, V THE ; OIlEGOir' DAILY -JOURNAt? PORTLAND. - FRIDAY.' OCTOBER 11. : 1918; r 13 iWOWENME NEEDED: H INXMrCADANTEENi : vorksayst speaker neas t work. Canteen watkera noit have pep ,an4. chrm- Th mJlUe are quUe -as essential .or inore, so thaa Veterans; of Toreigri Wars Organize I Post 1 -aSaaWaiaSBaBJ,;1-is.';-rf;.-. ,. --.- : "Poat 1; Vetereiia of Forelm Wan, was orcanlsed Thursday nltht In 7 tha Q. .A R. ball at the courthouse by Col onel Robert E. Oreene. ; and will here after meet oq the fourth Thursday of each month. The followtngr ara the of fioert Installed : . James C Walah, com mander ; Robert " Sawyer, .senior " vtoe commander ij ' W. ' Trtslkeld. junior vice commander ; , 1M. ItL Petera, adjutant : James McCarren, quartermatter ; C R. Nlckeraon, ehaplaia ;' A,- Achtart. hts torian : Albert Breedlove. effleer of tha John Femrttl, qnartermaater-aerKeant H. V. Read, patriotic Instructor ; i IL Miner sergant-fnajor ; ' A. Cv Kins; and tralaii)-,. to .fact there I such a tame as over train In sr. " The rood canteen r--v--BjaaaaBaaaBSBaalBBaaaasasBaa j j - Thread spoil In Sweden from O-per worker, soon.- realties that the , bit cent peat, fiber .and 49 per aat wool la thine , ia not what . aha Ja . 4oin ?. for tha boya but what the toya and the work : tar renerai ara. doing for her." said to - be almost indlsunrolahabla from pure wool and about S par. cent cuartf ; T. - T. -Chave,- otfleer of the' day ; stronger. ;' - ' " - . - t 'DiV Marguerite Crocker ' Iterates experience! ; or -nor".' iwr Soldier In France - - . ' i.y " Two hundred and forty represent- . : ,We woman- of tha city, with alight ' ' 'iprlnkltaff of man, fathered" Thursday at tha tJntrersfty. club ta hear Dr, " i Marguerite Crockett, . a T. M. C. A. caataea worker reoentijr returned from . eenrtoe- overseas. Dr.- Crockett, haa the - ,- distinction of belnr one of tha women - i to open the firet canteen in connection ... y. with the T. M. C. A. ;:- X lone ao decided that tha Amerl- - 'icanf aotdlar'a atomach is Bottomless,' .said Dr. Crockett, "but aometimea 1 . wonder If It really Isn't his heart that la empty and ne lust try a to nil up Mae achlna void with hot chocolate and . ' cooktea. I want to make . plain ; tha '.-difference between the duties' of woman .' ''workera for tha T. L C A, and for .-theT. W. C. A. The former la work j 'nl women for men and the- latter '. work of women for women. The V. . M ;C A. 'women workers are divided f into three divisions, canteen workers, - f tea force and entertainers and for . an I- oannot aay too much in praise their self sacrifice and of their v effectors work amonf the men In sus- i jtainina a nm tnoraie. ' .M - - A - M a norm uun men uvvuana Ainenun Soldiers are anivlna dally in rrmnoe r. and, to expand tha work of the T. if. fC A- at least 100 women 'ara-needed An the canteens every month. Women .,are wanted who have good -healtn. ,ood 'nature, adaptability and wtlllnf . Per Safe Milk IofaSts IoraHds lUCeakiaf A Natrhloos' Diet for AH Ages. Qolde' Land4 -Home or Offioe. I OTHERS sons IMITATIONS I 9 Sat. Coffee Spedal Our : 40c Coffee Me ' BeiMtry ' ee "tW .Taeef- - Me. at BOYD TEA CO. ; "CM M at. Bet; elmaa end Mala ' ' . ' . eaen Till P. at. aatureay ' . c 1 " l . 1 Illlilfclte riifc :ii wt . In the Biff Building Corner Second and Yiirnhill StreeU These Special Prices for This f: Saturday Special Stalh 22-24 Pot Roast, lb. 1714c SK'lder Veal Roast, lb. 20c Sptcial Stall 30 Ne w Sauer Kraut, On oik. - - . eCltli Special Stall 4 Royal Bak. Pdr. 12 oz. 38c Campbell's Soup, 2 for 25c ; Special Stall 28 ' 2 large loaves Bread . . 18c 10-lb. pail Honey. . .$3.25 SpecialStalt 18 FOR QUALITY MEATS GIVE US A TRIAL Special Stall t$ L'ge Queen Olires; pt 30c Pickled Pigs', Feet, lb. 20c Sour Pickles,' pint. . . .20c Special Stall 7 . PoUto Salad, lb. . . . . .20c Summer, Sausage, lb.v 50c Ripe OKves, pint. . . . .30c Special Stall IT ML kinds of Oleomargarine See us for samples of same 3 20lli Century Gro cers GUARANTEED GOOD SATURDAY AND MONDAY REGARDLESS OF MARKET CrfANGES ' EXTRA SPECIAL Shinola Sho Poliek, eyry wherai lOo -Saturday and 'Monday Bc4im It. 2 to a coetomer. - ; - -- POTATOES Miffy " white, Oreton crown. 6 lbs. 15c ck of 160 lb J.. . . . :$2.25 ' SWEET POTATOES Splendid i tooksri. 1 lb. 6c lbs. .. .. . .22c . BEANS New small white. 2 tbs.. . . . .25c ' ONIONS Fancy Yellow Onions, 5- Ifcs. 14c . -52-59 100 lbs. Our enorraooa srowth la tha result of givint suitable quality always ' ' . " ' ' 11 -S '' DAIRY PRODUCTS Ems, fresh : Ore r on Ranch KutranUed, t dozen S9c Oleomarcarlne, lb. 39c- a lbs .78c Jersey Bell Butter, lb. 64c 2 lbi. S1.27 OATMEAL, 2 lbi. lBc 4 lbs. . . .... .30c PANCAKE FLOUR Alberj Flap. Jack or Olympic Pancake, larxe packare. ,33c POTATO FLOUR Special. .1 Ibs......40e tojbs. 7Bc too lbs. .s-". Tv;-;. $7.25 SEEDED , RAISINS Lar're . package, - freshly needed, each 13c a for . 'v25e SOAP, SPECIAL t o bar Lenox ...... 49c to hsrsCrvstil White, j . . . . . i . dt iv oars ivorvp . .. a. .... .ooc '. Creme .Oil. 2 bars . . v . . . . ,15c Umit t lot to a custother Any kind of Soap Criacav i lb. 33c lY lbs. 49c S lb$98c: - 6 lbs.. .....$1.95--9 lbs........ $2.85 MfLIC-" Borders or Carnation, tall cw.1 Be - Oozen Sl.SO Cue . Vi j .$7.20 Canned mUk kitn , milk: Holly, tall -? cans . . . vi . . . . . . . ........ ... .lOc-t Jersey Bell canned milk 12c-3'ctns 3! Dosen $1.40 Cue . . . . . .$5.50 BabY Borden, or Carnation, can. t . , .7Hc Dozen ....... 90c Cue $7.00 . i .. . .. .. " . : . . COFFEES re . now idvaactei very rapidly ' - for the i nr nme. ' Golden WesC- M. J. . B., Edwards De spendable. I lb. 34c I lbs.. ,.. ...,94c BULK COFFEES Fresh from , oar own roaster. , Port of Portland, - special Saturday' at, lb.: 29c 5 lbs. n .$1.40 4 aatMHtu 08 mth Will id,' iJii U1 If we) knew wkara '.Wa could gat a bettaf coffea r would liava it . - ,PeaWry Coffe WawCl sell 25 Saturday and Monday, bat xpact ta W farced, to raise our price altar that. -From bow on fn naay lek for contiAual advancing pqrlae iBeeffa ; , ' j'-;.,"', ... ,; ' " V '' " If t U good and to bo Had, yfo'tfcfaxi'kf&j of out stores at prices that save you money. No use to look further than the , t . Conveniently located at 168 Fifth, across from the Postoffice 731Vt Waahington- 410 MonttomeryIn the Bif - Yamhill SaniUry Market at Second and Yamhill 611 Main Street, Oregon City -and HilUboro, Oref on. 1. ;'; Pastutes.irVgrceiihe year around i n this li tile Ivailey . Throujrtr I -1 Lr i. ' ' t l . . j.'v. . . ' i. ; - it ruu ucuis ui ucarinuunum waicr. in loia.iacai section, tne iine nerai oroduce u record yield of rich milk. . , . , 1 . -J-' . : - No other Cheese has -the distinctive flavor and - richness ' of, 'tilli- A W: ' mook. This uniform quality is due to the co-ooeration of 24 faciorie. ifl'itilla- , Y I mooK county, experts nave come nere irom tne famous cheese center! ql Eu- rope. Only milk from cows tested for he alth is used by these association factories. ; Use Tillamook Cheese now with yoiir war menus. Serve it la scores of tempting Mrays with; potatoes, with r We , with macaroni, ej ine its food-value, cheese is still one of the- cheapest of foo Tillamook Full Cream Cheese has 1950 calories (fuel ralue), comparad ds. A pound of with 1110 for a pound of oorterhousei a teak. Etiiry Tillamook Cheeta h now trade-marked. '- Look, tor the name Ion the rind of . each Bound or niece von &uv. ,n "' ' Tniiiii?'ria: a-iirr-rjiiii a-t ;i: .. S r incunjufc-v-uuni.y creamery MOCiauon v-oop!rauTe-ji wceee racioriea owned By .TUlarnook Dairymen jr ' ' ; ' ' " Tillamook, Oregoni ' : ; , -; till;co-the .TMtemeet eaeete Seefne . . . mnmiw er aiaa1, frtiatsnni ef near, Vb ea ef Wilis (inlHO, H tMOMtrhl er een, -m : eusrt- ef sreMS Ikfor wwaaav sBBBBSBBSeBMeaM.-. aaaca aioa md muaetit ., v Mini ' a Se 10 SvUar araekwe er feeMeo araekere, V aeune ef TUtemeeli ert eua at Mtaa Til lam a. u um f aua ) teataeeefut eefti aa (fte-ct r TMIamaaa Sut a. v e Mful f anaaa aaeftii ef kaee jwttmta. a uaie wnnfww f ehaee , enlent. e et kma Jwim ef taStataMefat -r. ,. ' . i r. V'1 L Than OneasSm& We have proven that in order to give a, greater margin of saving to you, we must aUo save save on delivery, save on effort, save op-advertising. Qur three big markets; all ; advertised under' one head, our new delivery system. wherehv rJeliverie of S5 or over onlv marJa on tke Enaf Vyl Side and $3 or Over on the West Side, allow this saving; aff I C Look over this list of savings, pick U FIRST CALL for BREAKFAST 1 lbs. Fancy New Prunes. . .25c 9 lbs. Rolled Oats ........80c 10 lbs. Corn Meal . 1 ... 70c 1 pkg; Uncle Sam Breakfast ' Food v. :.V;.-. 25c 2 lbs. Rice .25c, 1 pkg. Kellogg's Krumbles,.10c : 1 Dksr. Balston Bran . . . . 15c pkgs.jShredded tyhea. 25cj ,2pkgs. Putted Rice ; i v . . .25c 2 pkgs. Puffed Wheat .. . .25c FOR COOKING and FRYING -3H',,'Grisco . . . . .. . . .90d M pt AVesson Oil . ; v . . . . 40c v 1 qt; Wesson Oil . . . . . . .75c Pearl Shortening No. 3. ... 75c No. 5 $125 No. 10$250 BUY MILK BY .THE CAN 5 cans Marigold. Mife. BSS Ismail Milk, 2 cansl ; V. -ilSi Houy Kice ana Milk ... . . . noc MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS 1 can Alaga Syrup, .'. . ... .20c 2 lbs. Raisins I V . 25c 1 large Royal Baking Pow- ' ' , der ' . . . . ... . . 35c 3 bottles Extract.. . .. . . ,25c 2 bottles Vinegar ...... . .25c r2 lbs WWte Beans . . . . .25c Pinlc hsKi. ... .10c Mrbllsaxrner . . . : . .25c : Atolls Toilet reaper . . . .25c f 3 canlShinola ; . ... . ... .25c -: i-Ib. cake Swet (Chocolate 35c apkgsToofiv Pick. 10c ; 5 pkgs. Matches. . ... v,25c Palace Ciftifkw: . .... .20c. '' l-gallon Tomato Catsup: $1.00 3 pkgsShredded Codfishi .25c 'Jeilo, per pkg. . . ; . . 11c pkgslldodles, 'Macaroni- - ; h or Spaghetti i . J . . yV,'25c l2 glasses Chipped Beef , 1 25c ) 3 bottles Mustard ; :25c the market nearest you and . make your purchases Saturday. , Absolutely no giphone orders. MAPSPEO 3 ,f 1 large Sea Foam. . :h a A 4 Creme Oil Soap . . J $ I UU 4 Creme Oil r, ... .25c, SOAPS AND WASHING POWDERS; 3 pkgs. Gloss Starch 25c 3 bars Glycerine Soap . . ; .25c 3 cans Skat . 25c 1 pkg. Gold Dust ........25c l pkg. Citrus Washing Pow ders..... ..25c Palm Olive Sbap ......... 10c 4 bottle Bluing ; ...5c 1 bottle Ammonia".. . ; . ... .5c SPECIALS for CANNING PAY Jar Rubbefs, heavy, dozen. . .5c Schram Caps, dozen . . . .30c ALL BEVERAGES M. J. B:, Royal Oub, Goiden West and D. W: Cof feei 3 lbs. for. . . . . .95c Postuiri' Cereal, per pkg.. . . .20c Instant Dostum, large can. . .45c Hershey's Cocoa, per can. . 15c SPECIALS IN CANNED v ; : GOODS v 2 cans Del Monte Sauce. . . 15c 3cans;Hava Beans.;... . ,25c 1 0-lb. can Tomato Puree. . . . 50cj 3 cansSardines in oil.. ... .25c Booth's'Sardines . . . . . . .30c Deviled Meat, 5 cans.. . . . . .25c . 2 cans.Otter'Oysters .... 25c . 3 cans.Tomaio Soup ..... .25c COOKIES AND CRACKERS , 2 lbslpancy Broken . : t . Cookies i . ... . . . . . ; ;25c 3 pkgs..Wheat Savers . . . .25c 3 pkgs. y Roman Meal Bis-, - 'cuit V ,25c 4 1 7' r7 r 1 In .Vixta Housd r.rket i -la ..... ) TV 77 A'- TTTItTT. .... v i-i . . . . . . Saturday Meati iieadsLfr Short Ribs of Baf, lb. v.... 17c V Prime Rolled Rib O A FresliiRams and Pork Roasts', 35c and 40c Do yaw anapplaf aarly asaa ana! fat yer ereiaat free em tha farnaaw Pot RoauU of ' OA Beef.lb... ..;.ZUC Legs of Lamb, OO per lb... 660 2 - In the lrty Mar pi? flTft f f fit '0: ntt ft .aTTinr : n f r; iltttiftt ;;V ,wMv.;; hmw;, wvh v . v Coffee roatted by tu daily. ; Coffee ateal cot if .you wkh, wilb dost arid chairemoredA ; 'Speciai;&lcefor Satiardy - - - ' ',Tfr-Oiir: High' Grada) -Tom V In Liberty Market , v BUTTER $11'. 1 5 Creamery II.-"-: Batter, . " , v 2-tb. RoIl . . aecL ROLL' . . v - t- - , . - -. - , .. .' liberty : Creamery ? Allkmdi of -;.; 6 s " vers Cut Flbi and Plnnt FunertrjDeI Tnnhe rLiberty Market Fish and 0y Silye'nlde Salmon (half or Whole), lb.. ....... 1 8c Salmon Trout, p6und . ........... ... . . . . . .i.ZOc Silrer Smelta, 2 lba. . . VV- -.'.. v . .2Sc Shrimp Meat, pound . . . . . .V. V, . . ,60c Freh Halibut, pound ..... ?;'.1 V. V. . x. . . V.;. . ;25c ecials Pacific Oybteii In the Liberty Market WholeiaU and 'Retail COM2 ANO - CXT , YOUR WEIGHT FREE ON OUR FAMOUS UP-TO-DATT TOLEDO SCALES l . . - : ' - ; 1 BU - 1 . -- BM si ... - ' . m . ira a wasyr& a -y' ut avirij,r;.f.;..j,- : V. Sai Foam ttantha Walabtnar PoWdaT.' I LibbVa Rattl nna: raad to arra. Iarffe pkr. . ; -. 'a .. ..--A.aV fts ssaf I . . . . r a J Vt " . m .tdweeineair soap, Dart. .xoc i uiympte-rancaKO-riour, large 1 - - :;CryUl .WhiU Soap, 4 bn,l . .23e - ..: package r.':.v;.-. . .34c:..-. All utner uoodi Sliced in froportion r::,:tv';,; ObcHy Grocery "ai , 1 :.-V V -.on-: Mill 11 cri'r.o 17.7; t I v-a . SE. Corner 4th and Yaxiihill IN. E. Ccr. 4th and YtnihUl 5 i r - 4 v. aar - . -j am. . -