The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 13, 1918, Page 37, Image 37

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It .
'fepspl Bbvs. Are
162 Oregon
Inscribed on
Roll of Honor.
Incomplete Records Irr Office of Adjutant; General Include Names of Men In Army, Navy and
Marine Corps Who Have Madi the - Supreme - Sacrifice That the World May Be
Freed From the Prussian Menaced . .
"DECORDS of the office of Adjutant-General C F. Beebe:showJt62 fold stari blazing on" Orejon's, service flag.
A Tile record is incomplete and unofficial; The information was gleaned from all sources. Relatives of Ore-
by General Beebe to
Kon soldiers wno nave lost weir Jives, either on the battlefield or In hospitals, are asked
notifr his office if the names of their soldier boysiaxe not cm the list reproduced here.
Applegate, Willis Iran, Company D,
118th Engineers, died of pneumonia fit
Vancouver Barrack February 2, 1918 f
Jacksonville; grandmother, Mra. Matilda-Hlnkle.
- ,
Abbey, Aides Benton, Company" B,
Oregon Engineer, died of pneumonia
and raeaalea In Franco; Elk City; par'
nt Mr. and Mr a. Kichard A. Abbey.
Afehlsoa, Thomas S7th Infantry,
killed in action by Mexican snipers near
Zapata. Texas. April 10, 1918 ; Mayger ;
John C., George D. Atchison, brothers ;
Mrs. Louis Fluhrer, sister. '
Andrews, Bert Emsnuel, 4 2d Division,
A. K. F.. died of bronchitis In France,
December 27, 1911; La Grande; parents,
, Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Andrews.
Aser, Charles. V. 8. Marine corps,
killed In action at Chateao-Thlerry.- June
. 118; awarded pOHthumus cross; par
ents. Mr, and Mrs. John F. Auer. Salem,
, . Atkinson, Clemle 12., Company G, 18th I
Infantry, died from wounda received on
western front. May 6. 1918; Sixes River;
mother. Mrs. Eliza Montague.
Aldrlch, Joseph Moxey, 9th Field Artil
lery, killed by pitched ball in game at
Fort Sill. Okla.. June 1L 1918: Canby ;
father, James il. Aldrlch,.
Af res, Peter A 20th Engineers, victim
of Tuscanla disaster, Februery 5, 1918
Jewell ; parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry W.
B i
Barrett, Gerald Joseph, U. S. Railway
Engineers, hilled In line of duty by 'tram
December 31, 1917. In France; Portland :
parents, Mr.) and Mrs. J. F. Barrett, 266
Twenty-first street ,
Bollock, Edmoad Carlt, U. S. Marine
corps, gassed in action In France April
. lf. 1918; Portland: parents. Mr. and
Mrs. Max Bollack. 712 Kearney street
Beneflel. Frederick Tolman, 20th En
gineers, died of lobar pneumonia Febru-
ary 14, 1918, In Scotland; Lakeview ;
' mother, Mrs. R, L. Beneflel.
Baldwin, Perry Whiting. Spruce Divi
sion, died of lobar pneumonia March 21 ;.
1918, at spruce camp near Toledo, Or.;
parents. Mr. and Mrs. Whiting P. Bald
win. Stayton, Or.
Bates, Henry C 20th Engineers, vic
tim of Tuscanla disaster, February 5,
1918; Baker; parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed
ward Bates.
Bellinger, Iraa Ellsworth, M. O. R. C.
died of bronchial, pneumonia January 17,
. 1918, at Fort, Riley, Kan., military traln
;, tng camp; Sweet-Home; wife. Mrs. Lola
, B. i Bellinger. Harem.
Bernltt, Mdaty W.. 20th Englnsrs, le
itlm Oi. Tuscanla disaster February 5,
' 1918; Marahf ield ; father, Edward W.
Bernltt. '
Better, Alden Brastus. XT. S. Navy,
died nf heart failure February 5, 1918. at
league Island navy yard. Philadelphia,
Pa.; Marshrieu; parenta. Mr. ana irs.
Elmer L. Bessey.
. Brows, Thomas Bohr, 20th Engineers,
died of tuberculosis March Il 19ir. at
.base hospital In France; Sams Valley:
mother. Mrs. Laura Ellen Brown.
Brows, Bsrton Thomas, Third Oregon
Infantry, shot himself with service rine
July 23. 1917, at Medford. Or. : Oregon
City r parents, Mr. and Mm. E. C. Brown.
Bradtaaw, William Moors, second lieu
tenant. 148th Field Artillery, died of
?neumonla November 23, 1917. at Rocke
eller hospital. N. Y. ; Portland ; aunt and
' uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Archibald Bradshaw,
'463 East Eighth street north.
Brown, Clifford Wiley, U. 8. N.. died
of rheumatic fever February 13. 1918, at
base hosoltal. Hampton Roads, Va. ; Ore--
on City; parents,. Mr. and Mrs. E. C.
irown. ' .....
Baler, William, aoth Engineers, aiea 01
Camp Lewis'; Ashland; parents, Mr. and
btb. Lranui w. uavis. -
Be Wolfe, Milford ay lord, 9th Regi
ment, killed In action July 4. 1918, in
France ; mother', Mrs. H. C. Richmond,
6808 Eighty-third street southeast
Davis, Orover Oliver,. 4l8tb7 Squadron,
died of disease at Vancouver Barracks
February 27. 19 18 ; Alsea ; slater, Mrs.
Lee Anderson. . -
Beets, Jonas Leroy. lst Division, died
in action In "France June 13. 1918 : Au
rora ; parents. H. H. and Rebecca Deetx.
Dwlre, tiarrle H.. Canadian contingent,
died bf disease AprUtll, 1918, at military
hospital at Quebec, Canada; Sllverton;
mother. Mrs. Katharine Dwire.
Dixon, Levi Bn 6Bth C A. C died of
disease April 28, 1918. in Winchester,
Eng. u Silvlrton ; mother, Mrs. Lillian C.
Deae, Abljak Les, 16th Columbia C. A.
died of disease March fc. 1918. at Fort
T Mie ; rawer, 1. a ueajn.
iutn engineers,
died of disease contracted in line of duty.
reuruwy u, iis, wasmngton, L. Ki.
mother, Mfs. Eva A. Denver, Astofia,
Bnffer. Samael Wesley, sergeant In
7th Cavalry, died of disease February
23, 1918, at El Paso. Texas ; Scio; par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Dugger.
.'V' Malcolm J, first lieutenant
Medical corps, died of disease March 27,
1918, at Camp Lewis; Portland; wife,
Mrs. Malcolm Denney, Iris Apartments.
' BeLosch, James Chester, Washington
infantry, died of disease April 11, 1918,
Portland, Or. ; Centralia, Wash. ; parents,
Mr. and Mrs. William DeLoach, 391
Weidler street, Portland.
, Ess ton, Peter, Scottish Rifles, killed
In battle Somm river. March S3. J
r iniamoon ; orotner, Malcolm isaston.
Kit ton, Thomas Howard, 23d Engi
neers, died of disease June 24, 1918, in
France ; father C H. Elston, Oswego.
Km mitt, Chester Ternard, U. S. N.
aieu or aisease January zi, isis, naval
hospital. Mare Island, CaL ; parents, Ed
ward E. and Myrtilla Emmitt, Umpqua.
Frailer, Donald 369th Aero squad
ron, died from airplane accident April
19. 1918; parents, F. A. and Annie D.
Frasler, Berkeley, CaL
Freeman, Staart, R. M. A., died from
railroad accident, , May 10. 1918, In
France; Portland; grandmother, Mrs. W.
C. Noon.841 Twelfth street
Fih, Corals WlUlam, TJ. S. N died of
disease December 25. 1917, at Mare
island. ai : maranneia
P. Merrill. Wedderbum
Frost, Elvln Aastln. Third Oren-on In
farrtry. killed -In action in France June
7 1918 ; Linntoft ; parents. M. I and
r.tner ni. jr rost, v;iearmont wyo.
Fry, Lee Lincoln, U. S. Marines, killed
John Kelly, 699 Prospect
In action In France June 7. 1918, in battle
of Chateau-Thierry ; Portland ; parents,
John J. and Caroline L. Fry, 1172 Boise
Graattrom, Arthar L., Third Oregon
jiiuuucy, um or aisease mi r on iiayara
m. m., septemoer 20. I17 ; Portland
mother, Mrs. Ida Granstrom, Cascade
IvOCKS. .'.
Garner. James Brian. 20th Enrtneera.
victim of Tuscanla disaster February S.
1918; mother, Mrs. D. J. Ourney, Ollde,
01D OS. Charles B... SanttArv Pnlice
died In service January 2. 1918. In
France r Portland : parents. Mr. and Mrs
E. F. Xllbbs, 3359 Eighty-second street
southeast. .
r m t t m .
of disease Maroh 16, 1918. Ellis Island. N.
x.: xuaaraa: mother. Mrs. HoDhla ounni.
n k 1 r. ww iiibr, .vt 1 1 rjiwiiiccifl. uiou ji i : . .
cardiac failure March 26, 1918 at Walter "c'lttln Ed wird 1 t n.rt ph
TmA Knanttal . Wajihinrtnn. D. C ' Can-I . JSOWard, 1 BBth Depot .Brl
on City 5 mother, Mrs. Mary HalL
BatUstt. Emerv Anrattat, U. S. Ma
rlnes. died of wounds received In action
n KrSnce. June 12. 191H : Salem; par
ents,. Mr. ana Mrs, a. w. uartiett, uax
wife, Mrs.
Kimble, Edwla K... mfUnr tit Firat Kn-
f ineers, died of wounds received in ac
ion April 9, 1918, in Northern France ;
jroruana ; moiner, Mrs. Aivtra von liar
ten Kimble. Galveston. Texas.
Kohl, Frank E 117th Engineers, -died
of disease March 23. 1918, in France ;
Mgan; ratner. miup K.oni, Oregon cit:
m,u09vh,, icihici aiiirvar ui. o.
Navy, died of disease February 21. 1918.
t NaI.hnn(f,l Rtrlin, KJ V 17',,-
gene ; parents, Lieutenant H.' K. and Ella
m. KjngsDury, fuiiman, wash.
Keller, CkarUe Boss, 6th Field Artil
lery. died of disease, folio wins: a ras at
Ltack from the enemy, July 6, 1918, in
r ranee; jtnterprise ; moiner, Mrs. Mary
Kelley, Cove, Or.
Klttleion, serman, sergeant 164th
Depot Brigade, died of disease March 23,
1918, Fort Riley, Kan. : Dallas ; parents,
Ole and Grethe Klttleson, Vancouver,
wasn. i-
Lorelaee, Fred Jones, V. S. Navy, died
of disease February 13, 1918, Mare
Island, CaL; Wlldervllle; parents, Mr.
and Mrs. C. F. Lovelace.
Lewton, Theodore Engeae, buglar In
20th Engineers, victim of Tuscanla Feb
ruary 5, 1918 ; Forest Grove ; mother,
Mrs. Emma AdLewton. -
Linn, JamerAlva, 37th Casualty com
pany, died of disease March 29, 1918,
Washington, D, Cv Portland ; mother,
Mrs. Mary L. Carter. Route A.
LeweUva, Earl J Aviation, -died of
disease February 2, 1918, at aviation
camp, Waco, Texas : Junction City ;
ratner, i rancis m. ieweiiyn.
Loomls. Algie Vera. 13th Engineers,
died of disease. Fort Stevens, Or., April
16, 1918; Ashland ; parents, Mr. and Mrs.
C L. Loomls.
Luttrell, Harry Arthar, 13th Aero
squadron, died of disease January 21,
1918. at Camp McArthur. Waco. Texas:
Broadbent ; parents, Henry and Jennie
Larsen, Henry K., Quartermaster
corps, died of disease March 19, 1918, in
'rance; lmbier; parents, Mr. and Mrs.
J. F. Larsen.
Tarttn, Loals Olaf, 20th Forestry En-
eineera. died of disease Janunrv If. 191 R.
in France; Wauna; father, Henry; Lar
Morgan, James William." U. 8. Navy,
died of disease. Mare island, CaL, Feb-
Marahf i eld ; mother, Mrs. S.4 and Mra John W. Morgan.
jnerriiu rreaenea ueraio. cornorai n
S. Highlanders killed bv machine arun
bullet while cutting though enemy's wire
with raiding party July 20, 1918, in
France ; parents, Frank Stanley and Jen
nie Loui8 Merriu ; tu ixortn l'wenty
first street, Portland. - :
Minker, Clarence Stanley. U. S. Navy,
died of disease March 13. 1918, New
TTork; Salem; parents, J. F. and Sarah
llzabeth Minker.
Mowery, Charles Lee, 21st Infantry,
victim of Tuscanla disaster February S,
1918; Creswell: parents Mr. and Mrs.
Sidney Pierce.
Plneo. Varahatt Wtlfler. C!ankdbxn
Army Medlcai corps, died as result of
German air raid. Western front. Mav 19. ,
1918 : parents, George IX and Amanda W.
laneo, Hooa tuver. - ...
Flog, waiter Fred, 412th Aero aouad-
ron, died of disease January 14. 1918,
Vancouver, Wash. , Hood River; parents.
aax. bjiu sara, Xiouia jfiog. ; - ;
Pratt. Cantata Frank Min. Medi
cal Reserve corps, died of disease at Fort
D, A. Russell, Wyo,, February 21, 1918;
wife, Mrs. Frank S. Pratt. PuvaUup.
Wash. '
Parrlth. Geerra Edward, zotli Enei-
neera, died of disease February 14. 1918.
1-at sea ;. Mount Vernon; Father. George
Bi. -arrisn.- r
Palmer. Harrev Thoma. RF,th Art 11.
lery, died of disease May 9, 1918. Win
cheeter, Eng ; liilladale Mrs. Vlrgie Sul-
FeiiB. Cland Bell. 162nd IT. R Tnfantrv.
died of disease January 17, 1918, in
France: Corvallls: father. B. L. Perin.
Monroe. ,
Roberts, Hubert M 161st U. S. Infan
try, died of disease January 27. 1918, in
jrranee; warren; lather, Wallace Nel
son Roberts.,
men, rani, oted or disease January ZS,
1918. In France : Salem : mother. - Mrs.
Emil Beter.
Bed field, Joseph Ira, 20th 'Engineer,
victim of Tuscanla disaster February 6,
ai ; vienaaie ; parents, iixiwara m. ana
All TA4H-tJi -
AllwV IWUilWU. ,
Haines. George Arthar. IT. B. Marina
corps; died of disease February 6, 1911,
at Marine hospital, Quantico, Va. ; Myr
tle Creek; parents, Mr. and Mr a Sher
man Raines.
Kardla. George L 162nd Infantrv. died
of disease August 29. 1918. Vancouver,
Wash.; Centralia, Wash.; mother, Mrs.
Ella Rardin.
Bass. Braes Walls, it. s vtv aiaA
from burns received from fuel oil explo-
ion on u. is. a. v.nemung ecemoer is.
i9i ; wue. uertruoe rtoss, ia jsast bsv
entleth Street north. Portland.
' Kosell, Glea, 162nd Regiment, died of
disease March 26. 1918. Wineheater.
Eng. ; Sweet Home : mother. Mrs. Ada
'Smith, Roy Alfonso, 20th Engineers,
died of .disease December - 6, 1917, in
France ; Glide ; parenta, William A. and
Annie A Smith.
Stevens, Percy Arthar, 20th Engineers,
victim or xuacanta timatr Kohnnrv k
1918 ; Bend ; mother, Mra F. S. Stevens.
snepnera, uoiue Quartermaster
corps, died of disease.- Fort McHenry,
Baltimore, Mr., April 22. 1918 : Yamhill ;
parents. -William and Sarah Sheoherd
Scott, Thomas, Third Oregon, died of
asphyxiation in American base hospital
in France January 8, 191s; Portland;
parents. Mr. and Mrs. George Scott. Ireland.
Smith, Ronald Earl, Machine Gun com
pany, Kinea in action July 19, 1918, in
France ;-Portland ; parents. Edward C.
and Ellen P. -Smith, Gresham.
Sloan, Ivan Bale, Cavalry troop, died
of disease March 7. 1918. Vancouver.
Wash. ; Grants Pass ; parents, Sterling
i-rice ana u,mma may moan.
Skinner, Harold C, Third Oregon,
killed in action In France July 3, 1918 ;
McMinnville; parents, Mr. and Mrs. C.
G. Skinner.
Sander, Carl Rlnhold, U. S. Navy, died
of disease February 8, 1918. at Mare
Island, CaL ; North Bend ; parents. Ju
lius ana Annie Frances Sander, Maple
Spencer, Herbert Gay, 65th Artillery,
died of disease July 14, 1918. at Limoges,
France : Ashland ; parents, A. C. and Is
abelle P. Spencer.
Smith, Frank Lloyd, corporal In 861st
Infantry, died of disease April 12, 1918,
Camp Lewis, Wash. ; Forest Grove ;
mother, Mrs. Mary A Smith.
Scott, Walter Bates, 8th Oregon Coast
Artillery, drowned while bathing In surf
July 31. 1917. at Fort Stevena, Or. : Port
land.; mother, Mrs. L. Carstensen, 68 East
Tenth street
0mt i
ermong for a
In view of the fact that all Portland churcfaea
will be closed today because of the edict against
assemblies aa a preventive measure against influ
enza, several of Portland' leadlflST clergymen
hmve prepared for The Sunday Journal Short ser
mons for the day.
The Character and Functions of
' the Church. v -., 1" '
By Bev. Jeshna SUasfield, First Methodist Ckareh
Bat ye are s ehosea gcoeiaUoa, a royal prlmthood. a holy -
nation, s pvralUr peopla; that yc itaouid show forth tha prstM
of Htat wne nata esltod ya eat of drt fcateJHJs ssrvsoas
Mght." I reter. Jl. - ...
THIS general letter , to -etsr
1 give fortlt as fin and,
and clear a statement of the
Rurpoae of saving grac as w
av In any letter In the New
Testament writings. There in
In It a catholicity of pirlt and
widenea of view, a high
ideal and as clear perception
of tha purpose of God touching
man. as we have In any part
of the Bible, and when w re
mnhr to whom it wa wrlt-
n ni bv wiuhu it was written. It carries upon It
face the clearest evidence of divine Inspiration.
The lettec waa directed to -Stranger scattered
throughout Pontus, Galatla. Cappadocia, Asia and
Bithynla." and the burden of the letter -is this: That
th, nnni& mititdnn. manv of them outcasts and
person of no standing Intellectually, socially or re
ligiously the person were "elect" according to the
Knowledge ana purpose ot uoa w a noon uwr
and a blameless walk and conversation.
Underlying the whole letter 1 this conviction : That
God ha elected people to eternal lit and to noble
character, and therein Is the very heart of the gospel
of Jesus Christ It la a gospel, or a good word which
declare the purpose and Intent of God towards peo
ple; and that divine purpose 1 that people should
come to know themselves, and come Into their right
relation with Ood, and should live the life to which
they are called .by divine graee.
The Christian religion Is a revelation of Gqd, a
revelation or discovery of man, and a marvelous in
spiration in human lire to re to it true self, to Its
highest, it noblest, its best. And so the writer says :
"Ye. ye, ye are called to be a royal priesthood, a holy
nation, a peculiar people, that ye should show forth
the praises of God, who has called you out of dark- '
net into His marvelous lithe"
Now, what is the marvelous light of the Christian
life? It is the clear light of divine revelation coming
to man as a personal experience, that he is called to
be a worthy child of God.
What la' the darkness of a sinful life? It 1 that
groping In deed, and thoughts, and feelings, which
are unworthy of the child of the Great Father God.
What is the great New Testament injunction here
on? "Walk In the light as ye have received the
light" This la one of the possibilities of human Ufa
There is In man a deep native potentiality and the
Gospel is to waken man, to call man, to the realisa
tion of himself In Jesus Christ The very essence of
Christian experience is such a consciousness. Our
fathers called it the "witnesa of the spirit" It Is the
individual, coming into the consciousness of his rela
tion to God. and to a realisation of the life he m
called to live.
Christianity does more to emphasise the .real worth
of human nature, and the possibilities of human
life than any other religion in the world ; and whether
all people understand Christianity In all its dtu
the same way or 'not, one thing Is universally recog
nised: wherever the gospel of Christ touches an
Individual or a people, whatever the name or sect
or denominational peculiarities, they begin to look
up ; they feel they are called to be cleaner, and purer,
- and truer, and better. They feel' they are called
,with -a high calling." t .
. Whatever the difference of our ferm of worship.
wherever the gospel goes, with many difference of
, Interpretation, there Is that - on underlying note :
-. "You are ealtaTto be saints." Among all the uplift
ing, regenerating, saving, sanctifying Influences of
r the Christian civilisation, ther is nothing In all
human organixatioaa which begins to equaa the sav-
- ing, - uplifting, sanctifying influence ol the gospel of
.Jesus Christ, n ., ...
The Law of the'Positive
By REV. JOHX H. BOTD, B. D Pastor First Pres-
OTienan casrea.
Text. Matt. 1S 1
follow a)." r.
Brlttaln, Kenneth Elmore. Medical de
partment. Company A, died Of pneu
monia June 29. 1918. at Camp Kearny.
CaL : Portland : mother, Mrs. Emma
Tlrlttaln. Rt Helens. Or.
Blldsrback. Evrl. 361st Infantry, died
of'pneumorna June 12. 1918, at Camp
v Lewis, Wash ; corvallls ; parents, Mr.
x and Mrs. C. H. Bllderback.
Chamberlain. Joel Booth. Naval Ml
tltla, died of tonsllitln and heart failure
February l. ii8. at itaurax. . ; par-
i nts. Mr. and Mrs. Lorenso L. chamber
Iain. Lfhanan.
Crosbaw, Robert E Coast Artillery
corns, died of disease October 24, 1917.
t post hospital - Fort Stevens. Or.
Balem ; parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Cro
haw. ) ,
Cndsby, Howsrd L, Merchants Ma
rlne. kilted when ship Florence H. was
Mown up at French port April 17. 1918:
Portland : father. J. W. Cudahy. 341
Fourteenth street
Cooner. Thomas Be: 31st Engineers,
died of disease April 4, 1918. at military
hnsnitat at Fort Leavenworth. Kan. :
f Portland ; mother, JMra. R. L. Cooper,
f 482S East Forty-third street south.
Clark. Joseoh Charles. U. S. Marine.
killed In action in France between Juno
J and 10 ; Monmouth ; Drotner, wuiiam
Clark. SnrtnKfield.
Calabrete, Roeco. 20th Engineers, vic
tim of Tuscanla disaster February 5,
1918 : Portland ; father, Frank Calabrese,
' S94 Sheridan street.
Close, Staart Marshy. 76th Aero Con-
'atruction squaaron. ciiea' or airplane ac
cident October 18. 1917. while in training.
San Antonio. Texas; mother, Mra Ade
line Close, 1296 Soutn cor bet t street
' D
TtavlA. Walter Ray, 166th Depot Brl-
ade. died of disease June 11. 1918, at
it .
A sure way of practicing
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84 6th SL 'Bdwy. 3651
trade, died of disease May 23, 1918, Port
land ; The Dalles ; parents. Rev. and
Mrs. Kdward Gittlngs, Salem j wife, Mra
Ethel Gittlngs.
Gibson, Jebn Wesley, U. S. Marines,
killed in action June 7. 1918, In France at
cnateau-Thierry j Eugene; mother, Mr.
L. C. Sherman.
Green. Oswald B.t Third Oreirnn Tn.
fantry. died Of disease. Vancouver.
Wash., August-. f. 1917: Sheridan; par
ents, J. S. and Sarah J. Green.
Gates, Chester Carroll, 18th U. a Irf-
rantry, died from wounds of machine
fun Duiiet at uriareau-Tnierry. France,
un 18, 1918; Hillsboro ; parents, Mr.
and Mrs. O. B. Gates.
Half. Erwtn Abraham. 42Rth Aero
Construction sauadron, died of disease
January 29, 118, Vancouver. Waah,,;
iainw, naries jv. nun, Bianneia.
Hendricks. Klnslev CrandalL 1lt TT
S. Infantry, died of disease February 7,
1918. in France: narents, Mr. and Mra.
E..A Hendricks, Beaverton: wife. Asmes
B. Hendricks. Portland.
Hlnes. Willis. Third Oregon Infantrv
killed in action July 22. 1918, In France ;
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Hlnes,
uaiea CTree. Or;
HelBS. Walter Earl. 162nd Infantrv
died of pneumonia February 28, 1918, in
r ranee ; vrane, ur. ; ratner, John J.
Hansen. William, it. n Marines vmd
In action In France June 7. 118:
decorated for bravery ; parents, Mr. and
Mra. Bernhart Hansen, 1781 Portsmouth
avenue. Portland.
Hlalng. Arthur Alfred, died of disease
wune 4, hub, n-esinio, ssan Francisco,
caLmotner, Mrs. Ida F. Howe, Rob
erts. Or
Harding. Lee' Miller. Slmal corns, died
of disease June 17. 1917. at Aberdeen.
Wash. : mother, Mra C F. Harding. La-
comD, kjt.
Hard. Job Clinton. fiSth Artlllerv.
died of disease April 9. 1918. Winchester,
rng. ; Eugene ; parents, c. J. and Eva
R. Hurd. Rosebnr.
Houston, Elmer Alfred. 20th "Engineers.
victim os ix scan i a reDruary 6, 1918;
Held; parents, Elbert and Cincinnati
Hunt. Charles Bsvld. TJ. S. Naw. died
oi-oisease January 29, ii5, at M aval sta
tion, esn .Diego, cat ; Portland ; uncle,
James Renshatl. Newberg.
Haaiey, jtarvsy ioekhart. TJ. S. Navv,
died of disease April 8, 1918. at San
Diego. Cat ; Sheridan ; parents; Henry
u. sw ciisaoevn nauiey.
Isom. Forrest Irvln. SSfh Tnfntrv
killed in action In France July 21, 1918:
bom, Waahougal, Wash. .
JoknSOB. Grant Lee. Orecrnn Naval Ml
Iltla, died of disease March- 30, 1918, at
Naval hosnttaL Portsmouth. N. h
Portland : parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
ts. jonnson, 7i unn avenue.'
Johaiea. albert Bar. U. r Naw. died
of disease Aoril 15. 1918. on board TT. R
i 8. Mercv : Redmond : narent. Alhert Md
Jennie Johnson, Richmond.
J act sea. vrarae Chester. 9th Infantrv.
died from Injuries received in .action in
trance June e. 1915 : Salem ; parents.
jonn u. nn rtosa jacitson, ruewberg.
jaae. niuiam, maior m kovii Knrt.
i neera, died of wound from aerial bomb
in uerroan . anve at Amiens, France,
April 24, 1918 ; Portland ; wife, Mrs, W.
Jane. 1640 Hawthorn avenue.
Jones, Olea Harvey, 20th Engineers.
; aiea oi aisease r enruary a, wasn
ington. Ki. '.. enverton; rather, E.
Jones. . , ' , -
KJelherg. Alfred Lloyd, 20th Enri-
neera. died of disease January 8, 1918,
Hoboken. N. X : Clatakanie ; ; mother,
Mrs. Christine Erlckson.
r , Kelly, Job G-iret lieutenant , 16th
Engineers, killed In motorcycle accident
saarcn xar, ivxs, m ranee; Portland:
Killed bv accidental rdfanhaj-e-' of tots
rifle July 81, 10 111, on municipal dock at
Lang jneacn, uaL ; Jiaker ; sister, Grace
u, Aiowery. .
Mattson, Helmar, corporal In 163rd In
fantry, died of disease June 26, 1918, in
France; Prinevllle; parents, Mr. and
Mrs. John Mattson.
Mabee, Ralph Haitian d. first sergeant
356th. Aero squadron, died of disease
April 30. 1918, at New Y6rk ; wife, Delia
anneue atnoee.. xncMinnvilie, ur.
Matterson, Ray, Casualty detachment,
died of disease May 16, 1918, Vancouver,
Wash. ; Richland ; parents, William and
Annie Masterson.
Martin. Joseph Arthar. TJ. R Naw.
rltorl Af . A i oaQ mm Tun. 19 -10.19 tv. A1..A
Mass. ; Salem ; parents, Joseph and Jen
nie Martin.
. Kelvin, Harry Richard, Third Oregon
Infantry, died of disease January 19,
1918, in New York ; Oregon City ; father.
N. T. Melvin. Weet Linn.
Mercer. Alan V- 18th Enaineera MA
of disease September 80. 1917, at Tallnce,
r ranee, wnue in active service ; coos ton ;
parents. Angus , it ana rauilne F.
Thompson, Edwla Olander, U. S. Navy,
died of disease March 5. 1918, San Diego,
CaL ; Elk City ; brothers. Thomas, Levi,
Alexander and Harold and sister Alpha,
Tlbhetts. Roy, l6th' Depot Brigade,
died of disease at Camp Lewis ; parents,
J. W. and Alice Tlbbetts, Marshrield.
than wilt hm. nMfaet- n mmlt-miwm
OTJR mental , and spiritual
nature ' is constituted of
two elements,' the on negative,
the other, positive. Both are '
neceeaary. The function of
the negative la protective and
conservative, but the fulmeee ,
and seat of life. Its bloom and
glory spring from the positive.
The success and enjoyment of
life depend upon the malnten
- ano of do . balance between
the two. If the negative be
come the dominant element, temperament and char
acter are seriously and injuriously affected ; growth
1 arrested and Joy la lost. That atat of Intellectual
caution which we call doubt ha an essential plao
In philosophy and religion. It Is a feature of that
aturdjr thing we calLeommon sen, hut doubt doeant
satisfy. Confidence is needed. The negative quality
of restraint and setf-oontroV are admirable and noble,
but life ha not reached its best until the great poal
tiv passion of lov glow within. Ideal ar vain
and a mere dreamer of dreams contamptibU, until
the visions of the inner realm ar flashed forth tn
some strong enthusiastic endeavor. - This idea of
the negative and positive in life I the center around
which the story of Christ's interview with th young
ruler crystallises. Th ruler had never killed a fel
low man, but he had never saved one. He had not
lusted, but he bad don nothing to wipe th -stain of
luat from the old earth. He had never stolen or
slandered, out he had never gone out Into th field
to contend for truth and honesty, ,
Jesus sees all this and knows that th need Is of
the positive, so h says Oo! positive sell I posi
tive give ! positive learn, grow, labor, sacrifice,
suffer. There are three types of Christian who get
ery little out of th lif which they profesa They
live in chronic, spiritual weakness and unrest of soul,
because their live ar fragmentary and negative.
First, there ar those who remain all their daya
hard by the baalo facta of th Christian Ufa Th
initial step and primary elements of religious experi
ence alone engage them. They are afraid to lose
sight of th gat through which they came, leet they
should not be sure of having entered. To thera relig
ion is personal questions of conviction of sin, repent
, ance, the new life, conversion, saving farth. abiding
in Christ, perseverance, th arrives at heaven.
Second, there are those whose religious life ts em
ployed wholly in soul-culture in the Improvement
of their Inner states and grace. They read count
less books about th higher life, the deeper, sweeter
knowledge and feelings of religion in order that their
souls may take on a higher polish and arrive at a
more perfect finish. The impulse and the aim are
artistic. The result and th enjoyment are individual.
Holiness becomes an end, and that end on of per
sonal adornment and endowment
Again, there Is a third class, consisting -of those
Christians who have settled down into a permanent
distrust of their own ability to attain high spiritual
culture or, to perform worthy religious acts. These
live in a state of chronic spiritual weakness, bur
dened with a lassitude which make all th exercise
and responsibilities of religion Irksome. This leads
to irritation. All tired people are fretful. Spiritual
fatigue produces ths critic. Nothing goes right in
state or church. This Is disease, arising from a life
which itself 1 fallinr and negative. Decline- follows, V
loo of th presence of Ood; old vision fade Xrom .
th sour eye, old habit C worship and service are.
lost, th soul withers in dryness and rests at last I
Insensate to spiritual realities , dead. i "v
This sad process, with its Inevitable, fatal end all .
too frequent Is due to violated law the law of th
positive. Lif must be positive. The negative para-l ,
lys kills. - ' : 7. 4 .
The successful business life Is positive ; the lif of
worthy publto service la positive ; th social life which
yields satisfaction la positive ; th life of th scholar
and artist ts positive ; our pleasure ar found,
through poeitlv means ; our Christianity alone I
negative, and it alooe disappoints us.
. The Necessity for Sacrifice
-'v Bishop f Oregoa. - - ,
at. Mattbewv st:4 "for Ut T. 4 man protRad 8 ne
hsa sua the vhats world sad kae bis ewn srauT" 'V
THS bishop or London haa '
pointed out in on of Ms
decent sermons that one of th -most
effective posters used in
England shows the .kins of
. Belgium followed by a sinister -figure
who is saying : "You
, have lost everything" ; and
' the king replying: "Not my ;
, soul" ! Such a spirit as this
I a spirit born of suffering
and sacrifice, and coming
through it all unscathed and;
strong. . - . .
W ar fust beginning to suffer her. Many of us
have not felt either deprivation or the loss of friends
or kindred; bt all this may com to us before the.
war 1 ended. How shall we com through it? With .
our soul strengthened and our character uplifted T
There ar those who ar not only not suffering,
but ar profiting by this war. X kpow a man who
has sent his son to th front where he has already
distinguished himself. Th father has refused to
profit on cent through these war times, where an
opportunity was offered him to make thousands of
dollars. Hs might have gained the world, but he
choee to profit by saving his souL
This ts God's war tn which ws are engaged. Ar.
we holding back from Him. by holding back from
the support of our country T Or are we giving to
one, through the otner, willingly and gladly T Do we
give to our country and to God because we expect
something in return, or do we give to Ood and ooun-
try tn a spirit 01 tnanKruineas tor au mat n ns
glvan us in health and prosperity and the power to
live in fullness of UfeT . ,
Three thing are in my mind aa necessary at this
time if we are to save our soul :
L Repentance to God for neglect of Him and HI ''
church tn these years gone by. Do you really think
that ws can keep our bodies tn temperance, soberness '
and chastity without God ? That we can really win
this war without God? That we are sufficient onto' :
ourselves in any capacity without Him? Then I -s
appeal to you to repent and believe and come Into -reunion
with Him.
2. The necessity of prayer. If we believe in Him
then we must believe that He answers our petition..
Ask any soldier today if he believes in prayer; If h
has seen service he will tell you that he prays conv
tlnually ; that It Is not shot and shell which protects
him, but the Almighty God. who watches over him,,
and that He and nothing else avails.
3. The necessity of universal service. If th war
doe nothing more for America, it will teach aia ,
obedience, self -discipline and the Joy of service. How
many of us are calling out. "Here am I; send me ! ?
W.?vm.1-t Jt?lx0on and honest recreation; but
with the Red Cross organisation calling for helpers
all over th. city, what excuse can w present when
no work is done and recreation la the program for.
thy afternoon and evening of th majority?
It I only by sacrifice and the necessity of repent-V
anc. prayer and service that we shall be able to
aav our soul or th soul of th nation.
"No eaay hopes or4ies shall bring us to our goal, V
But Iron sacrifice of body, will and aoUL5
Tolls, Lewis Edward, TJ. S. Navy, died
of disease March 1. 1918, at Goat Island,
CaL ; Merrill ; parenta, Henry F. and
Effie M. Tolle.
Tolllver, Beanie Bo well corporal of
48th Infantry, dted of dlseaae June 28,
1917, in hoapital at Syracuse, N. Y. ;
Springfield; father, Grant R. Tolllver,
Oregon City.
Templetos, Raymond Everett, second
lieutenant R. M. A, died from airplane
accident. June 23. 1918. at Self ridge field,
Mount Clemens. Mich. ; Portland :
brother. Lelghton F. Templeton. 62
Mason street
Yeaabls, James Alvln, TJ. 8.' Navy, died
of disease February 13, 1918. at U. 8.
Naval hospital. Brooklyn, N. Y. ; Wasco ;
father, James B. Venable.
Wood, Lambert Alexander, lieutenant.
Company C, 4th Regulars, instantly
killed tn action July IS. 1918. while lead
ing his command during allied advance
south of Solssons, France. Was cited for
bravery June 6, 1918, for going through
barrage twice ; Portland ; parenta. Dr.
and Mra William L. Wood, Garden
Wadsworth, - Henry Earl, . sergeant
148th Field Artillery, died from cramp
wnue swimming
Annie B. Wadsworth, 86 East Emerson
Wllioa. Claade, 16th V. 8. Infantry,
died of disease July 27, 1918, at Camp
Kearny, Cat. ; Fife ; father, 'Jamea A.
Wilson, 4727 Sixty-third avenu south
east V
Wattea, Grant G rover, U. S. Navy,
died of disease February 28. 1918. 8an
Diego. CaL ; Harrisburg; parents, Joss
M. and Rllla Wesson.
Way, Charles Alls. 87th Engineers,
died of disease April li, 1918, In hospital
at wasnington, u. c: rarkoaie:
litem A Wav. Bilverton. CaL
Watts, Ellis Brsee, 379 Aero sauadron.
orotner. wwuam a. way,
. wr . . . 1 ... . . . It
j . um 1 1 vim cruM T, iui d nrt, 1 m Aero equaoron,
June 8. 1918. at Castll-I killed tn tircloa fllattt Mamh 1 lflia
France ; Portland ; mother, Mra 1 at Forth Worth, Tax ; Portland : par
ent. Mr. and Mra Orvllle W. Watt. ;
Witaer, Jobs David, Aviation souad- r
rtrn. died of disease February 9. 1918. at
Camp Kelley. Fort Sam Houston. Texas ;
Damns : parents, David A and LUlle M.
Wlas. Prssels Wollltsr. U. B. Marines, '
died of disesae January IS, 1918. at
Quantico, Va. ; Wellen ; parenU, George ;
M. and Louisa M. Winn.
WUlsoa, CarOs Wlllard. 20th Engl
neera, victim of Tuscanla disaster Feb
ruary 5, 1918; parenta. Mr. and Mrs.
Fred J. wtllson. Salem.
ur . . r . n . . - . . . .
" vnrii unrawa, corporal laza i
Infantry.; died of diaeaee January IS;
f H-vr--.Ft5n? : Corvallls ; i
mother. Mrs. Mary E. Watts.
MeClellaad. Ben lamia niniMrV. TT H
Medical corps, died of disease April 12,
', -rap narry jones, uougias, ArlX. ;
Salem; parents,' James and Sarah McClelland.
Miller. Harry L Bth FleidArtnierv.
killed in acHnn NnvamKar 1 101? i
France ; Baker ; Bister. Mra Roy A. Den-
Morln. William P 20th EnrlnMn Trio.
ttm 01 Tuscania disaster Februarv 5.
1918; PorUand; wue, Leata Morin, 891
vxnuienuein avenue. . . 1
- Maaninit, George Washington, 85th
Oregon Infantry, died of disease Janu
ary 28, 1918, in France; McMinnville r
parents. J. C. and Marraret Manninav
Meltowell, John Levi, Quartermaster
corps, died of disease November 29, 1917.
111 new jum; rauiuia parenrs. u. -A.
and Harriett EL McDowell. PrineviTl.
Maneke, Corporal Carl, 162nd Infantry,
died of disease October 23, 1917, Char
lotte, n. c.; Portland; mother, Mrsr
na axanese, ai niast xntrteenth street
Mark, Bay. 148th Field Artillery, died
jrom acciaentai tnnaimg or gas Novem
ber 4. 1917. Camp Mills; Sheridan; par
ents. Mr. and Mra Pelre Mark.
Matthews, telaad Allen, lieutenant In
28th Aero . squadron, died in action In
r ranee Aiarcn ao. ii r F lorence ; par
ents. Dr. Owen and M. Belle Matthews.
neirose, sale songlas, 361st Ambu-J
lance company, died of disease December I
is, 1.51a, ax Lamp iewia. wasn. ; Eugene ;
muier. iraiiiiD u. xaeirosa. t :rvviiL
. -3f
3T elSOB. Waller T.mium: mnviral SKtfe
Oregon Infantry, died of disease Febru
arv 8. 1918. in kaafl hnimiral In Woru .
Portland:' aunt' M r a tnhnwin 9tA
East Forty-seventlr-Btreet j
aorman. Wendell HllL radio murttm 1
died of disease March 22, U18. at League
na. nospitai, r,avy xara,- pniladel
phla. Pa. ; Portland : mother, Mrs. Etta
Omlston, Arthar Bean, 20th Engi
neers, oieo or aisease, Washington. D.
C January s 29, 1918; Days Creek:
mother, Mra Ellen M. Ormiston. 407 East
nima street.
Owens, Walter Horace, llet Infantry.
(ilea or aisease March 20. 1918. in base
hospital No. 17 In France: Baker-1 par
ents. A. Perry and Emma Hope Owena
'BMke.-Victor Hago, 6Sth Artillery,
died of disease In France Mav 9. mi :
Thurston ; parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
E. O Rourke, Mountatndale. ' .
Olsoar Edwla H 162nd Infantry, died
of disease Mav 23. 1918. win-i(-r
gnf-: Springfield; mother. Mra. Emma
v. vsiBun. .;. v
: FarSOBS. Gllhert. TT fi. Tnfanfn, Aim !
of disease December 20, 191C, at Letter-
man nospitai ; era D tree ; parents, Mr.
ana rars. m. r-arsons. ,
Paeschke, Ernest Edgar, 16th Recl-
ment, za Montana Infantrv, died of '
wounds received in action in rriinia tnn,
10, 1918 ; father, Robert -faeschke, Junc
tion City, Or. -
Ferrine. Edgar Carlton, 16th Columbia,
dted of disease March 4, 1918, Fort Stev
ens, ur.; rioseburs; rather, Edward B. I
remne, oaiem. . .. v .- - - r
Fennlngtoa, Harloa Alee, 65th' Artil
lery, died of diaeaiut. Anrif a' iis nn..
cheater, v Engr. ; i Eugene ; father, Perry l
Pickett, Zip Edward, U. & Navy, died
of disease December ; 13. 1917; -Mare.
Island, CaL.i Jmrenta, . Jul , and Mary
Louise Plchett,- Newberg. ? , . ; .. .
Fleree, James LeBoy, 20th Enginers,
t f
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