THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL PORTLAND., SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 34, 1918. WO HEA F.8TATF. REAI, ESTATE FOB SALE HOUSES 1 LOOK ATTHESET(515Ay S7Kf 2 room W, bt 100x100. on IS. OUthi bet Eolladtl and Multnomah, $200 cih. S Qflfl room cottage, bath, electricity, lot V 5w 43x162 Jai Bncrott av., west lid. $100 cash. K 1 9flfl 'i ". 7il00. '"lit. 11 E. J I iUU 74th .r Glisan 250 cash. Q 1 "3ffl H roob cottage. i'J.n cornr Int. 681 OIOUU MW, cor. 14ti. $300 cash. t1 RHfl " room. oM "u.e. lot BOglOO, O I JUU 14H E. Hnyt nsir 53th. $200 ch. baiaace 0 . C1 lYl n cottage. 881 Mallory. corner O I UUU Mason. $:ioo celt. CIPflll6 """ 'Hi lot 47x197. 41 , D I UUVJ riPii.irn t.. near Gilbert, ot- Johns. 1230 call. M OAA M 6 ro"m tUe. 1248 Mtnne O I OUU mil near Hiiniton. $200 eah. C1 QPifl 6 tom nice oittage. full lot, paved O I i? UU ttreel. 138 Nsiraska, west aid. M QAfl 4 r,m cottaga fin lot, fmit. 1120 vj I OUU K. Main near 87th. 200 cash. OOOnn 3 room cottar. 332 ITemont nesr OZUUU Rodney I60O cash. OOOfifi 6 Mom cottar. MB Fairbanks at . 0-.--UU nar TliurmaM wt side. $500 rash. OOtAA 7 room bouse 2 lot. 5l Highland 0-.tUU ,t near E. 14th, $300 cash. A hif snap. COCOA mi. cot . JSO Hassalo. nr. Larra OZOUU he, nr. Hdty. bridge. $500 cash. OOCRA $ room he. n" lwo eieping OZOJU porches, gaage. 4 52 Jeasup near Union ite , ,-,.- Fine m.rflen 6 rm. bungalow, con st Q 1 fA M,-k unci, lot 50x100. 913 v?J I JV E ,2t() s nn, Uanon. $500 ca.,h. $100 CASH 4 rooms and bath; 4 blocks from car $1100 115 per month. $100 CASH 6 rooms, practically new; on carline $170O $20 per month. $100 CASH 5 room bungalow; needs a little paint, otherwise in food, order; 2 blocks from car. 11760. $100 CASH S room cottage, near Brooklyn school $900 $17.50. per month. $200 CASH Almost iiew; 2 rooms; quarter acre grrfund, chicken houses, fruit traes; 10 minutes to car sod school $600 $15 per month. All bargains, vacant; mors right in. See Peterson, THE FRED A. JACOBS CO. 104 5th t. Main 086. SEAli ESTATE FOB (SALE BOUSES SI REAL ESTATE FOB HALE HOUSES 1 1 W. a'RUSSI (16 Board of Trade. Main 71T,: $2050 ROSE CITY $2950 Keal snappy B room bungalow, oak floors, fireplace, etc. Only $500 cash. Something good. $2050 ROSE CITY $2050 6 room Queen Ana bungalow, fur nace, fireplace, buffet, sleeping porch, SO j 10D, liens paid. A real genuin snap. Home in elegant condition. Only $.150 rash. Main 4 803. G. C. GOLDKNBEHG. Abington bldg. ",'i5 YEARS IX rOHTLAND'" liany vacant, ready to more into: priees from $2300 to $3800. terms (300 to $500 cash, balance in monthly paymenta. $2800 7 room modern bungalow on lot 50x200; terms. $500 cash, balance in monthly paymenta. Also 3 uncompleted buildings, inclosed but not finished, on easy terms. lota 50x100 in Campbell St.. $275 each and on terms. 5 acre tract, consisting of 40 lota be tween E. 40th and 4 2d its., Belmont and Stark. $1800 5 room house, 4103 E. 52d ft. corner 41st ae. ; terms, $250 cuh, balance monuily payments. WILLIAM G. BECK Real Estate, Loans. Fire Insurance, 215-219 Failing bldg., S. E. Cor. 3d and Washington sts. BAR3AINS i rn.-m ga. tnilM., rirnrr Iff. JLMrtO mcxlnrn 2 Story holme, lights, bath, h'.t si"! (old water, full Imminent. :D 100, isrsce. Only $250 cash. Imlarne like rent. (1500 5 rrwim rotlage. hglts, hath, toilet, full ba nift. fruit ami brrriey; rime in to L'nlon are.; :).. i-nnh. balance to suit. mono o, inti ami 7 rmMii mmlern hniiae, full hae-iii.-nt., halh. toil.-t, Uuh. El". Ii"' and cold ivstf-r, i-u ; ilendlii locaHoiv on paved street and rat line Ground under V !li tate of cultivation. I. nit ami twrric; $500 cash. ' .12.-0 S rim modern lioti-'-. firepla:e. lardvood floom, full baem.Tit. laundry truy,; hath, toilet. lil.t. mix. hot and rold vraU'r, etc Paved atre.ti tml all improvorsents in and paid 'orj 1 bliwk (mm atreetrar. Kiohininid distrxt. $7i0 -1 1 . lulHtir-t' like relit. $2800 buys a 12 room double house. 6 rooms on eacn siae. gas. electricity, baths and toi lets, one side rented for 17.50. Holding the other pending a sale. Mr.. Tabor rl is! not. $550 .buys a 4 room plastered house, full lot; house need repair. A bargain. $350 buys lull lot, 3 room shack. (1400 buys house and good store bldg. on same lot. $1100 buys a good 4 room house, bath and toilet. $1500 buys 5 room cottsgp; hath, toilet, gaa and electricity, 2 lota; house furnished; all goea; terms. HOCCK. 110 10th st. . V. !IMUA. v :h In Idn rroocrty Praters . ; round floor. Henry building. )l I'ourth ct. Mar-hall S!2. $2975 Terms $2975 7 room brand new Queen Aim bunea lo inever occupied), owner In financial ,liroWi; look what we hare in this home: I'.Ucsnt firei.lai-e. Imrdwooil floors. buf fit ii-iml hinlt-in, standard plumtiing. ce ment basement, electrical fixtures; every rooin piped fur furnace; doubly built. eaient porch, 50x100; 3 blocks car: sever and street work paid; the property it really and truly worth $400(1: tint a prt-.uv against it: lnoateii lust north of (lorlnok. In a restricted district; should; ...ill on "iBlit. Appoint merits Sunday. Vain 4K0H. c. (.oi.iii:Mti:i!;. ahincton bldo. (2500 IRVIXtiTO.V DISTRICT $2500 Here is a real oldfashion bargain, one of thoan or wartime sacrifices rooms, full ce ment bisement, furnace, builtin buffet and Iiutih kau-hen. houne in A-l condition, full lot, no liens, on Broadway car, less than 5 years old : price $2Ti00 $250 down, $30 per month in- I eluding 6 7c interest. W e never pad prices, j the buser and seller know exactly what we are mulling; we have over 350 photographs in ; our office of appraised houses for sale, all prices ; and temi. all parts of city; 4 experienced real estate salesmen with autos at your service; come is and look over our photoeraphs. See FRANK I.. M (iUIKK. ABINtJTON" BL1XJ , To Itif Your Home. Main IOCS. $500 Cash $500 Ideal Hawthorne Bungalow ! room majestic home, size 24x44 ft., has atone fireplace, elegant mantle, buffet, cement haneijerit, elertric fiitnres; artistic interior Cin isli: paved streets paid, block car, near 39th and Ivorf. You will like this place. (297 5. (,. I flOLUKN BF.Rti. ABIXUTON BLIX1. 'o Yrs. in Portland. Maiu4803 "WHIT'S tTTe- "matfer"with this- for "(1 100 ? A 0 room house with three lots. 100 feet fronj the carline. 7. feet of cement sidewalk and -curb, 4 or 3 cherry trees in full bearing; niilii In the business center of Montavilla. on K 14th St. The house is old, of course. What can nu expect for this pricV There is a good woolshed. No better car service could be de sircj (250 cah is all you need, balance in small monthly payments. M. J. CLOHE3SY. i 4 1 ,1 Abingtou bldg. ! 1 PIN E H A V T H 0 K N K HOME j rooms and large sleeping porch, full ce- mett basement, gas Rector heating system, enr neis lot. hard surface streets. 3 blks. from car. BEAUT IFT'L COTTAGE (2800 SMALL PAYMENT DOWN' Corner lot. 1 block from car. full basement, fnrnace. 7 rooms, nice lawn and shrubbery, sleeping porch, built-in features. Best carline in city. Best 7 room buy on our ut. A pleasure to show you this. See Str. Ekiridge. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. Broadway 4133. 309 Oak st. A-N0-J. .subataritial Rose City home. 7 r.Mimi. A grand larue living room with fireplace and French plate glass doors into dining room, built-in buffet in dining room. A cozy breakfast room. Old ivory and satin paper finish. Dutch kitchen, 2 large bedrooms anil closed in sleep ing porch upstairs. Polifhed hardwood floors. full cement basement, A-l furnace. A real home. Almost new and a splendid buy. $4tio0, (1200 cash down. D. XV. Alton. Mgr. Real Estate Dept. THE LAWRENCE CO. 205 Corbett bldg. Main fi!il5. A,2S15. in 15th st.; price (5000, terms. VITCH OUR ADS S WE CKT RESULTS. A. Warriner. HITTER, IO WE &, CO.. 203-5-7 Hoard of Trade Bldg. fi ROOM BUNGALOW ROHE CITY TARE Ircakfast nook. Every room has hardwood floor-. French doors, mahogany buffet, big liv ing room, den, 2 bedrooms, cement basement, furrice. J L. HARTMAN COMPANY, No. 7 ChaBber of Commerce bldg, 4th and Mtark Us. '.Main 208. A 2050. rt ROOM Ml' TABOR RESIDENCE, lUVhV TO 2 OOOD HCHOOLS, i MV( HtTAMI.E HOME SURROUNDINGS, Willi lit I IT. FLOWERS AND GARDEN; SACRIFICED FOR $2500; CAN ARRANGE TERMS SI F. BENEDICT. 2H7 i OAK ST., MMN 1 743. EVENINGS, TA BO It 7M.-.S. UK FORE Vol' HI V VOIR HOME Vou ovs-o it to yourself to see cur 1 i 1 of over .".Ml ixa-aoiially appraised houses, wi'li photo trams, price, ano , omineie v "i "1510 Abington Bldg. all paru of the city ail prices and terms; some . y jn Fort,Hnf,.. , .' , if ,,'..!ir, 1 never pad prices:! 8 ROONt.S. STRICTLY MODERN. (7 500 loner ni'l seller know esactly what 1 ami NOW VACANT ItOSE CITY DISTRICT BUNGALOW ! (trictly modern, 5 rooms and den, corner I lot all hard'-surface in and paid, 3 blks. from ' rai comer 49th and Bdwy; this snap is up to jo; price $3250, terms. C. A. Wsrriner. RITTER. UWE & CO.. 203-5 7 Board of TradeHdg j " $1450-J$500 ! The neatest, real classy 4-room bungalow in fie N. E. section; convenient to Jefferson high, I blocks car, 50x100; fruit: best plumbing; basement, lights, etc. : liens paid. G, C, Goldenbers 108 M Third Main 4 903 NEW 5 room bungalow, at Huher station. 75x120 feet of Ground ; gas, well and wood shed; $1500, easy terms. See l't'terson. THE FRED A. JACOBS CO. 104 Sth st. -Mam 6SJ0. "We have been out with a number of real e-tate men and you have shown us better houses for the money than any other firm in the city " This is the report we get from practically every one we show houses. This is due to the fact that we to out after houses and don't wait for them to come to us. Let us show you some of our bargains. J A. WICKMAN CO.. 314 Stark. Main 583 IRVIflSTON HOME Modern 8 room home, furnished. Checker ing grand piano, glaased in sleeping porch, pol ished oak floor., good fireplace anil furnace, full cement basement with gas stove and wash trays, double carage rented tor (10 per inonih, beautiful lawn. Will lease all for IS months. (75 per month. No children. References. 374 E. 0th N. Walking distance, rhone East 550 $2200 Xlf()USES WTLKINtT'DI.STTNf'ir Here are 3 houses on 50x100 lot, 2 houses j have modern plumbing and eas: in E. 27th ; near I'ine, only few blocks to carbains, walkins I distance; improved St. all paid; total price j (2200, easy terms. See FRANK L. M'UUIBE. ABINGTON BLDG.. i To Buy Your Home. Main 1068. j ILs WTHORNE DISTRICT 7-room house, corner lot, 2 blocks from ! carline. worth $3000; will sell for $2150; j $400 cash, balance terms. We have several good 5 and 6-room bunga- j lows; ran sell on eav terms. i I. M. MADDEN REALTY CO.. ! 1028 Hawthorne are. I niiikmii. loins 111 ami loos over my iisungn 4 expcricnc-d real estate- salesmen with autufj at voiir sen ice. , FRANK I .. MGUIRE. ABINGTON RLDC., i To lluv Vour Home. Main 100 MT TABOR , 7 ROOMS. SLKEIMNG PoHCII --CIB0 1M1WN. o MONTH (3500. l or 7 1st and Stark. Beautiful vifw of valler and mountains A big house, lots of r,.nm lurire reuicnt )irt"inent. some fmit ties in yard J L. HARTMAN tUJII'AM Chainhef of Commerce Mam 2)8. A-2050. bldg , Noi 7 4 th and Hta. i BROOKLYN 7 roonn; house furni-died completelyj bljck from car; wonderful buy 4 (2;ino, on ea.-y term, nee i-eiersnu. . THE FRED 104 5 111 M A. See I'etersou. JACOBS CO. Main 6S6. This residence is in one of the high class dis tricts of I'ortlsnd. Ground 100x100 ft Ga raitn in rear. The house has every modem con venience and will compare with anything in the city up to (10.OO0. If you are looking for a htgh clasa home at a barirain see this. Neilan A Uarkhill, 219 Lumbermen bldg. 5th aud Stark sts. i"2g'50TYrICAL BUNGALOW (2050 5 mi. artistic bungalow, I blk. to Alberta car. large living room, art tile fireplace, book cases, panel dining room, plate rail, beamed ceiling, white enamel Dutch kitchen, full base ment, laundry trays; E. 11th near Alberta; price (oH50, terms. See FRANK L. M'UUIBE, ABINGTON BLDG.. To Buy Your Home. Main 106S. -Jow VACANT CLOSE IN I 7 room double constructed house il fine share, cood full cement basement, all hard surface in and mid. s block from ca 17th at Division St.; price (30(10. easy terii: can take Immediate pu-csion. Call at our (flee we will take you c. A. Warriner, RITTF.ll. LOWE A CO.. 208-6-7 Board of Trade Bldg. THERE is No. 18 Kctt St.. and . price is onlv (2250; all improvements in jnd paid for; you cannot build the house fo(2500. Say nothing of the cost of the lot whii should be worth (900; this is a new bundlow and has a basement; the bungalow is motrn: you don't have to look any further thai this if you ant a big bargain; the owner J in ( ali fornia and orders it sold. M. J. CJOHESSY. 415 Abingtou bldf. u aa "i tti" V r ! ; I.ITTf.K HOME. & 085 Yf)U never saw a prettier home frWthis price. It has a living ronm with fireplace, fnint room with buffet end piaterall, kitchen fnd pantry, bath and bedroom, a big cement lasement, a 50x100 lot with several kinds of'fruit trees. You can buy this fur (300 doti and $20 monthly . COE A. MrKENNA CO.. Mn 4522. 82 4th st. Board of Tde. (7nT7Y (800t) fir a modern r-to-date full cemrnt besemeat, treble oonatrrted : no bet ter built house caa be found on E7 2 8th Bt. The owner has been holding this pfce at (4000 and It M cheap enough at that., This is com paratively a new house, on arcfunt of leaving the city he offe it at a sacf'ice. half cash will handle this, M. J. CHESSY. 415 Abinglon bldg. $500 Down and Easy Payments Buvs splendid bungalow facing Laurelhurst Park on E. Stark st. Price $3000. o. T. ALSHER. 502 COUCH BLDG. Richmond District $2500 $300 down will handle; a beautiful 5 room hrue. bath, bookcases, fireplace, south of East 33d and Clinton sts. OEOKGE T. MOORE CO.. Abingtou bide. W'e accept Liberty bonds at par. PROPERTY worth (5000. rented and brincine in (50 per month, residence in east side bnsiness center; must sell; going away; 7 rooms, full cement basement with furnace, laundry tubs, gas heater, rook stove with coil ; also coil in furnace, electric; lot 43x100; can buy $3750, (500 cash, terms on balance. Mr. S. Bay, 1109 Belmont. tlotice to theubltc I have taken charge of ttf real estate de partment of J. Bruce Goddaft'a office at 502 Couch blda. end will be Rd to serve you. Houses, a-react . suburban omes and farms bought, sold and exchanged., G. T. A LSII Ft Pt'OX EM A IX 4 557; (2450 BUNGAt-OV. MEDMOXT DIS TRICT -(450 4 rm. attractive buigai,w, cement basement, bath, tjiilet. tle-., eas. in paved street, liens all paid: (30 will hauija; Uoselann ave. near I uion. See FRANK L M GUIttJ. ABINGTON BLDG.. To Buy Your jjome. Main 1008. NEWLY PAINED AND TINTED Vacant 4ove right in R08E CITT PARK $3400 B rooms, den, sleeping porch. Rector gas heating system. Usual built-ins. Full basement. 1 blk, to car. $600 cash will handle. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 314 Stark. Main B83. Sunday call Tabor 2975 or Tabor 6881 (20 0 6 VACANT" TlOM ; E 7M O X EfSt2 000 5 rm. cottage, newly painted throughout, close to O-VV. K. A N". carshops, large lot, fruit trees; $300 will handle; Beech near Fremont. 1 blk. to Wms. ave. car. See FRANK L. M GUIRE. ABINGTON BLDG.. To Buy Your Home. Main 1069. $1350 -WEST SIDE $1350 0 room plastered houpe with large clean rooms. modern plumbing. Ughhs, paved streets. H block car. Walking dis tance. On Uibbs st. Only $350 cash. ;. C. GOLDEN BERG, Abington bldg. "35 Years in Portland " Main 4803. Woodstock District 5 room bunnalow. bath, Dutch kitchen, builtr in effects, hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, 50x100 lot; a splendid buy for $2950. . GEORGE T. MOORE CO.. Abingtou bldg. We accept Liberty bonds at par. $3200 All aw rnmti paid; 5 rooni modern bungalow: hardwood floors, built in buffet, book eases; Dutch kitchen, cooler. 2 white "enam eled Hedrooms, fireplace, good furnace, cement basement, laundry trays, gas heater; on paved street; 1 block from Richmond car; near 30th. Terms. Owner, Sell wood 24 79. $16 50 B EALBA BOA IN $1650 f rm. plastered bungalow type home, cement basement, white enamel bath fixtures, elect, and gaa, 53d ave.. close to school, vacant, im mediate occupancy; easv terms. See FRANK L. M GUIRE, ABINGTON BLDG.. To Buy Your Home. Main 10t8. FOR SALE by owner. 6 room modern bunga low, 2 porches, French doors, hardwood floors, 2 fireplaces, Dutch kitchen, with screen windows, basement, attic, garage, shrubs and fruit, fine location. Call any week day. 1277 E. 7tU st. N., near Ainsworth ave. ' 470 EAST ASH Between East xth and East 9th $300- Lot 50x100, 4 room house. Now vacant. J. J. OEDER, Grand ave. and E. Ankeny, DO YOU VASTA HOME T I believe my 7-room bungalow will appeal to you; large rooms, hardwood floors, tireplace. furnace, cement basement, close to Sandy; $1000 cash and easy payments will handle. Call owner. East 1947. ! 8oomHouse"$1800 ! 3 blocks Hawthorne car. 4 blocks school, 8 Ox I 100 lot; 53oO will liancile. GEORGE T. MOORE CO.. Abington bldg. We accept Liberty bonds at par. (23 50 SUNN YS IDE bNAP(2350 Modern 5 room bungalow, fireplace, furnace, electricity, gas, large floored attic, full cement basement, improvements paid, 1 i blocks to car. Lota small. At a real bargain. Must be sold. Not an old house. Vacant. Tabor 6539. ROSE CITY PARK 6 room bungalow $4200 Here really is a remarkable bunga low and well worth every cent of the price asked. Exceptionally large living room. One bedroom with lavatory on firet floor and two bedrooms with bath on second. Massive buffet. Of course, it bas hardwood floors, fur nace, etc Located within .i block Sandy, cn 44th st. ROSE CITY PARK $3650 5 Rooms gleepit Porch Garage You just must see this. Can yon imagine buying a 5 room bungalow finished in white throtujhout, with hardwood floors, . fireplace, built in buffet, furnace, etc.. and a great large living room, and garage, all for (3650 7 We have it and all street improvements paid. too. Surely you will want to see this. ROSE CITY PARK $4000 5 room bungalow with every con ceivable bnilt in convenience. This is a remarkable bungalow exception ally wtll built plate class windows. All street and sewer improvements in and paid. ROSE CITY PARK $4400 6 rooms Iocated on Alameda, Irnve near Sandy bird. Has every conceivable convenience. Very costly lhjht fixtures. Of. course, it has hard wood floors, fireplace, bookcases, etc. Street impioveinents all included in price. ROSE CITY PARK CAR $2750 o rooms, hardwood floors, fireplace, built in buffet, full cement basement, etc. Owner must sell, 2 blocks to car. ROSE CITY PARK CAR $3150 This is a bungalow that will appeal to you strongly. 5 rooms, splendid ly hs?ated on a corner, 1 block from Sandy. Exceptionally large living room. beautifully papered. Hard wood lioors, furnace, etc., garage. Owner mu"t sell and has lust reduced price $500. ROSE CITY PARK CAR (2100 4 Room Bungalow Furnished Near 5 8th and Fremont. Hardwood floors, fireplace, etc. Owner muring away. Must sell NEAR LAUD'S ADDITION 0 Rooms $2500 Just think I t rooms on 16th st.. between Division and Clinton, with full 50x100 lot and enrage. .street im provements in and paid. You would never espect to buy a place like this for (2500. Requires $1300 cash. Thi i a genuine barmn and will bo sold quickly. GHOVELAMl PARK. Sweli Bungalow $4200 Really, oiin uf Groveland Talk's nicest homes. Jest as new ami nnxl em as anyone could expect. It will appeal to 5 ,vi Near Hawthorne car and Franklin high school. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT - H2S50 YOU JUST MI ST READ THIS AD. Before we go any further, we want to tll you that we would much pre fer to show this beautiful little bun galow to those of you who have been doing the most looking you who have the behf knowledge of values. You would hardly believe i. possible to buy a bungalow with 5 rooms and den. with hardwood floors, fireplace built in bookcases, writing desk, buffet, Dutch kitchen, cement basement, wash trays and all splendid construction and finish at a of $2850. in chiding street improvements, would you? Surely this is the very zenith of values. SUBURBAN HOME I'ARK ROSE $4 250 Beautiful 7 room bungalow with 1 acre of ground, highly cultivated. House very modern. Potillry house to accommodate 350 chickens. I.ocated near Sandy bird. Electric lights, gas, etc. Let u.s show vou. A. ;. TEEPE CO.. 204 Stark st. near 3d. Main 35 IB. Branch Office 5(th and Handv. open Sunday. ---Sunday Phone---Mr. Hiller. Tabor 8255. Mr. CUotor, Tabor 932 1. BEAL ESTATE FOB SALE HOUSES OPEN SUNDAYS FALLS CITY MORTGAGE COMPANY 617-519 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLDG. PHONE MAIN 3718. $200 Cash on fit Johns til 54) $300 Down 3 room house on St. Johns car; toiieL Price ( 1 1 5 bath and REAL ESTATE FOB SALE LOTS 1$ TWO lots on S. 1st sL fur Bade cheap. Phone Mar. 32 8. ACREAGE (7 REAL ESTATE SrBl'BBAX HOMES 3 room Plastered house, bath and toilet, neat bungalow. Price (950. $150 Cash 4 rooms, modern, good Jjasenient, nice lawn, shrubbery and fruit. Prie $1700. $250 Cash 4 rooms, modern, .completely furnished in cluding piano, close to 4 carlinea, handy for shipyard workers. Price $2250. $300 Cash 4 room bou&e iti first rUa condition. Close to ML Tabor car. Price $1200 aud terms. $250 Gash 3 room bunealuvv, built-in-; anl trays in basement, nice lot fenctid in. Trice $2O00. $300 Cash 5 room strictly modern bungalow in Rose City Park Price (3400 $500 Cash . . 5 room modern bungalow, built-ins, double floors, new hou"-e. Price $2850 $300 Cash 6 room modern hmifv? on Ain- worth Walking distance to Jefferson hich. Price $2700 and ea--y terms. $35Q Cash RIVER BOTTOM 1AK11S MiUer Walter, CorTaUia, Or. 181 Acres 145 acrea under plow, well fenced and cross fenced, cood house, bam and a dairy barn. 40x120 feet with cement floor, stanchions for 38 cows, water piped in. fine (rape vmeyard. peach orchard, apple and other frulta. This place is on a cood graveled road two mile from Corvallis: all river bottom, sandy loam soil. One of the best laruis in Oregon. 1'rice $22,000. Part caslu 12S Acres 5 acres under plow, fenced with woveu wire; timber enoutsh for fuel. Oood house, fine barn, a stock bam. other outbuildings, two mites to town and bih school, family orchard. 124 acre WtcI, sandy river bottom loam. Pr.ce $15,000. Terms. 151 Acres 70 acrea under plow, balance tim ber and slashing, all river bottom loam, good house, stock barn, dairy barn, new silo, woven wire fences, gas encine water system. three to five thousand cords fire wixxl, youne orchard, eoud dairy herd, team, liocs. poultry, farm tools and equipment- Price for all (l.00o. Will consider pan trade for Portland property. 635 Acres About 400 acres under the plow. level river bottom loam, two 2 i-ets of fair buildings, school on tlw place; ail fenced, running" water. I on fine graveled road. miles from ! t orvaliia; plenty of wood and tim ber; family orchard, and other , truiis. This would make two tine farms. Price $65 per acre. Will consider any property of sound value in trade. ! MILLER & WALTER. CorTallia. Or. TiRlcTTo-sTFlTTL LIXE. Right at Jennings lodge. 1 to 4 acres, with or without good 5 room bouse. , good barn, chicken bouse, all kinds choice bearing fruit, English walnut and chestnut tree in bearing, (Tape vineyard, ideal sandy loam aoU. GOOOARD St WIEPRICK. 14$ 8tarfc at. FOR RALE FARMS 17 UN EQUALED OPPORTUXITT eOR STOCK RAISER OR DAIBTalAX. 820 acres, all level land, under wire fence with an abundance of running water: 73 acre meadow. 80 acrea swale land, easily cleared fine timothy land balance stump land, burned over and heavily seeded 'o tame grass fin pasture ; modern 8 room residence with concrete founda tion and basement supplied with soft water from hallow living well by windmill. Two barns other outbuildings situated adjacent to eatenaie outside range with abundance of teea lor rang cattle. tiood market for all products of place Including hay; churches, school and high school within 1 mile of place. On crushed rock high way. R. R. and telephone line in Clarke county. Washington; $15,000 will take this place, half down and easy terms on !alanc or reduction for cash. Owner must sell because of blindnes and inability to manage same. Apply to J. K. Slc Cutchen. Box 10. Nolin. Or. BEAL ESTATE FOB SALE FARM S STOCKTARMS Vacant 0 room modern bungalow in North ! UOR SALE 71 acres, 4.1 miles from Iibanon. Irrington Park. Kireplare, furnace and eveiy thing built in. Price $S30O FALLS CITY MORTGAGE COMPANY 517 51!i CHAMBER OK COMMERCE BL1X1 PHONE MAIN 3718 $2000 i Buys neat 5 room cottage, modern, on paTed j street, several bearing fru'.t trees, lot fiOxloo. i near Union ave. and Skidmore; terms. (5O0 ! cash. $25 per month; liberal discount for ca--h. $2000 Buys 2 4 room cottages on cor. lot ; street im provements paid; Sellwo.wl dist. ; income $300 j per year; a pood investment, or live in one and rent the other. 11500 Fines neat 5 room modern cott-sge. No. 722 ! Umatilla ave.. Sellwood. lot 50x100; a real bargain for the money; essy terms. $3800 Buys (1 rtvom modoni buncilow; sleeping porch, hardwood floors, fireplace, It'.ilch kitchen, built in feat'ireis. This home i very attractive and well built "Tennv if desired R. M OATEWOOII 4- CO. 111. ... 4h -I. Or.. first Class river litlnm cnn.Sv I ... .n - I house 20x28, story and H . i rooms, fine place land bath: barn 50x50. hog houses and chicken i house, mcjstly woven wire. Good dee; well. : ; j acres in cultivation. 13 in go.l wood timber. balance pa lure, all saudv loam; 20 acres of i this land reined this year for $20 per acre. Price $150 per acre. (3500 ca-sh, bal. 5 or ' 10 years. t per cent interest, i 5; acres. 4 mil -s from Lebanon. Or., all level and in cultivation : wheat and clover land; all fenced with woven wire. House 28x32, Btcry and hi. ti moms and sleeping porch; barn 2x 40 and other outbuildings, built in 1!U4: 10c fare to lbanon, nSr fare to Albanv, on South ern Pacific. $0325. lialf cash, balance at U per cent Reference Ix"hanon National bank. M. I SOLTIIARO. Real Estate Agent. l.ebanon, or. 100 ACRES HOGS AXO A I.KALFA OWNER HICK 53 ACRES IRRIGATED This 03 acre farm can be bounht for (! per acre, including farm equipment. All under cultivation; family orchard; soil A-l fr alfalfa, crop thia year; fair net of buildings, creek through place; on Pacific highway: 1 mile from good town. If you want a place for an ideal bum and make monev. go and see this. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO. Broadway 4133. 30"J Oak st. THE BEST BUT ON THE COAST 730 acre in Benton county, about 10 anile. . from Corral lis, S snllea from railroad. 1 mltj( to school, gravel reads, has fair house. 3 bar, all kinds of outbuildings, has spring and rfssrer- fairing creek on place. 150 acrea of ttrA rut .. land (mostly creek bottom) in cultivation, SSO acre of open pasture, "-lie balance partly opera- , and part timber pasture, practically all under woven wire fence. On of the best stock ranches in the Tieinity. About 7S head of m V Shorthorn cattle, 10 head of hone, large flock of chickens, some hogs, farming implement and about 70 ton of bay iu the bars all re with the place for $16,000. Pasture land U . rolling and join on several thousand avcre el . open range. Hun t wait to write. Wire kae gad -come to see the place. Thi ia the lowest prtr and want lialf cash, balance A per cent iatereat. Benton County Farm COW OR SHEEP BAXCH 600 acrea, 7 miles from Corvallis; all land M -open and can be cropped now; about half of - place now u-ed for farming, balance pasture; all fenced and crow feuced; fair barn, poor house, family orchard, not lull land. Place raised tots -year 1000 bushels of wheat. 1300 bushel of -oata, 70 tons of hay and (500 of beans, beard the pture. Total im-orBe over (7000. Can, aell -r for (25.000. $10,000 cash, balance term at 6 per cent interest. - . " SMALL FARM NEAR CORVALLIS 48 acre. 2 V mile from center of town ; 19 acres in crojs, balance in pasture: 3 acrea of'., cherries, part bearing; ftmily orchard, small ... fruita; all fenced, woven wire: 4 room cottage, ; garage, barn. 2 ben houses, good spring water, f . ' . rreek. 3O0 cords of wood on place. Price $8 500s, , $1000 cash, balance 6 per cent interest. tenaaVi " 8MAI.I. FARM BARGAIN'S SO arres. 4 miles from Amity; 63 acres cul-. tivated, 4 room house, barn and out building soil good. 25 acre ready to aow now. spring , ;. and well on place, horse, buggy, wood and somss , furniture for-$270rt. .".. K. I. KINNEY. Corrallis. Or. FULLY EQUIPPED FARM 200 arres Willamette valley. 1 50 acres In cultivation. 1 DO acres plowed inn sowed m wheat, oafs and bay. BO acres in fine pasture, modern 8-room houe with hut and cold water. 3 good birii . v uter pitxd to barns and yard. 4 good horses. 12 head of Durham cattle. 60 head of hogs, complete set of good new farm machinery. Including good new farm tractor, plow and hay baler. 1 mile from R. B. sta tion and store, 0 miles from 2 good towns, school on corner of fa ran. on main county road. I have as good a farm as there Is In the valler. Write me for furher particulars; $22,000 for eiervfhing: ha:f cash, balance terms. Owner, box 102. Harrisburg, Or. R. 1) 2. BEAUTIFUL HOME. CHEAP 23.55 ACRES, all the very flnr-t of sotljand all under high state of cultivation, except about two acres pasture lot; rry good 8 room house, rood barn. 3040. good chicken bouse and park, all outbuildings : good family orchard in ,i i . , , and para, all outiiuiiaings: soon lamuj orunam All In cultivation, good 6 rcom house, large I 0f MMorted fruits in full bearing; also t acr tood barn, 1 mile from good town. 14 miles I brtg ,,nlnra: plw. harrow, gnower. rake, from balein. 40 milea from Portland. Price i cultivator and small tools; locate.! in line. $700.0. (3U00 cash, balance time. 50 ACRES 33 iith in cultivation. 0 room house, gord barn, well, spring, 0 acres prunes, besides good iamuy orchard, oil good road, i wo miles from thicklv settled community with all rural ail- vantages; 14 miles from Vancouver, on good road, near school, and 4 S miles from fine town Price (3150. (15O0 rath, balance easy. THOMPSON. SWAN A THOMPSON. Third Special Bargain In a stock or dairy ranch consisting; of 1200 acres, about 3 acrea of boa torn land under plow. 20 acres mors practically cleared, a small appl or chard; there is a 1 0 room house, rerf largo and substantial barn and sev eral other buildings, two streams run through toe property, the land ia all good, about two thirds of it rough, suitable for stork graaing only, on third could be cleared and cultivated: there is a great quantity of cedar and fir on the place, which could be con verted Into fence posts at a good profit. This place ia only Vs mile from good town, biwise facing macadaaaiaed high way. It would make a splendid dairy or sheep ranch, situated in the Colum bia valley and can be bought for (I5.500; (35O0 cash, balance can h made rayable in 10 years with reason able payments yearly, interest on de ferred paymenta In bt Sr. Otto & Harkson Realty Co, 413 Chamber of Commerce bldg. t ;i.-,o TERMS Twohy Bros, shops blocks. East Ha vis near 54 th. Good lot. biKPIinp n!i Little expe-mer can be made Into bungalow Eoundatlon. r. :s. Toih t in Work 4 weeks and you Have made (100O. A 'so have modern bungalow. Vacant, for $2500 ;-terms. I'orner 54th hnd TsyU r. Phone J. C. BARNES. Tobor Sfiu:',. to.iu and tarlme. $1000: $200'' caih, balance i and Main sts,. Vancouver, Wash time. DILI.MAN & IIOWLAND. Sfh and Main sts., Oregon City, Or. TO FARM BUYEUS: IK TOE AHE A MIKING I OR STOCKED AND EQUIPPED FARMS AND RANCHES, IT IS TO V'oi'R ADVANTAGE TO CALL ON US WE HAVE LARGE LISTINGS OF ALL SIZES LOW PRICES THAT CAN HE USSY TT--iS ." AI RES, crop, located 3 000 feet south of I' Valley road and road, all un der cultivation. 's as re of fir t cla goose- I AND AT lerries. acre unproved c ' Oreaon atraw- 1 BOl'llHT ON berries. 24 trees, 7 jear -U aurly ortln I I . r i ,$. F.I I ;U Fi ..L VALUE. ALL room house, lull basement. cosl well woo - i IMJUIR1E3 CHEERFULLY ANSWERED, inch facing, barn 24x38. concrete foundation. I E . LINDGREN, chicken hou-e 1Si30; price $3500; $11 00 j SAVON LAND Co.. 35 X.-W. BANK BLDG. oah. lstxir Miii. I ATTENTION Spe my r.oif s- reat ini It-arn mv pr.c 1 LOOK, at; 7fS I,. Madiw u st. ; h?r b huuta u'v-r freslniy iiaiuUHl. th i.isiti i fini&lieil 'n i nM ivory. thrv sip 5 rooms,, u furuare, a full, bf(rrt imitHibmiue rl-'vFlitri l'Tiriy aul oaafr 1 r-einent bus-'m:;t, tiie lot alone U Try TnluaMe i'500 7 1 t ?-t. iS k). ' being' 50x11- feft . the bunfralow is Tery mi1 stantial ami mrKk-rn; this jriotrty i vhme n. iralkiiiR diatanoe to tlip businetut cetiir. not sny farther out than 2Klt street, ari only 1 ' Acme Realty Co. 208-9 Abington Bide. Headquarter for farm and cilv proper' y. teU and apart mr lit houses especially for a tuuare deal. A FIXE DAIRY FARM FOR RALE 133 iru, 80 acres high state of cultivation, 30 acres pasture. acre timber. 4 milea R-s-verton, 2 miles Reeilville. "sj mile school and All good soil, well drained, all fenced- i im-'iiTV I big apnng. 1 room and 4 room housvsj, 3 nig i.ior.n i .. i i i itnmn. oarria, mosiein no i'"- - - - r - t-ink. water ipcd to bwiss. barn and hog house. li acres now in growjig croti, 10 acre fine black swale. 11 oows. 3 horses. 13 bxri, wagons, and all otiier nocoasary machin ery, plenty of Ur and feed to run J 1" winter. Present monthly income from milk $16. H Ireeh cows to coino ia soon. Price $150 p? i acre, including everyluuigs- is til consider ho in Portland t $SOOO cash value. Cash $7600. See us b!ok north of Ila'.Tihorne ave ; now listen to: the price---(4000; the lot alone is worth (HO'iO , and the houe you cannot bu.ld for (I0OO: this property is cheap at $7500, you can buy it all with carpets on the fhor. uas range, and other articles for only $4f00: H of tli purchase price can ft-and as 1-ng as you want. M J. CLOHESSV. 415 Abini;toii bl.lg. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT '. Mt. Tabor slope, north Hawthorne ave Strictly ' modern 6 room bungalow, full cement basement, i laundry trays and furnace. j Hardwood floors. paneled dining room and fireplace. All built in convenience. i HOME FOR THE OLD FOLKS ' I'utch kitchen, bathroom and bedrooms all j 2 bouses, one 5 room plastered cottage with n white enamel: ess and electricity, bath and toilet and very neat 2 room cottase ' Beautiful lawn, rose bushes and flower beda ) both on corner lot. 110x75 : 1 block to ML Scctt ! Street imp. ail in and paid car; S:0(( cash, $2C monthly. Fred W. German I Quick car service, one block to two carlines. ! Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce ' $2000 will li.ind'.c. -mail balance, lone time. I wwncr, r. riisi st isncr i:.i" i j t-ROM moiern house. 3 blocks to carline, 1 ; about 0 blocks to school, lot 40x120. in fruit: (100O: (500 cash. 6-ronm houe. ba-ement. gas and electric light; house is almost new; (1700; (100 cash. $25 month 7 room modern house, gas and electric liitht. wash trays in basement, some fruit trees; (200(); $3O0 cash. NEIL SMTH. F. 5 1 4 Foster road. Tabor1 0.1 1 . FOR SAl.L 5 acre-, cranb-iry Iraci, unug on sandy hlvd . 1 mile from Long Bench. Wash . 2 acres benriiu; 3 loom hou-e ami barn, fruit trees; j.ait of it will prudiiee (H00 per acre so uually A ral snap. ;s. U. Moidea. Phone sll wood i k r t . I'holi Mai Acme Realty Co, 7471. 201 Abingt'ii bldg FOR SAIJ-;--ACREAGE o acres, ciltivated. Hou.e. barn, hen houses for 500. 2 llicuha!!-s. 12 miles out. t'lose to station, road, neighbors Price. (IUO, half u'li, EDWARD NELSON. Route 'J. BeavertoTi. I ir 40 Acres for $2350 2 7 milea from Portland. 10 acres in cultiva tion, gwnd 5 room house, barn and chicken, good orchard of all kinds fruit, fine creek and springs. mile to bohool, one team. barnesM and wagon, new plow, liarrow, 3 tons hey, (7 00 cah or Libcrsyy bonds, easy terms on balance. 5 Interest. Open Sunday from 10 to 411 Henry bldg. 80 ACRES balance at per rent. 154 acre. H5 under best state of cultlvatlqft, JO acre timber, balance rut over, all fenced ridge and blac k loam bottom, well drained. W welU. guod family orchard. 25 acre in clever, larg 2 story house, barn 40x0 with he ment, granarv. all other necessary buildings, all l oet of condition, tt miles from IWaverton in Scholl district A nickel farm. Price $25,00(1. toOOV cash, balauce er cent. Tl'CKEK A WHHKI'K, Box 425. Beavervm, Or - BEAUTIFUL BUB U R BAN-FaSST" 11 arrea. all tb very finest of lana; ' , i n t T.1C... l.i.K- -h.I x ,0 A som. improvemenu-. o nine, .re on i,l3,1(,n m ,-nltz rou,,ty, Washington: about Vsnc ..use r. Wash ; . in!" .r. m R " 'l i 33 m.lo5 frm .(rt)nl; 20 acre, cultivated, tlou and 1' : can be had with or wt.umt. b t pasture, balance tlm- stock. itl sell or trade for house and lo or 4. room h.oise Ur ham chicken house. family orchard, earlv and late fruit, several HAWTHORNE DISTRICT Modern 5-room house on paved Streeet. nenr carline; everything paid, at $2350; (4 00 cash balance term-. P. M. MADDEN REALTY CO.. 102 Hawthorne ave. FURNISHED ""COTTAGE-! 1675 Very neat well built plastered cottage, com pletely furnished, on Rose City park line; splen did yard, trait and berries of ail kinds. $275 cash. $20 monthly; all ready to mote into Fred W. German Co.. 732 Cham, pf Cora. 7 ROOM cottage on Mt. Tabor; paving and sewe improvements in and paid fs.r. Lot 50x140; lies high; yard full of bearing fruit tres. Home faces east with unobstructed view; newly painted and papered; gas. electricity "and bath. Price $2050. terms if de-ired. Phone Tabor 4028 IF YOU are wanting a home, lartfe or smilT. call and see us. We have some choice bar gains and it is a pleasure to show them. 4 autos at. your service. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. Broadway 4133 309 Oak st. YOU can save money. ,oou 7 room liou-e. sigh'Iy location, lot 62x150. fruit and gar den. (2730. Ea y terms Cozy bungalow near car. fu.'l lot. $2100 I Easy terms. Tabor 3825. take late model car as fir.t pavuient Addrerf NX-i7s, Journal 5" AfMlES. sell or trade".-price $1500: 4 room houe. barn. 2 chicken houses, 1 ln acres in joung orchard and sniaTI 'ruit. Call 15 N. :,:) st. Phone Broadway 402. Mr. Lambersou. or Tabor 04 Sn, Sunday or evening. FOR SALE. 2 acres in cultivation, 6 room Ionise and outbuildings, 30 minutes' ride on S. P. 4th st. electric csrline. good roads; price (1500. eisy terms. V-411. Journal. springs rand running water, cash, balance on tame, 0 Brown, 1U2 Fourth t. Price (3500. naif per cent. E. U. - I FARM for mle b owner on eycrcunt of sick lies. 4 0 acres in Clark county. Wash., prune district. 6 acre prunes, 4 acre apples, 75 almond and walnut trees, 30 cherry trees, 20 pear trees, all tree bearing. Balance of land under cultivation. Modern house and farm buildings, stick and farm implement. Low price A I TO WANTED Two lot3, near Twohy Bros, plant and COtli. Wiil take good anto. See Peter-on. THE FRED A. JACOBS CO 101 Tub st. Main (ISfio,. HAIF'acre. 87x250. ws'er and electricity. 80 'T term, r or lull part ten ur communicate Wa h.. or phon Bdwy. 224 3. minutes. 6 V c fare. (350; 100x220 with 4- room cottage. (1450. Masters, o;j Wilcox i bids. Phone evenings. East 1193. 1 WTIjI Mdl a few o acr" tracts burned over ; land, (8.50 and (8.50 per acre, easy terms Tb;s is good stuff within 50 miles of Portland 0 40. Journal. 250 ArRES well improved. 2 miles t A. C. college: limning water in every field, all clear; small payment down, rest in 10 years. 5 per cent. Owner. 501 Cusan st. rook r gravel, all level and all in eultieationi well fenced and cros-fenred : good orchard of R J assorted fruits and I acre prune, which pro- duces! ("i-I mis year. saij " .. ern hou with full concrete basement, furnaew, et. worth (300(1. Excellent new modern, bani worth (10O0; large new chicken bouse, etc ;' about K tons ha. 2 or S tona of straw, new' gaa engine, wood saw and pump. Jac. new drill which 'cost (235, wagons, harnea. plow, harrow, cultivators, wood in basement, -all mad tool, etc. This place 1 only 1 tnlle from Vancouver, on fin auto road, sd lea than mile from er line with 25-mlnnt service. I'rice. if sold at once, only (500, (2000 cash, balance as long as desired at per cent This is a beautiful home and monef maker, and will sell to the first man whw ""THOMPSON, SWAN A THOMPSON. Third and Main sts, Vancouver, Waah. FfSno -I'RAt'TICALLY 30 ACRES. 20 MfLT:S FROM PORTLAND: CAN HAVE ELECTRIC LIGHTS AND POWER: J00 CASH: WILL GIVE PURCHASER CHANCE TO USE HIS CAPITAL TO IMPROVE FARM: ONLY IN TEREST AND TAXES REQCIBED FOR SEV ERAL YEARS. GILSUN, 431 Chamber of Commerce. Main 0127. 8 BOOMS, STEAM HEAT. $2ti.-0 1 block to car. tiood district and in A-l con dition. This is $1000 below its real value. Neilan A Parkhill, 219 Lumbermen bldg., 5th and Stark sts. MODERN 0 ROOMS AND SLEEPING PORCH $3100. (400 cash. (35 per month, includ ing iutere3t. 50x100 lot, improvements all in aud paid. Fireplace. A great bargain. R. F FEEMSTEH. 309 Abington bldg. CLOSE IN; 24TH AND BROOKLYN A good 4 room house with bath and big base ment, close to car and school, only (200 down. Total price (1750. Let us show you. COE A McKENNA A CO . Main 4522, 82 4th st. Board of Trade. GROVELAND PARK lot. 50x100. Nice, mod ern. double constructed, 5 room bungalow, all built-in conveniences, fireplace, full base ment, stationary trays, 2 blocks from Hawthorne enr and 4 from Mt. Scott car. Price (3300. Term. Call Tabor 6055 or 447 E. 54th 8. 5-ROOM bungalow, hot and cold water, bath. 4 chicken houses, fruit trees; one whole city block; rich soil. You can make $5000 this year: close in; small first payment and (30 per mouth. Phone Sell. 1850. HAVE 2" modem bungalows on E. 52d St., one 5 rooms, one 7 rooms. These bungalows are well located, v are fine homes, esfered at a bar gain and on good terms. Call and get particulars. Neal Brown, 207 Panama bldg. $2950 BUNGALOW Biggest bargain in modern bungalow, good district. 5 rooms, bath, fireplace, etc. Lesa than $500 will handle: balance like rent. Main 3540. Tabor 7130. SNAP 7 ROOM HOUSE Dandy 7 room house, bath, toilet, electric lights, newly painted and papered; or.iy $2000; Fred XV. German Co. (3UO win nanaie, ask tor air. sines. John E. Howard. 315 Chamber of Commerce. $3250 -Strictly modern bungalow. Hawthorne district. 5 rooms downstairs, 1 up, hardwood floors, fireplace, all builtins, large cement base ment, paved street, all assessments paid; $300 cash. 354 East 45th et. $1900 $300 DOWN 5 room cottage, -electric lights, bath, base ment, cor. lot 04x100. 591 Duke ave. Sell wood carline. LARGE HOUSE, HALF BLOCK Fine fruit and nuts, near school and Reed college, $4 300, take good touring ear up to $1500, $1000 cuh and balance on long time. Call Bell. 264. evenings. STRICTLY modern 5 room bungalow, paved street.. 1 block from carline. all conveniences. $3000. $500 down, balance terms. See owner, 831 Garfield ave. Take Union ave. car to Failing st. A REAL home on the Peninsula, a very good house, large chicken house and garage, lOOx 125 ft. of ground, 14 fine fruit trees, lots of berries and grapes, nice garden; price (1800; (500 down, (15 per month. Columbia 792. A SNAP House and lot. by owner. South PortT land corner, MoAdam and Nebraska sts. In quire Belding. the Jeweler, 245 H Alder st, $1600. Main 1092. $1100 (200 DOWN. $1.1 PER MONTH GROVER AT MACADAM WEST SIDE 4 rixim cottage nn fractional lot. only few blocks to 4 large shipyards, N-W. Steel. Coast and Columbia River ards; this is inside prop erty, walking distance: to:al price $1100: no liens; income 10'; net. See FRANK L. M'GUIHE. ABINGTON RLIw;.. To Buy Tour Home. Main lilri8. CLOSE IN SNAPS K rms., 293 Chrny st. $ 1 8O0 -. (200 cash. 773 Montana ave. 5 rms, $1800. 628 E. Salmon st.. 6 rms.. (S00 cash. 1066 E. Salmon. 6 rms., (2000: (300 cash. 1000 E. Morriion st.. 6 rooms. $1750; $300 cash These properties, are mighty good bny and your inspection ia invited : photos at of fie of 732 Cham, of Com FURNISHED ALBERTA BUNGALOW 5 rooms arjd good floored attic, corner lot. nice lawn, large chicken house, ail r.hkI furni ture, clear of all incumbrance, 2 blks. from car; price $3300, terms. C. A. Warriner. RTTTF.U. LOWE & CO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. LA U R E LHURS T I imi E VV ( (Rl'H $"600 0 . TO BE SOLD FOR (4H..0 Has 7 rooms, sleeping porch, fireplace, hard wood floors, all built-in features, fine concrete basement with furnace, wash trays, etc. Beau ti'ul corner lot with trees and shrubbery, garage. All improvements in and included. R. F FEEMSTER. 309 Abi igton bide. NEAT R-room house. "V acre, water, lights. gas. 30 minutes out on Gresham csr: $1600; $700 cash. balance $10 montlo). T 949. Journal. 40 ACRES good acricultural land at Oysterrille l' reach to Newport summer report. Only $550. Ideal place to Uve, W. H. Burley, 6s5 Irving st. Mar. 2963. BACK to the land and secure i-.n income from $1600 to $2000 per asra growing cranberries; limited acreage. Call or write 319 0th it. 20 ACRES on county read, 10 acres in cnl tivation. $15 per acre. $2 30 down. 117 Philadelphia St.. Pt Johns. A BARGAIN. H acre. 23 bearing fruit trees. 5 room house with basement, about 2-3 fin ished, with ail material to finish. Tabor 3672 $350 FINE garden tract, gas. water. 15 min utes out. $25 down, $10 per month. M. E. 505 Corbett bldg. $800 10 acres, heavily timbered, enough stumpage to pay for Uie land; H mile to Salem electric line. Owner. East 1193. horse Take 4 0 ACRES Oood house, water pitied, and some tools; close to good town. auto and u-rms. Price $2000. Al-o 160 acre of (ood timber. 1 mile from R. R . $20 per acre. Will trade for hou-e and give cash. (.EO MORSE. Owner, 309 Chamber of Com. ! GASTON, 50 ACRES. (9000 ' 1 ij miles from Gaston on good road; all in i cultivation, modem 0 room dwelling with cement basement, hath and toilet; large born; hearing i orchard: black loam bottom land, well drained; backs down to Tualatin river: very best land. Terms half cash. Goddatd A Wiedrick, 243 Stark st, 14 ACRE ranch. 14 milea out on 2 electric lines, adjoining goes! tow n. on rock road 1 1 "4 acre in cultivation, good set buildings, hot and cold water, bath and electric lights, fine or chard and view. A splendid buy at $1500. Terms J. II WOLFF. 018 Chamber nf Commerce bldg ONLY $450 for 4 0 acres, terms. 422 '4 1st. Portland 23 miles. WILL SELL my equity in 3 room furnished house, with sleeping porch, gas, telephone and o com oi woou in sueu, cueap; irun i-rees. gar- IT KCDT 1 TlR'TD Il-T $2750-5 reom bungalow th attic. .1 den and; leavingcity. Call Tabor 8601. built-ins, full cement basement, imp. in and included in price. Term'. A. WICKMAN CO., 314 Stark. Main 583. $3000 6 room bunalovr. modern except heat, fireplace, a! built-ins. new hardwood floors, imp. all in and paid, near ML Tabor ear. 'lencoe school district .1 A. WICKMAN 0.,S14 Stark. Main 583. l2!T5"HA WTHOfvE BTJngAIX) W $2250 5 rm. bungs low i paved street, full cement basement, paneled dilng room, beamed ceiling, elect, and gas, w hltcenamel plumbing. E. Sher man street; terms. Be FRANK I.. M GUHE. ABINGTON BLDG.. To Buy Your Hum, Main 1068. HdfsE' oilSBLNGS OF MERIT 1 lot and shack , $ 550 1 lot and 4 Toon . . . . 800 50x208 lot, 4 rtnis, good '2100 25x100 and 6 T'ins 1750 Esy terms. julan & Parkhill. 219 Lum hennans bldg.. 5 and Stark sts. ALBERTA CAR. $2150, $200 DOWN Nice 5 room house, all on one floor. Big liv ins room, good basement. A fine little home. Close to car. COE A. McKENNA A CO., Main 4 522, 82 4 th st . Board of Trade. i ONLY $1200 for a good 3 room house with I full lot on the west side, in c fine location, t There is a full brick basement, electric light, I gas. city water and close to a city school, $200 cah is all you need M. J. CLOHESSY. 415 ! Abington bldg. $2250 IRVINGTON FK. BUNGALOW $2250 5 rm. modem bungalow, tun lot, white enamel Dutch kitchen, paneled dining room, builtin buffet, close to car: easy terms. See FRANK L. M Gl IKE, ABINGTON BLDG., To Bny Your Home. Main 1068. $2900 7 room modern home with sleeping porch, rnaee, full basement, laundry trays, uwi bout-Ins. Near Franklin high. 1 H blats to car. A. WICKMA Sunday call Modern .rms. CO., 314 Stark. Main 583. Ibor 2975 or Tabor 6881. UNNYSIDB house.', close in. 1025 Gasco bli $1050 5 rood. blocks handle.. J. A. WICKMA1 II F. II AN MCELLER. 250. Main 1480. tic, built ins. furnace. 1 car; reciuire $300 cash to MONTAVILLA BUNGALOW 5 rooms, all modern convenience. $1900. Easy terms. f ill. (675 ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT Cozy 2 room plastered house, lumber fcr building on 2, more rooms. Good full lot with cement sidewalk. Some cash, balance like rent. Interest 6 per cent. Tabor 6559. 3 ROOM house and 2 lots. 50x200. all assess ments paid, lights, water, gas, toilet, close to 2 carlines; will sacrifice for $1250, small pay ment down, balance monthly. 2080 E. Stark st M-V car to Stark st. and 2 blocks east. $10o cash or Liberty bonds will buy my 5 room house. I am called east. Just built, never been occupied. At 1658 E. 8th N., near Buffalo, in Woodlawn district. Balance (20 per month. Call Main 1442. AT Portsmouth. 20 lots corner. 3 room house furnished, also small of 'ice bldg., furnished. Paved street. A big bargain at $2100. Cash, $300. balance to suit McCIure St Scbmauch Co.. 306 Railway Exchange bldg. 1025 Gasco bldg. HERMAN MOELLEI Main 1480. A TTe"AL snap by owner: 9 room house, lot 50x100. comer 27th and Gladstone are,, 1 block to car. Price $2500; reasonable payment down, balance monthly, if desired. Phone Wood lawn 410. FOR SALE, cheap, 5 room modern bungalow, 1559 Atlantic st-. near St. Johns carline. Phone Woodlawn 4855. TWO modern biajigalowa in beat part of Haw thorne; price $3250; cash $500. balance to suit. Sellwood 3588. 489 E. 34th st. IRVINGTON Charming modern 7;room house; sacrifice price; owner leaving oity. Call East 8834. RICHMOND district, rooms and sleeping porch, thoroughly modern. A big snap at 83000; terms. Sellwood 1036. 6 BOOM modern bouse, basement, corner lot. 50x100; very small payment, balance like rent; close in. Tabor 6012. VA3rTED- -Ford machine as part payment on 5 CO.. 81$ Stark. Mala 688. 1245 Washington at, Main 3759. J. J. OEDER. Grand are. and E. Ankeny. WELL built 6 room house, cozily furnished. 1 block from I. car. I'aved street. For sale reasonable. W'dln. 4840. BY OWNER. $2500. 6 room bungalow, sleep ing porch and den. Berries, shrubbery and 4 fruit trees. Well built. 1 block from car. 609 K 22d st. Phone Sellwood 608. $3000 80 acre rancn, 13 acres cleared; run ning water: good alfalfa land; near Troutlake. Wash.; $1000 down, balance easy. Owner, 830 Haight ave.. Woodlawn 209. $100 DOWN (1000 VACANT BUNGALOW (1 900 Attractive bungalow, full basement, elect, and gas. Dutch kitchen, white enamel plumbing fix tures, full lot, house like new, 3 blks. to Mt. Tabor car; a bargain. See 1 RANK L. M GUIKE. ABINGTON BLDG., To Buy Your Home. Main 1068. ROSE CITY PARK. 5 room bungalow. Will take automobile or bght truck as part pay ment. 874 E. 80th st N. Write Box 411 Gladstone WILL sell my neat 2 room house with gas and gas lights, 4 2x135 foot lot. blocks from Fir land station, cement walk, $550, terms. R. J. Stetfy, 5418 94 th. BUSINESS corner, modern bungalow, 5 room, full size ba-"ement, gas and electricity; comer lot, fruit trees; lot 100x100; price $2400 Call 4827 4 5th ave. S. E BARN and lot. comer McAdam and Nebraska ' st.. South Portland, $700. Inquire Belding, the Jeweler, 245 H Alder st. Main 1692. MT. TABOR, house and largar"lot, only $300 down, balance easy, may be part acreage 5 or 10 miles out. Tabor 2387. FOl'R room house.. 2 lots, 1 block of car. $1030 $150 down. (15 per month. 6 per cent interest. 6113 85th at S. E. ' Call Sell- wood 459. GOOD little home, 12 H blocks to car; 4 rooms, water, gas, electricity, toilet. Price $830. Small payment down, balance terms. 821 Chamber of Commerce. FOR eSALE Modern 6 room 1 - story house. newly tinted. 8054 63d ave. 8. E. Mt. Scott Owner. Tabor 1890. $1500. Terms. FOR SALE 5 room bungalow, all modern. 2086 Hawthorne. $1600. Terms. See owner, 250 E. Water at. $1400 NEW SIX ROOM ItO'USE lOOilOO corner, extra fine soil, berries, etc. Phone Tabor 8191. 7-ROOM bungalow, St. Johns car; must sell, leaving city. Make me an offer. 220 H Grand are. E. 8325. mornings and evenings. THREE- room aback. Rose City "car. 50x100 kit $900. Terras, A dandy buy. Pbon Wdla. 5447 vaniitgs. 5 ROOM modem cottage, lot 50x100. fruit trees and berry bushes; price $1550. IPhone Wood- lawn 4 8 3 4. 4 ROOM bouse, electric lights, gas and garage, sidewalks, $900; terms; 3 blocks' to car. In- qnlre owner. 6218 71st id. S. lt; FOB 8ALE Modern 6. room bungalow, with or without furniture; 2 lots; in Gladstone. Phone 487-R. FOR SALE BY OWNER SIX ROOM BUNGALOW. HOLLADAY PARK. RESTRICTED DISTRICT. Cement basement, trays, gas, electric light, A-l furnace, sleeping pcrcii. (3750. (500 down. Save agent's commission. Owner will ac cept (ISO less if closed Sunday 839 Wasco st. Phone Eaft 71 80 or East 7685. $2300 ADJOINING ALAMEDA PARK Very attractive bungalow. 50x11)0 lot. in Prescott at. near 83d; full cement basement, fireplace, elect, and gas. white enamel plumb ing and sleeping porch, Broadway car; price $2300, terms. See FRANK L. M GUIRE, ABINGTON BLDG.. To Buy Your Home. Main 106S 8CBCBBAN HOMES 7 IF YOU want an acre or two acres or more with nice comfortable house, the land highly improved with bearing fruits, close to the school house, station, on hard surface arreet at Oak Grove, all of these placo are close to the river, one place especially of 1 acre with a comfort able 6 room house and 1 full acre right on the hard surface street, we will ell for only (1200, about half cash This acre is posi tively the bet soil to be found. Seml-beaverdam, and lias a variety of fruits coming into f ill bearing. M. J. CIXHIFSSY. 415 ABING TON BLDG FOR SALE $3000 modern bungalow, 27x42. 5 rooms, 2 closets, center hall, vestibule, porch, veranda, sleeping porch, double con structed, hand finished. 3-coat white outside, golden oak finish inside. Wood house, hen house: acre tract fenced; 50 fruit and orna- ' 320 or mental trees. All kinda of berries, currants. grapes, so rose nusfies. Ban Kun water. 160 ACRES, IB mile from Corrallis; 4 5 acres in cultivation. 40 acre good timber, balance easily cleared: 7 room houte, zood water ami springs: woven wire fence; has 4 cows, 2 cslve. 25 goat, good team and aaddl horse. 6 tons of hav; everything in line of machinery; all for (4000; easy terms. Peters. 13 X 3'h t. INFORMATION 80 ACRES 80 10 Mil. EH i'KOM PORTLAND All good land. 60 acres under cultiva tion . 13 acres beaver bottom, balancw A-l rtune land. Lay fine. Family oe cliard. apples, pears, cherrie. Beaotifad piece of ground ami will appeal to anyone looking for a borne place. Good buildings, one 8 room house and one 10 room hou, modern: barn for 40 brad of caUla, 1 for 7 horse, granary, bog house, brick nilik house, machinery and chicken heusa. Creek through place Price 118.700, in cludes all stock and personal property; terms. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO. Broadway 4 133 90 Oak SEVEN rooms, modem, a; new nace. fireplace, lot 100x100, corner, garage. 3 bloeks to car. A snap at (2500. Terms to suit. Owner. Tabor 517. FARM BUYERS Consult someone who know thoroughly the Pacific Northwest and the dependable farm bar gains. Apply at our office for free descrip tive bargain list of large and small farms in Oregon and other Western states. Offerings based upon personal ir.vetigations. O. H. Skotlieim Co., ftth floor llenrybldg.. Portland. aTsTTionest-w n e a t : h a nch Of 640 acres, all under cultivation, good house and bam. only 4 mile down grade haul. 2KO acres fall sown wheat. goes with ranch at price of only (20.000; small cah payment; j might taae small nnme piece ueaine. rs- me. roctn 335, Hoyt hotel. 160 acres. Northern California. Sub- irriaated. ertian belt Raise grain, alfalfa. berries, anything. 100 acres plowed, balance block to car, near hih school, standard rrade I pasture easily cultivated C acres alfalfa. Near school, public library, churches and lodge. S. P. R R town. 800 pcpulatJoo. Easy term. Paved road. Income property. N. O. Fuller Take port in acres r.r rMy i.rosierty or rent Gresham. Or., owner. J. G. Thomaseen. 531 Y. M C. A. VVHAT;S the matter with this good substantial j FINE dairy propoaition. 90 acre, all in crop. 70 ACHF.8. all level and very best of aodl -about 8 acres beaver dam. about 4 5 acre b. cultivation: plenty of timber for family we, balance easily cleared; good 6-room hotuc, cood- large barn; all neceseary ouiDuticung : piac is well fenced and rrc--fenced. Good family er? . rhard cf assorted fruits: good well and fin rw)- rung stream ; on county road, ail rural 4vaa-r taxes; near good school: 4 mile from flaw town, 20 miles from Portland. Price. II soM soon, only (8000. Can make very easy .term, 1 3 acres, very fin soil, no rock or gravI, xarnt all cleared; 8-rooxn house, barn, etc.; fin aarU) road; Joins school and station. Pric $2200, small issyment down. " :. THOMPSON. SWAN A THOMPSON. 84 , and Main ata.. Vancouver. Waster jg - 207 ACRES in Douglas nounty. 2 V mil fmi , Oakland on Pacific highway. 76 aer cleared fenced, aom good oak timber. Pric $8000 This is good. Terms or trad for city property. ; i V "(in irns near Sheridan. 40 to 50 under cultivation, fine stoek and grain f am, family orchard. Well watered, good buUttiria.., (8000. Bell or trade. r -'. 5'i acre in 8 mile nf Portland. AH enlrlf -vated. 2 house and 3 barn, on Oraim Elw-J trie II. R. Thi Is good Price. (3000 a VUI trade for timber west of Cascade. ' We 1iv many other. Urr and small. 481 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. MAIN 12T. 80 ACRES. POLK CO . (4O00 . Black loam, moetly bottom, aom gently slopj Ing all in cultivation. No bnildtng. Cah rental lat year (230 1 mile from station and School. :.- OODDARD A WIEDRBK. 243 Sfrtt et. FOB RF.5T FARMS 1 4 room hcra" with nuch ronreniene-ri a city watfr. ras electric Ihxht. bath and tuilet? With thia hnu? ro-M almost of an acre of cround in hich t of ruJUTation, with a Tariety of fniitfl in full bparine T!i uricm w nnlv SiOO All Yfitl nrt"i i 3 SO rash It is rlrttj Tvntirh ! land. Z-710. Journal. SMALL FARM 20 miles from Albany. Farming Implement and stok Included. Also building. On Pacific highway and R. R. Price (150 per acre. H cash. bal. 10 years. 6 per rent, or may take half in umncurabereci income property ui ion- -r t , sj to the carline with 5c fare, only 5 blocks from ly tinted. fur-, rit ,nd off trom , hard sur face rtr-et. M. J. CI.OIIESSY. 415 ABING TON BLDG. FOR SALE LOTS 1 MR HOUSEKEEPER, HERE i your opportunity. We will sell you a splen did building lot together with the lumber for your house, both on easy paymenta. You can build during your spare time, either a temporary home of one or two rooms, or a permanent home, just as you choose. Stop paying rent. Come in and get our plan. COE A. McKENNA A CO . Main 4522. 82 4th t.. Board of Trade bldg. IRVINGTON PARK CORNER, t550 (100 CASH. Kear school and car. east and north front. I fine fir trees, cement walks. RITTKK, HI, 203-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. FOR SALE On Oregon City road, between Oak Grove and Rupert stations. 2 arre. 1 25 acres, 1 V mile from valley town, all bottom land and all in cultivation, "fin soil, new buUdUngs; price (2800. Take (1150 rash, balance mortgage. Lueddemenn Co., 918 Cham ber of Commerce. acre cleared, good log bungalow, gas in house. 52S ACRES of good wheat land surrounded by also wired for electricity. Good well, fruit and ht of wheat farms, good Ietie. water, no berries on place. Pric (2300. Terms. (300 1 buildings, in Gilliam county. This is the big down, balance monthly. Address Box 142, Oak I barzain st (15 per ten today. Full de tails at Mcc iur ax Bcnroauco co.. a mo xtau- way Exchange bldg. Grove. Or 22 ACRES. CLACKAMAS STATION. $3250. Nearly all in cultivation, small creek, 7 room house, ham, chicken house, H mile from school. $1000 down. GODDARD 4 WIEDRICK. 248 Stark rt. 5-ROOM house in Woodlawn district. $1800; small payment down, balance like rent; can move right in. Woodlawn 3832. MODERN 4 room cottage, near S. P. shops, st. improvements and sewer paid. $1800. Phone East 3225. 5 ROOM house, newly painted and tinted, $1800, term. East 2838. FOR IRVINGTON properties. East 273, Herdman. all prices, call ROSSMERE LOT. On 43d st. just off Sandy. All street im provements in and paid, east front, little above grade; price $1000. RITTER. LOWE A CO . 203-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. LOT 50x112. located 375 52d st.. near Lin coln, with shack, which could be worked into a fairly good residence at small cot; on bard-surfaced street. Phone Tabor. 730, or call 888 E. Salmon st. FOR SALE On 6 room modern bona and garage. Terms. Call Olsen, Kar. 867. . FOR SALE 100x100, in fair building, near St John. Call East 4366. 6 ROOM xuodern bouse. 466 a6lh at. north. FBETTTMAN addition, lot rf . block 1. & Washington st. near 6 1 rt ; improved, clear tftle; see and make of far. Lieut. T. M. Small Fort D Molne. Iowa. CHEAP kxt. 50x100, facing Killingsworrh ave. A 60 ft, sT. Near 11th st. Cement walks, water. Call Woodlawn 4828. 40x100 lot, $225, ti down and $5. mo. Phone Tabor 82. ONLY $2100 for a new 3 room bouse, all of the city convenience, on the Oregon City carline. The house is modem, right at Ever green station, 2 block from the carline. Terms given M. J. CLOHESSY. 413 ABINGTON BLIK5. CAPITOL HIIX $1150. One and one sixth crea, bordering on ereek. all in timber, surrounded by good homes, bo buildings, ideal building site. GjyPDAKP A WIEDRICK, 243 Stark st. OREGON CITT LINE! 2 acre. h mil from Courtney station, 4 room bouse, chicken house, well, small fruit tree; pric $2500. GODDARD A WIEDRICK. 243 fltarg t. TIG AkDVILLE HEIGHTS. , 8 Acres House, Bam $2750. 70 rods east ef Taylor Ferry road, good toil. over half cleared. GODDARD A WIEDRICK. 248 Start t. V4 ACRES at 82700, 18 miles from Portland. clot to train and station. 5 room hosase, eiec trte right and city water. Tabor 7896. TWO acne finest soil, fair 4 room bona, barn, poultry house, on the highway, near Multno mah. Terms. Oilman. Garde Horn. Main 8480. HETTOjTof goodTwbeat land, good wtr, buildings. Exchange or rent. Owner Port land widow. Morrow county, e for par ticular. McClur A Scbmauch Co., 80$ Rail way Exchange bldg. 3t5o acre. 50 acres In cultivation. provements. a mile By., cood im- 4 mil to school. No stock or equipment. Wilt sell on easy terms. Walter Boswnrm. Forest Grove. Or. 40 ACRES, all in cultivation, good building) good orchard. Just s mile oft Pacific high way; pric $8000, some trade; 16 mile from Portland. Sellwood 8588. 4 89 E. 34th at, WHO want to buy a dandy 40 ace farm, all storked and ready for work T A fine buy for a bachelor. For information call at 598 Wll- Usms v FIVE acre, $ mile north of Vancouver, near Pacific highway. Hou, bam, good water, fenced. $1000. Half cash. Inquire (803 Ota st. S. E. DO YOU want good 320-acr wheat ranch f Partly .equipped and Blocked; will sacrific to sell or trade at one. L-880, Journal. TesT-ACRES, bargain. Tiola vicinity. Swank, 817 Henry bldg. 450 ACRE Willamette valley farm. Owner, 80 1t at-. Portland, Or. THKKE No. 1 Polk Co. f arms, ft i per acr. Tnpp, Imdependeaea, Or. FARM FOR RENT STOCK AND EQUIPMENT FOR BALK 60 acre. bovtt 1 to 20 acre in cultivation. ' 10 acrea slabbed and seeded to past n re, . . timber on place, one 5 room boos and 2 rooas l.oua. good bam. necessary outbuilding. fva ily orchard In full bearing, together with tn following personal property: 8 horse, 2 t harness. 2 wagons. 2 wood racks. I cow 3 pigav plow, cream separator, kale and arnTI tool price, including flrt year' rent, $1050: pe . is located 6 milea from good railroad taw snd beat transportation; ha an rural d-n4 tage. and In thickly settled com an unity. Those p on. Swan A Thompson. 3d and Main (U., Van . coiiver. Wash. FOR RENT 10 acre of good gardaa land, , iniil nn the ear SKI, w 7 naaiva. Apply room 203 Henry bid. of 1 and 4 p. m. bet. lh aour TWO to 1 5 acre, house. brn Close in. nr tie carline. Cheap rent. Apply cor. 8th. and E. Stark. Mt. Tabor (M. T. 88tb) ea to and. 4 blocks north. 1 east FARMS WAKTKP RF.yT OR BUT II WANT to rent farm with otm bearing pran orchard; want good land and brjildinga. Will give rejerenoe. F. A. Warner. Koburg. Or. Vv-AEB-C.oeU farm. 5 to 100 atnt, XC W. Garland. 188 3d. HOMEHTEAD9 47 MOSTWUABLE HOMESTEADS IN THE UNITED STATES - and tb most dedrabl from every ataxtdp'rinty li alone Un of new Btraborn By.. ' in Bend district of Central Oregon; splendid climate, beanUful country, part timber, pan prairie-; so clearing; erur first year; 160 acre Irrigated . homestead. 830 and 640 acre grain a4 aterk -ratal rig homesteads: hast good fr land; direct entry: no drawing; settler moving la rapidly. For full details. nee ato-oooa ar cntruEl on Toawday. Thursdays, tsatuntays: tak ill. Tabor or liawtho-n ave. ear.. Liters tata m reci nest. G. S. Ehla (gevsmoaent bad crur' , 227 . 4!t- U S. ,