S4-.&- J . t tHE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY. : NOVEMBER: 2 1918. Ui c Si! it a ' i ; I.;- t I', i - KKAL 1TSTATB FOB. HALE HOUSES Ji - WAt i SACRIFICE LIBTEIs TO Hlg: f! You can buy.lt tor about tha cost, to the ; inreasat owner, oa account of nawnu from -the 1 felty. A 19 room house, on the West Bute Be tween 21st and zad on runners " district IB which property is iirveon m In ..In It is close in to ' Washington at. Thla house hu bn recently , remodeled with apartment effort and conven - -tBTN. It te always sure of a food income .from rental. The present Income outside of the ', rooms occupied by the tenant ii $80 per month and no food reason why this cannot be sus ' ; talacd and mayba Increased over this figure. i -From 1U location it wili always pay big inter , aM on the Investment The building ia very .' ,.'' substantial and in food condition, requiring no i'--' ' on tier lo yean to coma. ThU property eoet t " 1 the present owner more than $10.500 ' cash. r Now take notice: Ton can bay the property together with iu furnishings from top to bot .'.,' foe only 17000. The terms of aala to be $8000 cash, the balance of the purchase price ."" can remain for a terra of year. 'J h furniture , In tbie boose alone cannot be replaced for $1200. "A;- There la a good furnace, in fact, all yon bare f ; ' to do la to more in and collect monthly rental. '' Kor a (Ingle person or a man and wife this ' t Investment aaaurea a good home and income for : 'years to come. There can be no deprectstioa . ' to property In this locality. All we ask is :V' 1 hit you Ineastigste. M. J. CLOHESSY. 41S Arlington Plug. -$200 CASH fV loom fUk! modifiu bUnemlow, trie- -. kath L.,i. lirVi4 rlviiifM rta wmA attTaaattsI . ; walking d'it.n.. cluws to lac" nd Willwm 3 ' a nu tit f, . :. $500 CASH 4 mm ImiiL'i jnw modem tilumhinc base ly' went, lights, fruit, BOiloo. Near Patton and r AIK.i-1. Worth f2lr,U Redncrd to $1450 for quick sale. $400 CASH ' H ' room, eomp'ijSte huii(akw. block Al- terta -car, modern I'm e ?.'oo. $250 CASH ft room mouern liiitu:aif . near .17th and llawfhorne. Vr nolh. ITice 'J00. Main 4R0S. G, C. GOLDENBERG 213 1 Abintton hldg. 1 OH "S.", Tears In Portland " 3d. Plrking np pennies. I can show you the way Idi uiek no a aood many real "iron men." Would you bny 2 bouses for the price of one I sin , confident I can show you the bet investment j lay Portland. . j Iftnn R MllnOVAyC ! JVIIII Ll IIIUllllUHU Phone, Woodlawn 48U3 Cor. 27th and Alberta sta. IjT OWNER, modern bungalow, 5 rooms, sleep ing porch, bath, all bnilt-ins, fireplace, attic, t.ll cement basement, furnace, kitchen, vange with gas plate attached, electric lights, 5 loads 'of wood In basement, washtray; corner lot; all lisrd surfsce in and paid. For quick sale, M250. Call Tabor 1533, ft 1163 E. Madison. 91150 ROSE CITT PARK $3150 Vine modern 5 room bungalow, besides sleep- I ing penh, beautiful fireplace, bookcases, seat, fine bnffet, beam ceiling, nice electric fixturen, -a.- Dutch kitchen, lanndry trays, good base- ',""'' aiant, excellent location; no mewnenta: terms. - ; ineT leaving city. Tabor 6559. BY owner, extra gtxxl 7 room house, sleeping ' porch, bathroom, 9 halls and pantry, bard Wood floors, cement basement floor, good fur riers, laundry trays, fruit trees, 46 cupboards ?' and drawers built tn, bookcases, window seat, t. gsrage, lot 64x100. street paved. Terms. 526 East 88th st. N.. or phone Tabor lSfV. I 'GItEAT big 5 room bungslow right on Haw '" thorns line. $4000. strictly modern, all built in conveniences; lot 60x114, garage, etc. Up , stairs floored with plenty room to finish 4 Urge rooms. Will accept from responsible party, $750 down with good substsntlsl monthly pay 1 . stents. 419 E. 60th. Tabor 3219. FOR SALE LOTS 14 ' 160x100 on P.. 75th and Knott at., $500. 73x100 on E. 77th and Graham st.. $300. - 75x100 on E. 77th near Graham St., $250. AOxlOO on E. S2d near Thompson st., $250. 50x100 on E. ROth near Thompson U. $175. Terms 1-8 cash. F. Sehramek, 294 Front -t.. or A. Rsumgartner, 41K AlLsky bldg. Main 4756. RArRlFK E IM 2 lots. 25x100. on Sandy blvd. and 74th St. Price $250 each. Call 753 Vancouver ave. I LOTS 21. 22, 23 and 24. in block 26, Tre mont Place, price $260 each, terms. Albert llaralu, S01 Minnesota ave. JSI.T $425. 60x100 lot. Rose City. 30 minutes . from 5th and Washington. Broadway. 3886. ; ;' iff ACREAGE 47 ! 3". ii ACRES with 6 room bungalow, with hard- .). wood floors, full basement, concrete floor, ' ri fireplace. 1 acre orchard, just off hard surface V, road. Price 16000. Some trade. 489 E. B4,nI fbone Sellwuod 35H8. ' FOR SALE 1 acre and H room modern house, on Oregon City line, for $3000. part cash. 1 nataere easy payments. 4R0 E. 34th at. Pbone Sellwood 858A. 1'ITT improved screagn cheap. Gas. water, elec. Eat SStb.- between .Simpson and Alnsworth. fan 1230 E. 33d N. Alberta car, or 829 -.' -r slmon. ' FOR SALEFARMS 17 $200 DOWN $15 MONTH ... Buys fine 10 sires, only IS miles out, 1 a- rr In cultivation, balance brush and enough timber for 400 cords wood. Price only $1500; .,, $200 cash See Ott. G. S. Smith A Co., 432 '' riismher of Commerce. -viStt OH HALE 120 acres in Clarke county, creek. ' j. timber, good soil, county road, school, church. ' i J f25 per acrr; terms. Owuer, 1290 E. Salmon. ' 1 ; 1 1 hone Tabor W621. v il HAVR good stock farm, fair buildings, well wa-'-'.W tered. clesr of all incumbrances, only half mile IS from railroad station. Write, or inquire evenings, : . 6 10 Brooklyn st.. Portland. . j.8'.0 ACRE ranch. $7500; sale or trade; part 403M 74th ft. S. K: .Tabor 1641." FOR RENT FARMS 14 17 Acres near Oregon City, sidewalk all way out. ftr-t class state of cnltivation, 4 room house. RX 747. Journal. FARMS WANTED RENT OR BUT SS WANTED To rent 2 to 5 acres, in cultivs tlon, with house snd hsm. On csrline, close In city. F. i. Seely. 4nS5 47th H. V... city - r TIMBER 28 NiiTU'E OF HALE OF tSOVEltNME.sa' Tlil BER -Genersl Land Office, Washington. D. C. Aug. 29, 1918 Notice is hereby given that .object to tbe conditions and limitations ef the act of .'una 9. 1916 139 Stat. 218). snd the instructions of the secretary of the interior of September 16. 1917. the tanber on the fob towing lands will be sold st 10 o clock a. m. rn November 20, 191H. at public auction at the United States land office st M ske-rlew. Or., to the highest bidder at not less than the ao- pralsed value as shown bv this notice, sale to he subject to the spprovsl of the secretary of the interior. Tbe rmrrhese price, with an eddl ttonal sum of one fifth of one per cent thereof. being commissions allowed, must be deposited at time ot sale, money to be returned if sale is not approved, otherwise patent will Issue for the timber, which ennst be removed within 10 yean. Hids will be received from rltixens of the United States, associations of sucn citlaens and corpo ra tio as organized under the laws er the United States or sny state, territory or district thereof nly. Upon application of a qualified pur chaser, tbe timber on any legal subdivision will be offered separately before being included, in ny offer rf a larger unit. T. 41 8 . K. 7 E, -o. 17; N. W. 14 N. E. H. yellow pine 500 M., fir 26 M. ; lot 2, yellow pine 290 M : N. E. 44 N. W. yellow pine 625 M.. fir 20 ii. ; N. W. M N. W. H. yellow nine 615 M.. fir 40 M.; kit 4. yellow pine 160 M-, fir 20 M.I tot 8. yellow pine 230 M., fir 10 M. ; done ot tbe yellow pine to be sold at teas than 8 per M , and none of the fir to be eoid' at has than $1 per M. CLAY TALLMAN. Uom . misaioneT General Lend Of flea. EXRANOE REAL ESTATE U HliNttYMIDE; owner leering city; 3 lota east and south front, on paVed street, two family jhouse, 3 rooms upstairs rented, $20 per month; 3 rooms' downstairs, sleeping porch, all in fine condition, modern plumbing, electricity, gas. ' frnit. garden, some furniture. Total price. $4200. $800 cash. $1400 trade, balance time. Fine '. residence or apartment district. Owner. 95 E. 80th. cor. Ash. ; i ' FARM WANTED r - ; $6800 equity in brick business block. 2 store , ( .. rooms below and 2 modern 4 room fists above ; is - I . i raying 7 per cent on investment, to trade for ! .. is enntppea ranch ot equal value, clear. Sea .' - t 3 1J7 H Hawthorne. Portland. Or. j ' " I -" $800 -40 acres, good blsck soil, close, to town. - clear from debt. Will consider dealing for gooq vacant kji or automooiM. W. A. Can- Bon. K. 6817. 738 15fh B. K. xWO 4 0-eere tracts, elear. Columbia hurhwav . - good land; trade vacant lot for automobile. rcast tiaiT. ICO ACRE ranch. $7500; sale or trade; part lime, laaa acreage, residence, auto, etc. .sots lain at. . iy. i a nor lt4 1 . WANT Oregon City residence as part payment f, on impraveo, u aciw some near wregon ctj aariine. gasy terms, wox aza, Oregon City.tlr. i GOOD house in restricted district, value $'6000 , to exchange for 80 or 40 -acres. Improved, run- auog wain. . tau iioor, aoax. .- ! r WE have farms, acreage and city property to ';,' eef and exchange", tell na your wants. Coa . A A Forbes, 994 Vk Hawthorne ave. ' . - . , ' Foa BALE. OK TRADE 20 acres timber land 8$ milea from Portland ; will take auto as 8 part payments V-600. JournaU . '" . 9 iiOOM house,' suitable for 2 families, for acre. age or jmaU frm. Johnaoo. Sid Henry bids. BE At ESTATE EXH ASOE EEA1 ESTATE U 10 ACRES of grain land in Matnenr Co., Or., 4 milea from Payette. Idaho. " Practically all tn cultition, acres snmmar fallow sown and rented for H crop delieered-at the ma chine, bat of place to rammer fallo1..-. Small homestead buildings but the place well worth the price, $8300; mtg. .000. Wili trade my equity tor home in Portland and assuma. What bare yonf Frank McElroy, Cambridge. Idaho. BOOM modern bouse, 4 lota, corner, eement sidewalk: all variety of irutt; Darn, cmcaen nouses, prirate hedge around the place. For sale or-trade for farm. Call WdrnJ 1611. WAXTET REAL ESTATE SI 210 BOLD SINCE JAMJABT 1 We hare eold mar 210 shacks and small booses since the flrat of the-year, and still have s large demand tof this class of property. Don't yon belies it- would pay yoa to giro na a chance. Fred W. German Oot, TI2 Clumber ol Commerce ' . - s ANTED The best house that' can be bought for from $3500 to $3000 ' on ' a small cash payment down and easy terms; any part of the city. Z-708, Journal. ; n.trvT mmntm 10 tn 20 . aeraa. barlnc aoma prunes and fair set of buildings, on good road; be quick, iteatty at nongage vo.. woo Chamber of Commerce. Main 2091 r WANT VACANT LOTS For results list your property with Beat Ette Exchange. 201 8d at. - .' WANTED Small houses and hacks on terms. I will look at and take picture, and onload it for you. Main S580. DON'T WORRX 1 oan sell or trade anything anywhere. Layman. 14? Park St. BOOMING HOUSES SB 11 ROOKS, clearing $55 per month, 308 Main St., price $300 cash. BUSINESS OFrOBTUNlTIES WANTED SUte manager to handle sale of best aelline article on the market, needed bj erery retail merchant and busineaa man. Only $300 to $400 capital require. OnJr gilt-edge, experienced sales managers need apply. If yon. are looking for something good with large prof its, address Pacifie Coast Sales Agency, 218 union OU Dlag., lxs Angeles, tai. FOR HALE The best paying cigar, pool and soft , drink ettablinhment in an Oregon town of 7000 inhabitants, located in the best busi ness block in the town; stock and fixtures will Inrolca. about $6000; convincing reasons for sellingwill be given on application; personal in restigstion will prove a profitable investment. PX-U4 0. Journal. JEWELRY store, located in small seaport on pacific coast, for sale; good investment for practical watchmaker or Jeweler and optician: $2500 cssb, balance terms; business in December and January will about cover cash payment. Awaiting, drafung reason for selling. 2-778, Journal. PACIFIC AGENCT. Inc. 612-18-14-15 Swetland Bldg. If it's a, business of any kind you Vant te buy or trade for, see PACIFIC AGENCT. Inc. 612-13-14-15 Swetland Bldg. TRUCK HAULING CONTRACTS Vav 1nrintf anH ltltnhv haiilina rnntnH. I... i. a Rmitti n.Wnrri AiMirtnt n..- City. Phone Pacific '484W. FURNITURE hospital, a well established buai- ness; alo delivery car. Z-706, Journal. MONEY TO LOAy REAL ESTATE 7 OUR installment plan is the beat and surest method of paying a loan. ' ' $82.26 per month for 86 months, or ' $21.24 for 60 months, or $15.17 for 96 months, pays $1000 loan and lateaset Other amounts tn pronortlon. We loan on improved city property. , Or for building purposes. No commission charged. EQUITABLE SAVINGS A LOAN -ASSOCIATION 242 Stark st.. Portland, Or. PAI OFF THE MORTGAGE en your city home on easy installments with 10 years' time to repay; fully protected by life In surance under Home Purchase Plan of the Equit able Life Assurance Society. Interest 6 per cent: no commission. See Mr. Strong. Equitable office. Oregonian bldg. MONET to loan in sums to suit, on improved city residence property. Low rates, promptly closed, liberal repayment privileges. Give us a call. CLARK. KENDALL & CO.. 205 Northwestern Bank bldg. MORTGAGE loans on real estate aecurity; any amount from $500 up on improved city and fr rm property at 6 and 7 per cent. The Law rtr.ee Co., 205 Corbetx bldg.. Main 6915 or. A 2816. $300. $400. $500. lowest Interest rates, (leges. No delay. TFso $1000 and up. Liberal repayment priv- GORDON INVESTMENT CO.. 631 Chamber of Commerce. PRIVATE funds to losn on improved city or fsrm property; any amount; quick action snd no delsy. W. H. Burley, 685 Irving st. Msr. 2963. $2.10. $350. $400. $500. $600 AND larger amounts, current rates. Quick action. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Chamber of Commerce. MONET to loan on real estate security, at going rate of interest. Otto At. Marksoa Realty Co.. 4v3 Chamber of Commerce. IF TOU want money see us; we nave it. Me- Kensie A Co. since lvoa. 616 OerHnger bldg. Phone Main 2801. BUILDING loans on city or suburban property: money advanced as work proarresses. W. fi. Reck. 215 and 216 Falling bldg. Main 8401. MONET to loan in amounts of $100 to $'6000 on city property. A. H. BELL, Room 10-11, Hulkey bldg. 8EK Oregon In v. A Mortgage Co.. 222 Chamber of Commerce. $500 TO $9000 to loan, city or farm mort gage; no commission. - P. O. Box 873. H6RTOAGE loans, 6 and 7. Louis Salomon 4k Co.. 408 Selling bldg. MONEY to loan on city property at lowest ratea. Fred S. Willisms, 2 H 1st st MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS, SALARIES 47 Salary LOANS WE LOAN MONET Chattel On abort notice to salaried or workingmen oa their own notes. Weekly, semi-monthly or monthly payments. Each transaction strictly confidential. NO MORTGAGE NO INDORSEE A BSOLUTELT NO SECURITY We also loan on household, furniture, pianos, etc., without removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATE. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY. LICENSED. 218 Falling bldfe if You Need Money See Us SALARIES CHATTELS v Leans made to persons on salary or fixed f eome, on household furniture, pianos, diamonds and other personal property: legal rates. Busi ness confidential; private offices. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY. Licensed . 806-807 Dekum bldg. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. Established by Portland business men to protect . borrower. O MTERS HERMAN. Mgr., 894 STARK ST. LOANS ON DIAMONDS. JEWFXRT. PIANOS. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. LOANS WANTED $a $1000 WANTED AT 8 On new 5 room bungalow, now in course of eonstruction. Fred W. German Co., 782" Cham, ef Com. - $250 WANTED for 90 days. Will give mort gage or nut up deed to 40 acres of first class land as security. Will bay $28 commis sion. E5!U 7. "i . WANTED $3500 Income city property. Claude tjoie. ao Henry Drag, SEE Oregon Inv. 4k Mortgac Co. 222 Cham- oer or commerce. F1NAKCI AL LIBERTY BONDS BOUGHT Fully or nart.lv ualri hnmns tnr t m.k Hell direct tn licensed hrok.ru. ' timf tnark.t casn value. Any denomination bought. S $50. - $100. 6500 ginnn - Buslneaa strictly confidentlali; private office for laaies. WESTERN STOCK & BOND CO. Licensed Brokers. Hours 8:30 to 6 p m. buito 14 Morgan Bldg , Broadway a ad ' Washington St. LIBERTY BOND CONTRACTU unnriHT Will buy mm eouitv in vnnv r f.-.. If you have contracted to. buy a bond and can't uivwi. uia tsssmenrs, see us. upen until 6 p. m. nuiiLUL ax uavvis, 401 Board of Trade bide Bonds Bought Spot cash, also cash for payments made Come to 725 Gasco building. 5th and AMer or mail bonds to u we remit return mail CELLARS elURTON CO., OPEN SAT EVE. ""' ' V. S. ObeRTT lBOxTisr New Tork market price, paid less small broker ages prii hu octocc evenings. DONALD MAO LEOI 1002 Spalding bldg., d and Washington. JJ. S. LIBERTY BONDS Win pay , cash . market r: value. Wilcox,-416 Plttoc blk. Cash fori Liberty Bonds Market value. H. L Murton.v446 Sherlock bldg., 3d St. cor. Oak. Open Sat. eve. INVESTMENTS. . loans. nor. Tnor fi.M B. Lewis. 803 Lewis fcldg. Mar. lSak- r 1 LIBERTY BONDS Any iMroe ' " . Any Amount We pay market ploa accrued : iatarest Wa loan 00 per cent on Liberty Bonds 0B WIS loan you the money to complete your payments ELWOOD WILES CO. 281 V. 8. National Bank bids. Open Saturday until 8 p. m. HORSES, TEHICXES. ETC. IS EIGHT more bones we want to get rid of; one team, mar .and gelding, 8 and 9 years old, $80; one-team mares, well matched, $50; one team weighing 2200, $100: one team weighing 2500; $150. Will sell any of them single. Portland Pure Milk stables, East 2d and Broad way. . ONE team of horses, 1600 and 1700 lbs.; 1 team, about 2800; 1 team, about 2400; ! good workers, gentle; right off the job; work harness, 2 farm wagon. .1 top buggy, to be fcld cheap. 8th and Hawthorne, Old National l aundry barn. SALE, hire or exchange 30 bead of horses and mules, harness and wagons of all kinds. Phil Suetter, Crown Stables, 288 Front at. FOR SALE One small mare. 9 years old, or will trade for chickens or furniture. R. B. Deetb, 6129 B4tb av S. E. FOR SALE Good 1100-lb. horse or trade for beifer or furniture. F. Naudts, ML Scott cemetery farm. DEAD horses and animals hauled away free. Call Wood lawn 20. Portland Rendering Co. SALE OR TRADE for horses, 2 good registered Holntein cows. 285 Front st. GOOD pony team, wagon, harness, an $50. Sell wood 2093. PLOW team to let for its keeping. Wdln. 3136. LIVESTOCK Hi LIVESTOCK WANTED There is a good market for all kinds of live stock and Journal "want" ads are acknowledged to be the best means for reaching that market. Tbe Journal regularly carries more livestock, poultry, horses and vehicles and pet stock adver tising than any two of tbe other Portland dailies ! combined. Kesmts count, unng, man or pnone your livestock, poultry and pet stock ads to The Journal. Phones Main 7173 and A-6051. FOR SALE Will sell my herd of high grade Holstein dairy stock consisting of 62 cows. 10 heifers, 1 registered bull, 2 horses, hay. ensilage anH full line of farming Implements; am located on Sauries island 8 miles from city limits; also farm for lease For particulars writ to J. A r.esel care steamer Iralda, Portland, Or. TWO fresh cows with calf, 4-month-old heifer, 3 other cows coming fresh soon. Cream sep arator and churn. Sell cheap or trade for Forjl. 6B2-E. 8th st. 8. Woodstock car. TWO fresh cows for sale or trade for beef cat tle. Take Vancouver car to Columbia blvd. and go 1 block north. MUST be sold at onoe. 5 extra good cows, heavy milkers. Bargain if taken at once. 662 E. 28th St. S. FOR SALE Five 2-year-old registered Shrop shire rams: all of excellent quality. Apply to Geo. T. Rowley, Oakland, Ore. A SNAP, fine Jersey cow and 6 moa. heifer. T. O. Cartozian, 68th ave. and 78th st. 8. E. FOR SALE A young fst cow for butcher at 903 K. 74th St. N. " FOR SALE Milk cow and heifer with calf. Call Marshall 6115. WANTED A fresh cow; must be heavy milker. Can Tabor 7922. POULTRY. PIGEONS, PET STOCK 17 FOR SALE Fine Barred Rock cockerel, this year's bird; 6 thoroughbred Barred Rock pullets; 10 White Leghorn pullets; six White Leghorn hens, 1-year-old; some, nice New Zea land and Beglan rabbits. Am moving and will make good price on these. L. T. Hodge, Wood row ave., Ryan Place, on Oregon Electric. A FEW pedigreed FleiisrT Giant and New Zea land red rabbits for sale. All above stand ard, in weight and select in color. Special prices on pairs and trios. Hill Top Rabbitry, Oswego, Or S C. BLACK MINORCA and O. A. C. White Leghorn cockerels for sale, $2.50 each or will exchange same. H. E. Rambo., Madras, Or. RABBITS for sale cheap. 603 Saratoga st. fnone woodlawn 4051. A FEW old hens, also, few Oregon cockerels. BARRED ROCK. R. I. R. and W. Leghorn pul lets. 787 Oregon st. Rose City car. CHICKENS for sale. Columbia 473. DOGS, BIRDS, PETS. ETC. 48 BIRDS 100 beautiful singers for sale. Call or address Thomson's Bird Store. 957 Missis- sippi ave. t KFW ZEALAND rabbits for sale, cheap. Call raoor 8 7 4S. AUTOMOBILES ACCESSORIES 41 ON account of myself and family just recover ing from serious illness of Spanish influenza and under heavy expense. I am forced to sac rifice, my Paige Six, 7 passenger car in finest mecnamcai conaiuon; o tires, .4 Goodyear cord. Will guarantee the car; $1000 takes car. Will make terms to responsible party., $650 down. 04 o AiDina are., city. NEW TIRES What brand of new tires do you prefer? We have them, all makes and sizes. Also we make tbe famous O-V-C Double Tread ' I sewed) tires snd do all manner of tire repairing. Oregon Vulcanizing Co., 833-335 Rurnside near Broadray. FOR SALE 5 passenger machine. Continental motor, Bosch high tension magneto, btrom berc carbureter, 2 new Lee tires, 2 new Howe inner tubes, 2 good extra tires and tubes, in running order, C40U. Would consider trsde. can 8unday or evenings, 4606 62d at. S. E.H. B. Conn. CASH paid for old cars, condition no obleet : parts for all makes of cars. Oregon Auto Ex change, 129 Lownsdale at 15th and Washington. Rroadwey 2668; rEERLKSS-auto, A-l shape, cost $4300. Must have room in garage, $350 if taken at once. Engine worth more than that. Tabor 371, forenoons. FORD touring car, new Kelsey body, perfect shape; will take Liberty bonds; cash price $650. W. K. Kelso, Lake road and Willard St., Milwaukie. - Or. Phone Milwaukie 29 R. MlfT sell my 1914 Ford touring car, excel lent mechanical condition; electric lights, good tires, no reasonable cash offer refused. Phone Hellwood 15S1. FOR SALE Extra good used tires,-all sixes; vulcanizing and repairing; open evenings 9 m. and Sunday. 41 Grand ave. OLDSMOBILE 8. powerful, economical, splendid condition ; price reasonable ; terms. Phone Broadway 5083. IF YOI are thinking of buying a good used car it will pay you to see our line. 9th and Couch. FOR SALE 34x4. 34x4 H and 37x5 auto tires, A-l condition, big bargain. 4 1 Grand ' ave. FOR SALE Cheap, 2 ton-truck in good con dition, aood too. tires. Inquire of Will It. Irle. 7244 58d ave. S. E. FOR SALE: Packard roadster, good condition Take Liberty bonds In payment; price 1030 418 E. Bumside. TO EXCHANGE Medium 5 passenger, elec- t trio lights and starter. For what bare you? Phone Mar. 5919. ! 1 $00 TAKES ,1917 Grant 6 touring, in A-l condition. -Jall Mar. zuo7 lor ruu mtorma- tion. 1914 FRANKLIN SIX. good shape, good tires. cheap as Ford to operate; $650, terms. Box 34 0. Phone Marshall 8894. FORD roadster, delivery body oil rear; good condition. Must be sold at a bargain. Broad way 2017. . 7 -PASSENGER Studebaker 4, aeries 17, first elass condition, lots extra eauioment. $750 cash or Liberty bonds. 419 EL 60th. Tab. 8219. T-PA8SENGER WUlya Overland 6, 1916. in . first -class condition and good tires; -sale or exchange. 106,1 E. 81st sr. N. 4918 FORD touring, excellent condition. $525, Call evenings. 6016 Bourne at., Lents. TWO ton truck, bargain; consider trad. Myerj, 201 Third at. WE recommed our used can; some of our ears are 95 1m new. 8th and Couch. FORDbug, in first-class condition. Just over hauled. SeU. 2872. - ' fiCST sell my 1918 Maxwell touring car at once. X-614. JouruL CVEIUAiD. good condition, . $300. Call 226 Kuseell st. . - $30,000 WORTH ot used " cars on aala at Slsigers' Garage, 9th ant Conch. WILL aeR my '.191T MaxweU cheap. X-81S. JournaL D. FOR SALE Pleroe Arrow touring ear; good cjonoirion. vrwner. r-s n, journal. SPOT cash paid for ara. . Daalata TTmmI vjar jieanng Mouse, urana ave. and K. Stark, TWO tires. SSx4. one $4x3 k clincher. Ta bor 3076. ' -i . "i ;-- - . ;s '- , FRfAlfClAX. IF TOU - want a good used -car at reduced I , pneav a vs. th and Couch. . AUTOMOBILES ACCESSORIES 44 ;USED. CAk BARGAINS f tSOtt TO $850 Ford touring $ 250 1014 Ford, very good tires 265 1913 Ford touring 800 Cadillac - 4 -cylinder. . 6-passenger ...... S50 1916 Ford, 1914 motor, demountable rims; tn good condition , 875 Stndebeker. 4 -cylinder, 7 -passenger; rone good . 400 Cad ills. 4 -cylinder. 6-passenger 40 1917 Fort touring 4S3 1915 Ford touring 52S Ftudebaker, 4-cylinder, 6-passenger ' 850 $600 TO $700 Chevrolet, special -quipment 600 Studebaker. 4-cylinder, fi-paaaenger. .... 600 1917 Ford touring, special equipment. ' electria starter, demountable rims.... 600 Cadillac, 4-cylinder. 5-passenger 600 Studebaker, 6-cylinder. 7 -passenger . . . 600 Maxwell touring; good mechanical shape; bumpers 650 Briscoe touring, spotlight, good tires.... 650 Maxwell touring, good mechanical shape . . .700 $850 TO $1600 1918 Rrbcoe, good condition 850 1918 Briscoe, like new .. i 950 1918 Briscoe delivery, ovsrsise tires, 99 , per cent new 950 Buick, 6-cylinder; special top, -new paint. usual Buick condition ' 1250 These prices subject to change without notice. W. H WALLTNGPOBD. 52 2 Alder at. Broadway 2492. FORDS FORDS FORDS 1913 Ford not much for looks but has a world of power; can be bought for very little money; 1914 Touring. 1915 Touring; A-l shape 1916 Touring; a dandy. 1916 Chassis. 1916 Touring, with self starter. 2 1917 6 cyU Saxons, like new; bargains. 1 1918 4 cyl. Studebaker. runs like clockwork. SPECIAL Ford, 1 ton truck; biggest snap in to -has hardwood body and canvas top. TALBOT & CASEY, INC. GRAND AVE. AND EAST ANKENY ST. Closed all day Sunday and 6 p. m. week days. BARGAINS I BARGAINS! BARGAINS! 1918 LIBERTT. 1914 FRANKLIN. 1914 CADILLAC, 6-PASS. k 1918 COLE, 7-PASS. 1913 PACKARD. 7-PASS. 1918 OVERLAND. 6-PASS. REO 2 -TON TRUCK; BIG BARGAIN. TERMS TO SUIT. DANIEL SALES AGENCT. PHONE BDWT. 2994. 84 BR0ADWAT. OPEN EVENINGS. Light 6 Cylinder Oakland Touring: refinished and new top. for $650.00. Tabor 1761. Mfg. A Repairs. 8000 guaranteed springs ta sfPck; prices r.-nced. 84 N. 16th ex. OVERLAND delivery car, model 85. has run 156 miles; just paid $1375: will take $1225. Sell on account sickness. Will consider late Ford car in trade. Can arrange some terms. Call at 815 Beech St., cor. of Rodney ave. FORD touring , car, just overhauled and in good condition; "special brakes, electric head and tail lights; this car must be sold at once; will sacrifice for $300." 11th Street Garage. 883 E. 11th st.- MOTORS. Gearings. Bearings, Wheels, Axles snd Trailers We wreck all makes of ears and sell their good parts at half price. David Hodes Co.. Broadway and Flanders ft. Broadway 196. BARGAIN at once. $750 Studebaker 6 five passenger, electric lights and starter. - Call at. 2037 E. Ankeny. Tabor 3039,. Saturday or Sunday. WE can save you money on a good used car, as we are out of the high rent district Garage, 9 th and Couch sta. DUBBUTLLE TOP CO.. nth st Oak. Broadway 1664. AUTO TOPS 118 MAXWELL at a snap; cash or terms. M. B. Levin, 221 Front ft. Main 9072, ere- n ngs and Sunday: Mam 4S07. ONLY two blocks from Broadway, it will pay you to see our nne ox u.. 9th and Couch. $300 DOWN buys 1918 Maxwell, run only 1604 milea; 6 good tires; balance terms; factory guarantee. Phone East 1962. GASOLINE 20 CENTS PER GALLON Lubricating Oils and Greases. Pioneer Paint Co.. 186 1st st. YOU can buy a used car much cheaper now than in tbe spring, look our line over. 9th and Couch. - 1014 Overland, electric lights and starter, re twinted and overhauled. Drafted. Will sac rifice for $S.r.0. Bdwy. 342L BRINGING UP FATHER copmbt. i9is, mtemnaj new, servieo By George McManus WELL-.FOf ,OODN.Eb 4 'WHERE nisjc i ME OTHER THlritfb l TOLO OO TOiET fr -V3 other thiW, VrSk i ill gT.V- T a. 'szfcsw T I II II nrXCrv X.'WVui-i'JW : ' ai-'lirlii,. IS-. .'Hi sT ( NOV-WHERE )f OiOri'T I ut&T" Tfc, j THE: BREAxO -TOO KNOW VHAT fPsVerS HE MAOE 50 rlANTjAeeNjr AtJT OBILES ACCESSORIES 44 NOW IS THE TIME TOMORROW PRICES MAT GO UP. THERE ARE NO NEW CARS, COMING ON THE MARKET SO IT'S REASONABLE TO SUPPOSE THAT PRICES' ON CSED CARS WILL ADVANCE MATERIALLY. BETTER BUT THAT CSED CAR NOW AND IF TOU WANT TO GET THE BEST VALUE THERE IS TOU WILL.' SELECT IT FROM THE ADS Ef THIS COLUMN. USED AUTOMOBILES TERMS GIVEN 20 CARS 20 CARS To select from. USED CAR DEPT. r MITCHELL LEWIS & STAVE R Co. East First and Easf Morrison Sta. East 7272 Phones B-1216 AUTOMOBILES WA5TED 78 WANT Buick, Overland or Dodge, have 1911 ! Cadillac to turn in as part payment, balance r.h flnhmit ... r mnA full lurtvnlin in first 1 'o letter. D-573. Journal. I WHAT have ysmf Wanted tbe best automo bile or bug that $200 or thereabouts will buy. Give phone number or address. 8-734, Journal. HIGHEST prices paid for automobiles, eomdl- Oon no object 121 N. 3d t Bdwyi! 82B. I WELL PAT SPOT CASH FOB TOUR FORD. Francis Motor Car Co., 13th and Hawthorne. AUTOS FOB 'HIRE S3 AUTOS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DRIVERS. Brand new cars. Reasonable rates. Fearing Robnett, City Garage. 86 10th. Between Stark and Oak. Broadway 840. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS FOR HIRE COUCHMAN it SWLLIVAN, MARSH. 232 10TH AND TAMHTLL A-1236 FORD, competent driver. $1.50 per hour; go any where. A. H. Winter. Tabor 1028. MOTORCYCLES, BICYCLES o 1 DAT TON De Luxe, 2 speed, speedometer, ex haust whistle.-Stoll tandem. Perfect condition, a bargain. Tabor-7828. LATE model H. D.. $175 cash. License B. W. 6. At Harley Davis shop. 1917 INDIAN and side car, spare tire and fully equipped. 181 H E. 18th st. S. LAUNCHES AXD BOATS 64 TWO HOUSYBBOATS For sale. 3 rooms each; $22S gets both. For information see E. E. Dhooghe, Oswego. FOR SALE Furnished houseboat, conveniences. SeU. 2089. all modern PIAOS, OS6A5S, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 84 SECURITY STORAGE CO. closing out $125 organ for $35, $135 organ for $38 cash, 2 upright pianos, one $65, the other $75 cash; $450 Kimball, $190; $450 Crown. $210 cash; 450 new stored uprights. $265 and $290 cash; $760 1917 model plsyer piano, music and bench, $395 cash; $250 Aug el us player and music, $25 cash; part cash, bonds or other securities accepted. Storage 50c month. Pianos bought and sold for cash. 109 4 th St. at Washington st. ' EMERSON RECORDS Conserve and get these wonderful records. 7 inches in diameter, dou ble disc abd will play nearly as long as a 10 inch record; plays on any phonograph. When it's a hit it's an Emerson. 35c each or 3 for $1. The Sablstrom Corporation, 405 Morrison st between 10th and 11th. - 0 VEsM I. MM - rbenogrsphs and records bought, sold, exchanged end rented. Expert repair mg. 142 H 2d. near Aider, np-tarrs. $12.50 CASH sends new pisno home, $12.50 next payday, then $8 or $10 monthly after January 1, i constitute our reduced Christmas terms. Schwan Piano Co., Ill Fourth st. at Washington st. Auticell (worth $250). $167. Shaffer (fine condition) $187. Haynes (oak) $200. HAROLD 8. GILBEBT. 384 Yamhill st. $190 CASH buys $410 dull mahogany Kurti man upright piano at Security Storage Co., 109 4th st. . COMPLETE violin outfit, very good tone, snske wood bow. This outfit cost $80 in 1900; will sell for $35. 607 E. Mill st- PIANOS, your choice. 3 high grade pianos. ' ,ny reasonable cash 'offer: must have money ; lt once. Tabor 371, forenoons. sxfwthB new ColnmbU phonograph and you will have no other. Harold s. uupert, ss xam hfll st. , MUST sacrifice $800 player, and 50 rolls music. No agents, pnone wain. lu. PIANO TUNING $2.50 "WANT phonograph or. recorda Tabor 6798. Main 4495. WE pay cash for used planoa and band instru- menta. Steberling-Lucas Music Co., 125 4th. PIANO TUNING. REPAIRS V. Kremar. 254 Market. 1 -rORoT THEM TELL ME AH HERE CROCk;HT THE MLK nEPERaVTf I'LL CO AFTER At DDKt rVANT TO SPJLl-lT- I'LL rO RiHT THEM- x FIA If OS, ORGANS, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 4 iuH RECORDS -Hill axd Dale eat. reUiU for 7fie each, 10 Incbea .n diameter; all the latest and mo-,t popular pieces. Hear these at-d net ice how little the needle aoiaw is on them. The SalUatrom -Coreoration.' 405 Morrison at b-C 10th and 11th sta. - . : TYPKWBITEns 77 GUARANTEED factory rebuilt typewriters, "all makea." aold on monthly payments. Send for Price) list. The Wholesale) Typewriter Oow. la- tail dept. 921 Washington at. TTPE W R ITERS rented, repaired, exchanged. Typewriter snpprtea. REMINGTON TTPE WRITER CO.. SS Braacry AM. UAKEH typewriters tented and repalreol Oregon Typewriter Co.. 4A ntn. Main ooa REBUILT typewriters, sureties. Corona dealers. K. w. reese jo.. i is oin. HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOB BALE Have your broken furniture repaired at the 0. K. FURNITURE SHOP Main 1586. Corner 1st and Clay. WE HATE some splendid bargains in bearing stores, ranges, gas stores, rugs, new and sec ond band fnrniture. Uora Jelliaon. 174 16. Stark st. Phone Tabor 1481. FURNTTURE of 5 room bungalow for sale. discount if all goes to one party. Ho deal- en. 429 E. 89th st FURNITURE of Tabor 8688. .private residence. Phone FURNITURE of 5 room flat for. sale, and piano. Call Marshall 1883. 248H Grant at. FURNITURE cheap. Bookcase, couch, dining room table, range, etc 861 Hawthorne ave. A CHILD'S ivory enameled bed and mattress, large site. 112-J, Oak Grove. TWO iron folding beds with mattress, $15 each. 506 H E. 22d st. 8. BUG for sale. 6x Axminater.- Wdln. 3654. MACHINERT 81 COMPLETE SAWMILL AND LOGGING EQUIPMENT M CIRCULAR nin. 66 In. 4 block car riage, heavy canting gear. Twin engine feed. Friction nigger Heavy trans fers, live rolls and shafting throughout; 8 in. gang edger, 8 in. band resaw. Large sizer, new. Electric light plant. Blacksmith shop, everything complete. 6 miles logging, road. 66. 45 and 35 lb. steal, 1-87 ton Climax. 1-42 ton Shay, 14 log trucks. 6 donkeys fully equipped, Pumps; 2500 ft.' sky-line, high-lead eauioment. wire rope, tools, etc ; com plete movable camp. Will sell complete, or will sell mill or logging equipment separstely, or steel and locomotives separately, or will put all or part of tbe above into operation, taking an interest of equal value. Prompt action necessary. Please do not inquire unless you are prepared to deal and receive attention; be specific in your communi cations. D-842. Journal. FOR BALE MISCELLANEOUS 1 BAIN coats made to order, guaranteed not to leak. 40 to 60t less than ready made; will pay you to call me up and see my samples. Phone Tabor 2175. wn i an everiaauus ihhiiuuh nj m . , . Why not a permanent ana lnaesiructroie rooi i W oxidize and renew all kinds of leaky roofs 60S Tourney bldg. Main 6886. FOR SALE Dill pickles. cabbage, squash. onions ; bring jars and aacks, take 'em awap.i, At windmill on Columbia boulevard, foot ot 18th st. Wdln. 203. DRY beans, potatoes and other vegetables, also dill pickles. Bring jars, 1134 N. Kellogg St., St. Johns, on road to municipal elevator. HIGHEST prices paid for diamonds, watches and jewelry. Repairing a specialty. Reiner Jewelry Co.. 449 H Washington st, C GOD beans, nary a and Martha Washington: any amount sold for 12 He per lb. Take Woodlawn csr. 729 Liberty st. WHISKEY Kegs and barrels for sale no country i orders taken. Panama Cooperage Co.. 228 Front st. HOT water tanks, all sises. In good, serviceable condition. 80 gaL $7. 40 gal. $9. 201 Adams st. East end Steel bridge. Phone E 9516. HOPS 8 -lb. Dkg. of Oregon hone anywhere in the U. 8. by parcel poet, pre paid. l Aggress r. ax. Money, Biiverton. PRINTING FOR LESS 600 envelopes or 600 bond letterheads. $3.76; best work; prompt delivery, try us. Smith. Printers. 204 Stark at. FOUR burner Estate Junior gas stove, $15; baby cart, cane body, $6; and buggy, $5. 507 E. Mill st. FILM pack camera, 3x5 H, and electric lamp; also mesh bag. Broadway 3068. CARPET and rug loom at bargain; new. Z 705, Jounial. FOR SALE Nice coal or wood heating stove cheap at $8. 60 K 24th st. N. MAJESTI0 range for sale reasonable. Tabor 4836 XMAS umbrellas. just srrived. Belding the Jeweler. 24."H Alder st Msin I g ) FOR SALE First class safe. Nationsi Bank. TT257 VACUUM cleaners sold, repaired, rented, ex changed. bought. Bentley Co.. Main 8682. FOR SALE Reliance gas range in perfect eon dition; 320. 1229 Iron st. PLUMBING supplies, wholesale prices. Stark Davis Co.. 212 8d st. Msin 797. UNCALLED tor tailor made suits $12.50 up. Taylor the Tsflor. 289 H Bumside st A NEW $70 rsnge for sale; going easf. cheap. Address 741 Milwsukie st-. Portlsnd, Or. i n . V " 71 osc.ture speelai. P. D. Newell; Jennings Lodge. KOU SALE, cheap, a ool fiber rug. C hor 21 30. all Ta- ED V. PRICE A CO . TAIIXIRING. 4Bg K. MORRISON 8T. WE HA1HC new snd second-band safes, mod erate prices. '46 Front Broadway 1966. 00 BUSINESS cards. 75c Liberty Printery. 266 H Alder st Call after 1 p. m. HARDWOOD kegs of all sizes. Pacific Cooperage Co.. 20th and Tork. Broadway 1S70. BALED grain hay. $84 ton. delivered, Lenta and vicinity. Jobn CheldeHn. Greeham. Or. R. A. ; TWENTY volumes 8wedenborg. Tabor 8421. IAKGEB VACUUM SWFTKPERS. Main 8582. lOXlis) tent for sale cheap. Call Eaat 4064. WELL -PLEASE HURRy- , , i APTER THE 1ST OF THE . V ORDER - FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS .19 , COMPLETE SAWMILL AND LOGGING . EQUIPMENT - - 7$ M. CTRCTTLAR mul. 66 la. 4 block ear riage. heavy canting gear. Twin engine feed. Friction nigger. Heavy trans fers, tive rolls and shafting througbout; 8 ia. gang edger. 8 in. band renew, large sixer, new. Electria light plant. Blacksmith shop, everything complete. 4 H miles legging road. 56. 45 and 88 lb. steel. 1-87 ton Climax, 1-48 ton Shay. 14 log tracks. 6 donkeys fully equipped. Pumps: 250O ft. sky-line, high-lead equipment, wire rope, tools, ate.; eom- piete movable camp. Win seU complete, or will sen mm at logging equipment separately, or steel and loco motives separately, or wilt put all or part of the above into operation, taking an interest of equal value. Prompt action necessary. Please do not inquire unless you are prepared to deal and receive attention; be apeeifm In your ooauaani caoons. P-842. Journal. WAR STAMPS MONET fa these days of thrift and earing anything tnat is not smiM thmiM h ...... mmw with which to buy War Savings SUmpa. This column in The Journal' "want" ads will put you in touch with people wbo want what you VIo - r . wU1 P real money for it. The rr. . reacnea mora people in Oregon and its trading radius than any other Portland paper. That's why Journal "want" ads always get the best results. Hates 1 cents per word, per insertion. Sevan consecutive insertions for wm v i ics oi nve. mm (mests "T". oa For Orford cedar, copper a- Th ' uesigna; factory prices. Factory otn and 7 8tb. Tabor 80S. i-fc SEWING' machines, new and aeo- 1 rr and band. ftnld for Imi: tin agents employed. Complete line of parts for all make machines, re paired snd rented. Main 9481. SEWINO MACHINE EMPORIUM 190 3d. near Taylor st FOR SALE- 1 man's fur coat, genuine coon- skin, cheap: 2 nearly new wagon covers, 10 os.; 1 amall neater, 1 pair new Ik springs, 1 grate to burn coal or brkmettes In fireplace. 1 L leatber upholstered rocker all bargains, at ooiv tsm ave. a. is. Alt. cott car to nam St., 4 blocks south. Electric Motors Bought, sold, rented and repaired. Walker Electric Works. 418 Burn lde. corner 10th. Broadway 6674. NORTHERN SPY APPLES My entire crop will be retailed at wholesale prices, $1 to $1.50 per box. NICHOLS COMMISSION HOUSE 07 Washington st. between 1st and Front. FOR SALE $100 Victrola outfit in first class condition, for $55 cash; one. $74 Le rarn steel range, only used about 8 months. will take $45 cash; one 15x16 ft. canvas, 10. oz.. for auto cover, $10. Call at 315 Beech St.. on cor, of Rodney. f JOHNSON'S PURE APPLE CIDER HADE ON THE PREMISES DAILY 247 YAMHILL BET. 2D AND SD. (MA rf TEN drophead sewing machines with vP I UiVV attachments; ail are in very good condition. Sewing enschinea rented at 88 pet month. Phone East 2859. or B 8807. E. B. Bteen. 152 Grand ave., near Belmont. MATTRESSES Made over and to order. Look tliem over at 3.4 E. WASHINGTON ST. COR. UNION AVE We can save you money. "sfrTBTPAT. INSTRUMENTS " "Tvnesrrlten" and "Household Uoods" are separate classify tnJ-. A1a a1nie the"V"?rU ,r published undertheir classification. lajuh l n fi. M utl C10 Rfi rt Q1 8 USED DROPHEAD c. i y IV V I y BfcWi.Xj UitUDts Guaranteed. We rent and repair. Main 1845. A-1819. 172 8d st. GABl id hsnd All G. L. Hcbroeder. Vhniw Rroadwav ?nTa l -10 PS I? 12th k Flanders, Ret Wdln 10RO iiJlPiiiJ LSalia Portland. Or. New and second hsnd All sixes Any amountr EAT HORSE MEAI Sella for less tbsn half the price of other meat Passes thorough Inspection. 149 1st st. AUTOMOBILES. MOTORCYCLES. LAUNCHES or boats are separate classifications. A large listing can be found undet tbese different elasai- ' 'totiona. POOL and combination billiard table, inlaid. Lt V h" 1 MAAS UU tLg.VU4 VUIUiH,W, VJ w aiwau ve.T evenings. FURNITURE WASTED 74 6EVURTZ FURNITURE STORE 206-207 First at. WILL PAY TOP PRICES ! for old and aaed furniture, stoves, carpets, rags I ,iw1 ..hin. In knMuKnM 1 114 4 We also exehange your old furniture for aew. ncining too amall or too large. CALL MARSHALL 587 Our buyer will call st one. Read Important Read Wa carry a greater assortment of new and ased merchandise than any store la the city. There ta hardly an item we do not buy and eeU. Wa specialise in shelf and heavy hardware, sporting goods, household ooda, of flea tnrxutura. hotel and camp supplies. When yoa bare anything to bny or saO. oaH or phone, Msra 9072 A-7174. LEVIN HARDWARE FURNITURE CO.. 281-8-6 Front St.. Cor. Salmon. OWL FURNITURE CO. 104 First We want your used furntture. stoves, carpets and pianos: will pay highest caah prices. Ceil Main 4627. WIGHT MAN-JOHN BON FURNITURE OU ' 88-90 Grand ave.. East 7766. Highest prices paid lor used furniture, esr pets. stovea, ranges, eta. Wa call promptly. Call East 636 used furniture, stovea, rags, anything in household goods. Wa arena age yoat eld furniture tor new. Want Household Furniture WILL FAX CASH Phone Main 8882. IF you want to e ynnr furniture and get Its value, call Eg-t 7710. M. R. SKATER. 849 Hawthorne are. CUT freight ratea on household good shipped east and south. Manning Warehouse 4V Trans, fer Co.. 9th and Hoyt. Broadway 703. A-1798. WILL PAX CASH For ased office furniture. Mala 1971. . Pacific Stationery and Ptg Co.. 107 24 eg. VA Q U Pd lor furniture, staves, ranges tseat V0 M rs, carpets, rugs, dressers, etc. Pbooe Mar. 2678. HartxeU Furniture Co.. 841-48 1st, HWAF COLUMN 24 VI i R KTl'll ANl.t; Z ruoiu bouse, corner lot ruoiu bouse. 73x112, 7 minutes' walk from csrline, Lents district; electricity, city water; $750;' will ex change as part payment good automobile; no iunk. Phone East BBIO EXCHANGE .Winchester .22 caliber rifle for chickens. 6211 6HUi st. VALUARI4B parrot for sale or trade for a Vic trola. Call after 6 p. m. Main 792 6. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANT MTCLE ' 128 FIRST MAIN 4498 TABOR 79. $7.50 for Second-Hand-Suits Meyer, tbe talk, para asost for clothing and shoes. We call day m faaiag. Marshall Is BUSY TAILORS Highest prices paid for clothing. Talk to as. Tow will be satisfied. - Broadway 1021. la I Ck.i.L rA Portland Front l. OliailJS VUt Uidea Mats hi Bnbbers. Writs for prises aast shrppeng tags. aaata 1W. JUNK WANTED Rags, bottles, sack'., rubber, metal, old fnr- nitara. old clothing and tools. Call Main 1928 GOING Eaat car Sostbf Houaebold goods ahtpped t reduced -rates: moving gad packing. Paetfke Coast Forwarding Co.. 448 Hoyt stttdwy. 70 V A N TKI Old eletmna. furntiure;. Will pat 4 good prices fox old clothing, furniture, tools. trunks ana mns nrosKiway jsa. HIGHEST prices paid fer old gold and dia- monda: fine watt repairing a specialty. OtrvcT. 122 2d St. WANTED--Kiflea, abotcuns. camerae, is as as, Hoabfield. 8 84 at. Pboavs Mala 8861. WANTED Gaa Plata - and 2 of 1 . burner ' range. T-929, ' Joarwal.- ' - ' WANTl) To rent dragaaw and operator bout 1 day. Eaat $762. - 112 E. 11th. -. TERSOKAI. - - - tt I. A 11T K&rhOTa. Hliave lie. haircut 2Se, taos ' ass ess r a tic 12 CUsart St.. cwr. 6 th. SI - TRT THU PftTrxtairiar ar.i "i 5 h . ' Lata winter and early spring samples are In. Women are savin half at P.tu'. arntu. turera' Sample Outlet on suits, eoata. draaaea. ta. Mtticoata. Take elevator, 2d floor, room aV sTUUJCgi VKTCft. - - - 4 LASSES AT - A SA 1J ". I solicit yoar NtnstN aw the ea panic ends of satisfied patrons. Goodman, optometrist. 209 Morriaaa tOME IN and get both your feet fixed vp. reai lor 81 99 Iv r.tn. tk. inininuintiv . w an' hurt you. ft years ta Portland) exam. free. Globe Theatre bldg.. 11th and WaasOsdy. S894. I. A. L. PORTER, wffl not be rasponalbla far any debu contracted by my wife. Mrs. A. L. 1 crter. on or after this data. Signed A. U MABEL' BARBER, apiritaal adviser. ws?a25S H. 10 to 6. 146 llih st Broad. I WUOj not be responsible for any debts "s" oy my wtie, Helen Kennedy. M1'5'. M. L. LA MAR. 235 "Oth at." SpTritoTl au riser. Instruction in tha ki.i. anccesa and harmony. BDPEKri ('UL'Shair. mole., wans, resaov.4 by .i! r!! u,?'"1"11 trial frae. JosW rtaley. 614 Ellers Bldg. Call Main 6898. lR- G V. KetahunI woman's ssalsilas aaii aenta dlseaaas of men. Waahinrtosi bldsk. 4tk and Washington. Phone Marshall 4487 MME. .CUNlL7 face ana ana scalp apeekallst, 280 Fieidnee blda. wans removed. CR. GH. HUTHMAN." vetertnartae ; hoapuai 418 E. 7th st. a East 184T. B-1998. ELNA SORENSON, BOB Panama bldT Drnglees physician. Moat effective asethod. NOTICES 14 NOTICE Department ot the Interior. United ' 8tf u 'nd-an Bervice, Klamath Agency. Or , SS- 1918 ""ropoeala will be received at tbe office of the above named agency until 7 ,elk P nv. November 15. 1918. for the lurnishing of horses, mares and breeding cattle, hogsend sheep. Said stock Is to be 'purchased L Klamath Indians on tbe Klamath raser- "aw oi orrgon. The right is raserred to reiect anv and .it km. .n. ..... and reject tbe other and to waive technical de nieresla of the service may re quire. There will be purchased as fallows: Cat. Ue 2 and 8 year old heifer. innitlml.li 1U00 to 1200 head: 1 to 2 .... M V, approximately 200 to 400 head; milch cows, not over 4 years old. approximately 5 bead. Sheep Oood young breeding ewes, approximately 350 uaa oroou aows. a; pigs, approximately nean. Horses Geldings, weight 1100 te i 2i ?.2 7 old 8 spans; geldings, weight 1300 to laOO. 5 to 7 years old, 4i spans; mares, good brood and work stock, 12v to 1600 pounds. 6 to 7 years old. 6 apana. Ki member of congress f35 Stat L. 1109), agent or employe of the United States government (1 P1?1- U T77. ,hU " Interest, direct of Indirect. In tbe furni bini of said stock. Any person, persons or eorporstiot desiring to bid on any or all of the above mentioned stock, will be furnished information on application to the su perintendent of tbe Klamath Indian school, Klamath Agency. Or. J. Cato Sells, special su pervisor and commissioner of Indians affairs. J. II. N orris, special supervisor and 8. D. A.. Klam ath Agency, Or. OFFICE Depot Quartermaster. Fort Mason, Call fornia. Sealed bids in triplicate for furnish ing twenty ounce overseas cap cloth will be received here until 11 a. m., November 1 2, 1918. Information on application to this of fice. Envelopes containing proposals - to be endorsed, "Proposals for Twenty Ounci Over seas Cap Cloth'' and addressed to Depot Uuarter n aster. Fort Mason, Cel. OFFICE Depot Quartermaster, Fort Mason. California- Sealed proposals ia triplicate for furnishing twenty-six ounce erkin lining will be leceived here until 11 a. re... November 12. 1918. Information on application to this of fice Envelopes containing proposals to be endorsed "Propose la for Twenty-six ounce Jerkin Lining ana aaureaaea to Depot Quartermaster. r on aiason. iau i OEFICE Depot Uuart.rma.ur. Fort Mason, California, sealed proposals in triplicate for I furnishina 82 ounce nil v. H rah nvmutaihia n be received here untii.ll a. m. November 11. ; mis. iniormiuon on application to thla of. i lice. Envelopes containing proposals to be en- 1 dc.rsed "Proposals for TUirty-two Ounce Olive ! il""'!,. f. .TT1 . to aJIMtssiiUiasairi, KKit JBl gtSAiu, VSIIIOnsHss PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY A0C0RPIOW PLAITIWa ' HEMSTITCHING, 10 CENTS PER fifth" PLEATING. ALL LATEST STYLES. EAST ERN NOVELTY CO.. 8ft H FIFTH. BKOAlk WAY 2000. BEAUTY 8PE0IALI8T SUPERFLUOrS hair destroyed forever by Mul ttple Needle Method. 604 SwetlAnd bldg. BLANK BOOK MalKKRf Davis a.holman. lsc 109 2d, av. Bktag book auaufaetursra. A-8188. Mai ala 188. 0AHP8T CLIAWIsia E..6S0 FLUFF RUGS From old carpets, carpet cleaning and refit ting, rag rags wowu, all sisea. Mall orders solicited. NORTHWEST RUG CO.. Former address 168 Uaiosi aa, EAST 3580 .13 1280 64 Daloa 4i. Eaat 641a, S-1474. JOYCE BROS.. Electria Cleaning Works CaT pets cleaned and laid, refitting ear speetalts. East 440. B 1063. 204 E. lth at. M. OHIROFRAOTORS 1H McMAHON is making good; 41 adjustments $16; seven, go. Easiest terms. , DR LAURA E. DOWNING. Chiropractor. 1 years' experience. Broadway bldg. EDUCATIONAL. DANOINQ MRS. FLECK'S ACADEMx. 109 SfcCONb hi nallroom and classic aanclng. Privmto laasoaa daily. Classes Tuesday and Friday evsolagt, s to IO. Ladles free. Main 2100. ALT 8 M. BROWN, teacher of claasla. toe, stags and ballroom dancing. 148 l$ta ast. aff Mer rlsoa. Pbone Broadway 2866. Miss irelanB i 10 LESSONS $8 809 Dekum bklg. Persnnal attention. 10 te MQ6IO 6CMOOI.9 ANO TIAOMIR PROF. T. E. IUW8ON. 20 years' einerienTeT Pisno lessons at your home. 7 Be. Tabor 7201 VIOLIN, piano, gnitar. mandolin, banjo. Ko rtenoecx, eon lamnui. E. THIELHORN VioTin teaeher, pqpij sU'eeikT 207 Flledner bldg Broadway 1629. MAIL A0VCRTI8I Q CRANE LETTER CO.. 612 rioyal bldg. ,Unl granntng. mimeographing. Maranall 6819. PA If TIRO, TINTING. PAFCRNANQINO 1 H. CLIFTON, painting, tinting, papering. 1 81 is. liuitt Kroadwsy 4414. Woodlawa 2IS6 FATtNT ATTORNKV GOLDBERG. rT20TVorceter bhtf Mala t2 RRIRTINO. KNORA VINO. BINOIN8 PRIMTIKIfi W- EALTES. A CO., I f rnil4 I IINU and Os sta, M. 148. A-tlfll PHT6ICIAN9 DB B- A. PHIlXlPS. POffTBroaosray bwildiBsT Rhenmattsm. lessale diaordeca, akia trsssblea, strmacb, liver, kidney, bowels, throat. sWttra, - nifS olooa creesure. RAZOR AND OUTLCRV ORINOINO TRY the safety raaor and cutlery griadef al 298 H 4th at., wear tbe eowrthsais WUBBCW STAWf - ALAO 8TE;iLH. Trsde Check..' iletsl 8UgmT . PACIFIC COAST STAMP WORKS 69 Broadway. . -Broadway tl9, A-271B TRAN8PKII AOD 6TORAOS American Transfer and Storage Co. LIGHT AND ItEAVY AUTO SERVICE LOCAL AND IX)Nr DISTANCE HA CLIN U WB STORE EVERYTHINO 09 OAK 8TRRET. BROADWAY VlJA OREGON TRANSFErFCOT sfiaraauatiacl 1870 Trarssfer and Forwarding fl gsaU. Storage Frew Trackage. , Offlca asd fttoraaw 474 Obsaa. . 1 18th and OBsaa. Breadway 1281. A-il8 alway4 picr" t hi! b Egf" hoTTehold GOODS SPECIALIST StoTaga. packtag, sbrp ptng snd- moving. Horse and auto vaaa. awawsal rates to an potaes. C. O. PICK TRANSFER 4b STORAGE CO.. eeend gad Ptna, Broadway 696, A-1996. STORAGE- AND TRANSFER CLAY S. MORS Er INC. 14TS Flanders Streei G. L. DAVENP0R1 tb a starv w awn itosiis LONG-DISTANCE HAULINO"! MaJa 8876; A-6166. 144 Frowt st, PACKING MOVING STORAGH T ' SECCRITX STORAGE A TRANSFER CO . 106 Park afc Mala 4198. A-l 911. ". .' " X. t. Wltfet' Autd transfer, . Montarilla - antt ML Tabor. Tshor 4884. Stand, 1st and Alder.; O WATCH WSPAIRINO IX. H. PACSOCZ. watches, diamoada. waira. "has watck rrpab-lcg. ,278 Morrisoa st PERSONAL