... - t - V.' JOURNAL ?: :r- : . v r k ! j - Portland; i Oregon ; ' x PROMINEf VOWENH f r t - .' - - HOMESAT CORVALLlS Women Take'OTer AI Fraternity ; C DurirJg War. V-' T Oregon Aacjcultural Collesa, Corval .Jls, Oct. Il-FoltowJnj th conversion of eleht of ths- f ortner t raternltr houses and eleht of-the sorority bouaes Into , hlla of ; rtaldencf 'for U ccommo4 'tlon of tho'Urro numbor of coedo. who ?iy rcffiaUrod hero this fall, Mrs. Mary K. rawcatt. dn of woman, hu deft nttly: ralactad , th following named woman aa boua mothers tor tb ifrarlou aorortUeo: ' - I , , Mra. Mary McCaualajid ot Cfl-rraJlIa, 'Alpha, ' Cbt ' OmtgM. " firla ; Mrs. Hulchlnaon, r oT 6a.lt LaVko City, DelU Falf Mrs. -NeUli O. iAjrmaa of pJ rUand, Oamma lot' r Mrs. C. M. McKaiUlpa. of Kawportv Gamma' Phi Betas Mlaa Irene Baaaett "of r.lxmg: Beach, ' CaL. jlCspps AJph Thets. Mrs.' Helen H. Palmer of Portland PI fBptm. Phi's ? MlaS 1 Mary Melntyro of Oregon City. Sigma Kappa honaet'Mnk H- A- Childa of i:usne. f Delta Ielta Delta home. v ' . '- The s .Various ."other ' eoed homiss, , for the moat pan fraternity housed have lost; their former names add "hate been designatedby the- dean of women, as halla of residence.. No. 1 of which Is In charre of ,Mra.C PL Norrls;'of CorraJ 11s : .No. it' under the care of .MirsSo phis U -Allen of Portland; No. j, Mrs. J U A- McDonald or Corvauia t ho, m. Mrs, Robert Jt. Shepard of fialnes,, MmbIsm. ; innt Portland club member; No, it, Mrs-, M. J. Stevens of Corvallia! No. frMra J: M. Powers of CorvaJUs ; No. pMra. Lenore Krr-Shlnn of Corvshls, and No. t, 1 the ears of Mrs. Eleanor Nichols of The Dalles ' - - j. -, Shooting, of -Young ; Boy Held i Accident 1 h By 'fiorbnefs ; Jiiry Carelessness, - rather .'than, latent on jtho part Of Jack Brom. aged 1 years, caused the death of 'George Kuhlman, aged ; 11, according to, the verdict of ' a coroner's Jury Wednesday' nlrht.' The Kuhlman boywas shot-by youna Brown with ? a Shotgun last Saturday evening near Kocicwooa. aymg axonaay morning; t Deputr District Attorney Hammeraley ieatlfled that Georce Kuhlman told htm before he died that Brown had Doteted the gun at him and-pulled the trigger, Frank Kuhlman. a -younger hrother present at the ttms of the shooting, told sr similar story. - The Brown boy .de nied this and said he was carrying the No. 8 Mrs. Nettle VandegrUt. a: prom-4 gun over his shoulder, when it wsnt OH accuenuuii. . wj a - bikww father declared the shot was purely ac- ddentaU the : lads naving oeea playing together until "time 'for Brown, to look after the family cow, when he started away with th gun over his shoulder. Detereano Named y ;Pjniivianrj Consul 7"' - .. iin i i' -- .j. ' s J , M.,'i. Detereano ; has : been ofOdally designated as consul; representing the republic of Pent in tho staU ot "Oregoa according to j notice received by; the Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Detereano Is the son of General Detereano of the Peruvian army.: Offices of the Pcruvtan consul .will bo opened at 49 Fourth .Street., to tho Blake-McFaU building - At Vrank I. Smith's.' 22S 'Alder 8t .Pot Koaat Beef A6cj Prims Roaata.18e NeckPotR'at 12c Hoaat Veal..... 18c Fine R'st Pork.25c Roast Veal 25c Plump Veal.i..JOc Port'rhouse St'k 20c Veal Breaets.i.:6c Veal 8tew....lIHo Veal Cutlets. ..JOc Veal Stealt .....2oc Pork Chops. i.. 30c Round 8 teak. ..20c Boiling Beef.. ISMc Sirloin- 8 teak... 17c Hamburger ... .18c Sauaag - Meat.yl8c Corned- Beef,. . 15c Bacon .'.........40c Frank I Smith's ts 228 Aider St Adv. -Am a time saver 'si key ting has been Invented with a separate section for the key most used. - a- Pnytite Peat 51 p Himself x ttHyitl be in o"xir,Bobk Shop to h - morrow front 3 to 4 I. M. aad win autograph copies of r nis war dook rxvet. x uia applies- only f to purchases of Private .Peat's story- tot the C war "made at this store :t5 i 'tween 3 and 4 P. M. Satur- T day. "The' book is novv selj- here at..75c. Firth Floor, A aV. ' ' Tr QjAALrrV Sto or roKjiAKO I HEADQUARTERSFOR FLAG& AMERICAN, -ITALIAN; -ALL pNDSFIHyJJLQORt " s "Crashing Through to Berlin"? , ; This thriHlnK r-war pitture ; whUh was scheduled, tp fiizin at 'the Star tomorrow and .continue for one week will b the first show pur on as soon as the ban Is lifted. Tickets Already sold will be good for admission then. SEND your surplus fclothlnc to . the American Red Cross, ; , ' , "v-'i-?--;- '""'! vtr" Belgian Relief . Receiving' Station 1 - corner Fifth and Pine streets, where it will be iimmedisteiy packed and shipped to the suffering Belgians. .BBBBBBaasasasasasasasasasasasaHBBaaBaaBm K W isSeaasssBBBBBsaaj ,1 .A .SBaSaSBJBkaaMK 'Societi Brand" is more than' a name it is an Ideal, ft is the Ideal of BETTER CLOTHES. It is a reality; too 'for : Society Brand ARE better clothes in every way, That is guaran- fe Society Brand label m the earments. Only at MEIER1& FRANKS SniPortlarid can purchase Society Brand ' and all that the name implies. Wear; Clothe That Do You Credit Most people rate you by your "dress and ijeii eral appearance, - Be particular , to wear the clothes that ' do you tustice. Society Brand ? : -II . 1 .. .. . ..... J-. ' " TTT T . . . - . . : r . ? .- -r I ANTICIPATE YOUR HOLIDAY RIOOIRiii! f .III v-' 'slACJ ' . uniei)rnouung,QonieanK8, ? , i: ; Speaking of i ii n y.jfi liiui. a iiiiriKi.:i3iar'iiiii . 1 1111 ff C . I - . wmytf &Q ; i 1 rJ .:f MmmZWW.tlW. a tetd.bytr ir sw ar a m w iw : sbbj a. rsa. v u r at. . u ) - II I lUr "A I If V k lllTiLM& men ana young men II I O fAl :"ff. H'-wi BW-51J. LISl Mil v i - a, - - - st s a fSi - wm. m ji-sb - . a . .'II I r . I '9ftftlYv -.af7. ?! Irrtmrl' oocy ip.ranu wouies. are-vornDy tne lore- I rXi r II I 7f.t9 syitiiiM ywHW most men and young men livery walk'of lifel lit v Vi t ( . r II . . 1 I , i' ' il , -, i - j ' I . , .j, , W M M - - .... t - - Toytowxi and; DollviUeTwin Delights Welcome the Kiddies With Qpen Arms ' Our Fifth Floor is ;i veritable tairyland fiUed with things to captivate the hearts of children.' A distinctly military air pervades the section' devoted to toys and fames for'boys. Uttle eirls will be enchanted with Oollvllle and the many new faces seen there. . Even rrownups wiU-not be; able to resist the fascination of this wonderland." Remember, Uncle". Sam, says "shop early"! Tomorrow is a tood time s.-to begirt.' . . , . vW- 'm' , AOlr S r yuia UUI iwwi aAua wwv STORE The Biggest Showing of Good .. V-Ual O nais Jutver icen in Portland To look over the makes, in otr Hat Shop is like reading, a Blue Book of the aristocracy in the. men's sat world. Here and there, we know ofa store that ihows twoor three' well known brands of hats BUT look at' this list: y ', - Stetson Schobll Trimble Borsalino Mallory not to. speak of our. own fine M. & F. Special "hats that have set a nemt standard in quality headwear at a low J " 'ia.s ' . I a e price, neta we say. max nere you wui una every, siyie. every color, Vtvery size, and -an important part of 'Sur uperldr Service- expert salesmen who- know the merchandise' they sell, who like nothing better than to help you choose tSe hat that was "just made for ;fOu,'' ..At yoar service with: M. FL special hats' IS, S1.S0, S- Manory hata SV SchoWa hats 15. s Stetson soft and stiff hats It? 7. Knox soft and stiff hats 6 to S1Q. Trimble hats $7.. Borsalino Imported Italian) hats $7, IS. I JZ MEJPSVCAPS' includlnc Knox and Henry Heath imported-Cnjcli.sh caps, f t to . officjfjf hats and caps. -mm- 5p 4 ill ifaler 4 Frank's: Men's Hat Shop, Man Floor. lVi Ji clothes gife style and distinction in dress. They, give you 1 poise and personality. They enable L's y 7ou to more man . nom your own witn tne Dest; i i ?3 Society iJffa 11 av; tailors will nd gives in ready 'to-put-on clothing 1 Hiwuvai.uvv uiav 1U1 VTlUVll VUdlUUl .. cnarge you a corresponamgiy ftigh price. ,. r ' r ; . Societ'mrand clothes arewOrn.by the fore most men and young men inevery walk of lifel Be oneot them. We have a Society " B rind for you SaturdaV-$35 to $50. . ..1 . -V-'r ' . MeUsr s Frank's: Men's Clothing ShoP, TttiM Floor. I ;Side of ; Women's Neckwear Day For the ! thirdand last day of this annual sale we still have a rood . assortment - of desirable neckwear. The sale is rich in gift suggestions and it is rich in economies many of the pieces are offered at HALF AND LESS than they, were boufht to sell for. This season's models for women,' misses,-school girls and little tots sample's, one-of-a-kind pieces and small lots. Many of the pieces are. washable.. Three fine lots. Ar50c Values .-.?' . -J- -v. - ial'to $2.75 Yalues 25c 7Sc to $1 permit of --description Uiner specials in. mis iccuon wowrow. . .-s..-. . , f 'Meier jrranic-s r Neckwear Shop, Main Floor. The assdftment in these .three lots Is too varied to AREXHEREl 35c tc75c Value?, i hefe but THE. .VALUES J ... ( Sale Wometfl btsfets $ Saturday Only While Any Remain Corsets of dependable, quality batiste; teatly trimmed,, m with rood boning. p-viXow .bust, 'medium hip models in whit pairs pf hose supporters. All sizes 20 to 36 to begin the sale. Special values at i. , vi.. j jjeler Frank's : Corset Shop, Third Floor. 2-lb. Roll Victor Butter $1.32 Victor, fine qualitjr, .ireshly. churned , Oregon, creamery ; butter.' ;at this special orice. tomorrow toll S132. y.v- -'f Delivered only with other gro, ceries. . "'- -Meter 4a Frank's: Ninth FlooTr-Plfth Street. "Rose City" HairbowS r 1 : 1 y 1 . In the Girls9 Own -XWash' Dresses " . CirlsVtab Presses' of plainr-. and plaid gingham ' and chambrly in tie'U: "colors;? With .contrasting (COlor.smocklng. Some , with white collars; .-'SIMS' 6 to 4 yeans, 51.98 tcr S?J; " '' i pchool Dresses . U -Sclool flresses of navy serge. High" nd- regulation . waist linev gathered tnd pleated skirts. Plaid - and .plain . ctjlor trimming. -' Some have leather .belts. Sizes 6-to :t4 TCkVsvffOf to 18.95 , . ' Girls' Coate Coats of velvet, velouir. zibeliner corduroy and chetiot. all. the newest styles, and mbst dod alar colors; Some i fur trimmed. With and without belts. Sizes 2 to 17'years. 10 to 185. , 4 . Nam MlAJt-J, r Aflddies of good navy" sJlrge and fine quality navy flannel ifor girls from 6- to ; 20 -years. Regulation styles. 'rtLarge i collars, pocket and nraid trimming. Some withi emblem serge. In 14.50 tcf 10. - . ' r1 v.. I 1 . f f v : ; ; v a -: Air - a - Girls' C-'and mo Shop: Serge-Dresses Dresses. of fine serre for misses and children. Regulation, fancy, one Piece and tailored styles. Plain: and pleated skirts. 'Some' silk and fancy braid trimmed Sizes 6 to" 16 years. 10 to 147.50. . v ' . Serge Skirts t CirtA ner serge skirts. .'Pleated models and plain tailored styles, Aiade witV and without pockets and belts. Fine new skirts fpr the girls from 6 to 16 years. Prited. 3.98 to Niw, Raincoats lYarcUEach 5 . c . 7 ' -) ' Full h r Meier at Frank's Good; heavy quality taffeta' rifti hons fn fancy striped designs and plain' and moire effects. - Pink, blue, Copen delft, old rosv maize, JNiie, Hunters, scarlet- cardinal. black, white and comblnationi of light , and 'dark colors. ": .-'wr,i - lfi-yard bows; n. tt o ibboo Shop. inch rlhhftn. t nlv 75c j -f iuoooo. bnop. aiatn Floor, andTraisses' rafneoats Af silk.' oonlin twel lair, in Tnanr goo4 styles. With" and without hats Jo match.; In tan, navy.' nrown. gray and pretty stripes. every s checks and plaids. ze in each style. :Tain Maae w Sizes 6 to t 6 years, but not Priced 49S. to J2S;:t ; Girls' Rain Capes icapejf of rubberized 'sateen in" reX'and navvl ith hood attached.' "Excellent: for - Virls rom 1 t0to 14 years. , At the low price :of 2.59; vWomehs CWldren's Bloomers ' Gymilaslam C. bloomers of ""sateen and1 serge. Pleated at waist. Sizes 24 to 36-Inch waist, priced 2 t in Q " - ; ' .f.r-Meler & Frank's - Also- children's black sateen.- bloomers -s "W 1th i elastic and Jband y' top. Sizes 2 to i6 years- 85ct" 98c and t,25. , :. Girls fchop, becopd Floor, Tbiletrie ooc Blache Face Powder, , box 'Java Rice Face Powder, box 45. rr. unariea www, j- j Meriaor, ; jar 4c .Cream, - tube Creme tasv, j . ' California f Citrus s8o,uRb's Talcum, can 20) Q'ta'n Hair, Restorer 69. Fitch's Dandruff Curs SJ5V nd Danderine5r0 4 2T. Williams Brllllantlne 35. i .Wflllama Box: Soap., assorts t. odors.' box 40 cake 15 . Woodbury's : Facial , Soap,' caka 22e l v r -""j- 4711 Whits Jtoss .Glycerine. .Soap, s vox 65et c" 22 e. 8qunV Psatfln011. . six bot ,tles 5.,. ' . Gillette Razors S8 STSO and 5, .r v --- Havrst Rubber Gloves, "balloon rubber, t pair 89t.- . -,' i . -Japanese Ice Pencils, fJ50 Pwola Bandoline, 2Sf . i. Fascination - Powder,;: t f hades. . ose a-xo. - " . ' - Meier Frank's i ."Toilet Goods Shop, Main Floor. r J; of Wool Auto Robes Excellent Values at 6.95 - Wool auto robes ' in ' good large sizes. These are Suitable for bed coverings as well as automobile use. Soft, warm robes that will' give the best of service. .- ,, Solid colors of gray, blue and brown. Hemmed' edges. Special Saturda 6.95. - 7 ' Meier Ut Frank's: Sixth Floor. Sixth-Street. Pomting the Way to' Quality in WomMsJatid Children's Fine Jf'all Oilcter gar: ents Here ire. a few numbers? taken at random.1 Women a Uhibi ': j a frk OU11S X.OU yy . f 'Munsing0" medium weight eot tom Dutch neck, elbow sleeves j high neck, lonr sleeves; low neck, "ileeveless: Knee and ankle length.' Regular .sizes 1.50. Extra sizes. X , ,WomexiV Union J'r Suits .53.75 -Munslng, ,sJned!um'r heavy weight merino union suits- Dutch heck, elbow sleeves; 'high neck;' long sleeves Ankle length. Reg ular sizes 3.75.Outsizes $4.25. Children's Vestsi .;:;Panti-lOcr;K; - Fleeced ; cotton: THigh neck." long sleeve ' vests. ' Ankle : length pants. . . Gray and whiter ; 2 to . 1 4 years. '.ry .v , V '.T. v J. - : Childress Vests,. ; . ' Pants; 5c"": ;r Silk and merino. Dutch neck, short sleeve vests. Knee .length pants. Broken sizes 2 to 12 years. : Children's Union ', v,Msnslng't medium. weight me rino. VDutch neck., elbow- sleeves.' ankle length style.'.; Sizes 2 to 6 ye ar at 2,j. Sizes 8- to 1 2 ye ars S250. - Sizes. 1 4 to 6 years $3 Chndrerfs Union &t -; Suits" S24!i- i' "Munslng. 'heavy j weight "me- irino.. High , neckr. lone- sleeves; an kle len gth - style. - Sizes A la 6 years 2. Sizes 8 to 1 2 ;.yeara S2.50, Sizes 1 4 to '"1 6 yearsja3. , , Heler A Frank's f Wain Floort - " 1 w -. 1 sr f 1 sai a A Announces for Tomorrow I'r.eat5 Fall' Values in t Women's coats, suits, dresses, skirts, -millinery, - girfs' ' r coats, etc., at lower prices-all in good materials and season able styles. Excellent values also in our Downstairs Store lor men and boys tomorrow, i ncse, to mention just a few : Women's Coats $16.75 , Of heavy long nap zibeline de signed on new Fall lines. Black, blue, Burgundy, green and btown. Body lined. With velvet collar, belt and fancy pockets. Sizes 3G to 46. Remarkably low priced at $16.75. , Women's Suits $24.75 ALL WOOL poplin suits in navy bjue. Garments of superior fabric, style and wearing qualities. Long military coat style with plush shawl collar. Braid trimmed. Italian satin lined. Skirts have full gathered backs. Finely serviceable suits at 24.75. Sample Dresses $12 to $30 About fifty of these women's dresses no two exactly alike. They are samples of a reliable maker's Fall dresses. The special, prices we quote are at least Ya LESS than regular worth. Silk, velvet, poplin and. serge materials. New Fall styles. Mostly black, tome colors. Sizes to 38 only. Women's 'Serge $22 Good wool mixed material In blue, brown and black. Belted. Two pockets. All regular s$. . Girls' Zibeline Coats $9.75 Wonderfully good, coats for' children's Fall and Winter wear at a very special price. Warm zibeline fabric with heavy nap, for cold weather wear. Fun lined. Belted models with-velvet collar and cuffs , and patch pockets. -Brown, blue, green. Burgundy and black.. Sizes L 6 to 10. .. . . . Girls' Velutina Coats $10 These garments are worth at least H more on present -market costs. Full lined coats with new wide belts. Plush collars, some of beaver. Green, Burgundy, brown, Alice, dark rose. Sizes 7 to to. TrimmerrHats $2.49-$3;98 ' New- Fall and Winter hats In great variety will ba found between this range of prices all exceptional values. . Hats for women and misses In tailored, semi-dress aid dresr mod els. ' , , i : Velvet and velvetta in black and colors. .Attractively trimmed with fancy feathers and flowers. ' Women's tarns of velveteen at 98c and S1.5?. ' - Children's ' tams of corduroy at 49c to S1.29. r Aviation caps In khaki color it SI. 29. . :.. ' saw J mjM aiT " Tnf - Four Good Seasonable OfferiniTs ;:;.V f i Boys' Overcoats at $8 , Could not be bought today, forUhls i price. Just fifty of these overcoats secured in a specjaf purchase a long time 'ago our price -tomorrow .Is based on what the garments cost us then.- Full lined -coats with-belts and side pockets. Good looking mixtures and her ' ringbone stripes. Sizes t to IS. , : ."!. '-r.'V Boys' School ijts5j ' . Wool mixed materials in neat stripes ani checks. ' Pinch-back and trench coats with knlckerbocker pants. Sizes j to 16.-; , f Men's j and BoyV ; Caps1 49c j Wool and cashmere caps tn good mixed patterns andin all sizes for men and, boys. ' :- I mi MenVWork-; SKiirts !$1;49; v i Heavy khaki wort shirt at this special price. Fall cut, well made garments. j,; Z.r, & Men's Shoes; v$3;85 ' Men's vie! Wd and gun metal calf street shoes; Styles r range from, broad toe to In- a S ' sisr M ' 111. -4 gusn moaeis. maae wua , , Goodyear welt r sewed; t spies, i; Sizes K to o. .' f Boys r tM ( bltShoesf $2145 4 Kick nroof shoes with Indestructible chrome' leather tins. ' Hvv calf nppers. Xsce and button styles. - Sizes 9, 1$ tl'A pair2S., SizeS I to. 6; pair 2.85;- :t-H-:1 'S Uler ft Frank's ; IXnrer Pries Store, Basement Balcony 'srf.J 1 . ";. .iit. -" '". 4 - ttta QiiAUTY' StoXoi Poktlaxo I.. -. 4 '"'"'.t J 1 ""V J r, f-" .1 1 5 - 1 . i.