPS IN GOOD USED PI AllOS, ORGANS. MUSICsfX INSTRUMENTS We Have One of the biggest snaps in the city of Portland. very fine walnut piano, .not e scratch on it, Smith-Barnes make. In perfect tune, te be cloaed oat. at once. - ' $400,00 Value $150.00 Feldstein Furniture Co, 166-168 1ft st. Portland. Or. a, 9 $ 25 CASH buys good used $125 Parlor Organ. $ 85 Cash buys good used $2-10 Angelas Player. $- 65 Cash buys small used $275 Upright Piano, $ 75 Cash buys small used $300 Upright Piano. $190 Cash buys used Kimball $400 Upright $265 Cash buys new stored $450 Upright 1'Una $273 Cash buys used Crown $500 Upright $290 Cash buys new stored $4 75 Upright Piano. $393 Cash buys nearly new $750 Player Piano. (465 Cash bnvs nearlv new (950 Plsver Pi no. 360.00 i fart Cash. Bonds and other Securities accepted. Piamoe Bought and Bold for Cash only. .Storage 00c month. Phone Main 5328. 8ECURITT STORAGE CO.. 109 4th St. Phonographs and Records for Gifts It is hard to think of a more universally ac ceptable gift for Christmas than a phonograph. Now is the time to select your Christmas pho nograph while onr stocks are complete. Our $47.50 Mah-Grafonola is a winner. Terms. S. & D. Phonograph Shop 172 3d. near Yamhill. USED AUTOMOBILES TERMS GIVEN LARGE STOCK TO SELECT FROM ' OF VARIOUS MAKES. PRICES $200 TO $1200. WE CARRT OUR OWN PAPER AND CAN ARRANGE VERY LIBERAL TERMS. VK HAVE REDUCED PRICES ON OUH USED CARS. BUY TOUR NEXT TEARS CAR NOW AND SAVE MONEY. Here are a few of our many cars ws have to offer for your spproval: 1915 Mitchell. 5 paas.. 6 cL 1917 MHchell. 5 pass. 0 cyl. 1916 Mitchell. 3 pass., 6 cyL 1017 Mitchell.7 pass., 6 cyL 1915 Hudson, 7 pass., 6 cyL 1915 Mitchell. 6 pass.. 0 cyt 1915 Mitchell. 5 pasa., 6 cyL 1916 Chevrolet. 5 pass.. 4 cyL 1917 Studebaker, 7 pasa., 6 cyL 1916 Studebaker. 5 pass., 4 cyL 1914 Mitchell, 5 pass., 6 cyL 1913 Hudson. 5 pasa., 6 cyl. 1912 Mitchell. 5 pass., cyL 1914 Haynes, 5 pass.. 6 cyL 1913 Packard. 7 pass.. 6 cyL 1914 Studebaker, 4 pass, coupe, 4 cyL Two ton truck with cab. A NUMBER OF OTHERS TO SELECT , FROM Used Car Department Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co, EAST FIRST AT MORRISON ST. Phones: East 7272; B-1216. WE are not agents for the Edison. Victrola. Grafonola or Stradivara. yet you win find all these instruments for sale on our floor at reduced prices. Why is this so? Because peo ple trade them to us in part payment for the Brunswick phonograph. They agree with us that the Brunswick tone is better. WAKEFIELD MUSIC CO.. 4 27 Washington St USED pianos at special prices until the holidays. V ery reasonable terms oi psyment and a large number of used instruments to select rom. Prices range Irmu 145 up r.very instrument guaranteed. Reed French Piano Mfg. Now in new store. 435 Washington St., ccr. 12tli. rnone BToadway ian. FORDS FORDS FORDS 1 91 8 Ford touring 1918 Ford roadster 1917 Ford touring 1916 Ford roadster 1918 Ford delivery ' 1917 Ford delivery expresa These cars are like new. Terms. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR CO. East 13thand Hawthorne Av East 3770 USED "tire-i.'' I-33x5 cordT 23x3Hl34 4H. $7 esch. Wdln. 4706. AUTOMOBILES WAITED 78 HIGHEST prices paid for automobiles, condl tion no object 121 N. 8d st Bdwy. 3629 WILL take machine as part payment on beauti fill suburban home. 700 Dekum Mdg. AUTOS FOR HIRE (8 AUTOS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DRIVERS. Brand new cars. Reasonable ratea. Fesrtng A Robnett City Garage. 86 10th. Between Stark, and Oak. Broadway 840. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS FOR HIRE COUCHMAN A SULLIVAN. MARSH. 232 10TH AND TAMHILL A-1236 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS It SEW IN O ajMehlBea, new and eee ond band, sold te less; ae agents employed. Complete lane f part for all make machines, re r sired and rented. Main 9481.' EWINO MACHINE EMPORIUM, 190 8d. near Taylor st biTf. " complete line in Portland ..L J tr' ater waons. tricycles, bi cycles and motorcycles at prices thst are right i-h-i f ?nns' ptac ord" now fog hriatmaa delivery. The Evening Repair 8hop. w"s060 nd Katelh- vhoa' Bro"- apples. $i.ooTo $oopf.r'bo"$: ' 'VATOES. $1.85 PER HUNDRED. N'ON8. $2 PER HUNDREDWEIGHT (We retail st wholesale prices. , ICHOLS COMMISSION HOUSE. -07 Washington st. between 1st snd Fro-t Electric Motors Bought, sold, rented and repaired. Walker Electric Works. 418 Rnra side. corner 10th. Brosdwsy 5674. C 1 H Of) TEN drop head aewlng machines veith v? I WiUU attachments: aU are in very good condition. Sewing machines rented at $8 per month. Phone- East 2SS9. or B-8307. E. it Steen. 182 Grandeve.. near Belmont ; PE RSOH A L I ' fi t . tSTthe reTER8d.'TfCs IU winter and-early spring samples are la, Womea are paving bail st Petereoa'e Mamifae. turers- Sample Outlet on suite, costs, dresses. zt?k TU" V"1"- one suffering with tuberculosia consum tion. try Mrs. Msry Grimes' .Lung Salve, , treatment for tuberculosis. Can also furnish .uen l" sed it For sale a. the Knight Drug Co.. .402 V Was Sgtoa at Phone Main 8698. Portland. Ore r - oi-A6.1tt.ij j' AVINti I solicit your patruuage on the: basis of rapalle service. Thou- mm nf e.a t..t . , JOHNSON S PURE APPLE CIDER MADE ON THE PREMISES DAILY. 247 TAMHILL BET. 2D AND 8D. "MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS." Typewriters" and "Household Goods" are separate classifi cation . AU advertiaements of these goods are published under their respective classifications. LOOK THEM OVER. FERTILIZER Best rotted cow and horse, manure, big track oaas aeuverea. east 038. T1 O Pif 4- $1 A USED DROPHEAD vP I .,JJ IU vp I vJ SEWING MACHINES Guaranteed. We rent and repair. $12.50 CASH sends new piano home; $12.50 next payday, then Is or in montniy after January 1. constitute our reduced Christmas terras. Schwa n Piano Co., Ill 4th st EAT HORSE MEAT Sen for leas thsa half the price of ether meat Passes thorough inspection. 14 1st st UTOMOBILES. MOTORCTCLES. I.ACNCHES or boats are separate class! ilea tiona. A large listing can be found under these different classi fies t ions. WHY an everlasting aggravation by a leaky rooft Why not a permanent and Indestructible roof T We oxidize and renew aU kinda of leaky roofs. 608 Tourney bldg. Main 6886. WE pay cash for used pianos and band instru ments. Bieberiing Ac Lucas Music to.. 1Z4 etn. FOR SALE A gas range, at No. 40 24 at Broadway 5121: after 6 p. m. call Wood lawn 2302. TYPEWRITERS 77 GUARANTEED factory rebuilt typewriters, "all makes, sold on monthly paymenta. Bend for price list The nolesale Typewriter Co.. re tail dept.. 821 Washington at FOR RALE, cedar wardrobe 6 feet 4 inches by 4 feet by 1 foot, moth proof, in good con dition. Phone Tabor 1035. TYPEWRITERS rented, repaired, exchanged. Typewriter supplies. REMINGTON TYPEWRITER CO... 88 Broad' y ALL MAKES typewriters rented and repaired. Oregon Typewriter Tjo.. 4A oth. Main 3668. HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE 4S ' Take Advantage OF THIS OFFER We are closing out 50 high-grade Overstuffed Rockers, covered in gen uine Spanish leather or tspestry, fin est of workmanship, a large roomy and comfortable rocker, at less than they could be manufactured for. No where in the state of Oregon could you get such a snap. Come and see them. Tou will be tempted at first eight A very useful Christmas gift priced far below cost, $55 value, at $27.85. Feldstein Furniture Co. 166-168 1st at Extra Extra Extra Buy her a useful Xmas gift, a brand new up-to-date White Rotary sewing machine, at less than cost This is the very lstest model. 1918. A lifetime opportunity. $85.00 Value for $39.50 Feldstein Furniture Co, 166-168 1st st Portland. Or. 1912 FORD touring car, $165 cash. Wilberl-osteTj A-32 1 5 NEW clincher tires, 36x4. 87x4 H and new tubes, 84x4. and larger at about; price. All sizes used tires at bargain prices. Vulcan Tire Shop. 41 Grand ave. UORI) touring, fine condition, a bargain ait -., sums lerms. itu Grand sre. N Iturnside. nesr LIBERTY BONDS. s All Lssues Bought snd Sold. Before buying or selling get our Quotations. E. L," DEVEREAUX A COMPANY. Government and Municipal Bond. 87 Sixth Street Between Stark and Oak. BARGAINS in used tires; no junk; new tires also; vulcanising and retreading. Vulcan Tire Miop, 41 Grand ave. 1917 Ford delivery in first class condition. Just w,tn demountable wheels. Phone r.S' t .5 52. WILL take a Ford as first payment on a 5"' Alder i6"PaB- car- Kelly. Bdwy. 2492. 1918 FORD touring. A-l condition, MaTy extras. Make an offer. Owner 20 Tit hotel. 11 N. 12th st. ' " T,,t BUICK 4 , touring, 1917; fine St SO0U, i near Burnside, st $630. with terms. 30 Grand ave. k- . ... WE ALL know that the best possible values for the money are obtainable where , the firm representing same have a moderate 'overhead expense. While onr location is not on Broadway. it la; but a tew momenta walk from the main automobile section. We positively - know that there are no such Talues in used cars and trucks in the city as we have to offer. We have standard makes of trucks from one to three tons' capacity, overhauled and in con dition for any kind of hauling at prices ranging from $650 to $1700. . In touring cars we have some of the very latest models, practically every standard make and ! in good condition, at prices ranging from $300 to 51700. Satisfactory terms given on all sales. XX C. WARREN MOTOR GAR COMPANT 58 North 23d st Phone Main 780. GARAGES HOU8ES CHICKEN HOUSES "f S WOOD SHEDS ? Portable or ready cut See samples at uooa at Main 1167. Millmade Construction Co. FORD roadstesin good condition: a dandy car for two; wffl sell cheap and give terms. Call Mr. Hurley. Broadway 422. 00. EASY terms, takes Cadillac in- fine or run Kellv. 522 Alder. Phone Bdwv. 2409 (f 4 k. I. A VII A.vt i T . " ' Z - w- "jm car, a snap lor some- .f.V othrii!ed by owner to sell this car for $250. Cell Mr. Hurley. Bdwy. 4 22. y-r5 oth st Oak. Broadway 1664. Til 1,7 BRISCOE; looks and runs like new; $650, $J60 down. $40 per wionth. Kelly, 522 Alder. Phone Broadway 2492. OAKLAND LIGHT SIX ROADSTER. LIKE NEW. BEST BUY IN TOWN FOR CASH. OTH AND COUCH STS. CHEVROLET touring. 1918, like new. $700. with terms. 30 Grand ave. N., near Burnside. GASOLINE 20 CENTS A GALLON. OILS AND GREASES. PIONEER PAINT CO.. 186 1st LIBERTY BONDS ' CASH PAID FOB ANT ISSUE OF BONDS MARKET TRICE. WILL CASH YOUR RECEIPTS FOR PARTIAL" PAYMENTS ON KONDS. AT FAIR VALUE. DO NOT 8ACRI PICE YOUR RECEIPTS WHICH REPRESENT (OLD DOI.I-ARS. SEE E. BUHKITT. SECRETART OREGON BOND A MORTGAGE CO.. : S12 SELLING BLDG. (SECOND FLOOR). CORNER SIXTH AND ALDER STREETS. LIBERTY BONDS Do not lose what you have paid on your con tracts. If you are not able to make your pay ments, see us. Wa pay cash for partly paid contracts or bonds, or loan you 90 on your investment at , T and 8 per annum Special attention given out-of-town customers. Bonds bought and sold at market-price. Loans . gtegotisted on faikn and city property. Deal with responsible licensed brokera. Open HOWELL eV DAVIS. 401 Board of Trade. NEW truck attachment . for Ford. " $375, easy terms.' Kelly. Bdwy. 2402. GUARANTEED auto repairing for less. 8219. East WILL sell my 1917 Maxwell cheap. wuroal. X-618. GUARANTEED AUTO REPAIRING, PROMPTV SERVICE. EXPERIENCED MECHANICS. GIVE US A CHANCE. l CHAPMAN REPAIR CO. CHAPMAN ST.. BET. TAMHILL ex TAYLOR, i MAIN 117. WANTED MEN AT ONCE In the Bis Practical School to learn ;to operate and repair automobiles, tractors snd trucks. Specisl day snd night classes. Students can enter at any time. Call or write Hemphill's Trade Schools. 707 Hew thorne sve., at 20th st. NEW TIRES What brand of new tires, do you prefer? We have them, all makes and sires. Also we make the famous O-V-C Double Tread (sewed) tires snd do all man ner of tire repairing. Oregon Vulcanizing Co-, 833-335 Bumsiae, near oroaqway. Mfg. and Repairs. 8000 guaranteed springs in stock; prices reduced. 84 N. 15th st CARS WANTED We want to buy for cash. cars, late models preferred, or we will loan you money on your car or buy your equity. We also sell cars on commission. Bring your car to A-l Auto Worka A Painting Co.. 525 'Alder st i 1918 FORD SEDAN. $695 My 1918 5 pass. Ford cloaed car. in excep tionally good mechanical condition; good tires, for $695; $375 cash, balance on terms. Tabor 7180. , "-', BUICK runabout, good knockabout car; a snap at $350; terms. 30 Grand ave. N., near Burnside. 1918 MAXWELL, run 4600 miles, looka like a 6ew car; will aell cheap and give some terms to right party, tall Broadway 422, Mr. Hurley. , 1918 Ford touring car in excellent mechanical condition. Runs like a new car. Owner leav ing city, must sacrifice. No reasonable offer: re fused. BdWy 2922. After H p.' m Main 2467 CASH paid for old cars, condition no - object; parts for all makes ot cars, uregon Auto Ex change, 120 Lownsdale at 15th and Washing ton. Broadway 2668. I HAVE a new 6-cylinder car and want to trade it for a lighter car; good deal to right party. Call Mr. Hurley, Broadway 422. STUDEBAKER 1917 touring, just like new. Will consider light car or Ford, balaace terms. 80 Grand ave. N., near Burnside. CHKVIIOLET rosdster. 1918, will sacrifice snd inve, terms. JO Grand ave. M.. near Burnside. SPOT cash paid for used cars. .Dealers' Used Csr Clesrlng Mouse. Grand ave. and E. Btark. MUST sell my 1918 Maxwell touring car at once. X-514. Journal. DODGE 5-pass. Madison st - 1916 $575.00. 208 USED CARS The street is fuH, Give them the once over. 9th and Couch. $30,000 WORTH OF USED CARS. STAI GEK'B GARAGE. OTH AND COUCH. STORAGE battery. 6-00; good condition; fully charged. $10.00. 41 Grand ave. LET US SELL YOUR CAR. QUICK ACTION. STAIGER'S GARAGE. OTH AND COUCH. FORD, competent driver. $150 per hour; to anywhere. A. rl. v inter. Is nor iujs. MOTORCYCLES. BICTCLES 55 WE have the most complete line in Portland of Kitty cars, coaster wagons, tricycles, bi cycles snd motorcycles st prices thst are right. we give terms. i'lsce your order now for Christmss delivery. The Evening Repair Shop. New location 23d and Raleigh. Phone Broad way 3060. INDIAN. 2 speed, has got $50 worth of new parts; will sell for $7 5. CsU 6 to 7 eve nings. 470 Davis West FO RESALE fi8 Cleveland moTolrcTcle. 1002 E. 24th st. N. Take Alberta car. FOR SALE Gent's bicycle, extra good condi tion. 206 Corbett bldg. LAUNCHES AND BOATS 4 FOR SALE 20 ft by 5. V bottom cedsr motorboat: hull, forward deck and hatch. $150 casK Excellent condition. 94 E. 45th st. Tabor 8132. PIANOS. ORGANS, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 84 SWICK A CO. upright piano in ebony case, fine practice pianu, only $125, $25 down. $10 per month. WAKEFIELD MUSIC CO. , 427 Washington Bt Q mm t, wewgei Phonographs and records bought, sold, exchanged and rented. Expert repair ing. 142 2d, near Alder, upstairs. IF you are looking for a phonograph for Christ mss come in and see the specials we have to offer in some used machines and discontinued styles. Reed French Piano Mfg. Co. Now in new store. 435 Washington st, cor. 12th. $125- style Victrola, never been out of our store, slightly shopworn. $25 worth our selec tion ot records, sii tor siuu. easy terms. WAKEFIELD MUSIC CO.. 427 Washington St WANTED to ibuy for cash Buick or Dodge cars. Phone Broadway 2797. : NATIONAL touring car. one of the best high grade cars built: someone can have this car for a song. Call Mr. Hurley. Bdwy. 422. ONE ton delivery. n fine shspe, $300; $100 down, $25 per month. Kelly, 522 Alder. Phone Broadway 2492. . IK, YOU have the cash will give you bargain in late model Ford. Owner, Tabor 4573. FIVE p-". B h to trade in ou house and lot. 700 Dekum bldg. 501 T RED CABS TO PICK FROM AT STAI GER GARAGE". 9TH AND COUCH, t 1H-TON truck, fine mechanical condition; would take piano as part payment Tab.; 769. MOTORS. Gearings. Bearings. Wheels. Axles and Trailers We wreck all makes or cars snd sell their good parts at half price. David Hodes Co., Broadway and Flanders st. Broadway iP. FIVE passenger Overland. Al condition. Will trade for govt, bonds, mortgage, or- lighter car, Oakland preferred, or sell chesp for cash. Tabor 1144. $195 GOOD 5-passenger csr, all good tires and in A-l condition. Crown Stables, 285 Front st - MAXWELL 1910 touring, brand new; will trade light car and terms on difference. 30 Grand are. N., near Burnside. ; FOR 8ALE. a delivery car, running order : and good tires, cheap. 6436 "2d af S. E. ML Scott car to Tremont." : DODGE touring, 191 1, fine condition. Will consider Ford in trade, balance terms. I 30 Grand ave. N.. near Burnside. j FORDS AT YOUR OWN PRICE. 9TH AND COI CH STS. r. JANUART records uow out.. We carry the Victor. Columbia and Edison records. Come fn and hear the new late ones. Reed French Piano Mfg. Co. Now in new store, 433 Wash ington st. cor. 12th. n'wi' t'AaH FOR VOL'K FORDS i Francis Motor Co., 13th snd Hawthorne.. "CHALMERS ' 30" Bug, Al top snd extras; make an offer. Tabor 204 3, 6 to 8 p m. 1U1H CHEVROLET for sale: good condition;1 $650,. terms. FboneMarshall 8883. i MUST "sell mv 5 passenger Mitchell at dice; $275.' 66 6th st Bdwy. 88, room 32. WILL trade phonograph. Victor, Columbia or ' Edison, or new or used piano for painting and decorating. Keea rencn riano Mfg. Co, 4 3.1 Washington st. BRUNSWICK phonogrspns. I can save you $25 to $35 in new machines. N. Ardrey. Sell 31 ;.-. Liii-rst-fi. rr DrAlnro rrn -08 I UlllllUIC UlUrxCiaO Madison st Steel range. $12.50: gas range. $10.75 cook stove, $8.50: heaters. $1.85; dressers, $6.75: iron beds, $1.85: springs, $1.75; mst tres. $2 ".: cliairs. $1; rockers. $1,50: kitche tables. $1.50: kichcn treasure. 3 90; exten -V- t.7.'i- '-nter tsWes.! 25; library tables. 87.60: tmffet. $1 4.50;.""eel conch i ndard sie pool table, conraiete. sail c' ms shtnets. dressing tames, ail mariea wiui grig yellow tog OWL FURNITURE CO. Iron beds ........... Springs Msttresses Dressers Chsirs Dining tables Center ubles Cook stoves Rockers SELL8 FOR LESS $1.75 snd up 1.00 and up ...... 1.50 and up 7.50 and up .75 and up ..... "3.00 and up 75 and up .0 1.50 OWL FURNITURE CO.. 204 1st at A LARGE r.ssortment of second-hsnd heaters at lowest prices. Reliable Furniture Co.. 203 2d st ROI.ID mahogany rocker and chair, tapestry upholstered oak rockers, bicycle for small boy. very reasonable. rnone fcst bis. BEAUTIFUL furniture, of all kinds Will trad. -for Liberty bonds or sell cheap. Tsbor 77H9 72 8d at. Main 184 5. A-l SI 8. U. .1 . . l"1 everything on the rheu matic calendar and given up as a hopeless case. . come and aee Jack King. No cure, no par. S2'J Stark at. Gentlemen only. . - lVtTT7TrTT . 1 ' ---as-saass-assasssst i.i siw gei twin your reel iSea Ui good for $1 by Dr. Eaton, the CHIROPODIST that JT" tJh.ttrt '?;,8 " ta Portland: exam. free. Globe Theatre bMg.. 11th and Wash im iu-a ANYONE who aaw auto collision at Broadway and Taylor sts.. Sunday. Dec 8. st 4 p m. please, answer J. A. Constantine. 171 4th t SCIENTIFIC breathing gives concentration. .nc cess, perfect health, beautiful voice 409 Macleay bldg. SUPERFLUOUS hair, moles, warta. removed by 10 needle method; trial free. Josie Finlcy. 614 Bush A Lane bldg Main 6368 ,nw- DR. . V. KKi'ClU M. wuinan diss ana acute diseases of mem Washington b"dg.. 4 la and Wa-hlnettm Phone Mar-hall 448 DETECTIVE United Service Itectivebureea7 only experienced operatives employed. . $04 Panama bldg. Main 8812 eity. , DR ELNA SOKENSE.N. 5 Panama bldg' ,,iirMrn ; -oniipaiion or m-nmstlsni " OZIN. spimualbl acU palmistry u-acu-f 150 11th st. MRS. MABEL BARBER, spirttusl adviser: daily. 10 to 6. 146 11th st Broadway 8253. MME. GRESELL. arleMifie fsee and iceTS treatments. 280 Fleidner hkig. Bdw. 1685 -LAl'Y HARMEKS KUh 15c. I.ii,-ut 2T face maseage .-.e. 825 Glison. "Wir 6th. NOTICES 1$ NICE Una of watches, small diamonds and Jewelry st reasonable .prices. H. D. OLIVER. 122 Second St HIGHEST prices paid for diamonds, watches and Jewelry. Repairing a specialty. Reiner Jewelry Co.. 449 H Washington st FOUR White Leghorn hens, one porch swine. small gas stove with oven: all for $12 or will sell separately. Phone Sell. 65. FOR SALE Large sise. fur lined overcoat. Cost $150. Will sell for lesa than half. rhone Tabor 8030. HOT water tanks, all sizes. In good, serviceable condition, so gal. 7. 4U gaL 99. 201 Adsms st. Kast end steel bridge. Phone K. 8516. NEW Singer sewing raschines. very cheap bonds sccepted. X-988. Journal. FURNITrRE WANTED 74 NOTICE OF MEETING ' .OF LANDOWNERS r ail l. I .-vi JI.H riH'MY DRAIN AGE DISTRICT NO 1 Notice is herrhy given that the hoard -t ... pervisors has called a meeting of the owners m lana in Multnomah county drainage district I .o. i. in m Held on Friday, the 27th. dav of i December. 1918. at r the hour of IO o'clock 1 a. ro . in the Swiss hall (No. - 288 I S Third 1 street, near Jefferson street), in the city ot- : Portland. Or., at which time and place each owners snail meet tor the purpose of electing one supervisor who shall hold his office for three veers er until his successor is elected and ' quslified. At said meeting each owner shall he en titled to one vote in person or by pmvy for : each acre of land owned by 'him in such dis trict. Dsted this 11th day of December, 1918. 1. O. ELROD. President Board of Supervisors. Attest. D. C. Powell. Secretary. PROFESSIONAL AND! BUSINESS DIRECTORY AOOOSOIOW PLAITING. HCMSTITCHINCI Read Important Read We carry a greater assortment of new snd nsed merchandise than any store in the city. i here Is hardly an item we do not buy and sell. W specaiiize in shelf and heavy hard-wars, sporting goods, household goods, office furniture, hotel and camp supplies. When you have anything to buy or sell, call or phone Main 9072 A-7174. LEVIN HARDWARE A FURNITURE CO.. 221-3-5 Front St. cor. Salmon. WE CUT. HEM AND PLEAT SKIRTS ANT STYLE. J"OR $1. HEMSTITCHING lOe PER YARD. EASTERN NOVELTY CO 85 H FIFTH ST. BDWT. 2000.1 HEMSTITCHING snd pirnte. AU work guar anteed. Kineer Hewinir Xf'eh "n an 1 VI. .h. ington and 10th. OWL FURNITURE CO. First 204 We want your used furniture. atoTee. carpets and pianos; will pay highest cash prices, Call Main 4627. Want Household Furniture WILL PAT CASH Phone Main 8382. ' WIGHTMAN-JOHNSON FURNITURE CO. 88-90 Grand ave. East 7766. Highest prices paid for used furniture, car pet, stoves, ranges, etc. e call promptly. CUT freight rates on household goods shipped east and south. Manninc Warehouse ek Trans fer Co.. Oth and Hoyt. Broadwsy 708. A-I7VS will pat Cash For used office furirure. Msln 1971; , Psclflc Stationery A Ptg. Co.. 107 2d at. PAPU paid for furniture, stoves, ranges, heat- VjnOn ers. carpets, rugs, dressers, etc. Phone Msr. 2675. Hsrtxell Furniture Co. 841-45 1st IF you wsnt to sell your furniture and get its value. eaU East 7710. M. R. SEATER. 848 Hawthorne ave. SWAP COLUMN (8 FOR SALE or trade, good buggy horse; will take chickens or whst hsve you r Tsbor 8054. HAVE gents' bicycle, fine condition, will ex chsnge. What have you? J777. Journal. TO exchange, plumbing for phonograph niture. 718 E. Morrison st. fur- $290 EQUITY in 5 room bouse, and lot. for victrola or piano, call r-. os i o. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED People of Portland to know that I pay highest cash price tor second hand bottse- rinlil gooos. no amount luo large or too smau. Prompt attention. N, VL SEATER. Phone East 2203. 148 RusseTI st FURNITURE for bia st. sale. 293 17th and Colum- FURNITURE for sale reasonable, good aa new. 690 Rodney are. FOR 8 ALE MISCELLANFOTJS 19 A LARGE iiughes electric bake oven, suitable for a restaurant or bakery. Leighton'a Dairy Lunch, 124 Broadway. Basement PKINTING FOR LESS 500 envel-pes or 500 bond letterheads. $2.75; best werk; prompt delivery; try us. Smith. Printers, 204 Stark st FOR berry bearing holly bulu-s, livered. call Tabor 4213. cheap, de- A FLEXILE go-cart in good condition; reason able. Phone Marsh. 1730. FOR SALE. Flynn's books, complete set; $7.50. N-872. JournaL WE have new and .second-hand safes, moderate price. 46 Front. Broadway 1966. UNCALLED for tailor made suits $12.60 up. Taylor the Tailor. 289 Burnside at EXPERT piano tuning, repairing. Work guar anteed. Best of referencea. Tabor 7789. M K. Webster. RICCA. modern. $138; Schaffer. fine tone $175; autopiano player. $338. Harold S Gilbert, 884 YsmhOl st. $190 CASH buys $410 dull mshogsny Kuru msn upright pis no st Security S tors go Co., 100 4th st at Washington st $100 CASH or more paid for upright pianos, not too old. by Security Storage Co., 109 4th. Call Main 8328. VACUUM cleaners sold, repaired, rented, ex changed, bought Bentley Co.. Mala 8582. $100 CASH or more paid for good need uprient pianos by the Security Storage Co. Call Main 6323. 109 4th at . WILL store pisno tor its use or will pay small rent: no children. Phone Tsbor- 5911. FOR SALE Columbia graphaphone and rec ords. SeU 3153. LARGE box of carpenter's tools for sals cheap. 44 N. Third st. - r! trMBINO supplies, wholesale prices. Stark Dsvis Co.. 212 8d st. Msln 797. $7.50 for Second-Hand Suits Meyer, the tailor, pays most lor eiotning and shoes. We cell dsy or evening. Marshall' 1229 or 229 Madison. 8NTIQUIS OLD BRASS, copper.' curios, tapestry and art ' jwwwut pongnv, ana sou. Boa 8d at ANTIQUE and aU kinds of furniture! ' piern aaivago Co.. 688 Washington at. ATTORNEY W. LAFFERTT. 4 26 Pittork block. BtAUTV SPECIALIST SUPERFLUOUS hair destroyed forever by Mar- iipie .secqio Met nog. B04 Bwetland bldf LANK atOOK MAKERS DAVIS A HOLM AN. INC.. 109 2d at. blank book manufacturers. A-818S. Mala 181. CARPET CLE ANINQ E..580 ; FLUFF RUGS From old carpets, carpet cleaning and refitting, rag rugs woven, all sixes. Mail orders solicited. NORTHWEST RUG CO. Former address IBS Union ava EAST. 3580 B-1280 IPLlJ!F;-raKi 54 Union av. N, East 6616. O B-1475. JOYCE BROS., Electric Cleaning Works Car. pets cleaned and laid, refitting our specialty. East 440. B-1983. 204 E. 19tb st N. CMIROPRAQTOR DR! LAURA DOWNING, Broadway 6iX Drug lesa Physician 10 yra experience Chlre. practic. Electricity. Vibratory Massage end IHefc DR. McMAHON Is making good: $1 adjustments . $15; seven. $5. Ka-tet terms. CNIROPOOISYS DR. GAfil-NEK, SPKClAA.IHt IN- Pnrne Dnrilon Foc arches to ord.r. Itl wui iioiuuiiiuiioe 58 wet land bldg. Main 1081 COAL AND WOOD NATIONAL FUEL CO. Short alabwood. block wood. 2 load lots, "4 -ft entrv sib. East 2041. EDUCATIONAL OANCINQ ALTS M. BROWN, teacher of classic, toe. stage sad ballroom dancing. 148 18th at. off Morrison. Phone Broadwsy 285$. MISS IREI.AND 10 LESSONS 15 BOO TVknm bldg. Persons! sttenrlow. 10 te 9. IT you play sny orchestral instrument, loin out amateur, advanced or beginners' orchestra, fust' organizing; best Instruction in modern con servatory of music. 146 18th st Bdwy. 2855. 312 Front Hides- L. Shank Co. -Metals Rubbers. Write for prices aad. shipping tsgs. litis 1699. BUSY TAILORS Highest prices paid for clothing. Talk te as. You will be satisfied. Broadway 1081. GOLDSTEIN The Tailor pays , highest prices for ladies" and gentlemen's suits' dresses, etc Broadwsy 8982. 245 Burnside. HIGHEST prices psid for diamonds, old gold and silver. ; H. D. OLIVER. 122 Second St i GENTILE clothes buyers pay top prices used clothing - Americsn Tsilors. 20 H N. 6lh. Phone Main 5309. WANTED CASH KK'MMEK. SHOWCASES. SAFE AND OTHER STORE FIXTURES. 174 1ST. PHONE MAIN 4284. $7.50 UP. OVER THE TOP. $7.50 UP Spot cash for second-hand salts, overcoats, old shoes. Main 738. or buyer will rait ED V. PRICE A CO., TAH-ORDiG. 409 E. MORRISON ST. TOBACCO stems for sale, factory. 151 Porter st. Heitkemper's Cigsr XMAS cigsrs. prices reasonable. Cigar factory. 151 Porter st. Heitkemper's Msin 2263. WELL rotted cow and horse manure delivered to any part of city. Phone Marshall 1882. BBrnlggyfor sale at 1859 Portsmouth ave. HORSE and cow manure for sale. Tabor 6634. FTRErickT"fine for-fireplaces. Wdln. 313 COW manure delivered. Phone SeL 465. MANURE-for sale. Main 303o! GOING Eat or South T Household goods shipped st reduced rates: moving snd packing. Pacific Coast Forwarding Co.. 408 Hoyt st. Bdwy. 708. Good . uncea for old clothing. furniture, trek, trnnks and Junk. Will Pay Bdwy 188. A-2760 WANTEI1 Rifles, shotguns, cameras, osea Hochfieid. 85 Sdt Phone 8581. . GENTLEMEN'S diamond ring or pawn 'ticket E-853. Journal WANTED, second hand pool tables for caah. 227 ls st . .- PERSONAL n CLEAN your own home with new electric vacuum cjeenera; 31 a day deliv d. M a-7575 BRINGING UP FATHER (Copyright, 1918. International News Service) By George McManus 'BQNDS BOUGHT SPOT CASH. SPOT CASH. CASH FOR PAYMENTS MADE CASH FOR YOUR RECEIPTS Mail bends to as; we remit return mail. Come te 725 Gaaco bldg.. Sth and Alder. CELLARS-MURTON CO.. OPEN SAT EVE. CASH FOR LIBERTY BONDS FULLY PAID OR IN PART New York market price paid, less small brokerage. Open till 7 p. m, . . DONALD MACLEOD 1003 Spalding bldg. 3d and Washington. U. S. UBERTY BONDS John D ' Will pa Wilcox. 41 y cash market . value. H IStlmft- Klw ' CASH FOR LIBERTY; BONDS H. LI Morton. 446 Sherlnak hide 8d. cot. Oak. Open till 7. Sat 8 p. m. LIBERTY-BONDS Partly ald contracts bought. Open till T:80. mini. A.-s tt U1JKLAS 920 K. W. Bank Bid. 6th and Morrison. LIBERTT BONTOlTT - " Will pay cash for fully or partly paid boada. joo siv nauway juicnange oiag. INVESTMENTS, loans, notes. . mortgages. H. Lewis. 80S Lewis bid. . Mat, $888. WELL - IT'S FOOR e.r WELL 0 HOME 7 gSi I 'ivE3-4;I' VJHATt, THE MATTER WITH VOU - VJHV DONT VQU THE BELLI QUICKER?,, OH: tFORCOT TO lb OUT OF towm: ! ; " - : : - - I ' . - 1 -.r ! , L ; r - - mmm.mmlmmmmmmmm.m i asaaaaas - sass a 1 assasssssaSssssssasssV f I I A gt - .1 I I SC I f - H - . . I I RasaaB I 'U'B,,W comehereT LJ . ssas (0) tl Xjtl Vrr?rN "'l r-r--' 1 V " ;v , -" V J i v . -. - ' ' ' i MRS. FLECK'S ACADEMY. 109 2d et BilP room and ataae dancine. Class Tnaadav aad Friday evening. Main 2100. Private lessons -MUSIO SOHOOtS AND TEACHER8 PROF. .T. E. LAWSON. 20 years' eipertenceL Piano lessons at your borne. 75a Tabor 7206. CARROLL DAT. piano, eneal lessons. vritC practice piano. 1 hr. day $$ aa Bdy. 2558 VIOLIN, piano, mandolin, guitar, banjo. Krai Kenberk. 4 09 Yamhill. E- THIKLHORN -Violin teaeber, pupil Sevcia. 207 FUedner bldg. Broadsvay 1629, MAIL ADVERTItlNO CRANK LETTER CO , 512 Royal bldg. Malts- grapning. mimeograpmng. Marshall 5zz. PAINTINQ, TINTINtt, PAPERHANOINO H. CLIFTON, painting, tinting, petwring. ITS'. N. 17th st Broadwsy 4414. Woodlawa 2126. ATENY ATTORNEY GOLDBERG. 20 WorresUr bids. Main ZS2 PRINTING, ENORA VINO. RINOINO DDI MTl Mr? F. I nil I I II VJ ,nd Osk sts W. BALTKS A CO., 1st M. 165. A-1165 PHY$IOIAN9 DR. B- A. PHILLIPS, , 908 Broadwsy baildtag. Rheamstusa. female oieonlers, ekia troubles,. stomach, liver, kidney, bowels, throat,' goitre. btfh blond pre mire. - RAZOR AND OUTLERY ORINOINO TRY THE aalety rasor snd cutlery grinder . al 202 4th st near the courthouse. RUBBER STAMP ALSO STENCILS, Trade Checks, Metal Bigaa PACIFIC COAST STAMP WORKS 68 Broadway Broadway 710, A-27ta. salved and smoked fun Alaska herring a importing cu. oV- tribators of salted aad smoked fish. 22$ Ysmhill at. Portland. Or. , TR8N6FER AND BTORAOK American Transfer and r Storage Co. ! LIGHT and heavy AUTO 8 TTW rim : LOCAL AND fONO DITAN-E HAULUO WE STORE ETtRTTHINO $09 OAK STRKET. BROADWAY 4198 OREGON TRANSFER COT Established 1870 . Transfer and Forwarding Ageatt Storage Free Trackage Office and forage 4 74 Gllsea " 18th snd Gliaan. Broadway 1281. A-1180T ALWAYS "PICK" THE BEST HOUSEHOLD GOODS SPECIALIST Storage, pack las. sb ta ping and mo vin. Horse aad aula vaas, ApeaaU : rates to ail points, . i .. C. O. PICK TRANSFER As STORAGE "CO. ' Second and Pine. Broadway $96. A-199S. STORAGE AND TRANSTER CLAYS. MORSE, INC. . 426 Flanders st. ' G. L. DAVENPORT . TRANSFER AND f"RACS Ii)G-DI.1Ta'CI UAl'LINU ' Msatit 8576. A-8168. 144 Froat at PACKING MOVING STORAGE , SECURITY STORAGE A TRANSFER CO. 105 Park at Ms hi 519$. A-1981 : FIREPROOF STORAGE- C M. OLSON TRANSFER CO., S4$ PTNa, CAJtNErs VKTEaUiiAJlT HOSPITAL Pbesse Maiav 14$4. 74 Aiawtbn a.