'r THE OREGON -DAILY. JOURNAL. PORTLAND FRIDAY; OCTOBER , 25. 1918. 15 BUDGET OF STATE T UY IE UP, TO GOVERNOR SktejfTasurerv Kay Balks at . Al!qving-E$timai Which He Says tsr 100 Pef jCent Increase. BROWN GIVES HIS OPINION Warden Murphy States All Items Needed .Eastern Oregon Hos pital Budget Is Adopted, j Four Opinions Are Handed -Down ;by jSupreme Court " t " ' - Salem, Oct. 1$. Tha Buprnrna court today handed down (pur opinion. .-aa ollowai w, , It Merriman Houston at ai. va, W. M. Barnett at af, appellant; appealed from Multnomah ; suit to nforc perform ane of terma of least s opinion by Jua ttes Johns; Circuit Judro McGinn, af firmed, Iao j Ahonen, by Jacob Ahonen, hla guardian, va. William Hrysslto, appel lant: appealed from Multnomah; action to recover compensation for . peraonal injuries; . opinion fey Justice. Benson: Circuit Judie Kavanaash affirmed. Thomas Hodrxon et al., appellants, va. J. M. ) Martin, executor of the will of James N. Curtin ; appealed from Doua;- laa J suit to enjoin action of forcible entry and detainer, and to enforce spe cif to contract to convey tract of land ; opinion by Chief Justice McBrlde ; Judg ment of Circuit Judgf Hamilton tnodf f led and affirmed. , K. I Sab In, appellant, va. Iavt Chris raan, sheriff of Waaco county, and Port land Association of Credit Men ; ap pealed from 'Waaco ; action for damages ror converaion ; opinion by Justice Bean ! Clrcait Judge Bradshaw : ra- versed; and caae remanded. Because of ill treatment at the hands of the Bulrara, 10,000 of the 50,000 Serb ians in . Bulgarian prison TJEATHS AND FUNERAL" Hi ' - LOST AND FOUND ' ' U fcCCSIli In this : eity. October 23. ' Anna. I THE following articlee hare kM found oa can or tlx rerUaml Kauway, juignt wwr Co.: One book. 1 handkerchief," j at blade; g eufteeaee. a Mad gnpe, 1 bunch keya. 1 ram east. I paraey 1 chak book, a shopptot has. a package. 1 seek X sack toole, X pair iuim, 4 tiovce, 4 ranch boxes, 18 umbrellas, I fees neila.- Owners may obtain property at Flrat A Alder at. staMeav--.-',''- fcO&.Eia la Uua eity. October 23. anna - Amelia Backer, aged 44 year, beloved daugh ter el Mr. end Ilea. Chrs Backer, atsteasef Antony - Backar ief toixlon, EngUM: Thomas oaesar et oraaMntos waan.1 Tatua ana ntnrj Baekar f Portia ad. Or. jrnaand santoaa will be bald aatarday. October' 38, at the -Baercd ; Heart hnrch, wbara racjoiaa awaa antt be ef- taraa at w a, au 'AU'sarnees atnetiy anvaiau i lotfrmeot Mt. talrary camaCarr. Ameiaoaata ta ears ef Miller e Tiscay. :'- BUMMERS IrftU city, Oct. 39. at tba tamJIy iaanca., ess ciacsaetae at., ifoears ju.- Bnnnert. ated fa Taara, boabaad ef Mia, Maria Btmaeiv father ef Bobatt B. and Harbart K. finmmera. brotlnr f Un 1- fl Annn. Ufa. Kate RuU and Mra, W. J. Bmitn. all at Condon, Or. Iha tamalm era at tha teaidaaee etuoiumsMnt oi i. r. riatn m aoa, moov tomary at Sth. CUXUM-ttaay' gpokana, Waab., Oetobar 3 entav cant aa arttb - eonatdarabla IBIBm.tvIa tthMnn nillun. in a Mara. Inftnt son ef Mr. and Mrs. Claud William JU- Iwna of 0 Uast Oak etnat. Private .Serrleaa land idesttttcatioa earda, Ubaral taward. Tabor will br held at itaa naidepe' at 2:0 V. Sm, to- 1 TTS. ' - - ; toaruroay uetnaar zo. iie. la dled. t camps bay mw TOP AT Send Us Your Old Carpets Old Bars a Waaltn dotbfas;. vre tfake JaSTsraiala, UasdWaTta Fluff Rugs Tar wsar Like im BAff Baft Waves All Sttaa SlaU Orders 8eg far Booklet i Carpet Cleaning 9x12 Rugs Steam Cleaned $1.50 M ITalaa Ave. , Xaat atia rkoae-B.147 CORDWOOD COUNTRY SLABWOOD MULTNOMAH FUEL CO. SUlMt EBiTxar cearauu BTjsnrxss CARDS falem. Oct, J6-Budfet for the state penlUatlary for tha next two years struck a anar when It came before the etate board of control for consideration Thursdar afternoon. Warden Murphy aald that-the mainte nance coat, placed at $215,000 for the two years, waa figured on a basis of 40 per cent Increase in tha coat of supplies over the nresent blermtum. State Treasurer Kay declared that It waa more than a 100 per cent Increase and ha wanted facta which would Justify aueh an increase before he would even consent to consider tha budget Tha 1215.000 ia exclusive of salariea and Im nrovementa and repairs. At the request of tha board. Attorney General Brown waa present and advised tha members that tha authority for tlx In tha budget for the penitentiary reat ad entirely in the governor. Tha attor ney general pointed out that, as the rdV eraer had full control over the prison and responsibility for fta management. It would not do for the board of control to be in pealtlon to handicap him by adopt ing an. inadequate budget. Kar Balks- Broeeedmge. Ooveraor Wlthycorebi said ha desired to have tha other two members of the board, who are tha secretary of state and state treasurer, go oyer the budget . with hha and make their recommends tiona, - Tha board than took up the budget but cot no further than the Item for mainte nance.' SUte Treasurer. Kay aald the estimate seemed to be excessive and waa mora than 100 per cent Increase over the allowance, for maintenance for the laat two yeara "I believe every Item in the budget ia necessary,' said Warden Murphy, "but I don't expect to have them all allowed. However, I wanted to go on record as saying . the institution needed these things, and then if anything, happens my skirts will ba clear." Ha cited the Item- for repairing tha power plant at tha prison, and said ha did not suppose It would be approved, - but that at any time the plant might get out of commission and then he wanted to ba oa record aa bavins recommended the Improvement. "Aa vi have no authority in this mat- tsr. l'don't feel Ilka going InTT thta AaBA.S3,( iTVM'e? budget,' aald Secretary of State Olcott,! gamed MeOowas, lagal, Lawton. Wi "Tha function of thla board in connec-1 one Halt, tecai. imparw boui. tlon with the penitentiary la only to do tha purchasing after the money ia pro vided by tha legislature." "It X went into it," said Kay. I would want, mora Information, because thla '.does not look right on tha face of It. The Increase Is too big-" r- - r .. - - - -- Xs governor said he would go over tt-budget i with "harden Murphy and report It to the. board later. - Taking ud tha budget for the state tn- - due trial school for girls, the board cut the total from 1111.210 to I5Z.JSO. Request - for 135.000 tor a new cot tag to accommodate 2a girls was eliminated, j Tha ttema allowed , include 11.080 for 4 salariea. 136,000 lor mam tananca. $1431 for improvements and fill for- repairs and nettarmenta. Dr. Me9arys Bill Approved Tha bud rat for the Eastern Oregon state hospital waa allowed in full, tha total amount being $110,700. Thla ia segregated aa follows: Salaries. !.- 770. maintenance. $171,730 ; tranapor tatton, $7000: library and amusements, $1100 : improvements. $17,500; repairs. $$1600. Tha budget for the Soldiers Hera which' totals 170.945. was allowed, and In addition the board will recommend - Increases in salariea for the officials whose compensation ia fixed by law. A-1114 Uwalry a apaciaJty. trattooa, siaa. Jaascr Broa.. 1S1-1SS eta aa, fliteJ fjtafisfics j MARRIAGE LICENSES ON tba way fress the stare t say hotaa. t ak at-i -.laatVaht. I leat say lysa fa aa vhkb I rWaht 'With aaase aarnad sack Diaee rtth my same and addraaa. miM ta the findar en tctara ia ta i or to Waodard. Clarke A Ce. Eleanor Woodward, It ia toarkad WS1 sladly per a vendanee SXtr WAITED MAIB . ASO FEMALE -j -,- .--- tt TOC1 . 163 atodento rarollad month bafora laat and 308 eauoued last moata. New why not aake oae of yenrapere time end prepare fer bettor lobT : Dna at a una and I will can and axplaia tt to yoa. '. Give aasae and pbone 1043, ParUaadTot. V . , -U" :..-,. atOLEX XAKBXX COLLEGS ray nerastaas yen wbita laa mine ; riaaa fee aa ef banta; ataas poattieea Write fer aataloraa, 344 SJa .. er aM Braadaey lift. UKN, WOMEV. Wr barkwr trad (raa LOUT Lady'a eatxad rwead ntotoreaat. Mtb, - flat KT.TI IM I IM IJH C2 llBflaT pSaaae return to )30 XiniaaJa are. M and t. LOST Aloat the gaUwood oarllna.' Barbvr Co!lo, 323 Madiaon. Taaebaa aaaa and wnaaan tha Wrhcr trada trae. Par wbile leaani . 334 Canca, Braadway 34S3. taneant at Boaa City eematenr. GUJ)EZ la thia city. Octobat 24. lalt, Nlcia JoaniU GHdax, ase 1 year, betotad daucov tr of Mr. and Mrs, Lonie H. Glides of BaatUa, waab. Privata aorricaa will be bald St JJolraan a Funeral narlora at 10 a. aa. tomorrow (Satur- oay), Octobay.ZS, iataraaeot at Molt- nnsao eeisatary. THOMPSON At Grata Vallav. Or.. Oct. S3, i John B. Taompaoo. aaad 3 yaara. The roaaral acrrieaa will ba bald Batarday. OeL 26. at 10 a. in., at tha raaidanea , eatabltahment of 3. P. r inlay A Son, Mootcoaary at 8 th. lata. meat at sirat view eenetenr. Ait i atriotiy Briaate. - JKNKfNS -Ia thia eity. October 34. 1018.' William T. Janklna. an as Mara, baloraa nua- raad of Ksalo M. J.nkina of 340 Eaat Thirty-Jirat atTet JUaaina nll-ba forward ad to Seattle. Wajh.. by the Holmaa . UBdartakins eoeapany to- cay. wbers aarrtaa will be bald and tntorment asade. TriHT Blak and vhita cat. half aa B. eata, nawara. laaor x and fraaodali&s. HELP WAITTEB M AIB PENBOSE In thla city. Oct. 24. at hia lata . .11.. .. , A , m U,..kiH. - f mm B Panyeaa, acad S3 yaara, Tha remaina are at ma rosiaanea aaiaDUaajoccr or J. r. mniey ec Sob. Montcomary at 0th. Nouca of funeral beraaftar. -v .... illLUR la thia city, October 35. 1918. Dora -ATCXXTIOXI , ; tmCXJB SAM TrAXTSEVEBI MAlf AT Bit Tm wear nirT ErTORT ra tha nlaea TOU ABB BK8T yTTTKU XV VU. odIt aaeeotabla aatwea . Tha T. IL CL A. amnh leant sad adrttort da- partaaant la anxtona to baby CaeW Sam by grrJ iBf -yoa mat the nyrit adrtee la thia eruia. it PUTS TOU m 1MB L4KUIST PlaUB IUU . n. . . . MM ... . .....Itl.. W.V WW ABB -AJUrfD 1U aTlfelt BUtVOOil ULAil. That ia tha graalaat pportenny to tuatan Irm a wall adriaad raadlnataaaat ef seas aaaeT Batioa. Today tae BUddle aaad nan eaa Taoae who aaawer una a thla waea are oarantaa aavanleta aatkfaetiOB et refund of tae. JDoa't saiaa thia Baodaaa. aciaatlfke a4 tha. asbly bmrinaaalike way of eeaurinc a aaUafao- CARPENTERING. rapalrica Phone Tabor 334. EEP A IKI N . remodaUnr sad bolldins saatly Soae ; oy ra. nuiro. rnont aaam nq, CONTRACTOR asd baUderi lapaica a apaaialtaT iiwr two. -.; - wAK'T&D fainUn. katootaOainc and papa? aaacwet axpanaaeae woraaMa. Tabar 4S1S. GOOD worker vaaU Work for Ruadaya aeOy; aoaia am per ooar. -eoT, woornaL WANTED Poaitioa aa iaaitor by elderly' 'Pe. jenrnai. OOF workrraahlnarlria. patehlna dona by iANITOa win axehease ba aoriea for nchl BoaaeKaepntg, room. iS4S, jownal. EXPEHKNCED staa wants work la eity, ""day or aiaat wora. T-iaa, joqrna. LEAST toofa aapairad, painted j all kinds raoaa Mam ' stoo, -asoa. In paraoa if poarible. 1 Cell St eaee Ann Millar. beloved wife ef 39 yaara, month. 4 daya. aliuar et biz nooney 80 MEK WANTED If von are not now aaaacad by essential war tt-euatry com up to Wart Lisa Mills. Take Oie- a vacua. Bamaina ate St H. T. Byrnaa fuoeral f "f" viiy ear. stbo aropionmeni inrioa aorca an am imiH.M .a... mt Uum itrMi. i hndaaL Thara ia a lolT f or voo. : The power i Aasnneaaent of funaral m a later taeue. ia about open, V Strike caliad off aoaaa Uma iro. waaoa B. o nnn wra, ALTROOiD BMohiniat for poaltloa oi aaaiaUnt BOSS In thia eity, Oetobar 25, Hoeart E. u Roaa, ased 8 yeara. baloyad aon of Mr. and Mrs. William Roaa. runaral notice later. Remaina ara at tha family residence, 4oo joorta Twenty-third. Arransaaiaata la eaxe of Millar it Tracer. JENKINS The fuaaral : acrrieaa of tha lata Tbomaa W. Jankiaa win ba nam Bararoay. Oct. 28. at 2:80 n. m.. at the analdenea eatah- nahmaat ef J. J. Knley A Soa. Montfomarr at Ota. latament et luret new cemeiery. avu aarrieaa atrietlv Drirata. , HKfi O. fGTlI. Maria K. Uera. aaad 81 mara. a aaanina. 2H oara. lata ai laa ainana at. Remaina are at the reridenual mnaral home or Wttaoa ttaae. K. llta ana Jauiouoman. Fonaral nottea ia a la tar iaraa. i. &B.OWM Jiarl 8. Brown, Madiaoa Park Apuw. foreman." Portland mnufaoturin plant ahould hare knowledsa of bandliBS and temper mc ateal. Moat ba faunlar and capable of han- dknt men. Write, U-429, Joumal, atatin ax pinenco and referaneaa. rv St. 28 un aanhritia. UOOVEK Dalmer Hoerar. Oct 38. 10 moo the. tnturtinai intnaanaceptioa. JOfiT -atr- W. Jost, St. Tmeants-boapital. Oc tober 22, 2a years, lobar pneumonia. WANTED Dairy foreman and general man- aaer. to handle plaoe to Willamette Taller town. Must be a bore draft ace, bare, referaneaa and rant capital. See Thompeon, 8 wan 4c Thompaon. 8d and Main abv. ancourcr, -Waah. Ffaona 107. WANTED Boy with motorcycle or bicycle, to delrrer talerrama. Qooa aalary. Mnst be at aat IS yeara of ate. Apply diitrict traffic chief.. FactfM Talafrapa a Telephone Vo., 201 Telephone DKla. 1 SETTER. 1 deck man, 1 entoff man, 1 alab man. near ltt M. na aniii. t or rail la. ur. Men with family preferred. Small house fur nished. ConTenieneea . food. All winter run. f all at BOS spauicun Biny.. eity. FOMEBOY Dr. MarguariU Fomeroy. St. Tn- I WANTED Ratchet aetUr, power act and yard cent hmtttal. Oct. i-. 40 yeara. pneumonia. men. woodmen, rauera. oucKers. ebokar aet WILLIAMS Mary Williams, 735 E. 78th, Oct. I ten, chaaera. ricgins man and eadneera; eaat Archer A. Beery, leaal, S4 Broadway, and it. Waab.. sad Ueorso E. Dyar. 88. Aatoria. Or end BaBe Wei. lesai, 4S1 Sixth at. Gordon roster. 87. Milwankla. Or,, and Ro- aatta fij Da via. laaml. foot of Baaoreft at, Lloyd Petaraon, 39, EddyrUla. Or., and Acnea Trdbunt. legal, 453 Et Bamaida at. W.I.A. v 11 o . - mm 1 a.w -A M IT. nnl. AtaArbmTa Knlla V. Dunnina. I, 809 Jt Taylor at. John K. Hale, aral."tsa Sherman at., and rsanie TalboC kni 823 E. 8th at. WUbnr A. Mine. 30. 1803 E. lth at N., and Abes I Wood, legal. 1803 E. 16th it. N, 1- H. LaagleyJegal. S K. Iraiac at. and Maria Sheet, lesalZsa Overtoa at. lTk t- tk. !BI lit 1xh,MlktA. a mA ILty Price. 28. 448 Contmbia at. , DBESa SUITS for rent, all atsaa. Cnique Tai- wrmi ,104 tth w. t -BIRTHS i'0UN(i To Mr" sad Mra. Uoyd William louag. (3u aatn are., ucx. n, a aoa. FOSTER To i. and Mra. Barry reator, 8330 83d,. Oct. 18, a daughUi. EPTON To :Mr. and Mia, raataa E. Epton. Aldan, 28. 33 vaara. influenza. MEIER Hare Id Aaron Meier. 431 Vista are., aa aa Ata Ke-wt-aa.Va.a-k nnaminnnla GSfXEB Annie Qbller, Aaditortum hospital. Oct. 33. 38 yeara. infhttasa, ADAMS Bie G. Adama, 111 S. Sherman, Oct. 22. 38 nana. Bneamema. T1MMONS Walter William Timraona, 403 Da. - kmm are.. Oct. 22. 1 rear, enaama. CUNNINGHAM Alfred . Baker Cunningham 1028 Garfield ara, Oct. 33. 84 yaara, pneu mt nia. BBOWN .Anne E. Brown, 248 K. Broadway, Ort 2l 13 ream, endoearditia. CARDER Irmie P. Carder, Audltorhtm boapttal. Oct. Z. 39 years, pnenmorua. LUX Ella Mae Hill, 11 S3 Albins aye.. Oct. 21. 88 Tears, pneumonia CORNACCHIA Frank Comaechia, 293 Sheri dan. Oct. 23. 1 year, pneumonia. SIMMONS Vernon Simmou, 881 H E. 3d. Oct. 23. 11 yeara. lobar pneumonia, NOBLE Joseph Noble, 6S Raleigh. Oct 31. So years, cerebral hemorrhage. SHIELDS W. H. Shields, Auditorium hospital. Oct 21. 26 seara. lobar pneumonia. TAYLOR Perry H. Taylor, Multnomah hospital. Oct. 17. 38 years. lobar pneumonia. LEWIS Grace Lewie, 81$ Rirer, Oct 31. 8 years. lobar pneumonia. LL8ERO Nolharto Luoero, 8t oseenta hoa- pttaJ, Oct 14, IV years, hemorrhage. Phone Main 933. of Cascade - radnntaina. COMPETENT atora repair and handy man around furniture sad atora atora. Addraaa H. B., cam Journal, Oregon City, or phone Pacific 412, Oregon City. EXPERIENCED hardware aateaaaan: excellent opening for right man: permanent Lenn WANTED, at once, man over 18 with good motorcycle ; we pay so a oay straight salary. Weatera Union. 1 aa St. Bee Mr, Bailey. WANTED By nwcninery nousa, young nun ateBcerrapBet. uyoe equipment Co.. saa 18th at., eity. WANTED Experienced felting maehiaa man. Portland rurniture Mfg. Co., 1248 Macadam road. WANTED Married man for' general farm work must be able to Bulk; good wages. . W Staata. Airlle. Q. CLACKAMAS county wanta 8 or 8 helpers on bridge work. 84 per day, 8 konrs. Apply roadmaster a einoe, court aouae, vreajon Ulty. 2l HOUSE carpenters. $8.60 Tor 8 hra; all winter's TRUCK helpers and yardmen. smith st. Albrna aniel uo, Butts at Oak, 38 N. 2d st. Call 483 Gold : aVTARTXEWTS - 4$ FTTatwisHXB a x xnfwxntimmit HART APARTMENTS -aag Xewty -fniwsaed atadata biieiakaariaa ? sad sleep! ag re 1 1 ess. IS. 80 and am. . - MAGNOLIA APT. Eaat Sd and Belatoatt aaooera 1 and 3 room apta, svae pea i. gleeplne rooma gjaat 313- wbua iaamiog: poaitlaa guars ateed. braaea fOB - BEXT FLATS KBWLT 'iHruahadTe large 'roorna and bath. a- forawhed, loeataev st 1839m JS. GUaaa. me tTlh.., Uaraairaf daalrad. bone ..Ta bes 8878. - -'V. -. FLATS FTJRHISHED MODERN furaishad 4 room flat for rent, atove moat SITTJATlOKBu-nTALB ' wants podtloB as apprsatW aaaehinv istt bat had a little axnarianeav BBO. MARRID maa waau work on farm nua. uut at 7X8 K. 75th at nr. a m. at on Sunday. Boas City ear. earpaater work. Bdwy 8870, MAN waata work night watck. laboriBg. aay- mmj. ti-tfT, jonrnai. TDfTTNG. papering and painting. Tabor 8388 SITTJATIOKeWFEMALB LAST wanta house cleaning, other work, hour. aay; aaiiar action guaranieea. raeae Jiroaa- way ope. YOUNG lady daairea poaitlon ia lumber office who baa had exnerienoe in t4n- ardaxa. miwi per sons. -T-sss. Jnursak. aperiaaced wants collecting. -wSEJ WOMAN lawn 659 WANTED, by reliable girL grocery clerking wiuing io sun reasonapia n-VZl. journal. WOMAN waata work by hour a day; raUabla references. Those WoodktWa 4876. SRESSMAKIKO CHILDREN'S aad Udlea' ub ' 49 made neat- Mrs. Kills. 187 Great Can Marshall 24 S 8 FTJB 1TISHED BOOX8 NEW PERKINS HOTEL rtfth and Waahingtoa ata. Bigbt in center of Portland'a aetfrttlas. Let aa snow .you our accommooauona. se per - week up. PRINCESS hotel, modern, fireproof, running water, pnoaea and elevator; high euality, sow pnee. nan inira ane nurnsiua. . 33.50 week. up. Comtortabla furnished rooms. abaolntaly clean; bathe free; hot water at ell hours. HtttM Cadlllae; 3d near Jefferson. TWO nicely furnished front rooms, bath, elecK 8 week. 71 m. 20ta N. tricitT. Dbona. Phone East 7989. 24 N. th. Keystone Hotel, einile room, $3 aad lib, inciumng neau HOTEL SARGENT. Hawthorne ' and Greed, htartlng point special car fer Vsncourer. BOdHS'by the week. 83 ana! np 5 W. Ilk" FCR5ISHEO ROOMS rBITATB FAUILT NICELY furnished steam heated alaeoing room. bath, phone. 453 E. Burosida. Apt 12. Phone Kurt 40OS. 2 ROOMS in prirate modern h : gentlemen 308 E. 1st desirable locatioa. an ehildran. Eaat 874; 338 per month, W AKTEB TO BEWT FREE RENTAL BUREAU COLtTMBIA RIVEB kHIPBCTLDOfQ CORPORATION In thai war ttai eaaerawaex and eiaifiiWi et hmsaine aooommortatlraaa. wo teauest eran natri- ear eitiaen wae bee e aouae to rant er ynnass t sat to mall tpformauoa oi same to ooiuauMa K n. b. corn., box 3203, roruaad. or. WAITED rnmlahad bouse wbaaa owner thinks mere abent tha care of the hi smauat ef rent WIU pay $40 but will take perfect care ajf tha place. Refer aoae. Pbone Eaat 2 8 BO. - WANTED One large - REAL ESTATE , WO& HALE HOCska S350 CASH S350 8. r mraaoa, nraplaea. ersfTwa, au REAL EUTATR - i-OR aAlfe-uoe8E4 -JI baQt-tna, aement beat, ataadard plambiag. aa 67th in Hose Ctty; 3 atory type, blk, eaa, rnea I . a awniv. m ' fa -a, IB ------ - i aaawa WHY PAY RENT?. -; yea ata bay hsajsat Has tbase say sexy arasalaw. aoable eeastiiattad. flrajilaai. 1 OOASH--SBOO" ' ad eal, $1990, tea. ty. rarf.Pa. a very aiuwourei I tnnu noma awv iw ' at. Raee aniaaaMw, $500 CASH $500 I rm. eUasy bungalaw, ha. Hew. eat. sear 83d. steam beat, oak Ola Patch kit enamel plumbing . cement beat, pared at,. $0x109. Price 31080. . G. C.5 GOLDtNBtnQ 218-19 Abfattoa bldg. SB Team la Pertuad" 109 H 4 st Mata eaos GOOD BUYS k . - ......a e Jaa,,ux. ........ 9 a. aV. fur.. ... . a :::::::::::::::::::: H 91890. 9369 eeaa. belaaee aaaa. . . 9 ROOM. PLA8TEXED MOLaa. bleaks treat cat and ecaoet, ia Leata, I1009 $200 ouk. - - - .. AND MART OTXXBS 'I n yeat wast a booaa ef ear atlas ws aa 41 fCH AMBER OP OOMMTBCB BLDtJ. . yt. tiBox H6i04 $t9 : " 11 By aU masna, make tt a petat ta sea thai wwederful beaaa. Truly a aamarkabw heaaaalow wtta 8 rooms ea first flaee sad 9 abeve, ptn. . wej q wBna, nigat u to tha aslant ta every , Hardwood fleets eewarina praetieaaiy if -if 34 rooaoe is rocana uaaawna .....,.. 78 rooma far., steam beat. .......... 99 leome for. a. k . And othera. See Gilsoa, 481 Ckaatbet at merea Main 0127. - LOOS" at thoae'4 and I teem Waaalowa.TTl to 988 inetuaive oa Samnat at. 9 bleeks balanea terms. Ther eeatala aajdwsed Oeors. buUa-ia bad, treitata, beokeaaea, window seats aad eoolers. Gas raaga sad aet water boaters; linelanme to kHeba sad balhsi - fall eaaseat beaeasent with sjeaa. traia. floored ettiea. alee yard end la waa If 'you're suited with the eat- the aadra Vrwae floor, fiiwaktoe, buffet beokoaaes. am uoer n seta, rurnaea, eto, Garaaja. u yea waa to buy satnsthlss way she tae erdt- ry.. a real a ems ut at aitow yea. Qute 000 I srtieaj ie abaahitaly aaceaaarp aa tab) pteee mast 300 1 be sold at eaee. Can us by pbea, we v r-'l :ar von ana arree yea to tba seoparty. U ret at.aU be neoaaeary for yea aa ree ta H. K. room or room 1 aide eall end well make arrasf eaaents to with kitebaanatte by aery seat end eleaa I through them. Ownera, B lane hard 7 Clafnaoa. mid die aged workman ateadily employed; prefer j 703-3 SeUlng bldg. Pbone A-1888 er Maa 888. SliW tereperts. It vfil eeerv roe na ba line I. u. etewdad ataetaara. Bat doat wait 4 aat aeaas. .. A. O. TIIfB CXA 84 Star at Mf 3d. Mata$tl.- Breach efftoo, 80th and Bandy. - , 2Jb Ai SALMON- ' $341031480 $34 80 $34 80-3(80 Ami aaE ttSt 9ffw .iJL au - f1 P1 rrea. full best, eaamal phuib. . "i. Tmj aia, wiu se place bandy for Foundation ablpyards: must ba reasonable ; give particulars, b-svv. journal. RESPONSIBLE bi a waata to rent or 8 or 6 room modern bouse near St Johns oartine; Piedmont district' preferred; beat ef eara. Tabor aa f. WANTED A 8 or 4 room cause by young coupla. Sony rue from town: mnat be goad, looking -end neat; ao other aaad apply. Call Tabor 4847. WANTED Middle-aged couple to rent fur nished house and board man and dot. 169 East 80th st N. SoaadinaTiaaa preferred. Take aaontamia ear. 'xUwthBbSe bIStRiCT ii80" 6 rooms aad dea. hardwood fioorm. firaptoee. buiH-ta buffet bookcases, writing desk. Dutch kitchen with all buUt-ia faatarea. eaaeey near cimnea raaga. This a s aauu aaagajaw sat u as right as to the minute ta eeery respect. Street nared aad iaeluded la arioa. Bmavaeae wiU grab this Quickly. Will it ba your A. G. TEEPX CO., 384 Stark at. sear 8d- Mala $818. graacj office, 80th sad Sandy. BTECIAL LATJRELHTJR8T BARGAIN On Coawh at, T roeaaa aad alaapina Porch, oak Gs C. G0LDENBFRG aia-ia ADingtaa bldg. -86 Tears in Portland line 199 H 8d st5 - Mais 4803 WANTED T room modera' Turniahcd apt; wfli nay x montna rant in aa ranee: take siaa before Nor 1. S-887, Journal. WANTED To rant by Nor. 1.5 or $ modem house, furntihea eg unfurnuhed. Bear rline. Phono C-2193. 184 Fargo st WANT to lesie apt or faro tuned aouae or bay oa terms; two cnuama. ameneana. x-BUT, rurnat OUTSIDE property near, towa wanted where I can keep eow ana ehicksns, cell Marshall 650. floors, splendid fireplace, full beaement faraaoa beat, builtin coaTeniences, big lot 60x1 64. The WANTED SV room aaodera furnished apt; wiU pay x monies" rant ta aarsaaa; take gioa before Nor. 1. REAL EftTATH GENERAL JIEAL ESTATE BENT pasture. Lake Grora. Mar. acreage or giro fox clearing. Sell bmiM to shipbuilder. n itiL'laU S XOOX4 FOB SALE HOUSES 91 WANTED A man to work en wringers. Steady position. O. S. laundiy Co.. 180 Grand ara EL Leonard Els, St . ncenta hoapltal. Oct SALESMAN for ' industrial accident and health SI. 31 yeara. Spanish tafluenaa. insurance. F-7B4. Journal. ninriirn i Mmiiisj rfrnniai. iana a.hiiw. -warm. 215.4 ' l preferred; breakfast if desired. at N. Eaat 91. FURNISHED room, kitchenette, bath. phon. heat; men only: mritable for one or two. 548 Eaat Alder, bet 12th and 13th. East 1640. 'rP2 COLONIAL are:; 1 large pleasant room for rent hot water heat; very quiet; 1U blocks fmm Sbarar car, west ITRNISHED room, suitable for 2 seatl. Imngton; hot water, fumaee heat; 13 $6000 Property for $3500 10-room house, ptaatored. eoaercte feoodatJon, 3 bathe. 3 toilets, .good garage, lot 60x100. ?iTed street, sewers all to aad paid tori Bear 8th gad Tbqrmaa. West Side. 81769 cash, bal ance to suit Fred W. German Oa. 733 Chaav bet of Cammeaoa : 8850 DOWN 816 PER MONTH $3600 E. ANEENT AND 29TH 83000 A 6 room substantial honse, modern plumbing, electricity and eaa; 40x100; this ia a pickup; closa In. Bee FRANK L. McGTJTRB. ABDJGTON BLDG.. To Buy Tour Home. Mala 1098. FOR 8 ALE Modem, 'wall built 9 roam rasV denee. 610 East 7 th at N.. esraer Braxaa. 60x100 foot lot, garage, full cement basement, splendid heattng plant hardwood floors, firecisos. Urge partly finished attic; 19 par cent of pur chase price to' cash, balance monthly payments. Call 811 Journal bldg, it W. Haaood. Phone Main TITS, A-0OB1. nrtea la 84TBO. aad wa Skk aad 81880 down. Thia heme la priced away below value. Lat aa show you. COB A. MeKENHA A CO.. . M. 4524. S3 4th St. Board ef Trade Rids. FOR BALE -Country borne la the Tualatin a ley, a aulas max roruaad. ea Oregon iso trie B. . R or by ante over the beautiful Ter wUUger boaJerard end pared Capital highway; modern 10 room bouse, eity telephone eoaaea ttoae. bathroom ranaiat water, ewa water aya tarn, artesian wall, bar a. ehmkes bonaaa. gar aye, alia, arerythisx ready fox one to xteva la. U-444, Journal. VACANT MOTE Ef JUST COMPLETED 82280 VERT ABTISTIO BUNGALOW A new. ' van attractive. 4 room bungalow. aster occupied, beat white enamel plumbing, flx tutee, built-in buffet, Dutch kitchen, ate,. Bear Ainswarth' and Union eve. eara. See PRANK I. MeGClRS. AtUNUTO.T atOH. ' Ti Buy Tour Home. Maia 1088. 1 11830-EiCEPTlONAL SHIP IIIIO" 60x100. 3 blocks from VancoUTer ear. 4 room bouse, alee, lighta, gaa, full plumbing, eon- $300 eaab, balaaoe 838 -pea saontb, taelnd X istorast, seed 3 room abac and 9 90x100 lota, all feeoed aad erase faaead With wvrea wire, ttrse Iron dnewy gaea, 31 f rait treea ssd walanl trees. .Tea eaa make yen Bring iimbsbi mi crucxeas ea uua Hoa. 3 a 1 w unr nil ear. No Trade Re Aaeata Owner, , . 919 Oerbatt bldg. ' iiTlo BOSE CITY PARK BtiYft'CT nweiy ranuabee asset re a m sxeeueai ooooiuoa. ran 'l: laaadry traya, aiea Dutea kHahsn, ftoe buffet, tea. electricity, bath roam good flxtatee beta sea bedrooms, large cleeeta, eta. Rica fall tat, leaa ef fruit aad flowers, laspiweesaects paid. $804) down, bawaea Hke -aval Interest na eaat Abm well tafwJahed 9 room baagatow for Sveex. aee Mr. Lawtoa, T3d aad Baady of phase Te. . bor 8559. : Mi lirflis VfSn krra- . Jo eaa ear Bat a ever 389 batnwVwttR pbeaaw grapna, pnee eaa rsu aats we asve asanas ta erete basement; on back of lot it building 80s I C? WV e?a"wJ 80. with full basement Beat thia building. J TwB tt : Price for all hi leas thaa building eaat. Teresa. I ,r- Ia-" .. all parts ef the efts. aR asinaa aad real bargsina. We aevev pad prices; the buyer na.Bouea- auww exactly want we are mi g Aatee et your aavrtsa Seg. . - ERANX U MoXiciRll. AWngtoa Te Bay Tear Homo. MaialOtS. 1 AU TUI OWEX !" ! ;-' . S room mod era bungalow, to No. 1 umitHtm, full sma baaameat ate nonary tabs) Vat 90x199 1 hard surface Mreet to sad paid tee. 109 feet from earliae, IB auaa,. to eester of tty. If you want e gooa home and e snap, bare tt fa. Mala 7987. Mariels A WilUama, 820 Cham- bar of Commerce, ' BOSS CITT Beautiful modern bungalow 6 rooms sad sleeping porch, hardwood floors, fireplace. Dutch kitchen, ia white, boilers, laun dry traya, eemenr basement pared street alt paid; an awful pretty little heme; 8600 cash, balance about $2800. Cell 8 to 6:39 p. av 47.6 E. 54th at N., 3 blocks of Ms nay. Morrison Two sood fm town; 3 csrUnea, 28 rears. ' broncho Bneumcnia. tORENSEN Mary C. Sorenmn, Good Samaritan hospital, Oct 31, 44 yeara, bystorectomy. ANDERSON Alfred F. Anderson. Auditorium heepital. Oct 18, 44 yuan, pneumonia. IKAKKA Martha Ixakka, Acditorium heepital. sTL- Si t O A I. in.e. VVb. At, 1 XASS ABaViXaaaaW U0NTU8TJNA Santos Montnanna, Good Sa maritan hospital, Oct ZQ, 18 yeara, Infraenaa. insurance. WANTED Lediea' ceatmaker. Schweitaer ' Bagin. 332 H WasWngton. WANTED Men to work on riser beats, 380 and np. room and board. Apply Waabiagton dock. JON elderly man for janitor work. Wdln 3T9nC COOD" furnished room,, close ia. near Morrison. Phone East .820. BOOM, prirate family, 148 Ev loth A Casl $290. . - ' STEAM heated rooma. clone in, west aide, far gentlemen, Phone Bdwy. 8838. . COMFORTABLE furaiahed room for lady am- pteyaa, aur. ties. WILLIAMSON William Williamson. SaUwood I instructed by . rMrtpttat Oct xl, 24 yeara. influenza RATTEN Virgil Ratten. Auditorium hospital. Oct 23, 28 yeara, Spanish lnfluenaa. FREAS Pauline Frees. Auditorium boapttal. Oct 23. 20 years, pneumonia KNAPP Charles Knapp, st Vincents hospital. tier. 22. 19 years, xraetare or skuiL HELP WAJfTED-MISC. YOUNG WOMEN and MEN: 49 ROOMS for rent 831 6th at. oor. Our studenta are a auccessfui msPATUtusK ana : are in demand by the railroads ana IKLt i GRAPH coxnpaaiea at increased salariea. Many racancloi now. Write or eall for BULLETIN. Kail war Telegraph Institute. 218 By. Sxeb, ! bldg., Portland. ROOMS ARX HOARD THE HAZEL. outaMe room, hot water. eooaing. epeenu rarea to eovpiea. aee se. 7608 69th sea. Oct 18. a daughter. ALDOi TO Mr. snd Mra. Walter S. Larata. Or.. Out 18. a son. BIGGS To Mr. and Mrs. James Riggs. 1023 I ale. oot 14, a son. FLORISTS CLARKE BROh.. florists. Morriaoa St. bet 4th and 6th. Pbone Maia or A-1805. Flne flow- ara ead floral designa. Wo branch stores. MABTIN A FORBES CO.. florists. 854 Wash, inowara tor all ocoasiona TOU! 162 studenta enrolled month before but and 20S enrolled last month. Now why not make una of your spare time and prepare for a better iobT Drop ma a line and 1 win - call and explain it to yon. Giro name and phone number, renuos, tae 4, 1 a. man, f. u, box 1042, Portland. Or. BOOHS AITD BOABB FBITATB FAMILY ft NICELT furnished bed roc ms for 2 (eotlamen: board if desired: nice home, phone, bath aad all home privileges. rOa Irrington ea rline; eleaa Pbone East 8748. 487 EL lStk at N. near Tillamook at KLDERLT lady wants room and board near 6th Maia 389. A-1269. artistically arrsBgeo. T1MM To Mr. and Mrs. Chrta Tlmm. Eotth-I PipLk " aORAi,: SHOP, 343 aider, designs Urrite AVSTMAN To Mr' and Mrs Lewis E. Aut- msn. 888 Vancourer are.. Oct 15. a sea. BIN MAN To Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hinaaan. atvt earn, uev 11, a aon. HAIX-To Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Hall, $193 . EAAab. Oot. IS. a dauchter. DAVBS Te Mr. and'Mrs. James P. DsTta, 349 rantlL.- . s-a-.aV . 4 . -a Tha budrst for tha board of control I uxTUr ZilT John Danaher, a" e Maaax aw .wBk4aaa.-uuv a w v aRatxaya , ut aad decora tiona. Phone kfanhall 633. tSYINGTON PARK FLORAL COw. 4th end TamhiB. Funeral designs: lowest prince. LUBIANER, Portland hotel. 828 Morrison UajC WSS-ITtf. florist -l4l4 was approved for $18,000. Another meeting of tha board will bey held ntonday morning; to consider tha budaTot of tha stats training" school for boys. . Superintendent Gilbert of that institution haa been unable- to 1985 E. Lincoln. Oct 20. a son. - 8CHENCK To Mr. sad Mra. Prank Seaaaek. laoo eisa are,, ocr. su. a eaagnter. DEATHS ARD FTJRERALS WEIST- At Batto. Moat. October 22, 1818, Mabel . K. Welat aae x yeara. daughter of I attend board tneetinca because of tha Mra, George O. Matbaaonof 1771 Siskiyou street, j many cases of lhfluenxa there. Ha haa been 111 with tha disease himself. I Irate fuaerai serrices will be bald at Holmaa s Praaral perlora at 1:80 p. sa. tomoirow (Satur day ). Oatobee 28, 19li. , Iatormant at Rose City cemetery. TOLBON la thla eity. Oct 28, Euaabeth "ol- aon. aaed 32 rears.. Ufa of 688 Tamhill art.. faughto of Mrs. AUie ToIsob of Caldwell. Idaho. Penitentiary Autos Expensive Salem. Oct. 25. One of tba. import' ant Kama in tha soarinx; cost of main-1 sister of Mra. H. T. Dent and Ethel Toison of tha adnlnlatration of Oovarnorrwithy- .STttaJT- L2UX2l&?mnt combe ' expenditure for tutomn- bABBOW At hi. UU reaicle7rc5t8Rhon, bUea and their upkeep. In tha lasti gt.xOctobar si. Floyd C, Darrow. age 29 two peara tha automobile bills for the 1 yeara. Funeral sertiuea will be held tomorrow prison have amounted to not less than I (Saturday). October 3 . at 1 0 a. m. at the $13,402. exclusive of tha sums paid out SlTu ""SSL for rasolinai and Oil. t.t a-ia ana li a... ,s- . w-. I ills. Kooert 'll. ueLBlB. area as veers. Bth st FTJRERAL JIRFCTOR8 Holman Undertaking Co. Funeral Directors Established 1877. . Third d Salmon Stxeeta Mate 807. A-I611. Lady assistant. J. P.. FIN LEY & SON PtegreaciTa Bnneral Directors. PRIVATE DRIVE Women Attendants Montgomery at PifU Main . A-1B9. F. S. Dunrwng, Inc. The Golden Bala Ondartakcra. 414 Beat Aider at - Pbone Eaat 63, B-5238 GOVERNMENT NEEDS ' 12.000 WOMEN CLERKS Portland sxa ruinations Nor. l. Dec. 7. Salary 81200. Experience unneces-i sary. women uesiring - government posuiom for frae particulars. J. ". lennaru (former civil aamca examiner) . 1054 Kanois bldg.. Washington. . CWrLSERVICB EXAMINATIONS. Portland. Nov. 2. Dec. 7, 1X.UOO woman clerxe neeOeO. Salary 81200. Experience unnecaaaary. Women desiring worernment positions write tor free cerueulare. It . Terry, termer caru aerr- ice examine-. 948 Columbian bldg.. Waaiung- toa, D. C. ' church 8. ROOM tor 3 HOTJ8EKEEPIKO ROOMS 8 FURNISHED AD TJ3f FURNISHED 24 N. 6th, Keystone Hotal. aulteof housekeeping fooma fer reat $39 month. Including gas and electricity. DESIRABLE, clean west side housekeeping rooms for working naoole. building. , ADCOX ATJTO SCHOOL' Union Are. and Waaoo Sta. Day and Night Classes . Special Department for Women Call or Write for Catalogue Finishing school, 4 to 4 weeks' special personal training enema. aouoM your income ib aaorv band and other budaaae aubieeta. I Walter Morton, principal, B. A P, oa ata sr., revuano, or. HAWTHORNE AtaTO 8CHOOL 42 HAWTHORNE AVE, SPECIAL SUMMER BATES DAY AND NIGHT CLASSES r. a a. 0-8168 WILSON di ROSS East 94 Lady Asairtant Mnttnemsh at E. BcTanth at Undertakers j Modern ta every detail. Broadway aad Ptee stv Broadway 430, A-4 588. Lady asstatant Dunning & McEntee .MISS DECREE'S PBTVATE BUSINESS COLLEGE ALISKT BLDG. 8D AND MORBISOrf. TATLOR BUSINESS COLLEGE AUD SCHOOL OF LANGUAGES. . 605 Stock Exchange bldg CHRISTIAN BROTHERS BUSINESS COLLEgI Urana ate ana jueaamas. uay-erening classes BEHNSE-WALEER. bigseat business college be- terest In a truck, ia listed as tha prop erty of tha flax plant at. tha prison. "but including" these tha penitentiary has four trucks and three autonrobllea. Beaideav tha atata pays for tha upkeep and can, for the machines owned by Warden,, Murphy and Parole Officer Too Keller, each of whom haa a car. In th4 last two yeara the atata pur chased for tha prison and flax .. plant Mwen machine at an- sjrrreffate cost : of 8ia.340.89. In connection with these ' deals four machines were traded In for an ; uaraaratev credit of 32940.. - Bills , for. repairs and aunnliea - run avao,- wn v v. acucu oeu fe reel s. I aarrired by hia widow, Elma MoLeani and two I eattoren. vonaia ena vena, nemaina win be forwarded to La Grande, Or., latex by Wilson A Rose, funeral directors. ' , ' - . - . MANN the fuaaral aerrioea of the late Henry as, atana win aa oeia satumsy, ueu 2. at 1 p. . m., et the resMenee astabiiehynent of J. r, , Finler A Son. Montgomery ' at 9th. Interment at Riter View cemetery. . All aarrieaa strictly privates: . WAUnftUTbe funeral aerrlom of the late Aaaa Walhvar will be held Saturday. October 38. at 3:80 p. m.. at the chapel of Miller A Tracer. ; AU aarrieaa. etrkstly BTiTaU. Inter ment Mt Oelvary cemetery. LftOST The funeral serrices of tba lata Prusa lUST is. tunerai eemcea ox tno saw rrusa o . ... TTJndertakina Cev a v. H., m uiv wihlw vi muw- mm 41KU. au conalderablv over $2000 for thia period. I serrioea atrtetly .prirate. Interment. MaUooreafa lonsign A. Bell of - : i:P6aiicl Succiimbs IilNay al Hospital Iralrn' Alexander Belt, on of : Br. Park cemetery. BOBINSON At Shiphard Springs. Wash.. Oct m ..... j . v.l -a . l l- . , , .vvcu w wiiiotiiii - mw m , mw er this ity. - Tae remaina are et tae residence establishment ef J, P. Ftalay, - Soa. Mont gomery at Bth, ; I MONTH JOMETtY th thla city. Oot 34, Charles Montgomery, aged 85 yaara. lata ef 885 Yam blB at. 1 Tha remaina are at the reaidenea eetah- Uabaaant, ef .3. P, tinley Son,. Montgomery at I 8th. : 1 1 . . BAGNONE in thia city. Oct 25, at tha family realdenoa. ZT4 soaridaa at, tarmeia xtagnooa. anrt Mrsi. y 'H TtlL; in yri- agea years. The remains are al trie residence na Mrs., j. f. miiSI Irvina; atraet, Mi.biishmsnt of 3. p. Piniey A Son. Ktont- aiou ot pnwumonsa r naay morninr at i eomery et Bth, Nottea of runaral hereaner, tha fiavai Hospital , in, ,NrfoUc, VaW, tha 1 LERARDf -Urs. Dor Derardy. to thla eity. Taurattay, : October X4. fnrtenu nouce later, rmaina at the. c ha as bare of Kaawertby A Gov. wuliama ere. -and vaaotmrer, WIG LB -In thla city Oetobar 34. Era .Wigla, ana SB yeara. . rnnerai noace latsar. xto- matn are st thev xeaVientisl funeral patters af Miller as Tracer, RlE la thla nltx. Octobat Mra. V. fl Funeral aeooe satea. Ken una are at the reaidsntial fuaerai aariota ef Miller Treeey. BOC- la this eity, October 24. George Beck, -.t -aaa.-A wears. Fuaaeal notion later. a a training1 school where, after paaaina; mains are at tha reetdeauel funaral pariora -of h BTtmlnitlnni In rn.,l..in.,.j I MiUe eb Traoey, Hs wraa In Pnrtlanrl smsnl r HATNER Ja . thia city. October , 25. Esaia A7D. KENW0RTHYX0. Tabor 2267. 8803 2d s Lnta. . Tabor 5895. 8tb ft ead Foster reed, Arieta.. East 781 P I , I CDPU Mnv Leteb B-1888 I. U LUMUI I AaMtst I Undertakers E. 11th and' Hawthrana 1 kUXER TRXCET. lniependent . Fneeraf Di- rectora. Prices aa tow as 330, -840. 389. I Washington at Ella. Main 3801. A-T8H3. CHAMBERS-EENWURTlty CfJ." '" " 243 and 250 EUliacawortb are. near Williams 1 are. - wood lawn aaoo, o-iiyi. . Rrnn7o Jf. On ? at . 85th at. U I COtD Uf, vJHUUrx B-3S4B. Tabor 1258. !T Mala 4163 Cor. 8d and Clay Wilson & Wilsonsaloiin. enroll ani time. Free catalogue. lATEXfWHSREACHERS' AGENCT rPraa registrstioa 911-12 Broadway bldg. LINE'S BUSINESS COTXBGB PORTLAND. OREGON EAST 8 DDE COMMERICAL SCHOOL INDIVIDUAL instruction. 310 mo. Bt AST. HELP AVARTED FEMALE mornln. after the arrival of hla par- antArf accorama; to a, mesaag-e- received today. ..Dr and Mrs,; Bell left Satur day Tilxhtv upon receipt ofword that their, aon naa . been atxicken with Span lsh lnfluenaa, .v " Enslxh BelJ . enlisted last summer tQ tha navr. leavins; Princeton university to ranter tho service. : He -waa1 aent aboard a tanker, but later waa put Into HAMltTONrTabotd.1 A. R. Zeller Co l East 1999.- 1I088. it 1 1 BTBSklS. new reaideoca .establishment OOi WilH.-rT'are, Vreedlawa 830. 0-1048. I'll 67-3RD ST. AT MADISQnI WBTtAND MAKBLtt tVOftK. St.. opposite eaty nan. ; vaaam - ur Eaa A Bona for saemariaJa. - . , Teans '. LadSaa For telephone cporatrat. Ho pierloua aniarlaaag Raceaaary . Goad aalary to start tUatd sdraucament in aalary. Peraataeat ptadttoaa, Extra payment for Svmdays - aad IvkTlaaya, 'V ' , Apply tolapbone ccanpaay acaeol. sixth flee Park and Oak atraeta 90 a. av and 9:80 av av LOST AND' FOtTR D SI X- i LOST 7Thursdai, a letter ' addressed . to Mrs. GIRLS IS te 28 years ef axe. to operate power machines and general - yiork fa bag factory. Apply Amea-Harris-Nernia Cav, 933 Hoyt at Talbot of Jefferson, Or., in 19ll Pleaae CaB I WOMEN wanted iorjpieratory depajritasent Tha Eaat 1418. tOST -A. lady's puld watch and chain fob- was .-swt m rQnBa.isBesarsr xsr ni. .00 w twees 1;05 p, m. and 1:80. Oet 22. Suitable reward. Mra. Charles MeArtaur. Beward hotel. FINDER ot red fox far to lower AIbina pleaae -- retarn to 825 Ganteabeia aee. ead receive ra ws m. or can woo awn evuv.- Tlle Kinn . rminr-tx f!. The Dalles. Or. Shifts from i a. m. to 8 -.SO m as.: trom 3s80 p. m. to 12 midnight Wagea gooA Apply by letter or at plant Work continuous winter-end spring. - J WANTED Reliable girl to assist, with aery Just After receiving- hia commiaalonv ; f Dr. -and, Mrs, Ball hava anothorxson. 'Frank M. Bell, who Is In the navy and word haa . just been received of" hla arrival, in Franca.. - Tha bereaved .par ents will leave Norfolk . for Fortlaad wimin a cap or two. . v s Heroes, aa 58 years, v Fanraral notice iater. Bemaina are al tha residential funeral aartora ef Miller A tTrecwy. CORNKVO la thai eity. October 221918. 1- Ueeire 'w. timing, aee a-t yeara, . ara at Hobnan'a Funeral narktra. Mil THER.H In thia eitx. October 24. ljis. ' Pmacm Cfutner. RaauaiBS an tt Uolan 1 1 Junera. jerkies, j light hotisework; no washing or ironing; also to take eafre of 2 small children whan mother U .. . tAUt ki. miI mivl Plvm. LOST Oct 23,. black umbrella, to downtown I Tabor 8204. er rail 780 E. 69th at . ' district. Finder nieaaa iwturat Uf. 4S riaav I s.-vw.x.n - 'j xi-. Sera. Bdwy, 31. Kaward. , .1.. 097 H Vtl. at.. CnrraUia. Or. . WANTED Girt for light hon vwork J t good sheme and pay.' Phone Tabor 008,, - r -. GREEN silk umbrella left to at ranger' a . ante , Monday morning wbua ooaung ia f rom , BeM- wood. Pbone Maia 137S, ot ei xsia.. fT)Y S white Jiaudled taane tunbreila . lost te tna- imanor or '-lararmiory ot vne vwi rug : eempany. fleas tsu Him lnt. - gewara. L0bT-C4hr . brooch . with , gold leaf wreath . arpund edxe; ra wara. ' .1x00 eai emen; mUea CaU Eaat 8708. E. 18 th st "cTayT 18 1150 DOWN SONNTSIDE HOME,' 5 RMS.: MOD. PLUMBING. GOOD CONDITION : VA- CANT; PAVING PAID; BET. 2 CARLTNES. nkah sttxx. rniux, ut reduced to 3250. O. O. QOLDENBkRG, ABINGTON bldg. 35 TEARS IN PORTLAND" MAIN 4803. 3300 CAot Balance like rant Rather thaa rent will aril easy terms my screa room aemt-bannlow. Dntch kitchen, futl basement, dandy furnace, garage, bearfeg -rrtrit trees, small fruit 330 Eaat uv aeuwooa ib. "TTRVlNftTON-LAtRELHCtBSlf Exoapttnnal 38000 home, fhu loeetion. ttaea. plete. 95-750.' Lauralbnrst high class borne. eonal aiua, 34850. Uuick gale, tarma. East 8016.t ROOM bungalow. buQt-te buffet, painted Inatde and out: good baaaa gaa range; nicely located oa 38th, at 82300. Ha wt home. ROSK City PABat BUNGALOW Shaven, a preferred. Tabor 6878. men, board if desired." "irr 31750 B recta modern, Baraga, tarma J4000 -5 room, extra modern, garags, terms. 42008 room aaodera bengalow; tarma. 808 SPALDING BLDG. ' 85 VlN 8TTOrE 3T8ltji 9 rooma, lot 154x188. 31850. 8809 cash. remainder $20 par mo., includes Bet late rest. Splendid for cow, ehickeae and garden., P. E. Stearns. Main 8B17. 203 Wilcox bids. 3 TOO CASif $30 MONTHPRICE $3400 Beautiful 8 room- bungalow, white aaamel woodwork, hardwood floors, fireplace, fine buf fet furnace, cement basement, restricted dla tTict Johnsoa-Dodeon Co.. 934 N. W. Bank bldg CaU office. 318 Piatt HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS Tt FTJBS18BEI ARB TJXFURRISHEB PRIVATE FAMILY TWO iurnished H. E. rooma. unfurnished, to let 233 tt Burnude at FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms, eery r aonable, close to. 08 Knott t Misa car. FOB BENT HOUSES UHFURRISHE9 U NEAR Alberta car, 9 room honse, modern ex cod neat- mrxa enoogu lor z jamuiee, rent 955 CX)E A. M'KENNA OO.. 82 4th at. Board of Trade. LARGE Irrington- bungalow, strictly no-to-date with- hot -water beat and garage; 86O.OQ month. No. 859 R. 20th st N. CaU Main 25. Fred 8 WUllama STORES for living purposes. Penineala Apt bid a.. 1138 m JJbtna ara Steam beat hot anci com water. 6 BOOM bouse with water. 50 a month. Fred 8. WilUama. On 02 m Mt Scott earlinc. First at FOB RENT Tent house, gaa. electric lighta and water.' 810 month. Tabor 101 8. Cor. F 5th and Deris. 5 ROOM bouse with 8 lot'. No. 8 Amheft at. 814.80 a atoaUl tocladiaaV Fred B. WUliama. 92 tt Ftnt at HOUSE and 7 aerea in city; price 825 per month. Phone Tabor 385. 152 C svta at FORREXT OB bALE Modern 3 room buaga- low. 318. Main 7854, after a p. ra., Koom a. HOUSE for rent for carpentering. Bdwy. 8253, HOUSES FOR RENT FURRIT1TRE FOR SALE 89 FURNITURE for sale aad bouse for rent (08 Mississippi ava. FTJRNISHED 'HOUSES 89 . 280 E. f 9th and Hawthorne ara sCaa be seen 8:30 a. ta. T p. B-- - ; $57.50 WELL fnrniabad aouaa. Port-ad Hta. piano, garage, ruse new. , yrui asaae xor moatha. Call Mate T487. - FIVE room buagalow, piano, garage. Y block g ear, d-lta,v refwraaoea. .Tabor. 9017. -335. rvn after a- m. . - - - 1 ROOM ' bungalow la St Johns, furnace,, good light casement. ; gaa, pnooe ana .wmsea nm. Main -d93 ' " " $8 Parnjabed suburban cottage, 43 minntes ' 4th -and Washington, - t tte carfare, Mar shaP 8807--v 'f 4 . ROOM furnished 11000 $12 peg mouth. 8115 E. BSd at, Mt SeoU car. HOTELS- PORTT-UTO rniTORS Traref coat helper. Eagia, 883 tt Waabiagton. - such. Schweitxer Tilt. WANTED A - hwuaekeeper on Journal. - . ...-j - .t , 5f AJiTES A nun inaid. "Rroadaax S84 ' Let The Joaraal . Hate tew aat 'V -" BJERVICB IS FRXB ; Write to Thnsul C Smttb, land , Travel Bureau. Jearraal Bldgv. PotV A xaad. Ore." Tan bint when yeaj wtfl '.- arrive, what botei or other aoeoeasso- -' aatkrna you want end about what yea ' " -. expert to pay. He wCl notify yen lav ! mediately yost what at aay. isaarea : twaa be haa been able to asake fog yea and hew to' crack them. Be eore to A BARGAIN T m w.. a kii, a a trt pared atraet; some good furniture including piano trie Uxhta aad gaa. .t.d electric range; bouse . not runuaaeo sui ccmfortabla; take Los Aogales er near er Port land lot to $1000. Liberty bond for all or part; 33160. Phone Sen wood 3781. -T11350 WALEINQ DISTANCE tli-O Good . room substantial bouse, seed base ment modern plumbing, eto.; 50x83 foot lot; street nana paid; ia B. 22d at Bear S. Piaa; nnce 81860: terms. See FRANK L. MeGUTRE. ABINGTON BLDG , Ta Buy Tour Home. Main 1088. HOME FOR TEE OLD POLKS, $1800 Vary neat 5 room bungalow cottage, large bear ing fruit treea, berry bushes and roses, splendid Urn, Located at 194$ B. Washington gt; 9200 eaab, 920 monthly, f FRED W. GERMAN CO.. , 783 Chamber of Commaree ' - SHOO ALBEBXA ilOME 81100 8 room pmatored house, elect, and saa. eaten t toilet 8 rooma down and 3 bedrooma ap; toed. ktrgo rooms, inia la not a aback, on Sumner st., near E. 8th, See FRANK L. MeGUIBE, ABINGTON BLDG., To BayTonr 11mm. Main 1088. $350 CASH. $2$ PER kNtW $i250 C-osr ' 9 room banxalew. Hawtaenaa diatrict. (0x100 lot 2 large Royal Ana cherry treea. rosea, naa lawn, etreem pa Tea tpesa) 9 room beaaa. attic, 3 Bedrooma. bath, large) : pantry, nraplaoa, aleetrte hsbsv gaa. fall earn aat basement 80x109 let, earnest sidewalks, aewer, near Fraaklia H. A, X blk. KewUaorae eat aa' 87th at. , GEO. T. IfOORI CO.. Abfngteo sUd. We socept Liberty Bonds. FOB bALE A Bice large room baagale-. , tot 80x1091 aaiekenhoaaa. woodshed, fruit t house aisaaat saw, tenet sad beta, etoa- AQ ua-ta-date, $1900. Alao 4 room bongalew. 9989: t room aottaae. prtoa 9800 3 reest eottaga. nrtce $909. all ea mrma, . arr a era Jbsau ve, aax atoal aoa at ' HOUSES FREE esmforUble Able houaea. a rsgsaa . beta, en 39 foot lot ia Iwprevad anatrtot, 19 aaiautae I mm center ef eity. quasi BJUet aacrifioe. Will soil for4 vstoe ef lot, houses ' free. A tore bargain fer aomeorte, $1800 ,' torms. bah lot aad ess aonaa7$l$00l taxxaa, 4oe ran ton emx., nnwy. xsss. i ROOM house, ail wU AUAOl Utb.' saa,' electrie lifhta, baaement eotnev lot 93il0 I trait trees, 3 bieeka to ear and bardaurUosi cement walk. 9300 down, 928 atoatsiy aad ia. ; . toreet IB 11 East Irrlns st. " $i$6o Good 4 room bouse. 3 tots, earner: balance 820 month aad interest, 1 bell, rnono Wtefl.es SSSS. 8909 39 FOB SALELOTS 19 frayHy ana 81000 itowtaorne Bsalty Co., 38th aad Just think, you only pay 8860 cash, balance rent money, uose in, onnson-ixiojaoa uov. 834 N. W. Bank bldg. 100x100 8 room modern' ltt bungalow,' fl 80x109. leanlna Eaatotaraatad. eloaa to eax. Build a little heme aad save vent W. R. KA8EB. 317 Oorbatt bMg. - I,. 1 1 r r , , mt - t r iTssaetaa , ACBEAOB 41 tda liH-Cwnntn la ike TaelaUa vai.- lay, 9 axDee frees Portia ad, ea Oregon Elec tric R, Rv or by ante ever the baaatifut Ta. riew. This ia right na to the raisnto snd can eiee neeaeelen in Id stn. Tm miS build thia home for leaa than 85800. My prtox wtlllger boulerard and paved CepHal highway aT. .,jt i Seat A aaa a. v Z. I awawleraa Ti A aaaa-eax to nxsaim and 9 ex . laaeahaissaa lUaT MtBMlBl Bbatrav, f flVVV, 1991 ilsIBJ TSJT1X 1 -w aw -'. way - - wa. J. Robbina, ,0 ItoUway bid.. MU, 73,1. btotojav TL SZ , , 'V2 , 7 1 . everytaina ready foe eae to raeva la, JwavrvavM as arwagMvrw. a as 41 wuram, taagj Byexaywavejia a trie aad only 1 block te sood earuns. 9 baooks to Craatoa acbaol. Lot 47x110. J. L. KABNOPP A CO.. w 919 By. Exeh. bkig. Main 878. EENTON ISTRif and sleeping porch, beantlful butHe I $1800 8 room ooeslortable borne. loT80xl30, d Wtohaa, , ftivplaoe, raatricted die- n.JTL' 18 fruit treea, torn of berres. 8 blocka, school. .MilJ?tmJi:hMi nd park Price only I PVT" S blocks Mt Scott ear. Tarma. tISOO: 00. $2 pal ' month. Jchoaoe-Dodaoa 20 ACR1 TWO seras Itae sou. oast a room ouasatow. , plastered, good entouUdise 4 Mocks ef ears price 32100: easy tavxas, O- W. Bryaa, Max. see. Mala less. SOS Chameer ef uammswov: 9T00 Oae sere ia Graahamt bouse, bara. fruit. I eeay tarma. avrvoer o a i.mgtoe. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. Abiagton bldg. We accept Liberty Bonda. HAWTHORNE district. 9 room bungalow, fur nace, fireplace, oak floors. bum-Ins. 1 black of ear. Parties tea ring ctty wtD sell reasonable. P, Vnaduyn, 819 -Chamber Commaree, Main 1885. BEFORE purchasing property oetato a report en tea value ead eoadiUoaa. Get year money's worth. Bessoaable charges. MacNaugntoa A rsJuauea axperta, oorbatt aide, Mela Baymond. NEAR COLUMBIA PARK. PRICE $2100 8300 eaab.. 833 moathly. bars very aaat plastered buagalow, large porches. Jot 89x112, splendid treea. -Fred W. Orsrmaa Co., 738 Cham, of voa. VACANT 8 room furnished aouae, ground 100 X100. chicken park, fruit water, 370Q. rash. 88th at and 83th eve. See owner, 90S Maia at Pbbae A-1818. MOVE RIGHT LV Co.. 884 N, W. Bank bldg. $440 1 BCWnaHSCK, OORnWIvxI: 818803 rooma. bath, saa, ftreptace, Dutch kitchen, garage, berries, lot 80x100. 90th at and 72d are.-S, E. 91400 room honse (not modern), ta SaUwood. Pbone owner. Ban. 9404. ! jtiTftaiabed $ roam house aadTbatb," be"Hx tureain tae aata, ea TSta aad Blaklyea. S7X 100 corner lot; alee treea aad aarkiny, aleetrte lights, gaa and water; 9 bieeka to acaooi and I streetcar. Roosa for another bonxe en eernea Take Rose City ear. walk to, the right. 82000 CLOSE IN $2000 ACRES eleaa la: eaouab timber te oar fa : Mad. Call Tabor 1820 after 9:39 a. aw or before lea '' .- 4 ACRES near atoaaartoa. line tecatton Jaf baesa. aee us, vwaer. sj-eee. aoareai. SUBURBAN ACBEAOB T9 1 ROOM msdsra heoeei kwTa-.aU to eaiuea. ttoat close to echoes, tt mile B. Uoasard sta Orevoa Uty ana, P. tX AtUwesA1a it 4A 1 tax, L. WUoea. SUBURBAN HOMES -v Tt 8 ACRE home as a t, near Garden Roma. 7 Baaaa limn a bara. ahiekaa h an.s haa $380 eaab. balsnoe 320 par month witkeat I bouse, feed well, fnraitare. hexes, buggy, ee. a eeraa woea,' 9 room bungalow, all built ia. good mast. $2280; 9400 down. Hawthorne Realty uo.. ssth ana nawtnorne. GOOD bungalow, fireplace, furnace, etc., closa to earliae en bara eurxeee street, desirable district: price leaaooeble. 300 E. 32d st Tabor SIX4. irdereet except en mortgage of $SO0; 9 paved street; aear-uaten are- Reera for garage. For particulars see ohnacaDodsoa Co.. 994 M, W. Bank bide. ALBERTA" DliTBICT $27809 room bungalow wth attic, usual TrothV ina. full cement basement Improve), meats ta sad UKludad In prtoa, . TKRMS. -' T: 3. A. WICEMAN CO., 914 Stark. Mate 988) $50 TxFvtX"wilI boy one. two or i&ec'room aback nottagea en Roaa Olty , Bae, Moata vllla, and other -good districts. Prioee range from $909 te 91000, anonthlr parmeata from 810 to 319. mearthly. Fred W. German Co 783 Cham of Com. , NEWLT PAINTED AND TINTED 3 been, 50 ehtckasa. 30 rabbi ta, 8 eon 4 teas bay. seeas euMvetod. balaaaa 19 aatautaa from Whitferd aUUea. fare i eenta. Pnee 38389. 5IO00 aaaa, tot ea balance at 8 per eaat D-84B. Jew real. BEAUTIFUL eoentry home site, J towa bioeke iotatoB B, r. taureaa uaettoa, 1 oioet irom etotiea, store sad aabset, all fanead, exaatl building, fine erohard, good epPortanlty fr bneiaam aatahliahaaent; I200S; teraaa, eg $1990 eaab. . See owner Sunday. Oet. 37. bat 1 and B, roots $99 Pittoek black. , Pbnaw, Breedway 1777. - ' 4 ROOM house. batL Daatrr. attle: lot 75x 100. 1 block from ear and bard surface ee- !!!,lEi?t iVfLilliw'lTE1! room bnngal. modera except beat ly without Intereet Inenira 1911 E. Irrlns. - , (lraaUoe. ell bwiltine.. new hardwood 1 . ttoera, tatp. la aad paid, sear Mt Tabor t ear, Glencee aebool diatriet 3. A. W1CEMAN CO.. 914 Stark. Main 893. T HOSE ciTt'B-NGAtOw' ' Madera, with garage, 1 block from aar; sae rifiee price 38380, 81000 eaaki belaaee sa yen wast it - See Peterson. i THE FRED Ac -JACOBS CO . 104 8th at Main 8889. J1J60 Only 1220ft FOB SALE FARMS If HAWTHOBNE district bargain 3 room aaodera bungalow; oak floors; furnace; fireplace; 83800.00. F. Vaadaya, BIB Chamber of- Com merce. - Msia 1955. - CiOINO east,. "7 roam enedera buagalow, like . partly rurmsboo, ruu baaameat: winter a ell for $2500, part eaab. baL tarma. Owner,. 1891 E. Daria. NEAB Piedmont. 5 room buagalow. Wall fura- - ialtad. tnciuoing piaae, reany to more in, 8280. 8500 eaab. balssee 829 per month. Call Wdlav-8040. WE WRITE fire tasnraaca. baaement areuada 9xl30: Realty A Mort-1 Don't mna uus wunoenui , nargaia. . maty aaaa Oa.. 983 Caaaabec et Cemataroa. Call I t,qstarso-. wuo xacn oiog. mar, aeee. Main 2081. , ' - - - I 91TI0 RIGHT IN SEIiWOOTtlTlO FOR AaLE Reasoaable. av 4 room house, lot aouae, isoxl vw oor.. partog asm SMS 80x133, near O-W. a. .R. akexav Jkpptf I T. tat ovmor. 808 Roaa at -' - "--- I uxsv. - w. awsa vu.( avwnia-wa asam. ONE of the prettiest hungalaw h S aerea in enltlrstiee, sood S honse. large bara, X aexe orchard. Ltrlaf sreem, , good well at nowse, aa sooe. roaa, H stua te school, 8 exile sto court bowel $4804). xt avati . - - 9 room beaaa. barn, well, teed vprfeg, 19 to eartirattew, on goeq . tela, a m sauae - to eaaxrtbasMil pttoa 32 too. .. . , . w " 14 ACRES 19 seres ia enlUratioa. 5 reeae baas., teed bara. entbtdidlBsa. eaa arrtoata, weX and bring stream, en good road, X xaile to earhaa. good achool end atere. S eowe, 3 baifera, breed sow. 8 room house, aU in flrat-elaaa eflnditioa, full I horse, "4S ehtrkeaa, torpieeaevta, 13 tons hey; BlvVV eaan, Baaaaew a yeera m Tm. -- - iSlLI-lAN eb HOWLAND. . 8tb sad Main ata.. Oregoa qty.'Or. for sale. City Park bor o98B. VOB QUICK sale, 5 room eettage. baih. toilet,' basement; bearing fruit trees;. 81230. L. ML btonre. BIT Board of Trade. BI OWNER, bargaiaB aaeen xaodera bouse. craea to car. casn or. 727S frora 8 te 9 p. ye. tarma.. - Pbone Mais We accept Liberty Bonda. MODERNIZE your building. aB ktoda ef iwoaTrT . See say designa far saw bouaa. Max M. Meyer, ajebitact Ooaeord bids. Main $208, Formerly Boot, Oregon Hoane Bufldeva, ' , r K0"H(W Aiff '.. " The mortgage to to be foreeluead en tha etrtotly aaedara T roeaa boose, aa saner wfTl sag. rtfice eonitr. Particnlam, Weed wa 4800. Lot $0x110. $iW as $7859 " $U1 ' 83009 anwyaeati 19 aeye farm am paed i read, 38 miles froea Portland, medera beass. fasaily arahard. 9 aerea ta assawwerrlssi xauat aaU on account ef ill beatta. Priced .lew for, ioimediet asJe. Gat tUtaeJsr on tlua ' (nap-' from. Ml, Taylor. . : 7 THE. FEED Av JACOBS CO.. .... 194 8th at - - Mala 9999, . it ACRES liAJil,Ww " $2750 DANDY. 8 room buaealow, 3 blocka to I motw ground if wanted, located No. 15, K. 83d i n,. uiy rare cmrt ev avwa, uw res use I street. Bear stark. Be 't ana wnt aa nos aas. rent- "Jail xtam Tai. FOR SALE 9 room Hawthorne buagalow with aleetTing ns perch iioTe famished ea nnfunialied. Eaat Market et, wrenings. 8 room house, full. rounds 100x144. 3 blocka to Hanrthorae eax. 84280: terms. Tseor 1S00. - u .- . MOST ANT TERMS-- -,- , - $979 Neat 9 room house, eioae to. .. G. C. OOLOENRERG. ABINGTON BLDG. AUTO a Liberty bond aa first payment oa '$ Route A. Portatad or CTreaham. phowe Mala 389. FOB SALE. WE8T SIDE : 10 taetn bonae, tot 90x90,. oor. : Park sad rn aneourer. ea meal taato. 20 acres i Montoensery; must be seM to aettle; a aatato, i to ulUratioa; baataoe timber aad paetoxe. ler baa est ham, eaa x nee tnerav 4-rse ssw BasaU paymsnt ones, awJy tanaw. - 3 in eeHtlTntion. Unne atraaax. i-.. le a a ii bmb haef er. asean. was an mtA eenhfarv- an aad arain. 2 sails f earilna, awaa town, atga yes sea. room eaoww, $1009 eaab, bemnoe Uaae, - v.--' - - mudua a gtuwsavn t Tfflatiibi and Main et,. Oregon Crty, Or. FQR BALE 10 .serat fine level lead, saoda r-: touwevementa, 19 Btilae aerth VatMiour aear Paelfie higkwsy, I John Brder. exeewtor. 224 2d .. ...if , -e . ,-etvi. nvtrw iJi a u.lits eeaVf. MraTPtora Pewter, The Dallea, Or. -i',wlmSimZi sTeoi: FOB BALE oATgCHggTO- rtf i Cash 3300. ' Tabor 8191. 1 t gntad taaah all nader ditob, 10 aarea alfalfa. modsTB. balanoe ta terms' to anrt Mar. FOB SALE, aaitly furnkhd7iaar laonexn, emv jm, rw ibuiihi. aaaa oeoo. Bi ' ewner. I room bonaa. .eleae. U.T balk a, ?W toax-. m! fruit 1 tt bike, to gcboeL 2 blka, to w a ear ley aodition, i Rnea. caaa- ex tarma. X171, eleaa. 383 Pag. Rose cm PaeX ready to stars ; New S room, bnxamiewv Phowe Tabor 8828. -. 6 . HOOM bauaej' modern ' eonrenieaesa, large trennda; furnaoed U wanted. Tabor B57Q, $3(00 BL'TS large 9 room modern bouse fro owner, ttose ra. s-nn eeu. eae. after tan. iTOR aLiXE oom kenxa. arly"aw' aad 1 acre st Huber Starjoa ea A P.ilae, 92909, an tons. P. a Reik, Mobor, Or. $1800 9500-easb r betula, balaaoe easy pay-; Da-wvuow aox. B BOOi4 baagatow, sleeping porch. BwWa. 4 blocks from earns. TlaBor box v fOR SALE -Tent lions. 3 rooma,. $50, eaxaer Atotbl ana Aaxexro, u. . ex. 4 saaua. bun A room bi B-cJt Portland. F-T93. Journal. browner; hawthorns district .4 room bona, hardwood floor, farnae te, bargain. Tabor 881. . - $809 9-tooDx bouse, 100x140. Owner, .tabor 7282. ', . BOOM bouse. Ammed' 'dUtricf. i608; worth 38500. 328 Salmon, ,4 HO&lf. cetUse Ur sale slteap. 408 iiy at s ; 91 fare Pert land. 910. balaaes easy term, Cmad Cot. 30 Henry bids. t f800 acre 'wbaai laxxa .fog aaia, JTbeae Aiato 9777. -.,. .. - - - ; . FOB BENT FARytS Tarm for rlnT 14 4A eoref. 90 in eultitioi,- good bofts btrga new bam, weB at bowse, sprlmg tapa-tira. mm ma& reed. 3 mi tor te car Has; vent 9178 per JW. toaaat moat jM v? fries Sahtla and AUia stNL OpajoB Cily, O