THE OREGON, DAILY JOURNAL', PORTLAND, MONDAY, DECEMBER 2.. 1918, 13 DISCHARGE PLEAS FLOOD CONGRESS Appeals, However, Are Unavailing Ejccept When Made Through - Regular. Channels. - Washington. Dec. 1 (WASHINGTON BUREAU OF THE JOURNAL) "Sena- tor and congressmen are beginning to .receive a flood of appeals from parents of men la th service, and some from the men themselves, for assistance In ' procuring discharges from the army or ; navy. -'i.'.-J These appeals, it appears, do not count. The'vwar and navy departments ' are nqs considering' applications for . discharge except through the regular , channels, that la, through the command' - Ing officers. Complete Instructions have been sent to alt camps, canton merits and stations, so that the men may be Informed how to proceed. -i )'"". Discharges are to be granted first ' where there Is serious Illness at home, and to those who make a showing- that thaw a ra n11 In anma emnlnvment ee iwwiinitlAn ' 'rxaohara-aa ra nnl I au" r. sixnoven,, new low. J. I.; Arnold or occupation. Discharges are not to I o. Ksnetsky. Austin, Texas? J .cob c. Karpei, be granted In wholesale to any certain occupation , Hen making application for discharge are -expected to support their applies tlons by a statement of facts which wilt show the relative urgency of their cases. Men who an regarded by their commanding officers ' as particularly needed may be. retained, however, until the army Is Still further reduced Members of congress say It Is useless to direct appeals to- them In behalf of Individual soldiers and sailors. All they can do Is to advise that applications for discharge be made In accordance with the forms prescribed. Demobilisa tion Is believed to be proceeding about .as rapidly as could be expected, .a Pittabnrg. p- William Mclutyre; ;, Lebanon. ina.; Hoiert U Morton. Pasadena, CaL; Charles E. Murphy, geottdalev Pa.! James, Salabery, PortamamtV rbhM a .... -a a ui. . . Frank M. CareweH. Brooklyn. T. r Francis 8." i.lT1' Paul. Minn. ; Henry Geckler. Cement, Okla.; Leon Pirates. McDonald, Pa.; Angus M. Tennant, Hubbell. Mich. 5 Guy E. Wilson, Boa ton. Mae. - , Vf la Orville K. Proving. ITniontown. Pa. Mechanic--- Walter C. Boiler, Newton; Kan.; John C. Nelson. Perth Amboy, N. J.; Giles C. OejTta. Crtder, Ky, i woniw Cfcrletopher Brodersen, New Tork, . T.: Earl Groat, Birebwoed. , Tenn. Cooks Claude , J. CasaeUy, -Dyes. Tenn.: Henry J. Roes, Bank. Ky. . , t,u Ben h. Aggue, Kenmore. unto; Karl A. Alfsen. lllon. N. Y.; Antoni Antono wie. Fa ml I. a - r--t 7 n.iin trnut-e Cel. ; Robert Alva i Baker, Columbus. Ohio; Phaon Edward Bertolett, Mahoney i City, Pa.; George Rranijnr nartAiu - itnhn v. - Junes W. Batty. BeflSTille. N. 3.1 Frank Bilo- oomersetv Mass. ; Alex Binder.1 New Tors, N. T.j William P. Bowman, Winchester, Va.; George A. Brandon, Jenseyine. 8. C.: Balpk BretWneteini Canton, Ohio; George O. Bremen. Madison Lake, : Minn, v William r Broadwell, ,.Tr Mich.; Jamea Hi Brown. Carpenter vtll. lit: Gregorio AgostlnelH, WirutonW. Vs ; Frank , J. Beeigatapi. Reno, Ner.-; Paul G. Banaaky, Hesen. Ark.i Daniel B. Be. Sslsdo. T mi; Randall - Barn hard. East Texas,, Pe,i Anthony Borieck. New Tork, N. Tls Henry J. Bonnie uv. Bell Row, La,; Jacob Boyer. U.t Pituton, Pa.s Patrick Brooks, New ToTk," N.T.j Robert L. Bnndiek, I Aiicelea. CaL; Dominie r'alarnaao Oxford. Mass, s Ben Cook Chadd, Harltoa. Texas: Earl Orias Cook. Hadtwn. Colo.: Charlie U. Comla Mmrta Ala :r.H till ''jw, nnnanctoni : Texas; ennora varuv S...01' In-: Lei-oy Denny, Bridgeport.a Jnd. i wiuiaia B. aton, Lansinc, Mich.; Harry B. EnclUb. Toluoa. Va.; Herbert O. Erlinaer. Free- wn. III. ; Hyman Flmdnbanm.' New Tork. N. Y. Oeoree K. fnim imMna n t . nil. V French. BradyTille, Tenn.; Clare John Frye, Mcveytown. Pa.: WtUiera F.. allaeher. Phila delphia. Pa.; Leland Hinkle. Watonca. Okla.; WUliam H. Hoffman, Philadelphia,! Pa.; Oocar nowmm. Meia, o. t Alonzo Hunter. Branderf burs. K. : Edward Inn Martina SVm. Ohlor John P. Kalkboren.i New Tork. N. T.: Arnold New Tork, N. T.: Joseph Loktnuki. Saainaw. Mich.; Darid Lorelaee. Gretna, Va. J John & Lneas, Caallewoods,' Va.; John J. MeNasby. phtladelphia. Pa. ; Walter Francis Allen, Pali- SaXka fAla T TS - . a v i ' m . 1 -Wres. Biaghamton. N. T.; Charles: E. Bullock. noneeaaie, ra.: Franklin Conner, rranklln, Ind.t i Lenter Coston. Wtwoks, Okla,; Kns eell Couture. Ontonaton, Mich.:1 Carl. -A. Cox. gcotterille, Kan.; Walter JL Culkowaki. Milwaukee, Wis.; Noel E. Duhnke, Manitowne, nm., uoiseppe reaeje, nroosiyn, tx. x.; Clarence U Frost, ElberU, Mich.; Arthur Allen weukee. Wis. ; Willared M. Walker, Lowry City, Mo.; Thomas F. Walsh, Cantos, Mass.; Benja min A. Wieiie, BUWwaier, vuua.; oun ,. rw- ahmtl Kaa. : Edward P. Sealer, gtryker. siUe. . I.; Lotus unnuft nroosiyn. . Arthur H. nruce, uay v.y, v. Bublitt, Dana. Texas; unarus a. owotnwi. Polk. Tenn.: George. Buaehbaam, Long Island City. N. T.J Frank Bidoe,. uiua raus, jamn.; Patrick Caramanaea. Brooklyn, N. T.; James B. Chapman. Teyiorsnue v.g oinia w lak, Gary, Ind. ; Frank Clostet. Ternon. N.J.; Richard A vjouy, du wuw, . Limestone, Tenn.: Matthew V. Cornelia. Chicago, 1TL: Hugh L. Craig. Chicago, 111.;-Joe Barns C. GarnetV Kaa,: Charle. W. Crowe,rw.r wood. W. Va..- George Cucuii. Chanmng. Mich.: James F. CunlUI, jamsioa xriauos aaua, i gna W. Curley, Chelsea, Mass.; Albert E. . Cartia, New Tork; William N. ,Dsy. Florence. Arts.: Benben JJeane, aiancnesur i. i.; noomn Twk.r Rtradsfanrc. Pa.: Daniel tajrflinger. Bosweu. Ja.; James Dipietro, Jasuaburg. N. J.i; Henry W. a. uuaiey, 4amea vuy, . i.; nooer W. Dupree, Bainbridge, Ga.; John Dwyer, Ham ilton. Ont. ; Alex W. Edwaids, Raleigh. N. C; Lep Ellertson. BUrbuck, -Minn.; Frank O. Ernestine, Tonowanda. N. T.: Charles P. Fald Jry, Akron, O. ; Harry FarreU. New Tork; Harold T. Fans, Williamsport, Pa. ; James V. Cam. Pitiabarc. Pa.: Henry Fields. Trosper. Ky.; John Andrew Firman, Meesick. Va.; James I. G. Fitzsimmbns, fiew lorx; iiugn Flood. New Tork Michael .Joseoh Flynn. . Oerman- town . Pa 'Newtnn (!. Forsyth. CecU. Ark. J Josenh E. Forthorne. Salem. W. Vs.: WUUam . vraxiar. Kir nt. ua.: William u. ireuuvw, Holyoke. Mase.; John J. Golden, New Tork: iaaml RnMihtn. Brooklra. N. T.: Gerald J Griffin, Washington. Pa.; Walter J. Grote, BmoklTM. Jf -T John Grnbauch. Bound Lake; Minn. Benjamin F. Gnetin. New Brunswick Canada Nicholas Guzyi Tonkeis, N.' T.; Ben jamin V. Habenki, 5 Brooklyn. N. T.: Ererett Wheeler, Waynpka, Okla, ; Marsoall F. Powell, Elminffton. Vs.: Elmore Rarbome. ThomajTllle, Ala navirt RHkln New Tork: Thomas J. Bob- ertson. Buffalo. N. T.: Mlcke Romano, De troit. Mich.; Timothy J. Ryan, Concord, Mass.; Artie W. Sanders. Deepwater, Mo. ; Harry E. Barber. Webster, Pa.; William T. Bchsrf , Clee Und, O.; Nathan :Scbeekter New Tork; Law rence R Hchiefen. Elmlra. N. T.J John Bchnwider, Brooklyn. N. T,.: Arthur G. Smith, Worcester, Mast.;. Fred XL Smith, Hawkinsrilte, N. T.j John Boksch. Streator, - IU. ; WUbnr SteTetuv East - Detroit; WilUameweU Stubbs, Platee - City,-; Mo. Dominick Solik, Jackson. Mich. ' John ' Swain,'- Meriden, Conn. ; Frederick Tone, i Buffalo : - Frank V. TuUle. Racine. Wis.; Walter F. . Ward. Oubuane. tows: William Watterson Jr., Maywood, 111.; Abraham Weiss, New -Tork; Henry Warning. Anaconda, Mont.; wtlHamfaf WesU Ldtchfield. Me.; cnat js. Wilhnmi, Pocasset, Okla.; Elso O. WiHiams, Cedar Rarrida Idaho: Clyde Wilson, Terra Hants, Jnd. r Leo K. Wood, Uniontown, fa.; ciair MAJiBTAOE LICENSES land. O& df ..Pa.Y rrharlaa ' I. Kleinsehmdi Chicago, Bit Clarenea. J. Kaapp, Bataria, N. X.; J Thomas K. Wuion. 27. Knappa. Or., and viLiximcu. naraora.. ,".CT 1 Myra Bnrronghs. S. Venable hotel. Barrrille. N. Y rrank Maeirowakl. Buffalo. N. T.; Philip Msgino. California. Pa.; Joseph Ma- ner. Sulphur. Okla. ; John C. Manning, uotse. Iowa: "Nicholaa Mmieh. Scrmnton. Pa.; Lewis Minky. Syraonae. N. T.: Joseph D. Mirault, James B. Oeonnor,- New Tork. . T.l Frank A. Fatxwala, Morton. Minn.: Stacy PowelL MU Pony. N. J.; Joseph M. Power, Fnuaaeipma, ra.; J am as Puateosks. Vining, Iowa; WUliam E. Baynor, Vsyjille. N. Y. ; Hry Keeae. vuisnoe p. m. at the reaidenca- establishment of J. P. Sanford V. Beese. West PHtson. Pa. : Boy Bey- ftnu, a, Bo- Monteomerr at 6th. Frienda i- Okla. ! Ocie T. Koby. Clark-I i,t i, . a r. .l. ftm. iHiciutui m Mb dcuiv ii, Food Regulations Are Still in Force Food regulations still In effect 'must be observed, and anyone violating them Is subject to prosecution, is the warning Issued by W. K. Newell, assistant food administrator for Oregon. Too much relaxation has resulted from the modi fication of "food rules, acoerdtpg to Mr. Newell. While dlstribuption, of sugar by the' card and certificate system has been abandoned, , the lndtvjdual allow ance Is four pounds per month, and the purchase of more than this amount subjects the individual to the charge of ' hoarding. Gordon, Clinton. Mass.; Norvel M. HambUton. I Jj. Toung, Cottonwood. Mont.; Paul V. Maresca. mornsTuie. ho. : ,jonn uenry nipple, fttuaaei- 1 Brooklyn. N. T.-; John G. Mix. Jacksonburg, W. phia. Pa.; W01Iam Hngbes, Cleveland. Ohio; Va.: Charles C Moon. Powder Springs, -Ga.; iwnaia HarpM Huntley Black Hirer. It. T. ; j Frank, Nelson, Manhattan. Kan.: Morris No Bradley T. JohlMnn. HalrJmnra M TTnbart V! 1 - v. Li r v . r T, ir.LJl. Kane, Chicafn. W.I Eard H. Kemp. Acworth. o.; Augustus IT Perry, New Tork; Frank L. rw'n B IknB5iTie,i?mN- Hn' Pomeranke. Dane. Wk: Marrin V. Reed, Co MTAntaterrnTriS &2Zi lumb". I S: J7'. C?.i Wincbeter. Ky.'; WUliam lUrMy.rarShip "sThe. KiorTnc.. Neb ftW SriU PhiSl burg. Pa : John F. Owen., PSUadeiphia, Pa. ; nh7a S sn Rk fvn V V " Vernon 8. Rnhottnnm. - U.rnr, a ii, T.-i 1 aePPJ'Pm-. Bamnrf BUTr. Brooklyn, T., Vernon 8. Rubbttom. - MeCreev. ark Patar SaTern, New Tork; Enos'A. Bearborouch, Sumter, B. O. ; Jaaea Southwood, Dibble, Okla. ; . Jessie J. Stubbs, St. Louis, Mo.; Joseph J. Sullivan, Leroy. N. T.; Louie Tsckett. Decatnr. Ala.; Robert Tines, Bessemer, Ala.: "Walter D. Ab bott, Ferniey, Ner. ; Earl , Richard Allison, Ouaksrtown. Pa.: Solomon P. Allaun. Niron Texas; Harry Lee Atkeson, Delaware. Okla.; DEATHS - ATTD FITN-ERAL 74 Holyoak, Mass.; Michael MHcbelL Lowell. Mass.; . Montaigne. Knoxrule.' Tenn.; K. J. BTRD In this city, Dec 1, Anne Braley Byrd, ; aged SS years, late of SO E. 84th St., -wife of William H. Byrd, mother of Bobert and Philip Byrd. daughter of Mr. and Mrs, George Braley of Springfield. Ohio; sister of Mrs. Agnes Babb. Columbus, Oble; Miss Caroline Braley. Springfield. Ohio; Frank Braley, Cincinnati; Will Bralaraf RnrtnafialH Ohio, and Edward Braley of Santa Barbara, Cal. v The funeral services will be held Tnesdsy, Dec 3. at z;ay THE following articles hare been found on ears I of the FOrtlamt Kali way, 44ght Power Co.: Not. 80. 1918 a Dnress. 2 bank books. 1 pin,' 3 gloves, 1 nr. gloraa. 1 pr.- knitting needles, 1 nam roil, 11 psgs., s luneh 1, traTcuna bag. 1 wulteasev nmbreUaa. -Dee. 1. IBIS nunaa. 1 nay check. 1 bunch keys. 1 strand beads. 1 letter. J locket. MOLEB fiARBKIt COLLEGB Pays yew while barnimr: girea yon set of tools: guarantees poaitiona. Writ for catalogues 284 Bamatde SU. or nhone Broadway Fill.. POBTLANTk BltRRB OflIJ.E;K Teaches men and Women tha barber trade free. ounca seys. x Hisnei oeeoa, X leuer, nun, I M1. i-- .- - .iTfC,.!. u.jii.. I pr. clotea. 1 bag. ,4 pkgs.. 1 hook. 1 "- 1 wlu amtog. 284 Conch, Broadway 43. box, 1 cap, 1 eeil,- t handbag, 1 band trip, 2 1 ' ; ' beak eta. ? umbrellss. - . ... I . WAKTED-AOEXTS C no Ida Comanche. Okie. ; Ocie T. Roby. Clark' ton. Vs.- Charles W. Rogers. North Tonawanda, N. T. ; Richard 8. Roll. Stanton. Iowa; Charles J. Ryan, Cedarrille, Ohio: Boy Sslisbury, Atchson. Kaa Charles 3. Shaw. Joartao. ark.; John Slocura.. Scran ton. Pa.; Treon B. Somen, Cohasset. Minn.; Alfred FrankUn Bps res, viue Green, Allan FRENCH At Camp Kearny, Cat. Nor. 29 1818, Wayne Hilton French, aged zs jrears months 6 days, beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. G. H. French' of 23 West Simpson street, a brother of Clyde and Myron French. Remains are en route from California.' Funeral for $44. 4ft. cameo brooch, bunch keys and I rational Society. 7th and Pine atL. SC Louis, about $7 in change. Finder ptoses return bag 1 Mos- and eontenu atj J onrnal -office and keep the HISTORt of Great War.' Big. illustrated. a cnenca ae rewara. da-ik, - . I thentn. eomnkata. WnaAerfiil aik. a l- ' o . , rKta I are en rotue I ram viuornia. (imw mm- BtJs T.Li?. if- - h-W W-d. Den 4. 118, at Titpomingo,- Miss. ; John C. Tetter,, Beloit. Baa. , I 280 Kiiiinanorth avenue, near Williams. In- Clarenoa A. Wade. Omega, :WlimmJ. torment Rose Cltv Park cemeterr. Frienda -are weaterxam, - urooaiyn. w. x.; niuim l iQTitcl . Jndvmi.. Ark.; Max WUkofsky. gt,U". i kuirCA.crv,. Tww i rv,i"., ' T,r- J,n ' -HrnTTer. Ps. i Mrs,' Nor. Shaesgreen. ased 8 years, wife Alexander P. Klimiahte. Minneapolis. Minn.; f 3: Bhaesgreeni moUwr of Csthenne. sna William G. Kroger, Brooklyn, N. ,J-: J. iLrt vnTrJ, vT vPa- 1M???TA.t?'.'.'iinw V?nI" I Bams? MmffX WflsonMsasvrill)e Offered ni r tni. T iatmm. New London. at a. n.. Wednesday, at St Marys, .chnreh. r. , rth-V at uh Hickana. Okla.: WU-1 E. Sd and Bherman. ih Willi. n MnTr.h rrharimtown. Mass.: Wil- I Muter Tracer. Interment Mt. Cal- Arrangements in charge . of liam Neivan, Long bland City. N. T.; Zonon J SPREITZER In this city at the family reai- Pelletier. Norwood. Mass.; George wieneias, eenee, ut .w. zn sr., wee. sa. nroa T.Ai..nn-tl. m. . mim-imm v. Vatticnnole. Belle-1 ftftraitur. aeed 7 A rears, husband of Mrs, mm tii Rnfii Pnareil , Temneranceville. Ohio: i Johannette Snreitxer.' father of Miss Nettie l-harlaa V PnKtrblee. Hevmour. usm.; mm eoreitaer. a,rnesx. nenrr. nuaara ana viw Raphael. Brooklyn, N. T. ; John Reason, Cleve land. Ohio; Thomas J. Biley. Katenciy, Texas; John J. Robinson. Nsodesha, Kan.; Paul Bosan- sky. New Kensington. Pa.; Bam boss, Kosanssy. Texas; EmU Ruideger. St Louis, Mo.; Leo Safran. East Chicago, Ind.; Bernard tt. oenmra lein. New Tork. N. T. : Samuel W. Short. Cleve land. Ark.; Anthony Sharer,- Nesbtt, Pa-5 Wil liam A. Ismail. Houston, Texas: Seooaly B. Rnlth. Melber -B.s Arthur J. Snell. Opp. Ala.: rwilliam Staeey, Sterling. Ky.; Bobert Earl Streetsy. Salt Lake City. Utah; Ralpn a, oum van. Houlton. Maine; EmB O. 8undem. Colfax. Wis.: Alfred Sweet, New Tork. N.T.: Carl Frederick Symons, Reading, Pa.: Frank M. Taber. Orient, N. T.; Cart Thiedich. Blopm field, Neb.; Paul Louis Tracy, WalkertjUle, Mich.; Eari B. Trees rtin. North Saugus. Miss.; Leo Tucker, Woodville. Texas; Alexander Wal den. Clyde. Ohio; Samuel H. Walker. Philadel phia, Pa.; Michel T. Walsh. Larchwood, Iowa; i .t. w.e. HniurL okla. Rnhin Winitaky, Brooklyn. N. Y. ; Clarence Wright, Springfield, I Montgomery at 5th. Ta r Martin Tanchuaes. Niagara Sails, . x.j i arter. Anreitser. all of this citv. The remains are at tha residence establishment of J. P. Finley A Son. Montgomery at Oth, Notice of funeral hereafter. I ETTLESON Private funeral services of the late Babette Ettleson. beloved mother of Sadie. Captain Jesse. U. S. A., and Lieutenant Ben Ettleson, TJ. S. A., wiU be held at Hol msn'a funerat parlors at 3 p. m. tomorrow (Tuesday). Dec 8. 1918. Interment Beth Israel cemetery. SINCLAIR At the late residence, 8803 E. 8th at. .Nora Sinclair, aged 27 years. Fu neral services will be held st the above reai dence Tuesday at 2 p. m. Friends invited. Ar rangements art in charge of P. L. Lerch Under taking company. A - nF.Rxnx In this citv. Dec 2. Mrs. Law, rence Anderson, sged 84 years, late of 38S Williams ave. The remains are at the resi dence establishment of J. P. Finley & Bon, Notice of funeral nere- JW.. auUQ , m.i.MU'n, - - ' I Aua-ustus G. 'Eeigler. Limerick. Pa.; Adam Zer- i HOt.TON la this city at bis late residence, kowski, Buffalo, N. Ti Frank. Jackson, Hixoa. y Emerson Apta.. Dee. 2, Frsnk HoHon. aged Tenn.; Claude Johnson Bastrop. Texas; George 44 ;MBi husband of Mrs. Jean a Holton. The Kline, Hampton, Ohio; Dan W. Kneeker, L-. rcgnains are at the residence establishment of mars, Iowa; Paul umuaa, jacooaen, "" J. p. Finley Bon, Montgomery at (tin. notice Clarence Lamy, Haromosa sencn, ui; awn ol funeral hereafter. A. LitUeton. Harana, A; T HTTONEN In this Msrgsret Dermott, Bionx iraus, o.- v. : , 'i 1 Hrtonan. aaed 60 yean, late of 8910 K. 65th st Funeral services will be held at P. L Donald, Mobile, Ala.; city. Dec. 1, aw.. x win-- . aK.k wrewtiiw, wuo; ..Til- "I.iua: tii. I lrch TTnd. piarloiK ThuncUy ti 2 Pw ti an -ax; rthtaM 111 iKarlsea IV Nirhol- C7 N.Vto KanTT Mlchael O Conner, New MAT At the family residence, 145 48th st vV m , jr.maa M. Ooaia. Philadelphia, Pa.; Dec 1. Winnie Uertruae May. agea 17 Re- Belmont at 85th. Notice of funeral later. Belgian Baby Bottles Stolen Evidently the work of drug fiends, two Belgian baby milk bottles were stolen Saturday night from business places in the north end, according to reports made to the police Sunday. A. ' bottle, partially filled with coin was taken from a soft drink establishment at 4t North ' Sixth street, and another from 'he Lens Star .restaurant, 227 Burn aide street. . ROLL OF HONOR Oscar 01m.' Brooklyn', iTf.; HJabnar Ohen. daughter of Mr. and Mm. Clvd. May He Jenkins Minn.; Frank U. Opperman Jr.. Salem. 1 mains st the funeral parlors of Breeze i Snook, w i Arthur R Vrnrencher. Amsbury. Mass.; Charlton H. Putt. Lebanon, Pa.; Israel Bosen berg. New Tork, N. T. : BrteU B. Ross. Washing ten. PA: Koutanty Bogalski. Philadelphm. Pa. : nn-i. a,fhimn,k Ruffalo. X. T. : Frederick Schettig. Pittmont M. x.; Joan josepu Derann- WARD The funersl services of the late William O. Ward will be held Tuesday. Deo. S. at 10 a. m. at tba residence estsblishment of J. P. 4 Finley Jc Son. Montgomery at 5th. Friends In vited. Interment at Mt Scott Park cemetery. Louis Shapiro. Brooklyn. N. T.: Charles G, Shef fert, Oxford Depot N. - T. : Alvin Leroy Smith. Umatilla. Fla.; Est ell C Smith. Mid- dleton, Minn.; George J. Smith, Brooklyn, N, T.; Harry - Smith, Milwaukee. Wis.; Jerome Spener, St Louis, Mo.; Willism Ashley Stacy. RussellTille. Okla.; Karl Stocker, Twin Bridges, Mont: John W. Stubblefield. Cohimbus City. Stanley F. Baginskl. Ranshaw, Pa. ; William M. I Ala.; Edward Joseph Tierney. Chicsgo, 111.: Binkley, Nsshvills, Tenn.; John Bliss, New Tork: Bilbrano Vargas. Lemandera, H. M.; Vincent n. dowih, menmonu,- va..; fiatun J. I '"""h owobwvb,. jil uunr waggoner, Brady. Dhiontown. Pa H Trine Samnal Rran- I ttarton. O. : lasnne T. Ward. Tkeriaw TeT dreth. Providence.' B. I. ; Mark N. BralwelL Abraham Williams. Brooklyn. N. T.: Marion I .ki Schenactadv. N. T. ! John C. Sexton. Olim- Dekalb, Texas: Louis K. Brister. Auburn. N. T. ; I P. Winters, String town, Okla.; Arch Toung, i pu. Ky. ; Louis E. Shaffer. Fenelton, Pa.: Roy Hosmer Brown. Marshall town. Iowa ; Ernest San Angeleo. Texas; John Stephen Zytawick. I Sepfaus S. Sharp. Millspring. Mo.; Max J. Shel T. Buckley. Charlestown. Mass.: Andrew W. I Buffalo. N. V I i.. r.inev Neh.: Trov Sheonard. Preston- WOUI-DtB DIQRKK UNOCTERMINKBK bnr. Ky. , AOert B. """ ""N, ' Csntsin Rohert A. neiffir. f.1 Zc,Jr wili'... rv.1 - H-ntamin Ht Smith. I MAT At Rooeburg. Or.. Dec 1. Thomas A. LleutenantaJamn. H ak.m.n ti.;n-M I T.-j-.. iv. . d..'- 7 t.rn ftennten. Minn.:!' May. aced 28 years. The funeral services N. J.; Vincent M. ''Beed, Little Tork. DM John T. Stone, Ranstonvtlle. N. T.; Frank E. will be held Tuesday, Dec. 8. at 1 p. m.. at the Samuel J. Benolt Gardner U trvtn E l Tnn., atunria Mich.: Jacob Hanhee. OnUrio. residence establishment of J. P. Finley A Son. Dosne. Bsngor. Me. : Carl Adelbert Schuev N. Y. :' Joseoh Tick. Mekinoch, N. D. ; Auguitin Montgomery at 5th. Friends Invited HughestHle, Pa.; Charlek Louis Robinson. Grand Vigil, Magdalena. N. M. : Ray F. Wtlkie, con- I aDF.S In thia city. Deo, 2. Lewte Ades. sged llsven. Mich.; Gus ViUaret, Meriden. Conn. verse, 8. C: Barron -uewta wuson. ning moud Rr...nt. rwn,.i w kt , 1 ir. TT.4w.rt a. Witts. St Pant. Minn.: ?n v- i MaMbfwaTlBott Junior, .Spring Mass. ; WlllUm O. Burril, Gulfport, Miss.; Ben-Morria A. Cherryholmes, Marion. InL ; Edward n - Itim.J'hHI01!!' V00111 Pmin William Carr. Wayne County, Pa. ; Elmer 1 Henry folte. Jersey City. N- J: Arthur J. H i Jf.U,im Ewetta. Andrewi bwa; Frank Anderson Foster. Pbil.rielnhU P. wTt Bsroitoek. Meriden. Conn.; Oodfred E. Berg- rancui, nsw xork; Max Feibish.; Brooklyn. N. , Mb -x rx.,.' A. , I nwnilla Minn.: James William Borwn. Burch. St. Marys. Mo.; Henry M. Burleson, Msrqnex, Texas; Joseph Carroll, Jamesville, N. T.; Harry Msrtain Christenson. Denver, Colo.; Esrley W. Clenner, Coopers, Ala. ; Joseph A. ConleyGloueester, Mass.; John F. Cox, New Tork ; Raymond Crsfton, Bath, II. : Joseph B'. Ouley, Csstlewood. 8. D.; Hsrrev Lkner Horsey. Gileon. Mo.; Clarence M. Edwards. Helena, Ark.; Norman Joseph Edwards, Orwell. N. T.: ram w aowinu, newars. onto; carl 11. Enters, SEED In thia city. Dec 1. at his .late real dance, 1010 Hancock st, John" O. Seed aged 35 yearn. The remains are at the residence estsblishsnent of J. P. Finley & Son, Mont gomery st 5 th. lost AicD toxnro tl HI LP .IVAKTED MALE, ASD FEMALE ' t Owners may obtain property at 1st sad Alder I st station. I rlluetrat- ed from official nbotAeianna rJ TT. R - Brnv ish and FrenrJh V. aHe A rent's cifie depot Friday evening; contained check I outfit, free. Send 1 0c for postage Bible Kdo- LOST Lady's black handbag at Southern Pa- :-69 3fh PAHWTH of tha bo ho hit nov at Washing- I Ae-enta either sex. ProVDertna and antflt. fraav - ton library and took skates, if they will have Send lOe for postage. N. D. Thompson A C- assies returnea la apt. urua vu apu. i iiunwi Diua. , cv una, ho. and save trauMe. .. il not. ease wm d given w uuuc irv,. juiTiiii. wu, l SfirTTirrinVS W 1 V . M ij , ' i " 9 . jm. a a va. Hajja m Sd and Sth "5nCUM It 'caBMnC BOOFS- tetrad, taahinglM and painted. All 84 and 6th -ea Washington at .Call Mrs. I ... . eKMBtT rk. clT Ve.le A ciana itaynara, isroaawsy nvv. nou j . i r-i, n j i tuv .k . - . between O . and S o. m. 114T g. S 1 at I tMtwncd. Phone A-14ST. snon. or A-2325. res. st N. Beware. - '- GOOD boy, 10 years old, wants plaoa ha conn- fAav r.i .' i. .... ..w .r., fiw I ' try to work for board and go to school. M- i. -- ' " . ,. h see, jeomsi. Tale padlock. leather handle, brass check No. 1 CABPENTEKv Job work a specialty, furniture S71 attached: reward. JS-H9Z. Journal. I ana an sunn rneirwii. m -vimm sri. j, UnT a ill- .,. ; -t nnT. t room wuin. eio. MUO i run -uiw . wj. v . . answers to name of AmiL finder , please I CESSPOOL and basement digging; all kinds Job return to lSOa aw Washington; rewsro. Asoor i. wots y nwnatt. iiwr 990. . , , i uQgg trimming time now; have your work dons LOST 2 films in torn envelope, some place I by an experienced man. Tabor 19SS between Broadway and 2d and Morrison; any- I LEAKT roofs repaired, painted one finding will please return to Box 836. LOST One new 80x3 Miller Geared to-Road casing and tube and Ford demountable run. Reward. PhoneEast 804. Beaver garage. carpenter work. Bdwy. 3270. all kinds of L08T a Sunday, presumably on Council Crest car. black a ilk bag, contents valuable to own er. Call ast 4068. Reward. WANTED Position oa ranch: lifetime experi ence; beet of reference. N-OZ4. Journal. BOOF work, reahingllng, patching done by eon- trsct Phone Beacham. Marshall 70S. PAPERING. painUng and tinting. Tabor 25 LOST Gold and neal . how knot nin with vel vet inserts. Finder please return to 4 th I iioor Electric blag, and receive rewsra. LOST Hampton wriat watch at Oregon hotel Saturday. Name ma hack. torn to Oregon hotel. Finder please re- SITTJATIOlff FEMALE BT atient Canadian woman. aed to farm life. as cook to or mora men; tnorouxn. clean. aoonomical; near Portland. and wage. D-6T7, Journal. Give parucnlari LOST Automobile crank, vicinity of E. 39th MARRIED lady would Mke apt or ToomingJ iiones to manage ana ao janitor vnarn. xxi Call Tabor BTTO. MIDDLE AGED woman wants place to ear fi and Harrison. Please call Tabor S341. HELP WANTED MALE 8AWMILL EMPLOYES WANTED 1 tail sawyer, (8.75. ( 1 millwright 1 trimmerman. $4. 1 chain grader. $4 50. 1 machine grader, 84.25. - - I common grader. 34. Also chain and piling contract to let about January l. uouole band pine mill. In apply ing isr position state lor Whom you have worked. djl-74. journal.- child while mother works. nntU Christmas. T-olo, Journal. . KITCHEN WORK Small boarding souse or To Buy Your Home. BUSINESS FknPKRTT UH SAUC Absolutely ajtaV 2 blocks from MoTrtaon and Broadway. FOB 8ALE-HOTJSES . . . EXCEPTIONAL BUT ASS Hawthorne - knngalow; built-ina. fira koe, full anuBt haaaaaaBe 9 -' - bath, toilet, paved street; alf paid; eloas to good acbooL Just a splendid home and nice district, on E, Grant cloae to 4 1st Prioe 3250,.only ' ou easa. ABft, a moea Msnravtlla turana V.m "d djntng room. H block to paved street. I Ox 100 foot lot; good repair: tnoeera except fur. naos; cement basement Ownes muet seiL A greas nig bargain, only T0O. 8809 cash. (Open Sunday between 12:80 and 2:80. i. w. Al.TON. Mgr. Baal Estate Dept. THl Utritrvri i'4 208 CVwhett bMg. . Main C915. A-2815. FOR SALE 8 room modern bungalow on paved street, lot 80x100. full basement, close In: also garage; price 82800. ' frnitSOO. buneatow. lota, sarage sad . 7 room modern (Wiam law aMtia'.-A berTiea; s nice place: price 81800. S room alawla huimlaa at a vim ' - only 850. AU tha above en easy terms. We have etkenw NEW TORK LA N El X.. 7" 803-S Stock Exchange bldf., 3d and Tamhill ata. ' . CL08E-TN SNAPS -a 5Iv Cb,rTr st.--ieoo: ;o sash. 1!S ifc"LU,n . "s. 31800. "J,1, ,!120" . nne.. 8800 cash. 5- Bsfmen. 6 rma.. 82000: 8800 eaafii lutw aw Morrtsoa st, rooms, tltSOj ISO Itieaa pronerUea are mighty good tmw nnd yonr iiRspeetlen is invited: photos at efftoe U ' "mvmb w. T83 . Cham, of SIMPLY A GIFT S room house in A-l condition, 1 blk. to ear vacant and ready to move In. Owner making v otberinv, and baa cut from 31750 to 8128t eaah. The ftxst ens seeing H wiU buy and be : the htcky one. , W. B. KASKB. 817 Corbett bids. 8250 DOWN - 82000 VACANT BUNGALOW 82008 very attractive 4 room bungalow, every built, in convenience; whit enamel plumbing, elec and gas; diwppearing bed; 1 blocks to Hose rivr car. rce - helping cook. -Main' 7870. FRANK I.. McGCIRE. Ablngton bids Mala 41088, EFFICIENT young lady stenographer 'available at once. Tabor 84 le. DBE8SMAKTXO 48 MISS GCBI ENGELfiTAD. diseernins draaa- Mk -. im taHmm Ahm - IAS Haarthrlnta nanibu atsn witn ismuy to work on farm ; t are. Tabor 8085. 8100 Down. 820 mdn'tht.y 8 room, story and one half plastered house ; with concrete foundation and full basement 4 " lota 25x100. Urge bearing fruit trees, located in Montsvilhv. This is 15 minuU walk from the oat and ie net on Broadway and .Washington " at Price 31250. That's rkrbtr we said 81250. rw r. vrjrmin m., igj t;nsmteT oi Com. 3100 DOWN " " -T 81800 VACANT BUNGALOW 1100 ? Attraetire modern bungalow, full basemeat, - elee. and gas. white enamel plumbing, Dutch kltctien, 50x125 lot bouse Uka new; 3 blocks to Mt Tabor ear and scbool; no liens or morV- gago. see FRANK Ia McGCIRE. Ablngton bMg.' ' I. To Buy Totir Home. - Main 1038. OCR 7 room house for sale, 240 East 60th "SC. '. Hawthome. good location, paved streets and stent sidewalka: ta klrvk fmrri r,riliu laraa - WANTED Salesman familiar with tha salt flah worth ave.. Richmond car. x. . , 1 cement hsaameat hot sir furnace, mine tat line Alaska Herring, & Imp. Co.. 229 Tain- I HOTEL SARGENT. Hawthorne and Grand, kitchen and bathroom, toilet upstair and down. also In timber, haulinc wood and lnadlne cars: house, garden, can keep eowa, hogs and chickens; must be reliable. Also wood splitters. J. F. Campan, Hubbard. 0rR. F. IX 2. Box US. f - . WANTED Toungman or boy over 18 for apprentice in a newspaper trade Good cnance to seam. D-800, Journal. General Pershing PROFESSIONAL dressmaker at amateur prices: make over a specialty. Mam 28TP. ' TTJatHIgHEP BOOMS SALESMEN wanted to seU Victory Transparent Window Flags. 45 4th st. room 007. HOTEL FRAN KLIN . WASHINGTON AT THIRTEENTH 81 a Day Up. Special Botes by Week, Call I FOR BENT Furnished rooms to man or woman of good character, 83 pay month. 444 Kenir-1 cement sidewalks; hill st. FOR work, on small ranch for winter; fair pay. good home. Phone ' Milwaukie. 44-T, Ave; I WANTED Sheet metal worker. Union 8heet Metal works, 411 Union ave. N. WANTED Solderer. Union Ave. Sheet Metal worse, in union ave w. WANTED, automobile mechanic. Starting point special car for Vancouver. 1 l.i.l D! - Modern: moderate. nUiei rllUUe&S . Sd and Bumaide. Jefferson, Or. Apply Miller. WANTED Elevator boy at Clyde hoteL 408 ptara.. . WANTED-Jewelei i.; Vincent rton, Enaicott. N.J T.; Thomas homa City Okla John Franci K.W n.kt Colesburg. dowa; Jack T. Burch, Jorden Mines, Flynn. Brooklyn, N. T.; Sidney B, Fosshage, curance Hat vS . Va.' Harry BurW Kiowa, Kan.: Garland Cop Mount Horeb. Wis.: Willism French. Newark s itvid n.. nl fading. Pa.: John Fort Gay, Vs.; Wilfred H. Driver, Valley. N. T.; John Fuhrer, Kenosha, Wis.; larV NewaA " 'S,' JTPVw Pvidence. JL U Ania, Fronckovnute. BsltJ Csrl L. Hsnehtwout, Great Kills S. I.. N.. T.t Tt. tfT .' wnH-' H -. E',.B;ckf..rdl nfowTMd!: Chsrles C Gonys. Albany. N. T.J Chsrle. E Hsyman.. N1,tU1.. Mo.; Walter W. AShA BreauTt s'oriri I sf.'r. V' Jaob' Holochoke Chter. c: Frank Holy. Hins, Torrington. Conn.; Rslph B. Hogue, 7,?. A'ViS - BPrtafte,d' Ukm-- - Temple. Texas.; Perry O. Burns. ew Tork. KjliLJ1' EnVKatflHnfi. AJSHt 5. asaaoa a ay ai asim aSTlAKSV LS7a X BHUirR STT.. ML I " MS,! I " '""v . a uvbai aav, . 82 resrs. Uta of 1082 E. Tamhill st The remains are at the reeidenoe establishment of J. P. Finley 4k Soh Montgomery at 5th. Notice of funeral hereafter. PETERS At the residence, 965S Broadway st, Dec 1. 1318. Dora -E. Peters, aged 34 years, beloveed wife of Martin Peters. Re mains at Hoi man's funeral parlors. Funeral notice later. DI JCILitVTn this city. Nov. 80. Nerea Dl Juilio. aged 2S years, late of 274 Sherldsn st. The remains sra st the residence .-establishment of J.. P. Finley Ac Son, Montgomery at 5th. .Notice of funeral hereafter. FOSTER At the residence. 523 Raleigh at. Dec. 2. 1818. Dora Etta Foster, aged 48 years 4 months 9 days. Remains at Hoiaran's j.. urjopimi a- i vwiiwiiwmu tx. Anderson. Korx Wortn - , . t " - - Tork. N. T. : Mike Jak.,hown Texas: Clair Moe i..r.7-f 'V. ,i r.YlT,. - V! I C? AT T, Vrssea I1IH Pqmptc I t-i-Tx.-- t- '.t,i. r . v iTTTS Tr Milwaukee. Wis. : Donald VV. Johns Z Frd 1 larlT i.T'T.'r .""'"S kJCHU VJO A Wa w v-F"" - r-uTv-Z,-. ," " V. "'t . Shackleford Hughes, Paducah. Ky.; Clarence W ? x,; Jon? w'. Ullton. WatervDJe, Me.; Paul Hulse. Trenton. N. J.: Paul D Hund ve.A. ?!.V.m.nn- Cleveland. 0.; Joseph H. Woottsn. worth. III.; Dominick Iacone. New York N. Y . "hliaaelphia. Pa. lvfnLaW"ii!2ThE,v3VN'jr:t Lp?w J- CorporalsThomas H. Andeiwin. Fort WorthJ SEW - TOJJAT I Continued From Preceding Psse) ilobert S. Vein. Pittsburg, Pa. L ' Lieutenants Ralph H. Mork. Cincinnati. Ohio; Earl M. Newlin. Rochester. Minn.; Charles C. Ryan. Smithfisld. Pa; Ford D. Albritton, ' Corsica na, Tex.; George L. Edmonds, Went Etna, Pa.; Bene G. Oarin, Boston, Mau. ; Jay Warren Hatch. Detroit. Mich.; James W. Nlx . eon. Beard town, 111. . Battalion Sergeant Major Otis T. Coleman, ' Tyakeman, Mo. Sergeants Ruaeetl M. Dsridaon. Clymer, Pa.; Luther Ij. Dtetrich, Minerva. Ohio; George -T, Green, Atlanta, Ga. ; Emory L. McCrssry, New : Cumberland, - i's.; James L. Stull, Brandon, ' Miss. : Joseph P. Bennett Blsirsville. Pa. ; Mel j eln Ira Brad ner. Powers, Mich. ; Andrew C. Bnmham. Aihlsnd, Mo.: Russell L. Csrrison, ; Goodlsnd. Kan.; Roland B. Hoskin. Alloues, . Mich.; Kdwsrd T. Ixrvell-, Shawnee, Okla.; eorge F. McHugb, Philadelphia. Pa.; August -, F. Mantey. St I.ouU, Mo. ; Moss Merritt, Wssh- ingtoa Court House, Ohio; - Henry Western ! Baara, Philmont N. T. . Claude Shields, Cleve '4 land.Ohio; Walter H, Washinaien. Austin, Tex.; i j Henry Bieffelt Boone, lows; Carl D. Bra dan, Anderson. Ind. : William F. DufTy," New Tork ; r-George E. 'Miller, Haleetborpe, Kd.; Arthur C. 'Strang, Brooklyn, N. T. ; George Tuhowski. South Chicago, IU. : WUUam Henry Burke, New. ark, N. J.; John Lake, Gov an. Wash.; Lee B. -.Morse, Mempliis, Tenn.; Bichard W. O'Neill, Went wood. .N. X; Edward W. Packer, aPhila ."dslphia. Pa. - w Corporals FVrytf Glade Baldwin, Bradford, rt.; Uti W. Birge. Oriakany. N. T. : George J. Doolady. Chicago. Ill; Val W, Flint Bt Paul. Minn.: Willism S. Gsbv. Kutatnwn. Pa.: ; Michael j, Hsnlsy. Iyden, N. T.; Joseph Ma rino. New Tork; Frank 3. Vienna, Shortsville. N. T.t Howard Ward. Mitlvllle. N. J.; Edmund . wyatt. Bowden, W. Va.; Harry W. Shock ley, Dee Moines, Iowa; Louis Bser. Boston, Msa,: Raymond J. Bennett. Dublin. Ga.; Les ter R, Beasel, Hsokensack. N. J.; Oscar Albert Frahm. liberty. Neb.; George A. Hattes. Man cheater. N. H. ; Carl Leo Hultman. Kane. Pa. : James P. Keane. Brooklyn, N. Y. ; Lawrence J. Kirwan. Lewiston, Pa.; Bartley Irttin; St. Psul, Minn.; Joseph M. I-ayton, Ivksn, Okls.; Leonard T. Psulu. Tinlng. Iowa; John Slovick, Dorothy. N, J.; Charles Smith. Jersey City, N. 3.1 George T. Stevens. St. Psnl. Minn.; Leon ard Bacon, Waynesburg. i's. ; Frsnk Janies Ba ker. Durham, Okla.; Carl O. Camthers. Shlp reneburg. Pa.; Walter E. Cross. Chicago. III.; Willism L. Dover. Sallhnvw, Okla.; Iuis A Franeia, Gloucester. Msss.; Ms thaw J. Hshn. Amlret. Minn.; Albert Hcimann, Pittsburg. Pa.; Oeear E. Johnson, Joliet 111.; Stanley Kalman, .Canton, Ohio; Raymond A. KeRy, Pittjiburg. Pa. ; Joseph - Kolodstejewski, Csmden. N. J. ; John P. Loftus. Fsll River. Msss,; Charles H. lAckenhanah, Altoona, Pa.; Franeia J. Lynch. K': Oscar W. Johnson, St I Paul, Mirin.; bruine, Cedar Grove. Wis.; Wilfred Martini Thomas Patrick Ksas, Pottstown, Pa.: Nathan DippoM,, Saint .Marys, Pa,: Frank Ia .Folk. Kabolofsky. Brooklyn. N. T.; Heliry Carl Ks" New Kensington . PsT WaUer l?A.ber: Bol' nebl. Stanville. Minn.; Jack Kantor. New Tork. denrille. W ; James S Bush, Norrtow' T?; N. T.; Gus -Keeeee. Gretna, Ln.: Thomas F. Charles Clsnhsr. (jn. VTJS..;, JfV wU,wiimice P1,n' ,MineL WillUm Kelly. Ferrell. Oglesby. Texas; Ralph TL. Ffckett Hm- New Tork. N. T.; CUy Kent Eiver Falls. Whi.; bridge. Me.; David J. FiUpstric NTwDort it Benjamin 8. Kerr. Mnrphysboro. UL. Jacob L; M.xG. Leibscher nncUoCaT ' b t. tZ.V r. V"tV",i. ':"""": "CMr-"-: vvsrren E. Brennaea Tie- 1 n. .., ,i.n. anau, Drooaon, men. ; Harold troit. Mich.; WUliam H. Hrmo S.. John Lang. Brooklyn. N. T.i Frink Ttoorott. w.rd i jkT h,1..1'!1' u' lnry. III.; John Christopher Lawless, San Wlssner. BeaveiTFalb Vm7-' " VhwH ' l Stt.. Franciaeo. Cal ana T,nrt.n PV.ll. Vlfci. I V , . '. r-' Virgil J. Boxley. Pa.j Guy H. Lowery,. Carmi. Bl,; Bobert A. McBride. McKeesport Pa. ; Anderson Mcclain, Cookson, Okla.; Hugh McClellan, Buffalo,; N. T. ; Oren L. McClnre,. Crescent la. ; Thomas J. McDonaunh, East Boston, Mass. ;i Robert-E. Mc- Old Bars and TTeolea Clothlsf "We Make Kerergible, Haad-Vfovea Leslie Ewing. aged 28 years. Remains st Holmsn's funeral parlors. Funeral notice later. FXOKISTB Fluff gs KawcitJ. Okla M.: r..,""" -J aZ?''- Charle. V fi.nt t. lor: "atom lJm Norton, tliltot u, Hmmond. New Tork;' Calvii ..Uraore ata ; uarold L. Gorton. Fulton, t N. iV.Ii V.' T""" "5W xora;- Caivin i r'-n.a. Charles C. Long. Cmces. N. M. ; Samuel Magen. PhUadelnhis. Aaxvaaa. Mo . aik-J"'-!"" MQKie sr. Mishawaka. Ind.: Pstriek Conn -. k--TC:'w., L".SOTn"- 'nomastown. J Meenehan. Wilmington. -Dei.: James MaBes, I Charles H. gwtiiL Pmm nvf. iT o ' Gsry, Ind ; G,r..Mai.r. -Cementon, pT; BybawUrHsrS,"- Wj. Gowan, Roxbury, Mass. ; Santiago Medina, Lss cic. truces, n. so... namuei Mageq Pa; Frank M abler. Mixbswaka. They "Wear tike Iroa Hag- Bats Woyea All Slses, MaU Orders Send for Booklet Carpet Qeaning f v 9x12 Rugs, Steam Cleaned, ,$1.50 WESTEBir riTFF BTJO Cp. 34 TJnioa Ave. S. -East 818 Fkoaes B-14TS CLARKE BROS., florists, Morrison st bet, 4th and 6th. Phone Main or A-lson. nne now era and floral designs. No branoa stores. i martin a fobbes co.. noriata. 334 wiuht taavtoa Main .200. A-12oS. Slowera for all occasions artistically armneed. IRVINGTON PARK ' FLORAL CO.. 4th and Tamhill. Funeral designs; lowest prteea. PEOPLES FLORAL SHOP, 245 Alder, designs and decorations. . Phone War. 0922. "Swiss floral co. FLOWERS AND PLANTS MAX M. SMITH, florist 141 V. 8th st "ST FUNERAL DIRECTORS nugrne j. muuigsn, new xingnton, n. X.; KM- bany. N T H,nn w.nTk. n.T' 2 ward T. MuUin. Dorchester. -Mass. ; Walter C. Sinfes Welsh Ctactf Oht 8i; Murphy. Chicago. Dl.; James Kelte Newrom, Co K i -Sm y ? S""1' Ran Antonio T.tur Jnunh Ktn..K. Trf, ""eo. .x. i.. ttoOert M. McCulloUgh. Akron. N. T.: John J. Obrien. New Tork. hi. T.t Will "... liam O'Connor, St Clair, Pa.; Frans. A. Orrie. "'sn Asa A. Musselman. BarUeaviUe. . 'a ' , iw, fc ,uuiw n, ,nn, onHJAivn, . i , ,, t X.; WUliam. A. 1'atOf Chickasha, Okla.; Kelly Bugler Sara Ta. Fields. Ilm nwi. Pierce.toai". 3n Polihanski, Sobtaki, Mch.melTi-u-tL . .. BtfVaraCo EAST 7TH AND MULTNOMAH PORTLAND'S MOST FBOGRE3S1VB Wis. ; Joseph FurdelL Onnktrk. N. T. :, Abrsm r STI, p.ikku a.n vuh . x-.-i ri . t- . I m"'' V ' tl Msrshfleld, Emit. , F. liennin. Phladelnhia P. Nathaniel Stafford. Phoenix, Paliaine. Ohio: Thomas B. HslL Rochester Ti I T'J "OT"u,V,le'- - w . vL . fiv v i-v d. . Y ' agoner rrans J a. uvuci i, iiaiuiua, -aa sjiva. a sa . ay uuejti r . i flTwgf U-.U Holman, Waterloo, Iowa; Elmer A. Jeffs, Hen- Ari 7 1.1 W . a , j , , w W 1 A vw I i. ! George Keller? Milford. Ind. : Edward J. Larson. "vstes Joe Arceri, Msbel. Minn.: Joseph Lrenr. Dayton. Ohio: Aaroenes. new I ork James Lynch, New Tork. N. T.; Joseph P. New,, Tort. N.j. T. ; Clair Bierly, Screnton.vga. T V. ,rk K 1 Nicholaa J MinelH V 1 IeKoy Monr6 BoWera.l Ttaarfinrr Tork, 'N. T.; Robert G. Moore, Rochester Mills. I Sr"?renA wilnu". Minn.; Dominick Buccolo,aNew Pa.: John Morgan, Emms lens. Ky. ; Clsrence A. i. ,' xiu"n. rush, Brooklyn. N. T.; Philip Morrow, Groom. Texas; Otto C Much. Fremont, Catalsno. New Tork, N. T.; Paul M. Clark, Wis.; Clarence K. Myers. Emmittaburg. Md.; BJf,klj?- Ni T.; Herbert J.-Conroy. Philadel- Alfred Naro, New Tork, N. T.; Emanuel Na- ?" p-! William. C. Cox, Detroit. Texas: a,, mr a mm m I smaa TJ4 Tau. Sl Ti B a -s " ' talino. New xora, . i.; Antonio- vjeaa, etn 'T". runaaeipnia, ra. : . Francis S, Frsncisco. CaL; Aubrey U Oliver, Holcomb, Salesrooms vfest Park and Tamhill At lO A. M. Tomorrow Don't wait till it freezes feeBir Order COAL Today Standard Bric & file Co. 81 Fifth Street Phone Broadway IS we can deliver promptly D1RECT08S PRICES REASONABLS PERSONAL SEBVTCB BIAUTIFCL CHAPEL LADT ASSISTANT CENTRALLT LOCATED EAST R4- -0-81S8 Automatic Wood Saw Ck. Va; Harold C Pearson. Riverside, R. I.; Mo vety Prianty. New Tork, N. T. ; William tJ. Prophet Waukomis, Okla.; Philip Ragaway, New Tork, N; T. ; Olton Ray, Chiioauin. Or. ; Nunxie Russo, Brooklyn, N. X.; Ernest Sslvail, Worcester. Mass. ; Howsrd F. Sclilicher. Rich mond Hill, N. T. ; Alden Stackhouse, Philadel phia. Pa. ; Frank J. Htaiey. Cincinnati, onto iiennam. wwung. Ind.; Ted D. Etherton. I an cut vnnr ml for leu xtinna, er. Stonahlnrf . tvtll... iv u , I - - ' . - . www.,, . uit r i. in imr.. AamaH.a-j N. T.: Perry i Fielder, Fort rSodge, Iowa; Law rence A Flore Van Meter, Pa.; Anthony Gal lagher PhUarle phia. Pa.; Walter A. Gies. North r" . , :ri Mrair. nospersi, IS.; Edward Graham WlchiU, Ksa. ; Dsniel IX Gray, Blawville Intersection. Pa.: Clint Halcnmh f.. bon HilU Ala.:: Alexander M. Hanxie. Erie. Pa. ; special prices. Woodlawn 10L MFRTIHO NOTICES' 41 Uerbert H. Stevena. Bradford, N. H. ; Lewidith Erne-t B. Ji Hoiai, Providence. R. I. ; James O. L, Stoner, Terre Haute, Ind.; OrvUl V. Stout I Hmrhes; New Tork. N. T.; . William M. Hunter, Ht. Jawnk. Mo.: Fred. Svfor. Wharton. N. J I MCHeesport Pa. : Peter A. Jarklitch Tthlo William G. Theese. BsrYonett. Wis.: Peter Trar- Colo. ; Brand J. Johnson. Hammond. Ind F.ari nor, Somerville. Mass. ; Bemsrdino Viols, Tren- I Alexander, Vienna. Va. ; 'Alfred Anderson, Wal ton. N. J.: William Vngel. Newark. K. J.: John I drori. Mo.; Gordon Anderson. Eau Claire. Wis.: E. Volcart. Ossininr. N. T.: Msx M. Toss. Mil- I Herman J. Bach. Riverton. Neb.: Samuel B. jiiacsiar. new tots, in t - jimm r.Vmm. haven, til. I'Calvin Bohner. Cleveland, I Ohio; narry ar. nuKuman, nsrruDnrg, Fa.; ' Carlo ,rtiey, neo.; tsrrara 'r. nrock, Lesbas. Ky.; Fred H. Bryden. Storkdsle. Pa - Fiwt A Brubaker. Morri. Okla. ; Andrew Bundra. Du-: pont, nttston, " ra. ; Charles w. Burns. 8. D. .Tsmes rsmnhell. Boston. Man. ; Albert. Carroll. Salem. MawT; George H. Cassler, Syracune. JT, i.; Aiexanaer u. uavanaugh, Bnrralo. N. T. : Frederick C. Coder. Wamego. Kas.; Michael Coserove, Waverly. Mass.: Of fie Dail. MnnwhiU. -r. buss uenott, Menaqn, Mich.; Willism H. uouge. Dcimar. . T.. rercy Oorman, Hamden, Conn.: Le'Nei Uouglass. Lawnsdale, B, I.; Lyle B. Elder. Stignace. Mich. : Verne L. Elderidge, Dover, Me.t t Benjamin Elltnsn, Atlanta, Ga : Oscar. R. Erikson. Minneapolis. Minn.: Frank Fey. Wheatland. Iowa: Daniel B. Cahill. Er- ereit, Mass. ; . Murphy J. F. Gauthreaux, Atcha fslaya. La.; Charles Geibe), Bridgeport, .Conn.; Frank Gill. Niaraxa Falls, N. T.: WUUam J. Grady, Chicsgo, HI, John Adam Cross. Detroit Mwh.; ;Howsrd W. Hsrley. New Tork. N.- T.; rroraee w. rmion, tiiants. ra. ; faul Minion, Port Townsend. Wa. r Floy E. Hhter Bradner, uiuo; oepn nospes, etamey, w., x.; Albert s. uigold. Imperial. Neb. ; Hamilton Allen. New T or a, . r;; ueorge Ij-Arcbbold. Junction City. Kaa.; Samuel Arnold 3r.. West Philsdelphia, Ps. ; Thomaa Apera. Indiana, Pa. ; William i Bardsley, Iowa City. Iowa: Vincent Barree, Ixjs Angeles, CaL: John Borman, Corsica,- S. D.; Alfred B. Bowe, Port Carbon, Pa.': Charles Paul Breithbarth, St, Louis, Mo. ;'P, IX Briscoe, I Holman Undertaking Co. Funeral Directors . Catablishsd 1877. Third and Salmon' Streets, i Main 807..A-151L Lady sartstsnt ANCHOR COtTNCTT NO. 748 KNIGHTS; AND LADIES OF SECURITY; Home meet ing, on , three ; entertainments Tuesday, Dec. ,8. W. O. . W. temple, 11th bet Wash and Alder. Members and - friends cordially invited. ' t ! FTJBItlSHED ROOMS FBITATB FAMILY 78 ONE large fnraiahed front room for two or three genUesson. Widow's boats reasonable walking distance. 2S8 Mill st FOB RENT Nice largo glassed-in aleeying porch, witn Oreestng room, suitable for 2 position. W. re and stone setters, fltaaAe I a-lrla? near 23d and Wash. Home ohone A-lsiK. n. a vers co., r-onisna, POTATO diggers. 25o sack. Or. Xl98Mall at. HELP WATT TT.T MISC. 48 TALK ON OREGON dsUy. this week. Pnrt- land to New Zealand, next week. The Fin ishing school (and for beginners), at 88 Sixth street (between Oak and Pine) teaches short- nana, typewriting, spelling, to make all (machines notelesa. to report with eyes on the sneaker. to make shorthand notes on any make of ma chine, to make private and dstective notes with your hsnds in your pocksts or muff, to be msae clever, end for 85 a week. One week VERT pleasant, nicely furnished Toom. 82.50 A week: refined family: breakTast ir aeslred. Phone Tsbor 1174 Sst and Son, morninga. LARGE furnished bedroom for rent 760 E 27th t 810. FRONT sleeping room, 8 blocks from portof- fice. 815 per no. 451 Taylor. Marshall 1240. FURNISHED room. 8218th st., oor. Clsy. BOOMS AlfTf BOARD U ROOM and board. Reasonable ratea Grand Ave. hotel. 834 Grand are., s blocks so. of Hawthome ave. to perfect those who neve attended bnsinees eot- 1 THE ' HAikL ,lS"ot' like the others." Every ma ui iiiiu pcuuui uq rrcw nam lor dvstiii nera. Want to train teachers to sasist in this school and to open ont branches: s good living for mother and dauchter or husband and wife. The daily talka commence at 8 and last till 4. Pupils free, tor the opportunity of practicing reporting. Parents and .others are Invited to attend and pay 25c, to go towards comfort Home cooking. 885 Third. ' BOOMS Airs BOABD FRIT AT FAMILY Tt WiU take 88000 cash. Phone owner Marsh. 1780. SEVEN room modern heme, bath, toilet baas- 1 ment lot 200x100. all kinds of fruit and berries, lots of flowers of all kinds. WiU sell ' either 2 or 4 lota with, place. WiU give the be ' ot .terms, rnr further particulars see L. . Robinson, 828 Lumber Exchange. - f BOOM eottage oaMt Tabor: savins and sewee Improvements in ana pais for.- Lot soxiast - lice high; yard full of bearing trait trees. House .;. faces east with unobstructed view; newly psintad and papered; gas, electricity and bath. Price -82Se. .terms If desired. Phone Tsbor 4828.: BUNGALOW.' ? rooms, bath, basement elactrlV - ' lights, fruit shade trees, macadam at, all paved ; 8 blocks north of M. V. ear. Prioe only 82250, 8250 eash.' Tou win look s long time before yon find its equal. Owner, Tabor 854 forenoons. . UE WILL HELP TOU ; Sebet year home. Com to .oar of See. and -t aeef our photographs and Bstings. We have . S big list of beautiful homes oa easy payments. COS A. M'KENNA A. CO.. Main 4122. 82 4 th Board of Trade btdg. 4- ' NEAR LONE FIR CEMETERY - 8 1 800 . Very neat B room modern bungalow.. The : bonce is not la the best ot condition and needs o a few minor repairs, but is very decided :. snap. 8800 cash will haadla Fred W. Gee man Co.. 782 Chamber of Commerce. 850 DOWN will-bay one, two or three room - shack eottagea oa Boss City line. Monta- K ROOM and board, home prtvUegea. 428 4 MiU I T?la a td etra cjedl eiatrlcta. Prteea range Phone MarshaU 2518 the fund for a grand memorial to our returning I PLEA8ANT rooms; new. modern: home cooking; soldiers. Chalk drawing and a -sound lesson I very reasonable. 88 N. 17th st will he given ie geography. . Four minute speak- I ROOM and board reasonable; home privileges. via ruv inTibrsu, ing: come to li (Never mind the dingy build- irn something. ) Wanted Men at Once For the Big Practical School To learn to operate and repair automobiles. tractors and trucks in special day and night classes. Students can enter at any time. Call or write Hemphill's Trade- Schools, 707 Haw thorne tv. .at Eait 20th. BRIGHT OUTLOOK FOR OPERATORS We have never had as great a demand for our student aa NOW. We are indorsed by the railroads snd can awure young men and women success by enrolling is dsy or evening clssses now at a rung. V rite or call for Bulletin. Hall way Telegraph Institute, 218 By. , Exch. blda. t-ortiano. - Cell Woodlawn 2875. 1028 E. 15th st. N. HOCSEKEEFIlfO BOOMS 8 FURNISHED AND TJITFCBIHISHBD TWO RM. furnished h. k. suite. - clean Vnd de- sirsble. separate entrance with pores ; 15 minutes' walk, reasonable rent to perm tenant Inquire 318 Piatt bldg.. 10 to 4. MarshaU S84S front 8800 to 81000, -monthly permeate from -810 to 815 monthly Fred W. German Co., -782 Cham, ot Com. - BY owner, neat 5 room bongaiow. nicely lo- catad. close to schools; shade and fruit trees; eoal and wood In basement furnished, ready to move in. Albino add. CaU and get prion. . 1228 Miavmrl ave. HOTJSEKEEPIKt BOOMS 78 rTJBKISHBD A WD TJXFTJBX ISHKD FRIT ATE FAMILY THREE 'lsrte nswlr decorated rooms, furnished BURSELL PRIVATE BUSINESS SCHOOL I or unfurnished, suitable for tight honse- Shorthsnd. Typewriting Hoe 11 in. - Business J keening or sleeping rooms: near 2sd and Vtash. English. Office Training, Filing. Bookkeeping, 1 Home phone A-l 6 18. e250 BUNGALOW ' . Biggest bargain in modern, bungalow, - good f Anrwt & nwim nAth firanlaca ,t. Im, tiiaa it ' slk; rent to permanent 1 an00 wiU handle; baiaaoo like rent Main 854. i! Tsbor 7180. , - fc. 6-ROOM bungalow, hot and cold water, bath. 4 chicken houses, fruit trees; one whole city rtcn-sou. Ton can mats sieoo mis year; close ln: small first peyraent and 580 pet . month. Phone Bell wood 1858. - JENNINGS LiUKiK Modern 8 room ho use. V acre, new gsrage, ebleken hevise, close ta Li river: 82750. Was. Jeooba. 12 2d St Phone h Mar. 124S. . a? MOVE BIGHT IN Hswtborao district. 85th TWO heatecd. fumiehed HI Ki rooms, every- thlns furnished; 825. 107 istb St.. near 1 kwk rich aniL ainnwva. - . IN THE shipyards district, apartments, honse- keeptng moms, furnished, uniornauied; reason able. 795 First or 252 Gibbs. Adding Mschine. Individual Instruction. New, Cp-to-dste Ftjuiproent. Day and evening Classes. IjUMnr.KME.NS HL.1M., 5th and Stark. Pho Bdwy. 84 04. Miss F. Bursell. Principal. HAWTHORN E AUTO SCHOOL 4 .462 Hawthorne avenue. Practical instruction in automobile repairing, gaa engineering, machine shop practice, oxy CHILD from 1 to 8 years to board and room; good references; beet of care. Main S54. ONE sleeping room with H- K. privilogsa. S40 Ksst Bmrk. st; 82550; 8 good slxed rooms, Isrge lot, all advanugea of a comer; .. terms. Owner, ceil Tabor B824. , 8 ROOM bongetew. large lot where yen can ' raise an your vegetables, berries, chickens, etc.. . - for IS 00. 850 csh. bslsnce 115 par month, M. E. Ijee. 505 CorbeU bldg. ' fflWTH6fiNHTUS(3AL0W . 83-100 wiU bny s strictly modem 8 mom Junsalow on 87th at: easy terms. Phone i FOB REWT HOUSES C5FIRN8HED scetylene welding, storage battery rebuilding I THREE room bouse, 815; garage. 88, and charging. Dsy and evening classes. AUTO AND TRACTOR SjCHOOTT II Technical and practical training, autoa. trac tors, gas engines, auto electrical work. Write at adm for bia- 100-DSse catalorz- Adcr Au Tractor School. Dapt J- Union ave. and Wasee I ave. and walk west to 1058 83d at. at. Portland. Or. Ground" for cultivation. Annlr corner 88th and East Stark. Mt. Tabor (M T 88th) ear to end. four blocks north, one east FOR RENT 8 room- house and fruit trees and 8 acres ground. Tske Woodstock oar to 03a THE TATLOR-FAITH BUSINESS COLLEGE. 2d Fir. Stevens Bldg.. W. Park and Washing ton. Csn usw one more pupil on comptometer ana listing mscmne. OREGON LAW SCHdOtZ Alisky bldg., Sd and Morrison. Phone Main 877.- W. E. Richardson, See. BEHNKE-WALKER BUSINESS COIXEGE day COMFORTABLY furnialied 6 -room eotUge for HOCSEB FOR RENT FCBSITCRE FOB 8ALR i AN 8 room rooming bouse, furniture for sale; an furnished, housekeeping mom. In best dis trict; house rent very reasonable. Main 7828. 4 BOOM home fur rent and faraitare foe saieT Tabor 4472. - FCB3VISHED HOUSES I Wdla. 5447. Sunday and oeeninga. FOR SALE room modern house, steam for- t . naoe, hsrdwuud floors, solid oak woodwork, -lot 80x100. paved streets, sewer ta..PrloeJV 842S0. Phone Tabor B2. BT O W N E R Mod em 7 room hooso, HoUadaf add., corner Int. 4 5x100, I blk. from Broad- way car. .xast sz. - -' i 875 ReflnUhed 4 room house. 50 down. , 815 monthly 8828 71st, soar 8d ave. -'" Phone Msin 8488. FOR SALE Modern 8 room bungalow, with of ; , : without furniture; t lotet ia Gladstone. ; Phmwr 487-R ' -- - FOR SALE, a six room modern house and W :' aell cheap if takea at once. 48 W. Preaeott, Phone Wdln. 4654. - , '. MOOKRN 5 room bnngslow, senienosc. 81800. garage. aU 8 blocks irora Mt Scott TELEPHONE OPERATORS V WANTED Telephone operettas; offers msny sdvsntsoes to yossir' women who are eeeklngr em ploy meet at a rood salary with opportunities for advancement. GOOD PAY to start witn - Rapid and Xreqsest increases In salary PERMANENT POSITION '. ' ' Wprk Is steady and permanent i Many opportaaltlesfor advancement INTERESTING WORK . Pleasaa, clean, fascinating; ! Associate's carefully, selected ; PLEASANT SURROUNDINGS Light and welt ventilated offices -Comfortable Innch and recreation rooms ; : SPEGIAL ADVANTAGES ,' ... ' - Annual vncatlon with' pay X Sick Beaefit. Death Benefits, Pensions wlthont cost Good Character and Good Health are repaired. Yousg women between the afes ef IS and t( are preferred. Prerions experience Is not neeessary Oar employment office is located on the Sixth " Fleer, Room 881.1a tha Telephone BnUdlng, Park and Oak streets, ' and is open from 8tS8 A. M. lo P. M. We Invite yon to call at this office snd meet the employment , supervisor, who will r'adly ".disease -the matter personally with, yon. An appointment may be v made hy eallinr Broadway 1S880. " ' ' ' Th,e Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company ; Room Ml, Sixth Floor, Park! and Oak Streets - " km) MEMBERS of -Portland Camp ' No, 1, the Maccabees, will ma to Linnton Tuesday, evening. Dec work and luncheon. Members who anticipate taking the trip will be at 400 Alder st. at :1a p. ra. i SUNNT8IDE j Lodge no" 183 A. Fi AND A. L Hoecial communication Tnea- aay evening; work E. A. de gree, 1 Visitors, welcome. - By order of W .AL Ed M. Lance. Sec. I aaioiUMI liODGB NO. 12. A. F. AND A. M. Special communication thia (Monday! eve, at 7:80 o'clock. Work in the Master Mason degree. Vis itors welcome. IW. M. DE LIN, Sec OSWEGO LODGE NO. 109. Special communication to morrow (Tuesday) evening, at 7:30 o'clock. Work in the F. C. ; degree, By order of W. M. 1. M. Snyder, See. rVANHOK LODGE No. 1. Kaighta of PytMaa. meets every 'Tnesdsy evening in Its castle hall, 11th and AjcVt ata. Vi.1t jr.. Kniahta sera . Lf ;,Jf. Lanoa, K. B. B. Walter," Okla.; John Hr" Bums, Phfladelphia. j goCBT Ml, HOOD No. 1, Forester of Amer- Pa. ; John J. - Barns, TamsQtis, Pa.; : Bobert Burns. Cold' Springs. N. T.t Leonard Aj Bur rows. Goodel. Iowa : Samuel E. Bnsse. Ambox, Minn.: Francis J. Carpenter. Fhilsdelphw. i Pa.: I Hsrold Gordon Chevrie. Galien. Mich.: Fred R- Ctark. Cairo.W. Va.: Frederick W. Clark. Red Oak. Iowa s Arthur I. Daniels, Fulton. x.; Peter D. Donnellyy New Rochelle, N. y,J John J. Duffy. New Haven. Conn. ; Charles Pi Eng I Strom. Peoria, in.: William Faits. Baltimore. iMd.; Jurdon Fenuwjn,. Stone... Ky.; Gregory Fiack, Springfield. Mus; Harry Kenard Fish- man, Harnsburg, Pa ; Beymour t Tanaaan. Mari etta. Okla.: MaroM 8. Flemine. Friday Harbor, WaK; William P. Fleming. Philsdelphia. Pa.: I James H. Fhetar. Rochelle. Ga.: KOtus' rrasier, Anthony, Texas; Edward Fuchs, Shawnee,! Ohio; James Gersushty. Lexinxton. Mo.: Frank Giles, Arksnsas. ,W i , Warren Freston vtwan. new Paris, Ohio; James B. Gross, Morraton, Ark.; ica, election of officers' Tuesday riigkt. Dec. 3. All members be present. 1 UK Lotus Dancing duo Oancme even Hat, night.. W. O. W. temple. 128 11th St. DaM musie. Admission, leane. She: Bents, Soe. EMBLEM Jewelry e harms jaege a specialty; bnttons. aeger Bros.. 181-188 8th St. XJita) statistics. MARRIAGE LICENSES Samuel William Smiih Wal. 414 MiU at cqfiir n.. riarriR. non, .vnn., eea a. oimir uu cuna a let nee t ooper, legal, tit Mul at Sdney. OWo; Claud fi.. Holder. Wichita; Falls. Robert Lewis Wnhrow. legal. 408 11th st Texas; David Hortowts. New Tork. N. T.: John I and Gertrude Glover Creasey, 804 Highland at E. Huber,- Brooklyn. N. Y; WUliam M. nones, i Frederick Lacey. legal. -824 I4th st.. and New Bedford. Mt - John J antes, riroosiyn. n. I aatbrj Anna Nuellers. lesal. f24 14th at. . T.: -Vincent 3. Kedrowski. Lncan, Minn.,; John I Erick Sandstrom, 25. 644 Pettygrova St..-and euermsn, ronaaie, m.f uerry iromw : aiuir ( iwm miams, 1, 4 ettjaTOVe st. J. P, FINLEY ti SON rrosTresslve Funeral Direetora. PRIVATE DBIVE Women Attendants Montgomery at Fifth Main . A-l 888. Undertaken Modern in every detail. Broadway sad Pine eta Phone roadway eso. A-4&H. Lady assistant. Dunning & McEntee jO. KENWORTHY CO. Tabor 8287. 8802 82d St.. Lenta. Tsbor 8895. 88th at. and Foster road, Arleta. I classes; night school reopens Monday. Nov, 1 8 ; enroll now. MISS DECKER'S PRIVATE BTTSIN'F.RI I'DtrrCT, AM8KT BI.DGi . 8D AND MORfflSON. LINK'S BUSINESS COLI.EGE PORTLAND. OREGON. HELP- WANTEDFEMALE i Toung Ladles F. S. Dunning, Inc. The Golden Rule Undertakers. 414 East Alder at. Pbone East 82. B-5225. East 781 D I I CRPU Mrs. Lerctt B-1883 1 . L. LtinUn Assistant TJndertsksra. - K. r.lth and Hswtharna. MILTJER A TBA CRT, Independent Funeral DW rectors. Prices as tow as szo. ssv. see. Washington at Ella. I Main 2SS1. A-7888. cUAitBERS-k-NWOafHT OO. 248 end 260 RUlingsworth eve. near WQHanM see. Woodlawn ssos. tiiss. Breeze St Snook B-2640. Tabor 12SS. Skewes 'Cndertakins Co. Msin 4162. A 2321. Cor. Sd and Clay. Wilson & Wilson Ji.S?.tft HAMILTON inif m-..b-4.!t A. R. Zeller Co. t Zf?" ZSZ T. BTRNDS. sew raddeaea establishment. Ml WUliama ave. . Woodlrwe 22Q. C-1S48. Jf OITTJMBKTS 1IT --7-3RT T ATT MADISON MRTUvn uiDTiir ivnPKX 2B4-268 4th at oonoaita eHe haTL Mala 8684. PhlUn Ken A tons for memnrtsle. .1 LOST AHD FOTJTfP tl FOtyeD Tire and ram. Tnesdsy evening, at 1 1th and Everett ata.: inquire at 633 Morri son apts. LOST A sold service Pin made to order, gift from husband in France., Finder call Mrs. E. TV Stretcher, ftdL 8474. uewero. TrTvHrrt-. .n.-: lavalieTr. - opal and diamond avttine. v Liberal reward. 'Return to Friediander Co. Pbone Main 878. LOST Prudential ' Life Insurance collection Brank . laar nr m Polk St. ' KetUTn to Bt, Johns postoffice and receive 38 reward. I-OST Fridav. downtown, medium aiaa caaeo ring. East SljL, Reward. v . x For telephone operating tjo preyiore experteaee rent to nun and wife without children, 330 per month. 1212 Belmont at. APARTMENTS 43 PTJRKiaHEO ASP I'lfFDRyTSHED HART APARTMENTS 'iZ&r1 Mewl furnisbed modern honest sepias sad ! sleopine rooms. 32.60 and in, i MAGNOLIA APT. East 3d aid Betmontj modera 1 and 2 room ants.. pec vwa ap Sleeping rooms. Bast Z ROOM apartment, nicely furniabed. 883 va East Bnmsiaei. 3 ROOM spt. and 2 room apt-, famished, for rent. 99 union ave. n . Good salary to start. Rapid advancement la salary. Permanent Extra payment for Sundays i j sad holidays, Apply telephone eoanpaay epemtlns school, sixth floor Park snd Oak atreeta. Betweea 8 JO a m. snd 8 JO p. av WANTED An eiperianced working housekeeper to take full charge of rooming bonee in Astoria-: married preferred; no children: if not ex perienced, da not answer. TX H- Welch. Astoria, Or. " WIDOWER with' 2 children. B-and 13 years. wants plain housekeeper, one who Tikes chil dren end wants borne more than wages : and kind treatment, Call after 6 p. m., 2:3 E. 82d st. north., Portland. Or. LADT to look after little school girl and take charge for mother employed ; small waxes. 11- B12. .Journal. ; - GIR1 wsatedl wtmmA amnio nant at aaod wages. Apply Troy Laundry Co.. E. 10th and rot for di rrkal. All - year position. For parUcalsrs write J-772. Jonrnal. - WANTED A Franklin high school girl to Uka . care of aa 8-year-old school girL Pbone Ta- hor 8380. ' ; WANTED rA girl for general HWewwra. 7220. i. M1IDLE aged lady for housekeeper. Tsb. 1118 ' " HELP; WAITED MALE A3TD ! FEMALE tt MEN. WOMEN, wirD brbr trade free; wi i r- . j .aa Maiaueu. BarbaKCollcra. 228 Madison. . Oregon HOTELS 64 PORTLAND VISITORS Let The Journal Travel Bureae Help you set aocom moils tiona EKRTICB IS FRU . Write to "Dorsey B. Imfta, Jevreal ' Travel Baresa, Jonrnal Bids., Pen had. Ore." Tell him wbea yea will arrive, what hotel or ether. ,tns Von want and about what expect to pay. He wtn notify yoa madiatalv met what, tf any. reaa. um be bee been able to make for yea end how to reach them. Be sore to -write reasonable time In advance, 6.- ear Oth It B. K. JfST finished 3 room bungalow, extra finest 67x100 ft. corner lot, ia Rose City, bargain, f : Call WoKatetn.' 1 14 1st St. - . 37&0 8100 CASH, balanew 818 per montS buys oosy 8 room bungalow, west aide; 8 coat . fare. M. E. Lee. 605 Corbett bldg. , ATTRACTIVE, cieaa, modern bungalow; good location; cheap for eash. 1088 E. 22d at .-- N.;-Alberta car. Owner, phone Woodlawn 4781. I ROOM modern house, lot eOxlOO. In Ken- ton. Prioe 31700; terms, can Colombia 831) evenings. - FOR SALE by owner, 7 room modern bungslow - on paved 'street, near Kenton bank. 78 See- field at. Wdln. 812, - : - - i BOOM modera buagalow. 82200. Terms! 1046 E. Sherman. - LAl'REUiCBST bungalow for sale. - Tabor " IRVINGTON. modera desirable , 7 -room bouse. bs owner: sttraotive terms. East 7818. tTNOCCTJPIED 8 roem ' house, quartet block f for sale, easy terma 1 Tabor 800. "" ' ' FOR HALE LOTS 13 ma ts DOWN 110 MONTH 100x100 feet. 8600: A block to FsrkrosS ear and Sandy bird.; Just eotside city limits; t yoa can build s am all noase nam, - . , a HARTMAN COMPANT, So: T . Chamber of Ccmrasrea bldg., 4 th I and Stark. . Main 268, , - WANTED TO RENT PORTLAND SHIPBUILDERS WANT ' ROSR .CITY PARK LOT - GO LOOK AT rr 80x100 FT. Porner BSd and Alsmsda drive: some fir good location; ewrty 3 blocks to ear. This s . wonderful sacrifice at Sizae. sa. . MAN COMPANT, No, 7 Chamber ot commerce ! bldg., 4th. sad Stark. Main 208, A-2030. . rtorsES FI TS 1 APARTMENTS -Hv." TorTt!.- ciNorik: L-10 BtALTlk-tLB-eo-nt lot. lay. nicely;. Phone vacancies west Breel Co., Main 1188. FARMERS. ATTENTION I have three., thoroughly experienced farmers with eash money ready to bay stock and im plements and pay cash foe rent and fall seed ing if any. Send me part im Ism and 1 will rent your farm without delay. . WATCH OCR ADS. WE GET. RESULTS. A. G. Bender. . . ..... RrTTER. LOWE A CO. ' 203-6-7 Board of Trade Blig. - ' MAN with femily wants to rent farm, stocked and furnished on arts res, from one to five years, v Experienced with stock, and poaltry. T-844. JonmaL - , - ' ' BERPONSIBLK party will lease 3 to lO acree. euburben, with good house, for term of years. X-631, Journal. -it. -- -' . : . . atneet fmnrosements all ia end paid ' for; about s block from Alameda drive; lovely rsei- idenee dWrV-t; will sell on very email eah psy- ment and easy monUiiy par nee li. . sir', ! ton. manager real estate departmoSt, The Law i renew Co., 205 Corbett, bldg. Main 6S18. A-2816. -- - - - . SACRIFICED 3800 lot reduced to 8386; 60x 100; near Rosa Cky car oa- T8th sc. 80 minutes from 6th snd Washington- sU; good service. J.1 Tncker. I ltt rl. ' GARDEN tract, west side.' city wster and gas; . once only Ssse; za easn. oaiance lw per month. M. F. Ie, SOS Corbett bldg. I WILL cell or exd ago lot in Br 174 lor Ford car. Addr Btwood. 10OX em aell foe 34 SO casli. AW Neman, Box 887, Bainier, Or. iCenllnned en Fellewlng Pare.