12 THE, OREGbN ia)AILYJOURNAU:;rPORTrAND;FRIDAy OCTOBER llMSlo. IS ens District Attorh&ji Evk'n?,Gehl har ; and.:Hiir and Attorney General ; Brown at penitentiary, v l.-t - WARM. TRAILS ARE. FOUND Legal Officials Are Said to Have .Become ' fntensely Interested by Developments. : ; ? r i .' ' . - , Ratem, Oct. 11. Assisted by District Attorney Walter H. Evans of Multno mah. Max Gehlhar of Marlon and Gala a Hill of Unn, Attorney General Brown today haa hie InVestlsatlon of the pen itentiary parole scandal In fall rwlng. All four officials are at prison Inter viewing; convicts and It l known that they are on sUch warm trails that all I hava become Intensely ,lntejreted.-When . results of their Investigation finally be come public It Is predicted that condi tion which will shoes, the people of Ore gon' will be revealed. Evidence la said to &e accumulating that convicts have been preyed upon by persons placed in authority over them. District Attorney Gehlhar today drew a new grand Jury for .work In Marlon county, but It Is not known whether the evldenoe being gathered at the peni tentiary will be sufficiently complete to be presented to that Jury now or not. However, the prediction Is being made that Indictments will follow the Inves tigation. , Aside from the two guards, Sheridan and lloran, who have been . discharged by Warden Murphy, so far as la known, , Parole Officer Joe Keller is the only of ficial connected with the prison who is under suspicion. No word of suspicion has been directed toward Warden Mur ' phy, other than Keller's charge that Murphy waa behind a frame-up to con nect Keller with the prison scandaL This charge waa mad by Keller as soon ' as his name waa mentioned In connec tion with the attempt 'Of 1&. 8. Irvtn, convict, to send out a $200 check to be used In buying him a parole. Keller Is keeping In closest 9uch with Governor Wlthycomoe, fieing almost a -dally visitor at the chief executive's office. Bef ristorff : Tried TolBuy.Munitionsv ; ' "Plant in: America , . "r ' Washington, Oct. IUCC, PFurtber proof; of Germany's, pernicious work, in this country was" made public today by rvrwauon . oi , uw auen , property , cuiw. dian f that ' the , Bridgeport Projectile J company. Bridgeport,; Conn., bad been taken jover because of 5enna,n control. " Count von . Bernstorf f. 4he German ambassador, and other ' leaders : in this country,-it was shown, had , arranged to get the company so as to 1aniper mu nitions output for the allies. The com pany was to corner the market on mu nitions -, supplies, and,;, while ostensibly taking contracts for milled Orders, waa never ; to deliver them. , The -backers. who; had. also engendered ff arte to cre ate a munitions embargo stood ready to spend , 119,000.000 m ,thelrr attempt to cripple the munitions trade. , .. ' PORTLAND t MINISTER FLOODED AND GASSED BUH Rev.. Boudinott Seeley Stands by ; Booty Despite Jactlcsrof Porters; Two Held, t : New York tb Attend Liberty Celebration. Washington. Oct. ,lt-(t 'N. S.) Pres ident Wilson left for New" York, today, where he will attend the Liberty day celebration tomorrow." He .waa sched uled to arrive In New York late this afternoon, and wilt remain until Sun day afternoon. Although his program was not to be arranged until he had consulted with Colonel E. M. House, it was said that he would attend the thea ter thle evening, and that tomorrow night he would attend the Columbus day celebration in the Metropolitan opera house. He was not to make any set speeches, officials said. . . . The trip was made by special train, and besides the president, those in the party were Mrs. Wilson, Miss Margaret Wilson, Secretary Tumulty, Bear Ad miral Grayson members of the secret service and press representatives. Withstanding gas attacks and floods. RewBoudmot . Seeley uncovered an al leged bootlegging plot, caused the arrest of Pullman , porter and- captured ' ths llauor.' The minister laid his evidence before the United States , attorney's M flee and presented, one of the porters, aa -.evidence. ' V" - l- - . --, -Mr. . Seeley left Cottage Grove on an early morning train Thursday. Passing through a tourist sleeper ht discovered the porter ' examining a cache of liquor. He determined to stand guard until: an opportunity came .to turn it over jto the authorities. The porter flooded the car floor with water an inch deep in an effort to oust the minister, but without .success. Another porter was called on for help. The two emptied a bottle of formalde hyde under the minister's -nose, but did not rsucceed in - driving him -from hit POSt. '. . ; ; i "I was, in a serious, predicament, with water running on the floor-ad the gas fumes so strong that they.-drove- the negroes out," said Mr. Seeley, .but climbed up on the baseboards of the passageway and held my nose, deter mined to stand guard." The minister persuaded the conductor to telegraph ahead and one porter was taken off the train at, Eugene with 30 pints of liquor. The . other waa., taken in charge here, but later was released. Mr. Seeley is assistant superintendent of home missions for' Oregon' for " the , Presbyterian church. ; Major.. General Sir C. H. Powell, Kj ;C; B., head of the Red Cross in Eng lend, has arrived at Washington. Constitution' for :i 1 MidEurope TTnidh v 1 Is Being Drafted Washington. rOct'lLCC. PjDrft-j in of a- consUtuUon for the raid-Euro-1 pean ' union, recen tly organised by -lead ers of subject peoptos in. central Europe, Is .under .way today. ; .-. Xr. Thomas - Masaryk of ths Csecho-1 Slovak national council, chalrm&n of I the union, la working on the , document 1 which. wilf be Submitted 'to leaders ot seven T natlonalUuts comprising 'the pr ganlzation. j-. . . -...' .; -).. -4 . r-,- Each national group will , be given I one vote in determining all . Important Questions, according , to the present plan. Specific applications of: President .Wtlr son's principles of self-determination will be made In the plans of the mid-Euro pean union for breaking up Austria. Those; represented in . the union t are : ! Csecn-Storaka,' Poles, Ukrainians, Jugo slavs, , Lithuanians. Boumanlans ' and Italian -XriidenUsts. - t . i v v5 't ft.'"" I 'EveryDay Is a; Holly Day . 1- Vt' --.-.. HOELY'MILK HOOD RIVER APPLES THE APPLE HOUSE 115 Second St. comes .to you as fresh faid ; rich as it comes to us from well-fed, carefully attended; healthy COWS.;- . . . : In; coffee' it is? delicious. In creamed soup, creamed vegetables and other dishes which call for milk or .cream,- it gives satisfying, superior results.' And for whatever purpose you use Holly Milk, it's very economical. Keeps pure and sweet for sev eral days after can. is opened. x High in butter fat low in cost. Serb. Army Within 10 Miles of Nislifv Capture 3000 HunS r -"Lruci The Price is the most noticeable difference-between Ztitlill IT iiirsi II j1VJ1x"'lX N '9 B-tllS 1 v s ? r -. . , EAST SIDE CASH AND CARRY STORE; ' y: 392 East Morrison, S. W.-Cor. Grand Ave. . ' r -. . -..; .... .. ,, . ... , .". : Thm Quality Store, Where Every Dollar, Doe It Duty The War ladssrrles Board says "Carrr It heme aad keen M." Oir eash a rry prices make Jt worth "jrhUs lor rem to do year ows deUrerlsf. X" SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY ; ML. Vernon Milk 4 to"a customer cm4 . ..12c Ubbv'f Milk, small t dozea to a customer doien 78c -New Crop Itatiaa Prunes, 3 Ids. for . .40c Standard Tomatoes. 3 cans for 50c dozen cans, ........ .S1.90 Standard Ckrn, can 19c dozen cans ..$2.25 Early June Peas,. 3 cans for SOc dozen cans. .$1.90 Solid Pack Tomatoes. Red Ribbon and Llbby's, can 19c doz. $25 1 Dosesi to a Castotner torsion. Oct 11. a. N. 8.5 11 :S ' a. m.)-SrtJan troqrjs. advancing or1 " Tflah, former capital of Serbia," have progressed 10 miles north of Leskovats. ' ' 1 .eapturlng J 000 prisoners and a number of Jheary guns. " ;. ' The Serbs are now about 10 miles ';:) frvnvjflah. Leakovas4s 20 miles soutn- -' eenofisn:- x . : V- . - , j , rX- 1 Investigation' Begins On Aircraft Work ". ) :' Chlcao. Oct. 11-(1. N. S.) Conslder " . attoa of evidence -obtained by the' g-ov-.ernrnent pertaining- to the alleged mia- , management of the aircraft production .lettuajlon In the Chicago district was ' tbeiri& by the federal grand Jury here f-ytodr. United States District Attorney ' - SCiyhe, it is understood, will demand In- 'I dlctraents against several former em- -fployes of the aircraft service. SCiray Hair Like a ; k Photograph Negative v fNew Discovery Develops the Original Color of Gray -' Hair Jp Similar Manner M$: h Developinjf ; of a Photo Print and fancy creamery-butter- It is distinctly in favor of oleomar 1 marine atod i therefore in your favor if you use this wholesome, flavorous produit 'Just try it once and it will, become a favorite for all time with your nousenota ior laoie as weu asior wiuns purposes. i ' - freshxdailyii U- 1 1 t ""v" ,e . tr . V iMssWsssssWtfjlwssssjs1 "The Thrift Spread for War Bread" f H Ji OlIIJlTlMf : in. u V Prof. John H. Austin, the famous bac - terlologlet, hair and scalp specialist of , . 'Chicago, spent thirty-seven years of ;r study snd experimenting in the perfect- . - ing ef Co-Lo Hair Restorer the won- . rrf Ml liquid that brings back the orig . -inal olor of gray halrl . ! A, pleasing remedy to apply clear and : ' -,traanparent, without sediment, and con- - .tuning no ieaa or suiunur will not .wi or rub off, and is the only lasting - 'hr satisfactory way of bringing back : 4"f the -color to gray hair, t Cp-Lo Hair Restorer is equally sat ...iBfactory for every original shade of , y. alr.; . . - : ; AS for black and all dark shades of V brown. . "A7-r-eatra strong, ' for let black hair t J . AS fo all medium brown shades. Vs - .f a f or ajl ' very light brown,, drab ' (. and auburn ahades. - ir-'Sl1 J" "H!.d ta JTortland exclusively ' by The Owl Prug Co. a store at Broad- - ",iy and Washington sts. Adv.X DIQ Saturday Is; the BIG DAY at the CASCADE For Flavor and Quality WILD ROSE Brand CREAMERY BUTTER Pound Cr ' VLL S H y ' ' All "that the f mt) $1.30 Guaranteed Ranch EGGS Dozen , 60 c Good Oregon Cold Storage EGGS, fozen, 50c . y U COOD bread. gSzwVt 'EAL 'r ifff '"J I it I "A CreA RriTarl f Qiy m i s, I I ' ' U I ' a. 'vws awvv vs, wvui v,q , I ana onow riaKes j 1 & er and it helps conserve food! Now that you can obtain, these I , V ' . I ; -ff . ' crisp, appetizing Crackers V J ; again,' soup will ' taste doubly t i IS I I rrrA I 1; I TffnG 51Lft Don't merely & for crack- I " 1 i Y M I erav'SN0W FLAKES; W -VT?j"y Pacific Coat Bucuit Co. M Jt P' r rorviana. x-acsieu . xu waxed, odorproof ' car tons. -; - ' . Demonstrations of Co lumbia Brand Oleomar garini at . ' - People's Market Olds, Wortman & King Jones' Market Meier & Frank Co, A Quality Product of UNION MEAT CO. FKESH QUALITY MEATS Fair Prices snd Courteous Service so hand in - hand at thU BIG DOWN-TOWN MAR. KET 15c Low Prices on : Kiilk Fed Choicer. . OOW' SHOULDERS, 1W steaks. ih..:i 25c Choice Loin v Oi-i' OTOrlh.UC ttoteejJ'iV 'f-i rt"; BRisTsrfjwloC STEWib: r iThe Cascade' : ; jisftlie place ' : Smoked Meats ' Special Prices f ; i ft Fpll Cream TILLAMOOK , 2 Lbs. r 'forfM IDC Come to the Cascade forthej best in ' Choice POT ROASTS, per pound--. . . . . . .v. Choice BOILING BEEF, per pound . . . .: ....... Choice HAMBURGER, 4 per pound . . . . ,l . . .... . Tender. SIRLOINS, OfCw per pound! . . . . . . .swOC Tender ROUND STEAK, OO' l per pound . . ' r O.C Choice KUMP CORNED -g O; 12k ,15 c BEEF,: pound PorfcRoasts Lb. 30c BOILING J BEEF, 10c-12ic Pot Boasts, 1d...12H te l Teal Boast, lb.... ..IT to 204 Slrlolat and T-Boaes, per la. 20e - Baeea, Is. 40 Teal Stew, In. ....12 to 15e WE CXOSE &ATVHDJLT II I P. M. , ?; FAliRC EILDS : . , . -v THB : I.ITTX.B ?. VTH0I.ESAXB BTJTCHEB 224-226 Yamhill. Between First and Second A Wounded Soldier in France Needs Linen Tba sapplr te Umlted. Xoor orrnBnt ak roe to fin 19- tome -ef roar Unas- wWek H CBBBot buy on account of tbe wotld' Kaicirr, that a woamlcd toldtcr mar taara a chu faM, pillow eu or. towel.: Hrlas.ooa at, Umm if yo oaaaat spare suns) to eitber oae of oar Korea, sua w wiu ocutct. n v w rornnui COWSUMERS' LEAGUE, Inc. , Store We. : 1 is Tmre tree HnP" Wfm Kfl irnfMe . MARSH MALLOW SYRUP J . ' t lb. Oen ......i.... ... Ik 0i ...................... . 10 is. Can ............ ... IS ' Jacket ..................... es. 1 at. Asiser Moeejf ., .4 cv AO t QLj Asiser. Honey . . ,... AO Kara Syrus. . . . . . -SO a sx. Macaroni, broke . . . . . .' . . . " AS Store He. S-Ot ana Sassy BtvS, mat mmmr, Mr. 4 Roil, TelM Paser AS SB iMta TelM Paeer SAO 1 etoee SrMn ...V. ...1AO OeMaa Watt DipinSakU OeffM. NL J.- S IS.; Oae .....i...... AS ; - OV OWN ROAST . OMrie sr. Sraes, Ceeal. te Asy SOe, t Ooffee. S Isa. . .AS t XOV GET. , THEEEST; LEGS; -&e SHQULDER5? he; lb 25c LAMB. STEAKS 5 . OQn tBe IK.i.t i0C BREASTS j OAi 1 FRYE'S CASCADE MARKET, Third and Yamhill j . ........ i; -. - .. mm kw j is ar Petrline. medium ......... 9c Gold Dust, targe 25c Citrus Powder. Urre . . . . .25c Sunbritht Cleanser. 5 for. .25c Old Dutch Cleanser. 3 for.. 25c Bon Ami. 3 for 25c Sipolio. 3 for 25c Swift'5 White Laundry Soap. v 10 for 59c . 10 to a Customer Shredded Wheat. Puffed wheat Puffed Rice. Kellors's Corn Post Toastlea Rolled Oats. -ib sack.... Cream of Wheat. Cream of Barley...' ., 3 lbs. Rolled Oats eat. j ; nFlakea.... J". 2 for 25c ...-T8 ....25 ....20 . . .25c Freeman's Special Coffee, regular 3 5c trade. 28c per lb. 1 for 55c M. J. B.t Golden West. Depeadsble snd Royal Club t lb. 35c 3 lbs. 95c S lbs. $1.65 EXTRA SPECIAL! Hill Bros. Red. Can Coffee. Ib 35c , Karo .Corn Syrup. 10-lb. palls 90c Crescent B. Powder. 1 lb. ..22c Royal B. , Powder, small. . . .18c Royal B. Powder, Urre.... 35c Rrzon B. Powder 32c 1.00 Cook Book Free with each can of Ryron. Postum, regular 20c Instant Postum. small 25c Instant Postum, large 45c Booth's Sardines 20c Blue Jacket Sardines 10c Campbell's Tomato Soup.. 11c Tuna Fish, a for 45c Barataria Shrimps, can .... 16c 3 for 45c Llbby's Deviled Meat, 3 for 25c Delmonte Spanish Sauce 2 for 15c Blue Tip Matches, boxes.... 6c 6 boxes for ............ 35c 49c 3 lfc$. -95c 6 lbs. . .$1.85 1.. .3Z.85 Crisco, t Ib...33c 1 54 lbs.. 9 lbs. Mazola and Wesson Oil. pints 40c quarts , .75c Swift's Jewel Shortening. No. 10 $2.50 Seeded Raisins, 3 pkgs 25c Hershey's Cocoa, 34 lb. ....15c Toilet Paper, 5 for ......25c Lunch Wax Paper, 7 for.. . .25c Oregon Creamery Butter, 55c lb.. $1.05 Per roll ' A choice assortment of Fruits and Vegetables always on display. Attractive Cask snd Carry Prices in Effect Every Day 285 YAMHILL STREET joes over the top this week with 2000 pounds of choice Milk Fed Veal as our Saturday Special, at Rock Bottom prices. We save you money on every pound of meat bought from us. and guarantee you nothing but the best quality. Why not buy direct from us and save the middleman's profit for yourself, as we buy and kill al! ice Milk-Fed Veal Roasts 1 8c to 23c Roaota . 22c u . . . . . 18c BOILING BEEF, per pound, 1212C POT ROASTS, per pound,' 15c EXTRA FINE ROLLED STEAKS from LOLLED ROASTS, per pound. . .22c ) , 18c to 23c J We have 1000 pounds of Pork Neck Bones for Saturday while they, last 9c SMOKED MEATS Choice Breakfast Bacon, lb. ... . ....... 39c Sugar Cured Eastern Bacon, lb.. . . . . ........... .45c- . Smoked Jowls, lb. V .32- 250 Sugar Cured Eastern Hams, Saturday only .... 39c COMPOUND (an economical shortening) 28cv BRING YOUR OWN PAILS We Mauplkett - i , . WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 285 Yamhill St. w;4TH A3n th Main 2420 BROTHERS Be Sure and Look for the Union Card! BUITTEIR-S Creamery Butter . .: .v. ... ... . Z I . ...$i:i5 and $10 Dairy Butter, a roll ...... .......... . .$1.00 Best Creamery Butter, roll . . .v. .$1.33 Fine Picnic Hams, pound . ; , . .... p ..... r. . .28c GoodJEggs,' the dozen . . . SOc Fresh Ranch Eggs, dozen . ; . V. . . ,60c Chickens,'- the pound . . . . , , i . . . . . . , , . . . . a .38c Hens, the pound . . . . ;', .v. . i . . . . .".-;. . . ; . .3SV COKKCK FIRST" A TAMHTI-Iy Special; -Si t TT1TH Our egular4oc Coffee '6n..l sale" Saturday 'rC GL'sn i i only . not over 4 lbs. to a customer ' lb. Csi J Viw r,IARTINr,IARKSvCOFFEE CO. rslliA-iftii II 111 1 - sT ".i. Ask, your- Grocer' I Ii . ... ; v ....... J . 'it .i -T