TLAND.FRibAYr: NOVEMBER; 1, 4 v I 1 r - TO COUNTY'S TAKING UP, STREET IMPROVEMENT Matter of East 17th Street Work y- Being Discussed by the Officials. . ' Ottt of th board of county com missioners to take over certain- sec tions of ctty streets an 4 Improve them i iwlU com before the city council prob ably at the regular meeting next rWednesday. . 1 The attitude of the taxpayers toward the plan proposed by the coftnty will be a matter of some Importance,' ac cording to City Commissioner A. I Ifearbur. For Instance, It Is polnte-1 out. the Improvement by , Multnomah county of the bad section In Kast Sev ' snteenth street would relieve - the ' jsbutttng land owners of virtually all expense and saddle the cost of the work .upon the taxpayers in general. Owners living within the city limits are already paying for 92 per cent of ' the cost of the improvements under i taken in Multnomah county. Some months ago the city took steps to Imtfove the East Seventeenth street Stretch, but the property owners con cerned made such a loud protest that ffca matter was dropped. The section referred to. Is nearly nine blocks long. It Is the- connecting link of the Port-and-Oregon. City road. y East Seventeenth street is now a city thoroughfare, and If it is improved I at the general expense of the taxpay- . r . under auspices of Multnomah coun ty. It Is explained that other city j property owners who have dug down to pay for Improvements abutting on I their own. land because of the benefits ' derived will now have to share in ! paying for improving other property, j the owner of which would get off with out the usual city assessment.' Thefts From Mail , Are Admitted by Echo Mail Carrier ; Wllford K. McFaul, a mailcarrler of Echo, has confessed to stealing f 228.27 . from the United States malls, according to B. H. Goldstein, first assistant United States attorney. McFaul. who was brought to Portland Thursday by E. T Mass, deputy United States marshal, is confined In the Multnomah county Jail pending the disposal of his case. . According to the purported, confes sion. McFaul took cash, checks and drafts from registered letters." McFaul denies that he stole 1116.70 In War Sav ings Stamps which are missing from the potofflce. Florence Tompkins Sues Oregon City, Nov. 1. Florence Tomp kins is asking the circuit court for a divorce from Arthur A. Tompkins whom sh charges with being cruel. She asks .the restoration of her former name of Florence Henry. They were married in Vancouver. Wash.; Juno 23, 1917. A Good Time to Paint Acme White J nn Eaamel, Gal ... d'hUU Fnller't Flat 0 fill White, Oal. 3iUU 1 off $2.00. Varnlah Stain j all Cn. olori, pint.. wUw Our Bulletin COUNCIL DISCUSS Good Shoes Health Insurance We tboe the family from the smallest to the largest. It pays to keep the feet dry and warm. We will gladly supply your wants in Dandy Winter Clothes for Your Boys W can fit your boys for school or play in food, wearable clothes; comfort, health and quality in on. CORDUROY SUITS ONLY $8.98 WINTER OVERCOATS Ages, 10 to 16 Years. v S3.98 to $6.48 Men's Furnishings and Trousers Woolnaix Union Suits, worth $3, our prico $2.25 Outing Flannel Shirts, military ' stylo.' $1.50 , Men's Bath Robes, . upward from $4.95 Wool Trousers, extra heavy, -7.50 rabies $4.50, Smoke Chew? , Star, Horseshoe,' Climax; JO wit 8-space; plug OOU Prince Albert, 16-os. jar, $1.35 Prince Albert, 16-os. tin '$1.25 U. S. Marines, 14 os. for 69c All brands' ef regular 6c Cigars - ' only 5ci : t Bo of 50 for $2.50 I'..-: ' ; PIPES A case of new briars; se 1 "lect'bne for him "oyer there, : Grand Jury Acts Without Delay in Moonshine Case Within 20 minutes " after Assistant United States .Attorney Yeatch received evidence against Joe Decker, an alleged moonshiner of Wheeler, the case was presented to , and disposed of 'with in dictment by the grand Jury. Decker ' was brought to Portland Thursday by Sheriff Campbell f(TiUa' mook and II- C Daulton of the Oregon military, police. The' two. officers brought 25 gallons of liquor made from prunes, raisins and grain . which they found In Decker's, cabin when they ar rested Decker. , -J The officers: also .brought Joe Oben heimer of 'Tillamook , county, . charged with violation of the espionage act. . PERMITS ARE ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THIRTY-EIGHT HOUSES M. L Holbrook to Build 20 Small Dwellings in St. Johns Dis trict at Once. Permits for the construction of 38 houses were Issued Thursday afternoon and this morning by Jesse M. Currey. building permit commissioner of the State Council of Defense. The largest, permit was taken out by M. L. Hol brook for the erection of 2J small dwell ings in the St. Johns district. A portion of these houses are to-be built in East St Johns and the balance divided be tween the Holbrook and North Bank additions. Mr. Holbrook's plans call for four room houses of good mill -construction, costing about $1000 each. Material was ordered some weeks ago sind construc tldn work will begin at once. Mr. Hol brook will offer the houses on easy terms to mill and shipyard workers. Permits for the construction of eight cottages in St. Cloud Heights and three In East St. Johns were granted W. J. Woleboen, who intends renting them to workers in shipyards and other essen tial industries. These cottages will be of four to six rooms and will cost from 11500 to $2000 each. W. M. Pattulo secured a permit to build four residences at a cost of about $2000 each on a tract of land in the Simons addition, comprising lot 1 and the east 35 feet of lot 2, block 14. John Mondy was granted a. permit to build a $2300 bungalow in Rose City Park. Lars Larsen, a shipyard worker, took out a permit to build a house cost ing $1800 and N. G. Nicholson was given permission to build a story and a half bungalow costing $1000. Dr. Roberts Commissioned Dr. L. Ok Roberts of Portland, who has received his commission as first lieu tenant, will leave for Camp Lewis next Tuesday. Dr. Roberts has resided in this city for six years. He is a brother of Miss Elizabeth Roberts, a clerk In the city attorney's' office," an lives at the home of his parents;. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Roberts, 1395 Union avenue north. FIRST, SECOND AND ALDER STS.- of Seasonable Women's Mahogany All Calf Shoes, mll-.C QQ ltarjr heels 0330 Women's Gray KM Cloth Top Shoes. Louis O I QQ XV heels ...... $riJ0 Men's Tan English Fiber. Sole Shoes, Pair QQ Men's Army a"st Shoes. Good and sub- (1 no stantlal at v4i30 Boys' High-cot Tan Shoes, dandy for school 1Q wear WUitg Children's rnbbers, sires 1 I to 8. The nalr It. only Children's Underwear Fine ribbed, fleece-lined garments 2 to 8 years 59c 10 to 12 ye.r. 65c Misses' and Children's heavy gray fleece-lined pants 65c Women Wests or Pants The Garment $1.50 Fine ribbed garments, part wool; an unusual quality at the price. SateenPetticdats Only $1.85 Extra quality black sateen; some with jersey Jtop and 12-inch flounce. FOR THE WORKER IN WOOD D8 M-lnch Dlsstoa Hand Saws, 3f o. It tV-iaek " Bisstea"HaBd Saws ...(.( Ifo. 12t 2.lnca . DJsstoa Haaa Sws ; tug Stanley JTo. lit Iron Circular Planes ...i.: , $l8i Stasley jf0. t? Wood' Jack Planes Stanley So, 4. ComoInatloB Planes u atanley 3fe. Hi Spoke" ShariV Me Staa ey So. rale,, .ft. jec Gem Sertbers only . . . . . ; ... ttc Amto Bau pi Hammers ..tto CAMPAIGN FOR FUNDS TO BE WAGED DESPITE BAN Need Declared Great Even Were War to End at Once; Quota of City $300,000. With the ban on public meetings' still In effect, Everett Ames, city director of the united war work campaign, set for next week, today was organizing his forces to carry the message of the Y. M; C. A Y. W. C. A., Knights of Co lumbus, Jewish Welfare board. War Camp Community service. Salvation Army and the American Library asso ciation into every home. "We must raise $300,000 in Portland during the week of November 11 to 18," said Mr. Ames, "and to do that, every citizen must realize that the need is urgent. Ordinarily, that amount of money in these war times would not mean much, as far as raising it Is con cerned. But many people think the war (is nearly over and that we will not need the funds. This is an erroneous idea and one that must not be permitted to hamper the work before us." That even more than the sum asked of Portland would'' be needed were the war to. close at once, is the 'assertion of Mr. Ames. The organizations named hjje been designated by the government to do the work so necessary to the main tenance of the morale of our forces and President Wilson personally put his ap proval upon the campaign, fixing the total sum sought at $170,500,000. It will be necessary, It Is shown, to have even more money for welfare work should actual fighting cease than It would should it continue, because the troops would then have more leisure time. It is also explained officially that it will require a long time fully to de mobilize the forces now engaged at home and abroad in vanquishing the Hun. Orlando W. Davidson, state director. Joined with Mr. Ames In asking the peo ple to be ready to give liberally and promptly when the solicitors call upon them next week for this seven fold fund. Locomotive Making Eecord Established Washington, Nov. 1. (I. N. S.) The "Pershing" railroad locomotive is now in universal use behind the American, British and ;French fighting lines in France. The" war Industries board, in making this announcement today, also disclosed that the production of stand ard locomotives in the- United States has been increased approximately 100 per cent during the past three jnonths. Last week the three standard companies in this country turned out 144 locomo tives. The government Is spending this year $200,000,006 for locomotives to be used' in France and this country, the board stated. France Gets $200,000,000 Washington, Nov. 1. (U. P.) France today was granted a loan of $200,000,000 by this government. America's loan to France now totals- $2,365,000,000. The total to all the allies now is $7,732, 978.000. Sheet Music All the New, Catchy Song Hits 3 for 25c Merchandise FOR WAR WORK YOU CAN BUY THESE IN OUR Grocery Department MILK! Federal Milk Gorernment Standard Full 16-ox. Cans Two for 25c Not over 8 cans to a customer. By the case for $6.15 CRISCO CRISCO ltt-lb. tins for 44c 3-lb. tins for 87c 6-lb. tins for $1.73 9-lS. tins for $2.57 Wesson Oil Smalt Quart 35c 67c Large $1.50 Douglas Oil Quarts.. H Gals. . Gals. 62c $1.20 $2.24 EGGS Guaranteed, doxen .... 50c BUTTER the pound only. . . .56c A Shining Kitchen -the Housewife's Pride 8-cnp pare Almmlanm Tea Pots .....tls Pnre Alnmtnnm Fry Fans...0e l.qaart Pare Alnmlnam Xlpped Sanee Pans S.aaart Enamel t-eoat Bine and White Sanee Pans, t, each ........ Xi 4-qnart Enamel Lipped Sanee Pas ......... ..... . The Dining Table wtll-kare an Improred appear ance, fey the addition of seme or ties pieeest BlneMrd Caps and Samcers: fl.M .......te . . . .tSe set of f for.... Cnstard Caps, only., rarsre White Platters Glass Bowls tor....'.. Gold Band Dishes, Plates and Soap each. .... ...... ....lie Dinner PUtes, .toe Frnit Dishes, Pis Plates and Bread and Batter Plates. .. .lie Caps and Saneersi set ef t for L7S Spanish Influenza Killing Thousands ! In Mexican Cities Austin. Texas. Nov. 1. (I, N. a) Influenza .nd pneumonia are killlni thousands , In Mexico, according to re ports received here. Some of the small er towns are reported to be nearly de cimated. The epidemic prevails throughout the country . and the thousands are dying without medical attention. Homes of the poor in larger cities are said to be scenes of indescribable distress. The epidemic which is held as the worst plague ever known has spread to the tropical part of the country, although the worst effect are being felt in the plateau and mountain regions. RENTER SUES OWNER OF HOUSE, ALLEGING BREACH OF CONTRACT Wm. Fri berg Asserts A. 0. Bjel land Refuses to Carry Out Verbal Lease. A. O. Bjelland, Norwegian vice con sul, Is defendant in a suit being heard before Circuit Judge Stapleton, In which William "Frlberg demands that Bjelland be required to live up to the terms of a verbal lease in which he agreed to give Friberg the use and occupancy of a house at 625 IxveJoy street for six years at a monthly rental of $20. Friberg alleges that he moved iinto the house in August, 1917, spent $360 on the premises with the owner's knowl edge, and paid rent at that figure until August 1, 1918, wjien Bjelland demand ed $30 and began proceedings in the dis trict court to have him ousted. Friberg asks for a court order, requir ing Bjelland to carry ut specifically the term 8 of the lease, which was a verbal one, and asks' the court for a restraining order preventing Bjelland from prosecuting the action against him 'In the district court. BREACH OF PROMISE ALLEGED Chiropodist Brings Suit for $25,000 Against Officer. Suit against Captain Eastman Gaither Curry of the quartermaster's corps, United States army, stationed at Van couver barracks, was filed In. the cir cuit court Thursday afternoon by Marie De Vinny, who formerly conducted chiropodist parlors In the Northwest building, sets forth in her complaint that she and Captain Curry had lived together at 654 Liberty- street. He spent nearly every week end with her, she alleges. She permitted this, she states, because of his frequent pro testations of love and promises of . an early marriage. She sold out her chi ropodist business last April, she says, and invested the proceeds in the little home. Captain Curry frequently in vited his fellow officers to the house, she allege. - - - ... r:- a- Captain Curry today refused to dis cuss either the allegations of the suit filed by Miss De Vlnney, or any othsr features of his acquaintance with the young woman. He said nothing could be gained by any statement from him until the case should come up in its regular course. RECEIVED $1 PER WEEK Tailor's Wire in Divorce Suit Tells or Money "Received. That her hulband contributed an aver age of $1 a week to her support was testified to by Antonia Kaspar before Circuit Judge Stapleton this morning. She was seeking a divorce from V. Kas par, a. ladies' tailor: She produced a calendar in court upon which she had kept a record of all of ?the money she had received from him since their mar riage. She was given a decree and awarded the sum of $225 "for attorney fees and costs of suit. Judge Stapleton refused to grant- her demand for $7000. Judge Stapleton also signed decrees of divorce in the following cases : Vera E. Knitzer from J. Knitzer, A. Zahler from Ida Zahler, William Werner from S. Werner, C. Mi Maske from John P. Maske, . -L. M. Sternemol from E. G. Sternernol, Josephine Bader from Ed ward" Bader, John J. Crowley from Rachel Crowley, J. G. Wilson from Edith Wilson. Judge Tucker Gives Custody of Boy to Mother. Mrs. Betty Taug, who recently fea tured a sensational attempt at suicide by trying to jump through the windows of the constable's office on the third floor of the courthouse because her 5-year-old son, Richard, had been taken away from her by officials of the juve nile court, was awarded the permanent legal custody of the boy by Presiding Judge Tucker this morning, who denied Build up your blood and for tify your bpdy against Spanish Influenzal with , "TheRedBlood Builder" the application of the boy's father, Sam Roll la, a divorced husband. RolUa had had hi former wife ar rested on a statutory charge, basing his accusations on the ground that she had married Taug two- months after her divorce from him. He was seeking , the custody of the son. MANN ESTATE IX PROBATE Letters of Administration Issued to S. C Jagger. Letters of administration in the es tate of Henry L. Mann, who died in this city October 24. were issued to Samuel C. Jaggar by County Judge Tazwell this morning. The estate was stated in the petition to be worth $3000. J. H. Fitzgerald was appointed ad ministrator of the estate of M. J. O'Brien, who died October 16 leaving property stated In the petition to be worth $7500. The deceased is survived by Bertram O'Brien, a private in the army, who is now at Camp Eustls. Vs. DISTRICT COURT REPORTS September Report Shows 581 New Cases; Receipts $5941.26. New cases filed in the district court during the month of September totalled 581, according to a report prepared by Chief Clerk W. J. Richmond. There were 408 civil cases, 84. small claims and GET AFTER THAT COLD RIGHT NOW Got right after it with a bot tle of Dr. King's New Discovery She never let a cough or cold or case of grippe go antil it -grew dan gerous. She just nipped it when she began to sniffle or cough before it developed seriously. Men, women, and children of every age have used this preparation for fifty years as a prompt reliever. All ages are using It today because of Its positive results. Generous size bottles sold every where, 60c and $1.20. Constipation Corrected Dr. King's New Life . Pills tonight mean clear bowels, a clear head, clear thinking, a day well begun In the morning, good digestion, clearing skin. Mild in action but sure and comforta ble. At drug stores everywhere, 25c Adv. Any 3-Pound Can Gifts for Soldiers Bring Your Red Cross ARTISTIC PICTURE FRAMING TO ORDER AT LOWEST PRICES FOURTH FLOOR This Great, Wholesome, Every Protection to Winter Coats Aplenty At Prices Ranging From $15.00 to $45.00 just such warm cozy coats as women need to protect them from Winter winds. Many have collars and cuffs of fur or plush and there are styles to please every taste, from the tailored models to the more dressy ones. Ma terials are velour, silvertones.'cheviots, zibelines, Yosemite cloth, diagonals and mixtures. The sizes range from H up to 46. Shown on Second Floor. Many New Arrivals in Crepe Waists Plum, navy, brown, taupe, green and wanted bright shades. Very attractive styles in fancy and tailored effects trimmed with silk or wool 'embroidery and beads. Prices range from $5.75 up to $42.50. On the Second Floor. Warm Bath Robes, For Convalescents Pendleton Robes in striking designs at $25.00. Also many others made up in Beacon flannels with roll, or square collars priced at $3.95 to $20.00 Gillette Razors $5 to $16 Main Floor Put a Gillette In that Christmas package to your sol dier! We have them ia all sizes and styles at $5.00 up Jo $16 Serving Kit Casewithout fit tings are priced atbnly5tj; each. Wash Cloths arid Cbesrt 10c Three-piece Imitation Ivory Toilet Sets, consstinf of mirror, brush and comb--priced $7.50 Saturday Offerigsjf the Drug Section CREME OIL SOAP, 3 cakes 25c and one cake FREE with each purchase of 3 cakes for 25c. No deliveries except, with other-purchases made in Drug Department Listerine at 23c. 45c and 85c Lavoris at 25c 50c and $1 M .: ft 89 criminal and misdemeanors. The fees collected for" the' mopth ' totalled $541.26. Of this amount $1122.80 were fees; $2475, bail money; fines $615; re ceived for litigants, $1828.S. A report from County Auditor Martin showed that the expenses of conducting the office of the district court for the first nine months of 1918 were $55. JO less than the expenses of the correspond ing months of 1917, while the fees col lected were $1151.10 more for the same period. , Auditor Martin expressed himself to of Coffee $1 Delivered Only With Other Grocery Purchases 4th Floor Overseas Should Be Purchased and Made Ready for Shipment Cartons Here and Let Us Help, You Select Gifts the Boys Will Like Best The Standard Store of the Northwest OldSoWorlLinanKiiig Reliable Merchandise Reliable Meth ods New yeils and Veilings Main Floor Manys women are wearing veils as ' a protection against influenza.. Our veiling sec tion is well supplied with the , popular kinds at moderate prices. CHIFFON VEILS with neat hem stitched border good full sizes and splendid quality chiffon. Saturday priced at only 98c Men's Good Shoes At $6.98 Main Floor Tan or wine Russian calf, black calf and vici kid. Pop ular English last. Medium round or wide shapes. Shoes of sterling quality that will give, best of service. D width. Q QQ Laced. The pair at OUalJO Children's Underwear All Weights and Styles Main Floor Prudent mothers will' see that the children have good warm underwear; and the majority of them will , come to this store, where stocks are ample and prices reasonable. jJVe are Portland agents for Carter and Lackawanna Twins quality, underwear ? Shop in. the. morning... . the effect that this was a remarkable record. I Cruelty Is Charged Cruelty is alleged in the divorce suit of John Buxman. against Blanche Bux man, filed . In the circuit court this morning. Schooner Founders; Crew Safe , 'Washington, Nov. 1. (I. N. a The schooner Ethel,, bound from Santiago. Cuba,' to Baltimore, Md, foundered on September 24.. according to a dispatch HEADQUARTERS ' Two-Knickers Suits For Boys $6.50 $8.50 $10.00 $1250 $15.00 , $16.50 v $18.00 $20.00 $25.00 4 Buy two-knicker suits here and receive much longer service at no additional cost. My two-knicker suits are priced as reasonably as suits you are offered elswhere that do not have this feature. This is Portland's larg est stock of good suits for boys.. . Suits of tweed, cheviot, casiimere, serge; stripe?, checks, plaids, mixtures, smart styles, smartly tailored. Boys' Winter Overcoats $6.50 to $25.00 Boys' Shop, rrU.v4UHiiiJ Fresh-Air Store Offers the Shopping Public Y"OU MAY visit this store with . the full assurance that- every-, thing possible has been done to' make it a safe and pleasant place, to shop. All requests of the health officials are strictly enforced the aisles are broad, ceiling high and the ventilation is perfect. Ths Re torn Goods and Exchanirs Frfrtlego has been temporarily with, drawn by order StaU Council De rente. SHOP EARLY! Marabou and Velvet Scarfs Afford Protection to Shoulders Nockwcar Dept. New scarfs and shoulder throws of marabou in nat ural and black. Also scarfs of mar abou and ostrich combined priced at $6.95 and $25.00 Men's Winter Clothing Suits, Overcoats and Raincoats EMPHATICALLY we state that nowhere in Portland are better cloths to be had for the money than at this store. Step in Saturday and look over the many styles in suits, over coats and. raincoats you will approve of their smartness and agree that pur prices are very reasonable. - Sweaters Good heavy knit sweaters i for men wno woric out of doors. Ruff neck flQ Cfl C style. Priced only tDOatJV Other sweaters $5-$12.50 ' Underwear Carter's nirion- suits In full range sizes $3.50 to $7.50 Vassar union -suits in all sizes. Priced $5.0Q to $15 Men's underwear shirts and drawers $2.50-$3.50 Bath Robes $5 to $12.50 House Coats $5 tot$15 Good arm Overcoats ; Suits for Main Floor CORDUROY suits that will give best of service andi hold their shape. Dark grays and browns. Latest Norfolk models with fcelts and good roomy pock ets. The pants are tall lined with double taped seams. - Priced for Saturday at $8.50 : and $10.00 to the navy department this afternoon.' , The crew; was landed in Cuba two day! later by he steamer Langore. -. , - j L . i U II " " ' Southern Yard Loses Contracts A , Beaumont, Texas. Nov' 1. (L N? j S. " The Jtfoches Shipbuilding ? company -has received orders from the, Emergen cy - Fleet corporation cancelling all contracts; for , building ? government barges and wooden ships. These eon tracts are said to amount to more than a million dollars. ; Second Floor ORDER PERSONAL GREETING CARDS NOW TO INSURE HAVING THEM IN TIME fOR XMAS Handkerchiefs 7c Each Main Floor Women's handker chiefs with one corner embroi dery in white and colors? Pf Priced for Saturday t only Dainty linen kerchiejs with )ne-corner embroidery,. in AQ white and pastel shades TCi NEW VELVET SCARFS with caps to match. These arp very stylish, and serviceable as welL" Prices range $4.50 up to $7.50 FUR COLLARS at $8.95 to $25 and the i-BOYi OVERCOAT'S In all the popular : styles and . : materials. Prices range $10.00 to $25.00 --Boys military hats and caps at prices ranging $1.00 to $3.00 Khaki leggings priced at $1.15 Leather Leggings at $3.50-$5 Military uits $12.50, $13.50 a - )