r i . 8 THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, . PORTLAND,: SUNDAY. MORNING, DECEMBER.: 1,. 1918. V. DEAL EMTATE roK ale noihKM l v,. ' ftUSB CITT PARK $4000 , 8 room bungalow with tiery con- . ceivabht built-in convenience. Tbie I ; ' a remarkable bungalow, exceptionally ' ' well built, plU U window. All street ami sewer Jmprvvementj in and . W- ' , . . ' ' i' L 'H 1 ' '-''..- ' - BOSE CITY PARK 14480 ' ' -i' 0 rooms, " located on Alameda drive, near Handy: blvd. 5 ha every conceivable , convenience. Very costly Hght fix tores. Of course it ba hardwood j floor,, flreplae. bookcases, etc.; street .,; ! improvements, ai included in price. "'' i ROSE CITY PARK CAR $2750 5 roams hardwood floor, fireplace, i. f . built-in buffet, full cement basement,'. .... i etc. J owner mitt sell; two block to ., .'f ear. . 1 '-..' " XEAtl LADD'S ADDITION KOOMM-- $2500 I ' Ju't think! a room on 14th st., between. IH.vMon and Clinton, with full Soil Oil lot and garage.- Street .improvements in and paid. ' , You would never mert to buy a plsee- like this ;; for M&00. Requiiw $1300 cash. -' . . , This Is a genuine bargain and will be ' fold quickly. , I OHOVEtjLxT) PABK V SWELL BUNGALOW $4200 Really, one of Groveland park's i, nirait home. Ju-t a new and mod- " ' ern as' anyone could expert. It will appeal to" you. Near Hawthorn-.car ' and Franklin high school, , ;5 , ' HAWTHOflXK mTBtCT--$2850 Ton just must read this ad. '( ' i Before we go any further we want 1 tell you that we would much pre- "1 fa. to show this beautiful tittle bunga- "' " low to thoo of you who bare been -doing the mtmt. looking; yon who -have the ne-t knowledge of" values. You j, would hardly believe it possible to buy bungalow with S roomi and den, with hardwood floor, .fireplace, built- in bookcase, writing exk. outlet, Ihitch kitchen, cement basement, i wash tray and ail splendid construc tion and finish at a price of $2850. including utreet improvements, jwould yon! Surely this l the -very senith of value. At burban HOME PARK rose $4250 Beautiful 7 room bungalow with 1 acre of ground, highly cultivated. Howe rory modern. Poultry '"house to accommodate 850 chickens. I.oeated rear handy blvd. Electric light, gas, . ret, l-et n show yon. , A, G, Teepe Co, : 264 Stark st, near 3d. Main tMlfl. Branch office -50th and Randy bird. 'Sunday phone: Mr. Hiller, Tabor, 2$5; Mr. qiaytor. Tabor 0321. .v I", HOME Rl'EriAI.S 4'fnntn coftsge with bath, in trringtnn: only. $2O0O, S00 cah. balance like rent. T-room home, modern, good furnace, good ear aerrlee frrtm the buMnemi center; price i $aZ5tlt only $500 rash, balance like rent. T-moma modern,- on corner. Hawthorne district; all curtaint), draprriea, hall and atalr carreta included; price $4000, $1000 caab; owner in government employ and ha been called eat to live. S-mom nice houae, located In good district, . electric light, water, ga, on' large lot.; total price for houe with long Irene on ' lot, $375; $150 down, crash or Liberty bond. -i RKMARI.E INVESTMENT CO., ' -Broadway 4183. ' 309 Oak St. 12050 FURNISHED BrNOfifOW, VACANT (I mm artistic bungalow,, full lot, white .enamel plumbing, elect, and gas, completely furnished with high-grade furniture, like new; priosv $2050, terms. On account of sickness thla property Is offered at this low price for quick sale. E. 11th near Alnsworth are., terms; vacant Immediate occupancy. Fuel In basement i'- flee ' ' ' " ; 'J RANK L. . M Oi;iHE. ABINCTON BLIK!., i To Buy Your Hume. Main 1068.- N0.3 " $2250 $400 CASH Modern 5 room A Iberia bungalow. Has hard-. riraod floorn. fireplace, cement basement, mod-' eru plumbing, choice electric fixture!, bullt Jaa, artistic decorations. Block iar, Ilest in this .auction. . C OOLDENBER;. ABINGTON BLDO., .-"8 Teart in Portland ." Main 4 803. 12500.00 : $2500700 , NEAR S. P. SHOPS rooms, bath, fjiil cement basement, paved . areta. walks, all clear, no assessments; A cords tot wood and 8 , ton of briquetts in basement i that are all yours; $500 rktb, balance terms to 'oiti interest fl,. Call 11. it. SUysa. . THE FRED A JACOBS CO.. 34. Fifth "rt. . Main 6860. VAVERLY !1E4;HTS CltRNER vacant, o room mouern. practically new; oandy sleeping porch, white enamel interior. . hardwood fhwrs, Uiilltin. furnace and fireplace, ' I??? b,n"?"t- laundry trays; sacrifice $3250, " : JOMNHON II l aTrtllimiRVS nr r-i ' ' : Broadway 1618 or East 8421. ' j STRICTLY MODERN HOME - $Hii50 6 rooms, library and Isrge all ic ; full cement basement, fimiscc, fireplace, hardwood floors, all .built-lns; located east of Piedmont, near Ainst , worth. Owner Is out of the city and mortgage foreclosure is threatened; cost $4500; $1000 "V cash will handle. J. C. Corbin Co., 305-6-7 - Jew1e bldg. 1 : IHISE't'ITY park " Price Reduced for quick Sale , $82Bi tt room, den, sleeping porcb, buffet, - , I hitch kitchen. Hector gss heating svs- 4 tern. $800 cssh will handle. Shown by , , aptoinlment only. V A. WH KMAN CO.. 314 Stark. Main 583. Hundsy a. m. call Tahor 93 17. ' Hawthorne district . $1500 Beautiful 0 room modem home; fire s - Place,, buffet. Dutch kitchen, hardwood . flnors furnace, fnl cement baserhont ' Street improvement all in and included I In price. - Terms. 3. A. WICK MAN CO.. 314 Stark. Main 583. Hnnday a: hi. call Tabor 9317. 7 $2650 ALBERTA 'SUNCsAlW $250T . 5 room "typical bungalow,, corner lot, large living room. tnu lireplace, paneled dining - room. beam ceiling. Dutch kitchen, built-ins. '8. 3 1 tli" near, Alberts. Terms. See FRANK L. MC.flRE, ABINGTON BLDG.. ' T Buy Totir llome. ' Main 1068. - $3150 ALT AMEAD $2150 ; S room modem bungalow, 1. block Mt. Tabbr ' r.: fmost. new; fireplace, fulTxement basement nd Bniltina: term. ' ,., .JOHNSON. 812 LUMBERMEN'S BLDG.. ; Broadway jglj orEnt 8421. 5i EARLY new 6 room- 2 itoiy modern house, 1 full basement, lot 50x120 feet all improve- ments In and paid for; a fine property with a ' 'good future. Possession- eonld be given at I . one, Pries $3600; terms if desired. Call any ' '""0wm,rLiTin ta house. 697 Union ave, N. 'fO'fe SALE- A modern" 9 room house on lot j "' 8,0X100. Some fruit and berries. M block , off paved .street. S biotas from, carline. In Sell V ,woo dictrict. At the low price ai $2500. Easy terms. ;KW TORJC LAND CO.. 803-5 Stock Qxch. v"LT . $22501 for a modern 5-room bungalow ..r in the Kenton district only 3 blocks from carline on Russett atrect This bungalow has . a good b-ment, fireplace; cement- walks. It is offered at a sacrifice; term'. ' , M. J. CLOHESSY, 415 Atfjneton Bide. PORTLAND HTS - SN ajhaoo M,'n wrt, among fine homes, fine rSew. 2 blocks from car. $ room bungalow with easnall room in attic. Finish- white enamel. Fur nace, fireplace. Lot SOxluo. $500 down. " OODDABD W1EDR1CK..- 24 8 Stark t tAvN your own home. $ 800; your own terras" 4 .rooms fnU lot. St Johns car Hatfield & Crabtree.. Main 9S28. i .'-$300 CASH HAWTHORNE $2600 roc mi, bungalow type, fireplace, paved st -iVl 5id cu Bn wl,h I-neddemann Co.. 9 1 8 I Chamber of Commerce. Main 6967 HOUSE BARGAINS rr ' . T rooms, a good lots, with bearing fruit trees. near school' and cat. Oood terms. For price and lernuv call Tabot 348 3. - at ?vv oangaiow iot sale: modern: can.be " , viij Koseiawn ave. FOR BALE LOTS It 4'RETTTMAJi addition, lot "7 block 1, E ;-Washington at, near 51st; improved, clear titllej ee and make offer. - Lieut T. It. Small. SACRIFICED $600 lot reduced to $895; 5 Ox ivi er nana iiiy car on IStn St.. XO , .minutes from -,5th and Washington sts; good SACKIFICK 100x110: perfect title; $50 " vvoHwooa voun, u minutes waut from St. jinns rerry: rnone, xaoor 4 so, WILL-' sell or sxcliangs iot in Brentwood. lOOx 174 for Ford car. or sell for 3450 cuh Address A. Neman, Box 897,Ralnier. Or. LOT 50x100. one .block to Boss City Park oar. for isle. $350, or trad for Ford auto. Phone '.Woadiawn .' - ::: - LOT 60x100, vcd diat, near Richmond . school, on 45th st; everything paid. $600; easy terms. Owner. 865 K. Lincoln st . ' A SNAP - u ! Beautiful 50x100 lor In Holladay'a addition, 1 1 H its real value. Phone East 1202. --trOOD improved lot, 50x106 feet in Overlook , add.; reaaouabla, 'Owner, MarshaU 1133. M KA h KSTATr, r'OBt HAKE LOTS If $20 .DOWN rSl 'MONTH. 100x100 feet. $00s H block to Park rase ear and Sandy blvd. : just outside city limit; you ran 4uild a rmall house here. J. ! 1IARTMAN XMPAXir. No. 1 , Chamber of Ommerca bkig., 4th and Stark. Main SOS, A-2030. ROSE CITT PARK LOT CO LOOK AT IT 80x100 FT. Corner CSd and Alameda drive; tout fir trees, good location; .only '2 block to ear. This ia a wonderful sacrifice at $1250. J. L. H ART MAN COMPANY. No. 7 Chamber of Commerce blue., 4th and Htark. Main 208. A-20S0. Sacrifice Bargain A gnixl 50x100 building lot, original selling price $900; will sell for $250. Purchaser to as sume delinquent taxes and assessments. Re stricted district, all improvements in, cement s'dewalkK, curbs, hard surface street, sewer, level lot. Biggest bargain In town. Plione Main 68159. THE FRED A. JACOBS CO., ; 104 5th st HO "BEAUTIFUL Beaumont lot. lays nicely: . itreet Improvements all in and paid for; about o block from Alameda drive; lovely, resi dence di triet; will sell on very small cab pay ment and easy monthly payments. D. W. Al ton, msneger real estate department. The Law rence Co., 206 Corbett bldg. Main 8915,. A 2815. . "i . r-- , ACnEAOE 7 35 ACRES, i 4 miles from PortUnd, dandy place i to raise hotrg and chickens. 17 acres cleared and under cultivation, .good set bldgs.. clow to 2 tiigliwsys; smell cash payment; see it, and make offer. ' RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. Broadway 4133. 309 Oak St. CHEAP ACREAG 6 acres, $250; $10 down. $5 per month buys R acres of land between Portland and Cen tralla. on the main ltn of - 3 railroads, 1 H miles from a town of 800 population i sawmills and shingle mills, some partly . cleared and some cleared; rnnning stream f some bottom and soma bench. Can giv you any kind of place you want BELL REAL ESTATE CO. 81.8 Railway Exchange bldg. CHEAP ACREAGE ? - H acres. $250: $10 down; $5 per month buys 5 acres of land between Portland and Cen tralis, on the main line ot S railroads. 1 miles from, a town of 800 population; sawmills and shingle milK some partly cleared and some clnared ; running . stream ; ome bottom and soma bench. Cn cive yon any, k'nd of place you want BELL HEALE8TATK CO., . 818 Railway Exchange bldg. SNAP IN ACHES 24 A not far ifrora Amity, house, barn. fenced, running water, well, about 10 a, cult., some - nasture. rich jsoil. team, wagon, harness, 4 . com, 1 heifer, bout 60 chickens, feed in the bsrn, ipiiaratnr, implements and tools go with the place. $2600, $600 down, bah $100 Der vesr. 0 . 11 a., close by, running water, some clear: all good, land. $800. $200 down, $SO per year. fr. Hea-Woftd Realty Co.. 248 Stark, Sickness compels me to sell A No. 1 unim nrovml 40 acres, clone to good town, mail route graveled road. Cash $1200. $300 less than it's worth. R-898. Journal. . 2"H ACRES, clear, at Multnomah Station : Bull Run water, electricity, gas and , city school: good transportation via Oregon Eleetric and Capitol highway; ilo some choice wooded acre tracts; price and terms reasonable. E8TOCR. Multnomah Station. Main 0410 ACREAGE BARGAIN 5 acres adjoining city, on paved road, near school and 2 carlines, cheap house, city water in, phone, light wires and gas in street; 4 aarea i-i cultivation. A bargain, by owner. Call Ta- bor 3488. HERE IS A BITT 40 acres near E-'tacada. 2000 cords wood, fine timber, creek: $1100. $200 cash, $12.50 per month. Heo Mr. Austin. THE BRONG CO., 2K7tt Oak St. 70 ACRES., some improvements, 20 miles from Vancouver. Wash.: 2 miles from B. K. sta tion and P. O. ; can be had with or without stock. Will sell or trade for house,! and lot, or take lute model car as first payment Address, NX 978. Journal. . - $4 "So- -ON E acre in Gresnam, in cultivation, 8100 cash, balance monthly. $2000--Ten acres, mostly In cultivation. j nmall iionse,' bsrn. trees. Only $2000. 1 & Elkington. GreMiam. ' I nesr ptatlon; fine for cmcsen or berry rancn; Ivndes TOlfn CHANCE NEAR " REEDVILLE 10 acre'. 7 in cultivation, fenced, good house. barn, other buildings; orchard: all kinds berries, water, fine soil; only $2100; terms. 803 Spal ding bldg. $1300 i acre, 3 roo'm plastered house; water, elec tric lights, ess. 30 nun. out; terms. AKEKSON. f.OO Stock Ex. Bldg. YAQUINA. BAT. 140 acres loggedoff land front . ing on hay; rr. through property, ideal place to live; only $3000. W. H. Burley, 685 Irving st, Marshall 2963. FOR SALE 2 acres In cultivation. 6 room house and outbuildings. 30 minutes' ride on fl.P. 4th at electric carline. good roads; price $1500, easy terms. V-411, Journal. CANYON road. 6 miles west of courthouse, 25 acres. 10 acres clear; house and barn, $10,000. Terms. May accept $5000 city home in part 222 Chamber of Commerce. 24 A., 3 mi. North Plains, some cleared, some cedar; spring water, $50 per a. . Terms. H. Sanford, Linnton. Or. 47 H ACRES unimproved land in Sec. 81, T. 2 N.. R. 1 W $5000. Easy terms. 222 Chamber of Commerce. 20 ACRES in Sec. 8, T. 1 N., R. 1 W., un improved. $2000. Terms. 222 Chamber of Commerce. TWO acres, comfortable" 3 room house, barn. on canine, its per year. w. K. tseegle. Gresham, Or. 80 ACRES unimproved, eastern part of county, cneap. Teoor auuu. ONLY $750 for 32 acres river front, good fish ing, good soil, terms. 422 1st. SUBURBAN HOMES 7$ SOW do you -like the "sound of this! " One big . sere ot land, highly Improved; contains all varieties of fruits In full bearing. With this one acre is a practically new 4 room .bungalow style bouse, full basement, with cement walls: fire place, such conveniences as city water, electric ngnt. gas. batn. touet. a garage and fine barn on the place. This place ia on a hard surface stret You ride over the Terwilliger boulevard to it if you wish. The owner is a non-resident and orders the place sold; $3700 is what he said he would sell for can you beat it on earth f M. J.. CLOHESSY. 415 Abington Bldg. ONLY $2450 for almost 4 of an acre land in the highest state of cultivation, with all jvari- eties of fruit in full bearing. On this land is a good 4 room house, modern, with such con venience as city water, bath, toilet electric light, gas and city school only 5 blocks away; dou rasD win nanaie this; bard surfaced streets to the place. M. J. CLOHESSY. 415 Abington Bldg. ONLY $2000 for a cute little bungalow, with almost. H acre of land; a very pretty place; garage, only 2 blocks from the station at Oak Grove. 1 block from the big school, and prac tically on paved street; $300 eash will handle this. M. J. CLOHESSY, 415 Abington Bldg. $1200 BUYS one-big acre- on a paved highway ' in and out of Portland On this sera is a comfortable 6 room house, electric lights, 4 blocks from the station at Oak Grove. The land well, there is.no richer soil to be found; $600 cash is all you have to have. M. J. CLOHsSSSY. 415 Abington Bldg. TIGARD STA. ORE. ELECl 4 A. BOTTOM LAND. $1500, ' 4 room box house, windows broken, other wise good: all In cultivation, almost level; all in sod. Plant potatoes in spring and pay for place, $800 down. . - GODDARD It WIEDBICg, 243 Stark Street NEAR base lke7$T56o 2 H acres, miles east of Portland limits, near Base Line road and station, fare 15c All in cultivation. New 4 room house, chicken honsefwell; gas In road opposite. $400 down GODDABD A WIEDRICK. 248 Btark Street $1150. Best buy around Portland 5 large t rooms and basemen, lot 80x110, every inch JLf-l1 pIent5,-?t. ,rult' chWen houses snd run. $400 cash. $15 a month. 8 S Pren. tias. 505 Corbett bld "' rren MULTNOMAH liRn Fronts en Cspitsl highway (paved). 3 room house, gas. water, elec., bearing fruit and ber- riea. ii.ot osxou. Terms $500 cash. 1 block from station. : GODDARD A WIEDRICK.' 243 Stark' Street rS saraen tract Uas. city water, 5e r w Vl , 5.' ? ww.:,.OWI1 month. II' KF.AL ESTATE 8 IB IE BAN ACBKAGE 7$ 10 ACRES NEAR HUU'IMH WliOOL " About 4 miles N. E. of Oregon City, near new Carver line. 6. room houe, -.barn, etc. iitmii fence. Ketween 5 and acres cultivated. Price $220O. Mortgage $800 at per ernt. int Tarmi $85 down, balance easy, or wilt trade for a houaa in Portland. . K. A. LINIKIBEN, Savon Land Co.. 935 N. W. Bank bldg $930 . For an acre of ground and a 5 room bunga low, with several fruit trees, in Parkhill addi tion, wt iof Oregon t'ity, about H mile from paper mills. Terms. 600 cash. bal. as agreed. E. A. LINDOREN. Savon Land Co..- 985 N. V. Bank Mdg. FOB S AXE FARMS 17 STOCK FARMS ' THE BEST BUT ON THE COAST - 750 acres in Benton county, about 10 miles, from Corvallis. 2 miles from railroad, 1 mile to school, gravel road v bs f sir house, 2 barns, all kinds of outbuildings, baa spring nd raever faillnc creek on place, 150 acres of first class land (mostly creek bottom)' in cultivation, 350 acres of open pasture, the balance partly open and part timber pasture, practically all tinder woven wire fence. One of ' -the best stock ranches in the vicinity. About 75 head of Shorthorn cattle, 10 head of horses, large flock of chickens, some j hogs, ... tannine implement and about 70 torn of hay in the barn all go with the place for $16,000. Pasture land is rolling and Joint on several thousand acres of open range. 1 ton't wait to write. Wire me and come to see the place. Thit is the lowest price and want half cash, balance 6 per, cent interest . . COW OR SHEEP BANCH m 600 acres, 7 miles from Corvallis; all land is open and can be cropped now;--about half of place now used for farming; balance pasture: all fenced and cross fenced: fair barn, poor, house, family orchard, not hill land. .Place raised this year 1800 bushels of wheat. 1500 bushels of oats, 70 tons of hay and $500 of beans, besides the pasture. Total income over $7000. Can sell for $25,000, 110.000 cash, balance terms at 8 per cent interest. - j SMALL FARM NEAR CORTALL1S 48 acres. 2 miles from center of town; 10 acres in crops, balance in pasture .. 3 acres of cherries, part bearing; femily- orchard, small fruits; all fenced, woven wire; 4 room cottage, garage, barn, 2 hen houses, good spring water, creek. 800 cordi of wood on'tplace. Price $8500, $1000 cjsI'. bnlanc 0 rer cent interest, terms. SMALL FARM BARGAIN 80 acres, 4 miles from Amity; 65 acres cul tivated. 4 room hcuse, bn and outbuildings, soil good, 25 acres ready to sow now, spring and welt on place, horse. biggy, wood and some furniture for $270O. F. I. KINNEY1, ' Corvallis. Or. (400020 acres, near Roseburg. 15 acres in orchard; apples, pears, prunes, rest' hay, wheat vetch. Unfinished new house; fine spring. ,Vlll include team, wagon, 2 eows. 2 calves,i fatm- implements. xaxna 20 acres, near. Hermiston. govern ment irrigated land. Good modern house and buildings: acre fruit. 4 crop .alfalfa per year. Ant aarvica for school Children. 4 cash. g 1 500 57 acres. Clackamas Co.. about 4 m cleared. 4 . room house, creek and spring. $10,000 50 acres, about 10 -miles out. 5 room house, 40x60 barn, 12 acres cultivated; a ii-rM in orchard, bal. stump and pasture land. Some large timber. Good building. Well fenced. GILSON, 431 Chamber of. Commerce. . Main 6127. ABSOLUTE .T THE BEST PAIRT BANCH tmra tup intf'E ASKED The average monthly income from milk alone from Jan- 1 to Oct. 31 has been $414.89. The ranch contains 80 acres located 3 miles from Or-gon City. Or.; has a large 7 room house with hot and cold water, large barn with nstcnt stanchions, milk house, fruit house and Mh, K.iilHiniri- Sit cows milking. 1 bull. 2 calves, 3 hordes and chickens. Farm tools and innUmii nf all kinds and description. Plenty of fruit and berries for family use. .Also very large silo with concrete foundations. The price for this ranch is only 814.000 and $4000 -to $5000 will handle the deal. E. A. LINIKIREN. , Savon Land Co.. 135 N. W. Bank bldg. mii BUY IN A WHEAT FARM 1 Uftft acrej of first-class wheat land In East ern Oregon, 1700 acres under cultivation. 1000 seres now sown to winter wheat (up and looking fine) , balance stubble. This farm is well located, has good buildings and is offered at a"' great sacrifice for a short time. Call in for infonnston. NEW YORK LAND CO.. 303-5 Stock Exchange .Bldg. FOR SALE 5 miles from Bend. Or.. 160 acre ranch, irrigated from Deschutes; 135 acres cultivated, 85 in clover, timothy and al falfa, level, deep soil, no rocks: I room house, barn, 2 cisterns. Reason for sale. am. widow and alone; $3000 mortgage. 6 per cent: $50 per acre, half cash. ' 15 cows. 10 yearlings, 4 calves, for sale. For reference Ivsn, Khotts, 305 E. 37th st. Port land, Or. Mrs. Mary Knotty Bend. Or. 37" ACRE ranch, 29 miles from Portland on Pac. highway. 6 blocks from EJ. depot. - 4 blks. to Standard high school; 23 acres in cult. 7 acres of fine young prunes in bearing; 6 room house, bath and el. .lights, etc; barn, chicken house and park, soil and location very best. Owned by widow- not able to do the work. Price very reasonable. $210 per acre. Terms. J. R. WOLF. 618 C. of C. bldg. FARM FOR SALE by owner on account of sick ness, 40 acres,- in Clarke county (Wash.) prune district, 6 acres prunes, 4 acres apples, 75 walnut and almond trees, 30 cherry trees, 20 pear trees. All trees bearing; modern house and farm building;' stock and farm implements: low price, eay terms. For full particulars communi cate with T. J. Kerwin. Schofield block, Van couver. Wash., or phone Bing 2245. $3500 Eastern Oregon, Partly Improved Farm. All good land, new high school 1 mile, stores near. R. F. D. mail. Owner here for a few days desires to exchange for Portland residence, or near Portland. S Miss Slocomb, 624 Henry bldg. Main 7266. ' , ' 40 ACRES Good house, water piped, horse and some tools, close to good town. Take auto and terms. Price $2000. 1 Also 160 acres of good timber, 1 mile from R. R.. $20 per acre. Will trade for house and give cash. GEO. MORSE. Owner, 309 Chamber of Com. lST ACRE improved valley ranch to trade.; 9 buildings, hi in cultivation, $2500 worth livestock and equipment; mortgaged; this is a good place; will sell cheap for cash or accept clear propertv and sire lone time. 6 . ' WAKEFIELD MUSIC CO.. Broadway 492. ; 427 Wash st FOB SALE $1500. 13 acres fine river bot tom farm. Nearly all slashed; 3 acres under cult. House, barn, well, fenced, i mile to good school; gravel road, boat landing 40 rods. $800 wilt handle it. Will take as part pay ment a light delivery truck. Call Sunday or evenings, after 6. 570 Williams ave. , L 54 ACRE FARM NEAR SHOALS . f6 mi. to Portland, bungalow, barn and out bldgs., A-l orchard, sprayed; 1 A. timber, best of land; jrater piped to bldgs.. sch. mi. Owner nd. $10,000. bnt rntrt sell. Price $9000. Take in $2500 Portland residence.. Miss Slocomb; Main 7266. 624 Henry bldg. A 32 ACRE improved farm, modern, 10 room house, I garage, large barn, outhouses, on fine mad. Would take small cottage as part pay ment in Portjand. On the Section Line road, corner of Barker road i across from 'school be-" tween Montavilla and Gresnam, close in. Phone Tabor 3937. ' - IRRIGABLE HOMESTEAD . 155 acre ranch near- Bend,, Ore., Deschutes river running through property, 'part level, part rolling, deep rich soil nearly all tillable. Fine alfalfa and potato land. A bargain- at $16.50 per acre,--cash at this1 price. Write A. J. Moore, Bend, Ore. 40 ACRES id' Hood Riwr, Mosier district, about 20 acres bearing apples and cherries: 10 acres plowed, 10 acres pasture; fine view, 1 H miles to station ; jaut beginning to' make money. Will sell at a bargain ;.- will take some trade, some cash. bal. terms. 608 Beek bldg. SPLENDID little ranch, . 10 acres, 2 mXss from Canby-, Or.,, very best soil in vallejv. Good 5 room house, good wa'ter, outbuildings. Good orchard, berries,- etc. Close to school. Only $2000. W. C, Bepass. 1234 N.. W. Bank bldg. -.- ' , ; 1 : ,:- 640 ACRE wheat farm. Eastern Oregon.r "Dsfcp. rich soil. Fair buildings. One good crop will half pay for the place. Price $25 per acre. Will sell on easy terms-to suit purchaser. See owner. Andrew Peterson, 804 Interstate are. Phone Wdln. 3672. 12 t4 ACRES No. 1 land, improved, with build ings, water, on road, close to carline, school. Price $4000. Will sell all or part A. Yans key. Hillsboro, Or., R. 2. 100 ACRES. 3 -miles from Forest Grove house, barn, orchard, spring and well: about half in cultivation. baL live timber... Sell at a bargain ana give tctfna. 0 Beck bldg. 25 ACRES on County coad, IS -acres in culti- ' ration, good black soil, good spring; $45 per acre, u aown.- 1 1 1 rniiadelphia st, St Johns. '," . . ..v.,. , WE have- wheat, alfalfa, stock ranches., all Der- sonally inspected, pneed right, with or without livestock. McClure & SchmaucJi. 306 Railway Exchange bldg. 500 ACRES stock ranch in valley. 3 H miles from station, fine stock and dairy ranch: a bargain on eaay terms; .might take soma trade. 608 Beck bide. 15 ACRE farm, close in; 10 acre farm, near Lents; 3 acre farm at Greenburg; 2 acre farm, Oregon City. Wolfstein, 114 First st 40 ACRES. $650 80 acres. $1200. $1 fare; Portland.' Terms. Claude Cole, 800 Henry bldg. V t 320 ACRE stock or grain ranch for sale cheap.. mone feast itid or write r.. W. It, ltln Busaell st RICH , Alberta farm land. Crop Claude Cole, 323 Henry bldg. payments. 450 ACRE Willamette vaila larmj- , Owner, 60 M at. Portland, Of, REAL ESTATE FOK SALE FAH31S 17 IF TOU WANT FARM- LAND COME TO HEADQUARTERS 13 . all choice land, northeast of . , v ancouver, land lays in beautiful IV'" "nd bo,lt beaver bottom. , 30 acres in fall crop goes with place, one of the ideal places of Clarke coun ty on railroad and adjoins small town, ' all fenced; improvements consist of food 5 room house, extra, large1 barn for 30 head, holds 60 tons hay, plenty of other outbuildings, running Water; . going with this. 10 head of A-l imileh cows. 7 head of 2-year-bldi. ail farm . machinery; will make-you money from ; the day you get it; first man to ae ' it will buy it; deduct the value of the T t iiersonal property and land will cost -n ,you about $100 per acre; small cash 1 payment ' handles. - 1 150 acres,, on border of Tamhill and Wash- ingxon -counties, all under ; cultivation, A-l family orchard, has 21 creeks and ; seven! springs, all choice soil, 2 sets , bldgs., large barn cost -$3000, Large silo, hog and chicken house, black smith shop with tools, etc.; water piped . to bldgs., close to school and church; going with this is. l team mules, 2 hones, 5 milch eows, 7 heifers, 11 - Irtiroc hogs, 30 sheep, 60 chickens, all ; kinds farm machinery necessary to farm an up to date place; ideal hog land dairy ranch: the owner ia a wjd ids who is unable to manage it: would consider city property and some cash, or small apartment house, 160 acres, no better land in Polk county, an iu nitfu sw 01 cnjuTftuoQ, ilea level with natural drainage, ideal for dairy or diversified farm, has been a dairy ranch for 20 yean, all fertilizer put back on land. 80 acres now in hay . and grain goes with place, balance of . Jund to be -put in crop this coming spring, all fenced and crossfeneed, good ' family orchard; improvements consist of 2 farm houses, modern. 1 new. 1 rpund barn 70 ft. in diameter cost $3000. also horse barn 36x36. , hog house, chicken house and other bldgs. , all ; in good shape, 180 ton silo ; running water piped to all bldgs.; lies close to good town, on hard surfaced road; improvements alone fco't over $7500; . fas this estate must be closed, we are authorised to sell this farm at- the sacrifice price of $125 per acre. RELIABLE' INVESTMENT CO... Broadway 4133. , 309 Oak St, ACME REALTY CO. 208-9 Abington Bids. Main 7478. FARM FOR SALE OB TRADE 10 acres of the famous Hood River land. 5 acres of good orchard, 1 acre of strawberries that are paying now; 6 room cottage, modern. This is a snap. Will take small house as first payment, rest back in mortgage, running from 5 to 8 years. , , Three acres of land. 5 . room cottage, root house, chicken park and house, large barn: 50 apple trees, H acre of strawberries ;i 2 -miles from small town. This is a snap for some one 60 acres near Albany, highly improved. Can be divided into two Email farms. Owner in nnor jiealth and 1 cannot take care of place. Soil is cnoicest river bottom, land suitable for berries snd potatoes ; 2 good houses, 2 barns, potato house, wagon , shed, garage, ehickenhouae, 3 wells, stock and horses, machinery, cream sep arator and Ford car ma with place. Two people could; buy this place. Can be handled with small payment down.) ACME REALTY CO.. 208-9 Abington Bldg. 5 Main 7478. HOW does this sound to you? 160 acres, prac tically all of it in cultivation, one of the finest improved farms in Eastern ' Oregon, always a big money maker, the present owrfer cleared $3000 cash1 on it this year; it Is close to a thriving town and railroad, every sort of convenience sur rounds this farm. The soil is of ricn, dark loam, rery deep and the whole farm well wa tered. No irrigation needed; the yield' of wheat is big every year. This farm is fully equipped with an, abundance , of stock and machinery, im plements, nay, feed and in fact all you have to u.) ... . ui jvo in with your i ranks. There is an immense amount of livestock which goes with ! tne tsrm. , aew if you have a good suburban home with modern conveniences with 4 or 5 acres of land, plenty of fruit and close in to Portland to the value of $5000 this will be taken as part -payment and . the price of the farm is away below its value, 415 Abington bldg. M. j. ciohessy, ' PACIFIC AGENCY 514 8 wetland Bldg. ; .''" ' 1 34 acres, beautiful country home, strictlv mod ern new 8 room bungalow, fine Urge batn, new garage, granary, woven wire fences, best soil in Oregon, 2 V miles Canby ; improvements can't be duplicated for price of whole place; $9500, terms. $10.000 SNAP $10,000 93 acres in cultivation, best soil, fine large' barn, large new silo, good spring, over $4000 worth of stock and -machinery goes with this; close to Oregon City, good roads. 1 00 - TRUCK GARDEN 1O0 If you have $5000 twe can sell you an irri-l niw piece near town ana guarantee you a NET INCOME of $5000 per year. PACIFIC AGENCY, 51, Swetland Bldjt. . FOR SALE 80 acres. 25 miles from Portland. on good road in, Clarke county, Washington; new buildings, fine spring ' of ; water, piped in house; 80 acres under cultivation, a fine or chard, 15 acres in clover. . Price, including $1500 worth of personal property. 87500. This is a fine home, and all ready to move into! Easy terms. 25 acres, 18 acres under cultivation, extra heavy black soil, on Pacific highway, 10 miles from Vancouver. A beautiful place: to live; old buildings, . price $3500. We ca give very easy terms. . . - I NEW YORK LAND CO..' 303-5 Stock Bxchange Bldg., . 3d and Yamhill. A GOOD FARM FOB $500. Corneal Monday and let me explain this un usual opportunity where $500 willjring you independence, as I am a farmer myself I ean easily explain this unusual opportunity. See me at G. S. Smith & Co. office. 432 Chamber of Commerce bldg;- 80 ACRES NEAR ESTACADA ON ELECTRIC LINE 35 acres in cultivation, balance good timber, land well adapted to prune raising, is well drained with moderate slopes, has several ' good spring snd is on good country road: orice $5200: mort gage $3000, balance terms; very cheap; owner non-resident. Keaity Mortgage Co.,, 633 Chamber of Commerce. Main 2051. Fine Improved Farm Trade 57' acres on Columbia river; 12 acres of or chard, plenty water, running water, good house, barn, etc.: want home in Portland for it; splen did opportunity. J J. BRUCE GODDABD, 502 Couch Bldg. FOR RE JTT FARMS 14 80 ACRE farm. 40 under cultivation, balsnce pasture 'and timner; 2 wells on place: plenty of fruit of all kinds; milk route nd mail route past the house and telephone in the house; 1 mile to school and church; one acre of No. 1 kale and about 10 tons hay in barn. 1 Will sell if the renter wants it Inquire at Quick's Liv ery Barn. Hillsboro. Or., ar at North Plaina for MrsH. W. Miller s ranch. 120 ACBES. 1 miles to good town, with-! R. R. and boat landing, 2 hours from Port land; close to neighbors, high school, daily mail, telephone; 40 acres in cult., more not hard , to clear. Good buildings, orchard. run ning water,, joins 1000 acres' free outrange, $5000. Small payment. baL. long time. Box 97. Castlerosk, Wash. j , , FABM FOR BENT 44 .acres, 30 in cultivation, near school, church and store, on.'good road, good house and outbuildings, 4 cows and heifer for sale. Dill man ft Howlattd, 8th and Main sts., Oregon City, Or. - , A FARM 20 acres, in goodi Condition, 1 for sale, reasonable, aV once. Gostav Nikburg. Colton. Or. , FARMS WANTED BENT OR BTJT S3 MR. FARMER 1 T ! W ars the largest farm dealers in ihs City of Portland, a peep at our ads or a trip to our office will convince you: why not list your farm with us. If it is a real bargain we can sell it: why livs .in hopes from others .when we eai get you immediate action. Bend full par- ticulars to WATCH OTJB ADSJ A. G, WE GET BESTTT .TB nenaer BITTER, LOWE ft CO.. 203-0-7 Board of Trad Bldg. ,WE have buyers' for farm! lands arid aereage. If your farm lis foil sale any aiise, call att our office or , write us full details. 1 We can get yon quick results. 1 . RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO, I Broadway 4133. i 309 Oajt Sit. - WANTED--Party with farm or orchard land to go into partnership , with experienced land salesman and subdivision expert Land to be put in at reasonable: figure. ! We. can divide into small farms and .sell profitably to people WIIU iui t:.MM? wwuf7 MW.MFIU. . U1VC tUil Darticulars retarding 'location, I soil. Jav trans portation facilities, water and buildings, etc, in tirst letter. .- 1 o, journal. 1 - j WANTED Farm, 40 to 60 acres, without stock and improvements, sin room tor 20 cows, P. Q. Bo 16, Huber. Or. I . . WAN TED Improved farm, not less than 70 acres: most be reasonable. 4 1 2 Division at. r Oregon City. ' j WAN TED A "furnished farm to run on shares. -Give full particulars 4n first letter. M-954, Journal. i - WILL pay $3600 ea-sj for good farm asnt Fort- , land. ,S21 Uhamtwt ot commerce. REAL ESTATE FARMS WANTED RENT OR BPT 18 SPOT cash and quick deal for small -farm, must be real bargain; submit de-criptxin, pnc knd amount of incumbrance by mail only to A. K Hill. -419 Henry bldg. e T HOMESTEADS 47 . MOST VALUABLE ' HOMESTEADS IM THE UNITED STATES. and the most desirable from every standpoint, lie along line of new Strshom By:, in Bend district of Central Oregon ; splendid climate, beautiful country, pat timber, part prairie ; no clearing ; crops first yekr; 160 acres irricated homesteads, 820 and 640 men grain and stock raising homesteads: last good free land: direct entry; no drawing: settlers moving in rapidly. For full details, se me afternoons or evenings on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays: take lit Tabor or Hawthorne are. car. Literature on request G. S. Ehle (government land cruiser) , 227 49th St 8. RELINQUISHMENT Sileti reservation; plenty chitum. H-868, JournaL TIMBER t8 ABOUT 2,500.000 ft. of choice tie, piling and ship knee timber; also some oak, 2 H miles from R. R. Down hill haul. Plenty of water, ideal mill site. Address J. H. Lauterman. Sa lem, Or. ! 40 ACRES of Douglas fir timber, approxi mately 4000 cords, close to good town, .good roads,, about 5 acres cleared, good well and stock. Will trade for residence or stock of gro ceries. 0-779. Journal. - . I HAVE 25 M. capacity aawmill. Who wiU furnish the timber and Join mef Have mar ket for output Z-520, Journal. SECTION of Umber 12 miles- W. of .TilUmook. carrying about 20 million .feet of spruce, ce- aar and fir. 815,000. 222 Chamber of- Com TO GET in touch with mill operator having dry 'box Fpruce or producing same 'with idea of taxing output or portion, v-H, journal. 50 FOOT 14 inch piling wanted; immediate shipment O. V. Gamble, Gerlinger bldg. EXHAKGE-REAL ESTATE 14 FOR SALE or exchange, 210 acres, located 12 miles from Roseburg,. Or., Douclas Co. All first and second creek bottom land, 30 a. of timber, 70 a. of pasture, 110 in cultivation, 100 seedejd to fall crop, 30 a. of c sorer; 7 room bungalow, large barn, other buildings, all new. About $3500 of stock, machinery, feed, seed and household goods; included- in this are 100 head of ; sheep. Place well fenced and- well watered.' Telephone and R. F. D., on good road. Place free of incumbrance. Price $20, 000. Will take $8000 to $10,000 in Port land4 property or acreage with terms. Full par ticulars in first letter. Add. owner,' George F. Peed, Looking Glass, Or. 5 $5000 home in city, clear of incumbrance; want partly improved land in valley; will as sume or pay cash difference. $10,000 concrete business block; income $95 month; want farm same value, ' $5000 Fine 16 acrn. srwvt A vnnm hiw and other outbuildings, lots fine fruit, paved road, close to electric ear; want home in town of equal or smaller value; this is priced for cat-h; get busy; it's , a dandy. ' PACIFIC AGENCY. 514 S wet land Bldg. BENTON COUNTY TRADES 3 935 acres, stock ranch, in Benton county. 200 acres in cultivation, balance is pasture; has run ning stream, springs piped to buildings, of which there are two sets, has fair road to place and is good stock- place owner wants to exchange for city or country property in dryer climate. Price $40 per acre. Client has 40 acres improved, worth $1500, wants foothill ranch with some Improvements. F. I. KINNEY, Corvallis, Or. FOR SALE or trade by owner. 80 acres, 75 timber, some improvements; on Co. road. B. B. 3 miles, telephone; some small fruit, run ning water. 12 to 13 acres ean be farmed, bal ance rolling. Value $2500. Will trade for small ranch of equal value. I want onion land or good soil that can be irrigated. NX-865, Journal. ' , 157 ACRE improved valley ranch to trade; 9 buildings. in cultivation, $2500 worth livestock and equipment; mortgaged; this is a good "place; will sell cheap for cash or accept clear property and give long time, 6. WAKEFIELD MUSIC CO.. Broadway 492. . 427 Wash st. CHOICE -8-BOOM HOUSE And 2 sleeping porches, on corner; 3 lots and all kinds of fruit; 2 blocks of car line; a sightly, nice location ; will exchange for 5 or 6 room bungalow or acreages Phone owner be tween 10 a. m. and 2 p. m.. Sellwooa. 8398. THREE large clear lots, street improvements paid. Close to high school, 1 block from carline, 4 blocks from harbor, Aberdeen. Wash. Price $1500. Want house equity or acreage. Portland. Might put in some cash. S-718, Journal. - FOR SALE or trade 160 acres in Deschutes Co.. I, mile from Lower Bridge P. O.. 1 H miles, from school, on Co. rosd snd telephone line; 80 acres cleared and in crop; easy terms. Write Adolph Kotzman, owner, P. O. Box 68. Bend. Or. ! BO ACRES irrigated land, located 5 miles southwest Bedmond. Or. . Paid water right ior o; acres. i-iace wen lenced. rrice 13(100. incumbrance $800. four years, 6. Want Port land house; will assume. John Ferguson, Ger linger bldg. SIX room house, double construction, corner lot. near Peninsula .Park; street improvements paid. . Furnace, fireplace, builtin h"ffet fnU cement basement; laundry trays. Price $4000. Want Improved . acreage on hard enlace road. John Ferguson, owner, Gerlinger bldg. CAPITOL HILL $1150 Fine building site, no buildings, natural trees; surroujided by 'good homes: 1 1-6 acres, creek on . east side; no incumbrance; will exchange for improved acreage and pay $500 in cash difference. Goddsrd tt Wiedrick. 243 Stark st. NIFTY little 5 room cottage, plastered and new" ly papered; unincumbered; 1 block from W. S. car line; trade for acreage near electric line. Phone East 4474 or 1027 Tillamook St.. care Kern Brick yard. Minneapolis Modern Home 1 Will trade for one of equal value in Port land. S8sW)0. It's good. 3. BRUCE GODDABD. 502 Conch bldg. MEXICO land owners, do you want your Mex ico holdings given a persons! examination by reliable parties. Oregon property to ex change for Mexican holdings. Correspondence solicited. DX-862, Journal. SEE. the genuine 13 acres of besverdam, 15 miles fi rom city, on Oregon Electric ; fine spring, cabin, 10 acres resdy to plsnt. Will take some trade. Address owner, 1165 Haigbt are., city, St Johns car. 160 ACRES in California. .Level. 7 miles N. Owen's lake. mile, from river, 1 mile from R It. station, $8000. Also home in Glehdale. Cal., $2500. Wish to trade for Portland prop erty or farm. Owner, 1264 E7 89th st. S. TO EXCHANGE, corner lot, small house, close in, . nortneast:- 1 diock Irora car:- all assess ments paid. Value $1500, $500 mortgage. Want small house further out. Owners only. O- 775. Journal. Trades, of Every Kind Houses, lots, 'fsrmsj acreage. Anything you want Ab'her, 502 Cbtich bldg. HAWTHOBNE DISTRICT. Five-room modern lioue to exchange for auto truck or clear lot to 31200; balance of $2500 terms. N-87,5. Journal. 200 ACBES, 60 acres in cultivation, good im provements, S miles By.. mile to school. No stock or equipment Will sell on easy terms. Walter Boswurm. Forest Grove, Or. s B ROOM bungalow. BOxToO-lot on west side. 157 Idaho at.; nice home for someone; will sell cheap Or. trade for east side home. Take F car. 2d and Morrison. M. Nyby. , JENNINGS LODGE 5-room modern, new garage and 1 chicken house, for 5 room city property. Wm. Jacobs, 126 2d st Phone Mar. 1249. FOR SALE OR TRADE Mill property, whole or in part, 20 h. p. engine, 6 in. and 12 in. stickers, buildings, industry spur serving yard. 0-774. Journal. TWO NICE HOMES IN NEWBERG Value aronnd $4000. What have you to offer! J. C. Corbin Co-. 3056-7 Lewis bldg. BIG prices- for wheat and stock for years. Trade your property for good Montana ranch. N. M. Apple, Lewiston. Mont. 24 , ACRES... highly improved prune orchard. cash price1 $10,000. exchange for city prop erty. Claude" Cole, 300 Henry bldg. WANTED Acreage, for lot with 15 room apartment.: $6000. Owner, E. Peck, 519 Clay. Marshall 4324. WILL trade ,' my bungalow in Portland for one in Los Angeles. L. T. Newton. 501 .Pittock block. ' TO EXCHANGE for house, lota or auto: . 60 acres of . timber at Toledo. Or. Phone Tabor 437. - ' - ' WILL trad general merchandiee store in rich tanning country for foothill stock ranch. What have ,yoT Owner. J-773, Journal. TRADE equity in nice 5-room modern cottage. close to Union av., for auto, or well located building site. '. i 401 Church : , 2 CORNER lots. 33x124. Cloverdale, B. CT. . clear, trade for automobile to equal valoe, no junk : ' will sell on terms. X-532. Journsl. 160 ACRES.- Wasco county, vahta $4000, for house equity, Portland or dose la - acreage. X-583, Journal. -- : . . 80 - ACBES, unimproved land, Oregon valley, for ood house equity. F-957. Journal. - 10 ACRES, with bouse, in Gobel, Or., for small place in Portland. East 6375. - -100x100 TO TBADE. psyment on small house. - Akerson. 506 Stork Ex. bldg. IDAHO irrigated. 12 were 320 .wiid. Mat. 6945. FerUaad; also 434 Morrison at. REAI- -ESTATE - EXHANGE REAL ESTATE - t 95 ACRES, near Canby, 25 in cultivation,; lot ' mors easy cleared, some timber, a 11 "the rery best of soil. 25 acres of fin garden land, only $03 per acre, worth $100. - ,;. a bma tin. rrmA. all in cultivation. good house snd other buildings, .near city, limits. $3230. worth more. . . - . fi acre, all in cultivation, with all kinds of fruit and berries: good buildings and .within 8 miles of the city on hard surfaced road. $3000. Will take good auto as first payment , 301 LUMBER EXCHANGE ; 80 ACRES, near Pacific highway, within 1 4 miles of Portland. 60 acres in cultntion. fair buildings, all stock and equipment, running water and springs on the place. Want Smaller place: well improved. Price $8500. 1 120 acres, within 85 mile of rortland, near good town.-TamhiU eounty, 80 acres in cultiva tion, the best of soil, aU stocked and equipped. Price $12,000. Will consider city property for part, or smaller plsee well improved. "- 320 acres -of good land, with some good tim ber and sprifig on the tend: located near Spo kane. Wash.; valued at $3250. and some cash for 50 to 80 acre farm, 'improved. 75 acres. 18 in cultivation; lot mors nearly cleared: fair buildings : orchard of all kinds of fruit; springs and running water on the place; near good town. ' Price $3000. . Would consider city property or small buiness, 105 acres. 75 in cultivation, balance timber and nutnn- rood bnihlirurs. new silo, good or chard of all kinds of fruit and berrie: on good road. 14 miles from Portland, in Washington county: all stocked and equipped with high-class stock cows, hor.ies. sheep, hogs and good tools, machinery, r. everything necesrary to run the farm. The place is mostly seeded to fall wheat and clover. This ia one of the bet -farms in Oregon, and offered at a great bargain: $15,000. Would consider good ttome in 1-0rua.ua. 301 LUMBER EXCHANGE TRADES WORTH WHILE 400 acres in famous TilUmook stock and ""dairy country, with house, sheep and cattle sheds; has been uied for years for raising fancy cattle: here is an opportunity for a stockman. On ac count of death in family the widow offers to trade this for a house in Portland at $20 per acre. ' 160 acres, irrigated from government wa "ter right, cost for maintenance $1 per acre per year; 60 acres in cultivation. ,30 acres in alfalfa: good 4-wirw fence, 9 room house, good barn and" other outbuildings; abundance of out-' side range for stock; trade this city property or stock of goods. 5 acres on Capital highway, high state cultivation, apples, pear?, walnuts, grapes, prunes, choice soil; close to school and 2 electric lines; 5 room bouse, barn and chicken houes; 11 miles from city; will trade this on cheap city residence. 6 room cottage, some built-in features, large lot 80x106. fruit trees, lawn, chicken house; price $2200, $500 cash, or will trade for 20 acres im- '- t proved and pay difference in cash. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO. Broadway 4183. 309 Oak st. i WANTED REAL ESTATE 31 THE TUllE TO SELL The time to sell your houe is when people want to buy. NOW IS THE TIME. Don't watt too long.: I have- a very efficient sales force, composed of experienced real estate sales men. I handle homes exclusively and am in touch with the majority of buyers. I person ally appraise and photograph each listing. List your house today. Pbdhes Main- 1068 and Main 5156. FRANK L. McGUIRE. ABINGTON BLDG.. Successor to H. D. McGuira Co. Established 1880. WE have buyers for- homes, both lsrgs snd rmslL Call or send in de scription of your property and if the price and terms are reasonable we can sell it RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. Broadway 4133. 309 Oak st WANTED Large tract ot unimproved . or stump land for colonization purposes; also land subject to Irrigation, power site or large timber tract Price must be . such as would be inducement to investors. Oregon Investment & Mortvage Co., 222 Chamber of Commerce, 4th and Stark. Do You Want to Trade? your real estate for something you want more! If so. list it at J. BRUCE GODDARD'S OFFICE. 602 Couch Bldg. Ask for Asbher. HAVE numerous buyers for modern bunttalowe and houses in Boe City Park, Laurelhurst, Irving-ton and weft side from $3500 to $7000. Frank L. McGnire, - Abington bldg. To buy your home. Main 1008. CHEAP HOMES WANTED Numerous clients waitiug; $100 to $200 cash. bal. monthly. Any district. - G: C. GOLDEN RE.RO, ABINGTON ' BLDG., "35 Years in Portland. ' Msln 4803. WANTED Five to ten acre Improved ranches, not too far from Portland, on good roads; have buyer waiting. Give full details and price by mail. J. R. WOLFF, 1 C Ot U. Oiag. WANT COZY, ATTRACTIVE BUNGALOW TO $.1000. SUBSTANTIAL PAYMENT. CLIENT WAITING. G. C GOLDEN BERG. ABINGTON BLDO., "85 YEABS IN PORTLAND." MAIN 4803. WE"have 8 -cash customers for farms; if you want to sell, send us full detsils snd we will bring our people out to see your farm. , Mc Clure ft Bcjiumschj.0.. 306 Bsilwsy 'Ex. bldg. WANTED Beereftate; will give attractive deal for 320 acres or more raw land suitable dor stock; must be clear of incumbrance. Wake field MnsicCo..427 Washington st. , IN iWngton, . Holladay, Piedmen.t Walnut Park or Hawthorne district, modern 5 or 6 room bungalow, not over $2500 cash. 222 Cham ber of Commerce. FOR quick action, list your property with us. We are in touch with everybody. Brown ft Brown. 824 Railway Exchange bldg. Phone Marshall 3331. , WANT 5-room bungalow, not over $2500, and good distrid: will pay. $300 cash. 8-745. Journal. J WANT a house that I can buy on very easy terms. Small payment down. Phone Main 4134. ON West Sde. 5 or 6 room modern house, with full lot Must be cheap for cash. 222 Chamber of Commerce. - . DON'T WORRT 1 can sell or trade anything anywhere. Layman. 147 Park St. WANTED-r-5 or- 6 $oom house from owner. Albert Kanfmann, Hillsboro. Or.. Rs 1. 2 LOTS in E7Glisan st. to trade on small house and lot. X-623. Journal. BOOMING HOUSES $3 Cash Your Mortgage If you have sold your rooming house on time 1 will pay you cash for your mortgage. If you have a buyer for your place who has not, got money enough we will furnish it, no mst ter who the agents are. Phone Broadway 402. Peters Realty Co., IS N. 6th st. I'll Guarantee You Square Deal Rooming and apartment houses of every sine on east and west side; terms arranged to suit I'll help you buy. Some -real bargains. J. BRUCE GODDARD, 602 COUCH BLDG. Apartment House Wanted I want to buy a' good apartment house on the west side ; want something that will clear over $200 a month. Giva particulars in fir.it letter. P-837. Journal. $1000WiH Buy the Best1 Furnished 1 5-room strictly modern newly, furnished house in Portland: rent $60 on .lease; income $225. Beautiful new furniture. J. BRUCE GODDARD. 602 COUCH. BLDO. T"8 Rooms $350 Snap Clone in on west side; rent $20, income $70 month ; newly renovated. J, BBUCE GODDARD. 602 COUCH BLDG. NOB HILL lease. 6 yesra, 3 buildings, all to gether, newly furnished, clearing $200 a mo. over' expenses, $50OO: consider house to $2500, baL cash. Change of govt position makes sale necessary: principal only. Bdwy. 305a. :69 R6oms $40007Terms Brick on business comer; clearing over $400. per month; worth $6000. J. BRC.CE GODDABD, 5Q2 COUCH BLDO, 24 Rooms 24 t Oa 'one floor, heart of city, cheap reiv. always full. $795. Terms. . ' mil. peERS,-J.N. 5th st SMALL" rooming house, close to 3 steel ship yards, only $500 to handle: profit close to 1200 per month net: will sell on account of sickness. C W. Barringer, 248 Stark St. I'bone Main 2568. . - 14 Rooms, Brick, $1050 Rent $40. steam heat; $60O down;, clean over $10O month: winner.- J. BBUCE GODDARD. 602 - COUCH BLDO. 45 Rooms Rent $45 Brick bide-, always fall of working en. Clear 8160 month. , Prica $685. Terms. PETERS. 15 N. 6th st BARGAIN 11 housekeeping and sleeping rooms, faces Park st. corner house, nice yard, close to markets. Main 6658. A WELL located boarding house ia South Port , land ior sale; cloas to shipyard!. Uaio 6497. REAL ESTATE ROOMING HOUSE ACME REALTY CO. :- 208-9 Abington bldg. : Main 7473. 12 roomv everything modern, good location ; rent $40; good lease, clearing boat $80 per month earn. 12 rooms, centrally located, steam Heat: can be bought for $1000 by paying $650 down. . 60 rooms .in apt house district, hot and cold water in rooms, lots of ssrivata. baths, reasonable rent, with good lease; S300U wui nanaie 11. 98 rooms in the heart of cHy. Thla la swell, always full with a waiting list Can't ba beat in Portland. ' If yon are looting tor some thing nice don't fail to see this. 40 room hotel, right downtown, sievator. is private baths, clearing about $400 per month. Can ba bought right,, some terms. . ACM hi iifcAL,H LU. 208-9 Abington bldg. Main 7478. A BEAUTY 58 room apartment house, best. west side location, strictly modern.- private bath and phone with each apartment beautiful furniture and rugs; long lease at a aheap renul; always full and a waiting list; $320O bandies. , balance from tha profits. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO. Broadway 4133., 809 Oak st 12 Rooms $750 Terms 11 ROOMS, WHITE TEMPLE DISTRICT. $850. 14 ROOMS. $1050, 19 BOOMS $1250. 22 ROOMS $1800. 84 - ROOMS $2000. 66 ROOMS $2500. 70 BOOMS $3500. Others of merit Terms to suit Get In my automobile and I will show you the best there are in Portland. J. BRUCE GODDARD. 502 COUCH BLDG I Want to Buy a Good Room- - ins House Prefer mostly housekeeping, "west side loca tion desired Mr. Baier, Main 6127. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 10 PACIFIC AGENCY. 514 Mwetland BMg. YAMHILL MARKET GROCERY Doing $5000 cash business monthly; old es tablished trade; death cause of sale; price about $4500. $600 SUBURBAN CBOCEBY $500 i Daily sales $25, 3 nice living ' rooms : rent only $10; price, stock and fixtures, only $300. GARAGES GARAGES GARAGES GARAGES $800. $1200 $2000. $2750. $8500, $10,000 We have a good list of the money tuskers ; if you want to get in. see us Monday. GARAGE OWNERS. ATTENTION If you want to sell and your place will stand up, come and see us or phone st once; we have a number of cash buyers now ready to do busi ness.; FURNITURE HOSPITAL Old established select list of steady custom ers; good for $25.00 to $300,0 per year; price, .including completely equipped shop and delivery auto, lisu. r ' $5000 West Side home and $5000 cash for stock general merchandise. -., Cigars and soft drinks, West Side; $500; part terms. PACIFIC AGENCY. 614 Swetland Bldg. WOBK for yourself in 1919; build up a professional practice 'with the help and prestige of the greet New York Life; no general egent to sbsre prof its; life pension. See me st once. J. W. Day, Agency Director, Portland. FOR SALE Well established store at Cannon Beach, in which is located postofffce, in cluding fixturM, stock, garage. Ford delivery car and premises; a good money maker. Many particulars for those interested. Investigate the reputation and future of Cannon Beach. 1 made money; you can. Ideal proposition for anyone desiring a live-business with opportunity to enjoy beach, mountains and forest; good hunting and fishing ; climate unexcelled. Price $2500. Write R. E. Hnrd. Ecola. Or. DISTRIBUTION for state of Oregon of a new farm implement (new in this territory) ; a sura winner for a man with lots of pep; will take comparatively little capital to handle. T-987. Journal. GBOCERY- store without a competitor. The only one. in a prosperous, well settled dis trict with a trade of about $2000' per month. Some farmers' trade tint can be enlarged. Small expenses. Bent only $20. which includes living quarters. Horse and wagon does the delivering Stock will invoice $2000 to $3000. Call Sellwood 1928 Sunday orjweek day. BLACKSMITH, NOTICE- Blacksmith shop, building, kit. 4 Hvfna- rooms. all tools and equipment AH around blacksmith can make $10 to $15 per day. Price only $750 tor all. Halt rash. LAYMAN, 147 Park st BEST GROCERY STOBE IN PORTLAND- Will invoice; takes in $70 per dsy: rent, In cluding fine bnngalow, 130; no Immediate com petition: no delivery. J. BRUCE GODDABD, 502 Couch BMg. INCOMF: INVESTIGATE Furni-hed " house, consisting of 4 modern h." k. suites, ot 60x80; income, $80 per mo.: $500 cash, balance like rent Inquire 818 Piatt bldg.. 10 to 4. THAT'S WHAT I SAID " If you want an investment that win return you in rent 12 per cent payable monthly in ad vaiice, or 6 tier cent and a house for your own u call at 443 H K. 48d st GOOD chance to rtart in real estate and in sura nee business for little money;. over $4000 insurance premiums; well eouipped office, good location; compelled to go Last and must sell, E-851, Journal. AMEBICA'B LARGEST DIVIDEND PATER- want to help finance companies? Bi- bonus. Interested In 30 companies. . Literature free. The Oil Investment Loan Association, Boulder, Colo. 1 Nice little cafeteria, doing a fins business, business district, only $400. c. w. Barringer. 248. Stark St. Phone Main 2558. WANTED To rent auto repair shop on per centage basis, by man who knows tha bus! ness; have all small tools needed. 1115 H E. Clay st, or M-8S9, Journal. WILL- sell at invoice husines paying $200 per month, easy to manage ; right here, you cart see for yourself ; $ 1 500 eah and meg. back. Bee Mr. 'Austin, the Brong Co., 267 H Oak sr. A GROCERY for sale. Ca-h sales $45 day and no delivery, t an be increased. A splen did store for man and wife. Call room 403 Iekura bldg. ' - AUTO garage, 22 cars steady storage, good re pair bnsinew, chean rent. Price $950. Call room 403 Dektim bldg.: WILL now call and give you an estimate on your inside painting, ' paperhanging and kalso- mining. Call Johnson. East ' 84 8. ; FOR SALE Patent right, new -and improved fruift grader. Ask for Henry C. Winans, 8t Charles hotel. " t OWNER leaving, sacrifice $750 soft drink parlor . for $250. 201 3d st. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WASTED WE have buyers for cigar stores, res taurants, confectionery stores and garages. If your business bt for sal call us up or come in-, and see us. We csn sell it SELLABLE INVESTMENT CO. Broadway 4133. 309 Oak at WANT ROOMING HOU8IS For results list yonr property with Baal tatt Exchange. 201 3d st, Portland MONET TO LOAN HEAL ESTATE $7 PAT OFF THE MORTGAGE on your city home on easy installments with 10 years' time to repay: fully protected by life In surance under Home Pnrchasa Plan of- tha Eqnit. ade use Assurance nocvety. interest s per cent: no commisaion. Sew Mr. Strong, Equltabla office, Oregonian boilding. $300. $400. $500, $750, $1000 and np. lowest ' interest rates. Deees. No delay. Liberal repayment priv- GORDON INVESTMENT CO j : 631 Chamber of Commerce. BUILDING loans on city or suburban property; money advanced as work progresses. W. G. Beck. 216 snd 216 Failing bldg. Mala 8407. $250. $350, $400, $500, $600 snd"lTriTr -amotrnu. current rites. Quick action. Fred W. German Co., 782 Chamber of Commerce. MONET to loan on city , or farm property at 6 and 1U. Met lure ft Scbmancb Co., 309 Railway Exchange bldg. IF TOU want money see us; ws have It Me Kenzie ft Co.. since 190J. Sit Gerlinger bldg. Phone Main 2801. - MONET to loan In amounts of 8109 to $5000 on cn.y propvny j - A. H. BELL. Room 10-11, IfnTkey bide MONET to loan on city property at lowest rates, Fred S. Williams, 92 Vt lstt ' 500 TO $9000 to loan, city or' farm mort- gsge; no commission, p. u. Box 873 BEKOREfJQN INV. ft MORTGAGE CO, 222 Chamber ot Commerce, 4 th and Stark. MONET TO iniv-svii nviT... )t?-.un.nl,nt. PJ . U) " th best; andsumt 7;; !; " ""yn a man. tEterest1 V 90 ""''" WM $1000 loan sn4 other amounts in proportion. 1 r foUdlnPuear1' EQUITABLE SAVINGS Wax ASgOCL.T,.0,, ' Stark st. Porllanit. n. JiOXET TO SALARIES CHAIi8 Salary LOANS' WW iuv r, : .vnawal ZZSZuZ'-- E"b naaotion'aW!; ' NO MORTGAGE NO INDOTtRf W ABSOLUTELT NO SECURITY " li.J0' on houhld furniture, pianos, etc., without removal. , CALL . AND INVESTIGATr COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY LICENSED. ,-v""AI 218 Failing bldg." If You Need Money See Us oAinmca S.-HATTEL3 Loans made to persons on salary or fixed In. come, on houhild furniture. pUnos. dumonS snd other personal property ; legaTrateaT B2 ness confidential: private offffcea. posi PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY, Licensed -806-807 Dekum bldg. . 1 PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ' ASvT" Established by Portland business men to protect borrower, r C. MYERS HERMAN, Mgr.. 804 STARK KT LOANS ON DIAMONDS, JEWELRY PIANOS ' HOUSEHOLD FUBNITURE. rtAJOS LOANS WANTED $$ LOANS wantktTT" $45,000 for 0 yesre. 1440 sere wheat land.! summer, fallow and stubble, Adams county," Washington. Conservative value $125,000. All tillable. $24,000 at 9 on' $75,000 brick apart.! ment house, best section of Seattle. Income $1200 monthly. $4550 first mortgage. 500 acres in Colum bia eounty. 80 acres clrsr. on B. R. and boat- landing. Conservative value f t 6.500. ; ;; We have various applications in suras ' $500 up on flrt class city and farm security. OREGON INVESTMENT A MORTGAGE CO. --'2 Chamber of Coinmeife, 4th and 'Stark its, WANT $4000., 3 YEARS ' On Portland improved . inanne property. This Is an exceptionally good loan as the property is worth about 8 times as ranch as loan wanted and is rented to good - reliable tenants. RITTER. LOWB A CO:. 203-5-7 Board of Trade-Bldg. WANT $3000, close in impvovednuslnesa prop-i erty: largo lot street improvements all in and paid. R-807. Journal. SEE OREGON INV. it MR"t73AGE C7i 222 Chamber of Commerce. 4th and Stark. $800 8. ON halt acre ami room bunga low near Tremont station. East 6829. $2500 ON Heights property. Commerce, f 821 Chamber of FINANCIAL. $1 LIBERTY BONDS If yon most sell your Liberty bends SELL TO US. If you ean buy mora Liberty bonds, BUT FROM US. We buy and seU Liberty bonds at the market ( ( TOU CANNOT DO BETTER TOU MAT DO WORSE , On Saturday, Nov. 80, ws paid tha follow, ing prices for United States government Liberty loan bonds: $100 $1000 . Bond Bond 99.86 1008 64 97.19 ' .76.S4 94.03 945.1T ' 7,80 982.9$ 96.1$ 968.37 96.84 " 97$. $5 98.85 970.6$ :rs, ,nc. SHc 1st 4s . . . 2d. 4s ... 1st 4 Kl . 2d 4Ks . 3d 4X . . 4th 4Ul The Premier Municipal Bond House of Oregon. - Established over 25 year. $09-$ll Stark, between 6th and 6th, Grand Floor. . Telephone Broadway Sift ' BONDS AND MORTGAGES We buy and sell ' Liberty bonds at market rates, sell municipal bonds and, loan money en improved Portland realty at low interest rate yielding attractive returns ' LIBERTY BONDS and other valuables should be kept in onr safety vaults, free from danger of fire and burglars. Open 9 to 6. BOXES $8.80 lTEARLT INSPECTION INVITED ... UNION SAFE DEPOSIT ft TRUST CO., 284 .Oak it., bet 4th and 5th. Cash Paid for ; - LIBERTY BONDS . Any Issue Any Anvmat We pay market plot accrued interest Ws loaa 90 per cent on Liberty Bonds ' h: OR : . ' Will loan yen the money ta Complete your payments ELWOOD WILES CO, 281 C. 8. National Bank bldg. Open Saturday nntil 3 p. m. LIBERTY BONDS Do not lose what you have paid on your con tracts. If you are not able to make your pay -merits, sea us. . . Ws pay cash- for partly paid eontrsets or bonds, or Joan you 90 i on your Investment at . 7 and 8 per annum. . - Special attention given to out-of-town custma--ers. - 1 . Bonds bought and sold at marks prica. Loans negotiated on farm, and city property. - - - Deal with responsible licensed brokers. Open to 0 p. m. HOWELI, ft DAVIS. ' - . ' 401 Board of Trade. LIBERTY BONDS CASH PAIT FOR ANT ISSUE OF" BONDK MARKET PBICE. WILL CASH Tf UR RE HKIHTS FfR PARTIAL PAYMENT OV BONDS AT FAIR VALUE.- DO NOT SACRI FICE YOUR RECEIPTS, WHICH REPRE SENT GOLD DOLLARS. SEE K. BURKITT, SECRETARY, ORHGON BOND ft. MORT GAGE X., 212 SELLING BLDO. -COR. 6TH AND ALDER. 2D FLOOR. LI B ERTY BON DS BOUtTiTT Fully or partly paid bonds for cash. Sell direct U licensed brokers. Gat market cash value. .; - . And denomlnaOon bought ' ' ' . --$60. f 100. $600. C 11000 Baal ness strictly confidential; private cfflos fa ladies. - WESTER!! STOCK ft BOND CO. - " Licensed Brokers. . Honrs 6:30 to 6 p. nu SulU 614 Korean Bldg., Broadway and Wasliington - St f , - BONDS -BOUGHT - SPOT CASH. SPOT CASH. - ' . CASH FOB PATMENTS MADE J t CASK FOB TOUR RECEIPTS- MaB bonds to us; w remit retnnt Come to 723 Gasco bldg., 5th and Aider. CEIAjA KS-M U BTON CO..- OPEN SAT EVJ5. 7 '"Cash for libebttTbonds T FULLY PAID OR IN PART -. ' - DONALD MACLEOD- -, 100 SPStdlng bldg. 3d and Washington. IN V ES T IGTT E Oi is $2400 bonds "of tha Reaf ty Associates of Portland tag. $2000. Bonds svlll pay divWend December 1. L H, Huten tngs. 714 First st, MeMinirville. U, S. , LI B ERTY B(TNDS