The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 21, 1918, Page 10, Image 10

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: ! President Wilson Believes Dar
dandles and the Bosporus
f Should Be Internationalized,
11 I I IUM - -
Ireeks Advocate Expulsion of
Turks From Europe; Many
Views Are Advanced.
Br rippr
Washington. Nov 2L (U. P.) Di-
hnaltlon of Constantinople la being:
iussed Informally by allied statesmen
fend diplomats. It was learned today.
Is promises to be one of the most
xlng questions confronting; the peace
Iresldent Wilson has expressed the
lief that the Dardanelles, the Bos-
kAti mA thn atra trtf h(irhtlt rfnmiliat-
flls" the'water passages should be Inter
nationalize!. But some allied states
men express doubt as to whether the
furk will be driven from Constantinople.
I Greece, through Premier Venlzelos,
Low In Paris, Is demanding: expulsion
kt the Turk from Europe. Many Hellenic
Statesmen and diplomats are pointing:
it the historic position of Constantinople
M capital of the ancient Byzantine em
pire to proof of their contention that
Greece receive this valued point.
British to 0 Open-Mtade
The British view is that while much
can be said for the ejection of the
Turks from Constantinople. It must be
considered that more than one half of
the. population Is Turkish. The British
delegation will go to the peace confer
ence open-minded on this point, it was
officially stated. They will, however,
insists on the overthrow of the present
tyrannical rulers of Turkey.
The Dardanelles and the Bosporus
must be absolutely freed and Armenia
must be cleared of Turkish oppression.
British purposes include liberation of
all subject races, including: Jews, Arabs
and Kurds.
Joist Gorcrameat Proposed
It is possible that while the waterways
and the land heights dominating them
might be internationalized, the city of
Constantinople will be left to whatever
government Is in control in Turkey.
Diplomats point out that civilian popu
lation of the city is a purely local
matter and that it is possible that a
zone will be carefully defined which
would cut off strategic and harbor
points from the remainder of the city.
Another plan Is to form a joint
povernment, consisting of representa
tives of the allied powers or a league
of nations, with delegates from the local
population. The prime object, it is said,
is to keep the Dardanelles open to all
Cables reaching the "Greek legation
today declared the admiral of the Greek
navy and his flagship are with the other
allied forces at Constantinople.
200 Soldier-Loggers
Go From Aberdeen
Aberdeen, Wash., Nov. 21. Two hun
dred soldier loggers left Wednesday for
Vancouver barracks, traveling In five
cars provided by the government. The
exodus of these soldiers has been going
on for a number of days, but this num
ber is the largest so far sent to Van
couver for possible demobilization.
List Published of
Names of 13 More
Otranto Victims
Washington, Nov, 21. (I. N. S.
Thirteen additional casualties In" the
sinking of the transport Otranto on Oc
tober were reported today by the war
department. They follow:
Sergeants James R. Powell, Jackson
ville, Fla.; Ermons C. Scherbert, Stev
ens Point, Wis.! Corporal Clifford R.
Johnson, - Louisville, Ga., and Privates
Harley F. Edmond, Indianapolis, Ind. ;
Edgar A. Hagewood, Hickory Point,
Tenn. ; Furman P. Lee, Stevens Pottery,
Ga. ; Charles A. Luaach, Lockland,
Ohio; Eldon M. McAfee, Coldwater,
Ohio; James E. McNeeley, Morrlstown,
Ga. : Thomas Preston, Tullahoma,
Tenn.: Lonnle Stephoe, Kite, Ga. ; Colle
I. Stevens, 'chappies, S. C; Charlie
Whltaker, McMlnnvllle, Tenn.
Labor Unions in
. Seattle Insist on
Burleson's Removal
Seattle, Wash., Nov. 21. (U. P.)--
Presldent Wilson will be requested by
Seattle organized labor to remove Post
master General Burleson from public
An enthusiastic demonstration on the
floor of the Central Labor Council last
night accompanied approval of the mo
tion presented by the city and conty
public service union.
The resolutions committee was in
structed to immediately draft the re
quest to President Wilson. Action was
based on Burleson's failure to obtain
justice for postoffice employes, locked
out telegraphers and his general policy
of control of the telegraph and telephone.
Military Hospital
For Reconstruction
May Not Be Built
It Is probable that the half mill tax
authorized by the voters of Portland at
the late election to build a military re
construction hospital will not be levied.
Advices from the surgeon general are
that the government has' decided not to
build any more reconstruction hospitals.
It is thought that present facilities will
be sufficient to care for wounded sol
TeO How to Stop a J;
Bad Cough
Surerlxlns RmuIU From Thlt Fameu
014 Nome made 8yrup; Easily
Prspertd mi CotU Little. -
If you have a severe cough or chest
cold accompanied with soreness, throat
tickfe, hoarseness or difficult breathing,
or if your child wakes up durinp Hhe
night , with croup and you want quick
help, try this reliable old home made
cough remedy. Any druggist can supply
you with ZVt ounces of Pinex. Pour
this into a pint bottle and fill the bottle
with plain granulated sugar syrup. Or
you can use clarified molasses, honey,
or corn syrup, instead of sugar syrup,
if desired. This recipe makes a pint of
really remarkable cough remedy. It
tastes good and In spite of Its low cost
it can be depended upon to give quick
and lasting relief.
You can feel this take hold of a cough
in a way that means business. It loosens
and raises the phlegm, stops throat tickle
and soothes and heals the irritated mem
branes that line the throat and bronchial
tubes with such promptness, ease and
certainty that It is really astonishing.
Pinex is a special and highly concen
trated compound of genuine Norway
pine extract, and is probably the best
known means of overcoming severe
coughs, throat and chest colds.
There are many worthless imitations
of this mixture. To avoid disappoint
ment ask for "2 ounces of Pinex" with
full directions and don't accept any
thing else. Guaranteed to give absolute
satisfaction or money promptly refund
ed. The Pinex Co., Ft. Wayne, Ind. Adv.
A More than Stylish Shoe
Take a special look at the toe of this
model. It sounds the note of Style.
And yet this shoe, being made upon a
full-fitting English last, has a broad
shank, a low heel and a generous tread.
Very aptly has it been called a free
fitting shoe. That is to say, it is per
fectly proportioned for your foot and
comfort-giving, not when well-worn,
but from the moment you first put it on.
It makes your foot feel and look
Walk-Over Shoes bear the
trade-mark theworld over.
Have you ever stopped to reason why
it is that so many products that are ex
tensively advertised, all at once drop out
of sight and are soon forgotten? The
reason is plain the article did not fulfil
the promises of the manufacturer. This
applies more particularly to a medicine.
A medicinal preparation that has real
curative value almost sens useir, as
like an endless chain system the remedy
Is recommended by those who have been
benefited, to those who are in need of it.
A prominent druggist says Take for
example ' Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, a
preparation I have said for many years
and never hesitate to recommend, for
in almost every case it shows excellent
results, as many of my customers testl
fy. No other kidney remedy that I
know of has so large a sale."
According to sworn statements and
verified testimony of thousands who
have used the preparation, the success
of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root Is due to
the fact that, so many people claim. It
fulfils almost every wish In overcom
ing kidney, liver and bladder ailments,
corrects urinary troubles and neutra
lizes the uric acid which causes rheuma
tism. You may receive a sample bottle of
Swamp-Root by Parcels Post. Address
Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y..
and enclose ten cents ; also mention The
Portland Journal. Large and medium
size bottles for sale at all drua stores.
, Adv.
Bedding Reduced! Underwear Reduced! Furnishings Reduced! Piece Goods Reduced! Women's Coats Reduced! j
End that distressing sick headache
that keeps you feeling miserable with
a laxative tea that won t iau.
is what you need. 1 Solendid for liver
and bowels, for upset stomach, bad
breath and constipation. Same old
remedy In the same old box. Adv.
Walk-Over Boot Shop
342 Washington
125 Broadway
is pleasant and affords
' A dose taken every -two hours until
three doses are taken will end grippe
misery and break, up a cold.
It nrnmntlv Often S ClORKed-UP BOS
triia and air Passages In the head.
tops nasty discharge or nose running,
relieves sick headache, dullness, fever
Ishness, sore throat, sneesing, soreness
and stiffness. j
. Don't stay stuffed up! Quit blowing
and snuffling 1 Ease your throbbing
head! Nothing else in the world gives
such prompt relief as "Pape's Cold
Cnmnound." which- costs only a few
cents at any drug store. It acts with
out assistance, tastes nice, causes no
inwmvMiiMirt - Be sure - too - get the
genuine. Don" accept . something
A Wonderful
at Lowest
Beginning today we offer a mammoth assemblage of Dry Goods, Clothing and Shoes at prices which will
compel you to buy! We have bought many stocks which have been held for this stupendous Thanksgiving
Sale! Come prepared to buy to the utmost, for we will quote prices that you cannot resist! Right now is the
time to buy for Thanksgiving! Right now is the time to buy for Christmas!
Thousands of Dollars' Worth of New Merchandise. You Save on Every Purchase! I
Women's Dresses
Below Factory
Scores of fine Serge and Mescaline
Dresses in all sizes and in the latest
models go during this sale at ridicu
lously low prices! Most women will
not be content with buying but one
at such prices, but will want at least
two or three! Come early for best
selections from these beautiful
Iftfej if
S Men s Suits and Overcoats
At Thanksgiving
Sale Prices
We are in a position to save you money on your clothes.
Many of our garments were bought last Spring. They
are of the older, better fabrics, and- the colors are of the
old dyes. Note the splendid reductions at which we
offer these very desirable garments. ' Buy now for a
year to come ! You will save money by doing so !
$18 Suits and Overcoats $14.35
$20 Suits and Overcoats $15.85
$25 Suits and Overcoats $19.85
$35 Suits and Overcoats $27.85
Boys' Winter Suits
and Overcoats
Bring the boys and let us fit them out for. the long
Winter days. Here are clothes that will give them the
best of. service. You save on every garment.
Suits $4.95 to $1 1.50
Overcoats $5.00 to $9.00
jTxJ The Thanksgiving Table
la&e advantage ui uioo fuo uu
fine Dinner Sets. They are the very
42-Piece Dinner Sets
Beautiful English design
42-Piece Dinner Sets
Novel flowered design
10-Piece Casserole Sets
100 Dozen
Enough to make 1200
little girls happy!
Choose now during this
Values to $1.00
Values to $2.50
3000 Pairs
Men's Rubber Packs
Leather tops, all sizes.
Regular . $4.50 values
1000 Pairs
Women's Rubbers
Regular $1.00 values
No one in Portland can tell you
Mackinawa aa low aa wo can. Come
and chooao from these wonderful
values! Fine, heavy garments, in
handsome stripes and plaids. Note
our prices:
All-Wool Mackinaw
Values $11.75 to $14.75
MACKINAWS Blanket Headquarters
W 5 ah Tk
Blanket days are here! Stock up on blankets
during this Thanksgiving sale, for here are
Portland's lowest prices on blankets. We
quote two instances of the remarkable values
I we are able to give you on blankets.
1 Regular $3.25 Cotton Blankets
1 ' $2.49
Regular $7.00 Woolnap Blankets
1 $5.4:9
Every new Fall model goes in this
great sale! For Portland's lowest
prices on coats you must come here.
$25 New Fall Coats .7$17.48
$30 New Fall Coats. $21.95
$35 New Fall Coats. .$27.45
Women's Rain Coats
Splendid, easy-fitting garments, all
sizes. Values te$l7.50
Work Shoes Sale of Women's Coats
Niehoffs heavy hand-made Work
Shoes; 8-inch tops. Regular $8.50
Store Opens at 9. Closes at 6. Open Until 8 P.M. on Saturday. Free Delivery in City and MUwaukie.
An example of bur wonderful value
giving ability I -
. ... - - ......
else Adv. r(