- r If'- THE OREGON1" SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 24, 1918.; 10 :"'!' c x. -7 REAIETATE HOMEHTEAT) I 47 WANTED Information concerning good home stead location with llv.ng stream and side range, wrrt nf Cascade" ; state price. Tho. Hndg-on. Ruck fork, Or. BEAt ESTATF uoomixg norsES it EXKAN'CIE HEAL ESTATE ONLY K370H for one bin acre of land, highly improved with all kind, of fruit in full bear- i i inc. ii a hard surface street, clo.e to the Ter- j willicr boulevard, practically iiiude the city. n77iTErrTrArrr;TrnMni.hnTfor ssl- or trade, ".!'. ? this acre U ,l'r'rf "y J'. " r'" all nr nt 7 r. 1 ' ' IS4;li are. N. K. 1 ' ' - ;-- TIM Ii K It i house are such conveniences a electric lights, I I citjr water, gas. bath and toilet; there 1st a good garage and barn on the plate with cnicKen- TXw M I LI. AM) GRIST MILL" FOR SALE houses and runs; 100o cash will luindle this, 8-13 55 aire- :i ml lei trotn Lilwnin. or , un the owner being a non-resident, orders it sold at flantiarn n.r and Hamillon err.-:.. 1. : 500,000 thin rscrifire. to a "ooo.OOO ft. ot sew, tie ..d piling tim- M J. ( I.OHESKT, 415 ABINGTON BLOT,. her, oil sawmill and double roller grut null HAVE you gt Lcmething in tlic way of a mod Half mil.i ot flume. 7 room Louse, bam 50x60 rrn nuriir.-ilow or house to exchange for three 1011 acres of first, elusa river butunn. 40 eras in cultivation Mf place lo lire. Hater power mill full of win at now to grind. The man Is old and no help Reference Lebanon National hank of I-ebanon. Or. 14. L. Southard. Lebanon, Or TEN milli.n timber, convenient to R. It. Price ' " .- V6.000.IHMI. awmill, donkey entfne In i aratlon; n haritain 20.000 omi, to, 000 mill, 5 d.mkeyi. !!. I. ; a ana'o: III heni'h nuti It n the market. acre of land In liiirla state of cultivation with a good 0 rorm house and a variety of fruit. This land in located close to tile carline and river, ,he Oregon City carline at Jennings Lodge. An even exchange will be male if you have something worth $.1000. The location must be between Hawthorne are. and Broadway from the river raM. J. '"LOIIESSY. 415 ABINGTON BLIG. KlK SALE OR EXCHANGE BY OWNER 100 acres, riit at H. It. nation, and on good auto road, good land, diiided into four field.-. 7 5 acres under Dlow. balance open pas- IKil 'K. llo loih t . xurr and oak grove, plenty good water, good ABOl'T1 a, 500 ouofi. of choice tie, piling and j (arm buildinira: want small, well improved place hli knee timber, al-o some oak. 2 7s miles from H K. Dovn hill haul. Plenty of water. Meal mill ite. Addre-c J. II. Lauterman, Sa lem. Or. OWN Kit "has" 320 irrea. "about 10,000 000 ft good timber, m Moulhern tlrcgon. (iood in Tentment. J 755. Journal 14 1NH O. V. piling ranted: immediate Miiptnciit. amble, (o-tltnccr bid. EXIIAMiK UFA I. ESTATE " Pacific Agency, Inc. 24 within 2Ti milei of Portland. Write or inquire !I72 liruoklyti ft., Portland, Or. Phone Sell wood 34-'l. KOK EXrilA.NtiK Nice 5 room modern cot tage, cement basement and fruit room, clear of incumbrance; want j-mall farm with house and ham. No agentt. h042 C3.1 are. S. E. Lall Tabor 7377. OOOI) liome in Gladstone, Or., to trade for improved Kcreace. B x 205 tiladitoiie. Or. A''ltKA;K to exchange for small bunsalow or hotf-e. M-04IJ, Journal. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO. Headquarters for hotels and apart mtnt liutuca. We have them, lame and amall. Call and ace us before you buy. 4 antos at your Eervic and a pleasure to tbow you. A BEAUTY 58 room apartment bouae. best west aide location, atrictly modern, private bath and phone with each apartment, beautiful furniture and rugs. Long leate at a cheap rental. Always full and a waiting list. S3000 handles, balance from the profit?. C8 BOOM HOTEL Handy to depot, catering to transient trade; full ail the time. Strictly mod ern, good lease at lemi than $32 per room, clearing over $700 per month, $7 500. $4000 handles. This is a real buy Will pay for itself in less than a year. We have several rmaller places from 6 to 18 rooms that a small payment will handle, making you a nice home and a profit combined. Broadway 4133. 309 Oak St. MOSEI TO LOA5-BEAL ESTATE 87 O c ii iuiaimMt itao i Vint pt ana kiuwl met hod of paying a loan. (32.316 per month for 36 months, off (21.24 for 0 mcntha. or IS 17 tor 6 mootlta. pay (1000 loan asd tat ei est. , Other amount In proportion. I We loan un improved city property. Or tor building Kurposea. No eomnuwlon charged. EQUITABLE SAVINGS ft LOAN ASSOCIATION 242 SUrk rt.. Portland. Or. FH5 ASC1AE 1 PAY OKK THE MOUTtiAGE on your city home on easy installments with 10 yeara' time to repay: fully protected by life in surance under Home Purchase Tlan of the Equit able Lit Assurance Society. Interest 6 per cent ; no commission. See Mr. Strong, Equttabla office, Oregonian building. MONEY TO U)AN (500, 3 year, any good city security. Any amount up to $3000. Quick and careful sendee Little expense Neiian Sc. Parkbill. 210 Lumber mem bldg. , 5th ar.d Stark t. BONDS BOUGHT SPOT CASH. Come to 725 Gaco SPOT CASH, bids., 5ui and Alder. CASH FOR PAYMENTS MADE. Come to 725 Ua&co bid., 5th and Alder. CASH FOR Y01R RECEIPTS. Come to 725 (iasco bid., 5th and Alder. CI'T THIS advertisement OCT and KEEP IT. for you will soon want to BUY BONUS or sell yonr bonds or sell your receipts. Come to "25 tiaco bldg., 5th and Alder. WE LOAN MONEY on improved city property. FIRE INSURANCE. IKJN'T have your dwelling, furniture or auto- POtTLTRT. PIGEOSB. PET STOCK It AUTOMOBILES ACCESSORIES 44 19 ROOMS. H. K $1250 18 ROOMS, II K 1200 16 ROOMS. 11. K 120O 11 ROOMS. II. h 850 ! 6 ROOMS. N WELL. 1IOHEHN 650 11 ROOM UESIIiENCE. EXTRA GOOD 1050 i And many others. 431 CHAM. OF COM MAIN 6127. CLIENT gets (10 a month and 6 taterext on (850 contract of sale. For quick action he will turn this for (70U Secured by nice little home. Hurry. Fred W. German Co., 7 32 Ch. of Com, bldg. MORTGAGE leans on real estate security, any amount from $500 up on Improved city and ft'm property at 6 and 7 per cent. The I-w-rrce Co.. 205 Corbett bldg., alaia 61) IS or A 2816. IJ0O. $400. (SOU. $750. fioou nnd up, icaeat interest rates. Liberal repayment priv ileges. No delay GORDON INVESTMENT CO.. 6S1 Chamber of Commerce. MAWF HFMQ I AY MHRF IVIftlXL. I IUKU Ul I "iwou Herbert Hoover has issued a ataUment urayl ing all poultry raisers to make extraordinary el forts to increase the rsg and poultry supply Government experiment stations are working hard to belp poultry raisers to produce more winter egg'. Their rirM are enthusiastic aooui a more egs tonic distributed by the Stockyartls Veterinary laboratory. Makes good egg producer out of very ordinary hens. It. shortens the moult ing, bring pullets to an early maturity, invig orates and tones up the flock, makes every lien lay more eggj, lrofesor R. L. Putins of the Kentucky exiwrinrcent station writes: "You have a ismt .Tcltent torn for nonltrv : one that can not be improved mmn " IT. R. R. Haines of , the New Jersey station wtes: "Your touic is j an excellent one. We have u-ed it with good rurcr at our poultry plsnt and aV a stimulant j for winter egg production can recommend it , very highly." Send SI to the Stockyard Vcter- bile scorched 'before you get a. fire insurance 7..to'J- 0,thi; marvelous More-Egg tablets. If this tonic does .. , .. h. - ...... 1, n, - lav lnnr - Mllf Til 1T1 CV HIUJ HOHY $70 K. UOHRISON. OLISMBHJ; in fine shate. Call East 4366. IE YOU want a good used car at reduced price, a na. Bth and Couch. TWO blocks from Broadway, It will pay you to saw our Una of used cars. 9th and Conch. FOR-SALE-Extra good uted tire, all sixes. Vulcanizing and retreading 41 Grand ava. FOR SALE FORD BUG 4459 after 6 p. m AtTTOMOBlLEW irCKOSQlllES 41 CHEVROLET ifiig tortna .,,D,-a7-n,V; tut aeU: will give terru. So i.rand are. N. near Burn side A lit.AL car. UK J"-..e. .Vr t rU.s i-on-diUon. at a bartam. Rwju. n A Vallum. Auta Lryf"1 . "P"1 P Ert. 13 N -Tartt at. Bl'fCK six roaditer. imler-ir54""bigsix in I-erfect conditian. Looki like new. Goo.1 cord tires Attis..tl ... Call WoodUwni aoceptbond.. Tar,r4171. 105 E. Slat , K. i ii uui tTx'Z i 2 . . :-:t: . m flEVERAL used Dodea cara. ranging In price Ford machine 5 7 t. r"' from $875 to $850. 9th and Couch eta. have Ji w'.T "ii v 'T ' 1 FOICi. 1916. ju.-t overhauied. guarantwd. $350 if taken soon. 3803 niith st- S. E EAlfT.Y 1 7 Maxwell in ahsoluteTv flrt class condition. $525; term. Tabor 6610. WE recommed lur used cars; seme of our cars ire UHV new. 9th and Couch LATE model car. caslrT and lot in Hyde Park, imirroved. choice building Wdln. 896. iKilicy. Have us write you a policy at once or give us the date when your present policy ex pires and we will ire you have a new IKilicy before expiration date. FORD touring car, extra equipment, price right. Scllwood 3098. 512 13 II 1 Swctland Hi 1 MODERN HOME Of 6 rwmi. convenient 1 ear. in Irvington dis trict, to exchange f..it mimII tsrm back of an eoover, of 10 Ui 3o acre,; prop, i' clear. RANCHES Of 20 to 200 sere in Willamette valley Stocked and eiuippcvt to trade for city prop , or will Jell on easv lernn. MERCHANDISE STOCK (10,000. to trnde f(.r a st-ick farm, back of Vancouver. Wa.di., of from 1 GO to 32o stc kfust be clear ami riKlit price, on g ood rind. WHEAT RANCH 160 acre. La.t Or . nop., to nchangc cily prop. Will assume. I'm-- sr.ouo. Pacific Agency, Inc. 512 13 1115 Swetlund Hide W ANTED REAL ESTATE 31 THE TIME TO SELL The time, to m11 your hou e is when people want to buy. NOW Is THE TIME. Don't wait J too Ions. I have a very efficient aie force BUSINESS orroBTt's IT1ES onifjosed of Jour experienced real estate i-ales- .11 I men with autos. 1 bundle linme exchliveiv. ArlvertNe eiten-lvelv ana urn m touch with t ie oe ncia long. majority of the buyers I personally appraiie i or trade, we can suit you; also several out ot Pacific Agency, Inc. 612-13 14 15 Swetland Bldg. TOOL ROOMS A large list to choose from; priced from $500 to (15.O00, cash or trade. GARAGES 20 of them in city of Portland to choose from. We have prices on these that cannot If you are in the market, casu $2'.i. 3.'.o. 4llii. COO. not AND la raw amounts, current rates. Quick action. Fred W. Gennsn Co. . 73? Chamber of Commerce. HONEY to loan oil real estate security, at going rate of interest Otx A Karkson P.ealty Co , 413 Chamber of Commerce. MONEY to loan on rity or farm property at 0 and 7e. Met 'lure & Schmaueh Co., 306 Railway Exchange bklg. Remember the Place, 725 Gaseo bldg., 5th and Alder. CELLARS ML RTON CO. KATE money on a cood use! car. we are nut j will be returned. Send for free poultry booklet- ! of the high rent district Garage. 9th and Coucn. i ill si mtIi at 1H18 MaxwcU louring car ai X 614. Jcnnjl t. u.e tinliittit, n.-n st't "4 S f'irestone tire; tken fa oa , drll . , cent dl-dHitit. ternn. Ilystt Talat-c Machine to.. 350 Alder HtlS OVEHLANltchurumy R.ad-t. 4 pawo ger. brand new ttr.i : imnnd e..i i l Hi,t. Must sell st once 410 Broadway, nesr 1U11 tU Phone MarliU 3'Jt 1. LET Roasiter either for paired. Hate c-;;,.ul tain-. 4 3 Union ale. Una, go over the top with you ''V one, or the olit ooe re- put in y.nir .ill cur- lll'.AI.llll Ileus aie, prooucriK ix,. j..,-.-. j cats Weak, sickly birdi pre a constant source oi , gl0 00(, WORTH of use-l ears on u lcev. Pratt s Poultry Regulator, the natural, si,,.,,-,- Garage. 9th sn t Couch. U. S. LIBERTY BONDS Will pay cash market value. Join D. Wilcox. 416 Pittock blk. PASS. Stndebaker. ti in. 7512 64th are $150, S E in good condi- MONEY eaiary TO LOAN CHATTELS, SALABIES 67 tJuatlei HORSES, VEniCLES, ETC. 18 AUtfTION sale every Monday and Thursday at 2 p. in. We buy and sell all classes of horses, wagons and harness on 5 per ceiu commission. If you have anything to sell or want to buy. call and see ua. John S. William on. proprietor and auctioneer. Star Stables, 30 310 Front st. FINE pair of sorrel chunks, line harness and nearly new laundry va;:'u. Thi is a tirt j class outfit Putting on at. to. Make stablcuian i an offer. This team is sound and would make I a fine ranch team. 302 Fiont st ....1 ...ltt mult., an.! keens uollltrv healthy, makes bens lay. It is eseciany help- A to! riurine this trvins season ot the year. Pre- I vent roup and colds by occasionally usinn Pratts j IF YOU are considering a ueslcar It will pay Roup Remedy. These troubles cut down egg production, reduce profits Both preparations guaranteed rstiataetory or money refunded. Sold by lirst-class dealer everywhere. We Help Those Tl at help themselves to a good Thanksgiving Dinner hich vou can all afford if you will call and e n. Our price ar ri;ht on live and dressed poultry. CASH PRODUCE CO . Main 4 882. Corner Front and Morrison 1918 FORD Sedanl reirli new. lot.s of extra; Must be nold. l,M2. Journal. I HAVE 1 ini.H C).tr.lrt "490 touring car which I miit el!l No re..i,,t, ,,! will be lrnul. Pin ne U1 '.12, A tor McCord. y-.u to see me. 9th and Couch. WILL sell my 1917 Maxwell cheap. X-513. tournal. nAUI.ING or ctntract work for heavy truck. Ma, n 3063. 5v2" l-i. in v Muxweil touring nr; run 4000 mile--. Ca'o or t -rm' Csl' Adam-. TaKir nifl TOR SALE llllrt Ford in go..! t.ai; pnvate j 30l3 s r,..'. red b. ,U. owner; at a bajgain. allral.or 159. ' paintcl ,..! 1 H,ks all r PASSEN;ER touring car. Inioliia 533. Doiljr, f,r sale. STUDEBAKUR FLAKIER d. erv curT fir-t class ci.o.iitloti, Ju-l oTerhao .d. 4 e "l tir.-s In r-iir. newly run- .. -I will glue $225. M5 E 4tli r iia'h ii- in 'iistra'ii.t. . Tj...r 5i',23. and photograph each lifting. List your house Inlay. We ill get resului for you. Phone Muin 1008. Msin 515(1. See I ltANK L. McGUIRE, ARINGTON BUM;. To Buy Your Home. Main 106H WE MAKE SALES IX) TOI' v.ai.t the l,e.t ar.d prettie t suburb'in ; home on the Oregon City carline, r lo.e in. I Lift your property with ns: improred or a for In tancr a new tl room lioue mill both, ti.i- cant, mail ua location, price and terms; do it let. electric light, gas. fine water sv,,em with 1 tcday. J. L. HAHTMAN COMPANY. No. 7. acre of very rich soil in high stale of -ultivudoti. Chamber of Commerce bldg.. 4th and Stark. A variety of full hearing fruits; the In u-e is, Main 208 A-2080. heated by gas radiators, m full cement, ba.-ement. W ANTED 2 or more acres within 10 miles of a sleep, nit porch screened in, 12x2. other! Portland, near electric road and school, prefer screened in porches. This house is only lour ; some improvements, view and high; won't ob years old, everything modern and up to the j ject lo some side hill and timber; will pay $300 notch, fucing the Oregon City carline, and the down. $400 per annum, including interest 5 'h price is only $10(10. If you have a clear, up- I on deferred payments. Tabor 2323. Monday, to-date hoti-e in the city which is reasonably worth $4 500. it might be eon-hlercd Jaf. J, t'MHIEMSV, 415 ARINGTON BLDG Main 31103. city, in valley and coast cities. i GROCERY STORES ' Our list is too large to start to tell you in ; print. If you want one, cash or trade, come in. GEN. MDSE. STORKS j From $10O0 to $70,000, scattered all over Oregon and Washington; we will aell or trade j you one. ; CONFECTIONERY STORES j Some of the best locations in city; also some ; very good ones outside city, in Willamette val ley and Eaafern Oregon. NATIONAL CASH REGISTER AND CREDIT FILE Like new, cost (150 cash; will aell both for $ 1 00. WANT CONFECTIONERY IN COl'NTRT TOWN Have client with modern 6 room bungalow in Rose City Park, $1800; will pay cash differ ence for good place in valley town. GARAGES- SI 000; good location, nice business, storage ; and repair. I $2000; on highway in city; 20 cars in stor- some machinery: CHEAP ACREAGE WANTED ! Cf : $1000 of accessories We bar- continuous inquiries for tracts rang- , repair work; fine location. 167 ACRES, stocked and equipped, near Sheri- In; from 4U to 160 A. of unimproved or part-j (500; good east side location, hig storage dan. Or.. bet of prune land, SO acres in i ly improved lands from parties desiring to ; am repair business, cultivation. 5 room house. 8 other buililimrs. 2 ! l.nv ith enu.ii ..svm.nts riown nrl small month-! $3000; on one of bct corners in the city; wells snd -firing. Feneefl an.l cross fenced Nearly ; ly payments. Fred W. German Co (10,000 wortii of wood on place, 10 head f of Com. bldg. Horses sua mules. co, wagons. All necessary equipment Want dear improved Portland prop- j erty lor eouity. Mortgage $5215, 2 years, H peri cent. Phone lldwv. 4i2 or cojl 427 Wash. st. I WHAT have you got tiut wi.l fit this? A corner. 1 lot and a h.-tlf. on 1 nion ave. and lining , St. The pre.-cnt ( wner wiil cxelmiige his equity -In this bu-.inc-s proTty for anything clear ot which he can make u-e A Miburhnn home or a small piece of aireage elo-e in will bo considered. Anything to the value of $2500. takea this place M. .1. ciollESSY. 415 ARINGTON BLDG. 7 32 Cham. FRANK L. McGUIRE. ABHsGTON BLDG. I big storage and repair business, stock of ac j ce orie-. S4ti1ttl- west side- hest all sronnd location WE HAVE a greut demand for moderate priced jn c;t); ,n ,vor 5 mn cn do: this includes 2 houses on payments, especially to the north car, anri mg 'tuck of accessories, anil ea-t rart of the city; we have the organiza- I $10,000: bigtst snap ever offered: this in- tion to handle your property and get results. Let ! eludes 15 car; of different makes; 60 cars in in sell your hc.nse. 1 storace : big rtock of accessories and a lease that is right. . Pacific Agency Inc. Swetland r.lng. , CorvntY I tilt polt'l l.ANI IB acres, all In colt., c . .-'t erove nod i-rina: I 7 acres apples, H acres peaches, 2 acres walnut ' trees 7 y.r oi. . ,-o..d i'ldt.. 12 urn or, haul. I planted to si r in o.-i ne-. all in good haiie. halt I price, $7.".oo. M re pro,.. rt for a larger il-al. I Will a urn-. 272 STA1IK ST. MAlV SO.-.l MODERN BUNGALOW Will furnish all ma teriel for a complete home, at cost, supervise construction, raving of more than a third. Build now snd keep the profits in your own heme. For appointment, plium. Woodlawu 5447, evenings or Sunday. 20 CI.TKNT.S waiting for homes in good di t. to $2750. $500 cash. List at once for re sults. G. c GOI.DUNP.ERG ARINGTON" BLDG. "35 Years in Portland." Main 4803. 512-13-14-1: Have no Will ir.l rich loan 14 ACHE trade for Portland home use for it now. Con tile $1.4.011 for $5000 All under colt. deep, garden soil; 5 r. hunualow, orehard. other bldgs., 22 no out. Paved road. Take elear house lo $3omi. hal. terms, or will aid!. Take $1250 to $".100 ca-h. Harr. owner. Wdln. 2H88. EXCHANGE - .". room In. use. laige moms, tin 50x100 foot corner lot, hard surface treet, three blocks from street ear. 20 inmvtes ride from 1st nlul Abler sis , value $L'00(); r farm of to to mi acres with lome n;.rove ments. i.ive de.eription and iri.-e. owner. Add res 4 5 1 I ni m 1 1 .t ar , Scllwood. MoDKITn FLATS f o TUADL Two flat.. 4 room, and bMh each; good loca flon: price $h.-iiiii Take vacant property In trade to $20OO, or consider house up to $100(1, balance mortgage. Liied.lemaini Co, 913 Clumber of Commerce. g.ntt! outrange, spring miles ol K. It. sta tine stock proposition beep: value $25,000, house, Portland, or For price?. ( I Have the Buyers j a number of small homes at reasonable ! List yours at once if you want to sell. . T. ALSHER. 502 Couth Bldg. HAVE numerous calls for ehean homes on easv 1v.11 loan. e barn and payments; confide us; we sell mane. G 1 . GOLDEN KERG. ARINGTON BLDG. , "35 yean in Portland." Main 4803. WILL pay ca-p t,,r tin lTiii.rov.d place on the E.iacada carline near Portland. Must be a bargain mid near station. No agni. W. S. (' tton. 5021 33d ave. S E. WANTED Within" 30miles of Portland, well improved 30 to 60 acre farm, for cash; give full details ami price by mail only. .1 It WOLFF. 618 C. of C. Bldg. Want to Buy a Home PRINTING plant, splendidly equipped and in stalled, in fine 15,000 city, desires an all around working partner who understands the hu-iness, man or woman, on a profit sharing ha i. or will sell part or whole C S. preferred end one financially able to finance self until dividends ar? made. Or will consider the estab lishment of pmwr in present or new location; or will trade for established paper and pay or taVe difference. Address OX-834. Journal. CAN YOT ' A N S sER-"YES" TO THE F ) IAJ (WING QUESTIONS? Can you speak English? Have you self reliance? Can you manage yourself? Will you work ? i If so you should earn $3000 to $5000 in I 1919 with my asisUnce and the prestige of ; the New York Life. Apply to J. W. Day. 't agency director. Board of Trade building, Port ! land. Or. COUNTRY lAANt WE LOAN MONEY On short notice to salaried or worklnrraen on their own notes! Weekly, semi-monthly or monthly payments. Eacn trausactlun strictly confidential NO MORTGAGE NO INDORSES ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY ; We also loan on household furniture, pianos, 1c. witnout removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATE. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY. LICENSED. 218 Failing bid PEDIGREED FLEMISH GIANT black buck 6 month, old. 10V lbs.. $15; 2 black does' nice pair sorrels weight 2200 ! under a year. 12 lbs.. $10 and $15; bred or I unoreo; .1 a-moni ns-oiu hoc- anu 1 um. . very good, dark steel gray. $15 each; 2 olir brother, to these wild for $50 each; 1 0 off, on pairs. 1 5 r;0 off on more than pairs. Hill Top Rahbftry. Oswego. Or. NOW-is your chance to start in the labbit busi- ; ness for a little money; must sell by Monday fine Belgian does $1 25 up. 1 Cornish Game 1 roo-ter. 1 240 egg Cyphers incubator. W S S. taken. Mrs. P. Coilijter, 37th and Pres- j cott. lhis CHEVROLET, good condition, rery rea sonable for cash. Phone Ea.-t T(G3. $145 BUYS lbs, guaranteed to work single or double sound, good harness and 2 v inch farm wagon, spring seat and bolster springs. 5G24 86th it. S. E. Tabor (1634 ONE I 111 ot h-.rses. about 2NOO 1H- 3000 lbs.; of mares, 2H00 lbs. of work harness, tew larni wagon lor milch cow. Eat 3227. Call at E. 1 tcutd. few sets . lie . 1 j tii in. a MY COLE S. 1916 MODEL. 7 PASSENGER FOR SALE FOR $850 R T MrBAIN, YV E S T I INN 1 hi N'T PASS THIS TP. 1913 Franklin S.x f .r sale or tra.le for gs boBt or small car Phone Mar. 5H4. Ml ST -ell my nearly new "l 9 i 8 Maxwell tour imr car 'a il Tabor 030 191 FORD r .ad-Ier. In fir-t Has mechanical .on.lit:on. price $3sj Phone Rr.Jvuy 1572. A.-k for M K-rit. Havvthi rne ave . at Nat onal Laundry Stable TEAM :1000 lbs., good" workers. $150: team 2700 lbs., with good harness, only (125; good : 1 l.orse farm wagon. $40: all kinds of harness and wagons, cheap; must be t.old to make room. Crown Stables, 285 Front st. . FINE bay horse, weUht 1200 lbs., guaranteed If Y . . M J ,. ("v .1 , t,, Wur anywhere, centle tor anyone to drive; it You Need Money bee us also 5 etr good youus cow, .nd 4 firi,w SALARIES CHATTELS heifers for tale cheap. t;2 E. 2Sth st. ood- Loans made to persons on salary or fixed In- j stock car. come, on Household furniture, pianos, diamonds loK SALL cheap, team ot 5-year-old mares, and other persons! property: legal rates. Bust- : weigh, ng 250O is, also harness and liack RABBITS for s,e. thoroughbi-d st.sck . alc big rabbits to eat. cheap S' Joi ns car: stop at Lombard and Port mouth. 2 blocks south to 8 39 Oberlin st MOVING MUST :o SELL ear-old thoroughbred Black Minorca'. 82 i SPOT cash paid for u-ed cara. Deasrs Cse4 Car Clesrmg House Grsndsve. and . Stark. CAl.l." TABOR !l443 'eveiilngTbout-fliat Oak" land Lil-t Six : m fine shai and a bargain. T"o t. 11 111 .t.-r lriKk for sale or will tike go.nl hauiing .iitra.-T. F 85I, Journal 1M . F. rd toiirn i7: 1G iHKly.iSO extra.. "350 Plu.ne T..bor 1 302 19 1 MAXWELL, b-t c"-h offer Wie"iV t'tli and l .u Ii ft.. I AM WHLING to tacrifice my 1918 Babv Grand touring Che. let automobile Terms to a responsible pti, havr W. E Worth, Broadway, 4 556. St. ftancia Apts. 1915 FORD Excellent thspe. $300; this csr must be seen to be appreciated. Telephone Ea-t 7972. 7523 45th i: ess confidential; private offices. POBTIkNU LOAN COMPANY. Licensed 606-307 Dekum bldg. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. EttaDlifbed by Portland business men to protect borrower. C MYERS HERMAN. Mgr.. 894 STARK ST. LOANS ON DIAMONDS. JEWELRY. PIANOS. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. $500. $100(1. $1500. $2000 to loan on 6 and 7 per cent. J. H Kelly, attorney, 924 Cham ber of Commerce. Marshall 2370. LOAS WASTES SO Take Oregon City car to lleretord. go east to High st., turn 1 block south, b!g brown house. ALL kind of wagons, fight and heavy harness of all kinds single and double, fine rubber tired surry, top buggy. 3 cheap open buggies, 2 j A 1 stock paddles. 302 Front st j HAYING tini-hed my fall work I have a team j for sale, a horse and mare, weight 1250 lbs. Will sell one or two cheap. Robinson farm. 1 -a ' miles tS-es 1 if llrnnnn fits- roa r V b t f inf. fu-lw.ol TEAM of family mares just off ranch, weight 1250 each, good, true workers, sound: also 1 horse; might trade for goxl young fresh cows. Dr F. A. Estock, Multnomah sta. BARGAIN Good gentle horse, top buggy and harnvss. $40. Fine saddle tony. $25. Good single horse, farm wagon, good steel tired buggy. each: 1 -year-old cock ner 75th ft. W 1 1 IT if" LEOHiVRN "7-iiirkens. 8 ; 2 o ft hull. $5; 30 gal. gas lank. $5. Fulton car to fool of Vermont st . while houseboat near river. 2 "COMPARTMENT portable hutch and 22 rabbits of choke strain. 1 343 Glenn are. N. Alberta car to end of line. 3 blinks rat. then north 2 blocks high doAeuto pick j .nt h sj s. "Cash talks CHEVROLET; maJie us an cffei. 9th and Coin h st-. B1TCKS. DODGES and FORDS: (r. m. See them a: 9'h and IN THE market for a u-e 1 car , 9th and Colli ll -Is FOR SAI L cheap. 1 9 16 "5" pass. '.93 I in. ., ave X F.vt 1 llo CHEVIto! i:T. '"same" a- new " YilP sa.nFice-. $175 v.uh terms 621 E 8th X 1917 Grant Six lo eirhange for acreage. Will ; assume -mall amount 7. 712. Journal. YOU can buy a used csr cheaper now thin in Ford (all at I MY 1918 Ford touriag. with slot light, shock absorbers and other equipment at a great sac rifice. See me before buving. Phoie Main 496. M G. Steele WILL PAY BIG INTEREST I need $250 for 60 to 9(1 .(.. as wnrtln. capital in my growing prosperous msnufactur- -cheap. Crown Stables. 2 85 Front st. jog ousiuess. v 111 pay per mouin interest for its use. If you have more or less than the amount named, will pay Hrferest in pro portion. Finest references 'r 9s)t Journal. WANT $40oi( 3 YEARS - - 6 P E R i"K N T On improved Portlaud property; good income; value about $30,000; good permanent tenants; no commissions. HITTER. LOWE & CO. 203-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. WANTEI To borrow some $300 to $500 ion Bend. Or., lot. Will pay high int. R. B. sneii. .114 Hancock st. Cor. E. Ilth. N. BALE, hire or exchange 30 head of horses and mules, harness and wagons of all kinds. Phi. Suetter. Crown Stables. 28 5 Front st. 3TEAMSof good work horses, weight 1200 and np; must be sold: abo 3 teams of good work mules, cheap. 218 Front St., U. S. Stables. $105 GOOD team, harness and wagon; 4 good young mules, cheap. Crown Stables, 285 Front st. BARGAIN $35, sound, gentle mare, top bug ay and harness; good saddle pony. $25 Phone Crown Stables. 1:85 Front st. WE sell oraos.ed wheat, al-o "Master" protein caikhng mash, made of browu grams and li'h meal. Costs less and lay more eggs. 4 15 Jessup st. Wdln. 4344. HIGH CLASS Silver laced Wyandotte cockerels the spring. Our line. 9th snd Couch. and pullets lor sale: pullets reauv 10 com mence laying. I- Irivestein. 184 Alberta st W Phone Woodlavrn 4369. W. L. PULLETS." Feb. Ar.d Mar. hatched; 1 B. It cockerel and aPo live geese. 1104 E. 31st N. Wdln. 3144. B P R cockerels, fine large birds. O. A. C best laying strain. $3 each. Mrs. R. J. Frakes. Scappoose. Or. LEA YIN' the city. Will sell my 191e Chevro let "490 ' touring car at a bargain. Cannot tell this car from new P. (,'. Rinehsrt. Phone East 92. FOR SALE Scrii ps Booth roadster, wire 1 wheel., newly enameled, fnly equipped; good ' ronditti.n. Call Wood'.awn 2167. f 9 1 8C 1 1 ALM ERS. run only a few thoisand j mile-, at a bargain: 11(10. terms Call Eaat 1'VJ BARRED ROCK eggn for hatching: incubat.ir I lots a specialty; 2 cockerels. Mrs. Evans. 365 E Lombard, Wmsdlawn 16 56. , 8 C BLACKMINORCA and 0. A. C. White I Lerhorn rockerels for sale. $2 50 each or will . exchange same H. E. Rambo. . Madras. Or. CHEAP 20l) egg incubstor. 15 White Leg I horn bens. 12 R. I. Reds 544 Kerby St. I between Russell snd Knott. DISTRIBUTION for state of Oregon ef a new farm implement new In this territ.7r e sure winner for a man with lieu of pep; will mke eoni- FOKD touring In best "condition : wtll "ifHa". l-vauvely little capital to handle. T 917, Jour $350 nd give terms. 30 Grand are. N near ' DL Burnside $195 BUYS my 5 pes, car. all good ruxnir.g order and good tires. Will demonstrate 284 First st . between Jefferson and Columbia NEW' 1 tTl 8 Chevrolet for-sale at a birgaln". peifect condition, with extras and one extra tire. Phone Wdln. 6021. 1 r.ast is.14. j SALE or exchange for mule team, good house i $500, 3 years, 8 lo . improved Portland proper- , boat. 3 rooms, all turtiidicd. value $200, will ly. eeuu 9 years, s , ltjo acres, assessed: pay aiiterence on gooa ieam. rroni sr.. $1280. Fred VV. Com bldg. WANTED- hotel. rro'.ind. bldg.. all furniture. I'lace has made $12,000 per year since 1910 I Main 4933. call Frank. Vjcrman to., Hi (.a. of AN A 1 team of firm moles eood farm wair.n ' snd harness. Hawthorne Stables, E. 6th at $4000 on strictly modern home in . Hawthorne. wo58rs9.1.'l7,es-1,ar,y- r" SfU ;i AltM outfit ".i.VtU.m govsnjor-es. barney smitheastern gentle mules, cheap. Crown Stables, 285 Front st. ' Phone $05" Itl YS big black horse." little street sore, j FOR SAI F. 1 7 June pul.ets. Partridge Wyan dotte aid crosses. 441 1 44th st. S E Phone Sell.vo-l324 FOR SALE 17 June pullets. Partridge Wyan dotte crosses. 4411 44th st S E. Phone Sei:twood 324. R. I. REDS and Black Minorca cockerels for 1914 Ford touring, fine condition, good tires Will sacrifice for cah nr Liberty boms. 63 E 4 7th. N W cor Stark MAXWELL r.adter. fine condition; will sacri" fice at $550. with terms. 30 Grand it. N. near P.urnside. 5 PASSENGER Buick. overhauled, elect, tart er and lights, new batteries; must aell. 817 E S-ark. East 7035. sa. Phone Wdln. 58.". Tabor 4007. WANT a small" loan .ri ranch. Oregon, near Crane. Harney county. 160 ACRES l-i.. h land water. m.u-Ii . i...e. 1 1 tton; l.oii-e ami b. .111. a for goat . a nil tattle or ttade. lor iiirni-n 1 ibi 1 e.l sell on titnis. r.L".l, Journal. , 100 Acitl'.S it. ( ahS.iiitn. Level' 7 miles V Oswetu lake. 1 null- iroin river. 1 mile from It. H. rn Shikmi . I !i..m in Glendale Cal. $2:0111 Wih 1.. tr.de for Portland r.-p-erty or tettn. O.m-r. I '' t 4 I' 37th S. GOOD liiconi- 1 roperiy in A torTaT wort li"$3000, to trad., frr I'orti.it.il rr.id"iica up lo $5000, prefer we-1 -..,,. JOHNSON. -12 II 'MBERMENS BLDG.. Itroiiipvay 1612 in .1. -n 6 room bungalow with valued at C5500, n.ar 1 I ' 1 -e in. to I rail tor l.a-l 2566. 200 E : and Ls good for $3000 profit a year, owner j says Price $8000. V4 cash, balance long time, j McClure & Schmaueh Co., 306 Railway Ex i change bldg. 1 OuriDre Tcalo Klntlro See my agent V'l nvi o 1 urvi nuiiuu i Do you want to sell? Se wideawake hustler; t ...-. von, eoono" :.T." ir..";. I quick results G0DDARD and as.-.Hiat"S lot 8-ro.im" modern house"; will assume: ! r0- rimpl1 bMe . Hawthione. Stark. E. 34th street west. Phone FOR SALE Clo-e to Portland, a white bar East 7S79. H. Grebe. 414 E. Harrison st. ber shop for six chain, running five; doing TlO sTlKoTiref liTeaTrthairihe A. O. ! nUtrMA business. Reason for selling, owner Tee,,.. Co l ist vonrs. "64 Stark st near "" . . Panicuiara uppiy iu i.e-.- 3d Main 35 16. Branch office, 50th at Sandy. BEE OREGON INV. & MORTGAGE CO 222 Chamber nf Commerce, 4th and Stark. Will pay good cash payment. "02 Coucu bldg. FINANCIAL 51 Stenger Barbers' Supply Co. by" WANTED To buy modem 5 or 6 room house, close i;i, in Upper Albina preferred: less than $2000 N-985, Journal. WHO sold your neighbor's home? with A. i. Teepe Co.. 264 Stark St. near 3d Main 3516. . Branch office. 50th at Sandy. WANTED TO- R E N" T -T or 5 "room" cottage or bungalow. Responsible adults of 3, on or be fore Dec 1. Sell. lONti. PARTY with $10,000 to $25,000 can secure big X'aying interest in fine proposition with ; assured good rroiits for years to come, with or : without service-. Lady ur gentleman. in- List yours T,sljgate. T-793. Journal. "' GROCERY BARGAIN Locsted on best close-in corner i:i city: 3 living rooms, heat included in rent; will guar LIBERTY BONDS If you must sell your Liberty bonds. SELL to US. If you can buy more Lib-ny bonds BUY from US. We buy and sell Liberty bonds at the market. You cannot do better you may do worse. Crh Saturday we paid the following prices for United States goveriament Libevty loan bonds: block east of nion ave. horses !(. 392 Knott st.. HORSE snd wagon. $1 5o rer day; and wagon. $3. 546 Front. Main ALL kind, of horses and teams from 900 to 1400 lb... from $25 up. 302 Front st 111 1 pair of jet black Shetland pomes in state. Will take cattle in exchange. 302 Front -t FINE pair of farm mules cheap or exchange for cattle 302 Front st RABBITS for sale at ban.ain. 366 E. 5 3d t N. VERY' fir- White Leghorn and Barred Rock pullit". $1.25 $1 75 eich 787 Oregon -i Kill SALE K Red cockerel and Buff Or pington pullet. Sellwood 205 B R. R. 1. pullets for sal- cheap! Call Tabor near Bnrnside 8125 1'ORD touring, fine condition, must sell, a iar gain at $375. some terms 30 Grand ave N. near Bnrnside T- MOMNG from Porflsnd my YE LIE suto 'or sale. 5 passenger; pnee new was $2250, a bargain now at $390. Phone Tabor 2238. CHEVROLET. 1917. like new; gain at $(150, with terms. 30 Grand are. 1917 FORD DFXTTERY Panel body, every thing in very go,d condition: exceptional room for bulky light loads. Ix.ok this re... $475. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO. Washington at 2 1st Open Sundays and Evening". MAXWELL 1918 Maxwell roadster, almost nesr. extra, wheel and bumper, to be sold at tig tacri fice for quick aale. WESTERN AUTO CO. Broadway at Burnside Thoroughbred Wo'sdlawn 55: Unite Ix-gluarn lay FOR SAI.E illg hens. JAF pit games, stags, pullets and hens that can't be beat- 1184 E. 7th N. Wdln. 88 1 FOR SALE by owner Cole 8 car. 1917 mode fine running order: will aacnfice to aell once. Broadway 2483 mrfen'r .-r 1 1917 Buick Light Six Touring 0 Grand ave. 1 , . s. . i. .. 1 . i . A -Rm I I , , r.J wwit ... Biur , sail ' y .was brand new car; lota extras; $1125. tenns. A 1 AUTO WORKS A PAINTING CO.. 525 Alder L SMALI. team, liainess, wap.on. Good drivers., a bargain Call East 191.9. At BOOS, BIRDS, PETS. ETC. RAISE RABBITS FOR MEAT 44 WILL TRADE my 1913 Buick roadster foil a 1913 or 1914 Ford with or without body Woodiawn 4 61. BUICK delivery, leaving town. mut sell, price Light Studebaker. 6-pesa In dan4y eoadl aiin if t.k.n .fsH,. rice. v Hon. worth $400. Will take $250 aa we ere STUDEBAKER DEAI horc- and animal bulM iwit fm. Call Woodlswn 20. Portland Hendenng Vo for sale u V'-S.'i-I. Journal. tiad". What lidTf you? W ritiTo Rit7inn Npw Zalaii i t lcmili 1 RuriLsidt Oiant. Knaltnh Lop Kam and Whit EnjliMi. ,lKisT and rUnient i916"Liht Oakland n f ali ax- and t.. utthty toc-k as well as fancy : t rnmnillttl- ofrhanled: barn In if' imrM-bred. riie for pnc and , .nM ,od.v .',41f. Powt-n ValWy road Irr..itl1rr. CHt Ar V.rtr1 frt 1 4 5 l!d fit.. t'Oft- . 1 J i I rwill', rsi.sa ,lI8a I un ? tkllU lUU IJU ItJ OWNER, in .l.-n gara.-e nt. 1 , -, tT-,i ;t 24th Hi.il Sandy mad, improved ral't v faun. 24th n N DON'T WORRY 1 can sell nr trade anvthinc anywhere. Lav-man. 147 Park St. WANT to pay cash fur a resl up to date bunga l..w or house; want good district; give de tail. D-850, Journal. i antee doing from $00 to $125 per day; clean 1 new stock; price $1300. Peters, 15 N. 5th st. i j jI.OBE restaurant at 1 Kt and Couch, closed to- j day, for sale cheap this week for cash; every ! thing new; have other business. T-9S3. Jour- J ' nal. i Will double 1 .at mi r. . in !!' Will i t.ilKMI EXCHANGE -. "it L Murk.i near iuiige tor Yakima acreage; 'l'l Hats clear of debt. II ml i; Grand . will as-om- yv A K KI- I r. 1 I . FRIES CO . Mum 14. STORE buildup and ('. room dwelling;; 3 hits growi'ig s,,re witji ,(,h: take in $1500 1 month; 110 deliv.rv. Pine $650(1, half cash balance Mad.- tor 1 -ere with hou.e. near Port land. G. A. Ka.-i, Pnnuina bldg FOR SALE or trade. 85 Hi re . 10 miles east of Oregon City; small house on place; 9 acres' n cnltlvat ion ; larrre stream and some timber t Price $20011 .1. W. Johnston, 382 Grand ave I Portland, Or. WANT $5000 or $10,000 cash your money immediately. Don't he itate. In j HAVE $200 to pav down on bungalow; give ! vestlgate. 1 price, location, etc U-843, Journal. : J C. THOMASSEN. Y M. C A j YA N T E 1 1- A-li it-on RoTe"CiryPark i-arliue! ELEGANT stock gent' furnishings, ideally lo State price and location. J-756. Journal. ' catrd. in live town near Portland. Snap for -- 1 - , party wanting to step into a well e-tabHshed busi jj 1 ness. Invoice about $10,000. P !59. Journal. CIGAR, confectionery and soft drinks, on : Washington st. ; rent $30: close, best cor r....m f; .rn..f,H fi,sf,e t,.i.iw At ! ner : fine fixtures, living rooms: lots stock; ali , telephone in'esch room, elevator, fireproof build- ! 'or (605. Peters. 15 N. 5th st ions lease at. $450 month; high class; rOK SALE Hotel, restaurant, confectionary 3'as ... 1st 4s .. . 2d 4s . . 4'is 4 4 , $100 Bond. 100.C9 $1000 Bond. 1011.86 BAY inure, wagen and hrtiess for sale, $25. 142 E. 81 st t. N. FOR SALE Bv thUiT 2400" IbTT 45th and Simpson sts. K. 1, box 3(12. Warren. Or. land. Or. 1st 97.7 1 95 54 99 61 2d 3d 4th 9S2.0S -960 39 ! 1001.15 I 977.24 i LIVESTOCK 97.91 97 39 ROOJIIT?0 HOUSES Swell Hotel, West Side Al'TKN" SiALi: (n Corbett farm. Torbett. Or.. M011.. Not. .5, at 10:30 a. m. Four cootl mares. Shires and Belgians, weight from 1.100 to 1700; -o and boar. Chter White; ca engine, feed raijl; binder, mower, grain ! -I rill. hayloader. liayrake. tedder, ffanifplow, 984.12 ulier plow, steel dipper plow. nb-oii plow. ! I loopr ditfffer, Kepler C row sprayer, wprine 978.02 : Viic.m. bucgv, low-wlieel farm waeon. 2 lur-.e , I'lantr-r Jr. rilUator, H-merit 2-liorse weeder. Mf)RRPs RROS INP i:.bbai; plantpr. bean l.arT.rUer. Acme dra. IVINmIUUO U I I vOi ) lllUi ; 1.ke tooth drag (three !-ertions ) . Fpring tooth harryw, teel land roller, cream separator. Rab ( iu k milk tester. Planet Jr. . hand rultirator, rdon drill, wheelbarrow, crass seller, rarr . hay turner, hay fork, manure sprcAdT. pota ta grader. die harrow, harness, saddle, other tool!; furniture. H. I. RaJ-miivn. owner. W. S. W ood, anrtione r, Vancouver, Wash. HA KBITS Belgian hare-s. Flemwh Uiant. New Zealand ItxK 1'tiliTy and fanry tock. hesn. 2.r and tip. 20 page illustrated booklet. 1 .V dLami'S Monticello Babbitry, largest in Nor-b west. cor. 811th and K. Ptark. Portland. Mt. Tabor iM T SSthi car to end. 4 block north. 1 ea-t I Rose City Cattery Beautiful orance kittens for Christmas, sired by Sunburst; 20 minutes motor from the ntv ; 2039. 1250 F. Morrison st. Tabor i2i4. mnli will jou give 9th Chandler in g.od .-ondituin. 1180 E. Carnithers. Tabor ,( .ilu. 11. and Couch sts. 1 HAVE a litT: e.Mxl as new 3320 I.ICIIT 6 40 Hudson. 1915. $1000. fine ron- dition. 5 good tirea. 2 are eord, seat covers, etr. Private owner. Tabor 6099. KflTBI.B AN. 1 -ton tru.-k. in g.Kal eon.ii tioii. at 224 Taylor St.. Monday, or call B closing out our stock of used ears WESTERN AUTO CO. Broadway at Burnside Radiators, Fenders, .Hoods. Bodies, etc.. Hi J 1 1 I U O O umu I vy i W i fer H n x. zJ DUIII.bb Qi IVIdt llll 15th and Alder Sts. The Premier Municipal Bond House of Oregon. ;09-ll Stark. Between 5th and 6th. Ground Floor. BOSTON terror at stud: Hist brought out hre from the l t 'lhis i one of the finest hrl does in the W est Bettered in A. K C Cham- liinns on both ride Tabor 1067. F. K F.i. 629 E 51-t st y BABBITS for -ale. Fine breeding stork, doe or bifeV.s, and others that are inst right fir ir.at Call evening; or Sundays 47S Bearon sr., cor E. 9tli. Srllwood rar. GASOLINE 20 CENTS PEU GAL LON j Lubricating Oils snd 'leases. Pioneer Paint Co.. 186 1st st. 1 1917 Chevrolet, fine condition. $425 Will takr I.iter1y bonds or ell goca Ford deliverj b'Kly 125 Phone Wdln 2 W69. EOR SALE Packard roadster, good coDdlrtoav Take Liberty bonds to parment; price 4550 416 E. Burnside. trade, clearing $800 per month; 1600, term. a snap at HAVE pmirty at a fine beach ovi iaiT wne.l.-r. or (,ood town started. Lots of work. Larue mill in operation. Fine fishing, I hunting Will trade for suburban place near ! Portland Mr S. Bay. 1109 Belmont i 72 rooms, steam heat, clearing $500 near month: nrice S6800. KEEL or trade a home by the set. (i room mod era ooitmr.-. garage. ' 50nn ,,r. rlecr. at Bandon f,,, . twn-r. 9 1 tl E. Salin-.u Portland 40 rooms, rity heat, all one one floor, every thing first class, $5000, terms. 37 room3, on one floor, steam heat, budding. $3300. terms. brie and groceries: an ideal business on corner at ferry landing, Whitwood court, Einnton. Co- lumbia 530. i FOR SALE Cafeteria, centrally located, low j rent, good lease, making clear $700 to S 80O i per month. Price $5000. Gibson, 266 Stark. ' i Marshall 12. : GARAGE for sale, good location, good repair ; and supply business: net profits over $500 I j month. Koom 4 03 Iekum bldg. ! : HAVE opening for active man in automo- ' bile carace. Can clear $250 to $300 mouth. Telephone Broadway 2151. 25 year- Established over HALF ... -non unimproved land to trade for house ii Portland. More than 100 arres tillable, fine -oil. lots of water. 2.000.000 ft green I'lnlxr -M!5 1. Journal, 160 Ai KEN unimproved land, near Woodland. . i. ...so. i . trail l.o !-.. in , Vlklin.' or IterkcVv. Cal It '. Ot.l'F. C IK ChS'U of Call room 4(3 lekum bldg. lll'Mlu. mme'c" I'.'.'l- have A 1 Portland m rxrhanae. WANT I going ranch inrii.i.. iropertv to J75.O00 JOHNSON'. 212 LIMHEHMENS Bl.I.'i Broadway 1012 FOR H w7e (B TRADE SO acreslvf" timber land in Douglas county, Oregon, for Portland tiroiwrt.v or acreage, close m. Call or address T. H., Room 9. 169 V, Front st. TRADES OF EVERY KIND " Houses, farms, acreage, lots, anything vou want. See t;. T. Asher at 502 Couch bldg for Quick results. 2 4 room, housekeeping. $1400. i GILSON. 431 Cham, of Com. blilg. Main 6127. i These Are Real Bargains ! 22 rooms, rent $45. income $225; price SI 750. some terms; wet side. t 1 7 rooms, very pood furniture, modem, lovely . home and big profits: $1500. ' 34 rooms; $2000. terms; brick: bargain.! 25 rooms, right downtown: $850; sickness! compels sale here's your chance. ! 5(1 rooms; S!225(i; rent S100; snap 1 15 rooms; $1250. 14 rooms; $1250. 12 rooms; $4 50. Other real bargains. .1 IIIU'CE GODDARP. 502 COUCH BI.OG WANTED Single man with 1 or 1 H ton truck io become partner in good paying business. Call in person. 44 R Taylor st. WANT $10,000 cash for best income proposi tion in Portland. Inquire .? G. THOMASSEN. 53 1 Y. M. C. A. FOR SALE Furniture hospital, old established. .. cood paying business; a'so delivery car. O 751 . Journal. MEAT market, all equipped, ready for busi ness. Walter Roswurm, Forest Grove, fir. CIGARS, beer and lunches: fine business; very i cheap. See Garland, 188 3d. j OaO i Paid rOT LIBERTY BONDS Any Issue Any Amount We my market pros accrued interest We loan 90 per cent on Liberty Bond OR Will loan you the money to complete your payments ELWOOD WILES CO. 231 TJ. 8. National Bank bide Open Saturday until a p. m. REGISTERED GUERNSEYS. Imp. I .a Fallalze des Eondea, sire. Diamond of the Tetre. sire Princess' Jewell, and her two heifers sired by Emigrant I.ad, he by Langwater Emigrant. H. TL Kane. U. A. Gresham. Or. Phone 293. (J GOOD Jersey cows, bred to registered bull, one Guernsey bull, registered, 3 H years old: one Duroc Jersey boar, thoroughbred: one regis tered sow with pigs. 2 months old. sr.! 1 chickens. 9il5 N rtll l.ents FOCIl large 2 year-old high grade llolsteln heifers of the heavy milk tjTe. Will ei rhange for light ear or ton truck. 662 E. :Mli :t.. Woodstock car. THOROUGHBRED Belgian and Flemish Giant rabbit': also ('arneaux pieons; all mated pairs at prices lo sell. Ixick Boi 4 07. Carlton. Or. COCKER SPANIEL pups from pedigreed and registered ancestors, $10; wiil be 6 weeks old Xmas. Tabor 7524. PEDIGREED Flemish first prize stork. 5 bucks. 2 does. 5 to $7 each. 1 thoroughbred New Zealand buck. 1 bred doe. 769 York st. ST ANDlfEASBI'P.G roller, night singers, and young singer: also yellow female, 2 years old. i- I' " "IT Z. '. o-r.w I." . W dln. 3652. ru:K iiuu u. i uj . i . . i . , . , , . i BEAUTIFUL Scotch Collie. 1 l- years old. male, i with license. Price very i-easona l.le. Main i 134 9. Call before 10:30 a. m.. alter 4 p. m. TWO StT Andreasburg females from selected stock. $2 each. Addresa 146 Hamilton ave. Take N. and S. car south 1 . . r. . , . . . , t ... . . ... .. -.. i, is I....I .i 'young cows. Will sell for the highest otter. WANTED P-rsian kitten, reasonable; give par a, 1 have no feed lor them. Call at 8 96 ticulars. T 9S-. Journal. Powell st., Woodstock car. RA BBITW-Bclgian hares, 40c each 4 43 E 38th st. Mortgage Loans in sums lo suit, low rat -s. HIGH school lunch room. East 2199. Cheap, terms. Call ; TRADE e.uity in 5 room modern cottage, close to Union are., for auto or well located build lng site Call4 01 Church t VANCOUVER business corner! H7 s, x 1 00 ; trade for residence property or farm. Sell 10. 3 LOTS. 2 blocks sonth Arletach.Ml."!-! for lale noxlel car. Dodge preferred. Phone Tabor 5905 or Tabor 4939 evenings or Sunday, i SMALL FA KM, well improved; will trade for bouse and lot. 6 or 6 roomi. Call 163 V, W. Park st. CEEAH, city, XT 2 renin house; some cashT for larcer country or city home, or will sell Owner, 735 East Mam. WANTED House equity or vacant lots for : completely furnished, income $116 month, clean Here's Best Buy Ever 70 ROOMS. BRICK. $3500. EASY' TERMS Rent $125. clears $450 above every ex pense, completely furnished, newly deconted throughout: this place will sell for $5000 or $6000 before long: will pay for itself in 8 months, and make your living besides. Exclu sively with .! BRUCi:G0DDAP.D: 502 COUCH BLDG. Goddard Gets the Bargains Get "in my automobile and I will oiiicklv I and comfortably show you the best buys in rooming and apartment houses; square deal ' guaranteed I J. BRUCE GODDARD, 602 COUCH BLDG. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED S 13 Rooms, $750; Terms Modern house, rent $33. central west Ride, Pacific Agency, Inc. 512-13-14-13 Swetland bldg. PORTLAND, OR. We want your listing at once if you are in the market to sell. Onr business is to find you a buyer. Come in and see us. We have a party with some clear Portland property and cash to amount of S25.O00 for general merchandise store: will deal at once; close to Portland preferred. Want grocery, close in on east side, for clear lot and cash; will pay present price Invoice. Pacific Agency, Inc. 512 13-14-15 Swetland bldg. Liberty Bonds Bought and sold at market rales. Safe Deposit Boxes COWS one 4-veer-old Holstein. 4 "i gallons per day. 6 Chester white pigs. Woodstock ST AMiHKAltKK(l rollers, go.1 singer car to 34th st., 4 blocks south. 1040 Sctuller ! Kerby Hrliii4s-:i. st. Sellwood 4 65. J ENGLISH bull pups' lor sale Call 1124 Foil SALE Choice young Jersey cow. Due , 27th s( N. fresh soon. Ramapo sta , E tacada carline. ; YELLOW canaries, gnod ringer Joint Lennoj. I ca'dam -t. 1 old DCRRCILlJt TOP CO.. j tn at Oak. Broadway 1664 1 $300 ImiWN burs 1916 Maiwell; run only short time; good tires, all in fine condition. Balance on term. Phone East 1962. HFO roadster. 1917 model, good rubber, per fect condition; owner leaving city. Call Apt. 8. 390 12th rt. "j y j a, MAXWELL, used hut little and i' in A-l shaiie; will sell on very reasonable terms. Tabor 66 1(1. CHEVROLET. Eke new. been mn very little, all new tires. Will sell on terms. Call Main 1142 or Main 1167. Yn i 7Chalmers Little Six. 1st class condition. 4 new tires Will accept 1917 or 18 Ford, bal ance cash. Own.r. Wdln 4452. SuTiVrs. Gearings. Be rings. Wbeets. Asles and Trailers We wreck all nsakee of ears and seU tbeir good perls at half price David Hod est Co.. Broadway and Flanders t. Broadway 16 j tTl I-LITTLE Vetr roadster, friction and chain drive. 4 cj 1. engine.. god meeltanlral .-on- dilinii. This i no junk pile. lu, for uuick sal- 05CARANTFED ATTO TTEPATRINO, PROMPT (SERVICE. EXPERIENCED MECHANICS. GIVE US A CHANCE. CHAPMAN REPAIR CO. CIEPIiAN ST., BET. YAMHILL ak TAILOR, MAIN 1167. GARAGES HOUSES CHICKEN HOUHES WOOD SHEDS 'V Portable or ready cut. See aampiee at 644 Hood a. Main 1167. Milmade Construction Co. CHALMERS 1916 Light Chalmers. 6 eyL. 6 paea.. brand new faevry )ob; never barn driven a roile. ;ol)eertires. Sale rrrwe on this car (1750. Will take$ 15O0 If sold at t.ce WiSTERN AUTO CO, Brcadway at Burnside O 23. Journal 7d Ma 12 HEAD good young cows, some fresh, some j f(Jn MALE Beautiful orange female. springers. will sell lor me pest oner, one, olI ind rlge. Tabor 5367. or all. years 662 E. 2Hth St., Woodstock car. IF IN the market for a good iresh i.uernsey cow with heifer calf, call at 24S Front st . U. S Stables. $3.50 yearly. Complete service, best protection. Open Inspection Invited UNION SAFE DEPOSIT & TRUST CO. 2S4 Oak St . bet. 4th and 5th. equipment, unexcelled I THOROI GHBRED hornls Toggenberg goat for ;ien 9 a. m. To 6 p. m. service. 1S68 W oolsey st- Columbia 271. FIN E Jersey, 4 is years oiu. o gai. wnen ireso. test eight, cheap. Col. b64. ft 160 arres, partly Improved, buildings and water, near Prineville 932 Cham. Com. lOOalOO. Lents district, clear, traded as pay ment on house or acreage, pay balance month ly. T-U50. Journal. APARTMENT bouse. H block. $500 Income per month: will exchange for alfalfa and stock ranch. Owner. 561 Glisan st. IDAHO irrigated. 3-0 near Portland. 12 acres. out. What have your Mar. 594 5. 4 34 Morrison st. Owner 7 K. house with one or more lots, fine district, close in. for sale or trade: no a.... trash. Call 95 East 30th. cor. Washmston. " : ST5" prices 'for wheat and stock for years. Trade your property for good Montana ranch. N. M. Apple, Le wist on. Mont. WILL GIVE 40 acres near Astoria and 7 acres near Portia nd as first payment on bungalow, Foee City or ljurelhurst preferred. Tabor 5923. i60 A. RANCH. 6 mTlea of Burns, Or., will uade (or A good lot in Portland. 431 Chamber of r Cornmerce bldg. , 1"AMS of S to 2000 acres; can get you a .ft good deat Van Walters, 617 Stock Ex. ;i EXCHANGE rity property, clear, for farm, or good home and big profits: snap. J. BRUCE GODDARD. 502 COUCH BLDG White Temple Dist. Bargain 12 rooms, strictly modem, newly furnished, lovely home and good profit: $500 will handle it ; very nice place. 's J. BRUCE GODDARD. 502 COITCH BLDG. FOR SALE 27 room apartment house, also neat and well furnished walking distance, west side; Income $200 per month or more; rent S60 per month: no agents need answer. Call A-351S. mall place near some town. Y 921. Journal. , iTPEE building at Kern Park, worth $3040; exchange for real estate or chstt!e. Tabor 4090. 0 ACRES unimproved, no incumbrance, or , lot oa payed tree- , FUone Wdln. 11. 60 ROOMS. FOR $900 Every room full, brick bldg., rent $90: on best transient street in city; always full; must be sold at once; easy terms. Peter. 15 N. 5th st. 28 ROOMS 28 Depot location; rent only $10; dandy tran sient bouse; rooms always full; price S895 Peters. 1 5 N. 5th st. 10 ROOM house, clears $70 per mo. Must seek other climate on account of ill-health. Will gie some one a good buy on easy terms. C. a. warren, o s isanoy. LARGE rooming louse for. sale, best of location in lively town. Sickness reason for selling. I -V . VJ, ...UIIIAL WANT pool tables with or without location for So acres good unimproved land, worth $800. Z-7 1 1 . Journal. WANT small business, $1009 equity in quar ter sec. unimproved land. ooo due on land. Easy payments. 0-848. Journal. I WANT to buy an automobile garage or an interest in one. If wanting to sell ad dress 0-824, Journal. WILL pay the cash for a grocery store or restaurant. Give particulars and 1 will call. N-9S3. Journal. WANT ROOMING HOUSE Eor results list your property with Real Es tate Exchange. 201 3d st. Portland. MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE tl IE YOU want money ace us; we nave I ate Eenzie A Co. since 1KI. 01ft Gerllnger bldg. Phone Main .801 BUILD IN U loans on city or era Durban ptuvetlf ; money advanced as work progresses. W. (i. Back. 215 and 21B railing bldg. Main MOT MONEY to loan in amounts ot 10u u &0OU en ety property. A, B. BELL. Room. 10-11. Mufkey bHg. SEE OREGON INV. - MORTGAGE CO.. 222 Chamber of Commerce. 4th and Stark. a- iNKY to lean on city property at lo Fred 8. WillUms. a 1st ac WANTED Rooming house, 12- to 18 rooms, J .jv 'lo $9000 to loan, city or farm man- fnf gn rs-s nOiiA I . . sr t ss (mg. to awmm ston. P. O, Bos 871 i ewi f10!??.?. EOOMINO HOUSES I UOETGAGK loans. 6 and 1 . ilua n. n. vji-.i, 190 a it., Alain 3669. (Jo.. 40S Seln bids. LIBERTY BONDS BOUGHT feully or partly paid bonas for i f earn. Kell direct licensed broken. Get mirket cash value. Any denomination bonght. f&O. $100. $500. $1000 Business strictly confidential; private office for ladies. WESTERN STOCK BOND CO. Licensed Brokers. Hours 8 80 to 6 p. m. La: iu vl4 alonta.i tilde . Broadway and Washing-!--i 8t. WANTED Few milch goats. State breed and price. T-938. Journal A FINE milch goat: also a dandy year-old Tog genberg buck. 302 Front st ST. ANDREASBERG rollers. $7 and $10 each. Tabor 7368. THOROUGHBRED fox terrier pup. Wdln. 424. 230 Alberta t. FINE canaiv singers for sale, with cages if ( desired. 334 5 tii st.. a pt. 411 AI TOMOBI EES ACCESSORIES 41 CAM! paid tor cd cara. condition no .eei; pa rta for all make of ears. Oregon Ants Ex change. 129 Ixiwnsdale at IStb and WaaoJngtoa, Broadway 2668. DOIsGE car. looks like new. for almost one third the price of a new one: cash or reasonable terms. 612 Hancock at; liroadway or Jrrington car , 191 H FORI Stromberg carburetor. Haasoio I shock aborhT. new tires, electric lights, ail i around. AI shaie; other extras. $550. Call) Adams. Tabor 630 CASH FOR TOUR LIBERTY BONDS MONET ADVANCED TO MEET PAYMENTS ON BONDS PROMPT SERVICE FAIR TREATMENT BCRKITT. 212 SELLING BLDG. 60 THOROUGHBRED Saanen buck for aerrice. 6725 46th ave. S. E. FOR SALE 1 choice fresh cow. 1 Good nisi. 2Mi and llolgate st. springer. 1918 FOR) - Special moair top. Storage battery ad real elsrtri lights, fine tires. and whole fir look like rv-w )ln! h or to be airprecxted. $550 Terms or rash. C0VEv MOTOF CAR CO, Wathinston at 21st OlMrn Sundsa and Evening. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE NO COMMISSION CHARGE AMOUNTS $1800. 15l)(. $2000 LOW INTEREST RATE PROMPT SERVICE SEE E. BURKITT 212 SELLING BLDG. COW 4 yeai-s old, just fresh, giving 4 gallons; tubercular tested. 2S5 Front at. TWO fresh cows for sale, rich milkers. 142 E. 81st st. N. WANTED 9 calves from 2 days to 1 week. $2 a piece. Woodlawu 4 076. TWO young fresh cows. Call Tabor7269. POFLTRT. PIGEONS. PET STOCK 17 S. C. BLACK MINORCA cockerels for sale; Pape's strain; very best. Columbia 792. CHEAP 200-egg incubator. 544 Eerby St., bet. Russell and Knott. MUST sell today. 10 April White Leghorn pul lets. 125 Knott st, LIVE voting grain fed turkeys, in from ranch Monday. 530 East Stark. East 764. FIVE Barred Rock. 3 R. I. Red April pullets for sale. Have too many for space. East 576. IHUjGE roa.lster. almost new. guaranteed. $45 Burnes. A Martin. Bdwy. 2680. TWO ton Nash truck. 1918 model, used days, only $2000. Sell. 1036. 1918 OAKLAND- SLb.g snap, at $1050. Sell. 1036. CilFVltOLET. 1917. AI condition: sscrifice $55. cash or bonds. Phone Main 2428. $1 35 Michigan touring car. 632 E. 14 th 1. N. IF you can beat my machine on $25(1. I will give it to you. Tabor 1231. 1264 Division st. DANDY . 3 iswengr Ford, good meet nical con dition. A bargain at $300: terro 100 down. $20 per month. Phone Kelly. Broadway 2492. DODGE touring, in good condition: will sell ! H XL' E. $850 and give terms. 30 Grand ave. N I near Burnside. FORD WANTED Will pay some cash and elegant new Vic Irola. Brunswick. Grafonola or Edison snd rer ord for Ford Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Aid-r. , I NEED the money; cash talks. Mske me sn offer fn an) u-ed cars I have in stock. !'Ui and Couch u. a k a . s i LAHCK Used Aiomobiles Term, Given Mfg. A Repair. 8000 roars a teed springs ta stork: prices r-doeed $4 .V 1 5rb at 1915 STUDEBAKER 4. 5 iasenger. A No 1 ! condition: 4 almost new tires; 1 new extra; I 20 cars to select fim f various different fully electric equipped. 4 extra inner tubes and makes: prves $875 to 11 250. These cars are oilier extras. . aali or l.lDerty bonds. East 1418 high grane arxi laie ingris. Erett st. Bonds Bought Spot cash, also'caah for payments mad Come to 725 Gasco building. 5th and Alder, or mail bonds to ns we remit return mail. CELLAR8-MURTON CO.. OPEN SAT EVE. ONE OR TWO experienced stock salesmen are open for engagement, should you want to float a new stock issue or enlarge a growing bosinesa by bringing in new capital. Capable of organ izing a campaign. Give phone in answer. 0-7 67, Journal . INVESTMENTS. Joana . U, lanria. BOS Lewis notes, snorirag. bUc. kat. 1184. FOR SALE Thoroughbred rooster. 294 E. S2d. Plymouth Rock THOROUGHBRED White Leghorn cockerels. Reasonable. 6320 E. 44th st. Woodstock. FOR 8ALE 3 April cockerels, weighing 8 to 11 pounds, for table use. Phone Tabor 365. NEW ZEALAND buck and does. $1 to 3. Three Rhode Island hens. Wdln. 4 895. FOIt SALE ( choice Barred Rock cockerels. - $3.60 each. Phone Bdwy. 4358. ELEVEN pullets and bens ready to lay. 574 Eaat Main. ' FOR .SALE 6 rooster, thoroughbred Buff - Orpingtons. - 6 mow the okL 4 . rabbits, Just boat grown. 87 M sour , " 1918 LIGHT SIX. special iint Job. usesl only short t;me; lots of extras. This car new would cost you $1600. Make me an offer. Eat 5008. SNAPPY 1918-MaTwell touring car; used by private party; at a nap; cash or terms. 4 84 E. 4 9th V, Rose City Park. Tabor 5927. FORD touring. 1917."like new. a bargain". $4 50. some terms. 3U orand ave. near iturn-side. 1914 FORD touring car. several extras, d-wi-nm- able wheels, speedometer, electric tail light I and other extras, price $375. Phone Broadway ' 1572. Ask for Mr Kirk. 1917 FOTAD. tun lese man 6O0O miles, new tires: reasonable terms or 'Liberty bonds. Ta bor 9427. BUICK runabout, good knockabout car. good mechanical condition. 1850 with terms. 3U Grand ave. N. near Burnside. FORD-roadster,-reasonable by owner. Phone East 8058. or call 520 Eaat Davis at.. cor. 1 1th. CHEVROLET, 1918 touring, only ran a few miles: will sacrifice and give terms. 80 Grand are. N. near Barns id e. FOR-SALE 1917 'Ford touring car. A real bargain. Mxt be sold. Call Alontcomtry. Bdwy. 2492. NEW TIRES vTbart brand of new tires de prefer t We have tbeaa. all and Sizes. Also we aaake bosks O-V-C Donbto Tread (sewed) teres sad da all snaBmet ef tire tepe trine. Orettoe VsJcania.na 4J. IS-. Bnrnside near Broadway i lll $wT CHALMERS 1914 Chalmers Light Six. in the tx-t of condition with new t" and -xtrss. irW. IK.Mi Must aell for $650 for quick sale, apply WESTERN AUTO CO. Broadway at Burnside It will pay yra to nor trrk nf uatd rtrn be fare you iurrh. rn re yoa roofsf. USED C DEPT. Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co,, East First at Prison St. Phones East 722 B-1216