5 THE -OREGON SUNDAY . JOURNAL. PORTLA ND, ; SUNDAY MORNING;- OCTOBER" 27, r 1918. 12 7 WAKTETJ TO BENT FREE RENTALV BUREAU -' COLUMBIA SITES RHTPBtntDmO -CORPORATION . , - ta thi mar- tim nMrir nd wteRy t Vuaing eaeommodAtioe. w vognaet every patri otic eKIsea- wit - hw houae to Mot of room t let to mall Information of- mm to CotuaW 8. a Corp.. Bos 1303. rortktnd. Or. - " MR. aXD'MRS. LANDLORD HAVING TROUBLE WITH RENTS? Better let us take th toad off roar sbeul- din. Oar rimul department, wHh years of ex , perieoee, know Jt how to (a about tasss mt- Un, , Save all the trouble, , "SEE THE YELI.OW SIGN" tfIT-WAW)XEK CO., STOCK EXCHANGE. -4 ROOM , house near carline with bars and - garage, also chicken park. Phone Mala 4188 fter 10 a. m. REAL KKTATff ' fcXLIt $10,000 for 8 stores ta a z story busl- Baas block tn th heart of th trostnoss center of a vary close In eubnrb to Portland, id min W rid on tha afreet car. This property M being offered tar half its vahM; a $2800 eash paymeit all yoti need, all tha tiros you want , , oa tha balance, u. 4, Ctoheasy, lo aomg toa bldg. . . - - . 1 Hobo FOB WEST BIDE INCOME $6066 Large 10 room house, in good location, on ' TO 100 lot. T mom rant for (DO par month, i Hone atiUnly fnrnlahad and included in price, r Fa short tlmo 18000: 13500 aaah, balance , strakht mortgag. JOHNSON-DO DSON CO., 88 N, W. Bank bldg. . GENERAL REAL ESTATE '.ltlWl past.,,. Us. Grove. Vlar. $44l. t i3R sewage or give for clearing. Ball 6 root. to antpontMsv. FOB SALE HOUSES 1 Exceptional Bargains EAST GLISAN B leti and 7 room modern homo on parad atreat and earllns; gronad trader high state of ettiUvstion, f lna fralt 'trass; house baa full cement basement. UfUu, gas, hot and eokl water, bath and toilet ONLY IS000 $1000 cash, balance to ault: apfJN did plana for chicken and all kinds of tardanlng. Saf It and mak goffer. OLMSTEAD PABK Splndld loeaUon. 2 blocks from Broadway ear; no on hill; large grounds 100x100 ft; fina abada traaa and lawn, cartas. . 1 room bunsalow finished la old laory and trimmed with mahogany, hardwood floors, ( fircpleese. ftdl ce mant baamant. furnace, lanndry trays, modsra in every respect; price $0500; beat of terms. Baa W. W. Jordan, with Inside Property Dealers. O round Floor, Henry fcldf. Marshall 893. Irvlngton Specials T60 Braaea, comer 28d at. H room plaatsrsd house, modern to the m rente. Extra location. Perfect condition. laok it orer. Pre-war price, room bungalow near Knott at. modern, $5600. New 'England colonial, new1; 8 bed rooms, sun room ; everything , modern, np-to-date. $8500. 7 room bungalow. A real Calif or als bungalow. Don't look at it or phone Ifyrm are looking for something ehaap. This la $7500 and worth every eent asked. Not the ordinary kind. 7 rooma, modem tn eeery r aspect; close to Catholic ehurcb. This is an excellent buy. $5500. 7 room house on 11th it, close to Knott st A real home. $5000. A room house, strictly modem, en lth t, near Knott Owner does not need money. $600 will handle. If Ijiwant a nloe home this ia it TfOO. These are only a few of the good Irvington buys we hare. Urn ring sold so many people wishing to sell list with us. VVeleure hare them at most any price you want and in most any location, (lire us a chance. We have 8 automobiles at tha door and pleased to shew you. Can call for you Sun day. rhone Tabor 4748 between 8 and 10 o'clock a. m. THE FRED Au JACOBS CO.. 104 6th st Main 6809. $2600 Tour last opportunity to get two modem 6 and room heueea for $1800 each. This to ft big sacrifice. Close in on East 9th st High and sightly. Good community. Hard surfaced exmeia ana eswee. fbnne Wood lawn 4898. John B. Matthews .h i tn anq unerta e. A GOOD 4 room cottage, bath, toilet partly . famished, 2 lots, fruit and berries, close to jonem ana ears. lo00; terms. . rooms, modern, fully furaMmd. T S lots, near sehool and cam. $1800, B rooms, modern. $1400! terms. ' ' ' B rooms. Hlouble onnatrartaril - eiwtbaftt. Vmi. Una furnace, full basement wash trsya, built-in ?.? Iaurelhurst dlttrict Owner wUl sac- ' niioa lor gsooo. HOPCK. 110 10th st - "TlJaoo 4iSo ixwN io Per kbMfH ? B. llth. near Ahunmrtli Aaa. A atendarfnl Uttla hnu1i wuh m.u Juet eompletad. nerer 11 red in. yaeant. lmmediata awsaeanon, cement Baaement ecreened-in back orh patch kitchen, every built-in convenience, ; beat white enamel Diumbinc. elect and aas. as. traotive bollt-in buffet full lot, convenient to anawuver ana union are. ears. 8ee 4 FRANK U M GUIRE. ABINOTON BIJDO To Buy Tour Home. Main 1088. WvtSlON STREET BARGAIN a. , , $1800 f 4 room house, Exceptionally fine lot, trait , trees and ehruhbery hard surface in and paid. . -2 Moeka from car; lot alone worth price wa are $king; near 17th at; easy terms. Quick pos- a iianiuu can DO oaa. "vVATCH OUR ADS, WE GET RESULTS st VI. A. WABKINKH, RITTBR. IOWE A CO., ' t ' 0-9-7 Board of Trade bldg. io6 CASrt BAT.ANCH LIKE nVNT ' ' room bungalow, garase, place newly tinted pawiaa. jrr una anape. I bkwk from ma emdam street Prioe $1500. Mt Scott dbtrict . . HITTER. IX WE CO.. 01-B-7 Board of Trade bldg. , .'- i avricuy modem; 7 rooma -' LiSL. 'f 0,10J?-, On Clevetandavi In reatrtoted district. Thai . Owner non rnldmt and wants to make quick ": i evxwea,,. at liyiw AVIBtin HIT). $100 DOWlf ' kik "bktt unvTlf - and good 4 room modem bungalow; $1800: 1100 4ewn, $16 par month. A bargain. Bee FRANK iVMQUIRB. ABINOTON BLDG. J.. ' I ax" IaaT Home. Main 1068. . "OU choice of 2 high clam places, nothing jl. " "a"ia ror aowo. term win be given to the pnrehaatr. ' t'LOHEBST. 418 Abington bV' Liberal M. . .iLI $2600 for a 6 room bourn, new and mo am, is the right locality ia the Kenton die, -..trtet, on Russell st No. 188. Terms, M. I. VLOHK8BT. 418 Abington bldg. . . U . . ; , - ,VACAi(t B room bungmkrw: built-ins. mod cbiw ; -tnent, improvemefits paid? $2200: $400 cash. i "awtnorne neajty jo., tft ana Hawthoma. 4s50 PAY like rent 4 room W U Li. - 682B Tlat. near Sd ave,, Mt Scott oar. t-none main vaaa. . -'t$50 buys a $4,000 7-roorn modnh" Tedavt.lO to 1. tat II. .1 am w it. 'vra wr w ettr.w. wosowroi ouy. A 1 3 OOASHTTalT terma. - Aix-raom moH Owner, Tabor 888. 825 r.. antn at. CLA88T . new Boae City Park bungalow, hard wood flAnva tnrougaonr. $4760. Tabor B970 i $ reom modern house for sale, close in. f at $2780. Main 128. - stered Hawse., and af RAlmnni earUna. Chaa. Kingler ai Co., 228 Henry -big. WOODSTOCKTaacrlfioa. 6 " rooms, nlastared ,i ham, near car. en 80x1200. 81800. K. 2828. -1500 Birrs large B room modem house "frost . earner. -Close in. Fnone Ball. 488. - B DOOM bungalow, sleeping porch, modem, -.- blocks from aarHne. Tabor 8095. - - FOR 8ALE B room aodtrn'cottate on earllna, .small payment: terms. - Phone Sell. B856. ' -: 1204--2 "8l3C room- cottages, close - in. west 4 ROOM eotUge for sale cheap. 408 Ivy at "JiOTSB and lot for aale by owner. Sell. 4 ST. - J'lVZ room cottage.. Snap Call East 1928. IlF.AL ESTATE' '--- " FOB SALE HOUSES 1 LET US -SHOW T0U THESE SPLENDID BUYS 8TJBELT TOO CAN KIND TOUR - - HOME HERE. - ROSE CITY PARK , ' r B Rooma and sleeping porch -$4250 : Here truly is s remarkable bunga a low. tight op to the minute m every respect. All the buUtln features you . would expect to find in a right up to the minute borne, even to the break, fast room. There Is an exceptionally large living room and sleeping porch. Exceptionally well located in tha heart of Rosa City Park. $800 cash will handle. We are more than anxious ' to have you see this. ROSE CITY PABK '" 6 Room and Ann Porch $8250 All the rooms on. one floor, ITur nace. fireplace and all boiltin fea ture. Full 60x100 lot and on paved street $100 bonded) assessments. rose crnr park $3780 Really a remarkable buy, B rooma and den. Exceptionally well located. All the built In features, such as hardwood floors, fireplace. . bull tin buffet, Dutch kitchen, furnace, eta. This require at bast $1500 to han dk. - rose crrr park $soo A real home-like home with every . cob re me nee and of exceptional eon straction. Hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, bookcases, buffet, French doors, etc ,. ; .f ROSE CUT PARK B Rooms and Sleeping Porch $4200 A splendid home with every con- ; ceivable) builtin i convenience, incluoV teg breakfast room. Of course, it has hardwood floors, fireplace, builtin buffet, furnace, etc Surely, you will want to see this one. rose crnr park " Nifty 6 Room Bungalow Garage $4600 Toty trIU appreciate this new mod em home. Exceptionally well located and finished right up to the minute.. Living room finished in old ivory with French doors between living and din ing rooms. Hardwood , floors, fireplace, bookcases, large buffet, full cement . basement, best Fox furnace, etc. Built by one of Portland' best builders. RICHMOND DISTRICT $3000 B rboms and den, fireplace, builtin buffet, wtc Located 994 Tibbetts st Terms $500 cash and $86 monthly, including interest Now vacant: and ready for occupancy. JUST BEYOND PEIDMONT $8000. A practically new modem bunga low, finished in white enamel. Hard wood floors, builtin buffet, book cases, fireplace, etc. You v would expect to pay a great deal more, . Can be handled for $600 cash and BBS monthly, including interest - . LA UBELHUB8T FORCED SALS $5500 , Owner has reduced price for im mediate sale. There probably ia not a better built home in Portland, Large living room, dining room, kitch en and breakfast room on firaf floor and these bedrooms and. sleeping porch on second. . There ia every conceiv able builtin convenience you would expect to find in a real expensive home. You would expect to pay $7000 but the price is only $6500 ' terms. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT 6 Rooms and Den $2950 There ia an awful lot of nice things we can say about this re markable little bungalow. Don't miss this read every word of this ad.: 6 rooms and den. with hard wood floors in living room, dining room and den. fireplace, builtin book cases, buffet, etc. Dutch kitchen and builtin Ironing board, canopy over kitchen range, cement -basement, wash trays. Street is paved and included in price. This is your chance your opportunity to buy a nifty bungalow,- with all tha modem conveniences, for so little money. Mind you, thia bungalow ia exceptionally well built all double constructed. Ton will be perfectly happy and contented and have a home to be proud of; but, for good ness sake don't delay don't let some one else beat you to this. If you have $1000 cash and want a home such aa described above, get in touch with us at onoe now. A. G, TEEPE CO., S4 Stark st near 8d. Main 8B16. Branch office 60th and Bandy Blvd. Mr. Hiller, Tabor 856. Sunday Phone Mr. Claytor. Tabor 9B21. THESE MAY HELP TOU IN THE HOUSING PROBLEM: We always have extra good values to offer. ASK THOSE WHO BUT FROM US. 8 rooms, bath, $1100, $100 cash. 6 room bungalow. $1700. $100 cash, B room bungalow, - $1750, $100 cash. B rooms, new, $2000, $200 cash. B room, near Richmond car, $2650, $B0 cash. 4 rooms foreclosure.) , $1900, $500 cash. Bargain,. - 0 rooms, Rosa City,. I block to ear, $8250, $1000 eash,. 7 rooms, Beaambnt, $4500, $1000 cash. . " 6 room' tlew bungalow. Piedmont. $8000, terms within reason. Several others at all prices and very liberal terms. See Peterson. THE FRED A, JACOBS CO., 104 6th at Main 8869. Irvington District Mr beautiful home and furniture for BS800. See it Bunday at 680 E. 26h st-north. For appointment during week days phone Tabor 4760. LOOK at No. 718 E. Madison st There you will find a residence of the bungalow trne eontalnine? B rooms and a full inement basement There is a lull lot, all o( the improvements are in and paid for. This is -walking distance to the business center: the surroundings are good. Thia - property ia offered at a sacrifice sale. The erica is leas than the value of tha lot without the house and less than the cost of replacing the- house alone, say nothing of the lot $4400 trill buy this property. Nothing of fereed before like this. M. J. ULOHESSY, in asuiuivn suxi $1800 Oa Woodstock a vs., 8 Hocks from drag store, mala street 'Good location for busi ness. House designed for 6 rooms; 4 rooma first floor; finished, - Property 100x100. Plenty of room to build oa main street All kinds of bearing trait Phone Woodlawa 4898. John B Matthews 27th and Alberta eta. JI2&60 ADJOINING ALAMEDA PARK Ten attractive bungalow. 60x100 lot on Prea- eott, near 83d; full cement basement, elect and gas, white enamel plumbing aaa ateepxng porca. Broadwa ear. Price $2300, Term. Be FRANK U M'GUIRE, ABINGTON BLDG. "t To Buy Toar Home.-: Main 1008. T.",.!r $300 DOWN '': - , . $800 UNDER APPRAISED TALTTH Leavinc for war next month, wttl aell at roorh modem houae. on Mason st. near Williams, for 88100. - This la $800 leas than the Portland Realty Board, appraisal. Mast sell. - Sea my agent FKsJtK Ir K Ul'UtE, ABUUTOIf BULK. To Buy Toar Home. Mala 1068. ' ' i2500 ALBERTA BUNGALOW $2500 6 room Bungalow type horns, cement basement laundry tray, furnace sad built-in effects, huge lot. K. 24th atv Can arrange tana. Remarkable value. ' see , v , - FRANK L. M GUIRE, ABINGTON BLDG. . - To Boy Tear Home. Main 1068. -' . BEAUTIFUL S ROOM BUNGALOW 'Strictly modem with full eonerete basement wash tiayV furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, all built-in featame, aplendid arrangement $$600 with 8BVV cann. iiv per montn. - R, F. FEEMSTER, 809 Abington bldg. C50K at No. 446 E. 10th tt ia West Irv--, iagtoa, " . There is a 7 room boom - with a fulllet for $8850. It is -modesa and up-to-date. $500 cash wOl handle it - M. J. CLO HES8T. 41B ABINGTON BLDG. . .. B BOOM HOUSE $ll55 " Good B room house. BOxlOO let. with garage, only $1160; $350 cash. $15 per month.. Let as show yon this bargajn. . . - R. F, FEEMSTER. 809 Abington bldg, v " IN THS Mt Tabor district. NoTTTeiTK. 48tk . and Belmont at, is a five room boose with a basement.!; Yoa can buy it tor $2600 oa easy terma. M. Jv CLOHESST. 415 ABING TON BLDG. f $280 -4 2d and Hawthorne, ; B room modem BOB Spalding bldg. HEAL ESTATE FOA 8 AXE HOUSES TO vRose Citv Park Snap ' 1 imnwei 'J it hedmoBss. bath up- atairA. 2 large closets and bmlMn effects in each bedroom en the main floor there is a large reception hall, fireplace, living' room, j dining room wf tb beamed ceiling and : built-in buffet, Kiniami iwn . i fearinvnit ana. a lovely large white , enameled Dutch kitchen with cooling closets, fall .cement basement, laundry trays, fine furnace, 60x100 lot with some fmiV street paved and paid. 1 block ear. , 88$ E, 41t st N.-Open for inspection Snndayll a. m xo s p. i m. Thia property must be sold at once. $4200 , GEO. T. MOORE CO., ABINGTON BLDG. We Accept Liberty Bonds at Par. ' WOULD YOU PAY $3900 T : For one of the best eo art rue ted bungalow type houses in this beautiful district 1 This home has B rooms, living room, dining- room, kitchen, pantry and lavatory on tower floor, bath, 2 bed rooms and eneleeed deeping porch up. Ixrwer rooms' beautifully papered, splendid fireplace, leaded - glass bookeaees. paneled dining room, built-in buffet, clothes chute, dust chute and other built-ins,; big basement with furnace and wash trays,, street assessments aB .paid. We firmly believe this is the best buy in the dty. (B A,'IJ kJSSSA-a vu., 82 Fourth st, Board of Trade. M-4522. A ' FIXE HOME I 100x100 eoroer. Oak floors hetow, maple above. Living room mshoganr finish. Library and stairway solid oak. All modern conveniences. including hot water hest 2 bathrooms, 8 toilet, B roorns and z-sleeping porcoes. mwiacra. i BUUari room aad 2 chamber, finished in attic. Double gangs. PUce was taken in on mortgage and ao An b. iouht for less than value. , Might take good bungalow as part payment, it desired. Prnneri a ia lna ItL' J. G. CORBIN CO., 805-B-T Lewfa Mdg. WOODLAWN AND PIEDMOST DISTr" V . FOB oALdb 3 rooms, cottage : improved street ,. 6 rooms, E. 17th; garage 8 rooms, E. 18th 5 room, Claremont .............. 5 rooms, Denver are. ............ 6 rooms, Horn .82500 .$2400 .$8600 ,$1800 .$2100 .$25001 7 room. Dekum .$2400 And others. These are modem up-to-date homes. Priced right GnjON. 431 3iam. of Com. Main B127. ' ROSE CITY PARK 7 Room Bungalow 100x100. rtwnar rffera for aale beautiful 7 room bun galow with hardwood floors, fireplace, Boynton furnace, etc.; very large living room, grounds 100x1 00 with garage; lota of trees, and sbrub harv. street ia naved: will be sold at a price that makes this a genuine bargain. I require at least $1500 cash. Call 702 E. 64th st a. in the first block north of Sandy. , HOUSE BARGAINS B rooms, snap, $1750. 7 rooms, hot water heat $2750. 6 rooms. Peninsula, $2500. 5 rooms, west side. $3500, 9 rooms, high clasrone of the finest houses in Walnut Park; 2 lots 100x100, garage, all in A-l condition; pricey f 7 ouv. neHiAn a parkhill. 219 Lumbermen bldg. 6th and Stark sta. A SPLENDID INVESTMENT 9 room modem house on Corbett St. only a short distance from the industrial center of South Portland: house never -Meant; brings a rental of $30 per month and can be bought for $4000: $1000 cash, balance can be ar ranged satisfactorily to tha purchaser., and sev eral our gooa oarpains. OTTO at HAHkBON Kr.AL.TI CO., 413 Chamber of Commerce. 82650 BUNGALOW HOME $2650 7 room, strictly bungalow type home,-full lot close to car, Waverleigh Heights district,' elect and gas, white enamel plumbing, equipped with hot water plant cost over $550. Thia ia a good value. Price $2660; terms. See FRANK L. M'GUIRE, ABINGTON BLDG. To Buy Tour Home. Main 1068. NICE 6 ROOM HOUSE FURNISHED TJiHn. rfinn. a tii.h.. lower floor, 8 bedrooms up, 50x100 lot, good i . r, ffn frnft trm In ritr all fnraihiM 1 stoves, rues, dishes, everything 'goes at $3000 ana .you need pay only eotlu casn. This is one 1 of our good bays. COE A. M HENNA Be CO., I 82 Fourth st. Board of Trade. M-4522. ONLY $2500 for a 6 room house on 2 big lots. xms house Is modem, ann it W.tlnn 1. in H ri.h MrH aw Bolraan at. out Woodlawa war. Tha owner ha pjioed tha price at $1000 leas than its real value; S-2.-UU takes everything, $BOO cash and the bal ance momnry payments. as- J, ULiOHIsaax, 415 ABINGTON BLDG. B ROOM house, full lot. East 6th near Harrison, zouu. - 6 room house. 100x100 lot near Mt Bcott line, $1250. - Let me show you some good bargains, in the district aerved by Mt Tabor and Hawthorn canines. L G. DAVIDSON. 819 Chamber of Commerce. $785 BUNGALOW COTTAGE 8785 A. wmnm ItM. IIm W4.t.- -. ft . , rooms, ga. sink and patent toilet with aewer connections; is. llavia, near 09th st, Just east of Laurelhurst dose to M-V car.- Price $785; easy terms, aee FRANK L. M'GUIRE, ABINGTON BLDG. To Buy Your-Home. Main 1068. 1500 G room houae, first class plumbing. good basement gas and electricity, at 4854 8d st S. E.. 2 blocks south of carline. $250 cash, balance easy terms. THE LAWRENCE COMPANY. 205 Corbett bldg. N. 6915. A-2818. 7 FUTURE BUSINESS PROPERTY 7 room good bungalow type home, on 50x100 lot on William are., near Cook, surrounded by store buildings. This is business property. Price only 83000; terms. A good home and a bargain. Bee FRANK L. M'GUIRE, ABINGTON BLDG. To Buy Year Home. Main 1088. Price $2350 TYPICAL CALIFORNIA BUNGALOW Worth $3000. R. C. P. district 60x100 lot. 5 nice larce rooms, firenlace. cement baaement. DUirc-ins. -reran, owner in California. G. C. GOLDENBERG. ABINGTON BLDG. 85 Years in Portland." Main -4803. HERE is one- of the prettiest d laces in Sellwood: tnere are z full lots, with a 6 room modem ur-to-date residence with full cement basement 2 block from the best carlin in the dty, on Miller are. This property can be bought for less price iHui uia imimnOTtnu can oe aupucaieo, oaauu I U all we ask and liberal terms given. M. J. CLOHESSY, 415 ABINGTON BLDG. CLASSY S ROOM COTTAGE -82600" $860 down. $25. per month buy this mod- em 6 room home in Waverleigh Heights. It ha full lot. solid cement basement laundry trajra. fireplace, modem plnmbing, gas and electricity; close in near East 30th st. R. F. FEEMSTER. BOB Abington bldg. EIGHT room modern house, all built-in con veniences, time lace, full cement basement trays, . electricity and ga. lot 60x100. House practically -new. f me fixtures. Price for auick aie, ea.au. casn. MOORE & ROBINSON. B JO lyumber Exchange. ' Hawthorne Carline $2300 S rooms, bath, fireplace, full cement base ment' 60x100 lot 1 block r. $500 down. A gooa ouy. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. ABINGTON BLDG we Accept i.ioerty Bona at Par. IF YOU are looking for property on the high Class residence srade in Nnh Hin narc h- c:ty, I have several piece very much below their -a uuuui irom evovu, to BUUU, In " vicinrty oi noyt ana Kearney sta. M. J. CLOHESSY. 415 ABINGTON BLDG. FOR QUICK SALE, PRICE REDUCE? - WAO 22VV -MOW $1900 $900 CASH: BAL RAffY rrmn 5 rooms 50x190 lot, modem, no Kelly st Right near steel plants. . - . SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EXCHANGE MODERN B ROOM BUNGALOW $2000 $800 eash. $20 ear mnntii fii modem " plumbing, gaa and electricitv paved and aewer in and included in yriT East 4 3d ft . , R. F. FEEMSTER, 809 Abington bldg. TIIK RENTAL, PRflBtru cnV wrv Build oar emenencv cabin i . KaSrllSff r?4 1i $,lM' " Sm"!?"CT 17 Co., Sll Lumbermen bldg., Portland. , f a atuaeure a room house, close to Montavilla aaucia-m every way; gKBBO takes its amaH cash payment or Liberty bonds $20 per month. Phone during week Broadway , ... w. w .uta vi. ' START 8AVINf OWN Vnnii' $100 CASH BALANCE MONTHLY- $760 iZZLSS.JL'???"' ."' tree. A aaav,v libvra VlalUtlHtsaUIB IIlTftjaa. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK KXCTTANP.r .J. . , MILWAUKIE. AVE. BUNGALOW $200tf B rooms, full cement ha arm nut , c. and Included In tlw BTtAn . v " ana xnciuaea in toe price. ; $300 cash. ..,.. w- ' f L"wi, bM ModerVl rroLC hoi iiB.IN6AM W JLiJJ&-??lZ: OfVBliUJniX aJIUkJ. - - ; 1 ci u f WVVf ),- l t.,r?ML!ul 0 cash, balance rent: baa taragej a aaap fnr MmMM rT.fi A K - Tin, , ,1.1 R"hwNF.tf 'haiaiW a wm' L 8 elaWL vhJ E -S? e aT L r, :.-. aaa lain a B UasE a V O e aa MODERN B - room - house., fnll fl baaement,! grounds 100x144. 9 blocks to ItawthcmTear! $4250; terms. Tabor 1609. MOST ANY TERMS - , 4-" '' B97S Neat 8 mean Ivnttae. 1m 1m. . C GOLDENrTERO. ABINGTON BLDG. ' A REAL heme, 6 rooms, well improved grounds. . close la northeast aide. Phone owner. East S88B. - I30OO; HAWTHORNE DIST.: NEAR C.kn SEAL USTA.TB FOB, SAXE HOUSES 8 ROOM house, on East" 7th. walking distance to business 88000, $500 cash, balance $25 ' month. Corner lot . Per ft room - hooaa. oa East "Sherman, eloaa in, $170O. $400 cash, balance $26 per month. . , f 6 room . house, - East 9 th, eloaa in. - B1500, terms. , sT B -room house, on KsXy st. right in the industrial district of South Port- , land. 82100. - e nnm nouae, on unrao a a y block north of Holladay are., a fine place and you buy future business property, 87600. nart cash. .' 1ML llhlAn Kaat Oak ar. wnt of Union are. Will mil cheap. - 7 room house and comer lot. East Main st. west of 18th. House just fixed Up. $8800, cash $1000. Inquire of GUNDERSON. Boom SOi GerUnger Bldg., Corner 2d and Alder. ,: . HOUSES " West Side, Ottimbr. near 20th at. 6-room house. SB l-8x 100 lot; $4000. - vroanoy near zotn sr., ouxiuu ux. a-room ifj wj,h .. ;" Jr"i.J.l!r w ion, . J'"f"' 5:rTT?nn W "d lot' 12th ,L' - HolUdsy dutrict, 6-room touse 50x100 lot Multnomah street near 21st; $2700. Tibbetta t near 26th. 6-room highly mod- house; 3500. Waverly district. 6-room house. 50x100 lot Tibbetta at near 30th; $2600. Montavilla. 5-room modern house. 50x100 lot; $2250. WooKUttoek, 4-room house, 90x100 lot; $1250. Near Union av.. full lot 7 -room house, strictly modem: $5500. OREGON INVESTMENT A MORTGAGE CO.. 222 Chamber of Commerce Marshall 205 HOUSE BARGAINS $200 Modem 0-room bungalow near the C res ton school, hard surface street- ground 47x180; $250 cash, balance $25 per month. $2850 Holladay Park, 6-room bungalow. furnace, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, etc., near Wasco at, one block to car line. . $3300 8-room house, west of Piedmont one block to st Johns car line; easy terms. J. L KARNOPP & CO. SIB Railway Exchange Bldg. . Main B75. A vffv neat 8 room house, completefir fur nished, on 50x100 lot, good location. $1200, Easy terms. B room bungalow, completely furnished. $2750. $1000 eash. balance terms. - Over m acre with B room house, oa saved street a blocks from carline. beautiful lawn. $2700. $500 cash, balance terma. We have several B and 7 room homes: can be aold on easy terms. Also a good line of 5 roomed bungalow. P. M. MADDEN REALTY CO.. 1028 Hawthorne eve. Tabor 9858 YOUR OPPORTUNITY Bargain 6 room and sleeping porch, dandy nome, cement casement ana iruw room, iut- osce ana oosj Din. in tact, everyuung corn- Ple j "n8 taraK.pared streets and sewer tn; towwiiu tweaer. iviuivv. nice concaeve IV fining walls; great variety of bearing fruit trees BUU ' vuauOT, caniwuii .uu(iu, ooev in. race eouuu; some caan, oaiance Terms, o per lnteres. xmsn toe nome you want. ' A most worthy proposition. Don't let this chance sup by today. "luce ou aioerw street fnone wain. 800S WHY $950 Fine lot $950 Lumber to build 5 room house. Some plumbing in. ' Buy this; save $1000. Lawn; move in. 64th and E. Davis. Abo 6 room bungalow". Rose City Park; price right TABOR 3993. $4250 ROSE CITY PARK $4250 6 R.. large living -x. and front den. Dutch nr., cam wun cabinet beautrml sleeping porch. targe auic. iioorea, space lor z r. : line con- fT" b't;. undTJ: No. 1 plumbina. fine piace. oeauarui mantle, exquisite buffet. aewea oa. noon, exceedingly well built through out lor my noma. Built in 1918. Large lot ouxist lb, laces south. Terms. If you want sometrang gooa look -this one up. Call B743, Owner. Ask for Mr. Weller. or Mr. Stiles, K. 6458, or Main 7931. NEAR JEFFERSON HIGH $2750 7 rooms, firenlaee. hardwood floor. B blocks from car; nice location; $500 cash, balance like rent WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS O. A. WARRINER RITTER, LOWE A CO. 203-6-7 Board of Trade bldg. CUT HIGH COST LIVING $2700 V acre. 6 room bunealow. 65th at fruit garden, near school and "car: terms. $4600 5 acres, 72d st, Mt Scott car, 6c tare, nouse, bam, line land; terms, $2800 V4 acre. Division st. 6 -room house 20 fruit trees; terms, $500 down, $25 month. CHAH. HI.NlilJCll a. CO., 228 Htnfy Mdg. $5000 FOR -WEST SIDE INCOMfc-rsimO ijarge 10 loom bouse, in good locauen, an iunuu lot. 7 rooms rent for SBO oer month. nouse entirely iurnwnea ana included in price. For short time $6000: $2500 cash, balance straaxnt mortgage. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. aa h; w. mxut wag. . $1850 WALKING DISTANCE $ 1850 Good 6 room eubstantial house, eood ment modem plumbing, etc.; 50x82 foot lot Rtmnt rlena naid ' in. V. XA mt rv. . XT w.. pnee aiaov; terms. Bee FRANK L. M'GUIRE. ABINGTON BLDG. To Buy Your Home. Main 1068. I BITT flN EAST TRBMS 1 28 EAST 29TH STREET I 1 H atory. 6 rooms, - bath, laundry tray, I fruit close in. M. V. car. 82100, 8150 down, I $20 mo. and int. Realty A Mortgage Co.. 083 Chamber of Commerce; Main '2051 $3300: BARGAIN Uo-to-dato 1 44 atory residence. Oueen Anne style, furnace, trait tree, garage to bold 2 ear. On Grand ave., near Beech. Inquire 760 Grand are, w.. between 1Z and 0 p. m. Bunday. $1750 Dandy 4-room bungalow, oak frbora. Dutch kitchen, furnace, cement baaement. near Sunny- side car, west of 45th st Phone Sellwood 8688 or 489 K. 84th at ONE HALF acre, with houae, at Oak Grove station. Plenty of berries of all kind, bast soil in Oregon. Very cheap, by owner. Tabor 8302. 60X100 ft cor. tot, with- good 6 room houae. hard surface street in front of place, all as Sellwood. sessments paiu 1 or. sisou. 4B4 .Umatilla r. 9 ROOMS and aleeping porch, comer, modem. furnace, fireplace, all lmnTovementa in and paid. $3750; will give terms. Call Tabor 6319 or Main 7931. ST. JOHNS 6-room house and 100x100 lot near business center. 31500. Oraa-oa Invest ment A Mortgage Co., 222 Chamber of Com mote. Marshall 205. - HAWTHORNE DISTRICT " I 5 room modem bungalow, completely far- I nlshed. street improvements ia and paid. Owner, W E. 39th at Tabor 6914. I NO INTEREST EXCRPTINO tfinn U4hS " I 6 room cottage, paved street, walking dis- 1 tanee. Price only 82000 120 rtmr -mnnth I JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. B34 N. W. bank hide ABEAt buy; f) room,, plastered, H acre; city water, orchard, bam. idea suburban home; on)T $1550; $350. balance by month.. Phone. I oeiiwooq acui. owner, 14B7 E. 21st FOR SALE BY OWNER 5 room cottage, 60x xvv lot. i nioca xrom 2 earunes. IB minutes from 2d and Aider. 81200. Rome term. 1 ply 1740 E. 11th. B ROOM bungalow. Alberta dist Take Ford 8993. By ear on first payment Wdln. owner. BT owner, 5 ' room house, deeping porch, fur- 1 .m,ot, imyatai- awatvna wee owe. 6022. 1 . ' j il' a . 1 ey room , none, ail improvement m i, and nald. AlOAO dnara-and h.l.,. , 7. ot60xl6o: : Wdln. 68oT OWNER baa 8 house, for sale at bargaka. Ta T rooms, 1 tetpa?i Boa. City Park, with garage. Tabor 1786. .I IfAUPnif t L J. i . 1 V 1. s room uouse wiia sleeping porcn. I - attic and fuU ataa basement. furno2hort Mocks from car. Phone C-2198. 1277 E. 32d N, 1 2200 -5 room, bath, plumbing, paved street. t John, carlin.; $350 eash! i. a aosa. ggnnft i a. e i t - i .. " 1 car line; $300 cb. $20 monthly. K. 8829. f j . '"";" f A 4 ROOM,a B -rooan AT a. , g pnntnv, lkABBM. Terma. 489 , MiOer ava, - phone SelL 1322. FOR SALE A 8 room house, modem. $1150. wn., aavw- xjewver av. -ROOM house on B. 76th st, Mt Boot Una; price only $800. O. A.v Kaeper, Panama bldg. FOR SALE $1400. 5. mom house, fall lot, la- i r- REAL ESTATE' ' FOB 8AXE HOUSES Ti .DON'T FAY HIGH RENT Buy a BOxlOO lot en paved street S room oae. 4 mrae cherrr treem. elaae. of tneaaa- braaeev Price $1000, oa your- warn terma, Lo cated at 014 24th st, S.. 3 blocks from Wood stock carline. . - . 1 hare aeveral fine- vacant lota which I win sen to anyone' that wants to build a home. N eash payment - down. Come and see me If yea are thinking of building a home. HREE room hooaa. garage and chicken house. 14 fruit (tm, lr ioa,tu a. i . $1150. 8800 cash. ' S room houae. chicken kmaa In 1 K,ssn -A. joining Overlook. $3600. 8800 wash. 9 room house, lot 100x100. Fruit Hard sur face street E. 81st st $2600. $600 cash. Acre with house, fruit and berries, chicken house. Gas and water. 6c fare at ann anna A. W t.AMRvnn a, su-iv 8. K. cor.; Grand ave. and E. Alder at, Portland. Or. $400 DOWN, BAL. MONTHLY 2 atory frmT hOUSe: P. II huaiMnt ,.11 1. . Cnruthers. 2 blocks to R. M. car. $850o!T 8250 DOWV, n llnvTU r full basement, lot 1 OOll nn mrm k.rru.' 62d near PowsU. $2650. $500 DOWN ANTt TOUSRi, Mnm. room house, full basement; lot 94x100; Wood- - iAijui -., emu. xatn. REALTY It MORTGAGE CO. Main ,2051. 633 Chamber of Commerce. HOUSE for sale by the owner, at sacrifice; Jiouae eonaixtin ut.k.. bsthroom with modem toilet, Urge front porch', wwuura ana cmcaen house, rooms papered, no basement, with a Wa an, -inn h . u. Scott carline and comer 5th at. Lents addi tion. Portland, Or., for $2000 caah. or $2200 on a payment plan; not lees than $Q00 as down-) payment. inquire at the Cash Shoe Re pairing snop. Lenta station, Portland. Or.; family matters compel this sale. $2500 $250 DOWN ONE BLOCK TO THE RIVER TWO SOUTH OF BROADWAY B room, good substantial bnnsmlnrw time home. modem plumbing, electricity and gaa. On Me- aauiaa ST. J. ninck east of tha riawv aiwl O south of Broadway. Na morta-aae or Hena. Total price $2500. See 8 FRANK L. M'GUIRE. ABINGTON BLDG.. io ouy i our nome. slain 1068. 6-ROOM modern house, Sellwood, $2200. $500 casn. oaiance sza montn. K-room cottaaa. Hallamorl SKAA -.li v-" xnonut. . , ft .1. o-room mooem bungalow. OOth st, near Sandy bird.. Rose City Park. $3500, $800 cash; ivuu uuy. I".r?om mdern house. Well built, near car, $b250. cost $4000; good terms. K. M. QATEWOOD & CO.. 185 Fourth st. 960. 8UNNYS1DE If you will purchase my 7-room house at $1950. which ia in fine mi,. u'lion,- wen worth the money, pay treet im- piovemenm. 1 wui nva von thia beautiful cnr. lier free, on naved street hiah and 7rts south and east front; will rent for $50 per month; reason for selling, owner must chance climate at onoe; $8SO cash or Libert bonds, balance time. See property and owner at 95 E. 80th, comer Washington. - 100x100 AIN8WORTH AVE. HOME, PRICE $2800 TERMS very substantial hoane. 6 moms W-w-L. and gas, modem plumbing, concrete basement. Dioca, near ti. loth and Ainaworth ave.; thia is a bargain. See FRANK L. M'GUIRE, ABINGTON BLDG.. To Buy Your Home. Main 1088. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW Thia Dlace ia in on nf th K-. ImHmh he Hawthorne district 5 rooma. fireplace, good uii oasemeni. au nara surface in and paid, 2 blocks from car. 35th st Price $2600. terms. C A. WARRINER RITTER, LOWE A CO. 203-6-7 Board of Trade bldg. $4860 IRVING HOME Very large living room, elate a lam. had. ror.ms, sleeping porch, fun basement, all the good things for a email price; full lot garage; easy terms. Call East 6458, owner, ask for Mr. Stilee. . P. 8. I want to sell. Do you want to buy? , $4100 East front modem 7 room hornet double construction, fnrnaeo. flimi. m toilets, garage, near two carline; grammar and high schools. Above price include linoelhm, shade, screens and a year's fuel in basement Kessonabie cash payment, balance $25 per month. Poseesaion in 6 days. Ogden A G ra velin, 107 Shaver st Wdln. 202. - BOOM RUNGALOW With firenlaca. traflt-fn knffw 4 white enamel kitchen and bathroom, extra high full basement, with fruit cellar. Lot 60x100; 1 Sl,lSt0 -MvT- mr Be" 80th oa E. Taylor. ; eov -oown, oaiance easy. REALTT A af no T4Z An ft rrruniev Main 2061. 633 Chamber of Commeree. , 3 1 100 ALBERTa nriwe a 1 1 nn 6 room plastered house, elect end gas, pat ent tuiiei ana auia, o urge rooma. Oown, 2 up. This is a bargain. On Sumner at near B. 8tL See FRANK L. M'GUIRE. ABINGTON BLDG., To Buy Your Home. Main 1068. $500 CASH, BALANCE LIKE RENT; $3000 6 room house, den, breakfast room and sleep ing porch, fireplace, etc., 76x100 lot fruit berries, near Peninsula park, -Kenton ear. It's a gooa buy. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 684 N. W. bank bMg. STRICTLY modem 7 room house just west Laurelhurst all built-in. white enameled Dutch kitchen, built-in ice chest oak floors, fire place, furnace, full baaement 50x100 lot: Price 84000, liberal jteona Phone Sellwood ions, or 4s b. 84th, A BARGAIN, CLOSE IN : Do you want a homef Have two eomfort- uie nausea, escii o room ana batn, on car line. 10 - minutes from center of city, only exoou wcu, some cawi,, oaiance like rent 408 senton piag, tiroaaway FOR SALE By owner. Just what you have been looking for, 6 room .'cottage, extra fine lot, close in. 1 btk. to Sunnyaide car; soma terms and will take other securities as first pay- iwin. v.aii xaoor v. - - YOU cannot ' let this 6 room house peas If "a home you are looking for; street grade, curb ing and sidewslks In and paid for, 1 block of carline; a snap, $1200 cash. BisOO terms, wortn iiiwi. xaoor OZW 82260 -nAWTHrmnE niflTR trr- a oTfn 6ood 5 room bungalow, in fin dlatrict tot 60x100, street paved and paid. $$60 will naneua. JOtlNiSON-DODSON CO., 684 N. W. mm oiqg. - A RBATHnuE Six rooma, modem, aomplet. beautiful loca tion, exceptionally good houae; also aell furat- , wmcn is rirsL eissa. and fmt Hraiaa liioA "82000 caah, balance term. Phone Tab. 119o! $2160 ALT AMEAD $2150 Five room: modsra bannls. 1 Ub u. Tabor car; almost Hew, fireplace, full cement uMrmriu ana ouui-in. Yerm. JOHNSON. 212 Lumbermen Bldg. Broadway 1612, East 8421. GREAT BARGAIN A renma. 2-.tni-. hafh ra. .I..!.!. H.1.4- lot 60x100, Alberta district; everything paid ttp; at $1665. on easy terms. Phone Wood- lawn zifi. 20 MINUTES TO O. A W. SHOPS , i H atory, 7 rooms aad bath. t. e. baaement tot 50x100. on Skidmore at See Realty A aioixgage o., oaa tjn. 01 com. Mam 2051. FOR SALE I expect to leave tha city eoon and will offer my 5-room cottage for sale for giouu, gooo caaa. balance $16 per month. 8 469 Webster st MOVE right in, 8 room houae, nearly modern, 1 block to oar aad hardsurface street, cash or terma. $2250. A- N, Searle, 1824 K. uinaa at. TWO room house, furnished, chicken boae and garaen. 17 0U. gZOO cash. SIB TWr meavfh Woodstock car to end at Una, B01B B2d are. GREAT bargain in Xadd'e additioa, aloe modem 7 room reaidence, worth B60O0. ran be had for $4600 on good terma, F. Furravt 420 v-namoer oi uraonna. VERY attractive 5-room bunealow. Bear Fir land station, ouxiuv lot with garage, 1 block to car. price $2400; very easy terma. Phoae Sen- wood B0 or 489 K. 84U1 at LARGE B room house In St John for $1400 wm . v V"v Hiuui ion as in walking dietance of shy.rd. M, K. Lm. suva Dungsiow, was ciae. city water, gaa ana etecmcity,. una sot. tTTce only gguo ; caan. oaiuce lit per raonui. aa. B. be. $2100. oa terms like rent,, will buy a nice 7 in T nivarsttv Park. 912 ChaVa. oer ox commerce, wain, 4Z21 FIVE room bangatow on 88th near HawthnrivT , B28SO. Terma, Hawthorne Realty. Co.. 89th ana ruwtnorae. FTVE room- bungalow, modem, near good ear. aaraw mt, eauy ax woo. . Till ma. JOUNSON- DODSON CO., 84 N. W. Bank bldg. $2000 -$200 down. . BIS per month, 6 room nouse, m aviiuv, ai.aatn aaa K. Madiaon. rau watau k20T Belmont st, Tabor 1 1212, IX) R SALE Four lota. 11 hon. soot he eat side, good car sorrica, $1800, v. B1009 dowa. Aoarem 412 guim t DANDY -rocm modem home ia New Irviag . ton, $1000 will haocOa ltr Fbooe owner. rr sx a i a. - FT -OWNER Modern B-rooea boase, close ta ,ar; cash ar terms. Fhona Main 7378 from te ss. a,- --. .-. 8 ROOM cottage, trait and berrU. Hi&l "fmight- eonsidav tight auto as first payaaeat (-none noor oeaz. - - t ... BY OWNER Two 6-room modern eottagee. mm luuxtw, ' otsso K. 44tn st. - Bell. ixo B-lAXlM houa. Urge lot .1898 E. Baraeide , ana oza av,- Tabor 4728. Can Sunday. & ROOM bungalow close to carline. BU. 2775 - ' 211M4 Henry bMg v BEAT, ESTATE' FOB SALE HOUSES ' TO v;hy? Sunnyside $2350 , Juat one left Move right in. S room bungalow. - Fireplaoe, furaacav Cement basement ' 2 blocks of carlin. Quick sale wanted.' See this, save $1000. Term. $70( rash. - Tabor S993. FOR . SALE, attractive corner home, 2 short blka. to car and 4 to school; large living m: has B window din ins room: baa ntras built-in buffet and window seat ia bay window; dressing rooa has bay window and seat; Iruteh kitchen ha .crockery wash tray; 8 bedrooms with large closet and .bath ia white enamel: alec- trie light, gas and cement . basement; ground svxivu, fruit tree, bemes, grape, roses aad lawn. $2860. terms. WUl take smaller ho una aa part payment Tabor B794. $2600 WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS BUNGA LOW $2600 B room artistic bungalow, cement baaement, electricity and gas, white enamel plumbing, bard wood floors and fireplace in living room, atone retaining wall, view of river and mouuntaina; price 82600; .terms; this place includes furni ture; a real bargain and on the west side. See FRANK L. M'GUIRE, ABINGTON BLDG., To Buy Your Home. , Main 1068. , GROUND 100x268 NEAT COTTAGE AH ia cultivation, choice fralt and shrubbery, 5 rooms, clear of all incumbrance, on macadam street about 7 minute waZk from car. Price $2700. Easy terma Woodstock district C. A WARRINER HITTER. LOWE Br CO. 203-0-7 Board of Trade bldg. GENUINE BARGAIN Modem 8 room house ia Walnut Park. 2 fire places, furnace, cement basement aad floor, in fact everything complete for a comfortable home; beautiful cornet-, paved street near Union ave. $5BB0; com cash, balance mort gage. Yours for $8500. SILAS X JOXES. Office 872 Alberta street Phone Wdln. 3558. NEW YORK LAND CO., 3ol E. Morrison rt. East 6317. Open Sunday. Plenty of medium priced house. Easy terms. 6 room modem house, K. 10th. Paved dis trict $2800. Easy term. 6 rooms, modem, 2 lots, 'good garage, lawn and fruit $2800. Term. Other good buy. Abo city property to trade ipt iimn. aee n before buying.. . $b25Q RESIDENCE IN IRVINGTON DIST. on prominent earner, full lot with garage; tlrere are 8 large bedrooms. besides maid' room and alee ping porch inclosed in glass, nu- crarwi emeeu ana Dntn-ras, Urge living room arn. dining room, kitchen, recentdon hall, full Uacment -This is my own residence, which I offer at a bargain to responsible people. East "". sar. aula, 1'. a. Broker recoenised. $1800 BUNGALOW TYPE HOME $ 1805 5 room and sleeping porch, cement basement, laundry tray, firenlaca. beamed r,IHn, uimuc room ana piate rail, ouiltm buffet Dutch aiicnen, wmie enamel plumbing, full lot, E. i vui a. nee FRANK L. M'GUIRE. ABINGTON BLDG. To Buy Tour Home. Main 1068. HOME BARGAIN 5t Best part of Laurelhurst atrictlv modern 8 room nouse. line view, double garage. $6500. 100x100. 12 room atrirtlv mndern nmu. Alberta district furnace, fireplace, sleeping porch and all modem conveniences, $5500; will con. ouier property as part. B. P. Osburn, 610 aacivay Drag, HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW COMPLETELY FURNISHED o rooms and hrenlane mnri fnll K-un.-n, .11 lard surface in and paid; 1 block from 'car. nee eouuu. Terms. C. A WARRINER RITTER, LOWE A CO. 208-6-7 Board of Trade bMg. $2$0 DOWN $1600 Attractive Bungalow $1600 r nv mn. aati nann in. nk. nw mm rranoes ave., comer axa, s blocka to car. Price. $1600; $260 down. Attractive little nome. see RANK L. M'GUIRE, ABINGTON BLDG To Buy Your Home. Main 1068. MT. TABOR bungalow, right oa Hawthorne line. o great Dig roema on first floor, space to iiauaa more txostaire: strict! modern, all ouiii-m conveniences, including vacuum cleaner, extra large sot, garage, etc, 14 000. will ac cept from reaponsibss party, $750 down, with gooa euoetanaai monthly payments. 4 1 U . iivib sr. $250 eaah and $20 per month buy a mod em ft room house near Williams ave., nice lawn, ah rubbery, etc. Lot 50x100 ft Price for quick sale, $1800. Bee Mr. Graham. THIS .BRONG COMPAVT rwf! Main 1748. 267 W Oak at J nST"finiehed 8 room houae and bath; no fix tures m Data room; 07xiuu ft. comer lot; nice tree and parking, sidewalk, electric Ughta, gas and water, 8 blocks to school and streetcar. Room for another house on corner, $1600. Cad Sunday between 10 and 4. 78th aad Siskiyou. Larson, Rose City car. $200 DOWN $2400 CLOSEIN HOME $2400 B room modem houae in Interstate at I for merly Patton ave. I, near Fremont at; close to car; sightly location. See FRANK L. M'GUIRE, ABINOTON BLDG., To Bay Your Home. - Main 1068. OWN a house. ; I want to sell-it I am reaaoaable. If you am the same, and have $500. took at the place, it will cost vou 12250 unleea you have all cash. See No. 672 Depaw st, University Park. Leave St. John car at route, walk 2 blocks to the left Writ Box 21 z Dsyton, Or. k HAWTHORNE S BOOM BUNG A Ml W Thi is one of beet built end beat located house -in Portland. Close in, close to car, full lot paved street, ail paid for. Onlv 83300. See Hill, 419 Henry bldg. Main 1902. FOB SALE at Vancouver ave. and Going st, 1 bioeg west of wwiama axe. car. eosy fi room cottage, in first-elaa repair; baa beautifnl in built buffet beam eeiling, panel walla, Dutch kitchen, fall cement baaement. $2760; improve ment in and paid.; Owner will be at house all day Sunday. Wdln. 807 8. . $6000 HOME FOB (2800 Modem 8 rooms. 100x102 tot fruit and ornamental . trees; furniture enough to start housekeeping: 2 blocka from ear, 20 mine, out wut sacrifice oa -account of death. Phone Wdln. 1481. Owner. No agents. PAT FOR THIS LIKE RENT" House and Isrga 'tot on E. 4 2d st. needs some repairs. Took this oa mortgage aad can sell for $110(1; small payment down, balance like rent Fhona Main 6967. Lueddemann Co., 81a Chsmber of Commeree. HAWTHORNE district modem B room house. newly painted, oak floors, built-ins, furnace. B block to school, good neighborhood. $3250. Owner, Tabor 8851. ROOM modem bungalow, large living room, dining, breakfast room.' 2 bedrooms, sleenine porch, fine finished attic, hardwood floors, fire place; this is a beauty. Call Son. Tabor 6319; during week call Main 7981. ROOM bungalow, disappearing bed, paneled dining room, with attasctive buffet, white en- led kitchen, lineal of nhunbirta. screened porch, laundry traya ia baaement; $2100; $250 down, $25 par month, including interest Phone labor B1S2. NEW' BUNGALOW AND GARAGE ACRE TRACT. $2450 Good soO. beartaa fruit tree, best blnmbinc. worth $8000, easy term. - Can Fremont t aad -Craig road, Parkro, 10 to 2 p. m. today. NEARLY new B room modern bungalow, fire- Dlace. fail basement saved street large attic Improvements paid, S bjocka couth of Mt Tkbor earllna, oa West Mt Tabor, for only $2500. A. P. Adama, 607 Lambermena bldg. FOR SALE B room house, hot aad oo'd water, on B acta. 2M acres in fin or chard. On hard surface reed. 19 miles from Portland. Inquire at Merrills boethouse, foot Morrison st , : - i $3550 8 BOOM bungalow, modem, ready to move rixht in. hardwood floor . furnace, fire place, fin location; yoa can aee thia home from 1 1 a. m. to 0 p. m. Sunday by calling owner. Tabor aao. Paring week eell Main 7981. A 7 ROOM residence,, strictly modem; plenty . of berries aad fruit traaa, all bearing. Lot 67x109; winter fuel ia baaement Must be aeea to be appreciated. Family leaving city. Cell 476 E. 62d st N. BUY. direct from owner, 6 room mtodera buaga ' tow. fireplace, furnace, fine garage, full six lot; east front oa oaa of Portland's best afreets; 38660; some term. 429 E. 39th t 8. FOB. BALE- Working men took, A room plaa tefed house, including chickens, rabbits and wood. Price $160. term. J. H. Beyer, foot of California at, Fulton ear. $1260 $100 atowuT 116 month, fine B room houae,. lot sYOxlOO: Immediate aear Alberta car. Paul Waidt 1287 Belmoat Phone Tabor 1212. EXCELLENT modem B room bnagatow, an - built ia affects, good location; for quick aale will aaortftos for $2609; no Incumbrance; good terms. Woodlawa 1848, $1200 From owner, 8 room house, not mod-.- era, corner tot, 1 blocks Wsodlawa ear. Im preseineata paid. -Terms, 1 no aire 849 E. Stark. NEAT 8 room aback and small kitchen, patent - toilet block to Alberta ear. . Pries $750, $260 cash. BIB per ma. Wdln. 198. $40007 room saodera home, built on honor. car. tot BOxlOO, for 127BO. A seal argaia. T B. WoWf. 616 Chamber of Oouiaieree Mdg. ATTRACTIVE borne; n ineambraaee ; ao aaenta Tabor 2519.: v. . "; - GOOD B reom bouse, lot 60x100. $890 caah or B87B 49 BL Lombard ESTA LB HO FOB SAX: OC8E8 TO Closing Estate MUST BE BOLD. R. . and 4 K med. I live in one. rant the other), good cot., 75x100, 1 b. to car. Just of Laaraihurat, only $2400.. term. ' . Best Part Rr C. P.' : - FIRST TIME OFFERED, Noa-reaidVnt quotes - last year pries on - good mod.:. B B, bungalow, voiit-dn coayesdeaeeav attic apace for mom, roema, hot water heat, garage, $3710. terms. ALL DISTHICTS, RIGHT PRICES, BIG LIST : B. E. DARING. . - t7hioa'Safe Dap.' C.. 284 Oak St $500 CASH: BIGGEST SNAP IN CITY FURNISHED BUNGALOW; MOVE BIGHT IN Large, attractive bungalow, 6 rooms, modern. Dutch kitchen, French doom, ahower fixtarea, side Ughta. rosea, climbing vinea, Oowar boxes, beautiful lawn, shads trees, beg water bee lev. also coila in kitchen range. It's going. Going at sacrifice, price reduced from $$60O to 8800O for B day only Furniture and draperies would east at least $600. You have- -never een aneh a bargain. Mr. Barr, Bdwy. $128, Sunday and evenings Woorllawa 2888. A HOUSE to build. 40x100 lot, cement walk, aaa and water, aarae on alley with addition makes S room house. oeUed. Ughta, nice place to live ta while building; have a cement baae ment in aad the plana ready to build bungalow : tot graded aad fenced, nice fir-trees, walnut and catatpa trees in curbing; mortgage $200 due April, 1919; $350 for equity Win take Lib erty bonds. See place at 861S 63d St. 8. E. See owner at B82 Morrison st Monday. Phoae Marshall 721. $2150 PENINSULA BUNGALOW $ 2150 Here ia a chance to buy aa attractive bun galow, with white enamel plumbing, electricity and gas, in Eiaersoa t near Concord ; urge lot rinse to St John car, for $2150; $300 down; It you can t make the first payment, we wiu help yoa out; bungalow bargains in this district are very scarce. See FRANK L. M GUIRE, ABINGTON BLDG.. To Bny Tour Home. Main 1068. EXTRA GOOD HOMES VERY CHEAP. VACANT HOUSES LUCE NEW. Cash $ 180. $ 180. $ 225. $ 250 Price $1800, $1800. $2250, $2500 Kenton car to Minnesota ave., go north to 1674, cor, Winrhel are.: each house has 5 or 8 rooms, electricity, gaa, basement wash trays. Open Snnday 10 a. m. to 5:30 p. m. Rea. Main 1015. offieeT Main 7268. 624 Henry bldg. MT. TABOR BUNGALOW $250 GASH Close to ear and school. 6 room sad floored attic; bard surface street , E. 4 1st near Taylor. I rice $2500. JVATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. A. WAKKINEK RlTTEU. IA1WE A CO. 203-5-7 Board ofTrade bldga. $2400 HAWTIIORNE DISTRIOT $2406"" My home, newly painted, bedrooms, bath, ktchen and pantry in white: full basement. laundry, full attic, floored; fireplace; terms to responsible people; eery select location, two min ute from car aad stares, paved district Open toaay 11 to 4. Bring aom coin, for I mean bia. Call Tabor 8743. ask for Mr. Wejler. or rest sias, airs. Bute, vjwnera. FOR SALE Country home la the Tualafm val ley, 9 mile from Portland, oa Omoa Elea. trie R. B or by auto over the beautiful Tar wiUtger boulevard aad paved Capital highway; mnlern 10 room boue, city telephone connee tiona, bathroom, running water,- own water sys tem, artesian well. bam. -ehiokaa house, gar age, alio, everything ready for one to move ta. u-44. journal. $500 Cash $3100 R. C. P. $3100 5 room bungalow,, aleeping porch, oak floor. ouriet. etc., cement baaement- Thia is a anap. Main 4803. G. C. OOLDENrJEBO. ABINGTON BLDG. "35 TEARS IN PORTLAND." $600 CASH. BALANCE EAST TEBMS BIG SACRIFICE: PIEDMONT HOME WttJ, BE VACANT 1ST TO 6TH NOV $3650 buy this 2 story fine horn oa Cleve land ave.. very heart Piedmont 6 rooms, reflec tion hall, music room, fireplace, buffet. Dutch kitchen, eewing room, beautiful lawn. You will never neat uus in Piedmont Mr. Barr. Bdwy, 3125; Sunday and evenings, Wdln. 2888. Phone Main 688IT Now Vacant Bungalow, B large rooma, kitchen la white, hard- wooa noon, iirepiace. extra good furnace, at tic, paved street. $380, $1000 caah. Most oe eoiq st once. VACANT MOVE IN $1600 ALBERTA HOME $1600 5 room substantial home: baaement. bath. toilet, electricity and gas; no Hens or mortgage; price $1600; $350 down, $20 per month, 1036 r- mn near Alberta t Bee FRANK X M'GUIRE. ABINGTON BLDG., To Bny Toar Home. Main 1068. I AMTHE OWNER B room modern bangatow. in No. 1 condition fnll aiaa haamnt ittNMian - Ul Rn.f Ail herd surface (tract in and paid for. 100 feet from carline. 15 mine, to center of citv. If you want a good home and a map, here it as. race zi au. Term 11 desired. Call Mar. 1486. St, Johns District $1800 4 block St Johns, Kenton and Mississippi carline. 5 rooms, bath, well built and in good location, ami) aown. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. ABINGTON BLDG We Accept Liberty Bonds at Par. $2400 REAL-BUNGALOW $24"00 B room artistic California bungalow, modem plumbing, elect and gss, buutin conveniences. full tot on paved st. E. 49th near Ivon. Price S2400. Terms. Bee FRANK L. M'GUIRE. ABINGTON BLDG To Buy Your Home. Main 1068. BIO SNAP 6 ROOM HOUSE Nice 0 room house, electricity, bath, cement baaement a nloe bedrooms, lot 50x100; i tiont. on K. Hth, near Mason : price a anap, tZaoU, S30U cash and 92.1 per month. J. W. GRU8SI 316 Board of. Trade. Main 7452 HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW 7 rooms, strictly modem, furnace, fireplace, ps ved streets, full basement, an elegant home tn nice, clean district 84500: SIOOO eaah. SAOO per annum; bouse No. 1284 E. Harrison, eor- ter 424 st : owner in houae; take a look. R. M. QATEWOOD A CO., 165 H 4th st $500 eaah and $25 per month buys a modem 2 story store building en Union sve. Bents $27. Will sell for $1750. See Mr. Graham, THE BRONG COMPANT. INC.. Main 1748. 267 Oak at Woodlawn District $2100 5 room, bath, Dutch kitchen, good meat 50x100 lot 1 block car. Terma. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. ABINGTON BLDG We Accept liberty Bonds t Par. $2850 SUNN YSIDE SNAP $2$50 Modem ' 6 room bungalow, fireplace, furnace, built-ins, ga. electricity, fun cement baeenant lanndry traya, larg floored attic; terma; im provements paid; in location; a real bargain vacant; move right tn. Tabor 6559. GROV ELAND PARK Modem 5-room bungalow, oak floor, built-in. Dntch kitchen, fireplace, full all ment 5 Ox 1 00 . lot all improvements in, block and half to Hawthorne ear; only $780 eaah re quired. I bona Hell wood 8588 or 489 E. S4Ui at $750 4 ROOM SHACK. CORNER SQx $1650 $ room bath, ga. fireplaoe, Dutch kitchen, garag. berries, lot 80x190, 6 Ota st and 72d av. B. K $1400 6 room houae (not modem). Sellwood. Phone owner, ScU. 8604. GOOD 6 ROOM BUNGALOW $2850 CA8H $250 Sellwood, west of car. on Mahlea ava, dance Main 1015. office Main 72(6. Hinry bldg. Rawt 624 BEFORE parehaatag property oonln a oa its value and condition. Get year i worth. Reaaoaable ebema MaaNaachtaa Raymond, valuation experts. Corbett badg. Mala 15. ' NEAR COLUMBIA PARK. PRICE $2100 $200 caah, $26 monthly, way very Beat, plastered bungalow, large pore ha, tot' 66x1 IS. splendid trees Fred W. Gesmaa Co., 728 Cham of Com. FOR RENT OR SALE A small 4 Bjpota hoaMT with shed attached; also chicken hotsse aaa other otttbaiidings; also B tote with fruit trees, strawberry patch and roas. bushes; a country home in the ctty; ail for $2500. Tabor B2B4. CORNER, lOOxIOO, streets paved, every eiry improvement paid, modern, attractive bom, classy environment, near Irvtngtoa ttae, BSOOO, cash $000. rest mortgage B year 8. Bll Union av. N. ilSSO $500 CASH bay a 4 room baagalow with fall set plumbing, bard sarfsos atmet. ewer and an paid; Hawthorn oar; doa ia. Can Tabor 7710. . CONVENIENT TO SlxiPTARDS. " Hooaa on Commercial st, 2 tanenwte, 4 rooms sad bath each, easy term; axes $809 to loaa 821 Chamber of Commerce. .. $20003200 down. $16 per asooth. 6 room house; fmtt tree, all lnaiiuvementa paid, near '& and E. Taytor. Paul Waidt 1267 Belmont. Taoov ijh. "grR BALE Be sociable. 4 tot BOxlll. ir o-w. .- i. Apply o aarnev. 60S Rces St FOR QUICK mi. B room ostlage. bath, toilet, baaemettt; bearing fruit treea; $1260. , L L 7 Board of Trade. FOB BALE Houae end let ia Vancouver, or trade for bouao aad tot tat Portland. Ia- onire 209 West 19th at. Vaasoavev, Wash. S ROlU ' baaaatow ' and "tot 60x160 at 171 - Pardee at-o Priea $2500. , Trm it daaarad. Phone owaer, liaag azau.- - fc - - " ' b$66 ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT ' S room baamtow. with $2tB worth of funti tarn; Vitee fan tot, good location. Tabor 9549. BOOM- hooaa. ia Woodlasm.' rttst off carliae aaerUaetag for glBwu; tin take lAberty aa first payment , Woodlawa $$12. BEAL ESTATE ft K A I. Vrvitb FOB SALE HOLMES" 51 LOOKATTHESFTODAV- $7f)C 3krpom bow, lot lOOxIOO, on B.- . ii.0 HoOaday and Mgltiiaeaah. $20B cash. . $ yuo r- aide. A100 cash. $1 200 U'sfljM' SI 300 t . amer tot. B8B Si 500 ?..T7-i, oW hoOM- h 80x100. H t KKJJ MSt K. Hoyt near 66th. $200 caah, balaae 6 . $1600 tar.To'caah,81 "f"' $1 600 iUnr alar lt Johns, $260 cash. k1 fiHTI N4e biratalow, 888 E. 24th V I OW near HMgate, $101 cash. C1 N 3 room cottage. 124B Mian-' M? I OUU aota near Simuaon. 1200 eaah. Q 1 Qflf) ntm nle eettegr. full tot paved O I !?UU street. 138 Nebraska, west aid. ' COnATl room eottage. fine lot Trait 1I2B PaCUUU K. Mala near 17th. $20Q caah. COfinn 6 room Uttage. $32 vmont Beat 4CUUU Rodney ave.. -$500 caah. QOOnn 6 room cottage: 8S6 Fairbanks at. UU near Tharmaa. west, side . $500 caaa. Q9inn 7 room hoa, 2 Into. 691 Highland' HC'tUU at near B, -14th, $300 eash. A big snap. ' COARfl ' room house, corner tot VtlJU Borthwick, corner Simpaoa, 1233 near Peninsula Park. QOAOH 0 room cottage. 259 Haaaato, aear 3tCJUU Larrabee, aear Broadway bridge. $500 caah. QOC Rn 6 -room house tOJU porches, garage. and two aleeptti 452 Jaatup aear Union ave. t07fifi $ room fine bungalow, 4 88 BV 36th JUU oear Division: $600 eash. . line saodera 6-rm. bungalow, coa $31 nf) crete block garaga, lot 60x100. 918 St I JJ E i2th N.. near Maaon. $500 cash, T O 1 P.fl Nice S room bhngalbw. full lot 403 PO I OKJ Marguerite ave. aear E. Lincoln, $500 J. W GRV8SI 818 Board of Trade Main 7452 Hawthorne,-Mt Tabor Sunnyside No mortgages on these properties, paved street and sewer Included in prioe. Almost new bungalow, 1 block ta Hawthorne ear. tot 60x100. $3200, 40 caaa, t. Five room bungalow, 1 block to Suanysid ear; lot B9x 120, Price B27BO, $800 caah- Flm room bungalow at Mt 'Tabor, fine view of moun tains, $2600, $500 caah. 7e. WUl sell rami" tare. These are very comfortable homes. Main 6882. arty Urn, or call 1064 Hawthorne week days. Block HawthorjneCar 1 sere of ground and 5 reom bungalow, 1 block from ear, 5 blocks from Frassklia H. 8. For quick sale the owners have made a price of 88800. Vacant acre adjoining sold for $3000. $650 will handle. , GEO. T. MOORE X.. ABINGTON BLDG. We Accept Liberty Bond t Par. RKAUTIFI'L WAVERLY HEIGHTS HOME Fine view, eoroer lot aU improve rasa te ta; 6 room, dandy sleeping porch, all while enamel interior, hardwood floors and alas ant baUt-lna, full cement baaement, fireplace, furnace and laundry traya. Vacant for immediate posscestoa. Sacrifice, $8500; terms. JOHNisON, 212 Lambermen Blag. Broadway 1612, Et 8421.,' ALBERTA BUNGALOW $2100 ' Nice 6 room bungalow, oa full 69x100. oast front on E. 20th near Alberta. Prioe a aaap. $2100: $50O eash and $25 per month. Tea most hurry if you want thia. Boas vacant' move right ia at onoe. J. W. QRCSSI - 818 Board of Trade. Mam 74B3. VACANT BUNGALOW PRICE $1500 . $250 DOWN, $16 PER MONTH 5 room attractive bungalow, white enamal plumbing, elect, sad gaa. If ova ia today. Woodstock car. Be FRANK L. M'GUIRE, ABINGTON BLDO, To Buy Tour Home. Main 1068. - $6000 Property for $3500 IB-room bona, plastered, auaar foundation. S bath. 2 toilets, good garage, tot 60x190. ?vd street, sewer all ta and paid for: aear 8th and T Burma a. Wast Bide. $1760 cash, ha, a nee to rait Fred W. Oermaa Oa,. f $2 Cham- bet of Commerce. $1900 SELLWOOD HOME $1600 . B room home, electricitv and ga. whit enamel plumbing, 1 block to Sellwood car, in Bid- well at.; ruU lot. S bearing mm trees, grapes, flowers, etc.; thi is a good buy; price $1900; $800 will handle. See FRANK L. MGUIHE. ABINGTON BLDG., To Boy Tour Home. Ms hi 1068. - FOR SALE afodem, wa,wulit 0 rasasT-en? deooe. 810 East 7th rt N., aorae-r Braaea, 60x100 foot tot earaaa. full eameat baaement. splendid beating plant, hardwood floors, fireplaee; large partly fltuebed attic; 10 per cent or par ch as price ta caah, talsno monthly pay meat. Call Sll Journal bldg. at W. Hagnod. Phoae Main 7178. A-OOBl. 15 Minutes Car Ride-- B room bungalow, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, cement baaement 60 ft tot, SeUwaod ear. A nifty littl home. $$00 will handle. Price $2490. GEO. T. MOORE CO., ABINOTON BLDO. We Accent Liberty Bond St Par. aiT.t-vnm .hu bouse at 933 Congress at . $2150; 15 minute car ride to heart of citv, j yet in shipyard district. eBangalow type cot- A tage, 0 large room, full size base-meat, aqectaa f lights, gas and bath; terms. home goad far niton for aale cheap if desired. Take Mat- '. sisaippi car to Presecrtt st Owner. . , A BARGAIN ' Larg T room bouse, S blocks is ear, 2 to ' paved street; aome good furniture lncludtn pfame and electric - range; heme not (Inlehed bat 4 comfortable; take Los Angeles or near or Port- land tot to $1000. Liberty bond for eB or ? part; $2180. Phone Sellwood 2761. A BARGAIN BEE IT uartor block, close m. ia fine Bast 8M residence and apartment boo district with 4 ; nouaea, rnoom "9 montnty; value lo.ooo. Must Mil will take best offer; pert eaah. Will i aell R 2622. or part 40B Fentoa bMg. Broadway ; HOME FOR THE 6LD FOLKS, l$B& - Vary asat 6 room baagalow eottage, large base- ' big fruit trees, berry bushes and rosea, sprvndid, tow. Leearad at 1948 K. Washington st; $2004 casn, montn ty. FKED W. GERMAN CO., -T82 emmber of Oemi NEAR JEFFERSON HIGH, CH Vary neat 5 mom atovy -and V4 VonasJoer 1 type aottage. partially fwmiehed, seed district. locatea at 2 ionsiaas Tren, wear xtianama. Bcasoaabls terma, Fred W. Ocrsnaa Co.. 7$ 2 Cham, of Com. . - 86 DOWN will bay oaa. two ar three hack cot las aa oa Rose City Una. Me villa, aad other good distrteta. Pries reeaw from $oo to Bivvo, monthly ayamt i $10 to $16 monthly, Fred. W. Germea 782 Cham, of Com. ' ' ' 12260 OnLT2I66 , '!,, B room hooaa, aU 1a first-etas tvmdttsoa. faO ceatent basement ground 80x129; garag. Doa't miw thia wonderful vargamv Riely ab Guatafaoa. 906 Teoa bldg. Mar. 1466, TltOoM bouse. .U-clear. 11500: oath.' electrie Ugbt, bsaaeat, corner lot BlxlBBt ' 8 fruit treea, 2 black to ear aad bard sen-far ; -aement walk, $$0tt dowa, $25 monthly ad.raa. ' tercet 1911 Eat Irving St. ' -, , ' $T900 Good 4 room baejae, 2 tots, corner: $$09 eash. blawe $20 month aad Inter, 1299 Camp beu. Phope Woodlawa 8226. ': VTCANT 2 room furnUhed boa-s, greaad io.l xlOO, chicken park, fraiv water, $74 easb, . 5th rt aad 66th av. 80s owaer, BOB Maia ' at Phone A-19IB. GOOD- bungalow, fisrpise, omace. etc., close f to carline on aara wfa) street desirsbl - dist riot; price reasonable. BOB E. '.2d ..at. ' laaor Mil. 4 ROOM hotaw, bath, pantry, artie; tot 7ix ! 10O. 1 brick from ear aad hard wirfae a-! Beat walk, $1400. only $160 dowa. $1$ escort h to wttbont laiereet laquire 1911 E. Irntg. . GOING east, 7 room modem ' Vungalow, ibae now, partly fuvraWtad, toll baaement; whiter s wood, aU fog $2500, pan; cash. fcal. trga. Owaer. 1691 B Ilavav, 1 ' NEAR Piedmont, B room baagalow. WB fara-i lahod. Including piano. . ready to move ta, S2800. B6OO eaafa.1 blaee 826 car man La.- CaR Wdln. 8949. V . MODERNIZE year amfidW. aB siads mi repair. 80s amy design for aear brass, Mag M. Merer. rcltet Oooooro) bldg. Mala B29B. ' rormafty Sopt Oragea Bom Bufldor. MObERN 9 Lot ioxiio. t.ioj or xroand if smatod. lavvtrd No IB.' K. B3d atreat, aear Mtark. H and write to Bog a. Boot A, Peri land or Greaham. phoae Msia VB.. " 1 'in "s.fW sa? v IK. n. mw m vs. ssiB, " mj a , miAJm .. - , . , IB room bowse, tot $oxB. ao. Park aa mast aa som to astti as eataaa. Jobs Ryder, axavaifoc. 224 SB a. - - - V ,aev. edahl taaorawedL Maai.' aWaru-. Qooraf fraat treea- and bevriev Praa $164, Caah $800. - Tabor 8191. BY owaer. B room boose, eloaa la. bath. aST C7 fruit 1 H Mka. to acbool, z blka. to 2- r blka. to Una. Cash ar tarma. Phone WasgOawa A40C, after 8 p. aa.--- . .: .- - - .. J FOB SALE 9 mom bona, nearly new sad 1 acre at Rubor Static oa A P. liaa. 12$o; oa term. - P. C Beik, Httber. Or. . ' it 11466 200dowB, asaaU atore.and ft' and to, ca Belmont st ,Jaal' WaUt 'Taboi 1212 or 12T IWlmoat at - - TZ 118008800 eaah or ksmda. Waiaoce easy pey4 meats, bay 4 room bona, sad 100x160 lot. Itor. a PorOsaA y-798. JearnaL v - tE WRIT at fire hamraaea. Realty A Mert- gage Co., B8B Chamber of Commoroe. CaG , S." i o 6L. iiAii Maia zvg. - . - , , w ,.-, - ... -4 7 i?T i