THE OREGON' DAILY JOURNAi; PORTLAND, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1, : 1918. 13 APPEAL TO IKE PORTLAND A REAL PORT IS ISSUED Payrolls and Commerce GoHand in Hand, States Chamber of Commerce in Urging Issue. GREAT DEVELOPMENT DUE Voting of Harbor Improvement Bonds Would Protect Huge Expenditures Already Made. "Male Portland a port for Portland mad ships," la tit appeal of the Port- land Chamber of Commerce for support of the proposed 15.000.000 dock bond la u upon which 'voters will pass next Tuesday. "Portland can get vast government tonnage If Portland will provide ade quate shipping facilities." The expressions : appear in a special , dltlon of Portland Commerce, official . organ of the Chamber of Commerce, . which will ho dlatrlbutd widely among . business men. A brief general argument shmmarfzes - the advantage of port facilities In this way: "Seaboard cities attract com mere and ; business. In order to have i this cpmmerce and business there rmiat si. . - b port laemtleav and ths great devalop ment is by the cheapest and most elastic water. That Is what baa contributed to the development of such cities as Mon treal Boston, New York, Philadelphia. Baltimore, New Orleans, San Fran cisco, Seattle, Hamburg, Antwerp, Liver pool and London." The bond Issue Is described as "Port land's chance." ! x "Take the first step needed in the consummation, of a great port develop ment plan," the Chamber of Commerce urges. - . "The following work must be dona In Portland to get ready for the big bust KLEEttilfflD BKfcAD A ' bread that will "pass muster" at every me1. I LOAVES BREAD 11 U.l.lit 1 jroma Xtwca, Mother Hubbard Butter $1.35 ROLL A. F. SCHULTZ X. E. COU3CER 1T AM) YAMHILL la the Big YamhlU Market "GET IN CTEP" Ideal U BREAD MRS. SCHIEL'S EGG NOODLES with chicken will make your Sunday dinner complete. Sounds good, doesn't it? Get a pack age today at YOUR GROCERS BmterKut DHEAD U GOOD bread - - ... mm Bess that trill corns under pete condi tions : f - . "Modern wharves and warehouses. "Lumber transshipping wharves. "A deeper and tnore commodious bar "A deeper, wider and better marked channel from Portland to the sea. - "A modern new drydock of 12,000 tons' capacity, f "Pilotage service a the mouth of the river guaranteeing against delays, r "Coal . bunXer and ; stream loading facilities. "Ship repair shops.' -Xt ct this work must be dona by the public or private interest. If privet capital does not do it, the public must. Vote bonds to start th work anil mak Portland a real seaport. It la suggested that not erftj should each member of the Chamber of Com- meroe -vote for th bonds, but thai b should -et 19 et his friends to do like wise. ' Portland IS urged to protect th In vestment of many minions already made by the government and the Port of Portland In -channel and harbor im provement. A table shows that only on other port, Philadelphia,' has been the beneficiary of a larger expenditure fit govrnxnat! funds spent to facilitate commerce. "Payrolls and commerce go- hand In hand. Vets tor the port bonds and Portland will have both." la on of th closing assertion! of the Chamber of Commerce argument. . I Though even Its tips are mad of met als, a new flexible tube Invented In Franc for gaai connections is leak proof. Wholesome Rice Cooked in Pure Jersey Milk Ready to Serve x If preferred hot, place unopened can in boiling water 10 minutes. Holly Rice and Milk is cheaper than you can buy milk and rice individually. If your grocer cannot supply you, phone Main 7500. Holly Milk & Cereal Co. iiniiiiiiuiiiiiiuiiiiiuiniiiiniiiiiiifiiiii 33 Wilson s Grocery Specials COFFEE POSITIVELY YOTJB LAST CHANCE to buy these well known brands of Coffee at this low price Edwards' Dependable, Royal Club, Hill's Blue Can and M. J., B., 3-lb. can for 954, 6-lb. can 1.60 TEA HAS ADVANCED and will advance again no more at these low prices: Lipton's India Ceylon, per lb. 65 C Tree Tea, Ceylon or Japan, lb. 494 BIO SOAP SPECIAL Ivory, large bars, 8 bars for 664 Ivory, Bmall bars, 10 bara for 664 Pearline, large package. ...... 244 Star Naptha, large packer. .,244 Bob White; Royal Whlte,.Crystal .White, 10 bars for 63) Lenox Soap,, the old reliable, 6 bara 25e HATCHES Birdseye, Safe Home. Ohio Blue Tip, per box........... .64 Blue Seal Matches, per box 54 MOLASSES Pure New Orleans, 2V4-lbcan- 274 Molasses, Aunt Jemima. 5-lb. pall ..40 Wilson's Grocery Next te Aaetioa House, Seeoad and . - . Yamani Sat Coffee Special S29c Me Dellfery en Lett Then S Lbs, at This Price BOYD TEA CO. tat M 8V Bat. Salmon en Main Ffcene Male at. Ope TUI s. at. SeMHar r7T IITrTTTTgTTiTiTTl ftfalil? - - - - - PA Timda Ifaxk Bwistend" FLECK'S Country ..-- Pork Store HAS NO BRANCH mSTORES One store only corner Second and Yamhill. H READ! SHOP HERE! AND SAVE! The wiie homekeeper will not overlook a single item told of here, for she can readily appreciate the savings she can make by shopping at one of these three markets! Every woman' declares "It pays to shop in person. It is true because some families like one brand or kind of grocery or meat another family prefers another kind. By shoppdfig here you are sure of getting the kinds you like best and at lowest possible prices. Deliveries are made only from People's Market and Grocery, and then only on East Side purchases of $5 or more and West Side purchases of $3 or more. Special! Mclntyre Fanpy Red Apples, $1.50, $1.75, $2 case. . Excellent eating apples and they cook splendidly. People's Market and Grocery Only! Fancy New No. t Walnuts, lb 40 Breakfast Cereals Quaker Oats, pkg .15 2 pkgs. Puffed Wheat : 25 Krinkle Corn Flakes, pkg .10 1 pkg. Ralston Bran 15 2 lbs. Fancy Prunes .'.-..25 1 lbs. Rice 25 Pearl Barley, lb 10 9-lb. sack Rolled Oats 80 3 lbs. Rolled oats J. . . .25 Cream of Barley .20t Cream of Wheat 25t Beans and Peas Split. Peas,' pegib, ..102 2 lbs. White Beans ...25 2r2 lbs. Pink, Beans. 25 Special! 3 lb. Can Coffee $1 M. J. B., Roval Club, Golden West, De pendable coffee, 1-lb. can .3S 1 lb. bulk Cocoa .2S 1-lb. can Ghirardelli Chocolate . ... .35 .Soap Special 10 bars Crystal White Soap, 1 pkg. Sea Foam, 4 Creme Oil Soap, value $1.35 -Special 1.00 Miscellaneous Needs 25-oz. can K. C. Baking Powder. .255 Swedish Health Bread 15? Gilt Edge Stove Polish . 20 Best Macaroni, all styles, lb.. . . . . .10 Wonder Polish, per can. 5 10-lb. sack Salt ..25 Jello, per pkg 11 Pearl Tapioca, per lb....c. 20 1 large can Royal Baking Powder. 35 1 lb. Peanut Butter 20 3 pkgs. Gloss Starch .25? Pop Corn, per lb .15 5 boxes Matches. 25? 1 lb. cake Sweet Chocolate. .35 3 pkgs. Shredded Cod Fish. 25 Otter Clams, per cart 15;. per dor;- $1.65 Sugar Substitutes 1 gal Karo ..SI 1 can Alaga Syrup ............. .20 -0 Cookies and Crackers Fancy Assorted Cookies, lb 25 1 lb. Ginger Snaps. ... 15? 1 lb. Animal Cookies . . . . . . . . .25 3 pkgs. Rdman Meal Biscuit. 25 Extra Special Saturday Only 10 lbs. Golden Marshmallow Syrup, can S1.25 Canned Goods 5 cans Deviled Ham 25 1? 3 cans Sardines 25 Booth's Sardines . 20 2 glasses Chipped Beef 25? 3 cans Pork and Beans 25? 2 cans Del Monte Tomato Sauce. . .15 3 cans Tomato Soup . , 25 1? Sardines in oil 3 for 25? Bull Dog Tomatoes, cau 15 Buy Milk by the Can 5 Marigold Milk .' A .60? Federal Milk, 5 cans 65 . Holly Rice and Milk .10? Borden's Malted Milk; jar. 45t i Soaps and Cleansers Palm Olive Soap 10? 5 lbs. Sal Soda 25 3 cans Lye .-25 Light House Cleanser ... 5? 3 cans Dutch Cleanser for ....... 25 3 cakes Sapolio .25 Cooking Fats 3 lbs. Crisco 90 Wesson Oil, large can. ......... .$1.60 Quarts 75; pints.. 40 . 5 111' f i hi r m 111 In Vista House Market N. E. Cor. 4th and Yamhill CENTRAL MARKET In Pacific Market S. E. Corner 4th and Yamhill fas! h In the Big Building Tin nn ti Corner Second and Yamhill Streets These Special Prices for This Saturday Special Stalls 22-24 Special Stall 28 Special Stall IT Special Stall 18 Lr,. 18c KraS40c Meb M Pot Roast, lb; . . 17!6c Honey, lQulb. can.. $3.25 market creamery Special Stall ' " " Special Stall 4 Special Stall IS Potato Salad, lb. . 20; Special Stall 30 2 RaUins. . .25c Brick.Checse, lb. . . .40c qIimmw uMTO n, en. Sauer Kraut, OKf l--can Bakers' Choco- Limburger Cheese, lb, 40c 5ummer 2usagc, lb . . 50d 2 lbs.;. ... v. .v . C late 30c Edam Cheese, each. .$1.00 Live and Dressed Rabbits L 11 1 20th Century Grocers and Coffee Roasters 0 PORTLAND, OREGON CITY AND HILLSBORO Retailing Groceries and Coffee t practically wholesale pricesvIt's the Quantity end the way we do business that permits PRICES QUOTED GUARANTEED FOR SATURDAY AND MONDAY CRYSTAL WHITE SOAP 10 bars 59 bpx of 100 bars $5.85. OREGON WHITE BEANS less than wholesale New crop- both small and large, 5 lbs. 50 less quantities 11 Shortenings and Oil at Trimmed ''"'Prices- vCritco, l lb. can 33c t cans 49c 3 lb, icans 98c 6 lb. cans- $1.939 lb. ?cans $2.85. Pearr Shortening, No. 3 pall 7Bc No. S pail $15 No. 10 pail $2.55. Mazola, pints 40c quirts 78c J aL $1.28 gallon $2.55. Off gpn grown, white and mealy 100 lbs, : $L98. 5 lbs, 12c to lbs. 23c Breakfast Foods and Cash and Carry Prices Post Tonties, KeIloggs Corn Flakes and Shredded Wheat Biscuit 2 pkgs., 25c Kellogg a Krnmbles, 12c ' Baker's Cocoa, Hlb. can 23c Instant Postum, small 25c large 45c Old Fashioned Postnnl, 20c. 3 Vx lbs. fancy Hake Oatmeal, 25c Macaroni finest quality curve cut, 3 lbs. 25c ' ONIONS The .Oregon kind, therefore the best 5 lbs., 14c ' CANNED MILK Federal Milk Highest test Govt, inspected. Tall cans 15 Dozen ,$1.75 Case of 48 cans $6.90;. BUTTER Jersey BelV i lb, 63c n t $1.25, COFFEES . Roasted In our own plant and" retailed at wholesale prices. SUNSET BLEND at the old price yet Equal to coffees retailed" at 40c, lb. 28c 2 lbs. 55c 5 lbs., $1.30; PORT OF PORTLAND -The very finest of the coffee roasted the day you buy l ib, 33c 2 lbs-. 65c 5 ib, $1.60. There really are iq You can make your time worth-money to you-1 spending a. short time at any of our stores better places than the ' ' - - -V . . T, - - V' ...... . - 20th Century Grocers and. Coffee Roasters Stores tiocated at 168 5th, across from the Post Office; 731 Va ' Washington; 410 Montgomery; in the Big'SaniUry Yam- am muftci dcwnu cuiu lomuui;. vrcaoa vanr. inu xiuisooro. uregon., ;:- -.-- v: - v. . Meats, Wholesale Price Pot RoasU, lb. 12Vsc to 15c Sirloins and T-Bones, lb. 20c Veal Roast, lb 17c to 20c Bacon, lb. . ... . . . . ... . . ;40c Veal Stew, lb.. . .12Vsc to 15c Pork RoasU, lb. .... . . . i30c Boiling Beef, lb. . . .10cl2Vic We Close Saturday at 7 P. M. FAIR-CHILD THB LITTXiX Oil SALE BUTCEB 224226 Yamhill, Between First and Second Nott "hell" nJoy tha soup and th crispy, salted Snow Flak Crackers. Soup wouldn't b soup wltltout them. Larger packages ar th most economical way to buy Snow Flakes. Ask your grocer. Crackers caa new b patriotically rrd . ia rUurants and hotels V Pacific Coast Biscuit Co. Portland, Orefoa " I 7 T T I Guard Your Purse Saro and then ssy soma more It's not hard if you know how for instanca, cat down your jrocery biU by trading at the Jsra. ' Thousands are doing it, why not you? Jost a few steps off Fifth street on north side of Yamhill. . - Jara Creamery Butter, lb ...... 6 5 Kn S1.20 Good Fresh Creamery Butter lb. BOe . Roll f 1.20 Rogers Peanut Butter, t lbs.... 46 Cheese,, lb ........35c Pink. White, Red and Black Eye Beans, 2 lbs 2Sd Best Jap Rice, lb lOe Shredded Wheat, 2 for 25 Post Toastles, 2 for ......254 Corn Flakes, 2 for 25 Golden Rod Oats, 9-lb. sack 75c Nw Filberts, lb New Almonds, lb. ,j New Dry Prunes, lb.. ,.....,. New Soft Shell Walnuts, lb. New Brazil Nuts, lb 4Qe .35 Java New Black Figs. Ib ......204 New Seeded Raisins. Z'pkgm...25V New Beedleas Raisins, 3 pkgs. ..254 ' Orange, Lemon and Citron Peel. pound .......454 (Our New Fall Goods have arrived) OCR COFFEES ARE STTPESB None better, no better values. Try -a pound tomorrow. , Campflre Coffee. 354 lb., t Ibet 1 t Hoffman House. 304 lb, SVs Ibe. SI Old Dutch, 254 lb.. 4 lbs X 291 Yamhill St Near 5th Eat FiM Alaska Herring Norway Cured Herring Salted Salmon Salmon Bellies Black Codfish I Swedish Delicatessen 225 Yamhill St. .- Between First and Second Sts. Liberty Creamery Butter 2-LB. ROLL 5 U.0J . Ample Supply, on Hand td Serve Everybody Satur2sy. LIBERTY CREAMERY! In the Liberty Market, 5th and Yamhill Social Sale: - CEE Otir 'regular 40c Coffee on a!e Saturday only not over . lbs. to a customer lb. IT? i 2 jijiij MARTIN MARKS COFFEE CO. t; ft