The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 27, 1918, Page 2, Image 2

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Opposition to Large Delegations
, Grows as Feeling Is That Big
Conference Be Unwieldy.
Representatives of America to Be
Named When Number Deter
mined; Program Largely Made.
Paris, Nov. 17. (I. N. S.) Press sen
timent la crystallising in favor of the
smallest number of delegates at the
peace conference table. Some papers
suggested today that the number of
plenipotentiaries be limited to one to
each power, with Marshal Foch Bitting
In an advisory capacity In order to ex
pedite the business.
Washington., Nov. 27. (I. N. S.) Re
ports from Paris that the allies want
the peace conference held to the smallest
lOH8lhle membership met with frank ap
proval here today. Administration lead
ers all along -have hoped that not more
than two or three delegates would be
seated to represent each nation, and If
the number was limited to one they
would be even better satisfied.
It had been feared that some of the
nations would ho'd out for a member
ship of at least five. This would make
a bodv that would not alone be unnec-
oanarllv large, but would mean that
much time would be wasted in unneces
sary oratory. A commission made up
of on or two representatives of each
nation would be" Ideal, officials said here
today. Inasmuch as it would, be able to
expedite all business ana wouia save
much time.
Ieclsioii on the membership is ex
pected very soon, as exchanges are in
progress between Washington and the
entente capitals. it was saia i me
Whlto House today that Just as soon
as an agreement was reached the pres
ident would answer who will represent
the United States. If the membership
is limited to two, these two would be
the president and his secretary of state
at the outset, and when the president
returned to this country his place would
be taken, it is assumed, by Colonel
House. .
Meanwhile evidence multiplies to In
dicate that the session of the peace
conference will not be protracted. It
is understood here that a definite agree
ment has been reached to hold the busi
ness of the conference to the points
outlined by the president. The first
business, it Is now almost certain, will
be to work out the plans for the pro
posed league of nations. This will be
comparatively easy, inasmuch as the
general outline of the procedure to be
followed already has been freely dis
cussed In the Informal exchanges be
tween President Wilson and the, en
tente premiers. That out of the way
And Its collateral questions settled, re
modeling of the map along racial lines
and completion of the terms to be im
posed on the central powers will be a
n attar .Kur K. v. ,w
1 nv v mi j v. i uniiru iinuuKEi, es
pecially If the membership of the con
ference Is restricted.
letter shows the following yards of Ore
gon and Washington affected:
Washington Sloan shipyards. Ana
cortes, one; Grays Harbor corporation.
Aberdeen, six ; Barbare Bros., Tacoma,
one; Sanderson ft porter, vvniapa Har
bor, five; Wright shipyards, Tacoma,
two; Grant Smith-Porter. Aberdeen.
one; Puget souna snrpDUiiaing ae .ury-
dock company. Seattle, two ; Allen Ship
building company, one ; Patterson Mc
Donald, Seattle, four.
Oregon Coast Shipbuilding company.
four ; McEachern company, Astoria,
seven ; Wilson Shipbuilding company,
Astoria, two; George F. Rodger, As
toria, two ; Supple & Ballin. Portland,
one; Klernan & Kern, .foriiana, lour.
Althought not on this list, it Is under
stood six contracts of the Standirer
corporation, Portland, also are sus
Wood Snips Are Serviceable
The shipping board has authorised
the use of Information which refutes
Senator Calder's attack on wooden
ships. Ninety-eight wood ships nave
been delivered and only three have been
jost Coos Bay, foundered In ballast ;
Blackford. abandoned off Mexican
coast, and Dumaru, struck by lightning.
Seventy-six wood ships have carried
cargoes or sailed in ballast, the major
ity being engaged in overseas trade to
Hawaii and the Philippines. The ship
ping board asserts their ability to go
overseas "has been demonstrated, except
a few coming from Inexperienced build
ers. .One hui.Jred and seventy contracts
have been let, for which keels were not
yet laid. One hundred and ninety-three
are under construction. Three hundred
and sixty have been launched and 98
Sixty contracts were cancelled on No
vember 12, 48 unconditionally and 13
still under investigation. Authority
since has been given to cancel 100 more.
Lloyd J. Wentworth, supervisor of
wood ship building on the Columbia
river, was here Tuesday for a conference
with officials, returning to Philadelphia,
the emergency fleet headquarters, later.
He only learned of the cancellations
Monday, and could give no light on the
Oregon and Washington Lines
Are Affected by Order of 1. C.
C. Which Covers Country.
(ConUnnd From Pus One)
The interstate commerce commission
has Just completed the task of effecting
a change of time on the railroads of the
country. The work was done under, the
direction of Clyde B. Aitchison, who
conducted hearings in various parts of
the country and made a study of time
Under the changes ordered as effe
tlve on January 1. Pacific time will be
gin farther East than at present. The
change from mountain time starts at
the eastern boundary of the Blackfoot
Indian reservation to Helena. Butte,
Pocatello, following the Oregon Short
Line to Ogden and Salt Lake, then along
the Salt Lake railroad to the Utah boun CAlHorTYiam Arl An1
Ultli -"-
down the Colorado river to the Mexican
border. Some exceptions are made to
suit local conditions, and these are spe
clfied In the order.
Time on the northern lines -which en
ter Oregon and Washington Is as fol
lows: O-W. R. ft N. lines, wholly in
the Pacific sone ; Oregon Short Line,
Pacific time from Pocatello to Hunting
ton ; Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul,
Pacific tme west of Deer Lodge, Mont. ;
Great Northern railway. Pacific time
west of Cutbank and Butte, Mont.
Northern Pacific railway, Pacific time
west of Helena and Butte.
doubt edly. reach a large percentage of
the cost of the vessels which will be a
total loss, whereas, ff contracts are al
lowed to proceed the labor situation will
be greatly relieved and no waste pf
money result. We respectfully request
that this phase of the situation be given
careful consideration by trustees for the
State Coaaell f Defease Aets
William F. Woodward, chairman State
Council of Defense, to the National
Council of Defense; A most serious sit
uation exists in Oregon, account of the
action of the Emergency Fleet corpora
tion undertaking to cancel without au
thority of law contracts for all wooden
ship construction not yet commenced,
althnnrh material 1 assembled and con
tracted for by builders. The result of
this action will be to cause a shut down
of a large number of yards and paralysis
of the lumber industry. Similar action
has been taken in the state of Washing
ton and will result in throwing out of
employment at least 100,000 men. Ship
builders have appealed to the shipping
board for reinstatement of contracts and
authority to supplement by building for
foreign account, but relief has been de
nied. The onlv consideration seems to
be one of financial retrenchment, but
the action has grave possibilities for in
dustrial disturbances that may become
nation wide.
Prior to this action employes were
threatening a Mooney strike, and also
a strike as protest against the recent de
cision of the Macy board, if such strikes
should occur and at the same time the
shipping board should in effect declare
a lockout against employes now engaged
in wood shipbuilding and lumbering it
Is Impossible to forecast its conse
quences. I respectfully urge you to seek
reconsideration by the Fleet corporation
on grounds of public safety.
Botary Club Takes Actios
Portland Rotary club, C. B. Waters,
president, to Woodrow Wilson: Indus
trial disaster feared by cancellation of
wooden Bhlp contracts In Oregon and
Washington. We appeal for the rein
statement of government contracts or
authority to build for foreign account. If
immediate relief is not granted it will
render idle 150,000 men. This condition
will be an invitation to Bolshevism.
The diet dnrins and after influenza. Horliek a
Malted Milk, ntrarinhins. digestible. Adr.
Hearings Scheduled
Before Interstate
Commission Are Off
Salem, Nov. 27. The public- service
commission today received notice that
hearings scheduled to be held before
the Interstate Commerce Ceramlssion on
December 11. In Portland, on the follow
ing cases have been cancelled : Portland
Traffic & Transportation association vs.
Southern Pacific company; Med ford
Commercial club vs. Southern Pacific
company ; Portland Traffic A Trans
portation association vs. Southern Pa
cific company, et al ; Klamath Com
mercial club, et al, vs. Southern Pacific
company, et al.
All these cases relate to freight rtea
over the Southern Pacific lines. They
were Instituted in an effort to compel
the Southern Pacific company to give
as favorable a rate from Portland to
Southern Oregon points as is given from
San Francisco to these points.
The cases were heard about a year
ago and a rehearing was requested and
granted. No Information is given as
to why that hearing has been cancelled
at this time.
Trunk Murder Mystery
New Tork. Kov. 27. L N. &V-The
discovery of the dead body of a man.
Jammed In a trunk, on a Manhattan
sidewalk early today, gave the metro
politan police another mystery to solve.
The dead man is believed to be Joseph
Ballaro. proprietor of the United Shoe
Repairing company, who operated a
shop in Brooklyn. When the trunk
was opened the body was still warm.
Piles Creed la to 14 Diti
Dnscsisti refund money if PAZO OINTMENT
fIU to car Itcbin. Blind, Bleeding or Protrud
ing Piles. Stop Irritation ; Soothe and Heals.
Tou can set netful sleep after the flint applica
tion. Prion 60c (Ad? )
Colds Caste Headache and Pales
FTerih Headaches and body paiiu eaueed from
a cold are oon reliered by takinc LAXATIVK
BROMO QUININE Tablet. There oiuy on
"Bromo Quinine." E. W. GHOVE'S aicnatur
an tne bos. 80c. ( Adv. )
End Indigestion,
Eat One Tablet
Pape's Diapepsin instantly re
lieves any distressed, upset
Lumps of undigested food causing
pain. When your stomach is acid,
gassy, sour, or you have flatulence.
is instant relief no
waiting !
(Continued From Pae One)
Irish to Press Claims
Chicago, Nov. 27. (I. N. S.) Chi
cago Irish-Americans will call upon
President Wilson early next week, by
means of a petition, to consider the
Claims of the Kmerald Isle when he
meets the delegates to the peace con
ference and ask him to favor the aims
of, Ireland for self-government.
(Continued From Page One)
the Great Lakes are below 4000 tons
deadweight, and that we will have, upon
completion of wood ships and the Great
takes program, over 1100 small vessels,
altogether too many to serve the limited
' needs which we have for this class of
vessel In normal times.
Good Emergency Steamship
"The operating division of the fleet
corporation has -pronounced wooden
Steamers good emergency vessels, but
as rather unprofitable Investments un
der competitive conditions.
"We are at present engaged In an en
deavor to dispose of part of our present
program to foreign buyers, and this is
part of the mission on which Mr. Hur
ley la engaged during his trip abroad.
If we succeed In disposing of any con
siderable number, it will enable us to
complete our present program without
further cancellation t. If not. the sus
pensions which the board has ordered in
the case of all vessels for which keels
have not already been laid, numbering
about 150, will undoubtedly be converted
Into cancellations."
Pies adds that to avoid injury to in-
and utility and. one in which the entire
state can participate. When the estab
lishment of a memorial was first talked
of It was tentatively decided to limit
the individual subscriptions to $25, but
at yesterday's meeting of the committee
it was concluded to remove this limita
tion after it was stated that M. H.
Houser of Portland would subscribe
$10,000 for a highway between Portland
and Salem and that other large sub
scriptions might be expected if this form
of memorial were adopted.
Park Boulevard Suggested
Owing to the inability of R. L. Sabln
and Mrs. W. C. Alvord to serve as
president and secretary of the commit
tee, respectively1, the committee has
elected Henry E. Reed and Alice Benson
Beach to fill their places.
Among the suggestions laid before the
committee yesterday was one involving
the conversion of the North Park blocks
In Portland into a magnificent boule
vard by removing the curbs and slde-
waiKs on ine pant siae. Tnis was a
suggestion of City Engineer Lauragaard
who estimated the cost at approximate
ly $18,000. Mayor Baker added to this
the suggestion of condemning the build
ings between Ankeny and Salmon streets
thus making a long avenue throueh the
heart of the cjty. Fred Lockley sug- j
gested that the memorial should be
statewide rather than local, and that a
highway to Salem would be more re
sponsive. The Portland end of it, he
said, might be made supplemental.
Hospital for Memorial
Rev. John Boyd brought the Idea of
establishing a memorial hospital as the
best means of integrating state Interest.
George H. Hlmes of the Oregon Pio
neer society said his first thought was a
highway and. his second thought a build
ing which would be a depository for
pioneer relics and other historical col
lections. Mrs. George Irwin, a member of the
executive committee, said it was her im
pression gathered by personal contact
with the mothers of soldiers and sailors
that they would not be In sympathy with
a highway.
This view was also sustained by Mrs.
G. 1.. Williams, another member of the
executive committee.
When the executive committee meets
next Friday afternoon at the office of
the mayor it is expected that President
Beed will be ready to make the appoint
ment of a committee on the type of Ttre
morial to be adopted and other sub committees.
shortly be a question of bread for wives
and children.
'I hate to doubt the statement of a
man who has looked in my eye when he
said it. Charles M. Schwab said, and
Charles Piez said, that wood shipbuild
ing would not be disturbed during 1919.
I note that Mr. Hurley just before sail
ing for Europe said that the work would
be allowed to go on. I cannot reconcile
these statements with the message from
Washlneton cancelling contracts. We
are yet at war. Peace has not been
ratified. This is no time for our gov
ernment to call a contract a scrap of
"Serious Blow at Labor"
The Northwest is not a big part of
the union in population, but it is in area,
and a little fire kindled here may easily
spread across the nation. The dread
figure of Bolshevism looms. Every ef
fort should be made to destroy it. The
abrupt cancellation of contracts without
opportunity to arrange for other con
tracts strikes, a most serious blow at
labor and we cannot survive it without
The Oregon Wood Shipbuilders' asso
ciation at a meeting in the Multnomah
Tuesday evening wired Vice President
Piez of the fleet corporation asking re-'
instatement of contracts. They called
upon James B. Kerr, prominent Port
land attorney, to go to Washington to
plead for the Industry. Mr. Kerr said
this morning that he will go contingent
upon intelligence from Mr. Pies which
is expected by mail. "The action is
most extraordinary." he said, "and
the most extreme measures for relief
are warranted."
Bepresentatloa at Washington
Already representing the shipbuilders
and the community in Washington and
Philadelphia are L. J. Wentworth, dis
trict officer of the fleet corporation ;
Guy M. Standlfer, head of the G. M.
Standifer Construction corporation, and
H. B. Beckett, counsel for the Oregon
shipbuilding district.
Wilfrid Smith, director for Oregon of
the United States employment service,
stated this morning that the cancella
tion of contracts and the slowing up
of work in mills, forests and industries
allied to shipbuilding had multiplied the
applications for work.
"The situation Is full of danger," said
Mr. Smith. "We have no substitute in-
w t o tB S!
Just as soon as you eat a tablet or
two of Pape's Diapepsin all that dys
pepsia, indigestion and stomach distress
ends. These pleasant, harmless tablets
of Pape's Diapepsin never fall to make
iek. upset stomachs feel fine at once, and
they cost very little at drug stores. Adv.
Telepaene oserntrnff oners many advantages te nut weiaae wbe are
lag sanieyaseai m mmtrntj wua epnertnalu
J ties for ad rages
f start with
Sapid aad freqeent Increases Is salary
Werk Is steady aad permanent
Many opportunities fer advancement
Pleasant, clean, fascinating
Associates carefnUr elected
Light aad well ventilated offices
Comfortable Innch and recreation rooms
Ansaal vacation with pay
Sick Benefits, Death Benefits. Pensions wtthest cost
Geed Character and Oooa Health are reqnlred. Toaag women between
the ages ef IS and It are preferred. Prevtoas experience Is net necessary.
Oar employment office Is located on the Sixth Floer. Room ta the
Telephone Bnlldlng. Pnrk and Oak streets, and Is open from Mitt A. M.
to tilt P. M. We invite yen to call at this office aad meet the employ
Beat supervisor, who will gladly disease the matter personally with yen.
An appointment may be made by eaUlag Broadway ltllt.
The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company
Room Ml. Sixth Floor. Park aad Oak Streets
Beep-Carre Lenses
Are Better
(Trademark Registered)
! ft) I'M
! sklll
The Sign of Perfect
Eyes carefully examined aad
properly fitted with glasses
oat tne use el drags ay
kUled specialists.
Beauty Contest
LADIES. .nH i.h, ,i.u-. " - Aiinougn a. consiaerame numner or
v i t . ' iir pew "grippe
wo i fvt-ii iu vuusttt wie leant pnssiDie Dis
turbance, and ft is believed that laree
numbers engaged on wood ships can
find employment In steel yards.
"There will be little or no curtailment
of our steel ships program in the North
west district," he says.
. The memorandu i of suspended or
cancelled contracts accompanying Pies
Rob Saloonkeeper of $12,600
Chicago, Nov. 27. (I. N. S.) The po
lice of this city are today looking for
four bandits who Tuesday held up and
robbod Husek, a saloonkeeper in Joliet,
111., while he was taking $12,600 froqi
the bank to be used to cash factory
workers' pay checks. Two suspects have
already been arrested.
Most New "Grippe" Cases Are
Pronounced Light.
new "g
daily X
cases are beinK reDorted
y to the health bureau, manv of
mem are consiaerea mild. let they
are sumcienuy severe ror carefur at
tentlon. Furola Medicated Plaster
should We kept in every household,
leady for application to remnvn rone-
tion. inflammation and other soreness
wmcn usuauy accompanies grippe
pneumonia and colds. It is considered
so eriective that it Is obtainable at
any urug store, aoc ana 86c cans. (Adv.)
Drives Away Worry
535" Doctors who have been overworked at
tending subjects of the recent epidemic
freely admit that patients who were
fully insured other things being
equal had the best chance of recovery.
We have never contested, disputed or
compromised a claim always paid in
full for the amount insured on the day
the proofs were presented. That's the
kind of protection your family gets from
Insurance Company
Succeeeful Con nratlve Piwgrusln
. Fifth ad Morrison. - rOrtlatlCl, OrC
C a SAMUEU Gen. Mgr. E. N. STRONG, AssL Mgr.
t " trip r
Home Office
A. I MULLS, Pres.
Mr. DeHoney and his dancing partner
will give exhibiUons in the most beau
tiful Spanish and classic dances. See
the beauties winhe prizes. See Ameri
ca's greatest dancers In the most beau
tiful dances. Learn who you should
select as your dancing instructor.
Dance to the best music, where you
meet refined people. You cannot afford
to miss thiB affair. Tell your friends to
meet you. Admission Ladles 30. cn
Uemen 60c.
start Monday eve.. Nov. 25, and Friday
eve., Nov. 29. . All modern dances taught j
in eight lessons ladies $4. genUemen (5.
The only school teaching one lesson the
entire evening, 8 to 11. Plenty of prac
tice, no embarrassment. The only school
with a separate step roona and extra ,
teachers where backward pmpils receive i
special attention. The only school with ;
a system which teaches the gentlemen
to lead and lady to follow correctly, !
where you will dance with dozens of dif- '
ferent partners each lesson (the only 1
way to become a practical dancer), and '
where each pupil receives a thorough
printed description of all dances free.
Our ability enables us to guarantee to ;
teach you to dance in one term, and, .
owing "to our large amount of busi- j
ness, we give you six times the value ,
for yorr money you can receive In the j
ordinary school. Beginners shonld start
this week. j
start on Tues. eve.. Nov. 26, at 7 :30.
Join this class. Add the professional
snap to your, dancing. Meet refined
people. Enjoy yourself. Private lessons
all hours. Call day or evening.
D Kryptok Invisible
uuuuie iiMun Lenses
V Jn Shur-on Mountings for
TO those who wish to, see two
ways at once.
S Let us supply those better
y' glasses that mean better
A eye-sifht for you. afc
w Our business is to tell you, XP
after thorough examination,
whether you need glasses.
If you do, we can supply
Complete lens-grinding fac
M tory on premises.
Our many years' experience
v7 is at your disposal.
I Complete lens grinding fac
tory on the premises
Portland's Largest, Mest Mod- 9)
ern. Best Equipped Exclu
sive Optical EstabUsnntent
Since IMS
ustries to which to direct these men.
There are now several applicaUons for
every farm position. Our soldiers are
returning and while their former em
ployers generally say they will rein
state them, it will be most unfortunate
to displace two men in order to re
employ one. Bolshevism Is lifting Its
head and waits only an opportunity to
trike. From the labor viewpoint, re
lief will shortly be essential."
President of Chamber Telegraphs
President Corbett of the Chamber of
Commerce has telegraphed both Presi
dent "Wilson and Secretary of Labor
Wilson. Directors of the chamber are
considering the matter at noon today.
Among the message3 protesting wood
ship contract cancellations which have
been sent to officials in the national
capital are the following:
H. L. Corbett. resident Chamber of
Commerce, to William B. Wilson, secre
tary or labor We bea- to nresent for
your consideration a most serious situa
tion wmcn nas developed in Oregon and
Washington. The Emergency Fleet cor
poration has undertaken to cancel all
contracts for wooden vessels where con
struction has not already commenced.
noiwimsianaing me tact tnat material
is assembled and sub-contracted and
notwithstanding contracts contain no
provision for cancellation. In view of
the fact that we are just emerging from
a war which was fought to sustain the
sancuty or obligations, it is inconceiv'
able that our government will con
sciously sanction such arbitrary exer
ctse or power. -urtnermore as you
know spruce production for aircraft in
this territory has recently been suspend
ed and 30,000 civilians have been thrown
out of employment. This action is un
doubtedly justified, as spruce contracts
proviaea ror cancellation ; but neverthe
less, a serious condition of unemploy
ment has been created. The attempted
cancellation of ship contracts with re
sultant paralysis of related industry
will render idle 100,000 men in these
two states. Situation was already crit
ical because of threatened Mooney strike
and strike threatened as protest against
the recent decision of the Macy adjust
ment board, and if the Fleet corporation
persists in its determination to compel
suspension of ship construction, condi
tions will be created which easily spell
anarchy for the Pacific coast, which
may easily spread throughout the coun
try. Ship builders have appealed to the
shipping board for reinstatement of con
tracts and for authority to . build for
foreign account but have been denied
relief. We appeal to you merely for
the performance by the Fleet corpora
tion of its solemn obligation and for
your cooperation to prevent industrial
Association Sends Protest
Oreeon Wood Shipbuilders assocla
tlon to Charles Pies, vice president and
general manager of the Emergency
Fleet corporation The suspension' or
work on wood ships already contracted
in this district immediately following
tne release or more than 100,000 men
by the Spruce Production corporation
will inevitably precipitate a labor sit
uation of the utmost gravity. Seventy
five per cent of the logging and lumber
Industry will be forced to close imme
diately and the shipyards will -reach
the same situation before normal con
ditions of employment return. '
On the other hand, ehould cancellation
be attempted tne vaiia cisum -will un
Select dancing parties will open Tues.
eve.. Nov. 26, and Sat. eve., Nov. 30. Best
music Admission Ladles 30c, gentle
men 60c. including war tax. For a real
good time attend these parties. Tell
your friends. Cut this Ad out for dates.
Prrone Main 76&.
655 v t Zr te 5
Brew it at home yourself,
save money and feel
better right away.
If you want a splendid, economical
remedy for constipation, .sick headache,
dissiness and torpid liver, get a small
package of Dr. Carter's K. and B. Tea
today and drink a cup of your own
brewing whenever you need it.
This old reliable vegetable remedy
has stood the test of time and is now
more popular than ever.
Keep a package in the house all the
time and brew a cupful when you feel
out of sorts, feverish or bilious. It al
ways helps -promptly and being mild
and gentle. Is just as good for children
as for grownups. AO v.
1 A 1
n tiousnm. nun
x J
m ' -" n
k 4
11 I
1 A - ''T
S :
I .J ' kA f
I m m ww st smtsj mww "h. nr. p v ll
What's the use of pretending?
Time will find you ouU
make no pretense, but
they've taught thousands
of men what quality means
in a cigarette. They are
what they are, always the
longer you smoke them
the better you'll like them.
The Fellow who Q
argued with Jim
tne other flight
ran up against the shock of his life.
Jtm knows tobacco. And
before he got through, Jim
made the fellow admit
that IReai .Gravely tastes
better and gives a satis
faction you cant get out
of ordinary tobacco. A
small chew of Gravely lasts
so much longer that it
costs nothin&extra to chew
this class of tobacco.
It fts further tkt'g why ye
can gtt tkt td tasU aft Ait cUm
tftmboecc wtihmt tstrm
peyton Brand
Real Gravely Chewing Plug
each piece packed in a vouch
. - . - as- M
a, ,