:- ua'.wmp -:. 44m it - j THE - OREGON SUNDAY '. JOURNAL, PORTLAJNfD," SUNDAY!" ,MORNING71 OCTOBER" .,6, 1918: t: i ' -ftf -" -sr .jr. avxM ( : i Mi1: ... U ' ' 'i : APT tOBTLFW ACCr.SSOKIgB 44 LLf "aril " my aw "feulLk Four, ran 3000 ' mile. Bettor thea wow. Kitr tire, 4 tube. fnn, nickel bumper. $960 eaeh. ,,K-674, T" ,1 ''; ty;- r" i v .mim' truces !", fW km ' bad . gala h iw thrio, Tk wfrw A ton to $ torn. In all ataadard asakee, - Tha Baajorrty of tbaee track bare been thoroughly re la ntat im wow n nr . fwpt)uTti truck, ea a. I to UwMM lac WKNTWOBTH IRWIH. la. W will (It vary liber! terou, -. Truck Headquarters, -."','' Second and Taylor. CLOfilJiG OCT! SALE -JUUring from tlx passenger ear burtnaee vary er must b aold at oaoa and at price : mm heard of Mom, Cacaa aarly and sat yaw 'Chotra. . - I Itoaoatara i panfifta T paaMQcan ' ' :-- ""' , ' v PaJlaria ' wxsTXBif Atrro oo.. 'r racaol Truck and Tractor Dfatrlbnton . rkona Bdiry. 3. Cor. Broadway and Burniida IT HAKES no dtffaranea vhat yoar limit ia. wa aaa a aeod aar beta for roar money. Tama can ba. amacad. Among tboaa wa bara now are: , rord Cola . )ti Koo Rao 4 StMrna-Kaicht tBoiek . CadUUa Overland Harmon ' WOHTHWE8T AUTO Cd.. Alder at Chapman. i COMFLBTB LDI1 OF ' . HEM MET AMD BARNBTT BODIES ' -; ';Wtv;F0Bi?' OABt ;V MO WilTWO IVMTDIATB DELITEBT WRITE FOB OATALOOTJB i FRANCIS H0T0K CAB CO.. V EA4T 1770. E. 13TH AND HAWTHOBNB AT. Used Cars Used Trucks Easy Terms : The big sale of used cara and trucks atin eon tinuca at the East Bide Used Car Denot- Bur now and aave money. Here are a few ws have w after: 1918 Studebaker DeLuxe, 0 ryL. 7 nasa., n 1916 Auburn. 6 cyL, 7.paaa.. Just new. 1917 Cole Eight 7 pa.. 98. new. 1017 Studebaker, 4 cyL. 7 pus. , 1019 rUwdebaker. new aerie Light 4. 1917 Oakland, 8 cyL. 7 psa.7li new. 1917 Beo. 6 eyL, 7 pass.' A fine buy. J81 8, Mitchell. 4 cyL. 6 pass. 1916 Mitchell, 6 eyL. 7 pas. 1915 Hupmobila, touring. 1915 Marion, touring. 1916 Overland, touring. 1914 Overland, touring. 1916 Saxon 6. Touring. J91J Locomobile. 4 paaa.. 4 new Urea. 1916 Feed, touring. - Jia Ford, touring. 1917 Ford, touring. 114 Ford, touring. . ; 1 WhK track, S ton. 1 jDenbr truck. 1 ten. J -rtarford truck, 1 ton. . : IfMagwell truck, -1 too. v . 1 TTord truek. 1 ton. - wa nave aeveral other can and trucks, and m you will find Juat what you are j ipaiwa IDI, f Pealers' Dsed Car Clearing - - House a-ast stark. and Orand Ave. East 7810. Open Evenings and Sundays. ' Liberty Bonds Taken at Face Value. : . We Will Accept Your y .4 : Liberty Bonds at Full Value on Any or Our Large C ;btock ot Used Cars V iltlT Far touring, completely ever hauled.' VW4 III 6J6J. " - - j i , '!'' touring, i unit electrle starting . and lighting ayatem. ;.:.! . . "'V.rj rt6. aoek abeorben, good -i suaiM. eeeu. BAV A FEW MORE FORDS - V IN, GOOD SHAPE AT ANT" REA BpNABLE PBICE. - - . . - - t- . 'I"? CnevroM, bumper, epeeial len...$ 600 ... : Overland touring, lata medelx. t 476 -, l. Ft Studebaisr.- all modest, from 1400; . ' i if I ' frW v . fcii1000 ,-t: ekoa) touring, heat of shape. 600 . f toddard-Daytoa tight delivery... 850 MaxweU twerrrnav lata modal 760 i S-'1 roaring, cord Ui4 ......a-., v MO ' J17 rraaklia. Hk new. x , ' - . . - - Liberty cbiant. 6;eeedsV m nam..- 1466 Maxwell speelaL Beeda aom work. . . w. 260 ' t, Brines delivery, 99 per oent. new. ewer- Ha vera 6 cjt. I paa:,,,,,,.,!,..,. . ISO " -1",6. ttaehment Ota gay ear ap I :.t hk" Fw aany;ptav,w . ; 1; f d.TS '. V ' ' 400 -' !, rpeetal top, xMMP patat 1250 ; Franklin bowing, late model. ...... .' 1800 ; . 1418 Brieoo. .9$ .new, a tattxdav ,.'--- :W,AlINGFORDt rf. ' ? ' Emdwg49zV- v' .rf l . rwftrritrrTnef ' 1 Liberty SU. Premier -Rlx. Bruwe Carv Fkrrett Tnctoes. rt 622 Alder st " ' . exr l-ad . ' ASK FOR . WHITE. MANAGER rsED CAB DXPABT- "-7r. " lAPTOMOBIligfl-ACCESgOBTt J 44 Baal bargains a USED bat not ABUSED mm. Ill VUVtS tt . r. . .i , i. V.tttS HIT StudebekeT tour... 19IT. Chevrolet . ........ .."... 75 iikrd w If add 8S Overland ............. .-iV Hit Bumi .'...'....'.I '..v.. 50 141T Or.it -u .V ., And tnany' Other. ' Con see for yourself; , . -THE USED CAB FJECHAS.GK, , - - 527 Washington t ' :' Where Washington and Bnrnsido Meet rORTI B17U. $1175. FORD TOCHIXO CAR, 4400, fOHD TOCHIMO CAB, 350. FORD KKLirEBT. ' -. FORD TRl'OK. $500. . studebaiu:k boadstkb, $8, flTITKBAKBR JR!JVERT, 348. tTTJDEBAKEB DKLIYERT. 4400. CAU1LLAO TOCKWO. 5tt0. COLE 8. 41000. - WHITK TOPKIV. 45. MAXWELL TOCBtNU, 108. . BENACLT rELlVERT. 4800. " FOHT TRtTCK. MOO. WILCOX . 1 V4-TOS TBPCav. 4950. -WHITE S-TOX TBCCK. 1650. STANDARD TBCCK. $1180, , r0RI SEDAN. ELECT KIC STABTEB, $825.00. KNOX TRACTION CXTT. LIKE NEW. $1025.00. NEW 5 PASSENGER FOBD. WILLIAM L. HT7GHBON CO.. .BROADWAT AND DAVIS. L":' PHONE BROADWAT 121. "A ' WAtt ! ttHOBT AGS 1 Many of the moat deairable new cara are-now unobtainable. We hare some of these makea (lia-htly nsed bnt still splendid car from $2500 down. FoUowinc is partial list: 117 Cadillac. 4 -pane.. . line shape. . . .52500 117 Cadillac, 7-paae. 2500 1910 'Cadillac touring, (ood condition .. 1850 ltlS CadilUe touring, good condition... 1400 1917 Cols Sedan, -fine condition. 1875 117 Wlnton BU touring, excellent thape 2000 1017 UitcbeU touring ..... 1250 1017 Studebaker touring 000 1018 Dodge touring, good condition.... 1075 1917 Dodge touring 050 1010 Dodge touring . 800 1015 Dodge touring 685 1018 Hudson, 7-paae. . 1550 1015 Franklin roadster 1050 1018 Ford delirery 650 1816 Ford roadster ..... 440 1015 Ford touring 475 1017 Overland Club roadster ......... 800 TERMS AND EXCHANGES CONSIDERED. OPEN KTENIN'OS AND SUNDAYS. COVET MOTOR CAR COMPANY. 21tt and Washington Sts. AUTOMOBILES WANTED ?8 iIAN0. good as new, with aluminum sounding board. Will trade for light car. Sellwood 1599. 6745 45th are. ' WANTED Ford roadster in good condition to stand inspection from .private party. .12? W. Wygant , - - , AUTOMOBILE wanted; will trade 200 acrea of lei lawn 58 of land, clear of incumbrance, uau wooa- 184. WANTED 1917 Ford touring body. Tabor 6219. WANTED Ford touring body for roadster body.- T-868. Journal. BONDS and A-l Ford for Dodge or Maxwell. H-974. Journal. WANTED Be.t bug or roadster to $200 cash. I East 1318. HIGHEST price pah) for automobiles, condi- tT-w no rbject 121 W. 3d at Bdwy. $500 SPOT CASH and fine lot for Ute model light machine. Tabor 18U9. GOOD late model auto; trade acreage or good lots. Room 81, Hotel Pttiltp. WANTED- A Ford -delivery box for cigars and cigarettes. - Phone Tabor 002. AUTOS FOB HIKE 41 ACTOS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DRIVERS Brand new cars. Reasonable rates. Fearing A Botmett City Garage. 88 10th. Between Stark and Pair. ' Broadway 840. AUTOS Wtftfodt"bRlVEH8 FOB tUKJC OOUCHMAN Je SULLIVAN, MARSH. S22 10TH AND YAMHILL A-1288 FINE 7 passenger Hudson: careful, experienced I J 1 1 11 noon I driver. MarahaU 2829. ' MOTORCYCLES. BICTCLEtt HIDE A CLEVELAND Easy " Term 833 Oak Street . New and Used Motorcycles. MEW AND USED BIOTCLES. JOE'S BICYCLE REPAIR SHOP. LARGEST EXCLUSIV BICYCLE DEALERS IN OREOON. Sv4 4TH BT. rOH KA l.K 1918 lightweight twin Indian. 8125. Liberty bonds accepted. 985 Con- oord at i FOR SALE, two Henderson motorcycles. CaR wu- evenings or 91tnday morning. 823 V nams are. JEFFERSON 2 oyl. motorcycle, good tire and Presto lights: Liberty bona acceptable, wain. 5101. 1029 E. 32d st N. Alberta car. ONE a.-epeeed- twin Indian. 101 S model, dream . tandem, preatolito, A-l condition: mast sell at -once: Can after 6 p. m. 973 East Stark. HXRITEY motorcycle, like new; well equipped. 8129 or trade. Main 1743. Tabor 7808. Bene dict 267 H Oak t ' FOR SALE lte 1910 Harley-Davtdson. Call auzo r. uinan ex., evemngs. FOR SALE Men's ' piryele, in good condition. 2V25 - K. Olisan et.. evenings. otn av. b. r. SINGLE Harley." good running order, good tires. Preatolito. 845. 1041 E. Lincoln ct. 6188 cash. 888 8d st LAUNCHES AKD BOATS CI STEHN WHEEL stumers.. $2500 to $25,000; towing, freight and passenger boats, for tale cheap, and on eaay term. A otstaiate wv n. p. sea itsning ana heavy work boat cheap. - A, powerful 60 a. p. steam tugboat $17UO FULTON i BOATYARD, foot . of Vtrginia at ' ,. Marshall 2005. - VOR SALE, a Ucht work' boat in perfect. oondi - mm; cn oe Keo evenings or- ouuoay ou Columbia alousb near Kenton. Inouira for BlodgeM. FREIGHT and passenger steamboat crew pro- peller. 6-ton capacity, ltra paesengen: so feet long, 15 H foot beam. . for sale cheap. H. R Noble. Lumbcrmens bldg. HOUSEBOAT for sal or win trade for good 6 passenger Ford car. Call at foot of Florida t. west side. - THREE houseboats for sale, $375, $1.75. $75; each nnfumiabed. Inquire of Keeper. Port land Motor Boat club. . FOR SALE Trailer, new this year. 86x9.8, 2 cyl.. 4 evele engine. Lambenon A Keld. 242 Hawthorne. t. WANTED Gasoline towboat 25 to 50 H.P.. to do liaht towine around milL Anolv Clark i A Wilson Lumber -Co, v BJVER boat hull, six yean old. 17x8W long. Box 4T, Bt Helena, Ur. 4 ROOM modern furoUhed bouwboat Sellwood 8470.- No. 84 WUlamette Moorage. PIASOS, ORGANS, MUSICAL , IlfSTHUMESTS t 84 player. 88 note, goo. ana music .Tnr aale. 254 Market t.. opposite Auditorium. VILL exchange': atl' "record Brunswick pbW graph for piano; give , or take differerassj. Soole Bro... 166 10th. ft near Morrisen. oaw Dit; I vh,saj x pmno. g8T.ou; oest - bar - 1 gain in Portland p 88 note, fall six, beauti- ful tone. Brokerage Co., .912 Worcester-bldg. 4.125 buys Edison diamond disc phonograph ana records wren-attachment to pigy needle records; Call evening. 127 W. Wygant WUST , sell my : new ' S8 bob higrade : 6800 player piano. $450' naah. K-478. JournaL $95 GRAFONOLA, - brand ' new; -n ' chean": esn oniy. mannall 014. WtilJESriU? 7 wSU,f wao, ; aay condi- . wnix, wr mi, -VTmrtlett. PlAMll I 1 1 M I M IJ rO Kfl Nate Ardrer 1 1 i n s until jt t4vU a SeU. 8155 4850 easb, ; A real bargain. F-7T1, Jourast ?ILl Vnou,,,huB, " Harold &. Gubrrt, 884 Yamhill t . FOR SALE Irafooola. record -cabinet and 54 selections. $50. Phone- Wdlsfi 8888. -V Pn5AiB.rr,Uol,,mM Grafonola; Urgabt ,A7S&li,0 riht pmno at anca.. Marl ll.' i ). ' . ' ryL Ji-Tfn -r monUiM longer. Dro.aw.7 ZDZ. .. ? - t . . , ') o rent piano; - "2!" " fnaie noma. wain- 4B33.V AH onaa or piano donated to a mission. cOiurchf' - chairs; 315 cash, 178 E. 24th at N, ar itiasrc . gstvT j . , ' r. , .. . WILL; rent piaao U reapoiuibla : party. WoodV 888 3d at. Call ia afternoon. . T9aT'--0r;r'cmU-'' 9i; i.i, VM.n ana case.$15. Tabor-2075. r0 RIirMT Unriaht piaao, Bdwy. 6289. - IKSTKUMEMTt s'4 CNOLA ab!ne phonograph wiO , 12 doable due reeonto .............. 579-00 4 Oak or mahocany finih aarae prtee.)- . Lyrio table phonoaraph with 13 -dembla . diso record - . . ... i-. . . . ; tr.v. . . . . . .. 34.75 Kdison cylinder pUodocrapb with 20 Bine Amberoi reoordi ................. 7.50 -Conctirt cabinet , phoaoaraph ' '(inahofaay ' -or oak) with. 0 double due records .,-4.00 -It attracta the eye.. -" ' , . ,"'tl' , It pi a aea the ear. ' It playe alt -record -at their beat ; . , . lb h an pnonocrapn ia one. , It, ia none other than . TH BBCSSWICKt " AH' odal i OR'diaiili? in the made room Hear your farorite aelectton thia week. ' EDWARDS CO, nth and Oak.- ': A . Good Place to Trader Tour Credit U Good as tiold. SECTTRITT Storage Co.; dosing out for ceab. . CoIUrd upright. $55 1 Bord upright. $76. 1 $875 Baily Col, $160; Elbura upright. $195. $450 Kim baH. $190: Ksrtrratn, up., $-J10. . $4S0 new stored uprights. $265 and $290. $850 Weber player piano, $846. 1917 model player. '4435. part cash, bonds or. other securi ty accepted; atorage 60c monthly. ; r4' .:;; "i 109 Fourth -at., at Waahiagton. '- ft 0 PhonocraDh and records bought. aoM. , exebasged sad rented. Expert repair; inf. .14 3 Zd. near AWCT, ejpatawa. WB HAVE aereral line bargain in slightly used rrianoa, -all In the - best of condition; one for $125. one at $165. another at $186 and two at $250, and yet another at $285; also a bar gain in a player piano, nsed bnt three months. Souls Bros.. 186 10th at near Morrison. APPLY- vour bonds at full value. fall K stocs at lormer pneea. oeverai -usea puuwe et big reductions. Uberu. terms ot payment Yon can do ' better here. Investigate. Reed French Piano Mfg. Co 104 . 10th at Broad way 760. -' : "- ' v - ; : For Sale Cheap .. Fine Decker A Sons upright piano. Kke new. No reasonable offer refused. Newman. 128 1st, near Alder. - - - - - WHY are no many talking machines offered for sale! Because - the 700 new patents of the improved Columbia bar made owners of the old mschinea-dissatiafied. See as first Harold SGilbert. 884 Yamhill at BEXL'TiFUL early Englkh finish piano, medium size, fine tone, genuine Winterroth make, only slightly used. Looks like new, $250 cash or bonds, or will give short time if necessary. East 4938. - IF your player piano- or electric piano needs tuning, repairing, call V. Kremar, expert pi ano shop. 254 Market at. Main 6012. Highest prices paid for nsed pianos and musical instru ments. - - FOR SALEi A beautiful mahogany .Chickering baby grand Biano. ia perfect repair, with fine tone." at $475. Terms to responsible parties. To be seen by appointment between z and 4 o'clock, any afternoon. Phone East 4887. THE latest song hit "The Kaiser's Dinner. But Not, in Pans." given ifree while they last Music and words complete. Wakefield Music Co.. 427 Washington st ' $100 OR MORE CASH paid for your nee - upright piano orvnew $100 bhonocracb and $10 in records, offered in exchange at Security Storage Co.. 109 4th at. . - 435 CASH. $10 MONTHLY, bun new 1918 model, $450 piano for $337.60: a $80 bond pay up until after January 1. 1919. At Bcbwan Piano Co.. Ill 4th at $500 EMERSON, chain case, fins condition, beautiful tones Owner leaving cit-r : $190. give terms. Journal. CASH sale Shoninger. upright piano, perfect condition. Call Mrs. Wood. Hotel Corn alius. before 9 a. m. WANT a good second-hand piano. Give description and price. Will pay spot cash. wo dealers. v-o8. Journal. WILL PAY cash or trade phonograph for your piano. Reed French Piano Mfg. Co. Broad- -way 750. GOOD piano. Tabor 4834. T7 GUARANTEED factory rebuilt typewriteraT all makes." sold on monthly payment. Send fat price list The- Wholesale Typewriter Oa ra tal! aept. sal Washington st NEW HEMJN.GTON, rental plan, rant applies te purenase: visioia mooeia. BBMINGTON TXPBWBTTEB ' OOu 88 Broadway. - Broadway 4821. FOK SALE Remington typewriter No. 10. I :.i r t . n . v wn good condition. MarahaU 4241. K-672, Journal. ALL MAKES typewriters rested and repaired. uregon Typewriter vo., ha otn. main aean. REBUILT typewriters, suppuce. Corona E. W. Peas Co.. HO 6th. JUACHIHERT 81 LARGK Reeve ateam traftor in good condition now pulung sixteen plows. - One ten inch Byron Jackson centrifugal pump complete m At condition. Write for, particulars. Address Box 888. naaer, or. DKAU saw. almost new. for aal .cheap. Frank Jemotkoeki. Ericsoa hotel. 24 Hi 8d st Home evenings at aoout l o clock. LINOTYPE AT BARGAIN Good second hand Model 1. Address type," 847 Wheeler st, Portland. -IAbo. CORNICE brake, complete act of tinnr- tool. 1734 Division st Phone Tabor 1490. Qall ONE fire box or return tubular . boiler. 100 or 125 horsepower. For - full particular and price ana wnere can be seen. X-T 85. Journal. HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOK SALE 44 i r- rr n j 2 O H " U 0111 UTQ Dr0kerag6 MADISON Ranges 812.50. Cook Stoves 8.5o. Oaa I Ranges 311.50, Gas Plate 51.50, Heaters $1.65, i l'iniiig rabie so.oo, tjhalrs 51.25, Sideboard Mattresses $1.75; Dresser $6.75. Chiffonie; $9.85; also included are DavenDorta. China Cabinets. Leather-seat Chairs. Rackans and voucnes. marxea on iSig yellow Tag see these. OWL FUKNITCBE CO. SELLS FOB LESS I iron beds .41.75 and up Mnrinn l.oo and up A. 50 and np 7.60 and up .75 and up 4.00 and up .75 and up Mattresses , TWeaxen - . 1 Chair ....... 1 IHnln. t.iu . I G' bl I mwrvm a.oo l.fio noccers OWL FURNITURE" CO., 204 1st t SPECIAL I SPECIAL"! MATTRESSES MATTRESSES t Why buy second-hand mattresses that some one else ha slept on when you can get a brand new leu mattress at MISH FURNITCBE CO, for $12,607 188-190 1st St WE have an Eatey parlor organ ia first chus condition. It ia a splendid instrument The tone is rich, clear and of great volume; case of oeautuut iigurea quarter sawed oak. va con sider it a good value at 945.- Easy terms. MISH FURNITURE CO.. 188-190 lit Bt FTRELESS COOKER COMPLETE " One of the best made; ha only been used 4 or 5 time v prior $80: new one lika it worth $35.50. Phone Wood lawn 8109. -COMPLKTE fumiahinga of a 3-room apartment quarter aawed oak round ex tension table and cbaira. ruga, buffet bed. mattreaa, ate. King Albert Apartmenta. 385 11th at " COMBINATION . bookcase and writing : deak, large sise,. aoUd oak with mirror glaaa door; a asa vaiue woen new ior g 10. Vwl cuxni- f , ' "" . I ONE oak buffet X roll top' desk, 2 heating tf.e . E"frclopadl Britannic, L2 T- .17 rAvision st . Phona Tabor 1490. l - wiN'iwiua -awai " ev T08 " ;n?B,w ond hand furniture.. Gore AV Jelliaon. 1974 . Htarkst Phoap 1481.. - ' ; , .-. SOLID oak dining, room set upholstered seat and oak 'rocking . chairs. ' 265 Monroe at Woodlawa-1364.. . . .-. ?j-..,-.t.'6.;,. GOOD upright piano, will sell Monday morning . at 4165. . Another at $i25. . G. F.- aohn- isoa r-iano tjo.,-. i otn st - FOB SALE Cheap, extension tabled ' rockera" , i. . . . ... . ... - . i 1 cioca. qisnes.- rern at., wooaiaww. .VOOUJ! roga.6 , bolea, wood or- coal ; - warming oren.-noi water cou: vsea ntue; iiu. lisi JIOMIM IT. - . n , . . -.-.r . . r v - - FOB SALE Oak diningroom 'table, four chairs, : - leather aeat, 420. 1024 E 3 0th at X.. Al. Peru ear. - FOR SALE--1 parlor' get and table, 628; buf. ie ana auung rorsn taoie ana no ring Move, HAVE sold my borne; .must eell my higa-grad rurnitwre - mf Hancock - at ' irtKB pl.na. Hintn tail aum arHr.laa f I " nira'a. Call -October 7 nd 8 -et. 722 Wi f fnr- isoo. 411 .. grs-Ji""' i.VO '.-J w..- - .1. 1 AK - dining i table and . chair, matt res. Garfield are.- wain. 14 W. X)U SALE Oak dining room suite, 1 table, 4 FURNITURE for aale. Call Sunday. 454 W. f " Salmon st - - - tFOR SALE 1 nice carpet and -soma me Uno- leunuin Can Sundays only.' 820 E. 7th at 8. FOB' SALE- "Fine rolltop . qusrUr-aawed whit oak office desk. ' K.- lay lor. WILL exchange YietroA . for your old piaao. . ti f Jahnaon llano. uw lu. Ota gt. ' SMALL eoal heater, reasonable. East tlOiTT HOUSEHOLD. GOODS FOK 8AXX 44 1 -;;-- Extra Notice . ; Don t miaa , this opportunity. : -s If , you ara kioklng : f or airnt) in aousa- : f. hoik; good .ye jrin. find -: them - herev: We want to call your attention . to . ; tha fact that w are aeOing new fur- idtw. - "ruga,' ' Bnoleums, draperie. ' ' ranges, - heater and complete- fur-" . niahinga at 84011 low prices as yon ' win pay for second-hand goods. Be aura ou have eompared 'value bo-" ' fore placing your order for alngla ' thing. - 4 Wa bar been " very fortu Bate tn buying 2 tiamen ttocka of '.- ..' . - . . t furniture in the country, good that' . ; .. - , -w0 , 4. : were' parchaaed 3 year ago. Sold to r-U' .v, .-i . :- . " us at a sacrifice, enables us to give , yoaj such ridiculous values that defy' p ' all competition; all wa ask,- eoma 4 and be oaviaced, .. In this lot wo bare aacnrad a Van lot of up-to- data White Rotary sewing machine think Of tt. brand new machine - which' retail, all over for 485, which w ar going to' aacrifica at $89.60. Doott. pass this by; it's a- lifetime flhanea; if you are act ready; a de posit win reserve" one . for future de livery. Liberty bonds accepted. ' Feldstein Furniture Co,, 166-168 First st. Bet Yamhill and Morrison. BEAUTIFUL WAXED 80LID -OAK, QCABe TEB-RAWED CHINA CABINET in the greatly desired mission style; baa three shelve grooved lor plates; abeoiuteiy same a new:, onlv 622.50. We have about 20 fine need china cabinets in all finishes and all priced-, at about Vfc of- sew ones. Remember, the tmo ment you buy a piece of furniture it ia "sec ond hand, so why not save that first great loa by buying goods that, aomeone em has aaa to sacmicei - THINK I then come and see us and save money. GEVURTZ FURNITURE COMPANY. THE BIO STORE 185 to 191 1st at. near Yamhill Public Market fttf-tll OLD SOLD NtW (0) BOUGHT ftS 209-211 2ND ST. Between Taylor and Salmon. . Day Main 6881 A-la 09 Night Main 6783 A-3061. PONT BB DISCOURAGED by the high price of new. anode. We have 50.000 aauare feed or floor apace crammed with bargains in fine used household goods. We ean furnish you up, at a moderate price, and we can give you easy terms. We charge no interest and we guarantee aatia ftftioa. Call and aee us. You do not have to buy, but ten chances to one. if you are in the market you, wm buy hen ana be just as giaa to buy as we are to sell. GEVURTZ FURNITURE COMPANY Tha Big Store 186 to 691 First st near Yamhill Public Market USED BUFFETS AT LOW PRICES Wa have about 20 of these articles that are in great demand. We can sell you one in any finish. For instance we have three fine big buffets. -All are 60 Inches long. On is ma hogany in Jacobean design. One is a massive waxed - oak colonial design In selected quarter sawed and on ia a very heavy fumed oak. Any one of those pieces would cost new, at least $120. Our price. $75. Terms if desired. No interest charged. Of 'Course we have many cheaper ones from $20 up. UEVUBTZ FURNITURE CO., The Big Store. 186 to 191 1st at. near-Yamhill Public Mkt NEW FURNITURE AT SAME PRICES AS TWO TEARS AGO Cannot be purchased from us or anyone else. bat you can buy alightly used furniture, rugs, rangea. bed and everything for the home at price so low you will -be astonished. Call and consult ua. Competent aalesmen to assist you in selecting your goods. Easy terms; no in terest charged. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO., THE BIO STORE 185 to 191 First st near Yamhill Public Market NOTICE TO FURNITURE BUYERS A COMPLETE STOCK OF THE MORGAN FURNITURE CO.. PURCHASED BY THE 6BAND RAPIDS FURNITURE CO. -AT A GREAT DISCOUNT. - STOCK TAKINGS GO ING DOWN NOW. WATCH FOR BIG ADS IN TUESDAY PAPER. GRAND RAPIDS FURNITURE CO.. 84-86 GRAND AVE. OVEB 100 USED ROCKERS From the Saltair hotel These have been through the finishing shop and look like new. There are. about 20 of them, at -the extremely low price of 82.50 each, and other graded up according to size. This is an unusual op portunity. GEVUBTZ FURNITURE CO., The Big Store, 185 to 191 1st t. near Yamhill Public Mkt fine mai.7!eablerang'e : " Complete with -coil connection and aR plumb ing and delivery - charges. A fine looker and better baker. Used but good as new - at half price; $50 complete; terms; 10 interest Many other used stoves and range.' Some aa low as $25. x. y ' GEVUBTZ FUBXITURE -COv. THE BIG STORE 185 to 191 First at near Yamhill Public Market USED A-B GAS RANGE (Only used a few weeks.) . Glass oven door, white aplaahers to gxfll door. elevated oven, canopy top,-, same as new ; a very bandxome range, at a considerable aaving. $45 buya it Terms if desired; no interest charged. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO.. - THE BIG STORE 185 to 181 First at near Yamhill Public Market WHITE ENAMELED BEDROOM SET ' Comprising bed, chiffonier, dresser, dressing table with 3 mirrors. A very beautiful set at the old prise before" the many raises. $89 for the complete outfit Term in- reason. No in- serest charged. GEVUBTZ FURNITURE . CO.; Tha Big Store. 185 to 191 1st at, near Yamhill Public Mkt OWL FUBNTTUBB COT BELLS FOB LESS Iron . bad . . . . . Spring ,-. .. ...41.75. and up . . . l.oo and no Mattreaa Chairs Dressers ... . 1.60 and wp ... ..av- and, up . , .- 6.00 and up Dining table a.vu ana up OWL FUBNITURB CO.. 204 FIRST ST. GAS PLATES GAS PLATES Brand new two-burner gas plate, special at 88.50: three-burner plates, 84. SO: also white porcelain drip pans for gas range, 50c each. MISH r UKNITUBs CO., " ' 188-190 1st st HEATERS ot all aesenptiona, wood, coal or ambination.i to suit - an rmrse from the cheapest to the high grade. A fine selection to pack from, gs.oa ana up. - OWL; FUBNITURB.-CO., . 'i' 204 1st at il2.60 FELT MATTRESSES $12.50. We hav a brand new felt mattreaa for yon at oniy giz.oo tiiat peats nuytng a - second hand one; you know the new- is clean. - vMJSH FDBNITUBj! CO., - - 188-190 1st St ' ' '. EUBROUGHS-ADDING MACHINE. 9 bank i game as new; cemplete -with stand : $125. -. - - - GEVUBTZ FUBNITURB COMPANY . - TbOrBiaT Store' " '.'....-:: 165 to 191 First Kt. near Yamhill Public Market MASSIVE solid oak round 6 ft extension - ta bu rn fine oonditioa for only. $11.50 This k a gtiap. . - i -:' '.'i' T - .... .. A ..... OWL FURNITURE COi 1 . 204 1st st 1 r IV enn hum rou oaa set a brand new 40, - tneh 'aolid oak round pedestal dining table for only $16.50 and term if deairdd: we only have 1Z oz them. -Man r-armtur t., jh X VV Jjgffj gft r- . .... BUCK'S. eok seta on 'a frame with water tank s attached.' 4 boles. 18 in. oven, in splendid awaoition. tor only gztf; - : -v?, v . OWL n KNITCBK CO.. , i ' t4 - 204 1- st '. - - PEERLESS mail cable , coal or . wood raage, DnaetieaBy aa good a new. - with water coil plain- nickel trimmings, -a beauty, aa 885. mal leable range ' for 646, delivered,,, set i tip. and connected. - Uwl rurniture - Co.. 204 rirst st FOR . hotel, restaurant or camp. 7 foot -dou- u ble ovens, coal or, "wood range, in perfect condition. 12S. - OWL FrBXlTUBE, COj r. r ' - - t , '204 let st - . - r USED phonograph and 10 records,- bargain; G. - . a. ioaana raawwi via.a,- .,. - HOUSEHOLD GOODS- FOK 8AXB 44 9x1 T -Brussels rug ...,.(.......I.!-M 10x12 Aaminster j,,. ... J 9x12 Bruaeela rug .,15.00 4 :6x7 :6 , Brussels rug. .,. ii J Blue eeemet iron bed ... . White- enamel iron bed r W . 4.00 Uoidea poiMied hotel 'dremer .V. i . .'10-80 Ivory enamet Oedroom rocker ......... a.oo Ivory enamal bedroom chair ......... 4.26 Jacobean - oak sidekoard . . .. . . -26.60 Square to dining tablaa $7. 7 5. $10.75. ll.tO Bound top dunng tabiea 1 . . ..!. anal 31. ow Ieauertta -urmol. epmag edge eoucn... zi.au Genuine leather, nphoi. oouch ' 1 1 . .. . 25.00 ttoua-oaa urn cuu..,.,,,v.uit.-! Komr . kitchen eabinat .. ... 17.60 4 burner ga-range. ..... . .j, .. 25.00 "hoi leg base steelrange ,...,.- 67.50 Uarg wood beater , . 14.50 Park Oak coal heater ............. 14.50 . i , rnu; a n rvo r rr ,v ... - vx-,: 6th -asjd.Oa-'---' f..." .V A Good Pkae to Trade -5v-- - -. Tour Credit xa Good, a Gold ; BEAUTIFUL WAXED SOLID OAK QCABTED SAWED CHINA CABlAt,l.'ia the greatly desired mission style. - Has three) aaerrsav. grooved for ola tea. abaolntel aanae as new& enhr 822.50. W bare about 2K tin used China eamnets an al iinishea and all priced at about half of new one, x Remember, tha moment you boy a piece of farnitur it is second hand, so why -not aave that first great sea by buying goooa tnst om on else baa bad to- eacrificaw s v . . - 'THINK' . - And then come and see us and save money..: GEVL'BTZ FUKNITUBE :OMPANX . THE BIG STORE '' 185 to 191' Ftrrt t near TamhiR Public Market Used Goods atGadsbvs 1 Wood Heater, cast lined, ia good condition. 617.50; Ranges.- $30 and up; No. 8 Cook Stove. $18.60; SslOM Velvet Rug. alightly used, worth $SO new, priced now at $80; Buffet 625. Table to match $20. - . Wmi Gadsby & Sons -1st gad Washington sts. HURRY OB . SOMEONE ELSE WILL BEAT YOU TO IT. A $25 brand new two-bole electric plate for $14,76; Uo tireless cooker for $7.60. . MISH FURNITURE CO., 188-190 1st St FOLDING bed foFaale. Tabor 2985. OAK china closet- tor sale cheap. East 5165. FOB. SALE MISCELLANEOUS 12 Electric Motors Bought seed, rented and repaired. Walker Kleetrie Work. 418 Bum side, corner 10th. Broadway 6674. Q 1 f ATI TEN flrophead sewing machinee wit P I UiUU attaebmaBta: all an hi Tory good condition. Sewing machines rented at $8 par month. Phone East S869. ar B-6807. a. at Steep. 162 Urand are., near Belmont . JOHNSON'S PURE APPLE CIDER MADE ON THE PREMISES DAILY, 247 YAMHILL BET. 2D AND SB. "MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS," "Typewriters" and ' -Household Uoods" an separata claasiiieation. AB adrertiaemanta of taeae goods are published under their respective elaaalficatioua. LOOK THEM OVEB DIO Rfk 4a CtR fiSED DBOPHEAD JJ I -lJJ IWAOIvl SEWING MAUULNES Guataateed, W rest and renalr. 17 Sd at - Main 1846. A-l 8 19. Phone Broadway 2079 U. L. Schroeder. 448 Flanders. Kee. WdliLlBift Portia ad.Or. Kew and aeeond band All at Watch ReDairins Specials Cleaning. $1.0: Jewel 80e: main rpring. 60s. painiiUUW, -JBWELKS8. 124 ITU BX. EAT HORSE MEAT Sells for lea than half the price of other meat. ia 1st at. APPLE BOXES Special axle, immediate delivery, aay Quantity, one box to "two car loads. Low prices. Crescent Box Co.. 829 Back Bldg.. Portland. Tabor 2608. CONCORD grapes. Se lb.: rip tomatoes. r36o box; bring baskets. Oregon City ear to Silver Springe. 2 blocks 8. of green house. Phone Oak Grove 147-M. 6 HOLE polish top, IS inch oven, sanitary baa, water coil, wood and. coal steel range: Estate Junior gas tov; baby buggy. 607 E. Mill t - . . - WHY aa everlasting aggravation - by ar toafcy Why not ar permanent and rndeatructibie roof! W oxidise and renew all, ki kinda of leaky roof. OS Tourney bldg. Main 6886. BOLL TOP office' desk, two chair, rug. wan maps of Portland, of county, of country sur rounding O. W. P. eieotrio line. Call Sunday, Monday 10 a. m., 2 p. m.. Boom 1. 183'tt',-lt FOB SALE Georgette crepe gown, sand shade, latest model, never worn : half price awe 38 : also black charmeuae and net aixa 88. Phone Marshall 4400. Apt 517. ONE large cider - mill. 1-baxrel - capacity at a pressing: price 830. good aa new: or will trade for spring pallets of equal Valne. - .Inquire J. Kallich. 1466 Madrona at, Portland. Or. FOB SALE OB TRADE 8x10 Century tndlo camera and complete outfit cheap: bargain if taken quick; what have you 7 . Phone Tabor 4B02. AUTOMOBILES. MOTORCYCLES, LAUNCHES or boat an separate cnaincTtotw, A Jarge listing can be found under to ma different eJaseuv. eationa. FOB SALE! SHOW CASES AND CHEESE CUTTERS. 225 YAMHILL. FOR SALE One 9x10 Taooma donkey, ful ly equipped. For particular address Jr. J Werfs as Son. Buxton, or. SUITS -premed.. 85 cents. Trench dry cleaned $1. Why pay morel Uniqaa Tailoring Co., 104 4th street FOR SALE Granes. picked or bring baskets and pick them yourself. rane aouth at Mil-1 waukie, Oatfield road. J. F, WyveL ONE pair lady' button shoe, six 2tt, too small: man a union suit, ait is. Ttj wool. regular Royal Court selling for $3.50, will sell for 32. 1120 Division. MONARCH steel range, bums of coal. with water connection : 130 cash. 409 E. t2th st 8. FOB SALE 14x16 tent, 415; childe wood bed. library table, sewing machine; cheap. Woodiawn 40SZ.. TENT. 9fexl2. electric ten.-iron bed. spring and tnattresn. to trad for boy bicycle. Pboa Tabor 824. FOR SALE Organ, like new, $20; oak gaantla 242 folding bed and fioae mattresa, $15. K. 43d at. corner Mam. KALE plante, plant now; cabbage, rabbits. Gov ner 89th and E. Stark. , Mt Tabor (MT. 88th) car to. end. 4 blocks north 1 cat WHISKEY - Kegs and barrels for aale; no ecmrrtry order j taken. Pansana tjooperage KXt.. z aronx at. CHOICE selected Burbank and American Won- der potatoes. 2 He: bring aacxa. loo uazei- fern place. Ijaurelhunt Main 6288. GBAPES Concod, Warden and White Niagara! J. R. MeRae, Sttlwausie. iag roaa to city limits, seeond house on left from there. . . RIPE Concord crane bv row or 100 pouada. p. D. NeweU, jennmgs' ixwga. CONSERVE: har your own berries and fruit in your back yard. Fot. tine bur he call Tabor 4214. MOT water tanka. ail airaa, to good, aarrioeable' coeditlon. g gai. i, av gat, zvi Ada st East end Stoat Bridge. Pbee M. 8816. $30 FOB A. $35 Perfection- oil stove with flreieea e 89th st 8. firelees cooker oven good as new. 1264 E. PRINTING FOB LESS 600 eavelopae or 600 boad letterheads. $2.76: best work; prompt delivery: try aa . Smrth, Printers. 204 Stark at CONCORD GBAPES Woodstoet carline. S block west of 63d mra. 41t t Maddorks place. - ' - BEAUTIFUL oearly jew -ooal -beater, one Joint of pipe, gig. 2Ta iota. WANTKU Suit ; glothof t aise 67 ; ...Hot, Point elect nc nemier. fii, eowrnai. flMlll . f"l IDIIITI Iflr . KEW iewelry exchanged for old gold a aaah paid for aaxaa.-, M. Soloason. 633 PIJIMBIMG suonbeeV Davt Co., Z13 M sx. 797. . LIPPINCOTT . pliiriuetor for tola, almoat tvrw, 1120 DivitWB at. , .j " x FOB SALE Tent bow aad aardea patoh."il5 Siskivou st TWO AO-egg incubators. $8. 1454 . 27 tit at Woodiawn ear. oaa or line. LADY'S $200-diamond ring for $125 or 13: city bonaa. fjau 'raoor izs. FOR SAU- Monarch good aa 273 14th, GRAPES Oatfield - road. Is, aula .aouth of Milwaokiev Q-819 JewrnaL ' " - . ED .V. PBICE Ctt, TAXLOBING. " . vv 409 E. MORRISON ST. ' - 4; tne -z. - aT4oy, tj4-tram$, ONK electric caruet .weeper. 2 children's and -1 dreaaer trunkv ; Phone Wdm. 687. FOR - SALE For , 4 mail eook atov pboa , Marshall 4248. TENT fly, nearly new, 16x16.-. Columbia 606. FOR SALE Good-range atovsv 736 -Everett JAEGER VACUUM SWEEPERS. Mate 482. J DOUBLE coil steel rang tor gala. Bdwy"47S6: Foa sale xrscr llaiteous - PLUMBING SUPPLIES ;- J" What w ean gve pea 1 .- 1 6-feoe bathtub awmpbrfaa, -,."" , f.X lewdoena ctoest oeeaplete. " - . -' ooraar r tiat-beck baala aogaplata. . ' a-FOR $58" rV? tF. E;; PORTLAND - : AH goeea rwaraatasd. f PiD and tit tines at W al baa aaaaa ahahfly damaaed AgiLriHOWARD ,s '- tit Foortb t, mw. Tavlof and Sanwoi. ' SXORJal AND OFFICE FIXTVKS CON SISTOfO' 0Fs.'.- . ,"- Showcases and walleaaee.' .-'" . Larga tabiea and counter, 'candy Jar. --Cash registers and aafaa. ' - , Scale, .cheese euttera, meat aHcera. Boll top daftkx,, flat top deaka. - . ; Adding machine -and- typewriter,,- . . One large and ana aanaU-iosbex. . . Large gas range, dder praM. - Two.- aoda i euntaimt. also ana 20 foot' and back : bar, with) larga mirror, work board and stinks complete. " ' - - GOODS SOLD OX EAST TERMS HOCHFELD BROS., 174 - 1st corner TamfaBL . 9 BIG roUtop desk ........ ' Higb back swivel chair . . . 28x4 inch top office table Solid oak office settee .$38.75 -.7 8.00 . 9.50 7.60 WaU banging ebowcenes' EDWARDS1C0.,' btn ana uat. -A-3ood Place- to Trade. - . FOB SALE Concord grapes, per lb .... . Quince, -per lb...., Pear, per box Apptea. nee box Z 4 08 : .08 1.00 1.00 -.40 .80 Tomatoes, par box ........... Bweet. appla cider, per gal ...... cmng your -Paatetet. Free delivery with order over $5 in Portland. EO. DAVIS, PHONE OAK OROVB 8(1. Between Silver Spring and Courtney stations. Oregon City ear. 5 minutes walk from ear, - CHI-NAMEL varnish stain. 40 per cent off mt. Ahi-Namei auto- colors.- 4(1 per cent off list Chi-Nsmel floor wax, 40 per cent off Ust Oregon atandard .pure paint per gal-. $3.50. Willametta bouaa mint, per gal. $8. Good. - remnant , house paint pet gal.. $2. 50. Structure paint per gsx, 61.85. all 1.1 .Kit PAINT ei WALLPAFJCit , CO.. .172. 1st st. ' FARM TOOLS Aa, I bave dianosed of me farm I have aome farm too la for sale, such aa Dtowa. cultivator and diae, fine tooth harrow, heavy spring wagon. several other amaH farm tools, heavy farm, bone. Got to be (old quick Inquire Oswego. F. G. Miller, blaekamith shop. NOTICE To Whom It Mar Concern : ' That all suits ordered and not redeemed' previous to July 1 'will be sold at once it not catted for today or Monday. Good suits for leas money. - WERNER PETTERSON, Tsilor. 313 Va Washington at. at 6th. Tenaease - and Port " Orford radar corner trimmed: latest designs: factory price. - Factory wnaaa. aet. 76th and 76th. ' Tabor BUS. ALL reach time sold for less; no - a genu are employed; machine rented, repaired. A-8626. Main .41. Sewing Machine emporium, 140 Sd at, near Taylor. FOR. SALE. OB TBADE Boll top desk, letter file, adding ' machine. check - protector, -risible typewriter, aafe. New- man. Main 4436. Ian nro near akict. FOR SALE 100 White Leghorn pullets Bar rou strain; 1 tent, 14x18, new, neverbeen unrolled; 12 gauge Remington pump gun. John Winit t mUe east of conoora ataoon, corner of Rialey and East are. - ' BURROUGHS' ADDING MACHINE. 9 bank. same aa new; complete- with atana: ano, GEVUBTZ FUBNITUBE COMPANY Tha Bic - Store ISP to 191 First at near Tamhffl Public Market 8-FOOT wail case, glaaa eliding doors, cash register, oounten. atoola. cnaira. taoiea, o- foot galvanised hood. SO-gaL tank, gae range, gaa pat tea, 24 yds. -linoleum. 484 Washing ton St. LADIES' " dark blue suit and 2 - ailk dresses, boats 40 and 42. ailk waist: man 'a gray suit, else about 88. CaH Tabor 856V' . LARGE au lavatory, very rwaaonabla, also high chair, g iron, white enamel lowing ex. East 2042 FOR 8AI-r-Eveaing dress suit tor ma about 5 ft 6 in best English cloth; aacnnce 846 H Mismssippi ave. - , " 1 TODD Proteetogmph. only used 40 days. Inquire Oregon Door brand new. 628 cash. Co., phone Sellwood 62. FOR SALE Owe gaa lamp. 1 pair curtain stretchers. like- alao aa iron . heater. Phone Main 6542. LARGE six cement laundry trays, blua over mat viae and tool. ' Sell or exchange for good dresser, range, other furatture. Main 3481 TENTS at a -bargain, 8 16x20. 12oa. tente; 1 40x20. 14 oa. tent Call 223 rront at, Mon day. 1.- B. Levia. B1PE and -green tomatoes for -canning; bring your boxes. 856 E. Broadway. CONCORD grape for Mle. 4e a lb. on the place. 69th and Division. Tabor 8830. GBAPE8. Se per lb, on Tinea. M, N. Millard. Lake road. Mifwaune. INVINCIBLE gaa range, two ovena, good con dition; bargain 616. Call IW n, Anxeny. ONE TENT. 18x24; also household goods. ttentt H.W. R. A 57. freight bouae. I APPLES, and Quinces for sale cheap: bring bas? ket to 87th at Preaoott Mr. P. Colluiter. GASOLINE woodsaw. cheap for cash; or will take Liberty bonds. Call 429 Hawthorne ave. FINE iron crib for aale, and canned fruit Woodiawn 8038. ' A MEDIUM six heating tove, like new, rea- aonable. 651 IS. IStn sr. B. neirwooa oar. FOR SALE Coal and wood heating stove, also phonograph and records. Phone Mar. 1787. $225 NATIONAL, cash register for $70.' 829 Salmon at MOSLEB aafe, rolltop desk and 2 office chairs. Tabor S97K. WE HAVE new . and second-hand safes, mod- erate prices. 48 Front Broadway moo. SMALL fireproof safe, regular price $90; wiH sell for on half. 128 First I WANTEDT-Good aeeond band beating - stove, Ivr A corn preferrea. Tanor seie. I CHILD'S hospital wheel chair tor sal or rent 1124 Lombard. St John. 4125 Buud water beater for - lea than half price. Jvast 7Z FOR SALE -or trade, motion picture machine, electric connection, complete Wdin. 5846. KEW Steward dic phonograph, regular price gT.75 64.5Q tor qrucs aaie. taoor w, WOOD beater for aale or trad, for shotgun or good .22 cat. rifle. Tenor in. WELL retted manure. Phono- Marshall 4056. VULCAN gaa range, 612. Tabor 2075. BOOKCASE and rocking chair. Call Tab. 40871 MAJESTIC range for sale. Tabor 4834. FUBJflTUBE VTAHTED GEVURTZ FURNITURE STORE 205-207 First st l' WILL PAY TOP PRICES; far old and used furniture, sto-ra. carpets, rag and anything in household good. Of fio fumi- I toreapeciaL . - - i f5nT",TZr . ii . -1 -. ar. MADOUAI I KO"7 ' UnLL mnnoiinLi. UO. M I tur buyer wffl can at one. y - - ML I Ulllltl UIIU Wi First We want your awed funeirur. stovee. sauvets I aad pmnoa; wiUUpay bighaet csab price. ; Call Main 4627. WlGMTMAls-JOUNSON FURNTTTjkxi CO. ' aauaa Ceswil imT. BUaa tiaa - lSST' wTalrgSpvjy? A" II r..l' OQg Hiabeet orioaa naad Call EaSt 63 wJi!!5itlm, anything ta aoaaebold W aid tern no re avrlee for yetnr t ; Want -Household Furniture aawyxfv ay a 4k arw a sta , . phama- Mara 4332. - ij lle iiarnnaiiw ea"1",. ...y, . of course. . lo- 4B. i.Jy. imoe, eeu esq And new. M. B. Beater. PhocHT Eaet Ttto, CTT Inwhl aatea ol Eaat and Sontb, Manning .Warebwoee Trans fer Cav, VtD and Hoyt ajroaoway I w. -!- " - i WILL PAT CASH . -.- : For twed effioe farnitvr. Main 1971. ' Paeifto Stationery At Ptg. On.. 107' 2d et ' rtiQM paid tor furniture, atove. naaes Beat- unui I erL.carpta. rug, arura. rv i MarahaO. 2614. Baxtaea Faxoiture U. IIM1 1st 14 , : Read-1 Important Read We - eunrr - a 1 avtaasr 4 weed merebanaW than aay atevw M the arty." There la hardly aa Item da Mawy and aeR. W specteii na abelf and beavy bard were, aportrag good, heiaoid good. ta airnre, aatel and camp eupctoea. v Wbea yea have aaytxuag to aay w sen. waa r4nTiTra i - - ' r' - '. ' ' " I- J - - Hat' 7 A-T174. y ' --' LEVCt X HARDWARE - rCBNTTTJBS CO sii-s-g yrotit at. 00. am CKI FTRNrTtRK CO Hwt twioes paid for bonsebold goods. 209 2d at- Mam aai. -' . - STfAF COLTJjrW -' ' 14 HAVfi 'H 'lot. 30xia0 U Bigg. 4iC 'and will trad for anything 1 can nee. , Will aub- (tiviite awia. A buy have IS acres near Everett Vah.. 10 cleared, free ef incamaeranoe. taw ft from graded eebooL- Will aeil or swap. tt. If narwer. 880 Hawthorne are. COMPLETE eourse of engineering of the Ameri- can School of Currasuonwenee:, wortn eu: wtlt trade for bieycle or hornkaas talking - ma chine.. .128 First near Aider. RIFLE, pump ma or abotgua to trade for bi cycle or bornlea talking machine. Mala 4495. 128 Ftrrt near Alder. - BED -. springs, anattreea.. dreawr. rugs, in ex change tor fiit ekws drssaaaaklng and alter ations: N-848. Journal. WTLL TRADE lurapb tor wl $200 . Brunswick pboao- graph tor ' what you . hav; anythiag I can tse.- Y-489, Journi ai i. 2 EXTRA fine -month-old Persian Alttena to awap for hair' workv or what bare you I Sell wood 2279. WANT to trade Edison Opera phonograph and .2 5, records that ect $120 end as good aa new for laying bene. Hex 1, Milwaukie. Or. NEARLY new cream separator for sale or change for goad box,- cow or milk goat 102 Front sr. - STEWART self atarter. coat 846, good a new. ior. za nana rora top. -ran. 17 v j. 8WAP Small new air oompresaor for .26 or 82 auto, pistol. Tabor 8148 COZY furnished heme ia Boaeburg to trade for something in Portland. Bast 8828. $100 VISIBLE typewriter; swap for real good ahotgun. Maratiall 8248. ni.M blcyeie; wui trade organ, violin cornet mandolin, banjo. Main 4495. 128 First WAMTED M1HCELLAK EOLS . Grand Rapids Furniture Co. Phone East 294. 84-86 Ursai a vs. Highest prices paid tor your 2d hand taiuttura. useu lurnuuTO taken- m exchange for aww. $7.50for Second-Hand Suits - Meyer, the tailor, par most tar clothing and ta? .n i. u.Hk.11 , 1. or zz aiaaiaon. - - Fri.. L. Shank Co. Bides Mrtala-iKubben. WriU for prices and ahlppina Uge Mara 1699 JUNK WANTED - Wa pay- 81 fiigheet market pricee tor metals and junk of every description. WANTED Snit and overcoat for 12-yeac-oid boy by working woman; ia good condition and reasonable; also coat for young lady. J-746, Journal. Secondhand Clothing Buyer We pay tha moat for men clothing and shoe. Call Mara 1926. WANTED for cash, Guriey" Light Mountain Transit complete; must be modern; state price and serial number. Andres H. Thompson. 4046 1st are. N. K.. Seattle, . Wash. WANTED From privato party, nice oak mcker. leather anto aeat; must be reasonable. Broad way 2315.- . - GOING East or South t Hoamboaa good ahmped - at reduced retaa; moving and packing. Pacific Ceaat Forwarding Co.. 463 Hoyt st Bdwy. 708. WANTED Old clothing, furniture. Will pay . good prices - for old clothing, rait are. tools, trunk and junk. Broadway 183. WANT bicycle or grafonola; will trade complete course of architecture of tha American School of Correspondence. 128 Flnt nesr Alder. 1 WANT to buy ft luy from owner only an np-to-date tvpewrfter. want bargain. Mrs. Main 4557. HOUSEKEEPER wanted by middle aged man. German American preferred. Middle aged. T 817, JournaL . WANTED To' buy good aeeond-hand National cash reg Uter with penny atore. Second and- Alder eta. key. Simon H. TOBIAS pays nighest piiees tor yank of kinda. jau aaarsnan 6363. Caile promptly attended to. WANTED 'Rifles, ahotgun. ea: HocbfiekL t6 3d st Pboa Mate 8681 WANTED SeUea or Journal. garden seats. U-834. WANTED Second-hand lumber, nal. O-810. Jour- BOUND dining table, cbaira and mettrea. East 844. DIAMOND wanted, about karat; pay cash. Main 8864, Monday. WANTED Ford roadster, good condition, tor oaah. 127 W. Wygant WANTED Second band fruit Jars. Tabor 48 T8. FEBSOHAX 41 GET WELL FREE.- FREE FREE m.. aad Friday, Every day, from 10 a. m. to- 4 p. evenings oa Mondsy. Wednesday and from 7 to 9. and Sundsy from 10 to 12. THOUSANDS OF SUFFERERS WHO HATE - FAILED to get" reUef tn any other way an Invited to in vestigate Chiron racue methods, which an Pe- xaanently curing hundreds every day. THE BEST OF CUIBOPBACTIO DIAGNOSTICIANS wTIl tborcughly examine you. make a eomplete dlagnoai of yoar jxim aad direct your treat menta WITHOUT A. IT COST TO TOO WHATEVER . CHIROPRACTIC is lb safe, sane, sure aad modern adeaoe of euring and preventing da- CHIBOPBACTIO wffl r cent of all gin.. perm.BanUy ean 95 per CHIBOPBACTIO reswore the asus health twrurna.' ' The above service is all free to pott at the col lege building aad may be had te private U desired. PRIVATE TREATMENTS may alao b had tn collage building by member et the faculty, by- either lady or: mea practitioners. PACIFIC CHIROPRACTIC COLLEGE, Corner of Park aal Yamhill. Tel. Main 1014. HOSPITAL la connection with college. Will handle ont-ef town patient at moat reasonable rate, ia enter to show what Chiropractt can do. Addraa all aommunlcatioe to - DB. O. W. ELLIOTT. PreHdeot ' - 10)U CHIBOPBACTIO BY STEM" Dr. McMaboa. Uadaax bldg.. Portland, a rUropractor of experience, a paat-amateay. a 100 OHlBOPBACTiO SPECIALIST,- with bighaet taatlnwmlaai free pa ties ta from Easter states, familiar with tha beet; aiea troaa Waet sra aad soeal patieata bavtag aafartoaatery bad Ua thaa 100 chiropraetia la where, with, of roar. arrMpooding dzaappetatiaaM ta sWiayeB nbef. - - " These different ehunea of patfenta are ftrrty eatiafied with ny 160 tmkropractUa pbilotopay aad experience and aaporior skill atomoaatrated ha evawaJteloaa, eiaailnefto, adtostmaata, gate aad. fkaally. rsialls. , atecswamenuAUoa. ea fB for yeara. - klgnxh year te tad etty. Beatel Eaat end West eide aeTioss 680w a BHatth. CradH good, AU esaasnPKKSOM. ALLY crammed asm adjusted - BY , MYsUCLa AT ALL TIMES, Pboae. sail as- write. Sig ahaam baetelled. Day or evaaaag Maafaata, 6a swt St adjuatmanta, CI 6. 4tk aad Wasbtagtaat ' SI aad Hawthorne ave. 4 GLASSES AT A 6AVING atg ; of eaoabla wad of aattsfssd patrooa. MorrWoa Goodman. eptuuielileC 9Q9 COMB IN aad get both your feet tlx eg ap good .- for 41 by Dr. Eatoo, tbe CHlKOPODUiT thai doesn't bait ywa. S years ia Partlaad; wxam. free. Glebe Theatre Wdg.. :1th aad Wash. Bdy. 6$4 DETKCTIVE United Service Datectia Bav reaa: onlv experienced operatives , emplered. No. 504 Panama, bldg., PorUand. Ox. -.. Mala 8812. . ----i -- - " : ' - - SCPEBFLCOUS hair, asolea. warts, .ieaed by 10 a.adl atatbod: trial free. osa Xlaaiy. 14 EUer bldg. CelI Maul 666S. Dk. ' U V..- Katehaam. ' MBit a . malaaUe and - acute dJaaaae e ssea.- Washtagtoa badaW 4tb anal Waablngtoa. Pboa Marshall 446 UftA MAR EL BABBEB. sobitaal - readings daily, .10, to S. 144 11th at Broad- wy 3256. - : ' ' ' PBIUEMA BALM, tarmerlv ' aallad Bahm Fig, for disease of women. , 644 AV 434 ateU. 2218. Phone asarainaa, -' - avBtCKSON'S White Shield . atateraity " bom fee unfortunate girls: bo Pubbcity. 796 E, 72d st N. C-1S79. OPALINE rMra. Summer' eases of Stomen; pusltlv for -, du? uslU renet 746 h, Main 947. eOTTRE. ewlaned glaana. people euae -tbeaa. sire perm .A.- XV. or., tt- a. MX aparitnal . aad palmistry 14 lltb at. - j ' -. .- rr, , W Sk.Mu,,i;Pklu.al "In. 1 Lau Proglem pbysicma. Moat effeotree met hod. LADY barber; shave J Ae, hair cut jXJVef face 85a, 825 Gliasn. SsWtWl tile v ; 4 BAM-I-DIE , For mle at Roberta Bros. 1 ' - -. RAM-I-DIE - 1 For sale at lAprasa Wolfe. H veterinarian, boapitel : 411S E. Th t BV.-East 1647. B-1462. - FUEKITUKE WAWTKD tt Dr YOL'aV aUxeeat k aethi aeltrea ambaga. BewrKia. r. allien nil ! ku.. kiu 'eaaale. recmlumd prortstaj troubles, aktav die aaaaa. paralysis. ; high baaed prnaun. or other hraala 6 1 my phrrtoal tbaraijeaitke aawta. win eeeeatpltah mnre foa voai tkiaM, thing ela. lnveatieaas. M wil east atow mMm. Ahvaya gmd te axpasxaDtV Jt A. saBkaa. 6 wit evow. - IVAN I'.RARY ftl&l . ; ......J.W.Wf Will I - for adoption; betwaea 3 months gad 1 year old. Must be wirL WUI rv.n.i.1. . wl i rail for child any ttma. Raanonaihla m. B. 2, Boring, Or. j ' MR, PKRKrXS. tha t C saaaTTal BroadW MOTIrr ea BTATEJJE5'2 r TH OWNERSHIP. MAi AOEMENT. flSn'MTlfiN in" Ci- 8l?E,Ii. "J, TUK ACT Of CONC.RK.S8 . .r-.AOGI-8T i W OREOON - ?VVY.VM,,lJ!A- PUBLISHED SUNDAY 1918 N OU" rB OCTOBt State of Oregon, county of Multnomah, as. Before me, a notary public in and fot the ? 2 ?d.c,Bt 'orW. peraonaQy appeared US. Jackson, who, having been duly awera ac enrdmg ta law. itnm... ,ul u l??11?,' Tb Oregon Sunday Journal and that - V ., "'" "e owat or ni knewleda and belief, a true statement of the ownership. mVlemnt'. circulation. ttc gf toTmjM publication for the date shown in the. a hot npttM. wuM by the act of August 24. 1913. embodied in aection 443. Postal Law and Reg uUdona. printed on the reverse of this form, to wit: t . Th' th and addremee of the pubusher. editor; managing editor, and batns 5fl5T 7 PW"'l'er. C. 8. Jaekaop, Port, land. Or. editor. C. ax. Jaekaon. Portland. Or.; managing editor. George M. Trowbridge. Port: " buainem manager, none. . That the owners are: C 6. Jackson fjfrtJo. Or: Mr. L. M. B.tea. PorUand!?; 'vJ'J.tlBd- T. B. Wilcox. - w V. mtMtf. George W. Bates, Port-Jr""1-'u rt Cohen. PendWtoo, Or.; Gordon oorhles, Portland, Or. 8. That the known bond bo id era, mart gagees. and other security bolder owning Sr holding 1 per cent or more of total amount of bond, mortgage, or other aecuritte are: C. aj. Jaekaon, Portland.- Or.; Gordon Vaorhie. Port lapd. Or. T'M't tha two paragraph next above, giving the name of the owner.. atht4der and security holders, if any. contain aot only the list of stockholders and security boktera -ae they appear upon the book, of the company' but ahw. In cases where the stockholder or Security bolder appears upon the book of the company as trustee or in any other fiduciary relation, the name of the person or corporation -for whom aueh trustee is acting. Is given; also that the aid. two paragraphia contain statement embsao ing affiant's full kaowledge and belief aa to the eireumetances and conditions under which stockholder and security holder who do aot puear unoa tbe book of tha rMna . .m. I teea. bold stock and securitie in a capacity " ' " w m vimm -iioe owner; ana tnw suiaai naa no reason to believe that any other person, association, or corporation baa aay inter- eat nireci or inairvci in trie said stock, boad. r- other securities tlian as so stated by him. 6. That the averse fennih., .1 each lame of this publicatlow aold or dlatributed. inroaga toe nuui or otherwiee. te paid sub scriber during the six months tmeeaittnr IU date abowa above ia 64,000. C. S. JACK80N. Sworn to and rabacribed before ma thia lit day of October. 1918. t SEAL) R. W. HAGOOD. H. E. JOHNSON has resigned aa aecreUry P toe vaugnan ssoter works. Inc., taking ef- tect uetobor 1st. 1918. . Mr. Johnson ia longer eonnecieq witn the company. PROFESSIONAL ND BUSINESS DIPECTORY AOCCSDIOII PL ITiaj HEMSTITCHING, 10 CENTS PER TABTv PLKA TING ALL LATEST STYLES. EASTi FBN NOVELTY CO 63 m FIFTH. BBOAlv WAL 2006. LANK ajoOK MARIf.6 DAVIS HUL.S1A.V- LSI' lbu art . Kl... , book maafctnrera, A-8186. Mala 18$. OARPKT OLKANiajo tt. 4640 HUFF RUGS B-1268 From eld carpets, , carpet eleanlng aad refitting, rag rug woven; all aise. Mail ordais oUcited. NORTHWEST RUG OO-. EAST 3580 1280 Bluo a. -V 6516. 176. UXOki sUtUaWe leetrm Clisia.A' nets cleaned aad laid, refitting -aw srieetakv. East 440. H-1S. 204 B. 19th at N. OMIROPatAOTOarg DR. McMAfiON a making good; 51 admataseat in; aeven. Kaneet term. DK. LAURA k LOvVNlNU. Ctilropraetor. ' 1 years' experWace. Broadway blda. OWOATIOajai. oANoma THE new Thursday Night Dancing Ctab extends an invitation to tbe dancer to attend their big eprning informal at Cotillion ball, Thursday, Oc tober 10. Excellent araaie and a good tins se al, red all. Admission 8c and 60a, ' MANCUKaTEM DANU1AU ILAUKHt. lk 6th st Begsnner' causes. 10 lissona. $(. Monday and Thursday morning. 11 e'eleek P a realaga. 6 to 10:86. Asm private l.aseaa. Competent teacher. Bdwy. 2891 7. MRS. FLECK'S ACADEMY. 109 BKOUND ST. Ballroom aad el aerie aUadag. Private dallv. Clssisa Tuesday and Friday to ia. Ladies free. Mara 2100. ALTS M. BROWN, teacher of elaaste, to. te aad ballroom danebu. 14 8 13th at. aff Morrnvm. Pbnn Broadway 2565. ' MISS IRF.fJtND 10 LESSONS 88 BOW firilw bide. rwwl at'netw. ) "ts 6 i l.K K Dancing Academy, leading wnool; else Mea.. Wed.. Fri. ; lemon. 5; Broadway $$$0. prtvate lemana. 14th at Wean, SW6IO 6CH0O4.9 ASP TKACMKW6 , PRo. T. E. XjtWSdlT20 years' experWoeal Pisn l.wtia t yoar heme. 78a. Tabor T704. B. TH1ETXOB.S Violia leacber. pupil aeva 207 Fleidner bMg. Broadway 1429. EXP. lady, piano teacher, at yoar borne for 75 Wdla. 2966. - GRADUATE piano teacher with experience. Let- ton at yonr noma, yoe. ' can Tabor 1698. HMVLIMa A thoroughly reaponaibl tracking coacraT now tn a posttioa to contract for your haulage Wa have several good atandard tracks. coaDetent driven and are equipped to handle any b ailing problem. No Job too small or too large.-: Get our figures amt aave money, -749. CRANK LETT kit CO.. 612 Reyal bade. Make graphing, mrmcoa-reptimg. Marshall 6822. "' 1 s ' PAIirrtMOl. TIBJTialCL PAgN(Aia H M. CIAITIOM. painting. tiaUanr. papering. TiJ 17th et. Bdwy. 4414. Wdln.,9136. . 4ATK6TT ATTOWUgV iUmBIW, -' Worcester bldg TJahT 2i2 s: pwiwtiwo. iw8aiwg, wiMOiaia PRINTING .rt!? K &tilX. NV6IOIAM6 DB. tt A. PHILLIPS, W04 Broadway boitdm. Kbeumatwm, lemaas aswrojera. ean iraaDie. aromach, liver, kidney, avwala, throat, goitre, high blood piur. ' , ' . HAIOl A WO OUTL6WV -OSIWPIW TRY the aalaty razor- and cutlery grinder at 209 to 4th at; Bear the courthouse. - -' : ftUatl 6TAM6 ALSO MTKNClLet. Trade -Cbavaa, Metal Sigua, FAdSiO WAg BIAHr WUHS t Broad way. Breavrwey 716. A-71. STOftASS r.ITT-PRlCkS kas. ate.- FarBitan Oa, jAate 1931, A-2836. Btb aad Oaky TRAN8rSM UNO TOftAS rcgtnvi. OftEOON -TRANSFER CO." V" - ataa4atBxi 1870. -'-'-m'-Xtaattut aa4 Forwarding AgwWm-f,. aHocage Free Trackage,. , Office aad Storage 474 Gtieea. ' -jlrrb end Olkasa. Broadway 1261, L11W, ALWAYS "Pirit" TH V, BEST HOSUEHOU. i GOODS- SPECIALIST - Storaga, pacMag, Mpptar aad mining. Bora aad gate raaa, 7 Speewl rets to aS pomta. - '- '- CTO. PICK TRANSFER A STOEAOB O0U - Seeond end Ptn. Broadway 696. A-l 997 . STORAGE MND TRANSFER CUY Si MORSllNC a t . 9 w Hiram mieau - - , - FAOKIN -MOV1KO TORaVJb SSCTTBITT STORAGE ' ak 'TRANSFER AX1- 166 Parfc St - Mate SI 96, --A-1 66 U- . . WATCH SIPAtWIWS - - kUiHAAT prtea paad for eid wambas aad'lew.' airy. Camdiooa a abject Bapsiriag a syirMl . agt. Betoar Jewelry Cax. 44.4H WaabiBftoa 4 M. M. : rACKUli-. watcaee. diamoooa. ieweirs. ?ii meiiwua . - WOOD OAS VIMS KI.-S ITrIuaM "1 v : SHIP and HOUSE CARVE. ' 4 ' f " - -' , ' Flgun Head and Trafl Beard-''t. -Jt : -v. ; r. i'.. meted and Sunkea .LMaer i l 1 t