. THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND; FRIDAY. NOVE&B8R 1 1918. 17 GREATEST DEMAND KNOWN SHOWING FOR JONATHAN APPLES - Edited y . , flyman H. Cohen recent butter cut Improving Serious ID VALUES HOLE Only One Creamery Is, Quoting the Late Decline But Others Say That the Price Loss Is Having Its Kf- i feet Oleoi Situation. Feed Is Wasted in Interior and Could Be Used for Stock, Reports Blanchard NORTHWEST GRAIN RECEIPTS -Cars- ; ; Tb lower nrica recently qaoted by an east 1 rid local. ereaaaerv to having the effect of csus rt dlaenUon-1 the butter trade generally al Uiuli other creameries hv Bot as jet been ' cupelled to follow the declining values. Kftet that other markets ere generally holding Ulr ejrtoe intact and Out the otttpnt ef fresh titter at this time at bo point ia seesainglfgreet . r than the demand, indicates that the recent eat Tat valnea by this one creamery was not only ill r advked, bat was actually detrimental to the in -' dustry. .;. , "i ' While it is true that the price of batter has niched each enormous firores that a eery larce ; ptr cent of the trade haa been compelled to pur , .rlisse oleomargarine and other butter substitutes, . area, wttU this loss in the demand there is ! sufficient call .at this time to take care of the j output of fresh atook. Some interests bar expressed the fear that 'the publie will continue, to purchase oleomar . ; serine area after tha price of butter is forced V lower, but this feeling to not shared by tha gen . eral trade. U is expected tliat many of those '. wha regularly parobase tha cheaper grades of bitter will continue to buy oleomargarine, but this dees net interfere te any great, extent with - the) fresh butter trade. BOO TRADE IS FIRM BUT HOLDS Trade in. tha egg market is firm but prices are ' showing no further general change. Ordinary . aanrilintf mtnrfniiM ti m!1 eMner&IlT St 6Se a doxen with selected stock at 67c without cajK anna. Receipts small. eTACKBaBBITS ARE SLOW SALE With increasing receipt and rather poor ojial- tty, slow sala ia shown in the market for jack : rabbits, trices are being sludeds, somewhet to force quicker sales. BeAWSLOWER THAIT Iff SOUTH '. While the eastern bean market is depressed wttb lower prices, which Is directly affecting the local trade. California bean interests are showing o change in values. Bales in the south are aLown at lOo generally for No. 1 recleaned with ate local buying price at 7 Vi 8c. HUCKLEBERRY PRICES ARE DOWN With greater of feringj the . market for huckle berries is showing a decidedly weak tone along the street. Hales are generally shown at 15c a pound for the best stock with some lower. Portland.' Fri. . ; . 20 Year ago 168 Season to. date. . .4388 Tear ago. ..... ,27S Teeoma, Thar... S3 Tear ago. ...... 156 Season to date. . .2668 Tear ago 2160 Seattle, Thur. ... 11 rear ago. . . .... 43 Reason te date. . .2673. Year ago,... ...1708 On his return from Wheat. Barley. Flour. Oats. Hay. 4 453 8T 17 20 " 'i. 40 4 611 SIS :: 2 8 550 628 2 e 2 a 436 1682 645 7SO i a 2 8 -SIO 126 ' 77 7 6 6 316 1206 612 1766 a recant trip in Gilliam ana Sherman counties. K. J Blanc hard, agrieul ttriat of the 1,1 vertex SUts bank, reporta that tiers la eoneiderable feed going to waste that could otherwise be utilized for 11 restock. "I saw thousands of acres of the finest stubble ler-d containing good growth of volunteer wheat going to waste for the want of livestock to pas ture." be . reports. The tall pastures in. these counties are not even touched. Many of them would stand up to three sheep to the acre. The avenge farmer can well afford to have 75 head or a quarter section. There is nothing that puts uu such a fine finish to range lands as tha vege tation 'found in the stubble field from September to Christmas time. I passed nuny rammer tal lows which looked like a winter wheat crop, but m drawing, closer only proved to be a thick mat b( weeds, principally fileree. Not only would the sl eep thrive on this and clean the summer fal lrw. but will kill tha ragwort, tha source of Pk-tln cattle disease." Ue predicted that slowly, but gradually this country was coming to a mixed farming and tiestock section, and in time would follow the lead of the Falouse country in growing field peas, which makes excellent ration for finishing all kinds of stock. ' FLOCK Selling prices: Family wheat flour. $11.20; barley flour. 310.79; Willamette valley. 111.00; local strsigut. $10.85 0 11.05 ; bakers' t-eal, $10 85(911.20; If ontaneSpring wheat pat ent, $10.8511.20: rye flour, $12.70; oat Hour, $10.90; corn flour, $11.50014.00 per barrel; graham. $0.80; whole wheat, $10.00. Price for city deliveries in five barrel lots. HAY Buying price, new. crops Willamette tfc-othy. fancy, $28.00 27. CO; Eastern Oregoa Vskhington fancy timothy. $38.00; alfalfa, $78.00; valley vetch. $23.00: cheat. ( 1; clover, $26.00(9 27.00; grain, $26.00 per ton. 'GRAIN BACKS Nominal. No. 1 Calcutta. 26 (ff 20c in car lots; less amounts higher. HILLSTCFFS Mixed feed, at Bills, sacked, $34.10. ROLLED OATS Peiwbarrcl. $11.20. , ROLLED BARLEY Per ton, $52 68. CORN Whole, $67(3 68; cracked. $69 70 per ton. Merchants Exchange November bids: leed oats. Feed barley. "A" barley. .POTATO SITUATION VERT QUIEt? '. - Situation in the potato and onion markets is fry quiet at unchanged prices. Nothing over ' $1.50 per cental is offered the country for No. 1 stock but this is only for local trade as nothing above $1.25 is available for outside sale. BRIEF NOTES OF PRODUCE TRADE ... Country killed meats are quiet at unchanged Chicken demand good at former values. - New price on oalf skins is quoted todsy. Fish trade is slow since combination of firms. ' Season for the sale of raxor Clams is now open. . WEATHER NOTICE FOB SHIPPERS Weather bureau advises: Protect shipments during the next 86 hours against the following enanimum temperatures: Going north, 46, de grees; northeast over - the Spokane, Portland t Besttle railway, 86 degrees: east to Baker, 82 degrees, and south to Ashland, 38 degrees. Hin iauftn temperature at Portland tomorrow, about 4H degrees. JOBBING PRICES I3f PORTLAND , '- These are tha prices retailers pay wholesalers, except as otherwise noted: K1" Dairy Products ., HCTTER Belling price, creamery prints. - parchment wrapped, extras, 64c ; prime firsts. 6 8 6001 firsts, 67c; in 80 lb. boxes. He less; SO lb. boxes, la less; cubes, le leas; cartons, la additional; dairy, 40c lb.; jobbing prices, cubes, extras. 61e: prime firsts, 62e; storage butter, - 4 Be per pound. - BUTTERFAT Portland delivery basis. No. 1 V Mir cream. 67c CHEEHE Selling price: Tillamook, fresh (hagon fancy full cream triplets, 8840c lb. ; Young America, 40 41c: price to jobbers, f. o. : b Tillamook, triplets, 36c; Young America. 87c; $iee to Jobbers, f. a b. Myrtle Point, triplets, 5 He; Young America and long horns, 86 ; aetiing price, brick, 38c; Kmburger, $l82c; b-ort Swiss, 4647o per lb. KdOS Selling price, candled, 65o per drscn; buying price. 60 62c; selling price, aesseted, 67 0 68c; selected in cartons, 69&70o i a small lota. Frensh eastern eggs. 60e doa. , ' L;08 Public market retail selling price. 60c ' par dnsen. UVK POULTRY -Heavy. hen 2728e per lb.; light nans. 20 lb.; broilers, 27 0 30c; rid roosters, 17018c; stags. 17018c; equsbe, 88.00; ducks. 25 0 80c; pigeons, $1.5002.00 rot doxen; turkeys, live, 280 SOo per lb. Fresh Vsoatables and Fruit .n FRESH FRDITV-Oranges. $12.00012.25 Bar box: bananas. 8c lb.; lemons. $10,73 0 11. 60; huckleberries, 16 017 He lb.; Florida --grapefruit. $7.75 0 0.00. PEACHES Psr box. $1.00. APPLES Various varieties. $1.25 0 2.25 box. box. CRAPES Per crate, blrek, $2,00; Malagas. 010a lb.; Toksys, $2.25 per crate: Muscats, 4L25 01.50: Concord, 28c per banket. PEARS Per box. $2.00 0 2.26. DRIED FRUITS Dates. Dromedary, 22 0 4 Co; Fards, $4.60 per box; raisins, three crown, loss Muscatel. 10o lb. in 60 lb. boxes; figs, - : $3.80 per box for 70 os. packages. ONIONS Selling price V retailer: Oreaon. 81.00 2. 28: association selling price, carloads. '81.75 f. o. b. country; garlie. 14 015c per lb.; : (reen onkms, 85 0 45e . doarr. bunciies. ' -C11ANBERK1L3 Northwest. $4.23 par bushel Vox potatoes Selling price, $1.75 0 2.00 cwt i buying price for fancy large sixe. $1.50; or- 5300 4700 December delivery: 5300 4750 Eastern cats and corn in bulk: OATS Nc. 8 white iH lb. white clipped CORN No, 3 yellow I No. 3 mixed . . . December delivery: OATS a, . . . No. 3 . . Clipped Yellow . Mixed . CORN 49O0 4000 4550 4750 B4O0 5300 4600 4750 6400 5300 San Francisco Grain Market San Francisco, Nov. 1. (U. P.) Cash grain: Barley rr cental, good. 40-42 pound feed. about $2.05 0 2.10; choice milling gnd brewing. 32.2U0Z.r; coevauer. nominal. Oats Per cental, red feed, $2.400 3.45; do seed, 32.60 0 2.73; do recleaned. 32.00 0 3.00. JONATHAN APPLE IS - EAGERLY SOUGHT IN THE LOCAL' MARKET Demand Is Excellent for All Sizes and Varieties Just at Its Proper Ripe ness Excellent Call tor. Ordinary Quality of Others. Cow Market Has A Better Feeling 'With Differential Still Too Liberal PORTLAND LIVESTOCK RCW Hogs. CsttW. Oatvaa. Sbeetv 868 . 6S . 69 . 444 . 807 .2O05 . 810 877 . s. 239 SIT 28 848 28 S S87 424 . 47 72 326 ISO 127 30 81 1041 . . . 816 TRANSPORTATION SAN FUANCIMCO-LOf AKGELES LOW HATES Includlns menu and berths 88. Rote City alia B P. M Nor. It THE SAN FRANCISCO A PORT LAND 8. 8. LINES . Tickets at Third and Washington Telephone Broadway 4300, Bdwr. t$9, 1 A-1234. A-121 AUSTRALIA ' ' . . NKW ZEALAND ANB) SOUTH 8CA8 la Tahiti and Rcratonga. MaH and pas as r see service from San Francisco every 26 day. union a. a. co. or new if aland. 2 SO California St., tan Francisco ' ' Or local steamship and railroad agencies. STEAMSHIP Balls direct far Ban "ranoleoo, toe Angeles and Baa Ditto, Saturday, a AO P. M Nov. a : BAN FRANCISCO. PORTLAND LOB ,. ANQILE8 STEAMSHIP CO. FRANK BOLLAM, Agent. 112 Third St. . Wain S6 finery, $1.00 01.25 per cental; sweets, 4 B414c per lb. VEGETABLES New turnips, $2.00 per sack; eanots, ix.ov a sacx: neeu. g - XS a sack; parsnips, $1.25 per sack; cabbage. Its 2c per lb.; peppers. 6 0 So per doaen; lettuce. I'.OO; celery. 50 0 75c per doxen: artichokes. ei.zssi.4u aoaen; cueiucoers, ouo per box tomatoes, 90c 0 $1.00 per box; eggplant, 10c per lb.; cauliflower, $1.0001.75 per dozen; horseradish, 16o per lb.; string beans, 7e lb. ; green' corn, soo per aoxen. Meets, Fish and Provisions COUNTRY MEATS Selling price: Country kj'ed best nogs, aiHzac; ordinary, z0Zic; best veal, 18 018 He: ordinary veal. 17 017 He lb.: rough heavy, Hffliuc; luA, 20 021c per lb.; mutton, 14 0 16c per lb.; beef. 9 011 He. SMOKED MEATS - Ham. 85 0 86c; break fsft bacon, 35053c; picnics. 25c; cottage roll, 33c; abort clears, 29 0 34c; Oregon exports, tn-oked. 31o per lb. LARD Kettle rendered ( ) 5 standard, 28 He per lb.: lard compound, 28c OYSTERS Olympia, gallon. $5.50; canned, eastern, 75c can, $9.00 dozen cans. , FRESH FISH Dressed flounders, 7c per lb. ; salmon, chinook, 18c; tilversides, 18 016c per lb.; perch, 8c; soles, 8c; ssimon trout, 18 0 20c; halibut. 22e: black cod. 11012c; her ring. 6c; smelt, 9010c: clams, hard shell. 60 lb.. $4.00 per box; crabs. ( ) per doxen; shad. I-). Groceries SUGAR Cube, $10.25; powdered. $10.00; fruit or berry, $9.50; D yellow, 88.90; granu lated. $9.50; beet. $9.40; extra C. $9.10: golden C. $9.00. HONEY New, $6.60 0 7.50 per case. RICE Japan style. No. 1 901Oe; New Orleans head. 11H 011fce; blue rose, 104 0 lie per lb. SALT Coarse half ground. 100s, $16.00 par ton; 60s, $17.25: table dairy. 60s. $22.60; bales, $3.16 0 3.85: fancy table and dairy, $30.25; tump rock, $20.00 per ton. ' BEANS California (sales by job ben) : Small white, lie: large white, 12c; pink, Oo lb.; Limas, 14 He; bayou. 9ie: red. lOo. Oregon beans (buying price) ; White, machine cleaned, I ); hand picked, ( ). CANNED MILK Carnation, $7.85; Borden 37.75; AMer. II.JJ; Katie, 89.98; Libby, $7.25' Telobsn, 17.25; Holly. $7.28 per ease. COFFEE Roasted, 19 89c; is sacks or drums. SODA CRACKERS Bulku 17c per ft. NUTS Budded walnuts. 33 Ho per lb.; al monds, 30 0 82c; . filberts. 27 He in sack lota; peanuts. 18c; pecang, 17c; Brazil. 20a. Heps. Wool and Hides ' HOPS Nomina, 1017 crop, 20a per lb. HIDES No. 1 salted. So lbs. and up, 14e ver lb.; No. 2 salted. 80 Iba. and up. 18c: No. 1 green, 30 Ibr and up, 11c; No. 2 green, 30 lbs. and up. 10c; No. 1 exited bulls. 50 lbs. and rp, lie: No. 2 salted bulls, 00 lbs. and up, 10c: No 1 green bulls. 50 lbs. and up, 0c; No. 2 gteen brills. 60 lbs. and up. Sc; No. 1 green o- salted calf skins, up to 18 lbs., 29c; No. 2 green or salted calf skins, up to 15 lbs., 27 He; No. -1 greeiHor salted kip skins, 15 to 80 lbs., 16c; No. 2 green or salted kip skins, IS to 80 'bs., 13 He; dry flint hides, T lbs. and up, 28c; iry flint calf, under 7 lba., 88; dry salt hides, 7 lbs. and up, 22c; dry sa; calf, under 7 lbs., 32c: dry cull hides or calf, half price; dry stags or bulls, 18c; dry salt or bulls. 18c; dry salt n'ags or bulla. 12c: dry cull stags or bulls, half price; dry bone hides, according to size and take ou. eacn ai.outffz.ou: salted horse, ac cording to size and. take off, leach, $8.00 0 5.00: dry long wool pelts, per lb., 40c; dry short wool pelts, per lb.. 25 0 80c; salted long wool lamb selts, each. $2.50 0 3.60; salted, long wool sJ-eeu. pelts, each, $2,00 0 .00; dry sheep ahear ling, each, 25 0 60c; salted sheep shearlings, each, 50 0 75c (Prices quoted above are per pound, except where oth.erv.ise designated.) WOOL Mohair, long staple, 60e; mohair, short staple, 40c; mohair, Murry, 80e; No. 1 tallow, 18He; No. 2 tallow. 13He; No. 1 grease. 10c: No. 2 grease, 9; CIHTTIM OR CASCARA, BARK Grose weights, Uttc. Ropes, Paints, Oils ROPE Sisal, dark, 24c; j white. 23 He lb.; standard Manila. 82 He. LINSEED OIL Bw, bbls., $1.93 gallon; kettle" boUed, bbls,, $1.95; raw. cases, $1.95; bniled. eases. $2.05 ter inllonu COAL OIL Water white, in drums or iron DDIS., jw gallon;" cases, vc gauou. (JASOLINE Iron bbls.. 21 e; oases. 81 He; engine distillate, iron bbls., 18c; eases, 23c WHITE LEAD Ton lota, 13 He; 500 lbs.. 134e. . 1 TURPENTINE Tanks, 84c; cases. 94c: 10 case lots, le less. ( . WIRE NAILS Basle price. 85.4B. Demand for Jonathan apples wag never so keen in the Portland market as at present, ae erdinc to John Sheridan of the Sheridan-Beck- lar company, a leadlna authority. The Jonathan' xf. Just at its proper stare ef ripeness for general use ana as it is one of the presslest fruit stand applet to he found at this time, tha public's wants are daily showing an i- crease. All qualities are moving freely with sales as high as $2.75 per box, the latter for extra fancy ef the larger sizes. Other apples are showing an. excellent demand here bat most of the call Is confined to tha rheeper fruit that cells around $1.6001.7$ per box to' retailers. Slight Improvement fa in ilea ted in the Igsxed e( pie market situation- at ' several of tht big ei stem consuming centers. Apple trace or tne naOon: Oklahoma City Extra fancy Grimes. Jona thans, King Davids, Mcintosh, Wine saps, good condition. $8.25 08.60; fancy. 88.0008.26; extra fancy- Delicious, good condition. 84.26 0 4.60; fancy. $4.000 4.25. Dallas Extra fancy Jonathans, good aondl- tioa. $8.75 04.00; fancy, $3.50 0 8.78; choice. $8.0008.25: extra fancy King Davids. 88.75: extra fancy Delicious, fine quality aVd condition. ts.uu: extra fancy atn inns, ii.zi. Denver Extra fancy Delicious, (3.75 0 4.06; fancy. $3.2503.50; choice, $3.00 0 3.25. Kansas City Jonathans, - Grimes, -extra fancy, ruedium size, $3.00 0 8.25; fancy medium size. $2.7603.00; fancy Romes, medium, . $2.50 0 2.75. Omaha" Extra fancy Jonathans. $3,00 0 8.25; fancy, $2,75 0 $.00; California Belle flowers. $2.25. v - Cincinnati Auction prices Wednesday, 1 car of Washington!, quality and condition generally grod, oholce Delicious, large $3.00 0 3.65; me dium, $2.5502.60; small. $2.1002.55; car averaged $2.90. Boston Washington extra fancy Delicious, generally good condition, $3.75 0 4.50; extra fancy Jonathans, full ripe, $2.25 0 3.00. Chicago Auction prices Wednesday, on 6 cars of Washington. No color to good color, fsney Wineeaps, 290 boxes from Washington. $1.90 0 2.25. averaged $2.21; 210 boxes choice Winesaps, $1.65 0 2.20, averaged $1.86; 600 boxes special Spitxenbergs, 82.15 0 2.50, averaged $2.87; 890 boxes extra fancy Jonathans, $2.15 0 2.65. averaged $2.40; 580 boxes fancy Jon athans, $2.00 0 2.45, averaged $1.81; 880, fancy, $1.76 0 2.60, averaged $1.08. New York Extra fancy Jonathans, $2.75 0 3.50; fancy. $2.75 0 2.90; Delicious, 83.25 0 3.60; Winter Bananas, $3.60 04.50: Spitxen bergs, $3.26 0 3.73; Wagoners, $2.26 0 2.76. 1 Detroit Auction prices Wertnerdsy on half car of Washington stock. Demand moderate, qual ity and condition generally good. Extra fancy Rome Beauties, large. $2.70 0 2.93. Minneapolis Extra fancy Jonathans, good quality and condition, $8.00: fancy, $2.75; choice, $2.25; extra fancy Delicious, $3.75; fancy, $3.50ichoice, $2.75. Pittsburg faSxti . fancy Delicious, $3,76 0 4.00; fancya7onathans, extra fancy Jonathans, car run. $2.75 0 3.00. Philadelphia Wednesdsy sales at auction amounted to 15 cars from Washington and 7 from Oregon. Washington Rome Beauties. 31.75 0 2.50 averaged $2.00: Jonathans, $2.10 0 3.00 averaged $2.60. Oregon SpitxenbUrga, $2,250 3.53, averaged $2.62. Fargo Extra fancy Jonathans, good condition, $8,25 0 $.85; fancy. $2.60: choice, $2.60; choice Delicious, $2.85; fancy Mcintosh, $2.50. Cleveland Fancy and extra fancy Jonathans, large, $3.25 ; medium, $2.90. Buffalo Fancy Jonathau. $2.85 08.10; ex .re fancy, $3.00 0 3.25. Atlanta Extra fancy and fancy Jonathans, $2.90 0 3.00. Houston Extra fancy King Davids, all sizes, $3.25 0 3.50; extra fancy, all sizes, Jonathans, $8.2308.50; fancy, $3.0003.25. Friday . . Week ago ....... Mouth ago ...... Year ago ........ Twc years ago..... Three yean ago.. . Four years ago. . . . Quite a liberal supply of livestock entered the yards for Friday but general trade condi tions were not affected. In fait there appears a better situation in tht cow trade as haa been forecast In these- re pints and prices are again back to tha former fig ures. There has .been entirely too great a spread between the price of efewa and steer; in fact there to too ranch difference at tJds time. General cattle rang Prime steers $L2.0 012.50 11.000 12.00 9.75 011.OO 8.280 S.25 6.00 0 S.OO 8.00 0 S.50 S.OO0 7.25 6. 040 6.0O 8.00 0 4.0O 5.00 0 7.50 0.00 012.00 .000 S.0O TURKEYS ARE SOLD -IN COUNTRY AT 33 CENTS PER POUND Carload Lots Reported Taken at the Price Sales Here to Retailers at . 38c to 40c Indicate That Jjtill More Honey Should Be Paid. Peace News Bear Factor for Corn By Joseph F. PHtchard Chicago. Nov. 1. (L N. S.) Net 1 shwn of 8 4 c for corn and 101 Ko for oats today. Provisions were 25 0 5Oe higher for the day. Good ta choice steers , Medium to good steers Fair to medium steers . Common to fair steers ........ Cl-oice cows and heifers ....... Medium ta good cows and heifers Fair to xnediwnt cows and heifeia. Carmere ................... Bulb Catvet Stackers and feeds ra LHserwl Ran of Very Inderal run of hogs put ta appearance at Nf.rth Portland over night, totals being 866 head, compared with 444 head a year ago. Trade started alow In this division as during xceeat days but prices at that time were not af fected. General nog market range: I rime mixed .$17,100 17.86 Medium mixed 16.85 017.06 Rough heavies 1A.OO015.1O Pita 14.60 15.06 Bulk 17.00 PrteM mixed 17.16 017.35 Bulk of sales 17.1.0017.20 Mutton Situation Quiet - Extreme quiet tone continues in the mutton ana lamb trade at North Portland with limited (flerings over night. Regarding the eastern situation, the bureau of markets brings the following wire from Chicago: "Many partly finished western lambs . from coin belt territory, the first sales of which, in ncrrly all instances, proved a disappointment to the shippers, have been included in receipts at .his market during the last three weeks. Lambs which were purchased at' Omaha and Chicago during July, August and the early part of Sep tenber at prices ranging from 317.00 to $18.00 rer hundred, have sold at prices ranging t from 81.00 ta as much as $5.00 per hundred lower ttan the original coat, 1 because of poor killing e ndition and the declines in market prices which hae taken place, since they were purchased. The first bad storms which are indicative of the ap proach of winter usually prove- the signal for an exodus of western lambs from the corn belt anr" eastern farms which are not equipped to prcvide proper shelter. "The output of feeders was libera during the first part of the feeding season, and much of tie stock went into the hands of smell farmers wl cse experience in sheep feeding has been mere or less limited." General lamb and sheep range: Prime lambs $11.00 012.00 Fair to medium lambs . 8.00010.00 YearUngs 10.00 011.00 Wethers 0.00 010.00 Ewee 6.00 0 8.50 Friday Livestock -Shippers , Hogs Walter Given. Estacada. 1 load: A. T.snkin, Council. Idaho, 1 load; Piskett Bros., Midvsle. 1 load; W. A. Ayres, La sen. 2 loads; Cutford Bros., Hubbard, 1 load; W. Freyer. D-ain. 1 load. Cattle O. E. GorsHne. Joseph. 1 load; Frye je to., ziaxer, o loads direct; W. A. Ayres. Lasen. 1 load; Sam Hosig, Kooskia, Idaho, 2 leads; Bert Baker, 3 loads. Sheep A. E. Bald, Baumer. Idaho, 1 load. Mixed Stuff Hout & Snodgrass, Lebanon. 9 loads of cattle, hogs and sheep; M. J. Kerkes, tsgie urees, 1 load of cattle and bogs; J. E. Pioffitt, Dayton, 1 load of cattle and hoaa. United States bdreau of markets reporta live stock loaded October 31 in ccrloads (donbledacks ccuntea as two ears) : Cattle and Mixed Calves. Hogs. Sheep, stock. Tot Tctals 2861 1659 696 871 6740 une week ago.. ..2458 1358 1002 244 6241 Four weeks ago. .8183 1142 1129 218 5022 One year ago. 2533 955 700 297 4823 scate origins 01 lirestoca- loaded October 31: For Portland LOAN IS OVER TOP BY 14 PER CENT Pacific Coast District Makes Poorest Showing and Boston ' the Best. While confirmation Is tacking, it it stated that purchases of carload lots of dressed turkeys have been made at Willamette valley point dur ing tha last few days at 33c a pound. L o b. country atattons. With shrinkage and freight charges, this would make the landed price here in carloads about 3 5c a pound. While Ahis ia. a somewhat higher price tha normal, still it ia a low as compared with the price that turkeys have been selling at to date in the local market this season. Best dressed stock available has been freely picked up at 88 0 40c a pound for the recent offerings. Whether those extreme values were due entirety to the scant of lemga. is not knowa. but the trade in general is anticipating an excellent market for the holiday birds this season. ' Receipts wof live turkeys during the last few days have been somewhat more liberal, but BtUs really worth while quality has come forward. With the pree of ordinary poultry extremely high, a continuation of the good demand for tur keys is anticipated. STEAM SHIPS n Prince Rupert" and "Prince George' . r un -,' f- - Victoria, Vancouver. Ocean Falls, Swanson Bay, Prince Kupert and Anyox Leave Seattle. Wash., Kvery Sunday and Wednesday H16O O'CLOCK MLPyiGHT . : "D f.l.J D 1 A II a i , 1 luivc vuuu Biiu ,1 ruiw imuai ; ' For Queen Charlotte Island Points. Leave Vancouver. . C. every Friday, at 11 P. M. vr-Connecting at PRINCE RUPERT, B. C, with the; ; GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY Throu8;h rates to Eastern points. Apply via Prince Rupert Without extra, charge and Include SJKALS and BERTH on Steamer. . Portland Office MAIX BUSINESS OJfJFICE, The JoarnaL ' OtfartbaU M7 Chicago, Nov. 1. (I. N. S.) Corn was lower at the opening of trading today, and with continued reports of growing political upheaval in Europe, the undertone was weak. Commission houses generally were on the selling side, with little support being given on the decline. Oats tallowed corn, and were fractionally weaker. Provisions were dull, and ranged around yester day's close. Oregon Totals Portland. ., One week ago.... I oar weeks ago. . Une year ago. . . . t or Seattle- Washington Totals Seattle.... Range of Chicago prices' as fnminhed bv the United Tress: , CORN , Own. ItiffK r nw November 117H 118 115' December 116U 116i 1124 January .... 119 120H 114 . OATS November . 68 08 Ti 67 December .... 674 68 ' 66 January 68 M 68 66 PORK November .... 8475 8490 8450 January ..... 8990 4000 3043 ' LARD N01 ember.... 2500 12640 2500 December .- .... January 2500 2505 2470 RD3S Nsvemher 2100 2210 2190 Jrnuary 2200 2238 2200 Close. 116 118 113 67 66 3400 4000 "2637 2505 2490 2210 2215 Four weeks ago . . V 2 . . i 4 One year ago.... 14 1-8 .. 18 Thursday Afternoon 6 ales STEERS 2.... 490 $ 6.50 1 1 780.,$ 6.00 4 680 6.00 I HEpTERS I.... 800 $ 5.00 I 560 $ 6.50 COWS B 078 $ 8.00 I 2 760 $ S.50 1 810 4.00 I 8 630 5.30 - 7 123 3.00 1 CALVES 1. . . . 110 $10.00 I HOGS " 111 193 $17.10 I 25 160 $16.00 JS1 205 17.00 22 225 17.25 .... 220 15.10 I 17 106 14.30 AMERICAN LIVESTOCK PRICES Chicago Hogs $18.46 Chicago. Nov. 1. (I. N. 8.1 Hogs Re ceipts 23,000, etesdy. Top, $18.43; butchers. heavy. 318.25 018.40: packing, heavy, 310.75 0 17.60: medium and mixed. 11 7.50(0 17.90: lights. $17.50018.15; pigs, $14.75 016.25; routh. $16.00016.75. Cattle Heceipts 10,000, steady. Beef cattle, good choice, $15.65019.75; medium and com mon, 6B.7B 015.65; butcher stock, heifers. ti.iafW14.uu: cows. Stt.UU m 1 2.73 : euntn ana cutters. C5.T5 0 6.75; stackers and feeders, good choice, $10.25012.75; common and me dium, 37.50010.25; veal calves, good choice. 316.00 01.6.50. Sheep Receiots 18.000. lower. Lambs, xhntm ana prime, aio.ou W 10.70; medium and good. 114.26 016.50: yearlines. 813.25 a 18 75 r feeders, $18.25 014.76: ewee,. choice prime. $10.25 010.60; medium and good. $9,00 0 Kansas City Heat $18.10 Kansas City, Mo., Nov. 1. (t N .8.) Cat tleReceipts 7000, steady to lower. Steers, eiu uu ia. 00; cows and i heifers. 86.000 10.00: stockersand feeders. 87.2B0DlS.no.' ca-ves, i9.uvwil.vv. . nogs Kecerpta 9000. steady to lower. Bulk, 817.25017.80: ton. 818.10: heavv. tlTluiai 100; light. $17.25018.00; medium, $17.50 018.10. , Sheen Receipts 2000. steadv. Tnhs. Iissn 18.60; wethers. $10.00 0LO.5O; ewes, $9.26 IB' V.9U. Omaha Hoet 917.90 v Omaha Neb. Nor. I. (L K. S.) Hogs Pecelpta, 6000; weaker. Tops. $17.00; range. $1.75 017.90; muted. $17.26017.50; good Choice, $17.00017.20; rough, $16.76017.00; fights $17.56017.00; bulk, $17.00 01.7.50; pigs, $15.000 16.00. Cattle Receipts, 80OO; steady. Beeves, $0.00 018.25; cows and heifers, $6.00012.00; and feeders. $6.50 0 14.00; calves. Sheep Receipts 500. steady. Wethers. $10.60 &ll.2s: yearungs. $8.50010.00; lambs. ii.aviB.v; ewes, fif.vuvu,7,. . , - Denver- Hoes $17.78 . Denver. Nov. 1. (U. P.) Cattle Receipts, S 7 00; steady. Steers, $9.80 0 14.0O; eowa and borers. $6.000 9.26; stackers and feeders, $7.00 BK.uv; eaives, so.uovji 10.VU, - ; - . - s Hogs Receipts. 400; eteady. Tops. $17.7$: talk. $17.00 17.60. : : -Tl," -. - Sheep Receipts.' 8000; 'steady.1' Lambs. ew.uvte aw. i ewes, ts.vvws.vv, , , :".-. 1 H' SeaaUla Hoot aiT.78 ' Beattle, Nov. 1. t N. 8.) Ifoge Re eerpu, hi; steady, i'rlma Bgbts. 817.500 1-7.75; medium to choice, $17.25 017.60; smoom, neavies, 111.vv91t.11; rongn Beavies, $13.25015.75; pigs. $15.23 0 1S.1 S. -7 Cattle Receipts, 423; steady. Re.t steers. ii.vw t.vv;'Siesiam 10 caetee, ' aio.ao 0 11.10; common to. good. $6,000 8 60; beat cows, VS.50 00.50; common to medium cows. $5.00 0 7.50; bulla, 35.000 7.60j calves. $3.00 &10.00. . bheep None. -. . , - - ' , 6 13 8 . 4 7 10, 2 2 15 15 24 15 11 16 16 Good News Gives Stock Market Lift In Early Trading New York. Nov. 1. (I. N. S.) Nothing else waa considered in the stock market this morning except the good news in regard to the war situa tion. Gratification over the certainty of the ap proach of peace waa reflected in public buying on a large scale, which more than overcame expres sions of uncertainty about what will happen te leading industrials when their output is no longer needed for war purposes. During the first 15 minutes nearly all the stock traded in waa established at considerable higher levels. The steel , industrials generally made gains ranging from 'fractions to over L point. . The greatest advance was in tha atock wfSch waa fluctuated over a wide range daily for several wieks, Mexican Petroleum, which rose ' 6 points. urine preferred waa directly influenced by pub lished statement, that the English directors hav ing charge of the nego tstioas for the sale of the British lines are expert here shortly, and that announcement of the being completed may be made next week, r The copper stocks! were active and strong, with American Smelting advancing. Range by Overbeck A Cooke Company. Board of Trade building: Washing-ton, Nov. l. (I. N. S.) The fourth Liberty loan went over the top by mere than $860,000,000. The treaaary derjgartnient this after noon announced that the total subscrip tions to the "Victory loan- totalled $6,8,41.300, or 14.44 per cent more than the $6,000,000,000 quota that -was set at the fcegiyinlne of the drive. The estimated number of subscribers Is In excess of 21,000.000, In the first loan the number of subscribers was 4,500,000, tn the second loan 9,500,000 and In the third loan 18,300,000. Final fig urea both as to the total amount of subscriptions and the number of sub scribers are a till lacking, but results will not be less than now, reported, it was stated. Details will be furnished as soon as final reports are received. A particularly - Inspiring part of the campaign - was the subscription of the men in the army ef more than $75,000, 000 and of the men in the navy of more than J43.600.O00. Soldiers and sailors showed that they are not only willing to fight but to lend to the limit of their means to back the government. The results by districts arranged in the order of the percentage of their oversubscription are estimated by the federal reserve banks as follows : District - Boston Richmond Philadelphia Cleveland n. ' Minneapolis ....... 8t Louis Atlanta -.,...... Dallas - ' New York Chicago ' Kansas City San Francisco their, record has been such as to com mand respect and confidence. , . Goodrich Hays writes: : "IMd "w not elect Mr. Wilson aa our trusted leader? Does any loyal America have doubts that he would In any form propone terms that would belittle the people he represents? Can any loyal American doubt the leader of his country T Can he not trust hintf 1 r v "Wood row Wilson must and will be backed by ail loyal Americans In the coming election." writes Richard El F. Kullsch. "Oregon murt do her part and uphold the president" . Saeald Face Flrlar Ssaad "I have Just read your article on the president's request," says R. L. Downing f Garibaldi,- "and, while I am not surprised at the actiop of The Smoot-RooMvlt-Lodge-Pehrose gang of carping traitors, I have no language to express my condemnation of the gang ana uieir actions. I think that like other traitors, they should be led out and shot, or, at least. Interned till after tne war. "The war haa been made successful ly." writes D. J, Richards of Ltnnton "We have sent troops by the million and the navy has guarded them over $000 miles of sea and we haven't lost a trans port Now the big Job is to make peace a lasting peace; a democratic peace; a peace for people and not for privilege and they ask us to turn the peace mak ing and the treaty writing oven to a Republican senate, I think some Repub- II j , M . . . '"" "uiu ao . as geoa a job as some Democrats, " but Just now Lodge, Penrose and Smoot and 1. -k. are running the Republi can party and Wilson Is running the Democratic party. -That being the case, I think President Wilson should be given a .Democratic senate and house. If he can make war for humanity, he can make peace for the common people." P. P. De Moss. 84 yeara of age and a Quota I 600,000.000 280.000,000 500.000,000 SOO.000,000 210,000,000 260,000.000 192.000,000 126,000.000 l.ROO.000,000 870.000,000 260.000.000 402.000.000 r Per Cent of Subscription subscription of quote. 682,221,850 125.44 845.000,000 123.22 598.300.000 110.68 696,686.000 116.09 239.616,330 114.00 23,1 17.900 118.50 215.633,250 113.32 140.744.600 111.69 2,000,000,060 111.11 056.120.2ftO 110.20 284.668.350 J00 69 426.000,000 105.97 Total . 8604.000,000 86.866.416.800 Treasury Subscription. $32,588,760. 114.44 STAND BY WILSON, THEME OF LETTERS (Concluded From Page One) DESCRIPTION: Friday Morning Sales STEERS o. Av. lb. Price. I No. Av. lbs. Price. 12... .1040 $11.35 .1.... 640 $ 0.60 2.... 990 8.25 1.... 950 9.00 2 1010 9.25 6 786 9.50 2 710 7.50 COWS 6.... 1198 $ 8.50 I 2... ,1000 $6.50 2 915 7.50 I 3 870 5.50 HEIFERS 14 370 $ 5.00 I BULLS 2 1290 $ 6.00 HOGS S 248 $17.20. I 167 101 $17.10 12 200 16.10 I 8 841 15.10 American Beet Sugar) American lsb, e. i . Am. Car rdy., c. Am. Locomo., e. . . Am. Smelter, c . . . . Am. Sugar, e Am. Tel Tel... Am. Woolen, c. . . . Anaconda Min. Co. Atchison, a. Baldwin , Loco . e . . Baltimore Ohio, c netnienem Steel, B . Brooklyn R, T. . . . Butte as Superior. . Canadian Pacific... Central Leather, c. . Ches. at Ohio Ki. a ut, Western, c do pf d. ...... C, M. it St. Paul . C at N.. c Chino Copper . . . . ar. a I., c Com Products, e. . Crucible Steel, c... Distillers Erie, e Erie, first pfd General Motors . . . Goodrich Rubber . . G. N. O. L. .. Or. Northern, pfd.. Oreene Can ...... Hide at Leather, c. Ice "Securities ..... Illinois 'Central . .. Industrial Alcohol . Inspiration Int. Mer. Marine . Keanecott Copper. . Lackawanna Steel , . Lehigh Valley Maxwell Motors, c . . Mexican Petroleum . t Miami Copper .... Midvale Steel Missouri Pacific. . . national Lead Nevada Cons. New Haven N. Y. Central Northern Pacific Pacific Mail xPenn. Rv. Pressed Steel Car. c. Kay Cons. Conner . . Rr. Steel Snrinn. . Reading, c. Kep. I, g.. c Rock bland Sears. Roebuck Cn bhattuck t.tudebaker, e ..... Southern Pac Southern Ry., e.... do rjfd swift 1 eunesaee Copper.. . lexaa Oil Tobacco Products .. Luion Pac., c V. S. Rubber. e V. 8. SteeL c do nfd . etas' Copper Virginia Chem., e.. . W. U. TeL ....! Wertinghouse Elec. Willys Overland . . . Woolworth Open I High 65 44 65 H 68 44 4 65 H 881 89 Low I Close 60 H 43 85 8"7 liS!iloiiio POTATOES ALL AtOSO THE COAST San Francisco Market San Francisco, Nov. 1. (U. P.) Potatoes Per cental, fancy, large selected Deltas, $1,50 0 1.75. with two select brands higher; do shipping stock. $1.40 01.65; do Idaho Netted Gems, $1,00 0X25. Onions Per cental. Australian browns. 85e& $1.00, with an occasional fancy lot higher. Ssattle Market Seattle. Nov. 1. (I. N. 8.) Potatoes Yakima. $40.00 0 45.00; local, $35.00 040.00. Onions California, SZ.OO; Oregon, 32.50. , Lea Angeiet Market Ixt Angeles. Nov. 1. . N. 8.) Potatoes Northern Burbanks, $2.80 0 2.50; sweets, OOe las, $2.83 cwt.: Idaho Russets, 32,30 02.60. . DAIRY PBODTJCE. OUT THE COAST San Francisco Market San Francisco. Nov. 1. (U. P.) Butter- Eitraa, eoe: prime nrsta, ovc: units, osc. Eggs Extras. 86 c; extra pullets, 78c Cheese California, flats, fancy, 83 He , . , Seattle Market Seattle. Nov. 1. (I. N. 8. ) Eggt Select r.nch. 77 0 80c: storage. 49 0 61c. Butter Washington creamery, 62 063c; stor- rge, 510 52c. , Cheese Triplets. 82 03 3c -Lee Angeles Market Im Angeles, Nov. 1. (I. N. 8.) Better. California creamery extras. 59c Egga. fresh, extras, T8c; case count, 70e; pullets, otic. Cotton Market Loses . New York. Nov. 1. (L N. 8.) Further de cided weakness apepared at the opening of the ettton market today when first prices declined $0 to 44 points under last night's close, aeeom- ranied by beaVj telling by prominent. spot house ana wan street interests. Liverpool shewed extreme weakness partly en pease prospects. After declining to 27.80 for Preember. the market ran into buying orders which rallied apricot about 10 points and at 10:15 o'clock the market waa about 23 to 27 suinta under last night s close. .The close was weak at a net decline of 117 to lao points. Month. Open. 2705 : 2670 r 2650 2640 January. . March... . May..... July. . . . . smwrnMr.-, .. .... ..... December.'., 2790' 2800 New; York tpot market 115 goidi 2903..-.' . - High. 2720 2685 - ' 2665 1 2640 Low. 2607. 2588 2655 2562 - ... 2 2700 Close. 2607 2588 2556 2660 2460 760 points down; 103 70 $ i 891 56 H 68 H 46 24! 166 64 68 8 24 H 49 102 46H 65 48 H 17 82 128 $1 94 H is 48 104 54 80 40 74 60 85 167 45 25 61 20 80 79 93 -J 82 48 67 H 24 89 82 27 107 50 70 98 82 56 69 41 25 167 64 H 68 8 25 60 102 41 48 66 49 17 32 129 32' " 94 16 48 105 54 80 40 74 60 35 170 46 26 61 20 39 79 98 32 48 .67 24 67 89 83 28 66 103 80 69 116 i87 77 132 68 103 111 89 56 91 44 24 66 18 SI 69 116 ioi 78 133 68 103 112 89 57 91 44 24 105 50 1 69 92 79 66 63 89 24 166 63 58 8 24 49 101 41 46 63 47 17 32 127 "si 93 ie 46 0 54 29 89 72 60 84 160 '43 .25 60 27 88 78 92 31 46 67 24 66 88 79 27 64 102 80 69 116 - a 187 76 132 67 101 111 89 65 90 44 23 62 48 65 64 H 87 110 106 50 70 02 80 56 63 40 24 163 63 68 7 24 40 101 41 39 48 64 47 17 32 127 . 65 81 94 54 16 46 100 H 100 04 29 39 72 60 84 160 27 48 25 60 20 88 78 S3 82 46 67 24 66 88 70 27 156 15 64 102 SI 68 116 1 . 187 76 132 67 101 111 89 65 OO 43 23 1 1 1 Ex. div., per cent. Foreign Bond Marker Si'S! tbttl' C5ok fe.. Board of Trade building A. F. 6s Oct, 1020 V. K. 5 Hi Nov. 1910. . V. K. 5 s Feb. 119. . Cv K. 5s Nov. 1B21 . . A. F. See. 5s Aug. 1919. mp. 1 ranee o issi. . . . Paris 6s Oct. 1021 Marseilles 6s Nov. 1919. Russia Extn, 5 s 1921 . Russian Intl. 5s 1926. Dom. 6s Aug. 1919.. . Dom. 6s April 1921 Dom. 6s April 1981 Dom. 5s Anril 102S Argentine 61 May 1920. . . ruaa os 1919 . . Dom. Canada 5s 1937.. French 5s 1919 Bid. 85 08 100 97 98 148 98 09 . 69 178 97 96 j 95 96 95 . 92 102 Ask 93 99 100 87 98 160 90 100 60 183 97 97 96 96 97 98 98 103 stinka to heaven? These very men that are so loud in protesting that 'politics should be adjourned thought to take advantage of the president's statement with reference to this matter and, while pretending to agree with him. were planning to undermine hia work and be little his accomplishments. "The sinister purposes of these men are fraught with great danger not to America alone, but to the whole world. Suppose their campaign of vllificatjon and abuse succeed, and the American people should thoughtlessly decide to discredit Wilson by placing In power re actlonarles for that is what the 'old c-nard' atanda for what then? 1 Now It the Time for Frogrett "If ever in the history of the world, if ever in the life of each individual, there Is a clarion call for the cohorts of progress and democracy, regardless of race, creed or politics, to get to gether and sustain the principles of jus tice, and tb.3 good of the common people. that time Is now." ""She writer has been a consistent Democrat ever since 1864," writes Dr. W. Chambers Schultz, of Oregon City. "Duning the Spanish-American war I voted for Mr. McKlnley and Roosevelt It seemed to me then, that as a loyal citizen I ought to help, at such a time, to present a united front to Spain. I now beg some life-long Republican to do as I did and prove to the whole world in the present crisis, that the states are united behind Wood row Wil son and determined 'to make the world safe for democracy.'" Haa Can Oet Wrong 'Idea 'No one knows better than the presi dent that a patriotic Republican is Just as good and quite as efficient In con gress during this war as any Democrat could possibly be," writes William F. Pruden, "but, he does not Relieve in the face of these reactionary attacks upon him that the Huns would see it in that light nor do I believe it would have the same effect with our allies as a congress in every wsy fully in sympathy with the president I, therefore, be lieve that Oregon ought to be the first state to go over the top in an undivided support of the president I believe the voters on itext Tuesday should go to the polls and send Oswald West to the senate." 1 e "The words of Ada Wallace TJnruh which appeared In a late issue of The Journal touch a responsive chord with the writer.: Although reared a strong Republican 1 of the Lincoln typo she finds no satisfaction under present conditions in supporting any political party which evidently has outgrown to a large ex tent its splendid record of the past writes Mrsr J. A. II. of Hood River. Wett't Record Stands Oat "It is the writer's Intention to vote for Oswald West and Walter Pierce. "Ex-Governor West has a record, too well known to entertain any doubt where he will stand on all questions of honor snd courage. Also Walter Pierce's rec ord Is clean and clear as a strong fac tor in the local option campaign of 11 years ago, when it wiu oe rememoerea that law was assailed by its enemies. These men should receive the support of every loyal woman In Oregon, because veteran of the Indian wars, ealla on hia comrades and friends to vote for West for senator and thus help to "make the United States senate safe to back the grandest diplomat and statesman the world has ever produced. The women o( vregon nave a great duty to perform in mis election." . how would It do to print extracts rrom the recent attacks bv Rons v it Lodge and Polndexter. and In parallel coiumn quote extracts from the eapt onage act?" asks W. -W. Rodwell of Hood River. Barbers Quit Earlier Oregon City, Nov. 1. An mror has been sliced off the barbers' day la Oregon City, and beginning next Mon day evening, shops will close at 6 o'clock instead of 7. the prevailing hour for so long a time. The barbers In common with storekeepers, believe that people can get their tonsorial work attended to during the daylight hours without wait ing until a workman ta tired out hungry and ready to quit for the day.- Finance, Timber 1 inuusiry Why Pay Rentl It's Easier and Cheaper ta Own Tear Own Hosna. TJalett Tom Are aiek. Tea Casaot , Afford ta Pay Beat! -: - - xieiay ia Bniymeats ex i,ineriy jteaas tainrnar jamea l,vbch nx tns i bq. eral Reserve bank of San Francisco an- , nounces that shipments of bonds of tne v ourtn x.ioerxy- loan o canes ana trust companies of the Twelfth Federal- Re- v serve district may be delayed on ac count of the Influenza epidemic. Banks V.; .... a, av iAkja - . sv - federal reserve bank In Ban Francisco, ; have been handicapped,. In completing ; vi wuw hud, wiv . yiv- ..... vailing epidemic . C .. ' - Rids will hat rAMlvMS K, 1h ntMvtBa$fta m. November 7. at 207 City Hall.-for r m t.1.1 a ma . . w , . fturttuuitiia, av.vvu 1111, iU"iscs.:Jiaiur burned brick. ' wrawser n ibbiki rer nsv m orris sroiners are onenng an issue or faO.000 of 5 per cent gold bonds of the. Greater Winnipeg water district J at - 47 77 VI,M ni, hm f ..Was, Ac 7 . i . The Issue la dated June 1. "1918. and ma- - tures June 1, 1923. Bonds are Issued in uenuminauons or. tuu, saw ana .aiouDV , . so Tax oa juaalripal Boadt Recent action or tne senate finance committee. in striking the municipal bond tax pro- - vision from the revenue bill is taken by bond dealers to mean the death of the proposal originating in uie nouae .ways and means committee to Impose a It per cent normal tax and a schedule of aurtaxes taking SO per cent of all in- come in excess or 9100,000, une nouse . had alreadv admitted tha drtnhtfut rnn. stltutionality of the proposed measure. ralttee opposes the tax on the same seri ous grounds, ft ia considered Altogether v Improbable that a tax will be placed on j . . .,.-i.t..i 1 uriu. . ,hl. . isle sfcxiu muiiivipai -vuiiub. mui -uiia : and with continued good news from abroad, tne marxet ror municipal nonos Is gaining strength dally. , , Influenza Is Fatal To Mrs. Lucier Ore'iron Citr. Nov. 1. In the death ot Mra. Eva Lucler. wife of Peter" X.ucler,v of the Mount Pleasant district latt night Spanish Influenza claimed two victims, the first being Francis Lucler. an 11-year-old stepson, who , pasfed , away Tuesday night, and the bodies of both are at the Brady undertaking par lora awaiting funeral arrangements. Mra Lucler was born in Dakota and was 21 years. 11 months and 12 days of age. The family came hers two" years ago from Montana. Besides the . husband. Mrs, Lucler U survived by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rangltsclt of Billings, Mont, to which place tha body may be ahlpped for burial. -Tne funeral of the son, Francis, Is beinsT held in abeyance pending advice from his mother, who resides near Pendleton. PACIFIC COAST BATTxt STATE3IEITT Portland Clearings Friday ..... Tear ago Balances Friday ... leer age Spokane Banks Clearings $ Balaneea ...J Tecoma San (a Clearings Balaneea Seattis Banks Clearings j. Balances San . Francise Banks Clearings . ,......'-32007.143.00 Lot Anaalee Banks Clearings 8 5,084,510.00 Banks - 8 6.268.836.89 4,518.643.89 654.010.63 931.464.00 1.526.008.00 662.068.00 905.249 00 71,79700 6.608.188.00 1.911,639.00 ' " Jew Tort aratal Xarket New Tork. Nar.- 1. VLJf. S.) Lead Vt ehanoed. J'.- "v " f ' Soeltar Quiet East St. Louie spot. 38.65 8.75; November.. 88.60 6)8.70; December, 88.4608.65: 'January. 8.208 80; Febru ary offered 38.20;. March ottered 68.10. - St-'tatils tAetal Maritat Bt Unb. Me., Nor. J. (t S. 8 Price fixed, 37.76. i. Spelter 4iuiet, 38.60.' V Liverpool Cotton Easy Uvernool. Nov. Ij t N. S.) tares opened steady today. - Bpet Unlet. eay. .' Sales fog the day were 2000 balsa. Prices New York Nov. 1. (L N. S ) OtH money u tlie floor of the New Tork stock exchsnge today ruled at 6 per cent; high o H per cent; low o ft ter rent. Time raonev waa nrm. narea were per riil The market .for prime mercantile paper was steady. Call maney in London today was S per enr. j Sterling exohange was steady with budneat in bankers' bills at S4.76 (or demana-S.7S tor 60 day bills tad 34.71. for 80 day bills. Chicago Dairy Frodsee Chicago. Nev. 1. it N. B.) Butter He ceipts. 4111 tubs. Creamery extras, 58c; firsts, 5 1 He: naekina atock. IT 88c Egga - Recrtpta, zvos cases. uurrent re- eeipU, 40 0 54c; ordinary firsts, 62w58e; f.rstt. 5556e; extras, eo61e; checks. 33 9 36c; dirties. 3841c. 5tw York Siftr aad Coffee New Tork. Nov. 1. U. P.) Coffee Spot, Nb. 1 Klo. lone: ,sa 4 Santos, lee. - Sugar Centrifugal. 87.28. Liberty Bead A alee Liberty bonds closed in New Tork: Ss 1st 4s 2d 4s 4 t ((90 .9740 0728 0740 Stocks, Bonds Cotton Grarn, Etc" 8M-217 Board of Trade Banding V . Overbeck&CookeCo DIRECT PRIVATE WIRES TO ALL EXCHANGES leathers Chicago Board at Trade Corretsoadeats of Xogaa A. Bryaa' ;: Chicago Sow Torh- -: $10,000 Gity of Victoria VnOVINOK BRITISH OOLUMBIA, 6 GOLD BONDS Priced to Yield 6.85 Per Cent Dated March 1, 1918 Due March 1, 192S Interest payable March 1st and September 1st. Principal and interest payable in gold at the . Bank of British " North America in Victoria. Montreal, Canada, or New York City, N. Y. ; Coupon Bonds in Denomination of $1000 Legal opinion of Messrs. Malone, Malone & Long, Toronto. Assessed Valuation for Taxation (1917) $78,891,552 Net Debt $5,652,408 Population 45,000 r These bonds are a direct obligation of the City of Victoria and constitute a direct charge on all the taxable -property within the corporate limits of the city. FREE FROM ALL DOMINION GOVERNMENT TAXATION !. $10,400 Greater Winnipeg Water District 5 GOLD BONDS Price to Yield Seven (7) Per Cent Dated June 1 1918 Due June 1, 1923 Principal and interest payable in gold at Bank of Montreal in New York City. Coupon Bonds in Denominations of 9100, 9500 . Legality approved by T' Messrs. Malone, Malone & Long, Attorneys. T: Assessed Valuation $266,492,739 Net Bonded Debt $9,013,285 Population 220,426 , These' bonds are a direct tax obligation of the , '; X -Greater Winnipeg Water District. "I? Bonded Debt xless than four 4) per valuation. cent of the assessed Exempt from all Dominion Government Taxation ' ' ; MORRIS BROTHERS, Inc. - Tse rreailer Xaalrlsal Bead Boate of Ortgoa - :".. j . EtUhUtfeed Orer TwsBty.OTs Tears . .Morris BrilifingT-309-311 Stark Street ? -1 i Teltpaeae Bdwy. Slil