t 4- 1 ..7 THE. OREGON: DAILY. 'JOURNAL PORTEND, ! TUESDAY. ; OCTOBER 15. .1918. 1U ' . . 5 . . i- ,- ' , ft. " i- -.-rafV-. ri rti. . y AUTOCRACY MUST t - . - . . . - - ..'BY THE PRESIDENT Unconditional Surrender is Sub- V stance of ' Reply of Wilson to : Hun Proptsa! for peace. a-- INHUMAN WAR CONTINUED 1 t ' Sinking of Ships and Shelling Lifeboats and Destruction at 1 Present Time Are Cited. 4 i; ? -: -v 1 . jfyf,- " a'" ' -4 , ' i ' Sift V, jf JA 4 1 f ' Washington, Oct. 15. Unconditional surrender. .. This laths substance of President Wilson's' decision Monday on the first l,'1 barman peace not,. and the later reply i , 'to his inotilry. ; V He:maks plain that no arrangements V will b eoniidered for either evaucatlon ? ,or an armistice unJeaa Germany gives v safeguards and guarantees of the main' tanance of the preaent military suprem acyjpf the armlea of he United States and the alliesln the field. ' ' And he tella the German nation that no final peace may be expected until the " overthrow of th Hohenaollern dynality ind the downfall Of the cruel military TV autocracy that plunged the wnoie war to in, war.. Text of PreeMeat'i ITete .A. ,--,., follows I tlrtue the illegal and inhumane prac ! "Vu. :" "r.. I -... th. tlce which they still persist in uniiit wr hi vvbbvyii, . . COMMISSIONED TV 'Oft 1 r'-. 'J,.in' "' " '"II. li : 5 ,'''? ' ia-i- -I.kli xi i "i r-i-rn -fn ma m'-rr . 'miin, l ip i . i m " i an i' ''v-vaaMMMinMawvaHMMMaMMWaMaMMaaMe . ?'aawwaaMaaeaMewaMe (Continued Tvom Pft Od) 4- ' r si.' ' Hi aaja.'fgat! S Major Frank C fcColloh Frank C. McCollach of Baker, Or., brother of Claude McColloch. attorney with offices Jn The Journal building. has been lately commissioned major, ac cording a information received by his brofher. ; Major McColloch is with the Ninety-first division oz the Three Hun' dred Sixty-third infantry m Prance. charge d'airaires ot ewiiaeriana. u j Interim. In charge of German Invests i in the .United States : "Department of 8tate. Oct 14. 191 Sir ? 'In reply to the communication of the German government, dated the 12th inatanl! which you handed me today, I have the honor to request yo to trans mit the following : "The unquallflrt acceptance by the present German government and by a large majority of the German reichstag of the terms laid down by the president of the United States of America In hid address on the eighth of January, 1918, and In his subsequent addresses justifies the president In making a frank and dl- reet statement of his decision with re 'gard to the communications of the Ger man government of the eighth and twelfth of October. flnpremacy Matt Be Malatalned 'It- must be clearly understood that the processes of evacuation and the con dUlons of an armistice are matters which must be left to the Judgment and advice of the military advisers 0me government of the United States and the allied governments, and the presi dent feels It his duty to say that no ar rangement can be accepted by the govi eminent of the United States whlchdoes not provide absolutely satisfactory safe guards and guarantees of the mainte nance of the present military suprem acy of the armies of the United States and of the allies in the field. He feels confident that he can safely assume that this will also be the Judgment and decision of the allied governments. "The president t feels that It Is also . .his duty to add that neither the govern ment, of the United States, nor, he is quite sure, the governments with which the government of the United States is associated - as a belligerent, will con sent to consider an armistjce so long as the armed forces of Germany, con- Famous Old Recipe for Cough Syrup Easily aad cheaply made at some, bat It beats them all J for quick results. Thousands of housewives have found that they can ' save two-thirds of the money usually spent for cough prepara- iBhamaBltles Are Continued " 'At thee very time that the German government approaches the government of the United States with proposals of peace, its submarines are , engaged . In sinking passenger ships at sea, and not the ships alone, but the -very boats In, which their passengers and crews seek to v make their way to safety; and in their present enforced withdrawal from Flanders and France the German armies are pursuing a course of wanton de struction which has always been re garded as in direct violation of the rules and practices of civilized warfare. """Cities and villages. If not destroyed are being stripped of all they contain, not only of material things, but often of their very inhabitants. The nations assocl ated- against Germany cannot be expect ed to agree' to a cessation of arms while .acta of. Inhumanity, spoliation and deso lation are being continued, which they v justly look upon with horror and with burning hearts. ' Is necessary, also, that there may be "no possibility 'of misunderstanding, that the president. should very solemnly call the attention of the government of Germany to the language and plain In tent of one. of the terms of peace which the German government has now ac cepted. It is contained in the address of the president, delivered at Mount Vernon on the Fourth of July, last. -It is as follows: ' ' "The destruction of every arbitrary power anywhere that can separately, secretly, and of Its single choice dis turb the peace of the world ; or if it cannot be presently destroyed, at least Its reduction to virtual im potency." " 'The power which has hitherto con trolled the German, nation is of the sort here described. It is within the choice of the German nation to alter It The president's words just quoted naturally constitute a condition precedent to peace, if peace is to come by the action of the German people themselves. The president feels bound to say that the whole process of peace will, in his judg ment, depend upon . the def inlteness and the satisfactory character of the guar antees , which can be given in this fundamental matter. ' " 'It Is indispensable that the govern ments associated against Germany should know beyond a perad venture with whom they are dealing. The president .vill make a separate reply to the royal and imperial govern ment ot Austria-Hungary.' ' Accept sir, .the renewed assurances of my high consideration. :'Vt "ROBERT LANSJNG.' ;. in for .making cough syrup at home. It -'" . C la, simple and cheap to make, but It -V,.: -J 'really haa no equal for prompt results. . . : it takes - tight hold of a cough and gives Immediate relief, usually stopping an ordinary cough in 14 hours or less. Qet 2 Vi ounces of Plnex from any druggist, pour It Into a pint bottle, and add plain granulated sugar syrup to make 'a full pint If you prefer, use clarified molasses, honey or corn syruo. instead ' of sugar syrup. Either. "Way, It tastes good, keeps perfectly, andfeiasts a family a long time. . It's truly astonishing how quickly ft acta, penetrating through every air pas sage of the throat and lungs loosens and raises the phlegm, soothes and heals the membranes, and gradually but surely the annoying throat tickle and dreaded cough disappear entirely. Nothing' better- for bronchitis, spasmodic croup, whoop ing cough or bronchial asthma. Pmex is a special and highly concen trated compound of genuine Norway ' .pine extract, known the world Over for its healing effect on the membranes. ' Avoid disappointment by asking your druggist for "2 ounces of Plnex" with fuH directions and don't accept anything !se. Guaranteed to give absolute satls faction or money promptly refunded, , .-4. ' I0RIC FOR EXCESSIVE ACID i TRY THE.- WILLIAMS TREATMENT 75 Cent Bottle (32 Doses) FREE ; 7ust- because you start the day wor : ried and tired., stiff lers and i-ma an ; : , muscles, an aching head, burntng and r bearing down pains in the back worn ... out before the day begins do not think . . you have to stay in that condition, i -. . .Be strong, -well and vigorous, with no "mora pains from stiff joints, sore nuu. . das. rhevmatie 'suffering, aching; back Y t kidney, trouble. . . 4 , t If you suffer from bladder weakness. - with burning, ecaldlnr pains,- or At . you , ; ir in ana our. ot oaa aiu a aosen antes , ia night, you will , appreciate the rest. - comfort and strength . this ; treatment ;: gives." - L?- ' -To ' prove -The Williams Treatment eonauers" kidnesr and bladder diseases. ' rheumatism and all vc&er rtmenca when due to excessive ,urio - acid, no matter ;' how chronio or stubborn. If you have '-never tried .The "Williams Treatments will give oae 7 So bottle t doses) free I - If jrou will cut out .this notice and send K -it with your name and address and 10 , ' eenta to help pay postage, pacKlng, etc., . to The Dr. JX- A. WUUama Company; ' , -' twpt. li-39, new P. Ov Building, East , ' Hampton, Conn. Send at once and you . wUl receive by parcel post a regular 76c J , bottle, without charge and without in Ci." curring any obligation. Only one bot ; tie to the same address r family. Adv. Kichatd B. Tipton . ' TXT vTI Zl. ilsa-' vv ins uoinuiissxunrm Artillery Service Richard H. Tipton haS'just received a commission as second lieutenant frbm-i Camp Taylor ana nas oeen assigned- to the replacement camp at Camp Jackson", SC- according to information received by his father. C G. Tipton. ,y ; " Lieutenant . Tipton has een taking a training course in heavy .artillery and in a recent letter to his father said that his battalion had received the flag1 for me oest iinng. . Young Tipton was takimt a cburaa In clvlland electrical engineering.-at the university or wasnmgton when called upon to 1 enter the officers training camp. ,He is a former carrier for The journal., . , Goast District . Is NdwMPer'O Loan Subscription San Francisco,-Oct 15. (U. P.)-The Twelfth federal reserve district's llbertv loan total . at noon Mondav atnrui at szo8,78Q.S50, an increase of approximately $2,000,000 over Saturday night's figures. The district haa subscribed 62 per cent of its uz,wu,wo quota. In the ship naming contest Los An geles continues to gain on San Francisco in class A and now shows a lead of about 10 per cent over this city. . Portland leads in class B with Seattle second and Oak-, land . third. Tacoma is first In class C : Berkeley in class D and Eureka In auda pnblio todsy " conUlnthi nme of 44 Ann. none of whiclL r una of asembefs of tiw marina' eorp. . Th aItM- a diridtd m foUcnn: f- iitTiii ...i--.xi; K filed in actioB ..,,..,..,........ T Mliains in 'actum , ...... .40 Wolind Mi . UKfltr ' , . A . . , . M-m mm-m . ir . 1 84 : Died oi diiiea..?;"'. .-.; i .s .ir 4 IMed of aeddent and ;othT e(e. 4 l)ed f wound W $ ' 2ft- Wouoded alichtly k . . . . . . i Wounded, . df na nndeUruyea. .jw Total i v ,,. .4U4 ARMY CASUALTIES '. kiu.ko m action '" ::- ;- - Meirtananta.' - ;- :-,f ; FRANK M. MOOKK. -Houstoa : Teiaa ' KALPH W. TIPPET.- Appletoa. Wi. CHARLES It" DAVIS, CuwinaaU Ohio. , JACOB J. GOROOSCHI4TZ. St. Panl, Minn. EVERETTE McMANUS. Aurelia. Iowa. JOHN MOE8EH. TompkfiaTiHe.N. Y.; , Coraoral PATBTCK J. DOIjA7" West Ljmn, Ma. , WI UAH J. HAMIIX. Crowder, Okla. Y iEORGBG. HAKDINGER. Garriaon, lows. PERCY lu MARSHALL, BUirsTilU. Pa. . WALLACE J. McADAMS. Moberiy. Uo? UIMITKIOS G. 8T&ATIKOPCLOS. ConaoU Bluffs, Iowa, private KRNEST L. ASDERSOJf,'' KhMrUle. Texas. CARMINE APICELI.A. Kew liork. N. T. i JAMES U. ACRELIL8, Newburjrport, Uass. NICK BORZACHIEuIX), Kewsrk, N. J. ; JOSEPH BRA8SEA. Keating', Colo. CLAHDB K. CLEMENT. Kanus City. Kan. : ROBERT E. CRUMPLE R, Andahuia. Ala. . J JOSEPH J. DUFTEK. Cleveland. Ohio. EDWARD S. DUMLEB. St.-Bernard. Ohio. NOAH ECHOLS, San Antonio. Texas. , '.i RAFFAEL GAI-ANTE. New Tork, N. T. TRCMAN F. HACKER, GoUTernenr. N. T. t FMAN& KENNETH HA IT). PHtsburs. Pa. Y 6AM G. JOHNSON. Tacadstorp, Sweden, r JOHN " H. KERN. Glencoe. Mich. , EDWARD KILDEE. Buckley, Mich. , WILLIE KING. Rewnor, Ala. ANTON K' EMIETCZ, Tilna. Buwia. PER E. LINtMiREN. AakeUn, Minn. : BENJ. LOATTO. Oranaeburf, N. T. ' FRED MATHIS. Needraore. N. a ' Eli MAYWALD, Bobrille, , Texas. . JOSEPH MeGlNN. Oaklane. Pa. j ARTHUR -W. McMEEKAN, New Tork. N. T. ; jun.s r. aacnii.LAPi, new ion, M. X. OSCAR H. MeVEIGH. Bremen, Ohio, s JOSEPH M IK EN AS JR.. New Tork. N. T. , ERNEST MILLER. Lincoln. N. T. RAYMOND T. MORRIS. Philadelphia. Pa LEE M. MIX' IN. Somerrille, Texas. DANIEL MURPHY, Hyde Park. Mass. WILLIAM FRANCIS O'HARA. BurUngton, ERIC OLSON, Williams. Minn. JIM PAMVASM. Bremerton. Wash. JAMES P. PATTERSON. New Tork. KILLED IN ACTION. PREVIOUSLY PORTED MIS8INQ IN ACTION Lieutenants CHARLES S. HARRISON, Columbus. Ga. J. rua.Ti in hi, Ainert JUea. Minn. CORPORAL LUTHER B. EA8LET, Carter, 111. - J ' . - ' . , - . Privates Y Y'''! GEORGE R. BOOHER. Tuttle, Okla. ' HERMANCASSENS. 087 .Tork street Ssn Francisco.'' JAMES 8AMBEL GRAY. Battle Creek, Mich. JOHN C. HENRICHS. Atlantic. Iowa. M JOSEPH HOG.'Pisburs, Pa. MARLIN U Jm, Middletown. Pa. v GEORGE T. M'N EKLT.'lVind Ridge, Pa.; JOHN A. MITCHELL, Ota, Ky. USEEBB. RODR1QUE. Lotan. Iowa. WILLIAM W BI.XCKRN Y, Bradford, Pa. V RUSSELL K. TODERS. Waynesbnrs, Pa. GEORGR.LUEBKER, LaPorte, Ind. LAWRENCE OSBURN, CUy, W. Va. JOHN KOOL. Biekneil. Ind, CESARE PENNACHIA, Scottdale, Pa. DIED OP WOUNDS, PREVIOUSLY PORTED SEVERELY WOUNDED CORPORAL HENRY BYRON HALL." Ha rd faubure, Ky. ' v'"-- : PRIVATE CLARENCE B. LOGISDON, K01 kuck. Ohio. ' . f . ' - DIED OP WOUNDS, PREVIOUSLY RE PORTED MI88INO IN ACTION PRIVATE MACRICB:Lv M'DERMOTT. Loocootee, Ind. - DIED OP WOUND8 '- Prlvatas . - SEDOlt P. BATKsNew York, N. T. JOHN PAUL FEDICK, Detroit, Mich. BERNT A. FOSSES, Clearbrook. Minn. JOHN GANNON, Cleveland, Ohio. ' SCHYLER GRAY, Cadix, Ky. . ARNOLD HODGE. Piedmout. Mo. HARRY LYCTHCT, Somerset, Pa. BRYANT PRICE, McKenxie. Am.' . CHESTER H. RANSON. Perrysburt, N. T. SCARINCI RINALDO, Italy. JAMES E. RU8S. Cleveland. Ohio. HERMAN H. SCHAKOW, Detroit. Mich. STANLEY WALKER, Decatur. Ala. CLAUD 8. WOOD, Brookville. Ohio. JOHN TAIAK, Philadelphia. Pa. PHILIP NASTA, Brooklyn. S. T. CHESTER I. NOBRIS Carnmrie, Pa. LOUIS L PRE88, Eveleth. Minn. HERMAN C. STEIN, Brooklyn. N. T. ROWIJiND H. 8T1IXINGER. Eauroa. N. Y. CHARLES L, STOREY, Wainright. Okla. SILAS TAFOTA. Dixon. N. M. WALTER W. WATSON. PUttevffle. Wia. CHARLES W. WHITING, Avon, Mass. STEVE YENDRICK. Plymonth. Pa. , DIED OP DISEASE Maehanlolair JAMES 8. WALLACE. RoopviTJe, Ga. Musician ' ED LUCAS. HamUton, Texaa. - Privates JAMES B. AR5I8WOKTHT,1 Pitisbura. Pa. CLAUDE SAMUEL HOOKER. North 8a AUGUST W. BURMIESTEB. Jeffen. Minn. GEORGE N. FRYB. Medford. Mass. WARREN B. DIETZ, York, Pa. x SAMUEL H. FIELD, Barksdala. Texas. ABE O. FROST, 'Clarksvine, Ark, : JACK GOOD. Doniphan. Mo. ; I,ON H AI.I.. Oldtown. Kr. ANDREW M. HALVEBSOirr CUrkfield, WILLIAM E. HUNTTNGSER, Indianapolis, Ind. EDMUND 'IRVING, Baltimore, Md.., JAMES T. JOHNSON. Bowden. Ga. ALBERT F. JUNKERMAN, Blaekwater, Mo. i ANDREZZI KDXCZ. Hamtramck, Mush. , CARL T. LUN DB KW. Strandbure, S. D. . iria- a T-T-r-vin n uiHAtfDDD T.m. ir.tmm. I Y JAMES HARVEY McCONNELL. Cincinnati, IXanrtts Mcdonald. Mintna. Mica. JACOB MINGO, Cohrmbla. MiaeJ 'i, JKDWARD F. MUIJJN. Boston. Msas. C-feCHARD U KITCHENS, Helena. Ark. XEMUEL KOLB. Philadelphia, Pa, ? "VALENTINE KITKLA. Kawkawlin, Mich. WMOSROK MeDONALD. Heber. Utah. r THOMAS CHAPMAN MONTGOMER, New Comerston, onto. i IRA M. MOORE. Brrthe.' Ga. ARTHU5 NUNN, CrosweU. Mich. JOHN f. POTITLSKI. Detroit. .Mich. ASNATU8 ROBERTSON, WilUamxton. N. C. l CHARLES . U. BTAKAITlo, Waterbury, Conn. j .; . - -r LOUIS ft. WITT. Detroit. Mich. DIED OP AOOIDENT AND OTHER CAUSES Prlvatas CYRIL HARANT. x ChtrafO, -IT1. , JOHN A. KEENAN. Chipam; 111. WTLLARD T. PRICE, Broomtr IaUnd. Md JOHN W. STEVENSON, Baker, Or. SEVERELY WOUNDED Lieutenanta Frank Georse Fitzpa trick, Chi cago, m. : Jamea A uetttnss. New Haven. Conn. Elmer "Edward Machamer, Fulton. HL Frank Mnlbnrry, Kenoaha, Wis. ; Victor H. Nysewander, RE- Menrionites -CSloseVr 1 :aiG6efeiice" f&aJiaClS'.---The Mennonite Brefh. ren ot -the Pacific district-closed & three days' session , her ' Sunday. 'Delegates were present from. Oregon. Washington. CalHornia. Idaho and Colorado. : . All strvlcea ' were held in English - and a subscription was taken for the asso ciated war "activities drive.? Rev." J.tH. Rickert of Lodi, Cal was elected presi dent ; Rev. f J. Berg ,f Keedley. Cal ice president, and IV H. Berg of Dal. las, TDr, secretary. : " v , - f i 1 -n w ' " " i -t - r" JD Prescott Toomey,- managing editor l xnv pauaa (Texas) News, died Sun day, k t i , . 1 , . YOUR DUTY TO BE ATTRACTIVE Have ftetty Darfc Hwr T " CreohYifHiir ;;bresslng l the original hair color restorer, and not a dye. Applying it- to your bahr and scalp revives the 4 color glands of '. na ture, . and restores- your hair to 'a beau tiful dark shade or to its natural, color. It is the only hair color restorer that will gradually darken AH -your gray cr faded v hair toy; this way. - ' No matter how gray, prematurely gray., faded or lusterless your . hair might ' be. ITU Creole" ' Hair Dressing will ' make" it beautifully dark, soft and lustrous. TLa Creole" Hair Dressing wm not stain the scalp, wash or rub off, and Is easily applied by simply combing: or brushing through the hair, :. Don't be misled int j buying some .cheap " preparation. : v' -"LA CREOLE- HAIR ' DRESSING k for gray or faded hair, and retain the appearance of youth. " Alacr vsed : by gentlemen? to impart an even dark color to their gray hair, beard or - mustache. For. sale by the Owl Co. s Drug Stores and all good drug stores everywhere. Mail orders from out of town, custonaers filled, promptly .upon receipt of regular price. $1-20. "U Creole Hair Dressing is sold on a money ack guarantee. Adv. JoneaviUa, Ind, i Stanley ' PhUUps. Upper Moat dare, N. J. a " Sergeant-Major rred Smith.-Dayton,. Oho. Smmh, W9 i Vll.-'m ' Vwt.kt iVtl John H Broekmaa. Brookfleld. Mo.; W. Wayne Fnttoo, ITairlieidY Iowa; Thomas' E. Ganagher, Brooalytl; N. Y.; Robert F. Gasabreil." Hamilton. Ohio; t"rancis . Garland, Chicago. HL; John C. , Joos. Brooktam. N. Y.i Walter L. Joms. Flocala. Ala. 'Clayton P. Lanabrt, Hackenaack. N. J.; wrama-a, um, ioim, ill.; uaorge a. sae Cntcheon, Kvanston.- 11L ; - Patrick J.' MeEvery. Coantv Oueens. Ireland : Hmh J - MeGuira. Johnotown. I.; John A McNnty.' Lawrence, Mass.; HtanWaw Nagorka, Chicago HLs Engene W. O'Conoer, Chicaco. IlL; William J. O'Snl Hvaa. Kew York. N. Y. r. Frank Roth. HotuDlaner. HutchinBton, Pa. Howard , Shoemaker Qninton, N, J.: Harry - D. -Skainta. Tonganoxia, , Kansas ; Joan F. Bwanstrom, tfew Tork. N. X.f Mathew M. Adams, . OBdensburg. ,, N. Y.; - Daniel - HO iter Benton. Ellenvillt, N. Y.; Frank M. Bourne, Kunaio, . I.; Clilford T. Bortt. lwin trails, Idaho; Frank B. Brron. AhMna. Mich.: Manuel T. Ferreira, Taunton, . Mass. ; - Arthur Fenchke, New York, N. Y. ; Clareno A. Grey, Fort Worth. Texaa; Wynne - Jones, Windgap, Pa.; Arthur aei.r, ueimont. n. x.; r nomas v ateity; Tilden. Neb.; Charlie Latowaki. Chicago. 111. f Jamea J. Logan. W. Medford, Mass. ; , Norman E. Long,-'Oalitomia, Md. ; Joseph P. .MeKinuey, Brooklyn, N. Y.; Patrick 3. Mclnerney, Hilferagh, Ireland ; Arthur P. .Mannernerg. Glen Campbell, Pa.; David V. Nichols, Little Rock, Ark.; Iljal tnar Bernard Peterson, Hardwood, Mich.; Claude It. Roberts,' Wanau, Wia.; George Shady, Val dxieka, Gh. ; Lawrenca M. Steffin, Natroma. Pa. ; Bugler Charles .Albert Martin, Detroit. Mich.; Wagoner Arthur .J. Tesaier.' Goodyear, Conn.; Cook Peter N. Anastis, Waverly. Mass. Privates Clareneo G. Abrahamson. Scandi navia. Wis.; Andrew Adomatu, Cherry, 111.; Edward- L. Albrecht, New York, N. Y.; Herman L. William Allen, Tomahawk, Wis.; I.yle-A. Allen, Irvington, N. ' J.; Victor V. Bagnek, fu: Ti. . .l.-;ti i xr V . xi vr - Mika Banawica. Waterbury. Conn.; Herbert Bannister. Port Huron, Mich.; Jamea A. Bar- i eellona. New Orleans, La.; ' Louis Bsshner, Brooklyn. N. Y.; George J. Bena, San Fran- eisco. Cat. ; Sylvester IX Cavaanaugh, Brooklyn. NjT.: Frank O. Claar, McCook. -Neb. ; Delbeit R. Clime. Vintonia, S. I ; Harold L. Clutter, Washington, Pa.; John Francht Coxon, South Windham. Maine; Ewing 'I. Cubberjey, Trenton, -N. J.; Mike F. Outran, Morrisdale, "Pa. Syl vester J. Cudahy. Ventura. Cak A. E. Dahl, Warren. Pa.; Nicholas R. DaneseNew Orleans, La.; Ralph Delgiomo, East Boston. Mass.; Wal ter Herman Dorrow, Margoete Co.. Mich.: Syl vester J. Dougherty, NickelovUle. Va. ; Frank Martin Earl, New Albany. Ind.; Charles Dun ford. Galax. Va.; Iliff Lyon Elliott. East Hutchinson, Kan. ; Anthony Hellswortb. iLa GrangeviUe. N. Y. ; Wesley Fsrless, Gaines ville, Mo.; Joseph H. Karor, Drain, Ala.; John Ferretti. Raritan. N. J.; Karl A. Freeman, Lamar; Kan. ; Alphonse Gravelle. - Fitchbarg, Mass.; Grover C. Hamann, Flint, Mick; Ed ward G. Hast, Strathmore, CaL; John M. Heg gem. Long moot, Colo.; Emil Hen, New York, N. Y.; Ferdinand E. Heth, Fort Atkinson, Wis.; Arthur R. Howell, Lebanon, Or.; John V. Jack son, St. Joseph, Mo.; Leonard Janke, Freraan, 8. D. ; Arthur L. Johnson, Luther,- Okla. ; Rosa Jones. Kansas City. Mo.: Albert Kemokes. Buf falo, N. Y.; Herbert A Klein. Hortonville. Wis.; Joseph K Rzkwa. Jewett City, Conn. ; Ernest 1. Lapine, West Port, N. X.; Louis A. Lara la, New York". , N. Y. ; Morris Lekachman, New York. N. Y.; Charles W. Linde, Hinsdale. .El.; Patrick B. MeCabe, New York, N. Y. ; Harry McCsraerrr Mills. N. M. : Jamea McCrears. Roysa- City.' Texas William McDonough, New Yoxk. N. Y.; Edward's. McFarland, Greenfork, lad,f George W. MeGee. New York. N. Y.; Harry, McNeil Loversville, It. Y.; Martin L. McQueney, Iohrentown, Pa.; Joseph L Msloy, New . Brighton. M. Y. ; William R. Mantilla. Worcester, Mass.' Cosmo Melfi.. Beacon. N. X. ; Bennie C McrediDi. Huntington. N. Va. ; Byron M. Atoogold. Kline. W. Va.; Glenn Lewis Myers, Bear Lake, Mich.; Joseph M. Dittmaa, Cleveland, Ohio; Robert A. Do lan, Atlanta, Ga.; mraeuns Doolm, Ixsnont, HL; Adsm A. Drankiewiex, Chicago, 111.: Wade H. Driggers, Lakeland, La.: Joseph Drimkosky, Minneapolis. Minn. : Frederick 8. Eden. FavetteVille. Ark. : John Egidio. Milan. Mich.: John Alfred Ericson. wateronry. Conn,; Robert Falls; Palo Alto, Pa.; Thomas Fay, West Hoboken, N. J.; Harry ueorge rieoig, . snamokin. Pa.: John T. Fitx- pa trick. Jamaica, L. I., N. Y.: Charles Fleming. Austin, Minn.; Tracy U Foltz. Hamlin, Ark.; Richard E. Furr, SUnfield. S. C: John J, Gannon. New .York. N. Y. ; George Gibson. TTAlrnlr In.. - A 114. , . A L. - . Joseph 'Grabow'ski, Milwaukee, ' Wis.'; Aenry M. wram, Jac.raw, in. i.; txlwara Gray, Kictiraond Will, I, x. : Alfred M. Helgeson, WoodviUe, Wis.; Nicholas F. Hall. Brooklyn. N. Y Ham J. Harbison, Philadeiphia, Pa.: Konstano Hen cinski, Chicago, 111. : Louis Smith Henderson, ntuialo, ri. X.; Ueorge L. Hensley. Croaelose, Va. ; George Washington Hewitt. Gould City. Mich.; Gus Hill, Buffalo, N. Y.; Herman H, Horowitx, Brooklyn, N. Y.; Jamas Housely, Soddi, Tenn.; Joseph Bynas, New Albany, Pa.. Henry ' Jadinski, Michigan City, Ind. ; Andrew M. Jensen. Luke, Iowa; Kobert Jones, Gas City, Ind. ; Albert J. Johnson. Brookings, ' S. D. ; Barney Johnson,-Akra, N. D.; Ralph Johnson. Norway: Albert Sidnev Johnston. Union. W. Va. ; Joseph Kawicki, Rnssia; Jesse Kelley, nnenui, la.; Lawrence King, Houston. Texas; Paul King, Lagrange. Ga.: Michael Kornick. Corbin, Russia ; -William J: Kraus. Buffalo, N. Y.; Sherwood A. Ltarouche, Utica, N. Y.: Clar ence G. Law, Anthony, Kan.; James L. Lear, Lowell. Mass. ; Louis F. Leblond, WiRiamantie, Conn. ; Henry Lee. Dawson, Minn. ; Clarence Lett. Betoett, Iowa: John T. Loekhart, Clan ton,' Ala. ; Maurice Christopher Longstreet. New York. N. Y. ; Hartin A. Lyder, South Norwalk, Conn.; John Lomch. Providence, K. I.; James J. O'Connor, Denver, Calo.; Joseph Oliver. Youngstown. N. Y. ; Francesco FsJaschi. New York, NY.; Walter H. Peake. Green Mountain. N. C; Gini PeUeschl, Norristown. N. Y.: Michael Petito, Brooklyn. N. Y. : Arthur Phelps, Henderson. Iowa; Vito Piperatta, 'New Village, in. J. ; Kdward F. Potter. Lismraville. Md. WOUNDED SEVEITKLV IN ACTION, PRtVI OUSLT REPORTED KILLED IN ACTION Private Luiai Izso. Rochester. N. Y. WOUNDED 8EVERELV, PREVIOUSLY RE PORTED DIED FROM ACCIDENT ANO OTHER CAUSES! Private Paul Delix Kordns, Milwaukee. '"' WOUNDED SEVERELY. PREVIOUSLY RE PORTED MI88INO IN ACTION Privates Howard R. Baker, Homestead, Pa. ; Buel T. Lucy, ' Fort Payne, Ala. ; Emery J. SrJckels. Jasonville Ind.; Harry R- West, Se attle. Wash.: Marion E. Williams, Logansport, Iowa; Paul P. Fowler, Oswego, Ind.; Henry G. Kichter, Davenport. Iowa; Liouis u. Kosseu. Lodi. CaL ; William H. Tolbert. Bardwell, Ky. ; Paul Williams. Paris, IIL WOUNDED, PREVIOUSLY REPORTED MISSINQ IN ACTION Private Jeff Sykes, Delhi, La. 8LI044XLV WOUNDED Sergeant Pete 8 pence, Dallas, Texas. Corporal Joseph L. Yokono. Brooklyn. N. Y. Busier William L. Kcbwieger. Philadelphia. Pa. Privates Attie Berett. San Francisco; Jerry Dijoy, New Haven, Conn.: vemer Kaijniua, Hoouiam. Wash. : Conrad "McHugh, Summit Mill. Pa. ; Joseph Macedo, Hknford, CaL; Simon Paelln. Chelsea, Mass.; Walter Randrik. Phila delnhia. Pa. i Torello Rvan. Bethlehem. Pa. EmU Torvin, Jersey City, N. J.; William VUr, Hagerstown, Md.; John Walsh. Brooklyn. N. Y.,- Eiawara v uiiama. x-nuaoeipnia, ra, WOUNDED, DEOJtEE UNDETERMINED Lieutenants Ellis A. Haizing, Monument eacn, jaass.; Ajvan it. arsons, mpiey, w. va. Sergeants Walter Bankster. Decatur. Frank B. Barton, Warreneburg, III. ; Habart H. Becker, Schuylkill Haven, Pa. ; Ralph K. Berry, v :i, . . ,,r , 1 , v i ; . t Russell Hardwick, Red Oak, Iowa-, Christian G Heeckerote, Hazelton, Pa. Gruce . L. Hunt, North Bend, Pa. ; Federles G. Kritzer, Chad wicks, N. Y.; Thomas F. Lyrich. PhiUdelphia, Pa.; Ben Sendobry,- Chicago. Ill-: Lyall K- Thompson, Putt rill. Pa. ; .Charles E. Lentz,, Marcus Hook Pa :i .J.. Corporals- Peter A. Anderson. Brooklyn, N. T.; Deitrich W. Berger. Washington, D. C. Cart E. BohUu, Brooklyn. N. Y. ; Thomas J. Broderick, Pbiladelphia. Pa.; Ernest W. Filer, OTeao. N. Y. : . Jess Gardner. Atlantic: Iowa Hale Handy,' Birmingham, Ala.; James M. Kis- sock. nttsoorg. fa. ; Hoaert U. lira use, Seymour, Wis. : Georae C Kremer. ScauxlkiU Haven. Pa.: Roy E. Nelson, Lorena. Okla.; William J. Phe- ian. Homerviue, ssass. ; s-rans H. tuee. Alma, Kan.; Joseph Saulakt, Duryea, Pa. ;, Frank V Schmidt. - Grass Valley. - CaL; George Siema, Waitagh, V. Y. ; WUburn A. Spainliower. Pin nacle, N. C: WHliam A. Bummers. Huntsville. Mo.; Cyril S. Walters. Gary. W.KVa.i Albert weiss, i-nuaaerpma, , : a . Bugler Harold S. Anderson; Madison, Wis, Musician Daniel F. Welch. Milbury. Mass. Mechanics Fredeflek H. Davfa. Wilton. Conn. Alfred B. Smith. Addison. N. Y. Cooks Samuel E. Letcher. HaseHoa. Pa. invpa . jaeuwia. x-nuaaeipnaa, sa. , . ywvates wsilsy H. aiiiaon. Prinevflla. Or. George Andetsan, Waterbury, Conn.; Harry L. Aodersea. New Castle, Pa.; -Henry Andenor Bessemer, Ala.; Andrew' Anselmo, New York, tt. x.; wiutam A. Armstrons. jphiuvdetphta, pa.; Albert Atchley. Memphis, Tenn.: Matty AtUnxia urootivn. n. : i.: Artnur . m: Aonciiman. Bhore- ham, Vt.; Alma BanviUe. Chico, MUls.' Mass.; Hpenea Barnee, axetormr Ala. ; - KTed sBeDen, Chicago. m.s Louis C Betta, Brooklra. N. Y.: Howard L. Bein, Wabasha. Mina. ; Alexander Black, Winburne,. Pa.; Martha A. Keller, Mukwonago, Wis.: William H. Kaller, Altoona, ra.; Alexander ajxewtnakl, Uueela; Joseph Labia ga, Brooklyn, N. Y. ; Sherman Aby Lindsay, Wheatland.. Mo. ; Arthur' Lundy. Hartoella. Ate. ; Jamea lxmtreth. Oakdale, Pa.i WiUiatn Me Clintock. , Philadelphia, Pa. i - Melvia McCoy. Bessemer,' Ala. ; Franklin , H. McKioney, East Sparta. Ohio; Charles J. Manners, Baltimore, Md. S Joseph Marshal, t-ort Henry.' N.- Y! ; Jofaa Mason, Philadelphia, Pa. ; Walter M. Mamard. Dansville, N. Y. ; Arthur E. McEwon, frxoa. Cona. i Karl Miller, Cameron. W. Va : Patricfe Mosahan, Iveedale, UL; Enard B. Nankervia, Detroit, Mich.: Joseph J. Nay. Philadelphia. Pa.: Haiian-J. NobliU. Byberry, Pa.; Dennis Oiler. i J . , ... i (, I . . i ; , , . , vuhs, vuiu pom, rin lewcipma, pa. : Terranco f. vtsw, new xora. N. X.: WUUam J.. Park. Lonoeoanmg. Md. ; William W. Peterson. Tuoaahoe. N. Y.s Joseph E. Blake, Oxford. Mass.: William Blnetia. -Brooklyn. N Y - Jess J. Brdyj fibowlow. Aria.: Robert J. Brandt. Oak Park."XU.; Lina T. Brown, Chi cago. Tfl. f Josef BToafk. Detrort, Mich, f John J. Burks, Brooklyn, i, Y. ; sjan Buseht Cincinnati, Ohio. ; - Enoch : K., , cable, Btsruagton, Wash,; Hnnderson t cherry, ' Riraainghaai, Ala. r Joseph Chickia, . Bbamokia. :Pa.; Edgar & - Cinuatre, White Caetie. La.; Joshua M. Collins, Lufkin. Texas; Frank rConkla. Poaaoa. . N. Y-: Wil liam F. Coyle, WUkaa-Barre, Pa.; E. W. Dali, Clove land, Ohio'; John J. Digaan. PhOadalphia, Pa. ; Antonio Donadio. Mew York. N. Y.; Setetns Donovan. lAwnraoe, Mass.; Charles , A. Ebbeeke. New York. ,N. T.: Dave Edwarda, Roekhold. Ky.; Enaer Fethrtock. GokHhwaite. Texas; Jamea F. FUh, Star City, Ark. ; Lacas Forte, .Brooklyn, N. -.Y.; . William . E. , Poster, Bayard, Neb.; Andrew JTitdak, Brooklyn, N. Y.; Ben Garcia. Gilxoy. Cat-1 John Gawlak, Bayonn. N, J.; Harry Gohr.i Fair Mount, Neb. ; Jamas J. Goldlng. Brook lyaj N. Y.j Orte Lester Good rich. Hardy, Neb. ; Harold F.. . Ha mill. Phila deiphia,' Pa.; Fraak K. Harrlsoa, Koosevett, . Y.; Marbel W. Haakatt. Terra Haute, Ind.; Rob ert .Hatch, Norfolk. Vs.; Jamea D. Hatcher. Feara Springs. Miss r Wullam Hanks, Letcher. La. Ernest W. .Hefiln. Tobeca. Va. ; . Cloys C Hendley, Melber. Ky.: Lewis L Henne, Tamaqna, Pa.; Arthur C. . Henry. Apollo, Pa. i . Fred Holmes, -Bloomsburt. Pa.; James Holmes, War ren, Ohio lYJOd ward Holnb, Chirsro, UL; Ralph Ehonea. East Point. -Ga.; CharVt Howard, New York, N. Y.; Edwsrd.Hulsey. Fayvttevllla, Tenn.; Bert J. James, Newcastle, Pa.; Earl Jenkins, Union Hall. N. Y. : Efem Jermaluk. Bridgeport. Conn.; Walter Johnson, Norwich. Kansas; Auge William Johgenaon. Kiarstine : Jorgenson. Den mark; Earl Kaney Denver, Oolo.; Peter Kaastrup, Arlington, b. D. ; Jacob Kavta, snterprise. h-aa- SLIOHTLV WOUNDED.' PREVIOUSLY RE- PORTED MISSINQ IN ACTION Privates John E. Aeschliman Traverse City, Mich. ; Bennie Benson, WlWrose. Iowa. INSERT 6 R H 68 SEC 2 fler wounded degree undetermined , - . . , . WOUNDED, DEOREE UNDETERMINED. PREVIOUSLY REPORTED MISSINQ IN ACTION. Privates Alfred at.' Andersmi. Rnblcnn. Wis. : Otis B. Farrow, Albert ville, Ala.; Sydney Neck field, Toronto, Canada; Donald C. - Freeman, Mulberry. Ala.; John. Nlcodemus. South Bend. Ind. ; Dean ZeUer. Washburn. N. D. MISSINQ IN ACTION . Sergeant Arthur 'L. Goode. Rlaekston Co.. Md. ; Corporal -Albert Courneyer. Spenoer. JOH? DATf.Ttetrnlt, Mich. :Y'S. '.JOHN F. FENITER. Chicago, UT. , ' GIOVANNI FOGIT. Berrhidda Saasari,- Italy. - CHARLES 'H-. lifinn ihnhai,. s.s s BENJAMIN HAIMOWITH. New-Tork. . X.l - afl Vnu 1 TTXT a rd sw n t - Aai!sV - : i f --sw a f VA1 I VJ.a ?pnitVwXiej,v awarVrtw V JOSEPH LALONDE. Gould City, aMieh. CHARLES EDWARD MATTHEWS, Center View, Mo. . . i ... . LC1GI MEROLA. Brooklyn. Jt. T.' . .. GEORGE MONNICH. Luxor, Pa. DIED OF DISEASE Llawtanant ' JAMES B. CLEAR Y, Bichmond. Va. Y MAGDALENE TOLLAND. Buffalo. N. T. ;. i Sargaaau HOMER TJl MTiTiN Al.n Ummw. Mha. ARCHIBALD L. SMITH. Mancboster. K. H.J ' . Cerporalt WILLIAM HENRY MERRITT, Dryfolk. Va. CHARLES 8KCBIC. Forest City, Pa. BENNIE G. WRIGHT. Richmond. Va. . j Waaenar EARL W. MELYIN. Zanes ville. Ohio. Privates Elmer 'Beser. Brooklyn.. N. . Y. ; George J. Brooks. Waltham. Mass.; Cleo Al bert Iraine. Cold water. Mich.: John B. Duc- gon, Sevierville, Term.; Robert Edwards, Brook lyn, im. I.; waiter Kickeraon. Wiathrow. Minn.; Walter Hale, Dye, Ta. : Jamea E. Hay, Dnbois, Pa. ; William Hicks. Roma, Ga.; WUliam F. Hoffman, Johnstown, Pa. ; William J. Kuhn. Chicago, I1L; John P. MorteO, Hilbert. Wis.; Michael Santa, Tsrrytown. N. Y. ; DalUs O. Scow, Peytonsburg. Ky.; John J. Btockiaa, Yonkera. N. Y. -. Ralph A. Taylor. EasliOrange, N. J.; Frank Tellingtou, Goldsboro, I N. C. U nenry Temme, reteraburg, Neb.; CharleB Truua, CleveUnd. Ohio; Alex Wiiskmsn. MonesaVn. Pa.; Fay Owens, Alexandria. Ind.; Arthur H. Paepke. Milwaukee, Wis. ; John Pantalon. Morley. t'tah; George H. Parson, Crania. La.; Placido Penona, Leechbnrg, jpa, : Oscar Peters, McGhea. Ark.; E. O. Piper; Clayton. Butler Co., Pa, ; Sam Rasmussen. Fremont, Wia.; Michael Riley, Meath Co., Ireland; Alexander Rome), Detroit, Mich.; Leo J. Ryan. Sycamore, 111. ; Evana J. Sayer. Smith ville, Texas; Thomas J. Shaw, Philadelphia. Pa.; Arthur Sherwood, Syracuse. N. Y. Muri G. Snyder. Salamanca. N. Y. ; Ignatxio Spampinattx. Brooklyn, N. Y. : Edgar Stoner, Baltimore, Md.: Rnaaell J. Sullivan, Fresno. CaL: Peter F. Tempua, Independence, Iowa; John R. Vanre. Wiggins, Colo.; John W. Weberg. South Bridge. Mass.; Jamea J. Wedick. Manchester, N. H.: Andrew M. Wetmore, South Norwalk. Conn - Elliott V. Williams. Dorches ter.-Mass.: EmU Wohlgemuth. Tularoea. N. M.; Jease Yardley. patnka. IU. v ICK IN HOSPITAL. PREVIOUSLY RE PORTED MI8SINQ IN ACTION Privates James : D. Babcock, Middle vflle. Mien. ; jfenjamin -o Marra, Komulua. JN. x. ; Joe. Nahlor. Big Spring. Neb. RETURNED TO DUTY, PREVIOUSLY RE- PORTED KILLED IN ACTION Private Eber R. Burton, Vernon, N. Y. RETURNED TO DUTY. PREVIOUSLY RE PORTED MISSINQ IN AOTION Corporal David' tL Livingston, Elizabeth ton, Tenn. Privates James Cravens, Sharon. W. Va. ; John MeGee, Montgomery, Ind.; James Ange- iini, 1-ori.wrwn. ra. ; ieorge l. Baker. Feuria, Bl. : William- K. Chaldress. Jemiaon. Ala - Ra leigh R. Duhons. Austrin. Ind.; Arnold L. Mil ler, Wabasso, Minn. Washington. Oct. 1 5. The list of camelries In the American expeditionary force abroad, made public last night, eontaina SOI names, none of which are names of members of the marine corps. Y j Tne casualties ass divided: Night List . . 47 . . 49 . .185 . . 24 . . 34 4 . .188 . . 22 ..601 Killed hi action ......... Missing in action .......... . . Wounded severely ..j Died of wounds Died of disease Died of accident and other causes. . . . . Wounded (degree undetermined) - . . . . Wounded slightly :-. Total 7 ARMY CISUALTIES' KILLED IN AOTION Lieutenants HYMAN FREIBERG. New Tork. N. T. ARTHUR T. JOHNSON. Chesterton, Ind. ' LESTER WALLACE KEARN. New Tork. FRANK DANIEL NOWACK. Dm Moiiua. Iowa. ' Sergeants FRANK KRTJGMAN. New Tot, N. T. PHILLIP RAPOPORT. Brooklyn. N. T, AUSTIN M. BBED. Nonnange. Texas. JOHN' II. EDwiRDsT'springfield. Mo. EMIL JOHN NADLER. Reedsburg. Wis. JAKE RAFFILE. Brooklyn Station. Ohio. JOSEPH VAN DEGRADE. Chicago. 111. Prlvatas . ORKN S. ALTTZER. Minneapolis, Minn. ' GEORGE BAUER, Keokuk, Iowa. EMIEB B, BLrMftCHI, Bernstadt, Ky. HERMAN LOY1) BOND, Benkleman. Neb, HOMER J. BUTLER, Midvale, Neb. HENRT F. CARPENTER, Lake City. Ark. . WILLIAM H. CHARTER, DeUwars. Ohio. trTlS E. COOK, Griffin. Ga. JOHN CORR. Philadelphia. Pa. JOSEF HANNA. Huntsburg. Ohio. WILLIAM H. HARRISON. Draper. N. a WILLIAM CIHAY8, Lynvflle. Tenn. TONY MONTESI. Arnba. N. J. ARTHUR ORIS MORGAN. Topeinban. aCieh. WILLIAM M . ILl'5, ElKlns, W. Va. SALVATORE PETRUCCI, Providence. R. I ALBEKT K. HiiTKa, Personvuia, Texaa JAMES RUMBLE. La Prior. Texas. CARMELO 8COGLIO. Timblin. Pa. JOHN WEGELLA. Phoenix. Aria. JOSEPH BACCARO, New York, N. T. KOSTONAS ZBJMIS, Brooklyn, N. T. ROBERT A. PERKINS. Jasper. Texas. WILBERT SHAW. Waverly. Ala. MERRILL L. SIMON DS, Thorndika. Mass. MORRIS L. SLAUGHTER, Winston Salem. N. C. HENRT lu SMART, West Chasey, N. Y. HARRY SMITH. Prospect. Tenn. ORIN L SNYDER. Salt Creek, Wyo. -JESSE a SOCDER, Republic. Ma NILE A. SULLIVAN. Kenone. N. Y. SAMUEL TRAL'B, New York. N. Y. FERDINAND URBAN. Hartford. S. D. HENRY WALKER. AUicevQle. Ala. CLAYTON D. WARNER, Seven Valleys, Pa. WILLIAM xv. WHSON, Fairchattca, Pa. DIED OF WOUNDS ' LleutartanU EARL R. DAVIS, Phfladelphla, Pa. wr SB V A YxCI na.sn11sM. Ua FREDERIC BOBBADAILB PRICHETT, Phil adelphia, Pa. sernsants a NORMAN CLARKE. Edsertos, Wis. PERRY W. TIF FT. Denver. Colo. Corporal JOHN PETEBKA. 8aockioentrs,,Minn. PHeataa CLABENCE JAMES ALBERTS. Cortland, ft. Y. - v-- - MHjHAkL AM ATURDL New Terx. w. x. JAMES T. BAILKI, ens ley, Ala. WALTER BEARDEN. Birmingha "PHILIP A CHAPUT. LewelL CBOVEB C. CUJTE. Mkidleport, K. T. BTJFTJ8 COTTON, Bynura. N. C. - o j for " Gray Hair -. Grsya streaked . or faded hair can - toe tmroed lately made black. .browv or. light brown, whichever shade yeu desire, by the vm of the following remedy that you ean make at hornet ;Merely "get" ,' snnall box. of Orlex powder at any drug. store.u It coets very j little, and no extras to buy. v Dis- solve U In- water ana eomo it through the taair.. Full directions for mixing ajid uso 'eome In each. box. -' .. y Ton need not hesitate to ' use Or lea. as a 4100 gold bond comes In each box. guaranteeing the "user" that Orlex . pow der does not contain ail ver.' lead,- sine. sulphur, mercrjry. aniline, coal-tar prod ucts or ttelr;erlvatlvesv f y.- -'Jhp- It . doea jtot rub of . is not sticky or gurnmy, and . leaves the hair fluffy, 1 It win make a gray-haired person look 20 years younger. Adr." . . CHARLES KWARD RICE. Kendal vUle, Ind. . PHratas CHARLES Q. ACRERMAN. Florence. Or. W II J.I AM K. ALBRIGHT. Clarno. Wia. SAMUEL J. ALLEN. Shioeton. Wis. WILLIAM R. BARCLAY. Schenectady. N. Y. . PAUL C. BEACH. Minneapolis. Minn. RICHARD C. BERGER. Locust Gap. Pa. ' JAMES COVINGTON. Central. Ala. WELLINGTON -DEFOBBEST DECKER. Cadillac. Mich. ALBERT C. DETHLEFS, Manning, lows.' GEORGE EVORE. Altoona. Pa. DANIEL W. DONOVAN. Townawanda. Pa. iEORGE F. FEKNEY.i Alton, N. 11. EDD GIBBONS. Philam. Tenn. HOMER U GILBERT, Elmwood Place. Ohio, LOUIS A. GRIFFITH, Goshen. Ohio. JACOB WILLIAM KEEPER. Tampa. Kan. A DO LP H C. KEIFER, Winters, Texas. TIINKY ROMERO. Tampas. N. M. GEORGE BMITH. Tuskegee. Ala. DIED OP ACOIDENT AND OTHER CAUSES SERGEANT NATHAN HOLMES. Jacksonville. Fla. t CORPORAL JOHN. C. ROAN. Xenjs, Ohio. Privates ALFRED L. OOFaEY. Shullsmflls. N. C. LOUIS NELSON. Fillmore N. D. WOUNDED SEVERELY Major Charles B. "Elliott, Alexandria. Va. Captains Edward S. Johnston. Bloomington, Md.; Walter Kerr Rainsford, Ridgefield. Conn. Lieutenanta George N. Dorwart, Newport, Pa. : Francis Joseph Hoffmsn. New York, N. T. Sergeants Frank T. Arnot, Paterson, N. J.; William D. Brigga; Malvern, Iowa; Sylvester M. Davis, Port Clinton. Ohio; Harold D. Graham. McAlester. Okla.; Glen C James, Hartford. Kas.; Alex Miller. Brooklyn, N. Y. ; Earl L. Moore, Hillsboro, Texas;; Warner, E. Sbsrpe, Houston, Texas; Benjamin S. Weber, Kew York, N. Y.; Kdgar H. Wiseman, Hinton. W. Va. ' Corporals Fred D. Adams. WSrrra. Ohio; Carl R. Anderson, Sioux City. Iowa; Vivian D. Anderson, Cherokee, Iowa; WUliam Been told. New York, N. Y. ; Joseph 8. Bnisnahan, Tren ton. N. J.: Eucene Califs no. Chicaao. - HL : Adolphus Gordon, Amble. Pa; Edward Denis Lane. Brooklyn, N. Y.; Thomas A. Lee, Topeka, Kan.: Lloyd Carlton Miller, Roll. B. C; Gun- nar nelson, xtrooaiyn, li: i . ; Body Fotchny. Lebanon, Pa.: George A. Price. Russell Snrinas. Kan.; Harry M. Seltser, Reading, Pa.; William j. Btannton. tw xorx. a. y.; John Btefanski. Chicago. HL: John James Urbaniak. Milwaukee. Wis.: John H. Wei. Brillion. Wis.; Charles u. enne, oxream. Neb.: Alex Stern. Chicago. 111.; Ambrose C. 8teve ison, Mnneaen. Pa: Alcids Leo Paul Tongas, Central Falls, R. I. ; Raphael vmiio. west Kewbrtgnton, N. Y. ; Wilmer M. Young. Downing town. Pa.; Bugler Clarence W. LAeca. uannoe. Minn.; Bugler Uuke F. Herelioe, St. Louis. Mo.; Cook Maurillio Boaoono, New xorx. . i. Privates Ben ;H. Adkins, Fairfield. Iowa Claude L. Almond, Kansas City, Mo.; Gander Anderson. Marietta.. Minn.: John R. Anderson. crnest, ra. : xony androtsxy. Llunktrk. N. X. earnest M. Armstrong, High Shoals, N. C. ; ciauoe Astue7. Chichester. N. X.: Sylvester A Ul tra, Shenandoah, Pa. ; John Joseph Bsnnon, New York. N. Y.: Anthons Barxdairia. Pans IU. ; Edward E. Brandt, Lake Park. Iowa: Oarlar J. Carlson, Spokane. Wash.; Lanretica Graves casner, Sbtppensburg. Pa.; Vincent Eugene Me- Aleer, Jobnstowo, Pa; I Has E. Mc suley. Rem lig, Texas; Timothy McCarthy. Chatham. N. Y. John Francis McDermott, Hoboken, N. J.; Peter Francis McDonald, Brooklyn, N. Y.; Edward McEwen, Council Bluffs. Iowa: Michael Mc- Grath. New York. N. Y.; Donald R, MeKeeby, Wilkesbarre; I "a ; Mac II. Fouse, Livingston. Texas; Thomas J. Mahoney Jr., Atlantic City. J.; Andrew Malewaki. Indian Orchard. Mass- John Maloney, Fall River,- Mass. ; Elmer M. Mann, cbeapa, R. I. ; John M. Manning, Chicago, I1L; Claude A. Maroney, Springfield, Texas; Alphonso Matthews. Lons Branch, N.. J.; Leslie si. saeerniieia, nrsntwooa. jvm.; Harry Miller, H olden. Mo, : John M in ton. Tacewell. Tenn.: Edward Augo.it Mische, Elgin. LU. ; Frank Joseph Moceri. Detroit, Mich.; Mike Morris. Poland; Antonio Nasuti. B rid re ton, N. J. ; Chris Nelson, Clare, Iowa; Joseph Nonichke, Swoyersville; Pa.; axxiis nivnoa, jacason. ilica. : jonn o M alley, KnockgloM Ballinrobe. Ireland: John P. O'Sbaus- senhany,. Chicago, 111.; Everett Oertel. Prairie Lm Sac, Wis. ; Tony Olervinski, Lorain, Ohio; William G. Olsen, Taunton, Mass. ; Frank Orto lano, Brooklyn. N. Y. ; George. H. Otten, Weed- berry, Md.; Charles Pacskowsky. Brooklyn. N. Arthur Paladino. Pbiladeluhia. Pa.: Ouilo Pallatini. Springfield. Mass.; Paul K. Paulson. West Brook. Mian.: Louts J. Perderina. North Adams. Mass.; Clande R. Peyton. Beam on t. Texas; Harry K. Potter. Pine. Pa.: Victor K. Prexioso. MoHeta. Italy: Conrad J. Promt. Jef ferson City, Mo.; James P. Ranri. Kensington, si a. ; v,e.raia jusw; Lancaster, Fa.; Iieonie Bobert- son. Buff Creek. W, Va. : J ermine Robinson. Manwest, Va; Harry Roessler, Brooklyn. N. T. ; Frank Rogwica, FhiladelphA. Pa.: Boyd Roeen dall. Grand Rapids, Mich.; Harry Roeenfleid. New York, N. Y.t Sol Rosenswix. Chicaao. HL: Daniel F. Rothermel. Reading. Pa.: Marion W. Russell, Baltimore. Md : Josepbe Salerno. New .York. N. Y.; Thomas J. Salmon. Otterville. Mo.; Walla oe Saunders, Wlndom, Texas; Andres Savedra. Polvadera. N. M.; Francis M. Bayers. ew naven. Conn.; Sam O. BhinalL Whites. Ga.: Charles W. Shrader. Cache, Okla.; Tony SibeHno. Waterbury, Conn.; Harry Siegalfield, Bridge port, Conn. ; John Siako, Vornsavgaa. Hnngar) ; Orson K. Bloat. Susquehanna. Pa: Orrin F. Smith. Savannah, 111.: Thomas C. Smith. Creecs. Ireland; Frank Snyder, Baltimore, Md.; Frank Sokol, ChartoB, Ohio; Earl L. Spencer. Still water, uxia.: Jopn stamier. New York, N. Y. ; Frederick Steiner. Syracuse. N. Y. : Walter Stewart, Canton," HL; Frank: A. Stepka. Voseli, Minn.; nam is, suuey. Independence, La.; Martin Stockman, tjulncy. 111. ; Anthony F. Stoltman, Milwankee, Wis.; Robert Tsrxant, Hooker. Okla-; John 8. Teague. Snrder. Texas: Jessie E. Thomas. Shickskny, Pa. ; James - E. Thompson, Philadelphia, Pa;. Peter Thompson. Chicago. IU. ; Henry Touhey. Brooklyn. N. Y. : Raymond Trainer, I "a oil, Pa. ; Paul P. T ravers. New York. N. Y. : Robert F. Troadon. Ramsssir. N. C: W. Tromp. Grand Haven, Mich.; George Van Deberghe. Brooklyni N. Y. ; Daniel D.'; Vann. Abbeyvilla, Ala.; Joe Waisehbeni.- Roa mania; WUliam L Wardles, Wellavilla, Ohio; John J. Whales, Binghamton. N. Y. ; Albert Wlckhera, St. Maries. Idaho; Emanuel Wilbanka, -uoramous, umo; unariia c wooa, newt on. ui. ; Nathaniel Zaiowitx. New York. N. Y.; Adam -A. Zambuxycke. Brooklyn. N. Y.; William Berard. Arctic Center, R. L; William Beatervon, Kala- raasao, aticn.; Georga Isianctisrn, wart Brook, Maine; John Bogden, Philadelphia, Pa. ; Nicho lay Bokonow, Doqueaa. Pa: Clarence R. Bodine, Newton, Pa; Austin Bradley. HatUesburg, MIsa; Edward B. ' Brady, Maiden. Masat; Michael Braasxano. Brooklyn. N. Y. : Jamea A. Brock. Watumpka, AIa - Richard Bron, Wichita, Kan.; Fred -JC B rough ton, Peninsula. Ohio; John A. Brown. Kansss City. Mo. ; Joseph Brown, Brook lyn. N. Y. : Charley E. Budd. Eldorado Springs, Mo. ; Ueorge is. isuttenieia, Jbavaua, Was. ; Fran eia J. 'Cahm. PbUadelphia, Pa; William C. Carter, Ctai-ksville, Ten a; Emmett Cavaaagh, Chatsworth, HL;' Joseph Cohan, Brooklyn, N. Y. ; Jamea W. Cole, Rectorville, Ky.: Leonard Col lins, Lawton, Okla.; John J. Conway, . Brook lyn, N. Y.; Hugh B. Corbett. Minaeapoha, Minn.: Joseph F. Corconan, Wstertmry, Conn, ; JSdw CoU. New Bedfond. Mssa.; Stephen a Regan. New Tork, N. Y.; Harry D. J. Dana, Col ville, Wash.; Joseph Davtoowita, new lerx, N. X.; John Denuaa. New York, ft; Y.t John Derinski. CMcaco. 111.: Daa J." Desmond. Wakefield. Mass.: John a". Devlin. Sioux f ails, a. . v. j Charles Dietrich, Free land. Pa . . SLIQHTLV WOUNDED " " Xisutenaat Hugh W. Laster, Cambridge, ItasA - Y .. y. J- ::''- ; . Sergaant Cornanus W. L,yone, new iota i OarooraJs Doualaa Ui. Phniina. Telladeaa. AIa ; Patrick 8Mehy,'Castla Gregory. Ireland. privates Ktcnara -w. jsaraar, isacaiay. Wash. : -Garvey Belew, Rockwell, Texaa; Gaorga W. Kthridgs, dixob mum. ala ; isveren M. Howard.. AavrustA Ma: Denxil J. lea.. Auburn. Mich.: Anvello Imbrato, Boston, Maaa.; George E. Joasa. DeJatr. MA; Hainan ssu. JsrouAlyn, N. T.; Eazi Li Lee, Petersburg. Va: Jloeeoe M. MeCord. Denton. Miss.: Jamea W. Mo Dasnel. Baajemer. Ate.; Arthur T. MoGflL Ps rido. Ate.; Hansr V. McGuire. Phoenix, Ate.; Eari Cranston MrSeasie. ' aUagsford. Teas. ; Thosaaa W. MxEnery, Mobile, Ate.; William A. Maaoa. , Atmore, Ate. ; Fred D. PUrarde, St, AaratksV Ma; Joseph J. Verdi Jr.. VVashingtea. U a .Y-'-'V " -Y r ,-- - : . . WOUWDED(Dars) -ajnaetavmliied) .' Maioe Robert S. KcKee, CoUinsvtUe." Pa i : Iutenaata William - LedgA PhitedelnniA "Ps - BeaiAmiB RosrnbergJ New Tork;- Hteobn A- Baooi, raws in. n. ums is, axavruxa. 1 Chicacow. HI ; Chartes E. Stoat, Trenton. N, J. ; ; Oskar E. Younrdahl. Bedewing. Mina.t I . v Sargeasts Chartes J. Batunc. West Chester. Pa; Srwia ' Joswvh Kvarsoau Phillipa. Wte : Cbarlea A. ' McGormlek. CoUiawvilte, Pa: Joha A. Mayna. -Oiyphaat, Pa;. Aoha 8. Beynoida. xtehhaotm. Mi. ' . .', " - - - Conrate Wirrlaih ' J.t .; Christ, v Bchnyrkill Pa; Stanley. W. Cranmer, Bradley Beach. N.. J.j Artkar I arrity. Bradley -Beach. ., N. - J. : Gaonrs -'Y. 1 .Ma. Bracken ridge. - Pa - Michael F. Kioto, Suf f era, N. Y.: Jesse K. McOnaid. Crafton. Pa; Jamas I. Manning. Albany, K. Y. ; John H Meatte.a Caaaden. I S. J ' lmrt,h UM, ski. Me-htvilie, K. J.; Harry D. Kiaasnberg, New York; atalpa -sceack, ML Molly. , J.; Peter Tfc ,11 .w . . . Wkl,. as. nuinrui, rssiwsispstr. raw. vw(l Mw-b eimft. Rinnia, K 1 . i . . .. - f Bugler Jseae C Wusoo, NewcasUe. Pa Mechanics- Hrtert " Bear hey. Stsrinaa. PA : Abraham FHhnaaa. Philadelphia. Pa; Cook Ambrose G- Weaver.: Pittsburg. Pa -Privates Six bald Assiereon. Brooklyn. N. T.: Fdward J. Barrett. Brooklyn. N. T. ; Lester S. Bast, Schuylkill Haven; Pa ; George D. Berger. Orwissrmrg. Pa; Bentemfn Bernstein. New Tmk; Isaac W. Rnrker. Schuylkill Haven. Pa, ; War ren E. Burkert. SchniiktlP Haven. - Pa 1 Pleas I Burrow. I akav Crtx. ark. : WDUam H. CaM- wen. ML HoUy. W.. j:; Theodore R. CorweH. Ksrmo. -is. a.; KImber R. Caafehr. Bcmsyiktu Hsvesi. -Ps.: Embertn. CeataUL Salen. , Kv T.: Gaiseppa Dambrasd. Trehtoo. N- J. : Richard A. DterkA Jersey City. N. J. ; Adkrtha I. Dna nefly. Bridgeton. N. J.; Thomas. P. Dougherty, Hauntere. Md.: Frank U Doyle, Yukon. 0ls ; Harvey tdsrto Evev. MeElhatten, ' Pa . Robert D. FentresA Norfolk. Va.: Chester G. Field. Brooklyn. N. T.:. Edgar M. Faster. Bur Hngtosv N. J. ; ' Camselo FragaporiV. Brooklyn. N. T.; Eugene J- Garrlty, Asburv Part. N. J.; Enea Haaard, Phitedefphte, Pa; freak M. Higlt- neraer.- uraenabnrg. Pa: Harry. C Hoffman, Birdsbot. Pa: Nathan F. Isles. Providence. R. L; Andrew BY - Jackson, Carrollton. Miss.; Tarval M. Jorgenson. Clinton. Texaa ; George a. aenier, Hhamokin. . Pa. ; Jaiaes F. Kennedy. Pittsburg. Pa; Eari L. Kinnisoa. BeTlaire. Mioh.; Adam J. Kioeh. lUttimora. Md.; Dorea a. Lwis. Emporiomn.' Pa.: HaraM A. Iwia. An-sonte.-Conn.; Joha J. Loori, Jersey City, N. J.; Daniel J. Ledren Anderaonviue, sGa.t E1IU Littleton. Alva. Okie ; Roger H. oaier. Lake vUte. Ohio: Frank J. McCormick. Wertr Charter. Pa : George B. McCormick. Oansevtne. Pa. : Fred C McGrew. MrDonakta Pai William H. Maddox. Baltimore, Md ; Harold W! Madison. Wlckford. j. t James 1 Mason," OsrMm. . La. : Paul Matt, Cleveland. O.t John Mogsvero. Italy; Wilhsm A. Moors. Moody. Texaa: Row Mount, Reds wick. V J - Frank Mymvk Hssiis Pn. land; John T. Nusko, Anna. Texas; David O Brien. East Orange, N. T. : Stephen 8. OToole. PTCwidaoce. R. I.; diaries Palo, Mecaunee. Mich.; Mika . Pedt. Italy; James U Reeves, NorfieM. Miss.; Charles R. Reinhart. Allen town. Pa: Gustave Roeeeler Jr., New Tork; Harry C. Sherman. Mowry. Pa.; Louis Roaanwig. Potts ville. Edw. R. Rdundy. Canastota. N. T,; ! L. Sanderson. Holly Springs, Mtss. ; Ssmuel cnoener. Pbltedelprila, Pa; Norman L. Sieg fried, Orwigsburg, Pa; Walter SJorren. Menomi nee, Mich.; Roy M. ,- 8 pence, Pitts bnn. Pa ; Msrion 8. Stfll. Bridgeport, Texas; David V. Stockter, Easton. Pa: Fred Q. Stockwatl, st. tie. Wash. ; Joe S. Rtrsmmer. Rloonuburg. Pa ; John W. Strnbble. Connellsville. Pa.: Clarence Tarno. NashviUe. Ark. : Walter R. Thorea. Rasa lyn Heights. N. T.: Charles W. Velton. Seguta. Texaar William Wallace. Philadelphia. Pa.; Walter A. Whalen. Brooklyn, N. T : Jesse L. Pfaff, Winmaths ville. Mo.: Peter A. Polomte. Wansaukee. Wis.: Archie M. Porter. Aedna. O - Moaes Pukts. La Porte. Ind.; GtjsUv A. Schilbe. Tamaaua. pa; WUliam C. Scbofield. Highland. Joe BeottKuteT Ferry. AIa: Damon P. Shaw. Philadelphia. Pa: Raich Smith. Pise Grove. Pa: Jim Sneer. Galesville. Ate.: John F. Stark. Philaderchia. Pa. : Frank Steriins. Jee- t sey uity, j.; Thomas J. Stnney. Brooklyn. N. Y. ; Albert W. Stranb. Phitedelphte. Pa ; John 8 Scarpa nski. South Bead, Ind.: Robert B. Taylor. Taylor. Neb.: Robert M. Taylor. Me- K seaport. Pa. : William R. Taylor. Philadelphia. I, i M n WW1 n I Mi , I . I . ou , . s amBH. rem, seaaa; naipn i . Thompson. Danville. Pa; Jease L. Walker. Wheeling. Ma: Gebe Wallace. Unlontown. Ala Chester M. Wallum. Wallum. N. D ; Curry Wiles. Norway, Me.; Dallas C. Williams, Btill weU, Okla.; Lincoln 8. Wise, Rsy. Colo.; 'Leo wysoki. uirooklyn, N. Y. ; Michael Vartey. Brooklyn. N. Y. : Andro VetiehkB. WUkerbam. Pa; Henry C VUser, South Osona Park. N. X.; Lslioy Zeigler. Bedford, Pa ., MISSINQ IN ACTION sailing, for France, waa killed tn action j n October , according to word ' received, by lira Seroomb through friends. , Captain Seroomb ; was from Chicago t -and had beef an Intimate. friend of Joe Manton 'Bradley, : Mrs. Sercomh's first v husband, who .died ' some , time ago. Y Captain Serccmb wjis a prominent-- Chicago man and had been an mumate . friend of Joseph Manton Bradley, Mr.V: f Sercomh's first "husband, who died some r time ago. Captain Sercomb waa at- H tached to the 124th field artillery. I Mrs. Sercomb, who Is the daughter of i i Mrs. T. V Walter, has not yet received i official announcement of her husband's . -4 death. ! ' s : When Your Back Aches w: with Lieutenants Charles Codmaa. Boston. Mass.; Irvin W. Fish. Matador, Texas; Franklin F. Jewett,. Cbevy Chase, Md.; Alfred N. Joerg, Brooklyn, .V. Y. : Joseph Aloysitta Lamlry, Rottes point, N. Y. : Horace W. Mitchell. Corinth. Miss.) Hilardy B. Rex. Chestnuthilt, Ps. : F. W. Sidler. Daavule. Va; Wayne B. Stephen son, Bakersfteld. CaL; Robert E. Thompson,! Temple, Texaa. Sergeant Jacob Tolsms, Lemars. Iowa ' Corporal Frederick Neumeyer, Richmond HUL N. T. Musician Russell D. Baumgardner, r,i City. Mo. Privates James WUliam Alexander. Leba non. Va.; David C. Bailey, Carlisle. Ky.; Pat rick J. Barry, Warehouse Point. Conn. ; parry Bass. Shamrock, Ky.; Emgil Beck, Fsssindea. N. D. : Marvin E. Cary. Westoort. Tenn.: Dom inica Caterina, Washington. Pa ; Otis L. Cbria- tiaa. Davenport. la. ; Bernard Ralph Clark. Philadelphia, Pa; Warren H. ColevaaA 'Soddy, Ten a: Frank W. Colson. Sheridan. Wyo.; Charles Crawford. Nanticoka. Pa.; Charles Dobry, Baldwin. .Mich.; Harry W. Eaton. Oconto. Neb. ; Vincent Eckas. New Tork ; : Rosa Espiaaao, Cotton, CaL; Btowie R. Fisher, Diaaa. W. Va; Benjamin FrankUn Foose, Harrisbura, Pa: Harry E. Funk. Kittening. Pa.: Joseph E. Walter Gappa, Wansau. Wis.; Fred Geary 8 hiro. Texas:' WUliam Gilbert, Bakerton. ' Ky.: Ernest Goulet, Faribault, Mbva : Morton Oreen- mM A,lra slJ. V fnt ST Charles City, Iowa: R. O. Kaney. Hartford Mich ; Btanistew Koaak, Depew, N. Y. ; Frank J. Last, Shioeton. W1a: I ester P. ImIi, Marce- line, Ma: Charles Baraett Lyter. Carlisle. Pa.; Joseph P. Monaghaa. New XorX, M. I.; Tommy H. Moore, Walker. W. Va.; Joseph T. Mann. Phitedelphte. ra.: Edward j. Tolas. Water bury. Conn.; William IL Northern, Light. Ark.; Arthur ri. O Leaker rarkarsburg, w. Va Captain Sercomb Killed in Action; . Wedded Life Brief Captain A. A. Sercomb, who waa wedded to Mrs. Margaret Bradley of Portland "in May. a few days before Your Hair Should Never Become Gray- Can Prevent It! 'HEN your long day s work ends a torturing pain in the back, you will find quipk relief by rubbing t)n BAU M E ANALGlSIQUE BENGUE the famous French reliever of pain, originated by Dr. Jules Bengue of Paris. Baume is used also all over the world, to quickly relieve pains of muscular fatigue, rheumatism, sci atica, lumbago, gout and the like, and for colds and catarrhal affections of the nose and throat. Be sure you get the orig inal, still available at most drug stores in spite of war conditions. Keep a tube handy for quick relief. THOS. LEEMING & CO. American AMs New Yark You Don't Have to Suffer You Prof. John H. Austin, prominent hair and scalp specialist of Chicago, has dis covered the secret I The result, spnght through 37 long years of sdenUOe study and laboratory research. Is certain. - Co-Lo Hair Restorer will restore the natural color to your hair, no matter how gray it has become. Harmless to hair and scalp, tt con talns neither lead nor sulphur. .Will not waah or rub off haa no sediment end Is as clear as water. A pleasing and Imnls remedr. to aonlTl ..AC For black and all dark shades of ,rowsV . i- .A3 Kztrav ttroag, for Jet blaek hair asIt A For an Btedlam brows shades. ' A For all very. light brews, drab. aad auburn shades. - "-m t Co-I la sold In Portlandl exclusively by The Owi Drug Co.'s store at Broad way and Washington sts. (Adv.) HOME-MADE COUGH SYRUP Helps Whole Family, Quickly. Woman's Interesting Letter. 1 t Mrs. M. H. Van Wart, Lent. Or., writes : 'l feel it a duty to write you. Eour years ago my husband had a bad cough and found no relief from any cough medicines he tried. Finally tried your Mentbo-Laxene and made It up aa a cough syrup aad It quickly cured him. Now, this last, winter, wry two boys had fearful coughs and It has cured them. It also gives me great relief . from asthma, from which I suffer In winter time, as you know here we have , It so a rainy Instead of snow, mm bacK east, etc." This concentrated essence, called kfentbo-Lasxene, Is sold by druggists in 2 H -ounce bottles. You mix It at home) with syrup, making a whole pint very cheaply, as per directions with each bottle. Adv. .' , , ,. . A COLD? USTEH! Tape's Cold .Comppvind ends severe colds or gjippej : 4 , ' in a few hours. "7 1 Tour cold will break and all grtjrpa . rnlaary end sjter Uktng a . dose r of -papVa Cold Cempound. every t two hours until three doses are taken. v It promptly opens clogged-up nostrils and air passages tn the head. , stops nasty, discharge or nose running, re lieves sick headache, dullness, feverish -ness. sore throat, sneesln, soreness and artlffnesa. ' Y-i -f "'-'l ' - TDon't srtar stuffedmpl Quit1 blowing . U.nd snuffling I Ease your ' throbbing fhead nothing slse , In the world gives such prompt relief as "Tape's Cold Com pound, " which costs only a few cents at . any drug store, it acts without assist-: a nee, tastes-aloe, and causes no.lnoon venlence. . Accept bo embstJtute.- Adv, -. SAFE. GENTLE REMEDY : , BRINGS - SURE RELIEF . 'i , . , . . . For S00 years OOt.I MIDAIj Haarlem Oil has enabled' suffering humanity; to sriihsisnii a.ttaks of kidney, liver, blad der and stomach troubles and all diseases. connected, with, tne urinary rrwwjia, snu to build op ana restore ro neaiut organs weakened try alaease. rnene most;im norviant errsns must be - watched, be- cause they- filter and purify -tho blood unless they ? oo tnair wotk- vyon. t are doomed, - Y , u -:i ' Weariness, sleeplessness, nervoasaesa. despondency, backache, stomach .tsou-t Ola, pains in zn wins anu : www suuir moav gravel, . atrxtcuiiy wuen - annaung, rheumatism, sciatica, and lumbago, all warn you of trouble with your kidneys, GOLD MEDAL, Haarlem Oil-' Capsules are the remedy you need. Take three . " i I if - Y, 1. i or four every dayiS Tho healing oil soaks Into-tho coils and lining of tho kidneys and 4 rives out tho poisons. .' New lif o -and health- will , surely ? follow. When your . normal vigor haa been - restored oontmoe treaUmemt for a while to keep vnursslf tn srAtnn and nravent a ra- - turn of'.fho dlsea6eYg.-i:.."Ji, . '--j "Don't wait until you are incapable of : flghUng, , Start Uklng GOLD MEDAL. Haarlem -Oil Capsules - today.- .Tour ; druggist will cheerfully refund your money If you are not satisfied with re sults. . Bnt be sure to get thai original " Imported GOLD MEDAL, and accept no substitutes. '..In threo alxea. : Sealed packages, - At all, drug stores. "For sale " .(IU IUMSUHW" fUl VWS ' sriug, CO-Adv. --