4 THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL,: PORTLAND. -SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 17, 1918. SPWD S NEW WAGE SCHEDULE Oregon Yards Soon to Distribute :p $1,000,000 According to the! , ' Terms of Macy Award. RETROACTIVE TO AUGUST 1 .'.Under New Schedule Labor Con ;; ditions Are Stabilized, Premi ums Are Abolished. Approximately -31.000.000 in back pay '.win soon be distributed to the employes "of the steel and wooden shipyards of " Oregon as a result of the wage award of the Macy board. The new schedule ' f pay for the various crafts has al- ready gone into effect, the Increases being on the basis of an advance of 1 20 per cent in the cost of living from October.1917. to October of the present ytar, and retroactive to August 1. 'r No changes in existing piece work ''are to be made until after the confer- ence between representatives of the ' shipyards and of the piece rate crafts hare been called to meet and its rec , romendatlons have been acted upon by the board. No extensions of the piece rate systems not now operating under .' this system are to be made until the , rates proposed have been submitted and Approved by It In writing. V'' Labor CoBdltloas Stabilised A primary purpose In adopting a na- tlonal wage scale for shipyard employes ' Is to stabilize labor conditions. Expe- rlence has taught the board that the premium, bonus and contract systems of wage payment may, unless controlled, be used to entice employes from one . shipyard to another. It Is therefore dl- reeted that no further extensions of the -premium, bonus or contract systems be made In any yard without the express .. written authority of the board. The Macy award further states ;Until-such time as the president de- cldes that the national interest re eulres the suspension of the policy of ("advancing the wages of the laborers, 'helpers and journeymen In the basic skilled crafts to correspond with the .'general and material increase In the -- cost ot living,' we shall deem it our "duty to be guided in future readjust- ,., tnents by such ascertained increases." Dlseriraloatloss Prohibited The findings prohibit any dlscrlmlna .ttons against union or non-union men J In the following terms; "Believing that ;:v;ln this national emergency past differ ' j -enoes between employers and employes must be forgotten in the common de C termination to produce the maximum J1 number of ships, the board will not tol- erate any discrimination, either on part . -' employers or employes, between union . "and nontunlon men, provided that this 7;' declaration is to be Interpreted so as to conform with the principles laid down By the president of the United States In the proclamation of April 8. 1918, cre ating the national war labor board." Frank Bollam, steamship agent of 124 Third street. According to Mr. Bollam nearly every one who travels on coast freighters now carries a roll of green backs, whereas in former ante-bellum days travelers generally -.looked with favor on the steerage rates. Five lumber schooners of the Mc Cormick line are, now making regular trips between Portland and California ports. Fear of influenza has retarded travel somewhat, however, in the past lx weeks. The lumber schooners in operation are : Multnomah, Willamette, Celllo, Wapama and Klamath. The ves sels have accommodations for 75 first class and IS steerage passengers. Auto mobile freight traffic is ur.usually heavy, many motorists preferring to ship their cars by boat to taking chances on bad roads. The demand for space from the motorists is greater than can be met at times. RESTAURANT NEARLY COMPLETED Willamette Iron & Steel Co. to Open Fine Dining Hall. After examining the most efficient in dustrial restaurants In shipyards and other war plants, both in Portland and I the cities on the Sound, the Willamette Iron St Steel company feels confident that its own dining hall, now under con struction,' will be unsurpassed by any of its kind in the whole Northwest. The restaurant is located just inside the Sixteenth street gate, is two stories high and contains a recreation hall be sides two private dining rooms and the main dining hall, which are estimated to have a seating capacity of 700. Miss Mary Allen, for two years dieti tian of a New York, hospital and for as long a time in charge of the Meier Frank company tea room, will manage the enterprise, assisted by Miss Lucy Dice of the domestic science department of the University of Washington. Aside from serving three meals each day to employes at 35 cents, the manage ment will operate a special box lunch counter on the outside where hot drinks and candy will be sold. A force of about 65 men and women will be employed, which comprises the bakers, cooks, waitresses and janitors. All bread and pastry will be baked in the plant's own ovens. The restaurant expects to be open for business by November 25. UNITED WAR lit camp a GN LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS A daily list of subscribers will be published showing all subscriptions" of Twenty-five Dollars and over. This list will be compiled as carefully as possible. Some errors and omissions may occur; Any such we will gladly correct, if notified. Sub scriptions cannot always be published on the day they are made. Some time mustbe allowed for proper auditing and preparation of lists. The subscriptions published herewith will be repeated each day and new subscribers added as fast as tabulated. The final list published will, therefore, show all subscriptions to the United War Work Campaign of Twenty-five Dollars and above. We regret tfiat space limitations prevent the publication of subscriptions of less-than Twenty-five Dollars. No itemized publication of subscriptions will be made Monday or Tuesday. We expect to make a final publication about Wednesday of this week SETS NEW RIVETING RECORD Over Northwest Steel Crew Drives 3700 in Eight Hours. Another speed record in riveting is claimed by a crew at the Northwest Steel company, the workmen having driven 3700 or more rivets in a period of eight hours. The best previous rec ord wa3 4089 rivets in nine hours, which when it was made was declared to be the highest speed attained by any ship yard in the United States. After the first achievement an eastern yard claimed to have beat The Portland plant. The njw speed record Is said to have sur passed that of the eastern plant. Al Steinberg Is foreman of the gang which made the latest record. Students Complete Course The second Emergency Fleet corpo ration class of students has finished its course of instruction under Professor Newton Van Dalsen and returned to duty at the Northwest Steel company. The course lasted six woeks ana was pursued at the Y. M. C. A. List of Sabseribers, 816,908 M. H. Houser 15.000.00 This includes 30,000 from M. H. Hou ser personally and 15000 from Portland Flouring Mills company. Llit ef Subscribers, 810,089 Eastern Western Lumber Co.S10.000.00 Grant-Smith Porter Co. 10,000.00 Ladd Estate Co. 10.000.00 The Wilcox family 10.000.00 List of Sabseribers, 93009 Meter St Frank Co. 9 6.000.00 List of Subscribers, 88009 Albers Bros. Milling Co. f 6,000.00 EstsHe of Henry Failing 6.000.00 Honeyman Hardware Co. ..... 6.000.00 Northwest Steel Co. 6,000.00 List of Subscribers. 93899 Columbia River Shipbuilding Corporation . ..j $ 3.500.00 Fleischner, Mayer Co 3,600.00 List of Sabseribers, 98099 Mr. and Mrs. H. 1 Corbett I and y--t 3.000.00 Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Corbett Inman-Poulsen Lumber Co. ... 8,000.00 List of Sabseribers, 98599 Alblna Engine St Machine Works 2,500.00 Allen ft Lewis 2.600.00 Ames-Harris-Neville Co. 2,500.00 Balfour. Guthrie ft Co. 2,600.00 Kerr. Glfford Co 2,500.00 General Electric Co 2,500.00 Mrs. Caroline A. Kamm 2.500.00 Lipman. Wolfe ft Co 2.600.00 Olds. Wortman ft King 2,500.00 O' Shea Bros. 2.500.00 Supple-Ballin 8. B. Co 2.600.00 Willamette Iron & Steel Works 2,500.00 List of Sabseribers, I21M United States Steel Products Co. ... 2.100.00 List of Sabseribers, 82,879.74 Oregon Journal $ 2,070.74 List of Sabseribers. 82999 II. L. Pittock..... .8 2.000.00 List of Sabseribers, ISM W. S. Babson 300.00 Brownsville Woolen Mills 8 .300.00 Clossett ft Devers 300.00 Eastern Outfitting Co 300.00 Falling McCalman Co. 300.00 Mrs. C E. Orelle 300.00 J. J. Ross Milling Co. 300.00 Railway Equipment Co. 300.00 Guy W. Talbot 800 00 List of Sabseribers, 3253 Miss Maud Alnsworth $ 250.00 Everett Ams 250.00 The Canadian Bank of Com merce 250.00 Broughton ft Wiggins Co. 250.00 California, Barrel Co. 250.00 E. G. Crawford 250.00 Cudaby Packing Co. 250.00 J. H, Cook 250.00 J. A. Elrod 250.00 Everding Farrell 250.00 z&u.uu 250.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 James F. Failing A. ft C Feldenheimer .. Fobes Supply Co. Hibernla Savings Bank. I. N. Lewis Lumbermen Trust Co. . Morris Bros. F. B. Mai lory Mrs. A. M. , McGinn Overbeck ft Cooke Co... C. A. Puarics INSPECTORS' VISIT AWAITED ; Local Shipbuilders Do Not Fear In-J-?V vestlgatlon by Experts. Local builders of wooden ships are '- awaiting the arrival from' San Fran j.clsco of the special Investigating com remittee which has been holding sessions In the California city. That the Port land builders have nothing to fear from .'Official scrutiny of the work in the Oregon district has already been In- ' dlcated by the statement of Captain J. F. Bfaln, In charge of the steel opera t tlons of the government in Oregon and I .Washington. Captain Blaln has gone '.lion record, after attending the confer--. ences in San Francisco, as saying the committee has found no structural fault with the wooden ship. Composing the '-Committee are men who are experienced in every way and able to give com petent consideration to all angles' of the -competency of the wooden vessels. It Is declared. The committee consists of " five members. J. 11. Kinder, who is an ' old China Mall shipmaster, and who ... 'was formerly on one of the Hill liners. After retiring from the sea service he ! . became a marine surveyor, and later an m advisor to John Rossiter of the federal " government. Captain Saunders, an other member, sailed for years for the Miles ft Budrow company, and was later , with the Matson Steam Navigation com '';: pany as port captain and then general manager of the company. Frank Stone ' - has been for many years a shlpbulldtn ' contractor and expert yacht sailor. He I built the W. F. Marston. a Portland- owned ship. Charles Foster has been In the shipbuilding business In San Fran .clsoo for the last 25 years. Mr. Gray, the fifth member, is president of the "United Engineering company. That j - these men are all competent to pass JUUlumt VII nuuucil BIlip IS l(IQ DQ- llef of 1L E. Pennell. president of the News of the Port -. an-lvsl NovamtMT 16 XV. F. Herrln. American steamer, from Gario- U, oiL Daearture November 1 Oadaratta, American ateamer, for Seattle, bal last. 10 p. m. AT KEIGHB6RIXO POETS Artorla. Nor. IS. ArriTed down during the nicht. barkentine Kohala; arrired, at 8:80, and lrft up at 10:30 a. m.. steamer W. F. Herrin, from Gariota. Sailed, at 7:45 a. m.. steamer Anrtl. for 8an Francisco. Arrired, at 11:30 a. m.. bane C. B. Kennejr, in tow of tut Relief, for fuel, from Everett, for Eureka. Sailed at 1 1 -.80 a. m., steamer Johan Foulsea. for San FranciMO. Arrived, at 1 :30 and left up at 2.15 p. m.. ateamer Washtenaw, from Port San Luis. e, San FraneHieo, Not. 16. Arrived, at 7 a. steamer Colonel D riant, from Portland ns Eureka. Arrived, at 7 a. m.. steamer Willam ette, towinc steamer Wibaha, which is disabled. San Francisco, Nov. 15. Sailed, at noon irteamer Rose City, from Portland, for San Pedro. Sailed, at 7 last night. teame Blandon, for Portland. San Francisco, Nov. 16. A .-rived, Daisy Put nam, from Los Anselen, at 6:20 a. m. ; Wil lamette (with steamer Wihaha in tow), returned to port at 8 a. m. ; French auxiliary schooner Colonel Driant, from Astoria, at 8:15 a. m Sailed, steamer. Enterprise, for Honolulu, at 6 a. m. ; steamer West Mead, for Balboa, at 8 a. m. ; Yellowstone, for Coos Bay, al 1:25 a. m. ; Willamette, for Seattle anc Tacoma, at 11 a. m. Tide at Astoria Monday Hirh water. Low water. 0:40 a. m. . 7.0 feet 1 6:26 a. m. . 2.8 feet 12:13 p. m..lO.S feet 7:24 p. m.. l.S feet TODAY'S FORECASTS Portland and Vicinity Sunday, increaiinc cloudiness; easterly winds. Oregon Sunday, Increasing cloudiness ; gentle easterly winds. Washington Sunday, rain west, fair east por tion; moderate soutneasterly winds. OBSERVATIONS 2,000.00 2.000.00 2.000.00 2,000.00 I1S06 .:.$ 1,500.00 . . . 1,500.00 ... 1.500,00 .... 1,500.00 ... 1,600.00 . . . 1.500.00 . . . 1.500.00 ... 1,600.00 . . . 1,500.00 ... 1,500.00 -r.r .Coast Shipbuilding company. 1 wtnd i S 5 STATIONS ;t I. k S S S & ft. S -t Q STEERAGE NOT DEMANDED Passengers on Lumber Schooners ..'.?' ' Prefer Higher Priced Berths. That the best is none vtoo good and that steerage accommodations do not appeal to passengers on lumber schoon era these days, is the conclusion of ';;;. f ; Monthly Capacity 2400 Tons BOAT SPIKES BOLTS RIVETS Northwest Steel Co. - ' PORTLAKD, OREGON Baker I 42 Lie H Mton ..... Chicago Denver Des lloinea . . Kureka . . . . (ialveston Helena Kansas City Los Angeles. Marshfield . . Medford . . . Minneapolis . Ned Orleans. New York . . North Head . Y'kima 04 Phoenix . . , Pocatella . . . Portland Roseburg Sacramento . St. Louis Salt Tke . . San IMego . San Francisco Seattle Spokane Tacoma . . . . Tatonsh Island. Walla Walla.. Washington . . Winnipeg 42 0 .. SE I 48 .01 .. NE 62 0 10 E 0 .18 12 8 46 0 14 NW 60 .18 .. $ 60 .01 .. NE 74 .20 .. s 42 0 .. 8W I 64T 12 22 W 72 0 . . 8V 0 .32 .. SE 50 .04 ., W B2 .88 14 S RO 0 . . SW 60 0 10 8E 50 .3 14 E 54. 0 .. 8 70 0 . . SW 3S 0 . . W 64 .181 .. E 14 .0l(.. I 8E 56 0) . . ) KE 66 .20 24 8 44 .12 . . NW 68 0 . . NW 60 0 . . N 60 .02 .. SE , 0 .. S I 62 .04 .. SW 48 .38 12 SE 84 0 . . SW I 66 Of. N 44 .24 .. 8 i Pt. cloudy near ! Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy I Cloudy I Cloudy I t. cloudv uear Cloudy Clear Cloudy C'oudy Rain Clear Cloudy Cloudy Clear Clear W pt cloudy iiear I Cloudy Pt. cloudy Jiear I Ooudy I Cloudy ft. cloudy i it. cloudy . loutly Cloudy Cloudy Htm LOCAL DATA 1-Mximi11 temperature --, (' .cel. lotai rainfall ToUl rainfall Portland. 03 aegreea. 24 Ship Knees to d. m. tn B n ml ia i. . . - ' -a U iflCIl. i -.!. ..r"'" Ptembei temper 1. .10 inch: . Sunrise, 7:13 a. m. Sunset. 4:39 p, m. oi wnrarat, ( nours 14 minutes, aunihine, 0 hours 26 minut ' noonnse, 8:9 p. m. Moonset. s-i? (reduced to sea level), s .Large orders promptly handled. '" 'Stock that U made right from . tirst-class, live timber 1 -Home off ice, Portland. Operation -ind shipping point. Barton, Or. ; ; H. J. HAMLET ' MAxmr ACTUM Barometer 80.15 inches. BelaUv humidity at noon. Mason, Ehrman St Co..... Portland Gaa St Coke Co. Roberts Bros. Henry Weinhard Estate . List of Sabseribers, James T.-Borrow The D. P. Thompson Co Electric Steel Foundry .... W. B. Fletcher R. L. Gllsaa Lang St Co. George Lawrence Co. ..... L. B. Menef ee Lumber Co. Portland Hotel Union Meat Co. LUt ef Sabseribers, fltt Hesse-Martin Iron Works i 1.200.00 List of Sabierlaers, 11069. T. J. Armstrong $ 1,000.00 American Can Co. 1,000.00 make-McFall Co. 1.000.0Q Clark-Wilson Lumber Co 1,000.00 F. J. Cobbs 1,000.00 Doernbecker Mfg. Co. 1.000.00 J. D. FarreU 1.000.00 M. L. Kline 1,000.00 L. A. Lewis . . 1.000.00 Neustadter Bros. 1,000.00 Northwestern Electrio Co 1,000.00 Northern Grain St Warehouse Co. 1.000.00 The Portland Cordage Co 1,000.00 U. S. National Bank 1.000.00 Wadhams St Kerr Bros. 1,000.00 Peninsula Lumber Co. 1,000.00 Smith & Watson Iron Works... 1,000.00 Western Cooperage Co 1,000.00 Mrs. nose White l.OOO.Oo J. E. Wheeled 1.000.00 List ot Sabseribers, im L. R. Wheeler S List of Sabseribers, 8Sf Portland Cattle Loan Co. S Ira F. Powers Furniture Co. . . . List of Sabseribers, $7i Alaska Portland Packing Co...$ Macleay Estate Co Warren Packing Co. Llst ef 'sabseribers, ItOI G. F. Adams $ A. O. Anderson . ..." Mrs. Ed Ward Boyce Edward Boyce The Bank of California Mrs. H. W. Corbett Columbia Basin Wool Whole sale Co Edward Cookingham John Clark Saddlery Co. R. C. Coffey . Estate of C. A. Dolph Dant & Russell Herman Enke Dorothy P. Freeman Honor Farrell v. Fairbanks, Morse St Co.. Fithian-Barker Shoe Co Glass Prudhomme' Co M. A. Gunst & Co. The J. K. Gill Co Mrs. William H. Hall George C. W. Low H. Liebes & Co. Estate of Stephen Mead A. L. Mills Mitchell. Lewis St Sta.ver Oregon Ship Timber Mills Portland Iron Works Pacific Export Lumber Co..... F, H. Page Rassraussen & Co. A. Rupert St Co. The Scott Co..... Joseph Simon E. C Shevlln TJ. S. Rubber Co. West Oregon Lumber Co....... Woodard. Clarke Co. List ot Sabseribers, $456 William MacMaster ........... 9 List of Sabseribers. t4M Franklin T. Griffith....... t Possible John Deere Plow Work ...... N. E. McKenny Ca..:.,T.....v r 1 since Sep- ra. m. 61 per cent. Hearing Is Conducted A TV. .... . . i V .J ' " Chairman Frank J. "'Jhyi commission - crossing m the vicinity of "T,, J r lne Maison farm. Mr. wm ccompanied by W. p. Ellis, "unumssions omclal r,nnrtr -V, was a former Albany boy. and who has io emmov or th mnmi..i.. avi Bverai years. . . List of Sabseribers, ISSt Paul C. Bates ... Hirsch-Weisa Mfg. Co. Oregon Brass Works .......... Jos. T. Peters..... D. B. McBride 900.00 800.00 800.00 750.00 750.00 750.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 450.00 400.00 400.00 400.00 350.00 350.00 350.00 350.00 350.00 List of Sabseribers, 8360 Genevieve L. Alvord $ Brady St O'Brien & A. Brown Clarke County Timber Co. E. E. Cytee W. A. Conley , A. H. Devers Ella De Hart Detmer Woolen Co. Edwards Furniture Co. H. M. Haller James C. Falling Miss M. L. Flanders Miss C. W. Flanders W. P. Fuller St Co. The Gauld Co Geotge Good Irwin Hodson Co. Imperial Hotel Co. E. E. Lytle Mrs. Livingstone Northwest Auto Co. Mr. and Mrs. Emery Olm stead. Mr. Piatt P. St O. Plow Co Portland Seed Co. Hannah B. Robertson David S. Stearns, J. N. Teal Thanhauser Hat company Ukase Investment Co Mrs. R. W. Wilbur "s... Mr. and Mrs. G. L Wlllett W. F. Woolworth Co. -. Zan Bros. List of Sabseribers, 8150 O. B. Ballou - A. C. U. Berry 8 Crescent Paper Co .Arthur M. Churchill Kllham Stationery Co - Loggers' & Contractors' Ma chine Co. A. H. Luthwaitet Phil Metschan Whitfield, Whltcomb Co Mrs. E. Wood List of Subscribers, 81S& Parker's Market I List of Sabseribers, 81 J. I. Case Mfg. Co. .....8 Mr. and Mrs. Sherman R. Hall Arthur L. Veaxie.. Mrs. F. A. Warren Mrs. Anna Warren List of Sabseribers, 8105 a F. Wilson 8 List of Sabseribers, 8180 Alaska Fish Salting St By products Co 8 Albina Fuel Co. Ashley & Rumlin A. H. Alnsworth H. B, Albee 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 E. c. Jorgenson .. George W. Joseph. Alma D. Kats .... The King Estate . Knight Shoe Co... R. Koehler Krause Bros Mrs. F. W. Kamm 100.00 Mrs. Allen Lewis 100.00 C H. Lewis 100.00 Lensch Bros. J. McCracken Co Walter MacKay Geo. L. & J. A. McPherson. Martin St Forbes Charles R. McCormick Co. . SL M. Mears E. II. Meyer Mitsui & Co. ..... Fred W. Mulkey : Mrs. William A. MacMaster .. Herb S. Nichols L. Noonan k. Ocobock ...... ... ........ Peninsula National Bank Plummer Drug Co. Chapter A, P. E. O.. Blanche L. Murpb? 100.00 RobertsorssHardware St Steel Co. 100.00 Samuel Rosenblatt St Cov 100.00 A, J. Ray St Son 100.00 Rosenfeld Smith Co. 100.00 Mrs. W. T. Sumner' 100.00 M. L. Shepherd 100.00 C Spuhn 100.00 A. B. Steinbach 100.00 Mrs. F. H. Strong 100.00 F. E. Taylor 100.00 Willys Overland Pacific Co. .. 100.00 C. F. Wright 100.00 Wind River Lumber Co 100.00 C. E. 6. Wood 100.00 Mrs. M. Winch 100.00 L. R. Wheeler ....T. 100.00 D. N. St E. Walters Co..' 100.00 G. A. Warren 100.00 Mrs. R. B. Wilcox 100.00 Louis Woerner 100.00 List ef Sabseribers, 8ll.it Kendall Heating Co. 8 List of Sabseribers, 818 M. Halperin 8 List ef Sabseribers, 878.8 Parr-McCormlck Co. List of Sabseribers, 878 Dr. C E. Bruere 8 B. C. BaU .. Cartoslan Bros. M. Chance J. C. English Co. B. S. Huntington John McCourt George A. Marshall New York Bakery W. B. Peacock .... Mrs. R. F. Prael .. Dr. R. S. Sterns .. Oswald West L. R. Wheeler Ersklne Wood Jr. Co. W. C. Alvord T. Autzen ... F. W. Baltes Bell & Co. Bushongr & Co B. Blumauer ' Mr. and Mrs. Earl C. Bronaugh J. B. Burke E. B. Beebe J. H. Berst M. F.Brady C D. Bruun C O. Brunn P. J. Brix Bridal Veil Lumber Co Mrs. F. J. Colt Guy C. H. Corliss Mrs. F. J. Cobb Cameron Taylor Lumber Co. .. J. W. Creath W. E. Coman John F. Daly T. E. Daniels C H. Davis Douglas Kir Lumber Co T. L. Eliot M Dr. C. Gertrude French ....... R. S. Farrell Thomas FarreU Mrs. A. Frank C. E. Francis L. Gerllnger , Mrs. C. A. Gilbert Goodman Brothers C J. Gray George L. Greenfield r. G. W. Gates & Co . Bessie Gilbert Holman Transfer Co. ........ Jay S. Hamilton ...... J. E. Haseltlne St Co. Isaac D. Hunt Mrs. C B. Hunt Henningseh Pro. Cq Henry Hewitt Co Haniey Employment Agency... Edith H. Hitchcock E. Holman Co.. A. K. Johnson Mrs. C S. Jacobson N. W. Jones 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 135.00 125.00 125.00 125.00 125.00 125.00 105.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 I 100.00 I 100.001 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 ' 100.00 1 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 878 List of Sabseribers, Charles T. Chamberlain W. J. Furnish : List of Sabseribers, 868 F. E- Moore 8 Wascher Bros 8 Joseph. Weber . List of Sabseribers, tii Gray 8 8S8 J. A. List of Sabseribers, Drs. M. & M. Akin Eva M. Allen H. E. Alger 8 Armstrong Mfg. Co. and Em ployes Mrs. Everett Ames Mrs. L II. Amos W. R. Agnew Avery St Co. Mrs. John A. Bell F. E. Bowman Broadway Bldg Bartholomew Co Theodore Bernhelm St Co. Blumauer Estate Blumauer Hoch. Co. W. a Bristol , Babcock & Peets. Inc. Breyman Leather Co. A. H. Burrell Co R, C. Bell J. D. Berst Mrs. George Black Mrs. Ben Blumauer Chambers. D. & Sons. Clarke. Kendall & Co E. DeWitt Connell Mrs- Fannie C Cotton W. A. Cummins Homer Carpenter A. Cnristie Mrs: Mary C. Clarke E. S. Collins , Mrs. Edith S. Connell Mrs. F. W. Cookman Corvallis Creamery Mr. and Mrs. C B. Cady Mabel F. Cake Homer C Campbell Concrete Pipe Co Dey, Hampson & Nelson Blanche Day Ellis Mrs. R. F Dixon O. W. Davidson J. W. Day - A. E. Doyle Eccles St Smith Mrs. T. L. Elliot Charles A. Edwards O. M. Ellsworth Fiske Rubber Co. F. Friedlander A. D. Frost A. Friedman F. Fine Mrs. L Frohman W. B. Gilbert Phil Gossmayer Gevurtx Furniture Co. E. C Genereaux Mrs. Mayme Gilbert Glafke St Co. Goodyear Rubber Co R. F. Hynd Hart Cigar Store Hazelwood Creamery . G. Heitkemper Co. .... Hudson-Gram Co. M. W. Hart i E. J. Hyland Hofius Equipment Co.. Mrs. Anna Honeyman . A. H. Harding 81.50 80.00 79.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 73.00 75.00 75.00 73.00 75.00 75.00 73.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 70.00 70.00 COlOO 60.00 60.00 55.00 60.00 50.00 50.00 60.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 60.00 50.00 60.00 50.00 60.00 50.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 50.00 60.00 50.00 60.00 60.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 60.00 50.00 sa oo 50,00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 60.00 50.00 60.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 60.00 50.00 60.00 50.00 60.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 60.00 60.00 Albert Jenkins Jones Bros. St Co. .... E. O. Johnston Mrs. George H. KeUy C. B. King .... ... John W. Kelly George King N. A. King Mrs. Charles Kohn ... Lang, Jones Co.... J. Loulsson Mrs. R. W. Lockwood Mrs. George Lawrence VV. J. Leonard . S. P. Lockwood Mrs. Oscar R. Menefee E. W. Mesereau M. E. E. Association Miller. Calhoun St Johnson .... J. W. P. McFall Mrs. Wallace McCamant N. F. McKenney Mallory Hotel Mrs. Katherlne Mason C L. Meed Horace Meckien Miller Roje Co. Mrs. E. L. Mills ' C. J. Mathls Mrs. J. A. Martin Mrs. A. K. Murphy R. W. Montague George C MacDonalQ Jr. r Katherlne F. Noyes R. H. Noyes Wallace C North Oregon Motor Car Co Occidental Trading Co. Oregon Vulcanising works . . . Osmund St Co J. 8. O'Gorman Mrs. Mary A. O" Donald Pacific Am. Metal Co Pacific Coast Cone Co. Paclflo Scale St Supply Co Chapter A. P. E. O., by president W. B. Pearson Rev. E. H. Pence Pacific Lifeboat Co. Mrs. Ira F. Powers Gus Rosenblatt W. J. Rosenfeld Mrs. Ravensky Routledge Seed St Floral Co.... Olive Reed Miss Louise Reed Reeves Shoe Co Mrs. Fannie O. Rood Mrs. S. Rosenfeld Seaquist Brothers Mrs. W. R. Soott . A. A. Soule ....... Ed Stone Mrs. A. Sherwood Mrs. E. Smith Lewis Stenger Co Mrs. Stearns Mrs. J. M. Strowbrldge . Stewart Bros. Co. Jessie Stearns N. V. Sullivan Walter T. Sumner Stursevant & Dlnham .. Thomas St Kraemer Mrs. Guy L Talbot Miss Ruth Teal Andrew Tetrand Vaughn Motor Works . J. H. Vogt Louise Van Orshall Joe Uhlar A. Wlldman C. C Woodcock R. W. Wilbur N. S- Welnsteln Mrs. Louis Wagner .... E. A. Wyld Alex Wagner R. L. Webster Charles E. Wolverton . Mrs. H. C. Wortman .., List of Sabseribers, 847 Walkover Boot Shop 3 List of Sabseribers, 845 Mr. and Mrs. Freeman 3 M. G. Russi List of Sabseribers, 843.se Gotfried Co. 3 List of Sabseribers, 848 Bohemian Restaurant 8 Mrs. W. H. Graham Mrs. J. & Gamble John H. Hall W. a Hurst A. J. -Jewltt S. A. Lawrence v. Dr. J. K. Locke W. A. Mac Rao A. & Pattullo Miss R. L Ray A. D. Rothwell L. Soldern Stephenson Co Dr. C. L. Smith Whltmer. Kelley St Co Mrs. B. G. Whitehouse Winters McGuIse Mrs. B. F. Whitehouse 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 50.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 - 50.00 50.00 60.00 50.00 60.00 60.00 50.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 50.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 50.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 6000 60.00 60.00 60.00 50.00 50.00 10.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 i . 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 50.00 60.00 60.00 50.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 50.00 60.00 50.00 50.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 50.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 List ef Sabseribers, 3t.W Taylor Bros. 3 List ef Sabseribers, 827 Steve Moyer 3 List of Sabseribers, 8376 Davis Optical Co 3 List ef Sabseribers, 83i Alaska Junk Co. Aldon Candy Co I. Aronson Miss N. F. Bolton Bowman Bros. B. C Condit Pacific Fruit Co J. C. Mann Mrs. Edna Reraick Ryan Fruit Co. " Schnid Lithograph Co Mrs. Guy L-Wallace Western Picture Frame Co. .... Mrs. A. L. F. Warren List of Sabseribers. 388 Chas. W. Ackerson (Ackerson Shoe Co.) 3. Jay Bowerman C E. Cochran Sam Connell Lumber Co....... Mrs. M. Fleischner Hajrdle Mfg. Co. K. F.. Hughes A. W. Lafferty M. L. Myrick .... Louis H. Martin Anna L. McBride C S. Samuel Robert H. Strong . G. T. Trommald . Sam Weiss Cc ... M. E. Reed 47.00 45.00 45.00 , 43.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40:00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 37.50 , 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 33.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 --53.00 35.00 80.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 80.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 80.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 List of Sabseribers, 8ft Mrs. M. T. Alger 3 Alcasar Players Archer St Schans Co. The Auto Top Co Advance- Rumbley Co. Mrs. Harriet L. Alexander .... Dr. A.B. Bailey Dr. Rex Baldwin H. L. Bradley Jojm 8. Bradley Coy Burnett George W. Bates St Co. FV M. Bergen A. T. Bonney I. Burpee I Clifton C Bennett F. N. Brice Burnett & Son EUsha A. Baker H. Barendrick John Bain H. B. Beckett Belding St Sexton Mrs. Fred Bickel Jr Spencer Blddle S. W. Blasdel Mrs. N. J. F. Bolton " C. C. Bradley Co. , W. D. Brewster Mrs. C. W. Brockway Mrs. D. C Bruere Thos. J. Bulger Estate D. W. Brlggs F. C. Barnes Fabrlan Byerly F. G. Britten E. M. Bums Mrs. Thomas C Burks Mary Alice Caswell Catholic B. St C Supply Elizabeth L. Clark Company G. U. S. Aux. Vincent Cook H. A. Cushtng C E. Curry H. M. Carlock Mrs. W. Campbell William Chambers P. J. Cronln Co. P. T. Cherry Co. Columbia- Brick Co Mr Wllber E. Coman A. W. Cooper Columbia Amusement Co. H. J. Cress Coast Steel St Mcny. Co. Edwin Caswell - N. U. Carpenter Citizens Bank C B. Clark W. B. Crane Co Mrs. D..D. Clark Ralph A. Coan A. N. Cudworth Dooly & Co .v S. C. Dal ton Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Dodd.. F. M. Dyer Fred Dundee Mrs. Willis Dunlwajy O. L. Davenport Duncam Lumber Co. J. & Dunne Edlefsen Fuel Co Mrs. Edward Ehrman ......... J. O. Elrod Henrietta R Eliot Mrs. J. K. Ellison J. C. English Charles T. Earley H. J. Ellng Mrs. E. J. Ewing R, D. Fontana E. K. Flnkelner Mrs. A. L. Frank Factory Motor Car Co. , R. M. Fox Mrs. L. A. Frank Franklin St Co Mrs. Margaret Frasler Fulop Bros. R M. Gray Martha P. Grlffen Anna Gerllnger Mrs. and Mrs. Gerllnger Goldstein Bros J. G. Giltlngham H. Goodman Sons H. a Gilbert Gray, McLean St Percy E. C. Grlffen K. E. (Justin Goodyear Shoe Co. G. G. Gerber F. W. Hall Dr. J. H. Hewitt ? E. Hlppely H. W. Hughes John F. Hamilton R. B. Howard Rev. J. C. Hughes Miss Carrie Hoi brook E. J. Hall Hoy W. Heath H. M. H. Electric Co -r Mrs. JL B. Holder Margaret Howard Glen E. Husted E. B. Hasen J. L. Harper Mrs. W. P. Hawley Ben Holman Maggie Hamilton Mrs. H. M. Hailer Mrs. Ludwie Hlrsch Mrs. Caroline Hepburn W. F. Hynes J. H. Jackson . ., Phil E. Jones Dr. A. H. Johnston Arthur H. Johnston tLelgbton's Dairy Lunch) Mary EL Jones L. S. Jones .v Henry W. Jaeobson A. E. Jackson Annie E. Kendall Mrs. F. B. Kistner Dale Kelly J. J. Kadierly . ... John A Keating Charlotte Kress F. a KeUy Kahn Bros. ...... J. F. Kaufman ... R XCclly Robert B. Kerkett Albert King 29.00 37.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 ,25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 28.00 25.00 25.00 26.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25. 25. ,25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 35.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 23.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25,80 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 35.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 26.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 23.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 26.00 25.00 35.04 22.00 2S.00 28.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 23.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 26.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.0) 25.00 25.00 23.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 . 25.0C 25.00 28.00 38.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 35.00 25.00 i 00 25.90 25.00 25.00 24.00 26.00 38.00 28 40 2J.00 Ben Selling, City Chairman WAR j - . i ! ... - - WORK Edmund C. King L. E. Kern H. Klosterman Co A. G. Klosterman MHo Klrkpatrlck Bradley Legg. Co. Lawrence Larson Laidlaw St Owen Liberty Lunch and Employes. La Grande Creamery Co Dr. B. E. Loomis Ernest Lunndy James Locy Mrs. a M. Luders Mabel H. Lawrence Charles Loeding . . Miss Leon a Larrabee .. E. B. London Laher Spring Co A. W. Loffey Levy. Julea A Bros. Inc. Dr. Florence Marion .... Mrs. A. Meier McNeff Bros. Dr. M. Q. McCorkle J. R Mlesulne L. Mayer St Co. T. H. McAlbls ... W. R McDonald Mrs. May E. Mackey J. H. Mlddleton W. O. Mllllgan Mrs. Morris Ruth Wells Mead M. McNamara w . . . . Mabel Mcintosh. J. G. McGrew Mrs. C. A. Morden Miller Tracy Millwood Couch Co. Paul Murphy R. B. McClung W. IL Markell aV Co O. B. McCloud C E, Moulton Murphy Timber Co Dr. J. H. Montgomery J. P. McEnteo Mrs. George Marshall E. B. McXaughton Mrs. Alma Maxwell Mrs. E. C. Murphy Mrs. Laura H. Northrup ...... Mrs. F. A. Nltchy H. E. Noble O. A. Olsen Oregon Art Tile Co Oregon Auto Despatch Mrs. O. C. Olds Ormandy Bros. Mrs. H. J. Ottenhelmer Oregon Welding Co Cregon Haawam Paving Co.... Peoples Market A Grocery Co.. Mrs. E. M. Proctor Mrs. J. M. Proctor Piatt Piatt Polits Bros Portland Printing House Mrs. Ed. Piper Pacific Employment Co. E. W. A.. Peaks V. J. PeaVson John Pearson Portland Realty St Trust Co... William J. Piepenbrink The Patrick Co. Prince Shoe Co. Portland Machinery Co Portland Fish Co. ., Dr. J. J. Panton Wllhelm Petterson Sarah A. Ray Sarah Rosenblatt Dr. James W. Rosenfeld D. C. Rogers Lumber Co Rosenthal Shoe Co Reed Bros. Reliable Insurance Co. J. H. Reraick St Co Roy St Molln Mrs. R. L. Rush C. S. Russell L. M. Rouse J J. Ross Robinson Si Detter G. E. Ryan Mrs. Etta Reed Sarri-Tulley Lumber Co. Mrs. Wlllamlna Silk Edward N Strong O. N. Cmlth Clark D. Simonds Stark-Davis Co. W. M. Seward J. K. Stern Stearns-Holllngshead Co Mrs. L W. Standlfer IL M. Sawyer J. C. Stevens Frank L. Smith Meat Co Dr. C. G. Sabln , Davis Scott Belting Co a C Spencer G. M. Strong L. H. Stark Bank of Sellwood Dr. J. PhUllppe Tamlesie Henry Teal Mrs. Tendecor Mrs. Willis Telfer W. 8. ITRen Universal Tire Filler Co E. Vaughn Dean Vincent Caroline Vogt Mrs. J. A. Van Ness J. C Veasie Mrs. A. Veaxie Mrs. Frank Veruu Frank Venlus ...... Thomas W. Vreeland ........... George Vath Dr. Wright C H. Webber Wirt Minor Mrs. L L. Webster Welnsteln Bros. J. L. Wright F. L. Warren Willamette Equipment Co. .... C. D. .Wise Women's League, First Con gregational Church ......... F. O. Wheeler James Mcl. Wood Co. & R. Wentworth Mrs. Whitney MetU G. Wolff Mrs. Anna. Bruce Woodruff ... Mrs. J, D. Wyld J. C. Zan- Dr. M. L. Zimmerman ........ W. J. Zlmtnermaa ............ Mrs. F. Ztmraermas Mr. and lira. C B. 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