The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 23, 1918, Page 8, Image 8

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i . I.
important Exchanges Between Al
j J lies and America Followed ;by
;Coriference at Washington.
Whether Direct Reply Is to Be
Sent Is Not Known; Official
Txt Does Not Bring Changes.
By Fraaa H. almond
would enUr Into no negotiation with
Germany, but whether ho would send a
direct reply to tho not or would con
', tsnt himself with a reiteration of his
ciifiBal decision, was not known.
- Jfo Official Isfornstloa
Moat" off Iclala close-to the White
House and state department inclined to
the belief that a reply would be ent
which would emphasise the original de
cision that Germany actually must make
htr fovtrnmcnt rtspons'vs to the people
InsXead of promising to do so, actually
stop all outrages on land and ?ea, In
stead of promising to do so. and actually
'Withdraw .from all occupied territory in
the east aa well as in the west, before
' asking for a military armistice. But
nothing official was forthcoming other
than the simple statement that as noon
as tt was possible to do so the policy to
e followed would bo defined.
Tho White House conference lasted j
, for nearly an hour. After General March j
I ana secretary uanieia icii. ui presi
dent and Secretary Lansing remained
together for nearly an hour longer. On
leaving, Mr. Lansing said that he had
nothing for publication at the present
time. He took with him to the preesl
dent the official copy of the German
peace note, which had been compared
power on both sides In the field has to
form the basis tor arrangement safe
guarding i and guaranteeing -this 'Stand
ard." i - - f . , . ; . t ' -
This would indicate; according lo mili
tary men, that Hlndenburg . and Luden
dorff would like to trade, or attempt to
trade, with Poch. Trading at this stage
of i the game, they say, is out of the
question. Meantime. ; it is up - to the
United States and tho allies to continue
fighting and to, keep a "stiff upper lip,"
to take an expression used la an official
quarter today. - - . --4 ::, t- y-.:-
The enemy , is beaten and knows It, 1
Is pointed! out Each succeeding peace
note from Germany contains more con
cessions than its predecessor,. and shows
tho strength of the peace movement In
Germany. ; . s-f . ' - y -
Kach sncceeding message from the
president shows no recession from his
original demands, which are tantamount
to unconditional surrender, and his every
word means . an. Increased desire for
peace on the part of the German people.
In the last analysis, the German people
are the only ones with whom a peace can
be arranged, and if they so sincerely de
sire 'it,- they,, first, must produce a valid
claim, according to tho views of officials
and diplomats. - - .
- A composite vlewc of the manner In
which tho French press received the Ger
man note was received in an official dis
patch this afternoon. . It . ia summed up
s follows r" '-;f r I-
Germany answered 'with words when
she ha asked, for ideals.. She makes use
of artifices and' "ambiguity , f speech.
She would, through the use of artifices
of procedure, manage' to keep' from' ad
mitting; tho. military "superiority: of the
allies and gain time, but she dares not
put an end Jo the conversation, and this
expUlh the humble tone of her note.
:3 Wilson "Alone to Speak v
London, Oct, zaWU. F.)r The British
foreign office- today issued the following
statement regarding ; the latest German
note to President Wilson : -J-.
"The reply was addressed to President
- Our boys are
showing remark
able proficiency
in hurling hand
grenades p r
bom b s. From
earliest, infancy our boys learn
well. to; "throw ball," and this
stands them in , good-hand in
"throwing back" the Hun. The
explosion takes place quickly,
scattering pain and destruction
just like an uric-acid explosion
within the body. One day a
man's all "O. K." next niorning
When he tries to' get out of bed
Oh, such pain I Pain in the, Back
(lumbago) ' or hips, shoulders,
arms, legs or1 feet (rheumatism
or gout)1. This' rheumatism is
the result of an uric-acid explo
sion within, probably following
excessive use of meat or beer y
by. state department experts with the' nr r.,v(,r,inn 9nH nvr-ViMtlritr Swollen-hands.' ankles and feet
copy wirelessed from frauen. It was , . e , .
stated that there was no very material are due to a dropsical cotidition.often caused by disordered kidneys.
MeSLS l Naturally when the kidneys are deranged the! blood is filled with
points mat were oDscurea in tue text, i poisonous uric aClCl, WlllCn setiies in me tissues ui iuc icci, ukic,
wrists or oacK as urattc sans ;.or unaer xne eyes in udg-imc iunna
tions. ' - ...
It is just as necessary to keep the kidneys acting properly as to
keep, the bowels active io rid the body of poisons. !
Uric-acid poisoning and rheumatic pains can be conquered and
expelled by. taking a little "Anuric." This is the recent discovery of
Dr. Pierce, and can be had at all good drug stores ' If you want a
trial, package, send .10c to Dr. Pierce's .Invalids' Hotel,Buf falp.Ni Y,
SltaaUon It ot Changed
In any event. It was stated, the
ficlal text had In no way changed
The official copy of ' the note was de-
Ilvered to Secretary of State Lansing
by Frederick Oederlln. the Swiss charge
d'affaires... Just before 10 o'clock. A copy,
was at once sent, to the White House
Then the official text was turned over
to the state department translators tq
. compare It with the unofficial note
sent .out from the German station at
Nauen. Germany, which has been la
the hands of this government since
Officials said that It was Impossible !
i lust now to say when the plan of '
( action of the president would be ' re- !
I vealed. It all depended upon the com- '
I munlcatlons being exchanged by the ;
l state department and the European
mm preaiasm was in conrerence Tues- i
day afternoon with members of his cab-'
inet for more than two hours, at which !
time the outline of his plan of acUon on ''
the not was fully discussed. j
Germaay Regarded TJstrnstworthy
Germany has promised much In her
present message, but all of her former
promises; rt Is recalled, have been worth
leas. This country, therefore, should not
asailme that words and phrases made In
Germany are worthy of friendly consid
eration. For that matter, however, the
country has already made up Its mind
to the contrary, and so have the allied
nations. Judging by the comments from
their officials and in their newspapers.
Another thing which must be borne in
mind. It was said. Is the ambiguous
phraseology of the present note.? One
word may cover a multitude of Teuton
sin ) and yet appear Innocent. . One sen-U
tence may have been -written with the
purpose of .conveying an Idea other than
that meant by Its Writer.
In this connection a Question has
j arisen as to Germany's meaning with
i regard to the conditions of an armistice.
She says that these conditions should ;
I "be left to the Judgment of the military I
advisers and that the actual standard of '
. . j - - - .
When Yon Pack Your Grip
Don't use all the room for the things you
need for bodily adornment. ,Give some
thought to bodily health. The : change of
diet;-the irregular meals and other unusual
conditions often lead to constipation. Guard
against this with
for, Constipation
Lubrication it the present-day way for treating
constipation. Ameroil (pure, highly refined pan
fine oil) is' a lubricant which oils the intestinal
walls, aiding the natural functions without stimu
; lation or a sign of discomfort. Ameroil is not a
drag, is not absorbed into the system, is tasteless '
and odorless easy to take.. -
Tint Bottles . 65c
! Quart BoHle&uOO
, Sold ia all store of tho Owl Drag C. and
, by othor good druggists
W Gaiiie- :f WiJk.
wn iin an :all-wtol JANTZEN SWEATERl Yi not W I -,XL
, amaa HK mm Olore. 15D ThirdSl I .T ' Is i.
, : LrRoborU. Broslv Port,-outh MoreL Co, 8ii Lombard St. I i&l'PK
! A? - i,tVlwu O'tfitting'Co 10th and Wash. Stal- '7
'.. .-: !!' vvreirna ilffiliiinr- ShWsi?i
you havt 'a hundred' times' znottt fan if you're ahug and
waxm Jin an ."all-wt)ol JANTZEN SWEATERl You not
only feel-weU but you. look juat right, secure in the con
sciottaneas that you are wearihg the b-ast lobklno; aweater
uai money can Duy.
i .
Whether itf a a sweater. veat, .awjMter ot
you are- buyiixff, look for the label and know that you are r
getting a Jantzen then you're sure. ' .
.'. - 1 , ." ' i ' -
. They- come in all sizes and colors, from the Wy ttttto ones y
to the VerV hir onsi Sinrl aJl hM rhsrsMar A-rsAiAAnUm '.
style call it what you will; ift there and, it's nighty -,.!ine
to ownv 'i-'.-y'l'A-'i-' j
' . InJ WU -ttmtm - mA - ' ".jlA ili'-'S-.!
. ; m "vi. au4V VBrV eutu HVBO BUTB, J USb BVBp .tOXO M aBXXea
'. dft nlm ' th s npTt fim win'm nWwrh mm
' v j v w uw tt u ma a - ow tWUA.
1 vreine&n
" -
"-.'v- Bannoa & Cou, Oregoa City .
Mi V Frank Bonham 4 Carrier, Stl Johns .j -
K Sanraot Rosenblatt A:f Porthwd KnitUng o I SO" Third St.
i Portland Knit ? Mills -Storo, 1 SO Third St. .
Wilson. Ho must deal with it and deter
mine whether it shall be communicated
to the aUles. Until then It Is -not deslr
abi2 toimUw ' ttement offloUUy." '
The Chronicle today published the fol
lowing : - v. . ,
" "Snglaad will demand surrender of
tho - -U-boats and France wUl -demand
evacuation of Alsace-IorrahM as a eoa
dition of. any carmistlce." r . 5 , - ;
j' 'it
' Mrs.. Lynch SHeat.
Mrs- Louis "Inch, who claimed" to
have been bound and chloroformed Mon
day afternoon, refused to reveal any In
formation to the police this morning,
aocordlngf to Captain Circle, who aues
ttoned her after her recovery from the
anaesthetic, vr -', '-'
U f' -' I
Be Eye -Wise
At the first indication of
eye-strain when the eyes
water, smart, blur, itch, in
flame, get sore or give you
headache consult me
and, if needed, procure a
pair of my. PER F E C T
ter be wise than be sorry.
M7 Morgan Bldg., Secoad floor
- Washington at Broadway
I, :
a rc victor vssss3n
Two heights in a
smart rdllfmntstylej
hcrv xclualv3ly'M
The room made cheery and comfortable ;
by the glowing warmth of Perfection Oil
. . . . i, ......
. neater. ,
.Lights at tho touch of a mafri
No troublesome fires to bother with. No
dust, no dirt, no ashes. t .
Gives radiant, cheery warmth for many
hours on one filling with Pearl Oil the
even-obtainable fuel.
No smoke or odor.
Saves on fuel bills, too, for less furnace
heat and fewer, grate and coal-stove fires
aire required. OU consumed only when
heat is "needed no waste. Portable.
Buy Perfection Oil Heater today.
Dealers everywhere.
- - - . VC - ' :
'ft mm ssaWsMsassaiawad
peoteoion mm-
Help Uncle Sam;s War Industries RENT A ROOM TO A WAR WORKER!
The Standard Store of the Northwest
We Give S. & H. Green Trading Stamps With Purchases Amounting to 10c or More Don't Overlook This A dditional Saving
Picture Framing to Order at Reasonable Prices Now Is the Time to Place Your Order to Insure Prompt Delivery 4th Floor
Greeting Cards
Keep up the Christmas spirit with
a message of cheerfulness do it
with, cards. vj Place your orders at
once, to avoid' delay. Dept. Main Fir.
Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods
Party favors, invitations, decora
tions, masks, seals, cutout ghosts,
and scores of other things that go
to make Halloween a -time of great
enjoyment. ' Dept., Main Floor.
Portland's Greatest Showing of Women's Coats
Christmas Gifts
For' Mailing
in order. that all Christmas parcels may
go forward before December 5 th. The
Gorer n m' e n t re
quests the .co-operation
of every Indi
vidual in this mat
ter, as it , is -vitally
necessary that
transportation., fa
cilities be kept free
from: congestion. ' .
Holiday btocks Are
Now at Their Best
- Throughout All
Sections of -the Store
Bring Your -Red Cross Container Here
and let us help, you select sensible, practical gilts taat
the boys will tike. Above all, do not. delay do your
trftt fti.vtWv ..'irVw'c nn rvrxcihtv e in thiC' will a
distinct benefit, to. yourself and to Uncle Sam as well.
Red Cross Containers must be mailed by iov. 15
HotWater Bottles
Indispensable In the sick room.
I These are made of aluminum and
will Stay hot all nignt. With
4iti hnfl1 w rlv FREE, a heaw
5 to retain the heat and makes the
bottle easy to carry. See them.
Priced for Thrusday S2!39
.--:-" ,sWisasBsaw---; ...7 . -v -a . . ' - - t .
Headquarters for y Electrical Appliances
: Lamps, A ndirons, Fife fSets, Silverware
V -
'Styles to Please Every Fancy
Prices to Suit Every Purse
Second Floor Pre-eminently the Coat Store
of this vicinity. Here are gathered the sea
son's smartest styles in coats for motoring,
for school, for business and for dress occa
sions. Every wanted fabric. $15 to $200
Coats at $35
Second Floor Beautiful high-grade coats In
attractive styles some with wide belts, oth
ers in high waistline and loose effects, with
collars of fur, plush or self material. Many'
are lined full length. Materials are silver
tone velours, cheviots. Yosemite cloth and
.diagonal velours. All wanted colors. At-$35
Goats at $15
Second Floor Splendid coat for utility wear.
' Especially desirable for misses and little
women. Several 'handsome styles with belts,
large pockets and storm collars. Nov- P
slty checks, gray and brown mixtures. wJ-tl
i New Red Cross Capes and
v Yoemanette Capes
The former are of high-grade navy blue
velour and have - bright red flannel lining.
Three-quarter length. Priced at $35.00
Silk Waists
At $5.00
Second Floor Of exceptional
quality Georgette silk crepe in
flesh, white, navy, gray and
other good colors. Tailored and
lovelty styles some are trimmed
with braids, fancy embroidery
and have round necks. Also beau
tiful new waists of crepe de
chine in white and various good
xor. These have roll or
square collars. All sizes.
Silk Petticoats
At $3.98
Second Floor Silk taffeta, mej
saline and silk Jersey. Attractive
styles with-tucked. corded and
ruffled flounces. These are shown
in the newest shades JQ QQ
for Winter wear. At tDOsaO
Women's Shoes
$4.98 Pair
Main Floor Black kid shoes in laced or button
styles. 8-inch tops. High or' low heels, me
dium or heavy soles. . Smart up-to-date lasts. An
, sizes income of the styles, others are P4 QQ
somewhat broken. 6 aqd 7 values xl&TtmijO
- Laced Boots S6S8
'Women's; gray or brown kid laced boots with
fabric tops., Plain pointed toes, leather half Louis
heels. Also dark gray kid boots with (g'QQ
fawn color doth tops. 8-9.5o val. tDOatVO
rrSpedal showing ofwQm3$'iiew tcadyrtowear liits.-';:
,T -Tin velvets, vyelours and "v HatterspluistincVe
models just in py express.; hxiTzommzyziSy pncea
; 4tl Floor No ' delivery of coffee
- except with other purchases in the
Grocery Department 40c lOA
O. W. K. Coffee at, pound tUjL
f Order : Your Groceries
Jn the Morning :
You i will find it much more con-,
venient-and it will also help us in
'complying with Government "one--'delivery-a-daytVjorder.
- -r-