The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 24, 1918, Page 5, Image 5

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J -
War Department Reports Great
, Decline in New Cases and
Deaths in Camps. ' .
Washington, Oct. I4y I. N. 8. Jhe
crest ef the infhiensa epidemic hjui bn
definitely, paused, the war department
announced today. In presenting a de
tailed report on the health conditions
smong the; camps and cantonments of
this country. '
The report shows 41,799 influensa
cases for the week ending October It.
as compared -with ,5-0.191 the preceding
week, and a drop of pneumonia cases
from 17,111 to 11.013 in the same period.
The number of meningitis cases Is
rtven as 828,. compared with S3 the
t-receding week.
'The admission rate for disease." the
report sdds. "Is 2914. against the rate
of 4718, Ust week. . This week's non
effective rate (101) is well below that of
last week (110). The death rate (190)
is sun exceeaineriy men. out shows a
considerable decline as compared with
lam .week (JOS)."
:sw York Shew Decrease
New York. Oct- U-il N. &l-A de
crease In the number of new cases of
Influensa and pneumonia was announced
tjr the health department today. New
influensa cases totalled 4401 and pneu
motile cases 748. There were 443 deaths
from Influensa and Sit from pneumonia.
in.-tne past 34 boors.
:; Nr w Cee at San Francisco
.V- Ha n HVnilaM V WM TT n
m unarm avnu nuiiy new rwiwte OI in
Xiuensa were reported to the health
, body today
same cause.
with 34 deaths from the.
(ContimMd frost Fas 9a)
some ex-
allies will be permttted to cease fight
There already have been
changes on the subject.
. War Ceesctl Has Acted
The supreme war council at Ver
sailles has taken some steps and has
outlined a tentatfve program for guar
antees. But It dealt only with some of
the angles of the subject Any further
note today was bis comment on the state
ments- that the gorerhinent bad libar
aBsed and pt tinder tha control, of the
people .themselves: , Th preawenw: m
naming for the first' time the "tans; of
Prussia In any" state i document 7 of tne
present war pointed-out- that his aa
thorlty to control the policy of the em
pire Is smlmpalred while the determining
Initiative, atlU remains with those who
have hitherto been the masters or Ger
many. And be says that If the United
States and Ite" allies rmwt deal with
these military masters, 'they o
only on the basts of surrender.
This utterance Is calcuUted.- officials
said today, to have a err' powerful ef-
xeci on we i-iuavn-inuuiiiuwi;
comnlete overthrow of the existing
Oerman government. How powerful this
sentiment mast be wast best indicated by
the fact that the Socialist leaders have
been able to openly demand that the
kaiser retire and permit, the formation
of a responsible Oerman- government.
Yfm Gerntaa.resfte et Betel
Officials will watch' with the deepest
Interest whether the i1 German govern
ment now will allow the exact words of
the president to become 'known -to the
people of Germany.; if tney ao, ne
renlv is exoected to create' a profound
impression everywherevBnt judging by
past performances, it lie; considered on
likely that the -note wil& reach the peo
ple except in a garbled form-
8mm of the congressional leaders.
notably Senator Lodge. were inclined
today to criticise the rpreSdent's action
In passing the German " appeal for an
armistice along Jo; the entente allies.
This criticism, administration leaders
said. -was unjust. They denied with
emphatic heat that any such action was
in the nature of sweakenlng the position
of the United . State; or calculated in
th nHehtest decree to embarrass the
Atltes Poltlee iSafegaarded
The president very plainly states that
no armistice can be considered which
does not leave the - United - States and
silled forces in such a position that
thev can enforce all arrangements en
tered into and which does not leave
the 'German army in such position that
a renewal of hostilities is impossible.
And all that the president actually has
done, officials say. is to pass along to
2 -SjSt SK a5-
mere is no ootiot mat tnis statement
will make a much deeper impression on
the military' "masters" of the German
people than any utterance in the presi-
oent e reply.
Diplomats here today believed that the
diplomatic : exchangee were at an end
for a time. .They based this belief on
the address of Chancellor Prince Maxi
milian it the reichstag In which he
made it plain that his policy was entirely
for a peace by negotiation. However, a
few officials also said that in view of
the grave political crisis now existing
in Germany, the government. In an ef
fort to save Its-face, may make another
effort to argue questions of surrender.
The outstanding fact in the president a
confertnsea wilt take' place in the near
mm, at - wnicn -: mu . ue . muianr ana
naval phases Will - be. -debated and an
agreement reached.2 This t made abeo
ulteJy necessary, officials and diplomats
here explained by the political develop
ments wttltin Germany,
' Copies ef the note also were sent
the state department to all of the all
nations, and these were followed, by
copies of the complete text of all
communications exchanged to date, be
tween .Washington and Berlin. ' -
It Is expected that evenrually the mili
tary conference that is to be held to
deal with the iarmlstice proposals will
report Its findings to President Wilson,
and that .then he will ln turn transmit
them to Germany, inasmuch as they
would prove a chapter In sequence to his
note of last night. -
t . Allies Like Latest Hete
Officials today were well pleased with
the text of President Wilson's note.
Meager information reaching . Washing
ton. Indicated that it had made a real
hit in the entente capitals where it was
accepted as crystallising the future uni
fied policy of all the countries at: war
with Germany. I And officials here pro
fessed to be amazed at suggestions from
certain Quarters, that the note ' needed
Interpretation. ! They declared that it
spoke for itself and that no 'further
statements dealing with its text would
be Issued. -
i The note already is in the hands of
the kaiser and his advisers. At the re
quest of : the Swiss charge It was sent
by wireless last night to the big Ger
man wireless station at Nauen which
sent out the original text of the German
note.' At the j same time the official
copy was put on the cables for Berlin
via Berne.
V. Si Hot' SbMkestar Efforts
i. President Wlison's reply to Germany
puts the next move up to Berlin. The
very -fact that at the moment the text
of .the -note was being made public last
night . by ' thej .' state department the
White .House issued the correspondence
between Secretary Of War Baker and
President Wilson showing a total of
more than 3,000,000 Americans over
seas, is highly significant It was de
signed, officials very freely admitted.
to emphasise to the ruling class in Ber
lin and to the German people at home
armistice. If the military control be
lieves that such an act would be
inadvisable at the present time they
easily can say so.' off Iciahi point out
and then all that the allies need do is to
officially refuse the armistice.
Kaiserin Reported
To Be Seriously HI
Amsterdam, Oct 24. U. P.) The
kaiserin Is seriously 111, accordlng'to re
ports received here today. Her chil
dren are said to have been summoned
tp her bedside at Potsdam.
i , ! ; : '.
If vou will shop Friday and Saturday; you will find sanitary conditions at the Emporium
thm very best possible, AH 'three floors are iight,ahry and sanitary as w.e can make them.
For Friday and Saturday We Offer a
These prices were made possible only by a
wonderfully fortunate purchase. You will ap
preciate instantly j'that every, suit is priced
much less than it is worth ! - -
Smart semi-tailored suits of Jieavy poplins.
Oeverly belted styles with collars that 'button
up smartly. Navy and colors. Full peau de
cygne or satin lined.
lEBMENTofState,.Octoj ; i
iiRfi Jnave? tne nonor to acKnowieage tne receipt ot
Tybur note of the twenty-seconidJ transmitting a 'communi
cation; under date of the twentieth, from the German' government.
and to advise yott that the president has instructed me to reply
thereto as follows: ; ? . ' t .'
THaving . received ' the solemn and explicit assurance .' of the
L German government : that it unreservedly accepts the terms ; of
peace . um.aown m nis aaaress to uic congress; oi me unnea
States on the eighth of January, 1918, and the principles of settle
ment enunciated in his subsequent addresses, -particularly the ad
dress of the twenty-seventh of September, and that it desires to
discuss the details of their application, and that this wish and pur
pose emanate not from those who have hitherto dictated-the
policy and conducted the present war on Germany's behalf, but
from ministers who speak for the majority of the reichstag, and
for ail overwhelming majority of the German people; and having
received also the explicit promise of the present German govern
ment that the hnmane rulesot civilized warfare will be observed
both on land and sea by the German armed forces, the president
of the United States feels that he cannot decline to take up with
the governments fwith which the government of the United States
is associated the question of . an armistice. v
Question of Armistice Goes to 'Allies
"He deems it his duty to say again, however, that the only
armistice- he would" feel justified in submitting for consideration
would be one which should leave the United States and the powers
associated with her in a position to enforce arty arrangements that
may be entered into and to make a renewal of hostilities on the
part of Germany impossible. Thc president has, therefore, trans
mitted his correspondence ' with, the present German authorities
to the governments with which the government of the United
States is associated as a belligerent, with the suggestion that if
those governments are disposed to effect peace upon the terms
and principles indicated, their military advisers and the military
advisers of the United btates be asked to submit to the govern
ments associated against Germany the necessary terms of such
an armistice as will fully protect the interests of the peoples in
volved and insure to the associated governments the unrestricted
power to safeguard and enforce the details of the peace to which
the German government has agreed, provided they deem, such
an armistice possible from the military point of view.
"Should such terms of armistice be suggested, their acceptance
by Germany will afford best concrete evidence of her unequivocal
acceptance of the terms and principles of peace from which the
whole action proceeds.
Extraordinary Safeguards Demanded
"The president would deem himself lacking in candor did he
not point out m the frankest possible terms the reason why extra
ordinary safeguards must be demanded. Significant and important
as the constitutional changes seem to be which are spoken of by
the German foreign secretary in his note of the twentieth of
October, it does not appear that the .principle- of a government
responsible to the German people . has yet been fully worked out
or that any guarantees either exist or are in contemplation that
the alterations oi principle ana oi practice cow partiauy agreed
upon will be permanent.
' "Moreover; it does not appear that the heart; of the present
difficulty has been reached. It may be that future wars have been
brought under the control of the German people, but the present
war has not been; and it is with the present war that we are deal
ing. It is evidentthat the German people have no means of com
manding, the acquiescence of the. military authorities of the em
pire in. the popular "will; that the power of the, king of Prussia to
control the policy of the empire is unimpaired ;'that the determih-
ingttatty.e.still remains wittvthose who have hitherto been the
masters of Germany. Feeling that the-whole peace of the world
A - t e . e.P .e .a
depends npw ;on .piain speaxmg ana straigntiorwara action, tne
president' dieerns it his duty to say, without any attempt to soften
what may seeni harsh words, that the nations of the world do not
and cannot trust the word ot those who have hitherto been the
masters of German policy, and to point out once more that in
concluding'peace and attempting to undo the infinite injuries and
injusticesvof this war, the government of the United States cannot
.deaf with any but veritable representatives of the German people
who have been assured of a genuine constitutional staading as
the. real rulers ; of Germany. If it . must ; deal with the military
masters -and the monarchical autocrats of Germany, or if it is
likely to have to deal with them later with regard to international
obligations of the German empire, it must debatenot peace nego
tiations, but surrender. - y -
"Nothing can be gained by leaving this essential thing unsaid.
"Accept, sir, the renewed assurances of my Jitgji consideration.
Frederick Oedcrlin, charge d'affaires of Switzerland. ad interim,
in charge of German- interests in the United States."
Suits much out of the usual mannish serges
and heavy poplins. Tailored and sttiartly belt
ed models. Excellent workmanship splendid
materials. r
These; suits would be considered unusual at
$29.50 evn in ordinary times today they're,
most extraordinary! The season's best mod
els . in velours, broadcloths j and fine serges.
Navy and colors. A suit buying opportunity
r few women wili1 deem it wise to miss. Shop
For stoutii
Jrist Rccaircd Silk Dresses
Sizes A2V2 to 50H
" - 1 :t ' ..-X 'i .-f .
' - 1
i i.
if r
Assuredly if you want to
see Overcoats, you will come
here, where one entire floor
holds nothing else. save over
Here are garments of -unquestioned N
integrity in fabric, lining and work
manship; s1 vies ihat are absolutely
according to the mode; models for
every age of man.
If you are a long-time resident of Port
land you know my unvarying prin
ciple satisfaction or money back.
If you'are of the thousands that Port
land has recently welcomed, be as
sured that. your satisfaction is the first
consideration here. I welcome your
patronage on such basis.
$25 to $60
Entire Third Floor
Take Elevator
Stevedores Being
Recruited for TJ. S.
Engineer Battalion
A new . recrolUnc office baa bn
opened in the Worcester building. Third
and Oak streets, room 4S3. for a steTe
dore battalion for overseas work. It
will be a part ot the TJfaKed States engi
neers and men between IS and 4 win be
admitted. Special consideration wUl be
etree men between' 4 end 60. Captain
J. Xf Ryan and Lieutenant R- aL Barton
are in charse. AH kinds of workers alone
shore, who hare bad. experience, includ
ing checkers, typists, clerks, hatch tend
ers,' winch drivers, marine, dock and
warehouse men, - riggers, coopers and
many other lines are wanted. Men who
hare been registered by the draft board
may be accepted, even if they have
been classified. -
Officials of Draft
Boards Urged Not
To Eelax Efforts
U rains: every member of the aelecUve
service in Oregon not to fall victim to
the- German snare and relax, one whu
in their-work. Captain J. El Culllsoa
today sent- a circular to all local and
district exemption boards, the medical
advisory and legal advisory boards and
government appeal . agents.
Captain Cullison refers to General
Crowder recent - telegram that full
manpower T strength shall be immedi
ately available for large impending calls
and urges draft officials to pat forth
redoubled efforts to complete the classi
fication . and physical . examination of
September IS registrants.
New Home Treatment
for Banishing Hairs
' (Beauty- Topics) -
.With the aid of a delatone .paste, it
is an easy matter for any woman to -remove
every trace of hair or fuzs from
face, neck and arms. ; nough ef the
powdered- delatone and water la mixed
into - a - thick . paste and spread on the
hairy surface for about 1 minutes, taed
rubbed off -and the akin .washed.: This
completely removes the hair. ' but , to
avoid disappointment, get 'the- delatone
In an original package. Adv. - ,
fcecurea Piano for Christmas
- Wholesale Stock Piano Sale
8CHWAX P1AKO CO, 111 Fearth St.
. See Display Adv. on Page 10
Savings Accounts
- - - Opened for One Dollar
Window 4
Ground Floor
rfnTrinrir-v in. L
Bring THj 'Coupon
in ezT
20 Extra 20
ILK Trading
Stampa oa your
first i It cash per
haae. uandf douOle
wk the ealaaee. .
Oood en First Jloor and fa
Basement Friday and Matw
day, October U aad It. v
i '1' it 4
Simplex Casseroles
National Quality Ware
A Useful. Beautiful, Practical Gift
Priced $1.50 to $6.00
Do Not Forget the Boys "Over There
: -Tbey.May Be a Wee Bit -,
. t bonesome
Make Year Hosae CWarful Belere wW
. a. tar Seta ! -
'- - : i-
Blot Out Your Gloomy WaJU
With a Coat of '
EcoaemkaJ SenlUry WaO Fmisk K
5?b packaiev white ..... ... 70c
5-Ibv pickaxes, -1 6 colors . . . 75c
with each $200
Wood - Lark.5
- HotWafer Bottle.
i,'. mi n m w 1
Ideal ift for ; the housewife.
The latest and most reaaoo
ably priced mixer for foun
tain or -home tne. Indis
pensable for mixing- drinks,
maKs, . whipping cream, heat
'"f f t or mayonnaUe.
$6.85 : '
GiftftThat Are Sure! to Please
, Manicure 1 Sets .:. ., -. .X. $2.75 to $12.75
m . m a ' 2 A& - - v-t v A tfk sal m ' Ae fe a.
Toilet Seta .v. .-. iA-j. . r. $95 $30,00
r. Ivory HncujfaioTrs"Francer-'
Ivory PyraBB Frames. . ;. 'V-.35C t $7.50
Sanita Sanltiry Sammy I3ts . '$30 1 $70
Ivory Ctocki Nrtr Hav.en wtor ti, food timer
keejjersri .'.-" "jWi:-- ' ': '- -
With alarms iiCiVUTi$6.00 $70
Eitht-Day X3ockS XjiZi$5J00 to $7.50
Ladies Ivory: PyraSn. Combs. . .ZSc SIJSQ
Tke Geverameat Has Asked for ( Ceaservetiew
ef GaU r
We StlU Have: a Fine Selection of
When These Are Sold There WM Be No" Jtore
. $4.00 to iJ29.00 '
For Christinas Gifts Made at
, ;;:Hoirie;;: .
: Aluminum or Silver. GoI4,i Bronze, Copper
fi v ENAMELS--25c, 30c
Small Cans Just Enough for a Small Table,
" . - Bed or-Chair. ; , - v -
r v ; -4 -
Gerailddal Soap.'PD,- Co. 2Sc
Someflowers-VTollet .-"Wal'eri -SI
; Java-Face bwderSc
3CAmoHBiDeodorant"4. .'23c
. . Wood-Urk- Freckle-Ointm't . fc 3c
Hinds' Honey-AImondCr,iB .4 3c
i Orchard White i m .v35e
It Antiseptic Hair Brush;. 63c
: Pepsodent Tooth Paste. ZOcr
Colgate's Dental x Ribbon . -: -25c
Revelation Tooth Powder 2Sc
Graves Tooth Paste or Pdri- 23c
Delatone Depilatory . .95c
De Miracle Depilatory . i fiOc
: Demosant . . .-'a . ..... ...&0c
:Lydla, PJnkbam Blood: Medicine
V'. ior.vv -,.v.;iv.w.-;i.$i.ds
bead's Dextrl Maltose. . .$23
'Gray's niycerine Tonic. .$13
. da-Wood :,Cor; Palot. aran- "i
r '" teed . . . . .2Sc
D. D. D. ..V.3c "
.MUesl Nervine. xm . . 51. CO
'Vinofi'i . -i -i . i. 51.00
Miles' Antl-Piins Pins . ;...25c
Cooper's Dandelion i Pills. V. 2. c
S S.'Sy .... .XC
Lyon's Tooth-paste or Pdr. 23c " r
, 1