5 -- I. 1911 I- THBXpREGON DAILY. JOURNAL PORTLAND, FRIDAY NOVEMBER 1 . ytm V V- Wnh the aH4 aaaft SweNaihr 1, Iwfn aOaa -. .' . Why sat nitend the heartN efrlas ka th ; arniaste tiiese so oaJlae aneeartnas la the aarT VANCOUVER HANGING UP HEAVY SKEDl I ; , ' !? -Final Contest of Loggers Will Be Against Goat Island 'Gobs1 December 21. , .lAPTAINi nOBINSON. manager of the Vancouver barracka divisional foot , ball anreratlAn, has arranred. an eight '.game schedule for the soldiers, the final y contest of , the season to be played against tu Ooat Island navy team IM--reerhber 21.j 'The barracks' schedule Includes' two ' games with ths Camp Lewis eleven, the first to be played at American Lake November ,Vtho day following a game between thei Mottnomar and Lewis teams cat Portland. The-second battle, will be staged either on Multnomah field De cember or on the post field at Van couver December 7. -A game with the ,. Mare Island marines Is scheduled. The Battle Pros;ram ' The list iof games as announced by Captain Rotolnsorr follows : November J Stand If er at Vancouver. November 10-Cheroawa at Vancouver. November IT Camp Lewis at Amer ' lean Lake. ' v ' - November J4 Bremerton . flavy team at Vancouver. November. 28 Oregon at Eugene. December 8-7 Camp Lewis at Port- - land or Vancouver. December 14 Mars Island marines at Vancouver. f December! 21 Goat Island navy team 'at Vancouver. All the games with the exception f the Thanksgiving day contest have been scheduled. The soldiers have, not made any arrangements to play the Multno mah clubrtieam, but It may be possible that the two will get together , Christ mas day. as It now appears to be cer tain that the football season will be ex- - tended to the year end. , Malariey 0ti Bnsr. - Coach Malarkey Is putting his squad ehrourh hard oractlce In preparation for iHunday's same against the BUndlfer jteam, which Is . bobKted as being a J fairly strong araregwtlon. i This game will be played on the post field at Vancouver following a conies; between tke military police team and the 105th-li06th squadron team of Port land. J . tartne' northern Scaednle According to the latest Information regarding the tour of the Mare Island marines, the schedule of games to be played Is as follows: , November 23 Multnomah at Port' land. - November 28 Camp Lewis at Ta coma. December 7 Bremerton at" Bremer- ' ton. December 14-r-Vanoouver barracks at Vancouver. It Is understood that the Bremerton team has guaranteed the marines $2000 for a contest, which means ; the ellml nation of Idaho from the marine sched ule. With the big guarantee made by Bremerton, half of which has been sub scribed by tke business men of the city. It appears as though the marines would come north without pressing ' the other teams for1 such big guarantees. Manager George Bertt of the Mult no mah club team Is still waiting to hear from Captain Coovert, athletic director of the. .marines, regarding the Multno-ihah-Martne game. Unless the marines accept the terms offered, Multnomah will makei an effort to land the LTnlver city of Washington team for that date, Athletle Directors Here Captain T. Q. Cook, athletic director of Camp Lewis, and Athletic Director Page of the Bremerton -navy yard were Portland visitors Thursday. While here they1 Arranged the final details for the contests to be played with the Van couver barracks team. Toandatloa at Engine ' The. Foundation club team will tackle the University of Oregon team at Eu gene Saturday. Coach Dewey puts his players through a final workout Thurs--day afternoon on the Vaughn street grounds, and he is confident of giving the Oregon aggregation a stiff battle. The Aggies will battle Camp Lewis at Amerlcav Lake Saturday aad a real hard--foirght contest Is expected. Coach Ceerrtgki ll Hart Sshafraer t Mara .1: i iv - I 'll Sam'! Rosenblatt the Men's Store for' Quality and Service Marines May Be -Here Next Month To Battle-Aggies Oregon .Acrlealtaral Collcte, Cor vallls, "ov. L The Oregon Aggies win meet the Mare Islatd elevea la a grid Ir os battle some time is De cember, if tar accessary arras ge meats eaa be made according to letter Jist received here from Bill Bartlctt,' the hsiky manager of tke Hare Island Cqaad. According to Bartlett, the Island team will make Us trip north in Be eember, providing the qnarantlne Is off by that time-aad ke and Ted, Cramer, gradnat manager of atfc. letles here, are at present endeavor-. leg to settle definitely anon the date of the game and ether details at tendaat to 1U ..-' : " WASHINGTON TO ENF0E0E STATE, NOT TREATY LAW Federal Biological Bureau De cides Local Game Statutes Cover Situation. Game officials In the state of Wash ington have won out over federal game officials In regard to the right to handle the migratory bird situation in that state and a change will be made In the federal migratory bird act to make It conform to the Washington statute, says a Epokane paper. Some time ago L. H. Darwin, state game warden, notified Joe Stingle of Spokane, deputy state game warden, to have all county game wardens enforce the state code In regard to migratory birds rather than the federal migratory act. State Law to Control Although federal authorities requested Mr. Darwin to Instruct hla game war dens to enforce the federal act. State At torney General W. V. Tanner notified Darwlnthat the state and not federal law on migratory birds would control. E. w. Nelson, chief of the bureau ot biological survey in Washington. D. C, made a trip to Seattle to confer with Mr. Darwin and, after looking over the situ ation, declined to fight the state game officials. f "There are only a few minor technical differences between the federal and state codes and as the secretary of agriculture can make the federal regulations con form to the Washington statutes, there is no use quarreling about the differ ences," said Mr. Nelson in Seattle. "These changes lnj the federal act will be made, so no test of -the law will be necessary," Mr. Darwin , again notified Eastern Washington . game ' wardens, through the office of Deputy State Game Warden. Stingle of Spokane, that the state code on migratory birds will gov ern the situation until further changes are made either In the state or federal laws. . Bobbins After- O'Connelf Earl Bobblna, pride of the Vancouver shipyards. Is the latest after the scalp of E. J. O'Connell, apd Earl thinks so much of hlsown ability that he is ready to meet O'Connellln public or private. Bobbins talks In figures of $B00 for a match with the local welterweight. Earl, weighs about 160 pounds. Harglss will take 18 players on the trip. ' S All Players Called The Multnomah club players worked out Thursday evening on the club field and will go through the paces again Sunday morning. Every player on the squad Is expeced to report for prac tice Sunday morning. Any 181-Poanderc Basyt The First provisional regiment foot ball team is desirous of arranging, a practice- football contest for Saturday. The soldiers average about 180 pounds. Any team destrlng to buck up against this aggregation can make further ar rangements by communicating with Lieutenant Clelland, First company. First provisional regiment, Vancouver barracks. Your next suit? fVfAYBE you're oft for A an army camp and your next suit will fbe khaki ; if so, you're lucky. If you're not going:, bet ter see that it's a suit that saves. These t Hart Schaf f ner & Marx Varsity suits we have here economize for" you all wool carefully tail-, ored, the smartest and best style. Get them for long wear and . money saving. v " ' We guarantee those i things. . i Young Men's Models $25, $30, $35 and up 4 i ' s Gasco Bldg. fifth and Alder FAMOUS ATHLETE TO " WED SOCIETY GlffL 5 ? S AaiVC ixat. j-irr-u sratfTV. Miss Mimi Scott, prominent society oirl, will soon become the bride of Lieutenant Hobart ("Hobey") Ba ker, former Princeton football star, now an American aviator in France. Uliss Scott has been serving as a nurse in an evacuation hospital in France. She is the daughter of George tshanl Scott of New York. The engagement announcement was received with interest In New York, Newport -and Paris, where she Is well known in society. JACK R0OT, who retired from the ring more than 10 veara aeo. h bn a n- polnted boxing Instructor at an aviation station in ..California. Root's most 1m portant battle in the squared circle was when tie met Marvin Hart to 19 05 This contest was advertised as for the world's championship, as Jim Jefferles, who had been engaged as referee, was said to have offered his championship to the winner. Koot was knocked out by Mar vin Hart la the twelfth round, but Jef fries failed to give the victor his title. Root, until bis appointment as Instruct or, had been living in the Northwest and bad made quite a lot of money In tne moving picture business. Porto Rico Is developing some husky young athletes at Its big training camp at san Juan, tne commission on Train ing camp activities reports. Baseball. football and boxing form a part of camp lire, as at tne Dig cantonments in the states. While American sports are new to. Porto Ricans. they are learn in cr them as quickly as they are the science ot modern warfare, the commission says. Walter Pipp, former first baseman of the New York American League Base ball club, has almost finished his pre liminary course in naval aviation at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Boston. Plpp has made an excellent record In this branch of training and will soon be flying in active service. Tie shortly to be transferred to the flying station at Miami, Fia. Willie Kyronen, the star distance run ner, is trying o get the permission of the A. A. U. officials to continue run nlrig after he has finished the ten-mile race at the Millrose Athletlo clubs' games, to be held In New York, in an attempt to make a new American record for 15 miles. . James Oaffney, the former owner of the Boston National League Baseball club, has been- informed that the team and franchise have been turned back to him. Percy Haughton and his asso ciates absolutely have , forfeited their entire holdings in the club. Oaffney held a big mortgage on the property. Sill Brennan, the heavyweight boxer who was. recently stricken with bronchial pneumonia, has developed septic pneu monia, and late reports say that he Is very low. Brennan Is a sailor at Pel ham bay. New York. He suffered a sud den relapse and little hope is held out tor his recovery. Don Soott of Mississippi, who was the winner . of the half-mile championship two years, ago, Is on his way to France. Scott' la a lieutenant in the mfantry and la olng over to aid the Yanks on their trip to Berlin. - - The racetrack has proved to be flna place for Liberty bond sellers.' In two days at Jamaica more than MOO, 000 were sold. Joe Steelier Would Wear Jess' Crown Joe Stecher.- the wrestler of "scissors hold" fame, who is stationed at the Great lakes naval training station, has designs on the heavyweight crown held, by Jess Wlllard. For some time Stecher has been watching the work of Ritchie Mitchell, the "Western lightweight, who Is boxing Instructor at the naval Station and he likes Mitchell's style of boxing so much that ha wants to take up the sport Wrestlers, as a rule, make poor boxers. ' Many fans will remember the attempt of the late Frank Gotch to be come a champion boxer. Gotch, although or tne ideal bund for a fighter, was knocked out In a few rounds in his first and only fight . Thome Is Carrulhers Director Fort "Worth, Texas, Nov. L-L N. S.1 Lieutenant Robert L. Thome, formes manager Of the .University of Indiana football team, has been made athletic director at . Carruthers aviation .field CLUBS WILL STAGE WAR MEETS Waverley, Tualatin and Portland Plan Tournaments for United War .Work Fund. PORTLAND'S golfing fraternity Is go ing to do Its bit for the unnea war Work'- organisations TV M. C A, Knlahta f Columbus, T. W. C. A.. War Camn Communitr service; American Li brary association. Jewish Welfare boadj The Waverley Country club, the Port land Golf club and, the Tualatin Coun try clubs hare each made arrangements stag United War Work- campaign tournaments, the winners in each to re ceive a beautiful medal contribute by John D. Rockefeller Sr. . The dates of the tournaments are: November 10 Tualatin' Country club. November 16 Waverley Country club. November 17 Portland Golf club. . All players Eligible . All tournaments will be It-holes me dal play handicap and 1 1 has been de cided to allow the players of each club to participate In the three tourneys. The entrance fee, which will not be less than $1. will go to the war work fuDda. The directors' cup tournament of the Waverley Country dub will be staged Saturday afternoon. No entrance foe will be charged. The four low net scores win qualify for the match play rounds. The final round of the Waverley Country club's men championship, tour ney will be played Sunday between R. MacLeay and J. R. Straight. , XITHO'S the itraager, mother, ccarf Look, be knows ns alnt he sneer 1 "Hath, my own, don't talk so wild He's year father, dearest ehud." "He's my father! So sack thing! Father - died away last spring." "Father didn't die, yon dab! Father Joined a golflag elnb. Bat they've closed the club, so he Has ao place to go, yon see J!p place left for him to roam- That Is why he's coming home. Xiss him he won't bite yea, child; All them golfing gave look wild." Princeton Eleven Will Have Practice Princeton university, in addition to a varattv made no of the student army corps, has 'two other football elevens representing the Institution, the offloera' material school forrtherpay corps and the TJnlted "States school for military aeronautics. This means many prac tlce games between the squads in prep aration for lnterarmy training corps games, etc GENERAL NEWS NOTES ttia South Bend. 13.600 tons, the lareest cargo carrier ever built in this country. was iauncnea ai unesier, r- .Three army aviators were killed tn acr ctdents Wednesday one at San Diego vd two at Fort wortn, aexas. A maximum price of 18 cents a pound for wool grease haa been announced by the war industries boara. Influenza cases in California now ex ceed 75,06M The situation Is unimproved. A Japanese ma u stria i ana economic mission, headed by R. Tamashlna, vice- president of the Toklo Chamber of Com ntsnna ha raoriAil Waahlnsrton. Blanoo Koaoscoion Alexander, oi Athens. Oreece. who recenUy arrived in New York, haa been made head of t Greek churchtin the United States. Lieutenant Stanton Garfield, younge um of Fuel Administrator Garfield, has been decorated with the Crotx de Guerre fnr valor at the front in France, - Fire at Corona, Colo.. Thursday, swept through the railway, terminal buildings and burned down 7000 feet ot snownheds. Demands tor an eignwiour any, m and a half for overtime and double time fop holidavs and Sundays have been granted foundry workers and machinists . t Whulln W Vs. .Decided improvement In the health conditions of troops arriving abroad is noted In a war department report Tans euanuties oi unaeraarmenu. chemically treaUd as a , preventive against vermin, are being shipped to the troops in Tna, - . HMdnusrtsra at the base . hospttal fomn Wamont. haa announced a DOSttivf eases have been successfully treated with mvia ta, nnmnian mi unnu. wvvr vvv lntra-venous injections of coagulln Tha iwimationsJ tax of 810 a yea stricken from the revenue bin Thursday. There Is Much in the Making STYLE, fit and hang of the garment are of as much importance .as material. That's why the Cherry clothes appeal to t.e good dresser. With ten big stofes, they are always able to offer the latest in materials and patterns, as well as the latest models. 'Even in these war times. their selections are the best to be had, and ust now their store is filling up L with their ladles' suits, coats, dresses. furs, waists; etc., as well, as suits and overcoats for men. Get outfitted with your Winter clothes where you don' have to pay all ready 'cash for It get the advantage of a confidential, digni fied liberal credit EAST PAYMENTS enable you to dress well all the time and pay as you earn. They are at 318-91 Washington st, Plttockbloelt : Adv. it Lunch Kits With Thermo Bottle r; r Special This Weeks $4.00 Lunch Kits at. . .$3.25 $4.25 Lunch Kits at. . .$3.50 $1.50 Flashlight at. . .$1.00 : Batteries for All Sixes GOLF Universal On the Portland lite?!:. ' . City Leagae Standing ' Games. Won. Lort. Pet tit Nicholas Cafeteria. .,.,. it . 4 7SS rniaaa Alien is no a .eoT Henry Bide Barber Shop. . IS i. 8 7 .SS8 Foundation 8Up Bldf. Co. IK. 6 S .400 Waikorer Boot ahop.-.--1 ' 1 -SIS Uadley A Silver. Tailor. . IS S 10 J City leagae . rocxDATioN sHiPBrnjnG cosr. 1. tA. -SA Tot. At: "ell .......... 3 iJ 178 S38 178 Flasaamn 1S 170 1M 624. 178 89 209 684 -178 663 . 1$ Worthen 18 4I 190 Kuta 1SS 2!8 188 ioncaid-. 100 181 182 Total 883 8T 894 2748 HA DUET & SILVER. TAH.OB8 Int. - 2d t Toe. A ml Do Have i. 14S 1T1 1TA 487 182 HUoUa ......... 19a ISO 17t 822 174 Shoo ........ 1ST 22 218 67ft 183 T...l 191 1X4 ITT B04 ltl Toonffer 1 iu 187 487 182 Totals....... 88 811 809 2873 Foundation glupbuiMlns -Corp. won two tames. POBTLAWD AtXJCTS OowJwta ....... J94 jet Sa a is4 Kala ISO 16 147 48 184 Pay , 287 201 181 8 206 a ...... ifll 14A ina kit ito Woods ........ 182 222 188 680 188 Totals 984 938 889 2791 HEX BY BLDG. BAABEB SHOP lit. 2d SH. Tnf Johnson ....... 144 187 187- 472 167 , 1X8 178 188 Merrick ....... 204 181184 549 Sioffett .1TB ltl 187" K34 H.iuon 141 189 158 488 Lruse 192 169 ITS 637 179 Totals ;. . . .1.' 888 898 826 2688 Portland allays iron thrao cames. ST. NICHjOLaS CAFETEBU. 1st. 2H B,l Tni At. Honser 1T1 231 169 ' 6S1 187 toy .. 170 147 17A iftl 165 168 170 188 ,'ylr 189 188 174 481 ;. . J." io ieo on- IVanklia 203 172 219 594 - Totals .881 848 818 2642 WALKOYEB BOOT SHOP 1st 2d. 8d. Tot 171 168 174 488 180 12 170 602 187 146 167 488 187 176 198 68S ....... 183 148 182. 623 AT. 166 167 146 187 174 wnklnsoB Flarin .. Boblin .. Kldoa ., EU ... potato, 888 778 881 2514 St Klchoias Cafeteria iron three fames. 1' i . m i . 1 1 i FOREIGN NOTES The munlclnai e-overmnent nt T.ioKnn Portugal, has voted- unanimously to name one of its principal streets after President Wilson. German churchmen have appealed to the pope to prevent the allies from de stroying their country.. Accumulating indications point to an early reentry of Roumania into the war. Kinar Victor Emmanuel .f-h1 tha allied soldiers make the difficult cross ing of the Piave river. influenza and Dneumonla are rnsrlnr throughout Germany. Agriculture is neglected and most crops are a failure. The new Austrian government has abolished censorship of the press. Two Americans, dropping bombs on the German lines In Flanders, were struck by bursting shrapnel at a height of 5000 feet Viscount French, lord lieutenant And governor general of Ireland, ears the blood sacrifices of the American arm have for all. time cemented the Anglo- oaxon- races. Suilona of an enemv suhmarina In the Aevean ' sea bv shell fire from a Greek merchant ihlt la rervtrf rl In a dispatch to Washington. miss j una stinnoa or Worcester, Mass.. formerly chief nurse of the Amer ican Red Cross In France, has been ap pointed chief nurse of the American expeditionary forces.' - The Australian war loan la meetine with success. Up to the present 212,000 subscribers have purchased $206,252,000 worth of bonds. During the rule of General Krassnof. In the Don region of Russia, 25.000 per sona have been shot MARLEYI2J1 IN DEVON'miN. GU7ZTT lEASODTeV CQXItC'ttJTltX, COTXXRS y Els Oailcck ' Is Victory He stood for a lot before ho "starbsd things.' Dontral staad for paToaoent lmpa. m ' I Fix shews with Slipknots, tfcal rubber beels thai goain walkiag 1 SLOssmrnl aW aa laSaMMsS SnsMBtAaaanh aSijfealaKateaaM H nYMOuTsnBstx cosnunr I aw at aSSWoltentaonn) J o mm j ....... . .-.-.I . ,,j w wV.'V.-5 w- 4 - : r - AGGIES ME WAY TO CAMPllEWIS Coach; Hargiss Picks Best Team in College for Game Aginst the Soldiers. OREGON Agricultural, College, Corral 11.. T. . l . f i - i gatlon of Orange and. Black footbaUlsts. IS strong,' accompanied ty Theodore P; Cramer, graduate manager of athletics. leaves here this afternoon for Camp Lewis to give battle te the regimental team at the cantonment Saturday after noon. : ' " ' liOcal followers are strong in- support of the team and are confident that the Oregon men will prove the victors. The showing made by the team against the Vancouver squad, and the time which has elapsed .since that game, has af forded Hargiss a ' chance to rebuild. Shifts in the team have practically re made the squad, and weak spots In the line, through which the Vancouver men almost tore to victory, have been com pletely patched up. Wilt rse Same Style Just how-the team will line up against the cantonment squad wUl not be definitely known until Saturday, al though It Is probable that the game will be handled somewhat as was the game against. Vancouver, In which Hargiss ran in a substitute for every one of his lighter players. The men will leave here for the north at 2:20 this afternoon, re maining in Portland until 11 p. m. Immediately following" the game the team win board the return train, ar riving ut. Portland early Sunday morn ing. The team, which' Is due back here by tap Sunday evening, consists of Ashliooaeley, Stewart, Llppman. Chris tiansen, Schwlhd and Knapp, . linemen : Reynolds, Tucker, Klrchenschlager, and Van Hoosen, ends; Badley. Thompson, Powell, Strohecker, Captain Archibald, tiaaier and Wright backfleld men. NORTHWEST NOTES' Ex-Governor Frank R. Gooding of Idaho Is made defendant in a 150,000 libol suit brought by Ray McKay, head of the Non-Partisan league, for defama tion or character. James L. Blanch ard. 42-year-old farmer of Prineville. has sold his farm and entered the S. A- T. C. at the Uni versity r Oregon. John W. Vanderbllt aged 40, Is the fifth man In Takima county that has ennstea m m army ajong with his son Tne Vancouver Trolley eomnanv la seeking to lncieaae its passenger rates between Vancouver and Sifton from 16 to 25 cents. . Mrs. Catherine R. McOuaaV A ? who had lived In Lane county nearly me, is aeaa ai (jottage orove. For refusing to treat a child because the father owed him a bill, .-Touchers only physician has been ordered to leave uis uwn oy lnaignant citizens. The Mount Hood Railway company una wijiuiea claims or owners of seven nuios . wrecxea on septemDer 25 by runaway enarine. John A. Prior of Herroiston made this fall from sugar corn raised on one acre. 100 gallons of molasses that sold for ax io. DECIDE NOW OOmg IN AND SELC0T TMK MATERIAL HAVK YOUR Suit or Overcoat MADE TO Y08J8) MEA8URK PRICES BELOW THE AVERAOE - ' - ;' Psrsslfht and Porehaslnf saar Make It Possible POH THE UNION TAIliQRS Te efrr aturSr MrboWSs ef tM "Old Pasfttoe 9waly." HuaSraes af pvuerns . for year sslestlon BrO&E.THWAft' PRICES WE INVITE OOMPARtSOM SETTER COME IN NOW 148 FIFTH STREET WE CLOSE aATVEDAY AT P. sx. d) -1 4 1 r 1 II EMMEsnam,' I Pieaolier Say- j Boxing Brutal, War Worktops -Hew Tort, "fWeW KU 3T S. Plans for boxing en albltloas la, Kew Tork tfed osher cities athronghoat the eonntry In eeaaeettoa with the earn alga of Ue United. War Work jeona ea to raise $176,S66,H0 were held 99 yesterday, v The aaaoaneemeat bf John T. Rockefeller Jrn a member Ot tke executive eomrolttee, that sab serin Uoas to thaaad raised by box lag might be" accepted If givea "ladl reetlr," raased Jaates W. Coffroth, national snperrisor of the boxing di vision, te rail a temporary halt Coffroth and kls assoeUtes feel that boxing has beea placed In aa aadeslrable light by the action or the exeentlve committee, which reached Its decitloa regarding the nse-ef fnnds from .boxing shows as a re salt of protests agalast the brntallty of boxing by minister a ta varloas seetloas of the eoaatry. V TALTER HONETMAN, was one of the Portland sportsmen who ven tured ' back to the Nehalem river for Sllverslde salmon fishing and reports excellent fishing; Honeyman says that at Batterson's and Pease's along the Nehalem everybody Is making the limit in pounds. Charlie Bruce returned Thursday from several days at Salmonberry. fish. lng for the greater part of the time where that stream empties into the Ne halem. He caught about '20 Silver-sides. My Upstairs Prices on SUITS and OVERCOATS reflect value Beyond the question of a doubt. And to the men and young men who wear them they've a constant and pleasant reflec tion that real , money was saved in their purchase. ' $20. $25 Of (.AND ALDER JJ Trade UpstairsS rs Save Your dollars. . -SLJ-' iWf OpenSatufdoMUnrlt ap.M. T. iQsM GOSfiMHJCO m -f - aia a sa swa. . jr ' eorMen PROTECTION against chilling of the body; oftea fore-runner of colds, pneumonia and rheumatism. .m . '.Famous over half a century for its superior qualitiet.v ; Ererr garment shaped to the figure and guaranteed not to shrlnka . . t Claal cnbury Two-Plc, Flat Knit Spring-Needle , Underwear ismade in fifteen grades, several weights of 'fine wools, worsted and merino. Adjustable drawer banda on all grades. Katarat Orar Wool, wfatas weJtat i.f........ m 9nr weight , iuri Sli X? 7T? - Natural Graj Wool. Mgh wessht S1' Worsted. Ukt wlkc i ' KiBr! Str A"t,'.w wool, Iikt waUht ....... Natural Orar Worsted, ssMtfi.sa walgat ......... Naiiuml firav A n.trmlt.n I .Ka i - . il. ' - . - " , " Ji- ' or Sale by , Write fw booklet sample cotuats. FLEISCHNER MAYER ti aiaatnss rj Ksnunc RIGKEYTOv LIGHT WAY ; . - IN LEAGUE St. Louis Boss. Has Five Vote Lined Up to Make Him, j . National President . -: : HICAGq, Nov. 1. I. N. S.) Major Branch Rickey, president of the St. Louis Cardinals, la to be the next presi dent of the National league, according to well-defined rumors current in base ball circles here today. t According to reports Rickey already is assured , of five votes and flvo are enough to elect Those who are said to have pledged their support to Rickey are:- : . -is':", Charles Weeghman of the Chicago Cubs : Harry N. Hempstead of the New York Giants ; Percy Haughton Of the Boston Braves ; Charles , H. Ebbelta, Brooklyn, and J. C. Jones, who will rep resent the l St Louis Cardinals at the next National league meeting.: - ' , -- Applications Must: Be In by Saturday officer of Benson Polytechnic school, Ihtei-lew'ed a -number ' of prospective candidates for the cam p Fremont (Cat.) officer tralnlntr camn Tfiurntav afratr.' noon and issued application blanks to ba submitted for selection of candidates. In accordance with a telegram Just re ceived from Washington. Major Roc aays all applications must.be returned to him by Saturday noon. The cams will open pecember 1 with 20.000 men competing for commissions aa second lieutenants. The Ometepe volcano, near San Balva dor, la throwing out smoke and lava. and $30 course, you'll come up and see them. Get under one of my VALUE HATS $3.50 2 Per Garment , - w ... . w v, m . ,,. y Leadint Dealers Years tot toe aaklar. Dept. 50 CO.. Wholesale Distributors ; Bowneny, aiaweaauiT, osoa.. - j.- . s i it -' H3 here., . , , t ; 273 Morrison St, Near Fourth