4f r THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1918. PORTLAND. OREGON awn of World Beace ill Pe heme jFor. Sunday Services, in Portland CHIMES CHURCH OF BELLS TO BE HEARD AGAIN ON SUNDAY Portland Pastors Will Return ; Thanks for Victory Over the Forces of Hated Autocracy. CELEBRATION TO BE DOUBLE Services at Wilbur Church to?le patriotic City Will Give Thanks for De " liverance From Ravages of Plague; Plan Special Music. Sunday will be Jubilation, Victory and Thanksgiving Sunday In all Portland's chnrchea. Frayers and songs of thanks and gratitude will rise from every altar of worship pver the cessation of hostil ities and the dawn of peace. Pastors. Sunday school superintendents and young peoples' leaders all announce wonderfully inspiring meetings for the Sabbath. The chimes of church bells will once more be heard on Sunday morning throughout the city, beckoning one and all to attend their chosen p!aceof wor ship, where a double celebration will be hald, first over the suppression of au tocracy and, second, over the eradica tion of a frightful plague. Church hymns of a patriotic and martial nature will enliven, many of the services, and ministers, keyed to the highest note over the Joyful news of victory, will, as nev er before, have an opportunity of preaching the gospel of peace and of love for our fellowmen. . Reunion for Members "After being deprived of the privilege of worship so long. It will be a great treat again to enter the place of prayer, as well as to meet our friends," said Dr. D. Lester Fields, the new pastor of the Rose City Tark M. E. church, who la to preach Sunday morning and eve ning. Rev. Mr. Fields has been spend lng the past few weeks visiting the members of his congregation. He also has conducted several funerals and weddings. There will be a general celebration of events and a reunion of the members and friends of Westminster Presbyte rian church Sunday morning and eve ning. Dr. Edward H. Pence will preach A medal home coming service and peace celebration Is planned at Univer Ity Park Methodist church, where Rev. J, T. Abbett U pastor. . At the Church of Our Father (Uni tarian) the pastor. Rev. William O. Eliot Jr., will preach on "The Victory and the Great Debt." The Sunday school will be resumed, but the evening ( forum; will not be resumed until the i first Sunday of December. I Hani' Fall Supplies Text Germany's collapse, as seen In the light of prophecy, will be explained by Rev. Atexander Beers In his Sunday morning sermon at .the First Methodist church. The sermon will deal particu larly with conditions to follow the close of the war, as seen by the pastor In the light of fulfilled scripture. Special Thanksgiving services are an nounced by Rev. C. H. Johnston for both morning and eveningat University Park Congregational church. , All members and friends of Centenary Methodist church are urged to partici pate In the Sunday services by the new pastor. Rev. J. C. Rollins. Special serv ices of reunion . and rejoicing are planned. A service of thanksgiving and praise la announced for the, Laurelwood Con gregational church, Sunday morning, by Mrs. J. J. Handsaker. pastor. ' At the reopening of services at Wood lawn Methodist church there will be a nerlod of spontaneous prayer by the congregation. The song, "A Stainless Flag," will be sung, and a chorus of young women will Blng, "When the Boys Come Marching Home." The pas tor will preach. ummer The Wilbur Methodist church congre gation plans an evening service for Sun day at 7 :30 o'clock at the Multnomah hotel. This is an extra service as a Jubilee recognition of the concluding of the war. The pastor. Dr. Short, says tt will be a patriotic bummer .because of the various features that will be In troduced ; he would ; not divulge all of them, but said, "The music will be Just what a Portland audience would expect of the quartet we have ; the address on, "Katching the Kaiser" will not be sleep producing, to say the least, and the con gregational singing of some of our pop ular melodies will prove Inspiring." The morning hour of worship has been changed to 10 :30, and the subject for this Sunday morning will be, "The Source of Life's Issues." The Sunday school will hold Its session at 12 :15, and the new officers will be In charge. "I anticipate the greatest day thus far In the activities of this enthusiastic congre gation," said the pastor. CHURCH INTERIOR GREATLY IMPROVED Committee Busy Raising Funds to Lift Indebtedness at St. Davids. Sunday Services at Kose City Church The spirit of victory and thanksgiving will prevail In all the renewed services of the Rose City Park Community church. Dr. Robert H. Mllllgan, pastor. W. H. St. Clair, superintendent of the Sunday school, announces that the "On to Berlin" contest which was postponed on account of the ban, will begin and will be carried forward on a more elab orate scale than was first proposed. The subject of Dr. MiUIgan's Sunday morning sermon will be "The Meaning of Victory." In the evening the doctor will preach the first of a series of ser mons on "The, War and Prayer," the subject of the first sermon being, "Both Sides Praying." Special music will be rendered by the quartet. Praise Services at Church of Nazarene A redecorated and improved house of worship will greet members of St. Davids Episcopal church when they return to their church Sunday morning to Join In the "double thanksgiving" service which the rector. Rev. Thomas Jenkins, has planned.' During the time the church has been closed by the health order the vestry has bad the interior cleaned and the walls redecorated. A committee of men has also been at work raising the last of the debt resting on the church building. They report splen did progress and hope to report all money pledged by Sunday. Both junior and adult choirs will be at their work, having made special prep aration ror the resumption of the serv ice on Sunday. The special thanksgiv ing will be for the cessation of hostil ities and the dawn of peace. Special prayers will be said for the government. President Wilson and the peace confer' ence. In the evening the special thanks giving will be for the abatement of the epidemic. Prayers will be said for all those still sick and also for all who have died as victims of the disease. The rec tor will preach on "Life Under the Ban eace and "Victory to Celebrated e t K K K picture to pe dent to itlen in Service Peace and victory is to be celebrated In the home coming service Sunday morning at Mt. Tabor Presbyterian church. In the joyous reunion the church will not forget the boys "over there," as the relatives of the honor roll boys will be guests of the church at the service. At the close of the morning worship the congregation will group in front of the church, where a group picture will be taken to send as a Christmas greeting to the boys who are in the service. Mt. Tabor has 6t stars on its flag, four of which are. gold. The pastor will - speak on "The Chal lenge of Peace." In the evening Fred Lockley, Just re turned from a year with the army T." will tell of his wonderful experiences, and will show trophies gathered in France and Flanders. Special patriotic music will be rendered. Those who have read Mr. Lockley s" stories dally in The Journal will no doubt be interested in seeing and hearing the writer. TWO NEW PASTORS IN U. B. CHURCHES Speakers Will Be Heard for First Time Sunday in First and Second Churches. GRFA I PATRIOTIC Rl E PLANNED LLDr. Waldo, Mayor Baker, Civil and Military Authorities to Be Heard at Baptist Church. SPECIAL MUSIC AT EVENING SERVICE First Methodist Church Will Celebrate Great Victory Sunday Night. The First Church of the Nazarene will celebrate the closing of the war and the opening of the church services on Sun day with a great people's praise service at 11 o'clock. Sunday school rally at 9 :45 and another rally by the young folks at 6 :30, closing the day with a sermon by Pastor Davis appropriate to the day. Will Speak at Arleta Rev. Bruce Kinney, D. D., district superintendent of the American Baptist Home Mission society, is to preach Sun day evening at Arleta Baptist church. Dr. Kinney came to Portland to attend the funeral of the late Dr. C. A. Wooddy. Regular Services At Friends Church Regular services will be held In the First Friends church, Sunday. In the morning the pastor will deal with the effects of the closing ban on the church. In the evening a people's praise service will be held commemorating the fact that while an exceptionally large number of the members of the church have suffered by the epidemic all are recovering. The congregation will enjoy for the first time the use of a new heating plant installed during the closing ban. Patriotic Service At First Christian Rev. Harold H. Grlffis will conduct a patriotic service In keeping with the tri umph of the American Idea and in rec ognition of 20 stars recently added to the church's service flag at the First Christian church. A full program of music will be rendered by the church quartet. The Bible school will resume its sessions at? 9 :45 a. m. and the "Chris tian Endeavor society at 6 :30 p. m. The pastor will preach a J. both services. A great thanksgiving and patriotic service has been arranged for Sunday night at the First Baptist church. Dr. Waldo, the pastor, will have charge of the meeting. Several distinguished men, representing different parts of Port land's civic and political life, will be present and will deliver short addresses. Among these will be Mayor George L. Baker, Lieutenant David Watts, com manding officer of Portland Barracks ; Chaplain Burton F. Bronson of Van couver Barracks. Dr. Waldo will also speak. The stringed orchestra of the One Hundred Fifth squadron will be present and will open the service with music. The temple quartet will give some choice selections. Honor will be done to the service flag, which repre sents 89 men in the service, one of whom was recently killed in action and another of whom died of influenza. A flag saluting service will be partic ipated in and the general public is in vited to come and enjoy this service. Pa triotic songs will be sung by the con gregation. A grand reunion service has been planned for the morning in honor of the reassembling after being debarred from worship on account of the epidemic for the last five weeks. Dr. Waldo and his classmate. Rev. Bruce Kinney, D. D., su perintendent of the Midland division of the American Baptist Home Mission so ciety, will have charge of the service. Both the pastor and his friend will de liver short addresses and a delightful and fraternal spirit will doubtless be manifested and many of the members of said congregation will be ready to greet each other after the long absence. Strangers ' In the city and all others have been Invited to worship Sunday in either of the four United Brethren churches, in which services are to be resumed Sunday. First church and Second church will have new men in the pulpit. At First church Rev. Byron J. Clark will use for his theme at the morning service "America's Reward," and In the evening, "The World's Great est Need." Special music has been planned. Rev. Ira Hawley, new pastor of Sec ond church, will preach his initial ser mon Sunday, his themes being "Victory in Obedience" and "The Humility of One." At Third and Fourth churches. Rev. E. O. Shepherd and Rev. C. P. Blanch ard have arranged special services in keeping with the occasion. . First Methodist church will celebrate the great war victory at its services Sun day morning. There will be special music of a patriotic nature at both morn ing and evening services. Sunday win , be jubilation and victory day. Dr. j Joshua Stansfield will speuk on "The Victory of Right." The evening service ' will be a continuation of the morning special theme. Patriotic, church and martial airs will be sung by the con gregation. Saturday evening the free soldier's dormltery will be reopened and soldiers from Vancouver or Camp Lewis are In vited to occupy the beds furnished In honor of the boys from First Methodist church who are now In the ranks. Can Democracy Alone Solve the Problems? Dr, Boyd to Speak "Will Democracy Suffice to Solve the World Problems of the Future?" will be a question of unusual Interest discussed by Rev. R. H. Sawyer in his sermon Sunday evening at the East Side Chris tian church. East Twelfth and Taylor streets. Rev. Mr. Sawyer has given much time to predictive prophecy and will discuss the question from a proph etical viewpoint The Bible school will resume its regular sessions at 10 o'clock i and It Is expected that all teathers will I i be present to take charge of their f I classes. j runty Cturcli to JE)car 3f3cacc Sermon JBy 53r. Jlorrison The reopening of Trinity church. Nine teenth and Everett, will be marked by a special Thanksgiving service Sunday morning at 11. to celebrate the great tri umph of freedom. Music appropriate to the occasion will be sung. The subject of the morning sermon Is : "A Vindication of Idealism in the Vic tory." At S a. m. there will be a celebration of the holy communion, and at 8 p. m. a short service and sermon. Subject, "Some Other Autocrats." Dr. Morrison will preach at both services. Sunday school will be resumed No vember 24 at. 10 a. m. Dr. Hijison to Speak On Civic Subjects Tomorrow morning Dr. Hlnson, the pastor of the East Side Baptist church. East Twentieth and Salmon streets, will preach on "Getting Above the Fog In Public Duty and In Private Thinking. Twenty-four members were received Into this church on the last Sunday serv ices were held there and on Sunday next an opportunity will be given for those to Join who have been waiting to become members. At night Dr. Hlnson will speak on a subject pertinent to the present duties and privileges of the nation, the city and the individual. The Sunday school and the Young Peoples' meeting will assemble at the usual hours. VICTORIES YET NOT FULLY IN, ASSERTS BISHOP Rt. Rev. Walter Taylor Sumner Sends Letter of Greeting to Clergy of Episcopal Church. MUST REALIZE TASK AHEAD Major Mills Will Be Heard Sunday Great Sacrifice of Life Will Be All for Naught Unless Mankind Is Led to Higher Living Plane. On Eeconstructionj gpeciai Music at Sunnyside Church ; will be of. The First Presbyterian church. Twelfth and Alder, will be open In all of Its Sunday and weekday activities begtnning tomorrow. The pastor. Rev. John H. Boyd, will preach in the morn ing a sermon suggested by the hour. "A Program for Tomorrow." At night there will be a service of praise and thanksgiving. Professor E. E. Coursen. the organist, has' prepared a special program of Introductory music of joy ous and triumphant masterpieces for the organ. This recital begins at 7 :15. The subject of the evening sermon is "Our Part in Winning Peace." By using perforated plates instead of gauze to keep dangerous gases from reaching the flame, an English scien tist believes he has Improved tht miner's safety lamp. v , . The Sunday services at the First Con- I gregational church will be In the nature i of a great thanksgiving and jubilation. Major T. A. Mills of the Spruce Produc tion division will give the sermon ad- Major Mills will occupy the several Sundays. The music I wn4 De oi painouc anu innnnBivui n- j ture. under direction of the organist and ! choir director, Luclen E. Becker. There The victories won by the allied armies In France, the destruction of despotism " and the dawn of a new peace have in spired Bishop Walter Taylor Sumner tt the Episcopal church to send a pas toral letter of greeting andgratttude to the clergy and laity of his church. He says : " Thanks be to God who glvsth us the victory.' After these four years of war and turmoil we are at last de livered from the hand of the enemy. What words are adequate or what acts can we perform to show God our grati tude and adoration? "These are days of great rejoicing, and rightly so, but we must not for get the task before us. I beg you to come to God's house on Sunday 'and there offer him that which is his Just' due. "Unless you and I can lead mankind to a higher plane of living, to a more Just and equitable solution of our social and economic life problems, to a more vital belief In and walking with Al mighty God, then will the sacrifice of these sad years, the horrors of devas tation and destruction, the appalling loss ! of precious lives all this and more wtll j have been In vain." In closing his letter the bishop urges his people to live a quiet, peaceful life All the activities of Sunnyside Con gregational church win return to run i will be Sunday school session st noon .,th . nH t l.nrf .11 th operation Sunday, beginning with Sun- ( and intermediate C. K. at S :30 p. m. The p,, t0 humanitarian causes. ujr Bciiuui "i J.w a. in. iiic JUiiior, 1 regular sa'liviues OI me cnurcn win ue- Tir m-lll rut rxtr ih.nliulvliir Intermediate and Senior Christian En deavor societies will hold their regular meetings at 3 p. m. and 6 :15 p. m. The pastor. Dr. J. J. Staub, has chosen two very timely and practical subjects for the day. The chorus choir will render the "Gloria" at the morning service. Special music has been arranged for the entire day. services commemorating victory at the Corporal Gibson to Relate Experiences DIRECTORY OF CHURCH SERVICES IN PORTLAND Pastor Wffl Hold Two Services Sunday Beginning Sunday, both morning and evening nervlees will be held in the First Norwegian Danish Methodist Church. Rev. Ellas Gjerdlng has but the one church to serve this year, so he plans to devote all his time to its activ ities. A peace celebration service Is planned for Sunday morning. In the evening Rev. Mr. Gjerdlng will deliver the first In a series of sermons on "Stewardship." The midweek prayer service Is on Thursday evening. Woodlawn Christian Church to Resume The work of all the departments of the Woodlawn Christian church will be , resumed Sunday. The Christian En deavor will make a special effort to re gain its pre-lnfluenza status. It will be possible for the entire teaching force in the Bible school to be present at the opening meeting, so that the classes may report for usual programs. The pastor will preach both morning and evening. 25th Sunday After Trinity Uniform Sunday School Lesson ' Jacob Fleeing From Hi Angry Brother," or "God Following Hi Wandering Children. Ger. 28:10-22. Golden Text: "He hath not dealt witn us after our aim, nor rewarded us according to uur iniquities." Pa. 103:10 Young Peoples' Topics Christian Endeavor Reform That Need Our AM." Araos. 8:4-10. Bantist Union "Making Democracy aate Tb'ugh the Country Church." Isa. 85:1. Junior Cnrialian tnciearor jesus in me Eopie of Zacchaeus." Luke 19:8-10. Kpworth League "The Urgency of a (rreat Frrand" (Win My Chum Week.) Matt, 22:1-5, 8-14. Baptist F-'rst White Temple. 12.th and Taylor Rer. V'fll'am A. Waldo. Grand Jubilee and patriotic peaoe celebration. 11, 7:45. Kast Side E. 20th and Salmon Rer. W. 1- Hinson. 11. "Getting A bore the Fog"; 7:45, "Tlte, Message of the Hour." Third VaneouTer and Knott BeT. Webley J. Bearen. 11. "The Peace of God": 7:80, ' (Satisfying God." .Arleta Rer. W. Garnet 'Hadley. 11, '' i t.rongh the Tender Mercies of Our God"; 7:30. preaching by ReT. Bruce Kinney, D. D., d strict superintendent of the American Baptist 1 in: Mission saciety. t'alrary E. 8th and Grant ReT. J. E. Tlcmas. 11, 7:45. Glencoe E. 45th and Main ReT. F. C. laOette. 11, 7:45. Sellwood Bethany ReT. T. J. Broomfield, li. 8. iinct E. 76th and Ash. 11. 7:45. Highland ReT. Ed (1. Cofer. 11. 8. t'niTersity Park IteT. S. Lawrence Black. 118. Cathollo St. PeUrs Lents ReT. P. Beutgen. 8. i) 30. 7:30. Pro-Cathedral 15th and DaTis ReT. E. V. Ollara. 6. 7:15. 8:30. 8:45, 11. 7.45. t. Lawrence 3d and Sherman ReT. J. C. l'uihes. 6, 8:30, 10:30. 7:30. St. Patrick 19th and SaTiei- ReT. Charles M Smith. 6:30. 8. 9:15. 10:30. 7:30. St. Francis E. 12th and Pine ReT. J. H. Mark. 6. 8. 9. 10:30. 7:30. I d maculate Heart of Mary William and t txnton ReT. W. A. Daly, 6, 8, 9, 11, 7:30. Holy Rosanr E. 3d and Clackamas Rer. E. S Olson. 6.-78, 9. 11. 7:30. St. Rose E.- R3d and Alameda BeT. J. Oarrell. 8. 10:30. 4. St. Andrews -K. 9th and Alberta ReT. J. ivonan. 8, 10:30. 7:30. The Madeleine E. 24th and Siskiyou Rer. Gsorgb F. Thompson. 7:30. 9, 11. Ascension E. 76th and TamhlU Franciscan l ithers. 8. 10:30. 7:30. Blewed Sacrament Maryland and Blandena Uo. . W. Black. 8, 10:30. 7:30. Holy CrofM 774 Bowdoin- ReT. C. Raymond. 8. 10:30. 7:30. St. Ignatius 8220 43d t. S. E. Jesuit Fathers. 6:30. 8. 10:80, 4. St. Stephens E. 4 2d and Taylor ReT. War in A. Waitt 6. 8:30, 10:30. 7:80. Holy Redeemer Portland bird, and VaneouTer air ReT. William J. DeTine. 6. 10:30. 7:80. St. Phillip Neri (Paulist Fathers) E. 16th an.1 Hickory ReT. W. J. Cartwright. 7:80, 9. 10:30. 7:30. The DIET During and After The Old Reliable Ronna Package i AXPlMIUtr INFLUEHZ ryood!r Malted Milt; Very Nutritious, Digestible . The REAL Food-Drink, Instantly prepared. Made by the ORIGINAL. Horlick process and from carefully selected materials. Used successfully over Ya century. Endorsed by physicians everywhere. and get Horlich's The Original ssslM -Ttos' .voiding Imitations 3L Clements 8. Smith are. and Newton Seilite Fathers. 6. 8, 10:30, 7:30. Sacred Heart E. 11th and Center ReT. G. Rot- 8. 10:80. 7:0. St. Agatha E. 15th and Miller BeT. J. Comminsky. 8, 10:30, 7:30. St. Stanislaus (Polish) Maryland and FaQ ifg ReT. F. Matthew. 8. 10:80. 7:80. St. Joseph (German) 15th and Couch ReT. B. Durrer. 8, 10:30. 7:80. St Michael (Italian) 4th and Mill Rer. M. Ffclestra. 8, '0:80, 7:30. Et Clares Capitol Hill Franciscan Father. ".80, 8:15. &t Charles E. 33d and Alberta ReT. J. P. O'Fiynn. 8, 10:30. AU Saints E. 39th and Glisan Rbt. Father .T:ll;sm Cronin. 8. 10:30. Christian First Park and Columbia ReT. Harold H. Griffis. 11, "The Meaning of Victory"; 7:45, "Both Sides Praying." East Side E. 12th and Taylor ReT. R. H. Sawyer. 11, "Lessons From Flanders' Fields": 7:30. "Prophecies Concerning the Present." MontaTllla E. 76th and Ho ReT. J w Jenkins. 11, 8. Rodney ATenue Rodney and Knott Rn j F Ghormley. 11. "Jesus and His Bible." 8. "The King's Highway." Woodlawn E. 7 th and Liberty ReT. Joseph D. Boyd. 11, "Unfaltering Confidence": 7:30, "The. Eternal Christ." Christian Science Lesson subject: "Mortals and Immortals." First--19th and Ererett. 11, 8. Second E. 6th and HoUaday. 11. 8. Third E. 12 th and Salmon. 11, 8. Fourth Vancouver aTe. and Emerson. 11, 8. Fifth 62d st. and 42(1 aTe. S. E. 11. Sixth Masonic Temple. 368 Yamhill. 11, 8. St. Johns Holbrook block. 11. All churches Wednesdsy, 8 p. m. Congregational First Park and Madison. Sermons by Major T. A. Mills. 10:30, "Keep on Greatly"; 7:4 5. "The Holy Shadow," Atkinson Memorial E. 29th and Ererett BeT. Warren Moore. 11,8. Sunnyside R. 32d and Taylor ReT. J. "J. Staub. 11, "Accomplishing God's Purpose"; 7:4 5, "A Gospel Without Apology." Highland E. 6th and Prescott Rer. Edward Constant. 11, "America's Hurrah and Halle lujah"; 7:30, speaking by Corporal Gibson on "Trench Experiences in France." WaTerley Heizhta E. 33d and Wnnriwirri 11, 8. Laurelwood 45th aTe. and 65th at. a. R Mrs. J. J. Handsaker. 11. Pilgrim Missouri and Sharer. R T?nh Murray Pratt. 11, 8. Finnish Mission 107 Skidmore Rbt. Ssmn.1 NeTala. 6, 7:30.! UniTersity Park ReT C. H Inhnnn aK. ject at both sernces, "If the Religion Taught in Our Churches and Schools Cannot Keep Us From World Wars, Why Bother About It Any Further If" Episcopal Trinity 19th and Ererett BeT. A. A. Morri son. 8, 11. 8. Pro-Cathedral of St. Stenhen the Uirtn 13th and Clajr Rt. KeT. W. T. Hnmner hi.hrav Sundays: 7:45. 11. 7:45. Week dan V K day. 7:80 a. m., Friday. 9:80 a. m.: Holy day. 7:30. St. Darids E. 12th and Belmont Be. Thomas Jenkins, rector. 7:80, 9:30, 11 "Silence in HeaTen." or "The Birth of a X.w Age"; 7:30. "Life Under the Ban." St. Marks 21st and Marshall Rer. J. n Ilrtton, rector. 7:80, holy Eucharist; 9:45, s-lftl; 11, Eucharist and sermon with soecial acts of thanksgiring ; 7:45, erensong and sermon. St. Andrews Hereford st.. Pnrtamnnth Arcnaeacon cumbers in charge. 9. 7 :80 p. m. orace Memorial E. 17th and Weidler ReT. Oswald W. Taylor. 8. 11. Oood Shepherd VaneouTer and Graham tier, jonn uawson. 11, 8. St. Michaels and All Saints E. 43d and xtroaaway neT. i". r. Bowen. Ticar. 8. 10 Church of Our Sarior 60th are. and 41st t. a. bbt. t. tl. cure. near. 7:30 and 11 a. m. Bishop Morns Memorial Good Samaritaa nospuat KeT. rreaenc &- Howard. 7. 7:45 St. Panto Woodmere Rer. Oswald W. Tay- All Saints 2 5th and 8a Tier ReT. ' Frederic &- Howard. 11. St. Johns Memorial E. 15th and Harney. Sellwood. Rer. H. dark in charge. 11. 7:80. sr. Aiannewa uorbett and Bancroft Rer. W. A. M. Breck. Ticar. 10. 11. KTangelleaJ First E. 6th and Market ReT. E. D. Hora- scnucn. 11, 8. Free Method 1st Central E. 55th and Flanders Rer. W. N, Coffee. First E. 9 th and Mill ReT. A. Beers. 11, "Germany's Collapse as 'Seen in Light of rropnecy. Friends First E. S5th and Main ReT. Homer L. Cox. li. "The Joy of God- House 7:46. praiM aerncc . . . I Hope E. 78 th sad Ererett Re. I ' Congregation Beth brae 1 2th and Main L Rose City Dr. Robert H." MUligan. 'Rabbi Jonah B. Wise. Sabbath aerrtcea Friday! Forbee Grahaa and Gantenbein. ; . s - - . 1 " - at 8 p. m.. Saturday, 10:30 a. m. Sunday, 10, in Portland academy bldg., 13th and Mont gomery. Religious school. Bible classes at Central library, second and fourth Wednesdsy. Congregation Aharia Sholom Park and Clay sts. Rabbi R. Abrahamson, Fridsy, 8 p. m., Saturday, 9 30 a. m. Latter Day Saint Church of Jesus Christ of Letter Pay Saints E. 25th and Madison. 10. 7:30. Lutheran St James W. Park and Jefferson Morning. "America's Gratitude for Victory, Peace." Eren ing, "A Nation Facing New Responsibilities." St. Paulf E. 12th and Clinton Rer. A. Krause. 9:30, 10:30, 8. Our Sariors E. 10th and Grant Rer. M. A. Cbristenen. 11. Trinity Williams and Graham Rer. J. A. Reinbach. 9:15. 1.0:15. sermon in German: 7:30. English. "What the Lutheran Church Owes America." j Bethlehem Norwegian 14 th and Daris Rer. Wilhelm Pattersen, topic, "Watch Ye." 8,..serrice ! Norwegian, topic, "Results of the War." urace English Mason and Albina. 10:30. preaching by ReT. Prenss of Chicago. Hamilton Chapel K. 80th and Glisan Rer. F. J. Eppling. 11, "Tasks in Time of Peace." Bethel Norwegian (Free) Wygant and Rod ney Rer. B. A. Borrerik. 11, 8. Methodist Episcopal Centensry E. 9th and Pine Rer. J. C. Rollins. 11. "Old Truths and New Facts." 7:30. "The New Day That Is to Be Facing the Future." Central Vancourer and Fargo Her. A. R. Maclean. 11, 7:30. Clinton Kelly E. 40th and Powell Rer. John Parsons. 1 1. Epworth 26th and Sarier. Preaching by Dr. A. L. Howarth and Dr. William Wallace Young son. 1 1. 7:30. First 12th and Taylor Rer. Jo-dma Stans field. 10:80. "The Victory of Right.': 7:45. "A World's Jubilee. V First Norwegian Danish 18th and Hoyt Rer. EUis Gjerding. 11. "Thoughtfulness and Thankfulness. 8, "The Stewardship of PTayer." Lenta Lucien B. Jones. 11. 7:30. Vancourer Are. Norwegian Danish Skidmore I and Vancourer Rer. C. J. Running. 11, "The Banner." 7 :30. Lincoln E. 5 2d and Lincoln Rer. F. A. Ginn. 11. Mt. Tabor E. 61st and Stark. Rer. E. Olin Eldridge. 11. 8. Rose City Park Rer. D. Lester Fields. 11, 7 :30. I Sellwood Rer. W. S. Gordon. 11. 7:30. Sunnyside E. 35th and Yamhill Rer. R. E. Smith. 11. 7:45. St. Johns W. Learitt and Syracuse Rer. J. H. I Trine. 11,8. UniTersity Park Ftske and Lombard Rer. J. T. Abbott. 11, 7 :30. Home coming serrice and peace celebration. , Wilbur Multnomah hotel Rer. Francis Bur- gette Short. 11. "Source of Life' Issues." 7:45, hatching the Kaiser. Westmoreland Rer. F. A. Ginn. 7:30. Montarilla E. 80th and Pine Rer. Hiram Gould. 11. 7:30. Swedish Beech and Borthwick Rer. Abel Eklund. 11. 8. District superintendent, Rer. William Wallace Tqungson, D. D.. 691 E. 62d st. N. Tabor 2790. M. E. South First Union and Multnomah Ber. James T. French. 1.1. "Ood and the People." 7. I'What Kind of Religion Now?" Nazarene First E. 7th and Couch Rer. C. Howard Deris. Sellwood E. th and Spokane Rer. B. H. Morse. 11. 8. Brentwood 65th are. and 67th st Rer. C. U. Fowler. 11. T:80. Highland Park E. 14 th and Kfllingsworth Rer. W. P. Keebauah. 11. 8. Sqandinarian Rer. J. G. Bringedahl. 11, 7:30. Presbyterian First 12th and Aldei' Rer. John H. Boyd. 10:34). "A Program for Tomorrow." 8, "Our Part in the Winning of Peace." Westminster East lTth and Schuyler KeT. Edward H. Pence. 10:20. "The Great Psahn of Tears and Laughter." 7:30. "Making Ready the Home for the Home Coming." Central E. 13th and Pine. Rev. Orlando B. Pershing. 11. "Truth Vindicated." 7:30. "Re construction." V Calrair 11th and Clay BeT. R. W. Roger. 1040. "The Last Kins." 740, "The Cross and the Sword." Mt. Tabor E. 65th and Belmont Rer. Ward MacHenry. 11. "The Challenge of Peace." 8. lecture by Fred Lockley. on "Army Life in France." Vernon 19th and Wygant Rer. J. R. Lands borough. 11; "Reason for Genuine Gratitude." 7:80, "Hearing God'a Voice in the Erents of Today." Piedmont Rer. A. L. Hutchison. 11. "The Tragedy of a Nation, the Fate of the Hon"; 7:SO, "Babylon, the Pride of a Race." Fourth First and Gibbs. 10:30. "The Keed of the- Hour," by KeT. Lest Johnson. KeniJworth E. 84th and Gladstone Bee. Paul E. Batach. 11. 8, illustrated talk on Floyd E. 1 11. 8. Trinity Virginia and Nebraska Rer Theo dore P. Smith, pastor-elect. 10. 11. 7:80. Anabel Rer. John E. Nelvm. 11, 8 Millard Avenue ReT. W. Lee Gray. 11 8 Christian Scientists j Will Resume Services I Services will be resumed In all Chris tian Science churches In the city Sun day, following- the lifting of the health bureau ban. The topic for both morn ing and evening services at all churches gin with the Sunday services and the pians xor tne xuture oi u w.ur.. . prce, of Et gtephens ths JJr- lor a large suU cuuucv,...,,. , ty. MrTieM w,n hojy com. munlon. 7 :45 and 11 a. m. ; venlnc prayer and sermon st 7 -.30 p. m. Ths sermon wtll be preached by Bishop Sumner. At the 11 o'clock service ths conffrecstlon of All Saints church will Join with the Cathedral congregation, and the bishop will be assisted by the vicar. Chaplain Howard. The (lubllc, especially strangers. Is cordially Invited to- all services. Special Invitation to men in service Is extended. There will be special music by the choir under ths direction of the organist and choir mas ter, Carl Denton, conductor of the Sym phony orchestra. Rev. Edward Constant announces that the Highland Congregational church plans a real. Joy ray and community gathering for Sunday, when all church activities will be fully resumed. There will be special music at all the services of the day. At 11 the pastor will preach on the following topic : "America's Hur rah and Hallelujah." In the evening at 7 :30 an address will be piven by Cor poral Gibson, -Aho served three years In Serentn Day Hdrentlst "ote Regular serrice of this denomination are held on Saturday. v Central E. 11th and Ererett L. K. Dick son, pastor. 11:15. . Tabernacle Arcanum hall. 13th and Wh. J lngton. 11, 7 :45. Montarilla E. 80th and Ererett Elder J. Gerhart. 11. Lnts 94th st. and 58th are. Elder W. D Huntington. 11. St. Johns Central are. and Charleston Elder A. R. Folkenberg. 11. Mt. Tabor E. 60th and Belmont Elder W. T. Hilgert. 11. Aioma nsuimore and Mallory Rer. A A Meyer. C. F. Knott, local elder. 11:15 Scandinarian Ogden hall, MisUMppi and Sharer. 11. Salvation Army Corps No. 1 243 Ash st Adjutant Frank oenae. l I , A : 1 0, H. Corps No. 4 128H First Adjutsnt Joseph Harrison. 11, 3, 8. Sweden borglan New Church Society 831 Jefferson Rer. William R. Reece. 11. "A New Note of Hu man Brotherhood. Exemplified in the United War Work Drire." Unitarian Church of Our Father Broadway and Tam hill Rer. W. G. Eliot Jr. 11, "The Victory and the Great Debt." United Brethren Conference superintendent Rer. G. E. Mc Donald. Firot E. 15th and Morrison Rer. Byron J. rark. 11. "America's Reward"; 8, "The orlds Ores test Need. Second E. 27th and Sumner. Rer. Ira Hawley. 11. "Victory in Obedience"; 8, "The; Humility of One." Third 7th kt. and 32d are. S E. Rer. ; K. O. Shepherd. 11. "Wars and Pestilences"; 8, "How Great Was the Ire of God " Fourth Tremont Her. C. P. Blanchard. 11, text on Eph. 5:20; S, text on Jaa. 4 :1. United Presbyterian First E. 37th and Hawthorne Rer. H. F. Gire. 11, "Thanksgiring for Victory ": 7:4 5, "Godliness in the Reconstruction of the World. " Church of the Stranger Grand and Wasco Rer. 8. Earl Du Bois. 10:80. "Our Part in Reconstruction": 7:30, "A Critical Period and How to Meet IL" Miscellaneous Christian and Missionary Alliance E. 9th and Clajr Rer. John E. Fee. -11. 7:30. Realization League 1-86 5th Rer. H. Edward Mills. 11. 8. Church of the Cnirersal Messianic Message 414 E. Ererett. 11. 8 Christedelphisn 621 E. Washington. 10:30. Church of God 863 Failing. 11. 8. Men's Resort 4th and Burnside Rer. Leri Johnson, superintendent. 8. First Divine Science Tilford bldg. Rer. T. M. Minard. 11. "Liberty " New Cirilization 407 Tilford bldg. Dr. Beth Northington. 8. is "Mortals and Immortals." Sessions i the Canadian irmy, who tells of his ex- of the Sunday school are also held at each church. At the Wednesday eve ning meeting, which is held at 8 o'clock, testimonies of Christian Science heal ing are given. A reading room is main tained by ths churches in the North western Bank building. Dr. Hutchison to Resume His Series i All services at Piedmont Presbyterian church will be resumed on Sunday at the usual hours. Bible scnool at 9 :4a. public services at 11 and 7 :30. Dr. Hutchison, pastor of the church, will resume the two special series of ser mons bungun Just a month ago. The Thursday evening services will be held at 8 o'clock, a study of the Sunday school topic. The sphagnum moss work has been discontinued by order from Hcd Cross headquarters. perlences at the front and in the trenches In France. This meeting will open with a stirring song service Peace Celebration At Lutheran Church A great rally and peace celebration service will be held at M. James Luther an church Sunday morning at 11 o'clock and at 8 o'clock Sunday evening;. The pastor. Rev. W. K. Brinkman. will xpeak at both cervices on "America's Grati tude for Victory and Peace." Sunday evening;. "A Nation Facing New Responsibilities." Tne tsunoay sonooi win oe neia i 9.50 Sunday morning and the Luther league at 7 p. m. All of the services will be featured by special music and the church auditorium will be decorated befitting the day and the occasion. 1 ? , JT yL ( mum- mmmminmammmmmimmmn tmi.-im ,i NOTICE! First Spiritualist Church ' Services Sunday X P M. and 8 P. M. Sixth and Montgomery Streets A. Soott Bledsoe, Pastor. Mrs. Emma K." Powers, Soloist., - Seats Pres., . 1 FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH T WELFTH-THIRTEEN TH, OS ALDER REV. JOHN H. BOYD, D. D. Sunday Services, Nov. 17 10:30 A. M. "A Program for Tomorrow" ' 7:30 P. M. "Our Part ifi Winning Peace" A SERVICE OP PRAISE AI THANKSGIVING Sunday School 12:15 P. M. A Welcome to All t J nA.l KSulf l.iu v ?1 WILBUR METHODIST CHURCH - MULTNOMAH HOTEL Dr. Francis Burdett Short The following program will pro Interesting and timelr. and yml will be arainvslr reedy to worship bere tomorrow. Plraae, note the appointed hours: IIRMON SUaVJEOT 10:0 A. M. The Source of Life's U$ue SUNDAY SCHOOL 1:H all oar people are urged to attend tht first tesaion of our Bible school under iU w officer, and reqnnted to bring some ee vot at present connected with any other Sawder Hc.hool. Victory Jubilee Service 7:30 P.M. I'trinv Rongs Popular llrlodtaa. Dr Hluart MHJuire will sing the tareillale.'" ant Harriet larh the "But Hpengled Bes nr ' Addrms Subject: Kcpturing the Kaiter and Some Lessons Therefrom Portland's Best Quartet Sing MerrHnf and See Mine?. MEET YOU" SMItNDS MCRK. First Congregational Church PARK AMI WtniHOY T. MAJOR T. A. MILLS mill conduct l-ith wrvi-es A. M. "Keep On, Greatly" T:t P. M. Special Hon- Ser ureredtne ser mon. Major Mills' subject uThe Holy Shadow" Patriotic and ThanksRivIn; music by the choir; Luclen K. Becker, organ ist and director. You and your friends will be welcome. Come and worship with us. SCJTDAT KCHOOL. 15 NOOX Pro-Cathedral St.StephentheMartyr EPISCOPAL IStb aid Clay Stav wlthls walklag- d lata see of hotel; or take ISth St. car at Jdoriitos or 'ahtss;tos 8ts THE RT. REV. W. T. SUMNER, D. D., Bishop Sunday Thanksgiving Services Commemorating Victory HOLT COMMCJUOTr WITH SEH.MOJf BT THE BISHOP, 11 A. M.t ALHO AT IHi A. M.I EVEAI5G PBATEB A3D SEBM05 BT THE BISHOP, 7:J i Seats free and unreserved. Strangers in the city and public Invited to attend and offer thanks for what God has dons for them. Special music by ths Choir under the direction of ths organist and choirmaster, Mr.- Carl Uenton, Con ductor of the Symphony Orchestra. " Re-Opening FIRST METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH If TH AJTD TAT LOR BTBEETS JOSHUA STAXSFIELD, P. D. Pastor JUBILATION AND VICTORY DAY Every member anked to be present to REJOICE SKR.MOX 1:M A. X. "The Victory of Right" Sunday School 12 o'clock. Noon . 8F.RMOX 7 if r. M. "A World's Jubilee Patriotic church and martial airs will be suns; by congress tionv - - COME AVXt &EJOICK ' '