? - .'-a ., THE - OREGON. StfNDAY. JOURNAL; PORTLAND, '. .SUNDAY JilORNINQi'- OCTOBER 13.; 1918. ; . -;. 10 v BOOMS AJTlT BOAHP FBiVaTE FAMILY -. WE WILL board tad loom a refined couple la owr iktut bom r mixht eonaidac two gen- tlemeu. . Htgst com recommended.? - 'l w ERNEST - WELLS , , V :..;,;.?.',.;'. .OA Ilenrv bid. .". i- Cg call 444 Bnt8th t,N., Box at Far. , : - .' - I ft look K. f. ear. " VYATITEP BOOMS AP BOABP 88 V ANTED Boarding pic for mll boy? to vicinity E. 12th sad Balnvm, Mala 420, Wla 497. ' LaUf bookkeeper tMM roon went side; walking ' di-tar ; refer e given. U-S29. JournaL BOOM end board, for children; ct good care. " wain. zz. -, -v- - " HOUSKXEEFIJTO BOOMS S grains hep akp , uhfubsishep j COMPLETELY ' furaUhed ,. housekeeping cult; - bay window; fa Wid! mrrrf convenience; hot water, U riceim . Raaaoaabte, Tb- Cadtt lsc,4d nr Jefferson. FOUR ' unfurnished ' loom upstairs; gas stov , ' nd llsbt, IDtA aa Fettygrev, $19. ., Mm r-ll U4I. - - - - -1 .. " S. NICE unfurnished hooekrpin rooms. light, ,' too and atok Included. $ par month, 609 f j Overton - t - - BOOM to. private family, new home, convenient; -' clear, and close to car." Mr. O. O. Hoxie 14T B fltb St NT t Phone Woodlawa 183. , . JOB KENT New, unfurnished housekeeping rooms; no children. Tabor 488. 2081 E. I -: , Barn4lo tH.- f . & BOOM and kiiciuMMtte: aUaoi beat. 8271 388 lSth at. .- kt. TABOil 3 honWptn rooau and kitebca- fcOIi EE NT KurnUhed roffa (at bouaekatpiACt ' roon, 474 E. Oak at. ' JiOlJSEKEEriNG rooma; 880 Couch ' aL. block of lib and WaablndoB. ?' 1 S HOOM houMkixrplas flaW 88 par weak. I 844 U front at. . ' "'.' - ' ' . HOCSEKKEFIiTU RtfOMS 71 yrBBISHEP AKP TJ NFCB K ISHEP BBITATB FAMILY ' iiKkLf ' 'farniaheil ' room and aleeuinc aorcb. - ettiubla for lady employed. TJea of kitchen and J llrlng room. Vwimam bU Wodera bom. in qnlet tonMenca dixtrtet.' BS7 llaldea ate. WyiiUiliXUli. I-''? Baaoaia bid. - y - , 1 lEHIRAULE alcoa fumlebed 3 or 8 '1U K. aaltee for working people, walking dlataaca. 218 i'latt for intormatloa w 1000, 843 Hat, at. j H..JiK:,iT ro.Da a-n"lyt "?? I beenina rooma. 2SS ChaDman aU Phona Main I 17f welkin, dtnca. . ' ftVig t. r..lk rt'K.. 1 block south of P. O. 827 Hall at TWO M. K. . rooms npataira, for .Mpeetabla working tnim. 812 month. 284 Jefferson. V"0'TI unfarnkhed bouaekeeiiing rooms, 1244 Detroit' are, iaAI.1, front bouaekeeplng room; rent 82 per I week. 860 TamhiU at., cor, Broadway. j FOB BEST HOUSES TJXFTJB2USHEP It MEIEB STFUANX'S FHEB RENTAL AND INFORMATION BCBEAV UHaliU 1Wa M AMihta vmeent I housee, epartmenta and flats with definite to- 1 formation pertaining ta each. Weweomers ta Portland wfll find this bureaa ef great value ia helping them get properly and Quickly located. t EIQHTH FLOOR , V FOR SALB OR FOB RENT . FURNISHED OB UNFURNISHED v BOSB CITT PARK CAR ' Moving to Idaho; must sell at eaoe; hot water fctater; rooms, fireplace, bookcases, - beautiful eteotrle fixtures, tapeatry ' ' papered, hardwood flccra, buffet, I Hitch kitchen, eement banemeat, lauiidry traya. Terms to suit most desirable pur ebaaer. Take IJberty bonds. PHONK TABOB 4583 OB BDWT. 4996. MB. AND MRS. H0CSB HUNTER Houses are very aearea, but we are ha ring a fiw vaoated right alonr. ' - 'i,-.- VERY LABGE8T LIST IN CITY - , We give a special service to house that pute us ta a position to get the majority of these Varanciea, , "SBB THB YELLOW SIGN' MilTn-miinvrii r-n a-rnrv prntmnv T .- - " ' " Va DUPLEX house, Irvington,' 8 rooma, mod - ' era. furnaaa. firenlaoe. beet neiahborhood : tease a. no emau cmiarea. . vau wain. 2ui, before 2, p. m Sunday. ' J CR.NLSHE1) 6 room house, modern, including Diaao'i rent 628 1-referenae. Party will be' t premlsea frw 10 today. Call 63 Buchtel rve, near E. 80tl Ukspd E. ; bt 50xi Stark. 6VR06M bouse 1 At, fruit trees, $18: kale nlanta for sale. Anulv corner 80th and w . r , . V L 1 .J , WAV, X. Btark. Mt Tabor (M. T. 88th car to and. 4 blocks north. 1 east . STORES 'suitable- for living ouartera, Psnineola Ant bide 11S6U Alblna ava.! steam heat hot and cold water. . -ilODERN 4 'and 5 room bouse,- near shipyards! weet side; adults. Inquire at Til Water st near Hooker. or HRNT1 a 'mom modm leaaa"o furniture for sale ehean. Rent leaaonabla. . . . - r . . . Vau . sonay itwn B to 13, 12 W, Humbolt 1 kiVSiiH kit o Aiaii AAf fS.V;h.m , - - - Had npuw 4 1 Lll 1 i 'i 'i.-1 111 41 ti Fhit A k .r- kin ftd FOR.RBNT $ roomTiouss. $10, $9 Tenine . FOR BENT 8 room bouse; E. 16th at Kite- worm, inquire 4 n. 1st FUBNI8HED HOUSES FURNISHED HOUSE . PALATINE HILL RIVERA STATION $75 86! POSSESSION NOV. I S rooms, elegantly furnlahed. all " new and elegantly furnished. . su mod era, wtth every eoaveBienee, commands un- aorpaaaed view of river, mountains to the eaat, and groaBds are bounded by artistic shrubbery, Bakeaeaaai -awi4 ha aluwit 49 avaaaaaaaa 6a tta 4-4W -a 4)4 a-i kaa nnam matwiars, vrtisi vvut ell an,iem (ta au VAy ay unilrSgt. maac a roundlncs unrarpassed for beauty and eorafort J Loeatioa about 4 minutes' wTk to Bivenr sta.1 and. about 26 minutes by motor to Portland. I Inqulre 416 Ilttoek block. Pbone Bdwy. 784. a lot aar. ih"jx. BEAUTIFUL 8 room bungalow, large grounds ' and garage, newly fnraMied. Will lease' for f months, 3125 month. Ha player plena and Beat lot length veryiuing tncuy gilt eoga. tf lease must be paid in advance. ERNEST WELLS 620 Henry bide. - Or eall at 444 E. 48th at N., ear. 48th and . . TIlMmook. Hose City. - MODERN furnished bouse for rent well fnr- . nished. ia good district: close to ear; 16 min- lite from buainem center: $85 per month. Netla At ParkbilL 219 Lumbermeoa bldg., 6th end Btark ats. to It, RENT Furnished 5 room bunxalow. 988 r Brooklyn st Bear E. 33d. Call at house Soa- - day up to 4 p. m , Monday a. m.; refereneae re- - quiiva. iten sa. xucamoaa ear to K. 83d vt. 8 block south of earline. . t . WILL rent our modern home furnished to re ; apensible partiea. - Two back room reserved, -Fuel supply In. Beat district - Yry. leaeonabto, Tabor 4468. - - - FOR lease for 6 rnGT or longer, eompletery fumiahed. home, Portland Heights. , , $78. Phone Main 7467. FOR RENT 8 room buncalow. furnJabed. 818: . lsS Bteveaw st; Hawthorne ear. t 60th and xnefin ata. , FIVE loom furniiduid cottage for tent to adult ' only. Pbone Sell. 8518. . . . FOR RENT, 5 rooora furnfa-bed bunenlow with garare; aauia. i caa evenmgs. Tabor 8304. .? APARTMENTS FUBTUSHTEP " AKP UNFTJBKISTTED TWO $ room furnished Apts., modera. . 996 W Commercial. 1 with gang 820, the ether i 823; no lis ov blank-ta, -I pay the water, ear Jefferson high school; no children. East it. HAftT AWRTMENfS ' Vewry .to-faked ' modera 1 house Second and YamhQI kuma-kaealna aad - aieepmg roo ma, ii.ov aaa no. t Jn'EATLY furnished apartment : i room! kitchenette steam heated; suitable for 1 per 44S tley st MAGNOLIA . APT. Eaat 3d and Belmont; modern 1 and 2 room apta.. $1.60 per week am. Sleeping rooms. - East 212. " ' FOB BEKT JLATS 18 FOR "BENT 4-room Bew and leave - nnfnr- nished flat with bath, also earak in eonnao fjon; located 162$ H ulima.rCU Tabor 937$ STORES com verted into flats, 840 E7Burnsldei e ner E. 2Xth t. Sunday. lioTREKEEPLXa rooms, 842 Fargo st Pbone Eaat 6000 for particulan. - $ BOOM and bath, unfurniahed1 flat garage if desired. Can Tabor 9873. - -- ' : '.-yi'it.-vlSMEU riiA'18 . - .xq fUR.NI&HKI. flat. 1043 Gantenbein, asr. As - beita. WUUam ax St John ear.. '. Ml t rovTiusm TBSJTOE Ualp roa sat aeaoauaadaooaav r V BESTTOB IS FBKB '. i r' v - " WrRa ta Docki K BaiftB. Jooraal - Travel Baraan. loaraal Bid., PoV had, Ora. , Tail bias wbca yoa aU : arrrra, what botai or other axiiwn datloaa yoa want and aboot what yoaj , mtprrt ta pa. Be will notify yoa taf : aMdiataJy Jui what, if aay. Taaarra - tiona aa baa bae able ta Bake foa yoa 7 aad bow to rrach tbeaa. Bar aara ta rua a raaanntMa . tnaa IB "TOR BEHTMISCEIXAjfEOTJS It fOH it EST, 2 utory.- 100x100 frame, aanitary - atable: 00 lUIla. 2 box ataEa.. M. M,r 14th and Qnlmby. Portia pd Artiricial lea Co. WAWTEP TO BEHT FREE RENTAL' BUREAU . coltjicbu Rmnt trnmvusrsia COBPOBATIOBL ' ' la tWa war time eaaarcaoey and auaielly of boaain aaaoimodaitnaa. we taqaeat aaary patrV otia eitlaoa who baa a" honaa to rant ta raaaea to let to mail intoraatio of aana ta f" U av Jk uurp. ; JMx aZ3, CarUaad, VkV BT reaponaible family of 8. a 6 or 8 room ' bnncalow . or eottace. Wo objection to die ts oca if oa carUaa.aEaat aide ptef erred. Wood lawn 280. "; : ,-rn. WAN TED Furnitihed room for botuaiaeplni by yonnt eonpla with 8-year-olt girl; eaa tire beat of reference. Pbone Boon 813, New noostott Aotei. WANTED Ta rant from 6 to 20 aerea. , wail -r I imDrored. for chicken ranch, rime in. Banna. ftcBlvfc&g miri ...t," .wLrfST 8 fJ2Si, fZxiAXSr1. vt. itonta , hot XI A. priroeaea; . waJkiaa diatanoa. weat aidek TJ- WANTED To rent 8 or 4 room fnmUW a Dart merit, net or nun hnnoalnw. Nlt. : WANTED TO BENT Flrrt elam fnrniahed. apta., 2 or 8 rooma, 8 aauiia, oeei rexereneea, mar, azT. d,,?,?, P""t tenanta. Ad- WANT to rant 'ranch, eaah ar' ahaial eloaa to t . . : . . .. " wstmn, on to " " WAHitu- mi fnmianad Jt, K. rooma or apartment. Call Broadway 4048 after 8 n. m. THREE or fonr nnfarniahad bousakeepini j rooms. 668 K. Broadway. RE A I, ESTATE t, , r . . . .j ,. . ?ALE or rent, store building. 86x37 ft:. at Orenoo. Or. Fixtures and stock ta building. -A splendid chance f or?-som one tf taken at once, aa there is no store at Caa And mm at Mason. Ehrmsn A Co.. Port-1 land, or write to Sam King. 6118 67th S- B. Portland. f Feed store, good loeation. 956 E. Stark st. Must sell, 2 sons gone to the war; poor health, cannot do the work; good trade, . from 68600 to 64000 per month; good team, harness and wagon; good new truck; good stock of all kinds feed, hay aad flour: po hands; must sell, O. P, Potts, 1980 B. Stark at, Phone Tabor - 800. I LOOK this over atore building for sale, good I for bakery or eonfeetioBerr : eantaina oven and atore fixtures, six living rooms above; eaah isvv, azuuu aa tune, itox ML 17th at, & BSUWOOO IS12. FOB SALE HOUSES 81 $1685 ALBEBTA DISTPICT Practically 4 rooma. modern, full baaamant. east front lot, all kinds of bearing fruit, nearly new. i. t. U.- JOHN B. MATTHEWS. . ,: Cor. 27th and Alberto sts. : . - - - -:.-'. 83200 Modern 7 room tmnealow. tatmtatf na Ivnn i fV near 89th: 1 block from earline: all street improvements In and paid, for; fireplace; full f casement; aoum buy; 5500 cub, balance J suit, I Call B. M. Stoysa. with THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY 104 6th at. -- -- - -Mtn'686. SEE THIS TOUAX , 8250 DOWN Go out to 1617 Burred de sL aad took rrer I la X eBj -. - . a this nice 8 room practically new home. Modern ! ai-a- n aa-i kn - e.11 wf.A. at .la. v i ' i I . pm m aur- i pniungry sow aaa you can move right la. Coe A. 1 McKenna A Co., Main 4522. 82 4th st Board I of Trade bide. ' a rrTTT" $250 eaah, $15 monthly. . Modern plumb- I tng. etc ; lull 60x100 lot 2 chicken I housee and earaea: fmnadialav amatiina I 4 block from car. See us at once for this re markabl opportunity. K. F., FEEMSTEB, 309 Ablngton bldg. 3 Room Bungalow $750 Montavflla ear. wast of Tat a . . kqt! nn w 4 block ear. Full price $750. Must be gold i at one. GEO. T. MOORE CO. ABINGTON BLDO. we accept Liberty bonds. AN attract! re 6 room -modern house, on. 84 th st near Base Line road. 4 blocks from earline; I houie almost like new: fireplace, eood basement i.-. . n . , . - . . - . : - .. eziov, not ise tnan ou eaah. bal-1 .m. eon . . . .Li. Call or phone I wwg dan. Beed, French Piano-Mfv Co, 104 I I IITH a, . Rm.H. van I FOR SALS! M. TARhil Qaors, built-to dining-room Slid kitchen, dovm- ui,, bedroom and toilet, sleeping Pfcxcbj lOOx 118; good variety fruit and flowers: 859 B. 67th at near Hawthorne. Owner, Tabor 40& - I KicnTnv ? nnfiu' ti(t'o Ha aaa. electric -and aavaral at the, aluae tott tree. ;TM to not a shack, but a sic I UtUs comfortable - home. 8760, 8250 Cash, bal. Monthly. " SMITH-WAGONER CO.. Btock Ex. B. BUNGALOW ALAMEDA Maiw: lamah Park. mA .lut.a '- - I a beautifnl homa. everv tat.il W m I modern; 1 Block from , Broadway ear. Only I $4800. $2000 cash required, I B. F. FEEMSTKB, '$09 AhirxtoB bide. I . . " XJ l Jj- 1 " 1 ' inei TWO modern, 15 rooms, 16 rooms, houses, on lnu ' Boors, garage, BOxl.. JPt;. ,rol'; ". eement bssemente; in 83600. the other 83400. Call R. M. Stoma -.?1J0 aXUkX A. VUAU'ANX 104 5th st Msm 486B $100 CASH A modern 5-room bungalow with Dutch kitchen, built-tn -featurea. elnaar - ta I Tt 'c.omP,' 'aT-Of" easy term en bal- Petenon. with THB FBED-A. JlRflM rvt-rpxr 104 6th t Main 6869. - $166 cash1 , 1 . " $978. neat S rm. cottage, nice ioti fratt. does to; 2 earlinee. Mato 4803. m 'ma cl G. C GOLDEN BERG, Abtogtoa Bldg. ' "85 Years in Portland."" n 6 B. MOPERN BUNGALOW 2960 lTas aa.$aaa.a8 ! . A 11 a- . T m, " place, aU built-in eaayextHime. A dandy KMMf term. - B. F. FEEMSTEB. Ablnston tMa ' . , - IRVINGTON PARK " . 9 - room, furnace., fireplace. - aood ftolah. full aaM.a k . a. -a . . axiiin , aeej an. J. Cf COBBTN CO.. 805-T tJm IsU. kORTGAGE for' aale. i515 5d axortgag. Bouse aaa lot, 4250 due in -6 Bxeotbs. be aaoe to 11 - aaontba, T . Wecomnt D-839. JournaL .ts ... ' 4' BOOMS, modern, lot 100x100. tot fruit i lawa, raaea; eriflce. George Hill,' Ryan Place, ea Oregon Electric .- Marshall $602 ere- nuura. aaosx seu. A snap. SEE 883 Jlamblet ava. "for the biggest bargain to AUmed-eW.rk; new t txup. rfpXthe tit home; - Will make bl sacrifice; worth 310.000. but what am I offered. a I 4-FLAT builduuT. well located. - 'fair il$.000: 1 I : 3800eah, balance eaay term. Aa ideal nome ii uvntmeju caiiune aj ,.! ova tjoriieu bid. . - - " .- -: axr--. ,.. ia -1.L hade frees for $800. 8166 eaah.' the hat ance i a moatn. ax. tare, 005 Corbett bid. 6-ROOM sew cottage, modera plumbing, fine view lot, tor $1460, $260 down, balance $20 a- month. - M. E. Lee, 405 Corbett bldg. 6-ROOM modera bungalow, full tot mta. hlnrft I i te Bared atreet treea.- etn.. mm it Vim . I oar; Tumisneq or uninrnmnea Woodlawa 4935, i GOOD S room house, gas lights; larxe lot, 42z I its. rw tuw asss. ana win anow yoa I place tomorrow.'' , vw--.?- ;-.: . .. - I ., tT Jt IS INSURANCE W K WRTTB W . . - ajxx x.i a ' SMtTH-WAGONER il) ANYWHERE- 1NEB CO., Stock Kx." FOB SALE BY OWNKR Bice 4 room eottoge with 2 large lota, eaa t a. 1 . , 1. . iri.Tt - a . . T 1 nvta Huufl.ivw, a aw.- ymn iitmr atoe. v..a.i-tak H.iai.t. , i.T new, 6 rooms and hall, furnace, fr ia-X j 800 dowa PhoB Oak Grove 1M. . I $2250 4 room modera bungalow, winter s' fuel . wcauaea; oo- n. tner, - 21-40th eve.'S.-R..- 1 bleek Woodstock ear iA- M ROOM Hons, en Ox 100 lot: -aaa term.! i tan 1 iver ave. fBone Woodlawn 2745. 1 FOR SALE 6 room collage, close in, toFaiP 4. - Woodlawa 6571. HOTELS) HE Ati ESTATE 7 OB . 8AXE HOTJSS t BUNGALOW" - - . - $2700 80x100. 8 toora bnnialow. 988 B... Xraratt aaay term. v . $3300: '. 80x100, good room boo. 878 Oaateo bttn ara.; aaay tenav ' - ...-. - J-.-.- '$2750 ' BOxlOO, coed 8 room haw, modem, 1248J Baaouri ara.: aaay term. -- - $3250 - 80x80., good room beosa. B. 28tk at. brC Paia and Ererett ata. i aaay term. $3150 80x160. coed 8 room amnaalow. fratt treea. ate berriea, ata.; exeaQaai bay, 872 Waeeo at; ou aown, paianoe ta acit paMbaaec. . $1400 - OxlOoV 4 room eottaga. atodera, 828 XJsn ae. bat. 11th and 18th ata. 82 00 down be aaea 810 per month. S - 104 2ND ST, ) MAIN 1436 NeW Alberta, Bungalow . v Exclusive New Bungalow' . ..... FIVE aha rm Ink noma, ' alegmntly fia , bbed, aiaboraU white mamri cabinet , kitchen. beautlftU Urine - and dining rooma, waxed doom, dandy built .in ' , bookeaaa, writing dak and bntfet, core mold eeiUnga. . linen closet, gorgeom electrle fixtures, white enameled coxy bathroom, bnilt-ln - diaappaaring atair . way, big attus, ' floored; artistio fir-? . place, oetaent basement and floor; Una-, - .dry traya. woodlift, doable conatnicted. good plumbing. eoBTanient ' location to -ear, atorea. library, acbool; in the center . of one of the beat homa dlatricU in tha city. There 1a - not a mora complete, ' and comfortable iittle homa to be found. 81800 CASH will handle thia. . TEEMS an balance. . Silas L Jones " Office 672 Alberta at Woodlawa 8598. LOOKTNa FOB A HOTTRET Anything in tha following list i 25 below uo coat oi reproduction toaay .6 rooma, E. Oak at.. 81780 rooma, Wilbur at....... . 2Son 6 rooms. Piedmont dlrtrict. ......... . 4500 a rooms. Piedmont district. .......... 8000 This house alone could not be boilt today f1 Ju JteTr V111 iht..10J0ll0!) e1 worth 84000: house fa heated by- hot water plant. Buy ft today for 88000. Neilan eV r-arxwu. zj xAimbarmeB'a bids., Oth and Stark 82900 VACANT. MOTS Oi X290O in on-Cleveland ava. near Beech. On rjayed saC AJ1 bewa paid. 1 block to Williams ) ara. ears.- Conrenlent to all ship yards. Utuu f"0 dtoi room and kitchen dowa and three mT- .,1nt. aay Dea rooms upstairs. FuB em- "oOema jmeun,,rho0d- Pric FBANK L. M'GUIRK, AbTnUTON' BLDG.. To Buy Your Home. Main i aaa - ' ,tiom- ,.Mi, ,.. 825008250 DOWN ONE BLOCK TO THE B1YEB, SOUTH OF BROADWAY. room, gobd substantial bunaalow tvna home. modern nramhinar. mUmtrtrtt-r ami n. On Billan at.. 1 - block east of the river, 2 south of Broadway, rice 82500. No mortgage ox Bans. Total . Bee M'GUIRK. ABINOTON RT.DO FRANK L, To Buy Your Home. Main 1068. COZY BUNGALOW - PENINSULA. DISTRICT a .i . . . . . . . , . i from bard surface, 2 blocks from St. Johns I ear. race gisoo. terms. Girard st near Fuke. WATCH OUB ADS. . WE GET RESULTS. C A. Wamner, BITTER. LOWE A CO.. 208-5-7 Board of Trade Bid $4000 MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE $4000 a f room very modern aad convenient home. Boss City Park district, close to ear. Interior woodwork ia finished in hardwood, massive buf fet. Tory best lixtnrea. ravine cost over 8500. all paid. Remarkable value. Taken in on mort- rare foreclosure. Price only $4000; terms. See : r vnn. u. Motiuuui. ABLMiTU bluu.. w pay awug oump. . - nm XVOO. $2600 I ; . : - . $2500 " " WAYBBLEIfJH TlEliSHTSlJISTfilCT - n mom hmu, i.fHfit awi ni ntnAmwt piumung, on eoxiuo lot, one Clinton st. end Richmond car. If yoa are looking, for a bar- 1 ewl Aa n Irbeal 1 1 aa a 8 An a as Sf f JV M . - aU . 1 'a this. Price $2500; $500 down. See FRANK L. McGUIBE. ABINGTON BLDG.. to nuy i out iiome. yam ltron. " 8785 OW YOUB HOME t55"." 4 room eottaae. natent toilet and aaa. tnat east of Laura lhurst. 8 blocks to M-V car. close to Twohy Broa." shops, r Easy terms. See FBANK L. MGUIRB ABINGTON BLDG.. 10 xtuy xeur xxome. mam 1O0S. 1 FOR BALE By owner, 7-room house, complete in all reapeet : hot' water, heat two bath rooms, finished basement; toilet -ia basement; j extra large lot. 60x170 feet; fruit. Call 725 I JS Z9ta n. 81500 WiB buy my 7-room house and tot'lOOxlOO. fine garden, fruit berries, - garage and- chicken yard; $600 eaah.. 6119 42d av.. Mt Scott ear. Liberal dieoouBt for all eaah. ' j BEFORE vurchasina DroDerrr obtain a aami oa Ha value and conditiona. Get yowr moneya I f .Be,mb, aharges. MaeNaoghtoa A i viimAHfl mnium axperta, Carbett bidg. Main TS 1 OUU B room noose and two lot 60x128. I . .MPUt: m Tvtiir lua, HIWhAnu aa 1 q ATTnfA- saiauaavu. "VwT VWH, AfOA mA a v x - 2 SNAPS 5 rooms, modern.-near car. ion tot. 812KO. Easy payments. , 4 room eottae. modern. 81500. 2400 aaait. 1 oa a nee mouuuy paymenxa. x-none .warn, a 14. 2 VERY attractive modern, un-te-date " L deaeea ia- Irvington.- in tha peat eettoa : verr mucn De low meir nni.- an neina ntrer t ih. price net to ceed $5000 ; libmlt -given. -i. -. inoox. i. aniaamn aa.jiu. FOB BALE 2 modern 4-room house, all fin- amea m nyie, ruu p-eemeat, vx avxl2b. 20 foot alley, sidewalk to and paid for; 8800 will I nanaio eaca, oaiance term te wat Tab. 8029. FOB BALE Six-room modern house.. 60x100 tot, with or without furniture; all improve ments to: full- basement Call or aee -owner. 126 xi.- lumui sv. i.Dor max. . - WEST 8IT Garry st. 2 housee, rgood small payment dowa.; wiw, - wvum. .n u, aovv; ........ . is, wa ,1. mm. 1 1- - . m m D r n Sunday ,o after 6 p. m. Main 8050. . 'A baBgaei Price $1800. No. ' 46? Sumner at, a bike. Berth of Alberta st. a rooms. Ci . ' 1 tPhoMl tytraer, aast $1$00 ACRE NEW HOME - Y oma, xurtea waxis, aoauia uoor. . young fruit trees: - berriea. ; hi . eaah. bejanoa torms. Tabor eii. . . . BVIVt KAT.1IU "t.ra hnnaa. . nartlw fnnl.l.-i: : gas and water; chicken bouse, tot 40x100. all fenced. $500t eaah.- : $650 term, $110 62d sx. o. x. I BOMBS" fa workingmen, Will build temporary 1 nouso -or eoacaa ior worxangmea ea easy I . aiieugh dpwa to pay tor house. . jXento a TulaXr .- gW1W 7 Ha 1 A. SNAP Am leavtog city; must. my- I I1MSS IIUIIBS S one. room house at once.': CaB 894 Aihtoa ava, I vrm A .-. T.hS-' rA. wdhss 5808 a , ""IKEW.4 XOomsuburbeB i Woodlawa 2698. $ BOOM bouse. E. 80th near Belmont; 82260. on I Main 14 SO. " vtBiue uiuK., Late modei $- for equity fax iomobile to trade preterreo, . 660. JournaL FOB SALE By ewaer, a 8 room bouse: be seen to be appreciated. 465 E. 80th at r. Bear irusmooa ec x-none lacor ezBT. atUErr-m cottage tor sale cheap, half iVFJ1 ear, c T2d t Inquire at j l '.' ' " utb iy aaa. xx. 1 1 iioag t. d house fog sale. Call 227 Failing bids.,, Fred GiV-j I - , . . . ' ., - ' - w -j awoa loo-, r, biothwi street; I inu corner tot. sxuv csao, Dax monthly. Ha OtO Cham. e Com. TetMarshall 1685. - tun BaiJr is loom oouoie Bouse, tot 40a 100. $50 rent; aU modern, -ash $3000; sau eeen eevw- inqri ims 1VTO at ti. BOSS - CITY PARK 4 room, modern bun - gatow; very' ttractiv and, eheap; , $$260, term. Tabor 4706., FOB SALE By owner. 2 good 6 room houses. - tot ivutv. uius iM pear reriinee. wain. 6634. - - - - .-- -v--. . FOR SALE By owner, 5-room cottage at 892 k TuMUi Brioa 82609: worth Ike nan - a. , - . FOB SALE S-raoav Guiisaaow eottaga; . toraav Senweed$356. - -y --- - .-;'-y"1- .-.-r'-.v a?5B SALE 4-room house, fruit and flowers: -1 block ear; 3150O. on terms. Tabor SOOi I BOOM house and 3 loU to exchange tor ' I or more sere elosa to eity limits, Wdln. 277. I MODERN bunxalow. first clam condition, tot 50 1 by 100; price $3500, terms; Sellweod 2618. l FOR SALE Good 5 room house, hit 100450, L DrrKm- hk ni. ATTRACTIVELY located. S room house in Irv ington, tot quick sal 35750. Eaa 8015. NICK modera bunxalow Bear J. H. S. for aale by owner, 194 E. Jarrett st Phone Wdln. 2040. I SIX room house, with gaxage. . W oouiwu 3526. BE AL E5TATK FOB BALE HOUSES MODERN HOUSB Double woaatraeted. eloeeta. - Knaiiah bnilt-ia eoaeesieneaa. bath, toilet, lavatory gaa. elect, light. 1-8 baaemsiC woodshed. - ebJckea nrmaeanayard; 12 keartnc trait treeat lot aus xow; . atoewsiK arownw acwe. - aauuw not build and fix op thia model hornet street I gxaaao. curoed awl sMewaik in. n -aoia txaat monta wufc isctuda 840 gaa range. 829 aa nox water heater, corda wood, 2 rooatcn. 88 White Leghon pnUats 8 months old. toed for ablek- ana for S months. This is a model borne and IOAAA iTt . . l aL 1 . . , no r .1. lul. vw wui wv w ywa. oawv it, iMiv- i anea terms towolt,- B omott. Tabor $028 atl - labor 7495. - - I . ' . . I ROSE CITY PARK , K1FTY 6 BOOM BUNGALOW. ONLY $8250. 1 A neat, aUractiro litUe home; fireplace, fur-1 usee, hardwood floor, buffet. Dutch kitchen,! Full lot. siea laws, paved street, an paid -for. Choice location, close to B. C ear. wast of hOL Yoa should aaa this at once. Absolutely as rep- resantea. ' roona Tabor 7052, or Aiaia loa. Na aganta, please. YOfTWi tf t0 YOURSELF BOVSI TOO BUY to aaa oar ust of over 250 bouses.' with photo-1 rmpba. price aad full data. , Wa baya bouaeal in all pert of tha city, all ericas and terms. soma real, bargai&s. ' Wo ngyer pad prices, thai Duyer -aaa seuar aaow, axacuy wnat we arai maxmg. AUtoa at your aemca. tsee FRANK- M'OUIBK. ABINUTON BLDG To Buy Your Home.- - - Mela 1068. ' "FOB SALE OB FOB BENT -yUBNlSHBD OB ,TJNF0BN13HED - BOSB CITY TABK CAB Movta ts Idaho: mnat cell at onset Bat water I heater; 6 rooms, fireplace, bookcases, beautiful electric fixtuiea. - tapeatry papered. - hardwood tloora, buffet. Dutch .kitchen, eemeut basement. laundry traya. Terms ta suit meet desirable pur- I ctaser.. Take liberty bonds. PHONE TABOB 4562 OB BDWT. 4098. . $1900 SKIXWOOD HOME 1B00 . 6 room bouse . electricity and gas. whits I enamel plumbing. 1 XA blocks to Seltwood ear ea Bidwell at., fuQ lot, 8 bearing fruit treea (sold sou (rat oat year), grapes, berries and Oowcra. mce iuu; ae wtu handle. 8ee FBANK L. McGUTBE. ABINQTON BLDO To Buy Tour Home. ' Main 1068, MT. TABOB BUNGALOW S rooms, larxe floored attic. 2 hloeka.. from I ear, cm hard surfaeed atasts, newly tinted and I sightly earner sear Biehmoad school aad Frank painted, all to ftna shape; a vary desirable Iocs- J un high; all street iiasments paid; price $8300. ton; pdoa $2500. easy terms. East 41st Mar which is cost plus 6 per cent, and oa terms. XayiOT. I C. A. Warrlner. :' RITTER. LOWE A CO.. 203-S-7 Board of Trade Bldg. $1800 BUNUALOW; $800 DOWN 5 room nearly new bunaalow. conerets base ment, paneled dining room, plate rail, beamed eeiling, Dutch kitchen, white enamel plumbing and real sleeping porch. 60x100 lot. E. 79th st. N. M. V. ear. Price $1800; easy terms. See FRANK L. MeGTJlBE, ABIXGTON BLDG.. To Buy Your Home. Main 1088. FOB SALE by owner, a . ynnm modern subur ban home, bath, large Bviny room, beamed ceiling, fireplace, overlooking finest view ia Portland. 2 lota, corner, water. Tiehaa Will-mil r ti . . zrr r I Xr.jr"? n-r lL?:,,D . , "-j- ' i 7 ROOMS, buentalow, type, full basement, laun-j ory ir7 auu au trnm-in eonvemenees; lot I 88x100; fratt and berries, to be apDreeiated. Price ibis must oe eeen I 64800. Will givs I good terms. Call East 6956, or address 735 ttancocx. Mrs, ft. u. Uailnp. A SMALL eSouse and garage with 2 lots, eleeC trie lights, telephone, city water, gas, about i mile north of Lents junction, corner of 100th st. aad 47th are. 8. E. Price $1200. Easy terms. Owner. 106 Panama bidg. Tcle phone Main 9404. $2200-ALBERTA BUNGALOW $2200 " 6 room attractive bungalow, built-in eon venieneea, white enamel plumbing. E. 20 th. near Alberta. Price 82200: terms. See FRANK L. McGUIBE, ABINGTON BLDG., To Buy Tour Home. - Main 106S. FOR SALE-r-6 room bouse, hot and cold water I 2 lota, 80x125; side walks, streets traded, I 1 block from Monta villa school. 2. blocks from ""f" own, f20 ir muniu ami inierew. at o r looxs line. O. P. rma, ivbv an st rnone raoor son. NEAR JEFFERSON HIGH SC'HUOU 62460 Very neat 6 room aterr . and U . hnh JS"1.4? o .Pn.Uy rBih?d ,ood. dixtriot. j located at 952 Congress street, sear Blandina. Reasonable terms, . Fred W. Uerman Col. fga n.m t VOfU. HAWTHORN B DISTRICT Modern - 5 room bungalow, full naawum' attic, fireplace, electricity end gas, betweea Hawthorne and. Ml Tabor earlinee, to trade for acreaxiL xor parucuian wnie u. t. ijiton. 211 E. 52d at UP-TO-DATE BUNGALOWS S room E. 8Srd st .$1900 6. rooms . ,83rd st. ............... 2500 isasy terms. s. ,. N.- - HEBMAM MOELUER- 1026 Gaseo Bldg. Mara 1480. 1I1TSI ilinr tt Dftma' nrrm imm (2700 Cut high east of living; 8 fruit trees, I . m a a 1 garden and modern house; 65th' stt near aj ana senooi: taosw vta-tit in. i $4n00 6 acres, 72d st : bouse and barn. ' vHAB. H.utilJZX. ex CO., 228 Henry bide. $3200 Buy, ft room modern house at 1213 ! uiaostone ave., ouxioo with lots of iruiv. 'juignx oa earune. Vowt 340O0. xiook in ia over, tnan a n. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 814 Stark. Main B88 - pon. cau Tabor 9317. $230060x100 and 7 room good substantial home, modern plumbing, eto. Price $2800; $250 down. $20 per mouth. E. 65th It r iu FRANK L. McGUIBE- ABINGTON BLDG.. u guy xour nome. Main 1008. MODERN 6 room bungalow, new Brooklyn' shops. aB furnished, now vacant. WaeA e- face street and sewer, all M o.f Vii cement basement Jvuu, easy terms. Pbone East 8225. " kRVINGTON BOO E. 14 th N. 7 zooms arvt aUanhia- ixucui . ou iioors, luepiaoe, lurnaeey lull base ment, naru sunaee treet, garage and fruit 1 tree- au ior oao, vjaa owner. East 8225. Modern 4 room iornlsbckl ?otUffe. beds. 1 FU niUfl. $( H$M mtrfr- i m . . r - . n , i.. , i j . ; . . .-I JiaSo ioo eh 'SS i f tor Z40Q. g40Q essn. Pbone East 8225. . - BY OWNER Waverley Heights. 8 rooma, mod- ero. ion wmni, mm ior , noma, lot llUtIK tawnruii t , a. kJTT V xace aireeis, sewers in, paia ior; tenna. X92)) I 4th. Pbone Main 8172, I vtr have aeveral nia - nl -a l mnti numv arra-t- -ina- h, an w- . I aids, at very low vahae; if yoa want a nice resi- aence property on toe west side, can on M. J. CLOHES8Y, 4J5 ABINGTON BLDG. ONE HALF acre, with house, at Oak Grove station, x-lency of besnee of all kinds, best soil ta Oregon. Very cheap, by owner. Tabor B9WZ.' ... FOB SALE. WEST SIDE 14 room house, lot 60x60. eoc Park and r..n. . . L. -Aia . I was xtyoer, nrewar, jtae zq st. . a -va-- , 1 a i -r l O x&wai' jmueni ntruae. a aiu, corner; on 1m- proved streets and street, improvements paid: aarlina. A23&0: eond iarm. K.ll near earline. $2260: good terms. Neil Smith. g 6814 Foster road. , Tabor 1931. WTVi . r srwrva . kimaatom . fit ' , -TJI" a- ,yv-i Mwmeww, j wmnzmm uvng Ml b. Beott ear, 2: blocks from Macadam aoad. ThU is the best bargain 'to the city. Price $900. Terms. ataT. 2901 mornings. .. woo. . BALK A o room nirniabed bouse; good wooosaeu. nice- sox, a rioexs trom ear. X?sn down, baL to suit -all Sunday at 8730 44th at- aw. 18875 Modera 6-room house on earline, BicC awas awra,-.; laiywwu ttoors, iumace. aa -. Q X T A'V..I Ik. , , . r. ' . . J Trade bldav- nuia. ww. w -v MJ., 141 aKJBXa CT HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW ""' ' 8 rooms modera. hardwood floors, eta. - v M a aaa a U. A" ; T. i.i tftSAA A SIB. Baser, 517 Corbett bide- Main 0178. 110x100; water f mouth BortBwestera Trust Cat 203 T Wileeat i-oioK. vau saaui u. uar ior axr. xraatien. MODERNIZE your building, all Irinda of repair. eee y u- una iw sew nouses. - SXSX At. Merer, architect. Ooncord bids. - Main aonu Formerly Supt Ore on Hem Builder. VACANT, MOVE IN ' aiSA eaah. - g2S Baonthrv. Xinna . buVgalow. 821 Sumner at. I block, from. Al- 00 ( -JTiiC vwner. woocuawa 5484. - 800 $100 down. 81 6 pe month, fine-I m nous, lot i T - g-l'nTTi jnaisesliiii. ,r Alberta car. rani w aidt. 1257 BelmaBt Pbone Tabor 1212. . - . I ij"" ". mnjKvr. na a room-ad $1600 $200 dowe, i II store and 3 l ,TV iTr" Z Z : - w, .iw """ .. . . , I 32000- 4200 as-s. tfl - -H a -a. IA.1&A a aa.W i .. raw T.aK, aaw. oviiDgai.: - ismr X.1Z, : FOR SALE 5 room bungalow boated at usnnia; prat jib see owrte I 869 Rodney eve, or call Woodlawa 628. lint. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS 1083 Vaughn , at. . Good modem Y I $4606. Easy terms. Phone East. 8228. 1 MODERN, well furnished S be sold; central location to Tbompaoa school sat - 1 and Jeff eraoa high, 93 S Borthwick s. n.111 I MOUNT SCOTT. 4 rooms oa lOOiiaa avTi- East 2838.". - - ' " A-SNAP 8 room houa. larxa lot. rrnlt. aU v" ear, gooa im).. vwjot xtg 8220. -BaLE Good bungalow.' : $00 t, $24 at ; t FOR SALE God bungalow, 6 00 EV 824 at, 2 1 rno reaaonaBie. , paone isoor ai-4, 1 ffiW.ks- on a larxe tot A1250 Onl X7k I . down. 117 Philadelphi at, St Johns. . I FOUR room house, 4 tots, at Capitol Bill ctoA -tion. 5o fare. Mar. 1874- . MODERN 6 l- room houae for sale, plumbing. Slam o4U or Tabo 8183. 1 OR SALE New . modern 4 room house. 100 Meet from Lon ipara st 10o Atlantic st UN hi a room iumwhed house Yog Maia 5040 -or Tabor SlSa. -- BE AX - ESTATE FOB RALE HOUSES $400.00 DOWN. BAU MONTHLY! 2 story. F. C. baaamant, 21k bL to B. M. 26th.. uarrutaera, Aot wuu. 68800. i - W 3 $280 DOWN. 880 MONTH. T bath. elec., full basement, aewer. lot 100x100, gxapaa. beniea. - azaal ac near Jrwail. . asoau. r $200 DOWN.- 825 MO., rnefedes int.: - rau., bath, screened porch, lot 80x100; cherries, apples. - MontanUa ear 1 block. 70th and var ... .4AAA V . ta . f.vvw, . , . - . . : , : 5180 DOWN. 825 HO. - rma. bath, gaa. alec., pared st Hawthorns district. ... 42d aC 286' . ' - .v . $500 DOWN. BAL. BAST. $ rm, house. good eoaditioa.. full basement, lot 04x100. . Big. roomy houea. 1808 B. 18th, Woodlawa dist. 2600. - $1700. SOME CASH and trans. 2 rm: shingle finish boose and full tot, a 0x100. 8 bU BaawU BbaTcr ear. Go look at it. 66' W. Praaeotb -8 Wa bare ethers, ton. REALTY at MOBTOAGB CK 688 Chamber of Commerce. Mala 2061. . ALBERTA DISTRICT . $1-3-0-0 1 4 -room eottaga. hot and sold water, toilet, lights, . gaa. ata. Flue lawn and roam; 2 blocks from ear; a buy. Terms, Sea VI. yr. Jordan with pji.BE Inside Property Pealera. - 88 Fourth Bt. Marshall 892. FINE CORNER v r BUNGALOW . - Fire rooms. Just finished and ready to move Into; larts Bleeping porch; attic , full oament basement, hardwood noon in living room, din hcfwia aAct kitchen white anajnelail kitchaM uul kathi un W aulviab thnrnrhmt fime w . ae. rot... - : uuk. moad ear, 2 blocks south of Dtrisioa st. Owner an premises ltoixa today. . 8100 DOWN U U n I. .. 1 1. ... . W , . 1.4 60x100 ft, fenced; 8. blocks from car. Xpce $200 DOWN Buys 7 room modern house; lam lot. Price $2000. 8250 DOWN Buys 5 room house, ,2 lota, furnished. Price exov. $500 DOWN oon x-e acres, au Buys $ 1-2 acres. All kinds of fruit, 4 t ?U R..ttioa o canine and couaty roaa. .rrtoe azsoo. LENTS REAL ESTATE CO.i rnone Taoer 191. hcdi? to tmrri, piwitdp trrnrc gaSOO W. rirut tK. av . h.i mmU thm qtnex, so doo t delay. 7 , room bunga low with sleeping porch. 2 bedrooms down, furnace, fireplace, hardwood flooif, buffet.- all built-ina. Ia fine location. : 8300 asaeaamenta. . $500 cash, shown by appointment only. J. A. WICKMAN CO., $14 BUrk.. Main 688. Bun, call Tabor pan. WEST SIDE BARGAIN " $8600 TERMS 6 PEB CENT . . 60x187, Hilbride lot close to City park; prae- orally new, up-to-date home, modern in detail rooma aad large sleeping porch, furnace, fire place and built-ina; garage connecting to base menu Can give pnesonlnn at once as owner Is lea ring city. . JOHNSON. 212 Lumbermen bide. croaaway lata, isaet bzi. $3350 . $3250 HEAL HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW 5 room attractive bungalow, like new. full eement basement, laundry trays, furnace and fireplace, electricity and gas, white enamel Dutch kitchen, buUt-in buffet and book essay sleeping porcn. rnoe S8ZDO:terms. Bee FBANK U McGCIRB. AB1NGTON BLDO. To, Boy Your Home. Main 1068 WEST SIDE HOME AND INVESTMENT Ground 100x100. 5 room house, near mills. furniture factory and shipyards, hard surface streets. Price 52500, easy terms. WATCH OUB ADS. WB GET RESULTS. C A. Warriner, BITTER, LOWE CO., . 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. v ' " wAVfiBLt'HEiGHTrcm'FEB - . . .VACANT Six rooms, modem, practically new, dandy sleeping porch. White, enamel interior, hard- a i . n . a . M a m . wood floors, buflt-tns. furnace and fireplace, ce ment basement laundry traya. Sacrifice $8250, a 0UU cash; easy terms. JOHNSON, 213 LUMBERMEN'S BLDO. Broadway 1612 - East 8431. $2400 BANCROFT STREET HOMB $2400 6 room bouse, full eement basement, fur nace, electricity and gaa, whit enamel plumb ing. Macadam street Sewer "aad 'sinews lk all paid. 1 block to 2 earline. convenient to ahip TardH. House in A-1 condition. See FRANK L. McGUIBB. ABINGTON BLDG., To Buy Your Home. Main 1068. MOVE BIGHT IN To thia aomDletalx furnished a mom bnnealnw. ."SlFqZ? 'fnJlf t2? I fe ,r?tt ot.heT ."" ,ruit- . T aa 1 attraenve ana eomrortanie nome. and we biggest bargain you ever saw at $82od, $1000 bal. to suit B. M. Gate-rood It Co.. 168 H 4th St BUNGALOW, right oa Hawthorne line, 419 E. Oth. 6 targe rooms, with apace to finiah 4 more upstairs. Large lot, garage, - etc. If taken this week win eeU for 68900. $1900 cash or IJberty- bend. If interested pbone Dr. HoUistar, Main 4859. "HOUSE AND TWO LOTS, $1250 - ueTw a mu wwei iobv JDIS. ia goou tocAtion. . Both houses seed . repair. Your I choice of either house and 2 lota for 112-0- l small payment down, balance like rent Laedde- I Das i.. vis voamDer ei vommeree. I - : rW. r-i-. r ' LOOK at No, 1221 Mkaoari ave.; there yoa rma a room boas ea a run lot; the boas i euodera and has s full eement basement; the Srico is only 32500; will consider a suburban oaxe up t Havalue for the full purchase priee. M. J. OLOHE89T. 410 ABINGTON BLDO. HALF ACRE. 4 room house. Tiiard. 82000. 8660 cash, balance terms; furaisbed. Dutch klteh-n; niano. wood houa ruu of wood: fruit 1 far 17e oemmuUtioo ticket. Olereland, Broad- I way 8125. FOB 8AXJB 6 room modern house, near St John earline. -1117 Concord at Price 3280O; pert eaah. Phone Owner.. Woodlawa zeo4. - - , - - Look: ' If yea have $1000 to pay dovrr and' want nome tnat win pay tor itsea. come to a is. I 28th st Phone East 4687. Owner. TO CLOSE estate 200x200. ea Chase St. St t Ta-al kax 9-M--ae r Vianaa exTI mw-iwai s (44 . a4. 1 " as wutu - --wv eats -.. - ouk b 1 garden, aB for $2300. $500 cash, bale nee terms. See Barr, Bdw. $136 FOB SALS by . owner. , ininroved property ea . earline to Oak Grave. Fixed tok cbickaa raia- in. Terms like rent Mrs. Buwea, 274 w Hoe- today ave. Pbone ast R2Z. - BUY AND MOVE RIGHT IN J S room nearly modem borne, 1 block to ear I ana nam sunace. aew.- axaw aara ana terms. 1 - i 1 1 Ml -.11 . v f aa. J . uranv, , c uii w. as. - , i BOSS City nark: 61000. 6400 eaah. "bal. 818 per month. 8 rooxns. light.'' ea. toilet and batn, au White enamel iimsn. Bee tola Huaday. ; 7 1 East Tota sr. norm, hos jrry ear. WHO went thia . block to Woodlawa to Hoi man at., with a 6 room house, for 825001 5S40 easb ts au yam nave to nave. ' M. J. CLOHESSX, 416 ABINGTON BLDG. $4200 takee 8 room house !K. Aakeny. . near 20th st Cement basement furnace. rtrepiaea, Hard wood - noon, la tin condition. Lot 40xo. Tbor "441. . 4 BOOM house,- bath, pastry end attic, lot - 75x104, 1 block f ron ear; tiemeut walk $1406. eoly $200 dowa and $20 monthly with- out rnterem. 1I1 K. lrvtng st IOR SALE or trade, clear house and lot: H a aU '- paved; for farm up to $4040,. r wfll rent larm for snare oi crops ana sroct. annrern 10 Winamett blvd.. Portland. Or. 6 BOOM houa. bath, pantry, baaement, lot 6 Ox I , ,00 at 3 block to ear. 81500 with i g joru dowa ana 2b Bvontniy.' it'll . Irving st a..- . t. i-,1 ba-.aa a...: FLV--T-- n I ",'1""t " - FOR HALE 7 room modern, furnisbed-e a ' furnished, $500 dowa, balance terms. See ntatoJ, 820 TBIamook. Call Wood lawn 4033. BY OWNER room shack, gaa, bath aad wash r tuba, OB lot, BOxlOO: (140O. fjau Beat 830. s1 JOHNS, eomoleto 3 bunaaiow, $1000 . eaah. K-484. Journal. I BOOM modera bungalow witb tleeping porch. 82100. pert eeeh. 10O E. 47th tf. It BOOM Iteuee and 4 tota tor 3SO. 41000 ' I eaah. balance-eei time. Mala 2604. . 1 1 TtrrV from owner. 6 room modexxk Pbone Weodlaw1474 or B-1610. I TWO room coUare, corner lot, eaay payaaestoT I Fbon owner, ecu, wax, t kiMo 4 ' cooea Bouse to SeUwood - a bargain, ea terms, phone owner, Sea $604! I 8 ROOM house and garage: tot 7 5x100. come. See ewaer, 274 Fortland blvd. aad Williams. 6; BOOM modem bungalow, must,. be sold: part eaah, Mt Tabor district - CaU Bell. -Zbis. $4000 Good $ apt bcne, near eheel and earline. Easy terms. Call 407 Monro at j FOR SALE A 8 room hou. modens, iT200; icjma. . iftv.aUBTu sr xh- eonxi eat. BE AL ESTATE---' i ... rOB ALB HO C SB s 61 LABOB a-BOOM FUBN18HED - BCNQALOW 8i worth faruitnre. worth 4o aau ior 68250. -8500 eaah. balance aaay terms. - - xc, Ufc, AND BLP1MU rjnio. 2 teileteL 1 no. 1 dowa: fins lot fruit, street paid sat. 1 block to ear, alosa 1a; $8660. $500 eaah." balance easy. -,- --. WIDOW aVACii IBICES PIEDMONT HOMB. -Fine 2-atory. 6 -rooma and masta room. fuDy raodera. am Clrrelaad a, eary heart Piedmont. $600 cash, baiaoco aaay: pdea --only , $8650. wwrtb $5000. . . .. .. ----- - ' . $500 CASH, ' HAWTHORNE ' DIST. -rner. 1, block to ear.. rooma and ball, fiaa neat.-enrarortaoi home. - Bee torn. - - KOsH CITY BCNGAXOW, $S80O , t $1000 eaah. bora thia very fine fully mod- am bungalow, only. 1 block , to ear; excellent surrounuings. . - - - MT. TABOR- HOME WIDOW MTTBT SELL, $6000 ham going at $4260. on almost yout u i a IA.IU1 . tfnn M .. 9-Mtrm buy thU aad make $lotfo tiU spring. - JU&MUK B-KWM BUNGAXiOW. GAKAUS. At TM E 1.1th it kantenml flntf. fire. plaea. furaaca, cement driveway to garage ; $600 eatn: price asaoo: don t bofner tenants. - , appotntmeat to sea any the aaeva.prep erty. can ar. xtarr. Broadway 113a. CUT STONB HOUSE v BUNGALOW TYPE SACRIFICE AT $5500 : t ROSE CITY PARK i For hAinaea raaaiina I nnt aaaWrtea an Vmi, Cost ever $0000 by day labor when eoostruetion war eaeap. Modern in every reapeet. Seven rooma and attic room; garage; hot water beating Plant; air space between etone aad plaster: large concrete porch. '. hardwood floora, beautiful fix tarav stone fireplace, vinea and roses; -one large bedroom, downstairs, linoleum in kitchen and oauiroom ana on targe sereened-to back porch; two toilets. fcvrge concrete basement, built-in fruit cloaet For Quick sale 85500; wiU take Liberty bonds and give immediate possession. Easy -walking distance to Catholic aad nubile school,.: Come see it. 699 . 60th street nortn. just u of Alameda drive, Fbone Tabor WWww7 " ' f . - HAWTHORNE DISTRICT rrmm md.ra tnaiaa fAA.HA maA all kinda oi fruit, en ard surface street. S blxs. uum camne; azauv. ea terms. Meat room House, furnished. 81480: street Improvement ia aad Paid. Win asll. en easy (emu. . . 6 room buaxxlow. firenlaee. hardwood floora. street improvements In and paid; 88760. Have several 6 room bungalows from $2100 ana up. P. K. MADDEN REALTY CO. 1028 Hawthorne are. Tabor 9855. MT. TABOB ,8850 DOfrN, $80 DOWN - T BOOMS, SLEEPING PORCH POSSESSION AT ONCK $8500 corner lot. treea. view. A big house, s bedrooms, sleeping porch. storeroom, fall n. Blent basement, fireplace. J. L. HABTMAN COMPANY. No. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg.. via 13 vara. xasua aus, av-auou. SHIPYARD WORKERS ATTENTION For Sale la Vancouver, eottaga: 6 minutes' walk from shipyard, pear City Park, Price yea aooADie.. Term. K-659. Jooraal. ON ACRE TRACT $100 DOWN 4 BOOM BUNGALOW In Park rose, only ISO feet to Craig road. Bungalow ha 4 nice rooms, plastered and tinted, modern bath and basement. Price $2500. " J. Ia UARTMAN COMPANY, No. 7 Chamber of vossnerca Dug., Alain 2U8. A-2050. - $2200 $2200 VERY ABTISTIO BTTNr.AIXIW 6 room bungalow, like new, very attractive mm, many mint-in eoBveniences, fireplace iratch kitchea. etc. Price 82200: terma. . F! 72d st. near Tremont Price $2200: terms. See '""a axcuLilllJU. ArlXNUTON BLDG. To Buy Tour Home. Msbx 1068 WAVERLT HTS. BUNGALOW- MICE UUKAER au sara urtc to and paid. 5 rooma, fur nace, eement baaement. gas rang and gas beater go with place at this low price of $3009; easy Mil, til. , . - C.rA. Warriner. BITTER, LOWE A CO., 208-8-7 Board of Trade Bldg. vacant Bungalow . race louo . - $260 Down, $15 Per Mouthy . 8 room attractive buncalow. whitn enamai plumbing, elect and gas. Mots ia today. Wood stock car. Bee 9BANK L. M-GUTRE; ABINGTON - BLDO, 10 xfuy lour 11 oma. Maia 1048. TERMS TO SUIT YOUR i'OCKET BOOK But we have eo mans a-ood rmva ft in tibia to advertise, them au. Let u know your w we can get you jus wnai you are looking for. .Frto $800 up. aeOur auto at your servic. ... wv J. A. WICKMAN CO., $14 Stork'. Mala 688. Sun. call Tabor 9817. " 3250 DOWN " ON ALB UN A AT BUSS ELL ST. . S room bouse, elect and as. modern nmmh- ing. close to O-W. R. A N. shops, convenient to all sbiD yard. Priea only 11600. Thia la close in. See FBANK l.MI. UTRE, ABINGTON BLDG.. To Buy You Home. - Main 1068. QUARTER block," 16 E. 18th st Good $ room bouse and bern several kinda of fruit treea Thia fine close-ia property la offered at a price which ia 82040 cheaper than any- block to that neighborhood. Reasonable term eaa be made with few rate ef interest. This should prove a od investment See Daniel MeKin non, S E. 63d at; cor. Burnside. SOMETHING NICE 8250 down. baL monthlv. Dand Httlat A a. bungalow, with bath, fireplace, bailt-ia buffet and wardrobe, bath and kitchen white, imita tion marble, aa and else. fulL extra, bieb mem wnn xruix oauar, iox duxiuu, 11 but. to m. r. ear. roe i iso. xcealtx A MTQ. CO.. 488 Ch. of Cornmeroe. ON Carson Height, close in. with all eity con? leace. with 8 fail tot and a Bsodarn 5 bunxalow : lust a Bto walk from tha ear- line, n cement sidewalks, almost to the house; the bungalow alone cannot be built for the price asked; $2600. Aba price; $500 eeeh, the baeVnce M. J. CLCTHKS3T, 414 ABTNGTOIT BLDO. '. -- HELLWOOD BUNGALOW 4 room and bath. 1 btock from ear; $T600. 8200 down, balance aaay. Thia kt better taaa paying rent,' WATCH OUR ADS, WB GET RESULTS. C A. Warriner, ' BITTER. LOWE A CO., a. 203-6-7 Board ef Trade Bidg. GOOD $ room house,' full tot, peei St John ear and Portland boulevard. Very deatrabl aad reasonable: substantial first payment baL term to suit Owner, aunoay ana evening. Tabor 8552; otner aay. saaiu aoaz - . - ' ALfAMEAD Modem.' fowr-rooea bungalow, with floored at tic connected, fireplace aad built-in, eement laundry tmy m baxeasent; newly painted laud. Way below market at aziou; easy terms. JOHNSON. HZ LLaWIUU S BLDO. Broadway 1613. Eaat $421. 7 room hooae. modern, sleeping porch, fuB eessent baaem t, new furaaoe, $600 worth of furniture, iociudinc wood, goes wtth bou aa. Garage, lot 60x100. Priee 6S20O, $1000 eaah, baL $$0 pec me, A. N. ABdersoa, 119 10th st ATTRACTIVE .4 room . boaaalow aad atorpinc awrcb. hail. den. Duteb kitcaen . z toUet. wash traya, aU built-in affects, aioery ftoiahed, Bear - hallina ux ave. auu. . uooa Owner. Woodlawa 184a. SEE THIS BARGAIN . . B room swoexs evauwe -ww wa. acar on. mont, izodv. rjq, isnai w uisbsiiui -xer m eiash; Tb2". - - - 1 OOZY 4 room bungalow, modera, bath aad toa- . let, eiectne ngnta, weeptng pore a aaa garage, tmt 241 feet on TiUaxnook at Fruit treea, etc. Priee $2790.' Terms if ilered. phcae Tabor 441 T. - - - - - . . t - - MODERN Peainsuh. home aacriflced fox - Modern, 8 sworn, targe lot Bear ear. cboo) and Columbia Park. For al by ewaer, a agent. D-664. Jowrnax. - y - ' - - - - --' -$20005 BOOM boat-tew, 3 btock from good ; school; $504 down: or trad fortgood ear aad little cash. -- Tsx Hawthorne oar to 67th st 3548 68t et B. E. - - - - - THREE tova, 60x100. with en 3 room or $1604. Mt Beet Itoe. E-869. J-J. - .-.-. t-. 1 . T BOOM boaa fee aale ee.foa rent; 4312 40th ave.- bl -; aeu by ewner en asp, ; , peawooa 8143. B6SB CITY PARK V For aale. atriotly modera 6 room Fncwe Tabor 234. - "L J- ' , FOB SALE OB TRADE . . ,. Strictly modern 6 too reside, em earner, ntved ata.; garage, etc . it ewe -xsoor is 8a. 856001 room house, S larxe bedrooms, aew -s, garag. Will toko Liberty bond part pay WBt 454-E. lltb at. W. '- -- THREE room houae, eJuee to ATbina .shope. - bargain, small payro ia. - ei 4 rename oiaa. HOMES oa easy term.' B- C Waiter, 6643 Fwster reed. Tsbor 8S07.- - - A HOME for 32iO: have tot wuh unf Hushed . room houa, to MilwmUee. Eaat 89$, . " BE Aii EWTATE FOB SAJJE-r-HOCSES" XI y, HERE " TRULY ABE""SOMB WON- j DERFUL BUYS. THET CANT -V LA8T LONG DON'T HX8ITATB V - LET US SHOW YOU: ' - .' f BOSS CITT FABX $2780 v ' S - room bungalow with hard wood ... , floor, fireplace buUt-fa bafJet. Dutch ' ' kitehea. faUsmiat beanwitete. Na - BOSK CITT PARK CABM , ... a.,6 BOOMS 63180 , i room buagaiow with targe 'attto, S' ' aCk floor s, flrepkaea, buffet, lot 49 vk . ' xl50; block trom Sandy. Be-. V. . quire eaah,- tev 'Vf-4 . . i ';;JWSBYnTT'FABK : '- - 6 BOOMS $8666 - - ; . Here a nifty. 6 , room bungalow ' - with every .eonoalvable modarn eosv - vcnience. - Bight up to the minute ia . every way. . Located en a beautiful ' corner. Of course it ha berdweod ' ' floor, flrepiaoa, buffet, Puteh kitchen, - -furnace. to. Thia should be aaa. . . BOSB CITY PARK - ' - 6 ROOMS 8ST6O A aplendid eorner- to an ideal locay . .: tlon. Bverythiat you weald expect to . v , . .,-11 n mucwi.. laiu.uvu . floors, .fireplace, built-in buffet fur- naoa, etc lou woula expect to pay 84500. Let ue show yea. Thia as a wonderful bay and you will kppreeiato ft value. , , y BOSB CITY FARK V 6 BOOMS $3404. -Splendidly-built house ef $ ream, -2H btock from Bos IMty ear) aU modera oouvenienoes, hardwood . floors, Basrve buffet, fireplace, rarnaee. French doors, etc -Be aaseeamenta to : assume. The owner just muet sell. ' Surely yoa will want to see this. w BOSE CITY PARK - $4200 ' Her really is a bat-tow right up -ta the minute ia every Veapct ; 4 room . and sleeping porch. Everything yoa would expect to find to a reel high ehue bungalow, hardwood floor, fur nace, fireplace, built-ia buffet, break fast room, etc And aa to eonstrue ' tion yew couldn't expect akythiaf bet tar. Let U abow yea,' - t BOSB CITY PARK Ultra Modern $4409 Here surely i a wonderful bungalow lust aa sew and modera aa tomor row' son rise. The living room is finished ia old ivory. Of ecu rea H ha the oak floor, fireplace, book case, built-ia buffet, French doors, full eement basement Fox furnace, garage, etc Street and aewer improve ments paid ia full. Just a black from Bos City car.- - BOSE CITY PARK $4680 j 1 BOOM BUNGALOW 100x100 ' GABAGE If yoa want a thoroughly modera tronxak with large ground. let US show yoa thia a ttractiv residenoe prop erty ; lots of treea, ah rubbery, etc Just a . btock from Sandy ea paved .- LAtRELHURST 655,00 Bare truly is a .wonderful borne ' large living room, dining room, kitchen and break Cast room oa first floor and -4 bedroom and alecping- porch on aecond. There i every conceivable built-in eonverueao you would expect to find to an expensive house. La-, cated about a block from car.' Ton would expect to pay fully $7000. Bear to mind the price i only $5600. Term. LAUBELRUB8T $2950 Would you behave it possible te buy a 6 room bungalow with hard wood floors, fireplace, built-in book caae. built-ia buffet Dutch kitchen, etc, for $2950 f Street improve ments all to and included to price. Be-' quire about $700 cash. Let us show you, . RICHMOND DISTRICT $3000 8 rooms and dee fir ep lace, buDt-to buffet, etc Located 994 Tibbett at Terms 9500 eaah and $86 monthly try hid lag totorest, See thia. ALAMEDA PABK DISTRICT NIFTY BUNGALOW 62900 6 room, hardwood floors, fireplace, built-ia buffet, Dutch kitchea, ce ment basement, etc Street improve ment paid ta toll, - This certainly can't laat long. ' . , DON'T FEEL UNDER ANY OBLI GATIONS IT WILL BE A PLEASURE TO SHOW YVU. . A. G, Teepe Co, . 264 Stark 8t. Bear 3d. Mate 3816. Branch office, 60th and Sandy. Open Sunday. Call Sunday Taker 9831 or . Tabor $260. L-O-O-K ATT-H-I-S I arre of ground and 7 room mod-ra house; eement baaement; ail modera convenience; oa B. GBa at; paved atreet; acre under high state of eulti vatlon, fruit and berriea; only $6500. Easy term. Sea W. W. Jordan with Inside Prooertv Dealara. Ground Floor. Haary Buildiagw HERE'8 "a chance to cat a aood larsa house all nun M, m Saliva in jMnaae WI tn price, of feamau one: 8 room bouse at 1618 E. Oth at N.l full brick taamrai.' 4 feet high. 26x43; furnace, rnagrofioent fireplace. best Bkodera plumbtog, fruit aad chose shrub - bery. Including macaiftoant imported Grenoble walnut tree ta heavy bearing i wlta 1 lot, 32304: 3 lota, 62700: this boo aeed a coat at paint aad is worth $1000 more than above, but moat be sold at oaee; term at rlssirsd. Inquire at premise. $7007 $304 eaah. baL easy, take 4 house, tot 36x148. 5 buck from car. $1750. $400 eaah, take $ room gtrlctly modern; a beauty. $4269. 6 room trietay asodera; wtog die-1 taace. ooraer lot; torm. Be me Bunday or ,") sty baa. Layman. 147 far . : NEAT B nVG ALOW HOT WATER HEAT- ' 6 rooms, shower bath, hot and eold watoe to bedrooms, good garag. fruit trees, berries aad shrubbery; clear of au Incumbrance f ball block from Albert car. Frto 33100, term. C A. wrriar, t BTTTEB, LOWE A CfX, .. 243-6-7 Board of Trad Bldg. ' " ' " ilSSO-AffAJ-KlSG' IstAScfc 8lgJ ttood 4 room ubtaaUal houae. eood meat, asodera ptumniog, etc., 60x83 fot foot lot Street Ben paid. Ob E, 2 2d at Bear E. Ftosyi Price 31850; term. Sea 1 wrakk I. M'ttHIBE. ABTWCTOW RLTH,.. i Te Buy Yowr Home. - Mate 1048. $2154 BUNGALOW, FURNISHED, CORNER tot fratt trees, gardea: towedlato peases aion; walking diataaoa, Broadway bride. $2600 McMillan st; 6 room. 61760 Bees at: 6 room hett $$$00 Sea Rafael sti 4 room. 60x160 tot: - trull trees ana pevea street. CHAS. SINGLES A CO., 226 Henry bids. ' iooiioo, AblsWdhTH- ivS. H(JU- - Price 62800 Teramv Verv mbeteatial bom. 4 reams, atort and gaa, Modera plum bin, cone te hsmnt. hk btock. - NeaT E. 10th aad AlasworU va, Thi is a bergaia. Bee - - - - FBANK L, H UULRAl, ABHOTO!! BLTJQ., To Buy Your Home. Mate 1068. - GBOVELAND PARK Attraetiv buneaiow, S room and dea. tot of k-xUt-tes, Kraplaos. timiat bassmsat Dutch kttrhen caraxe. atreet peved. Only 8S500. with substantial first . payment ! Tabce 774. , IF yoa want cn ef tbe finest home ia Laav ralhuret with hard weed tie era. oid xvevy aad mahogany finiah: a aew, eery attractive rwxktoaee; the price w wui aot menooa, a it is very arsea below lt value; eall aad mak toqulry. M. J. CLOHESST, 416 ABINQTQ14 BLDG. 81400 Bur 4 room medera bussalow. Dntsn . . kitehea, fall bkatmsnt, wash tray; lm- ' ovemeau au n aaa paid, - Term. J. A. .- WaCBMAN w., 14 Btarx. Maia fSAjn.vad Baa. eau Taeor 17. tviDl 111 1 SaeaTB Hn .' HI' miZH BodirB rxoaw, ea career; avra sqrtaee tree ea earn aide. 93704 -caa. Inquire 1182 Staves at. ceraer E. S8ta, S Heck aouth mi Hawthorae. Pbone Tabor 1244, oa Saadey. . iiM bflvN. 620 MONTHLY. 4 rm. netted ""ate tore: 24 atoatea to 1st and Aider, 8iaJa!to meee to. Qwaer, Ls-t 371. Mtto 314. -I REALTY A - MTU. CO, 433 Ch, mt - Com, I WILL aaeriime oa ae ant ef death, modera S Maia 3081, ---..- - - ' iTBtrK nonae- Uth. to U.L ' etoetrU nahC 40x114 ft lot cement sidewalk. $ from- Mt Soott ear. Mscadam street T desired. Sell- 256. I - - - - t IN the Keatoa district i a -6. room house. WMvdera ' and up to date; the price I- ewly $2500; took at this place; tbe No. Is 169 Burnett st M. J..CLOHKSHY, 415 ABINOTM BLfMi. EZ:LLW;D. 4 nd 6 room bouaee SnS T51 law tot smb, avuu aaa inw rasp. Chamber of Commerce, . . t , ' ' ' ' " . ' ' ' J BE AL ESTATE it '-.-- FOB SALE HOXSES- j? House Hunting Made Easy ; Here a Ust ef sau ef ear best base to ' . home propertiea, sli esiied bargains. - We reiat- ' toe ta home prspertjue anJ refuse to otter for". , , ale thee which ia ear iudgment are not worth. anew askea if yew. find to -ta following , ut any property that yew think .may meet year re- v. rv euirementa, tost "phone u$ IMaia 8012) , ad ' we will eaj Srttk atrte aad abow yoa: Bargain . I IH itory bu-ralow, 114T '. Ivoa St. Bear $8tb nice neixbfeorHood. baved street (paid).-modern, bcplaoe, bmUt-tu ffeete. : fine full abatement , i H eemsated) . four nice -bedrooms; elver of texmmbTanc. Price $2600; gSOO oath, bal. like rent v . -. - - . ttergato Ha. a 6 room bungalow, 84S Mnlt-. . . amah at. Bear.. 37th: lam aire room, firee - -' ": ' i Place, full eevaeat baaement, fin big tot 40x206 It. fine garden; 3 bleek to ear; nice neighbor-, ; r Ibood. 'For 826601 beiaaee, street eiewint. . 875-00: 8504 - eeah. baJajsea 320 Bar month. aad tntirest . - .. . . . . .- .. . v-r ..--. - -' ': . . Bargsla No, 8 Neat S room boo, gleetrta , -: I Mght 100x100 gardea ground. 14 bearing fruit -. ; treea: rortxmoutn diatrkit Frto 81100: 440w ' eaah, balA&oe eaxy,., . . , . - - ' . Bare-ata . Nn. 4 i 4 . ; vnaVea. atrV-ttv ' unere . " aoaea, Irvtagtoa district tine 60x100 tot; hard- .wood news, full baaenteat, ftn BelgbboTuooa; , ,- Biao. uo oasn, fio moatbly. . . t- p - ) - u Ba rsain No. : 5 lirilr .modern' 4 room . bungalow, partly foniahed, ar Union ave. and - ' ixtBaDara, eoaveaieat for van aver worxsrs: aaa, , :. '- -elee, kgbt garsge, 3H 'to brickettea. aad 3 ':,. eordt aod threw, to; 80x104 tot: immediate. ;-j ....... 1,1 ,. . .i. . . aa.aa.. , . . .V W 1 1 a v., av He C jiv tw iaaii. baL bke at - . . . - - -' Bsrcsln No. t Fine bis. nearly new 8 room' j I anode rn home la Ladd add. 1 2 aleepmc pnrebes; . j . 1 very oeMrabie ta every way. ouo. -aOi x 3 - -worth $7000. Eaay te is, - . , ' ' - - . .:; Bsrgaia N 7-WUlmtte Hetgbt heme; - , 1106 Franklin st 1 8 rooma. modern, beautiful view, 'walact Beit hborhood ; a' home for people . "who care." A big bargaia at 3&260; $1000 , cash will handle. . - - .'-' -.V , Bargain No. a -Beautiful Irvington borne. -. - - rooms garage, worth $7690; will aearUto lot r $5000., . .. ..... . - . - . ' riot Fleaae refer to barxsJB number Woaa - - Biakiiig Inquiry. T .. -' THE CROSSLET-V1GAR8 CO.. t , Speeisiiat. in Homa PraDertie 270 Stark St - - - - - Maia S0S2. . ' BEAUTIFUL iiOMEl Thoroughly modera 7-rocr bungalow, finished to white eauuuaL 8 flreple ' full eement baaement famaoe, hard- ' wood floor, laundry traya; large grouada -100x100 feet; fine aiuvde tree, tows, v V roses and garage.,- Only $3500. , . . .. -r TUUJ IS A ckARvAaTff and eaa be bad ea easy term, i vacant Plaoe See V. W. Jordan wHh Inside Property Dealer Ground Floor, Henry Building houses. - s - 6 room, full naaemanL. furnace aad fire-' ' Slace; tot 80x104, 60 Boehtel . ave. betweea V SUrk and X. Pine cto,; $$000: installment. 4 rooms, tot 70x118. N. w. eoc. avut ana ... , -1 - IE. Wutungtoa st.i 38500; $800 eaah. - a rooma, 201 K. 4tb at near Mt taper ear; . -! hardwood floora, fireplace and furnace; 38150. . Beautiful 6 room bunxatow Mrkniy modera, ' Bose City Park; 84760. "-..'"' J, -J oeverat good aouse for ea tnstaumsnis. $1500 to $8000. : A W. LAMBERT SON. ' - - . : 8. E, Cor. Graud ave. and E. Aid st, J - ' Portland. Or. ' -t $4100, BIG bargain. $1000 down; buy from r .11 . u.-..- A -a,, Vli. berriea. garage. 1 5 - minutes' rid from F. a v w Clear. W-669. JourueL ' ' v GOOD HOMES CHEAP , ' , 6 room raodera house, lot 60x100, W.SWJJn , wood; 62200. 8600 cash, $26 month. V r 2 4 r. cottage, paved St.. rented 328 mc, Sell wood district; $2900, terms; -goad Invest- $ event. ' . .. .'-i -o - 8 r. mod. bungalow, fireplace, bookcase, but- , fet, Dutch kitchen, wash tray, good condition; $2200. $500 eaabT $20 no. 5 r, eottaga, mooera. oa uaraia lit, mi v wood; $1500, term. " .- . 4 r. atrictly mod. bus., barowooci iieov , nre - I place, buut ia featurea. one blhv Hawtbo , , . . r ' west of 4 Oth, eorner lot 50x100; gsnou. m b. A teat BrgiB ior we money. , B. M. Gatewood A Co., 168 Vk 4th at - . DO YOU WANT A Dandv 5 Room Bun . . Hr is a 5 boom ungaiow with Bvtoc. iwoTa, dining room, kitchen, den. two bedroom, bath," -.ll .11 . i V - -w,ii.ir. r In.-. , book -cases, : etc.; fine fir lac and oak floor I to maia room to rjrusa eaa D oeatea aaa -there' nothing about it that knt right; term. ; 2629 43d st B B, two blocks south of Di vision st, two blocks east from Richmond street - at 4 let ana. ousts -'.'-- xeaog 4634, Main 101. . '. . -:N WEST SIDE SNAP f --w . $4800 Buys 5 room artistie tor eabta lramr low 1 Vk mile freea pos tofftoe ea paved street with S acre of ground. Asm 4 8 room houae for help, chicken- hoBes, plenty of fruit The classiest place oi " iu kind in PortUnd. Term. . ' J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 814 Wark. w Main 618. Bun. eall Tabor 9817, - .- --r .-. MODERN 5 -room bungalow, very ataractive. - newly Derated hardwood floors. II rep lace, Liu- ' erty kitebcB nd screened back porch: curtain, drape, gaa rang and water hatrr nongh ; fuel for winter, etos. to two oar ito-a; all -fee 82654 If yoa have 5504 eaah aad aaa per 8144 to SO day and 836 a month end inter xMc I yours, ready t move tat. -- Wdia, 8341. '. ' ' r-,.. - LOOK at thi modem, up-to-date ta every 're- speet bungalow or 7 room, who tuu cirnent at. y ealowi' baaement. with 3 tot, located ia the right dt ' reetioa; sll tmprovemeats made; aothtog more " to be done; thi bungalow ia perfaet, cioe to a car' Mae, school and ia the Keatoa district; Bav ' I486 Elmore tt the ewaer is a aoa-twsideat B1 ajders It sold at a greet aeeftfl -j ' . tyUEaav , l a ntw-llTAU WV.TWl I ' r 1 81906 . - I . CLOSE IN HIT IS ION ST. - 1 4 teem and baaeatent ftoe fruit tree and ' I hrubbTy, all hard surface in aad paid; eaa 1 nv immeoiat pamemira. a aiowe wen. ! priea wa ara asttng. Neat 17th t Eaay teims. J. A, warrwer, v.. BITTEB, LOWE A Oa.'t v ? . 203-6-7 Board of Trade Bldg. " " -. 1 . $iS6 d6U-n ' $16 PEB MONTH $2404 E. Aakeny aad 2tk -$2600 , A 4 room substantial house, modern plumbing, -elect and sea, 4slOO. . This to 4 wick up aa4 ' ' etose to. - B - - - ' - - -' . FBANK L. M-GUIRB. ; ABINGTON r BLDOJ , , Te Buy Tour Home. - Mala 1048, '. HOME BARGlN Ift BEAl'MONT " $760 eaah givaa bnnwdiata juisissioa ef ; a s . $3250 home. Hardwood floor, extra large He ine room, dining roe, fcitebea aad toilet first floor; 81srxe b-drooms, bath- aad toilet aecend J -floor ; fireplace, furnace, gemsnt baee -seat -"Beat -; ear and school, eacellent seiciiborkooil; , Term. -Owner. Best 1947. .. . ' F6R HALE At No. 4427 72ad st S. E., Beat Pirland statioa. - Mr seve room od Boas " and two fall let fronting east oa the perk. ' will ariva a hie bargaia to Bag oarsoa Waatlac a - good home. Call and see it aad make m aa . dNer. You are dealing wtth ear atreet . at room 1021 Northweet Beak. bldg. Fboa -s. Mar. 6622 week day, and Tabor 9898 e niaxa. .. , I r2500 CHAPMAN STREET HOME 62305 4 room he e. electrlrttv and gas. modera ? pfumWac. w 64x166 tot oa Chapmen st. Be Market Price' 62409:- term, Here la a wae , side bargaia for wow. Welkin dkrtanee. Bee , : i FRANK U McGUIBE. ABINGTON 1 BLDG : To Buy Year Home. - . Mato 10y. SEVEN room modes tonice,' gara, eorawr tot ) ' 100x100, facing river, tree aad shrubbery. $10,060. .Part trade, - ----- - ;- - - ' 4 room modera bowae eorwet let 84x100, - t btock to ear. $200. Teru sa,- Opwa Suaaay . O. W. MIllev-hto. 214-18 AW-r hotet - J . 3260 b6WN" k -1 $1400 ATTRACTIVE BUNGAtaOW 81666V . - ' 4 room we t banswtow, Uae new , oa Frari t eve., cor 42d. 8 bit i to car. Frire $16001 8260 dowa. . AttracTiv Bttl bovne. See I -FBANK la McGUIBE, ABLNGTON BLDO i i Te Bay Yoof Home. V r f - . Mato 1468j $3(04 Haartnor; asodera bwaaslew; 4 rooms; pa i streets end a bsrgau. - - -- I Mr0--LMa fst, Y teorn and gar; fv4 $7040 LeurelBarst; 6 roome ad. , garag; - e rrthia desired to a home. - - CTBS. hINL $6000 Pi CTaVs. RILHB A CO., 226 Henry Mg. operty tor $3500 v 19-rom r e. plastered, eeneret fomdarinn. : f be the. 3 garag. and I -tot 60x146. Tr$ "fc all to psia toe; near 26th and Tburman, Want Sid. 81766 eaah, bal- I SBM tO mem te suit Fnd. W. Aexmaa to, iu vaaas-.-r I w. t 1 - ROSE CITY PARK ' ' 88$ E. 46th st N. 6 room, newly papered. I white ertamei weodwsrk. bwitotos, garage. - I 888 E. diet st is .1 rooms, nota ctoa te I , room houae, pertly femiahed. I(0xl02r eor er I lot; rn.il kinds of fruK aad orwam 'at trees; Brer aarraranei hiaw eebooi. Frirw $4000. $500 ca-h. balaao easy parment; pbone Woodwa 1481t' CWMT. No axertts. ' - ' - ' $2160 Beauti01 snw ef 6 raoma with lu )X 104.. Ftoe euiroBBdlngs sod a dandy . ' - -vev. 3 blocks te ear. Term. J, eV WICKMAB CO.. $14 Stark. . Mais $3$. -:- Saa eaB Tabor 9117. 9l1 I 100128. 6 room Ma, bam, chicksa cm 6 room bmu. ail aiaa ex raw uwe, v,w e-u s eve, a, x v: ... .