14 , SATURDAY, DECEMBER 7. 1918. ' THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL . ' PORTLAND. OREGON Sunday Schools planning PRAYER SERVICE WILL DEAL WITH .'Episcopal Church Arranging Def inite Program of Spiritual En V "deavor for Advent. WOMEN TAKE LEADING PART Bishop Sumner Commissions One - Hundred Messengers to Carry Advent Call Into Homes. COMING OF PEACE - Initial efforts for dealing with post . war conditions are being put forth by ths Episcopal church lp the dioceso of Oregon during the Advent season. Sev ' . ral definite programs of spiritual en ': deavor are being carried out. i The women of the diocese are taking . leading part. Rallying to the Advent call, the Women's auxiliary has organlz . ' ed a- campaign of prayer, and several hundred of the members are engaged In earning It out. During the present week four hours a day have been spent -In prayer, by special intercessors In the parish churches. Pledge cards have also ' ' baen circulated and signed. Many more women have pledged themselves to offer prayers In their homes and to attend certain ohurch services. The subjects i Ot these prayers are a righteous peace, guidance for the delegates to the peace itmference, church unity, the establish ment of Christian civilization anffa, true democracy at home, as well as thanks g ving for peace and victory. At a spe . tlal service at the Pro-Cathedral of St. Stephen. the Martyr. Bishop Sumner . wmmissloned a hundred messengers to cairy the Advent call Into the homes and secure pledges for service and " prayer. H'.ahop Sumne is also helping In tho reorganisation of the Portland chapter f the Brotherhood of St. Andrew that It may be highly Instrumental In wel coming bk to the church the soldiers rciurnlng from overseas and from the camps In th country. '. f "Jie clergy Is doing Its part In the present campaign by preaching on general missions on the four Advent ) Sundays, stressing their vital relation to the achievement of Christian demo " cry the woi ld. over. The Thanksgiving offerings and gifts tor the Good Samaritan hospital ei . reeded $2,000. A large amount of pre serves and produce was 'also received. Dr. J. W. McDougal 1 Expected to Have - v Church in Dakota Dr. J. W. McDougal. former Portland Methodist district superintendent and i pastor of ,Mt. Tailor Methodist church, Is to leave. St. Paul's church In Spokane tot a fine church In : Jamestown, N. D., . according to word Just received In Port land. -The appointment' has not been made; but;ls expected: soon. The James town church la in Bishop R. -J. Cook's area. The change : la considered im portant, coming in the last year of the Methodist quadrennlum. Rector of St. Davids ; Has Unusual Subject Under the general title of "Mankind and the Church" the fector of St. Davids Episcopal church will preach Sunday morning on the claims of Ethiopa and the black man's contribution to the en rlahment of human life. Rev. Thomas V Jenkins asks: "Shall the colored race ' be treated as an equal In the kingdom : of God and in the 'new age of ' freedom 'and Is, the whltf cltUen and Christian ', really ready to admit him?" The eve rting servlct will be based on the sixth . comrnandrrjent, , "Thou shalt do no mur ' der." "V ''. It has been. found necessary -to change the , location of - the ; branch school on . East Fiftieth street. A room on the comer of Fiftieth and Division streets . has been secured and will be used Jolnt - ly by the school and'the Red Cross unit of the community. The school meets at p- rn. Sundays.- i Wilbur Methodists To Meet in Hotel ' Plana have been I perfected with the Multnomah hotel management by the Wilbur Methodist church to hold all ' committee meetings as well as all re ligious services in the hotel. The prayer meeting will be held in the Gray parlors every Thursday night. Last Sunday morning 10 new members were added to the church roll. The quartette is Improving each Sunday in its work, and the singing of the congregation is a most Interesting feature. Red, Cross Circle " ' Meets in Piedmont Piedmont Presbyterian church is the center of an industrious Red Cross circle which, meets at 10 o'clock each ,rtaay. me woritera enjoy a noon luncheon in the church parlors. Sun day morning and evening Rev. A. L. Hutchison is . to preach. The evening toplo will be the fifth In the eerie on the book of ' Daniel, i The life of Jo seph is being studied in the Thursday evening aervice. ! ; Men's League Will ; f - Elect on Sunday The annual election , and business meeting of the Men's, league of Sunny side Congregational church will be held Monday night, in, the church par iors at t o'clock. The entertainment of the meeting Is to be furnished by the local Y. M. C A. and will be under the personal direction, of Mr. McCoy. This will be an open meeting, so the pub lic is invited, i C F. Gaiser la prebi- 4nt of the league. j , '",-' At . t VCundcavorers ave Sssued Calls jf or Record Cnrol lment Oregon Christian Kndeavorers are to mobolize at Milton from February It to 16, and at Albany from February 20 U 25, In their annual state twin conven iens. The call has been Issued for a thousand strong to go "over the top." State officers are endeavoring to make this, year's enrollment a record breaker. The conventions will be known as the "Second Mile" in the C. E. program. Karh endeavorer who can ' attend la usked to register with his society . at or.ee. Miss Kdna Whipple. Is state presi dent and Miss Marguerite W. Hine, chmrman of the state press committee. Pastor Will Take ' Issue With Idea Of the Dogmatist On Sunday morning at 11 o'clock at tne First Christian chtirch, the Rev. Harold H. Griff is will take issue with the ideas of the dogmatist, the senti mentalist and the ritualist in religion, and will advocate the need in this day of a vital and balanced Christianity. The evening sermon at 7:45 will be addressed t the young people. Final arrange ments have been completed for the music of .the coming year and after listening to the musical programs of recent Sun days the congregation showed marked approval over the following selections far the church quartet: Miss Gertrude llueber, soprano ; Miss Nina Dressel, contralto; George Mallet, tenor; W. G. Mannan, baritone. The organist and di- iector-ef the quartet la Mrs. Frederick Kenton. Will Preach Sixth Anniversary Sermon Following the' custom of the past. Rev. H. "Li. Cox.- pastor of the First Friends' church, . will preach his sixth anniver sary sermon Sunday morning. During the past six years the mem bership has been largely increased and the present new, commodious church building has been - erected. While .glv ing proper attention to the past, the message Sunday will be ' largely prophetic, seeking to outline the points cf emphasis for the coming year. These messages have come to be looked for ward to with considerable interest as containing "key note" utterances for tho-congregation. The public Is cordi ally invited Sunday Convert to Talk at White Temple "Bill Stinger," poet, humorist; lecturer, entertainer will talk at the White Tem ple Sunday night at 7:30 o'clock. Bill Stinger, at one time" editor of a "humor ous publication, is a cortvert of Billy Sunday in Los Angeles in the fall of 1917. Dr. William A. Waldo will preach Sunday morning. Stinger will also speak Monday evening at 8 o'clock in "the White Temple on "Slumbullion." This is one Of Stinger's most popular lectures. The public is invited to hear the speaker a both meetings. New Pastor Begins His Duties Sunday Rev. F. C. Laslette, the new pastor of Glencoe Baptist church, began his offi cial duties last Sunday. He came to the church from Prlneville, where he left a successful pastorate. He is to preach twice on Sunday. There will be special music under the direction "of Miss Evelyn Crump. In the morning the choir will render the anthem, "Praise the Lord, O My Soul." At the evening service a solo will be given by George W. Downs. The giaa nana or welcome is extended at all times to strangers by this church. Major Mills Speaks at First Congregational Major T. A. Mills is to speak again at both Sunday services at First Congrega tional church. Sunday evening he will give a page from the life philosophy of Robert Louis Stevenson. The women of the church invite their friends to rheet with them "either on Tuesdays or Wednesdays in the church parlors for .all day sewing for the Red Cross. Prayer meeting is held Thursday evening, to which ail are lnvued. Eeconstruction to Be Dr. Boyd's Topic Rev. John H. Boyd. D. D.. will oreach both morning and evening Sunday at the mrst Presbyterian church. In the eve rting he will begin a new series .of ser mons dealing with reconstruction urob- lems under the general heading. "What Next" i These addresses will recoenlze the fact that a new world has come with the close of the war and that great prob lems are coming up for settlement Bishop's Brother To Visit Portland Bishop Edwin H, Hughes, brother of Bishop M. S, Hughes, Is now in France looking-' after the interests of the Meth odist church in the war-stricken coun tries. I It -Is understood' he Is to visit I-ngland, Belgium and Italy before re turning. His reports - will be-of value to thei centenary commission, which Is planning reconstruction work In Europe curing the nexjilve years. Bishop Hughes Will Sail for. Honolulu Bishop Matthew Simpson" Hughes of the .Northwest Methodist area, ia to sail for Honolulu from Vancouver. B, C, about February S, according to an announcement made Friday. ; where he will preside over the Hawaiian mission conference. The bishop's family Is to accompany him, it is understood. Dr. William H. Fry, former pastor of Sun nyside Methodist church, la superin tendent of the missions. FINDS CHURCH SEEKING FUNDS Contributions Wanted' for Re construction Work in France and Belgium. - 1 Because the Friends church has set its hand to a task so great and difficult that a part of the church, cannot ac complish it, an "Every Member Move ment" has been organized throughout the nation in which it ia" planned to en list the aid of every . Friend, . whether old or young. ( x ' - . i The work undertaken is a gigantic re construction plan in devastated: France and Belgium and ' missionary work throughout the world, i This work is threatened with partial failure, j accord ing to the central committee, through lack of support from Friends. The time between now and Christmas has been set apart as a period when in each meet ing, the- need a of ', the ; non-Christian world shall receive consideration. The financial end of the movement calls for the raising, of between $70,000 and $80,000 before the end of March to complete the $150,000 fund needed for the support of the 65 Friends mission aries and their work during the past year and a half. Uuless this fund is raised in full, ; the work on each field will suffer, according to the committee's report. The financial-obligations can be met if each member in the denomination gives a dollar. In an effort to carry this plan to a successful culmination leading members and the clergy are presenting different angles of the work from the pulpit each Sunday. An offering for this work is to be taken on Christmas Sunday - in every Friends church in the nation. New Era Movem'ent Of Church Is Topic The 'New Era", movement of the Presbyterian church will be Rev. O. B. ponhing's topic at the morning ser vfcs at Central Presbyterian church. This subject has to do with-, the part the Vre&byterian church is to take In connection with reconstruction work following the war. In the evening Mr. Forming will speak on "Man and Super man." ; , . j Dr. Brown Memher Of Executive Board Dr. Frank E. Brown of Salem has been elected- Oregon's representative on the executive committee of the Inter national Sunday School... association. The association committeemen from all parts of the nation meet twice a year to discuss national Sunday school prob lems. William H. St, Clair of Portland was chosen as alternate. DIRECTORY Second Sunday in- Advent Uniform Sunday Schoifrl Lesson "Joseph Made Ruler of for an Opportunity." Gen. Efypt," or! "Ready 4 1 : Jwh. 1 :6-9. i faithful in avery Golden Text: "He that little ia faithful also in much." J-.uk e 16:1,0. j I i Young; Peoples' Topics Baptist rinlon: "Berin Now." 2 Cor. 6:1-10. Christian Endeayor: . "Begin Now." 2 Cor. 6:1-10. Junior Christian Endeayor: "Lead TJa Not Into Temptation.". 1 Cor. 10:18; Luke 11:4. Enworth League: Our Visible Bond of fel lowship." Mai. . 3:16; Heb. 10:24. (Epworth Herald night. ) i i BapUrt l"rt White TAnple. 12th and Taylor Rer. William A. Waldo. 11. "Whose I Am": 7:80. address by Bill Stinger. I East Side Tfi. 20th and Salmon Ret. W. . Jlimon. 11.; "The Prayer List ol God"; :30, "Christ Coming Soon." Third Vancouver and Knott- ReT; Webley . Beayen. 11. "The Reasonable Return": T:45. "In An Points As We." L Arleta ReT. W. Garnet Handley. II. 7:80. MontaTiUa Dr. S. J. Reid wilj preach. 11, Unconditional Surrender"; 7:80. "The Power of the Secret Beryice." I Calary E. 8th and Grant Re, J. E. Thomas. 11, 7:30. Glencoe E. 45th and slain ReJ F. C Laslette. 11, "Jesus Christ the World'a Only Hope": 7:45. "What the Lord Did for a Man That Was Down and Out" ; Sellwood Bethany Bey. T. J. Broomfield. 11. 8. . ' ( . Graces E. 76th and Ash. 11. 7:45.1 Highland: Rer. Ed C. Cofer. 11. 8. Unirersity Park Rer. 8. Lawrence Black. It. "Our Enlistment Week"; 7:45. "Daddy. 1 Want the Moon.' - i . .j ; Catheile , j Rt. Peters Lenta TteT. P. Beutcen. 8. iO.SO, 7:80. s ' i Pro-Cathedral 15th arid Darin Rer, E. V. O Kara. 6, 7:15. 8:30, 8:45. 11. 7:45. Cu Lawrence -3d and Sherman Rev. J. C l'tuhes. 6. 8:80, 10:80. 7:80.. . i St. Patrick 10th and Barter ReT. Charles M. Smith. 6:80. 8. 0:15. 10.30. ?:30. St. Francis E. 12th. and Pine Rev. J. H. Msck. " 6. 8. 0. 10:80. 7:80. , 1 Lnmaculate Heart of Mary Williams and r.n.nton Ret. W. A. Daly. 6. 8. 0. 11. 7:80, Holy Rosary E. 3d and, Clackamas ReT. E. S Olson. 6. 7. 8. 9. II. 7:30. i kt. Rose E. i 63d and Alameda Rer. J. O'FarrelL 8.10:80.4. St. Andrews E. 8th and Alberta Rer. J. Konsn. 8. 10:80. 7:SO. , i The Madeleine E. 24th and Siskiyou Rer. George . Thompson. 7:80. , 11., Ascension E, 76th and Xamhill Franciscan Fithers. 8. 10:80. 7:80. ' Blessed Sacrament- Maryland and Blandena Kei. P. W. Black. 8. 10:80. 7:30. Iicly Cross 774 Bowdoin Rer, C Raymond. 8. 10:30. 7:SO. . : ) St. Ignatius -8220 43d St. 8. E. Jesuit St. Stephens E. 4 2d and Taylor1 Rev. War tun A,. Waitt. .6. 8:80. 10:80, 7:80. I Poly Redeemer- Portland bird, and TancouTer ar ReT. William Derine. , 6. 10:30. 7:80, kt. Phillte Keri Paulist Fathers) E. leth and Hickory Rer. W. J. Cartwright. j 7:80. . 10:30. 7:80.-.: . 31. Clements S. Smith are. and Newton-- Sell it Fathers.. 6, 8. 10 .80. 7:80. ! Sacred Heart E. lltk end Center Re. C. Kol- 8, 10:80. 7:80. t , St. Agatha E. 15th and Miller Rev. J. I'ommtnsky. ' s. 10:8O, 7:80. t I St, Stanislaus j (Polish) Maryland andj FaQ- irg kbt. jr. Matthew. .; 8. 10:80. 7:80. Kt Joseph (German) -15th and Couch ReT. B. Uurrer. 8. 10:80. 7:80. i- St Michael (ItalUn)--4th and Mill ReT. M. b,estm. s, oan, 7:30. Et CUrea Capitol Hill Franciscan t-ather. '.so. :io, ( bt Charles K. 83d and Alberta ReT. 3. p. uxiynn. . iv:go. .. .. . AC Ssints E. 89th and Glfean ReT. VJliam Cronin. j 8, 10:30. f ; ChHatlan i- Father FJrrt Park and Columbia Her. Harold H. Griff jv-: tti The-Liberty. That Comes From uoymaj- i j:o.'"A Companion of Fools." -East 8ide E. 12th and Taxloiv-ReTi R. H Sawyer. , 11. "Did Christ Appear on the Bat- Uefields of France! 7:30. "The Responsibilitjr of the President aa the Messenger of the tattoo." - i ' , . j . . MonUrilU E. 78th and Hoyt RevJ J. :"W, Jenkins. 11.-8. i . Rodney Annua Rodney and Knott Rer. F. Ghormley. 11. . "Christmas This iTear in Old Jerusalem"; 7:40, "The j Whole Church at tne Whole Task." I Woodlawne. 7 th and Liberty Rst. Joseph IX Boyd.. 11, 7:30. t. Testis' Batal e ay ible 1taiid United Effort Will Be Made to Relieve From Starvation ,400,000 Orphans In Asia j Minor; 'i Need Is Greater This Year. MERICAN Sunday schools will hold a "White" Christmas-aeain this ' year and are now planning to make a united effort to relieve and save from starvation the 400)00 orphans in Bible lands. The Na tional Sunday School' War council, representing the denominations and the International Sunday School Sunday schools in North America give sufferers in Bible lands. Last year 30.000 Sunday schools con tributed $1,000,000. The ravages of the war have greatly increased the need, so" that the whole of" Asia Minor is threatened with starvation. The board says $30,000,000 must be raised, $2,000, 000" of which is -requested from the Sun day schools of North America. Will Give Instead Instead of each child receiving a pres ent from the church this -Christmas- ip many scnoois mrougnoui tne iana a Bible will be placed on a table in front of the room and the children will march up to this table and deposit their gifts on the , open book for those 1 not so fortunate as they are. Sunday school leaders throughout the nation are enthused with the privilege of assisting the unfortunate in other lands and the national committee has adopted the following resolution : That In so far as it does not conflict with plans already adopted by the churches, the Sunday schools of the United States and Canada be urged to continue their (contributions for the relief of suffering orphans in Bible lands, by means of of erings taken at the Christmas season, or at some appropriate Sunday in Janu ary, Bucb as the Georgian Christmas, as may be consistent with the program and policy of the denomination, and that the goal of this campaign be $2,000,000." Last Sunday Visitation Bay. The central committee says: .'"Five dollars will support an orphan for one month, $60 will maintain It for .a year. These children are the future hope , of western Asia." ,- Last Sunday was observed as Sunday school visitation day throughout the na tion, and "four-minute" speakers ad dressed thousands of schools and laid the plan of a "White" Christmas before the scholars and their teachers. ', Here is some of the 'evidence" of the need in Bible, lands as given by the In ternational Sunday School association : "At least 1,000,000 Armenians and' Sy- OF CHURCH Christian Science Leaaoa subject: "God the Only Cause and Creator." First 19th and ETerett 11. 8. Second E. 6th and Holladay. 11. 8. Third E. 12th and Salmon. 11, 8. Fourth Vancourer aTe. and Emerson. 1 1. 8. Fifth -2d St. and 42d are. S. E. 11. Sixth Masonic Temple, 368 Yamhill. 11. 8, Serenth Holbrook block St. Johns. 11. au cuurcneT Wednesday, . a p. m. Congreuatlonal ', , First Park and Madison Major T. A. Mills. 10:80, "The' Wisdom of God's Fools"; 7:45. "Faithful ilures." . Atkinson Memorial E. 20th and Ereretfr Rer. Warren Moore. 11. ' Sunnyside E. 82d and Taylor Rer. J. J. Staub. 11, "Responsibilities of Christian Stew ardship"; 7:45, "Propheta of Our Own Gener ation. Highland E. 6th and Prescott Rer-, Edward Constant. 11, "The Value of Prayer Tested by the War"; 7:30, "Greater Britain's Part in the War' by Corporal Gibson and pastor. vaerley Heights -E. 83d and Woodward 1. 7:30. Rer. A. P. Arery. Laurelwood 45th aTe. and 65th at. 8. E- Dr. Joseph K- Hart. Pilgrim Missouri and Sharer. Iter. Robert Murray Pratt. 11, "A Feast of Faces?; 7:30. Gas." , ' Finnish Mission 107 Skldmore Rer Samuel NeTala. 6. 7:80. I Cnirersity Park Rer. C. H. Johnston. Morn ing. "Black Stars Turned Into Gold"; erening. Our Flag What Does It Stand For! 'V Episcopal , ! Trinity 19th and Ererett ReT. A. A. Morri son. 8, Communion; 11, morning prayer ana sermon: 8. erening prayer and address. Pro-Cathedral of St. Stephen the Martyr 13th and Clay Rt- Rer. W. T. Sumner, bishop and preacher. Sundays: 7:45, holy communion; 11, "The Quest of Adrenture J 7:43, prayer and address by Chaplain Howard. Week, days Wednesday. 7:30 a. m. ; Friday. 0:30 a. m. Holy day,. 7:80. St. Darida K. 12th and Belmont KeT, Thomas Jenkins, rector. 7:80, 8:80, 11. "The 'laims of Ethiopia and the : Sacrednesa of Human Life"; 7:80. "Thou Shalt Do No Mur der." St Marks 21st and Marshall KeT. J. u. Patton. rector. 7:80. Holy Eucharist; 9:4 5, school; 11, Eucharist and sermon by ReT. Benjamin F. 'Iritis, rector of St. Luke's church, Kalamaibo, Mich.; 7:45, 'erensong and sermon. St. Andrews Hereford St.. . Portsmouth Archdeacon Chambers in charge. 9. 7:80 p. m. Grace Memorial E. 17th and Y eldier KeT. Oswald W. Taylor. 8. 11. Good Shepherd VancouTer and . Graham ReT. John Dawson. 11. 8. St. Michaels and All Angels E. 43d and Broadway KeT. T. F. Bowen. vicar. 8. 10. 11. fi Uhurcn oi uur oaTior owm are. ami tin ru 8. E. ReT. E. H. Clark, Ticar. 1 :o ana 11 Bishon Morris Memorial Good Samaritan hasbital ReT. Frederic K. Howard.' 7. 7:45. St. raula wooomere mt. mwa t. isy- lnr 4. All Balnts Sotn ana oaTiei ster. creuenc T Hnward. 11. - ft Jnhm Memorial E. 10th and Harney. Sellwood. Rer. 1L Clark in charge. 11. 7:80. At. Matthews Corbett and iJancralt KeT, W. A. M. Breck. Ticar. 10.11. sTTanaalleal first E. 6th and Market ReT. E. D. Hons- achuch. . 11. 8. , T - . rree mewtewis Central E. 55th and Flanders ReT. W. N. Coffee. 11. "The Great iBalTaUon"; 7:80 nnarhhw by ReT. R. H. Clark, F irtl -tta via stna ur a. wvtv. as. 7:80. . . . . . I prismas ; First- E. 95tb and Main Rev. Homer L. Prvi 11. sixth annlrersary sermon: 8. "Util ising Our Opportunities," by Re. CsYl Miller of Springbrook; 7:4. eTangeiisuo acMress. ' Congregation Beth Israel 12th , and "Main Rabbi Jonah B. Wise. Sabbath aertioM Friday at 8 p. m., Saturday, 10:80 a. m. Sunday. 10, tu Portlana acaaemy piasv,. isia . ana modi gomery. Kellgioua school. - Bible classes at I'ntrml lfbrmr.. ascend and fourth Wednesdays. - Congregation A harts Shalom Park and Clay ate. RabM It. . Abranamsoa. r naay. o p. Saturday, 9:30 a. m. - Latter Day salntas .- i"Church of -Jams Christ ot Latter Day Saints E. 25th and Madison.. 10. 7:so Lutharan t James W. Park and Jefferson Rev. William K. Briakman. 11, "The Second Com ing oft Christ- Interpreted in the Light Prophecy, and Revelation": 8, "Hop Versos Faith." ' - v i " 8t. Psuls E. 12 th and Clinton Rer. Kransa. 0:80. 10:80. 7C80. i Our RaTiors K. 10th and Grant Est. M. A. Christenen. ; 11. "The Coming if Christ. Herrlce in Norwegian. Trinity Williams and Graham Rer. 2, A. ay6 of Mkrcyo People association, has recommended that al a Christmas season offering to these rians' in Turkey have perished during the past two years from massacre, de portatlon, exposure, starvation and dis ease. Over 4.000,000 are now homeless and In dire distress. One millin are accessible, for relief of whom 400,000 are orphans. Little children scarcely able to feed themselves live absolutely alone in . deserted homes. The surrender of Turkey brings thousands more of these suffering people within reach of relief agents. Five dollars a month' will save a life." . Concerning the nef In Bible lands President Wilson has said : "American diplomatic and consular representatives and other American residents recently returned from western Asia assure me that, many thousands of lives were saved from starvation by the"gifta ofAmerican people last winter. They also bring full assurance of the continued effective dis tribution of relief and report that the suffering and death from exposure and starvation will . inevitably be much greater this winter than last unless the survivors can be helped by further con tributions from America. The situation is so distressing as to make a special appeal to the sympathies of all.'.' , The Bible school of. First Christian church is making "special preparations for a giving Christmas, ' a celebration that shall be held in the Interest of the disltessed Armenians with an offering of $500. Mrs. C. M. Kigglns is now train ing the young people for a Christmas al.cgory entitled, "The Magi of Today." Pastor Will Lecture on Ibsen Tuesday evening at the young peo-' pie's meeting in the Bethlehem Nor wegian Lutheras church, the. pastor. Rev. Wilhelm Petterson, will deliver a lecture on Ibsen's great ' world drama, "Kmperor and Galilean." This lecture will be in Norwegian. The pastor will also preach twice Sunday in the church, the morning service being in Norweg ian and the evening service in English. SERVICES I3N Relnbach. 0:15. 10:15. Bethlehem Norwegian 14th and Daris -ReT. Wilhelm Pettersen. 11, serrice in Norwegian: topic, "The Kingdom of God Within You or Among You"; 8, serrice in English; topic. "The New Shoot" Gracs English Mason and Albina. 10:80. Hamilton Chapel E. 80th and Gllsan Rer. F. J. Epling. 10 :45. Bethel Norwegian (Free) Wygsnt and Rod ney. , St. Johns Peninsula and Kflpatrlck ReT. L. Ludwig. 10:45. 7:30. Methodist Episcopal Centenary -E. 9th and Pine Rer. J. a Rollins. 11. "Keeping the Feast"; 7:45. "Right-handed People." Central VancouTer and Fargo Bar. A. R. Maclean. 11. 7:30. Clinton Kelly E. 40 th and Powell ReT. John Parsons. 11. EDworth 2th and Sariet ReT. BUnford Moore. 11, 7:30. First 12th and .Taylor ReT. Joshua Stana- field. 10:30. "The Greatest Ally." Britain Sun day; 7:45, "Some Stirring Bible Stories." First Norwegian Danish 18 th and Hoy ReT. Ellis Gjerding.' 11. "The Religion of Serrice": 8, "Will a Man Rob God?" Lenta Lucien B. Jones. 11. 7:30. Vancourer Are. Norwegian Danish Skldmore and Vancourer ReT.. C. J. Running. 11. Lincoln E. 5 2d and Lincoln. 11. Ker. F. A. Ginn. 11. Monta rilla E. 80th and Pine Kev. tiiram Gould. 11, 7:80. Mt. Tabor E. 61st and BUrk. Kt, t. uun Eldridg. 11, "The Ultimate Authority"; 7:30, "The Driring Power of Earth." Kose City ran kct. l. Merer a-ieius. The Lest Christ": 7:80. "The Tears of Jesus." Sellwood ReT. W. S. Gordon. Hi 7:80. Sonnnkle E.. 85th and Xsmhill ReT. B. X. Bmith. 11, 7:45. ' ' St. Johns W. LeaTitt and Byrscuse Kev. i. H. Irrine. 11. 7:80. I . . . Swedish Beech and Bortnwlck Ke. A Del Eklund. 11. 8. CniTerslty Park Flake and Lombard Kev. . T. Abbett. 11, 7:80. ' Westmoreland Rev. F. A. Ginn. 7 :S0. Wilbnr Multnomah hotel Rer. Francis Bur- gette Short. 11, "The Response of a Thank ful Heart." . District superintendent. Rev. WUIism Wallace Youngson, D. D.. 691 E. 62d sfc. N. Tabor 2790. M. K. South First Union and Multnomah ReT. James T. French. 11. 7:80. Nacarwne First -E. 7 th and Conch ReT. C. Howard SellwoMl K. tn ana spotane bst. a. a. Unn. 11. 7-80. Brentwood eattt are. ana 07tn sr. dmt. r. IT. Fowler. 11. 7:80. Highland Park K. 14 to ana aiiiingswortn Rct. W. P. Keebaugn. 11, 8.' - ScandinaTian Ker. i. u. Knogeaani. 11, 7 :80. . v Presbyterian First 12th and Alder Rev. John H. Boyd. 10:80, "The Source of Spiritual Power"; 7:80, What Next Is -Germany Incorrigible T" Westnrinster East 17tV and Schuyler Rev. Edward H. Pence. 10:80. "The Difference Be tween a Merely Moral and a p ritual Man' 7 :80. "The Foea Within and Without Our. Owa noune nolo. i Central E. 13th and Fine. Bar. orianao a. Pennine ' Catrary 1 1th and Clay Rer. R. w. Kogers. 10:80. "Champions of Justice": 7:80, "The Railine nf the American Peace Shin." Mt. Tmbor E. sata ana ueunons iter, wsra MacHenry- 11. "He Took It Upon Himself"; cTenins. "Sared to Serre. Not Sared by Serr- fce" Vernon 19th and Wygant See. J. B. Lands- borough. ll,"Tba Secret of Genuine Great aeaa": 7:80. "War A Destroyer and an In structor. - - j ' Piedmont Cleveland - and Jarrett Rev. ' A. ia nsicitoon. ill A vivki - auuuif - p . 7:80. "A Visioa of Horrors; b the Kakwt In Itf" . Fourth Flrrt and Gibba. 10:80. "Op tinakm." by Rer. jtfi Johnson; 7:80, "The De- gaocrarT We Hare Won. by James f . awing. K en il worth E. S4th and Gladstone Rev. Paul K. Ratseh. 11. memorial serrice is boner f Sergeant C aVHocsatt: sermon tooic. "The Secret ot Happinesa": 7:80. "Do Jesus' Tsaen- lan Fit the Present DarT" ) . . Hobo E. -78th and Ererett Rev. Fiord K. Do rr is. 11. "The Maa of Pilate's Day and the Christ of This"; 7:80, 'The Individual and the Meal woria Enemy. ? Rose City Dr. Robert H. MUligan. 11. 7:30 Forbes Graham and Uannmbcin. Trinity Virginia and Nebraska Rev. Thee- dors P. Smith, pastor. 11. "A Thai Need in the Church"; 7:80 "How Christ Dealt With Men's Problems." Anabel Rev. John C. Kelson.' 11.8. ' MUlard Aeenue Rer. W, Lea Gray. 11 "A Lawyer's Question"; 7:80. "Coat Workers. Seventn Day ..-ASrsetM Vote Regular services of this eeaoaoiBation are held on Batorday. . .. i . . v . METHODISTS WILL HOLD CONFERENCE About 150 Men From All Parts of Northwest to Be present at All Day Meeting. About 150 men from all parts of the Northwest are expected in Portland Tuesday to attend the all day meeting of the Centenary conference of the Methodist Episcopal church, which is to be held in First Methodist church. Enough-local laymen and clergymen are expected at the sessions to bring the total registration to the 1000 mark. At least half of the delegates will be lay men. Visiting delegates come from the Columbia river, Puget Sound and Ore gon conferences of the church. The purpose of the large gathering is to bring about a unified effort In this area among all Centenary workers. The Centenary is now called the Methodist reconstruction program. The central board in New York chose Portland as the headquarters for the northwest area, and has made the local office at 409 Piatt building a depositary for Cen tenary literature. The area staff is: Rev. Charles A Bowen, executive secretary ; Rev. A. L. Howarth. associate executive secretary ; Mark Freeman, II. C. Burkholder and W. C. Wasser. . . , The program for the conference, which follows: calls for a dinner Tuesday night in First church for ail delegates: MORNING SESSION. 8 A. M. TV. W. Toonrwn. Chairman Area Cotmefl. ' Prerid'ns 0Twrl Subifrt: Area PUn for the Ontrr Devotions T. B. Tord Mewagv'from Bishop Hughe fl.n.n1 RtBtant .....t. .......... Charln A. Bowen. Executive Recretsrr The rHtrlct Superintendent H. O. Perrr The Sunday School and the Centenarr . . . W. C. WaaeeT Allotmenti and Financial Drive ABTERXOON SESSION, 1:30 P. M. J. C Harrison, Prenidirig General Subject: The Four Weeks' Pro ram Devotion. . , ,N-W,,ter" Steward hip . : James E. Crowther Literature. , - M. J'anse raxtofa Literature and How to I.ae It Bulle tin. Surrey. Study. Etc.) . . .Robert Bmmblay How to Get People to Tithe Robt. Warner SUrreopticon and Slides Mark Freeman ' EVENING SESSION. 7:80 P. M. A. F. FWel. PreMdins General Subject: Laymen urd the Centenary Devotions . . . '. I. H. ' Cox The Laymen's Relation to the Centenary R. N. AVISON Methodiit Minute Men J. V. Pay The Layman in the Local Church J. V. Efaw Publicity Our Advocates and the Centenary. R. II. Hmbea Faith and the Field Carl O. Doney Shortly after the conference Urs. Bowen and Howarth expect to leave for New York to attend the national meeting of all executive secretaries, which con venes Decern ber'l 8-20. - Book Will Be Topic Sunday in Mt. Tabor Presbyterian church Rev. Word W. MacHenry will preach In the morning from Margaret Satterly's book. "He Took It Upon Him self." PORTLAND Central E. 11th and Krerett L. K. Dick son, pastor. 11 :lo. Tabernacle Women of Woodcraft hall. 10th ana layior streets. 11. MontaTilla E. 80th and Ererett Elder J Cerhart. 11. Lents 84th at. and 58th are. Elder W. D. Huntington. 11. St. Johns Central are. and Charleston Elder A. R. Folkenberg. 11. Mt. Tabor E. 60th and Belmont Elder W. T. Hilgert. It Albina Skidmore and Mallory Her. A. A. Meyer. C. F. Knott, local elder. 11:16. ScandinaTian Sixty-second near 40th are. 11. salTatlon Arm Corps No. 1 243 Aah at Adjutant Frank Genge. 11. 8:15. 8. Corps No. 4 128H First Adjutant Joseph Harrison. 11. 8. 8. Swadeflbosejtan New Church BocietT 881 Jeffemon Tt. tTilliam R. Reece. 11. ' Gather Together the Food of the Land." Unitarian Church of Our Father Rroadwae and Tim. hill Ree. W. G. Elliott Jr. 11. "Answers False and True to the Question: 'What Ia Life'f" 7:45. open forum, topic. "Why the Peace Conference Ia Not a Constituent As sembly." United Brethren Conference auDerintendent Rev. G. E. Me- Dunald. First E. 1 5th and Morrison Re. Rvmu, I Clark. 11. "The Church's Place in the Recon atructlon Program"; 7:30. "Absolute Essen tials." Second E. 27th .ail Rntnn ' Haw T.. Hawley. 11, "Going On a Journey": 7:80. Returning From a Journey." Third 87th mt ,nH ia IT T?.. E. O. Shepherd. 11. "Faith's Power': 8. "Thi Greet Meaaage of Oar Master." Fourth Tremont Rer. C. P. Rlinehxnt 11, "Personal Responsibility." James 8:5: 8. Behold What a tireat Matter a I.ltu. Firm Kindleth." by Rer. B. G. Humerlin. - United PYerbrtaHan First E. 87 th and lis wt horns Ree. B" F. Giren. 11. "Companionship With God'-; 7:30. memorial serrice for Corporal Albert Jack. Church of the Stranger Grand and Wasco Rct. 8. Karl LM Bots. 10:80. "Did Jesus Ever Become Angry!" 7:30. "Teacher MeeU Teacher and the Result." Kenton 129 West Lombard ReT. Georee N. Taylor. 11. 7:30. Miscellaneous Christian and Missionary Alliance E. 9th and Clay Rct. John E. Fee. 11, 7:80. Realisation League 188 5th Ree. H Edward Mills. 11. "Souls Who Dared"; 8. "Feeling the Thought We Think." Church of the Unirerael Messianic Measaae 414 E. Eeerett. 11.8. Christedelphian 621 E. Washington. 10:30. Church of God 863 Failing. 11. 8. First Spiritual!- Sixth and Montgomery Rer. A. Scott Bledsoe, pastor. 8. 7:4 5 Gospel Hall Twenty-ninth and East Stark 18:80. 12:15. 7:45. Men's Resort 4 th and Burnside Rer. Levi Johnson, superintendent. 8. Mew . ciTUiaatioa T nitora bids. Dr. Beth Northmgton. 7:45, 'The Most Important DiscoTery of the Present Humanity. DiTina Science Tiilord building Rer. T. M. Mlnard, pastor. '11. UniTersal Messianic 318 Abinaton building. 11. 8. "The Unfolding Consciousness." FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ALDER STREET AT 12TH REV. JOHN H. BOYD, D. p.. Pastor v : Morning 10:30 Evening 7:30 : SERMON ON - ADDRESS ON ; "The Source of Spiritual . "Is Germany 1 j: Power" Incorrigible?" "? f"f ""I7 C!rl iff ''First of a new series m cialista in charge of all. depart- av-v.se mt. t BibU class, for mam I, HAT NEXT TV and women with , timelisst of Fine MusiC j witlr Organ Recital topics.- .'- " from 7:15 to 7:30 County Convention iuncLay 5cno ols iHeets in STanuary The Multnomah county Sunday school convention, postponed from November on account Cjf j the Spanish Influenza epidemic. Is to meet in Portland January 14 to 17. Instead of the usual inspirational- sessions the convention is to be "School of Methods." The teachers attending will be given instruction in Sunday school work and will not be forced to listen to reports and statistics of past achievements. On the dosing night of the eonven tion a pageant written by 1L Augustine Smith of Boston university will be pres ented. It ia known aa "Armenia's Call to America." and is considered es pecially appropriate as the convention week coincides with the week of the na tional Armenian drive, during which time It is hoped to raise $30,000,000. The program committee for the con vention consists of Charles F. Staver, chairman; Mrs. A. W. Wllklns, Kllton Shaw and Harold F. Humbert. "Bill Stinger" Will Speak to Men Sunday , It. IL Mouaer, otherwise known as "Bill Stinger," will apeak at a meeting to men only in the auditorium of the Y. M. C. A. at 3 o'clock Sunday after noon. All men are invited. Mr. Mcuaer makes s specialty of meetings for men and devotes much of his time to Cteae. Hp ia a newspaper man' whose hone Is In lxa Angeles, wnere ne conducts a spe cial folumn for one of the big dtlliea. He is - now in Seattle filling speaking engagements that were arranged for him before the recent 'nfluenaa ban. He will return to -Portland to fill several engagements. Pro-Cathedral Is Preparing for Xmas Elaborate preparations are being made at St. Stephens Pro-Cathedral for In spiring Christmas services and festiv ities. The church will be-lavishly decor ated with evergreens and a rood screen erected In. the chance L There will be a special festival for the Sunday school at which time a manger, provided by the generosity of several of the parishoners. will be opened in the transept of the pro- Cathedral. Flag Will Show Its First Golden Star Unveiling of the Kenllworth Presby terian church service flag Sunday morn ing will reveal the first gold star, which was placed there In honor of Sergeant C K. Hoggatt. who died while In the service - of, his country. A memorial in his honor is to be held Sunday' morning, by the pastor. Rev. Paul K. Rat sen. Sermons Based on Lessons From War Sunday morning Rev. J. R. Lands borough will discuss the different ele ments of character which have brought greatness to certain Individuals In his sermon at. Vernon Presbyterian church. The evening service will be based on lessons drawn from the great world war. The Westminster Guild had a meet ing this week at the home of Mrs. Churchill. Preparations for the Christ mas entertainment are taking form in the Sunday school and the program promises to be an Interesting , one. Rev. Mr. Eliot to Discuss Peace Table a "Why the Peace Conference Is Not a Constituent Assembly" will be the subject for discussion at the Sunday evening forum meeting in the chapel of the Church of Our Father. Broad way and Yamhill streets. Rev. Wil liam O. Eliot will preach Sunday morn ing. On Tuesday evening from I Xo 10 o'clock Mr, and Mrs, Kllot will re ceive the congregation "and friends in the church parlors. KEEP YOUR PLKDO.E. UV W. . S. Spiritualist FIRST CHCRCH, ftlxth aad Moat, gomery Streets. Services . Sunday, 3 p. m. and 7 :4 p. m. Rev. A. Scott Bledsoe Pastor Mrs. Etta- 'S. Bledsoe. Bearer. Message- Mrs. Emma K. Powers. Soloist. AH Seats Free A Basaar will be held Friday and Saturday. Dec. 11 and 14, from 10 a. m. to 10 p. m. each day. ' , COME CHURCHES WILL . OBSERVE BRITAIN DAYIN SUNDAY Dr. Stansfield Will Speak 'on Subject of 'Our Greatest Ally1 at First Methodist Chi.rrhJ HIGHLAND PASTOR TO SPEAK Rev. Mr. Constant to Preach on . "Cementing Ties- of Friend . ship"; Canadian to Speak. , Britain day Is to be observed Sunday In some of Portland's churches, accord . Ing to announcements made by the pas tors. At First Methodist chunph Dr. Joshua Stansfield will speak Sunday morning on "Our Greatest Ally." This ' sermon will, deal with the part Great Britain has taken In the world war. Both Dr. and Mrs. Stansfield were born and educated' In Kngland, so he Is pe culiarly fitted to speak on this subject, being familiar with the English people. . Dr. Stansfield has been a citizen ot this country for 30 years. He has two sons in the American army, one of whom was recently wounded. Dr. Stansfield will also begin, a series of addresses Sunday evening on, "Some Stirring Bible Stories." which will deal with tho reali ties of God in human affairs. The service at the Highland Congre gational church on Sunday night wilt be recognition of the part of Oreat Britain in making the world, safe for -democracy, when will be advocated the desirability of a better understanding between the different English speaking peoples. Corporal Gibson, who aaw sev eral years of active service in the Canadian army, will speak on "A Closs ' View of the British Tommies," and the pastor, Kev. Edward Constant, - will speak on "Cementing the Ties of Friendship." There will be suitable music and readings from the poems of Kipling and Rupert Bropke. . j Sermons Will Touch Worldwide Problems A series .of sermons along the Hnea of prophetic interpretation of events of world-wide Interest are being delivered by Rev. R. IL Sawyer at the East Sido Christian church. The great responal bllity resting upon the president .and his peace party will be) the basic thought of the evening sermon. The morning sermon will deal with a question which has oceup'ed much space in the news papers and magaslnea of this and other countries, causing widespread discus sion In religious circles. DM Christ Ap pear on the Battfe Field of Franc r Dr. Hinson Continues Sermons on 'Prayer7 i " . Sunday morning Dr W. B. Hinson con tinues his series of sermons on "Prayer" in the 'East Side Baptist church. At night he will preach the third series of the second coming of Christ. Last Sun day morning IS received tho hand of fel lowship, thus becoming members of tho church and at night three others were baptised and 10 more came forward con fessing; their Saviour and Lord. - FIRST METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH HTH AJTD TAYLOR STBCETS RKV. JOSHUA STANSFIELD, O. D. Will Praatih ton AT 10:M A. sf. 44 The Greatest Ally" m awisissi ear sennas) AT 1:1S P. SI. UNOAV SOMOOL (Classes for AH) AT 7:41 P. M. "Some Stirring Bible Storiet" Resinning a aerie of ".under Nieht Keraao on. Use Fact aad Reality ot God ia Basses Affaire, GOOD 'MUSIC SPLENDID QUAHTtT qnakm recital 7:is p. Moosig !:! A. X. "The Wisdom of God Fools" '. lU T. X. "Faithful Failures" A par frosi Ike shtlosops- sf life as latersrsted sy Be serf Los is gteres- a. - , Major T. A. Mills Will Cesdaet Botk Serrkes TOC ABE CORDIALLT I3TTITEB . TO WOKsHIF WITH C8 " ' ' ' I . - - - . - ' ! First Congregational 'C VY; Church TAJLK AVO XABIS03T ITS. . First M.E. Church . South - V UNtOs AND MULTNOMAH. Rev. James T. French ' - ,' PASTOR " Pislilm 11 A. M 7.90 p.m. . MOMNina usmect "Power on the Mountains" ANO KVINIPia ' "Sequence" -';"":'' ? : SPEOIAL MUSIO 'f ton Ass cVpasiaDy Isrltcd to Botk SerrWa