V THE OREGON v SUNDAY JOURNAL,, PORTLA ND, -SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 17. 1918. REAL ESTATE yOtt MALE BOU8JBS Irvington District - Most gaerlflc my beautiful home, with fur niture, for $5800; house has A room and aleep lo porch, hardwood flaorr throughout uUr boos; furniture include mahogany furniture la Urine room, two Turkish rags and furnishings, gluing room quarter-sawed oak, with dmpe and rugs; kitchen, gae and wood rang. dishes, table, hair and linoleum ; cellar, gas range, etc Pink bedroom. Clrcaastan walnut (urn) tore. rue. rapes, etc ; biu eearoom, Diraseye maple lumi ture, run, eta. Tbla hous i furnished with the RBALJESTATB 1 FOE HALE HOUSES . OPEN SUNDAY $200 Cash S room houM, on 2 extra fin lots, large barn, chicken runt, all kinds of .fall bearing froi trees. This can be made a beautiful home. Price 1X800, balance $15 a month. $200 Cash 5 room bungalow, on 'A acre of ground. ohieken runs, woodshed, fruit and berries. Price only 11400. Easy payments monthly on the balance. S150 Cash S room plastered cottage, on 85x100 (round; beat of furniture, ready to mot. Into, and mutt ?! etc- .. Thl . bty tot only $750. re eea to be appreciated, uo and look at It. Open all day Sunday. 680 East 20th st north for appointment. Week days call Tabor 4768. 1 "aCRES.' small" house" Flnt-clasa soil, large patch of strawberries. bundaaoe of fruit and berries, small piece of timber. 4 -room house, garage and barn, water and gas. on good auto road about 1 mile from - Estarsds car line and Stanley station; price $2000, easy terms. O. A. WARRIXER RITTER, LOWE A CO. 203-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. FOR SALE 4 room plastered house, rhicken house, wood shed 'and orer 24 50x100 ft lots. Pine for garden, located on Oehoeo are.. Sellwood Price $860; tcim D. U McLeod. 204 Porter st balance monthly to suit you. Is ANY OTHER GOOD BUYS. HOLLAND BOND A MORTGAGE CO 147 Park St. t, OPEN SUNDAY $2000 Buys neat 6-room cottage, modern, en pared st; several bearing fruit trees; Jot 60x10. near Union are. and Bkidmore; terms $500 cash, $25 per month; liberal discount lot cash. , $2000 Buys 2 4 -room eottaaes on eor. lot; st. im provements paid; Sellwood diet.; income $800 per year; a good Investment, or lire in one and rent the other. $1000 Buys Beat B room modern cottage. No. 722 Umatilla are., SellwootL; lot 60x100; a real bargain for the money; easy terms. It. M. GATEWOOD A CO., 105 4th st REAL BSTATB SOU SALE HOUSES 1 6 BOOM HOUSE iiAiiiTiiADur r i o"T r i rr kiur laitsklrdrst pare nrtVV I nUnlHL UIO I nlU I 6 lovely airy rooms, Dutch kitchen, splendid 4 -room bungalow, has beautiful electric fix- plumbing, full baseemnt 20-ft garage; very best ture. paneled dining room, built-in buffet Dutch rurroundings, prominent st ; absolutely no in- k lichen, full basement with fine hot wster heat- eumbranoe: price to only $3250; $650 cash me plant ana gninir , n 1 1 r-r i uuiuitinruM . . i mu ueiiiue. . . n t wivm". t w , all paid; price $2350; $800 cash, balance to I that this is away below the market value; you molt Hawthorne Realty Co., eor. of 89th and can see for yourself. Hawthorn Realty Co., Hawthorn are. i eor. of 89 th and Hawthorne are. YOU'LL BUT THIS Rose City Park bungalow If you are a fudge of value. It is located on SOth st It has 6 rooms with fireplace and full bmement It is a corner gat 60x109. The street is pared, the sewers in and an paid. Remember all as aeesmenU paid. The price la only $2975. Pay $800 down and mora In. COE A. M'KENNA A CO.. Main 462a. 82 4th st. Board of Trade. rms., 298 Cherry st, $1800; $200 cash! 778 Montana are.. rms., $1800. 628 E. Salmon St.. 6 rms.. $80O cash. 106$ E. Salmon, 6 rms.. $2000: $800 cash 1000 K. Morrison st. 0 rooms, $1750; $300 ash These propertiea are mighty good buys and Tour inspection is invited ; photos at office of Wed W. Oerman Co.. 782 Cham, of Com. FOR HALE By owner, neatly furnished ft room bungalow, modern except furnace, cement basement, fireplace; over 6800 furniture; nice lawn, shrubbery, etc.; pear school, churches, stores, library? etc: 1 block to Woodstock car line: prired to sell complete. $2150; terms $04 cash, balance $15 per mo., 11, interest 6116 47th st H. K. ' THIS BEATS RENTING ' $250 cash will take possession of a neat BEAUTIFUL 7 R. LAURELHURST. Here la an opportunity to buy an exception ally choice -property for less than it cost to produce when building wis st its cheapest atace. 7 r. . sleeDina- porch, completely mod ern, large corner lot, improvements ail in. garage. Price of $4850 covers all; easy terms. See mortgagee s agent, R. F. FEEM8TER, $0 AWngton' Bldg. SOME 8PIJEWDID BUYS ' SURELY TOO CAN CHOOSE YOUR HOVE FROM THIS SELECT USX ROSE CITY PARK $4200 ' 0 rooms and sleeping porch: wonderfully at tractive and thoroughly modern; hardwood floors, fireplace, bookcases, buffet Dutch kitchen, breakfast room, furnace, ate. This will appeal to you. . - . ROSE CITY PARK 84O00 7 room bungalow with 2 bedrooms downstairs and 2 op; hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet ce ment basement furnace, etc. : . splendidly located on 48th st near ear. All improvements in and only $50 to assume. ROSE CITY PARK 88760 6 rooms and sleet) in porch, tinge: located on 4 1st st : furnace, fireplace, etc AU im provements in and included in price. Now va cant and ready for occupancy. ROSE CITY CAR 82100 Comnletely furnished 4 room bungalow, near 68th and Fremont stav: hardwood floors, fire place, etc Mind yon, this is ompletely fur nished at this price. Can be sold without fur niture. Soma one win be glad to boy this moa ern little bungalow. Owner moving away and must sell. ROSE CITY PARK CAR $2500 S rooms, modern with furnace: full 50x100 lot We want you to see this. For so moderate a price we don't know where you can beat this. Get in touch with us at once. ROSE CITY PARK CAR ' 88400 A snlendid ODOortunitv for soma one. Owner of this beautiful 6 room'-bungalow built by one of Portland's best builders is moving from Portland and baa already sold furniture. Hard wood floors, fireplace, bookcases, buffet sun porch, furnace, etc Exceptionally well located. X on certainly must grasp thia opportunity, WE8TMORELAND-8ELLWOOD CAR 88600 sleeping porch a real home of Te 83000 6 room modern bungalow. Fireplace, bnffet. Dutch kitchen, attic, foil base ment, weah trays, improvements all in and paid. Terms. This home hss new 'hardwood floors, in a fine location with dandy car service and close to good school. No foreign element Newly minted and tinted throughout J. A. WTCKMAN CO., 814 Stark st Main 588. Folks, here is truly a wonderful house of 6 us anor finement and character p hardwood floors, fire- rooms RE At ESTATE FOB S AXE HOUSES A FEW CHOICE BARGAINS IN SMALL HOMES ON EA8Y PAYMENTS $25006 room modern bungalow with soma built-in' conveniences; splendid fireplace. - large attic, cement basement graded street cement walks, good neighborhood: $200 cash win handle win take Liberty bonds at face value. $18005 room modern bungalow on 4 2d at south of Hawthorne are.; $300 cash $2$ per month. 63100 8 room modern bungalow about teres I 3 ) Mocks from St. Johns car: woo id consider auto as first payment to the amount of about ouu. os is nee iid ner momn. soou smaa anaek. lot boxioo. in nuos ave.. north of carline; $59 cash, $10 per month. $500 Small shack with full lot on 34th at, Woodstock car; liberal payments. OTTO A HARKSON RE ALT! COL. 413 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. PACIFIC AGENCY. INC., 612-18-14-15 SweUand Bldg. MODERN HOME Of 6 rooms, convenient to csr. in Irvtngtoa - -trict to exchange for small farm back of Van couver, of 10 to SO acres: prop, is clear. It AN CHES Of 20 to 200 acres In Willamette valley: all stocked and equipped, to trade for city prog.. or will sell on easy terms. MERCHANDISE STOCK " $10,000. to trad for a stock farm, back of Vancouver, Wash., of from 160 to 320 acres. Must be clear and right price, on good road. WHEAT RANCH 140 acres. East Or., imp., to exchange city prop. Will assume. Price $5000. PACIFIC AGENCY. INC. 612-18-14-15 Swetland Bldg. YOU'LL mak $1000 profit within a year if you buy this: Five-eighta of an acre of ground and a 6 room house, modern except beat on Lombard st and carline, for $3750, and only $500 cash. Read on! The house is in fiae condition. It has a fireplace, sleeping porch. full basement wash trays, etc The street to paved and paid for. Just think youH gwt more than 6 full 50x100 lots and on a paved street .too. Either for a home or an Invest ment you can't beat this. COE A. M'KENNA te CO.. Main 4322. 62 4th at. Board of Trad Bldg. FOB SALE LOTS 1$ $20 rXftVN $10 MONTH 100x100 feet $600; H block to Parkrcee car and Sandy blid.. Just outside city limits. You can build a small house here. J. L. HARTMAN CO.. No. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg.. 4th and Stark. Main 208. A-205 REAL ECTATE STJBtJRBAJJ HOMES "Place for Chickens, Cow ' and Garden1 .MONTA VILLA CAB ' 1 acres of ground, highly improved, berries, crapes, fruit 7 room boos, bath, toilet lis tits, gas. hot and cold water, full basement; on carline, 6o fare; paved street: only 80 minutes' rida. Price $5000; beat of OREGON CITY CAR 9 acres, highly improved, all binds of fruit, berries, grapes, large shade trees, lawn and roses; station right at door, hard surface road. 7 room modern bense. basement furnace, Bghtsaaa, bath, toilet, hot and cold water; lsrgT modern chicken houae. runs and scratch pens. An Ideal Modern Country Home. Only SO mln vtes' drive from business section. Price $6250; terms. , Sea W. W. JORDAN, with E Inside Property Dealers, 33 Fourth St Marshall 892. A GOOD BUY $300 CASH. $2350 Cozy 6 room bungalow cottage, full lot. paved street cement walks, good district bath, gas, elec $2950 Rose City csr, 6 room bungalow, sun porch, nesr car. Modern. Can vacate, promptly. Miss Slocomb. Main 7266. 624 Henry bldg. 1 1800 BUNGALOW. $300 DOWN S-rnom bungalow. Urge floored atUc. hard sur- , paneled dining room, plat rail and Branch Office 60th and Sandy, open Sunday. place and all those things that go to make a real home. Splendidly located in this highly re stricted district near Reed college;- $700 cash will handle An improvements in and paid for. Don't wait HAWTHORNE DISTRICT $2850 6 rooms and den: hardwood floors, fireplace. built-in buffet bookcases, writing desk, cement basement wash Irays. All atreet improvements included in price. If you see this you have nought your home. Zoo eoulan t imagine more comfortable home. Thoroughly built double constructed. WE WANT YOTJ TO FEKL AT LIBERTY TO INSPECT THESE HOUSES. IT WILL BE A DOWNRIGHT PLEASURE TO US. WE HAVE FOUR AUTOMOBILES AND $200 WORTH OF GASOLINE PAID FOR. WE SATISFIED WITH SOME ONE OF THE rAKriul liAKS no wiL.Lji.avc.iii!. nuv n ABOVE MENTIONED HOUSES? BUT WE FOR SALE Two lot cheap, $300 for one; HAVE HUNDREDS OF OTHERS. J40 down $5 a month: $500 for the other. H down. $10 a month. 411 E. Davis st George Hartford. FOR SALE. $50, residence lot near Normal at Cheney. Wash. O. P. Applegate, 681 H Savier i street WONDERFUL SUBURBAN BARGAIN Located Garden Home on Oregon Eleotrle. only 15 minutes from Portland, on west side. All city eonveoieneea. LISTEN TO THIS Tin acres close Garden Horn station, with almost new. modem. I room t bouse. Ground all cultivated. ' fenced good outbuilding. House triple constructed. Has electricity with elegant lighting- fixtures. Fiae porcelain bath and toilet fixtures, Dutch kitchen with Urge plrceUia sink; builtin buf fet bookcase, etc I This plac is easily worth $4600. but if you can raise $1000 cash la the next three days I will sell for $8600, free incumbrance. If you want a real suburban home ae this to day. Ask for McOormio at station. Phone Main 9318. REAL ESTATE FOB SALE FARMS T7 oenton County Farm COW OB SHEEP RANCH 00 acres. 7 aailea from Oorvallia; all land is opes and can . be cropped now ; about half of plac now vaed for fanning, balance pasture; all f rawed aad crass fenced; fair bam. poor boos. family orchard, not hill Una. Pises reisea una year 1609 bushels of wheat 1600 boahels of oats, 70 tons of bay and $500 f beans, besides the pastor. Total inrsm over $7000. Can sell for $26,000. $10,000 cash, balaac terms at 0 per cent interest SMALL FaKM KAU 48 acres. !H miles from center of town; 10 acres in cropa. balance In pasture: 3 acres of cherries, pert bearing; family orcnara. smaa fruits; all faneed. woven wire; 4 room ooUage. isrsM. him. 2 henhouse, food soring water. creek. 800 cords of wood on place. Pric $8500, $ UHre-.eash, balance 6 per cent interest terms. uav farms of ail kinds, oome ana see. F. L KINNEY, Corvallis. Oiy ELEGANT farm, located S mile from Oregon City, on a hard surfaced road, which to paved most all the way to Portland and Oregon City. This place to only H mile rrom tne eiecinc carline: good school and church: baa a well built, modern 8 room house, plastered, with fire place and other conveniences; barn. 40x80 feet; 24 feet high. This to one of the best barns in Clicks mas county,- well painted and in good re pair. Chicken boas and other outbuildings. Good family orchard with all varieties of fruit berries and nuts. The pUce consists of 33 acres, about 25 ultivatad. baL timber, pasture: to wa tered bv a nie runninf stream which afforts water for stock the year around. Also has a good well at th house. The owner is now of fering this plac at a very reasonable price at 86500, which to a bargain aa the improvement alone hare cost over $5000. Win take a good residence or income property in Portland up to 840OO aa a payment and the balance can main on the place. Nn. 81-80. RALPH ACKLEY LAND COMPANY REAL ESTATE for" sale farm &v J i! 20 ACRES. 12 acre sndet wuJUvetsoa. on eounty road, black sou. $46 per aera, $200 down. 117 Philadelphia at. St Johns. FOR RENT FARMS 14 TO RENT, sell or-trade, $6 acre. 2 terser 3 eoita. ewws, 3 half en, togs, chickens and farm implement, for $4000. 24 aeras cult. 3 acre good bearing orchard, (print wee ter piped to bldrs. 1 room hooa. ton ban ana good utbmudinga, X mail to graded school and town; soar Columbia river, Bv R. and boat Undine. Owner will sail ism 36 aeiea. which to part f 368 acre which be owns, or wui rent oaiaae of 158 acre to party bnyme; th 85 lores. 01-13 ttslnh Aeklcv. 306 Car. oeu oiag. FOR RENT 40 aarea. on fistaoada Una. 1 U. miles south of Eagl Creek, oa good macadam ized road, between 18 and 20 aerea clear: bom and bam and plenty of fanning water. Will renx cneap. lag, air 1480 Macadam at Fboo Marshall 3148. 140 ACRES. 100 in cultivation, bal pasture stock for sal. 3 horses, harness, wagon. 6 rood milch cows, 4 spring calve. 6 ton bay. u cucBcne. pig, narrow, cultivators, milk oana, bay fork, ronea. etc Taber 4548. bet 6 and o p. m, PRETTYMAN addition, lot 6. block T E. Washington st nesr 61st; Improved, clear title: see and make offer. Lieut T. M. Small, Fort Des Moines, Iowa. j MARINE VIEW LOT ON PAVED STREET BARGAIN See the ships come end go. A. 6. Teepe Co, 264 Stark st. near Third. Main 8516. face atrwM. ,2 blks. from car. Mt Tabor district; "g. Ato -S Price 82600, 0. A. WARRINER RITTER, LOWE A CO. 203-6-7 Board of Trade bldg. For bale by owner 6 room house on paved street, clos in. 633 Oregon st, 3 blocks to 2 carline. sleeping wnrch. dnxalnc room, fireplace, furnace, all plumbing and real sleeping porch, 60x100 lot E. 79th st near M. v. car. race iouu, essv terms. See FRANK L. M'GUIRE. ABINGTON BLDG. i To Buy Your Home. Main 1068. Phone Tabor 9586. Sunday Phones Mr. HUler, Tabor 8255. Mr. Claytor. Tabor 9321. EQUITY in eieht fine lots, three blocks from Rftrtha station- chean for cash : would con sider trade for good used automobile. M. 2870. TWO lots, 100x100, in Estacada; leaving city; sacrifice. $225. 828 E. Kelly st $250 CASH $1275 4 RM. WEST SIDE SNAP. Km nlsatarerf hnm nlumbine. naved sts.. H winter fuel, gas range, water heater, - screens, c0Jf uring dirt, builtin buffet. Dutch kitchen, garage, lot of C r PnllAnLnY Ui j, uuiuenueigi FRANK L. M'GUIRE HOUSE BAROAINS EASY TERMS ALAMEDA PARK lot 50x100; owner will seU cheap; no agents. WoodUawn 4314. HtVINGTON PARK lot for sal or trade. Call East 2833. flowers and berries; all for $3750, easy terms a genuine snap. Investigate. East 4695. NiCE LITTLE HALF ACRE $780 $25 down, $12.50 monthly buys splendid half acre tract with 8 room house, small barn and some fruit trees; located in Brentwood, on kit. Rnntt line. Till the property Is not on Broadway and Washing ton at Fred W. German C.. 732 Chamber Cotnmero. . 215-16 Abington Bldg. 8 Byrs. in Portland. 10tt Third. Main 4 803. S. P. SHOP DISTRICT 7 rooms, full basement hard surface streets. 1 1 ... .1.. nf til Iniimhrannn ! This house is no niouem aim prl(,e $2500. $500 cash, balance like rent WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET KUSULTa. C. A. WARRINER RITTER, IX) WE A CO. 203-6-7 Board of Trade bldg. $ 900 $260 down; $10 per month. 4 room ' bungalow, newly tinted. ' Brentwood. $1800 4-room cottage, SeUwood. $1500 $250 down, $15 per month. 5 room modem bungalow, 60x90 lot 63d sr.. vacant - ACREAGE (7 $2850 HAW. BUNG. $2850 Cor., 6 rms., fireplace, buffet, mnslo nn., anient bas't, piped for furnace, paved sts., 2 car lines: liens $100; only $750 cash; rm. for garage. G. GOLDENBERG. ABINGTON BLDO. . "3!fc yrs. in Portland." Main 4803. frnu A A l.V. 1 K-room houseboat with bsth. 1 8 -room houseboat and on woodshed and plenty of good walks and one A-l raotorboat L' feet long and household goods. Fine place to lay. the 3d house below the Northern Pa eifle Lumber mill, a real bargain. Don't miss this. 3d house below mill. Mrs. TshoT. $1600 6-room cottage, modem. E. st. V4 block to Alberta car; $1650 6-room cottage. Sellwood. $2300 ADJOINING ALAMEDA PARK Very attractive bungalow, 50x100 lot in Prescott. near 83d. gull cement basement, fire- puce, electricity ana gu. wnite enamel pmmo- gigoo $300 down. 5 rooms, lnf and sleeping pore a. eroaaway car. r rice $2300. Terms. See FRANK L. McGCTRE, ABINGTON BLDO.. To Buy Your Home. Main 1088. 11th vacant SHERIDAN ACRES - 80 acres not far from Sheridan, spring, part clear, no waste land, all rich soil, some timber. county road, $50 per acre; small payment down, balance so years CV. 70 scree, north of w lllamlna. running water. 8,500,000 feet timber: snap. $3000; pay for same as you sell the wood; tgnall payment down. 4 5 acres. 4 miles north of Sheridan, part cultivated, fenced, spring, all fine land, county road. It. F. D.. some fine timber. XViZSU; $250 down, bal. long time 6 . Sea-Wood Realty Co.. 248 Stark st. i CAN suit you ra price and the six of th land yon wish with good houses or -cosy bun galows, close to th carline and river at Oak Grove. All of these places are near or on th paved highway seeding from Portland, and th prices welL some of these pUces are being of fered so cheaply that it to useless to talk about it. Suffice it to say that you can buy a house with half acre of land in high .state of culti vation as low aa $850. with very easy terms. M. J. CLOHES8T, 415 Abington bldg. ONLY $2400 will bur a good 4 room house and 4 acre of land in high state of culti vation, with all kinds of fruit in full bearing, chicken houses and other buildings. In the house are such conveniences as city water, gas. electric light bath and toilet Note trig like this can b found at th price. It to only 5 blocks from big city school and near hard surface street $350 is all you need. M. J. CLOHE8SY, 415 Abington bldg. 440 ACRE DAIRY AND HOG RANCH 150 acres grain Und. 60 acres alfalfa, more trOible, baL pastor; all grain and alfalfa Und fenced with bog wire. Good house, shed stable, corrals and other buildings, 1 mile from school, oa Co. road, telephone and R. F. D.. T miles from two good country towns. Running water through th place most of the year, but ample spring and well water for stock. A bargain at $10,000; $5000 cash. baL on Gov. loan. Don't write but wire at my ex pens when coming. FRANK MeELROT. Cambridge, Idaho. 1 2SO ACRES, 2 miles O A. C. 1J0 acres farming, rest pasture; 1600 rods of til la ground; pasta re fenced in 6 fields; running water in every field; good buildings; no stock or implement, uasn rent. Owner, 661 Queen, FOR RENT Two farms, en of 10 aerea. hone bam and close to Fsirrlew; th other, 40 aerea. u cumvation, z nouses. outbUUdicga, SEA-WOOD REALTY CO. - t FOR RENT 60 acre. 8 room house. S3 eut- tivated. 25 timber. Clos to pared road, near Portland. Be Mr. Austin. Th Brous Cos. 267 H Oak st WANTED A good man to take my 30 acres for a term of 1 to 8 years. E-897. Journal. t - ' ' BWlt. a.TTT EXUANGE REAL ESTATE I 5 IS ACRES, near CanbyTl'6 in cultivation, lot . more easy cleared, sobs timber; all th very best of Soil; 23 aerea of One garden Und; a nee acre; worth 6100. . 6 aeras em Baa Line road; all evritivttbiap ' food boo ad other building; near city lisuts; ' . . $8250; worth mar. - 6 aerea, all ra cultivation, with an kinds of -fruit and betriea; good bail dings and within 1 mi lee ef th city, cm hard surfaced road; $3000. Yt 1U take) (nod aato as first payment - 801 LUMBER EXCHANGE. ' l '. 0 ACRES, near Peifi highway, witbta 14 -' miles of Portland: 00 aerea is eultlvagtost. fair . y bnildinga. all stock- and equipment ranainc wate and springs on th plane. Want sra sitae lce.- -s Well Improved. Pric 88300. . ' 120 aerea. within 83 saOee of Portland, baas ... good town. Yamhill county; 80 acre in enter- , j tioa. th beat of soil, all stocked and eqJpoL, Pric $12,000. Will consider city property fog part or smaller plac well improved. 820 aerea of good land, with aom good tla- - bar and spring oa the Und: located near Spokaae, , . . Wash.; valued at 83260. and soma cash fur 60 to 80 acr farm improved. ' 79 aerea. 18 in cultivation ; lot mor nearly cleared: fair buildings; orchard of all kind of '' fruit; springs and running water on th place; near good tows. Price $3000. Would sounder city property or small business ' - 106 acres, 75 in cultivation, balance timber ' and pastor: good buildings, new silo, good or- " ' chard of all kinds of fruit and berries; oa good " - road, 14 miles from PorUand. in Washington county; all slocked and equipped with high class stock cows, horses', sheep, hogs and food tools, "7 machinery, everything nereesary to run the farm., : Th plac to mostly seeded to fall wheat and clover. This to on of ths best farms In Oregon, . , and offered at a great bargain ; $15,000. Would Li eonsidar good borne in Portland. - - - - 01 LUMBER EACtlAJiUE. FARMS VYAKTED rREIfT OR BUT tl SUBURBAN SNAP AT METZGEB Beautiful cultivated acre with plenty full bearing fruit trees. Has fair 5 room house, good bare and chickenhouse, ehiokenrun, root house. Lots ot berries. Located on good gravel road and only halt mile from paved highway to PortUnd. Price only $1600, easy terms. Take Oregon Electric to Garden Horns. Ask for McCormic Phone Main 9318. HERE'S one that you should buy aa soon as you seo it Almost H ce with a nice, neat 5 room bungalow, only 2 blocks from the sta tion at Oak Grove, and only 1 block from big school. The price is only $2000 and $300 cash is 11 you need. M. J. CLOHE8ST, 415 Abington bldg. 1 20 ACRE IRRIGATED RANCH ON GOV ERNMENT PROJECT IN OREGON S mile from Hermtoton, fine Und. sll can be irrigated. 12 acres now under cultivation. Alfalfa and 6-year-old commercial orchard: good 4 room pUstered cottage, bam, 2 large chicken- houses, all In good condition. Price only auuti. Can bay. 20 seres Joining this if you want mor Und. Cut 8 crops of alfalfa a year on this project See Sam Hewey at J. L. HARTMAN CO., No. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg.. 4th and Stark. 20 ACRES. 17 acres high state cultivation, bal. pasture. Extra choice Und. Level. 2 wells, 6 room house, bam, V mile P.y. sta. , close to church, school, stores. 30 dwellings within mile radius. Price 35300 $3000 on or berore 10 yean, 6 per cent, $2500 rash or modem house worth 3250O. Ton cannot onjilieale true. 14 urea. S acres cultivated. baL pasture. Run Ih. b f.mil. nH. V. . r mi.) H Bnnm hrmM and bam. Choice black sandy loam Und, 6 miles east of city. 8 mile Ry. sta. 1 tt mile to hard surf see mad. $4500. $1000 cash, $500 per annum, 6 "t . R. M. GATEWOOD A CO.. 165 H 4th st modem bungalow, fireplace, sleeping porch, etc.; E. 7th, M. V. car. ROSE CITY bungalow; ivory, mahogany trimmed; .han. hufft hnnkcasea. French doors. hardwood floors, fireplace, dresser built In bath, Dutch kitchen, ironing hoard, luei jut, oemem baement. furnace, laundry trays. Net price $1875 rah. assume. Wonderfully well built home. Call Tabor 6884. feSPECilALLY good buys one 9 -room, finish oak and mahogsny; garage. one 3 -room. $4260 ROSE CITY PARK $4250 I will sell my new bungalow cheap, inside of 47th st. It has 5 rooms and breakfast nook and sleeping porch, strictly modern throughout lot 60x137, very easy terras to responsible par ty. Sunday K. 645S, days Mirjaau son. Ask for Mr. Utiles. . New Rose City 5 rm., very artistic bungalow; seeing to be lieving: sure it's modem; owner losing heav ily: $2950, $600 rash. G. O. GOLDENBERG. ABINGTON BLDG. "35 yrs. in Portland." Main 4803. oak floors, choice mahogany finish, garage. One m 1. n v . t. It. T!t1 nn rSrT On- 7-room. i fioorT" One a-room! ONLY $2250 for a 5 room bungalo modern snlendid home, vry cheap. Number of others. beat locations, Irrlngton. East 378. Herdman. " $1900 E. llth NEAR MASON $1900 8 room home in A-l condition, white enamel plumbing, electricity and gas. fnU lpt. on paved street, fruit and flowers, 4 blocks to Irvington car. Price $1900, terms. See FRANK L. McOCUlE. ABINGTON BLDG., To 'Buy Your Home. Main 1068. and uo to date. This bungalow has cement basement with fireplace, cement walk and curb. It is in the right locality, in the Kenton dis trict Look st it. No. 158 Russett st, $500 cash will handle it M. J. Clohessy, 415 Abing ton bldg. $1800 5-room modem bungalow, lOOx 100, Sellwood car, walking dis tance to 8. P. car shops. $1900 6-room modern house, full lot. abundance of fruit ; s Bid well it., Sellwood. $2300 Very artistic bungalow, full ce ment basement sleeping porch, white enamel plumbing, adjoining Alameda Park; Broadway car. $2300 $250 down, 7 -room modem house, 80x100. 67th st; Mt Scott car. $2450 $300 down, 7-room modem house. bam. chicken house. 80x125 lot E. 78th st, near Ash. $2800 Typical bungalow, modem, Wil lamette Heights. We have over 850 houses -with full data and photographs. Have appraised each house CHEAP ACREAGE 8 acres. $250: $10 down. $5 per month buys 1 acres of land between Portland and Centralis, on the main line of 3 railroads. 1 H miles from a tewn of 800 population: sawmills and shingle mills; some partly cleared and some cleared; ruining stream; some bottcm and scene bench. Can give you any kind of pUce you want BELL REAL ESTATE CO. 818 Railway Exchange bldg. " $60 CASH LOCATES YOU 7 H acres, all rood plow land when cleared. free from rock or gravel. 30 miles from Port Und, 1 H miles from store, P. O. and station ; steady work nearby for settlers; good cabin on piace, garaen paicn cieareo.; price eauu; terms $30 down. $15 monthly. H'EUDEMASS company 913 Chamber of Commerce. MODERN BUNGaXOW, $3000 East Lincoln near SOth st, 6 room, fire place, 2 bedrooms with extra good bath be tween; bookcases. Dutch kitchen: double con structed; lot 60x67; pavement paid. Good neighborhood. Terms $500 down. GODDARD A WIEDRICK. 243 Stark st rBASE LINE $2100 5 aerea. 2 miles east of city limits, on eounty road, just off Base Line road; 'flag station across road from pUce; all in cultivation, 30 to 40 fruit trees. 7 to 8 years old: land level; tent with floor. 14x16; terms. $300 down. GODDARD A WIEDRICK. 24 3 6tark st ONLY $2100 for sere of highly improved Und with a practically new 6 room hous. only 2 blocks from the station. Evergreen, on Oregon City carline. This is cheap, and liberal terms will be given purchaser. M. J. CLOHESSY. 415 Abington bldg. DAIRY FARM LINCOLN COUNTY R TOPIC- TOOLS AND IMPLEMENTS 160 acres, 17 miles from Tillamook, 4 mile from Salmon river. 2 miles from cheese, factory, R. F. D. route. 60 acres in cultivation, balance Urge fir. estimated about 10.000,000 feet; black loam soil: woven wire fences. 1 acre orchard, berries. 2 story house, bam 82x50. another bam 18x42, with leanto of. 14x42: good well., spring water, cloee to house and bam; team good horses. T5 cows, 3 hoes, chickens, all implements; price $S000; withont stock and tools. $7000; baUnc mortgare at 6 . UODDARD A WIEDRICK, 243 Stark St WANTED Small stock ranch ith plenty ut- ua. .a new mwr, near Aiaea. aiuax be barcain. Stat nriea. ana Rm)ih .1 WAN TED 3 to 5 acres to" rent or buy vrlti improvement suitable for poultry, on good road, 20 minute from PortUnd. JDS. E. lzth N.. Wdln. 1485. I E, Bar. HOMESTEADS 47 HOMESTEADERS LEAVING TODAY Am lea rin a today with several enstamera to look over th most valuable and th moat de sirable homesteads in the V. 8 In Central Ore gon. Bend district along line of new Strebora railway. Part timber, part prairie, fine water, near store and postoffice. Settler moving in last. Also irrigated homesteads 10 mils from town, with fin made, telephones, rural mall delivery, etc. Circular mailed on request Will return about 23d. At home afternoon and evening Sundays, Tuesdays, Thursday and Saturday on return. . 8. EHLE, Govt. Land Cruiser. 227 E 49th. WHY not trad your iaeom property to th J niLv for this fin home and dairy farm that improved; good enough for a millionaire; 846 . ear, on Gray Harbor, sun acres in ewavauoa, - 2 mile from R- R. station and school: phone, r electricity and JL F. D. ; new 6 room eoncret , -bungalow with eoncret garag: also tenant house; ' 3 good barns, silo with each, all Jenoea. v eows. 4 Tear lines, calves. 7 horses, all dairy appe- . ratua and farm tools. 84-30. Ralph Aekley, 306 Corbett bldg. TIMBER $8 680 A. alfalfa and wheat ranch, all irrigated and cultivated, close to R. R. town': ill health of owner demands' change. Price $100 per A. He wiR consider good PortUnd income property to equal value. Firat-elass PortUnd income property, $24,000. Owner wants apartment hous to $30,000 or $35,000. L. K. MOORE. 817 Board of Trade. FOR BALE The following going - business for aale on account of death of manager: No. 8 Russell sawmill, good for 30.000 feet daily; 600.000 feet of logs decked la woods: 6.000.000 feet standing timber, pine; ramp nouses and stable. Sleds for winter logging. More timber t, be had if wanted. Price $10,000. -Will take part PortUnd residence property It good. Bos H. Elgin. Or ABOUT 2.600.000 ft of choice tie, piling end ship knee timber; also some oak. ZH miles from R. it Down hill hauL Plenty of water, ideal mill site. . Addreaa J. H. Lauterman, Sa lem. Or. 7 H MILLION feet timber on quarter section. mile from railroad, 2 miles from deep har bor, for $3000 rash, with Und. D. A. Donel soji. 447 Sherlock bldg., Portgtnd. FOR SALE Ob TRADE 108 acre, free from iocumbranos. 4 acre peach bearing orchard. ' . 1 acr 4 year old Jennings apple orchard. 40. -seres UlUbU. balance in erasing Und. ' doso -to ColumbU river and oa Columbia highway, 5 miles west from The Dalles ; ran b easily irri- ; gated; pries, $3000. A. Walkley. 603 McKay bldg. -- : APARTMENf llOtSE T6 TRADE 10 apartments. 8 rooms and bath each, sot -80x160; good location, all apartments fulL and, - ' bringing good inooma, Price $25,000; ssort. $0000. Will take farm or house for equity. , LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. 918 Chamber of Commerce. - vf. 24 ACRES prune, cherries snd pears; income J" this year $4600; mile of town; equipped. Pric $8000. A lease on a prune orchard ad joining goes with the place. income from . both place over $10,000 this season. Will -. exchange for city property. Claude Cole, 309 '- Henry bldg. - ..' GET out on a place nw, don't wslt for th rash; $0 acre. $4000: about 6 aero clear; baL easily cleared. No rock or travel ; creek oa. t place; eounty road runs through it: hill Und. lays, well; 2 miles from station. 34 miles from Port land; comfortable house; all ready for good -. k start. What have yonf O 839. Journal. 3 ROOM bous. 1 room summerhoua. 60x100 . lot. woodshed, basement, plumbing except -bath, gas, electricity, near Columbia Park. 8. Johns hne. $1500; no incumbrance: for smart -stock ranch in Lincoln county. I Knight, 460 . . Farragut. 1'hon Wood lawn 3301. ' :' EXCILVNGE 3 room hous snd corner lot: haad surface street In front of pis'. AH Improvements paid; nice Uwn and rosea; 3 blocks f from streetcar: in Sellwood; value $2000. .For1-? small ranch of 40 to 60 aerea, with iem kfts,, provementa. Owner. 4 54 Umatilla aw.. Sellwood ,,4 GOOD stock ranch in OkUhouIv 240 aerea,' '' 100 aerea cultivated. 8 acre alfalfa, family -,' orchard; plenty of water. 6 room bungalow. ; Urge barn and outbuildtnc. Price $X., -Want about 40 acre clos to PortUnd. East Z 8715. 859 Hawthorn. ONLY $1350 will buy a new 5 room house with H acre of Und. Perhaps no richer soil to be found than this. Only 2 blocks from the carline and near hard surface street $350 cash is all you need to handle this. M. J. CLOHESSY. 415 AWngtcm bldg. t,, , . . 1 . . . , r viu-iU now vase oners 01 eoou uuwn. u ruum - , , i. ff. h f. vrmr bungalow, refused $2650, now leaving SiJAS? flnt take $2350. For quick action will cut price i.. .?d m.Z. ika . c - v Mnn ..lv 1. 1 ment if necessary. Come in ana examine our Sun" hnwv will, hnv one. two or three room ....1 ...... ' v.. ,; I photographs. Four experienced real estate shark cottsees on Rose City line. Monta- Tllla, and. other good dlstrlcta. Prices range from $000 to $1000, monthly payments from $10 to' $15 monthly. Fred W. Gsrmsn Co., 7 $2 Chsm. of Com. HOME FOR THE OLD FOLKS V 3 nouses, one 5 room plastered cottage with you need pay down. winter's wood In. Alberta car. 1237 East 17th St. N. WoodUwn 1092. L SUNN YSIDE. $2150 A neat one story home, nearly new. 6 rooms, bath, cement basement wssh trays, etc This is a nice little home, close in and $200 is tuth and toilet and 1 very neat 2 room cottage. both on corner lot. 60x75: 1 block to Mt Scott ear; $200 rash, $20 monthly. Fred W. German Co., 732 Chamber or i.ommerre. 160 ACRES, half timber, 10 acres cultivated, 70 acres deciduous, some besverdam; hous. 6 rooms, spring, soil volcsnlc pulverulent, rosd automobile, ordinary country desiderata.. Apple ton. Klickitat. $7500; even exchange Portland. 611 Union N. COE A. M'KENNA A CO., Main 4 522. 82 4th st. Board of Trade bldg. A REAL BARGAIN IN ROSE CITY For the man with a family it can't be beat: 7 large, comfortable rooms, hardwood floors, good furnace, hsndsom firepUce, good neigh borhood, clos to Ssndy bird.; $800 to $1000 will handle; vacant now. Call owner. East 1047. ONLY $850 buys a 6 room house at Pen- insuU station. This is in . the right locality for the workingmaa and there are two lots which FURNISHED COTTAGE $1575 Vmr-m nf well built nlastered cottar, eom plctely furnished, cn Rose City, park line; spins- goes with this house. ThU is a good buy. $350 4th a did yard, trait and berries of all kinds. $276 cash will handle it M. J. Clohessy. 415 Ab- eash, $20 monthly; mi resay 10 move mi ington diob. fred W. Oerman Co., 782 Cham, of Com. MODERN bungalow. 8816 50th st S. E., for JXIB SALE Largs "t mora house with good $2625; has 0 Urge rooms, 3 bedrooms, fire- beeemeut garage, amsll barn, chicken yard. pUce. cement basement and floor, cement side- 10 hearing fruit trees, on 3 lots: $3300; 615 wslks. graded streets; haa lots of fruit and E Holmsn st. : also 1 lot in 10th st near berries; $625 down. Ralph Ackley. 806 Cor- Amsworth. $000; terms. Take WorMlawn car bett bldg. te E. lath st. N., then 5 blocks south.. $5000 Irvington bungalow, hot water heat rTSjOM house, very modem, large 'lot, well $4800 Laurelhurst. 7 r., and garage. improved, on carline. easy walking distance $7500 laurelhurst, 9 r. and erage. n aiiMid will trade for $10.500 PortUnd lit.. 7 r.. fine view. . ..I nr .11 ru.ee farther out Hatfield A CHAS. HINGLER A CO., 228 Henry bldg. salesmen with autos at your service. See FRANK L. M'GUIRE. ABINGTON BLDG. To Buy Your Home. Main 1068. ROOM HOUSE 90x110 FT. LOT $2850 $500 down, $30 month, total payment 6 per cent interest No mortgages, straight terms. Huge living room, firepUce, big kitchen, pass pantry, 3 bedrooms, full deep, light basement. cemented and plastered fruit room, wood room. .This big snap only half block from carline: just vacated; immediate possession, J. Lu tUHiajui COMPANY, 7 Chamber of Commerce Cldg., nd Stark. Main 208. A-2050. 6 R. UNFINISHED $1250. Any reasonable usrma. House can be fin ished at stnsll cost: most of material now on hand; plumbing, gas, hot and cold water sow in; a good buy. R. F. FEEMSTER. 809 Abington Bldg. 7 ROOMS. STEAM HEAT. ThU property U only 1 block to car: 18 min utes from west side center: price $2650. terms. NeUan A Park hill, -219 Lumbermen bldg., 5th snd Stark. 10 ACRES, 26 acres, 30 acres. These tracts are near iigard; paved highway and two electric lines. 3 acres. 4 acres. 6 acres, 10 acres, all near Oregon City line. 0 acres, near east end of Mt Tabor car line and city HmiU. I. G. DAVIDSON 819 Chamber of Commerce " : CHOICE ACREAGE ' for sale cheap. Land and owner, 2506 71st S. E. 25 ACRES. 22 cultivated, 5-room house, large new bam, creek and well, on goud gravel road. H mils from R. R. ; horse, 2 cows and some tools. 15 acres. 4 -room house, fine soil. 1 mile from R. R., $1600. Good terms on both. GEORGE MORSE '809 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALi: By owner. 305 acres in N. Lin coln county. Or., 3 sets bldzs. . 8 miles gov ernment R. R. R. survey, on large creek, joins free outrange, 70 acres creek bottom, im proved: price $5000. Address H. C. Starr, Hose Lodge, Or. 2 V ACRES at Multnomah station. Bull Kun water, electricity, gas snd city school, good transportation via Oregon Electric ox Capitol highway: price and terms ressonacie. Dr. Estock. Multnomsh. Or. 6 '.i ACRES at $2700, 18 miles from Port land, elo-e to train and static. 5 room bouse, electric lights snd city water. Tab. 7896. FOR SALE FARMS EXCf LTENT" dPFORTUNITT 680 ACRES. NEAR TELOCASET. . $11,000 423 ACRES. NEAR ROSEBURG 1H.00O 207 ACHES, DOUG LABS CO 8,000 200 ACRES. YAMHILL 8.0OO 207 NEAR DRAIN 6.000 60, 4 MILES FROM LENTS 10.000 80 ACRES IN W TLLAM I N I A 4.000 Many others. Soma will trade for income property: also $1000 auto wanted. GILSONr 431 Chamber ot Commerce. Main 6127. FOR SALE 100 A. Umber on LRU White Kalmem river; good chano for tie milt Phone Marshall 254 9. BUT? IRRIGATED LANDS We have several choice places of 10 to 80 aeres In best Eastern Oreson district; good town snd community advantages, close to railroad and markets; will produce 0 to 8 tons alfalfa to acre: com. potatoes and other crops yield enormously: no failures. These Unas are un der irrigation, water right paid for, and ready for cultivation. Own one of these fsrms snd be independent for life. Easy terms. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED to rent a good farm with bearin prune orchard. Wsnt good Und: will give reierencea. a. a. warner, Hoseenrg. or. 20 ACRES good Umber. elosln. Tabor 1623 after 6 p. m. EXHANGE REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE OR SALE 75 acres, sll equipped. 4 0 acre la cultiva tion, all seeded, good buildings. 6 cows, fine team, wagon snd all fanning tools. 8 mile from Sherwood. Good prune orchard. Price $11,000. Sell. 3388. 489 K. 84th. MODERN residence. Urg gronna. corner, gar age; no Incumbrance: paved streets; A-l ! -Uon and condition. Want farm in WUUaaetto . valley near K. It station or town. By owner, , , V KOI , t r .1 A-wv. e u i.e mi FOR-SALE-or trade, Jennings Louse; 3 room- .J mooera nous; m acre, garage, cl1"' . pavea roaa; ctoee ra nir; property. City. Fbooe.-S" for 3 William Jacob. 126 2d st Msrohall 1249 week day. 820 ACRES, near Baker. Or.; about 100 acre-s-cultivated, part can be Irrigated: good build- , trigs; near railroad; $20 aa acre; take bous a small arreaa to $3000; baUnre Haas, SOU Chamber of Commerce. J 76 ACRES, some Improvements; 20 miles from Vancouver. Wash.; 2 miles from it K. sta tion and P. O. ; can be bad with or without stock. Will sell or trade for house and lot or take late model car as first payment Address, NX-978, Journal. 87x250, $550 Crabtree, 231 Vk Morrison st. CALL TABOR 7130 regarding our"5 room mod ern, bungalow. In R. C. P. district, on paved St i'Tfrepkae. built-in bookcase, buffet etc: full cement basement, white Dutch kitchen, $3250. $750 rh. balance like rent. FOR SALE BY OWNER Who to coins to leave city, small house in Runnyside. 1 block from car, 3 blocks from school, paved streets, nest looking. 1002 E. Msdieon. Tabor 4378. 'Lcment rr: nUcl d. V&LJr?.!". arant DlumMni! $3250, cash $750, balance MODERN 7-room house in E. 24th near Rose City car; beanUful home, good sum undlnga. I everything first-class; price is riehr: good terma: also new and modem 6-room bungilow in Rue City Park. Neal Brown. 207 Panama tldg. ALBERTA DISTRICT $3150 7 room bungalow on 60x100 lot with paved street paid for. This is on 21st FOR SALE Bungalow. 6 roomj, block from car St., near Alberta. $500 cash. hardwood floors, firepUce, all built-in cen- J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 314 Stark st Main 583. Tenienees. attic, furnace, wash tray, paved st. 5-ROOM bungalow, full lot, full basement, wash wide curbing, roses, good location. trays, firepUce; move right in; good home $25 down. 38 monthly, buys nlc U acre with water piped and electriciti. 80 minutes' GOOD 5 room house, beam ceiling; good plumb- I ride, Estacada car, 6 Ho fare. Masters. 202 ing. built-ins. basement, wash trays, 10 fruit trees, grapes and berries. 2 blocks to csr; $2100, terms 1 17 W. Emerson st, eor. Denver ave. SEE THIS 8 rooms, lot 80x100. street im proved and paid; price $3700. some terms; one block from car. 1144 Ivon st. cor 3 8th. Richmond car. For saU by owner. Wilcox bldg. Evenings, East 1198. 5 ACRES. 1 H acres young orchard and small fruit, 4-room house, 2 chicken bouses. good bsm; sll in culUvaUon: will sacrifice for $1500, easy terms, aa 1 am leaving the state, Call 15 N. 5th st Phone Broadway 402. Mr. Lamberson. straight 6 ft mortgage, partial payment privl- lege. 511 Union r. WEST aid fine modern home, 5 Urge sunny rooms, beauUful view, near car. Will take touring oar to $700. Furniture and piano if wanted. Price $2850; $1100 down; real bar gain. See Home Seekers bureau. 205 4th st NEJtft COLUMBIA PARK. PRICE $2100. $200 cash. $25 monthly, buys very neat, plastered bungalow. Urge porches, lot 65x112, splendid tree Fred W. German Co.. 72$ Cham, of Com. ' MUST sell Immediately, made me an offer eaah vr Liberty bonds equity in lovely resi dence, plenty fmit. 403 Dekum bldg,, or phone Main 2920, lO to 2 any day. CO me Main TTAGE, 5 rooms, bath, gas, electricity, hot and cold water, plumbing, patent toilet paved streets, full corner lot all for $2150. Hatfield A Crabtree, 231 Morrison at ' WOODLAW N $2 100 8 rms., bath, 50x100 lot H blk. car. and a splendid buy: terma. GEO. T. MOORE CO. Abington Bldg. 4 ROOM modern houae, 60x100 lot garage in rear: basement full ot wood: Urea chicken yard by aide, and good barn, all for $2000, on easy terma. 735 East 75th N.. near Bandy. F0RBALE, cheap, nlc 8 room hous, bunga low style. All kinds ot fruit Call after noons. Tsbor 5777. NEAT 4 room cottage, let 40x125. with alley. aarden, tree and roses; gas range, city water. Price $600. $100 can stand. 6509 67th 8. K. iRViNdtON high-class 8 room home; ideal location, exceptional value. East HOI 6. Must sell. Owner. MODERN 6 room house, on Richmond carlina. corn lot; pric $4000, -$500 cash, baUnc to suit 489 V- 34th st Call Sellwood 8588. 5 ROOM bungalow, restricted district near ear. Terma owner.- Sell. 2775 ft ROOM furnished hous $1400; $300 cashl Tabor enaa. MODERN 4 room hous and lot in Kenton. I7UU. terma till evenings. ColumbU 900. ATTRACTIVE home. agents. Tsbor 2519. No incumbrance. No BT. JOHNS oar, 6 room hous. cheap. Call owner, r.ast osTa. THKLki room house for sal chean. Owner en. ing east 463 E. 86th N., near TUUmoosT st 21 E. 52d st blocks south. Mt Scott ear to Anabel, 8 Sell. 2479. 6 ROOM bungalow, hardwood floors, fireplace. full attic, 44x110 lot; price $3250, $500 down, balance like rent Sellwood 3588, 489 E. 34th st $1300 5 room ceiled house connected with sewer. No bath. Has cement basement and walks. Full lot with alley. 3 blocks to high school. Owner, phone Wdln. 209. 1 A ACRES on Oregon Electric, 15 minutes I BARGAIN, by owner, 6 room modem bungalow on paved st nicest part of Kenton. Call WoodUwn 812, or see me Thacher, Kenton bank. FOR SALE Rose City Park 6 room modem bungalow. $500 cash. baL like rent By ROSE CITY CAR 5 rooms. 50x100 lot with winter fuel; only $1500. $500 cash; 3 Vi blocks to R. C. car. 685 -E. 78th st. N. out. 5o fare, city water, gas and electricity available. Just outsiae city limits. S-710, Journal, $18008273 CASH 5 rms. near AnabeL cor. 50x100, paved st Main 4803. O. C. GOLDENBERG, ABINGTON BLDG. owner. Call at 737 E. 68th st N. bor 4155. Phone Ta- FOR sale cheap, $2000; $500 down, rest monuily payments; 18 lots, 4-room bouse and bam, young orchard, drilled well: all first-class cultivation. Take Greaham car to Kendall station. O. B. Olaen, or phone Ta bor 8110. GARDEN HOME ACRE SNAP Best located acre in Garden Home, close to station, in cultivation; worth $1250. Owner will sell for $900; your own terms. Oregon Electric to Garden Home. Ask. for McCormic. Phone Main 9318. FOR SALE! ACREAGE 5 aeres, cultivated. House, bam, hen houses for 600. 2 incubstors. 12 miles out Close to staUon, road, neighbors. Price, M800. half cash. EDWARD NELSON. Route 2. Beaverton. Or 120 ACRES of waterfront on the river close to PorUand. cut up in 0 and 10 acre tracts: lies level, some all cleared and the rest partly 17 70 ACRES, all level and very beet of soil; about 8 acres beaverdsm, about 4 3 acres In cultiva tion; plenty of Umber for family use: baL easily cleared: good 6 room house, good large bam, all necessary outbuildings; pUce is all well fenced snd cross-fenced; good fsmily orchard of assorted fruits, good well snd fine running stream: on eounty road, all rural advantage", near good school, 4 H miles from fine town, 20 miles from Portland. Price, If sold soon, only $6000. Can make very easy terma. 18 acres, all the very best of soil, no rock or travel, and practically all cleared: well fenced and eroes-feneed, 3 room house, bsm. etc : on fine auto road, sd'olns school snd station. 6 ml from Vancouver. Price $2200. Very easy terms. 10 acres, fine level Und. all fenced and cross- fenced. 8 acre in cultivation, family orchard of assorted fruits- in full bearing: good 4 room bouse, barn and all necessary outbuildings. Per sonal property consists of 1 horse, 1 cow, brood sow, mower, rake, plow, wagon, harness, seeder snd all small tools ; located 1 H miles from elec tric line, on good auto road: all rural advan tages; only 6 miles from Vsncouver. Price only $2000. Good terma A BIG MONEYMAKER 40 seres, practically all full bearing prune or chard, in excellent condition, situated in famous Prune Hill district: very best of soil and sir drainage; excellent improvements, which consist of good 6 room plastered house, with full base ment good bam. prune warehouse and fine prune dryer, which cost $3500, and all other necessary outbuildings. Place overlooks the CoJumbU river, snd surrounding country i to only 3 miles from fine tow. V mile from station and 12 mt. from Vancouver. This place produced mor than 45 tons dried prunes thU year. Owner la in army and cannot look after the place. Pric. if sold at once. nly $15,000. Very easy terms. FARM FOR RENT. STOCK FOR SALE 80 aerea. 40 acres in culUvstion. 2 aerea bear ing prunes, stoo assorted orchard, good well, tank and gas engine: good 6 room plartered hoose. with basement Urge bam, dairy house, with ce ment floor, and all outbuildings. Personal prop erty consists of 8 good com, 1 horse, 1 colt, double harness, track wagon, binder, drill culti vator, potato planter and digger, ensilage cutter and engine, brood sow, 3 acres potatoes, 23 torts hay, 80 or 40 tons of ensilage. This place to only 8 miles from Vsncouver, on eounty road. Price for personal property, including first year's rent only $2760. Terms. 23 acres, all the very best of soil, no rock or gravel, 18 acres in high state of cultivation. baL pasture and easily cleared, 6 room house, good large barn and outbuildings, fin fsmily orchard. This place is located on th Pacific highway, which U paved and in fine section of the country, only 9 miles fapm Vancouver. ThU is a real soap at $3500:1000 or leaa eaah, baUaeeyour own term. THOMPSON. SWAN A THOMPSON. 3d and Main Sts., Vancouver. Wash. CANADIAN FARMS S. We have a Urge Hat of WHEAT. DAIRY and STOCK FARii.S. situated in the best farming districts in Southern Alberts, Canada, the best farming district in the world. These fsrms and ranches are well improved. The wheat Und is all ready to put into crop in the spring. We lieve seen these fsrms, snd know sll shout them. We will direct you to our REPRESENTATIVE, who will show you. Prices attractive and terms easy. GODDARD A WIEDRICK. 248 STARK ST. 320 ACRES GOOD WHEAT LAND Adjoining Improved ranches in heart of East ern Oregon wheat belt and worth $8000; I still owe $2880 on thU Und. which is 98 till able: level and no rock ; beat offer made in cash by Tuesday night takes it; this can be put in wheat next year. Hee OWNER, BOOM 333HOi r nli-l. HAVE store-room and 4 living rooms, stock of goods, good location. Want 10 cree RinrTre . - . , reasonapiy no n t-omano. see jar. mu- . xtAKlsAlrt. any terms, or trade for acre east I r.. u. t w . . . 1 of city or Lent property, tots or small auto I-"', T , t if . ) V . i . i: i. ba-.a . 1 U VI.l. IacbImI K mnm lmuaa. on UBDrOfed cement walk and curb price $1600. and it wilnut. Bented at rrxos W , Phon Tabor 8581, ' r'"'1':,'":" . years, s, a vv pw must go for something. or address Stevens, 6827 9 2d st A' a icur I 1. I - V. 1 1 e 1.MS nL .1 . ley town; also IH acres; well Improved, ro GHICKEN RANCH. 5W acre. In Beavrton. Rich soil. 2 acre hearing fruit tree, some walnuts, alfalfa patch: house (9 rocsms). 2 screened porches, city water, electricity and gas available, new bam, brooder house, .Dill) chicks, furnaces, incubators (1700 eggs), Uying house for 750 hens, four other hen houses, 12 colony bouse. Price $6300, $3000 cash. P-B04. Journal. 210-ACRE valley farm, fully stocked and equipped, near Scio. Or. Good 10 room house, 8 bams and necesWary outbuildings, ws ter piped to buildings. Price, including stock, feed, machinery, etc, $22,000. $10,000 cash, baUnce easy terms. Johnson-Dodson Co., 634 N W. Bsnk bldg. ACRES AT GASTON STOCK. TOOLS AND IMPLEMENTS 1H miles from Gaston; all rich, deep bot tom soil, draining to Tualatin river; modem 6 room plastered house wl-j bath, toilet, cement basement. Urge bam. bearing family orchard price $9000. GODDARD A WIEDRICK. 243 Stark st ROSE CfTY PARK, new 6 room bungalow, bath TWO bungalows, nesr Kenton. One bldg. room cleared, for sale on terms of $2 kn acre down Phon can buy and finish to suit yourself. One 8 room, finished A ready to move into. Reid, Main and basement Comer loteoOxlOO. Tsbor 6825. IF you want a real 5 room borne, 1 block from 1 8517, .202 Wilcox bldg car, walking Distance. -o a own, monthly payments use rent, can main iosi. MODERN 4 room bungalow, east side. $1800; $300 cash, balance time. croft are. Marshall 3682. $150 DOWN. $15 monthly; Owner, 183 Ban- with garage, 4569. 6002 80th; nice 4 room house $1250. Marshall FOR SALE or trade, 8 room modem house, lot 50x100: price $1500; want small farm. Call 22 W. Prescott st ROOM modem; 927 Grand are. N. ; or ex- change for Hawthorn location. Owner, East 3580. and $1 per acre per month. Price $50 to $125 per acre. Beli iteal Estate Co., 318 Ky. Ex. 96n ACRE stock and grain ranch in Sauth Idaho, deep well, good buildings, near range reserve; price $20 per acre; incumbrance $3800: would consider Willamette valley Urm trade up to $7000. Call s,t 68 E. 72d jt. N. or write owner, W. L. Scott, Heglar, Idaho. FOR SALE 5 acre tract of land situated near Powell Valley road, all under cultivation. 8 miles from courthouse; price $3500. Tabor 8678. 4 ROOM cottage, corner lot St Johns ear. Price $1000. Hatfield A Crabtree, 231 & Morrison st i - . 5-ROOM bungalow with furniture; has east front near grammar and high school, in walking distance to city. Owner, East 4148. BIG bargain. 6 room bungalow, for sale cheap at Multnomah station. See Mr. Palmer or phon Main 458T. GOOD 5-room plastered house on car line. $1450; take Ford car firt payment Call Cain. East 3737. BUNGALOW, 5 rooms. lull lot close In, Haw thorne district Pries $2650. Terma. Hat field A Crabtree, 231 Vs Morrison st. $850 100 down. $15 a month, buys nice 4 room cottage, 4 blocks to car. G. L. Webb. 414 K. stark st FOR SALE 2 . 6 room houses. E. Tsvlor and E. Salmon, near 39th at Bargaiaa. Terms. i spot 885. MODERN 5 room bungalow. If lyou want some thing nice and cheap, pric 31750. call and see this. Room 204 GerUnger bldg. Mar. 646. TWO modern cottages on Williams ave., facing et: lot boil o; wul take trade to $zoou. Phon WoodUwn 1831. FOUR room house, electric lights, aras. fraraaa and sidewalks. 3 blocks to ear 3900. Terms. I FOR SALE 40 acres, all in cultivation.. IS Inquire ewner. 6218 71st st 8. E 1 acres fmit, 2 houses, barn, garden Und, near nKrr.V HKVEX1 mom. and alnina iorch cl-! ea-W ood Kealty CO.. 24T Stark t BACK to earth again and resfiz an income from $IBOO-$2000 per acre trrowing cran berries. Limited acreage. Investigate. Call 349 th st Phone Mam 7040. sstigau in cu 30 ACRES nesr Sheridan, all in cultivation, no buildings, in good district: price 890 ner acre, one third cash. baL to suit Owner, 68 E. 7 2d st N. u . FOR SALE 10 acres. 5 room bouse, barn. mostly fruit, fin Und. 1 mil west Fair- view. Sea-Wood Realty Co.. 248 Stark st NEW modem bungalow for sal by owner ; terms. L-996. Jonmal. in. convenient to several ears, near schooL I 32 ACRES good bottom Und, $850; 40 acre. 309 Sacramento st ROSE CITY bungalow, modern, bath, furnace. $3250: 'terms. Phon Woodlawa 6447, evenings.. 6 ROOM house, 2 lots, garden and berries, clo io car, aiaoo. Xr-To. journal. FURNISHED house for sale. $25 mo.; will t 3 AND 2 rooms, lot 60x100. Hose City, close seU reasonable. Can 655 8th, comer Lincoln. I to car, $70O and $900; terms. Phone even- FOR SALE or rent rocm house. 1 block 1 Wood lawn 0447.' $450; 80 acres, $850: good soiL 422 1st SNAP 1 sere. Mrs. Stratoa. 11 mile PorUand. Base Lin road. STJBCRBAIf HOMES 7$ Woodstock ear. Tabor 6983. 5 ROOM bungalow, $2400; terms. 1045 B. : o tier man su j FOR SALE 8 room house and Iota, cheap. .2080 K. Stark st, M-V oar. : 3 ROOMS. 50x100 lot Alameda Park, view lot very homelike; good buy at $2250 and terms. Phone evening WoodUwn 6447. - FOR the mutt desirable bungalow in lios C,itJ . Park, phon WoodUwn' 544T,-vnlug. $1400 3 acre. Tigard. acr bearerdaan. szaoe 3 acres. utenburx& house, barn. $45003 acres, 72d St., house, bam. $2250 H acre. 63d at. bungalow. - CHAS. KINULEK & CO.. 328 Henry bldg. AT GARDEN HOME. ,4 acres. 7 room nous. fruit running water, 1 choice acre, unproved. F 852, Journal. . EXTRA GOOD FARM BUT 854 acre, almost all in cultivation, highly improved and fully equipped: also free water to irrigate 600 aeres; 200 aeres now seeded. 800 seres mors can be seeded and irrigated for next season; standing offer of $8600 per year rent for 10 year lease; price $60,000; will consider good home or highly improved 6 or 10 acre tract to $20,000 and $10,000 eash. baUnce reasonable terms. OWNER. ROOM 835 HOYT HOTEL. OIlCliETCRANCH SNA?5 6 aerea right at atation oa electric, only 60 minute out from PortUnd center. Improve ments cost $4000. You ran buy all now for I21O0. This to your .chanea. Easy terms. Neilan A ParkhiU. 219 Lumbermens bldg., 5 lb. snd Stark sts. 160 ACRES. Eastern Oregon; all good Und and ligation ; good boose, bam and other farm build- food town ; eschane either for PorUand prop-, in; 10.000: would take SO to tiO aerea near erty. O. L. Webbf414 F-a-t SUrk t ," - PortUnd. Phone WoodUwn 834. or 2741 ev- TRADE 2 lots for acreage, not over $1200 in ntngs. I Tsluaf or what hav you? Add rem, C - FOR SALE or trsde. 4 room pUstered bouse. Eetehuoi, 146 L. 45th st, PortUnd. - - lights, gas sna water; win take $250 cash 320 WILD and 13 acres near Puruaad,-H i or bonds, or will trade for light auto and pay I falfa Und. Idaho. What bar you! Mar.' i difference, bal. $1225. $20 per mo. 1819 16945 or 484 Morruon st Hsven St. mH Okie M trade 160 aera hnmasfjad M.- 605 ACRES. WOUmetta vslley" U miles I " ' Unquiahment. near Multnomah Falls highway..,. from market; 2 sets ot buildings: 375 acres 1 Address J. M. Doty, 501 Vancouver avena. clear of timber and stumps. Want income o-rnnir. km. t riZ i.rt ikooaT property. A. P. Adams. 507 Lumbermens bldg. 17 ACRE orchard near WalU Avails, principally rung, lmoerts snd Koyai Ann cberrtea. W 111 sell interest or ail. Will take rows or stock cattle a part payment' S. M. Wilson, Caffey, ACREAGE FOR TRADE Have 20 aeres near SeatUe. nice 6 room bun galow, 2 Urge chicken houses: close to sound and dork. Will consider home in PortUnd or vacant lota. Broadway 4133. 309 Oak st HAVE 6 room modem house in Huntington Park, Los A nee lea. beauUful district Will Wul esrhance. Itioo Tabor 4090. $2100 EQUITY in 8 ocm bungalow; 3 lute;. want small bona; aa agenta, !- 4. Journal, FOR 8AI.E 3 room painted hooso, in first - block off I'dIo nave.. 343 Stafford st 1 A. POTATOES for real state. L-993, Jour " naL . - , - - WATfTKD REAL E8TATE 81 v THElME ffFBELL too long. consider home her or" soma well located vacant J oompoeed property. Call Broadway 4188. 80 Oak at EXCHANGE equity In 5 acr tract, improved. neat garaen sou, a room nous snd other build ings, fruit, for equity in 6 roam well located city. Write V-884. Journal. CANYON CITY. COLO, property for sal, or exensnge lor roruana property. For par ticulars call it. caseper. 823 MAOory av,. rorxiana. ur. wain. 2100. Th tlm to sell your bous to whew People' wsnt to buy. NOW LI THE time. Don't watt ' I have a very efficient sale forte. of experienced real estate salesmen. I handle borne exclusively. I advert is extern. ively and am in touch with th wiaiority of bay era. I personally appraise na pootogmpa erne " - lixtiaf. Lt-t your hous today. Phonos jaaia ' ' 106" and xaia L5H. rKAMK. L. as u l ike, ABingvoa CKlg-. ; , 8 accessor to H. D. McGuir Co., : . Established 1880. - ' SELL or trade a borne by the se. 6 room mod em cottage, garage. 2 50x100 loU, clear, at rvanoon. vooa o. uwner, yiy ju, Salmon St. 1'ortlano:. 100 ACRE ranch, near Kilverton. stocked and equipped; worth $10,000. Trad for smaller I ranch up to 4ooo or $5000. J R WOLFF, 668 Chamber of Com. bldg. HAVE nice home in Manitou lark. Spokane: WE MAKE BALES Ltot vrmr nrooertv wttb as: in rant . mail us location, price snd terms; oo II todsy. J? U HARTMAN COMPANY. . 7, ' 1 Chamber of Commerce bldg., 4th sod Stark. ' Main 206. A-2030. " ' $10O DOWN. $15 MONTHLY 111 A. of logged off Und with good 6 room nencalow with screened porch ; small barn, 3 room eottag and other outbuildings. Located ru Klickitat Co.. Wssh. K. K- runs right throngh this place. Price $1650. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham, of Com. . PORTLAND SUBURBAN FARM 80 acre, level, family orchard. 2 wells, spring, fine sou. house , bsm, on account of owner's death will sail at $200 per acre. $1000 cash, balance easy. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 634 N. W. Bank bldg. 1480 ACRES, stock farm, an under fence; s kxJ creek runs through both sections. 20O acres good alfalfa land, under ditch from water on farm; buildings and fruit in Crooked river dis trict finest stock farm in the country. J. J. Fisher, 417 Abington bMg. Main 5988. Phone IZnr MiyS?' "roD'rt'- WANT bom up to 34000. JUv. equity of PftorieBT1dway 4133. 309 Oak st I $1800 as first payment la nifty bnnsalow I FOR RENT, or will trade for city property. 23 Albert district. Incumbranc $1100: will ' ea ters improved ranch, within 23 miles of Pert- I some Urger taortgag in exchange for ssrm in H.i.n ... particular lo at Im Albert ear. Und. A 9 ROOM modem house, change for PortUnd residence, lswn 4K98. 30 fruit trees. Phone Wood- walk north. 1237 E. 17th st N. Pboo TRADE 10 acres. Harney eounty PortUnd. or what I $600. 1651 Denver ave., 1'ortlano. GROCERY store, in good location; rent only $10 WoodUwn 1092. . .- . ... . i '.I ' t TZi Zt rz I llA a. uie csao w pay lor moaera ouogaiow month, bor 3033 including 8 good living ruomt. Ta in good district lUwibome. Rose City, D- ington or Laurelhurst preferred ; give details lit first tetter: want to hear direct froaa owner. P 946, Journal. WaW?--o ROOM COTTAGE 60 ACRES. YAMHILL COUNTY 43 acre ia cultivation. baUnc oak arove: level, black loam soil, creek and 2 springs; 8 room noose, bam 4OZ0O; o mile from Me- Minnvule: bard strrfsc . about all way: nrios $6700. GODDARD ft WIEDRICK. Z4B Stark St FOR SALE Ry Owner, . 8 14 acres': $400 down, baUnce time; 3 room house, outbuildings, fenced. 21 trees, young orchard bearing, spring and water to irrigate garden, clover meadow, email fruits, atpply Mary Fry. Soappoose, Or. $40ElfTCRE Well Improved 400 acre stock and grain ranch In Wallowa county, Oregon, Next to outside range, 150 sere broke. 40 aeres in fall wheat. deep rich soft 20 mile rrom Joseph, write to or rail oo W. P. Trumbull. Joseph. Oregon. 5 ACRES 54 miles north of Vancouver, awar Pacific highway; H ia cultivation, baL pas ture, house, barn and other outbuildings, good water; $1200. terms. Tabor 4548. bet 6 and 8 n. m. 260 ACRES. Polk Co.. Or., improved, hous. bam, family orchard, good soil, fence, spring nd small creek, near 2 R. R. stations, part in cultivation. Only $27.50 per acre. Terms. By owner. X-526. Journal. : ""$385(5 : Modem 6 room bungalow. 60x100 lot. in best part of Hawthorne. Large cherry trees and berries, $500 cash. bsUne like rant Sell wood 8688. 489 E. 34th st TWO acres near Mod la villa, ovrt half in eul- tivatlon; 3 room house, woodshed, chicken- road, aR good land and lies fin; beautifui-xir-ronndings. A genuine bargain at $4500. Terms. 8- P. Osbnra, 610 McKay bldg . 3d and Stark. LEWIS county farm 40 acres; all cleared': good Und, good buildings and feooea, on main sad; clos to sehooL Anna Carlson. 874 Vaa conver are. J Portland, Or. .40 ACRES. 3660 81 fare PortUnd, fcO acre $1200. CUnde Cole. 300 Henry bldg. 450 ACRE W ilia met t vaUey fan. Owner. SO 1st sr., roruaao, or. 40 ACRE farm. 10 aerea prune, 7 ooioB UnX WOUsteia, 41 rirat FOR SALE A fin 82 aore of improved Und. ail cultivated : 10 room boose, targe barn. chicken coops, garage: oa fin roads, southwest corner ef Section line and Barker roads; fin water. This to fin. WiR take small eottag in PortUnd between Montavilla and Greaham. Call Sunday, R. A. Box 693. Phon Tabor 8987. FARM NEAR i GRESHAM : 20 acres all in: cult, and mostly ia crop, bar. winter wheat ry and retch. 1 acre or chard, new hoose, bam, chickenhoua. on gcid-f-rRrua and yard: water in boas, 81100; fin eoiL Terms. He F. D. A. Box 480, Portland. FOR SALE 160 A. oa Waahougal river, auto road to Portland: fin ootraag. good stock proposition: about SO A, are bottom Und; river runs through und. mono Marshall z4V, FOR SALE Burnt over Und; $3 to $30 per acr: close to R. R.. P. O.. seaooU and roads through th Und. Terms. Writ or call. Z3 48th st S. E. Phon D-1363. 70 ACRE8 oa couaty Toad, 25 aore ia eultlva tiea, small hous. only $40 per acre, $250 oown. ill x-piioeipni si-, en. a on pa. RICH -Alberta fsna Uad: erop CUud Colo, 800 Henry bids. payment. I want a 6 room modem eottag. Roa City or" Hawthorn district: must not b snore than 8 ' hUv to carline. Will pay up to $4000. L'-6$$,C. Journal. ' A cfiEiTJE I'ROl-Tlnlf IoN Wi T ED" '-- Owners of tilUble farm Unds. 200 acre of more, easily aeoeeaibto to PortUnd. communicate - 7 ROOM modem hous for aaU or exchange ; with O. II. SkoUMlm Co., K2M-29 Hear bid., easy term ; accept auto as part payment. I aiain a i vv. - - - . WANT 6 RM. BUNGALOW. NEAR HIGH .'. r jkv. ii a .si.il, a room Bungalow, i acre, Hood River. Or., for PorUand property, iwner. r.an ooov. HOUSE and lot at Waaeca. Minn., to exchange for PortUnd property. Pboo Maha 642. 9 7 'I Macadam st.. PortUna. Phone Tabor 0136. FOR EXCHANGE OR SALE 320 acre, tast- era Montana, good wheat Und: 620 per acre: what hare rout Addreaa Box 72. Wanna. Or. WILL seU for $1300 or trade oa acreage, clos in. my $ 1 sHlO equity in 5 room madam bsngslow. Call Sell. 2861. FOR EXCHANGE For auto, must b in - first class condition. 20 aerea of timber toad atr Seappooee. Wdln. 2102. TRADE 160 scree. 100 good land: 2 sprinaV: dear of all debts; all fenced. Trad for acre tract Addreaa 205 H Washington st, room 64. I OWN Portland property to trad for your prune ranch, or aereag up Coram bia high way. Write U-810, Journal. TO TRADE couaty SCHOOL. TO $2750; SUBSTANTIAL PAY MENT. MAIN 4808. " G. C GOLDENBERG, ABINGTON BLDO. r- 85 Tears in PorUand." . : : . -- WANTED 6 room house near sctteel it. ' m. or M. V. car about $lo. slot oown. 815 and interest; lot not less ibxivv. Jouraal. . 1 WANT A SHACKr'BKJ LOT Must be a real bargain and well located.' Caa " pay all eaah. Send full partacaUra. 219 Lum bermen blag.. Din ana etara st. - - M ana small . RAVE abundant rails for shacks homes. Whst hsve your Msin nw3. . G. C GOLDENBERG. ABINGTON BLDG. "36 Year ia PorUand." acvea eood Und. Mathewr I min r: l - : 1 - - J ' t for a rooming hows cigsr Wani " 15 ? IcseJTw" -160 Ta R-' " wuuuf liVMa T CSS a aoareee iuati waaninxxou St.. room . I .-w.HUlr mit O. 11 akothasa 626-20 1918 FonL Wul eve ha nee far tlndee Ttnlk I kv ll?FtVU AitUnac- Wolfstein, wtfx eaeh for ton. tributary to TorUand: isn i . - I sew no rei nw vii.L, uaoo i8u qny in nifty bungalow; I pric. A. K incumbranc $1100. for lot in Walnut Park swer by maU only i Piedmont or near. Call WoodUwn 1092. I -n . I a - TRADE 7 room bouse oa hard sarfae street ! wul rat eaah. Give comrAeto detail and Hilt 41$ Haary bldg. PUaaa aa- room or Bars, ia good distant. Johpsoa-Doasoa C., 634 K lit $8000. oa 4 0 acre or aim In .1 n o..w Cu. iSdS1 m OUmCl- VWWZ- HAVE part, who want, accede fsrm kndw 6 RflOW modern bungalow with garag .ad M Bt Jotrns. C Ralph MeCaaVy. Oregon, 1210. $80O0. Phon East 2S V I WANTED Small boas or CoLtaee, wius PaUi,. t.-.. , j I raoct bo bargain, on terms; anywhere la city. EXCHANGE I room modem bunt alow: will I rrkeeie. s n sine 3 Mr. take light auto part psrmest. J 712, Journal. rVTrrirri gr-faaT: win ,iv A FIVE aerea ia Card on Home, all cultivated. I lot aa first MranL Write to 417 Lsloa iwui. mi my. 1 1 1 apiniwn. aiain even. I av. N COMPLET3: ateasa ttreshin outfit for. WiiWAKt modem boa in IrvWtoa. Roe City. Tv, ""-'--. s-s. i Levarelhurst or good Outetct; give addreaa and FIVE acre land to esc liana for Ford car. Wolf- I Brio. K-07T. Journal. . . . . . - - - - I caa aril or trad anything anywhere, - Lsyman, 147 Park fit, ' - - ' FOR'SAIJS or axchaag. Texas snd Lee Asv I , celea property, dear. . Phon ugraer, 1L 61$. -t '. V