1 ! THE! OREGON DAILY' JOURNAL, - PORTLAND. FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 1. 1918. j 'I- 15 PEACE V1LL IT HALT SHIP WORK TTProgram for World's Greatest . Merchant Marine .Only One Sixth Realized. DEATHS AND FUNERALS H tantiemes with ths. Unitsd States shlo- plnc board: . . ; Campbell At th resident, zoo Jefferson . Clot to Ban Admlalftratloa Jnrm motu of w.tet Campbell, daugh- No man in Oregon has a more inti- ter of Cbariott North np, sister of Mr. Amy mate knowledgre of railroad" condition. uU" !lVJ"p S.X0' than Oswald Weat. He wu trained in Morn?talof JB,riiJ2.LKi i4i,,u service with ' the railroad commission. 1 funeral service will be held at Holman's He knows the Oregon situation and its itinera! parlor at 8 80 p. m. toinorrow ln .v- . .,., 1 I urday). Not. 2. Interment Eiverview Situation. - IDCSSY In thi eitv. October 31. Patrick M. . He Stands Closer to therraUroaa aa- I Dussy. ased 66 rears, beloved father of Mar- Ynlniatrntlnn. Ha wan selected hv Pre- tin; John and Lake Patrick and Charles Dussy. gldcnt, Wilson as a member of the inter- SiSSnto cK'-JdU State commerce commission. U.ne ap- e., where requiem mut will be offered an pointment was tendered him and de-,1 0 :30 a. m. All service strictly private. In Hlne.d I terment at Mount Calvary cemetery. Arrange- it i . . , .M.i.1 mnu in tare Miller Ti rracey. ZZ.ZmmT r.f , it.. AUGHTON November 1, 1918, at the family association, the members or. tne inter-f ,..i,i.,. 1 1 . v.. K,,-n.irt. ttnti rib. State Commerce commission. He Stands I ence Obers Aughton, ased 25 yean, beloved Closer to them. They are his friends, twite o uarry Jamee iugnton. aauguier oi air. wf- J a avt-ja. i suu oil n. . a. wiscsaa mm vi bisiki mere i no man in uraun wiiuit liio i K-w -u- .11 RAmt. . i vbia aauva .- jr vv'Si su vi wu( a--1 electorate COUld sena to tne umwa I re at Pearsons Undertakins perlora. Russell at. States senate who is more ably equipped 1 at union are. lo secure xavoraDie conguieraiion oi Mcl'HEKSON At the reaidenee. 893 Aspen action upon the shipping ana rsuroaa st,-Oct 81, 1918. Kobert G. McFbereon. needs of Oregon than Oswald West. He ed elr beloved husband of Era. Mo- i. th. 1n(.r .v,i i- ,i Pherson, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. McPher- is the logical man for this Place at this Mn. !ri,ate funeral services win be held at time from the Standpoint Of ability to Holman's funeral parlors at 2 p. m. tomorrow tret thinirs done. (Saturday), Nor. 2, 1918. Concluding serv- The men and women pf Oregon who " 1 are thinking know this to be true. Harding Predicts 'Victory Loan'to Come Next Spring WESSELS In this city. Oct. SI. 1918. Cur tis V. Weasels, ased 89 years, son of Emma and the late Elzln Weasels, brother cf Mrs. William Adaans and Ursce vVessela. rnvate funeral serrices will be held at Uoliaan's funeral parlors at 2:80 p. m. tomorrow (Saturday), Not. 2,- 1918. Interment Hose City cemetery. PEAHaON In this city. Oct. 81. John Pear son. Private funeral serTicea will' be held at the Conservatory c ha Del of F. 8. Lmnnine. Inc.. 414 kj. Alder St.. at a n. m. tomorrow (isav- uroay). Interment Kose uuy cemetery. ine emces will be conducted by Mabel loage 1 84, v. (. ot A., of which deceased was a member. ' Washington. Nov. L Peace . , will bring no halt in the government's en couragement and support of America's shipbuilders. The Emergency Fleet corporation "sdll build at least 15,000.- ooo tons of shipping, of which only 2,600,000 tons have been delivered. Every effort will be made to encour are the returning soldiers to enter the shipyards or accept commissions on the merchant marine fleet, that Amer ica may take her place in the fore front of the world s export nations The statements made Thursday by Edward N. Hurley, chairman , of tho United.- States shipping board, ano Charles M. Schwab, director general of the Emergency Fleet corporation, set " at rest fears expressed In some quar tsrs that the signing of peace terms might bring a sudden slump In busi ness and result in losses to shipbuild ing concerns -and shipyard workers. ' The statements were made through the medium of the Emergency Fleet Jtfews, published by the government In the interest of the shipyard industry. Great Merchant Fleet It Aim .The statements forcefully set forth in unmistakable language the determl- . ration of the United States to put " forth every endeavor toward the com missioning of one of the greatest mer cham fleets the world has ever known. Mr. Hruley said : "Ths United States government is building a great fleet of merchant ships for permanency, a fleet to serve the world In years to come, to carry Ameri can trads and to represent truly the Ideals and greatness of the American nation. The project to build the fleet was conceived in the emergency of war, but it has never been Intended, nor Is it intended now, that this great move ment shall cease when the war is ndaJ. ' " "We are only now beginning, out rosresa of ship construction AnHmu n na all fmMlltlfta of nhlD- i German nonulatlon and the other hv . v...i.... r,v ,U1 thA rxVia TV, lgt AnM,.t. v,, WK8TWOOI) In thin city. Oct. perjniu X mean ujr uiat wu omv i " vuiotuju ji i Vestwool. San Francisco, NOV. l-r(U. P- An- rood At 'the residence. 615 K. Main St. Ed Other government loan is inevitable, ward D. Rood, aged 75 years, husband of even If Desce were declared immediately. Mrs. Fannie Hood. The remains wul be .for- xxr r. t u.,in. t-A I warded by V. S. Dunning, Inc., 414 B. : . T Ar St.. to Hemmer. Or.. Saturday, Nov. 2. crai rcaervc ooaru inu maiia8uig oi- at 7 a. m. Interment and services at Heppner, rector or tne war f inance corporation, r.. Sunday, Nov. 3. at 1 1 a. m. said here today. YOUNG Nov. 1. at 9o03 43d are. S.E.. Win- The next loan, he declared! will be iord Young, aged 1 year 8 months. Private i.nn.,.n th. trin., ,in 1 funeral services will be conducted tomorrow " . ' J 7 . (Saturday) at 8 p. m.. in the mortuary chapel probably be floated some time in April. f a. D. Kenworthy t Co.. 58O2-04 92d at. The government will Still be under tre- S. E., in Lents. Interment Multnomah ceme- mendous expenses after peace comes, tery. Harding said. Harding predicted a period of great EGBERTS November 1. Elma Roberts, aged 22 yean, daushter of Isaac Roberts, sister prosperity after the war. similar to the "SM"rt fan.S prosperity enjoyed after the Civil war. I services will be held at A. R. Zellar Co. parlors ; Saturday, November i. Interment nose jity eeanetery. Please omit r lowers. . , . i a , nun nepuoiic in uonemia SCHIFFRn'thiscltyrOctober 81. Arthur Amsterdam, Nov. 1. (U. P.) Thel i. Schiffner, aged IB -years, son of Mr. and German portion of Bohemia has been m. Abraham schiifner. oi vvaua waiia. wasn. m .... ....... j . The remains will be forwarded. Saturday, Novem- lormaiiy conaututea a repuDiic. i k,, 2 Dy j . p. Finley A Bon to. Walla Walla, v wnns u i spa ten announced loaay. i Wash., where services will be field ana inter- German members , of the Austrian I ment made relchsrath elected Herr Pacher. a I M'KELVET In this city, October 81, at her radical. as nreaidsHt and selected late residence. 230 luurt torty-nintn street. Relchenberg as- the capital. FUygBATj PI RECTO aa F, Sd)unning. Inc. The Ooldaa Bate DnaerUkera. 414 Bast Alder at. Pbcna gat , MW MOSTjatEKTS tBTAESINO GRANITE S IJ 67-3RD. ST. AT MADISOnI PORTLAND MARBIJE WQRKA, ?84-26 4th St.. ooDoaite city baU. Main Se- ratup ffeti A Bone lor sMBMfish, IO ST .AJTD TOTJlfD 11 TUB following articles have been found on cars of the Portland Railway. Light A Power Co., Oct. 81, 1918; 2 purses. 1 pin. 2 P. (loves. 2 pr. glasses, l glove, x anming neeaie. t oook, 1 bottie medicine, 1 shirt, 8 pkgs., 5 ranch boxes. 2 traveling bags. 1 milk can. 18 um brella. Owners may obtain property at : 1st and Alder rt. sta. . LOST October 80. between 8 and 6 p. . m.. between the' Oorbett and Selling bttildings. Lipman, Wolfe's and Fifth and Alder, a pearl and ruby breastpin. Reward. Leave at Jour- pal office. -' ' LOST Late Thursday afternoon near 85th and . Hawthorne, black handbag containing small purse, small amount of money and glasses; re- ward. Call Tabor '99. FOUND In nasture at Burlington. 1 black 1 dark -crown yearling steer, with Horns, no marks or brands. October a. Owner report at once. Main 8179, Portland. LOST Lady's doable esse ehetelain watch and pin. Reward. East 2679 evenings. Case number 8587584. LOST Small black memo book of addresses and amounts. Tabor 0499. Keward. LEWELLTN setter, black and white; lost en 28th. Phone Tsbor 9118. LOST. Thursday, small gold pin, red stone, lily in center. 704 Kearney. Main 834. Keward. Reward. oval breast pin. LOST Lady's East 4248. LOST Saw rday, umbrella with long, ivory handle; $5 reward. Phone Sellwood 243. HELP WASTED MALE T" ATTENTION I HELP WAITED MAMS AHJJ ' FEMALE" PORTLAND BARBER OOlLBOi- et Teaches asen and women the baiTber trade fn. Pay while learning, 284 Conch. Broadway 2483. SITUATIONS MALE EXPERIENCED driver would go as driver or share expenses an Ban Franciano ot farther south. H. Eni berg. '1142 M imparl are. WANTED Heavy hauling, by hour or ob: a hmited amount ef dry country slab for sale. Phone East 8288. man wishes foremanship of EXPERIENCED ranch, p-572. Journal. WANTED Pain ting" kaUomining and paper hanging; experienced werkmea Tabor 4616. CONTRACTOR and builder; repair a sueoialty. Tabor T982. mON by middleaged man 'as watchman lamtor. BeUwood 37 IS. POSITION wanted by experienced watchman or janitor. BeUwood 8718 LEAK I roofs repaired, painted; all kinds of carpenter work. Broadway 8270. ROOK work. refalngling. patching done by eon tract. Phone Beachaea. Marshal 70S. REPAIRING, remodeling and building neatly none n; . a Megger, none slain B120. all Kinds of IJaKY root repaired, painted carpenter won now. 8ZT0. MAN" wants work, watchman, laboring, thing. H-81T. Journal. any- PAINTING, paper hanging, tinting, reasonable. Marshall 885 evening. SITUATIONS FEMALE GERMAN-AmericaS girl wants work. Gresham. v. a., n. vo j, .ata uornelj. COMPETENT woman want position as bouse- aeeper lor apt. or rooming house. SelL 1845. SITUATIONS WANTED ALE AND FEMALE ft CCLE BAM WANTS EVERT MAN AT BIS POST w Tour VERT BEST EFFORT to the nUe TOD ARB BEST PITTED TO FILL 1 your sly acceptable answer. The I. M. C A. employment and advisory de partment is anxious to help Uncle Sam by giv ing you just the right advice In this crisis. IT PUTS YOU IN THE LARGEST PLACE TOU ARE ABLE TO FILL SUCCESSFULLY. This is the greatest opportunity In history for a well advised readjustment of your occu pation. Today ths middle ased man can "com back." . Those who answer this ad this week ar guaranteed complete aattaf action or refund of fee. Don't mis this modern, scientifio and thor oughly buslnessUka way of securing a satisfao- tory position. Pbbne Msin 8T00, A-656L Call at one rn person if possible. HELP FOR TOU. MR. OB MRS. EMPLOYER The great thrifty permanent earning classes rea i. The Journal to a greater extent than any other Portland paper. If you will use The Journal Help Wanted columns to tell these people about the Dotations von have vacant vou will come nearer getting the help question solved than you can in any other way. Rates 1 H cents per word, per insertion, seven c.onsecuUve in sertions tor tne price oi live. CLEVENGER HOTEL Furnished rooms, mod erate. by day or week. 418 K Wash. St. navy. onus. Hszel Belding McKelvey, sged 29 years, wife of the late . Lucius H. Alc&.eivey. xne remains TWO separate States amiarentlv have I arn at the reaiednce establishment of J. P. We shall been formed in Bohemia, one by the Finley A Son, Montgomery at ifth. Notice Ol luiieigai ucicsuci, '7. Albert husband of Edith May Tha remains will be shipped to builders who live up" to the ekpecta- 000. They have selected Prague, mid- Sslt Lake City by F. S. - Dunning, inc., ttons placed in them by the govern- way between Vienna and Berlin, as where services will be held and interment made, ment will be expected to continue to their capital. Relchenberg, a city of W?11 th JVv.St81..9!. build ships. They shall be encouraged 85.000. is located 68 miles northeast of lLtl fu'raiVrlol3 ' - build ships. They to do so. There will be plenty of work Prague, for every efficient yard Goversment to Direct Work Cadet Flyer Burns to Death "On the other hand, the government Remains at Holman's funeral parlors. DAWS Archie Daws. Auditorium Hosp.. Oct. 2! 23 -rvATm. Dneumonia. HA8BROCK Van Hasbrock, Auditorium u-n nt 9ft ? v-an. nn,limrllil Miami, Fla.. Nov. 1. f I. N. S.) TIMHe'rMAS Herman C. Timmerman, Aud- . .. .Al m. KWilmer II. Bricklev of Philadelnhia itorium Honp., Oct. 28, 46 years, pneumonia. 7 . . 7 7. -------- -- - I .h- i v. i. ENNKS Altrea Lu lenai ana airect tne vast energies now i - - - ... ... ... v, . i o,.t Ennes, 1R4 Drummond i. . .... . I ar.. ' 7. l. ov. j; y ' v- ...... . devoted to shipbuilding. To take ad- ournea to aeatn in an airplane accl- rrown Jsmes Brown. 869 E. S4th. Oct. 29 want- of thla e.tfthliahed lndustrv ont at the Curtis aviation field here. ns cancer. and restore to the world Its lost ton- 11 IS mougnt mat DacKiire set lire to Aw Is a natural business like pro- ncmey s macnine. cedure. It offers America the chance m- now to serve humanity by putting ships NEW TODAY on tne mgn seas to carry materials for reconstruction and to be of ' Senfj TleYnur OM rniwfi ics to esur own people and the allies. ocnu lour v-arpetS We will look to the West coast o continue the pace It has maintained mv.j4 j (h. vmvAm In iYtm fp.a at tk ol Snufrt ' i and In the Great Lakes region to In crease their output.' Mr. Schwab then, commenting on .the program, said: il"The - present program calls ' for 15,1 000,000 tons of merchant ships, repre senting something like 3000 vessels. Toi day we have built only about 2,500,000 tons' and we will not have completed our program until six times more work has been done." WEST IN POSITION TO BRING RESULTS (Concluded From Page One) lines of Oregon will serve but half their purpose. This is -the problem of Portland and of Oregon. - Oregon Mill Fore Expansion The United States shipping board has Old Sags sad Weolea Clothing w Hake KsvsrslMa, Band-Wove Fluff Rugs They IT ear Like Iroa Bag Bags VToraa AU Slses Moil Orders Send for Booklet Carpet Cleaning 9x12 Rugs Steam Cleaned $1.50 WESTERN FLUFF BUG CO." M Cnioa At. N. East as IS Phosas B-i478 CORD WOOD - COUNTRY SLABWOOD MULTNOMAH FUEL CO. M. H4S A-2118 HOT water at all hours, baths free: absolutely clean furnished rooms. 82. 00 week up. Ho tel Cadillac, 8d near Jefferson. WHY NOT NOWf MEN NOT ENGAGED IN ESSENTIAL WAR WORK SHOULD APPLY. AT WEST LINN FREE EMPLOYMENT OFFICE ON MILL WALK. ACROSS BRIDGE FROM OREGON CITY. BEST 35c MEAL; CLEAN BEDS 10c NIGHT AND UP IF DESIRED. WAGES 42c HOUR. 8 HOUR DAY. STEAM heat, bath and phone, close in. wart side; for gentleman, S3 week, a way ZOZO. HOTEL LEROY 90 H 5th sr. bet. Oak and Stark sts. Rooms by day or week A CAR washer. Must be a good one. A man with mechanical ability preferred. TALOT A CASEY. INC.. Grand ave. and E. Ankeny t. rlry a Jaeger1 Bros.. 181-188 6th at. TSYTsavwesa m 11 rra annoiinrd that th ITnlted Stato has "?f'OJ .hlnnln, rtno. TV, I peciaiiy, ouitons. pin. sail to every port. Harbors of . the country will be expanded two and three times their capacity. But the government will not expand any harbor of Its own initiative. Com peting harbors will see to that. Se attle will not help Oregon to get ships. Ban Francisco will give no aid. Ore gon nerseu must see insi tne Lnueui W. E. Wilbur. 37. 554 E. 19th st. S.. and Estates snipping ooara ana congress cieo P. V. Gatens. legal. 510 E. 25th st. N. XJIta! statistics motrigts.Birtts. Deaths. NEWMAN Millie Newman, St. Vincents Hobp-; Oct. 80. 28 years, pneumonia. OX LEY Tony E. Oxley. Auditorium Hosp., Oct. 28. 31 years, influenza. COWAN Mrs. Laura 8. Cowan. 854 Division, Oct. 80. 24 yrs.. tuberculosis'. DOB LIS Charles Doblis. Auditorium Hosp., Oct.. 28. 37 years. Influenza. WILCOX Margie C. Wilcox. Linnton road, Oct. 28, 18 years, fracture of skull. CONKLIN Charles Conklin, Good Samaritan Hohp.. Oct. 29, 5T yrs., heart disease. HARRIS Mary M. Harris, 860 Eugene, Oct. 30. 65 years, cerebral hemorrhage. WATERMAN Lea Waterman. Portland Sn- itnrinm. Oft vu. ' year, oneumonia. THKLOURAS Bill Thelouras, Auditorium Hosp., Oct. 28. 27 years, influenza. MINEFK John Mineff, Auditorium Hosp., Oct. j 27. 24 years, influenza. SIMPSON George Simpson, Auditorium Hosp., Oct. 29. 41 years, influenza. FORST Frsnk Forrt, Auditorium Hosp., Oct. 29, 44 yesri. Influenza. SAN MAN Amelia Santnan, 881 Weidler. Oct. 28. 48 years, mitral disease of heart. HURD Mildred L. Hurd. 400 E.' 48th. Oct. 28. 25 years, pneumonia. MOZIER Edward J. Mosier, McKinley Apt.. Oct. 28, 2-6 years, pneumonia. LOTH Ann M. Ur.th. 881 E. 13th, Oct28, 88 years, ioOosTisa. ' y CLEMENS William John Clemens. 694 Grand ave., Oct. 20. 54 years, cancer. RAMS DELL Fred Crary Ramidell Jr., Oct. 20. 1 month, pyevnia. KRAMER George Kramer, St. Vincents hos pital. Oct. 29. 24 years, pneumonia. PULL Martha M. Hull. 775 E. Ankeny, Oct 29. B vears. lobar nneumonia. ALLEN- Meta Allen, St Vincents hospital, Oct 29. 43 years, leukaemia. LOCKETT Jane H. Ickett, ' Portland Sani tarium, Oct 80, 69 yers, bronchitis. STEELE Mary 8teele. 4 89 E. Madison, Oct 29. 49 yean, pneumonia. C RY Charles C. Cory. Sellwood hospital. Oct 28, 23 years, broncho pneumonia. SAMPSON Sarah Sampson, 109 E. 29th. Oct 30. 81 years, chronic endocarditis. MA LOS John Malos, Good Samaritan hospital. Oct. 29, 33 years, lobar pneumonia. KNUTSON Ole Knutson. Auditorium hospital Oct. 22, 34 years, influenza. ALEXANDER John Alexander, Auditorium hospital, Oct 24, 3 years, influenza. UPHOLSTERER and trimmer wanted at once. 'Good pay. Apply Robinson Smith Co., 6th and Madison. MAN aud wife for janitor work and to take car of furnace. 8 room furnished apt and some- wage. 228 N. 20th st FIIiST CLASS automobile painter Paul Staiger A Co., 9th and Couch. wanted. WANTED rShoemaker Jack man. No speeder. Wages 825. 785 Mississippi are. WANTED Men to work on river best. (60 and up. room and board. Apply Washington dock HELP WANTED MISC. 48 YOUNG WOMEN and MEN: Our students ar instructed by a successful DISPATCHER and are in demand by the railroad ana lh.Lt;- GRAPH companies at increased salaries: Many vacancies now. Write or eau for BULLETIN. Hallway Telegraph Institute, 218 Ry. Exco, bide. Portland. MARRIAGE LICENSES Royc M. Peterson. 21. Milwaukie. Or., and Anna M. Robertson, legal. 407 Columbia st DUESd bUll'S tor rent aU sues, lorlng Co.. 104 4th st uiuqu Taj- VAN DCSEN- BIBTUS To Mr. and Mrs. Frank Van FLOBI8TS give to the harbors of Oregon -what i-f .their due. - The Port of Portland Is starting in that direction. Axtorla has gone far . In that direction. Coos Bay. Tillamook and the others are awake. n tne past jre?gon nas sunerea irom Ousen. Sll Harriaon. Oct J . daughter railroad discrimination. It has had to Anderson To Mr. and Mrs. John A. An- fight against unfavorable rates, unfair derson. foot of California. Oct 28, a daugh- routlnga and the natural Instinctive In- WOOD To Mr. and Mrs. George H. Wood. . clinatton of railroad chiefs to throw 880 Belmont Oct. 22. a son. business to communities In which they FELGER To Mr. and Mrs. Ben O. .Felger, or their roads were personally in- rrioulA MrX Joseph M. Mc- lerestea. Intyre. 1742 Portsmouth, Oct 19, a son. i Kail Control la Changed HUTCHINSON To Mr. and Mrs. George W. Tk. ,k . Hutchinson.- 2031 Eugene, Oct. 26. a . . . .. " . . aaugmer. direction and control of the govern- HOKTON To Mr. and Mrs. Eldridge H. Hor- menC Men high in railroad life do ton. 1 E. Seventy-aixth, Oct. 23. a not expect that the old system will K'l!$WM0 Mr. and Mra, Arthur Elkins. 701 aver come back as it was. They be- E. Tyler, Oct 25. a daughter, lieva that the government will always BUSWELL To Mr. and Mr. Guy C. Burwell, keep Its hand upon the throtUe, no KEmER-foMrnd'lWr. 800 tnatter what the ownership or In Pairing. Oct. 27, a daughter. - whose hands the actual operation of - the rail lines may rest. DEATHS AND FUNERALS 75 CLAHKE BRUM., florists. Morrison st. bet 4th and 5th. Phone Main or A-1805. Fin flow ers and floral designs. No Branch stores. MARTIN FOHHES CO.. norlst. 354 Wash. Main 289. A-1269. artisticalry arranged. Flowers for all occasions PEOPLES FLORAL SHOP, 245 Alder, design sad decorations. . Phone Marshall 59Z2. TRVINGTON PARK FLORAL CO., 4th and YsmhilL Funeral designs: lowest price. The United States shipping board HOFFHINE In thia city, October 31, at ier will Anntrnl h .hinnlnir nt tk n 1 le reside nee, na aiarsiian street, MM K. will control the shipping of the na- Hoffhine, aged 81 years. .The remains will be tlon and hold the fate of harbor da- forwarded this (Friday) afternoon, by J. P. . Velopment in Its hand. The railroad I Finley A Son, to tialem. Or., where services administration will stand In the name W1" pfla ,nd interment made. relation to the rail transoortatlon of PHELPS In this city. Oct ai. 1918, Fred .v.. - erick L. Phelps, -aged 27 years. The re . j - mains will be forwarded by the Edward Holmen Portland and Oregon when they- seek Undertaking Co. todar (Fridavl. Nov. 1. 1918. ;: relief from unfair or Inadequate land to Yonkers. N. T.. where services will be held transportation conditions, whether p!i and interment made.. him r- r.ti. u ni v, i. cdSr W ILLIAMBON' Tha funeral services of the late . I Isaac Williamson, beloved son of John Scott ' """"' auminisiriiron, congress ini WUIiamson, 321 East 10th st. will be held the Interstate Commerce commission. Saturday, November 2. at 2 p. m.. at the ,""-"" Wett Represented Boar nri Mm" A T"0'" All services stricUy The next six years will solve Oregon's 1 WELLS October 28. In the U. a service at harbor and railroad problems. With. 'Pullman. Wash.. Alfred Earl, aged 32 years - le!. !! nd M.'wttis. 1 LsSB. W T.yrSe.' IJSsS , ""- " ' "I" "o. given parlors, 901 Williams are. Funeral annoance- snips, reasonaDie rates and just rout- ment in a later issue. ' Ings, or, failing, will be too far behind JACKSON The funeral services of the late lo, catch uo with oomoetinr nointa iMn 'Jwuth o. Jackson will be held Saturday. No '' lha rnx t vember 2, at 1 o'clock p, m., at the residence tj7 ... . establishment of J. P. Finley A Son, Montgom- Because of this tha people of Oregon ery at Fifth. Interment at Mount Scott Park ' have, a personal, an economic and a cemetery. All services strictly private. business Interest in the election of CTNEltlA-In this city, October 3 i. Raymond United States senator on Tuesday next. I . J; O'Nein. aged 25 1 years. Tha remains will ; Tfblg tstion that they see 1. not Finley Aon, to SanWiscoV" wheri , jvutvt. 4. a uiv UClCirniUlttUOn OI HSTTW Will D OBKk ftlKl lQirUInt VIAtM .VIa1' isk4ff A 1. AAa. a. . ss . I "ill n i i i ii i. - i wuiv.,i u tanuiuaies, vvesi or MC- BROWN At tha home ot her sister. 287 E. Nary, can be most effective in Wash- Couch st.. Oct ao. Miss Lottie Brawn; The ington : which stands the closest to the Z, T 'ir?"1. Bt0 .by. ,p- 'Mtvara th.r ,.,. . 8. Dunning,, Ine.. 414 E. Alder st. at s later Fw"w" - ww a v "vn tieatiua W 1VQ 1 Qatf), " '"ufl '.'V w row ana MEtfKH In thia.rity Oct 81. Max M. Mever prosper, or to wnnnoia It. J aed-82-yaara. The remain ar at the par- .vien nu oeen ine representative ot I Klr. 01 - imomnR - inc., iit t. Aider t eorrally appointed by Chairman Hurley. 80Y.8.T.E.?.At ,thf!miLT. TTLd."S- 1 -- to gather the data In Europe upon which irirt &laWwiiV Zt ine e.pauuvu naroor worn or ne nation I perer. rnnersi nom-e later. , w o Dasea. xie nas gathered the i miller October 81. at 767 E. 6th N., Ida data, made his report. No man in ,.,MUlTs.'0 ,24 J?,T ,f . Oregon, stands closer to or has mr.r 5r!l. .Ilr,n,n A:- Co. s. parlors. - , ' , - - i isueiBt annoanoemaat jsect. - : IXiHI.LVER. Portland hotel. 328 Morrison at MAX M SMITH, flonst. 141 H tttb st GOVERNMENT NEEDS 12.000 WOMEN CLERKS PortUnd examinations Nov. 16, Dec 7. Salary $1200. Experience unneces sary. Women desiring government positions write for free particulars. J. C. Leonard (former civil service examiner). 1054 Keools bldg., Washington. ADCOX AUTO SCHOOL Union Ave. and Wasco' St j Day and Night Classes. Special Department for Women. Csll or Write for Catalogue. UNTIL the kaiser catches all the influenza in Portland the finishing school at 66 6th st cannot reopen. Prof. Norton wul attend pupils homes by appointment HAWTHORNE ATaTO SCHOOL 462 HAWTHORNS AVE SPECIAL SUMMER RATES DAY AND NIGHT CLASSES - MONDAY. MONDAY. Perkins, the L C. S. man. lilt Broadway, is out of the city until Monday, but he will be In his office all day Monday. ENLISTED man of best reference will until called give private lesson in nenmanship in exensnge lor rrencu language, r-uou, journal. MlSS DECKER'S PRIVATE BUSINESS COLLEGE ALISKY BLDG. 8D AND MORRISON CHRISTIAN BROTHERS BU8INE8S COLLEGE Grand ave. and Clackamas, Day-evening classes BEHNKE-" WALKER, biggest business college be cause Best; enroll any time. Free catalogue. YATES-FISHER TEACHERS' AGENCY FteJ egistration 911-12 Broadway bldg. LINK'S BU8INES8 COLLEGK PORTI.AND. OREGON EAST SIDE COMMERICAL SCHOOL INDIVIDUAL Instruction. 810 mo. K. 4,37 HELP WANTED FEMALE FUNERAL DIRECTORS EAST 7TH AND MULTNOMAH PORTLAND'S MOST PROGRESSIVE FUNERAL'. D RECTORS PRICES REASONABLE PERSONAL SERVICE BEAUTIFUL CHAPEL LADY ASSISTANT CENTRALLY LOCATED EAST 54 . C-8165 Holman Undertaking Co. Funeral Directors Established 1877. Third nd Salmon Street Main 807. A-ltll. Lady assistant. WANTED Experienced lady to get orders .for butter and eggs, good proposition to right party. Columbia 28a after 7 p. m. J. P. FINLEY & SON Progressive Funeral Directors. PRIVATE DRIVE Women Attendant Montgomery at Fifth Main 9 - 4-159. Dunning &,McEntee ESSrs every detail Broadway and Pine its. Phone nroaaway 430. A-4 568. Lady assistant A, D. KENWORTHY CO; Tsbor 2267. 6802 92d st. rnt Tabor 5898. 66th st and Foster road. Arleta. - V. L, LERCH ititr Undertaker E. 11th and Hawthorne MlLLKtt m TRACEY. Independent Funeral 1H rector. Priee a lnw mm t9A aA n Washington at EUa. slain 2691. a'-T8Ms'. CHAMBEUS-RRNWiiuTiiv hi. " 248 and 9C50 Kilhncsworth are. near Williams wbtomwb pawn, oiiss. B reeze & Snook AXJLfj. Cor. Wilson & Wilson Main 41 52 8d and :iay Kerb- . V din. 4940. C-1155 HAMILTONttUi East GhiaB st. Fu- fabor 43JS. A. R. Zeller Co East 108S C-1VN8. v f. KXcH.Sfe.M. bc' reahienee etabluhment. SOI Wjam av. Woadlawa ZXO. ti-lsA Young Ladle For telephone operating. No picvicna experience Necessary. Goad salary to start. Rapid advancement in salary. Permanent positions. Extra payment for Sundays sad holidays. -Apply telephone company Derating school, sixth float Park and Oak street. Between 840 a. aa. and 8:80 p- a. FUENISHED ROOMS NEW PERKINS HOTEL Fifth and Washington sta. Bight ln center of Portland's aetlvlUas. Let us show, you our aceommoaatiooa. par week up. EW MANAGEMENT Nice, clean rooms. 82.50 and up. 309 Vi 1st st. Phone and bath. HOTEL SARGENT, Hawthorn and Grand. Starting point special car for Vancouver. FURNISHED ROOMS PRIVATE FAMILY 78 FOR RENT Nice flout room in private fsm ily; gentlemen only. Reference required. 200 Vi Grand sve. N. LARGE front room, housekeeping privileges desired. Call after 6 p. m. except Saturday and Sunday. 189 E. 9th st. Phone Main 2125 HANDSOMELY furnished- room with sleeping side. porch; hfit and cold water, close in, wast Call Mam 8073. COMFORTABLE room in private fsmily. break fast if desired; walking distance. West Side. Main 948". rUftNlSHED room. 351 E. Glisan bet 2 and 3d; 83 per week. Phone East 8546 tali upstairs. FURNISHED room for- rent private family, walking distance. 552 cverett HOTELS POSTCARD TUITOBS ' tm Tha Journal Travel Hatp yon get, ssrnsninnrsinonSi EBTICE IS FREE Writs to- "Dorsry C Smith, Timi 1 . Travel Bureau, Jcwraal Bide-. Port land. Or. Tad bias whsa yew wig amv. wnat Dotal or etnar aatton yen vsant ana about what swa expert to pay. H will notify yoa W asediataty jrast what, if say. lesens klons ha ha been abl to asaka for yoa aad how to tsaah thoaa. Bo ran C 9SROOMS Hotel on east tide, close in. doing hiar bul- na. ssaoo easn. nL asurv. price isson. GILSON, 481 Cham, of? Com. Main 612T. STORES AUD OFFICES 11 FOR RENT Former Postoffiee building. 6th' and Hoyt- Gliaan. Will divide to suit Fiaa building, large ground floor spec. KITTf.K. LOW 4k CO . 208-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. WANTED TO EElfT PORTLAND SHIPBUILDERS WANT HOUSES FLATS APARTMENTS Pbosa or mail Information ragarding toot vacancies to "xieava logetner. cau Isortn west Steel Co., Mala .1193. THOSE VACANT ROOMS are a dead loss and as utterly useless loss, too, when so msny people are looking for ac commodations. Tha -Daily Journal Teaches more people in Portland actf its trading radius than any other Portland paper and Journal want ads will speedily fill up that vacant room or REAL EfsTAT FOR BALE HOUSES 1 WHAT A SACRIFICE LISTEN TO TOlT: Xou can buv it for about W tha cost to toe pre sat owner, on account of ram oval from the city. A 19 roots hooae. on - the Wast Bids' ba twom 21st and S2d an Flanders at, in ths district in which property is gilt-edg and al ways maintains its value. It is close in to wasnington st This bouse has boon recently remodeled with anartment affart and conven ience, u is always sara of "a eood in com from rentals. The Dresent . Income outside of the room occupied by tho tenant ts 880 per aaonth. ana - no good reason why una canaot Be sus tained and nayba increased over this figure. irom its location it win always pay Dig inter est on tha investment Tha bulldina ts very substantial and in rood aonditinn. toaulring no ouuay lor yean to coma This -property cost ine present owner mors wan. gia.ovu caan. New tak notiee: Yon can buy tha propertt together with its furnishings from top to bot tom for onlv S70A0. Th- tm nl ami ta be ssuvo can, tbtv balanca of tha purcnaae prlca ca Ternaus i or j term oi year, isa lurnitur in this honst alas cunat Ta rvnlaood for 81200. There 1 a good furnace, in fact, ail you bav to do Is to mov in and collect moathly rental. For a single person orva man and wife this investment assures a good noma and income lor years to coma. There can be no depreciation to property in this locality! All w ask is that you rnvesUsata. M. JJ CLOHESSY. 41S apmgton Drag. -J CflNG For somebody who will buy a real hegae prop erty which baa everv modern eoirvenianc. - gem. in class by itself. On is - carried away wren a luxurious, comfortable home feeling the moment you enter. It is 4ist thm rlsn. with. in your means you have longed for but) never louno. to bo aold at a aacrifica; J lota, corner, near Alameda. For term aSd price pnone vvoouiawa 4H98. John B, Matthews Cor. 27th and Alberta sta.' WOULD YfHI pay isarni for tha best constructed 2 story bungalow type house in Rose City Parkf Thia house has 6 rooms, hardwood floors, fireplace, paneled diTT ing . room with handsome buffet, leaded glasssl bookcaeee. 2 , lavatories, sleeping porch, buUt-iS1 clothes chute, dust chute, ironing board, etc. Big cement basement hot air heat and wash trays, lower floors besutifulrv nanered. If vnu ava a Judge of construction, see this home. We firmly apartment with highly desirable tenants. Hate believe it's tha best buy in Rose Cttv. 81000 are 1 H cent per vsbrd, per insertion. Seven I nanaies. io A. nc&ams e o.. Mam consecutive insertions for the price of fiv. Phones. Main 7178 sad A-6051. FREERENTAL BUREAU 4522. 82 4th st. Board of Trade bldg. Vacant. mote right ' In Two axcentionallT eood bnv. 13000 6 room bungalow, modern except beat imp, in ana peia; near aft. Tabor car, Glencoe school district. Newly painted and tinted throtuhout Terma. (3750 Full two story 6 room and sleeping porcn. with all built-in. Ilreplas. fur nace, wash tray and full cement base ment. Terms. 7. A. WICKMAN CO.. 814 Stark. Main 688 REAIi ESTATE -FOR SALE HOCSES "IT SNAP 8 BOU MODERN SNAF, - 8500 DOWN -. ETEETTHLNO PAID UP 88280 . 2 stsry. 8 rooms, full cement hssa-'; : ment " furnce, lot 60x100; lawn. : 1 Shrubbery end fruit trees; one of the ,.'. best neighborhoods. A good bargain ' aad a nioa hem. :' 6 room bouse, bath, toflet, lot 80 . -100; nioa flowers, shrubbery and : fruit trees, a good chicken house, neat 1 Alberta car and a eocy heme for a -cheap buy. Price 81700, 8800 cash. ' RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 800 Oak st Broadway 418S. '. ROSE CITY PARK ' -"-5 ' 83230 ' ' r ' ' : :.' Yon should sea this wonderful atvjMeve - bungalow. 9 rorrns withMiardwood floors, lira- ' , v place, built-in buffet, foil cement bemnt - -furnace, ete. ; near Sandy blvd. : truly a real '.- ' noma, ana n win appeal to yoa strongly. 8800 ! ." cash will handle. Just call u by phone andi w wui cau ror you in on ot our open suto-- j mobfles no neoesaity for you to rid on the " T crowded street car. Soma one is going ta get ' ' a mighty One modern bungalow at a modersto, , price, ijo not let mis orportunity escape yom. ' - ' A. O. TEEPE CO. F 284 SUrk at. near 3d. Main SS1S. : Branch office, BOth and Sandy. ; v - ' , . Picking up pennies. I can show you tha way to pick up s good many real "iron men. Would r JV you buy 2 houses for the price of onef I am : ' confident I can show you tha beat investment t in Portland. . V. John B, Matthews Phone. Woodiawn 4898 , ; ' Cor. 27th and Alberta st. . ''",' rtere's a Winner , I i ; A modem 0 room bungalow with sleeping ii porch, hsrdwood floors, fireplsce, furnace, full, '. " lot Hose Caty cr. only 83250: easy terms.' ; ' 1 - A Good Buy ."" ; 8, room bungalow, fine place, full plumbing, t ' attic, ftuxloe lot. Rose City car. only S2800; -3800 cash. -" B. F. BOND REALTY CO.. ' -. - 1280 Ssndy blvd. Tsbot aSSB.f ' ' BEFbRE VOU-BUV !l " YOU OWE IT TO YOURSELF , To see . our list of over 800 houses with ' , -photograph, price and fuU data. W have, -house in aU parts of the city aU prices and ' : terms; some real bargain. W navar pad price. Tha buyer aad sailer know exactly 4 what we are making. So -i' FRANK L. MOUIRE. ABINOTON BTJDO. yt ? v To Buy Your Horn. Main 1068 COLUMBIA RIVER SHIPBTJTLDINO CORPORATION In this war time emergency' sod soaiflty of I . (MKA " A C U sousing accommodations, we request 'every patn- ftuv ji ivj i i S1800 BUNGALOW 8800 DOWN otic eitlsen wbo baa a noose to rant or rooms I Izooo 5 rra. attractive bungalow, eon v. to I .,,n, .n. w... t let to mail information of same to Columbia alt earllnes. walking dis't. near Broadway bridge, ment. paneled dining room. Plata rail and v - . i ' - ..v- . i , I ttnsiuru ceiuna. uuicn Bitcnen. wmre eiiamai - l-i I l-illl II- NKhKI'i I piumnmg. and real sleeping porott, eexioo lot. Ul J1 UUI-UI-MLL.IIU I EL 7U1 at naar SI V --r. PrtM a I soil ' Dr YOU have house, or apartment, furnished I 210-10 Abington Dug. 106 H so. I easy term. or unfurnished, that Ton would like to rent we hsve first class tenants waiting. Northwest ern Trust Co., 202 Wilcox bldg. Call Main 8B17 Ask for Vfr P,HH.n - "85 - Years In Portland." WANTED 3 or 4 room fur. house. lower flat, not to exceed 820. Phone E. 212, interest Apt. e. WANTED Tw rent srnall furnished house; Sell wood district preferred. Call Sellwood 189.. WANT to rent small blacksmith shop in country. J. C. 534 Koselawn st. PortUnd. REAL F STATE 3 ROOM SHACK 8500 3100 cash, balance 315 per mo., including crest; 60x100 ft lot: 14 block to Rose City Psrk car. No trade. No agents. OWNER 518 Corbett bldg. 81600 LESS THAN COST 82650 BUNGALOW HOME 32650 7 -room strictly bungalow type heme, full lot close to car; elec and gas. white enamel plumb- See FRANK L. McOUIRE. Abington Bide . ' ' To Buy Your Home. - Main 1068.- 8250 CA8H DOWN 83250 4 rooms down, attic, 1 bedroom, sleon-:: lng porch and an unfinished bedroom UP, Full lot Furnsoe, full cement, basement An attractive home, insid. tnd out. on Alberta car in dandy dis- ; trict with fine home surroundinga. No : mortcSge to assume. t J. A. WK7KX8rVN CO, 814 Stark. Main B8. fi7JAWffvET5 ST600 Alberta Home 81600 Five room substantia! home: basement, bath, , toilet, electricity end gas; no liens or mortgage; GENERAL HEAL ESTATE ing, equipped with hot water pla.t. cost over ..?al1 S0U JShu!1 NT paslurLak. Urtwe. iiar 344.1. Sad 8550. Thta Ua good; talus Abundance of REN aereags or give for rirsring BaU house to shipbuilder. FOB 8 ALE HOUSES VACANT BUNGALOW 5 room fruit and flowers. Price 82650. terms. See FKANK L. HUD1KE, ABINGTON BIlU. To Buy Your Home. Main 1068. FRANK L. M GUI RE, ABINGTON BLP To Buy Your Home. Main 1068. FOR RENT Large front attic room suitable for two gentlemen. 242 Broadway. Main 4032 FOR RENT 2 to 5 rooms partly furnished or umiurmsnea. inquire est urant sr. PRICE 81500 3250 DOWN. 815 PER MONTH Five room attractive bungalow. White enamel plumbing, elect and gas. Move in todsy. oodstock car. See FRANK L. M'GUIRE, ABINGTON BLDG. To Buy loor Home. 1 I BY OWNER, modern bungalow, 6 rooms, aleep- Ing porch, bath, all bullt-lns, lirepiace, atuc. fr.U cement basement' furnace, kitchen, range rr -Vfir is? rv v i ati nr CLOSE IN. ON E. SiiD ST. . . And E. Ash. block to ear w have a good 6 room house, modern except heat, for 82750. V .rtb!f FJL Lf f: w1.".,1n We bellive it's the best close in buy on 'ths. oi wooa in Basement, wasntray ; corner jot; u , Mt liu an(, u ,u nerf p., down.- A. M'KENNA A CO., Main 4522. hard surface in and paid. For quick le, 83250. Call Tabor 1533, cr 1363 K. Madison COE Main ,1068. . 8200 DOWN. 82400 CLOSE-IN HOME 82400. 6-room modarn house on Interstate st (for merly Patton ave.) , near Fremont at, close to . . , t . ... i car. .iiuur lucsuon. on lo-ttimncmm.pimiwTttnenimiomaKno FRANK- j. McGUIRE, ABINGTON BLDG. 82 4th st. Board of Trade- $6000 Property for $3500 10-room house. Dlaaterod. concrete foundation 3 bath, 3 toilet, good garage, lot 60x100. ' To Buy Y our Heine paved street, sewers aU la and paid for: near I 10 ny r,our rtcrne WESTSIDE" SNAP I FAUTIFUL furnished room; running water. 1 paved street, sewers all in and paid for: miower dsul ooo r.wmi. I 2flth and Thnrmin. Wast Hlda. aliftO esH. bat. Main 1068. FURNISHED rooms close in near Broadway nce to rait Fred W. German Co.. 782 Cham- Dnaee. reasonable. azs'Uos. 1 " wnaimre. UNFURNISHED ROOMS A Real Home FOUR new unfurnished room, auitabla for i I have one to offer and at a great aacrifk housekeeping. 1244 Detroit ave.. 8t Johns neautiful 5 room bouse and sleeping porch. naruwooa zioor ana moaem m every sense, lot 00X147. Deauuiui lajwn. 1 block to car. livery ST. JOHNS COTTAGE. 8250 CASH 6 -room cottage, on fine large lot 4 7x197: paved st. and liens all paid, on Feasepdsa st, near Gilbert Price 81600; 3250 cash and 815 per mo.. 6 per cent J. W. UKU8SI, 816 Board of Trade. Main 7452. 81850. 3350 CASH fl rm. neat cottage, modern plumbing, nl, bas't, paved sis., blk. car, wat side, oa Gibbs st: O. C. GOLDENBERG. Abington Bldg. i "83 Years in Portland." Main 4808. ROOMS AND BOARD 11 THE HAjZEL. outside rooms, hot water, home cooaing. special mes to coupiea. ess aa. tiTisOO will puwou Tin-pon. aatflnp.ae.. -t l.llll X 1 I hamtwr f franmrM H 1,1 I .......... - - --" " ' . 850 DOWN will buy on, two or three rooted aback cottage on Rose City line, Mont-, villa, aad other good districts. Price rang from 3600 to I1UOO. monthly payment irom 810 to 818 monthly., rred w. ueTmaa vo ' Fine modern 6 room- bungalow, besides sleep- FIVE room eottag. Snap. Call Eat 1928, . ; FOB SALE LOTS U ROOMS AND BOARD FBI TATE FAMILY 71 WANTED 1 or 2 litUe girl to board; nice FRED W. GERMAN. 732 Chm of Cranmema nome. laoor l. FURNISHED room for gentlemen, breakfast if desired. Call Marshall 44 23. Hawthorne Bungalow Lot 60x100. 6 moms. 1 bluck to car- this ruiVAlr. tamiiy. room tor young couple, nose I Is a good buy. 532U0; paved street SH paid City. Tabor 7196. I 3400 cash; will sell furniture.' 1243 E. Mad- WILL cars for small child by dsy or week. el day; private Home. 1863 v uber st. as. Dutch kitchen, lanndrr tray, eood baa. I - . . .-a . . . ' x i - NEAR JEFFERHdX HICH Ki'HIHII.. iuiiO U.ni- .vn.nl l.flnn - nn .,,. SACRIFICE my 1 lota, 25xloo, on sanay. Z0 down. Sir. monthly, buy old 8 room Owner leaving city, Tabor 6559. I mvn., ana im u rra ewv tmtrm with, nmtmn trtp-t v.. f I rr. ir . .11 1 7 US VHCOUVer Vfl. ' " - 1 UIU'TNMHVK rl 1. 1 Plt X .aam h,n m .nnj ' Uon and basement 1011 Height ava. Lot AOs U' vIkT.k ' Ji , "T.w ..V... ,,'1Z" VT 4LOTS 21. 22. 23 and 54. In block 26. T re- can buy it. for 3330 cash and 625 which is leas than it will rent for. 1 00. mont .Place, price 3250 each, terms.- Albert Price in- Harala, 801 Minnesota ave. ison. Main 6M82. eludes paved streets. If you have $830 here ONLY $425. 60x100 lot Rose City, 80 minute, is your opportunity. Johnson-Dosson Co.. 634 from 4Ua and Washington. Broadway, ssas- N. W. Bsnk bldg. ' . BY owner, extra good 7 room bouse, sleeping ' ACREAGE I1a poroh, bathroom. S naiu and pantry,- bard- 12 ACRES with 6 room bungalow, with hsril-. $1600- room bungalow. wood floors, cement basement floor, good fur . , m k r Ann i ., - I " -" v im-h. .wvi. mwsi WOOa I toors, IUU uaacwcav, cwvici. . Ji .' 'Zi nc" "aunary tmys, irurt trees, lo cupooaras nreplc, 1 acre orchard, juat off rssra tranca a and paid. mod- I mnd drawers built in. bookcases, window seat. I t,.? isnun Bm. (7.. Btt V HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 8 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED Shaver at Imp. all in era horn like this in thia locality is ONE furnished It K. room with small kitchen ette1, on ground floor, $15 per mo., gas and everything included; also 1 single It K. room. $10 per mo., gas and everything included. 826 Hall st. i 1 . .. . I Kaie-i mJ, U1A1VU. rarwjaCa asj Tt7A A TfJJ 101 ?ZLa f'nd- ,10 c,h EasT 88th st N or phon.abor 6180. and drawers built in, bookcases, window seat road. Price 86000. Soma trade. garage, lot utiiuu, street pa Tea. Terras. 020 1 4th. rbon Ksllwood 8588. 488 EJ. J. A WICKMAN CO.. 814 Stark. Main 588. FURNISHED COTTAGE $1575 Very neat well built - plastered cottaa-e. com pletely furnished, on Rsee City park line; solen oid yara. iruit ana nemes 01 su Kinds. 3275 OR 8 Nicely furnished housekeeping rooms; 2o monthly; all ready to mov into. phone, bath. Apply mornings 24 H W. 10th. ped w. German Co., 782 Cham, of Com. FOR SALE 1 acre and 8 room modern heuMs; . WEST SIDE COTTAGE. 2 LOTS on Oregon City line, for 13000, yert eeB ; Nice 5 room bungalow, electricity, bath, ce- balance easy payment. 4H t- stta t inone ment basement Z loU lOOiloo. no city lien 1 Sellwood loss. or mortgage to assume, on Vermont st Price $2500, $500 cash knd $25 per month. J. W. GRUSSI. 816 Board of Trade. Main T4 52. ROOM for 2, employed. 7292. 455 13th. Main OFFICE oom .equipped for 2 ; light, beat, gas. Room 18. at litJi 4th. -SNAP- FOR SALE FARMS H , 1 A 8500 first payment will let you move in to- morrow. A truie iee vnn asrra vi a bungalow right on Haw- with a varied assortment of fruit, bunsalow' , strictly modern, all built- bou on boulvrd. lie fare. 3 blocks to carf etc. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 78 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY GREAT bis, 5 room $1100 8 Iroom bouse close to Monte- A in conveniences; lot 60X114, garage, etc Up- I -electric tight and telephone. Price $3075. aa vill rarline. lot 76x100. Rome cash. stairs floored with plenty room to finish 4 I Taylor, TOTj.r a isfnna ri 4 oaimoce ft.' par munin. o. r. t.aru. lam rooms. will accent irom retonaiBia Tjarrv. 1 nw . .... - - " - . --r room 412 Fen ton Mdg. D 1750 down with good substantial monthly Day- 104 5th st. ROSE CITY Charmingly situated 6 rooms and 1 ment. 410 E. 60th. Ttbor 8219. $200 DOWN $15 MONTH 1" sleeping porch, hsrdwood floors, fireplace. FOR RENT housekeeping rooms. 646 children. Richmond car to I nr. fl. "in irM. onlv 18 miles out. 14 I 1 !.. s.ii..i. rv....i. - But D room oouse, inciuoine ueernng porcn in , Mniinn. halanca brsun ana enonia Two or three large furnished hit. , M'.' i,i o wiv. ,JLi I and modern improvement, on 4 acres land, I tlmher for 400 cords wood. Price only $150"; LIGHT H. K. rooms. - after 7 p. m. 16 E. 27th rt.; no ioTbout $450 cash ViU da f 7810 V ?"r. tjloa: ha. ,,.. poul- ,joo ch. See Ott. G. 8. Smith A Co.. 432; , 27th; go 1 blk south. g sVa.K trr ou and fencing: fine garden soil; near I Chamber of Commerce, .' Phone Sellwood 2898 t-j n n SeJ rP.B-"i5" T.om. i.T,a .""fl ltTCHaffT-LTncoln Co . parti, Impm-eoT.' HwtnnrnA nr me kv:i h i "w - mtMk dllry. 0. ten, Bntoa c., o- 3 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, clean, respecUble home: dultn only. Call w oodlawri 5193. ? FURNISHED rooms for light housekeeping. 9508 59th ave. S. E. Hawthorne Carline $2300 G rocms, bath,' fireplace, cement basement 60x100 lot block ear; $500 down. A good buy. GEO. T. MOORE CO., ABINGTON BLDG.. we Acceirt Liberty Bonos st Par. $1.75 week. Housekeeping room for one man. I BUY from owner, save money. New 5-room I ment. WoodlaWn 689. MF. YOU ARE DISCOURAGED Trying te find a suitable home, come to our I i-- orrice ana sea- pnotogrspn or our iistirucs. we have 100 good buys. Jiome on $100 down pay atoca or aairy. scm swwi , acres piling umoer. dsl partly imp., v acre; terms. &oaree oaa nauui 171 13th st bungalow, sleeping ten and breakfast FURNISHED housekeeping room and kitchen ette. 3.50 per week. 284 Clay st FOR RENTHOUSES UNFURNISHED 12 MODERN 5 room bungalow, $23 per month. oas range ana water neater lor sale. Sell wood 10.6. FOR RENT Irvtngton, 7 room house, bunga low style; adults. Johnson, 615 Henry bldg. pon room: also attic: something new in arranae- ment and built-in conveniences; located at 905 K. 21st st N. Price 34000. terms. Call Woodiawn 2533 after 6 p. m. NEAR COLUMBIA PARK. .. PRICE $2100 3200 cash, 323 monthly, buys very nest, plastered bungalow.' large porches, lot 65x112, splendid trees. Fred W. German Co.. 723 Cham of Com. COE A. MeKENNA A CO.. Main 4522. 82 4th t.. Board cf Trad. lOR SALE 120 acres in Clarke county, creek, timber, gooa son. conmj imi, iwui, ....,.., 123 per acre: terms. Owner. 1296 E. Salmon,. Phone Tabor 8621. '. . J At- ii' 1 r nT3 HAVE sood stock fsrm, fair buildings, well wa-f I 0 MinUteS Oar K ICl e tared., dear of all incumbrance, only half milay 3 room bungalow, firenlaoe. lut:li kitchen. cement bsement, 60 ft. lot. Hellwood car. A nifty little home, $300 wilLhsndle. Price $2500. IbO. T. UU11KE IV, Alll.OTON BLDIi. We Accept Liberty Bond 'at Par. from railroad station. Write or inquire vningss Bio Mrwaiyn st-, mroino. FOR RENT FARMS It 17 Acre near Oregon Cttv. sidewalk all way outV first class state of cultivation, 4 room bousavr RX-747. Jon ral. 0 ROOM house, partly fu-nished with piano; will sell or rent. (all Woodiawn 3550. FOR RENT 2 4 room flats, modern 389 Ivy at, snd Union ave. 4 ROOM house, yard, walking distance, $13.50. with water, oss Market wood for -sale. SNAP onnn tviinvi nnTuro .nun 1 room nouse, lot iuiim aizou. azou 1 ' i J , . ' u, , 1- V.' , . UUU , i . n I. . , . , 6 room cottage, modern plumbing and elec- fT! "'ZV?!. '? TulS T. , 7Tiv itiipvt i UIIV I)f chicken. 8. K. Stearns, 202 Wilcox bldg. WANTED To rent by workingsnaa with small Main 8517. ,(!. (mm 2 to 6 or 10 acres ciosa to city tricity: iust painted: $200 down. See FRANK U. MXiClliU, ABINGTON BLDG. To Buy Your Home. Main 1068. FURNISHED HOUSES 80MEBODY WANTS THIS 3 C07.T B room eottaxa. 1291 E. Uorrlaon at. 1 limits, earline. with fair boose and reasonable' BUNGALOW, baaemant gas, electricity, bath. (near 46th), near oar. school, stores, etc. : rent gi particulars in first letter. Z-704Jour- ' cabnet conveniences, paved district, all lovely elec. lights, gas, bath, nice neighborhood, lot nal. ."' homes, furnace, fireplace, north of Hawthorne. 88x100; price only $1600; $675 cash, balanca I wTvTrVvTrf rT rant 5 to 6 acre in cuitivav ' A ns.mm KnMfn1 In m,nnintml.nt 111.. .. Tk. Prr 1-.. VI.. rm fn. Olft Bt..k .. IWAJItU lO ! J U fcl ... IB tUlU'ST . Own rent and $65 per mbnth income. Bmall payment, balance renting basis, view property. WANTED Congenial elderly lady to make home with young counle and do email amount of housekeeping for board snd room. V-440. Jrnrnal. cash $750. 611 Union ave. N. GOOD close in bungalow, lot 40x100, good crumbing, gaa. alectnerty. water, close to car- west side, walking distance, furnished. Lot lme- " oia soon, pnee ou; au clear; seas 60x80, 4 H. K. .suite. Owner in servic-gAli fo' ciih- Waverly-Richmond district Tabor sacrifice. $4500. Inquire 818 Piatt bldg. 7088- FOR RENT 7 room house, furnished or unfur- DANDY 7 room modern bouse oot Kenton way. nished. 845; Urge ground-. Tabor 7397. I owner i isiras. mj scu ami uaa 3 ROOM furnished cottage, gaa and electridty, v ' v " terms. -See it Johnson-Dodaon Co' $15. Phone Main 7402 or A-1325. a V w Rank hMe WANTED An experienced marker and sorter. Steady position, good pay. U. S. Laundry Co.. 180 Grand ave. YOUNG lady to assist with housework snd care of bahv: cnort ssilarv and best of home. Ad- ply Sandys, 828 Washington st WANTED Middle aged" woman to assist with housework for room, hoard and email wage. Phone Tsbor 8884. WANTED A lady to do light housework; 1827 Huron st. Phone Columbia 227. YOUNO cohn-ed girl to - assist with1 housework; good salary snd home. I'hnne Broadway 713 1 WANT good woman to assist in putting room ing house in order. - 11 at 502 Vnch bldg. LADY barbers wanted. ' 221 Madi-Vtn. K HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE ARE TOU OUT OF A JOB or are yon seeking to better yourself T In either ease an ad in the "Situatiofos Wanted" columns of The Journal "want' I ads, will put your qualifications before practically every employer In or near Portland aad get you a hearing you can get in no other way Rates 1 cents per .word, per insertion, seven con secutive insertions lor tne price ot live. MOLER BARBKR COLLEGR Pars you while learning: gtees yon set ef toots; guarantees PoaJticns. Write- for catalogaa. 284 BumsJJ t.. or paone Broadway IT 31, - MEN, WOMEN, iears barber trad tree; .ease wL.fl learning: position guaxantaad. Oregon nam (Joiiagv Z28 Masnsoo. 8 -SavUrtfn co,tt'' 4i min".t" J..H; 6 ROOM bungalow, lot 60x100. with garage, and Washington. 7 He carfare, Marshall B807 x block from Firland station, oa ML Scott FURNISHED house; no children wanted. 1399 I line. Price 3240S. $800 cash. bal. $25 s mo. ..... I ...A , .w u.ll 1 ...a luaijory vr. l sv Fj. asm n. wuwwi awoo. UnnrsVtTE .mi. hallAlna all k-lsA. M Mnalea APARTMENTS 48 I a mv desiaast for sew nooses. Max M. FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED I M.yr. architect. Concord bids. Main 820S. ; i rormerly pupa Oregon noma ngiiqeT. YambUI Nawi rnrnished modern housekaepin and sleeping rooms, i ou ano op HART APARTMENTS WANTED Man and wife, no children,' man em- 5 ROOM house. $2500, new, all modern, all 1hs 1 Klar sTsr TlA siArr4aIf Oa flBlaa lot; $500 down, $25 monthly. Inquire 'l911 E. Irving t. nlnved elsewhere, woman to help to take car of apt house, lor use oi - room moaern apu K-605. Journal. WANTED A modern 3 room unfurnished apt. west side: bo children. 5383. K-600. Journal. 5 ROOM, bungalow in Hawthorn district, all modern except furnace, with garage. $8800. part cash, bsL like rent 489 E. 84 U at Phone peiswooq sass. j Phone Woodiawn j FOR SALE 3-tocsn modern house, one acre of ground, nam ana garage, tou ot I run . v...,, j . irvu - w- uscNOUa AFT. Eag 3d and Belmont; 1 , 'Zr'". .. - l',Sr-.Z , i 1 S .nt. ai an mmmW gain. levros t'""- 1... . a.. a. Sleeping rooma East a 13. - iciise, cor. ovssvw, v iwmw uumuu., 43a ana ivon; sso rrusBoer oi ure wu, vv Owner, 2606 East 43d. Tsbor fr. i-Kr T T . , -T L.;.k nn K 1 AT ISth )41d, vcaii i m uwun. .1., v " ' i FOR RENT FLATS . 1U. , ... . I . ........ O room LUSW isinawsu wi 1 Kfi nislied; good location. Gore A JelHson, 1974 ZZZZ. IS I 6 ROOMS modern. 1 blk. to car. (treat work all paid, l-.uu, sauv aown, montn, aaam FOB RENT r-,--J a .nA v... ,w T lot.; 8828. 71rt. near 63d ava. Mt Scott x vrn . nsu.s & r i v v a , v--',n- mm i-ui, w.w . M nvn-t Main B4SS. ..in k . . ii m , - . 1850 Pay iiiie rent, ii room bowse, large . . . . A a .... d , ... m garage. FURNISHED FLATS S ROOM completely fttrrushed flat. $18 carded, range beats moms with hot water. Laundry tray in kitchen. Adults only. 1608 Virginia.- niton ear. BY owner, two 5 room modern cottage, lot 0 t 1VUS1VV,. nv ; a. S1W ouivts War J ao ir.r XT-..-. rw4 Ini It. Vatiemisav tmm tin. atltK hem and barn, (a ca rlma. riaaa to city. K. O. Beery. 4635 47th f4. F... etty. FARM WANTED Must tw bargain lor caan. Claud Cole. Henry piog. 1 TIMBER :" t , notice of sale or government Tlt-r HER General Land Office. Washing ton. IX' Am . . a save M-iU. &. Si..-Ka eaafe aubject to tha cortdltions snd limHsriou of t - set ef .'na 9. ibis tss niat, ziei, ana taw Main 8052. FOR SALE BY OWNER A 5 room modern bungalow with brand new furniture. 60x100 corner lot. on 24th at.. 2 block north-of Al berta. If you ar looking for a good home don l iii to see i ilia ptace. uwssr Kavms city. must sell. Address 1121 E. 24th st N, TWO fin bangslows, elioic bardwoed floors. nest lumaees. ii replaces, living, aining rooms. kitchen, lis lis. 2 larg bedfooras. sleeoin z ' . i . , jww . naa i . i n .aa nimm. . o . Hnn u. "r. D"m'nl'' UnarI ,r,r' morn- rrrneiimw oYJb secretary ef the tnt-rior of ' -I a ak . ta - 1B1T tha tWahar nn tha , fa.. $1700 8nappy bung.. $1700: $200ash. 4-1 icwrng ssnds wftl be aold ist 10 o'loek -.- built-tm; rirefiisce. jg. T, car on 1 United (state land offaca at Laarnaw. ur., ta-, 78tb st Main 4803. I tha biaat brdder at sot ieas tbsa the sav. C. (II.DENHEEO. AMiurton hMe 1 imlMrf aalaa aa ilnsm kr this Bjotia. aaU te - 33375 MODERN 6-room bouse on ear line. I Drset ? appvov.1 or roe wmso A Richmond d-trict,. hardwood floors. -fm., T-, K,n7nlZ-,J, ' lrJZ?.M. """"c"1" ' ' I isnoT cTmLwlon, .liowed, aW b. taosit4 at - V. rilisan. FOR SALE 7 room bouse, $2500, sew. all trad foe has and sot in Portland. ,Tua- quir 209 West 19th st. Vanconvar. Wash. ; nings. close to ear. 40s BeUwood 2204 ara. FOR RENT 5 room 740 Minnesota are, near Fremont st 6 ROOM fwnfahed fUtewt .side, close la; lto 1 rnoOM bankr. R." C. Park, modera. lot children. $3Q month. Mam. 1684. -' BOglOO. gang; 3- blocks acbool; $1850; 4 ROOM modsra' fuznished fiat, 600 Clinton st terms. Mala 794 sttcr p. a, roawls. r . . l in- tlsa ot aas. money to aw iwiuiuaw n - m ova FOR SALE Modern 6-reoxa bouse. $2000, (poroved. otbarwiaa patent wiH, for the on easy terms. If yon want s horn, look timber, writes mat b removed withtn 10 year. ' this ap at once. Sea owner st one. I860 Bids Will b reealved from dtisert of h Uatted sin n. n. a. I Btstaa, aocutVrns oi swra cro-ew ana aviiapie-t $300 CASH. Price $2650, f fin rooms. tstm ergamsed OTdar ths rns-j .ll modera bungalow, pavea straat, an ii-v ear- I -" -v T" .7.i. : line. Better loos tnie up; it s s snap. 1448 I .1. TL7 "-Vi r pa effssad separately before being igsehidad la j - . l.u amit. T. 41 A.. Ct I K.. 1 modern, all clear, bardanrfaoe. T blk. ta car. I aJ. n, a isr u M at u. saMse trlna 600 J $500 down. $2$ moathly. Inquir 1911 E.lw fir zn M.I lot 2. velkrw rrina 290 Hi irvrng w. If. N. W. 1. yellow sen m-ivrio MODERN 4 room bungalow. E. 24th nt " n JI" '1. 1 a4 M Vta 2S . Gladstone. $2OO0. 8400 cash. bL monthly. I T 40 st! l4.'7Bn.M&.limm9' Owner, Kast.'SZ2. FOR SALE 9 room house, electric lighu and I bath. Apply Mrs. C xi. Bmltn, Mnltnovnatt station. I asmrloner Oaoeral Lend Of fie. $1750 Bongaiow, 4 rooma with den, bath I room, toilet, electricity, gas, Urma. Tabor 7896. B ROOM modern buna low with i acre. from Mt Scott car, Myrti Park staxion; aoma I 28 as ties from Port Una. ie nm, ciase ta down. baJanc terma 6816 44th ava. B. E. I neighbors, very easily claareo, a-1 sou, ss rata. I,, 1 ku,.k I Price S2Z6v -.411 ti-nry oraa M.1 let 8. veflow pin 280 M., fir 1ft M.I : sxssarest tha yellow pis to b ii st Isaa tho $3 per U.j aad bods of the fir ta b sold ajj v Urn tbsa i per M. CLAY TALLMAN. 4Aeat-f ; Ovrner. HOMESTEADS .; p 47. TTikX 4rSRELlN0UiW IF too want a real 6 car. walking distance, $26 down, . monthly payments Ilka rent, can MS In I tST $2000 $50O DOWN. 8 -room bow asd 4 room house. Swank. 817 Henry, bldg. , A NICE 8 room boos fog ml cheap; lot 50 by - 100- $800. 1497 C-mab st, Ctvotoa. -- - rt FXHANOE REAL 'ESTATE 14 GOOD bona in restricted district, vain $6000". to excliang for 8 or 40 acts, improved, tub-? ning water. CH Tbor, 8331. - y ""Tlfcgattaaed, a Faltowia Pa$ . -