The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 23, 1918, Page 12, Image 12

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giving in 3ts
ense to
in -Portland
festival Spirit Will Be Subordi
nated to That of Genuine Re
turn of Thanks for Blessing.
Churches Plan to Celebrate Great
Event Both on Forthcoming
Sunday, Besides on Day Itself.
. TTianksKlvinir, w-tilch In the recent
years past, had lost much of its original
Inspiration, and had assumed more of a
pirit of festivity and Jollity than of
religious thanks for the blessings show
- ered upon the earth, this year Is getting
back to a conformance with the orig
inal Idea.
The churches In Portland, to a great
,; ar extent than In previous years, will
i .hold services on Thanksgiving day. In
most cases this being in addition to a
Thanksgiving celebration on one or both
- of the services Sunday.
Thanksgiving for the ending of the
world war, the bountiful crops, and for
the manifold other blessings that are
to jrow out of the recent world war,
form the burden of the themes of the
various ministers, while. In addition to
these, the churches are preparing elab
orate musical services.
The services on Thursday will be
purely of a thanksgiving nature, words
of thanks to the Almighty being said,'
and In many cases more or less elabor
ate discussion of the great good fortune
which has suddenly come upon us, will
be Indulged In by the pastors, or In
soma cases laymen.
First Presbyterian
A great patriotic Thanksgiving day
service will be held at First Presbyte
rian church. Dr. John II. Boyd, the
pastor, will give an address on "Amer
ica's Part In the War." This Is the ad
dress which made such an Impression
when given before the Rotary club last
Tuesday, and it will be repeated by re
quest. Music will be furnished by the
First Tresbyterlan orchestra, with the
- treat organ, and by the quartet. There
will be a large number of patriotic songs
for the audience to celebrate the victory
and the coming of peace. All are wel
tome to attend this service.
Churches Meet Together
Union Thanksgiving services will be
- held at the White Temple, Thursday, at
10 a. m. The First Baptist, First Meth
odist, First Congregational, First Chrls
. Man and lAitheran churches and others
will Join In a grand Thanksgiving serv
ice. The pastors of the . respective
churches will be present and participate
in the services, and the Rev. Joshua
Btansfleld, D. D., pastor of the First
Methodist church, will deliver the
Thanksgiving sermon. The Temple
quartet, of the White Temple will fur
ntsh the music for this service. Fol
lowing the Thanksgiving address, a song
service will be conducted by Harold
Hurlbut, musical director of the White
Temple, In which patriotic songs will be
Union Service Planned
. Union Thanksgiving day services will
be held at 10:30 In the Calvary Baptist
church. East Eighth and Grant streets.
Rev, J. E. Thomas, pastor, and will be
presided over by Rev. E. D. Hornschuch
of the Evangelical church. Rev. A.
Beers, the Free Methodist church pastor,
will read "and comment on the Presi
dent's proclamation. The Thanksgiving
' prayer will beed by the Chrfstian Al-
llance pastor, Rev. J. E. Fee. Rev. J. A
Goode of the United Evangelical church
will give the sermon. All the church
choirs are expected to Join In leading
the congregational singing. Special
"A Ifiving Sacrifice'
SERVICE J:9 P. 51.
"A Nation's Gratitude"
B. T. P. U. SERVICE :S0 P. M.
Assembly Room
Portland Hotel
TOPIC 11 A. M.
Steps to Freedom
Assistant to pastor
Laura Geddes Henry
Miss Laura Geddes Henry Is the effi
cient assistant to Dr. Edward H. Pence,
pastor of the Westminster Presbyterian
church. East Seventeenth and Schuyler
streets, upon whom devolves many Im
portant details of the work of a very
large modern-day church plant.
Miss Henry was graduated from the
PreBbyterian training school at Chicago
In 1916. While In training, she had field
work with the United Charities and the
Juvenile Protection association, and
during her senior year was on the staff
of the Second Presbyterian church.
She was assistant to Dr. Pence, when
he was pastor of the Fort Street Pres
byterian church of Detroit. She served
In the same capacity for Dr. Sherman
L. Divine of the First Presbyterian
church, Spokane. She has been with
Westminster church here since July.
numbers from different churches in the
"Enter into his gatei with thankseirlnt.
And into hi courts with praise;
(;1tb thanki unto him snd bless his name.
For the Lord is good He is God."
Piedmont Presbyterian
There will be union Thanksgiving
service In the Piedmont Presbyterian
church, Cleveland avenue and Jarrett
street, at 10 :30 Thursday morning. In
which the Woodlawn Methodist and
Christian churches will unite with this
church. There will be special patriotic
music rendered by a union choir under
the direction of Miss Alice Mae Phelps.
The speaker for the occasion will be
Fred Lockley, the very popular T. M. C.
A. man of our city, who has so recently
returned from the war front In France
with a wonderful message. The service
will last one hour.
Calvary Presbyterian
A special Thanksgiving day service
will be held at Qalvary Presbyterian
church, corner of Clay and Eleventh
streets, Thursday morning, at 11 o'clock,
to which the community and general
public are Invited. Special music will
be rendered and an appropriate sermon
Union, at University Park
The University Park community will
have a union Thanksgiving service in
the Congregational church, Thursday, at
10:30 a. m. Rev. Mr. Black, pastor of
the Baptist church, will deliver the ser
mon. Special music will be furnished
by the choir of the Methodist church.
All are most cordially invited to this
St. Davids Episcopal
A great Thanksgiving service will be
held In St. Davids Episcopal church .on
Thanksgiving day, at 10 a, m. The of
fering will be for the Good Samaritan
One Service at St. Johns
The entire group of St. Johns churches
will unite in the world's greatest
Thanksgiving In services at the Baptist
church, at 10 a. m. of that day. Songs
of peace and triumph by all the people
will be led by Mrs. Burton, and Minute
men from each of the churches will give
terse, pithy speeches under the general
ship of Rev. J. T. Merrill of the Congre
gational church.
Vernon Presbyterian
The Thanksgiving services this year
have an especial meaning, and Rev. Mr.
Landsborough of the Vernon Presbyte
rian church will, therefore, hold a spe
cial Thanksgiving service In the church
on the morning . of Thanksgiving day at
10 o'clock.
Christian Character
Dr. Stansf ield's Topic
Capacity audiences are the rule at the
East Side Christian church and last
Sunday's congregations were well up to
the standard. The strenuous times in
cident to war have not seemed to hinder
the work-of the East Side church. Dtir
lng the pastorate of Rev. R. IL Sawyer,
the church house has been bought and
paid for, remodeled, painted and dec
orated and transformed into one of the
neatest church auditoriums In the city.
Mpre than 200. new members have been
added to the church roll. Rev. Mr.
Sawyer enters upon his third year with
the congregation Sunday.
Influenza Suggests Sermon
"Thoughts on Theology and Religion
Suggested by the Influenza Epidemic"
will be the subject of a sermon Sunday
morning at 11 at the Church of Our
Father, Broadway at Yamhill. The
evening forum will be omitted until De
cember. William O. Eliot Jr., pastor.
Mr. Cltlxm:
Slnll Amerir continue to purge henelf of
the anti-American element within her bor
der, or shall she drift back to a life of purely
patriotic indifference u the result of cirlnc
herself to money malting? Some of the
things that America ought to do. and will do.
are to be presented Sunday morning. There
wul be bo queation about their patriotic la
Vi'-A '" ' 'V'' " "J"' f - -" J
Morning Program Thanksgiving
Day at First Christian
Church House.
The eight congregations of the Dis
ciples of Christ in Portland will unite
this year In a union Thanksgiving ser
vice at the First Christian church on
Thanksgiving day morning at 10 :30. The
sermon will be delivered by the Rev.
J. F. Ghormley of the Rodney Avenue
Christian church, and a special pro
gram of music 'will be rendered by the
First Church quartet.
On Tuesday evening at 6 :30 the Bible
school workers of the First Christian
church will hold a 'dinner and confer
ence at the church to plan for the
church's Christmas celebration. An in
terdenominational rally for all the inter
mediate Endeavorers of the various con
gregations of the city will be held at
this church on Friday evening at 7 :30.
Rector to Talk on
Why Go to Ohurdh
Dr. Morrison will discuss the question,
"Is Religion Necessary?" In Trinity
church Sunday morning at 11 o'clock.
Relating to the subject, the rector said :
"In our time there are many respect
able people who never go to church.
Presumably most of them see no necessi
ty for going. If it be true that they
are losing something of real value they
should know ot- it. What of the chil
dren who grow up with neither the fear
nor love of God in their hearts?"
In the evening the sermon will be
one of a series on "The Psychology of
Religions," giving a modern view of
scientific religion.
Sunday school will be resumed this
coming Sunday at 9 :45.
Rose City Quartet
Doing Good Work h
The Thanksgiving spirit will prevail
this Sunday in all the services of the
Rose City Park Community church; Dr.
Robert H. Milligan. pastor. The quar
tet, under the direction of Stanley Nor
vell, is doing excellent work. Great
Interest is being shown In the Sunday
school contest, the beginning of which
the. superintendent, M. St. Clair, an
nounces for next Sunday. It is an "On
to Berlin" contest, between army and
navy as represented by the boys and
girls, respectively.
St. James to Hold
Memorial Service
A memorial service fer Frederick Nul
ton of the United States iavy, who died
in Russia, will be held at the St. James
Lutheran church in connection with the
Sunday morning services, and the first
gold star will be placed on the service
flag of the church.
A meeting of the members of the
Laurelwood Cbngregatlonal church will
be held after the morning services. Sun
day, to be followed by a luncheon. All
members are urged to be present.
Sunday Before Advent
Uniform Sunday School Lesson
" Jacob ' Heturn." or "Pacing the Consequence
of a Wrong Deed." Gen. 83:1-11.
Golden Text: A Sort Answer TUrnein Away
Wrath.'' rroverbs 15:1.
Young Peoples' Topies
Christian Endearor -."Count Tour Mercies."
I. Chron. 29:10-14. (ThanksgiTing MeeUng.)
Baptist Union "Count your Mercies. i.
Chron. 29:10-14. (Thanksginng Meeting.)
Junior Christian EndeaTor "How t'an We
Help Males Our Missionaries Thankful?" Ps. 146.
Epworth League A Call to aeparauon.
Ex. 32:26.30-34.
Frrt White Temple. and Tayloi' HeT.
William A. Waldo. 11. "A Urine Bacnlice."
7:30. "A Nation't Gratitude."
East Side E. 20th and Salmon tier. w.
B. Hinson. 11, "The Missed Blessing." 7:45,
'The Becorery of God.
Third Vancourer and Knott Re. Webley
J. Bra Ten. 11, "Does Prayer Change God?
7:45. "The Trnth About the Second Coming.
Arleta Re. W. Garnet Handler. 11, A
Good InTestment"; 7:30, "Do It Now.'
MontsTilla Dr. S. J. Beid will preacn. 11,
"The Strangest Hiding Place in the. World."
7:30. "The Man Whom time Cannot Change."
Calrary E. 8th and Grant Ke. J. E.
Thomas. 11, "What the President Forgot.
7:30. "Making Democracy.
Glencoe E. 45th and Main Her. F. C.
Laslette. 11, "The Falling Leaf." 7:45, "Tha
Pitching Tents Safe in America."
Srllwood Bethany Ke. T. J. Broomfield,
11. 8.
Grace E. 76th and Ash. 11, 7:45.
Highland Rer. Ed C. Cofer. 11, 8.
VniTersity Park BeT. 8. Lawrence Black.
11. 8.
St Peters Lenta Rer. P. Beutgen. 8,
10.30. 7:30.
Pro-Cathedral 15th and Darin Kbt. E. V.
OUara. 6. 7:15, 8:80. 8:45, 11. 7:45.
Tu Lawrence 3d and Sherman ReT. J. C.
l'uihes. 6. 8:30. 10:30. 7:30.
St. Patrick 19th and Sarier ReT. Charles
M Smith. 6:30. 8, 9:15. 10:30, 7:80.
81. Francis E. 12th and Pine Rer. J. H.
Llack. . 8. 9. 10:30. 7:30.
Immaculate Heart of Mary Williams and
fttknton Ber. W. A. Daly, 6. 8. 9. 11, 7:80.
Holy Rosary E. 3d and Clackamas BeT. E.
8 Olson. 6, 7, 8. 9, 11. 7:30.
St. Boae E. 63d and Alameda RtT. 3.
O'FarreU. 8, 10:30, 4.
St, Andrews E. 9th and Alberta Ber. J.
K-crlan. 8. 10:80, 7:80.
The Madeleine E. 24th and Siskiyou BeT.
George F. Thompson. 7:30, 9. 11.
Ascension E. 76th itM Yamhill Franciscan
Fathers. 8. 10:30, 7:80.-
Blessed Sacrament Maryland and Blandena
Btf. F. W. Black. 8, 10:30, 7:30.
Holy Cross 774 Bowdoin BeT. C. Raymond.
8. 10:80. 7:80,
St Ignatius 3220 43d at, S. E. Jesuit
Fathers. 6:80, 8. 10:30. 4.
St Stephens E. 42d anil Taylor Ber. War
ten A. Waitt S. 8:80. 10:30. 7:30.
Poly Redeemer Portland blTd. and Vancouver
aw Ber. William J. Derine. .6. 10:80. 7:80.
' fct Phillip Neri (Paoust Fathers) E. 16th
anil Hickory BeT. W. J. Cartwright 7:30.
9. 10:80. TdO.
8t- Clements S. 8mith are. and Kewton-
Serlite Fathersi 6. 8. 10.80. 7:30.
Sacred Heart E. 1 1th and Center BeT. G.
Rot;. 8, 10:30. 7:80.
St. Agatha E. 15th and Miller BeT. J.
Comminsky. 8. 10:80. 7:80.
St Stanislaus (Polish) Maryland and Fall
it ( Rer. y. Matthew. 8. 10:30. 7:80.
St Joseph (German) 1 5th and Couch Ber.
B. Darter. 8, 10:80, 7.80.
St Michael .(Italian) 4th and Mill Rer. M.
LVestra. 8. 0J0. 7:80,
Et Clares Capitol Hill Franciscan Fathers.
.S0, :15.
frt Charles E. S3d and Alberta BeT. 7. p.
O'Firan. 8. 10:80. - . .
AC Saints K. 89th and GUsan Bar. Father
Wzlliass Croain. 8. aSAsV
jf orceful Sermons promised
r. K K K . at at it X
oyd's topics to- Pe timely
Rev. Dr. Boyd at the First Presby
terian church announces for his Sunday
sermon topics two discourses which have
to do with the changing conditions at
tendant on the close of the war and
the period that is to follow. The ser
mons are expected to be a continuation
of the series of forceful addresses which
have been characteristic of Dr. Boyd
particularly ever since this country en
tered the war against autocracy. ; In
giglilanl Churcb
Wo Jfyear 9tockley
n Sunday (Eve.
Fred Lockley, "Journal Man Abroad,"
whose delightful letters from France
and England were eagerly read by the
people of Portland and Oregon, Is to
speak at the Highland Congregational
church on Sunday night. He will re
late experiences at the war zone and
tell of the work done for the soldiers
under the sign of the red triangle. Mrs.
Esther Luce-Fisher, a violinist of fine
reputation, who has recently taken up
her residence in the city, will play at
this service, Mrs. H. D. G. Baxter being
the accompanist. The subject of the
pastor, Rev. Edward Constant, at the
morning service will be "Our Glorious
Vesper Class Back
On Old Schedule
The Warren Vesper class of the First
Presbyterian church met last Sunday
and the members showed an eagerness
to advance the work and close the gap
of five weeks caused by the influenza
ban. The purpose of this class is to
foster Christian fellowship among the
young people of all denominations.
The meeting Is at 4 o'clock every Sun
day. A song service of 20 minutes is
led by Mrs. Marguerite Moor Bourne,
then follows a well arranged program
-led by an orchestra of 10 Instruments
under the direction of Miss Gertrude
Hoeber, After a brief lesson, "friendship
circles" are formed and refreshments
are served. An introduction social oc
cupies the rest of the time until an in
vitation is given to visit Christian En
deavor and remain for the evening
church service.
Montavilla to Hold
Community Service
The community Tnanksgtving serv
ice for the Montavilla district will be
held on Thursday morning at 10 o'clock
at the Hope Presbyterian church. Rev
Hiram Gould, the newly appointed
minister of the Montavilla Methodist
church will deliver the Thanksgiving ad
dress. All the churches of the district
will unite in this service.
Church Opens Nursery
The ladles of the First M. E. church
south have opened a nursery, to be
used during the preaching services in
the church. They are inviting the
mothers to bring their little ones to
church with thiem and while the mothers
attend the public services, their children
will be kept in the nursery, which will
he warm and attractive.
First Park and Columbia Iter. Harold H.
Griffis. 11, "Three Kinds of Heretics"; 7:45.
"PrimitiTe and Perfected Man."
East Side E. 12th and Taylor Rer. R. H.
Sawyer. 11, "Rebuilding a World"; erening,
"God Shaking the Earth: Why?"
Montarilla E. 76th and Hoyt ReT. J. W.
Jenkins. 11. 8.
Rodney ArenUe Rodney and Knott HeT. 3.
F. Ghormley. 11. "Reasons for ThankKgiring" ;
7:4 5. "Has the World Seen Its Last War?"
Woodlawn E. 7th and LibertT Rer. Joseph
D. Boyd. 11. "The LiTing God"; 7:30, "The
Living Word."
Christian Science
Lesson subject: "Soul and Body."
First 19th and Everett 11. 8.
Second; E. 6th and Ilolladajr. 11. 8.
Third E. 12th and Salmon. 11, 8.
Fourth Vancourer are. and Emerson.
Fiftli 62d st and 424 are. 8. E.
Sixth Masonic Temple, 868 Yamhill.
11. 8.
11, 8.
Bt. Johns Holbrook block. 11.
All churches Wednesday, 8 p. m.
First Park and Madison.
Atkinson Memorial E. 29th and Everett
Rev. Warren Moore. 11, 8.
Snnnyside E. 3 2d and Taylor Rer. J. J.
Staub. 11. "The Need of a World Wide Vision
for the Church"; 7:45. Honors and Duties of
Ambassadors of Peace."
Highland- E. 6th and Prescott ReT. Edward
Constant 11, "Our Glorious Heritage"; 7:30,
r red l.orkley, on experiences in war zone.
Waverley Heights E. 33d and Woodward
11. 8.
' Laurelwood 45th are. and 65th st. S. E.
Dr. Joseph K. Hart.
"Pilgrim Missouri and Sharer. Rer. Robert
Murray Pratt 11. "A LiTing Dog and a Dead
Lkm"; 7:30, ."Faces in the Fire."
Finnish Mission 107 Skidmore Her. Samuel
N'evala. 6, 7:30.
University Park ReT. C. H. Johnson.
Trinity 19th and Everett Rer. A. A. Morri
son. 11, "Is Religion Necessary"; 8. "Malicious
Pro-Cathedral of St Stephen the. Martyr
13th and Clay Ht. HeT. W. T. Sumner, bishop.
Sundays: 7:45, 11, 7:45. Week days, Wednes
day. 7:30 a. m.. Friday, 9:30 a. m. : Holy day.
St Davids E. 12th and Belmont Rev.
Thomas Jenkins, rector. 7:30, 9:30, 11.
St Marks 21st uid Marshall ReT. J. G.
Hetton. rector. 7:30. hily Eucharist: 9:45.
school, 11. Eucharist and sermon by the Rer.
J. E. H. Simpson, rector emeritus. 7;4S, even
song and sermon.
St Andrews Hereford at.. Portsmouth
Archdeacon Chambers in charge. 9, 7 :30 p. m.
G race Memorial E. 1 1 th and V eidler ReT.
Oswald W. Taylpr. 8. 11.
Good Shepherd Vancouver and Graham
ReT. John Dawson. 11. 8.
St. Michaels and All Saints E. 43d and
Broadway Her. T. F. Bowen, Ticar. 8, 10.
11, 5.
Church of Our SaTior 60th are. and 41st st
S, hV Kbt. E. 11. Clark. Ticar. 7:30 and 11
a. m.
Bishop Morris Memorial Gdod Samaritan
hospital Rer. Frederic K. Howard. 7, 7:45.
8t Paula Woodmere Ber. Oswald W. Tay
lor. 4.
ATI Saints 25th and Sarier Rer. Frederic
K. Howard. - 11.
ft Johns Memorial E. 15th and Harney.
8eIlwood. ReT. H. Clark in charge. 11. 7:30.
fct. Matthews Corbett and Bancroft Rer.
W. A. M. Brack, Ticar. 10. 11.
First K. 6th and Market Ber. E. D. Horn
schuch. 11. 8. .
Frss Msthodltt
Central E 65th and Flanders Rer. W. N.
Coffee. j
First E. 9th and Mill Ber.- A. Beers, 11.
"Philosophy Crumbles, the Bible Stands"; 8,
"The New Name."
First E. 85th and Main Rev. Homer
Cox. 11, "The Christian's Gratitude"; 7:15,
"The Supreme Juestion'"
- Jewish .
Congregation Beth Israel 12th and Main
KabM Jonas Jf. wise sabbatn services aay
at 8 P. m., Saturday. 10:80 sv m. Sunday. 10,
iu Portland academy bldgv. 13 th and Mont
gomery. Jteligious school. . Bible clamee at
the evening at 10:30, the subject will
be, "God as a Destroyer." This will
deal with the questions which arise out
of -the tremendous changes taking place
every day in the world and show' how
God destroys the old in order to bring
about the new. In the evening at 7:30,
Dr. Boyd will preach on, "Facing the
Task of Rebuilding." ' This will deal
with the task of reconstruction In the
church: with an inventory of the spir
itual material available.
M. P. Ckurclies o
finite Jfor Service
On Thanksgiving day, Thursday, No
vember 28. the four United Brethren
churches of the city will Join in a union
Thanksgiving and praise service at the
First United Brethren church. East Fif
teenth and East Morrison streets, at
10:30 a. m. Delegations from the four
churches will be in attendance and Dr.
Byron J. Clark will give the address.
An offering will be taken. The order
of services will be as follows : Doxolry ;
invocation. Rev. E. O. Shepherd; hymn,
by congregation ; responsive scripture
reading ; prayer. Rev. Ira Hawley ; of
fering ; special music by the choir ; read
ing of president's proclamation. Bishop
William H. Washinger; address. Dr.
Byron J. Clark; closing prayer. Dr. G.
E. McDonald ; hymn, by congregation ;
benediction. Rev. C. P. Blanchard.
Bishop Hughes to
Conduct Services
Bishop Matt S. Hughes returned to
Portland Wednesday night, after an ab
sence of three months In the East, at
tending the meeting of the board of
bishops and the foreign and home mis
sionary boards. He will preach at Lin
coin r.htirfVi. Rast Fif tv-RArnnrf trt nnH
Lincoln, Sunday morning, at 11 o'clock, i
Dr. W. W. YOungson will be in cna. e I
or tnis special rnanksgiving service.
The mortgage will be burned. More
than $1200 has been paid off during the
past two years, thus clearing the prop
erty of all incumbrance. It will be a
Harvest Home festival, with special mu
sic under the direction ef Mrs. Wicker
sham. Rev. F. A. Ginn Is pastor. Dr.
W. T. Kerr, a former pastor, will at
tend. Rev. Mr. Beers
Announces Topic
Reverend Alexander Beers, pastor of
the First Free Methodist, Sunday eve
ning will discuss the underlying prin
ciples of false philosophies, showing
their utter collapse during this war
and will show how the Bible has gained
a stronger hold on the people. The pas
tor will also preach at 8 p. m.
Dr. Short Will Preach
Dr. Francis Burgette Short will preach
at Epworth church, Savler at North
Twenty-sixth street. Sunday night atfHerbert Downharp, Lucius S. McKelvey
7 :30 o'clock, and conduct an evangelis
tic service. Dr. W. W. Youngson will
be In charge. Miss Delia Milligan, city
deaconness, is now In this parish. Dr.
H. P. Biake will preach at the 11 o'clock
Central library, second and fourth Wednesdays. 1
Congregation Ahavia 8 ho lorn Park and Clay
sts. Rabbi R. Abrahamson, Friday, 8 d. m..
Saturday, 9:30 a. m.
tatter Day Saints
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
E. 25th and Madison. 10. 7:30.
Lutheran ,
St James W. Park and Jefferson Morning,
"World Readjustment and Reconstruction Our
New Task." Evening. "Present Day Events as
Revealed in Prophecy."
St Tauls E. 12th and Clinton Rer. A.
Krause. 0:30. 10:30. 7:30.
Our Saviors E. 10th and Grant Rev. M.
A. 4'lirietensen. 11.
Trinity Williams and Graham Rer. J. A.
Reinbaoh. 9:1?, 10.15.
Bethlehem Norwegian 14th and Deris Rer.
Wilhelm Pattersen. 11. "The Final Test" 8,
"Life and Resurrection."
Grace English Mason and Albina. 10:30.
Hamilton Chapel E. 80th and Glisan Rer.
F. J. Eppling. 10:45. "Pririleges Which All
Americans En oy."
Bethel Norwegian (Free) Wygant end Rod
ney. 8t Johns Peninsula and Kilpa trick Rev. L.
Ludwig. 10.45, 7:30.
Methodist Episcopal
Centensry E. 9th and Pine Rer. J. C.
Rollins. Morning. "Cnity Is It Possible or
Itesirable?" Evening, "One Man's Great Ad
renture. "
Central Vancourer and Fargo Rer. A. B.
Maclean. 11. 7:30.
Clinton Kelly E. 40th and Powell Rer.
John Parsons. 1 1.
Epworth 26th and Sarier 11, Dr. H. P.
Blake. 7:30. Dr. Francis Burgette Short.
First 12t.h and Taylor Ber. Joshua Stans
field. 10:30.
First Norwegian Danish 18th and Hoyt
Rer. Ellis Gjerding. 11. '
Lents Lucien B. Jones. 11. 7:30.
Vancourer Are. Norwegian Danish Skidmore
and Vancourer Rer. C. J. Running. 11.
Lincoln E. 52d and Lincoln 11. Bishop
Hughes. Harvest Home Festival.
Mt. tabor E. 61st and Stark. Rev. E. Olin
EWridge. 11. "Your Opportunity"; 7:30. Win
ning the Race." Thanksgiving service. Thurs
day. 10:30.
Rose City Park Rer. D. Lester Fields. 11,
7:30. ,
Sellwood ReT. W. S. Gordon. Tl. 7:30.
Sunnyside E. 35th and Yamhill Rer. R. E.
Smith. 11. 7:45.
St Johns W. LeTitt and Syracuse Rer. J.
H. Irvine. 11. 7:30.
ITnirersity Park Fiake and Lombard BeT.
J. T. Abbott 11, "The Cost and Rewards of
Discipleship" ; 7:30, "Deep Sea Christiana."
Wilbur Multnomah hotel Rer. Francis Bur
gette Short It, "Americans for Americans."
Westmoreland Rer. F. A. Ginn. 7:30.
Montavilla E. 80th and Pine Rer. Hiram
Gould. 11, 7:80.
Swedish Beech, and Borthwick Ber. Abel
Eklund. 11. 8.
District superintendent, Rer. William Wallace
Youngson, D. 13., 691 E. 62d st N. Tabor 2790.
M. E. South
First T'nion and Multnomah Rer. James T.
French. 11. "For What Are We Most Thank
ful?" 7:80. "I Beseech You In Christ's 8tead."
First E. 7th and Couch BeT. C Howard
Sellwood E. 9th snd Spokane Rer. B. H.
Morse. 11, "A Remarkable Robbery"; evening.
"A Cheering Promise About Hell."
Brentwood 66th are. and 67th st Ber.
C. U. Fowler. 11. 7:80.
Highland Park E. 14th and Killingvworth
Rer. W. P. Keebaugh. 11. 8.
Scandinavian Ber. J. G. BringedahL 11,
T:8u. T
0 PrCeAytsWteMt
First 12th and Alder BeT. John H. Boyd.
10:30, 8.
Westmhuter East 17fh and Schuyler' Rev.
Edward H. Pence. 10:30.
Central E. 13th and Pine. Ber. Orlando B.
Pershing. v
Calvary 11th and Clay Ber. B. W. Roger.
10:3V, "Is the Average Christian a Good 8a
maritaa?" 7:30. "The Holy Spirit and Recon
struction. Mt Tabor E. BBth and BelmomV Ber. Ward
MacHenry. 11, "The Challenge ef the ir-i
Hope'i 7:80, "With Grateful Heart." :
Sunday Schools Are Asked
Contribute to Armenian
Syrian Relief Work.
The International Sunday School as
sociation is directing a continent-wide
visitation day on December 1. On that
day a four minute man will visit every
Sunday school in North America on
behalf of Armenian-Syrian relief. The
visitation in Oregon is being directed by
Harold F. Humbert, general secretary of
the state Sunday School association.
The Sunday school share of the $30.
000,000 which the American committee
on Armenian and Syrian relief needs
Is $2,000,000. In order that the Oregon
quota may be raised, leaders of the vis
itation have been appointed in every
county in the state. These leaders will
sent out Good Samaritan four minute
men to urge every Sunday school to
give a Christmas season offering for
Armenian-Syrian relief.
The general chairman for Multnomah
county is Charles A. Staver. He has
appointed as a committee on speakers :
C. W. Miller, Walter Rogers and G. Ev
art Baker. The committee on automo
biles and transportation is Dr. George
Pratt and Rev. W. IL Farnham.
Patriotic Address
At Wilbur Church
At Wilbur Methodist church Sunday
morning. Dr. Short will deliver a pa
triotic Thanksgiving address, "Ameri
ca for Americans, and America for
World Democracy." Judged by the at
tendance last Sunday night, it Is safe
to predict that there will not be stand
ing room ' for the congregation Sunday
morning. "We are going to have a real
patriotic Thanksgiving time Sunday
morning." announces Dr. Short. "I'm
nl BO an nav io ks near ray
aaaresB- ulousB 'L w"' uo
one, clb x a i u iu i iii v c imcui uet&r oiuai l
McGuire sing the national hymn of
Sermons on Living
Things to Be Heard
Next Sunday the Woodlawn pastor,
Joseph D. Boyd, will begin a series of
sermons on "Living Things." The dis
courses will be given In the following
order: "The Living God," "The Living
Word," "Man A Living Soul." "Christ
The Living One," "The Living Way.''
Living Waters," "A Living Hope," "A
Living Sacrifice."
Memorial Service
For Soldier Boys
Sunday mornlmr Mt. Tabor Presbyte
rian church will hold a special memorial
service in memory of William Deuchar,
and Kalpn ueeDe iteese, wno aiea in
their country's service. There will be a
patriotic Thanksgiving service in this
church- on Thanksgiving day, with com
munity sing, and sermon details will be
announced later.
Vernon 19th and Wygant Ber. J. B. Lands
borough. 11. "The Coming Thanksgiving";
7:30. "Inward Beauty."
Piedmont Rev. A. L. Hutchison. 11.
Fourth First and Glbba. 10:30.
Kenilworth E. 84th and Gladstone Rev.
Paul E. Ratsrh.
Hope E. 78th and Ererett Rer. Floyd E.
Dorris. 11, communion service; 7:30. "The New
Dawning of a Reason for Thanksgiving."
Rose City Dr. Robert H. Milligan. 11. "The
World Getting Better"; 7:30, "What's the
Forbes Graham snd Gsntenbein.
Trinity Virginia snd Nebraska Rer. Theo
dore P. Smith, pastor-elect. 10. 11. 7:30.
Anabel Rev. John E. Nelson. 11. 8.
Millard Avenue Rer. W. Lee Gray. 11, 8.
8evenn Day advent 1st
Note Regular services of this denomination
are held on Saturday.
Central E. 11th and Ererett L. K. Dick
son, pastor. 11:15.
Tabernacle Arcanum hall. 18th and Wash
ington. 11. 7:45.
MontaTilla E. 80th and Ererett Elder J.
Gerhart 11.
Lents 94th at. and 58th are. Elder W. D.
Huntington. 1 1 .
St Johns Central are. and Charleston
Elder A. R. Folkenberg. 11.
Mt. Tabor E. 60th and Belmont Elder W.
T. Hilgert 1 1.
Albina Skidmore and Mallory Rer. A. A.
Meyer. C. F: Knott, local elder. 11:15.
Scandinavian Ogden hall. Mississippi and
Sharer. 11.
Salratlon Army
Corps No. 1 243 Ash st Adjutant Frank
Genge. 11, 8:15, 8.
Corps No. 4 128 Vt First Adjutant Joseph
Harrison. 11, 3, 8.
New Church Society 331 Jefferson Rev.
William IL Reece. 11. "Why Giving Thanks
Results in Spiritual Profit"
Church of Our Father Broadway and Yam
hill Rer. W. G. EHot Jr. 11. "ThoughU on
Theology and Religion Suggested by the Influ
enza Pestilence."
United Brethren
Conference superintendent Rev. G. E. Mc
Donald. First E. 15th and Morrison Rer. Byron J.
Clark. 11. "The Passing of Religion"; 7:30.
"The Haunted Heart"
Second E. 27th and Snmner. Ber. Ira
Hawley. 11, "Our Duty to Home Missions'': 8,
"Putting Our House in Order."
Third 67th st. and 32d are. 8. E. Ber.
E. O. Sb-pherd. 11. "He Gere Thanks"; 8.
"Seeking Rest"
Fourth Tremont Rer. C. P. Blanchard.
11, "The Other End of the Rope"; 8, "Sum
mary of Prayer and Thanksgiving."
Unites trebvterlan
37 th and Hawtborne-
First E
Glren. 1 1.
-Rer. H. F.
Church ot the Stranger Grand and Wasco
Rev. 8. Earl Du BoU 10:30, "The Oregon
Spirit and the Oregon Church"; 7:30, Beginning
of a World Blessing Movement"
. Kenton 129 West Lombard Ref. George N.
Taylor. 11, "The Key to the Book of Romans";
7:30. "Hidden Treasurea."
Christian and Missionary Alliance E. 9th
and Clay Rer. John E. Fee. 11. 7:30.
Realization League 186 5th Rer. H.
Edward Milla. 11. "Generosity"; evening, "The
Temptations ot Jesus and the Lessons They
, Church of the Universal Messianic Mesas ge
414 E. Everett 11. "Thanksgiring. token
of Recognition"; 8.
rhristedelpbian 621 E. Washington. 10:30.
Church of God 363 Failing. 11, 8.
First Spiritualist Sixth and Montgomery
Rev. A. Scott Bledsoe, pastor. 8. 7:45.
Goepel Hall Twenty-ninth and East 8Urk
10:80. 12:15, 7:45.
Hen's Resort 4th end Burnside Rev. Levi
Johnson, superratendetrt 8.
New Civilization 407 Tilford bids. Dr.
Beth Northingtoo. Evening, "The New Age and
What We Can Expect of It" Wednesday. "From
Here to There."
Divine Science Tilford building BeT. T. M.
Millard, pastor. 11.
Sooth Pot-Hand Comtnartity First and Gfbbe
Re. Lert Johnson. 10:80, "Psul Diagnoses and
Prescribes." .-. -v-. -
1 1 lgVy mr
Mrs. Bess Duncan will take a promi
nent part In Y. P. S. C E. meet
ings programmed for coming week
Rev. Charles L White of New
York Will Be Guest of
Portland Churches.
Rev. Charles L. White, D. D.. of New
York city, general secretary of the
American Baptist Home Mission soci
ety and one of the outstanding; Bap
tists of the North, will be the guest of
Portland Baptists Sunday and Monday,
December 1 and 2. A mass meeting of
the Baptists of the city and surround
ing country will be held In the White
Temple Monday evening at 7 :45, to be
addressed by Dr. White. This is the
yearly rally of the Baptists of Port
land, in which the various churches ex
ercise a fine rivalry In promoting the
largest' possible attendance of their
respective churches.
Present Day Topics
Will Be Discussed
Dr. William A. Waldo, pastor of tha
First Baptist church (White Temple),
is arranging two very delightful serv
ices for next Sunday. The morning
service at 11 o'clock will deal with the
problems of the present hour national
and ecclesiastical. ' .
A great patriotic Thanksgiving serv-!
Ice will be held Sunday night, at 7 :30.
at which' Dr. WaMo will also preach.
Doubtless Dr. Waldo will refer to sev
eral contributions that have been made
to the war and then to the final vic
tory that has been gained. Represen
tative men from different branches of
our military life will bring greetings,
which will be presented prior to the
sermon. The stringed orchestra of the
lOeth squadron will be present and ren
der music for the song service and will
play at Intervals during the service.
- i -
Baptist Ministers
To Meet on Monday
The Baptist Minister's conference of
Portland and vicinity will hold Its reg
ular meeting at the White Temple Mon
day. November 25. In the small parlor, at
2 :30. The topic of the day will be "The
Minister a Leader in Evangelism," bj
Dr. W. A. Waldo.
Live People Love
Sunday Worship
ll:t A. M. 8ERMOX
"A Charactered People"
7tfS P. M SERMOlf
"ChrUe Best Story"
Both Sermoat by the Paster
10:30 A. M.
'God as a Destroyer'
7:30 P. M.
'Facing theTask of
A eer-Jlal tavRaAJew Is (frefl te ail
ta attend the Ibte aceo at 1!:1
P. M., and te enrell fee tite winter.
This Is an sawn et sen eel fer
stxaly. with eleeely STadstl classes fer
II aoee of children and ffuna
people. Titer are classes also fer
NisA and wofvtsn.
Intermediate Christian Endeavor
Societies of Multnomah County
to Join in Program.
Fourteen Societies in County
Membership Composed Mostly
of High School Students.
The Intermediate Christian Endeavor
societies of Multnomah county will hold '
their first rally of the fall next Friday.
November 29. The rally will beTheld at
7:30 p. m. In the First Christian church.
Park and Columbia streets. '
An excellent program has been ar
ranged by the committee in charge. At
tractive features' will be society demon
strations consisting of son era and yells
and the awarding of a pennant to the
society with the highest percentage of
Its members present. A series of short
addresses will be given by well known
Intermediate workers. Among the)
speakers will be Mrs. Bess .Duncan, for
mer superintendent of Multnomah
county : Faye Stetnmet. county presi
dent ; Harold Cross, a California worker :
Effie Torgerson, superintendent of state
Intermediate work, and O. Evert Baker.
The closing hour will be given over to a
rousing good time planned by a commit
tee of Intermediates.
Intermediate Endeavor societies, the)
membership of which consists largely of
high school students, number 14 in thin
county and a good representation at the
rally is anticipated. Miss Elma Rehwalt,
the county superintendent. Is chairman
of the committee in charge.
Lutherans to Hear
Norwegian Sermon
At the morning service last Sunday
in the Bethlehem Lutheran church the
pastor. Rev. Wilhelm I'ettersen, deliv
ered a sermon on the glorious victory
Just won on the European battlefields.
At Jhe conclusion of the service mnny
requests were made for its publication.
Next Sunday the morning service, at It
o'clock, will be In I Norwegian, when the
pastor will speak on "The Final TeBt."
At the English evening service, at t
o'clock, he will speak on "Life and
Resurrection." Next Monday evening
there will be an important meeting of
the congregation, when '25 new mem
bers will be admitted. A special serv
ice is being arranged for Thanksgivlnjr
day. At this service, which takes place
at 11 a. m.. and is in the English lan
guage, a special "Hymn of victory,
dedicated to the National League for
Woman's Service, will be surtg by tha
Dr. Hinson to Begin
Series of Sermons
At the East Side Baptist church In
the morning. Dr. Hinson will preach on
the topic qnestloij, "Does Prayer Chang
God?" and at night the theme will
"The Truth About the Second Coming.
These sermons on the return of the
Lord are to be stenographically written
and printed Weekly and distributed at
the church, and when the series Is com
pleted, bound in a volume.
Last Sunday this church gave) more
than $2000 in a thank offering and 10
new members Joined the church. The
Sunday school meets at 9 :45 and thej
young people's societies convene at 6 :15.
ir not come to
"if orYhough''
T:4 P. m.
I. 8., 18 NOON. 0. K. :30 f. M.
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