REAL ESTATE FOB HALE BOOSES 1 : INSPECT THtSK. J bomb puann Btjii. BOSE CITT PARK. 2760. tnom bungalow with hardwood floor, fireplace, bullt-ia boffet. Dutch kitchen, (nil cement basement, etc ; no sessssmenU to assume. 8m this ROSE C1TT PARK. Rooms 18690. Bar' s nifty 5 room bungalow with evry conceivable modem con-. , venieace; right tip to the mtnnte In every wV; located on beantfful corner. Of course, it has hsrdwood floors, fireplace, buffet, Dutch kiteh ea, furnace, etc. ThU should be il BOSK CITT PARK. Rooms $8760. A splendid corner In an ideal location. Everything jura would ex pect la a real, modern bnnaslow, hardwood floors, fireplaca, built-in buffet, furnace, ate. Yon would ex pact to par 14500 Let a ahow you. This la a wonderful buy and you will appreciate its value. BOSK CITT PARK 6 Itoom $3800 Splendidly buitt bouss of room. t block! from Rom City car; all modera conveniences, hardwood floors, maaalra buffet, fireplace. furnace, French doers, etc No assessment to assume. The owner Jut must sell. Surely you will want to aea this. ROSE CITT PARK $4200. Here really is a bungalow right op to the minute In erery respect; rooma and (leaping porch. Every thing you would expect to find in a real high 'class bungalow, hardwood floor. furnace, fireplace. built-in buffet, breakfast roam, etc And as to construction you couldn't ex pect anything better. Let us show you. " ROSE CITT PARK 84650. 1 ROOM BCNQAIXIW 100x100. OARAGE. If you wsnt a thoroughly mod dern bungalow with Urge grounds, let ns show you this attractive resi dential property. Lots of trees, shrubbery, etc. An exceptionally large living room. Entire first floor has hardwood floors. LAURELHURST $5500 Here truly is a wonderful home large living room, dining room, kitch en and breakfast room on tint floor and four bedrooms and sleeping porch on second.' There is every con cei Table built-in convenience you would expect to 'find in an expen sive home. Located about a block from car. Garage. Ton would ex pect to pay $7000 but the price is only $5600. Terms. RICHMOND DISTRICT $8000. 5 room and den, fireplace, built-in buffet, etc. Located 994 TibbetU at. Terms $500 cash and $36 monthly. Including interest. Now vacant and ready for occupancy. . S ROOMS AND DEN f $8150. Surely you can't resist this splen didly arranged .home. Finished just Uke a $10,000 residence. Of course. H has hardwood floors, built-in buf fet,, bookcases, fireplace, etc. Re quires $700 cash. It will be a down right pleasure to show you. JUST BETOND PIEDMONT $3000. Hera la a practically new home finished an white enamel. It has ' hardwood floors, fireplace, built-in buffet, cement basement, etc. Full 50x100 lot and no assessments to as sume. About $500 cash will handle. Tou can't resist this. (JET IN TOUCH WITH US AT ONCE. IT WILL BB A PLEAS URE FOB US TO SHOW YOU. WE HAVE SEVERAL AUTOS AND IT U OUR IDEA TO KEEP THEM MOVING. YOU WILL BE UN DER NO OBLIGATIONS. A. O. TEEPE CO., 284 Stark t. near Third. Main 8510. Branch office 60th and Sandy. (Open Sunday) Sundays and" evening phone Mr. Hlllier. Tabor 8285. Mr. Clayton, Tabor 9321. Umifliv a rnnm tinnealow. sleeping porch, basement, garage, fine lot of flowers, shrub kflPV mlWl herriaa: Hawthorne district, west of b room house." lot 50x100. improvements all In and paid; Richmond district, near canine 5 room cottage, lot 80x120: aU kinds of fiuit and berries, near carline; Woodstock dis trict, $1250. , . 4 room bouse, lot 80x100; Woodstock a I 9 nfl ... v terms. 6 rooms, lot 50x100; Albina district. $1800 11(1(1 MA.h 6 rooms, south of Piedmont car barns; $2300 00 cash. 801 LUMBER EXCHANGE. " ' ftoiiio 6 HTRianSoTfll and barn 1-24(10 12RO DOWN. BALANCE BENT Uood 6 room bouse, elect, and gas, white enamel nlnsubina. abundance of fruit and ber Ties, , cement walk, graded street and sewer in and paid; barn and chicken house. Oa East 7 lh St., 2 blocks to M Y cars, no mortgage so assume. See FRANK L. M Of IRE. ABINGTON BLDG.. To Buy Tour Home. Main 1068. HERE is one of the finest and well built bun galows in the Kenton district on Elmore t Afl -improvements in, such as paved streets and rvment sidewalks. The owner is a nnn-resident sad is forced to sell. The property can be bought for less than the bungalow cost. There are 2 lots with a bungalow. A quick sale must bo made of this property and less than $400$ )lil boy It. M J. Cloliesey. 416 Abington bldg. $250 Down $20 Per oMonti $2300 Total Price 80x100 Lot 7 Room House. Electric and Gas White Enamel Plumbing. East 65th at. Near 40th ave. See FRANK L. M GLIRE, Abingtoa bldg. To Hi'y Tour Home. Main 1068. FINE FLAT INVESTMENT ' Fine, practically new 8 fist building, every thing modern; all outside rooms. 7 porches; American hot water radiator system besides 2 separate furnaoes; corner lot, 1 block south of Hawthorne un E. 33d. garage with electric door ijnar. Ineome $80 monthly or 10 per cent g o. Price; $500. $4000 down, $50 monthly. K. B. Hystt. owner. 350 Alder st. $100 Down $2400 ( lose In Horns $2400 6 Room House on Interstate st. (Formerly Patton-ave.) near Fremont st. Ilose to Car; Sightly Location. See FRANK L. M'WUIRK, Abington bldg. To Buy Tour Home. Main 1068. 6 ,)ttoM home. irgeTlot $'J.0 CASH. ' " Eat 57th st. nesr Lincoln. Hawthorne ear; lot 50x120; fruit: lift painted: $2500. terms , m salt: move right in. JT. O. CORBIN CO., 805-6-7 LEWIS BI.DQ. 1 ' ALBERTA DISTRICT $27505 room bungalow, with attic, usual builtins, full cement basement, im provements in snd included in price. Terms. J WICKMAN CO . 314 Stsrk. Jlain 68. ilkklC is aa up-tidst house in-the NobHill ' district No. 655 Kesrnvy rt.. with 10 rooms, hardwood floors, fireplace, full cement basement; In fad, everything modern, and the price is only $0I0: $1000 cash is all you have to have. M. i. CLOHKHSY. 416 ABINGTON BLDQ. . . FOR SALE MT. fABOfi: : 'Kheenughly modern 7 room house, hardwood floors, built-in dining room and kitchen, down stairs bedroom and toilet, sleeping porch; IflOx '118, good variety fruit and flowers. 850 IS. 87th st,, wear Hawthorne, Owner, Tabor 408.' ; e liKHH is a 7 room house, modern and ap-te- . with m fHu w n b- 1 a.u , ' ta the Broadway brfclgs." that the owner 'desires io sen at a sac mice price. About 14000 is the . . ytiom. with a small payment down. U. J. Cio- 415 Abington hkls. TacanT (;.., uv a vortsa mooern aouse; strictly modern, k i , ' , cept bsrdwood floors. Terms. 60s ' . l" lot !-. 3. A; WIOaMAN CO.. 314 Stark. Mata $83, -' , - $175 CAMU '-.'. $147 West Bide, rvas.. bath, lightt, bate., ftaved Sts.. near Gihba atr. blk. car. Main 4801. v i... t OLDENBERG, ABINGTON f'V'- ":'. Tears in ' Portland.' : , i llIU SALS 1 OA'S 100. clear of inoumbranes: 10 . bearing, frart trees, gas,, water, eement base v . snsns snd sliacki ear Bt. J olios ear. ear ebons - r . snd ship yards, -'-Address or aaU- owner. 1T ' W tlnmboMt et,' - . 4 j HI&OASKtD. " Make aiv offer. . . A nms S.J' - modern house. 50x200,' ab 1213 GktdV stone aveu. Lota of fniiL Uust $4500. t)ut-e4-towa owner.- - :$ A. WU KMAX CO... 14 Stark. Msto 888, VoU want un.t Uuta vlaw rmrniHirv. mala new on Ilrt st aaoat Slat at - in , ' Uob Mill part ol the nfty. r at Jlha right prise, j eU in and inquire about, t his 'property. M J. f s'Miesey, 418 AMrgtoa bldg, T , ' - ' ,N KunjALtfrOO. 6 srerriu7asa, 4uil Lt,Uv ' uire. 81$ . aiC street, 77. 7 - HEAL -ESTATE FOB, SALE HOUSES MR. HOME SEEKER tart US help jroa find a homo. - I have- 4 good properties, all well located. ' (lTou 6209 cash. 25 per mo., including tax. at Satan lot. close In, rooms, ' toilet and batb and pantry. $2080 6 rooms,- Corner, paved street, sewer. $800 cash, bat $15 pernio. $3860 Fine 0 room cottage, modern, pared street, full basement, worm ssuuv, 8500 cash. $35 per mo. Close in. $2800 ft rooms, bath, pantry, full basement Lot 66x180. Z Dioct to car, eji. Johns district, $500 cash, baL to suit. C. W. BABB1NGEB 248 Stark st" Main 2558. STEP QUICK -' A GOOD SNAP $2650 TERMS $2650 TERMS 1298 GRAND AVE. NOHTH 1298 GRAND AVE. WORTH Modern & room- bunralow and sleeping porch. garage, bull tin effects lull basement, plumbing. elect no futures eomiflete, a Diora to canine. see this at osvb. ottt.t. tastr liberty, bonds. One block to cartine-r-Take Woodlawn or Tan- aassssab trt T-Ti.1 mm Vl eft PHONE OWNER. WOODLAWN 8911. $2900 VACANT MOVE IN $20O room modern noma. Al condition, close in on Cleveland air. near Beech; oa paved street, ail liens paid; 1 block to William ave. car; con venient to all shipyards; living room, dining and kitchen downstairs and 3 large light, airy bed rooms upstairs; full cement casement; in gooa neighborhood; price $2900; terms; immediate occupancy. Bee FRANK L. MctiUIKK, ABISU'run Luu., To Buy Your Homf Main lass. FOR SALE 4 room cottage, all conveniences. clean. 45x225 lots; 14x44 chicken bouse. lots of standard fruits and berries: roses and lawn; 10 blocks from carline Is only Inconveni ence. ML Scott car. Firland station; $101)0. About $800 down. Owner, 413S 74th St. tfE. HOUSES FREE Two good comfortable houses, five rooms snd hath, on 60' ft lot in improved district. 10 minutes from center of city. Owner must sacrifice. Will sell for value of lot.' houses free. A good home, a ffha investment. $3200 takes entire property, $600 down, balance like rent; half lot and one house on corresponding terms. 406 FENTON BLDG. Broadway 2922. WHY RENT When you can secure modem houses at these low figures r MontavlUa $1900 Sunnyside 2250 Richmond 2500 All close to ear. Easy terms. HERMAN M0ELLER. 1025 Gasco olds. Main 1480. $3250 REAL HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW 8SZDU IS mom attractive bunaalow. like new. full ce ment basement, laundry trays, furnace and fire place, electricity snd gas; white enamel Dutch kitchen, builtin buffet and bookcases; sleeping porch; price $8250; terms. Bee FRANK L. McGUIBE, AB1NGTON BLDG To Buy Tour Home. Main man. NORTHEAST PORTLAND a S.4500 HOME FOR 88250 East 10th near Ainsworth. Story and half; 6 targe rooms, floored attic; full cement basement, tarns fireDlace. hardwood floors, bookcases, buffet. furnace. 2 toilets, reception ball, library; east fwtfit PnttfUMMinn on the first. J. C. CORBIN CO., 305-6-7 LEWIS BLDQ, $250 DOWN $2250 FURNISHED BUNGALOW $2250 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 5 room attractive bungalow, like new, just painted, electricity and gas. white enamel plumb ing, fun lot; total price szzpu; zow uown. ow If BANK I McUUIKE, ABLVilU.1 BUlAt. To Buy Tour Home. Main 1068. IfaHT WinTT.REroXD AND THOMPSON Strictly modern 6 room home, sleeping porch. hardwood rioors, fireplace, run cement oasemeni furnace, all built ins.: east front, lot 60x100 At. atreet Hens included in the Dries of $3900; reasonable terms. Place now vacant. All Rose f?it nn-trm ear service. J. O. CORBIN CO.. 305-8-7 LEWIS BLDG. BARGAIN 3 lota and 6 room house, double constructed, lots fruit, close Fulton car, only $2000; $250 cash, balance monthly, 6 per cent $1000 takes 4 room bungalow, elec tricitv. gas. garage. Woodstock: $250 cash, bal ance monthly. $1000 boys 4 room cottage. 50x 100 lot, E. 76th, near Sandy blvd. ; easy terms. Cowlishaw, 21S Board Trade. East 03. $3500 Hawthorne, modern bungalow, 0 rooms. hardwood floors, fireplace, paved streets. 84 850 lAurelhurst. 7 rooms and garage. $2500 McMillen st. 5 rooms, walking diat. $1750 Ross St., 5 rooms, close in. $3800 San Rafael St.. close in. 6 rooms, 50x150 lot. paved St., 8 fruit trees. CHAB. RINGLER A CO:. 228 Henry bldg. COT HIGH COST LIVING $2700 H acre, 6 mom bungalow, 65th St.. fruit, garden, near school and car; terms. $4500 5 acres, 7 2d st.. ML Scott car. 6c fare, house, barn, fine land; terms. $3500 acre. Division St., 6 room house, 20 fruit trees: terms. $500 down. $25 month. CHAS. RINGLER CO.. 228 Henry bldg. $350 DOWN $15 PER MONTH $2600 E. ANKENT AND 29TH $2600 A 8 room substantial house, modern plumb ing, electricity and gas; 40x100; this is a pick sip: close In. See FRANK L. McGUIRE. ABINGTON F.T.DG., To Buy Tour Home. Main 1068. WAVERLT HEIGHTS CORNER Vacant, 6 room, modern, practically new; dandy sleeping porch, white enamel interior, hard wood floors, built ins. furnace and fireplace, ce ment basement, laundry trays. Sacrifice $3230, $500 cash, easy terms. JOHNSON. 212 LITMBERMENS BLDG. Broadway 1612 East 8421. IRVINGTON CAR $810 Owner going to war. 5 rooms, attic; inside finish very artistic, fireplace, buffet, ehina closet, bookcases, built-in writing desk, Dutch kitchen, furnace, stationary tubs, full cement basement. Shown by appointment only. Terms. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 814 Stark. Main 583. $1850 WALKING DISTANCE-r-$1850 Good 8 room substantial house, good base ment, modern plumbing, etc.; 50x82 foot lot; street ,i,n" Mlid; in K- 22d t- near E- Ple; price 81850: term. 8ee FRANK I McGPIRE, ABINGTON BLDQ.. To Bny Tour Home. Main 1068. S ROOM unfinished house, built far enough along to be lived in; with full sized lot; can be purchased for 1750, cash; any handy man can complete It nights and mornings; near street cars and school, and in good neighbor hood. Sellwood 1920. DO you want a 5 room enngalow only 8 years old, close in. on E. 48th and Belmont sts., for $2600 f $300 cash and the balance in easy monthly payments. This is a good property and very cheap. M. J, CLOHESST, 4 IS AB INGTON BLDG. . $2500 $300 CASH Grand are. snap, 7 rm. Majestic, appearing two st. home. Con v. to shipysrds and packing plant. G. C. GOLDENBERG. ABINGTON BLDG. "85 Tears in Portland." Main 4808. KENTON 2 ROOM HOUSE Has gas, electricity and several of the nicest rmlt trre. Thia is not a shack, but is a nice little comfasable home. 850 $250 CASH. BAL. MONTHLY SMITH-WAR-ONER CO.. STOCK EXCHANGE $750 Good 3 room cottage. 60x100. corner lot: Hawthorne ave.. 1 block to hard surface at.: lots of fruit and berries; easy terms. JOlINrttlN. 213 LCMBERMENS BLD6. Broadway 1612 East 8421. WEST SIDE Walking distance, 3 carlinea. 5 rooms and bath; neat little heme: good district; $3300, ia- rludine wtreet imnrovementa. J. C. CORBIN CO., 80S--7 LEWIS BtDQ. NORTH IRVINGTON Attractive cottage, 4 rooms and bath, electric lights, paved street paid for. Miust sell. Price $2000. Need money. Answer quick- Owner. P. O. box 855 or T-818, Journal. ONE 5 room buuaalow with eleenine norch. basement, garage, full 50x100 let. good ear service. Phone Marshall 867, or see owner at 7030 Blst ave. . E. $2200 6 SOOMS. batb, fireplace, corner, gar age. newly painted and tinted through out; l mock to ear. Terms. J A. WICKMAN CO., 314 Stark. Mam 883 EWGALOW. 4 rooms, modern, electric lights. gas, lovely bath, full cement basement. 5 Ox iuu lot: price elTUU. casn, 44 al. 18th. ftellwooq car. - THERE is tliat 6 room substantial hnuso. Mn 158 Russett St., tn the Kenton district, tor szaou. uo you want ltT M. J. Cloaessy, 415 ADington Diox. $16004 ROOM, modern house, imp. in and nalH: Reniiimx SaOfl m1 J. A. WICKMAN CO . 314 Stark. Main 883, anquar oeai isoor ess v. BARGAIN Urns rooms, furnace-, gas, . elee tneity. gavacei; worth 4S00 Win discount " ior eaiicc sa.'e,- nan cash. Need money E. loth NV. -Write owner. P. O. bor 8A5,Tr $1100 i to !.TOL!5uIiw? I months 2 LOT and $ room bouse for aalel 2 blerka "omi&?od!?,n r: $1200. At Jli Llb- F )K ftAIjJV- A 1MM RniiM .1u ft L... 1A.I k'A r'-2ILw:tila?a.H term to suit. Phoaa 11000 jjots 3 room bouse oa 14th at., near . ivhhj vaju. i Htara. ataia 883 FOR "ALE room house in aood condition' - nowera and fruit; ell kinds; 3150O; term. 1 1 9505 KOWMii. furnace, uraei built W carl f. r , -r-, wiitr; easy terms, . . I. A WJ-KMAN CO, 814 EtarlV Maia 583. AEAIj ESTATE JFOK SALE HOUSES 1 (5500 865O0 Willamette Heights, Ortainlv this la a fcarcaia (or a fine 7 room house, in perfect condition. Lot 50x100. Clear of incumbrance, $1000 will handle. Nothing on the west aids like it tot tb money. See Battin. ' ' -THE FRED Al JACOBS CO.. 104 Fifth st Mam 8. ! . tOTj OWE IT TO YOURSELF -BEFORE TOO BUT To see our Set of over 250 houses, with photo graphs, price) and full data. We bare nouses in ail Darts ol tne city, ail prices ana Terms, some reel barrsias. We never pad prices, the buyer' and seller know exactly what we are making. ' Autoa at your service. See FRANK L. M GlIHE, ABINGTOA UW, To Buy Tour Home. Mala 1068. CLOSE IN DIVISION ST. 4 mam knus. full basement. axeentionallT fine I Lrt fmit: tiM atut shrnhharv. aU hard snrfarw in I fcii paid, quick possession can be bad. Price I 81800. Easy terms.; Lot alone worth price we I are asking. O. A. WARRINEK RrTTER,. LOWE A CO. 203-6-7 Board of Trade 4ldg. MT. TABOR BUNGALOW at a bargain for this ' week only : 6 great big rooms on first floor, space to finish '4 more upstairs; strictly modern, all built-in convenience, including in stalled vacum cleaner, extra large lot, garage, etc., $3850 this week only; $1850 cash or Lib erty bonds. , Withdrawn from market after this week. 419 E. 60th., or phone Dr. HolUster, Main 4359. $2400 BANCROFT - ST. HOME $3400 5 room bouse, full cement basement, fur nace, elect, and gas, white enamel plumbing. Macadam st., sewer and sidewalk, all paid. 1 block to 2 carlinea. Convenient to shipyards. House in a-1 condition, tsee FRANK L. M'GUIRE, . ABINGTON BLDG.. To Boy Tour Home. Main 1008. MT, TABOR BUNGALOW A wonderful buy. 7 room modern bungalow. built-in buffet, Dutch kitchen, fireplace, den and 3 bedrooms, furnace and full size base ment; gronnds 100x100; free of incumbrance; price $3600; terms if desired. Riely A U lis ts f son, 905 Teon bldg. Mar. 1456. $6000 Property for $3500 10-room house, plastered, concrete foundation. 2 baths. 2 toilets, good garage, lot 50x100. paved street, sewers all In and paid for; near zota ana xnurman, west side, S170U casn. Bal ance to suit, irred w. Herman vo., 132 vnarn bet of Commerce. GO SEE 1240 Cleveland ave., biggest bargain in Piedmont; $5000 home for $3650. $500 cash, baL easy; this must sell; 2 story, 6 R., rec hall, music room: don t bother tenants: possession soon after 1st of month. For further particulars see Mr. Barr, exclusive agent, Broad way 81Z5, 605 Iiumbermens bldg. $785 OWN TOUR HOME $785 4 room cottage, patent toilet, and gas, 7ust east of Laurelhurst, 3 blocks to M-V car, close to Twoby Bros, shops. .Easy terms. See FRANK. L. MULlK-t;. ABIMGTON BLDG., To Buy Your Home. Main 1068. BARGAIN I BARGAIN I BARGAIN! 7 rooms, furnace, Dutch kitchen, builtins. gas and electricity, fireplace, and cement basement; on carline; szsou takee this with $350 down; liens paid. W. S. BADLET, 404 N. W. Bsnk Bldg. ONLT $5000 Beautifully located 12 acres, H mile from cement road, all in cultivation, fruit, modern 5 room bungslow, oak floors, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, large attic, fine barn. 12 miles from Portland., Sellwood 8588. PIEDMONT addition, modern residence 6 rooms. like new,"paveu street and all improvements paid, lawn and trees, z blocks to Jefferson high scoooi. l oiocx to ear; price auu; part terms; no agents. Owner leaving city. Phone Wood- lawn 242. BE one. purchasing property ootain a resort on its value and eonditiona. Get your money's wortn. ueasonaDie cnargee. MaeNaugbton 4k Raymond, valuation experts. Corbett bldg. Main Kit. FINE residence in Laurelhurst. $8500: also 7 room bouse. Rose City Park, paved streets, hot water heating plant, sleeping porch. $4000. Terms. Could use late model machine or houses. K-675, Journal. WOODLAWN rm. bungalow oa $2100 5 Terms. Oneonta st. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. Abingtoa bldg. We sccept Liberty bonds. BARGAIN b room modern house. 2 blocks from ear, full sue lot, for sale by owner; $1800; easy payments. Call Tabor 6816. 6814 46th ave. S. E. Ml Scott car. Crown ls rx station. IRVINGTON-LATJRELHURT Exceptional $8000 home, fine (condition. complete, touu. uaureinurst high class home. equal value. $4950. Quick sale, terms. East 01d. THE place you want, large old style house, fine nan Diocc, lencea, iinest iruit and nuts. Near school, car and Reed college. Will take some trade, some cash, rest terms. Owner, jaroaaway 101, or oeu. $2200 5 room modern bungalow, northeast Portland. 1 block to St. Johns ear; reason- bdis aown payment, remainaer like rent. J. W. Strut, palace hotel. Phone Broadway 1251. cilice stain oa.u. ATTRACTIV E U room bungalow on Overtook boulevard, has hardwood floors, furnace, fire riace, cement basement, ivory enamel finish. 10 certls of wood in basement; built by owner for I nome. wooaiawn 307, annay. or Monday. NEAR UOLUMBU PARK. PRICE $2100 $200 cash. $25 monthly, buys very neat, plastered bungalow, large porches, lot 65xJ12, splendid trees- Fred W. German Co., T2S umm. oi uom. FOUR room bouse, bath, pantry, attic, lot 75x lira, a oiocg from ear. cement walk. $1400. uniy izvu aown, szu monthly wi snout inter est. K. Irving st. MODERNIZE your building, all kinds of repairs. oee my uesigns tor new nouses. Max at. Meyer, architect. Concord bldg. Main S208. t ormeriy oupt. uregon tiome Builders. FOR SALE; 4 room modern bouse, gas and electricity, nrana new vara re. cbean for h 1015 K. 10th st. N. For information inmiir. ai itoiungnsm ave. ana isernara St., fark Koee. VACANT 2 room furnished house for sale: chicken park, fruit, ground 100x100. I7BO! terms. Woodstock carline. See owner, 808 Mala for7 TerJ centrally located, all furniture In st. Phone A-191S. Tabor 837 . eluded, very cheap, Irvington. . E. 278, Herdmaa. BT OWNER 3 5 room cottages in good Condi- Tien, improvements an in ; Laoerty bonds in 1 fnii t.kan- luiiaiw. n.n su i ,. I shall 4431. I ! UNIVERSITY PARK "" room piasierea nouse. touet. water, mi and electric lights, Dutch kitchen, lot 60x100; awi can, pai. uig. igiv ataven st. ROSE CITY PARK For mis at a sacrifice, and easy terms, donhla flat, large porches, garage. - For information pnone owner, stain viai. Don't Overlook This Bargain 4 room modera house, furniture and an . ex iqvu csbu. vwner. sasrsa. zsoo. ROOMS, all newly tinted, furnace, fireplace. ivuiivu, corner, garage, z diopes Wnod- mere station ; ready to move into; $2600; terms to suit, r Biooagooa. rsoor oit. MODERN S-room bungalow, far sale by own er; chicken park with runway, garage, fruit. trees. Price $2400; $400 down, balance like rent, call Taoor 03B. ONE modern house, 8 rooms; one 7" room, Hawthorne uist., and one comnletelv fnm. isnea o room, mcomona dist. Owner. 234 Front st., Sundsy call 412 Marguerite ave. & ROOM bungalow, fine condition, elegant lot aad location, among good hT"? improve ments in and .paid; price $2800; ter- Sell- wood sobs. - ' - - . PBETT Y 4 poom bungalow, full lot with fruit: 81400: part cash: remainder like rent. J. W. Strait, Palace hotel. Phone Broadway Kfli, isiiice saain oiiv. FOR SALEWEST SIDE- 10 room house, lot 60x50. cor. Park atwt Montgomery; must oa sout to settle up estate. Jonn Kyuer, executor. ZZ4 .'H st. $3375. Modern 6 room house on carline. Rich- mo oa gmnci; nsravooa iioors, turnace, cas range. Bee K. J. O NeiL Attv.. 717 . Board of lraae niog. . . ALL kinds bouses, in all parts of city, some big Bargains ana easy terms. . xa wash. st. t UUNISHED 5 room house; room In .attic for a nice rooms: close In near Buckman and Washington high;- $4300; owner. East 4148. STORE bldg. with living roams above to make : enic sate; zuu, worm suuu. owner, Tshor(4080. ' AH - . ,,.-'" ONE acre aad fiae' 7- room house, near Oregon City car Ask about il; price $2300. Sell WOOl SOBS, NEW house, never been occupied, walking dis tance ta anipyaros. si sow: only a7S down. Bee jjraper. jit fmiaoetpnia st,. Ht. Johns. r ; i vm ROSS CITY PARK - . New 5 room bungalow, ready tat more la. fnone -rapor- naze. ' -' MODERN bungaiow7 rooms. Uke new, - eear 1 ear $ 600 down, bat terms; price $2500. 1 sion.near Alberta ear, Paul Waidt, 1257 Bel Owner, 6 E, PavW - - ?7 raoot st. Phone Tabor 121 g. - VOLSE and hit for sale, $1400. by owner, oa Nebraska and Maeadam sts.. South Porthuul. sair petaimt, t jeweler. z H Alder et. BT - JOHNS Complete 3 - room buncalow. n : , AAA L. n , M A , . I rim tivgv wo. iiv o. riKllsOB. TWO houses, 4 rooms each, $1000i ' 8200 - . wuwn.- ow,n,, bi i nriiry oiog. .--.. .. SALE OR TRADE 5 room bouse aad barn? r eorv"5 65xi0.' Sellwood 1603. 5 ROOM bungalow, bor 854 5. 26T E.' 4'9th.' . Phone Ta. MhMahtU1T874mPWed-t Capit"1 FOR SALE 5 room - house and lot r Fulton ; ' Park- $lO00."terma.. ' Owner. Kat 082. - ltl-TEUiiS, by owner; Bo mortgage. tGood . 4 room cottage aud batb -Sahog 1 40? , 'RE Alt' ESTATE FOB. SALE HOUSES "il ALAMEDA $8500 Brand new. some class, and aever been, occupied; will give liberal terms. ' C1TX fAttri ; $10.500 'A dandy ssas oa Ross City's mast beantiful view point; terms. - BUSfi, CITX PARK, v "V"-' 112.500 -A wonderful bunsraiow. modern ta the dot. and 100x16 ft. around, beaatifalb landscaped; has . lake, fountain, talis and other attractive features; garage with living -rooms above; will eoa&ider $3000 dear property, $3000 cash, balance terms. ; FOSTER ROAD . 81850 Dandy 5 room boase with good attic: would consider good auto or Liberty bonds. 1?350 Splendidly located and semi-modern. 5 rooms; your terms. WAvERLEIOH HTS. $2850 Splendid 5 room cottage la beautiful street: terms. PIEDMONT BUNGALOW $2750 1 block Union ave.. ecoeeeibUt to Vancouver ana wooaiawn ear ones, dodo vevm; 8300 cash to handle. ROSE CITT $3500 A little beauty, with all conveniences; look this up. ROBE CITI $35009 room modern house, setne bay. and $1000 will handle. ROSE CITX $5500 A beautiful corner with strictly mod ern bungalow house, a sure winner; terms. ERNEST WELLS, 620 Henry ldg. neural . f!AW OITK IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 60x100' and modern 6 room house with fine garage, all improvements in; look at this; 459 L. 11th W. . Price $5600; can arrange terms. Cleveland Ave, 60x100 and 4 room bungalow, modern; lots of good fruit trees. Price $2400; can arrange acme terms. sMBOBI 72d and E, Burnside 8. E. corner, being No. 24 East 72d; mod ern 2 storv bouse and- BOxlUU lot. xnis as a snap. Price $1700;. terms, $200 down, balance uke rent. E. Irving St, 50x100 and 6 room modern homo, has gar age; just newly painted throughout; in line shape. Price $3600. This Is cheap. Look at tin. 883 E. Irving st. Tffl -LOAN I have plenty of private money to loan at 6 and 7 per cent. EDWARD P. MALL, 809 Chamber or , Jom. V To be sacrificed at onoe. 6 and 6 room. Mod ern, for only $2600. Just think of It, $1300 each. Hard surface street in ' and paid, sewer connection, in fine location, high and sightly. This bargain win only last for short time. $700 down win nandie it. rnone wooaiawn as so. John B. Matthews , " 27th and Alberta sts $3200.00 $3200.00 Hawthorne Bungalow 5 rooms and large attic, full cement basement. fireplace, furnace, built-ina, lot 60x100; streets all improved and caid in full. Corner lot. in a fine neighborhood. Call and let me ahow you this bargain. Call R- M. Stavsa. Mais 6869 THE FRED A. JACOBS CO. 104 6th st. -ROSE CITY PARK NIFTT BUNGALOW An attractive little home. Full lot, nice lawn. naved street, choice location, close to K. C. car. west of hill ; 5 rooms and attic, fireplace, famacs. haidwood floors, buffet, Dutch kitchen, etc. Dcn't fail to see this at once. Only $3350 and remember, street improvements all paid. Abso lutely as represented. Main 1902. or Tabor 7552. No agents, please. $2650 $450 DOWN 5 room bungalow on 100x100, only half block to Parkrose, car and pavement, and just outside city limits. Modern plumbing, fireplace, built in effects and attic Chicken houses. This ' is a real bungalow, brown stained rustic and attractive. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 1 1 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 208, A-2050. SIX rooms, near 26th and Yamhill, electricity. gas. full cement basement, good place and cheap. $3300; terms. 5 room cottage. Taylor and E. S2d; elec tricity, gas, basement, improved street. An op portunity. 82100. $500 down. Tabor 1811. w. M. Bawtell. DO TOU want an up-to-date bungalow of S rboms with all the built-in conveniences. 1 block from the carline? This is practically a new oungalow, with an attractive features. The price is. only $2000. and it doesn't have to be all cash. Good term will be . given for a large part of the purchase price. M. I. Clobessy, 415 Abingtoa bldg. BungalowRichmond District 6 rooms and sleeping porch, hardwood floors. fireplace, aU builtin effects, Dutch kitchen, full eement basement, wash trays, block south car line, easy, lovely home; 82990; terms. Take Liberty bonds. 643 E. 80th St. FOR SALE By owner, 6 room modera house, good condition, furnished, partly furnished or unfurnished ; high, healthful location; good view of mountains; 2- blocks from ear line; excellent car service ; plenty fruit aad berries; leaving city, must sell at once; teams if desired. 114 E. 70th. Mt. Tabor ear. HERE is a snap. 2 houses on 23d si., near Thurman, with a full hit. for only $4500. This property Is capable of bringing In good income on the investment. It is oa the west 1 side snd the lot alone should be worth the money. M. J. Clobessy. 415 Abington bldg. MODERN 5 room bungalow, hardwood floora, Irood basement, garage, fine location : 1 new ? room' n"rowoo? V00 eTer .convenience. lurnace, garage, spienaiu joceuon; x a room z SUNNYSIDE 8.W--MOYK RIGHT IN . .'""j u. builtins. caa. stectncity. full cement basement. large attw Qoored. line location, III blocks car, iz minutes out; lot soiau, nut real oar gaia; improvements paid; term. Tabor 6559. BRAND NEW IRVINGTON BUNGALOW large rooms and garage, ivory finish, oak floors. papered and decorated throughout, Dutch kitchen. breakfast alcove. Bee it today, owner oa prem ises from 2 to 5. No eommisioa paid. 489 E. 15th st. N. . B. Turner (Builder). FOR SALE Modern 4 room bungalow, sleep ing notch, glassed and screened: hot water heat, garage, nice lawn with ahnrba; price 82500: 5500 cash, or liberal discount for all cash; 2 blocks south of Rose City Park car. 176 Shv I kiyou. FOR BALE two houses near Miss. ave. ear. one C-mom modern 75x100. imp. paid; $1800. One shack, beautiful $50x100. $500. easy terms. oa both. Liberty bonds first payment. Uail 1645 Miss. ave. ROSE CITY PARK 886 E. 46th K., 5 rooms, newly papered, I white enamel woodwork, builtins, garage. 335 E 41st N., 7 rooms, both south of Sandy blvd., modern. E. 2871 or Main 8914. TO CLOSE AN ESTATE SELLWOOD. near park, large tot. 5 room bouse, hard surfaced street all paid; $1400 for quick action, couu casn. siast xhtx. DOVE GARDNER, 410 Board of Trade. 6 jROOMTbrand new colonial sty Is home, corner lot 60x100. 1 block north- Rose City car at 62d st. ; fireplace, bookcases, hardwood floors snd Dutch Kitchen. wiu sell on easy terms. direct from owner.- ' vpen today. $500 wilIThaNdle shipyards, railroad shops. . Must seil account leav ing city. Pbene Wooaiawn MODERN ft room bouse. Lot 50x160, $3500 or more around it wanted, tooted mo. 16. ic sad street,: near Stark. See it aad write to Box $.88, Rout A, fort la na or uresnsm. rnone Mala g 69 8 ROOM BOUSE, partly furnished, -fruit and ornamental trees, corner mt, 100x102: cost $5000; will sacrifice for $3508, Phoaa Wdln. test. -- - y ; -- ONE HALF acre with - house, ' at Oak Grove station. Plenty of berries of ail kinds, best soil in Oregon . Very- cbeap, by owner, Tabor , DO YOU WANT A HOME I : 8 room house, full lot. hard Paved street. Bear high and grammar schools. Not far from ship. ; ysros ana ear -enops. jerme. , wooaiavra room cottage with bath end pantry, street ; imrtreveeaents paid. $400 cash; tar Sir ance. Phone Woodlawn 4384. li'OO -10t down, $ 15-. per month, fine 8 room -bouse, lot. WXinq; immediate r 1 Acre, 5 room- modera bungalow, basement and attic: all city conveniences; 83730 terms. Owaer. - Tabor 9454. - -- :.-.- 3&KD- Ky awner, rooia hutike, strtotly mod- rn. LmtcB kitchen end other buiit-ia effects. full cement basement, -furnace and garage. . 25 I. Tlst s.:N. '-'M-V."eaT! --. '-..-r----. .-i -. $3000 $500 eah;: beautiful 4 room-modern bungalow, full basement,, foresee, , elegantly finished. lo 60x111, fruit. and berries. Tabor OREAT BARtvdl, be .4 sitt. iVea anvona wanlHie a fine modera S taou house: iliia la km Port- sand tuagtita. with splendid slew, - and located oa fine 'A block.- Call owner, Maia 2471. BY OWNER -2 6 room eottagea, loU lOlSxlOO; 200O each. $930 K. 44th gtv ScU. 1385. REAti ESTATE - . FOB. HAL K HOUSES 1 ! -OPEN SUNDAY - FALLS CITY MORTGAGE COMPANY 617-619 Chamber of Commerce Bids. Between Sd and 4th la Stark. Phoaa saaia S71S $100 Cash 8 room bungalow, laxn woodshed, oa U acre of ground, fenced: chicken runs:- all kinds of iruit and Demos; about 19 minutes from ear I line; a beauty; price $1500: the balance to I stut yon. ,- - $200 Cash S room buasalaw oa 2 lots. 2 U blocks to I school and 1 Sk blocks to ear Una in Woodlawn; street graded and sidewalks: all sssss sments Da id: prioe only $1200;, any terns you want oa the baianca. $250 Cash 4 room eottaae near Bt. Johns ear Rao oa a beautiful lot. with aU kinds af fmit aad ber ries; price $1250, and the baianca very easy; this place has a garage. $250 Cash 4 room bunaalow. modern, and garage. Bear ear: a anao at $2000. bat the owaer will sell it today for only $1750. and you caa pay the Balance any way yoa like. $250 Cash 7 room modern buncalow. about 10 minutes' walk to car; block to paved street, on 2 fine lots; fruit and berries; fenced: prioe $2000. ana terms to suit. $500 Cash.. Tour choice of 2 bungalows near the Frank lin high school; 1 baa a furnace and the other 2 line lots, ail set to fruit; easy terms. $250 Cash 6 room bungalo, fireplace and all built-in features imaginable: only $2100. and terms oa the balance to suit you. $300 Cask 5 room bungalow, on 2 lots, chicken runs; this is a beauty and can be bought for $2100 and terms to suit you. FALLS CITY MORTGAGE COMPANY 617-619 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Between Sd and 4th in Stark. Phone Main 8718. OPEN SUNDAY $100 Cash 4 room bungalow. 89th and Lexington. Price 3110O. $200 Cash 6 rooms, lot 48x100; E. 7 2d. :sy monthly payments. $300 Cash 4 room up-to-date bungalow: basement, almost new; good buy. $300 Cash Pries $1600; good eement Price $1750. T room house, good condition, elans to Albina slops. Price, $2206; easy terms. $500 Cash - 6 room house, on Morrison street between S8d snd 84.h, It's a bargain. Only $1800. See Miss V 1 1 trees. - The Fred A, Jacobs Co, 104 feth st. Main 6869, $1300 $800 cash. 6 rooms, modern, oa hard soy face street. Balance easy. 830OO $300 cash. 8 rooms, modern, corner Linn ton. Balance monthly, per cent. S1400 H acre, 4 room house, fruit and berries. $200 cash. $4250 6 rooms, modern, corner lot, ws Iking distance. Terms. Many 'More bargains. I LAYMAN. 147 Park st To be sacrificed at onoe. S and 6 rcoma. Mod ern, for only $2600. Just think of it, $1800 each. Hard surface street in - and paid, sewer connection. In fine loesuon. nigh and sightly. This bargain will only last for short time. $700 down wut nandie re rnaae wooaiawn savs. John B, Matthews 27th and Alberta sts. $2500,00 i $2500,00 Montavll a Bunea ow 6 rooms and large attic, fireplace, electric lights and gas. basement and laundry trays; lot ."0x100; terms are $800 cash and balance to suit, say about $25 per month. Call R. M. SUysa. . Main 6869. THE FRED A. JACOBS CO. 104 5th st. $6500 SWELL Laurelhurst home for sale, or will trad equity for small bungalow. If yoa are. looking for a home of any prioe. sue or in any locality $8500100x100 lot, residence, stable, fruit. street assessments paid; fine view, west side. Part cash. 481 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE $2300 $2300 6 room house'ia excellent condition ; the -ex- penditure of a very little money on thia home will place It in the $50OQ class. Buy yourself a home: save rent and make money on year in vutment. lou can do it with this property. Ask about .terms on thia place. See Taylor, with TxlJS isU A. JACOBS tu. 104 5th st. Main 6869. iOMETHIKC Mil" HAWTHORNE DISTRICT (10x100 and strictly modern 7 room home, all built-in effects; furnace, fireplace, hard surface street; modern in every detail; Z blocks from ear. Look at thia, 329 E. 89th st. near Hawthorne. Price 85500, can arrange terms. EDWARD P. MALL. 309 Chamber of Com. 7 THREE BRAND NEW ' " BUNGALOWS One 0 room, fine corner; owe 8 room and garage: one 7 room- fall cement base meats. fireplaces, hardwood floors, best materials through out, lust tmlshed and ready to move Into; bay direct from owner and builder and save agent's com missions aad contractor's profits; bargaia prices and on easy terms. Owner on premises 10 a. ra. to 6 p. m. today; Nos. 2704. 2720 snd 2728 E. 43d st, block from Richmond car. stocks sootn or m vision at. in 4a. YOU'LL ' MAKE MONE? ' if yon buy this: 2 blocks to St. Johns car and shipyards 5 lots 50x100 each and good 8 room house, modern except beat, all kinds fruit; yoa caa buy thia for $2975 and need pay only $500 down, the tots alone are worth $500 each; don t miss tnts, trs a wonderful nargaia. COB A. M'KENNA A CO., Marshall 4522. 82 4th St., Board af Trade Bldg. Office Open Sunday. ROSE CITT BUNGALOW 6 rooms and bath, nine lawn, fruit trees and shrubbery, 1 block from Sandy bl& on 71st su Price $2500. Terms. C. A. WARRfifER RITTER, LOWE A" CO. , 203-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. HERE is a nice place in Sellwood. An up-to-date 5 room residenee, with full cement basement. only 2 blocks from the carline, and with this residenee go 2 full Iota. No better home can be found and the price Is very low. Call and inquire about this place. M. J. Ciobessy, 418 Abington bldg. , ' nnT'-gg si.-A Htxf. fvr-a ' 4I9HA 4' lota snd 2 bouses in good location. Port land: both hem-es need nm, repairs; win sell either house and 2 lota for 81250.. small pay ment down, balance like rent; yoa can t neat thia. LUEDUKXAA Jt SJUMTAN X, ' 13 Chamber - at Commerce,' KOBTK MTI TABOR. $22506 rrnsi bath. firepUce. lot 60x100. Terms. - GEO. T. MOORE CO., Abingtoa bldg. - We accent Liberty bonds. EXCELLENT 6 room California bungalow" . - a a w-v a. . B. aia. 1 tl aa sleeping porch, dea. Dutch kitehea. all kinds eenveniencee and built-in effects, near KUnngs worts sia - nomi e-vw. v - - ate aale. Good terms. Wdln. 1848. . i- t i m m irt m'l inn i , ,ii i FOR SALE Seven room house and sleeping - porch, modern, corner lot svxirw, ootn streevs paved, asseesmeaU all paid. Richmond district, sw block from car. $1000 cash. $2500 snort- gage. Owner, Bell wood 3C44. llllr1 aa and T modera banes. ear. Montana and Webster sta. $$700, about I 1500 down and $20 saenta after, loa rit IVwaaieree. goos smaer, inuv a hama far 81800. 5 rooms and nice lot. in walking distaace of the abip- yarda, : $80O cash, the bahusoa $20 a month, at. V. aoS-Carbett bWg. , Tirngg. vm bnnealoe with $5x80 ft, let for C800. $150 cash, balanea $20 to S A it fUrrtiett hMc. - - - nth. M- E. ONE HALF acre, fine soil, close in, west aidSJ city water and gas, for $700. $50 dowa. $10 a mouth. M. E. Lee. 806 Corbett bg. $1400 buys a large house, corner lot; walking i..- h .hjtnraeda. SIOO aoem. BZQ a sneath. M. Lee. $06 Oorbett bkhx.; w in' 't-'.L uuiu a noa oor, iuu ammm meat, near St. Jabas car.. $1000, Beaionsbla terms. Wdln. 1W48. . - , XSBO Pav .like " lewt. 4 -sworn house, full sot; 823 71st n-sr w6d eve-,' Mt, ,BcwU.cai. i phoue Main 43 EAT, ESTATE YOB 8ALK-HOC8EST "41 $700 $15 Per Month Down Payment $1 00 . 8 room eottaae. 60x100 lot. 2 blka. from . Woodstock e-nt. $1050 $18 Per'Month Down Payment $150 4 mom house, lam lot. basement. 'aoaee fruit trees. $1400 $18 Per Month Down Payment $150 6 rooms, close to 8. P.. shops, aa mac adam street; all aaseasmente'paid; house Beads a little repairing but livable bow. $1400 $25 Per Month Down Payment $150 Good room bouse: earner let; alee yard: two block from MU Soott earUae. $1600 $25 Per Month Down Payment $200 Two lots 80x120 feet: good four. room Bouse, 2 blocks from ear. $1700 $20 Per Month Down Payment $150 6 room bungalow. 2 blocks from car. $1750 $20 Per Month Down Payment $150 5 room bungalow, oa carline; lot 6 Ox 100. $1750 $2Q Per Month Down Payment $150 6 room bungalow, wonderful view; 1 block from ear. $1800 $20 Per Month Down Payment $150 S room bungalow, Dutch kitchen; block from ear. $2000 $20 Per Month Down Payment $200 New 0 room bungalow: full eement basement; near car; lot 60x100. $2650 $25 Per Month Down Payment $200 Modem 6 room bungalow; hardwood flora ; basement; 2 blocks from Boss -City ear. $2650 $30 Per Month Down Payment $300 Strictly modern 5 room bungalow; built ta features; bookcases. Just off car line. $3000 $30 Per Month Down Payment $400 One af the neatest and most modern 6 room bungalows la the city. Bee Petesson with THE FRED A, JACOBS CO, 104 $th st. Mala 6869 HOUSES FOR SALE 7 room house with full basement, 81st street S. E $2500. Will trade for small improved acreage. 8 room, lot 76x118, East 30th and East Washington streets, furnished; $3750. $1000 cash. 8 room house, full basement; lot 40 xlSS. Woodlawn, $2500. 6 room house, full basement. East 22d street, near Clinton, lot 40x60, fur nished. $2000. ' t room house, lot 60x140, East 96th street; garage, chieken bouse, fruit and berries, $1100; $400 cash. 4 room house with sttia and full base ment; lot 80x126. Woodstock; $1830. $250 cash. 4 room, chicken houses, fine fruit and berries; lot 100x340; $1500; half cash. A, W. Lambert & Sou Southeast cor. Grand ave. and E. Alder; St., Poruaad. Oregon. Hawthorne District eery neat 3 room house, completely fur nisbed, oa 50x100 lot; good location, $1200. J terms. I 7 room nouse ana' sleeping . porch, double 1 constructed, cor. lot, in good location; $2600 on terms, or win sacrifice lor casn, Over H acre. 6 room boose, on paved sr., 3 blocks from carline, beautiful yard and shrub bery, $3000, $600 cash, balance easy. 5 room modern bungalow, furnace, fireplace, fall eement basement, 3 blocks from Woodstock ; $2500. $500 cash, balance terms. P, M. Madden Realty Co. 1028 Hawthorne ave. Tabor 9855 ON Portland Heights is a 10 room modera, high class residence with a iota. The view at perhaps the finest to be had. There are double sleeping porches, two veraadae. hardwood floors. white enamel woodwork, full concrete basement. large garage. la. fact, everything connected with this place Is sll that could be desired. It is on Myrtle st. All we ask is a fair offer and that can be away under its value as this place la to be seM without any quibbling. M. 1 viooessy, 41 a ADtngton Dldg. $2500 $26lFDOWN ONE BLOCK TO THE RIVER 2 SOUTH OF BROADWAY S roam good substantial bungalow type borne modera plumbing, electricity and gas, on Mc Millan st. 1 block east of the river snd 2 south of Broadway. No .mortgage or hens. Total price $2500. See FRANK L. M'GUIRE. ' ABINGTON BLDQ, To Buy Tour Heme. Main 1068. ALBERTA CAR $2400 FCRNISHE5 5 room bungalow, modern except neat, full eement basement an furniture, rugs, stoves. dishes, cooking utensils everything goes with place for $2400, and $650 is all you need pay down; take our word for .t, thia is a good buy. COE A. M KEN 3 A W. ' Marshall 483. 82 4th St. Board of Trade. Office Open Sunday. $3600 Bungalow for $3200 o Founts and attic, near 4 2d and Hawthorne, lot 60x100, paved street included in price, sev eral fruit trees. Poor health is the reason lor selling. Wilt sell furniture. 1243 E. Madiaoa. Doa't disturb tenants. Phone Maia 4882. Osa give aossesstovl soon. 640O cash peyment ! VACANT BUNGALOW. PKICK 81 SOW r 2X0 DOWN. $16 PER MONT Five room attraefive tssngalow. WhiU enamel plumbing, asset, snd gas. stove t today. Woodstock ear. nee ' WO 1VK . HHUUE. ABLStillil SLiS, Te Bny Tear Home. Mala 1068. NEAR JEFFERSON HIGH EAST TERMS 7 rooms, hardwood floors, fi fun eement f a-i1M,t eloea to ear. good I l,1s C A. WARRINEK RITTER, LOWE A fW. 208-8-T Board of Trace put. GO TODAf, 1604 Wasco tt7 furnUbad hnnemlowr move ta: 88200. biggest bareahs fe PortlaadV $400 cash; Urge 5 B. .bnaaw besets- ful lawn, fir trees, rosea, ate., sji te S4ZUO asoo eaah. Barr Broadway 8125. Ca :H.n aa 60th st. tbea aecth to Wuca. A blk i east to 104. t - PKNINHCLA BUNGALOW A fl,.,ilM,. lMllt-ln MnimywM ,mi basesaeat. jew feet frma hsrd sarfhee; two blocks from carline. Pnea 51 boo. 4 h a- W1SSMLS RITTER. LOWE 208-5-7 Board of Trwdi bMg. tag (10 5 rm. baagalow s bangs low 1 acre land. witbia 1 blk. Hawthorne ear. blka, transits high school. . am T.-Jiwtui iv.. 'ingtoa bklg. - 'V We accept Liberty ads. I Itzuv iasm a sown sswe si a. aoseay st, J aear" 1 8th ; fine wmdit. f urnaee, iueplaea, I banrweod floors, full eement - i aiwl sM . Itlu. sill sua vvi A ;OOD t -rocra, bouse oa 0x100 lot Call - 894 ADMaa ave. PhoMe WsMkswa 2698 2000 Bungalow; Rosa C ahtnet; Unas. Owner, Xabog 8S35. -V HEAL ESTATE FOB BArlBTtSSS 1 .Beautiful. Bungalow - B-i-sp: B a rg a i n : y . . . j : ' , - A borne- upon the bra, only 2 blocks frusa Broadway . ear: iarao ." grounds lOOxlOO, fiae - shade trees, garage; room bungalow, modern ia every respect,' hardwood ' floors, fireplaces, eement basemeaW furnace, laundry trays; thav is a snap at $5800, don't fail ta see it; key at oar office; glad " to show it aay time;, terms. . h V. VT. Jordan, with Inside Property Dealers, Ground floor, Henry baUding. ' MarshaU 882. Irvington District My beautiful borne, all furnished, at bis aacrmee; go took at R. sua Kaet 28th at. North. Between , 2 aad 6 p. m. daily thia week. rooms i and Bleeping porch, hardwood rioora ana stairs mrouga Bouse, living rm furnished with mahogany, furniture. Turkish ruga, etc., dining room quarter aawed kitchen, gas and wood range, furniture and dishes: basement, laundry, gas range, etc.. halls and bathroom complete; pink bedroom, cine sa ltan walnut complete; . blue bedroom, blrdssie maple, complete. Drown room, completely fur nished, all rooms: ' inotade springs, mattress. rs. pictures, araoeneev curtains, etc. Thia bouse is completely furnished. Price snsOO, memoing- everyurmg. rnone tbdot 4 ins. Need a Home? We have bungalows snd houses at sU prices ana in ail pans or tne city. ONE "AMPLE WTTT BEST PART OP ROSE CTTT Complete, attractive. 5 r. bnneakrw. fire place, built-in conventewes;, HOT WATEB HEAT, garage, full lot: price only 88750. K E. DAHINO. TJnioa Safe Dep. Co., 284 - Oak. S ROOM PAIATIAL HOME Modern in every detail. Not a stooe Tnv tnrned in making tie most desirable, eoaven ieat. cheerful, comfortable place. Ton could. In good grace, invite the president of the United States home to tea with voa. To be sacrificed for as 850. phone Wdla. 4801. JOHN a MATTHEWS. Cor. 87th aad Alberta St. I $750 TARH flCTS if 83880 HAWTHORN"! SNAP 8J8S0 8 rm. cor. bungalow with fireplace, music rm. tmffet. 1). K.. gas and elect., r. a. best. rm. for garage neatlv tinted and naintad. worth 88730 bow. Should sell oa sight; none bet ter for the money in this diet. On Salmon st. bet, 2 eartrnea. Ms1" G, C. Goldenberg 215-18 AMngton bldg. 10H 84. 8300 Pown 82A Per Month 81B0O Total Prioe Walking Distance 4 Room Modem Bungalow Like New fry Attractive Lines Paved Street la aad Paid 8 Blocks West of Lasrelharst East Couch at ' See FRANK L. WOTJIRE, Ablvetoti bids. To Bny Tour Hmw. , Mam 1088. I- !a D 208 rumiiure DWKwazv u 100 assorted Heaters $1.85 Mid up. Cook Stoves $8.50. Range $12.0. Oss "eaters 81.88. Gas Ranees $12.80. Electric Heaters e K ra TMitfe Tahles 88.60.- Chairs $1.25 Rocker $2.76. Ire Beds 81.78. Springs -- a 1 Cowhaa 11 In Rmn. 9x12 12, Dressers $8.78. BUiret aia.eo, sunnsra $14. Hall Seat $4.89. Also assortment of bet ter grade. See large yellow tags. tUSflft BTTNOALOW. V ACRE K nini wutdans bvjncalow.'. fall eement baae- ,.t lamulr tveva. furnace and fireDlace. eke- tricity and gas, white enamel plumbing. 2 blocks ta ear. 6a fare; yea raa keep chickens, ducks end a now and raise an yoar veaewiiaa; s very attractive baBgalosr, almost new FRANK L. McGTTIBE. ABINTOW BI.IW To Bav Your Home. main sue a, Hardwood Floors 1 3 S AO Elegant 8 rm. tmngalow on Tfbbetts st. clou to: an exceptional , offer : eontatne an the built-in eon v.. fireplace, buffet, bookcases. Renins- norch: newly painted aad in excellent state of reneie: terms srrsnred. Q. IT. GOTjPKNHF.RR, AB1UTU HU"I. "85 Tears in Portlsnd." , Main 480$. 11900 SELLWOOD HOME $10w a knna. eieetrirltv and ni. white efiam- el nlumbins. 1H blocks-to Sellwood ear in Bid well st. : full lot. 8 bearing fruit trees (sold fruit thH year,, grape, oernea ana itowers; price 19f0: handles. FRANK L. MrOTTRE. ABINOTOJf H7J.. To Buy Yonr Home. stsiw iwow. Hawthorne t tttmeatciw. in frrst rlass reet- . int vindaAs and ' furweee : bailt. In featnrea: TOII eewienr. Mrw-t im an this at once r""- -ewn "wi cw win handl- . Kiss V-e wtn THK FRED A JAtlina 104 Rth st. Msln awna. "100x100 AINSWORTH AVENUE HOME Price 82800 Terms wr anhetanrial home. 0 rooms: electricity and gas. modera prnmbine. concrete basement; M block: near E. lotn aaa aravsna ave.; toss FRANK!- MeGrTRE, ABINGTOIf BLtW.. To Buy I orrr nome. asis iwi, vTcTNTrwEr5f : $1600 LBERTA HOME. $1800 8 room sabstaatisl home, basement, batb. toilet, elect, snd Ts: no Dene ee aortgase. Pr1e lno. sion oewa, sxw per mowua. 1086 K. 11th N.. near AiDerta. ee PRANK L. M'GUIRE, ABINGTON ftLW.. Te Bay Tour Home. Mail 1168. MOVE IN TOMORROW 6 ROOM HOUSE. 82250 I99K h; rov. elect, mrhra. amah trays. basement, good cement wafts, art paid: else room bona, modern. siww aiow.ewso. is- aeatigate Monday. Miss Sloeomb, S24 Henry bldg. Main T268. Bwnasy. Mate 1016. $2600 VACANT BUNGALOW $ 2 600 a tla awv mssslaw tme home, raa cement basemeat, eleetrlcHy aad aaa, watte ea---l in.Mii. earaee: neved Street paid: 1 block to Sellwood car: $$00 vein handle See FRANK L. MeOrntE, , AJU-Hiu.-v "i.m.. To Bny your nome. FOR SALE BT OWNER t n, Kne. a lwiilmums aswbat rooas. baas. hnte living room, firepiaee, beasned eefflng tri both living sad 4inlng rooms, white eaaateled kitchen and pantry, till eement basemeat. wash trays, lot 50x100. 2 blocks from Hawthorne ear. 964 Stephen. MODERN 6 room boose in good roaditkm. witfn wainrre isttnri rrom otssineas oenier, only 82850. This win be business pnvnevty ta a few years. m r.. i nn st . mm ion. tot 80x100. Fred S. WUllsms. 92 M it st ; RfTiE CTTT LINE. 62800 8 rm. bangalow, fine attis. 1st 80s 100. 1 btk. off savement. 4 blks. ear.. Coss- pleterv furnished for $8000. Term. GEO. T, huvhs W.. ADingwn ptua. We accept Liberty bonds. KENTON CAR B room bunaalow aad - attw. mm ber for nV.irfrte vjerrh. and 8 aords at wood. Pries 82500. 6500 eash. $28 per metttb rncUsdlng interest Johnson -Dodsoei Cov, 694 N..W. Bank bldg. - $1200 Artistic Bungalow $1200 ' 4 Ttooen California Bungslow, With Oarage Fan Lot Shrubbery., etc On FrankHa st aear K. 30th. Price 1200. Terms. See FRANK U M OUraE, Abington bide. To Buy Tear Home. Mata 1006. fr TOU CAST BENT LOOK AT THIS "a ear altractlve 2 toom modera how-e. 4 Mocks from esrline. situated la Tevraea Park. 2750. tenfas 3 eaah. aeauace 930 sea m terest mnathty, . Pborss Moadav. Breed way T5 r eB during week. - 104 10th st -- , .- -A BASOAIN la Mflwaakie: 5 , teeea eottaae laree let. cement walk, paved street, gas, elee trie Sgbf, Bull Ban water, close to new sehnnl; what mere do yeas want fer amly $16001 Par? eaah. Call East 7969 Buaday er East-125$ week days. . ' . BEST bay to city. & room baagalow. HawUserne ear. rkrw te. bard sarfaeed streets fpaidt', 80x100 1st Price 82280. As leer, as S85A ess. bleee per wiooth. Joaastiri-Uoosow ua.. use W. Bank bMg. - 5 B. MobRN" COTTAOB-TjbaO ' Danclv. saodera. 2 atory. faS eeai.nU bse meat- wash trsva.rarilsee. ebwoet new essd h rirst dae eeewiftwn. 41 a easb, 2 wv mo R. Y. F FMXTrTK. 8Q AMngtfW, Wg. . '- UODCnX Vn RI NGAIXIW $$730 ' Fan oostovete buewiewt fa mace, fn-enlae. 4H 10A in, street iwipts. all ta aa4 paid, $50P cash:. $83 rv wwi - .. . . R. r. FEWMBTTTI. 8"9 Ansngtnn TJlrtg. , . ;,'6-RESIDENT OWKEsV . 4 ' $2350, 6 room boaee, aaeed stveartv floe dis trict, wear City View park aad S-W can emsjt eaahv pavmeat Mia Weeossb, 121 unry tug Mate 7Zae. - - - ' - '.. " ' "' '. " ii9o , ;. '- Good 4 room hewae. 2 lota, eoeaer: $100 eaah helanee $20.raonth and trrteveat. 1290 Carap- beii. Fhoae worxnawa azxa - -GOOD & room hoaseTTota pf fruit. 2 blorb to car: $220.; termv; , tisB -aday. 11 W. Emerson st - t - - OI R bNintiful hoaae tut sale, rsaaiaabss. , 'f . bar 2874. , HEAxj TrlTATB JOB SALE HOUSES V- HOMES FOR. SAL $T MEW. MODE 8 JtTST - COMPLXTETs On East 43d and Clinton Sts, ALSO MANY OTHER aPa M Prices From $2200 to .$3500 VACANT UnT& -111, PlDtR I'TTV .." Farms, Acreage to Exchange W LLIAM G. BECK, : 215-216 Failing Bldg., oraanavvasningion ROOM MODERN bouse, corner lot $0x100) Paved street to corner: in HaUwood: 8I6OO. Terms. 6 room modera hoaae. In SeTlwood. 60x100. near school and car; $2200, $500 cash. 5 room new, modem bungalow; very attractive; $-,&00, $500 cash. 6 room, strictly modera bunaalow: 80th near iaady blvd.. Rose City; 83300 $800 to $1000 csab, Thia Is nice. 7 soom modern house, everything aeeeseary fa a nice, pleasant home: aear ear; to traUd lo lay would eost $4500; prioe $$260. $650 cash. ea eaaaot beat thia in real value 6 room bansalowr completely furnished; fire place and built-in fea tores, 80x128 foot lot. about 20 beariag fruit trees; near Frank Un high; very neat ana Homelike. fries 58200, terms. Immediate possession. , B. M. OATEWOOD A CO., 165 4th at One of the Best Bargains Orf Our Books Today 9 room modern bouse, oa Corbett street; well located; house ia very good condition; right in the center of the in dustrial part of the city: brings a rental of $$0 per month. Can be bought for $4000 with eaah payment of $1000. the balance can be arranged to suit purchaser. OTTO A HARKSON REALTY CO. 413 Chamber of Commerce. M00 DOWN. BAL. MONTHLY; 8 story, 7 na. house, & a. basement full lot. 26th, aear Ca ruthem; 3 ft blocks to R-M ear; $$600. $260 DOWN. $80 MONTH; T room house, fall basement, lot 100x100; grapes, berries; 62d rear Powell; $2660. $500 DOWN AND TERMS; big. roomy 8 mens bowse, full basement; lot 94xL0$; Wood lawn district. East l$th. REALTY A MORTGAGE CO, Mate $051. . til Chamber of Com sa arcs. ROSE nTT"FARK "" Beautiful 7 rm. hoaae aad bath. hdw. floors, built la buffet, furnaoe. laundry trays, eement bssemt. cooler, reception bsll with fireplace, exceptionally Urge closets. . Most see this place to appreciate it;' 50x100 Jot, Price $4200,. terms. GEO. T. MOOBJ8 CO.. Abtagtoa bldg.- We accept Liberty Bends. Here We Are! $2260 $150 CASH $2260 6 rm. raa. oa K. 87th at-i eon. La Hn Re side at Haw. bars; has -snsaisl ptambiag. gas aad electricity; ree. hall, pantry, earn est baa't, sewing room, paved sta,, all paid; eleaa and Beat; sow vacant, THE FIRST TO INSPECT OUGHT TO BUT. U. U. GOLDENBERG, ABINGTON BDO 8S Tears te Portland.' Main 4 808. St. Johns 8800 rash will bay no-to-date 6 room bungalow, fireplace, 3 more moms could be added to attie if desired; lot 50x100: built-in featnrea; dining room and kitchen ia whtte enamel; one rteY block to car. fries 13000. See Mies Vertreea with THK FRED A. JACOBS CO.. 104 6th st Maia 6869. $4500 T rm. bvmcalow. S bedrooms upstairs. 1 dowa: bdw. floors dining and living rasa., fireplace. fursae. ' all built ta effects, fen eemeat base ment, lot 60x100. st Impts. ta aad pd,, a $$th at, 15 ft Hawthorne ear. GEO. T. MOORE CO., Abingtoa bldg. We accept Liberty bonds. SELLWOOD BUNGALOW - - - $200 CASH S room and bath, fall lot. close to eariiae. price $1600. This bests peytag rent WATCH ULH AD". WB GET BXSULTS O A. WARRINER. RITTKR. LOWE A CO.. 20$-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. $350 Cash $2750 Baaatlful S rm (newt banealenv la heart of Columbia Park diet, oak floors, fireplace and all m-t-date eon v. Is photo at office. O. O. GOLDENBERG. ABINGTON BLOO.. M86 Tears te Portland. Mate 484$. 4 BOOM ftrAltOW. With Tlreplsos, bttUt-ia baf fet ' aad wardrobe: white aasmsl kitehea and batb rooas. extra high; fait bassmsrt with fruit eeOar, let 80x100: 1 Meek to M-T ear, near 80th, em E. Taylor; 81760, tarms. RKALTT A MORTGAGE OO.- Msln 2051. 48$ Chamber of Comsseree, WAVERLT iitlGHTS BUNGALOW S fssms. S bed moms kitehea aad dining room. 001 bard surface streets, corner lot, 8 block to CAikoe, Price $1850 Easy terms. C. A. WAHKClEB RrTTER. LOWE A OO. , 203-6-7 Board of Trade bldg. $47$ bays a. fiae lot. with bearing fruit and small attack, city enter and aas: $126 cash. bahusM $10 a month. M. K, Lee. $08 Corbett ana. - ItAmU aity. a bargaia for eaah, modera 8 room vongaww aad garage, Waverieigh Hrighev neve aeuwooa ZU9T. i800 BUYS a $ roots plastered baagalow. .city water aad gas. ' $160 ease., bale ore $1$ a month. M. E. Lee, 606 Corbet bids. $T$3lS0 cask,' balaaoe $16 a montli buys a S'reeea eottaae. rdae lot- west aide. M. E Lee, 605 Corbett bldg. FOR SALE. 4 reota modem house aad lot on 44th ave. 8. 83000. Fred S. Williams. 92 H 1st st - ktTN; iziSS ' ' v 5 room taodera hetsse, KJtwtrtck, aear Mrn aaeota. Lot 60x100. Phone owner.- Mar. 76 6 ROOM" eottage ia 524 ave., Weadxoek, long loe), 630r: $$O0 4owrt, belaaee terms; 6 Call Mate 7737. 471 E, SALMON at 7 rooata, 40xli4 Wj . a nargaia as esauov 2. Haas. $09 Cliaaa- ber of tommeree. KOBBY S large itxta bouse, fine ant. Irvingsosi sUetriet. 61875; meetly eaah; aatbtag better for prtee asked, t. rlaaa, sua fa. of Com. 1 9O0 $500 cash, 4 reovaJsoese, 60x100 Int. gas aad city water, $ Mocks te Fremoat sta tion. Tsbor 6887, - - FOR SALE 4 fseaT 2 lets $4il60. Price $1400. T $544 $2d st 8 E Ta-; bor 5708. - - , TWO nice 5 ream cottage and terse kA oa William ave.. aaar Broadway, wwrth ts&flll. Price tor one week, $4600. Owner. Mate 94 51. enSAP for eaah, 8 rooms, keeping poecb, bkab VvnVw, ave; ekne to. Tsi, EeV 2527. f-j TOU- SALELOTS ' LOT aa 6th are., Lents, for sale er trade for aato. Inquire 414 E. 60th it X, er pboaa Tsbov 2087. - - X. Bt. JOHNa sot. 2x164, boy rt, Wi4 a boast of yeeu ews snd aave rsut DX-649 earvjel. ' - - " '- -.- . m i ' 'j 1 j ' . 'j '' ' f l iii. WAl wm mm i wiif psnm, esw eash. $3 ssotitb, all Broadway 67. - ' ' FOR SALE 0x0 Uviagtoa Park SacrUica fee aooav, w ensissi east. bss ysa - m mm IS. II n n n rv r Mi Fi rrein n $w mm Mm i mmsmm iiWSE IF fW O ' Vacant lot ea Vancouver e aear Bry - sat. Will sacrifice. Pbene Wdln. -1924. ' '."EAUTI CLI.T aUaaVed lot, 5018, tmiy Hi 08K la mod near esoeUent ear asrvice. ta3; beicw'lwt rjrlcea. ' K-S48, Journal.- f t . -OOXlOO 460. ftee teirtding site. 820 4owav . . 610 sao. 1 rtetta A lk. 26 K, Sercad. . - r,6imti n buys "iSoice TaUmorA'fciclTot , . wwrth OeOO. F-941. 3tm - 1