THE OREGON DAILY ' JOURNAL. POR TLAND, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1918. THE ROLL OF HONOR OF KILLED, WOUNDED AND MISSING (Continued Pfwn r o esaerienc address. Brt K. r'lelsebbsuer, Gat ton. Or. ROEARJT TRIOVI gproiiun, tmrr- r-r tldna, STeinbJorn Boflunlason, It. IT. 1. Blatne, Wash. PRIVATI OHMILtl KLAPP, emergency ad dress. Mr. Katie klapp. t.rett, Wash. PRIVATE PAUL A. Ur.sow. emergency ad dress, WUllaaiC. liuraon, Ashwotxt. Or. PICO OF WSVHBI PRIVATE EARNEST A. CHAPP. emergency address, 5i8 DlbMe srenoe, HealUe, Wash. DIED OF DltEAEI EROEANT . TURNER NEIL, emergency address, Mr. Basen T. Neil, 46 Clereland a Bus. Portland. Or. PRIVATE KUSTIN E. DALBY, emergency a. in, ure unuu, louo w ait. vey. Die. PRIVATE JOSEPH D. ROWACKI, emsrgmej address, McKay. Idahe. PRIVATE DRV AN 0. RICHARD, emergency addrrm, frank lUchard, Ltanon. Or. - MISSIN0) IN ACTION Private Arthur N. Shields, emergency sddnws. lira Mar; Hhleldi. 7720 Msrtdian arenae, Se attle, Wash, Private Ernest Davit. emergency address. James llevis, Boyd's, Wash. Prttaaa Don R. Or sole, emergency aaaresa, Mrs. Catherine Oracle. Ilwaco. Waah. Private William Pierce, emergency addrasa. Mr. Kiss Helnold. Hup. Idaho. Private Manorial D. Lnt, emergency addraaa. Mra. Lime Lege, ClierleHton, Wash. George M. Enalelldlneer, emergency address. 18S8 Baseline street H") nr,so, Or. Washington. Nor. 2l Tha Hat of eeanal- tie In the Amariran xidltionnry forces abroad mada public up to data, Including the one be low, aggregate 96.827 names, of which 4321 are natiuis of mem ban of tha marine corps. This - total doaa not include name of mea SilghtTy injured. Tha cajuemea are divided: AHMT Killed In action and died of wound (tn- ol'tding SOS men at seal 37.800 IWe1 of disease, accidents and other causre 11.070 Wounded la action 47,128 Misting In action (including prisoner).. . 10.620 Total to data) 98.827 DayLlst Tha litt of casualties mada public today con tains 1284 names. Including 2M4 names of members of tha marine corps, but excluding 81 Barnes or slightly wounded. Ths casualties srs dlrided: Killed In action E20 IHed of wounds 12 I died of aeoldent and other causes. ........ 3 Tiled of airplane accident - Ined of disease O- Wounded (degree undetermined) ' 1A Misting la action , 188 Total 828 Wounded slightly 30 AHMV CASUALTIES. KILLED IN ACTION Captains JOHN K (jlRARn. Ions. Mich. H. L KIMMEI.L, Washington. 1. C. HERRMANN II. VAIt.. ronghkeepsie. N. T. t'LlMTON E. flBK, Jersey City. N. T. Lleutensntt nronor. w. fohtkr. eutungsvine, va, THOMAS l. AMORT. Wilmington. Del. KKNNETH COW, Nnmrntt. N. J. HIONKT SCHWARTZ. Nesv York. WII.MAaf A. BAKOFRKKK. New Tork. JliMI H LOVE. Opelika. Ala. AtrUKO R NOON. Hempttesd. N. T. HARRY DEIMAV, New Florence. Mo. J OHM H. KEMBT.K. Muscatine, Iowa. ARTHUR J. MATHKNY, Chandler, Okla. FRF.p Y. MTONNELL. Concord, N. C. WILLOLGHBY It. MARKS. Analachicola. Fla. . HTlTART I.. MARI1W, Elkinspark, Pa. K. K. PRKIBT, I.yrtn, Mats. MANIEKHK B. WARE, Kenllsrorth. T. i MRS. liALLGEN Was in Badly Rundown Con dition Before Taking Tan- lac. Health Restored, "No one could see the wonderful Im provement Tnlac has made In my wifa and doubt It being a great medicine." Bald' A. Kallsen of J215 East Glenn avenue, while In the Owl Drug store, recently. . x 'She has suffered from stamaeh trouble and Indirection for many years." he continued, "and although she took lota of medicines of different sorts, she kept getting worse. Her appetite was very poor and what she did eat made her miserable for hours. Fruits, and food with acids In thom, she never dared to touch and. In fact, she had to be very careful about her eating all the time: She complained of sour stom ach and bloating and often gas would preaa on her heart causing palpitation and shortness of breath. She hardly ver ate any supper, for If she did she would be so nervous and miserable she couldn't sleep. She was constipated and suffered with raping headaches, and Was bo weak and run-down that .her work waa a burden to her. She couldn't go down town to do a llttlo shopping without feeling completely exhausted. Sho had no energy and felt tired, worn- out and nervous all the time. "She had fallen off In weieht from ona hundred and forty pounds to one hundred and twenty and was still los ing. But, Tanlac has been a wonderful thing for her. She hadn't been taking It more than three days until her ap petite began to improve and she was soon eating most anything without any (rouble from It. So she kept taking Tanlac and improving until now she has gained 12 pounds .n weight and looks like a different woman. She Is now en tirely free from headaches and constipa tion and never has a pain of any kind. She has also gotton back all her lost strength and energy and Is now able to do her work without tiring. I am now ready to tell everybody about Tanlac. because I have seen it tested, and I am glad to make this statement for what It may be worth to others who are try ing to find relief." ir..).. i ti.,j v.. im.. , r-rT J .n...v. J w Owl Drug-Co. Adv. TRIP DOWN TOWN WOULD mm No Indigestion! Stomach Feels Rne! No Acidity, Gas, Souring, Dyspepsia Belching gas, food souring in stomach, lumps of pain from indigestion and all distress from an upset stomach stops instantly. Xesl At once! No more stomach-headache. Never any indigestion pain. Pape's Diapepsin not only re lieves bad stomachs but it strengthens weak stomachs. Splendid! Costs little Any drug store upstrra -Pape's EDWARD O. GARSSET JB Grand Haren, Mich. AOELBtRT O. M'CLEVERTV. Seattle, HAROLD H. PIIELP8. Bprlneficld. Mass. BIRR DEXTER STRAIGHT. Almond, S. T. PETEB O. ZODCK. Olyndon, Hi. i Seroaanta - WILLIAM HEMli . E.NQEL, Fredericks town, Mo. ERNEST ORAF. Ann Arbor, Mich, BENJAMIN EARL HARTHKi. Chicago. I1L JAMES F. HEALET. Koslindale. Masa. FRED A. HOWARD. American Falls, Idaho. EDWARD J. HtSSEY, New Brighton. S. I , N. Y. JAMES ELMER LOWE. Sligo, Fa. FRED THOMAS MAHAFFEY. Warren. Pa. FERNANDO l. MEYER. Mount Dors', Fla. PETER BTKT CEL. Calismet. Mich. FEODER MILTON, Atlanta, Gs. FRANK M. D'ESPOSITO, Brooklyn. N. Y. BEN HK'KSON, Clereland. Ohio. CYRCB HILTON. Olastonbnry, Conn. MARTIN NOLAN. Harris, Ky. CLARENCE 8. l'ANCOAST, Philadelphia, Pa. ALBERT THOMAS. Bay Rt. Louis, Miss. J08F.PII TTRBANIAK. Milwaukee, Wis. KENNETH H. BROWN, Twin Falls. Idaho. FHED K. KELLEHEK, Springfield. Mass. THOMAS J LAKE, Los Angeles, Cal. BARTHOLOMEW O'I.EARY. New York. WILLIAM 1. KRIEOElt. Oconto. Wis. C.EOIu;E W. LACKER. Kichmond Hill. i N. Y. FREDERICK C. MAYER. Newport, K. 1. LEON M NAMARA. Cadillac, Mich. JAMES J HURLEY, Cambridge, Mats. WILLIAM F. RYAN, New York. TONY PARADISO, Btrra. Italy. HARRISON H. HATFIELD. Darlington. S. C. HAROLD f!. LAMB. Worcester. Mass. RODNEY C. BAMFORD. Ipswich. Mass. O ASTON J. BERiiES, Balinaa. CaL SPIROtJ D. FISHEROS. Athens. Greece. GEORL'E W. OLSON. Chicago, m. Oorpc-raJ FLOTD E. BUSTER. South Harpe. Kan. ANTHONY OAMKROTHA. Aneiano. Itsly. WALTER F. ENULEMAN. Mt. Clemens, Michigan. JAMES W. HART. New Turk. JAMES It. HOBBS, Marion. N C. GEORGE MATTHEWS, Ht. Louis. Mo. RAYMOND W. MAYER, Brooklyn. N. T. JAMES F. MOSHKIt. fVwton. Mass. HOWARD E PETERSON. Brooklyn. N. T. TRIFONE PICTRANTONIO. Italy. ALBERT J. REYNOLDS. Newark, N. 3. MURRAY K SAVAGE. Bloomfieid. N. J. SMITH J. HARVEY. Pasoolot, S. C. BENJAMIN K. HOFER, Newfield, N. J. JOHN W. KEL1OGG. Buffalo. N. Y. LEE T. McCORMICK. Livingston, Tenn. CLARENDON IRV10 MILLER, Kansas City, Mo. JEFFREY VAIL, WhltinsTille. Mass. FUKD VIE, St. Ixwris. Mo. RICHAKD G. WE1SE. Philadelphia, Pa. (. OROVER O. WELLS, Jamestown,-Ky. MIKE J ZOLDAK,- Homer City. Pa. MAItSHAI.L G. BACK. Chicago, ITt JESSE W. DAVIJS. DarUngton. Mo. IIAULES N. FOSTER. Baltimore, Md. ROM V. PARKER, Dion Si-ring-. Tenn. HERBERT D. RHODES. Boaz, W. Vs. MICHAEL 8. WtUCIK. Baltimore. Md. HARRY J. I.I COT. Pittsburg. Pa. EDWIN STANDHING. Newburgh, N. T. CHARLES J. TIPIL. Milwaukee. Wis. DELMAR D. BLOOMING DALE. Marietta, Ohio THOMAS O. WILLIAMS, Tacoma. Wash. HERBERT J. 'TROVATTEN, jJJjiTon, Mont. r,tKi;K a. L'LAHn, Horpeil, v i. JAMES IV BOSSIDY. Lee, Mass. LOUIS L. FITZGERALD, Ihtuburi, Pa. EDWARD FT.EISCII, Philadelphia, Pa. JAMES IL GIB30N, Kingsbridge. N. T. JOHN JOSEPH GILL, Hotjoktn, N. J. ERNEST J. JEWETT, North Troy. N. Y. DAVID BAUBERBLATT. Philadelphia, Ps. FOREST G. SOU A A F, ShreTe, Ohio. AARON 7.. WIERF.. Forest Park. III. LIN .IE B. GREEK.-Dysrsburg. Jms, DANIEL J. IIANKAHAN, 'Lynn. Masa. DONALD B. McKIMENS, Mohler. Or. RICHARD BLAND MUNKERS, Saannah.Mo. WALTER B. PHICE, Iaurens, 8. C. CECIL F. SWATS, Ixins MounUin. Va. GEORGE E. WILBURN. Silrer Spring, Md. I.OiriS W. HAMBLEN. J)etrott. Mich. WILLIAM P. NRLLIGAN. TinguUh Pel, Can. ARTHUR T. ODONNELL. IMttsburg, Pa. . DALE H ROSS. Freenort. I's. JAMES FRANKLIN TAYLOR, Centerrille, Rhone Island. CHARLES W. TYSON, Morristown, Pa. Buglers ISIDORE GUMBRUNO. Oakland. Cal. JULIUS W. DEATOJ. St. Ioiiis, Mo. , ROBERT E. HELM, Rupert, Idaho. CHARLES E. DAVIS, Ssliabury. Md Mschsnki JOSEPH F. RUSTINGXakland, Cel. . XJARh -M. - CARIXON, - Taeomay M'ssh. KILEY O. MURPHY. Etowah. Tenn. HERMAC J. REN'DLE, Jefferson City, Mo. Wagonae OTTO LOUIS SCHRAMM. Galeton. Pa. RALPH HOFFMAN, Lincoln, Neb. WILLIAM ADAMS. Valier, Mont. JESSE W. KOBY, Hulmerile. Pa. Privates THOMAS J. BARRETT. BrooklsTi. N. T. PAUL BATES. Pittsburg, Pa. TOMMIB L. BEARD, Talley SUtion. Tenn. PHILIP CARSELLI. Taltee. Okla. ABRAHAM COHEN. Brooklyn. N. Y. PATRICK CONNELLY, Union Hill, N. J. JOHN E. DAVIES. Plymouth. Pa. JAMES J. DEVEREAUX. Syracuse. N. T. Only One Corn Peeler, "Gets-It" Stop Corn Pains; See Corn Peel Off. It Is Just when a corn hurts that you want to ieei surest about getting rid o it. w ny taxe cnances oi Keeping th corn and having the pain grow worse You'll use "Gets-It" .anyhow, sooner or The Only P..Wt-Off Way Is "" later ; might as well use it sooner. Then you are absolutely sure that the corn will loosen from your toe so that you can peel the whole thir.g off painlessly with your fingers, in one complete piece just like peeling a banana. It takes a second or two to apply "Gets-It." There's no fussing or puttering. Corn-pains will vanish that'll keep you sweet while the "Gets-It" does the rest. Nothing new for corns has been discovered since "Gets-It" was born, follow the judg ment of tho millions ; use "Gets-It'r and be sure to be corn and pain free 1 You'll say it's magic "Gets-It," the guaranteed, moneyback corn-remover, the only sure way, costs tut a trifle at any dri'tr store. Manu factured by E. Lawrence & Co., Chicaero, 111- Sold in Portland and recommended ' w'" wunuB uohl corn remea as me worm s Dest corn remedy by the 0wl DrUg company 21 stores on the Pacific coast. Adv. a? WILL PUT YOU Sill J ONYOURFEET Gt'ISEPPI riGOROTA. Italy. I WALTER FLEI8CM BAUER, Gaston. Or. j JAMES a FORTNER. CrandaU. Ga. HOWARD F. GIBSON, Sherman, Iowa. BENJAMIN F. G UNDER, Lehifibton. Pa. DAVID t;OIJRlNG, Buffalo, N. Y. NICHOLAS GOLISH. Nw York. RICHARD HAFFNEB, Cbicaco. BL - - , JAMES A. HAUGHT. Bristol, W. Va. CLAUDE L. JACKSON, Klondyks, Teiss. s, GUY A. JAMISON, Santa Mans, Cal. VICTOR LANIESSKI. Chicaeo. UL LESTER LORE, Bioomsburg, N. J. ANTHONY LUKAITIS, Lester. Ps. W ALTER McCARTNEY, Hickman. P. EU1CK A. MOUBERG, Alrarado. Minn. WALTER E. MCCOLL8, Brooklyn. N'. Y. PERRY M. NIX, Wareahoaies. 8. C. WIDYSIJkV NIZINSKI. East Madisoo. DL CLAUS E. NYQREN. Portland. Or. FRANK PATECHUK. Youngstown. Ohio. JOHN REEK, Springfield. III. ROBERT RITCHIE. Philadelphia, Pa. . LOUIS ROSEN WEIG, Philadelphia. Ta. GERALD SCHUMATB, Denrer, Colo. RALPH G. 8ELLICK, Belridere. 111. BOOKER P. STINNETT. Bedford. Pa. LOUIS WEINER, St. Paul. Minn. ARTHUR WINTERS, Elk Park. N. 0. CIRO ARRIGO. New York. JOHN ALOY8ISU8. Ashley, Ps. EMORY H. BLACK WELL. Lloyd, Ps. RAYMOND BOJART, West Hsrrater, N. Y. EARL L. BRAY. Velms. Neb. ROBERT O. B RISEN DENE. Canadian, Okla. HAROLD E. BROWN. Bowling Green, Ohio. CLARENCE BURTON, Jonesboro, Ark. FRANCIS A. CARLSON. Salt Coats. Bask.. Can. JOHN CARLSON. Gothenburg, Neb. CHARLES C. CARPENTER, Buckeye, W. Vs. FRANK CHERB, Proridemw, R. I. HERBERT CHRISTEN SEN, Racine. Wis. GU8 M. CHISTIE. Vsuxhall. N. J. NOAH THOMAS CLAYTON. Lakewood, N. J. DOMINICK DELUCA. Nespolo. Iuly. JOHN S. DODD Holly Creek. Okla. HERMAN DOPPEL. Woodiide. N. Y. EVERETT R. DURESS. Chicsgo. 111. JOHN F. ECKHART, Norcatur. Kan. WALTER S. ELLIS. Perry. Okla. ELICK ALEXANDER EMICK. Pleasantrilla. Pa. FRED D. EltNHARDT. Mount Pleasant, N. C. JONfcfM ('. KVANM. Lalone. N. C. CHARLES A. FELDMAN. Glencoe, Minn. LYMAN FENSTERMAKER, Hillsdale, Mich. i 11AKI.IK EITCI1. Sweetwater. Tenn. JOHN W. FLETCHER. Rugby. Trnn. BLADUS GERSTOUT. Deonora. Pa. JOHN '. HHFKN, West Branch. Mich. JAME8 HARDEN, Shelley, Idaho. EDWARD H. HAWLEY, Greenleaf, Kan. KU8TAF A. MELLBURO). Aberdeen. Wash ;EOR4E P. HOLTMAN. St. Louis. Mo. MALCOME B. HtTTSON. Forgsn, Okla. DANIEL J. KEEGAN. Bharookin, Pa. JOSEPH S. MATTOS, Glouchester, Mass. ROBERT M. MAYNE. Huntington, Md. GEORGE MESHOVER, Brooklyn, N. Y. 8ALVATORE MUCCILIA). Franklin. Mo. BURRELL 8. Nl.'NN, Buffalo. Mo. WILLIAM E. OSBORN. Kaw City. Okla. PETER F WICK, Woodhridge. N. J. JOSEPH YABLOSKERSKI. Scranton, Pa. CLARENCE E. BAKER, Maoilon. Ohio. JEWETT L. BARNE8. Moscow. Idaho. ERNEST V. BENNETT, Sulliran, Pa. JOSEPH P. BROPHY. Ireland. JESSE B. CAMP. Chunky. Mist. JOHN A. CANNON, Philadelphia. Pa. CATINO CARNEBUCCI, Wtvstfield. Mass. JOE CA RRETTO. Bottogno. Italy. MICHAEL CONNELLY, Ireland. WILLIAM F CONNELLY. St. Tsui. Minn. PETER COONEY, New York. JOHN R. DK'MANG, Peoria. 111. ALBERT J. DUFFY, Wathenam, Ksn. LEO E. DWYEH. layton. Ohio. NILS ECKHOFF. Brooklyn, N. Y. CHARLES ENGLEHART. Central Falls, R. L IKiMIMC FARRARA, IUIy. ROBERT W. FENNELL. New Tork. MARCO FUMl SO. IUIy. EMERIC H. ;ALLO. Superior, Wis. FREFERICK A. GARRISON. Bescon, N. Y. JAMES A. HAMMERS. Cknton, Ohio. CHARLEY HASLICK. Brown City. Mich. El.MUS .1. HATES, AdamsTille. Al. HI SSELI, L. HOBBS, Monett. Mo. ISA DOR JACOBSON, Copenhagen. Denmark. EDWARD KELLER. Mohawk. N. Y. JOHN KELLY, Philadelphia,. Pa. WALTER P. A. KENNY. San Francisco, Cal. ARTHUR F. KRUEGGER. BarnesTille, Minn. LESTER P. -LA FLA IB, Saginaw. Mich. JACOB LANDMAN, Jerey City. N. J. CLIFFORD LANE. Crystal, N. D. WILLIAM LARSON, Bertha. Minn GEORGE MACK. Central Lake. Mieh. CHARLES MARSHALL. EarlysTille. Va. CHARLES W. MARTIN. Whitehall, 111. ARTHUR O. MELY, Spokane, Wash. ALBERT MILLER. Dsnrille. 111. FITZHUGH L. BOOTH. City Point. Va.v THOMAS H. BOP8T, Baltimore, Md. JOE BOVETTI. Vagirian Cnnco. Italy. i JAMES C. CONSTA-NZO, cJcUdy. N Y. SHERMAN B. CUSTER. Bwanton. Md. STANLEY L. DAVIS, Philadelphia. Pa. IRVING H. DEAKYNE. New Brunswick, N. J. SARIN IN I DOMIANL BelUire, Ohio. MAX ERGANG. New York. CARL M. ERICKSON. Balden, Neb. JAMES B. FLYNN, Nashua. N. Y. CHARLES W. FORDIS. Holliday, Mo. BELA WILL FRANCE. Detroit. Mich. JOHN W. FREDERICK. Jackson. Mina.X ANTONIO FREITAS. Yerington, Ner. MICHAEL FR1EDEL. Brooklyn, N. Y ANTHONY FURMAN8KI. Bessemer. Uuh. JOHN ;. HANSENBEROEB, Odessa. N. Y. LEONARD A. HAWS, Yocaipa, Cal. JOSEPH K. HAYTON, Bristol. Vs. ALFRED J HOBUSCH. St. Louis, Mo. ADOLPH JACEWICZ, Chicago. IU. ANDREW J. JOHNSON, Rensselaer. N. Y. JACOB A. JOY, Logan. Ohio. HARRY KAPLAN. New York. EDWARD VINCENT KELLY, St. Joseph, Mo. SAMUEL B. KNAPP. linden. Iowa. EDWARD W. KNIGHT. Ware Shoals. 8. C. PATRICK M'GOFF. Dalton. N. H. CLAYTON LESIE MURRAY. Mackinw City. Mich. GUSTAVE W. NADLER, Allendale, N. J. ALVA O. NEELY. Browning, Mo. CARA NEIGHBORS, Greenrille, Tsias. ELMER E. OFTE. Wheeler. Wis. LENARD E. POWERS. Anderson, S. C. WILLIAM B. ROSS. Ksnnapolis. N. C. ALBERT V. ROTH. Goehter. Neb. ALBERT CHARLES RUPPBECHT, No komis. 111. HARRY SMALL. Jersey City. N. J. JACOB F. SPEER, Wilmington. Del. r RANK H. STUBSEB. Menasha. Wis. JfWj:PH SWIRSKY, Brooklyn. N. Y. STKPHAN TRI'CIK. Chicago, El. TEODOTO VENTRE. East Boston, Mass. DANIEL H. WILLIAMS.-Eldorado. Mich. CHARLES E. WILLIAMS, Cnmberland. Md, HENRY. NIRZ. PlatUtnouth, Neb. CLYDE ISAACSON, Fairriew. Kan. JETER H. JONES. Boones Mill. Va. JOHN D. M CARTHY. St. LouK Mo. IGNATZ MELOVITZ. Kenosha. Wis. EDWARD S. MILLER. Hudson, N. T. JOHN MORABITO, Denew. N Y. GEORGE A. POINDEXTER. Ripler. Tenn. EDWARD D. STROUGH. Tonawanda, N. Y. HARVEY J. T1DWELL, Gay, Ga. FLAVIOU8 J. MERROW. CrestTiew, Tenn. SHERMAN A. BATY. Knoxrille. Iowa. DAVID W. BOLAND, Buffalo. N. Y. WILLIAM M. GALLOWAY, Corao, Texas. STANLEY B. GARRETT. Nelsonbridge. P. JAMES P. GORMLEY, New York. CHARLES A. HAL. Western. Vs. RUDOLPH HAJEK, Cos! City. 111. VALDRIA D. HAWK. Bruntsyille, Tens. WILLIAM R. HESS. Lawrence. Mich. JAMES QUINN. VanTuren. Ark. BATIST HILLMAN. Ionrille. 1. TIMOTHY J. HORRIOAN. Gardner, Mass. CLAUDE V. JOHNSON, Ithaca, N. Y. HARVEY E. KELLEY. Crlils, Pa. EDWIN C. KITTERMAN, Eliiabeth. Ind. LAWRENCE F. KLEGIN, Pierce, Nab. MARTIN LARSON. Duluth. Minn. NICHOLAS J. LAVARNWAY, Ogdensburg, N. Y. OTTO H. LIEBECK. Tonswanda. N. Y. RAY LISTON, Albright, W. Va. JAMES C. M DERMOTT. Tracv, CaL FRANK P. MAY. Tacoma. Wash. CHARLES MILAM, ShepherdsTille, Ky. . MARTIN J. MONK. Kauksna, Wis. FRANK L. NELSON, Brooklyn. N. Y. COSIMO NIGRO, Chicaco. 111. y . ARTHUR J. MOONAN. Charlestown, M&A. CLARENCE OLSON. Jewell. Iowa. ERNEST OXEN RIDER, Fostoria. Ohio. JOHAN PALES. Chicago, 111. ALVIN PAPE. Comal county, Texas. JE88E L. PARKS, Granger, Wash. . RUDOLPH H. PAVEU Tyndall. S. D. HAROLD N. PETERSON. Chicago. 111. PERCIVAL W. RILEY. ReTere Beach, Mass. BEN C. ROBERTS, Gaffney, 8. ANTHONY ROSS. Brooklyn. N. Y ORVILLE C. KOSS. Big Sandy. Mon. ANDREW RUDI. ForsytlJ. Mont. ROBERT E. RUSSELL. BerryTille, Va. EDWARD C. BCHREIBER. Brillion, Wis. OSCAR S. SCHROEDEU, Perth Amboj, N. J. LEE SHAW. Chico. Cal. GLENN W. SPETZ. Warren, Ta. BENJAMIN H. 8PITZER. PhiUdelphis. Pa. STANISLAW STA NEK. BatoTia. N. Y. JOHN L. SULLIVAN, New York. VERNON H. TERRILL, Fainnount, N. D. HENRY BERCHART. Milwaukee, Wia ISAAC TIERSON. Rochester. N. Y. GUY A. TUNIS. Winssnac. Ind., LEON E. TURNER, Marion. S. C ' CHARLES VU8LER. New Hampton. N. J. IOUIS WASH. Uberty. Ky, - CHARLES A. WOERXER, Jersey City. Jf. J. HARRY W. WOODWARD. Berlin. Mass. RICHARD WRIGHT, Empire, Ala. JAMES L. WYLIE, Orange, Texas. WILLIAM ZAZZETTT, Waldwick, N. 3. VINCENT STANKIEWYCZ. Chicago. TH. FRANK R. MITCHELL, Chaseell, Mich. ARNETT NTJNNALLY. Gallard, Tenn. DANIEL D. NU8SBAVM. Apple Creek, Ohio. ET-LUS E- OSTEBN. Piedmont. 8. C." ' . JOHN W. PAGE. Roxhnnr, Mesa. VINCENZO PANYALEOi XHteedo, IUly. FABUN PARENT. Salmon Eslls. N. H- JOHN W. PARKER. Wineate. N. C. . i CHARLES PA RTLOW.wmrk. N. " : WALTEIrVpAYTON,' Carthage, Mo. WilOM iABSOH. J-oort Utah, WtA. WILI.IAM L PENRY, Farren, Pa. CLARENCE J. PERRY. Port Cnntoa, Ohio. W ILLIAM F. PETERSEN. 8L Peter, Minn. EDWARD P. PIERCE. Bnffslo. N. Y. AUGUST POURNER, Hondo. Texas. CHARLES J. RENNIE. Wskham. Mass. , JOSEPH F. REYER. Yonkers, N. Y. : FRANK A. ROHS. Newton Center, Mats. ABRAHAM BOTHM AN SKY, New York, PABQUALE RUBLNO, Brooklyn. N. Y. IAWRENCE R. RUNDQU1ST, Cokste. Minn. WILLIAM R. SARGENT; Sioux Pass. Mont. LEO M. 8EESE. .Chicago, lit FRANK U. 8ENKTR, Hopkins. Minn. WILLIAM M. 8HUBERT, Elgin, 111. EDGAR H. SMITH. Obrien. Texas. MEACH STEWART. York, S. C, WILLIAM H. STEWART. Richburf. S. O. JOHN L. STOCK HAM. Lewitton. 111. FRANK STOKES. Leftyetts. Tens. ASA O, STRONG, Milferd, N. Y. MAX M, SUMMER, East St. Louis, TO. SAM J. TARTE, HartsrUle. S- &- VINCENZO TETf. Cantanxar -PtoTinee, Italy. FRANK H. T1TZKU "Hsmtborg, pa, W H.LIAM F. VOGEL, SeottrUle, Mieh. MICHAEL WALSH. KUtmiangh, Ireland. PAUL A. WARD. WestTiUe. Ohio. BENJAMIN E. WELLS. Petersburg. Vs. WIUJAM H. WENT WORTH. Canatsragsn. N. Y WILLIE M. WESTBROOK, Liberty, Miss. ROLLAND O. WILLGI8. BeUlr. Md. TONY ZOBOROSKI, Fairmont, Minn. HARRY A. HIEKE, Philadelphia. Pa. ALBERT P. HUBER. Fort AUinson. Iowa. LEE JACKSON. Chesaning, Mich. EDWARD JOHN80N. Lan. Sweden. JAMES B. KING. Chester, Pa. EDWIN F. KUEHN, Ara, III. HYLVANE LANDRY. Belle Rose. La. WILLIAM C. LEPPE, Horicon. Wis. C; LLOYD M'CARTHUK. Minnespdlis. Minn. JAMES J. M'VEIGH, Brooklyn. N. Y. ;EORGE W. MARTIN, Tonaws, N. Y. WILLIAM P. MARTIN, FUnt. Mich. THOMAS J. MILLER, Ererett. Wash. VICTOR MITCHELL, Ottaws. Ont. Canada. EDWARD F. MOELLER, Bloomington, Neb. LEE E. MOORE, Hailey. Idaho. LESTER W. OSTER. Rochester, N. Y. HUBERT PESEK, Gibbon, Neb. HEN NINO O. PETERSON. Chicago, UL PETER W. PETERSON, Junction City. Or. RUDOLPH BETTER. Irwin, Pa. WARREN H. RIDENOUR, BrowersTille, Minn. EDWARD ROMAINE. Brooklyn. N. Y. J08EPH A. RYAN. Cohoes. N. Y. ZIGMHND 8IBWIN8KI, Duryea, Pa, LOUIS G. SPANHLER. LomenU. Texas. BERT SPACEMAN. Richmond. Utah, ETHAN STONE. CsrUon, Ps. . FRED E STUKENBERO. Chicago, til. WARD TITTLE. Modesto. Cal. FRANK LANDES BORIS. Halfway. Mo. JOHN J. WAI.SH, New York. JOHN H. WELLER. Fulton. Mo, WILLIAM C. WOLTERS. Genoa, 111. MELDET F. WORLET, Wellington, Utah. LUC GUINGARD, Somersworth. N. H. FARRAND R. GUTHRIE. Melrin. Iowa. GUS DANIEL HARDIN. Falmouth, Ky. JOSEPH E HARDIN. St. Charlet, 8. C. GEORGE W. HARDY. Hartsdale. N. Y. RILEY HELTON, LoudtTill. Gs. DREW O. AMOS. Idaho Falls, Idaho. VIRGIL BOWDEN. Gkn Obed, Tenn. PATRICK J. CASSELI. Farmington. Conn. GEORGE H. CHASE, Bancroft. Wis. JOSEPH C. DAVIS. MaysTtlle, Ky. WILLIAM A. DEHART, Reading. Pa. JOE DEGIROLOMO. RochesUr, N. Y. JOHN DELANEY, New York. LOUIS DIESEL, Brooklyn. N. Y. JAMES W. DORSEY JR.. Washington. D. C. JOHN M. D RIGGERS, Lake City. S. C. GUSTAVE A. EHLERS. New Tork. EDGAR R. EK8TROM. Oklahoma City. Okie, EARL WALTER ELLER. Seattle. Wash. RALPH C. EWING, Mtrsrille. Ohio. JOHN BERNARD FARINA. New Richmond. Ohio. ... . MELVIN GALBRAITH. Sen Juan Co.. Utah. HOWARD OOODALL. Oakfield. Maine. JAMES GEORGE HAMILTON, Monteristo. Cci,IFFORD H. HAMILTON. Minnespolis. WILLARD R. HANK. PrsirieTiew. I1L WILLIAM A HARRISON. Williamston. S. O. RAYMOND CHARLES KELLEY. Brownsnlle. Ind. DANIEL A. KAUTZ. Rowenna. Pa. FRANCISCO S. LACOSTE. Elmira. N. T. FRED MACHIE. Willimantic, Conn. JESSE McLEART. Arab. Mo. JAMES U MORGAN. Pelxer. S. C. ALBERT OLSON. Sheyenne. N. D. CLARENCE E. ORR. Maroa. HI. PAUL O8TR0Y, Brooklyn. N. Y. WALKER R. OWENS, Westminster. S. 0. EI.LWOOD CrfAUL. PhiladelphU. P. JOSEPH J. RAPP, Shippens rills. Pa. LEE P. RICHEL. Unlontown. Pa. SIOURO RONNINO. Everett. Wash. HENRY N. RYAN. Sen Antonio. Texas. JOSEPH SCTALABBA. Butler,. Ps. PATRICK WATERS, Newton,.Msss, JONAS L. WTI.EY. AVest Piwe.TevW HORACE YAGER, Oneids. B. D. . JACOB HENRY YENNER, Fort - Jennings, Ohio. GEORGE A. ZAPALAO, Driftwood, Texas. GIOVANNI BELVITO. Jersey City. N. J. LEO BRTNDA. Valentine. Neb. ARTHUR T. BROOKS. Malone. N. T. iEORGE F. BROWN. Watertown. N. Y. HARRY A. BROWN. GouTarneur. N. Y. RICHARD BROWN. Stanley. Wis. GU8TAVUS W. BURTON, Rochester, N. Y. CHARLEY B. BURUD. tflen, Minn. JOHN F. BUTZNER. Baltimore, Md. GEORGU T. CARSON. Peabody. Kan. JAMES J. CARVOUNIS, rbioUdaa, Greece. I,EAVIS E. THATHAM, Ducktown. Tenn. DELBERT, Spencer. S. D. SHEUSEDTO BE GRAY Society Ladies Eveiywhe U "La Creole" Hair Dressing The well known society leader'8 hair was prematurely gray, perhaps Just lika yours, but Mrs. J heard of "La Creole" Half Dressing; how thou sands of people everywhere had used it with perfect satisfaction. It is not a dye. but a preparation designed espe cially for the purpose of gradually re storing color to gray or faded hair, and which is easily applied by simply comb ing or brushing through the hair. ."La Creole" Hair Dressing positively eradi cates dandruff, keeps the scalp In a healthy condition and promotes the growth of new hair: brings back a natural, soft, even, dark shade to gray or faded hair, and makes it lustrous, full of life and beautiful. USH "LA CREOLE" HAIR DBESSITG to prevent your hair from growing gray and to restore a beautiful dark color to gray or faded hair. For sale by the Owl company's drug stores and all good drug stores everywhere. Mall or ders from out of town customers filled promptly upon receipt of regular price J1.20. "L Creole" Hair Dressing is sold on a money back guarantee. Adv. Are You Fat? Just Try This Thousands of overfat neoDle htvt become slim by following the advice of doctors who recommend Marraola PrescriDtion Tablets, those harmleaa little fat reducers that simplify the dose ox the famous Marmola Prescrip tion. If too fat.' don't wait for the doc tor's advice. Go now to youi drugarist or write to the Marmola Co.. 8C4 Woodward Ave.. Detroit. Mich., and for 7&0 procure a large case or tnese tab lets. They reduce two, three or four pounds a week without exercise, diet ing or any unpleasant efxect whatever. If too fat. try this today. (Adv.) HOT TEA BREAKS - - j A COLD-TRY THIS; Get a small package of Hamburg Breast Tea at any pharmacy. Take a tablespoonful of 'this hamburg tea, pat a cup of boiling water upon It, pour through a sieve and drink a teacupful at any time. It I the most effective way to break a cold and cure grip, as it opena tha pores, relieving congestion." Also loosens the bowels, thus breaking a cold at one. - ,a r u lt 4-4nxpenlva and,. entirely ,Tej. tablwe , therefor harijileaa.--Adv. ERNIE A. COTTLE, Franklin. Idaho. PHILLIP DANUFSKY. Newark. N. J. VCVVENZO DELLA CAMERA, Amsterdam. N. Y. HARRY DOUGLAS. Jobs. Ohio. SHERMAN DOUGLAS. Humphrey, Ky. ROY R. EASTER. St. Joseph. Mo. HIRAM P. EDEN 8. Spfrrsferry, Va. ERNEST W. ELLIOTT, Elliott; Md. GEORGB W. FT.EISCHNEK. Butler. Pa. ELBERT O. GARNER. Camden, Tenn. MEYER FREEDMAN. Lancaster. Pa. DIED OF WOUNDS Prltatee JOHN E. KUETZ. WsTerty. lows. ELDRIDGE LAKE, Columbus. Ga. WILLIAM LIEBERMAN. Brooklyn, If. Y. HUGH E MORRISON. Cambridge. N. Y. 1'IERMIENN MUSSLEB. St. Louis. Mo. ARTHUR E. NA(iEL. W'Uton. Iowa. WILLIAM W. PUNCHARD. Newark. N. J. EARL A. BOOTT. Hamlin. Texas. MOSES SHANNON. Logoff. 8. C. ARTHUR O. SHERMAN. Lindsey, CaL WILLIAM J. SMITH, Holcomb. Mo. WILLIAM O. UPSON. Hawk Point, Mo. DIED FROM ACCIDENT AND OTHER OAU8ES H ELMER BLOOM. Detroit, Mich. Privates AUGUST H. FTNGEk Milwaukee. Wis. LAWRENCE RABINOWITZ. New Tork. KILLED IN AIRPLANE AOOIDENT Lieutenants JOSEPH V. WILSON. Wheeling. W. Vs. HARLAN W. JOHNSON. McConneUtTille, Ohio. DIED OF DISEASE Sergeant E JAY BRYAN. Marlin. Texas. ANTONY M. MAFFEI. Brooklyn. 8. TURNER NEIL, Portland. Or. CHESTER A. VAN CLEAVE, Independence, Kansas. WALTER BIEDERMAN, Columbus. Ohio. ALRERT DEBIE. Ran Francisco. CaL WALTER J. WRIGHT. Orlando, Fla. Corporals RAIJCIGH A. JOHNSON, Luck Mllltown. Wta CECM. HERBERT ROBERTS. Newman. 111. I.EKOY F. JONES. Lyons. lows. MUSICIAN JOSEPH P. CHAMBERLAIN, Murpliysburo, IU. Prlvatet MILLARD BUSKIRK. Cattlesburg. Ky. MICHAEL COI'SI. Fitcbburg. Mss. PAUL W. DAMON. Sharon Center. Ohio. PERRY E. DOSS. Sama'tha. Ala. WILLIE E. ATCHER. Livingston, Tenn. IMJMINICK FINARO. Pittsburg. Pa CHARLES 8. GEORGE. Denver. Colo. ROLAND C. GIFFORD. East Orange, N. J CHARLES E. HARRELSON, Whiteviile, N. C. CHARLES W. HELM, Geneva. I1L HARRY R. OZBUN. Kane. 111. LESTER L PERREGE. Farley. Iowa. LEO PUNKETT. Columbus, Ind. JAMES J. RtrBERTS. McChuky. N. D. JOHN C. SCOTT. Mealson, Tenn. ERNEST E. SERVISH. Taleville. N. T. AUGUST G. 8ITZ, Park Rapids. Minn. CHARLES C. TOUCH, Kilduff, Iowa. CHARLES T WELI, Springfield. Tenn. ELMER C. WINSALL. Burlington. Wis. LESTER R. ALBAUGH. Elkhart, lows. MONTY ALLEN, Henderson vllle. Teno, WILLIAM K. ANGI.IN. Edgewood. 111. LIN'H BABCt CK, Wesubleau. Mo. Et GENK J. BELANGER. Stratford. N. H. RUIX)LPH BERGER. West Bay. Wis. JAMES I. BASEARS. Smithvllle. Tenn. (iEORGE 8. B ETCHER. Ellison Park. Pa. REY E. BLEVINS, Hanover. Ar. MAI. LACE F. BOULTON. Milan, Tenn. ALFRED J. BRIGGS. Antigo. Wis. WILLIAM BROWN. Roseville. 111. ELM W. BUSTER, Independence. Kan. Wir.tlAM E. CARTER. Billiard. Texas HERMAN W. CIARK. Pice Bluff. Ark. IVKY V. CROSBY. Gordon. Ga. JOSEPH-'. CROSS. MounUin View. Ark. .RepeMic Made by the 520,000,OOQ.OO Republic Rubber Co., the oldest tire manufacturers in the United States, and the originators of Non-skid Tires. MADE OF BLACK PRODIUM RUBBER, which is the toughest wearing tread ever made. Does not cut up under roughest usage. Fabric is the best, and non-skid design the most effective. STRICTLY FRESH NEW STOCK, EVERY TIRE IS A "FIRST' THAT HAS BEEN CAREFULLY IN SPECTED, AND PASSED AS PERFECT. WE HAVE PURCHASED AN IMMENSE QUANTITY for Spot Cash FROM A LARGE EASTERN CON r 65 30x3 30x31 32x31 32x31 37x5 airvasuc Why purchase "half soles,' "retreads," "sew overs" or the hundred and one nondescripts that are offered by irre sponsible small dealers from time to time, when tires of (h e highest standard and quality are offered you just as cheap? This is the GREATEST BUY WE HAVE MADE Jn our Six Years of Business as the "LARGEST f:- ' TIRE DEALERS IN THE WEST." ' ' We have 13,000 HIGH GRADE TIRES of an AGGREGATE VALUE of OVER $250,000.00 Call or Write for Detailed Lbt AUTO PARTS SUPPLY ' ' . . Portland Phone-Broad way 5508 KUSTIN g. DALBIY. Seattle, Wash. CHARLES E. DAVIS. Zaneeville. Ohio. ALBERT DECKER. Staten Island. N. T. ELEA DEROUEN. Hayer. La. JAMES DICICOO. Strathera. Ohio. JESSE L. DOBYN8. Evinglon. Va. FRFJIt D. DVRG3KY. Iowa City. Iowa. . BENN EI4.IOTT, Newman. Ga. FI.OYD ESTERU1NG, Mount Olive, Mies. GEORGE F. FREEZE. Amber. Iowa. J08FPH GIBSON. Remington. Va. GEORGE C. JONTTVICH. Kansas City. Kan. CHARLES N. HAMM. Random Ike. Wis. JAMES HENDERSON, Trevilians. Va, JAMESON JOHNSON. St. Louis. Mo. HART WELL H. JONES. Duran. N M. RUPERT D. KNEES. Grant City. Mo. HARRY R. LEIBY, Norrl'town. I's. LUCIEN R. MjVWBLU South Lion. Mich. JOEL IXWGREN. Atrhison. Ksn. JOHN NNELNEN. Erira. Iowa. JOHN PUN DEN Z. Carroll, Iowa. JOHN C. REDDINGTON. Calena, 111. SAMUEL ROSENTHAL, New Haven. Conn. MAURICE O. ROSING. Minneapolis. BERT G. SAMS. Bertha, Mtnn. JENS SAX UN, Danbury. Iowa. THEO. J. SCHINDLER, Rudd. Iowa. WILLIAM A. SHARP. Whitemul. Tenn. EDGAR SHEARER. Rimortbarg. Pa. JOSEPH C SMITH. Barnette. Ill CHARLES T. SNIDER, Stewart. Okla. JOHN F. STILES. Newmarket. Ala. RdRKBT SWORD TlllKnn Uii JOSEPH A. SZUMINSKI. Three Lakes. Wis. omua.rc j THOMAS. Beloit, Wia. LUDE TUCKER. Ifayette. Ga. WILLIAM J. WALL. Linewood. Mass. ALBERT W. WAI.IXJREN. Athelttone, Wis. l.tUKOE 1'. w AriMnURN.e nago, Va. DAVID C. WEBB. Boone. Iowa. GEORGE W W OODRUFF. Washington. Ga. ROSS WO0DW0RTH. Blackriver Falls. Wis. WOUNOKO, DIQRKK UNDCTKRMINKD Sercesnts Brnjsmin H. Camon, Indian Val ley, ina.: IMnd E. Knapp. Hampden, Maine; i nomas K. woonerson, Ksnsas City. Privates Reginald Rates. Clinton. Mam. ; Angntt H. Heller, -Philadelphia: Loman Hlmet Dartmoore. W. Vs. : George Kslmsn. PhUa delphia. Pa.; Clarence Kniffen. Rve. N. Y. Harry A. lArsen. Brooklyn: Nathan Millslog. Kushtille. 111.; Alden Brl Noble. Kingston. i-a. ; ,enrge w. Onbome. 8yrsruie. Ksn.; Wil liam Painter. Csrbondsle. 111. ; Frank Smith, Chilton, Texas; Gioctgnina Tansello. Buffalo. MlttlNQ IN ACTION I j-utensnt Henry D. Lind"ley. Msdison. N Y. : Joseph G. Molten. Philadelphia. Pa.; Ran. torn S. Psttison. East Orange. N. J. Sergeants Paul H. Graham. Monroe. Ind. John Zavodky. Pointebroy. N. J. Corporals Howard E. Allison. Wichita. Ksn.: John W. Bower. Mansfield. 111. : John Michael Brrtschneider, Broughton, Pa. : John L. Cope- land. Toney. Ala. : Ieroy Ferguson, Huntington. w. Vs.; Frank C. Hatenfet. FaU River. Kan. Edward T. McDonald. Buffalo. N. Y. : Rudolph if. Roderick, Aanan, Alien.: Walter Alexandra. wneelersourg. Unlo; Steve li- Beesxkowskl Milwaukee. Wis.; Frank H. Gould, Poplar urove. hi. Mochanlc Georre M. Thompson. Trenton. N. J Wsgoner John E. Sklpworth. Ellington, Ky. Privates Redy R. Anderson, MBr. Wis Joseph G. Beach, Brooklyn, N. Y. : Fertlinsnd J. Bernstein, New York; Eugene W. Biundeil Los Angele. Cel.; Joeph G. Campodonico, Stockton. Cal.: tram Carpenter, Spencer 8ta tion, Ohio; Edward W. Childs. Htidton. Mich. Henry J. CbHholm. Plsin-riew, Neb.; Roy M lrmentson, fowers Lake, rl. u. ; John 4 Collier, Ore City. Texas: Alfred L. Conklin Spring Valley. Minn.; Charles E. Connell. Tren ton. r. i. ; tin I. Coombt. Reading. Mats William II. Cousins, Blaine. Maine; Charles Coy. Alton. III.: Frsnklin L. Cramer. Oakland Pa : Joseph D. Andres. Clio. Cal. ; Cornelius DeKorte, Wellington, N. J. ; Charles A. Drew, Ftttston, Ps. : Mtmn Ellington, Pennock. Minn. Edgar Rawling Estet Jr.. Jersey City. N. J. Ernest M. Evans, Richland Springs. Texas Iavid Anacker, UUce. N. Y. ; Chester A Barnes. Dsndridge. Tenn.: Albert O. Baron n E ATEST E AUG AM kssJ CERN THAT WAS PRESSED FOR THEM FOR QUICK SALE at c om the Dollar STAGGARD NON-SKID, CLINCHER Regular Price, $19.45 STAGGARD NON - SKID, CLINCHER Regular Price, $24.80 , STAGGARD NON - SKID. S. S. Regular Price, $29.05 PLAIN TREAD, STRAIGHT SIDE Regular Price, $24.75 STAGGARD NON - SKID, Regular Price, $73.20 ... If the regular 5,000 Mile Guarantee is desired 10 must be added to these prices at time oi purchase. We will then liberally adjust on that basis.' TIRES MAY BE SHIPPED ANYWHERE C. O. D. (subject to examination before payment) IF DESIRED.- WE WILL ALSO INSTALL THEM ON YOUR CAR WITHOUT EXTRA CHARGE AT ANY OF OUR STORES. Clifton. Arix. ; William IL Barthlomew. TaUmy. Pa.: Jacob C. Baununn. New Tork; Delbert J. Carey. Watertown, N. T.; Gunner C Carlton, SUllman aUey. III.: Ed Lee Chiles, Arcsdis. Texas; John J. Delaney. New Yerk; Jaraea U Ijyle. Cairo. W. Va.: Elmer F. Guntrum. lawtonhaa. Pa. : Oarenoe Hacners, Bridgeton. N. J.: Alrin J. Harrit. Flllnn tlnnl John W. Johnson. Hall. Mont.: Bteve IywbaXi. Toledo. '"io; oicnsra u. lise, Morgan. Colo.: Kicti ard T. McClelen. Wetumka. Okla.: Albert L McLaughlin. Jonesboro. Maine: lrrln O. Miller. Itnott. Pa.; Gennaro Molinaro. Sewickley, Pa.; Fred Moore. Adamsville. Tenn.; John W. Mor rison. Wlnneconne. Wis.; Edwsrd Oliniki. Hsm- iramaca. Mien.: tjnarlea A. O Brien, North ampton. Maaa ; Patrick J. O Keene. Boston. Mass.; Walter N. Riley. Philadelphia. Pa: Lucius L. Segrect, Tuseegee. Ala.; Harper H. Sickinger. HoytsvUle. Ala.; Arthnr Stlckney. Brooklyn. N. Y. ; Henry A. Stuflles. Ontario. N. Y. : Paul C. Thomunon; Olaf 11. Tinghin. Chicago. 111.; Louia Valente. Freno. Cal - An drew Vrobel. Athley. Pa.: Edwin B. Aae. Roi. sunn.; Herbert G. Allen. Youngntown. Ohio; Frank Bala da. Merrll. Wit Thntni. II R k Lakeriew. Ohio; Charles B. Becker. M..rrw! Minn.; Joeph Bell. Lima, N. Y'. : RotM-n H. Bra. krn- noge. Los Angeles. CaL ; Frank Brandt, Bror lyn. N. Y. ; Alfred Dreeh. Bloomfield. N J. : ieorge V. Eichrnlaub, North Kairficld. Ohio. John A. Gray. Erie. Ta. ; Elmer E. Hamilton. siauoon, in.; red A. llolmet. Minneapoli. Minn: Elite J Jackson. Pandora. Texan; Daniel Jordan. Elkton. Ohio: Herbert W Kleck ner. Monroe. Mich. ; John Kurow.kl. Bloomfield. N. J John B. Unit Hrt Hnnnc. H T George L. Maddox. Dacnra. Ga : John Mtrinkn. tlaxelton. Pa.; SUas Martin. Beckrille. Text-; Axel Myers. San FraocUco. Cal.; John E. Nicholson, Washington. D. C. ; him A Pence, Ies Mill. Texa; Orlie Reed, Thomnonvlilc. Ill-: Adam James Salvadnre. Glaaeporl. Pt. ; Corbly Pierson St ?J.1.".,U: Charlie I. Smith. HUleboro, Teita: miiism renner. MrarttwHxl N. J ; William Hubbell. Newark. N. J.; AJnnxo Vteld Jr Stone MounUin. Ga. ; Beniamin M. Either. Frankltn ton, Le,; James Fitxpstrick, Nyrscue, N. Y : Charles A. Flsnagan. Newton. Um.; Wilbur Au gustus Flanrireau. Hnlns. N Y. VVdwtrd J Creeler. Neillville. Wi. ; Wallace Harvey. Whit ing.t Iowa; Dan A. Ilnneycutt. Modetr). Cal ; John L. Hudson. Brooklyn, N. Y. Orneluu Hunt. New York; Martin Jacobson. Wadena. Minn.; Charles Kiminkl. Tinaands. N Y ; John Kinleftki. New York; Thomas E. Lsmp msn. PhiladelphU. Pa.: Frenk J. luchlin t'lere land. Ohio; Franklin J. Uirit, Umm-. Pa.- Ar thur E. Lint Perryopolln. Pa. : Harry Ixjodn. St. Charles. Minn : John L McConnell. Sttii hope. N. J.; Joe McCijr, St. Paul. M.nn. ; Wil liam L. McCurry. Terre Haute. Ind.; liuit W. Msddox, Decatur. 111. : Msum. Brooklyn. N. Y.; Hsrry Morsn. Amadoro. Mich.: Jamet U Newell. Belle Plaine, Minn.: Hichare Nyquist, Kirk land. Wash.; Hugh G. O'Bnan, no address; James Michael O'Connell. Brooklyn, N. Y. ; Wal ter O'ConnelL, Huntington, N. Y. : Joseph Peck inack, Wiiliamsport. Ps. : Willism L. Page. Van Alttine. Texas: Nick Perrncevick. Iueblo. Col" ; Willism C. Pierce. Warwick. Md. ; John O. Trince, Benton. Tenn. ; Jsmes J. Roach. Jermyn. Pa.; Charles F. Sawyer. Cuthbert, Ga. : Edwin A. Schmidt. Fredericksburg. Texas; John Shirk wa. Jersey City. N. J ; ;ut D Shuemsker. Grand Uspid). Mich.: Alfred R. Shrigley. Newport. Ky ; Arthnr G. Skinner. Kihh'e. Mich.; Phillip G. Smith. Csrlyle, 111.; Wslur K. Smith, King City. Mo; Leroy G. Staler, Mineral Point. Wis.; Harry Arthur Steinbtugh, Wllktnburg, Pa.; Henry H. Steinert. Milwaukee. Wis. ; otto Stie per, u Paul. Minn.; Miles Swain. Coldwater, Slich. : Orvte Vatne. Jbn. Minn : Teddy K. Watrous. Bliaa. Okla.: Franklin I. Whitman. Wiiliamsport, Pa.; Jtmct Tindra. Chicago. 111.; Raymond D. Zeiher, Henderson. Minn. ; Willism H. Johnson, Ssn Frsnc!co, Cal.: Gaston A. Riggs, Houston. Texas; Charlie E. Riiers, Meri dsn. Miss ; Antonio Ross. Csmden. N. J.; John H Rumell. Cherry Tree. F'a. : Oenrge ck. Big Rapids, Mich.; Dominie T. Schmitt, Rochester, N. Y.; Phillip it. Sdionlianl. Jtckson. alien.; Carl C. Schreiner, Melrose. Mi-i ; klirhati A. Srhwenk. Buffalo. N. T. ; Charles O. Shawgo. I L A STAGGARD TREAD FUNDS, THEREFORE WE $12.75 16.45 19.05 16.65 42.90 S. S. or Q. D. ;. m . Arthur N. ghleMe, Seattle, Wash.; SeymoitT Shutt, Holly, Mich. : Frederick B. Rooter. Sheepe head Bay N. Y. ; Fred IL StMokamp. New YorkS car Stiese, Clevelaod, Ohio: Angutt Tordrup. Hardy. Keh. : Henry VenditU, Neweastle. Pa. ; Hsrry M. Vickert. Trenton. N. J. ; Ray Wagner, Golconda. IU.; Wilbur G. Wagner. Martina Ferry. Ohio; Karle Waldrogle. Issvenport, Iowa; Jona M. WaUsee. Cbamiwign. Ul.-. Jams O. Ward. Newark. N. J. ; Troy Watson. Knowltoa, Ky. ; Elmer Wrtr, Putnam. EL: Elmo Wheeler. Rich mond. Cat: Hariry E. Zeliner. Itnketoff. PL; Elmer F. Kerbe. Pine Grove. Pa.; Arthur W. Zeick. Markesan. Wis.; John Zukawtkt. Chioagn. Night List Washington. Nov. 29 The list ef easaaltire in the American expeditionary fore abroad, amaue public last night, contains 813 names, exehwisa of BT nsmes of alightly injured. The Utt aost tsins no name of members of the marine) cocpa. The casualtiet are divided: Killed in action 181 IK-.1 of snuss Jlf Ihed of dlseass ant Wounded sererery S Wounded (degree undetermined) 21 Miaslng In action J51 Total gli ARMY CASUALTIES KILLED IN A0TI0N Captains HOWARD C. BRADDOCK. Mt Pleasant. Pa. .E IRGE S. BUTCHER, Mont CUU. N. i. HUGH R. IK)AN. Detroit, Mich. Lieutenants BENJAMIN BUCKLEY. Detroit. Mich. CARL A DUDLEY, Boston. Mass. KARL J. 8CHOEN, Indianapohs. Ind. CHARLES W TURNER, Coney Island. K. Y. HAROLD C. MACK-AY, Buffalo, N. Y. Sersyeants CASPER W. FASSETT. Connrauzt. Ohle. FRANCIS J. MARTIN. Troy. N. T. SIDNEY M. FAINTER. Jonesville. Va. WILLIAM M. 8MUCKER. Fried ns. Pa. LEE BRA7.EK. rhlladslphia. Pa. LEE B M DANIEL. Columbus. Kaa. CHARLES ARL1S MAY. Wayne City. TO. (Contlnoed on Following Page) A Dead Stomach Of What Use It It? Thousands? yes hundreds of thousands of people throughout America are tak lng the alow death treatment dally. " They are murdering their own torn- " ach. the best friend they have, and In 1 their sublime Ignorance they think their -' are putting aside the laws of nature. , ' This is no sensational statement : It la a Ftartllng fact, the truth of which any . honorable physician will not deny. These thousands of people are rwtl. ; : lowing dally huge quantities of pepsin ' and other strong digesters, made as- perlally to digest the food In the stom ach without any aid at all from the di gestive membrane of the stomach. Ml-o-na itomach tablets relieve dls tressed stomach In five minutes; they do more. Taken regularly for a few weeks they build up the run down atom- ach and make It strong enough to dV gest its own food. Then indigestion, ' belching, sour stomach and headacha will go. Ml-o-na stomach tablets are sold by druggists everywhere and by The Owl Drug Co.. who guarantee them. (Adv.) ores OFFER Saving $6.70 Saving $8.35 Saving $10.00 Saving $8.10 Saving $50.30 iru sliC GO tT 'A V J 't - n