THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SATURDAY.; NOVEMBER 1918.? . 10 - n , TACANT BUNGALOW 1250 CASH MODERN EVERT WAT CLOSE IN, 8UNNT8IDE FIVE BOOMS. FURNACE FULL O'.il EST BASEMENT GET A HOME PRICE, 12500 TERMS TO RIGHT PARTY OWNER, TABOB 8983 t, e- : I- -on rale LOTS it "fob f ale- 'houses i . AS'B corner lot 60il00. nod. City Park. 8th t : " iU end 6lklym. t. 8500. " Oim lot 85il00. feeing north, on 5 let at. j ' near 70th it. 8400. ' . will take Liberty bond Address owner, " 6828 08d st. ,B. K. ' IpIfcTWMAN sddiUon, lot 6. block 1. k. : Washington it. nesr 61st; Improved, clear ; see end make offer. Lieut T. M. Small. " ' Fort Pf Mnine. low. , v 1 CLEAR lot 42x125 cultivated. Paid $875. ' . . Sick, need money. Make offer;" some terms. ' ' Owner, T P.. 852 EMt 11th st r Ti; fcLEAR lot 4il-5V cultivated. Faid 8875. I k offer: tnke bond. Terms. Owner. ) 862 Eat 11th at . i ": i 1Y)U SAt:K2"MihiTr"lit t Multnomah at , i " tlon; owner will build to tjlt. Phone Main ' ",r" 8007. . . '' il DOWN and 310 'month buys a 50100 '. ft. 'lot on the Union eve. or It. C. lines. K- ' ' .086, Jonrnsl. - ! iffOO IXt. Cllntnn. nesr 48d; 400. 43d near Fhiworth. $60 down. $15 per month. J M. V MeMahon. owner. 60 East 43d. Tbor 5391. T.TfiVilc'Trrt "for sale. Errol Heights. Take Llb- . erty bond. Iinnlre FaMngst ACREAGE $7 w FOR. HALF 20 inn, all good, come timber. r city and' cam and pared highway: $8000. half down. Owner. R-038. Journal. ' l2ArKES. good bottom land, $850. 40 arret. (480. HO arret good soil. $ 8502 2J4lrt. FOR SALE FARMS 17 . " for SALE Stock ranch. 4R0 acrea, 7 mtlea from I flrande. 5 from Hilgard. 100 aerea in cnltira tim. HmiM of 8 large barn and neeea mry balldlnga; plenty of water; will grow any thing that la grown In thui locality. Price $15 m aciw. Alv farm of 30 acre, clone to city; (knim of ft rooma, outbuildlnga; mostly in al falfa; home orchard. Partlculara apply to A lei Lindaay. ! irande. Ronf 2. "' ' ' FA'HMS KOtl BALE r CANADIAN KA KM LANDS Cheap land; remarkably eajiy terma; land ar' '"icnmiiin party Jeare Portland for Cal gary, Alherta. Saturday, Nor. 10; reduced rate. Tor further particular e Canadian Pacific. Railway company. 208 Railway Ex change bid. L. T. Thornton, diatrict repre- aentatlre. FOR SALE ISO arrea Irrigated raneW 185 rwltirted. 160 acre water right. 80 acre in alfalfa, clorer and timothy, deep eotl. lerel, no fork, J room hotue. barn. 2 cinterns, amall or rhard: reason for aale am widow and can't work H properly; $3000 mortgage ft? 5 year: price 150 per acre: 15 cow. H yearling, 4 calrea to well For reference Iran Knott. 414 Market at,, Portland. Or. 0TcnE ranch near Tlancourer. Wash., highly tmprorrd with good bnildinga, nice family err hard, good mil, near good road, nchool and ebarcbea; moring away; will ell at bargain;. Mat term. A. A. Stewart, owner. B0 E. 8th a., Portland. Phone Fart 1375. 88 ACRES, 3 V mile to It. H. and boat land ing, grarel road. R. P.. telephone line, frarinl achool and neighbor, pert in cnlt.. building. fenced, family orchard, running water, $1800; small fruit; hal. long time. Box 7,j CaHtlerock. Wash. ; FOR RE NT FARMS 14 FOR REST Faro? Tif 40 cre, west of Falr- yiew; 2 hmne. barn. 12 acre apple, balance garden land. 8ea Wood; Realty Co.. 248 Btark ate FARMS WANTE I) RENT OR 'BUT 38 WANTfurnixhed farm to rent on shares. ,1748 E. 10th t. TIM BE XL WANTED, hipknee and plUng timber. 19 Writ to box 11, Cherry (rore. Or. EXHANOE REAL ESTATE 14 , LAURKLHUIIST . $7800 7 room and Bleeping porch. This is a modern home in erery way; cement garage, atreet paid for; will tske 5 room cottage to $8500. WAKEFIELD FRIES CO . Main 14. STcKLY located iinproved farm 1 60 acre, in Minnesota, an iilt-al stock farm, plenty of timber, good buildings; ennoider residence or general merchandiser Owner; gire full particu Ur. RX-1M4. Journal. , WANT BUNGALOW Will gire HUH OMmobile. like new. also land and some cash. Will go to $3000. Tabor .82; IrVINOTON home, choice location, 7 room'. - mortgage $2500 8: will trade equity for clear lota or acrea ge. Main 8580. WANT KUNGAIXTW $1000 cash. 20 acres of land for good bar galn 83000. Tabor 0B2. LARGE Eastern Oregon wheat farm, crop and equipped. Bell or trade. R-981. Journal. estate for a potato patch. Swank. 617 Henry bldg. 580 ACRE ranch, $28,000 close in, for city ,1 property. Johnson. 515 Henry bldg. WANTED REAL ESTATE 21 . any ft mil can sell good house McMillan SHARP GALLON O NEIL FAIRFAX PERMAN The shore are name of only a few clients. many with cyh up to 1100(1 and $1500, who , will purchase in Uiu-e City Park: bungalow from $2800 to $3,100. List with ua now if others fsil you. We nerer sleep "on the job," our motto. I r G. C. GOLDEN BEnS. A RING TON BLDG. VFARQ IM PHDTI A M D" i l j 1 1 i 111 u will irit u 218 216 A blngton bldg. Main 4803. HAVE silent for 10 to 20 seres; must hare , ' soms bearing prune, fair set of building, on good road: tnuit be a bsrgsin st $2500 to $8500. sny distance out REALTY A MORT GAGE CO . 633 Chsmber of Commerce. 1 vit m-vt ?" ' Will give 1918 Oldsmobtle. like new . slso Isnd snd some cash. Will go to $3000. Tabor 902. , WAN'TTACANT lots For remits list your property with Estate Exrhansje. 201 3d st Real ; WANT BUNGALOW !, $1000 cash. 26 acre of land for good bar galn to $3000. Tabor 962. ;T DON'T WORRY I 1 aan sell or trade ehythtng sny where. Layman. 147 Park 8t ROOMING HOUSES SbdMi.No house for sale, 11 rooms, t West side. Call for appointment. Marshall 1787. 63 H. K , Phone J' business Opportunities Z$ ' i WANTEIV Man ti finance any property inter ,' ;''il ats in Sonthern Oregon: 2 business blocks, . , 'residences, suburb! property, orchard and 500 .- -ores farm lands; large interest to a man who . ,- .Would treat me sousrelv: or will .u,l. jaomcthlngjrlth an income, ii-779. Journal. '"' j,iWANf manager for fully-eqVipped-dairy-Tnd a . " ,fnaral ranch in best town in Willamette 'V'- "; most have few thousand caah and not ,V,"" be subject to draft 5 ' THOMPSON. SWAN THOMPSON. I " $d and Main sts.. Vancouver. Wash. SM ALEwell paying resUursnt and lunch coun ter. B. M. Venard. 929. Chamber of Commerce. i ? MONEY TO LOAN REAt, ESTATE J t MONEY to loan in sums to suit, on improved city residence property. Low rates, promptly i.' elosed. liberal repayment privileges. Give us 1 , a call, i ' i S CLARK, KENDALL A CO.. ' L ".- ' 205 Northwestern Rank bldg. . ( iaORTUAUE loans on real estate security; any - amount from $500 up on improved city and tirm prbparty st and 7 per cent The Law? t-: V V -oroei -lus., naain 0W10 or f y : A281B. $800, $400. $600, 3750, 81000 and up. Liberal repayment priv- wwset Interest rates. No delay. GORDON INVESTMENT CO.. 681 Chamber of Commerce. . -k. 3250. $850. $400. $300. $600 AND Urger ., niiini vr-ica action. Fred W. Germ an Co.. 782 Chamber of Comm.., MONEY to loan on real estate ee sit .: soins rata of interest. Otto A Harksoa Rmlty Ce.x 418 Chsmber ot tVsisMiM Xtf YOU want se ns: R. him , : ' Kensle Co. since 190 A '813 GetHaaer bldg. Phone Main 380L bULLtilNU loans on eity or suburban property! money advanebd as work progresses. W. u '' - Reek.-215 and 31S Falling bldg. Main 8407 s.. MONEY to loan in amount ot 3100 to $3000 -, eity pnipertj. A. EL BELL, Room 10-11. Mnlkey bldg. . BEE OREGON INV. A MORTGAGE CfV, ; 222 Chamber ef Commerce. 4th and Stark. ' V.f'NEY to loan on city property at lowest rate. Fred 8.' Williams, 82 H 1st st $300 TO $9000 to loan, eity or farm mort- , gaawi no comm-ston. p. p.. Box 87$. lltRTGAG-i loan. .13 and ta,. ..s Wttnumt Co., 408 SeUing bldg. JX0-0O .llfOO ; AT 1 J" I43C M01CET TO LOA-T REAIt ESTATE 17 6UR insUllae-t plan t the beat and aorsst awthod ct paying a loan. $82.28 per month for 8 tnontha. ear $21.24 for 00 montha. at $18.17 for 00 nKmtiia. para $1000 loan and Other amoanta in provottlon- W loss on tmpred ctypropeTty. Or for bnUdlna pnrpossa. Me cotnmiiion eharge, KQUITABLB 8AV1SIG3 A IAI$ ASSOCIATIOS 242 Stark at. Portland Or. PAT OFF THE MORTGAGE B -war dty home on easy installments wtth It rears' time to. repay; fully protected by Hf ln rarane under Home Purchaae Plan of the Equit ble life Asm ranee Society. Interest 8 pa sent; ao eommiasion.' Hee Ms. Strong. kjuitOle effice, Oretoniaa bldg. -OJtfET TO LOAN- CHA.TTELS, SALARIES Vt Satary LOANS Chattel WE LOAN MONET Ob short notice to salaried or working-en cm their own notes. Weekly, semi-monthly or monthly payment-. Kacb transaction strictly Sc MORTGAGE NO INDOHSEB ABSOLUTELT NO SECURITT We also Joan on hotuebold furniture, pianos, etc. without remoraL ' CALL AND INVESTIGATE. COLOMBIA DISCOUNT C0MPANT. LICENSED, 218 Failing bldg If You Need Money See Us SALARIES CHATTELS Loans made to persons on salary or fixed in ome, on hotuehold furniture, pianos, diamonds and other personal property; legal rates. Bast nees confidential; prirateoffices. PORTLAND L4Jri COMPANY. Licensed 808-807 Deknra bldg. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. Ketabliibed by Portland business msn to protset borrower. 0. MTEPS HERMAN, Mgr., 804 STARK ST. LOANS ON DIAMONDS. JEWELRY, PIANOS. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. LOANS WAITED $ 400 8 per cent; 180 acres timber land. DoituF- las county, asssaaed ralue $1280. - $5000, 7 per cent: highly impro-ed Portland suburban home; 7 acres. FRED W. GERMAN 782 Chamber of Commerce. $1000, WANTED AT 8 On new 5 room bungalow, now in course of eonstrnction. Fred W. Uermsn Co.. 782 Cham, ef Com. See Oregon inv. & mortgage 00.. 223 Chamber of Commerce, 4th and Stark. WANT $4000 loan on good income property. Johnson, 515 Henry bldg. FINANCIAL $1 LIBERTY BONDS If yon must sell your Liberty bonds, sell to us. If ou can buy more Liberty bonds, buy from us. We buy and sell Liberty bonds at the market. The closing prices of Liberty bond on the New York Stock Kxcnange maay. noremoer 8, were a follows 8 tt. J. and D.. 09.00. Second 4s. M. and N., 98.00. 4 Ha. M. and 8., 98.00. First 4 4s, J. and I).. 98.68. "Seoond 4 Via, M. and N.. 98.10. Fourth 4 . O. and A.. 98.00. MORRIS BROTHERS INC. The Premier Municipal Bond House of Oregon. 809-311 Stark, between 5th and 6th. Ground Flor. Telephone .Broadway 21. "51. 25 Years. Established orer Ca.h Paid for LIBERTY BONDS Any Issue We pay market Any Amount accrued interest plus W loan DO per cent on Liberty Bonds OR Will loan you the money to complete your payments ELWOOD WILES CO. 231 U. 8. National Bank bldg. Open Saturday until 8 p. m. LIBERTY BONDS BOUGHT JTull-v or nsrt.W nsid bona for r cash. sell direct to licensed brokers. Get market cash value. Any denomination bought. $50. $100. $509.- $1000 Business strictly confidential; private office for ladies. WESTERN STOCK A BOND CO. Licensed Brokers. Hours 8 :30 to 6 p. m. buite -14 Morgan Bldg. Broadway aud Wa-hingt-n St I.IBEHTY BOND CONTRACTS BOUGHT Will buy your equity in your Liberty bond. If you hsre contracted to buy a bond and can't meet the payments, see us. Open until 6 p. m. HOWELL A DAJZJS, 401 Board of Trade bldg. . Bonds Bought Spot cash, also cash for payments made Come to 725 Gafco building, 5th and Alder, or mail bonds to us we remit return mail. CELLARS MURTON CO.. OPEN SAT EVE. CASH FOR LIBERTY -BONDS New. York market price paid less small broker age. Open till 7 p m. DONALD MACLEOD 1002 Siialding bldg.. 3d and Washington. U. S, LIBERTY BONDS Will Wilcox psy rash market 416 Pittock blk. vslue. J-n Cash for Liberty Bonds Market value. H. L. Murton. 446 Sherlock bldg., 8d st. cor. Oak. Open Sst. ere INVESTMENTS, losns, notes, mortgsgss. EL Lewis. 803 Lewis bldg. Mar. 1888. HORSES. VEHICLES, ETC. IS ALL kinds of light and heavy double and singl harness, all kinds of spring wagons, fine surrey, a No. 1 top buggy, fine rubber tired cart. 302 Front st. FINE matched team of blacks, about 2600 lbs.. good harness and goose neck wagon. Must sell before Monday. 302 Front st SALE, hire or exchange 30 head ot horses snd mules, harness and wagons of all kinds. Phil Bustier. Crown Stable. 285 Front st FOR SALE One team well matched horses weighing 3200 lbs. One chap farm horse, "!.ghing 1400 lb. 226 Russell street FINE young pair of jet black Shetland ponies, cheap, or exchange for cattle. 302 Front st UUL pair 01 farm mules cheap or exchange for cattle. 302 Front st. , THREE fine 2-year-old colts cheap, J 2 Front st or ex change. DEAD bones snd animals hauled awsy free. Call Woodlawn 20. Portland Rendering Co. BRINGING UP FATHER 5 A LETTER FRObA OCR. tjON I Vh . -,,., k 1 Jr I '---' 'W J l itUL H1PV i UtWS rsrr--. - r . .iTxr at l " ' ' ' - - - a ' . 't : ' l , ' - - - ' r - ' - ' " r ' '. ;, ' 1 .' ' : .' -'. . -. .. 18 FOR BAIE Horses and mules of all deacrtp tios, big nnd Httte; will exchange dinp wagons: spring wagons, buggies, harness of all klada, aaddlea. few farm wagons. 2 Acme damp ears as good a new; few wagon tope; rig for hire by day, weekf or month. Crowi a Stable. 288 Front at., open day and night. - Phttlp Suettcr. - ' ' FOR SALE cheap Four 2-wheel dump carta. 2 heary weight gooseneck furniture wagons, 8 camel back ,f umiturs wagons, one 8 Mi wood wagon. 2 dirt wagons. 2 express wacona. . 228 Russell street. OWNER 1 oaring city, most sell to highest bid der a team of hones weighing about 2760 lbs., always worked on farm; a good harness and wagon will be gold at a bargain. Main 9488 or Tabor 7848. Ak for Mr. Delano. TWO fine saddle homes, all kinds of horses, sereral matched team, from 2000 to 2800 lbs. Take cattle or milch goats in exchange. 802 Fret St. ONE black 8-year-old mare; owner 0. Carrin. If not called for in 8 days will be sold for feed bill. U. S. Stables, 248 Front - XTTESTOC fi LARGE Holstein cow. freshTgiring 4 gala, a day; sell cheap. 248 Front U. B. Stables. . JUST arrired, young big fresh Holstein, Jersey, Durham, and Jersey dairy and family cows; also some heavy springenui 751 East Ash. FINE young Jersey cow cheap. W.ill take buggy, harness or saddles in exchange. 802 Front st. 8 FRESH cows for sale or trade for beef cat tle. Take Vancouver car to Columbia boule- vard station, go one block north. NEARLY new cream separator cheap, or ex- charie for cow. harness, wacona or bucrles. 802 Front st. THREE good family cows, 2 pigs; must sell blocks south, square red Darn. FOR SALE-e-Chester White pigs 8 weeks old. $8 each. Tabor 2638. WANTED KA few milch goats. SUte breed and price. B-890, Journal. - TWO fresh cows for sale. Ask Tern nest. Cen 18th and Gliaan. tral Door Lumber Co., POTJLTRT, PIGEOITS, PET STOCK 17 90 THOROUGHBRED R. L Red. White Leg horn. Buttercups. March. April pullets. $1.85 to $2; sound 5-year riding-driving horse, har ness, light 2 -seated hack. 1918 E. Stark. 75th st. Mahtavilla-Mt. Tabor car. S. C. RED8 4 choice, large, husky male birds saved from P. show at S3 to 10 each if sold st once. 6403 60th St., Lents. Or. T. Willbank s. 12 WHITE LEGHORN pallets and cockerel. apiece or sis takes Duncn. louu Newell st. St. Johns csr. 8. O. BLACK MINORCA and O. A. C White Iegnnrn cockerels for sale, E2.BO each or wul exchange same. H. g. Ksmbo.. Madras. Or. FOR SALE White Leghorn roaeter. Tabor 2B95. SALE Cracked wheat for chickens; skin scratch feed a mile. Wdln. 4344. DOGS, BIRDS, PETS- ETC. 4$ CANARIES, fine singers. $4 Rundy Bathe, foot Woodward ave. THOROUGHBRED Irish terrier puppies very reasonable. Sellwood 87. ORANGE singers for sale or trade for good cage. Phone East 4971. FOR SALE Beautiful deep yellow canaries. Phone East 8839. AUTOMOBILES ACCESSORIES 44 FOR SALE 2 ton Truxton truck attachment, completely equipped with Chalmers motor, $800. WESTERN AUTO CO. Broadway at Burnside. 191 8 FIVE pass. Liberty; practically new; will ell on terms. DANIELS SALES AGENCY 84 Broadway. Phone Broadway 2994. NEW TIRES What brand of new tires do yon prefer t We have them, all makes and rises. Also we make the famous O-V-0 Doable Tread (sewed) tires and do all manner of tire repairing. Oregon Vulcanising Co.. 883-335 Burnside near Broadway. 1918 OVERLAND 8 pas., as good as new, at a big reduction. Jniels Sales agency, 84 Broadwsy. Phone Broadway 2994. LAiiER' Mfg. A Repairs. $000 guaranteed springs in stock: prices reduced. 34 . 10 in st. SICKNESS compels me to sell my brand new Overland big 4, with express body, lzuu ids. capacity. (Cost $1375. Will give big discount. Would consider light touring car in trade. Call at 315 Beech St., cor. of Rodney ave. ' 1918 CHANDLER Chummy, wire wheels, spe- cisl top,! owned by army officer; owing to transfer must sell. See at Stsiger Garage. 9th and Couch. 5-PASS. Reo. all good tire, newly painted, ex " cellent mechanical condition. East Burn aide Garage. I East 10th and Burnside. FOR SALEr $400, 1916 Ford touring, good running order, shock absorbers, speedometer. 756 Minnesota ave. BRUSH AUTO Good running order $75. E. Mt. Scott car to 6231 71st st S. Tremont ' FOR SALE OR TRADE For auto, swell house 1 block from csr; lease on lot for 2 years. Call Woodlawn 337. FRANKLIN Little Six, good paint and shape and tires, $600; terms. Box 349 or Mar shall 5894. FORD body, good condition. 1914 model. Tabor 6206 evening. ,188 3d st. FOR SALE Filler for two forward tires, cheap. Tabor 3078. FOR SALE Extra good nsed tires, sll sizes. Vulcanising and retreading. 41 Grand ave. 1917 PAIGE little six. run .5000 miles. In A-l condition. $1000; terms. Phone East 1962. 4 CYLINDER Stearns for sale. Easy terms. Call st American bakery, until 2 p. m. OLDSMOBILE 8 fine condition, extra tire. Easy terms. Pnone Bdwy. 5083. 1917 FORD, elect lights and starter, nnititinn. East 2522. best of WE recommed our- used cars; soma of our cars K 1. . fAK are to c. . 1917 SUPER SIX tor sale. American Soda wks. East 564. MUB'l' sell my 1918 Maxwell touring car at once. A-01 . jourtaL $30,000 WORTH of used cars on sale at Slaigers Garage, Via ant Couch. WILL sell my 1917 Maxwell cheap. X-818. Journal. FOR SALE Pierce Arrow touring car; condition. . Owner. P-876, Journal. SPOT cash paid for nsed ears. Dealers' Used Car Clearing House. Grand are. and E. Btark. IF YOU want a good used car at reduced price, see ua, 9th and Couch. BUG BODY 370 E. MORRISON. 1918 FORD for $500. Call East 747. - HORSES.' ' VEHICLES. 15TC. 1 . 1 r 1 t 1 1 . 1 ucavv s-Nr. . . . 1 1 1 z . 1 im ' f 1 ' 1 1 w w rr 1 ww.wi- 1 nr 1 i t i t a.. w i i ; . ' I v ! 1 ir A I ! a ar a -iri tl tl V- tu ea v f a p b m- an t I r,,. LETTER WILL . V(T M TDCtsirur-r I ' n ' U sl r , . . v . I ATJTO-.OBILES ACCESSORIES- 44 1 U8ED AUTOMOBILES ' TERMS GIVEN 11 Hudson. 7 pass.. 8 cyL 117 Mitchell. T pass.. 6 yU 1 17 Mitchell. 8 pass., -cyl. , 1018 Chevrolet. pass.. 4 cyL 1917 Stndebaker. S pasa., 4 cyL 114 StndebakerV 4 paas.. eonpe. iJ.5 An"-rican 4 paasL, 6 cyL 1918 Stearns. 2 pass.. 6 cyL Bee us for tracks, new 7, second hand. Several Others to Select From. USED CAR DEPARTMENT, MITCHELL. LEWIS A STATER CO., East 1st at Morrison st. Phones: East 7272, B-1216. FORDS FORDS FORDS 1918 Ford touring. 1917 Ford touring. 1918 Ford roadster. 1917 Ford tearing. 1-01S Ford roadster. 1918 Ford delivery. 191$ Ford irfnirery. FRANCIS MOTOR OAR CO. EA8T 8770. EAST 18TH AND HAWTHORNE ATE. FOR SALE Employes' gtrombnrg electric automatic time clock system, suitable for mills, shops or garages or industries where a number of men are em ployed. WESTERN AUTO CO. Phone Bdwy. 6368. Broadway at Bnmalde. LIKE NEW 1918 8 CYLINDER SEDAN The classiest car in town. 4 new tires. 2 cord. 2 extra Urea. Mast be sold before the 20th. Will five liberal terma or take another car as part payment. At Staiger's Garage, 9th and Coach. TRUCK ATTACHMENTS 2 ton Truxton track attachment. 1 hi ton Truxtc-n track attachment. Immediate deliveries. WESTERN AUTO CO. Truxton Distributors. ' Broadway at Burnside. ' 2 -TON Reo track in good mechanical condition will sacrifice; terms if desired. DANIELS SALES AGENCY 84 Broadway. Phone Broadway 2994. REO 2-ton truck, excellent condition; mast sacrifice. 37 N. Broadway. Broadway 227 0. (VKU body, good condition. 1H 14 model. Ta Dor 0200 evenlnga. 188 3d at. 7 PASSENGER 1917 Studebaker newly painted, good as new; new tires, excellent family or stage car; right price. Portland Auto Paint Shop, 870 B. Morrison. MOTORS. Gearings, Bearings, Wheels. Axles and Trailer-- We wreck all makes of ears and sell their good parte at half price. David Hodea Co. Broadwsy and Flanders st. Broadway 196. CASH paid for old cars, condition no obleet parts for all makes of can. Oregon Auto Ex change, 129 Lownsdale at 15th and Washington. Broadway 2668, REFINISHED light 6 cylinder Oakland, for quick sale. 87 N. Broadway or call Tabor 1761. $800 YOU can buy a used csr much cheaper now than in the spring, look our line over. 9th and Co-feh IFYOU are thinking of buying a good need car it will pay you to see our line. 9th and Couch. FOR SALE-" Packard roadster, good condition. Take Liberty bonds in payment; price $560. 418 E. Burnside. DUBRUTLLB TOP CO.. th at Oak. Broadway 1604. ONLY two blocks from Broadway, it will py you to see our line, of gooC used cars. Garage. 9tJi and Conch. T-VTSSENGER Willys Overland 6. 1916. in first-claas condition and good tires; aale or exchange. 1061 E. 81at St. N. FOR SALE 1915 Aleo car. Price $500 cash. $550, term. Phone Main 4618 or call at 294 Sheridan. 5 PASSENGER Dodge: must be sold at once; for quick action, $595. Staiger's Garage. 9th and Couch. 1.916 FORD touring. $423. all in good shape, first-class engine, nearly new tires. Wood lawn 2368. GASOLINE 20 CENTS PER GALLON Lubricating Oils and Greases. Pioneer Paint Co.. 186 1st st WE can save you money on a good used car, as we are out of the high rent district Garage, 9th and Couch sts. : LATE 1917 Maxwell good tires, looks like new. and A-l condition. $250 down, balance monthly. Tabor 6610. ' SEVEN PASSENGER STUDEBAKER 4. series 17. lots extra equipment 37 50 cash, or Liberty bonds. 419 E. 60th. Tabor 3219. THREE passenger 1917 condition. $600. G. ton. Or. Studebaker. excellent it Ashby. Beaver FOR SALE 5 pass. Regal, good condition or would trade for piano and some cash. Wood lawn 1024. FOR SALE 2-ton truck, in good conditon. for $1000. Will take small delivery car as part pay. pnone Tsoor ,4B. FOR SALE 1 portable garage. Tabor 6207. AUTOMOBILES WANTE D 78 I WANT A GOOD CAR And have an equity of $3120 in a I6A00 wheat land. Will trade equity even for extra good modern car. See me at room 202 Hoyt hotel. 40 ACRES in Lake county, Or., exchange for auto or acreage. A. a. S.. 80 Baldwin st. It rtisnq. ; WILL exchange equity in 'a good building lot for Ford. Might assume some difference. R-937. Journal. LIGHT roadster or tourma car, late model Maxwell or Dodge preferred. Private owner only. Pay all cash. Oliver. 122 2d st ' "HIGHEST prices paid for automobiles, oondl- tton no ooject I-'l w. a t. Bdwy. 2629. I WILL PAY POT CASH FOR YOUR FORD. Francis Motor Var Co., 13th and Hawthorne. WANT to buy a good seoond -hand Ford truck. Phone Tabor 3180. TWO good riding ponies very cheap. Sellwood 2093. 1 WANTED To rent, a private garage near 3d . or 4th, Montgomery st. Phone Mar. 8688. GOOD used car. Dodge, Reo or Paige preferred. R-957. Journal. iCopyrlght, 191. International Mews Sree.A TOLD TO WEAR H M autos for ants without DRrraa. Braad new sin, Beeeooable tatasL Fearing A Bdbaett. City Car re. 88 lOtk, Between Btark and " Oak. Broadway 840. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS FOR HUUI -. flOnraVIN A SULLIVAN. . MARSH. 282 10TH AND YAMHILL A-1228 FORIX competent driver. $1.50 per hour $ any where. A. H. Winter. Tabor 1028. MOTORCYCLES. - BICYCLES TRADE- motorcycles, shotgon. guitar, for typewriter, merchandise, bicycle and what! Cot S45. FOR SALE $75, 1918 -ingle 8 -speed feat he r- weigbt Indian. Tabor 8012. 1251 E. Har- rison. : INDIAN motorcycle, good condition. $60. East Bumstde Garage. Kast linn, and nqraaioa. FOR SALE Used bicycle, price $10. II1 E. tb st. 1917 twin and sidecar, folly equipped. Spare tires. Bonds or terms. 181 E. lta eu n. SINGLE Indian motorcycle. $40. Good Urea. Needs overhauling. 672 Bklwell St. TWIN INDIAN motorcycle for salt- 1415 Sandy bird. Tabor 2057. v LAUNCHES AND BOATS . l $4 BEAT THE RENT MAN" Nice 4 room booso boat for sale or trade at sacrifice; Sd boose sevth of St. Johns ferry, wert side. WILL- sell At great sacrifice rowboats and a few canoes, eaborite boatuouse, foot ol. Mor rison st. THREE HOUSEBOATS cheap, can be easily fixed for Homes. Bttndy Mtna, toot wood ward arrenue. v WANTED 4 cycle marine engine, not lees than 6 h.p.. A-l condition. P. O. Box 114, North Portland. Or. PUUTOS. OBGAHJ, MUSICA.I. INSTRUMENTS $4 SECURITY STORAGE CO. closing ont $125 onaai for S35. 8135 oraan for 888 caan. 2 upright Pianos, one $63, the other $75 cash; $450 Kimball, $190; $450 Crown. $210 cash; 450 neW stored uprights. $266 and $290 b: SI50 1917 model Player piano. . moaie and bench. $895 cash: $250 Angelas . player and mnsie. $25 cash; part cash, bonds ot other securities accepted. Storage 60c month. Pianos bought and sold for cash. 109 4th st at Waahthgton st. EMERSON RECORDS Conserve and net these wonderful records. 7 inches in diameter, dou ble disc and will play nearly as long aa a 10 inch record; plays ou any phonogTaph. When it's a hit it's an Emerson. 3 So each or 8 for $L The Sahbtrom CorpoiaUen. 403 Morrison vt between 10th and 11th. USED Victor . Edison and Columbia phono graphs, bargain prices, all styles of the famous all record Brunswick phonograph and all the late numbers of the new Paths and Okah rec ords. New Emerson records $5e each or 8 for $1. Bargains in nsed pianos. Soule Bros., 166 10th St. neir Morrison St. 0KEI- RECORDS Hill ard Dale cut. retails for 75c each, 10 Inches .n diameter: all the latest and most popular piecea Hear these aid notice bow little the needle noise is on them. The Sahlstrom Corporation. 403 Morrison st b 10th and 11th sts. Phonographs and Records STRINGED BRASS INSTRUMENTS BOUGHT. SOLD. RENTED AND EXCHANGED NEWMAN'S -HECOKD EXCHANGE. 128 1 ST. MAIN 4495. TABOR 6798. D VBBS L Phonographs snd records bonnght, sold, exchanged and rented. Expert repair ing. 142H 2d, near Alder, upstsir. $12.50 CASH send new piano borne. $12.50 ' next payday, then $8 or $10 monthly after January 1, constitute our reduced Christmas terms. Schwan Piano Co.. Ill Fourth st at Washington st. Autlcell (worth $250), $167. Shaffer (fine condition) $187. Haynes (oak) $200. HAROLD S. GILBERT. 384 Yamhill st $190 CASH buys $410 dull mahogany Enrts man upright piano at Security Storage Co., 109 4th t- BRUNSWICK phonograph, new machine, at before the war prices, ssving $25 to $35 a machine. Nate Ardrey. Sellwood 3165. SEE the new Colombia phonograph and you will have no other. Harold 8. Gilbert. 884 Tarn hill st Piano Tuning, Repairs V. Kremsr. 54 Market FOR SALE Fine Grafonola and Victrola. Big bargain. 128 1st near Alder. WE par cash for used pianos and band Instru ments. Bteberllnc-Lacas Music tJo. . izo tn. TYPEWRITERS 77 GUARANTEED factory rebuilt typewriters, "a mat as, sold on monthly payment. Bena lor price lfct The Wholesale Type writer Co.. re tail dept.. 821 Washington st TYPEWRITERS rented, repaired, exchanged. Typewriter supplies REMINGTON TYPEWRITER CO.. 88 Broed'y ALL MAKES typewriters sented and repaired. Oregon Typewriter Co.. 94A 5th. Main 8668. HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOB SALE 6 8QUARE oak eZ table, 6 chair, sideboard. Lrm.vj un mis Bl" di . heater with coils, bed and springs. Edison phono- . 1 . 1 . . an grapn, re ooros inu wumn, v . E. 79th it. N. Tabor 6088. WE HAVE some splendid bsrgains in beating stoves, ranges, gas stoves, ruga, new ana sec ond band furniture. Gore A Jellison. 1914 K. Stark st Phone Tabor 1481. FOR SALE Charter oak range, complete re frigerator; also household furniture, efceap. 5316 8-Sth ave. 8. E.. Mt Scott car to 54th st. A 6x9 AX MINSTER rug 823 Rodney are. for sale. Inquire WHITB dressing tsble. cheap: good sewing ma chine, cheap. R-940. Journal. MACHINERY 1 GASOLINE hoists, any capacity; also some bargains in new high grade gas and distillate engines. Q. F. McDougall Co.. 283 Hawthorns. FOR SALE 125 Hi V. Corliss engine and boiler complete; offered at bargain. Inde pendent Warehouse A Milling Co., Wasco. Or. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 1$ FOR SALE- Burroughs adding machine A-l condition. Phone Tabor 2814. A NEARLY new Buck range for aale. 18th st N. C-1484. 1030 E. WE HAVE new and second band safe, moder ate price. 4 6 Front Brcsdwsy 1966. HOUSEHOLD furniture and chicken fence for sale cheap. 465 E. 80th t N. FOR SALE OR TRADE Gevurti steel rangs with coils. Marsh. 1935. VACUUM cleaners sold, repaired, rented, ex changed, bought Bentley Co.. Main 8982. PLUMBLNG supplies, wholesale prices. Dark Co.. 212 8d st Mstn 797. Btark. UNCALLED for tailor mad suit 812.30 up. Taylor the Taflor. 289 H Bornslde st ED V. PRICE A CO.. TAUORINO. 409 E. MORRISON ST. NEW 4 burner gas range $10. Good Dayton Twin motorcycle $50. 142 East 3 4th t OIL (tore and 2 ga stoves; will trade for elec tric Main 4190. QUINCE for ssle 4c per lb. 222 S. 77th N. MANURE for sale. Sellwood 328. FERTILIZER-Garden manure delivered. E. 538. IAEGER VACUUM SWEEPERS. Main 6582 HORSE and cow manure for aale. Tabor 0634. AUTOS TOB KTRB NrVHf DO f0U AT THE BOV sMi ITCUU HIM- - "I 1 hi FOH BALE MISCELLAKEOTJS 1$ (SEMI (PESTS and Port. fwf sateet n lens fun ' - - w tr- Goaan. bet. 76t and 76th. Tabor SOS. SEWLVO macJltma. new and aee ond band, sold tor Urn: m agents employed. Complete Bne of parts for ail aaake machines, re paired and rented. Main 04 $1. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM 190 $t near Taylor st. APPLES $1.00 to $2.00 per box POTATOES WreT We retail at wholesale prices. NICHOI-S COMMISSION HOUSE. 207 Washington st. between 1st and Front. Electric Motors Bought, sold, rented and repetred. Walker Electric Works. 41$ Bnrw slde, corner 10th. Broadway 0T JOHNSON'S PURE APPLE CIDER wME ON THE PREMISES DAILY - 247 YAMHILL BET. 2D AND SIX $10 "ift TEN drophead sewing macninae with JJ attachments: all are in very good condition. Sewing machines rented at $$ per month. Phone East 2858. or B-8307. K. J- Bteen. 162 Grand ave., near Belmont. "MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS' 'Typewritera" and "House bo Id Goods" are separate etaasin- cations. All advertisementi of these goods an pobttabed under their respective rlus-fVoaUona. LOOK THEM OVER CM O ff t'n 1R USED DROPHEAD vJ.lV. 0U 10 v I 0 SEWING MACHINES Guaranteed. We rent ana repair. 1T2 Id t Main 1845. A-l 81 8. EAT HORSE MEAT Bells for lees than half the priee of otbae eat Passes thorough inspect-on. 14P 1st w. FERTILIZER Best rotted eow and horse manure, big track loads delivered. East $88. AUTOMOBILES. MOTORCYCLES. LAUNCHES or boats are separata classifications. A large listing can be found ondsg these difV-nt clsiit ttearione. DIAMOND liquid carbons tor. with motor t t ached: cost $180; will sem cheap: used short time; leaving city. Call 665 Second st, between Lincoln snd ..rant WHY an everlasting aggravation by a leaky roof f Why not a permanent and indestructible roof? W oxidise snd renew all kind of leaky - roots. 60 Tourney bldg. Main 6886. BEST raincoat made to order one half store prices. Before you buy call me up and e my sample. You will buy. Phone Tabor 2175. FOR SAIJE Genuine pearl necklace, cost $425 S years sgo: will sell for $225; inspec tion by expert fudge inrited. Phoijn for ap point errt. Sellwood. 1113. ' FOR 8ALE Idy's blsck velvet hat. up to date and never worn, for $6. East 5974. HIGHEST prices paid for JHamonds. snd Jewelry. Repairing a specialty. Jewelry Co.. 449 Wuhington st watches BOT water tankv all sixes, in good, servioeabls condition. $0 gaL $7. 40 gL $9. 201 Adsms st. Esst end Steel bridge. Phone B 8516. WHISKEY Kegs and barrels for sale no country order taken. Pansms Cofipersse Co . 22 8 Front st FOR SALE Canned fruit 25o per jt : also furniture. Call st 1192 E. 10th st N. Phone Woodlawn 3628. HOPS 8 -lb. pkg. of Oregon bops delivered anywhere in the U. 8. by parcel post pr- paid. 31 Address Ft M. Morley. BUverton. Or. WATCHES. Jewelry, etc on psrtial payments. Established in 1890. W. H. lh, 206 Selling Wdg.. 2d floor. 6th snd Alder. PRINTING FOR LESS 600 envelopea or 500 bond letterheads, $2.75; beat wcrk; prompt deUvery. try ns. Smith. Printers. 204 Stsrk st FIVE gallon gasoline curb pump and tank; term. 478 Washington st WELL rotted manure. Mar. 4055. FURNITURE WANTED T4 6EVURTZ FURNITURE STORE 208-207 rtrst st WILL PAY TOP PRICES for eld snd nsed furniture, etca. carpets, riM and anything In hoosebold goods. Office frP rare speelai. We also exehante your eld furniture for xoining too email or too largo. CALL MARSHALL -587 our buyer wj call at Read Important Read We carry a greater assortment of new and need merchandiae than any store in the aty There is hardly an item we do not buy and sell. We specialise in shelf and neevy hardware sporting goods, bousebold goods, oilv tunutiire, hotel snd camp supplies. When you have anythlac to buy or aeU, eaO or phone. Main 0072 A-7174. LEVIN HARDWARE 4k FURNITURE 221-3-5 Front st. Car Salmon. CO., OWL FURNITURE CO. 204 First We want your used fa nil tor, stovee. earoet and pianos: will pay highest cash price. Call Main 4627. WIG HTMAN -JOHN SON FURNITURE OO. 88-90 Grand ave.. East 7760. Highest prices paid for used furniture, rs pets, stoves, ranges, etc We call promptly. Want Household Furniture WILL PAT CASH Phone Main $$32. I IF you wsnt to sell your furniture and get its TBine. ru riasr iiiv. M. R. 8EATER. 848 Hawthorne era. CUT freight rati- on household goods -lipped ew ana soatn. Manning warehouse ex Trans fer Co.. 9th and Hoyt Broadway 70$, A-l 7 VS. will pay cash For Used office furnitura. Main ltTl. Pncifie Stationery sad Fig- Co.. 107 2d st PACU Paid for furniture, stores, ranges beat WnOn srs. carpets, ruga, drees ir. etc. Phone Mar. 247$. Harts 11 fraitur Co.. $41-43 1st JfOTICES a$ OFFICE Depot Quartermaster. Fort Mason. California. Sealed proposals in triplicate for rurnb-hing twenty-six ounce erkin lining will be leceived here until 11 s. m.. November 12. 1918. Information on application to this of fice. Envelopes containing proposals to be endorsed "Proposala for Twenty-six ounce Jerkin Lining" and ddi id to Depot Quartermaster. Fort Mason. Cat OFFICE Depot Quartermaster. Fort Mason. California, aealed proposal in triplicate for furnishing 32 ounce olive drab overcoating will be received here until 11 a. m. November 11. 1918. Information on application to this of fice. Envelopes containing proposals to b4 en dorsed "Proposal for Thirty-two Ounce HJllre Drab Overoeating" and addressed to Depot Quartermaster. Fort Mason. California. OFFICE Depot Quartei-uuter.'Fort-Mason. Cali foraia. Sealed bids in triplicate for furnish ing twenty ounce overseas cap cloth will be received here until 11 a. m.. November 12, 1918. Information on application to this of fice. Envelopes containing proposals to be endorsed. "Proposals for Twenty Ounce Over seas Cap Cloth" and addressed to Depot Quarter mater. Fort Mason. Cat p 1$ . NOT1CB To the Totena of kel t.hi a w. w.w. Mmah Oownty. Oregon Yo am hereby noU-f-sd that the Board of DireetdtB ml Bckool Me trict No. 1 : Mar-nossah Cosu-ty. Orago has caUed a pub Mo meeting ta be held at e afT-es .i ', "roo 04 eothanas. mm the 29th day of November. 1818. st the hoar of 10. e. m.. at wbirb time the koard wOl ailooa bodget of estimated recetote l ri. menta of the district for the ernanine MUr year. Such soma of moan aa are deemed nee- ary for the purposes of the distrtet are set -2? " e, pre-wed bodget. which is appended hereto. Any legU school elector of the district may attend the marring and will be aeoorded a hearing an any item of Ul lW 1 BUDGET FOR 119 ESTIMATED DIS--BUR8EMENT8 OITTfST Retterments $ SI, BOO New haildina contract balances an saa War work 2noo Pcrtahlaa i 90.000 Improvement of 'grounds. 20.200 ou f nm, sewers ana sido- . W I K . 1-chasa of grounds. 10.000 20.000 $ 21S.700 EQUIPMENT Cooking ) 8.01$ Drawing -jOQ General equipment. ... 48.800 Janitors 8.000 Kindergarten J.0OO Manual training 1.600 J'"'0 600 llcturea 1 OOU Phyaieal training ....... 1 ,60 A School for WlgbUeas. ..... 300 Sewing 1,000 War work 8.000 Unpaid claim 10.000 82.035 INSTRUCTION Free text hooka and sup plies $ 2.000 Graduating exercises... 1.200 Library and refrrence books 7.000 $ 10.200 TEACHERS SALARIES PRINCIPALS AND KOT1CES 37 $ (too 8 850 875 14 900 10 0 5n 12 975 21 a l.OOfl 40 1.050 65 1,100 22 A 1.150 298 (to 1.200 17 1 .250 891 m 1.300 15 l.SSO 46 0 1.400 1 l.SOO 3 & 1.550 141 e 1.60O 40 0 1 .BOO 19 0 2.000 1 0 2.040 9 ( 2.20O 1 2.280 18 dt 2.400 2 2.600 4 3.000 4 t 8.600 Principal' secretaries . $ 29,600 6.800 6.250 12.600 9.500 Il.'7fi 21. Of 0O .ono 42.000 71.500 25.80O $57,600 21.250 50. 300 17.550 64.40O 27.O00 7.750 225. 60O 72.00O $8,000 2.04O 19.800 2.250 48.200 6.000 12.000 14.000 8.400 4.00O 33.00O a nnn 35.133 7.200 Librarians Evening school nit '. '. '. '. A ool. ... 1 Vscstion schools Snbstitntesi Eindergsrtens $1,770,728 $ 83.860 Supplies $ 88,860 MAINTENANCE Insurance $ 2.000 64.100 9.000 5.00O 1.00O Repair to building Repair to equipment Upkeep of grounds War work 1.100 OPERATION OF SCHOOL PLANTS r-retgnt and drayage ..$ 7.O00 Fuel 76.000 Fumigation Light Power Janitor salaries Civic renter . . , Jsnltors' supplies Rent Telephone Wster 8.000 6.000 1 3 OOO 152.300 6.O00 10.0OO 8.200 8.000 16.000 $ 296.500 ADMINISTRATION Attorney's fees and litiga tion $ 8,000 Automobile 5.000 Census 3.600 Elections 1,600 Equipment snd repairs. 4.000 Rent 2.100 21.200 SALARIES Superintendent o f schools $ 7,300 Assistant superinten dent of schools .. 4,000 Assistant superinten dent of schools . . 8.750 Trnsnt officer . . . 1.800 Clerk and business manager 4.300 Superlnten dent of properties 4.00O Purchasing agent . . 1.800 Cashier l.SOO OTHER EMPLOYES 8.000 8.960 4.200 2.40O 0.72O 1.920 WOO 880 840 600 4.500 Storeroom 3.000 Emergency 8.880 68.450 Supplies $ 9.600 Telephone 2.000 Interest 3.900 Exhibits and conventions 2.0OO Insurance 3,000 Teacher' retirement fund 14.000 Insurance fund 13,000 Conti-gencie 50,000 Total amount required to operate, support and maintain the schools . DEBT ACCOUNT Interest and commission . J 37.147 Sinking fnd, 50.000 $ 102.600 $2,730,370 $ 87,147 ESTIMATED RECEIPTS I U". KhoLi'UIId $ 90,000 County school fund .. 444.000 County high school tutition fund 10.000 Delinquent taxe 1S.0OO Interest on bank balance 4,000 Probable caah balance.. 303.000 $ 888.000 To be raised by specisl lery to operate, support and maintain the schools $1,862,370 Total 82.780.870 To be raised by specisl levy for sinking fund and interest on bond, in addition to the levy to operate. up port snd maintain tlte school 8 $7,147 Published by order of the board of directors. District No. 1 . Multnomah County. Oregon. Attest: R. H THOMAS. Clerk. J.' FRANCIS DRAKE. Chairman. Dated November 8. 19' 8. THE ANNUAL MEETING of the stock holders of the Phoenix Iron works will be held at the office of the company. East Sd and Hawthorne . ave.. Portland. Or.. Monday Decem ber 9. 1918. at 7 p. m.. for the purpose of electing directors and for the transaction of such other business as may be brought before raid meeting. Attest: L. A. Steinhauser. Secy -Trees. Sam Morrow, President WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Rifles, shotgun, camera. Hoebfield, S3 3d at Pboaa Mala S88L By George McManiu WH OOti'T TOO LET HUA ENJOY THE WARM f 2 9 ..$ l.SOO $ S 0 .. 1.820 4 .. 1.800 2 6t .. 1.200 9 .. 1.080 2 0 .. 960 1 . . 900 1 .. 880 1 .. 840 1 . . 600 Shp WATTTEn IKISCEtLAIf EOrs MM 'ffilGYGLE i nKBT MAE 449$ TABOR 079$. WANTED People ef Portland to know that I . ry highest eaah price foe second hand honsa "old goods. No amount too large or too smaU. Prompt attention. N. M. BEATER. Phone East 220$. 148 Russell . $7.50 tor Second-Hand-Suits - aleyw. the taDor. pays aaeet for dothta sad J?,.U reola. Man-hail 1..9 e 22 Msdleoa. ' BUSY.TAILORS Highest prices paid for elothtnc Talk to ns. Ton will be satisfied. Broadway 1021 LShirtTC rS Hklsa Metab Hat-era. Wrtte for prteaa and shrp-rwe tsga Main 1699. - "fEP T bv,v 1 i $45 for $50 Won.: $90 for $100 bond, any amount. Bend by n -rses. a O. D . to Hoysl Co.. 204 Uaigbt bldg.. Seattle. Wash. OO-NO East or South T Houehold aood shipped at redueed rates; moving and packing. Pscirte Ooast Forwarding Co.; 408 Hoyt st. Bdwy. 703. GENTn.E clmEia buyer p7 higluwt prire for 2d hand elothlne. ) e Rei- tt-. In. American (Tailors. 20 w S Aih WANTED A small hind and belt power fee4 "rtter and 6-ton wagon arale. J. B. BeaU. Wdln. 8171. WASTED By prirste party, good eak dining room set Phone Kast 6074. WANTED Csh register andadlling machine. 'e diiption and price. 698 Braaee st WANTED -S-ron.1 hand Incubator, tleo.-Ilarv-ford. 411 E. Iimvis. MONTANA firm Wfd. a earloed of need fami- tnre. beet price, paid. CaU WoodUwn $$89. WANT Cabinet talking machine. Mstbe bargain Main 4493. Tabor 6798. SWAP COLUMN It 1000 USEFUL ARTICf.STO TRADE Or pay pot cash for J7r, l-r'H SHOTta N8 AND RIFLES NEWMAN S EXCHANGE. 128 1st near Alder. PERSONAL ta TRT THE PETERSlO'C niv Late winter and early spring asrnpke are ta. Women are ssrtng half st Peterson's Maaufae tnrers' Sample Ont let on suite, coata. dreaaee, waista. petticoats. Tske elevator. 2d floor, room 203 Pittock block. U LASSES AT A BAVIN ll" 1 solicit year patronage an ev eepenie eemee. mm .t.ri . w. uoodats. oDtosietrist ion u . .IN t both your feet fixed up good for $1 by Dr. Eaton, the CHIROPODIST thai osen t hurt yon. $ years in Portland; exam. free. Clobe Theatre bldg.. 11th and Wash. Bdy. 3634. DETECTIVE United Rr iSeteetiV. Rt- ,reeu. Only experienced erativee employed. 604 Panama bldg. Main S12 Ctty. a ... ZJB Btb st Spiritual adviser. Instruction in the theory of healtk sueosss and harmony. MRS. MABEL BARBtTlt spiritual ad riser. r a r '' iv to n. 141 1 1 lb st Broad- way 8238 DR. O Ketcbaml . . ewte dlississ of men. Washing-taw bl, 4tS and Washtngton. Pfooe MsrshaU 448. OUVor Conenltstion FREJL Main 499A LdWyer SI 2 Semng bldg. t UKKNKLL. faee aao soaln Molee, warts removed. 290 Fletaner bldg. OB. G. H. oUTHalN. frn eia wl. 7th st M. Eest 1847. tt-1983. IR. EI.NA SORENSEN. 308 Panama blda. Drogless phyriciaa ; const! pstion or rheumstissa. MR8. MARY TINKER. ' caU Bdwy. $36. good 'LADY barber, share 1 5e. halrrut 26e. ma" a, a. a Gltssn. earner th. PUdi-X55l0NAL. AND (BUSINESS DtPECTORY o oowo i on u mis a HEMSTITCHING, 10 CENT S PE Ti-Bk PLEATING ALL LATEST STYLES, EAST ERN NOVELTY CO, S FIFTIL tUJ WAY 2000. BIAOTV SPIOIALIOT SUPERFLUOUS hair destroyed forever by Mill ttple Needle Method. 504 Swetlsnd bldg. 8U8K BOOK WAKKWO DAVIS A HOLMAN. INC.. l6l 3d T ifaeturw ra. A-8193. Main lai OARPST OtIAMINa TuurrRW E. SBS( B-1239 I From old carpets, carpet cleaning and refitting, t IM rocs woven, sll rises. Malt orders it-t.-T' NORTHWEST RCO CO.. Former address IBS Union are. ; EAST 3580 B 1280 !irn nnEEf.nnfT!(f-fm iriLirir iroi.i.i.. T4t" JOYCE BROS.. ElectrW Cleaning Work 6 pets cleaned and laid, refitting our si h)ij East 440. B-1968. 204 E 19th si H. CHIROPRACTORS McMAHON is maktna eood: 81 diL ei: seven. . easiest tern ml DR. LAURA E. DOWNING. Chiroprsete.' T? yearn' experience Broadway bide. EDUCATIONAL DA HI 01 w a ALT8 M. BROWN, ts-cber of elasria. t.tse h veu om tg I B J SLB st. eff Mee rneae Broaiway 3$$$. MISS IRELAND 10 LESSON 8 $$ $00 -Mrom blda Personal attention. 10 t 0 . MU9IO SCHOOLS ANO-TKACHIRS PROF. T E. LAW RUN. 4 v-srv etperieneai Piano Isssuni at your home. 7 Be. Tabor .7200. VIOLIN, piano, mandolin, guitar, banjo. Koi K en beck. 409 TsrnhOl lnetrumen ts sold. E. THTELHORN Violin teacher, pupil "ieveUu 207 Fbedner bkht Broadway iil. fit AOtriRTtSI O CRANE LETTER CO.. 82 Royal bidg. U graphing, mrmeugiap-lng. Marshall 3322 PAIWTIWa. TIRTIWO. RAPtRHwaiwa J H. CLIFTON, painting, tinting. peperteaTTTf N 17th st Broadway 4414 Woodlawn 312$ FSTEWT 8TT0RW1T GOLDBERG. 620 .Worre .ter bklg ' ll'n't PRINTINa. R0RAVIRO. BINOINa PRINTING F W BALTES A "CO.. it aad Oak sta. M. 1SS. A-tlSS. PHYSIOIAWS bR R. A. PHILLIPS. 905 Braedwsy bwdiT Bhmmatlsm. female dleuidei. ekta iieeblm. iisma, ave r, sney, oowea, unsfc high blond pressure RAZOR aD CUTLIRT RIHDIHq TRY the safety rasor and cutlrry grinder "3 203 4th st., near the e rthoose R0SS8R STAMPS A LAO STENt'ILS. Trad Check. Metal 8T PACIFIC COAST STAMP WORKS S3 Broadway. Broadway 710. A-27IO. SALTED 'ARD SMOKCD FISH ALASKA HERRING A IMPORTING CB , tributors nf sslted and moked fish, who lo se! only. 228 Yamhill t , Portland. Or. American Transfer and Storage Co. w LIGHT AND HEAVY AUTO SERTTCTi LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE HAUL-SB WE STORE EVERYTHING 600 OAK STREET. BROADWAT 4133. OREGON TRANSraTOT" Establisbed 187 Transfer and. Forwarding Age4, StoragwFreo TraeUaa. Off and Storage 474 Gttaa. 1 th and Cbua Broadway 1281. A-l ISO ALWAYS "PICK" THE BEtH6L'EHOLfl fntee ao an eemte. Ct a PICE TRANSFER STORAGE CO.. owd and Pine. Breadwa 894. A, lean. STORAGE AND TrOTSFEr? CLAY S. MORSE, INC. 143$ Flanders Street 6. L DAVENPORT - TRANSFER AND STO'AOB . ' ' LONG-DISTANCE HAULINtt nssti; s-iiis. 144 -e-- Mass SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE- Willamette VaBey Transportation Ce. win gire the beet of eefctl with our 1, 2. and 3 ton track. Phone Bdwy. 4014. 253 An keny. PACKING MOVTNfi TTu7ir SECURITY STORAGE A TRANSFER on 1 10$ Park st - Main 3188. A.tS8. F. WtttEr Aotn transfer. Notitavilla and Mt Tabac, Tsbor 4886. BtandV 1st and AM. IL H. FACEUUZ. watches, diamonds, leveSnb x ' . VM watah nv&aa. I torren g$T "