THE , OREGON t SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, , SUNDAY' MORNING. . DECEMBER 1, 1918. 7 - FU1CERAL TJIBECTOBS . T. BYRNES, CM Ml Walliams sv taaklaaee aatabuani Waodlewu 1J. OlMl MOTTCMBlt'TB he fcLAESiN6.6ftANrreji 67-3RD. ST. ATT MADISty, I6bTLAND MARBLE WdRKS. atU-'JSO Atb et. epposue city ball. Mais 8664. r Fbilm Tu 4k Hon for memorial. . ' . ,,.t , LOST aitd roxntv S.FARE.VT8 f tbe boy who hit boy at Weshing ., ton library and -took skates, tf they wilt hat kaua returned to- Apt. 207. Grand Oak apt. Ml ear trouble. I( not. caa will be given to police and Invent! court . LOST Tslucope sample ?eee. dark (my fiber, bound with ua leather trap, aacurad with Tale padlock, laathar bandit braaa check . No. 171 attached; reward. E-862. JournaL ATTfuIUMwnal.' hotel" Tbankagiving night, a - Cootoa plaid steamer rtic waa Uken by m la ta. Win the party please cell Tabor 1263 -,: end exchange rugsT ' ' ' LOST A colli pud. wfaiU feat and breast. aaawara to nsm of Ami ; finder please return, to 1904 JE. Washington; raward. Tabor .LOST 2 . films In torn envelop, mat plsc between Broadway and 2d and Morrison; aay- ' rinding will pleas ratnrn to box bss. VATfCBurllrflon Special, (old filled", ladiee4 . photo la eaat; lost. Hat., St J. or M. A. ear; . ' raward. W. IS. Walla. 418 City Halt Mar. 4100. . LOST- -Hampton wrist watch, at Ora(o hotel Saturday. Nam oa back. Findar piaaaa re runs to Oregon hoteL tOt'NDf re and ran. Tueaday evening, at IJtn ana Everett ata.; inquire at osa aiorri- eon apt. - LOST A goid service pin made to order, (lit Inn ' husband Mn Vranna. Finder call Mr. E. . T. Stretcher. Rail. 8474. Reward LOHt Wednesday are., lavalierr. opal and diamond at Una. liberal raward. Return to Frtedlander Co. Phone Mala 379. LofiT Prudential . Life , Insurance collection book near or oa Polk .at Ratnrn to St. John poatofflco and receive 88 raward. LOST -A, little black and while Pi. 1790 Division.-,- Phone Tabor 82 80. LOHT In .Brooklyn, female fox terrier Call Melt 8445, or 601 K. Frederick , doc! LOUT Craacant pTh with peari. "Brti urn to 769 8d. or cell Marshall 200. lOST-Friday, downtown, medium alia cameo Mng. Kest HI 4. Heward. VERT liberal reward for Orange singer lost near Roaa and Broadway. Phone East 4971. FOL'NlWJIootch colfl Cell Main 1848. fos'f Small FrencTi porxlieT Phone E. I 27 .FOUND Black Shetland pony. Call Main 6246' , HELP WASTED MALE "TCCOOFTANTS NEEDED - unprecedented opportunities open to men trained ia accountancy. A knowledge of book keeping is not absolutely neeseaary aa w teach you from tha beginning. ua show you what we have done for other men. Prepare Your self now with a training that will be invaluable : to you m thia unsettled, reconstruction period Our course is a ectentiiio and intensely inter esting home study training. Accepted applicants ,. guaranteed satisfaction. If yon are ; sincere in your desire to better your condition, call, writ er phone for an appointment and we will be , glad to arrange for a personal Interview. W. 8. Cnprrl406 Teon bldg. Main 122. ' -T7 : THE OLDf. W0RTM AN A KINO STORE RE QUIRES THK BKRVlTER OF Beys and men who have had experience In sell ing -toys; also young man who understands set . tiag up toys and wheel goods end competent aaiaamea in various other departments. Apply t to 10:8.0 a. m., superintendent's office. ' .. . i S.VWNlft,L EMPLOYES WANTED ; 1 UH sawyer. 83.78. I 1 millwright. j 1 tHmmsrmsn. 34. 1 chain grader, 84 B0 1 machine grader, 84.25. . 1 common grader, (4. Alto chain and piling contrsrt to let about, January 1. Double band pine mill. In apply ing for position state for whom you have worked. X-74 6. Journal. I1U rER M&SlTH the year around, tha average earning leak year of a Dumber of our salesman ear 46 years. Thl year will be the biggest yet. a experience necessary; weekly cash advance, outfit furnished. Big assortment guaranteed trees, shrubbery and vine. You csa do, what other in experienced man have don. Washington Nur aery Co., Toppenlsh. Wash. EXPERIENCED candy maker. , Experienced randy maker helper. 1 . . - Apply educational department, sixth ' Meier at 'Frank Co. floor. i ' .1 ' BANTA CI.AUS 8 hours esch day until "Christ mas. Avply superintendent office, V to 10 a. m.. Old, Wortman A King. 1 Msn with fsmily to work on farm; also in timber, hauling wood and loading ears; house, garden, can keep cow, hogs and chickens: mtist be reliable.' Also wood splitters. J. K Campan, Hubbard, Or.; H. F. D. 2. r vi Box 118. ' . 4 WANTED lUliable" men or noya over 1 6 for newspaper work, on Saturday evsnings only; Tej :ay. Apply to Mr. Smith. nL Journal. Broad- way mniu. . ... WkT O' axyeriencetiyOveraton for shirt and on both on and two needle ma Excallent opportunity far girls that experience felling shirt. - lit Hood ehlnea ha 288 Couch St.. ANTED Afew Uve men Inr Vr1mnA in I a II our eld-line health and accident policies. Good compensation nd chance' for rapid ad- Tenccmsnt, 406 N. W. Bank bldg. j' flTUNG man, age 14 "to 17, to work in jewelry atore. permanent position to right one. Apply Monday ft to 11 a. m. William Rogers. 134 jttmngswonn ava WANTED Boy withlmrtiTaelTver telegrams, good salary; must be st least 16 yaars of age. Apply District Trsffic Chief, Pacific Telephone A Tl-graph-Co.. 201 Telephon bldg. . tftUNG man to da general work around atore ' and eolleot. Must drive Ford. Neat appear ance. Smell bond. Call Wakefield Music "Co.. 427 Washington st. , FIRST class auto washer, highest nav to first rata man; na other need apply. Cowey Motor car uo. ASSISTANT electrician for out of town . mill ; . steady Job, $110. A. P. Sprague, Multnomah hotel. ' a, WANTED Young man or boy over Ti for apprentice in a newspaper trad. Good chance to learn. D-860, Journal. .MAN or school boy, few hours' work daily. .. room and board or wages. Inquire 818 Piatt piag., from ll to 4 WANTED, reliable truck driver for light de Uvery truck: must have experience and ref erence Address L-876, JournaL SALESMEN wanted to aell' General- Psrshing Victory Transparent Window Flags. Call e sin si , mean out. 'WANTED Salesman familiar withT the salt fish - line. Alaska Herring a imp. (j0- 22 Yam- phi . , - . TRUCK driver: steady, reliable, competent man , wanted: 3128; out of town. A. P. Sprague. : Multnranah hoteL . WO experienced life lnsurnc7"seleameu, Old- , - sine company, saury and commission. 406 ,1- V. W. Bank bldg. -' FOR work on small ranch for winter; fair pay, good bom. Phone Mllwsukls. 44 Y. WANTED Sheet - metal worker. Union Av. . Sheet MeUl works, 411 Union ave. N. 'WANTED Solderer. Itnion Ave. Sheet Metal ,w wwaa. s UBHW av. . WANTED, automobile taechanic. Apply Miller, eriierson, vr. WAXTED Jewelers and stone setters. Steady ...ial . arwe 9 . at A position. W. 8.- Mrers Co.. Portland. Ctr : . tXPERIENCED" automobile tire salesman; ref- arence reqniren. Apply Anksny st '..'ilEN of boy to dig spuds; shsres or day work. F. J. Wilson. Jcnninsa Lodaa Or. -WANTi iteef boner. Ka rcbilJ market. 22a . Tamhill. - . MAN to wait on lunch counter and oyster stand. ' Apply Standard Oyster Co.. 147 First st. POTATO" diggers, ' 5 j ssck. 1196 Matl at " t! -- . ?KtF WANTED-MISC. 49 - SATJ-SM ANr PeTnianciit - position open' . with large Cleveland manufacturer putting on the 'InarkeA a new hlgh-clase specialty; will yield $80 . to 8160 per week to right man. Address E. H. ntaiu, dox iw, Btaaon u. Cleveland, tihlo. , CIVIL 8K R V ICR in one week. We can prepare you-irr railway man. custom pouse and clerk ' examinations in 7. days. Chargea $4. No extras. Free information. Capital Civil Barrios lnsU- xute, wasnington, x. v. . yJkliSS MATINGLi S . SWORTHA.VD InT TYPEWRTTING -SCHOOL, dav aad evenlne. - In a moutl. 269 14th. near Jefferson. Main I .. OREGON 'LAW ' SCHOOL, , , " ' y . Allay bldg.. , 3d and Morrison. . ; Pbona Msln 977. - W E. Riehardaon. See, EEHN KE-W'ALKEIt BUSINESS COLf.EGE day night . school reopens Monday, Nor. 18; enroll bow. ' - T - Mts4 DkKER'g. . PRTVATB BUSINESS COLLEGE AT.TBKY BLDG. 8D AND MORRISON. ..'v LLVK'S BCStVESS COU.EGE . PORTLAND. , OREGON. HELP WAITED MISC. 49 TALK "OK OREGON daily, thia week. Port- land to New Zealand, neii week. The. Fin. thing achool . (and for beginners). t 66 Sixth etreet (bat ween Oak -and Pin) teaches, short- baad, typewriting, apelling, to auk all enaehrnea aeiaeleea, to report with : eye aa the apeak er. to make thorthaad note on any make of chin, to anak . private and detccUte note with your hands ia yoar poeket or muff . to be nude clever, and for ti a week. - On week to perfect thee who; bare attended bialneM cot Wee or nich aehoel and month . for becin want to train taashar to aaalat In this acheol aad , to open out brajaebea; food liTinc for mother and dauchter or hatband and we.' The dally talka eoauaetiea at a and lan till 4. Pnpila -frae, for the opportunity - of practicing reoortiBav . Paraau aad other are netted to attend and pay ZOe, to. ao toward the fnnd for a (rami memorial to aar retnrnina aoldien. Cbalk drawing and a sound leaaon will be ((tb ia (eotraphy. Four minute apeak are are lantaa. t . ever mint let aiatf puua- Inc; come ta learn aometninc. ) Wanted Men at Once For the Big Practical School To team to operate and repair automobile, traetore and truck in, special day and niabt elawee. Student can enter at any time. Call or writ Hemphill's Trade Schools, 707 Haw- thome ar. at Eaet 20th. BtlOHT 0UTLO6K FOB OPERATORS w hare nerer had aa creat a demand for our students aa NOW. - Wa are Indorsed by the railroads aad can aaaura yoon( men and women sue ci by enroIHnc ia day or evening classes now starting, write or call for bulletin. . Rail way Telegraph Institute, 319 By. Each. bid.. Portland. - 1 BURSELL PRIVATE BUSINESS BCHOOL Shorthand, Typewriting Spelling. Buaineei Engliah. Office Training, Filing. Bookkeeping, Adding Machine. Indiridoal laatruetioa. New, Up-to-date Ennipment. Day aad evening claaaea. I.IMBEHMEM) BUUti., 6tO and BUrt. PBoB Bdwr. 844.. Mia F. Bunjeil, Principal. HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL 462 Hawthorne avenue. Practical instruction la automobile repairing. gas engmeertng. mar nine anop practice, oxy- aeetylen welding, storage battery rebuilding and cnargtng. utr ana evening classes. "AUTO and tractob school Technical and practical training, autoa, trao tora. gaa eaglnea. auto electrical work. Writ at onoa for big 100-page eatalog. Adcoz Auto V Tractor Bcbooi, Dept. J., uoioa are. ana Waaoo St., Portland, Or. THR TATT-OR FATTH SriSINESS C07XEGE 2d Fir. SUrens Bids.. W. Park aad Waahiaa- ton. Can use one mora pupil on coaptoaaetM ami listing macmna. BTEEN SEWING SCHuuL Bleak s system of ladies tailoring and dressmaking taught: pat terns cut to measure. Phone Kaat 2889, B-S307. 1 82 Grand a?., near Belmont. HELP WANTED FEMALE THE Meier A Frank company requires the serv ices - of sxperieneed salespeople in different' departments. 10 girla btween 16 and 18 years are needed for wrapping positions. There are positions open for apprentices in several departments; excellent opportunities for advancement. Atl former Meier tt Frank employe, net now employed, are Invited to call and arrange for reinstatement. All applications are received at educational department, sixth floor. Young Lsdie Far telephone operating. Ma prariuca experience He . Good salary Rapid advsncameut ia salary. '. Parmaaent positions. " Extra payment for Bandars and holidays. Apply telephone swmpany eparating school. slxUi floog . Park And Oak straaajs. Bstwaea 8:80 a. nv. aad 8:80 p. THE OLDS, WORTMAN A KINO STORE RE QUIRES THE SERVICES OF Experienced ssiaswomen in all departments, ex perienced cashiers and transfer girls. Apply 9 to viv:eu a. in., superintendent onice. WANTED Ten bright, capable ladies to travel, demonstrate and sell well known goods to established deslers. 325 to 860 per week; rail road fare paid; weekly advance for traveling ex penses. Address at once. GOODRICH DRUG COHPANT, Dept. 700, OMAHA. NEB. WANTED Competent girb or womsn for Uouse- work. Practically new house, n ice comfort able room. Good wages. No objection to col ored help. Apply la person at 961 Bryca are. Take Broadway ear to Bryce are. Walk east. WANTED -An experienced working housekeeper to take full chart ox rooming house in As toria: married' preferred ; no children; if not ex perienced, do not answer. D. H. Welch, Astoria, Or. ' ' DANDY PLACE ' FOR COMPETENT GIRL OR WOMAN Practically new bouse. Nice comfortable room. Good wages. Apply S61 Bryce are. Taki Broadway car to Bryce are., walk east. WIDOWER with 2 children, ft and 12 years, wants plain housekeeper, one who like chil dren and wants home more than wages and kind treatment. Call after 8 p. m., 226 E, 8 2d tt.. north.. Portland. Or. WANTED Competent girl or woman for house- work. Practically new house. Nice, com forteble room. Good wages. Christian Scientist preferred. Apply in person at 981 Bryce are. Take car to Bryce are. Walk east. WANTED A few UveTady solicitors in Port land to sell our old-line health and accident policies. Good compensation and chance for rapid advancement. 408 N. W. .Bank bldg. WANTED Competent refined girl for second maid, pleasant home; no fires, no washing good wage. W"estoTr Tsrraoe. Phone Mar, 8)29. ; GIRLS wanted, steady employment at good wage.: Apply Troy Laundry Co., E. 10th and Pine. STRONG woman or girl, experience unneces sary, united Mattress tt Psd Co.,. 427 Han cock at. WANTED A graduate nurse for private hos- pitaL All year position. For' particulars write J-772. Journal. : WANTED A Franklin high school girl to take care of an 8-year-old school girL Phone Xa- bor 8590. - . : EXPERIENCED heU for dress maker's shop. 4 53 is Waahingtoa. WANTED Elderly" woman assist housework". 125 E. 46th st WANTED A girl for general housework. Main 7220. .' NEAT BOOM and breakfast, in exchange tor 2 hour housework. Call Main 8780. WANTED A," chambermaid at Ltnqulst hoteL Call after 3 p. m. 2d and Madison. LADY 25 to 40 to hslp in bowling alley out; of town, caa 407 4th St.. Portland. MIDDLE aged lady tor housekeeper. Tab. 1118. HELF WAITTEB MALE AUD FEMALE - tt MAN and wife to give se rrice in email apt house in exchange tor modern . 8 room apt with private bath, heat, water, gas range. 981 Front - . ...-.-..!... . ' MOtjEB BABlftli COLLEGE ! Pay you while learning; givs you set of tools; gusrantee posUiona. - write for catalogue. . 284 Bornside t. or phone Broadway 1781. PORTLAND "BARBER COLLEGE Teaches men and women the barber trade free. Pay while learning. '284 Couch. Broadway 2482. MEN. WOMEN, learn barber trade free; wage whil learning: position guaranteed. Oregon Barber College. 233 Madison. WASTED-KAGE5T9 1 TRAVELING"' MEN.- WOMEN Best nndeiine in the world. 61000 monthly; nothing ta aeu or carry: miormsnon only. J. u. Walker, witixens sang plug., jsoujaer. cola. YOUR name brings copy Money-Making Idea. The great 82-page agents' and mail ' dealers teagasine. A. H. Krans. 817 Xratu bldg., Mil waukee, na WAXTET A6EXTS THB . IferchanU Publishing company, Bala ma. 1 soo, Mich. , originatora aad taaaafactarera of th well-known' Elamaaoo daotoaa Una of cal endars and other -apecialties have open territory ia western Oregon for lBlt to begin January 1. Our line is so varied that a- anceeaaful salesman ia enabled to travel throughout the year,.: W alio ajunulactura Mather good, signs, cardboard - fans and - blotter. Commissions lib eral and paid weekly. . If you are aeeking -a good connection, write Sale Manager. Mer chanta Publishing company, FRIENDS! AUSNTS1 Ladiaa and Gentlemen! I Lead me your oe- Use and sell Egyptiaa Magie Perfume. , A powerful high grade extract of flower that give entire satisfaction. . Mrs, H. wrhea. "Your perfume ia Juat grand." Mis Q. aaya "It's : wonderful, . already- people take more notice. , Mrs. Kalnar wrhea. "It may be the perfume, anyhow business is better." .Hun dreds of satisfied customers. One bottle, pout- paid. 2Se; three, SOe; five, $1: dozen. 2; Boas. (18. a 3. Churchill Cbenucal Co.. fgra.. Beaumont. Texas. . THE WORLD HAS NEVER KNOWN A GREATER SLI.ER B first in your field. Take orders for America's War for Hnmanlt" 12.00 book 80 commission. Meyer sold 23 In one day, showing only a circular; 'Morely 43 in a day; BeuU 10 in one hour. iss lOe for mailing FREE antra. F. B. Dickeraon Co.. Uetroit, Mich. SOLICITORS, it you want something attractive ! and a money maker call to aee na Monday and we win atart you at once. we are nacr ot me proposition and will help you to make money for yourself. Calef Bros., house fureiahers. Oo 70 6tb. at. - - - - HISTORY OF THE WORLD WAR1 By Francis A., siarcit. wiui introduction dt us orotner. General Peyton C. March, highest officer in the United States, army. Complete and au thentic. Official photographs. Extraordinary opportunity for big profits. Outfit free. Uni versal House. Philadelphia. Salesmen bi8. quick pROFrts new VJUBUBETUK FUB FUBO tJAHS. Simple, net a moving part. Installed in 80 minutes, guaranteed to double your mileage and atart in aero weather without heating or priming. 15 day FREE trial. Writa U. J. Carburetor Co.. 808 W. Jackson bird.. Chicago. MOST wonderful pictorial hiatory on the world's war. Complete, authentic- About 600 pages. 100 striking illustrations. "Retails $2. High est commission. Free sample to workers Quick delivery. Act now. John AT Hertel Co.. pub lishers' deft-. 1192 Chicago. AGENTS Sell BUzxard raincoats, first tune advertised. -Army, khaki, kind' soldiers wear. Cltixen style. Your commission in sdrsnce. Write for samples.. Milton factories, S644 Cot ton V. Dayton, Ohio. AGENTS 200 Profit wonderful little art! cle. Something new; sells like wildfire. Carry right In pocket. Write at once tor free aam pie. Albert Mills, Gen, Mgr. 616 American Dicig.j Cincinnati, unto. PICTOHIAL history of World War, illustrated from official photographs of L. 8., British and French governments. . Fast seller. Outfit free. Send 10c to pay postage. Bible Edu cationsl Society, 7th and Pine sts., St., Louis, Mo. History ' of world war By Francis A- March. Introduction by Gen eral March. Biggest illustrated book- official I'hetographs authentic. Big profit. Outfit FREE. Historical Book Co.. Chicago. 33 PROFIT selling Jubilee Spark Tntensl- fur. Baniahea eoerk slug trouble. Sells like wildfire; exclusive territory. Write Quick, Jubilee Mfg. Co.. Omaha, Neb. BITTJATIOTTS MALE SPECIALTY salesman who has had aeveral years experience meeting and dealing with farmers wants attractive proposition or ' good specialty for sideline. Best of references. A. 890 Harrison rt. RELIABLE auto driver wants position driving car lor private rajniiy or -puainfis iirm ; wm consider driving truck also: no Hundsy work best of references ' furnished. Call Main 3499 Sunday. t MARRIED man, exranenced in farming and stock raking want work on. farm or stock ranch; can give references. Address ioiu js. S'Jd t North. B.OOF8 repaired, resbingled and painted. "AH kinds of carpenter work. (Jail Wesley Chit wood. Phone A-2487, ahop, or A-2826, res. CARPENTER, Job work a specialty, furniture aad all kinds repairing. 10 union ave. n. pnone wain. 4 too. GROCERY, general merchandise' clerk wants work, city or country: can drive car: axe. Sellwocd 460. YOUNG man to work on small farm, wages ac cording to work: must be good home. D- 859, Journal. CESSPOOL and basement digging; all kinds job work by contract. Tabor 6397. ROSE trimming time now; have yonr work dona by an experienced man. Tabor 19Bo. YOUNG man wants any Kind of work in garage or shop: hss no experience. T868, Journal. ELDERLY man wants- position as. Janitor or houseman. I-STT. Journal. SEE ME before painting, papering, kalsominlng and repairing. East 3780, CARPENTERING. repairing ana remodeling. Phone Tabor 234. CARH for elderly man. sick or disabled his home. Reference. X-489, JournaL SHINGLER Leaky roofs patched, reshingllng done. Marshall 1072. LEAKY roofs repaired, painted; all kinds of carpenter work. Bdwy. 3Z70. SHINGI'F.RS When you want ahingling done -call Woodiawn 5206. ROOF work, reshingllng, patching done by con tract Phone Beacham, Marshall 706. SITUATIONS FEMALE 4 BY strong Canadian woman, used to farm life. aa cook to 3 or more men; thorough, clean. economical:' near Portland. Give particulars and wage. D-67T, JournaL NUKSE Chautauqua graduate, will care for in- valtd : more for practice than wages. Eleanor Fredricks. Yamhill. Or. KIND lady would like to go to California with invalid ; reasonable wages ; will remain in city. Tsbor 8286. AN elderly, motherly woman housekeeper or 7 to 0 p. m. Phone nurse. 83.50 from Wdln. 2178. AS housekeeper by motherly woman after Dec. 8, 'for motherless children. Khone wain 2470. TO DO chamber work for two H. K. rooms and wages. M-86-V JournaL WANT knitting and quilt tieiag to do. Call phone Tabor 4358. WANTED Pupils to tutor, grammar . or .high school subjects. Mrs. Arnold. East 5188v EFFICIENT young lady stenographer available at once. Tabor 8416. DRESSMAKING 48 MISS GURI ENGELSTAD. discerning dress. maker; - no patterns. hop 1032 Hawthorne av. Tabor 8O80. PROFESSIONAL dressmaker at amateur prices; make over -a specialty. . Main 2879. KUBSES ' 1 69 NURSE Chautauqua graduate, will care for in- valid: mere Tor practice than for wages. Eleanor Fredricks, Yamhill, ' Or. FURNISHED ROOMS HOTEL FRANKLIN ? - WASHINGTON AT THIRTEENTH 81 a Day Up. Special Rate by Week. CLEAN, nice rooms, 82 per week. Good home for. folk that want moderately priced rooms. Z28H let st - ' FOR RENT Furnisbel rooms to man or woman of good charactar, 69 per month- 444 Kenir- worth ave., Richmond car. NICELY furnished room for gentleman, central, Call at 812 Fleidner bldg. H6teE SARGENT7 Hawthorne apd Grand, Starting point special car for Vancouver. Hotel Princess - ern: moderate. 3d and Bumaide. NICK warm room, 3 pet week. Free hath, etc 78 N. 14th. FURNISHED BOOMS FBITATB FAMILY 78 ONE large furnished front room for two or three gentlemen. w ldow s Home, reasonable walking distance. 228 HiU st. NICE front room, private 'family, near Haw thorne car: heme - privileg: gentleman pre ferred; breakfast if desired. Tabor 8378. ' FOR RENT Nice large glassed-in sleeping porch, with dressing room, euitable for 2 girl: near 28d and Wash.- Home phone A-l 61 8. VERY pleasant nicely , furnished room. 82.60 a week; refined injmiiy; creaxiast li a em red. Phone Tsbor 1174 Sat, and Sun, mornings. FURNISHED room in modern home with pri- vate family, Mt Tabor car. Phone Tabor 1398. - 'J --'- ' '' - ! - WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS Room for rent in Private family. Phone Main 8668. LAKGlis furnished bed roots for rent 75,0 E. 27ttT rt. 310. NICELY furnished . room for gentleman, t2. CaU Tabor 454. SLEEPING room, ground floor, outside trance, bath, light and phone. $71 8d- FRONT aleeping room. 8 blocks front noatof- flee, 810 per mo. 431 Taylor. Marshall 1240. FRONT bedroom for rent suitable for one or . two gentlemen; furnace heat Eaat 8529. - BOOMS AH D BOARD It ROOM' and board." R aeaLSvn Grand Ave. hotel 834 Grand ave.. t blocks so. of Hawtbom' a vat. THE HA2EL 'Xai like the other. 'r Every comfort Home cooking. 886 Third. BOOMS ASS BOARD FBITATB FAMILY - WANTED Comfortable -home Tor 6-year-old : boy ia city with reliable people. East 6187. BOOKS AJTD BOABO FB-IVAT FAMILY v - 3V tfl feOOM and board, home prwUegea. ' 428 Mill BL l-none Marahau Zlo. ROFSEKEEPIBO BOOMS - FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED TWO RM. furnished h, k. suite, dean and de- airawe, separate entrance with porch s 18 minutes', walk,- reasonable rent to permanent I tenant. Inquir 919 Piatt Mdg.. 10 to 4. 1 Marshan 884S. - i-.. TWO nice furnished' aleeping room, and two I housekeeping room: walking distance. 4081 Roaa at. TWO furnished, housekeeping room. ' close in. I SIZ month i also 2 unturulaned roocaw IS aaonta. J14 8 Front atreet. -IHTHlS shinvard district auartmeata. house keeping rooms, furnished, usfunuaoea: tens un able. 795 First or 262 Gfbba. ,. ti, t.' rooms, 680 Couch it, block off 16th and Washington. HOCSEKEEFIKti -ROOMS 3a JFtJBKISHEB AND TJKFUBN1SHED FBITATB FAMILY v THREE, large newly decorated rooms, furnished or nnfurniahed. suitable for lieht house keeping or aleeping rooms; near 23d and Wash, Home phone A-10I8. TWO aicely furnished H. K. rooms in private 1 family for rent to rennexs couple, woodiawn 2T08. LARGE front na., housekeeping privileges. 708 I Everett St., cor. 22d. r?f FURNISHED apt., west aide, reasonable. Mar- snai z4. CHILD from 1 to 3 yean to board and room; good referencea; beat of care. Main oo4. 5NE aleeping room with. 1L at. privileges. 640 Eaat Stark. FOR RENT Two furnished housekeeping rooms. 1247 Wilbur st Phone 6491. FOB BEWT HOUSES - UITFDBiriSHED 13 MEIER A FRANK'S FREE RENTAL AND INFORMATION BUREAU Reliable up-to-dafe lists at dedreMe vacant uaea. apartmenta and flats with definite tav formation partaintng ta aaca. Newcomer in Portland will find this bureau of great value in helping them get properly and uiccr locatoa. EIGHTH FLOOR W. G. M'PHERSON'S house, Willamette Heighta. 1069 Thurmaa St.. 2 bedrooms. bath, attic, 4 bedroom. 2 baths, 2d-floor: mahogany dining room, hardwood ' floors, mod em plumbing, gas and electric lighting; strictly firat-claaa throughout. 6TtOOil nearly modern house, partly furnished, j .o a montn, want u motitn in advance; also 2 room aback, bam, chicken house, etc.. lots 100x100 ft, Key at A. N. SEARLE. 1924 E.,Glisan st THREE room house, 815; garage. 85. Ground - for rniUvatloa. Stark. Mt Tabor Apply corner 89th and East (M T 88th) car to end. four blocka north, one east 6 ROOMS AND SLEEPING PORCH Modern, high class district; to responsible party 50 pet mo. Sunday phone Wdln. 732. 1217 Rodney ave. 4 ROOM new modern house, fireplace, full ee ment basement with laundry trays, large garden. to responsible people. 80 E. Bussett, near Mia- sismppi. '. FOR RENT 6 room house and fruit trees and 8 acres ground. Take Woodstock ear to 53d ave. and walk west to 1056 88d st. FOR REN 'f or sale, 8 room house with 1 ecre. 8930 71st ave. For appointment. Tabor I 4573. FOR RENT 7 room house, modern, winter fuel, gss range, water heater for sale. Phone B-2309 or call 594 Clinton st. and 18th. &0TH AND . E. TAYLOR Modern room house, sleeping porch, furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors. East 2H7t. MODERN 6 room house to small family; adults only. Call East 842 or Broadway 181. Johnson. HOUSES FOR RENT FUB2UTUBE FOB SALE St AN 8 room rooming 'house, furniture for sale: all furnished, housekeeping rooms, in best dis trict; bouse rent very reasonable. Maul 7629.. 4 ROOM, houe for. rant and furniture lor selaT Tabor 4472. - .-,- ;. 1FURNITT1RE for sale, flat for rent , 444 12th t Main .2819. FURBISHED HOUSES $6 IRVINGTON HOME Modern 8 room home, furnished: Chlekerina grand glassed-in aleeping porch, polished oak floors, good fireplace ana furnace, full ce ment basement with gaa store and wash trays. double garage, rented for 810 per month. Will lease all for 16 months, 87 5 per month; no children; references. 374 E. 9th at north; walking distance. Phone East 5560. 824 Heights Terrace. Hall and 16th St. Scenic Lodge cottages. 2 rooms and large sleep- lng porch, beautiful aiew of mountains and city. ; mountains and city, of city, cheap rent. 20 minute' walk to neart clean. COMFORTABLY furnished B-room cottage for tent to man emf wife without children, $30 per month.' 1212 Belmont t FURNISHED 8 room house, close In. 330 Park it Main 2978. SIX-ROOM furnished house in southeast dU- APARTMENTS 41 PUBLISHED AND rWFUBTTISHED HART APARTMENTS Second an3 Yamhill Newly furnished modern housekeeping and aleeping rooms. 62.50 and' nifc . MAGNOLIA APT. Eaat Sd andw Belmont; modern 1 and - room acts,, 31.60 par week Up. Sleeping room. East 2 12- 8 ROOM apartment, nicely furnishedT Eaat Bumaide. 892 WORKING firl to share apartment Call Sun- dy morning. Bdwy. 836. 8 ROOM apt', and 2 room apt, fumishsd, for rent 649 Union av. N. FUBKISHED FLATS 60 FOR KENT, furnished 6 room flat, 826 par . niv 625 Mill st FIVE room upper flat, furnished, only 835. 848 Belmont st . - FOR RENT Furnished fist or H. K. rooms! SelL 2898. HOTELS 64 PORTLAND VISITORS A Let The Journal Travel - Bursa Help you get accommodations. 8EBVICB IS FBXB Writ to "Dorse y B. Smith. Journal Travel Bureau, Journal Bldg.. Port land. Ore." . Tell him when you will arrive, what hotel er other accommo dation you want and about what you expect to pay. He will notify you im mediately Juat what if any. reserva tions be - baa been able to gaake for you and how to reach them. Be aura to ante a reasonable time in advene. .HOTEL WANTED. I have buyer ' tor a good west aide hotel with atreet lobby. 1 431 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6127.' ' WAIT TEP TO REST ' 7 PORTLAND SHIPBUILDERS WANT HOUSES FLATS APARTMENTS Phone or man information vacancies to "Heave . Together. w regarding west Steel Co., Msln 1193. FARMERS, ATTENTION -1 have three thoroughly experienced farmer! wiusvcasa money wl v "r ,mi no- plemenU and pay cash for rent and faU.ased in u any. send me particulars snd a win rent your farm without delay. WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET " RESULTS. A. O. Bender. , SITTER. LOWE A CO. S08-8-T Board of Trade Bttg, MAN with family want to rent farm, atocked and furnished en; a hare, froi one "to five years. Experience) with, -stock T-944,' JournaL -- and poultry. WA5TED To . rent, by reliable man, from 8 to 20 acres with necessary buildings, suitable tor poultry and gardening. Writ or call at 1104 K. Simpson at, s. is.. Cnaa. Franaen. RESPONSIBLE party wiU lease 8 to 10 acre. suburban, with good house, for term of years. X-681, JournaL i j WANTED Unfurnished - house or fiat of 8 rooms for man and wife. Please give par- tlcular. B-898, JournaL '-., FAMILY- with 1 chud desire to rent unfur. . ntshed -4 ot 5 room modern house In good neighborhood ; referencssa. . Z-8 $7, Journal. , REAL ESTATrr BUSIXESS 'PEOPEBII 16 NET INCOME Fine 4 story brick apt,- house" prop- ; arty; West Side Corner; owner very t (i aeik and mart sell. Sea Mr. Fulton, r RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. Broadway. 41 33. 30ft Oak gt. FOR SALE Abaolutcty the best spartawnt 1 asta. 1 blocks from Morrison and ' Broadway. FOB SALE HOUSES - 1 LOOK AT THESE TODAY $ '7n 2 "xib aooee, lot 100x100. en E. I VAJ 81st bet. Lolladay and Multanxaaa. - 3208 cash.., -. Lf . - $' room cottage, bath, electricity, lot . 7VU 43x182. 121 Bancroft "ava., watt - ' de. 3100 caah. --, Si 900 ro" hous. Y8I100. fmlt.114 E. 'l.VV TSrh wtmw All,.- I1SS M.h - - ! i A() room cottage, floe corner lot, 686 -r- w saason. cor. , 1 4th. una 5R1 fif)n ?. IOOBi cottags, 881 Mallory, corner N WUw Mason. 8300 cash. . SIl KlMI cottage, lot 4Txl9T. 414 H WW ysaai nuen at.. near ' Stawart, fit. Johns, 3280 cash. 1 Kic 6 room cottage. 1246 Minne- vP I OUU soU sea 8impsoa. 8200 cash. Ss 1 Qnn room nice cottage, full lot, pared v I 3UU street. 188 Nebraska, west side. T 1 room cottage, fin lot, fruit, 1120 OIOUUe. Main near 87th. 8200 cash. SiVflf If 1 T ,?. torn, luza inter- - vww hub .ave., cor. nuwoai m caan, CVMilil 9 room cottage, 832 Fremont near W-VVVgodnir ,tu., 8600 cash. OOO flA 8 room cottage. 380 Fairbanks at., vPUU near Tburman. west aid. 3500 caah. COnn T room house. 2 lots. 691 Highland st. near B. 14th, 8300 cattt. 1 ' big snap. ' HiOhnPl rm. cot. 369 Haasalo, nr. Larra- ww pee, nr. Bdwy. C0ARri n roenr bouse vP-UJU porches, garage. and two aleeping 462- Jessup near Union are. a m e- Fine modern 6-na. bungalow, con SJl HI I crate block garage. lot 80x100. 913 Hw 1 wv R 12th N MT Mmoil $500 cash. i. W. - tiKL SSI - 318 Board of Trade. . Main 7452 OPEN SUNDAY AND . EVENINGS 200 CASH 8 'mom bungalow on k arre gronnd. fruit and berries, chicken runs, nice lawn, all fenced, beautiful place; price only 81400; balance to suit you monthly. $250 CASH 4 room cottage, street grsded snd sidewalk, all assessments paid; the house is furnished and the furniture goes with the place at 81250. and you can, pay the balance monthly st yoar con venience. $100 CASH 8 room bungalow, full basement, nicely fin ished, good electric fixtures, -00 fall lot. H block from hard surface street; baa bath and toilet: the snap of your life for only 3950, and balance easy, Auto at your service If you want to see these cr aay other pot mentioned. . 147 PARK STREET Main 4134. OPEN SUNDAY 0 FfbSE CITY PARK BARGAIN A nifty and cheerful little bungalow. 6 rooms and attic, fireplace, furnace, hardwood floors, buf fet, bookcase, Dutch kitchen and other modern features: beautiful lot. naved atreet. ideal loca tion, restricted district; 1 block to R. C car. west of mil; far superior to anything offered in R. C. district for tbe price. 83350:-and remember. street improvements sll paid; don't fail seeing this . k.i ,AOn 1. i . . , - . 1. y onc iiu. or poone lawr iuh. IRVINGTON DISTRICT . 8 room atrictly modern residence and lot 60x100. hardwood floors throughout, hulltin mahogsny features, mahogany and ivory in terior finish,. Dutch kitchen, furnace, fireplace, cement basement, 1 block from Broadway car in K. 25th st; 35000. or 81000 cash will handle. CAMPBELL, SMITH. A COOK. INC.. Corbett bldg. Marshall 1221. CLOSE-IS SNAPS 8 rm., 293 Cherry st, 81800: 6200 cash. 778 Montana ave.. 8 rm , 8I8OO. 828 E. Salmon at, 5 rm., 8800 cash. 1066 E. Salmon, 6 nu., 82000; 9300 cash. ivuu Js. Mornwa at. a rooms. 31750; 380 These erooertlea are might rood buv and your inspection is invited: photos at office of Fred W. German Co., 782 Cham, of Com. . A REAL HOME AT A BARGAIN 330005 room bungalow, attic, fireplace, book case, china closet buffet, built-in writing desk, finished plastered ceiling in basement which ia full cement, fur nace, wash trays,' hardwood floors, atreet improvement in and paid. Terms. You will sure like this. .Let us show you. WICKMAN CO., 814 Stark. Main 583. "Sunday forenoon call Tabor 0317. J. A. BUY YOUR HOME FOR LESS 2 story cenhuit-brick modern bungalow of T rooms, located wl one of the better districts on the East Side; up-tte construction through- out; also double garage: 1 Vs lota; house nearly new; offered by out-of-town owner at about 81000 lesa than property would cost at present time; terms; see this before buying. See W.aB. Bsker. with O. H. Bkotheim Co.. Henry bldg. 8160 DOWN. 820 MONTHLY 6 room, story and one half plastered house with concrete foundation and full basement 4 lots 23x100, large bearing fruit trees, located in Mont villa. Thia is 15 minute walk from the car and is not on Broadway and Washington st. race gizsv. That riant: we anjfi iz:u. Fred W. German Co., 782 Chamber of Com. 31500 CLOSE IN COTTAGE 8150O 4 room cottage on large lot on East Stark at, near 83d, adjoining Laurelhurst Walking distance. This lot alone should be worth the money. Price' 31500, 6250 down. See FRANK L. M'GUIRE, ABINGTON BLDG To Buy Your Home. Main 1068. 82700 Half acre, modern bungalow. 8 1750 6 room modern house, do in. 826006 room modern home. Franklin st gsooo 7 room modern. 17th at 34200 Piedmont .1 room; fin home. $5000 Irvington bungalow and garage. CHAS. RINGLER A CO.. 228 HENRY BLDG. 7 ROOM cottage oa Mt Tabor; paring and sewer improvements. in and paid for. Lot 60X140: I Bes high ; yard full of bearing fruit tree. House faces eaat with unobstructed miew ; newly painted nd papered: gas, electricity and bath. Price $2650, terms if desired. Phone Tsbor 4628 WE WILL HELP YOU Select your home. Come to our office snd see our photographs aad listings. Wa have a big list of beautiful homes on easy paymenta. tUB a. it o. t.- es ctr.. Main ozs. 824k t. Board of Trade bldg. NEAR LONE FIR CEMETERY 81800 Verv neat 6 room modern bungalow. The house is not in the best of condition and needs a few minor repairs, but is a very decided snap. g3uv cash will handle, rrea w. Ger man Co.. 732 Chamber of Commerce. 350. DOWN win buy one. two or three- room hack cottages on Base City line, Monts- villa and other good districts. Price rang from -8600 to 31000. monthly paymenta from 810 to 316 monthly. Fred W. German Co.. 782 Cham, of Cora. 32980 BUNGALOW - Biggest bargain in - modern bungalow, good . district, 8 rooms, bath, fireplace, etc. Leas than 8500 win Handle; Balance, use rent. Main s4. Tabor 7180. ONE acre. 4 room house, fruit' trees; ideal Place for family garden and berries; u blocks from carline, 61600, terms. Also 4 room house near 0. B. & N. shops; terms. T-943 JournaL - " ONLY $1200 for a good 3 room house, full brick basement city water, gaa. electric light land city school doe by; 8100 cash ia all you need to handle thia. M. J. Clohessy. 413 Ab ington bldg. . 5-ROOM bungalow, hot snd cold water, bath chicken houses, fruit trees: one' whole city block: rich son. You' eaa make 81500 thia year; close in; small first payment and 3u per montn. rnone eeuwooa iboh, ROSE CITY PARK 6' room bungalow, sleep- ina porch, furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors. paved atreet; cheap if sold quickly;- must have the money. Tabor 0625. A MODERN 6 roonr with' aleeping porch, burw gaW, in. Bbse City Park 60x100; aU ixn- i provementa paid. Call Tabon072. FOR BALE Two lots, 50x100 each, and house, all improvements in: price 82450. East j 63d at N. - 1 . l v. ,A 1 . 1 i . . r T - I DANDY 8 room modern house. -4 blocks from l . -1 w i.urm unmu, tsiv, 6414 72d st S. E. Sellwocd 2565 6 ROOM modern house. lot 50x1 007 in Ken- ton. Price 31700;. term. Call Columbia 969 evenings. i-ROOM bungalow, hardwood floors, full cement aaaement iirepiace. furnace, garage: 5S500 terms; tnrnisiiea tt desired. - Tsbor 963. ROSE CITY bungalow, 8 rooms, bath, 3 closet'. corner lot, garage; pric S2000. terms. . 698 Kv 7 2d st . Tabor 8364. i gELLWOOD. 80x100 lot, 8 houses, rentng for tw.ou p. vs., i2vu.-mu casn. Z2 Cbanv of Commerce. LEAVTNOTcrrYT" lit itnfl.. a rwin, hnM. - 1285 E. 10th N. Woodiawn 8. FOR SALE by owner,- 7 room modern bnngalow on paved atreet near aVeuton bank. 78 Hco-1 field at Wdln. 812. - - FIVE room house, bain, 2 lota, 40x126.- 8300 cash. bal. 91080. 815 ne month aad 8 pet asut W. W. car. Sell. ttCV, w : ' BEAT. TI8TATE FOB HALE HOUSES I Coe A. McKenna's; Bargains BrooklTU A nJcei little 4 room eottaa with bath and furl basement. It is a mighty - good buy for 61750. with-only 62 OO down. ' Albert- A good 6 room bouse, with big liv ing room.: Dutch kitchen, good basement, wash trays, etc; . The' interior of this hota - ta in fine condition. -You'll want it. The price is 32160. 8200 caah. Richmond One block to oar on 25th st. A . good 0 rooea home. , modern except heat. House in splendid ewnditien. Big basement, cor ner let, atreet paved aad sewer ia and all paid. Just think of bnying-a bran on a paved street lor SS4TB. 8550 cash handle. , -- . n. ar-.H. v a . it k - t.... - . - m:i tsj ii, c- wvu nm Vi inula vuu alow style home -with garage. The owner has cut the price from 83000 ,to 82630. If you know value, you'll buy thia. 8500 cash handle. Alberta The prettiest bungalow for the pnee you - aver saw. 4 rooms and 2 mall aleeping Porches, 50x100 lot, beautiful lawn and ebade. Thw price ta 316O0.-5800 -cash bsndlea. Portsmouth 2 blocka to St. Johns ear. A real bungalow of 8 rooms and aleeping porch. The pric. 31900, at low and t-i0 is aU you need pay- down. - . "home. Our autotaobfles are at your service any hour, any day. Let ua show you. COE A. MeKENNA. Main .4522. 82 4th at.. Board of Trade bldg. Sunday phone Tabor 8159. 81700 8 room cottage, full lot. streets im proved aad paid; 1 block from Mississippi avenue car; first payment 6200, balance like rent i - 827507 room bouse, modern, walking distance from Jefferson high school and Piedmont car barns: easy terms: interest 0 pec cent. 82850 Modern - 5 room bungalow in West , Piedmont, near KilHngiworta avenue; lot 60x100: terms 8650 rash. OGDEN A GRAVELLE 10T Shaver at. Woodiawn 262. 83000 RICHMOND DISTRICT $3000 Easy Terms Thia is a modern 0 room bungalow style bouse. ; with sleeping porch, fireplace, hardwood floors. V built-in buffet, white enameled imt-ri kitchen, elegant electric fixturea, full cement basement, wood lift, wash ' tray. A very de sirable homo plane, and in an excellent neigh borhood, only one block to IUrhraond car on East 39th at. Phone Sellwocd 1036 for ap pointment. Will show it today, and ion can be had at once. , HAWTHORNS BARGAIN Tf there ta a good buy in Hawthorne, we know it. Listen! B room bungalow, all built-in fea tures, hardwood floor. 80 ft lot, splendid loca tion: can be bought for 82600: 8500 down. Can you beat it? We have many more. Our machines are at your aervice. , HAWTHORNE REALTY CO., Cor. 39th and Hawthorne. LOOK at 718 E. Madison st. close In. walking distance: noaitively the beat aad most valu able district in central East Portland; 1 block north nf Hawthorne ave.. not aa lar aa Z 1st this humratnw. with kit 60x112 feet, all Ira provementa ia and paid for: the bouse has Just been freshly painteu ana .oecoratea insiae ana out; it ia worth 37600. Do jnu want it for 84800? Half cash will do. M. J. Clobeaay, 415 Arlington bldg. 32800 KENTON HOME 32500 6 rooms, modern home, full cement basement. white enamel plumbing, full loC abundance of fruits, grapes, flowers, shrubbery. House could not be built for 88000. Total price, in cluding furniture, only 3"I'0. . Eaay terms. Act quickly. See . FRANK L. M'GUIRE, ABINGTON BLDG.. To Buy Your Home. Main 1068. NO. 1006 E. Washington at. near Laurelhurst Park, is a a room house, new- and modern. Walking distance to Washington higb school. Hsrd surface streets pekL Owner out of city snd offers to sell on easy terms at a sacrifice price of (2750,. You can have pos session at once. I'hone me for appointment HENRY F. COVER. 64 Union ave. " 82400 BANCROFT ST. HOME 32400 ' 6 room house, full cement basement fUmaoe. elect and gas. white enamel plumbing, macadrm st. sewer and sidewalk all paid.' 1 block to 2 carlines; house in A-l condition. Walking i!U tance to 4 ahipyards. See FRANK L. M'GUIRE, ABINGTON, BLDG., . To Buy Your Home. , Main 1068. NO. 5 82500 3600 CASH 5 room, large, attractive, modern bungalow. 50x100. paved street paid, neat lawn, walking distance. V, "block car. Adj. Ixdds addition. O. GOLDENBERG. ABIN'GTON HI. I Mi.. 35 Years in Portland." Main 4803. $3350 ROSE CITY MODERN BUNGALOW PAVED STREETS PAID BA KuALi $5000 Irvington bungalow and garage. 84850 Laurelhurst 7 room end garage. 10,500 Portland Hta., view home. 15,000 Irnngten. lOOxloO, fins home. CHA8. RINGLKR A CO.. 228 Henry bldg. FOR, SALE at big aacrifice. modern 6 room. m block from car and Jefferson high school ; newly painted and tinted: pavement sidewSIks. , c i -k,i-1 o vT . . lawn, roses and ahrubbery, 2 cherry trees, prune and pears, full bearing: full basement. fruit room, Fbone Wdln. 4458. Call 146. Sumner st Mississippi car. VACANT MOVE IN 636 E. 86th st N.. 86500 home for 83950. 8600 cash, balance easy: 7 room, glass in sleep ing porch, hardwood floors, fireplace, 31000 hot water heating system, street paved, paid. Barr, with JLueddemann Go., 913 Chamber or Com merce. Main 6967. 32260 : 82230 IRVINGTON PARK BUNGALOW 6 room modern bungalow. tuU lot white enamel Dutch kitchen, paneled dining room. cuut-m buffet, close to car; easy terms. See FRAN K L. M'GUIRE, ABINGTON BLDG.. to Buy xour Home. . Main 1068. ONLY 8850 for a 6 room house with 2 lot the bouse is only 5 rears old: in tha citv. mind you, at Peninsula station, on 8t Johns car line. What's tha matter with this? Could yon ever hope to buy anything half so cheap? sou casn you anouid nave. M. J. CLOHESSY. 4 15 Abrngton Bldg. LOOKING FOR A BARGAIN? . n room, modern and un-to-the-mlnuta. Lot 100x100. all improvements in and paid. TPoh ciaaa rtmaence district Just like what you've neen looaing at up to glO.OOU. Buy this one now lor 87 00U. .Netlan ax Psrkhui 21 a Lam. oermena bldg.. orn and ntark ev 1 HOUSES 'priced Bf;mJ 6 rooms in good condition. 81750. Terms. rooms, good aa new. lot 50x100. near ear. Peninsula district Pay for it like rent. Neilan A Park hill. 219 Lumbermen bldg.. 6th and Stark. OUR 7 room house for aale, 240 Eaat 50th at. Hawthorne, good location, paved streets and cement sidewalk ; H block from carline: lereel cement basement hot air furnace, tiling in kitchen and bathroom, toilet upstair and down. Will take 63000 cash. Phone owner Harau. 1730 Point room cottage small lot, close to ear. 8600. Caah. 8300 Several other small and nice bouses for aale on your own terms. C. W. . BARRINGKR. 248 Stark at Phone Msln 2538. SEVEN room modern home, bath, toilet, base- ment. lot 200x100. all kinds nf fruit and heme, lots ot flowers of all kinds. Will sell either 2 or 4 Iota with place. Win give the best of terms. For further particular see- L. J. Robinson. 823 Lumber Exchange. . WILL PAY ALL CASH Gentleman just arrived from east wants beat bargain he can get in bungalow from 33000 to 84000: must buy this week: I am Ins agent Barr. with Iiueddemann Co., 913 Chamber of Commerce. Main 0967. 2 ROOM house, "front snd rear porches, clothes closet pantry, electric lights and water, on lot 88 ft by 178 ft Good ear service, 20 minute cut Price 31100, $400 down, bal ance on easy terms. F-938. JournaL WILL SELL furnished home. 60x100 ft cor. lot. bearing fruit, cow, chickens, rabbit. wood fat for winter On Estacad ear, Berkley station, cor. svtn and Tenlno. PRICE 3925 EASY TERMS 8 room modern cottage, bath and toilet: one mock from ml. Tabor car. A real -bargain. Phone Tabor oiyo evenings. FIVE - , ... . . rooms, jnodern full Plumbing cement basement wash tray, fruit garden, eto. Nkw.piek and span. 81x223 ft Terms, Owner, asoor ivii. ; FOR SALE 9 - room modern bouse, steam fur . nace. hardwood floors, solid oak woodwork lot 50x100, paved street'., sewer ill, ' Price 842K0. Phone Tabor 5299. FOR SAIJS Modern room bungalow, with of without furniture: ' lots; ia Gladstone. Phone 487-R. TWO 6 room cottage, corner Beech and Gaa- tenbein, 85800. part cash. Owner, telephone Woodiawn 4tu; . WELL bailt 6 room house, cosily furnished, -1 block from I. car. Paved atreet For sale reasonable. Weodlawa 4349. . FOR SALE, a six roota aaedera house and lot: sen cheap If token at one. 48 W. Preacott Phone Wdln. 4666. JUST finished 3 room bungalow extra fine, 67x100 ft corner lot, in Rose City, bargain. CaH Wolf steja 114 1st st 6 ROOM modern bungalow. 82200. . Terms. 1045 E. Bberman. 9 ROOM house" modern except beat cement sidewalk. 4217 65rh at S. F, Owner. Laurelhurst .. bungalow, for !. Tabor 2793. IRVINGTON, modern desirable" 7-room houael by owner; attractive terms. rast 791 9. UNOCCUPIED 6 rem house, quarter block. for sal, easy terms. I Tatter guu. i ROOM" bouse. W 60x100, gaa. ba'h and ' wash tuba. S3d at.. Alberta district. E. 839. NEAT little bungalow With large grounds. . VllI eell cheap. BaU. 2279. 6 ROOM modern cottage, with garage, 420 E. 41st- $3800. i Terms. Tabor 6009. REAL ESTATE , FOB SALE HOUSE 61 8100 CASH . Gregory Height . . 4 rooms: good location, aoecial bar- " gain ... . . $850 $100 caah Reed College District 5 room bunrakrw. bath, lhrhta, near ' car; special bargain .......... .31750 I $100 cash., Mt, Scott. 4 room. 62x130 ft. lot: fruit -10 suinute to car; special bargain. ..$300 ! $200 cash'Good 2 room house, cbicksn - fence all around the place ....... . .3550 $300 caah. : Richmond . Good 0 ' room, house: corner loti 1 , block to. car , $26SO 8500 caah. Never been occurjied: & room bungalow ,,.....33000 8500 cash. Nearly new 8 room bungalow. - garage; dose to ear .r. ...88200 3500 cash. ' 0 room modern bungalow: full lot. good garage .............. 52200 acre. Js'eW 4 room bouse, furnished completely, including piano; good woodshed filled with winter's wood; on paved road.' 20 minutes from post office. .- Everything goes for 31900. Terms. No time to lose of you want this. ... The Fred A. Jacobs Co. 104 6th st. Msia 6869. 32800 BUYS a 12 room double house. 8 rooms 1 on each side. gas. electricity, batha ana totleta: one aide rented for 817.50: holding the other Pending a aale: Mt Tabor district 8550 buys a 4 room plastered house, ruu lot: house needs repair. A bafgaJn. 8350 buy full lot. SrotTa ahAck. 81400 buys house and good atore building aame lot 81100 buys a good 4 rqtun house, bath and I toilet. S 8150f) nun Z rocsr cottar: bsth, toilet, gas ana electricity: z lota; bouse lurnisnea; au goes; terms. HOrCK.. 110 10th St . EXCEPTIONAL BUY AB5 Hawthorne buna a low: hullt-lna. fire- place. full cement basement 3 ' nice bedrooms, I bath, toilet, paved atreet; all paid: close to good arbnoL Jnst a aplendtd home and nice dtatrict. on B. Grant close to 4 1st . rrice 32650, only 5600 cash. A66 8 room Montavflla h roev lar living I and dining room, H block to ived street, 80x 100 foot lot; good repair; modern except fur- j nace cement ttaeement. ttwnt r must aeu. A i great big - bargain, only 81700. 8500 I Ope or Sunday between 12:80 and 2:80. D. W. ALTON. Mer. Real E-tat Depfc THE LAWRENCE CO 205 rorbett bldg. Main 6918, A-2816. HERD'S an absolute give-away in the line of a fine double and treble constructed practically new residence reuse in on the rsr line in 28th st. i full cement basement and modem to the last notch: the house contains K rooms and to day cannot be replaced for a- lesa price than 83700; tbe lot ia reasonably wtJth 81000; tbe owner is obliged to leave to tak care of eastern interests and you caa buy thia fine new residence for only 32900; think ot it nothing equals; thts sacrifice. M. J. Clobesay, 415' Abington puig. NO. 1 81 tail 8 IMH. CASH 4 room attractive bungalow, hear Albert at. Xme convenient to Jefferson high school. 60x100 lot. fruit enamel plumbing, basement, lights, etc. Alain 4 Rita. G. C. GOLDENBERG 215-16 Abington bldg . 100 H 3d No, Nothing Wrong It me show. 8 rooms, on K. 26tli St. 2 Vi blocks to csr; full cement basement: yea, paved streets and no assessment: 3 tons briquettes ci for the nrloe of 824008500 down. Fur this barp-ain', see MWs Vertroe. THE FRED A. JACOBS CO. 104 nth st. Main 6889. IN HAWTHORNE DISTRICT 5 room modern cottage, on 85th at., near Hawthorne. 32850, 8400 cash, balance like rent 6 room modern bouae. 6 lota, on paved at.. 2 blocka from Hawthorne ear. 82860. 8500 cash, balance terms. P. H. MADDEN REALTY CO.. 1028 Hawthorne. Phone Tabor 9358. 3 NICE HOMES WELL LOCATED All have 6 rooms, reo. hall. Bleeping porch. hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, ' garage. One at 38750. 8600 cash: R. Schuyler st One at 84000. 8750 cash: E. 80tb N.. Alameda. One at 84650, $1000 caah; Bryce ave.; best part of Alameda. Can I show von these f fall Barr. with Ited- demann Co.. 918 Chamber of Com. Main 6967. $1100 WESTBIDE COTTAG E 8 iTooT 4 room cottage, : on fractional Int. only few . 'T J, V3 anipyarus -w meei. uoat and Columbia River shipyards. Thl is Inside property, walking distance; total price 81100; no nana; income 1 1 net See FRANK I. M'GUIRE. ABINGTON BLDO.. To Buy Your' Home. Main 1068. SIMPLY A GIFT 6 room house in A-l condition. 1 blk. to car. vacant and ready to move in. Owner making other inv. and has cut from 81750 to. 3125A cash. The first one seeing it will buy and be na rucay one. W. R, KASER. 61T Corbett bide. 8 1 900 VACANT BUNGALOW ITftoT 3100 DOWN Attractive bungalow, full basement, elect and gaa. mtcn Kitchen, white enamel plumbing fix turea, full lot, house like new, 3 blks. to Mt ranor ear: a bargain. See FRANK L. M'GUIRE. ABINGTON Rf.Tifl . To Buy Tour Home. Main 1068. 6250 DOWN -31600 Bungalow Bargain S160O 6 room attractive bungalow, larae basement. etecincny ana gas, wnite enamel plnmBIng, built- in conveniences, Dutch kitchen. E. 83d at A bargain. Bee FRANK L. M'GUIRE. ABINGTON BLDG., 10 uuyiour tjorae. Main 1068. $900 WESTSIDE HOMF 8900' 8200 DOWN. 316 PER MONTH. 8 mom house, fractional lot. no snort or street lien, close to industrial district of -North Portland, on Wilson St. at 26th. Total erica 6800. See FRANK L. M'GUIRE. ABINGTON BLDG. so oay i our noma. Msln lvos. HOMEBUYER3 We have aeveral hnndrad modern hmui from 81600 up, on some of whirh we hava secured a reduction as high as 8500 from pric asacu oy owner neiore UMea wiui us. bee n b- fore buying. J. A. W1CKMAN-CO., 814 Stark. Main 683. Hundsy a. ra call Tabor 9317 ONLY 32330. it la worth 38000, for a, 6, room modern house, basement, bath and toilet In fact, every convenience, with tw big lota. Thia house is on Holms n street in tbe Woodiawn die- trict Nothing cheaper than thia; 8800 cash will handle it M. J. CLOHESSY, 4 15 Abington Bldg. BIG SNAP. 7 ROOM HOUSE, 2 LOTS Good 7 room house, electricity, bath, raraze. sewer In and paid. 2 lota 80x100, comer Inter state ave. or Patton ave. and ItumboJt Price 82000. 3500 cash and 820 per mo., 6 per cent J. W. GRUS8I. 816 Board nf Trade. Main-7452. : iBAWtiiOBNE For sale, modern 3 room bungalow, aleeping porch, concrete basement 2 block south Haw. ear; all clear, for 82750. 8760 caah, 626 per mo.: no agents. Call 3.'2 E. 16th st FOR SALE Cheap, completely furnished S room modern flat, open fireplace, new gaa range; rent of flat reasonable. Apply owner. 143 ss lltn st. between Alder ami Morrison, after 12 m. " , $T750; BUNGALOW; 3500 CASH H BLK. KOflE CITY PARK CAB Dandy. 6 rooms, large living room, fireplace. attic. Dutch kitchen, vacant Miss Sloeomb, 624 Henry bldg. Msin 7266. Sunday, Main 1016. DO you want this very Substantial modern j - nouae. Close m on awiroy sxreex, ior i oou I Ther j, fnU vt. gang: chicken bouae. eto.; term given. M. J. CLOHESST, 413 Abington Bldg. ' INCOME INVESTIGATE FuraishedV bouse, consisting of 4 modern h. k. suites, cot 60x80. income 680 per mo. ; 8800 caah, baL like rent. Inquire 318 Plati bldg.. 10 to 4, - BY owner, neat 6 room bungalow. - nicely lo- eated. close to schools; shade and fruit trees; coal and wood in basement furniabed. ready to move in. -Albtna add. Call and get price. 1228 Missouri ave. -NAP $850 TERMS r: " 4 room -cottage, partly furnished. S fruit trees, berries and' roses. Call at 680. Eaat 77th st N.. for keys and information. Rosa City Park ear, go south. HiVlSGTON 9 room, modern residence, double constructed hardwood floors. fireslaea. built- r In convenience, garage; 1 block from Irving ton far. Apply owner. Phone East 698. JENNINGS LODGE Modern 6 room houa. V acre, new garage, chicken houaa, close ta river; 32780.. Wa. Jaooba. 126 2d at Phone Mar. 1Z4B. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW 83100 wiU buy a strictlr modern 6 bnngalow on 87th st; easy tenua, . phone Wdln. 8447. Sunday and evaninga. ROSE CITYTPA RhV DI8TRIC - 4 room,' modern, 5Oil00 lot, 2 blk. ear. Price 81650; terms. GEO. T. MOORR CO., Ahtngton bide. BY OWNER Modern 7 room bousev HoUaiiay add., corner lot. 45x100, X blk. from Broad way car. fcast ai'o. 37H Refinislted , 4 roam house. 360 dewu. 816 ' monthly. 6328 71st. nesr 6 3d are Phone Main 9488. . - BEAT. F.STT1? FOB wAAsE HOUSES FRANKL, M'GUIRE : - .HOUSB .BARGAINS .. . ' $28003 J rooTa attractive bungalow ad- - Joining Alameda Park. F. C basement, fireplace, white enamel plumbing ; easy -terms. , Broadway oar. - ; $2450 4 room attractiv mcdern busga- -- sow oa paved street, fled moat dis trict, near Union ave. . Terms. . . .. ; $18008 mesa new bungalow type home. - like new. full cement basement, laua- " dry tray. , fireplace, paneled dining room, beam eeilmga, Dutch kitchen. ? '. white enamel peumblng. aleeping porch, - . 8800wiU handle. Eaat 79th, close to car. .- - $2000 Vacant, move In.- 4 room moaent bungalow, every built la -eonvenienc. -. disappearing .bed, white enamel plumb ing. $250, down. R, C Park car. , $81503 room typical bungalow. Tike new, ' every euut m eonvenienee. fireplace, . etc On paved st. IH blocks to car. , . : Hawthorne diet Terms. . -- . i : : ' k $1450 S room bungalow, full lot, white 4 ' anamai piumbtnz. Af-V car. i $1600-4 room artlaUd bungalow, leor. lot. - awu Diocaa to w, yi. car. I 31800 4 roera modern bungalow.- 60 ' a uv corner, rrescott at, 100 down. We have photographs of these hoSsee. and on other houaaa In aur office, all ' price snd terms, all parte iof city. ; Come in and look over ouf photo-. ' graphs; full data. 4 experienced real- " eauta salesmen wljh autoa sat your r ervica. '. See i FRANK U Mt;UIRE. ABIXGTOV To boy your home. - M1n 10. Succasaor to IL IX McGulre. Established 1880.- 1 Opert Sundayj Falls City" Mortgage Co, T 517!Chamber Cojn.'Bldg. -Y Phone Main 3718 1 $200 Down ' 4 mom bungalow near the Woodiawn car. It - has - 8 piece plumbing and a good basement aad V- a handy house for 31 600. . ii . . - - tT 4 fr o 1 A dandy a room house near Imta with a quarter acre of ground. A real snap at $1275. $650 Cash - A dandy 6 room houaa In -Hnea Cltv nark. Price 82250. . , . $2300 Cash' r A dandy 6 room . bungalow in Irvingtort Height. . i ouu uasn 6 rooms, modern. Rose ante . Par Wnrlli $5500. Will aell at S4200. $300 Cash - : : Tour choice of 5 house in the Alberta die.-. trict, all good modem houaea ranging in price from 82100 to 83000- .1 Falls City Mortgage Co. 517 Chamber CommercoJ 1 Open Sunday SMALL HOME BARGAINS 5 rnem house with bath, lot 60s 100. near E. 49th at. 1 block from Gllaan. 81230 8230 cash. : . 3 room house, lot 80138. fruit and ear- dsn, Woodstock, 31260 8260 caah. 8 room houae.i lot 100x100. 14 fruit trees. 6 blocks from Rt. Johns car' 81100 -axon cash. t . Dsnd small farm In Htr. lot 200x188. fruit and garden; 6 room house aad curt bw tiding : sewers in, cost $626. fully paid; as Wt Going st; price 33500 3500 cash. s ' A, W. Lambert Son S. E. cor. Grand Ave. and Eaat Alder St : Portland, Oregon, . " ---" BEST BUT IN IRVINGTON ONLY 85600 i 8 rooms with every modern eon venienee. 2 fireplace, furnace, all bull tin features, garage, etc, ; only I block from blub. rte Mr. Fulton, RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., , Broadway 4133 309 Oak St YOU WE IT TO YOURSELF ".., ' BEFORE YOU BUY YOUR HOME -T aee our list of -over 850 a no raised house. with photogrephe, price and full data.. House In all part of the city, all price and terms; some remarkable bargain. Will help -you make ' your first payment if necessary. 1 never-pad -prices; buyer end seller know exactly what I ant . rnaklng. Come In and look ever my listing f 4 experienced real estate salesmen with autoa at yonr service. FRANK L. M'GUIRE, ABISOTOS BLIXJ... To Buy Your Home. Main 1068. $17004 room plastered' house. 40x2UO lot Fine fruit tree and berries,! screened perch, . near Franklin high. 3200 cash, ... 61500 Newberg, - Or.- 6' room bouse, ham, 100x100 lot. High school and college, 4 in dustries. 62000 Furnished 4 room bonse, new. Large lot, fine fruit 17 min. oa Oregon Electric Near station.- J . . . 68601 room bungalow, 13xC0, also shed attached. 40x9. Fenced. 8260 casta. GILBON. 431 Cham, of Commerce. Main 612T. Look at This' Buy T rooms, sleeping porch, modern noma on 1 2th at, between Tillamook and Thompson sts. j furnace, hardwood floors, white enamel finish; lot 60x100; berries: full cement basement. Think ,of it en paved streets and all paid for. for the pric of $400061000 dowa. , For I tills snap see Mis Vertree. I ins I BJL.U . isuuiis n I. 1104 6th st. - Main 8869. $ 2 1 00 VACANT. MOVE IN $ iT5F S room attractive home, full basement laon- I dry traya, paneled dining room, buffet Dutch kitchen, and built-in, whtto enamel plumbing fixture. K. 47th at, convenient to ear and scfaooL Reduced, from 6800O. Price now 62100. Terms. He - FRANK L. M'GUIRE. ABINGTON' HLDO. To Buy Your. Home. Main 1068. - ' ' '" ilW w . . .- rv i i j . . -- . " ' MWi C I ' . ' ' $1776 $27S CASH Attractive 6 room modern cottage with wind. ern plumbing,- close in, on -paved atreet, walking distance, convenient to Broadway- bridge. Like aelUngO for 616. Move in. - . C. GOLDENBERG. ABINGTON BLDO. ait year m Portland . Maia 4803- . $3500 00 East 18th st. near Irrinarton ear tine- li room dandy. . Csll m up aad let wt shew you. Winter's fuel ta basement; hot water ht; kitchen completely furnished; i $600 cash, bal ance monthly. R. M. Stays. TUB . FRED A. JACOBS CO., 104 Fifth at. - - , : Main 8869. "RiXT" $26808330 CASH ' '' -Rosa City Park man. Oueen Ana linanlne ' 9 roema and aleeping porch, furnace, flreplaoe.- bneknasea, buffet, cement . basement. lne plumbing, 80x100, block car. Lien paid. - . HI.DKBKKO. ABINGTON ytrivi . 36 Years tw Portland." Main 4808 , - 8250 IHWJ ' i ' ' 7 $2000 Vacant Bungalow 32600. ' Very attract! 4 room, bungalow, aver tmtll . In eonvenienee, white enamel plumbing, elect. and gaa, disappearing bed; 1 ft "blocks to Itoae City car. - See . . ? . iaAKK U M'GUIRE. ABINGTON BLDG. a. . Te Buy Tour Horn. - Main 1066. . " Rose City Park; : A gnat bargain In a strirtlv . modem un to. date 7 roota houa. &0xlO lot. St. hnnrov. meat paid; deee to car. . If you want a beau- -ttful little borne for a bargain see us. . - GK47. T. MOORK CO., - Abmrton bldg. .- ' . . . $10 . -. . ; - . 6800 DOWK . . " ' - 5 room cottage, electric ligbU, bath, ,bas . aneat, comer lot 64x100. 691 Duke ate. ISell wood caraaa. Hon now vacant J. J. Oeder, Grand ave. at E. Ankeny. Phone East 61. $1400 ATTRACTIVE BCNGALOW6.4u0 4 room bungalow, modern plumbing, close to Mt Soott ear; 6250 down. Be ...FRANK L. M'GUIRE. ABINGTON BTJ3G. to To Buy Tour Home. Maia 1048. Hawthorne $2800" S .rat.' bungalow, hdw. floors, street pared, -dose 4 Hgwthorne ear; trrma. GEO. T. MOORB CO., - i 'Abington? bldg. : . LOVKI.Y west aide view heme. 8 tinted rooms, modem plumbing,, electricity, gas; Dear car; Incauig; leaving; take bonds, auto; only 62850,' 3500 down. C. M. Thomason, 207 Panama bid. - tlX room bouse, nuxlaru, furnace, full ccm-nt hasement. 15th . t, nesr ' Alberta. 327ftO. 61200 down, rest a rent. Wdja. 602$ or 1103 E 16th . . . . . J a '.