,THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, 'WEDNESDAY., OCTOBEI S0ff! 4918. IS HULLED, DECLARES BISHOP FRor.i asia aoii agreement, little remaina to te done ex cept the drawing up of the conference's verdict In official form for repre?enta Uvea signatures , -.; v. VILSON WILL UPHOLD -'. GEN.- FOCH'S. DEMANDS By Job a Ed wis previa -Washington, Oct 80 I. N. S.) Aus tria's acceptance of President Wilsons condition for the entry of the negotia tion for an armistice and peace, ' de- Aflvices ReCfilved bv ; f.lOSt ReV. Tuesday, will be forwarded at once to w ' -i ... " . I rka we a1?4e. m .-.," ' . am f ' ' I is ' m I BW w cura v aw wuiivu vw sbvaa 1 rflDKen uUleSSul2IV' lnaiCai9 1 Versailles. : It will be on the cables be- Armenia. Will ; Be Free Nation. 250 CODIES OF DEAD U STEALER VI RECOVEnrriG IN N RECK on ' - LOCAL U N ION ; ORGAN IZED People Oppressed ,for Centuries : Look at? Last for- Deliverance , :0'i From Turk by;AHies. fore night. It Is understood. This action waa decided on following conferences . between President Wilson and Secretary of State Lansing. , The president . Is understood : to have taken the position that, inasmuch -as the note followed the same general lines ae the German communication now before the Versailles conference it should be eon sldef ed ; by that body Immediately. ' , ' ' Wait Full Germany's Testa . : The 'president Is ' expected .to receive Divers Are - Working on; Wreck of .Steamship Sophia la Hope of ; , . Finding Ship's Log. v "Armenia .will be a, . free nation the Turk Is -hum Wed." .; 'With happiness ringing In Wt voice, so declared Most Rev. Papken Oulessarian, bishop of Oalatla, Asia Minor, who-Is In Portland InHhe interest t me Armenian Vancouver.' B. C. Oct. -SO. (I. N. S.J Bodies to the number of more than 2S0 have been picked up on the rocky shoreav of Lynn canal' near the seen of the wreck of the steamship Princess Boohla. " according - to word .reaching here today f rOm Jurteau. Some of the bodies TSave been taken -to Juneau and others still are ' aboard : searching vea- aia nr tnnu T.a-en id Don ibi . iulyb the. decision of the Versaillee council on j identified. ' ' ,'' the German communication before the I OM tody. . believed' to ' be- that of end or the week. On niai-eceipt Be wiu I jj. S. Bads, whose husband waa iorwro ii o oenra tw wia mu piui ftmnr1t.nl. A n..Mn hotel, bad the Issue of;wrther the wariis to end j wels. valued af' S6000 "on it. Eads nr'.whtd'fhA- flffhtlntf wm -MnffmlAI . : . ... . . . - -; i aiso was iosi route wrrcn. until oermaya mpieteiycnunea bodies identified are those BHuareijr y u n uwram io.tn.uwm. i ttf . ognros A. LOUlOUflS. TaCOma. MXia can oe aiaiea on auuwmy.inai so Harry M. Swarts. San Dlesro tar aa tna preaiaent la eoncernea ne win niver. who arrived aboard a wreck " dominion. i . A , .ho ISwBrA bntl today he told ol the centuriea of Turkish f9 Jn 1bb iressefrora here are jworklns at oppression 'that now bids fair to eease "J1 ;---t';y1w'?v thvwreelt today Hop of finding the and. of the hardships ana surrerings ox 1 WBi,wjr,V . i"" I lo of the ' lost vessel 1 entertained. . ...4.n nirt.tiina nnitcp Moslem i tee that Germany win keep au pledaeef m,A r ti rnii tnrv nr omlnlon. , y i , . . , rd .i. ragdy. It Is expected, will oe rr....o n(a4 ii "branch of the Innt- very plain to the cabinet when 1 . union was formed, with Y O. Cartozlan the enUreItaatlo At low tide VanderbUt W. on whlco aa president, M. B. Dishanlan. secretary, sloiv that Ueved Germany's teeth th hia atnKK ary lnBpecUoa and T. O, Cartoaian treasurer. Theor- " "iT1!: of the spot by members of a aearchln itanisaUon In thia country wilt devote fcn u enandajhat are p, BhoWed the reef ground smooth Itself to tne rener ana .nnwww - - - - . . Whera the vessel swayed before alldlne tne Armsnian iupi. ; - . i vrcncwa raaay jun no miormauon riafr .into deen water. The wreck could Bishop Oulesaarian is eouor. PJ.li11" fardlna; whether the i armistioe oondl- lv- -n Btrn toward the reef. wtT,y, Vt- it -w.rthi .in rtV.0 , m? Jy; o- Indicating the waves and wind swung the in Boston. . He ia m TaryV nl.?-n Una of tha .pea tenns that Gennajy hn .h. i . . . . Ul. TTnarllah. la lnnwrTnnl I ... . . . . . . . I SOUCaieU V1U Dt IBTWO W SOWPI,? IW lBBJOniJ .,.. ,llrf!A fW t 4tl whioh that this would be done. They explained that, inasmuch, aa Germany must in ef feet aurrender , unconditionally to secure an armistice, she might just as well .but his choice .study. , i Wast iadepeadeat Ameala, -, The name of my paper la front-the mountain range, Tauria, In Armenia, which we all very much love, ; and I hop to see It again, bUt free,;entlrely fre from the Turks. ' The Armenian : people are very grateful, to the Amert mn noni. tha American government. M.rin atilrii. i We hope to be would prove a winning card In Germany; not given reforms, for the Turks will It would disarm the military party, they ; promise any reforms, and then ktll ua say, and frustrate their deetrea t-re-? when exhsv dare, s We want the m- brganlae the people again behind a pro- dependent country, the republic of Ar menia,' founded on -American prlnelplea of liberty.", :"; - In his Interview he was assisted by " Mise Anna Karagoaian, an Armenla.i girl, a atudent In the J Llncaln high aehool. r ' ? : "The 4 Trk 2 are cowards. ' craven towards and v. murderers," said the bishop. . rrhey are without honor but they seek ;now the .friendship of the " tArmenUns. . They, ask us to interceae for them. They promise no more mas iaorea, . They promise reform.5 They . fwant not that Armenia'ahall be free. took te Great WRioa J - "W want to institute our own re ttorms ourselves. We can do It very weU with the help of i the BrlUahanl ithe Americana. Our people have ayf- Jfered for their faith for many cen- , rturlea. . .Now we are looking wni tions which have arisen withlrf the past t greatest ."hope for the freedom such as j year. ' other eoeiBtrles and people are prom-1 London believes Germany undoubtedly tlsed by the great Wilson. AU Armem I wm accept both the armistice and peace 'ans in tWt country want to quickly terms. It Is known .that Germany really ' Xoind up the - wounds and restore their I has been trying to stop the operations aoeoDle. Un3r the British nag ana American nag. ine Armenian i Mrs. Anderson's Body Not Foand Telegraphic dispatches yesterday eon- know what she wfll have to do, to get firm the Heath, of J. P. Anderson of Port peace. . ' J land in the wreck of the Princess Sophia In dinlomatier auarteta her ; AffiH.i. I in Lamn canal Saturday. Mr, Anderson's are Inclined to believe that to make body- has been recovered, but that or mibhV. the aenerkl neece tnm af nnn f Mrs. Andbrsott has not been found. Mr. Anaeraon . was wcu Known in irorusuia and was the brother of Mrs. Emma Brown, 1042 Fifteenth street. His wife was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. X Mulligan of Eugene. . The body of Charles A. Craven of Sherwood, Or., also has been recovered. Mr. Craven's name had not been car tied In earlier lists of Basseneers. . Captain. B. D. Newcomb, 178 East For tieth street, arrived In Portland Monday, sailing - from Skagway on" the Alice. after having ongaged accommodations on the Princess Sophia. Most of the river steamboat men, he says, waited for the Sophia. gram calling for "defense to the leaf However, It was understood that this Question now is under consideration at Versailles and until that body had cai fully considered what it should do It will be Impossible to forecast the de cision. By Floyd MaeGrlff London, Oct 30. (L N. S.) The terms upon which Germany can have an armis tice and also peace, probably will be been agreed upon by the VersaiUes inter-1 N EW N OT t FROM HUNS auiea war council, k was tearnea here today. The peace and armistice terms will be Issued simultaneously. The peace con dltions, it is understood will be Presi dent Wilson's 14 points In a little dlf- DELIVERED AT CAPITAL tCmchdd Frota Pass One) the not-j this morning and all ef the In formation he had ion It was 'that con veyed in press dispatches tit was as sumed tn state department quarters that the communication would be rorwaroea through the Swedish minister here inas much as If It war communicated di rectly by Foreign Minister Andrasey be would be guilty of tcommunicaung witn the enemy." - ; Officials said that the pots vary, uaeiy Eould. arrive during the course of . the da.v and InUmated that it would not be disoosed of In any particular hurry. The official Austrian note aaamg nesiaenx Wilson to arrange for an armistice was being translated by the state department experts today. - ' f . Ohadren Urged , . VTo Dig.Olams for. Munioipal Market School children , whom influenia has barred: from study and whose realdeaoa atforda .themopportnnrftr ara urged to dig clklma for Uur municipal flah mar ket. They will be paid the market price and Portland people will-be enabled to buy av wholesome seafood wbiah scarce ly- appears nor, -on- -the. market, ox- plained Commissioner Dan Kellaher, who has the market in charge. Shipments shotdd be marked 'aCunlcl- pal .Fish Market, Portland. Or and should carry the return address to- which payment la MM -sent," directed the commiaaion. -: " . - Mr. Kellaher declares that the munici pal flah "market - la selling fish now cheaper than Any other market tn the United Statesv Halibut -sit 11 and 13 cents a pound is about half what it costs elsewhere, and already the market has sent two shipments to middle western state. If You Are Going to Seattie'Pro- v cure a Mask ' !- " ' j 1 ., in . -V J Rearulatlons Issued bv the EUatti health department require all persons Doaraing streetcars or outer pubin con- T.yancw in mat city., - ruling in ele vators; or going among crowds, to wear io avoid inconvenience to passengers trrmnf m that dtv.a limits linni. has been placed with the news stands in both the King street and Oregon Washington, stations. . Seattle, but for fear that supply may not be ample vu.niieri irum r-oruana are cautioned to procure them before boardlnar train. rney may bo. obtained at the new u.na in ui union stauon nere Adv. BUILDING PERu'lTS FOR OF: SHE III CURREY One Kind of Meat n il Modified to ; Aid Conservation Final Report I of s Housing Com mittee -trf.Be Considered) ;.Morie. Houses. Needed. - X'' X" ' lr-"; - 7'-. ... ..-it - ' :. A score or more of . building permits have been Issued t data by Jesse' A, Currey, building permit commissioner-of the- State CouncU ot Pefense. Among the first) permits granted 'was -one to Albert s Carlson. Fifty-ninth and Has- salo atreets, for the erection of , three houses to cost $2200 each. - - Final reports of. the housing' survey committee will ha. considered late- this afternoon in the -offlce ' of Chairman .IJoyd J. Wentworth.- The report will cover 21 of the most prominent Indus tries In the city, showing the number of employes in each, the number - now in need ef housing facilities and the est! mated number of houses which will be needed three months and 12 months hence. ; : - The conunltteet assisted by Charles IE Cheney, consultant for the city, .will de termine the number of house necessary In addition to those now under way, to tax ear r tne lacreaaing population. According to Mr. Cheney several thou sand new houses must be built during the next year to keen pace with industry. .- Mr. : Cheney., has prepared property mapa showing' tn colors the various uses I of the 60,000 buildings of Portland, thai percentage ot 'toiukbuuu i pviwiftuou In different parts of the. city, the height -a a. a .va. - y Oft DUIWingl W1U WJaCer.ytllasjsi , Dewitt Harry' of yi PortlanSiWpunded DeWltt Harry fat: PorOand has bean wounded in action with the 2Ttn Cana dians. - according to 'wer reeelved. by bis mother, Mrs. G. T. Harry, 95 Tilla mook atrMt. ' Mr.' Hinv enliateel naarlv tour years ago and hag been" in France nearly two years. : He waa a newapa- :!iiiiuniuiiniununinunuiuiiniiin!nuiiuniiii!uinuuinuiuuiinuuiunntnir 7h food administration eating house regulation, prohlbrUug thai aerrtng ef tnors than one kind f meat at a meal. has been modified to permit the' serving of larded aweetb reads, larded filet of beef,- haanv ; goujaab, meat cakes, meat pie and other meat ' eomblBauons. ac cording to a telerram reoatved . thia morning by W. 8. Ayer, federal food ad ministration for Oregon, from wash- illSjtOEU 0"';i?.-;wl:'i"-,4'J'f:ii'-.!J-'- liver and bacon, chicken and Virginia ham. cluh and other meat yarlety sand wiches may also pa served t one uma "Tha new ruling must not be con- atrued to-mean a letting down en eat ing house reguUtiona,M eald ' W- K. NewelL . assistant - food - administrator. "but la Intended to secure greater sav ins; by utilizing scraps that might other wise be wasted, liver and bacon, were nermltted to "be served - together, be cause It was found that liver would not be used unless served to combination.: nuH-r a. waddlnar at Stan Pablo;' Cel. Monde.v. both bride and groom and the officiating : minister , wore Influensa masas. - -i RCIPEm)lDARKEN ItRAYI HAIK m Cmclnnsti BarW Tells How to Make a lUmcd for Gray Hair. - Mr. , Frank Harbaugh of - clnotnaaO, Owfwho has bean a barber for more than forty rears, recently made the fol lowing atatementt MAnvone can nreoare a simple mix ture at home, at -very litUe cost. thatJ s ... a 4 . W . K.a mmWa 14 Mtl l- Will aaraail Srv l'a tr, autw uhb. ii wh and glossy. To a nau pint oc water aaa 1 ounce bay rum. a smalt boa Bar bo Compound - and . ounce glycerin rheaa-ingredients can be bought at any drug store at very lltUe cost. Apptr t the hair twice a week until the tiastred shade Is obtalnedV " This . will make - a gray haired person look twenty years younger. This is not a dye. it does, not color the most dslteate ecalp, U not atlcky or greasy and , does not - rub arff." - - tAdV.l--" i,:7 ffy,i A I ' Li 1'. 'IL-' V, V SIT llulUVVU il I ii - IllllUVVVA' 1 J .w , wt rrtjrr- i nil iiiw w 1 " . PIC1-. fill 1 1V1 W J flava " -.-' j "4 t ' 5 1 jfewjfiienhMnd&? r m JaaM-mam-masslaa-aaaa--- ' " ' "' " 1 r ' I Put up Now the t : isafe.rand wherever the allies have .-I gone In the great -domains of Turkey . . the Armenian people have found oh, . ;the "greatest " bf . friends! "I have ,' received atnee coming to t Portland.1 i oontlaued , the? 1 bishop, "aa - surancea from active representatives ot ' the Armenian " people at 'Washington .' ithat make, my heart very glad. I tm aorry that I cannot give them t utmost publicity. They are conf lden f tlal. Armenia will be a free nation. , The Turk la thumbled." "i Bishop Gulessarian will go from . Portland to Fresno; Cai., and from tthtre to other .Armenian, centers, and '-yt return to Boston Jn about thrs months. V ; . ; tDEMNDS "ON BERLIN - T ARE TO BE STRINGENT (Ooaelnded Vrma Pstv Ofi.) .-those afforded BVCgaria. although extra precautions will -be necessary and there I may be some harsher clauses. The Inter-allled oonferenoe Is under--' . stood to have already agreed on the main political points ef the armistice. V.The terms must be severe, it waa agreed tn authoritattve circles, because "Germany began the war, the renewal of (whloh must be made Impossible. .. ' vc Few believe that the lnter-allied con i terenoe will last more than a week. Since . Colonel House, representing the United Statsa, has called on Presldent'Polnoare . land conferred with other French lead- iersv He also has. received Greek Pre ' -mler Venlselos and the Greek minister ' 'to France. J Colonel House has moved from the hotel where he first atayed and how la iIm Th -xit -li-Ti,;. rw9Ki .no- any in wnat respect it ex- ; " ""j" 1 plained the original vQerman reply. " "" SoeretarvtAnainr would not comment upon the . communication until he had had an opportunity to examine it. State department officials said that the note, while described by the Swiss minister as "supplemental," was In real ity a memorandum designed to Justify the declaration in the original German note that the German government had actually been made representative of the people. One official who was in a posi tion to know Intimated that the note was in reality A clever bit of German propa ganda. Jt sets forth for the benefit of President Wilson and Secretary Lansing the changes which have been made by the government and the relchstag. tak ing the control from the military and lodging It with the people. The -vari ous measures which nave been passed by the German relchstag are. set forth tn full, it is explained. Officials said tne note was in no way calculated to change the existing situ ation. . The memorandum, unlike the notes that preceded It, is not addressed to the president, but Is sent to the state department merely as a communication from, the German government to the United States. - - Meanwhile President Wilson was at work on his reply to the Austrian note asking - for an armistice and waiving preliminary negotiations, wplch waa de livered to oh state department Tuesday by Swiss Charge d' Affaires Oederlln. It was said In official circles that the "note would be disposed of probably late this afternoon.' This waa taken to mean that the reply might bo made public before long-.' The text of the Austrian note has not been made public, , That the reply will refer of he U-boats. Austria is expected to accept any terms that are offered her. The fact that the Csecho-Slava and the Jugo slavs control Austria's food supply has played a large part in forcing the capitu lation of Germany's chief ally. Austria, It Is believed, win quicxiy accept what ever armistice terms are demanded, in! an effort to nurry peace. ' Release at Prisoners Demanded London. Oct 14. (I. N. S,) (British Wireless Press) The immediate and 1 unconditional release of all prisoners or war In enemy countries will bo one of the allied armistice terms according to sir oeorge cave. Brttisn nome secre tary. In an address before the house ot commons he declared that he had the best reason for believing that the Brit ish government would Insure this con dition. Montenegrin Rebels Enter Capital - Zurich, Oct 80. (1. N. S.) -The Mon tenegrin revolutionaries have ' entered Cettlnje, the capital of the country, it was learned today. The Montenegrins revolted Austro-Hungarian domination. against Early 1 Capitulation ' Predicted London. Oct. 10. (I. N. & Capitula tion of Turkey is Imminent and the arm 1 slice terms have already been prepared. tt waa learned on high authority today. the note to the governments of the Amsterdam, Oct. 30. (U, p.) Con-1 nations allied with the United States in stantlnople newspapers declare' that Turkey already has begun official negotiations with the entente. The Tur klsh delegates, it. is said, have left, for the conference. the war seemed certain. I - Wete Wet GlTea to Public It was announced at the state depart ment this afternoon that the text of be supplementary memorandum would not be made publio "f or the present." It Zurich, Oct 30.-MU. P.) The Turks have evacuated the great on center of j WM even Indicated that there was Baku on the Caspian sea without firht-1 -tvin A.t;k, - 1 .1.- l.M V 1 , ' Jil--. 4,1 . -I,. ..r..J t"'""" w.;sr vr i Vtr'i . " -I, made publio at all.-givmg weight to the raV Kab flalma Ia t K a rVlatMl eaani lA.a& Ot I If oautA-ak ai!h e . - . .. I . t . - " , . ... Now is the time tcf buy cranberries for Jellies, Jams, Preserves and the many other uses to which they can be so easily and economically put. They are in their prime at present Donlt wait until shrinkage reduces their food value. 4 You'll' e surprised how many- delightful ways Cranberries can be pre pare d,and HOW LITTLE SUGAR IS RE ALLY NEEDED y PACIFIC COAST CRANBERRIES have a i fiaVr and nutriment all their owfi ..M'iiZ . v TRY THIS RECIPE FOR DELICIOUS CRANBERRY JELLY: . ... Cook until soft the desired amount of cranberries "with 1(4 pints of water for etch a quarts of perries, and strain the Juice tnroufh a jelly big. Measure the juice it to a boiling point, then add i cup. of ugar for every 2 cups of Juioe. Stir sugar is thoroughly dissolved . and . boil for .five minutes.' Skim and pour into glass tumblers or crockery Jarsvto cool. -.;., Four quarts of cranberries . and t$4 pounds of sugar make v 5 tumblers of deliciQus -Jelly. and heat si. t. ass. I Pacific -aff ihatk necespaiy You can invite the friends; we invite YOU to B come and select your Victrola. 5 ; a E Sign and send this ad to us and get catalogues and our easy-payment proposition. Address Name 5 y-WOH ANDHAMUM PIANOSr- -SSSgH : a ii - MORRISON ST. AT BROADWAY Stores also at San Francisco, Oakland, Sacramento, San Jose, - - - Los Angeles . . V" siiiiiiiiiitiniiiiitiiifiiiiiitiuiffinitilitiiiiiiiiitiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiitiiiiiiiiei Vt the Seine, lent by a friend and located jii w viu uu.HHTiio uuBrmr mwr ins -.house General Pershing lives in When ?he "Is in Psrls. j United States signal corps Is instail : lng telephonee In the building and Pa- Frisians remark that an air of-perma-; fnency surrounds Colonel House's estab- tllshment there. Few believe that the Inter-allled con front Moscow today. Italians to Build Monnmentto Wilson j report that. In some official circles, the document was regarded as another form of German propaganda. f i. . " . The airect appeaKirom count Andras- sy has not yet been received, it was I stated --t- J -ir' -r-; Lucca. Italy, Oct 0j U. P.) A eom- tntttM ha. been tnrmtmi - hem tA - M.faa zrnoe will last more than a week. Since 1 funds for tne amea already .have reached an 1 wnon : I'" ' Count Andrassy Asks Peace Paris, "i Oct " JO --Count Andrassy, t.e monument to President I nw Artro-Hungarlan foreign minister, lBeforei)u r;Ji-' An Appl : -ir. '...it 'i 'W. Sign iication for, Life Insurance Interest BY EXAMINING i " -- Policy Contract . ierior Service Rates : i Suti r: v low Prenii pAInsurahce i Company V : tTTtiirntf ' rim rumiair.i ':- Home Off ?SOT?i&r.;'PoTtland,b a. 1 MILLS, Pres. . ...... i-" BAMUlU Gen, Mgr. & N. STRONG, Asst. Mgr. M4 di... f ...I., r-- - "Immediately after, assuming the of - ltlce, or foreign minister, Isent an offi cial response to your note of October 18. ; "In It you will see that we accept 4.11.1 points of the program proposed by the president of the United states. - - In a different declaration we -align ourselves, entirely "with the efforts of the president to prevent- new wars bx the organisation of a family of peoples. rwe : have taken measures by which i the people of Austria-Hungary can de cide their future organisation" and free ! dom according to their own rights. "Since tne emperor. Klnr Charles, took office he has . alwaya busted himself iwith the efforts to force an end to the war. ' - - . "Today, more than ever. It is the wish of the sovereign and of all the peoples or Austro-tiungary, to speed that enaV - I address myself directly to' vou: Mr. ! Secretary of -8tat& begging you to b good ; enough tohct with the president ox tne trnitea states that, Tn ;the In- lereaia or numanity, aa well aa that of i the Inhabitants of Austria-Hungary, : suspension ' of -arms , be immediately ac- corded and followed by an opening of The text of Count Andrew's note, ac- cording to Vienna dispatches; has been : telegraphed to the French. English. Jan- anese and " Italian ' snvernmantm. ; "h. King- meir approbation and support of ! ue Austrian proposals to President WI1 .son." Sdcretary ; Lansing ha3 not recelve4 - The large number of operators now absent because of illness makes; it, necessary for us to again appear 1p the public to restrict their use of the telephone arid to urge theirf riends :ta do ' likewise. ' , S The thanks of, the Company and the com -munity are due those patriotic and conscientious -patrons who confine their us& of the telephone - to essential calls, thereby helping tiie service of ; war industries,, hospitals and'stricken Homes;of our city; ; ''W" ''.'-"' . r" : ; : ... - -- ... , - .- - - - - - .- 'r ) 7 . - - , r . . " - - ; - i v ' 1 " -y t -V , i ne racinc I eiepii one and TelegrapK Goiripany i-.-.i-. '. 'W -, - -r -v'; y'--v - . , TELEPHONE OPERATORS WAN ED V Tefepleae eperatlag offers ataay adTaatages to yeas f wewea wke are seekhiff estaleyaseBt at a good salary wltk oppertaaltlea for aerasee- meuu GOOD PAY - : t '-to start with f-'iC-.-- '-' ' " ftapI4 aad freaaest laereasea ta salary ' . '( PERMANENT POSITION ' Werk Is steady aad pemaaeal -Maay epportaalUes for advaaeeaeat INTERESTING WORK; Plaasaat, eleaa. faselaatlag Aseeeietes eareri tally asleeted PLEASANT SURROUNDINGS V . r Llg wen veatflated ef flees ' Z CestterUMalaask aad reereaUoa reens ' , SPECIAL ADVANTAGES : - AaaasI vaeatlea with pay tick BeaefRs. Death Beaeflts,' Peatloas wlfldsl eeet, ' r . . Ged Charaeter aad Oeed Health are reealred. Teaag wastes between fee ages ef IS aad t are preferree. Previoas experteaee Is set a see eery. Oar estpleyweat off lee Is located ea the sMxtb Floor, Beeai Ml, la tke Teleshoae BaUdlag. Park aa4 Oak streets, aa la oaea front Silt A. M. to stse P. M, We iavrte yea to eaU at this office aad meet Miss Tlomas, who will gladly dlsesss the matter persesalty with yea. Aa aypolatateal stay be saade by caUlag Broadway ltm. ; ;;-r rr The Pacific Telephone and TeleapHjCompany : T-. .-UU Ut Tloor. rart aad Oak ttreeU ' " tTT I-,-.'. ' ': T.''it'' mravely 'taste i . IUaf Gravelf h Hhe comnKm-cense t cbw' lot mtn. It it economical A - man pet hit tobacco iat-,. ' isfaction out of a tmallef ; chew and (ewer of them. . The tTood Grayely taste ; ' lastt a Ions while. Two or three sTnalispiaresof Real - Grarely ttayt -with - you longer than a hi hunk of - ordinary plu.' Lach piece is packed in a pouch, A These are the plain facta about Gravely Plug To " baccOa -'". - It frs furtltrAsi't whs fern ess gtt tk gseet tuu ftU0t$ easrco mitUut asfrs U J RealGr PEYTON BRAND avelv Chewing PW ,v . . - w,? puuu iqrtju vuurwi it - , - u ' 7. "'. 1