V . I ! 1,. 10 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL;" PCRTLAND, MONDAY. OCTOBER 21, 1918. MEAL -THTXTR HOMESTEADS 47 : J -SPLENDID . -I . rFRfE HOMESTEAD LAND K NEAR BEND n rpMy ArwloptBg Cswtral Oregon district. Graad climate. , Beautiful country. Jittto or as timber te !. Crmm lint JIB. '- -' 160 acres irrigated homestead for alfalfa, hoc. ftiXtbK grain, dairying, "to. J oae f town; and 820 and 840, am (rain and stock - raising homestead, along Una of new Strabora , ; railroad; project under way; no drawing; file an tad aaiaetad; moderate 'location fee. Befereneea my returning eueteaiier. For- pertieula. betas of eoantry, ete., call afternoon or eve- tlini on Tuesday. Thursday, Saturday or next - Bunda. Take Mt Tabor. aunnysid. Mt Beott ; or Hawthorn care. - ' t. ft, EHLE Gov't Land Cnrlaf r) , 227 E. 49th. . j TIMBER 8 Iso-nra o bale or government -TIMBER Oeaeni Land Office, Washington. D. -., Aug. 29, IBIS Notice la hereby lira thai Mart to the condition and limitation of the get ef 7ana 9, 1916 IS But. 218). and the Instruction of tba aaeratary of tba latarlor of Bfptanrbar 18. HIT. tha timber on tha fol- . towing lands will ba sold at 19 o'clock a. ra. a November 20. 1618, at nubile auction at tha United SUtae land office at I-skeview, Or., to tha highest bidder at not m than tha ap praised value a ahown by tbi notice, sale to ba aubjact to tha approval of tba aecratsry of tba fntartor. Tha purchase priea. with an ddi t tonal ram of ona fifth of ooa per ent thereof, being commissions allowed, must be deposited at time of sal, money to be retnrnad If aala is not approved, otherwtaf patent will fame for the timber, which in not be removed within 10 yean. Bida will be received from citizens of the United State, amoeiattoaa of soon etrixen and eorpora tteaa erga nixed ander the lawa of the United State or any ttate, territory or dtatrirt thereof only. Upon application of a ona Hf led -par chaser, tba timber on-any legal ubdtvlioa wilt ba offered separately Before being included in any offer cf a larger unit. T. 41 I., B. 7 B., flea. IT; N. W. W. E. . 'yellow ptna 800 U., fir 25 M.; lot 2. yellow pine 290 M. ; If, . N. W. 1 .yellow pina 625 If., fir 20 SV.i M. W. 11. W. H. yellow pine 1S M.. fir 40 If.: lot 4, yellow pina 150 M., fir 20 M.) lot S. yellow pine 2S0 It, fir. 10 kf.: one of the yellow pine to he sold at leaa than It per at., and anna of the fir to be gold at lea than II per U. OLAT TALLMAN. Com- iminner General Land Offioe. FOB SIT.E B0-acres flnrt-cUaa timber, harrt wood and fir, on Colombia rlrer. X30, Taneonrer, Wash. T0RtiXtl! Attract of excellent cedar; R. It throagb center. A food shingle mill propo sition. Call Wdrn. 8972. 5 to 7 p. m. ' EXHANOE REAL ESTATE 24 MT 170 acre farm with 100, acsea in cultivation. good 7 room hoaae. large bara, all fenced witu woven wire; 20 acres young prune orchard, '.l stock and farm tools and 40 tons of bay in barn; water piped to hotue and barn. This fa a .nd farm in tha valley. Want city property o. will rent and sell stock. 881 K. Morrison at., Itr Berridge. owner. WOULD like to exchange good city property for improved 40 or 90 acre farm not ever 20 mile from Portland, in Oregon. Call Mr. Palmer. Wdln. 8373, or write 623 H Van couver ave. 640 ACHEft of good, 0ien land; will make a dandy stork raneh. a all fa good land and 1 aila from Eddyvitle, Lincoln county. Lota of outside range; will trade for city property or acreage. Price 118 per acre. Mr. Berridge, ivner, 818 B. Morrfaon st. TO fcXCHANGE 10 sere of Wheatland in Hone Heaven, near Proaser, Wash., for city property, automobile or Liberty bonds. X-100, journal Vanoonver, Wash: BEAUTIFUL & room, strictly modern house, close in, near car, paved and paid; to trade for ranch: Aluo other good trades for large ranch. New York Land Co., 881 K. Morrison. E. 6317. TWO' lot 80x115 to trade for house worth about 2000 A. P. Rasmuaaen, 000 E. Main at. East 2757. No calls answered Sun- say, .1 60 ACHES stock or wheat ranch, good feed. plenty of outrange; located in Flathead Lake country, Montana. Thi fa good. What hare you to trade? 481 Cham, of Com, bldg. 1-fON Oarford truck, exchange for reaf estate; also fine lot near Killingaworth art. for Ford luio. woltstein, 114 1st, 4 Ko'Ojfcottage. lot 100x100. 4 blka. to car. ii)u. tor rough land east of city. Will assume. 1911 g. Irving st Phone D-1196. ytjt.-iir.il uoms in roruana. Have ZO acres on uregon .lectrlc. worth 83000 . and pay FIVE acres ktnd. Moaler, and somo' cash, for city tot. u-704. journal 5 ACRES on Oregon Electric, close in, lot wise in gooa location, siast 74T8. WAN TED REAL ESTATE 81 we make sales Mail to us description and price. List your property with us. Our Real Estate Depart ment maiea saiea. . J. i iiartman Uo., No, 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg., 4th and Stark sis. Mam i'us, A-zuoo. 190 SOLD SINCE JA.NUAUT 1 W have sold over 190 shacks and small bouse line the first of the, year, and still have a large demand for this class of property. Don't you believe it would pay you to give us s chance, Fred W. German Co., 782 Chamber et commerce 2000 CASH and 1916 want 2 acres with 6 roi 5 -pass. Oldamobile. want 2 acres with 6 room house within 16c fare, near school. Call 1081 K 15th st. N. CAN sell your shack or cheap hrsne; list prompt ly lor quick renin. (i. C. GOLDEN RERG, ABINGTON BLDG. "35 Tears In Portland." Main 4803 WANT VACANT LOTS For results Bst your property with Estate Exchange. 201 Sd st. " DON'T WOllRT 1 eaa sell or trade anything anywhere. Real Layman, 14T Park St. WANTED From owner, a modern 6-roota bun- gsiow. woodiawu B382 ROOMING HOUSES S3 : 1 8 ROOM APARTMENT" ) -fllOO cab or term. No trifling. Owner, 815 F1rt st. WAN'TED A rooming house, in good "location. iron iu to 12 rooms. Must pe reasonable. ano naimon at, Koom S FOR 8ALK Furniture and all household I1 l H room; room all rented; will not move rnrntture; rent 835; price tSOO cash. Apply 2 N. 14th at., cor. Everett KOOMS Good paying hotel, 5 minutes to " rwiatiffi. akHl a ODiim J iru-vuillVa clitU IIOICI,, f QJUV Some terms. JL-O il. Journal, M'LtlAMiK In room ins hou-e. anart. menta and hntla frnm CafiA n iiaaaa iii , i namoer or ixmimerce. titUou Realty Co. SNAP .Apt house, 30 rooms, fine , location. w. v neap rent. Kast HJo. ! y BUSINESS OPPORTIjyiTIES it tXCELLENT opportunity for meat, grocery and r general mdse, buaineaa in town 14 miles from Portland, about 600 nonulation. harin h,.K I sehool; good farming country surrounding; no 1 oppoaitioa; good monthly pay roll. Oregon are.7 Co.. Orarffic, Or. . . i , fOB 8Al New invented farm harrow, patent Ztf i ' grantad. Am changing climate for my health. . i.Ptxine or eome and inveatinta . r.. 7111 '41 William ave. Can Monday. fOR SALE Cigar Und lobby, Speulding bhir. on account pf draft Can afford to li buaineaa; good locatioa. K-690. Journal. APARTMKNT houw bargain. 100mon'th net 810 000 . handles it Partner fur- PARTY to Invent t50O0 In a gold mine Then lJ?"-prKL?"0.5in- . tui Ha" ec st Phone East. 1894. HtSTAURANT and oeliealesaen. in ' goodloca- 1J m Proprietor, in hospital, asaat ielL 465 Jeffersoa at . 100 POSITION, - H tntereat in resu'urant. .i.ai.iim nniiTaeuoB, Mala 4190. Mar- snau 6lgg, Sunday.. ,'4.RTy . 10 l. promote a patented ateamer level to DTevent aaa. aickaMa; -r;r a m in ,. -C . . . . - ni1 w, wj nucgea, aasx 1SS4 a111-1- t"T, ''"'-f - -'- V-n'iinaas aTfi . aaU at nnoioa. 854 Kaat BuroaidaT - IBCSUTESS OPPORTTJK1TIES ' .. .:' : ' WANTED - - 48 VVAXtfcb-r-Te buy an . irtia ina. . - 4-690, eouvnai. - - - - -- - : WANT restaurant immediately; a, good J-892; Journal. MOHBT TO LOA?f REAL ESTATKt? is". YOU want money aeo a; a bar it, Me aUocio as Co. srnee llrOSk. 51 . Garlingat oidg. . r-Bone aitta XaOL IiLlLM.NU loans o city or auburbaa property; soaey advanced a work. prorMsrv W, . Beok, 216 and 216 Falling bMg. Mra 840t. fit Oraiw In, aV MofiaaseTCo,. 223 ChaaalMr 560"TO 89000 to loaai' city or tarnv gag. ae eommisaioB. . p. O. Box-878. , '"-.1lyNT5ER660A, : u to" 1500, 7; 15dd no.' No oommiiwion. ' . Ward, Snanlding Mdg. HONEY tav , ajan - fcy , nriTala J.fioi . MOITET TO LOAlTltEAI. ESTATE t 1 OUR iaatailmeat plaa i. the beat and surest J method ol paying toan. --.- .--"" 32.20 per month for 60 motrtha, or . 521.24 tor 00 month, or 15.17 for f foontba. pays 1009 loan aatereat. - ' - ' . , 4 Other aaioonta to proportloa. ' i- . We loan on improved -city piuteiti- ' -Or for bnildina parpoaaa. ; ': -v; M enaaiadaB eharand. EQUITABLE SAVINGS LOAN ASSOCIATIOS 848 Btarn at., fortiaao, w. ril uir itus nuaiuauE - I o. ,., home on.eaey tatM.-tt ! years' ttua torepay; ituiy protecraa .nra votbtr Home r-urenaae rautjm .fa hb Ufa. Assurance 8oeietT. Interest 6 per cent: av commission. Bea Mr. Strong. JCqaUssla fflea, Oregofriaa bide. k&tlA' k&6. S500.. 5750. 51000 and p. lowest interest rates. Liberal repayment priv ileges, No delay. ' " . GORDON INVESTMENT CO.. ' 831 Chamber of Commerce. laCNET to loan in soma to suit, on improved city residence property- i,ow rare, prosapuy dceed. liberal repayment privilege. Oive ej call. CLAKK, li.lL DALdLi a tU. 205 KorthweHtern Bank bldg. 250, 5350, 400, 5600, 00 AND larger amount, corrent rate. Quick action. Fred W. German Co., 732 Chamber of ;ommerce. MONEt to loan in amounU of 610O to 60o6 oa niy propwn. I H. BEiu Koom iu-11, unncey Diag. . r MORTGAGE loans. 0 and 1. "Loaia Salomon sV Co.. 40 seuing bldg. MOSET TO LOAN U1UT111LH, 8ALAR.EH , 7 Islary LOANS WE LOAN MONET Chattel Oa abort notice to salaried or workingmen on their own note. Weekly, semi-monthly or monthly payment. Each transaction strictly confidential. IO MORTGAGE NO INDORSEE ABSOLUTE!! NO SECTJRITT W also loan on household furniture, pianos. etc, without removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATE. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANI, LICENSED. 218 Failing bldg. If You Need Money See Us T.nTKRr!HATTirTJl I m.4 i nrnns nn ul.r. at. flTMl In- I eome. on household furniture, pianos, diamonds and other personal property; legal races, trai nees confidential ; private offices. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANT. Licensed 806-807 Dekum bldg. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. Established by Portland business men to protect .borrower. C MTVms nvnlliM Mar . 304 STARK ST. LOAN 8 ON DIAMONDS, JEWELHT. PIANOS. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. LOANS WAITED WANT TO BORROW MONEY! From private party, secured by 1st mortgage. Alberta district, near Alameda. Phono Wdln. 4893. JOHN B. MATTHEWS. 27tb and Alberta sta. BEE Oregon Inv. V Mortgage Co. 222 Cham bar ot Commerce. FIKA5C1A1 1 LIBERTY BOND CONTRACTS BOUGHT Will htiv voup eonitv in vour Libertv bond, If you have contracted to buy a bond and can't meet the payments, see us. open uniu o p. m. HOWELL DAVIS. 401 Board of Trade bldg LIBERTY BONDS BOUGHT Cash for any amounts, ELWOOD WILES CO., 281 United States National Bank bldg. Open Saturday evenings until 8 o'clock. LIBERTY BONDS BOUGHT Pay cash; open Saturday eve., 5th and Alder sta. Gellars-Murton Co.. 726 Gasco bldg. CASH FOR LIBERTY BONDS H. L. MURTON. 446 SHERLOCK BfcDG.. 8d ST.. COR. OAK. OPEN SATL'BDAT EVE NINGS U. S. LIBERTY BONDS Will pay cash. 410 Pittock block. Moved from 553 Pittock block. "U 8. LIBERTY BONDS New York market price paid, less small brokerage. Open evenings.. Donald Macleod, 1002 Spalding bldg. ad ana wasmngton. CASH . FOR LIBERTY BONDS Open daily until 6.50. RummeU. 274 Stark. INVESTMENTS, loans, notes, mortgages. H. Lewis, 803 Lewis bldg. Mar. 1883. HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC IS BARGAINS Team, 2400 lb., harness and good farm waaon. 8165. Team but mules. 8136. Team 2600 lb., a .little thin but aound and true to work 865. Several single horses for sale very cheap. Everything guaranteed as repre sented. CROWN STABLES, 285 Front st BOB SALE 1 team well matched horses weigh ing 8000 lbs. ; 1 team of horses weighing 3100 lbs.; lit different kinds of wagons, both light and heavy, cheap. 226 Russell at A TEAM of mares, weight 2400 lbs., harness and vifnn. 8126. Also 2 fresh cows, sell chean or trade for Ford. 662 E. 28th st, Wooditoek car, I WANTED Double work harness, plows, other describe I farm machinery; price separately fully. W. F. Brock.. 640S 92d st BARGAIN, 865 takes one of the best' 1250 lb. work ' horse, harness and wagon. Must sell. leaving city. 880 Front st. - DEAD horses and animals hauled awsy free. Call Woodlawn 20. Portland Rendering Co. GOOD work horses for 4989. sale or rent East' WATERPROOF borne coven and neckyoke for sale. 627 Roselawn. DRAD stock taken quickly. Ca-h paid for dead cows ana crippled nones. Tabor 4Z03. I 40 BUYS cheap work horse, wt 1500 lb, j 226 Russell ft ... FOR SALE Bay team, 1250 each. 45th and Simpson st. R. 1, box 302. Wdln. 3095. WANT a horse, plow and harness and a dou ble harness. 142 B. 8tst N. Tsbor 7678. GOOD sound gentle horse, buggy and harness, complete outfit; only 835. 285 Front st GOOD all round none for sale cheap. CoL 501. LITE STOCK AUCTION SALE 4 Vt miles southeast of Bor ing. Or., Wednesday, October 23, at 10:30 a. m. 3 head borsesr a good milch cows. registered Jerseys, fresh this fall; 4 2-year-old neiien with calves at side ; 1 yearling heifer, 1 2 H -year-old registered bull; 18 -months-old reglsteied Jersey bull; Berkshire brood sow with v pigs, o weeks old; 7 sheets, month okl 100 thoroughbred Plymouth Rock hens and pul lets; 1 nearly new Champion binder. Champion mower, cnampion nay rase, Hooeier grain drill, disc harrow, spike tooth harrow, John Deere c3uto,T T.hT,"Vuiu'v.t;r T plow: "iT- wort harness, Do f aval separator. 200 bushels wheat 400 bushels gray oats. 125 bushel white oats, lli ton clover hay, loose; 10 tons straw, loose. Plate for sale or rent 120 acres, 75 in field. unanr, Vancouver, wash 8 HEAD of extra good cows, soma fresh and some ... . . i Mu . VCIU tM 1.1 1U Qsaxvt, sell chean or trade for liht r MBA Tnll uiab t. its ,o.h - ,1.. . , ... . Valley road. Woodstock car. 3300 buys 2 registered Holsteia cows, one will oe rrean in November, or will trad for mnnti io iMim team. x-nii, journaL SOLD my milk route, still have 7 extra good cows, sell chean if taken at once. B-2 V. xi, ax. a. ooa at oca car. BIG fresh Holatein Jersey-Durham and Jersey , uair ouwa, ceaiie lamuy cows; 3o to 305. 1 r.. Aefl si. " . A FRESH Jersey cow and calf for sale cheap. 662 r ioiu si. is. Yvootvtocc car. 2 FRESH cows with calf, heavy "milken sell cheap. 896 Powell Valley road. .Woodstock car. CURIIAM-hailer to tarde" f oTlnflen cow." ' Bt 2 Powell Valley road. Tabor 1S8. - JKR8ET cow, 5 yean old. sell cheao for .k' 1055 R. 64th st. afternoon. Gorrell. COW for sale. Phone D-1458. FRESH cow. Pbooa Mar. FRESH Jersey cow. 6o. 735 K. 75th St. N. FRESH cow for sale. 142 R. 81st st NT FOPLTRT, yiPEORS PET STOCK87 PIGS, poultry, breeding stock and.nroduo St 4s ovmai ana sola,. t. - . . r - CASH PRODUCE CO, O 0 -''r. --.-fa n a " - I Main 4883, Corner Front and Merrlstm. I. RED and W. I-hkrn nnrw. 1 I 787 Oregon; hear E24th. ' " "T wood 2918. -''i-i'.r,.UVST..at3l-tn 1918 MaxweU touring ear "at FOR SALE Babbit and hutches. Tabor lSSa" y ' POG8, BIRDS. PETS, ETC. 48 j i m y4 8t Asdreasberg trainer. - avw-- gy S BM at. IV. - - os.AL.air orange ancer for sate, fin lag8. S4 RoaTathtSr" -iZrTT, rLECrTwocsIfe V.mmt - C0 X - DOGA, BIBD8, 1ETS, ETC ' 4 6 MONTHS' OLD pedigreed Airedaia was . for sale. Phone feelrwood 219S. TOUNO afngera, St Asdreaaberc stock, 53.50 - to 57.' Cages. 601 Harrison at., near 14th and Montgomery. " - ; FCllr blooded Belgian hares for se5T , 450 E. 10th at. v Benwood TOT. - ATJTOMOBrLEACCE8SORIES 44 . GKRBES. TH BABUTOB MA.". 1 v.; --- .m - - lL aad"wharTtta wSS tt m do., fa. the wsaal Gerber way, "that b ynrf ToaJ tp,, toTitJ; Two wflsen tractor radiator. , ' Two . RasseU tractor radiators, Ona Cleveland tractor radiator. - Ona tractor radiator. . Ob five-tea White track radiator. Ona Federal track' radiator. Two O. M. C ,-ton radiators. , One S user-Six tourina car radiator, with shirt (era. . Ona Bnper-Stt radiator. One. Oiduaobila 8 radiator. Two Maxwell radiator. Beveral Btudebaaer rmdUton. ' Several Dodge radiators. Beveral Ford radiators. " Lata model new and aaed fenders too na- merona to mention to fit sack ears as Stodeba ker. Dodge, MitcbelL Hudson. Baick. Oakland ; JsollnaUnk. TfMnda M&l Mr OI DOOOa. One 84x4 H TJ. S. non-skid tire. 8. B. One 84x4 Fisk. plain-tread. 8. & One ax4 Flak non-akid 8. 8. For any or all of these eoods. aca GERBER Phono Broadway 1875. 65 9tb at. N eorasr FORDS FORDS FORDS 1916 ..chassis. i 1815 touring car, A-l shape. 1916 touring ear, 4 in. tire on rear. 1917 roadster; looks like new. 1917 touring car; finest looking ear in town. 1 Ford bug; a bargain. SPECIAL 1915 4 CVL Studebaker. alee, lights and sUrter, in good Order. A-l tires, 6296. TALBOT & CASEY, INC. GRAND AVE. AND EAST ANKENY ST. Closed all day Sunday and 6 p. m. week days. HEBE ARE 80ME REAL BARGAINS TO BE BOLD ON TERMS Studebaker 775 Saxon. 6 cylinder 675 Uoo Z ton truck 900 Overland, 4 cylinder . . .' 800 one brand new Ford roadster, never run a mile 685 v""" i passeuger. . itvv OLDSMOBILE CO. OF OREGON. BROADWAT AT COUCH. USED AUTOMOBILES TERMS GIVEN 1916 Chevrolet, 6-pass.. Baby Grand..! 650 1017 Mitchell, 5-pas.. 8 cyl , 1250 1917 Mitchell, 7 -pass., 6-cyl. 1350 i vi Mitchell, -peas.r 6-cyl 750 1916 Mitchell. 5-paas., -yl 750 1917 Studebaker. 6-naas.. 4-cvl 675 1914 Studebaker, 4 -pass.. Coupe...... 650 1U1Z Kambler, 6-pass., 4-cyl 150 JP19 Hudson. 7-pasa.. 6-cyL .: 1050 1918 Hudson, 5-pas., 6-cyl 750 IMS Mitchell. 6-pass., 6-cyl. 750 Several Others to Select From. See us for new and used trucks. I USED CAR DEPT. MITCHELL. LEWIS A. 8TAVER CO. East Morrison at First St Phone East 7272. B-1216. 1918 FORD DELIVERY Enclosed body, all new; anti-skid tires and oth er extras. Price 8500. . PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO. 10th and Bnrnside sta. Broadway 521. NEW TIRES What ' brand of new tire do you prefer! Wa bare them, all makes and aisee. Also we make the famous O-V-O Double Tread I sewed) tires and do all manner of tire repairing. Oregon - vulcanizing Co.. o33-33B Burnsiae near uroaaway. 1017 CHALMERS 6 roadster, completely over- named ; equipped with z nearly new cord tires. 2 nerij n,w 'abrio tires and 2 older eord tires rnounted on snare rims in rear; 11050, some terms. rv in iccvyk iiwm.j uuuus at lace value. Call Bait 1217. v Mfg. V Repairs, 8000 guaranteed amine In stock; prices reanceu. 4 In. loth st FOR BALE A Ford light delivery car with all extra attachments, as good as new. Will sell reasonable. See ear and owner at Oth and Mad- faoJ . arae basement from Sunday noon CASH -paid for old ears, condition no obWt- I parts for all makes of cars. Oregon Auto Ex- TT,. io ana Washington. Broadway 2668. FORD touring ear. with demountable rim.' spot ". j ooa, swo sxtra runs, speedometer, electric tail light, etc. 475 E. iim. oeuwoou ovvo. n. o, imdce. GASOLINE 20 CENTS PER GALLON Lubricating Oils and Grease. Pioneer Paint Co . 186 1st at, ' i io rvnii touring ear, 8429, on terms. Call ai uanmoia urapnone uol. tza Waahlnn TBADE One ton truck, in fine ahape, for road' iwr; ' aire -or use aurerenM. WMifl.. 1598. aou DOWN buys nearly new 1918 MaxweS touring car: regular xnarantM. c.n .. fr.iu. Attn '- BUICK 6 pass. A-l condition; practically tires: save aeent'e fM Mllin bai :3:r9lT 3 :t, J tt 618 "XLJK-TZZZ" f.2? ,fnoj5 'TJSf tooU- Owner in navy, must I x'oor I TOR SALE Ford hug, with lota of extras- (406 I cash. Saw ma Sunday afternoon. 10th and 1 9 t i.bM in w 1 0 1 T W.U. r-l senger. 6 cylinder, balance 8340. easv term i n, 1 1 , n , n - . I fTUDUIKWn lOBj, 1 . ! ; r SORB BUG. in first ckasa condition i miU k. Selhrood 2672 irneu injo nun st Uttle expence. Phono DUBRUTLLE TOF CO.. 9th at Oak. Broadway 1664 SNAP Buick Light Four, roadster, electric starter, etc A-l condition. 101 E. 19th at. eor. Washington, evenings. 1918 OVERLAND Willys Kniaht 6. in first class order. For sale or exchange for light I oTo or truck. J-8V3, JournaL 575 CASH. 1917 Chevrolet, demountable rims, ' 5 apotlight Main 4707. 1917 FORD roadnter, A-l :- cosdrUon. . . Call I 1 Tabor S745. FOR TSALE 5 passenger Overland. East 4804! 226 Russell. A BIG bargain; 8 16x20 12 oa. tents. 1 4 Ox .50 14 os. teat M. B. Levin. 221 Front at FOR SALE Two 86x4 hi caning and tubes. 1386 DivMon, Tabor 6603. FOR SALE Roadster. Must sell at once: reasonable offer refused. - 605 Bamstde at W ELL sell amy 1917 MaxweU cheap. X.618 JournaL a FOR SALE Extra .good used auto tires, most snea. - cvemnga ana smaasys. 41 Orand sr. j ro. SALE par. Wintoa Six dirt cheap at i FOB SALE Pierce-Al now touring ear good condition. Owner. P-876. JonrnaJL once,- H.-B11, jourxai. 'LIZCT T'9' 0TnU ' . ' tion. 8450. Phone Broadway 2617. 4 .CYLINDER 8 neaaenget Studebaker. T2th st: 8250. - 7m SPOT cash paid for used can. Dealers Used' .mi manm now, anrnq ave. and E. Btark. t yAl?r.'ii.: bug chao. imiuira 102!l raise moaev I must all m rni 8350; fine haie. j 1022 E. Soth AUTOMOBILES ACCESSORIES 44 USEY0tlfUJBERTY BONDS On the Purchase of a Good .. ..-y$e(j Car' - ' : : : We Allow You Full Value . - 1800 TO ' 8550 . , ' : " ' 1918 Ford tourinar a ano Csdillac. 4-cyL, 6-pass. ............. . 850 1915 Ford touring ............... . . . 850 Studebaker. small model,- 4-cyL, 5-peas...: 400 Studebaker. 4-erL. 7-naaa. . mm rorvt ino Oedillae, 4-cyL, 6-paas. .460 17 rora touring .............,. 485 1918 Ford touring . 600 Studebaker. 4-cyL. 6-paas. ........... . 660 s-oro.- 14 motor, demountable rims. oou suspe, pnee... ,. , . . , T 8600 TO 8700 Chevrolet, special equipment . . . . . Studebaker. 4-cvL. fi-naaa. . 600 600 Jackson light touring, splendid condition. seauwr npuowutry. top curtain, good 60O 600 600 600 650 650 700 1917 Ford toaring', special' equipment electric starter, demountable rima . ... Cadillac. 4-eyt. 6-paaa. ....... . . .... . Btudebakcr, 0-cyL, 7 -pass.- Maxwell touring, good mechanical shape. ousnper ........................ Briscoe touring. anotBaht. araod tima Maxwell touring, good mechanical abspc. . : 895w TO 81500 1918 Briaco delivery, orcr-aiza tires, 99 per cent new a ssn Buick, 6-cyL, sepeial top. new paint, usual Buick condition 1250, Liberty Chummy, late model, fine condi- aoa, inst repaintea 1000 At s big sargais 1918 Dodge touring car, run lees than 6000 miles. Beveral used touring ear bodies and few truck bodies of ail descriptions. These prices subject to change without notice. W. H. WALLINGFORD BROADWAY 2492 DISTRIBUTORS LIBERTY SIX, PREMIER SIX, BKISC0E FOUR, PAR RETT TRACTORS 522 ALDER STREET WHITE. MANAGER USED CAR DEPT. MOTORS. Gearings. Bearing". Wheels, Alloa and Trailers We wreck all makes of cars and sell their good parts at half price. David Hodea Co., Broadway and Flanders st Broadway 196. AUTOMOBILES TTAHTETJ 78 WILL exchange for automobile Aeo lean grand orehestreile interior player. 02 -rolls classic and popular music. Pipe organ effect, very sweet tone. Best suited to large home. Cost 31800. Will forget value and exchange for automobile. No rattle trap. Owner moving into apartments. Describa car. N-845, JournaL HIGHEST prices paid for automobiles, condi tion no object 121 N. Sd st Bdwy. 2820. AUTOS FOB HIRE 9 AUTOS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DRIVERS. Brand new ears. Reasonable rates. Fearing ft Robaett, City Garage, 88 10th. Between Stark end Oak. Broadway 840. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS FOR HIRE OOUCHMAN A SULLIVAN. MARSH. 222 1 OTH AND YAHMH.L A-I2S6 MOTORCYCLES, BICTCLE8 65 BEEN DRAFTED Fine bicycle for ala cheap. See Newman, 128 First near Alder. FOR SALE Twin Indian, Presto light and tandem, 890. 540 Front st LAUNCHES Airii BOATS CI 24 FOOT launch hull - t 60 18 foot launch. 8 H P., complete 1UO 4 M H.P. marine engine, new 35 INQUIRE 203 MORRISON. ONE boathouae for 20 foot launch with one room attached: also S room Houseboat Ap ply keeper Portland Motorboat club. GOOD 4 room furnished houseboat 3d house west side St Johns ferry. A 6 ROOM unfurnished houseboat at a bar gain. 43 Willamette Moorage. PIASOS, ORGAHS, MUSICAL" INSTRUMENTS 84 GOOD Kingsbury piano, mahogany case, fine tone. Phone East 2621. , DIAMft TM M I Mf! Rn to Ardrey r InltW I UMIIUXJ kp.tJU SelL SlOB WE pay cash for used painos and band . instru ments. Bteberiinc-ivueaa music uo., 129 4tn. WANT phonograph or records. Main 4496, Tabor 07UB. HIGH-GRADE mahogany upright piano, good as new, at less than price. Tabor Z19Z. GOOD violin for sale, reasonable. 611 Montr gomery t Main 7749. GItAFONOLA with records, for sale, cheap. wm take Liberty bonds. 889 11th st. RENT a piano: no thump boxes. Harold 8. Gilbert. 884 YamhUI st BRINGING UP FATHER .oopyHrtt. i.i8. mt-on, N COLUX- l . ' I THE CPutp - K . A WtnL ?E HOtSEY At OROt' . VaaaLr U 1 wT T TMlb i Jf-S l-AteT NlQHT , f LRN' A f-tyg' i TH. LIBERTY 5CH0 afl I I ; iu I 'V-i" 'Vf A TWirr 'J I 1 "V Viraava t - U.A JPIAJTOS. ORGAKS. MUSICAL I5JTEUMEST8 - 84 SECURITY Btorag On,, caostac east for Col lard wprignt, 8551 Bord aprlght 818, 8878 Bajjy Co, 8160: fCibara aprlght, 8198. 460 sUmbaa. 6190; Kartxman, ap., 3219, 8460 new stored uprighu. 8268 aa4 8299. 8S5 Weber -rdayar aiaaa. 8346. 1817 naayer. , pan cash, bono or ou oea accepua; svorage sru motnnij , , 109 F north at, at Washragtoa. Fbonographa and reeueaa bewcht eoML laged ana rented. Expert reawir- if 1 2d, near Aider, opataar. WHY are ao many talking larhlnea offered1 for - aalof Beeaaae tha. 708 Bars? nstinsa af tkat tmprovecl Comaabla have mart aw Beta of tba aid machines rtawatsiflea. Baa ase flrat. S. Gilbert 884 T am hill at EXPERT player pianos sad electric band Morgan MpairiDa' taxing. - rebuild. - Highest ' crieea paid for used planes and musical instrumenta. Z64 Market st - -.'... 8104 OR MORS CASH paid for ywar aaed . upright piano ec a sew 8190 ptmooigraph sad 810 in record oifered ta. etchanga at 0a.iiaVj Btoraga Co. 109 4th st 825 CASH. 610 MONTHLY, buys new 1918 taodai. 8450 piana for 8337.50; a 50 koad pars . up until atar January 1,' 1919. At Schwen Piano Co., Ill 4th at. MUST sell baby -grand piano., practically new; in fine condition: cash or terms. Address K. 686, Journal. FLAYER PfANO. a bargain.. 8360.- just tike new, 60 records: wfll also take Liberty bonds. Phone Tabor 1663. 8300 Player piano, -88 note, mahogany ease. with 85 musie rolls and beach' beat piano oa market 254 Market at ,W AN TED Piano for cash; give price. f 844. Journal. TTPE WRITERS 77 GUARANTEED factory rebailt typewriter, "all aoaaea, aow oa monthly payments. Send for price , list Tba Wholesale Type writer Co.. ta tall dept. 821 Washington it TYPEWRITERS rented, repaired, exchanged. Typewriter supplies. REMINGTON TYPEWRITER CO.. S8 Brosd'y. ALL MAKES typewritera rented and repaired. wegon- lypewnter Co.. 4A oth. Mam apsg. REBUILT typewritera, auppliea. Corona dealarv E. W. Pea Cow 110 6th. HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE 88 Spend 6 cents, take a car to tiie low rent airtrict; save 810 to 8100. SPECIAL BARGAINS 321.50 beaten 27.50 wood and coal heaters 898.00 range f 17. 50 cotton felt mate. , ..818.26 ..28.60 . .388.00 ,.813.00 . .818.60 ..816.60 . .829.60 ..823.60 17.50 Iron beds .. 22.00 Rocker . 37.50 oak dressers 828.50 oak dressers WIGHTMAN JOHNSON FURN, CO. Phone East 7766. 88-00 Grand ave. Furniture Brokerage 208 Madison 100 assorted Heaters 81.65 and up. Cook Stovea 88.50. Ranges 812.50. Oaa Heaten 81.65, Gas Ranges 6L2.50. Electric Heaten 5.50, Dining Tables 86.50. Chain 61.25, Rockers 82.75, Iron Bed 8U75, Springs 2.00, A f ... ao tk nMKu . , an .. oio 12. Dressen 86.75. Buffet 19 50. Sideboard 14, Hall Seat (4.60. Also assortment of bet ter grade. See large yellow tags. FURNITURE 6 room bungalow, including rugs, steel range, gas stove, wood heater, etc ; no aeaiers. Tabor zbvb. 492 Marguerite ave. Richmond car. WE HAVE eoma. splendid bargains la heating stoves, ranges, gaa stoves, rugs, new and sec ond band furniture. Uore V JelUson. 1974 aw Stark st Phone Tabor 1481. FUK BALK compteta rarnisbinga of 6 room house, including fine piano with player at tachment. 114 K. 70th. Mt Tabor car. FOR SALE -Oak dining room table. 1511 Kerby. Phone Woodlawn 5099. FOR SALE Sectional book cases and filing caninets. Mam B13U. itao 3d at., after Sunday, HOUSEHOLD goods, canned fruits and vege- table. Leaving city. 84 E. 12th at S. QUARTERED oak buffet, dresser, table, fine bras bed; reasonable. chiffonier, E. 2578 MACHINERY 81 FOR SALE Whole or in part, one 25,000 capacity sawmill. 2 4x14 twin boilers. 1 12x 16 Wheels nd engine; 1 7x8 steam feed 48-in. Allia-Chalmers Read Blocks. Mill at Wirfs, Or, F. i. wins, uuxton, or. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 GOOD printing at popular prices. 600 bond let- ferneads t er envelope. 62.48. Harria Pre, 14Z 2d at FERTILIZER Hone manure for garden. East 688. VACUUM cleaner sold, repaired, rented, ex- changed, bought Bentley Co., Main 8583 PLUMRING supplies, wholesale price. Stark Da via Co., 212 8d at Main 797. UNCALLED for tailor made suite 812.50 up. rayior we xaitor. zoa rt nurnsiae st GRAPES ' for sale. 8 4 cents rer nonnd vines. Mrs.' Ross, lake road, Milwankle. Or. WOODWORKING machinery, aander. ahape r. bandsaw; reasonable. Main 1167. 8100 MICROSCOPE, 860: A. C. 110 volt. h. p. motor, 620, Phono Woodlawn 460. ED V. PRICE A CO.. TAILORING. 409 E. MORRISON ST. SOLID gold watch j 16 sise, hunting. 17 jewel, at bargain. Tabor 8898. OFFICE desk,' 8 foot, double: strong, durable! 615. 480 EC Bnrnside. WE HAVE new and second-hand safe, mod erate prices 46 Front Broadway 1966. HORSE potato digger. 803 21st st N. tAEGER VACUUM SWEEPERS. Main 8582! AI.-WOOD range. 318 Eugene st Eat 2483"! GOOD range for sale. Main 582 lT" ' SET good drawing instrumenta. Eart 6101. BOOKKEEPING desk. Inquire teleTMain "7472". USED folding bed, $7.50., 480 E7Burnslde! ewa 8ai HEItO- lt WEI-U1T FOK EVEH.OAf POR The FOR HEXT RVE. ' , . ; j II II : tax . - . ,. 1 ' ' ' - r , -.' a, - 1M "k , , ' . . . , . - ' " , . ' ' . '. . .. . , 1 , TOBjUE-MISCELLANEOUS - It - tarsi xixsrB ivn iri I Nation a 1 Cash Registers and Credit Flies Lowast iirleea. Small akonth- y payBsentJV. Ko interest chars, Old- fagtstere rw- aaired. rebuilt aouslit. aaid ase exenangeq. J. R. Mumma, Agent ; fBX,NATtnSiI. fun awssranrsm m 699-98 Sterk Stnwt Broyl816. gedar mim Off oral eedar. 4Tafcs9. aaaa Wm ml B. UHsaa. bet. T6th aad 76th. .Tabor 808. SEWING machine, new and sec ond hand, soldi for leas; ne agents employed. 'Complete Una of parts for all make machines, re paired and rented. Maia 9481. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM 190 Sd. near Taylor at Electric Motors Bought sold, rented and leffalrad- Walker Electric Work. 418 Burn- aide, corner 10th. Broadaray 6674. JOHNSON'S PURE APPLE CIDER MADE ON THE PREMISES DAILY 247 YAMHILL BET. 2D AND SD. ff 4 " AAtEM droDhead aawins machlaea with u) I U.UU attachments: all are la very good condition. Sewing anaehinas rented at 88 per stout h. Phone East 2809. or B-330T. K. at Steen. 152 Grand ave.. near sMinaoni. 6-PASS. Cadillac, sewing machine organ, iea ebest sbowcase, computing asale, Winchester and pump gun and 22 Special. Phone. Bwdy. 1?87. or call 834 N. 17th st week days, or call 68 Upshur at Sunday or eveaanga. FURS foliar for coats. aB color. 89.50 up; fox animal scarfs, all the latest shades crepe lined. lowest prices oa au fun. THJS FUK guur, ova eweuana Diag. 4 U H. P. New Way portable wood sawing ma chine, built for wagon, made to order. Good Bosch magneto. 1 horse can handle it ISO Win accept (50 Liberty bond. CaU 429 Haw thome ave. "MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS.". "Typewritera and "Household Goods" are separate claasifl eationa. All advertise menta of 1 the goods . are publishes ander their respective claaaifieatioaa. LOOK THEM OVER MAN'S Knox ilk hat. else 74. worn twice also black derby, lady's miUkary black beaver cloth coat-sise So; tan velour, size 88: navy blue cost trousers, sweater. 1m 88. Tabor 3432. MERCHANT refrigerator. R. mail box. 800 bundles laths, large tool box, beautiful dark brown hair switch, 6 band painted china plates. odds and eaas in qisnea. Bdwy. 8268. $12.50 to $15 SEWING MACHINES Guaranteea. we rani am repair. 172 Sd st Maia 1845. A-l 8 18. Phone fni I i7T)!l fP O. L. Sehroeder, Breedwa20?0 nfi r I IP 12th ft FUnders, Res.Wdln.1950 blUliiiJ tolia Portland, Or. New and second hand All slms Any amount EAT HORSE MEAT Sella for less than half tha price of other eat 149 lat at WHT an everlasting aggravation by a leaky roof f Why not a permanent and indestructible roof f We oxidise and renew all kinds of leaky roots 609 Tourney bldg. Mam 6880. SUGAR 8ugarine flavor, coffee or tea! ft good. Easily made at horns. Formula, 60r. Guaranteed or money refanded. A Nelaoa. 1069 Princeton st AUTOMOBILES. MOTORCYCLES. LAUNCHES or boata are aeparate classification. A large listing can be found under these different claaai fidatirma. Watcrr Repairing Schools Cleaning, 1.00; Jewels 60c; main spring, 60c BEI.NGUL.DS. JEWELERS,. 124 Dili ST. FOR SALE Set of Enclycopedia Brittaniea. utest eainon, urge vorames... lnaia paper, riex fble back. Call Main BL30. 280 Sd at. after Sunday. HIGHEST prices paid for diamond, watch and Jewelry. Repairing a specialty. Jewelry Co., 449 Va Washington st WHISKEY Kegs and barrels for sale aa country orders takea. Panama Cooperage Co., 228- Frost vt CON8EBVE; have your owni berries and fruit in your back yard. - For tine trees and bushes call Tabor 4218. HOT water tanka, an at sea, la good, serviceable condition. 80 gaL 87, 49 gal. 89. 201 Adams st East end Steel bridga. Phoae E. 8616. ONE large McRay store icebox, almost new, 876; also 1 good 6 ft floor howesse. plate c1a tor. 655 E. Morrinon. ALL kind of ""'"-r r-r rnrk: nasIiTuii oigging on. short none by day or contract Phone Tabor 6897. PRINTING FOR LESS 600 envelop or 600 bond letterheads. 82.76; beat wcrk; prompt deli very, try na. Smith. Printer. 204 Stark st 6x8 FAINTING of "The Alas.- with 12 inch frame, suitable for hall or hotel, worth 8100 aeii lor ou. tav r isurnsiae. FOR SALE Yaugh drag saw. first class shape. See storekeeper. 8., P. A 8, R. R. shops, Vancouver. FV&Niw-tJRE TTANTED 74 Want Household Furniture y WILL PAY CASH Phone Main 8882. IN tha furniture game again. Hawthorne ave. . of course. No. 848. Buy, trade, eel old and new, kf. R. Beater. Pljne East 7710. - WILL PAY CASH For used office furniture. Main 1971. Pacific Stationery and Its. On., 107 2d st By George McManus ih.a.) THI THE BANK- H A LIBERTY OONO GEVURTZ FURNITURE v STORE 806-807 First WILL PAY TOP PRICES for aid and awed furniture, stoves, earoeta. aad anything ta kraaskglrt goods. Of fie tunu- ire anaraaa, . ' Wa also exchaage your old fa rah are for aaav Nethnag too ill or too Jaxaa, - CALL: MARSHALL 587 Oar buyer wfl) aaB at eaaa. Read Important Read Ww carry a grsatrr- aasutanut af aew aad 4 gsercasndiaa thaa aaur atora ta rh M- Taara at hardly aa it aaa we do aot bay and watt. Wa apactaUaa . ka anatf aad heavy hardware, Sporting good, household goods, otfte farnUara, mn aaas auap awppuea. When you have aaythiag ta buy as sell. aaU as fjlanna. Mara 9072 A-7174. LEVIN HABDWABB FURNITURE CO- SECOND HAND RJRTJIWE WANTED Bed. OTMSSrs. run. stoves. HnoLram? full varus raia lor aousenoia good!. Call Mam 1928 OWL FURNITURE CO. rat Wa want your used fursiture. stoma, eameta aaa piano; wui pay rag Dost cash prtoea, C auia 2 (. WlGHtMA.V-iOHNSO.N FURSITUKE CO. oo-WU Grand ave.. East 7766. augacai pncea pan I or asea furniture, car pet, stovea, ranges, eta. We call promptly. Call East 636, Highest price paid for used furniture, etov, rugs. anything ia household good. Wa exchaace your eld furniture for aew, WANT ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE FOB APARTMENT HOUSE. MAIN 4495. TA BOR 6798. r A Q U for furniture, stoves, ranges haat UnOn sr. carpets, rugs, dresser, etc. Pbone Mar. 2676. HsrtseU Furarture Co.. 841-46 1st SWAP COLTJMTT ti WILL TRADE SO acre first class timber, hard wood and fir, on Columbia river. What have cut X-24. Journal. Vancouver. Wah. HOUSE and lot for automobile, value to 8700. Pbone Woodlawn 8649. 10 to 12 a. m. 624 Killingsworth ave. FOR TRADE 2 lots N. E. Portland, trade for team over 1200. 1073 Schiller at . WATER power washing, machine or child bed for boy bicycle. Wdln. 8526. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS want mmu 128 FIRST MAIN 4498 TABOR 6798. 6rand Rapids FurViiture Co. Phone East 294. 84-86 Grand are. nignesa price paax .or yixir co nana lanuiara Used furniture taken to exchange for new. $7.50 for Second-Hand-Suits Meyer, the tailor, pay meat for elothiag and shoe. W call day or evening. Marshall 1229 or 229 Madisoa. 812 Front Hides- L. Shank Co. -Metak. Rubbers, Write for price and abtpplng tag. Mara 1B JUNK WANTED We pay tha highest market prici and junk of every description. Cell Main 1928 a for metal Second Hand Clothing Buyer vv pay roe ascot lor meal clothing and shoes Can Main 1928, GOING East oa South T -Household good (hipped at reduced rate; moving and pack ins Pactfie uoest rorwarding oo,, 408 ttoyt at Hdwy. TUB. WANTED Old elothmg. furniture. Will pay good prices tor old clothing, furniture, tool. trunk and rank. Broadway 188. Wanted nine, shotgun, cameras, leaa Hoeh field. 86 3d at Pkoaa Main 8681. NOTICES 16 PETITION NO. 15900. Ia the county court of the state of Oregon for Multnomah county In tha matter of tha application of Herman H. Thompson and Anna Prudence Thompson, hi wife, for leave to adopt a minor boy and give him the name of Robert iiartman Thompson. To the Honorable George Tasweil, Judge of tha above entitled court: Toe petition of Herman H. Tkaiasueon and Anna Prudence Thompson, hi wife, respectfully show: That your petitioners are- inhabitants of this tat, residing ta the city of Port hind and the county of Multnomah therein.' and are now and at all the timea herein mentioned have been husband and wife; that the minor boy which your petitioners deaire to adopt ia aged 2 yean and was born on or about September 18, 1916; that your petitioner do not know the names of the parenta of said boy; that tha parent of aaid boy wilfully deserted and abandoned said boy on or about tha 26th day of September. 1917: and that the aaid parent have ever since continued to wilfully desert and abandon said minor and have at all time sine the said 26th day of September. 1917. failed and neglected and do now fail and neglect ta provide proper care and maintenance for said minor child or any care, support and (or) maintenance whatso ever ; that your petitioners have bad the car and custody of said minor boy ever ainoe Sep tember 26, 1917. and that the aaid child is now in their eaaa and custody; that your peti tioners have cuffident ability and estate to bring up aaid ehild and furnish auitshl nurture and proper, education for him; that Hersaaa 11. Thompson, one of your petitioners, ha bean for a period of ! yean and I now employed by Lipman A Wolff company of Portland, Or., and ia bow employed as assistant secretary, and that the income of the aaid petitioner last named is in excess of 8400 per month; that your peti tioner have bat one other ehild now of the age of 9 yean dependent upon them for support. Wherefore, petitioner pray that the court may appoint some suitable person -to set in those proceeding as tha next friend of the aaid minor boy ; that the court fix a time lor the hearing of this petition and designate a newspaper printed ia tbte county ia which petitioners shall publish a copy of this petition and the order baaed thereon ; and that upon aaid hearing leave be granted petitioner to adopt aaid minor boy a and for petltionera' own child and to give baa the name of Robert Hart man T bom peon. W. B. SHIVKLT. Attorney for Petitioner. . State of rOreeon. County of Multnomah, as. I. Herman H. Thompson aad I. Anns Pru dence Thorn peon, being first ( uly and severally sworn, depose .and say. that I am one of the petltionera earned la the foregoing petition ; that 1 have carefully reed the mm and that . ssud petition i true as I verily believe. HERMAN H. THOMPSON, ANNA PRUDENCE THOMPSON. Suhaerfbed and sworn te before me this 4tb day of October. 1918. W. B. SHIYELY. Notary Public for Oregon. My commissi expiree December 1, 1919. ' ORDER NO. 15900 This matter craning ea st thai thae to be heard upon the petition of Herman H. Thompson and Anna Prodrnce Thompson, hi -wife, for leave to adopt a minor boy and give aim the name of Robert Iiartman Thompson ; aad It ap pearing that said minor bay now aged about 2 yean; that the parenta of said boy are un known and that aaid parenta willfully deserted aad abandoned aaid boy oa er about September 26. 1917; aad have ever at ore eootiaaed to willfully deaert and abandon aaid boy, aad that the said parent have tailed aad neglected - at all time atace BeiiteBibct 26, 1917, la provide proper ear and maintenance or any care er maintenance whatsoever for said boy, aad that aaid boy has bean in the care and custody of the aaid petltionera sine the 26th day of Sep tember, 1917, and that petitioners hare become attached to said boy aad deaire to adopt him as and far their own; and H further appearing that this la a case where court may rina aeO a if the parents of aaid child were dead; aad It further appearing that aaid child ha as guereiaa a known next of kin in the state; aad ft further appearing that Mr. I. C. Robinson, residing at 721 Esat Couch street Portland. Oregon, whose business address ta 44 Frrat street in said city, is not related 1 tn any way to petitioners and i a raapeetabte buaineaa man of said city and la ks aB respect a competent person to act in these proceedings aa next friend of said child and te give ar withhold eotsasat to the adoption of aaid child by petlUuaera a the elrcusssteaees upon inveatlgatioR may require and the court betas; fully advised Ja the premiss. Now. Therefore. It I Hereby' Ordered that the petition of petitioner be and It f hereby est down for bearing ia this court for the 27tb day of November. 1918. at the hear of 9:80 acme a m. : that the petitioner cause a cony of their petition and this order to be pwbUahed once a week hereafter for three aasriaslvi weeks in "The Oregon Dairy Journal," a sarwspspar printed tm Maltaoauah exaxaty. Oregon, pries te the date wf said hearing aad that the above named J. C Be in on be and be a tarraby appointed as tha' aest friend of tba said aalnof boy, aad test prior to the eaxe aet for the bearing of aaid petition, the aaid next Mend make aacb, iavfeatigatiow aa easy be siecessary aad snake hie reewaewdetieu)e to Us court aa ta whether or net the petition of petltionera should be granted or Mberwiae. a : . ; i EORGE TAZWELL. . ' ' - ' . JaisV - Dated: Portland. Oregon, October 8. 1916. WILL wil te accident to lady in lUpaiaa 'A .Walfae ale later. Monday aw nw . ai prewe Marshall 4991. er est! at 410 6rwetlead bids.) weald like very much to talk wit other lady erkw was knocked sown at aat uom well as lady neUg wit injured aarty .ts 1 WILL not be seapoasfble for aay aVbta een7 - tracted by Frances E. Grimm. Charles J. Grimm. - ' . - . fwlLL not be reap iwefble for any .oVbt traeted by aJioa m. Jrtso. vr. . in ma. - ft SALJS it trITIl in ltrlTTlou KOTlCE ta tba kighest Wddag of tha eoal aad aanhalt ? ""j teaaed aad Smleaaed. to the Choctaw CJaJekaaaw Natiima nkkim. K. I :.u. . tl?,uu ovwrnajent There wiU bo offered at -publie aucUon to tha higbeat bidder st McAkw " ! '- . wecsssber l. 12,- l sad 14. 1918. the eaa sod asphalt deposits, teased and ovleaaeiL uadartyiaa; tha aurfae of 44L497 aoraa of tha wre-aUd mraeral ktsd ia the " toctaw sad Cbfckaaaw Kataona, Ovlahoom. 889 ardcased tracts eTcting 128.274 sere wtU unt aa offered for aala aad swat 128 ayased tractai containing 118.881 seres. The coal ia bttamlaoos -aad aml-birmfmm asaial af low voiaUl - bunker eoal tor ateaasbtp use, high grade domestic coal., railroad ateaaa ccaX biga grade bteckosith coal and coking eoal. seams averaging 4 feet thick with aa arenas dip of jroaa 10 to 15 decrees outcropping at the sur face aad extendinx to a Ttrnral Amt Mm tha . f"Tt,mtd ta be 2200 feet at tha deep est part of the huln Painii. sii r tk. mcta offered are located aeaw cMios, towns aad i JlT assay oaing eroaaad by raUroaOa. aaa king them easily accessible antf attractivs for miaijIS - - - Tk. . 4. . t. mVA only the coat sad asphalt minerals will ba offered tar aala. Leased lank win t vi.4 hwa t any existlrat valid Um. w- j r,'bta ' ven ex orpt to teeaeee of aaased tract aad V.",. . wancaa as to the coal aad as- . pwa aoaerring state penitentiary grounds, Gov ernment retains suserviaion over all leases aad lining Oberackasa axil rnTI nna h frarchaaa price made and deed awuad. when aurwrviatoa terminate. No penoa can acquire mere loan four tracts of 960 acre each, except where sack Man. flraa ar mmnntin. K.. aach tract under existing valid leaaea. Bad mat conform to Aracta aa advertised. No tads tor iraraoosj parts considered, nor for lea thaa advertised minimum price. Bida must ba made in person, by mail or by authorised agents. 20 P1 aacb aeparate bid must be accompanied by bank draft or rHriat .kk .ku n wm. drua. cashier. Term 20 in cash at .time of aala. balance four eaual rinaUllmenta, payable ta one, two, three and four yean from date af ml, o interest per annum on deferred pay- bivuw. run payment parens price may be made at any rim when deed WiU laausTLoral , Office at McAlaater. Okla main nfrW Un.k. gee. Okla. For descrrpUv linU. literatura. free of charge, address Mr. Cab F Parker, supet tnteadent for the Five Civilised Tribes. Me Aleater. Okla. The United States government send ont no advertising or exhibit can to ad vance or exploit tha aala of Indian land. All ucb concerns are private enterprise in ao way connected with the gorernment OA TO SELLS. commissioner of Indian Affairs PERSONAL ta Jack King's Mineral Batrs Rheumatism pfeJl kinds cured or 00 pay. 268 cure without a single mta. I cured some of 'he worst eases la the NonliML tn riM ik. test reference in the country. Over 80 yean' experience. 1 reaunenrs IZ.SU : gentlemen only. 826 H STARK STREET GLASSES AT A SAVIN& iS' aaa sand elicit your patronage ea tba of capable eemea. Thaa. W - 1 -iium . Good m a ontBanprrla. 9na U.. .1.. .no Af MterMi - - - - . MAGNETIC TREATMENT Just srrived from San Diego and for advr tawment I will, Uu week, call at your home and f" ne free treatment; 27 yean' experience. taU Main 1108 G. R. HORTON. COMIC Dl and get both your feet fixed up geed for 81 by Dr. Eaton, the CHIROPODIST that doesn't hurt you. 6 yean la Portland; exasm. free. Globe Theatre bldg.. 11th aad Wash. Mdy. 2824. INSTRUCTION ia tha theory of health, cess and hsrmony. MRS. M. U LA MAR, 235 6th st GOITRE, enlarged gUnda. people run tXera selves permanently. A R. Strachan. Htlls- boro, Or.. R. 6. MBS. MABEL BARBER, spiritual adrW readings daUy. 10 to 6. 146 11th st Broad way 8253. SUPERFLUOUS hair, moles, wsrta. removed br 10 needle method; trial free. Joel Ftaier 614 Ellen BMg. Oatl Mala 6368 DR. G. V. Ketchiim. worn an a niaiadlaa m4 acute diira of men. Waahington bldg.. 4tS aad Washingtoa. Phone MarahaU 448. DETECTIVE United Btetea DetectiTs SiT reaa; only expexienoed oreratlvM employed, 604 Panama bldg. Main 8812. City. DR ELNA BORENSON, 608 Panama bids. Dregless physician. Moat effective method. MME. GRENELL, face and scalp specialist Moles, wart removed. 280 FUtdner bldg. DR. G. II. HUftfHAN". vetertnartenTbotuta 416 E. 7th at B East 1847. B-196-L ED SHEFHARb. call or letter at Gaa. DeL ' PROFESSIONAL AND, BUSINESS PI P ECTOR Y -SOOOftDtpm anTTTwai HEMSTITCHING, 10 CENTS) fiSTtMS PLEATING, ALL LATEST STYLES, EAST WAY 2000KLTY CO., 86 FIFTH. BKOAD- 6U6K 6OOK WAtHm DAVIS A h6LMaN. Wt. 109 2d et. bWai book manufacturer, A-6163. Maia 188 OAflT OLKAMINa FLUFF RUGS old esrpete, carpet cleaning a E. 8680 B-1369 From old esrpete, esrpet eleaninc aad nnn rag rugs smven, aB rises Mail ordara solicited. NORTHWEST RUG CO, Former addrea 159 Union ave. EAST 3580 "' B 1280 Jttnfca v7Tf. East 661a. VSa B-147A JOYCE BROS.. Eleetrte Clean lag Worka-CafT peta cleaned and Jaid. refiuing oar special. East 440. B-1963. 804 E. 19th at W. OHiaroanOTOn DR McMAHON Is making good; ll adjuatmeau 816; even, 86. Easiest terms. DR LAURA E. DOWNING. Cnlropracter" yearn' erperienee. Broadway bldg. OO AL aho wood KAtlONAL FUEL CO abort (iabwoou. bloc.: wood. 9 load lota. 4 -ft entry, alb. Eaet 2041. KOVOATfONAt "DANOINtl Was. fLecE s aca6eMY. io SECOND tr Ballroom aad elaerte dancing. Private limai daily. Clsaaaa Tnssday and Friday evaninsa, a to 10. Ladle free. Mala 2100. ALYS M. BROWN, teacher 'ot elaasie, toe. etega and ball room amnetng. 146 18U at. off Mer nam r-nowe BToarway 2. "MIS8 IRELAND ' 10 LESSONS 66 609 Peeress bldg. Personal attention. 19 te t. RfNGLER Dancing Academy, lesdfag acboof; ekue Men.. Wed., Frt evest 8 Is on. tt privste leaaon. 14U at Wash. Pre-dway83a0. ntUOlO OHOOt, ARB TlaOHtkl PBOF T. K LAWSON. 20 yean' experieae. Piano I a on at your hoae. 1 as Tabor 7206 VIOLIN, piano harmony, all string. KolKeseeck. 409 Yamhill at. E. THIELHORM Violin teacher, pupil fteveik: 207 Filed ner bldg. Broadway 1629. WAIt AO8atTI6l e) CRANE LETTER CO., 612 Royal bldg. tiuttt . . . . . ... --f . ' vma- l graphing, mtmeographlng. Manhall 6622. PAiajTtajo. TiajTIWO. PAPHtHAWaiW J H- CLIFTON, pais ting, tinting, -eriikg. lSi N. 17th at. Broadway 4414. Woodlawn 8126 fUTKIIT ATTOa.au T tVOLDBERO. 620 Waeeeeter bidg' Maia "iiir patiffTiaja. ftA;ts. BMnsa PRINTING igTlVAI et 6A jHtyiCIAWS , DR. R- A PHiLLXPa, 90S Eroaawsy buiidiseT Rhinistirm. S'emal ejsorders, skis treab4v, tcmeeh. User, kkdeev. beweM. " ua-. Bia piena atAlOft AWO COTtgsir aattwtxilQ XRT ta safety raaer aad eatlery grinder ai 298 4th et., ' the rubbim rrAMM lUO' STENCflA. Trade Cheeks, iletsl ftteaT PACIFIC COAST STAMP WORKS 68 Broadway. ' Broadway 719. A-27I9. TiwKft Ano trroftAac American Iransfer and . 7 - -Storage Co. ' LIGHT AND HEAVY AUTO SERVICE r LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE HA 1X1 MO " WE STORE EVERYTHING 809 OAK STREET. BROADWAY 411A . ORLGoN iftANSFEft COf ? - Estabramed 1876) . .v -. ansa 187 v d Focwsrdiae. lasals I3fh and GMvan. Breedway 1861. A-1169 ALWAYS - TICK" THE B-ZM GOODS SPKC1ALIAT Bum, pei king nklT aa aad aaevtng. Uene ssat aZ2 sl. ate to ail oorais - -. C a PIC TEAR (FEB STORAGE CO.. '". nseand and Ptna, Broaaway 594. A-l 998. 1 "STORAGE AND TRANSFEH : CLAY S; MORSE, INC. - 1428 Flan6sT Strert PAINCj-l.M6vrfO-T6RAOf BECUR1TJ STO&ACE TRANSFER OO. V 195 Park C , Main 6198. A-l 98 1. '- - W6TOt WPAIBIW I M. H. PACEOCZ. amtehea, aHim.gda. jewetra. - Fine watsk repairiac. 316 Morrison st -'dy- Tiff. '