THE OREGON bAILY JOURNAL; PORTLAND,1' TUESDAY, ' OCTOBER ': 15, -1918. 11 nr I w uv as . anv .. w e a w MCM HA'U UVAU V niLii in onirmivuu ID ALLIED tf Enumeration of Employes, With ' Draft Classification, Made for : Report to Congress. V CLASS 1 MEM TO BE SHOWN Judge J. H. Stevenson, District ' Officer of Deferments and Transfers Is Making Survey. " A census of all the shipyards and in dustries allied to shipbuilding was be gun this morning by Judge J. 1L Steven eon, district officer for deferments end transfers for the Emergency Fleet cor poratlon. This census will Include every man who Is worklnr ou.shlf. ship 'parts or ship fittings for vessel, being built for the United States shipping; ooara ana will show his classification under the draft. ' An interesting phase of , the census will be flsures on class 1 men employed . in the shipyards and exempt because of this work. . ' The enumeration of the employes has been ordered by the head of the depart ment of deferment and transfers In Fhiladeiphia. In order that statistics may be compiled to, make report to congress. MARINERS ASKED TO REPORT . . i i r Consultation Is Requested Before Going to Sea. So many . old salts have left their homes and occupations In response to the call of President Wilson, octooer 1, ' for captains and other officers for the merchant marine, that notice has been sent out by the United States shipping board: advising all former mariners to ; consult with the sea service bureau be ' fore leaving work In which they may be engaged. The sea service bureau has been unable to place all the applicants who have appeared. In this vicinity, those- who contemplate returning to the sea In response to the call of the president should communi cate with Lieutenant Harold C Jones. in charge of the local office of the sea service bureau.. SHIFTS READJUST HOURS VVIUametto Iron Steel Works Second and Third Shifts Chance. ; Readjustment of hours of the second ." and third shifts at the Willamette Iron t Bteel works has been announced. The second shift now works from 3 :S0 p. m. to 11:60 p. m.. and the third shift from 11 :60 p. m. to :20 a. m. These periods . Include 20 minutes given for lunch. - The changes are made so that men k will have time to catch owl cars run for their benefit workmen on the third - shift. It Is announced, will receive full lgrht hours pay If the work the entire "xirilft, ; otherwise they will be paid on basis of time actually worked, and not pro-rated as part of the shift. , Alt ALONG THE WATERFRONT w j. vv. nail, assistant, supervisor of 'vood ehlp, construction In the Columbia f river district, who has been in the east ;' securing the adoption of the 6000 ton type wood ship designed in Portland, left Washington 1 Tuesday for Pittsburg on hla return home. Inspectors, Bdwarda and Wynh will be gin Inspection of the Neeolah, built by the Grant Bmlth-Porter Ship company,, on Thursday. Five hundred men are to be drawn from Nevada for work in shipyards here, according to Wilfred F. Smith, state di rector of the United States employment . bureau, upon authority from Waahing . ; ton. Colorado and Arisona also are to furnish men. Captain J. K. Bulger of Ban Francisco, supervising Inspector of the United states steamvettsela Inspection service, r will arrive Friday to relieve Inspectors Kdwards and Wynn. who will take their i annual vacations. Ughtvessel No. (7 has returned to her station on Umatilla reef, according to word received by Robert Warrack, su- xper!ntendent of lighthouse inspection. Relief Lightship No. 92 will now relieve V Lightship No. 98 on Swlftsure bank. permitting her to come in for over ' hauling. . Robert Hage of San Francisco, has completed his inspection of shipping and shipbuilding in the Northwest, and has left for Washington, where he will as , sist John H. Rpaseter of the bureau of ' operations of the United States shtp- pine board. In preparing plans for after-J , invw.r amppiHg- . ThetNashota, Grant Smith-Porter ship. ' was delivered Monday afternoon by the Emergency Fleet corporation to the Sud . den-Cnrlstensen company Sot Operation. ' The Nasheta is the sixteeatth whip dellv " ered by tha Grant Smith-Porter com pany In four months. , Yard Launches Thirty -fourth Seattle. Wash.. Oct 15.- (I, N. 8.) The thirty-fourth ehlp produced at the plant of the Skinner A Kddy corpora tlon rides alengstde the wharf here to- day, having been christened West El 1 dara by Mrs. H. K. Hammer, wife of j the president of the Universal Shipping A Trading company. Prince Axel of - Denmark was the honor guest at the .launching. ' !- I ' ;i MARINE ALMABAC . . Weetbee el ftlver'a kleutli . Morth Bead, Waah., Oct L8. Condition, at . tbe month ef the Columbia rtver at aooa: Wind; . aoutheaat. t nllaa: weather, cloudy: aea, tmoeth. . jsaa Raeers fee October 1S , ' BaS ee, 7iJ - "an 64 p. bV I ' Ttoee far Wedneaday - . High Water: e Vo-m Water: 10:88 a, at.... 7.8 feet I 4:88 a, at. ...1 foot li e 7.6 fee I 6 .18 p. a. .. .1.8 feet 1 DAILY BITEB BEABIKQS '6 a, ra , Padfle "Sunaier" Wwf. 1 iaaaUlk J.TT 8.T 1 ft 1 6J& Albany '-,,.4.. 80. C,6 . e O.00 . Balaea. ..,. 80 -l,f 0 O.ftO Oregoe aty..... 18 1.1 l.8 .0t Portland ....... 16 3:6 .2 6.00 The Wniaaaette river at Portland wfa remaia Beany, wtauooary -an ring ui next two eg tn eeve. eaeeae aa arfeetd k . aha tu. ui.i. tidea Wedaeaday will eecnr aboat S:BB a. a. mJ 4 61 p. aa, the atagea being aboat 4.0 feet and a.a i en, reeperoveiy. i. ;; n;, 1," '.r'?. Children- Ptay . With Hatches . 'Children ef Lou Harris playtnr-with matches at 1504 JCelly street set fire to the ewa home - Monday eventnr and eaased - about $150 damage. - The, firs maranaju invesugatlng. . , No More Wholesale Coal Dealers to Be . Licensed in; U. S. No more wholesale coal - and coka deafer win 1o licensed to do - business In Orefrm, accordins- to Instructions re ceived today by Fred J, Holmes.' state fuel administrator, from W. B. Symroes Jr.. chairman of the license board of the- national fuel administration. Reason for , shutting- down on future licenses lies In the fact that the. number of wholesale distributors throusrhout the country has Increased to. an enormous extent, and , many ' are' contributing neither skill, experience' nor anything- else of value to win the war. The or der is nation-wide in scope. STAY HOME IF YOU U TO AVOID INF Dr. Hegele Gives Advice on How to Avoid Maladyj Prescrip tions Are Offered. Plenty of rest is what most persons need as a preventive against Spanish influenza, according to Dr. Herbert W. Hegele. Not; only should one not go out evenings when one is physically tired and the resisting powers of the body reduced, but the stomach should be rested by refraining from eating after the evening meal. The following prescriptions are recom mended by Dr. Hegele as an influensa preventive: NO. 1 Magnesia ttUphatfe IB. 50 IS. 60 Sod 01 .uphUa , Petaaril aulphstls . . . Sodii btoarbonetls ... Sodii ehlorldl ., .IB .SO 1.60 Aquae q.. s. ad. vmm H. . Ml. u.. ...... ......... .vvv.vw Sig. -Wine glassful before breakfast every 240.00 morning. NO. 2 Sodii berobensoinatig . . . . 82.00 82.00 4.00 l.SS 180.00 Sid. Ext. hydrasti. Glycerin! Acid carbollei . . Aquae camphor Aquae a. a. ad.. seo.oo Big.- Ue in an atomiser three time a day to eiaan out tlx bom and throat. , NO. , TBjrnolt . . . . 18 Cemphorae . ... .18 Albobne Liq, 12.00 Sit. Use ia atomiser altar uains No. 2. Thla protect im msnsDrene.. KAISER'S ALLIES APT TO GIVE IN, VERY SOON (Continued tram Page One) Austrian government realises that Ger many has been denied, peace terms be cause of her autocratic government and her atrocities oh land and sea. It will be ready to take steps to abandon the German cause and make a sincere ap peal for peace. Beply to Tar hey Waits Officials today said that the Turkish reply will also be held up for the pres ent. It is believed here that Turkey will surrender unconditionally as soon as the text of the president's reply to Ger many reaches Constantinople, ttt any event officials are today paying very little attention to Turkey and Its pres ent status in tne war. Anticipating Germany's intention to renew her submarine activities on even a greater scale than heretofore, steps are being taken to speed up America's de stroyer program. N Secretary of tha Navy Daniels, with Admirals Taylor and Griffin, was In conference today with the representa tives of ail shipyards that are building destroyers for the government, This conference was expected to result in the devising of a speeding up program that would frustrate any attempt of the Hun at a successful drive with his undersea craft , Geddes Gives Advice The conference was understood to be the direct outcome of several conversa tions between Secretary Daniels and Sir Eric Geddes, first lord of the British admiralty, who, upon his arrival In this country recently, expressed the belief that Germany was planning renewed naval activities. Reports reaching the state department from the neutral countries describe the political situation .within Austria Hungary as. "very bad." The opposition to the war is constantly increasing there. Cessori Fear to Act It was remarked as "very interesting' that throughout alt ef the press com ment on the war in the German news papers reaching the state department there ia a growing disposition to blame the kaiser for the failure of the war. This comment is touched on In various ways in nearly every German news paper that reaches the state depart ment When asked why the military censors did not suppress these papers, officials who should know declared that because the belief Is all-prevailing and mani festly Increasing the censor has not dared to act because of the fear that he would only make the situation worse. Regarding reports of the imminent re tirement' of Prince Maximilian as im perial chancellor, only neutral press re ports on thia line have reached the state department -; Situation In Foch's Hands By William Phillip Slams Par la, s Oct :. ,15 (U. P. f. France stands firm on the Berlin proposition. The people showed practically, ho excitement during the of lets ef the cor respondence .with President Wilson.7 . They went about their business, pre- Monthly Capacity 2400 Tons . - ; BOAT SPIKES ; r BOLTS RIVETS Northwest Steel Co. , JCJpBTjA2". OKEGOS AT eaeaeask aaaaafeaaai v7 amaaaaBtaaaew I ta eerjgfa avaavTnl teak thai k risht. freai firat eaua tree tbnbea, rwrusaa. , wnetanoa el -i anoa. Oa aV , aftaklT, ARE TIRED AND INT Lira Ship Knees T OF THE FLU SAID TO BE Seventy New Casts Develop, ;of Which Only 18 Are Diagnosed as Being ' Spanish Influenza. CASES AT BENSON IMPROVE Eugene Reports Number of Cases With Two Deaths j Pendleton Has 30 Cases and One Death. Seventy new cases ef influensa. It of which' are diagnosed ss TBpanish influ enza, were reported by the city health bureau this morning. The conditions at Benson Polytechnic school, where about 70 students are CI, are said to be improving. Of the three or four cases originally declared of se rious nature, all are said to be progress ing favorably toward complete recov ery. Host of the eases are said to be of a mild form. To date some 100 cases have been accounted for by the health -office, said Dr. Geora-e Parrlsh. city health officer. today. The fact that but one victim of the disease contracted in Portland has died is taken as a favorable indication. that the malady has not obtained firm hold on Portland. In view of the number of cases, how ever, the plan of obtaining the use of a special building for hospital purposes is advocated. School Clerk Thomas today offered Mayor Baker the' use of the old Couch building as a temporary Hospital. Three hundred cases of Spanish in fluensa, with two deaths, have' been reported to Dr. R. E. L Holt of the state board of health from Eugene. Reports from Pendleton show SO cases with one death, for which pneumonia was partly responsible. At noon, re ports had not been received from Marshfield and Corvallis. - According to Dr. Parrlsh the au thority for lifting the mayor's closing order snuat come from the state board of health. It is stated that the min imum period for the duration of the order is about two weeks. Earlier action might be taken if the condi tions show that the spread of the dis ease has been stopped.' clsely the same as usual. Newspapers were unanimous in the declaration that the allies must obtain the absolute. unconditional surrender of Germany. Austria and Turkey and the fullest guarantees. 'We are living In tne most tragic moment of the history of all centuries." Deputy Paul Meunlr said. "One lone man can now decide tbe fate of the world. This man Is worthy of his un precedented role. All humanity has its eyes fixed upon him." i La Press declared, after referring to President Wilson's diplomatic - victory, "the floor no longer belongs to Wilson. It belongs to Generalissimo Focb who, by virtus of his office, represents aU the general staffs and all the entente belUgerenta. One of two; things Is true either Germany must recognise she is vanquished and accept the situation; or else she will not recognise defeat but will attempt to escape by means of getting an armistice. Thus, guarantees are necessary for the safety of France and the world." London Newspapers Comment London, Oct. 15. (IX P.) The JEve- ning standard regretted that the Wilson note, otherwise strong and timely, did not mention punishment for German out rages. The Globe said that the note recog nizes that others besides the United States are engaged in the war and loy ally declines to tie their hands. It is an Immense gain to the allies that they have a spokesman who keeps so resolutely at the front the central war aim destruction of Prussian milltar ism," said the Westminster Gazette. "We greatly rejoice to see an essential matter thus handled. We must Btand resolutely behind Wilson.' The Pall. Mall Gasette said: "Wilsons declarations with ever so much certainty will be read and digested in German households." Reply Satisfactory to British London. Oct. 15. (TJ. P.) President Wilson's .reply to Germany is known to be eminently satisfactory to the British. The conditions be outlined co incide not only with the views of the British but of the other allies as well. Lord Northcliffe's . Evening .News wa the first paper to appear with Wilson's answer,, which it printed in splashea jf the biggest type, covering half a page. BEVf TODA1 Send Us Your Old Carpets Old Bags sad Weolea Clothing We Kake Beverslhle. Band worse They Wear Like Ire -Bag Bags Woven All Slsee SIaU Orders Send for Booklet Carpet Cleaning 9x12 Rugs Steam Cleaned $1.50 WE8TXBV . ntTF BUG CO. 84 TJaiea Ave. V. Bast 6al6 Pheaea B-H7 ; Hawlliorae Bungalow : This is a wonderful bargain 5-room, very modern bunrow on Kast Madison st. near 4 2d. Cay be had this week at 13000. This property has .been held for $3500. 60x100 lot, all Improvements In; hard surface street. Let me show you this little beauty. Call R. M. STAYSA, witn , The Fred A. Jacobs Co 164 PUth St.. , atala 6M G0RDW00D COUNTRY SLABWOOD MULTNOMAH FUEL CO.' ' M.S516 , - - . A-tlll CASES; MARE ILD Fluff Rugs Wine Makers-riried - Equipment Seized Besides losing 900 - gallons of wine. about 600 gallons of (rape puis, a wine press and other liquor making parapher nalia. Italians found guilty of, making grape wine were fined as follows" on- day afternoon by Judge Roeoman: Gio vanni Scagnotl, Premke Tomeffr George XjouI, "Phillip Manernt, Charles Andreas and B. C. Bottlsta, $15 each, and Topy Reeky and John Kornlka $25 each., : Spanish Gbveniment Takes German Ships . f ' : ' ' y' Madrid. Oct 15. U. P.) The Spanish government requisitioned seven German ships totaling 21.600 tons to replace those lost through submarine operations since September 14, v BUSINESS CARDS Emblem" Jewelry a apeoulty. bottona, pica. enanaa. jaecar wron isi-xss eta ft. fjital Statistics matri$ts.Blrtb3.Izatb KARBIAOB J4CXKSE8 CharlM Tamoa Hawk. 42, 228 Third .treat! and Edith K. Loemer, legal. 1J8T Eut Tbirty firt atraet. " darenoa Wridaa. leaat. Baaaavtan. Or., and rxalilan JBrown. leaal. B94 Minnaaota aTenoa. JotiB A. araar. . T28 East BnrBsMa atraet. and Naomi W. Winctead. local. 728 Eaet JEurnataa atraac Oakley M. Vaa Patten. 28, 800 Patton av enue. . and Both Alida Wriht. 21. 19 Bact Beeath atraet north.- ' Bull fit. John Robinson. 24. 82 Wbeeiet atiaet. and Mildred U Crawford, 21, 860 Van. cor Tar avenue. Teddla O. WooUey, SB. 214 Eaat JCinth atraet, and Gene Tiara D. Bandanhet, 21. Bort UUtM. Walter A. Strickland. 21. Saba, Or., end Anna Sparlin. lecal, 0 Kelly atreet. Geonre P. Kawsjri. 25, Tacoma, WaiK. and Man White. lecaL 20. laoma t Homer T. Sharer, leal. 122 E. 28th at., sad riorenca O. Jacobaon. lecaL 848 Waacs at. Philip J. Opp. 21, 1061 Hawthorne era., end Edna F. Nixon, lacaL. SOI W. Bark at. Grady B. Neal, SO. tea Angeles, Cal, and loniaa A Ahrena, lerl, Hoostoa hotel. Edwin Pranaoo, 28. Aatoria, Or., and Harda Paderaon. legal, MnltootBah hotaL Elar Kaarhoe, 81. Saa EYandsco, Cai, end tanra Akin, legal, 821 14th at. DBES3 bOtTS for rent. aU aiaea. bniaua' tai- loring Oe., 104 4th st DEATHS AWD FTJHEHAlS n DIFFIN Ia thia city, October 15, Bra. Emma Diffia. ace 48 Tear, beloved eieter of Mra. Ma De Bemer of Portland, Or.. Mrs. Alice Cole of Syracaae. New Tork; alao aurvived by two niecea, lira. Eva Tonne of Portland, Or., and Mrs. Caroline A. Croft of Seattle. Waafa. Funeral notice later. Remain, are at the Tmxi- dential funeral parlor of Miller it Tracer. LEWIS At Warren. Or., Oct, 18. Carletoa uewu. aged 40 yea re. husband -of Mm Elisa beth Lewie, formerly of this city. Tbe funeral services will be held Wednesday. Oct. 14, at 8 p. ra. at tne reuaeaee estaeuanment of J. r. Flnley & Son. Uontzomery at Sth. All aervicea strictly private in accordance wiut orders' from the aUte board of health. VAN EVERA At 1028 E. 89th at. S., Era E. Van Erera. aged 61 years. 6 month. .and 23 days. Funeral services will be held Thurs day, Oct 17, at 2 p. as. at the Portland erema torium. - The remain, are at Mhe residential fu neral parlor, of Walter C. Seaworthy, 1582- IB84 E. lth St.. Bellwood. SCHT7LZE Funeral aervioaa tor Mfea Afar- aaerite- H. Bchulxe will be bald Wadnaadav. Oct. 16, from the family reaidenoe, -881 Ganten- oera are., at x p. m. Interment at Bcee City cemetery. Services private in accordance with the orders ef the state board of health. Funeral arrangements in charge of it. C. Byrnes. CARLBON' In thia etty at hi. late reaidenoe, 6432 87th are. S. E., Oct. IB. Oscar Elbert Carlson, aged 84 yean, husband of Mrs. Anna Carlson. The remain, are at tbe residence estabnahment of J. P. Finley Se Bon, laont lomefyat Bth, Notice cf faneral hereafter. BELL At the reaiaence, 291 H Grand avenue. uetoeer 14. Huta Beu. age 2Z years, be loved wife tf H. V. Bell, danghter of Mr. and Mra. K. F. Bowman, stater of H. H. Bowman. Funeral notice later. Remains are at the resi dential funeral parlors of Miller Traeey. HARRIS Oct. 18. at 7818 64th are. 87 E.. Annie F. H.rria, aged 80 year., wife of Percy Barris. Private funeral services will be co- ducted Thursday, Oct. 17. at 1 p. m. in the mortuary chapel of A. D. Kenworthy 8s Co., 5802-04 2d st. 8. E-. Lasts. FLOBISTB CLARKE BROS., florists. Morrison st bet 4 th and 5th. Phone Mara or A-180B. Fine flow. en snd floral designs. No branch stores. MARTIN A FORBES CO.. OorUta. 864 Wash. Main 269. A-12 6a. Flowers for all wsdiTit artiiiticaTly arranged. PEOPLES' FLORAL SHOP, 246 Aider, design sna own ration.. Fnone Marshau BS82, IRVING TON PARK FLORAL CO.. 4th' and Yamhill. Funeral designs; lowest nrloea. LUBUNEH. Portland hotel. 828 st UAY M. BmiTH. florUt. i(T 6th st rtTKEBAL D1BECTOBS Holman Undertaking Co, Funeral Directors EsUblisbed 1877. Third and Salmoa Streets. Bain 607. A-1811. Lady assistant. J. P. FINLEY &S0N Progressive Funeral Directora. PRIVATE DRIVE Women Attendants Montgomery at Fifth Main . A-1606. F, S. Dunning, Inc. - The Golden Bule Undertakers. A14 East Alder st Phone East 62. B-S225 WILSON & ROSS 64 Lady Assistant Multnomah at E. Seventh at C-8185 Dunning & McEntee every detail. Broadway and Pine sts. ' Phone Broadway 430, A-4568. Lady assistant A. D. KENWORTHY C0r Tabor 3267.-5802 82d St. Lenta. Tabor 6888. 66th st and Foster road. Arleta. East 7S1 D I I r-RPLi Mrs. Larch B-1888 ii Li L t nbrl - Assistant Undertakers ' E. 11th and Hawthorne aULLER 4k TRACEY. Independent Funeral Di- Washington at EUa. Main 2691, A-788S 1 ChabeksI-knvokthT c6. 34$ and 250 KiUingawortb are. near William, ave. Woodlawa 8308. C-l 188. DrAA7A Jf. Qnnnlf Belmont at 35th st , B-2646. Tabor 1258. SkewesS.,2d8tir, Main 4162 Sd and Clay Cor. A'I -A:i- 1157 Kerby st i iiduu vy. noun I Wdln. 4940. C-1155 HAMItTONiJraf servicea Tsbor 4818. A. R. Zeller Co i East' 1088. C-1088. aL f. BTRN'ES. new residence ' establishment 001 Willi. ms eve. Weodiswn 230. C-1846. MOBTJMEBTS I'll 67-3RD. ST. AT. MADlSpNi PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS, 264-366 4th at. epposita city hall. .Main $564. ' Philip nrea-es Bona for LOST ABB BOUBB SI FOUND Purse containing money in 15e atore Oct T. Owner ma have same try eaJnas at SS E. 86th st N. after 0 p. ra. LOST-Baturday - evening on Taneoaver-Cape Horn road. Ajax tire 85x4 H .-mounted. Re ward. Weodlawn 2194. 1681 Derby t LOST Pane by working girt- containing month 'a wage., keys, spectacles.-' papers. ; Be wartft, monv- .giaei. oil. LOST A black pocket book containing a little ever see in tne see store Monday arternoon. Reward. CaS Columbia 1161 or 1834 Piske. LOST-Ladyre wnet watch near Skldmoea and Missiseippi sc on Kenton car.-valued aa keen- naiwrippt sake. - Reward. MarshsH 1089. WILL party who found baby cUinchilla robe-at Kr Sd and Washington pieasa eau East eg. FOX terrier, white, black ears, bob tail, license o. 1488. i'boae ra"t S14S.; - LOST Oa Broadway, bridge, automobile aide curtain.- Finder please notify Wdln. 4068. " LOST Brawn dog, eatter. - about 10 montha Reward. Mam 2957. LOST Cf TCS7 Cm.' bade Ha 1080 wooa iez7.- Kewera. - rOLDPursg- owner identity. T-430r Jonrnal tOST AWT OTT3fl V tl itUE (oUowisg aruclaa have been found aa can ef the roruaad Bailway. lAtbX rower v. . : Oct. IS. 18188 pkaju, e vanea. 4 waea hosea, I amhrellaa, 1 girae. t hat.' 1 shoe spoon. 3 poruaa.. c -- -m--s ... -li Owaera say obtais pneity at 1st sad Alder at. .tafias.- -i - - LOST--Oa Praat at.. - Bear Albera Bros. Min ing to.. a poeketoooa .pontainnis enacx for 8600. Uaioa caasline book ebont SIS; bank - book oa Canadian ! Bank ef Coausaree; receipt ; from . the water , office end aonerewa ether articiea. Finder pleaae call np Jacob Jenaen, Colnrabia 174, at 718 Oawego at. JflSBED fraa aatomobue Friday alcht. blue and araea Dlaid anotoc robe, aaubborboad of Slat and Flandcra or lSth and Jaf f araaa. eta. Beware.' Broadway 877. ' H8T MlBiatare eoQie. Ui body, white eneet: .. snawera to name oi maw, tag zai. - un are! reward. Call Leeda Ant.. Uarahall 2987 a Herehall 4882. - fiLSE Near 23d and Nortnruo, eoataininc Beake-Walker eertifieata. keva. esarda. aowdea puff. 87.88 ehaace. - Finees call Marahall 2088. He ward. --' TnaT T iilL. 1 i ft-.-'. - day siahL . Baward if Mbuoal -Catt Wsad- lawa BOOS. - LOST? Open face gold. watch, Haaaptoi a work. T. CL enslaved cm hack. eca, mm. 8086. 228 otn at. - idberel reward. FABTT having ailrer chain handbag, eagravej A- V ooatauung aioBey, watcn. reoaipta. can r.aeT mi. LOST Gray far ' neekpieee, finder pleaae call Beat 4971. Saturday; Be ward. "wH HELP WABTEBw MAX.B ! ATTESTlOltl TJHCIJD SAM WANTS FVEBT UAlf AT BIS f FUST Tenr TEST BEST EFTOBT ta the rdaaa TOU ABE BEST , FITTED TO FILL. Si yaw only acceptable anewet. The T. M. C. A. eaplorawnt and edriaory de partment ta anziooa to help Uncle Baaa by giv ing you JtMt the risht advioe rn thto eriaU. XT fUTB IOU Ut TJHB LARGEST PLACE XOU ABB ABLE TO FILL. SUCCESSFULLY. Thia ia the . area test acDortnnitv In hinrv for a well edviaad readjoatntent of your ooro Pation. Today the raiddla aged aaaa can "oome Thoae who- anrwer this ad thia week are guaranteed complete aatiafacUoa or refund fee. Don't aaiaa thia modern, eeiantifio and thor- vwur Bnaineaanre war ef eeenrina a aatiefaB. Ljpry ponuon. - ranm Jaam ii oo, ua-eaai. can at in peraoa tf pcealble. ' . BEX WHO WANT WORK AND ARE NOT SOW ENGAGED BT ESSENTIA!, WAR INDUSTRY MAT SECURE AGBEEABLE EM- PLOTMENT AT WEST UNN MILLS. ACROSS RIVER FROM OREGON CITT AT FRED EM PLOYMENT OFFICE,, 42a HOUR, EIGHT BOTJB JOBS. COMB DON'T WRITE. THERE IS A JOB WAITINQ FOB TOU. LABORERS1 WANTED For construction work Fort Stevens. Or. AddIv Dinwiddie Construction Co, 102T Yeon Bldg., Portland. WANTED Sis good men. also man and wife. to do team work on farm or other work, wile to keep lew boarder., abut four. Will furnish fully equipped honse, low rent good wages. Steady work. -For particulars sp- riy Uregen Nursery Co., Orenco, Or., 14 miles from Portland og rcgoa Electrie R. B, WANTED Cylinder '; preasmanl Man above draft, age or of deferred classlflcatioa pro f erred. Steady nosltlon for ria-ht man; daeir. able location and pleasant work. - Address E. M. Dully. Corralli., Or. STARCH WORK WASTTER With experience wanted,: Apply Oreg. Laundry, B. 6th- and Oak sta. ' WANTED Laborer, for permanent employ roent. $8.64 tn 84.50 for 8 hours. Apply Portland Gae A Coke Oo., northeast corner 2d and Flanders sts. WANTED A track driver, one accustomed to Call at 285 Ya&v handling meat, preferred. hf& FIR8T OLA88 stove repair man, good wages. permanent Job. Leria Hardware A Furniture Co., 221 Frottt at" WANTED Bookkeeper; most understand open ing and dosing books. State age, experience and eabrry expected. Answer E-601.- Journal. WANTED Experienced' woman- for general housework; no washing ; adults only. Mar- ahall 5449. WANTED Girl for general housework for sev- erai months. Tabor 404 V WANTED Men to work on extractors. Palace Lanndry Qo.. E. 10th and Everett. WANTED -Boy to drive Ford car and work in grocery store. Call 821 8d st a WANTED Men to work on river boats, 860 and np. room and board. Apply Washington dock. WANTED Salesman with light cat for city tea and coffee route. Boyr? Tea Co. 226 8d at WANTED !andy maker. Apply Cray-McLean at ferry. 4tn ana onsen. EXPERIENCED nnraeryraan. scape , wanted. Tabor 121. men for land- WANTED Comptometer or Burroughs non listing ealctilator. V-486, Jonrnal. HELP WAITED MISC. 48 TEN mora women to train aa telegraph operators. Many race note. Positions payine 6100 to 8125 pes month. We cooperate with the war dept and prepare men far tbe aignal corps. Day and evening classes. Write or 'all Rail way Tele graph Institute. 218 Railway Exchange bldg GOVERNMENT need. 12.000 women clerks! Portland examinations November 2. Salary 31200. Experience unnecessary. Women de etring gore rn ment positions write for free par ticulara. J. O. Leonard (former civil service ex sminer), 1054 Kenois bldg.. Washington, D. O. ADCOX AUTO SCHOOL Onion- Ave. snd Wseo Sts. Dsy and Night Classes Special Department for Women Call or write Tor catalogue Finishing school, 1 to 4 weeks' spseial personal training should double your income in short hand and other business subjects. Walter Norton, principal. B. A., F. B. O. S. 66 6th et, Portland. Or. HAWTHORNE "AUTO SCHOOL ' 462 HAWTHORNE AVE. SPECIAL 8UMMEB BATES DAT AND NIGHT CLASSES MISS DECKER'S" PRIVATE BUSINESS COLLEGE ALISET BLDQ. 3D AND MORRISON. CHRISTIAN BROTHERS BUSINESS COLLEGE Grand eve.: and Claekamaa. Day-evening BEHNEE-WALKER, biggest business college be caase best; enroll any time. Free catalogue. TATES-FIbHEB TEACHERS' AGENCY Free registration. 011-12 Broadway bldg. " " LINK'S BUSINESS COLLEGE " PORTLAND. OREGON EAST SIDE COMMERTCAL SCHOOL INDIVIDUAL tnstruetion. 810 mo. E 427. HELP WASTED FEMALE Young ladies For telephone operating. ' No previous experience Necessary. Good salary to start Rapid advancement tn salary. PermanentpeaitioTW. Extra payment for Sundays " and hoHdaye. Apply taiephons company operating school, aixtb floor Park and Oak streeta Between 6:30 a. tn, and 6:80 p. WANTEITsambitious paunf ladles to learn ta - sine ptay piano; violin, nMnooua. steel gnnar; rrtanaa for practice; stringed. Instruments soaaed. ceil eon Eiiers bldg, - -' - - . WANTED, by widower, bouackeeper. not over 4 eara of aaa. to be. neat with some basinei nnderstandins; reasonable wages and a good home to mc right patty. - WA-Sga. Journal. - WANTED Woman ta aviat with houaewori end eare of 3 .mall ebildreni good hnrae- and salary. Address Mrs. J, F. Bloomex, 707 Sher man eve.. Howl mver; or. J GIRLS wanted, steady employment at good wages. Apply Troy Laundry Co., s. iota a Ptne. . v EXPEBIBNCTO marker 'end irooe. , , Araerieaa - Lanadry. 10 "E. 8d st north. , T WOMAN for general housework, small family. - gooq noesei. y-mne Taper taw. WANTED Clmmbermaid. New Wssfera 832 GHsaa st botaX WAITRESS wanted..' Russell et ! London lestanraat, 128 CHAMBERMAID. 741 Washington st 825 Gliaast HELP WASTED TEX ALE STRONG, active . wuiaeft for hehMea tm eVHvarr serriosv Good epeorjanlty -fee advsareisat. Applr at Meier .A Fraak deUvery deperuaeaw Sd and JeMereoa sis. s . , 1- - HELP WANTED MALE AKD EE MALE -' 18 ANNOCKfKMENT i , Night elass ataru October 16. tadiee elaea aferts October 8L "Bednrad rates ntil October 10. ADCOX AUTO SCHOOL : linioa Are.. . Kl Waaee Bra. lJ;BARlBCOLLEGar Pare yon while learaia.; givas roo eet ef tori faarenteee poatuons, ttrnu for eataiogne. ase Borraide at., ar phone Broadway 1T1. MEN. WOMEN.- leant "barbae trade trees wage waies iaarrung; poefUoa gnaranteea. vregaa Barber College. 328 Madison. - - PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE Teaebaa aaea anA vnua the barber trade free. Pay while learning. 284 Coach. Broadway 8488. V BITTJATIQya AtW 1 bOLT eatarpiBar eagineer, experienced. ' BaairieeT; . oava aur own uou:r reia, want peaiDoa as ranch, driving or cage ef anginas, 0-812. Joarnal. - BOOKKEEPING- at ' heme by expert with aft ernoons tree, u-sai. Jgornau CONTRACTOR and builder; repairs a specialty! Tabor 7883. WILL a on tract for plowing ia the valley. 881 East Everett st. East 6708. KALSOMINING. painting, plaeter-petching; rea- vnaole. Main S.-iZS. WANTED Painting, kaIsomiain and paper- hanging: experieneed workssea. - Tabor 4S10. ROOF work. TeabiagHng, patching done by eoav traet. raoae BeaebaBB. Maraaau 7va. I.EAKY roof, repaired, painted; aU kinds of 2airpwiite?r wjTk. Bdwy. 6870. 8ITTJ ATIOIT S BE W AXE INEXPERIENCED young wosaaa winhes pod Uoa aa theatre oabsr. deatiet's affiee, eleva tor operator or starter. Main 4S91, Apt. ST. LADY wishes to take care of hotna ont oi town; have one sawn girr years old. Mrs. M, U Kniaht. 296 Va N. 16th at. Portland. Or. EXPERIENCKD ladv wiahea to take eare of apartment noase. t-noae uatoii). vau rooming. JAKITRFSSf vlilM naairion in snartaaent rooming hoaae: tnuband wiU help saoraings srd evening. W-0B8, Joarnai. MIDDLE aged lady deaires positioa aa hoqs- keeper; no objection to one or two enuaren. V-481. Joareal. WANTED Management of apartment or room- ing hoose; refereaees. Y-S29, JoarnaL COOKING on ranch or ia camp. Mrs. Sparks. Bdwy. seT. LACE curtain, hand called foreMlvered, lsnadered by Eaat 6196. expert; DBES8MAKTNO 4$ ifTSi GTTRl ENGEL8TAD. dfoeernrng di maker; no pattern. Shop X083 Hawthorne ave Phone Tabor 8088. DRESSMAKER Good, wants work by day. Mies Kemp, Phone Tsbor 21B4. LADIES' and children's onderwear mad neatly and cheaply. 1 87 Grant at. i , r TJBB1 SHED BOOMS PRINCE88 hotel, modern, fireproof. 8 rucning water, pbeaea and efevator; high quality, low price. East Thtrd and Burnslde. TWO or three sleeping rooms, convenient for Grant Smith-Porter men. Price reasonable. Call 816 Hudson st, corner Tyler, St Johns. ROOMS by the week. 63 and np. 85 H N. 6th.' FCBIUSHED BOOHS FBITATB FAMILY 76 FURNISHED room ia a private family, auaatble fnr 2 men. : 106$ E. 18th N., near Alberia. Wdln. 824. - ONE large front room, suitable for 2 men. 10 min. walk te plant Board next door, $16. 878 EeHy si TWO furnisbsd rooms for rent for light house- keeping; would rather sell furniture to parties renting rooms. 1002 Harford. FOR RENT : Pho Wood town 1897 WHY look farther T Large room, 858 12th st Call evenings or Bandsys. ROOM with sleeping porch in privste family. Portland Heigbta. Phone lUin 8084. FURNISHED room in private family. Eaat 7283 BOOMS ABB BOARD " Ii THE HAZEL, outside rooms, hot water, home . cooking, special ratea to couples, ass BO. WANTED 1 or 2 girls, school age, to care for. Reasonable. Sell. 8 584. BOOMS AXD BOARD PBIVATE FAMILY 1 7$ ROOM and board for 2 men: home prirflegea pleasant home. Call Wdln. 2675. 1028 E. 15th st N. FOR RENT- 2 sleeping room in modern home. board if desired. Phone East 1147 or call at 584 K. Taylor. HOTTSEKEEPIBG BOOMS S ETJRM8HEP ASTP UyBUBKISBEP PLEAS A XT unfurnished housekeeping rooms. modern in every way except beat 802 V East Burnslde. ONE furnished h. k. room and kitchenette. ateara beat; close in; for one person. Clsj et. 448 THREE unfurnished rooms for rent $46 Han- cock st FOR KENT- furninhed room for housekeeping, 1 or 2 men. 474 K. Osk st HOUSEKEEEINU ROOMS 7$ FTJBXISBED AND TJNFUB5LSBED PBIVATE FAMILY DESIRABLE eleea furnished 3 or i U. KL uitea for working people. walking distaaoe. 818 Piatt for information. 3 MODERN roama. light hear.' water. telepS and bath furnished; no children. Fboae Bell- od 1000; address 848 Haig st ONE or two furnished rooms for H. K, 12 blocks soutb of P. 4T. S3T Ban st FURNISHED H K. room working men. 584 14th st HOUSEKEEPING room for rent 111 26d st N. FOB BEBT HOUSES UBFUBIHSHEB 13 fcEAUTlFUL. lalse honse and grounds: bath moms, n replace, rurnaoe. moloe west Bids neighborhooA Close tn; furnished. Msin 8225. FOR RENT---Seven room modern house. In- qntre at 454 Salmon st TO LEASE For 1 yesr. 5 room modern bun- gslow. immediate powmlon. East 87S4. gTJBBISHEP HOUSES 88 FURNISHED HOUSE Will rest 8 or 4 nicely f-arn lined rooms- to couple wuneut children. Call after 6 P-.m. East 0470. PORTLAND Heights, well furnished bouse; 875 will lease for e mo. Phone Main 7467 FOR RENT 3 room modera apt, partly fur- nished. Bt John, dint net 'olnmbis 406, FOR RENT 7 . room house" h or without furniture. Tsoor odbu. i APARTMENTS 4$ FURBISHED ABB UBFUBBISHEB HART APARTMENTS aU Newla furnished modern housekeeping aad Wnina rooms. 82.60 sad trn. 403.0OM iuniishedapt, adulta only. 84$ N mA HUM. Mary Apta., X blk. Rand Mvd. APT. Tirt Sd aad Belmont meoera X ana a noa .pa., ex.ew pes- .ns trp. Bleeping rooms. bs. -is HOTELS 64 POBTLA5D nSITOES Let Tbe iournal Travel Buisas Help yoa get geviisuiiiiiilatinan v SERVICE IS. FBEB N -. - a Wribe ta Toeey B, Bmtta, Jewraal Travel Barean, Journal Bids.. Port land. Ore." Ten trim when ye wiU arrive, what hotel er ether si iiiiimii astions yea want sad aboat what yoa - expert to pay. He will notify yoa las- , medUtely met what, it any. l.asiia Ciena be has been able 4a make for yoa and how so reeea taera. Be aura ta a ' saasonatae 4saae ta FOB BEBT MISCBLLABBOUB $$ FOR RENT. 2 story, 100x100 frame, sanitary - stabler 60 stalls. $ box ttaQa.1 W. W. aorner 14th and Ouimby. Portland- Artificial lee Co. IT ABTEB TO BEBT BT reponibJe family of 8. a 6 or 6 room at i. a t trangaJuw er ' cottage, se eaierwoa to ais tanee if oa earllae. East, aade -pieiSTted. Weod- tawn 280O. r WAKTEXV Furnished yoseas - for housekeeping -by young couple with 8-yesr-old girl; can give best of refereooa. : Pheae Room $1$. Best Uoustoa BoteL - . ATWO et S room fanusbsd apartment by the 15th of Oetober. i Jena iW. Alexander. Ataia 2noo. . ; . . WANTED To rent irons 6 to 20 scree. - Improved, for chicken reach, close fat, Boring, Of. BOUte 4. 1K1X XI A. '- BBATj " ESTATE ;' FOB. SALE HOUSE n . MORTGAGE OOMPANT. IT Chaabaf of Ooasaserce Nd,: ' - PHONE MAIN 37J 8 ; " :S200 CASH ' ! i la Bawthorae, baQt-ta faararas. Prtoe $80061 terms. - ; -. ' $200 CASH - ' 6 room henssw aa Woodlawa ear. Tlreolaee. seed pinrabtng, Datch kitchen, ate..: ' , Prtoe 83000, 636 per . moath-and tat, - , ! : $200 CASH roosa house, on East Pine, Price 81800 6 easy payment - - ,. , . . PA $500CASH 6 saeaa onaa, aa WL Tabor flae.! saserasat, fruit, etc Price 81200. .S400 CASH' 6 reeea buncaiew an Uswthorne, Patch kitehsa, trays, etc. Prioe I'ejo sad tenae. S300 CASH : . - 6 room modem. Weodlawn. cor. tot. garage. to Vaaooaver Uae. Prioe 88000 and $300 CASH reeea hooea. a lota, aa St. Johns eer Good ebickea runs sad bouse. Price IITOU $300 CASH 4 room modern bungalow, ftreplsee. baffei. ate. Mt. Taboc ear. ' Price 61800 aad 686 and s int. $250 CASH 4 room boose. 8 lots. Mt Scott ear. Price $1160 and easy payments. $100 CASH . . 8 room cottage. Base City Para.- Price $1400 sag azv per moatb. FALLS CITY MORTGAGE COMPANY, 817 Chamber of Commerce dg. PHONE MAIN 3718 ROSE CITY PARK Nifty Bungalow, Only $3350 An attractive little home; fireplace, furaeee, hardwood floors, baffet. Dutch kitchen, etc: full 'at. nice lawn, paved street aU paid for. Choice jnoaaoa. erase to K. u ear, west e( buj. imhu fait to see thia at onoe. Remember, street im prevenMnte all paid. Pbobe Tabor 7668 or Main 1802. No agents, please. J .. BOSS CITY PARK 6 Booms $8760 A splendid ocns.r in an ideal Everything yen would expeat ta a real modern buBgaleer. hardwood floors, fireplace, bwOt-ia buffet, furnace, etc. Yoa would expect to pay geouu. un us snow yoa tais. IfiJ m a wonderful bay and yon will appreciate its value. A. G. TEEPE CO., -264 Stark st, near Sd. Mala $816, juancn ofnee, sots ana Bandy. 83100 8200 eeah. balance 896 Be month, tnerad- tng interest, good 8 room shsck and 6 80x100- lots. aa renoed and erom fsneed with woven wire, large iron driveway gate, 21 fruit trees and 6 welaut trees. You -can snake your living expenses with chickens oa thia place, 1 blocks to nose V4iy rarx ear. no xraee so Agents Owner. 618 Corbett bldg. $250 CASH A real snappy Alberta bungalow. S rma.. near Union ave., convenient to shipyards, eta. uentains enamel plumbing, I. c. pes t, laundry traya. rnca ateou. G. C. GOLDENBERG 216 AB15GT0N BLDG. Malay 4808. ROSE CITT PARK 7 room house, with slsenine oorch. hot water beat, 2 toOsts, large bathroom, built-in bnffst snd bookcases, full cement basement $8600; house Is vacant, can move in at oooe. F. Van- duyn. BIS Chamber of Commerce. Main 1066. 8200 Suanyslde enae: 6 rut, modern eottaaa. aha. tricity and gaa, oentent baa't. paved eta,, 3 car C GOLDENBERG, ABINGTON BLDG.. .. sears in roruana Mala eeos. HAWTHORN E DISTRICT C room bungalow, strictly modern. 60x00 bt y oioea oi ear. aaa isoora. iiraniacak alt built-in effects; owner leaving city; will sell ak a Bargain, r , vanauyn. eie cnamber uemmeree. uim i was. FOB SALE BT OWNER - Let me show you any new 6 room annenlnw. sleeping porch and breekf ast room, ia best dis trict or city; Bargain II taxea- soon. Call Woodlawa 2053 titer $ p. aa. er before 7:80 m. NEAR COLUMBIA PIrC Pftieg 13160 6200 cash. $25 monthly, burs verv neat plastered bungalow, large porches, lot 66x112. spieatuo trees rrea w. uerrnsa Co., 723 Cnam. et com. ROSE CITY PARK 5 room bungalow, oak floors., rurnaoe. fireplace, large living mem. miui-iBii uuw. mt ui no xnaiuon; can nave seem on at once. F. vandnvn. SIS ChamtM or jtrmmsrc. Main l vaa. $8250 : : ; 6-ronm bungalow. 2 44 blocks from ear; w 44x110; hardwood floors, finrdaee. full baae. ment, large attie and garage; $700 cash, balance ai o7. oeiiwooa eooo. esv k. setn st $200 CASH, bei. $2160 easy. $ fine' exceirUoaaily well eonetrueted house, elan. lights, gaa, bath, cement basement lanndry trays, lot 42x92. 268 B. 87th. near Haw tnome. Tseo lOBZ. BT OWNER Wsverley Heights. 8 roosne, mod- ern. luu casement, Built for a borne, lot 42Vtxll6. lawn, fruit trees, rose, hard snr. race streets, sewers tn, pew tort terms. 183 H lia. rnin. aiain .11.. BEFORE purchasing property obtain i on its value aad eemditioaa. Get voar soy's worth. BoseoBSble chargea. MaeNaaghtaa A Raymond, valaatioa experts, Corbett bldg. aie. 1200 for 8 room honse on Morgan et be tween Missisrlpol and Albtna are: tarma. 8800 down. baL 818 per month: gas. water and electric light Thie Is a snap. Beu Real Estate co., sis Ky. k. eidg. DANDT 6 ROOM BUNdiLAvv1 Sleeping porch, hardwood Coon, fireplace, fvery Dutch kitchen, wash traya. built-in effects. Fine location. S4S K- ssta, Biahmend car. 88000 livvv, - aai. tarma. BUNGALOW, 1 rooms, bath, basement, ' eW trie Ughta. fruit aad shade trass. Macadam atreet paid. 3 H bjocka M. T. ear, A real anso lor aziov. easy terms, zoe e. ssta st M uwner, Tsnor ioz. FINE residence in Lanrelharst $8500; also 1 house. Rose City Park, paved streets. hot water heating plant, sleeping porch. $4000. Term. Could use lata medel rhtnT or houses. a-BTe, journal. $1600 4 -room modera bane. low, Dutch klteben, foil Deasm.Bt. wash traya. Im provements an in so Deia: terma. 7. A. WICKMAN CO., 844 Stark. Main 6BS 6506 CASH. BAL. EAST; PRicB tUU Furnished bungalow; move right in lsras. S raiiy Turninnea, modem biaaest bnreain 1 u IA.1IIA beautiful lawa, fir trees. Barr, Broadway 8126. $4500 -R06M- moaern UngaW: corner, gas age, house strictly modern; will lay new bard wood floor.; fnraaoa, Imprevementa au ra ana tneiaaea m J. A WICKMAN CO., 814 Stark. Mela 688. $12 oo block boss crrT pAre car" Modera $ 'room bungalow. Dlaaterad. hath. bvatorr. patent toilet gaa, - elect rleity. fine location. Imp, paid; terma. Tsbor 6560. MT. TABOR 6 ROOMS 6175. This la a . bargain. Beet car eervieu la tha city. Neilsn A Parkmll. 21$ Iumbermana ping., atn ena ntars era 54200 takes room. Bo ea K. Ankear. near zota et cement flrsplace. hardwood floora. basement, famaoa, in tine . eondiUoo. Lot SOT80. Tsoor B441. . POft 'SALki 6 sad 7 room modera " ItouaeX oa fractional lots, close In; will sell aheap. See owner, 142T Commercial st at Dekam are. ROSk CITY PAR ARK S rooms modern bun galow; very attraeare $$260. term. Tsbor 4706.. eBOOM7uoderB bungalow, foB set one bloeS to aaveei street, rrem, . etsVw near Vancouver car; furnished of anfumished WoedUwn 4936. TWO Waverleigh HeUbtt bungaiewa. .Beads buogalows. a - k.n -... " 840V $!W dowit Phone Oak Grave IM. - $22504 mom modern bungalow, winter's fuel tncruded: $766 eeah. Owner. 4319 eata ave. B. K.. 1 Mock weoastaca- ear, - 4R66ia baagalow, a blocks from Ja-A eaxiiae; - corner lot; rdee loeatian 824O0. terma. Call WeodUwn 4783, rJ - ' $2560 $400 easb," takes 'neat 6 room bouseT cement basement - fiseplac. - flae eonditioa. Wamly lUebatond dletnrt Taoar . B4 4 V. BT JflHNU Omolet4 . S "JOHNS Completd bangslow! yrme iisee casa.- I te n. avaiaoa. lilSS ERMS PbKwaant DerkT tags; treat, peu. aoaj at Mar, as la. JltOOM bouse, eat. 80x100- lot easy tarma. 1311 Dwnver ave. Phone Woodmwn 3743, TTIIrl T iiium hmin ttmm In IUiln it "T pargain, aeaau ia feseiiia .1. a-anama .Mf. HAMKa an eaa terms. "TIU Fester -reea. Tanor gB7. A HOME for $260; have lot with unfinished r room howee, ra MPwenhos. Eeet 698.- ' F5R SALE 8 room iwtUge. close in.-In'Far- . fe . tveeeuswa j, , '.t--- BEAL ESTATE BOB HALE HOCSEl Property for sale, 43Yery. Diece- a real bargain.NTerms may be nad, ; Be. 4ST 11th, Mar BaS eti j let 80sl0 ' " rnoe r ....,..,.,.. ,S SSV H.. ifS Rari mt W . V - . ' ersk, ewttage. tot - 00x109 ft. . ..... t.66w J,A sa'--Ovevaa 'era,' -Uv' 0si00 ft,, 8 kowea.. Prloe.iTrr ,$ wora modern btnralow. He 8T8 . A " ':J Capitol eve., 60x100 tv Price, , . . .- $.366 c Str- She.1!! T.. 1 S.wM Pram apartment aonsa, Nav 18$ Cs- ' I athete -et, t Ox 100 ft. : Pram. . . . 16.600 eem heaea. Ka. 718 First.' Hooker st. lot 68x100 tu Prioe 6.000 K' w; er First aad Booker sta,. f5,10t J"- mn hoaae. One earner 'lot. Price ., T room nedera honse. No. 0 E. 18th. war E. Washington at. lot 60x100 4.600 4.600 Qaarter block. 100x106 ft; en K. W.: cor. Williams eve. and shaver st. waxs. aaa aweiiine Price . a s e i J.800 Asy one ef these prepertles ere bergsiae and eo wall to LsrastigaU them. Fes full pertiealata see PARRISH, WATKINS & CO. Ke, 10$ Beeoad st, . Any one of these LAtrRELHtTBST 86600 Bare tragy la a wonderful home: Large he. ' log room. 'dining room, ktoebea aad breakfast room oa first flooa and 4 bedrooms aad sleep- ' in 8 porch oa esoond. There Is every ceeteetv. able buiit-ia eoaveaieaee yon would expect te find in ah axpenaive house. Located aboat a block frorm ear. Yon would expect to pay fully S7000. Bear la mind -the prioe Is only 66600. Terme. A. O. TEEPB oa. 244 Stark st, near 8L Mata $816. , jtraaea otnoe, seta aad Bandy. . BEAD THIS SOMETHING SPECIAL Modern 2 -story bungalow, firenlaoa. hnaHsr , system. living rootn. dining room, library. kitchen aad bath firat float! B bilrarwa and sleeping porch upper floor. 100x100 lot with ' alley; au Kinds of trait. S blocks te St Johns ear; close ta Peninsula school; fust think ef , buying this beautiful home for 88000 aad amy oowa; you eonauuy are iucxy u pea get -thia place. COE A. McKENNA A CO. Mala 4833 33 4th at. Beard ef Trade bids. ROSE CITY PARE; 6 Rooms $$600 Splendldlv built honas of S maru. IU hTna. from Boas City ear: all modera iiinTsnleeiim hardwood floora. nvuaiTa buffet fireplaee. fur nace, French doors, ets. Re lawniiili te as sume. The owner Just mast selL Barely yea will want te see this. . ... - - TEEPB CO.. 364 Stark at, near. 3d. Mala $816. Branca ouioe. Svta and Beady. . 0f ACES TRACT V $100 D0i ( BOOM BUNOALOWv- la Parkresa onle 1 SA fmmt f. n.mlm Bangatow has 4 nice rooms, plastered end tinted, modera bath and basement. Prioe $2600. - J. U' tUKTHAH COMPANY. , No. 7 Ct Coaanarce bldg.. Mala 30$ A-2050. 8 Rooms $2100 ! . V . 1. ,1 mM viui .w. mm. uvunn. ena mt Beers ears. 80x100 lot, fruit eta. j 6860 dowa, Tha t. a good buy. UXO. T. MOORE CO. ; ABINGTON BLDO.- We accept Liberty bonda, FOR SALE Beat City Park ear. 1 abort black to ear. o room modern bungalow doubly aea. structeMhroughoat ell bmut-tna, tall besement, laundry trays, first elasa plumbing priee $3760; terms arm a room ewttage, tine lawn, tail nae ef p ramping, a blocks ta ear, 81660: See Mr. Jcaks. 68th and Sandy bird. C-l 558. - 81900 BELLWOOD HOME 81600 6-roora house, alee, and gas. white enamel - plumbing, lte te Bellwood , ear ea Bid well et, fuU lot S bearing fruH trees (sold 660 trait thia year), grapes, berries aad flowers! price 81900; $800 will -handle. See FRANK L. If cGUIRE, -ABINGTON BLDG.,' Ta Boy Tour Home. - 'Msin 1066. Hawthorne District 6-room bungalow with sleep rag Porch. 614 at. close to ear; modern including rurnaoe; street peved end paid for; price 63160. terms. GEO. T. MOORE CO. ABLHOTOM BLDG. . We accept Liberty bonds. s&Vao ALBERT A DUtRKt TI0 ' Bsaatifal 6 room bungalow oa E- 31st at 6700 eaah will handle thia snap. Liberty beans taken 50x100 lot All ssodern. walks tn, atraet well graveled. Call R, M. Staysa. with TUB FRED A JACOBS COMPANY. 104 6th Street Msia 6869. GOOD $ room honse, full lot near St Johns car and Portland boulevard. Very de-aiable ana reasonable; substantial flnrt payment, bat.' terms to suit CMrner, Bunaay ana Tabor 8652; ether days. Mala 865$, 6l2t5 BUTi 6-roor. temnorarv hoaaa. nished with fine grade, furniture, aeer. B cords wood, about ISO gta, fruit; aaar Union ave. and Alberta; bant ear- -fees et la aad ; paid; reauires $600 cash. ' -t - . 1, WICKMAN CO., $14 Star. ' Mata $$$.-? J. A. Foit SALE Ut. VXWH . Tboroturhly modern T room bowse, aanlwoeat Doors, built-ra dining-room and kitshaa, down stairs bedroom and toilet, sleeping pcfebr lOOx iis; sooa variety iruit ana Itoweraw se 7th at, near Hawthorne: Owner, Tabor 4-08. $4o69' S-roora modern heoss, 8 roees an fbat floor, I n second; fireplaee, furnace, full Benefits rsrement with wash traya; S50O eaah, bale new t aa Richmond oar 11 ae. Fboae SaUweod 8686. 489 B. 84th st - $2180$ room modern bungalow aaar Alberta prtee reduced to )e tam sen - week. Immediate nose 3. A WICKMAN CO.. 814 Stark. e . VF can-Be, Main 688. . FURNISHED $2800 $360 DOWN $ room bunslow. sleet lie, gas, ready te mere in, 1 blnrb ear; ensn. - . . SMatlT-WACONEB CO., STOCK EX t '- FOUR room bouse, batb, pantry, altie, lotTFs 100, 1 block from ear, eetneat walk. 61400. Only 8200 down. 420 monthly without intes est 1911 E. Irving st ' , $ ROOM modern bungalow, electrte om $lst st, 4 lame attic full twaeeaent 76x100 sstn ave. a. t- wewoateeB ear ta blocks north. - ; ... . BOOMS, modera. let 100x100. lota fruit. uvs. snsssi. eeerusee.i Bill. ' Rvaa Place, en Oresa Electric, niaga. Must selL A ens. BfarthaB $603 eve- SEE 63$ Hamblet ave, for the biggest baraaia In a la in arts pare I new a room, ap-to-tne-mtn- trte home. WiU make i bs esartUes; werth S10.0O0. bwt wbat am 1 offeree!, - - $1600 H ACRE NEW BOMaT tinnaa walls. aVrable ftoees. rrma w mmM , Tabs 8191. a FINE 4 room bungalow. $ blocks from MX Boot ear. 3 Mocks trees M.eed.m toad. Tata is the best bargain at tha atty. Prtoe $900. Terms. Mar. zbt mornings. MODERNIZE year bniloW. aU k!nds ef reeaJyt Bee. my dealgna for new beuees. Max M. Merer, architect. Concord bidx. Mala - 620a.-: Formerly Supt Oregon Home BufMera. t r v VACANT ; i room , farnisbed house for sale; enicaea para, iran, groanci joosip $760; rasa. Wewdeteek earUna. See ewaer, $6$ Atoka ., st Phone A-1918. Tsbor $$7. FOR SALE--wStfashed 4 room filaetared1 aamee' wita inapiacej wooanonws aaej wwoa tor win - r. Price 8226i 10 cash aad 6 12. SB nee sw, Baaa ' FOR SALE Johns - eartlne. HIT: Cencwrd at Prase $7800;. part eesA : Phone O-wner, WeedlewB -... - - . - - - THREE room aousa, bath, toflst, eleetrte UghZ ? i I 40x110 ft- lea, eemen sMewaSn.- S black . t rroea Mt Scott ear. Btseet,-. tVwired. Sett. 26S6. GOOD-.HOU8E FEND-BULA DISTRICT - . i t $J0 Terro e rssponstble parties. . Ieat i at it today. - Neilaa A ParkbO. 3 IB lMmt). : sMna hide.. Sth and Stark sta, - - l . LOOK , T v Tf peal have $1004) . ta par ewc aad -sunt a home that win nay fov itlf. acaae ta S B. 2th rt. Fhone Eaat 487, Owner. ATTRACTIVELY locetaett house ta Ira. for oaiek sale $$760. Eect-aOli. 4" FOCB room hooe, 4 Jots, .a Caaitol UUl st . ' tioo. Be fare. Mar. ibts. - . f $li(HB room noose ta SeUwooei near ear.' . a bargaka. on terma. Phone ewaer. SelL 3SQ4 k RUOUhuee aad sarage; W. 7lzT00, corner' T ' See owner, 274 Pertlaad btvd. end Wiiitam. , i BOOM modera bungalow aut be sold; naxt - aseh,- Mt Tabor ehatriet CaU Selj 3633. . : FOR SALE 7 room moderB betsie, a32fSvaa - et Phone Tabor 7761. . ' - e it- : i i ... i LADY barber wanted at t ;.;. --f.3;, y. ,j....;v f