The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 05, 1918, Page 10, Image 10

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More of PortJand Churches arid
' Sunday Schools to Hold Get
I : Together Meetings Tomorrow
Congregations Making Special
Preparation in Shape of.Musi
1 cal Programs to Add to I nterest
Another rroup of Portlands churches
nd Sunday achools ar to oberr 8un-
r4r RJ'y y- At Tt ChHatUn
church a special program of music and
radln will b t;iven by the Bible
school. Harold F. Humbert, atate
Sunday achool aecretary. ylll deliver a,
hort addreaa. The new officers will
be Installed. At the morning- service
hour Rev. Harold H. Orlffla win apeak
on the debt the church owes te the Sun
day school. : "'
The patriotic element will be promi
nent In the Rally day exercise at
' Bunnyslde CongTejatlonal church In the
11 o'clock service. Each class, sup
plied with Individual pennant and ban
ners, will answer to the roll call with
their class songs and mottoes. Gradu
ation exercises and Installation of the
new officers and teachers win also be
held. A cordial Invitation has been ex
tended the public
Special stress will be placed upon the
Idea of rallying all the forces for fall
and winter work at the Rally day serv
ice Sunday morning at Highland Con
gregational church. Special exercises
and presentation .of diplomas will be
part of the program. The evening
service will be. a get-together meeting;.
First Free Methodist church baa com
bined Rally Sunday and Decision day.
Members of the school will bj urged to
decide for Christ.
A' short session of the Sunday school
will be held at the First United Breth
ren Church. Sunday, followed by a spe
cial program. At 11 o"clock the new
pastor. Byron J. Clark of Kansaa City,
Ma. will preach. Special muslo will be
given under the direction of Professor
Rev. C. P. Blanchard, pastor of
Fourth United Brethren church, an
nounces Rally day exercises in the
morning by the Sunday school and In
thai evening by the Christian Endeavor.
Services of special attraction will be
held . at Sunnyside Methodist church
duiina- the Sunday school hour when a
Rally day program la to be rendered by
the Sunday school under the supervision
f George H. Johnson,' superintendent.
Lieutenant Colonel Scott, who has
charge of the Salvation Army work in
Oregon, Washington and Idaho, will
conduct a salvation meeting at 8 o'clock
Sunday night at corps No. 1 hall, 243
Ash street.
8peclal services; for the dedication of
the service flag will be held Sunday
evening at Pilgrim Congregational
church by Rev. Robert .Murray Pratt
Rev. H. R. Austin, from the T. M. C.
A. hut at Vancouver barracks, will
speak Sunday morning at the Second
United Brethren church. In the evening
Superintendent McDonald will preach.
Rev.. O. D. Watson of Los Angeles
will preach three times Sunday at the
Oospel tabernacle- of the Christian and
Missionary alliance.
Evangelist Rev. W. G. Asher will
preach at Anabel Presbyterian church
Sunday morning and evening and each
night during the week, on some of the
fundamental doctrines of the word of
it wont itch now, dear
will help to make it well and relieve
the mart and pain. ;
... Po not neglect a spot of ectema,
rath, or other itchinr, burning eruptions
land sores, because children's skins are
easily irritated, and if the hurt is
neglected, obstinate trouble may per
sist in later life.
Resinol Ointment and Resinol Soap
were originated by doctor and have
been used by doctors for' many years.
An saatat Mil tkea.
iParnwr Health Cam.
r.:.-: .... n a i
! tne cay i csicsco. r rocs
Imv own experience
i preparation that it oj
;' jM ' . t be used , in every boss
i u J1 n"T., and prescribed by every s
, valuable blood aod bed bnitd
oaf nr
j 2mm"t . And BmrrihM b ever ih.
VciH ia Uw eountrr." Nuxated tro. kcloa
to make aeahhier wetnea sad strong er, ctuW
wter mm. aanaiacixm suarcec or iDQfMj;
t funded. At all good dragg ists. - ,- , v
- r-
1 st Congregational
01 Spruce l vision
'Major T. A. Mills of the sprue plane
division at Vancouver barracks Is to
preach Sunday morning and evening at
the ' First Congregational church. Those
who, heard , Major Mills last Sunday will
be glad of an opportunity to hear him
again, as he Is a forceful and entertain
ing; speaker. In the evening- he will tell
"the greatest Frenchman's greatest
story." - ' " . '
After the evening service the church
will entertain soldier boys under the
auspices of the Young Woman's league
of the church. . Soldiers are invited to
these informal receptions.
Thursday evenings at 7 :45 a half hour
service Is held, after which the work of
picking- over sphagnum moss will con
tinue. New Pastor Is Also
Church Missionary
The new pastor of the Lents Methodist
church, Rev. Luclen B. Jones, Is a re
turned missionary, from India, who is
acting as a supply for the church in the
absence of Rev. F. M. Jasper, who was
granted a leave of absence by the con
ference to engage In T. M. C. A. war
work. Rer. Jones came to Portland and
aaked for a small pastorate that he
might be able to continue his studies in
dental work. He Is studying1 at the North
Pacific Dental college. Mr. Jones found
when, he entered the college that he had
learned many things about dentistry in
India which the local professors had no
knowledge of, so he Is also lecturing; to
the classes on bis experiences and find
ings In India. As soon as Rev. Jasper
returns from France Mr. Jones will va
cate the pulpit.'
n i
Bible Classes At ,
First Presbyterian
The work of the bible classes at First
Presbyterian church will be of interest
this fall and winter. The women's class
will be In charge of Mrs. Helen Ekin
Starrett on the subject of "Current Re
ligious Thought," and the men's classes
will be led by Rev. John H. Boyd on
"Some Social Aspects of the Teachings
of Jesus." .
Nineteenth Sunday After Trinity
Uniform S. S. Lesson
Ahnhim ImvliM Home." Gen. 12:1-0.
Tonne pcopla and adulta "Heedins the Call to
a Ufa of Service"; intarmeajaxea ana semon
T.oin Away From Home."; Junion "A Man
Who Dared." .
Golden Text: "Be Thou a Bleating. Uen.
Young People's . Topics
Bantlst Union "An fop Chrtat." TV. "Our
Mcney." 1 Tim. 0:6-10. 17-19. (Connecrm
tion maetlnf .) - .
Chrtntlan Eodeaver HAII for Christ" TV,
"Oar Money.' 1 Tim. 6:6-10, 17-10. (Con-
eerauon meeuas.)
Junior Christian Endeavor "How to Be
CLtietUn SoMierm." . Tim. 2 :!-4. (Consecra
tion meeting. )
Epworth I-me "Our HerKare From Our
Early Methodist Home Miaetona." be. 38. .
First White Temple, 12th and Taylor Bev.
William A. Waldo. 11. "The Joyful Doty";
7.4K, "The Qaetion of Spiritual Geography."
Ee.t 8ide E. 20th and Salmon BeT, W.
P. Hinson. 11. "Why This Church Is Here";
T:4R, "Mr. ManoaH and Her Wise Reasoning."
Third VsncooTrt and Knott. Rev. Webley
J. Bearen. 1J, "M y God and 1"; 7:45. "Beady
fir Christ's Return."
Arleta, Rev. W. Garnet Hadley. 11, ser
mon, reception of new memben and the Lord's
aipper: 7:80. "Will the Baptist Church Be Put
on the Scrap Heap When, the Boys Come Home?"
Calvary E. 8tn ana Ursnt Bev. J. E.
Thomas. 11. J:45. 1
Glenooa E. 45th and Main. Rev. F. C.
tasletta. 11. 7:45.
Sellwood Bethany Key. T. J. Broomflald.
11. 8.
Grace E. 7Bto and Ash. ,11, 7:45.
Highland Rev. Ed C. Cofer. 11. 8.
University Park Bev. 8. Lawrence Black.
11. S.
St. Peters Lenta Bev. P. Beuteen. a.
10:80. 7:S0v ' ,
Pro-caUMarej iou ana jjbtu uev. e. v.
O-Hara. 6. 7:15. 8:80. 8:43. 11. 7:45.
St Lawrence sa ana nnermsn Kev. J. o.
Hughes. 6.8:80. 10:80.7 :80.
St Patrtess iwtn ana osner nev. a. p.
Murphy. 8. 10:80. 7:80.
St Francis E. izio ana nnt jut. j.- tu
Black. 6, 8. , 10:80. 7:80.
Immaculate neari oi uarjr wuiiamt and
Stanton Rer. W. A. Daly, 6. 8. B. H, T:80.
Holy Kosary u. sa na uiaecamaa Bev. E.
a Olson. 6. 7. 8, 0. 11. 7:30.
Bt Hose js. boo em enineaa aev. 1.
O'FarreU. 8. 10:80. 4.
St Andrews is, vm ana aioerta Be. J.
Xiernan. 8. 10:80, 7:80.
Tne Mtaeieine si. zetn ana sujrryoa Rev.
George F. Thompson. 7 :80, . 1 1.
Ascension fc. you ana xsmniir Franciscan
Fathers. 8. 10:80 7:80.
Blessed Sacrament Aieryiana and Blandena
Rer. F. W. Black. 8. 10:80. 7:80.
Holy Cross 774 Bowdoia Ret. O. Baymead.
t. 10:80. 7:80.
St Ignatius 8220 484 st & E. Jesuit
Fathers. 6 :80. 8. 10 :80. 4:
St Stephens E. 2d and Taylor Rev. War-
n A. Waltt 6. 8:80. 10:80. 7:80.
Holr Redeemer Portland bird, and Tmimhi..
tb. Rev. William J. Derlne. 6. 10:807:80.
St PhUUp sen- (Paulst Fathers) K. lfltJi
and Hickory Rer. .W. J. Cartwrightv 7:80.
. 10:80, 7:80.
Bt. . uiemenie s. omitn are. ana Newton
Serrite Fathers. '6. 8. 10:80, 7:80.
Sacred Heart E. 11th and Oentei Rev. fl.
Robl.. 8. 10:80. 7:80. - ,
St Antha E. 15tb and Millsi' Rev., j.
Commlnsky. 8. 10:80. 7:80. i
St Staawaus (Follan) Maryland and Fau
ing Rer. F. Matthew. 8, 10.80, 7:80.
St Joseph (German) loth and Couch Rev.
B. Durrer. 8. 10:30.7:30.
St Michael (ItaHaa) tth and MUV Rer. If.
Baleitm. , 8. 10:80, 7:80.
St Clsres Capitol Hill Franciscan Fathers.
T:S0. :IB.
St Charles B.' SSd and Alherta Rrr. J. p.
O'Flynn, 8. 100.
AU Saints E. 8th and GUsan Rer. Father
WiUiaia Cronln. 8. 100.
. ? OhrletUA !..
Flist Park and Cotambie) Rev. Hsreld H.
GriMie. 11. "The Church's Debt to the Bible
School"; 7:45, "The Curse of a Morbid -Curioa-
East Bide B. 12th and Taylor Rev. R. Bt
Sawyer. 11. "Has the Doctrine of Love Tour
Enemiea Fauedt"; 7:80, "What Shall I Do in
This Hour of CrislsT"
Monunila B. ; 76th and Hoyt Bet J. W.
Jankina. 11. S.
Rodney Areune Rodney aad Knott Rev. 3.
F. GhormWy. 11. "RoU CaU of the Heroes"; 8.
jne urea oanrest tioni. - s
Woodlawn E. 7 th aad Liberty Key. Joseph
D. Boyd. - 5-':
"Unreality. "
First 18th and atverett
11. B.
CiBund g. Sth and Holledev. 11. ft. :
. Third E. 12th and Salmon. 11. 8.
Fewrth Vaaoouver are. and Emersoa. 11, $,
i iiiui i ex. tn t, b. a.- 11.
BiztkMaaonte TempK 888 Tamhill. 11. 8.
at Joane Holetook bloefc. lL.
-AU churches Wedneedsy.-a p. sa, '
First Perk end Kadfeoev Sermon by Mater
T." A.( Mills. 10:80. "Humanity s War Gau
t:45. "Jeaa Tal efc' . f -
atKnsoei .Memorial . 2th and Ererett
Bev. .Watrea Moore., ill, , '."!? ... w. .
' Snunnirte F. - S$d end .. t t
Stanh.. Jl. Ralty day celebration; 7:45. ClueB-
Highland t 6th aad Preeoott R. Wward
Constant-' 11. "Our Aha aad Purpose"; 7 :80.
"BeUy 'Round the Flag."- ': i -
WaverJji HelahU-S. IJd aad Woodward---
Dr. Stansfield Is Making Every
: Effort to Have Record At-,
tendance at His Church. -
Home ; coming; ' Sunday is the first
Sunday of the new conference year In
all local Methodist' churches. 'At the
First Methodist, Dr. Joshua Stansfield
is making: an effort to have a - record
attendance at both the church and Sun
day school services. The day will be
closed with a patriotic rally known as
the "Honor Roll Service," to honor of
the 85 boys who have gone from the
church Into the service of the nation.
Patriotic musical selections will be prom
inent In the service. , "
Sunday will be known as "Come-to-
Church Sunday" at the Wilbur Metho
dlst church,, la the Multnomah hotel.
and special plans have been perfected
to make this service of unusual Inter'
est. The Wilbur quartet, under the di
rection of Professor William Mansell
Wilder, will provide the music and Dr,
Short, the recently- appointed pastor.
will preach his first sermon In this con
f erence year. To assist in promoting the
purely churchiness of the services, a new
chapel organ has been installed.
Dr. Clarence True Wilson will preach
and all three Choirs will render special.
music at Sunnyside Methodist church
Sunday morning. The Epworth league
has prepared a unique program, for the
young people at 6 :30 o'clock. At 7 :4S
p. m. the opening-grand sacred concert
of the season will take place.
The following Methodist churches will
welcome new pastors: Centenary, Rev,
J. C. Rollins ; Central, Rev. A. R. Mac
lean ; Clinton-Kelly, Rev. John Parsons ;
Garden Home,-Rev. A. B. Calder; laa-
relwood, Rev. A. C. Brackenbury ; Lents,
Rev. L. B. Jones ; Lincoln and West
moreland, Rev. F. A. Olnn Monta villa,
Rev. Hiram Gould ; Rose City Park.
Rev. D. Lester Fields, and Sellwood,
Rev. W. S. Gordon.
Lecture on South Africa
Sunday evening Rev. C. H. Johnston,
who was engaged in educational work
In South Africa, will give an Illustrated
lecture at University Park Congrega
tional church, on "Things the Natives
Taught Me." The collection is to be
given to foreign missions.
Lattielwood 45th are. and 65th at 8. E. .
Mrs. J. J. Handsaker.
Pilgrim Missouri and Shaver. Rev. Robert
Murray Pratt 11. "The Religious Significance
c- a Social Meal"; 8. "The 8oul of the 8oldier."
Finnish Mission 107 Skidmora Bev. Samuel
Kerala. 6. 7:80.
Trinity lth and Everett Bev. A. A. Morri
son. 8. holy communion; 11, "America's Mis
sion in the War"; 8. "Whose Side of the Greet
Fiht Is God Out"
Pro-Cathedral of St Stephen the Martyr
18 th and Clay Bt Bev. W. T. Sumner, bishop.
Sundays: 7:45 a. m., 11. preaching by the
bishop. "The -Church aad Japan." 7?45 p. m.
Church school. 9:45 a. m. Week days, Wednes
day, 7:30 a. m., Friday. 9:30 a. m.; Holy day.
St Davids E. 12th and Belmont Rev.
Thomas Jenkins, rector. T:80. 9:80, 11. 7:80,
i ne uignt and wrong of Bweering. "
St Marks 21st and Marshall Rev. J. G.
list ton. rector. 7:80, 11.
St Andrews Hereford at, Portsmouth
Arcndeecon Chambers in. eharge. 9, 7 :S0 9. St.
Grace Memorial E. 17th aad Wcidlsi Rev.
utwaia w. xayior. s. 11.
Good Shepherd Vancoutur and Graham
uev. jonn lMwson. 11. 8.
St Michael aad All Saints BT 4Sd aad
Broadway Bev. T. F. Bowen. Ttcar. 8. 1 0. 11. S.
Church of Our Sarior 80th are. and 41st st
8- E. Rev. E. H. Clark, ricar. 7:30 aad 11
a. m.
Bishop Morris Memorial Good Samarltaa
Ital Key. Frederw K. Howard. T. 7:45.
t Pauls Woodmen Rev. Oswald W T.
lor. 4.
ATI Saints 25th aad Sarier Rer. Frederic
&. nowaru. 11.
St Johns Memorial E. 15th sad Harney,
oeiiwooa. ner. a. cunt in charttt. 11. 7:8a
St Matthews Corbett and Bancroft Rt.
w. a. st. nreca, near. io, 11.
First E. 6th and Market Rer. E. D. Hora-
scnucn. n, o.
Free Reetnedlaet
(Tentnl E. 65th and Flanders Rer. W. H.
First E. 9th aad MOl Rev. A. Been.
ii. --nner Uorxjuest of Christ"; 8.
Congregation Beth Israel 12th aad Main
Rabbi Jonah B. Wise. Sabbath ser rices Friday
top. m., oininuT, iu:ou a. m. ouaaay, 10,
in Foruand academy bldg.. 18th and Mont
gomery. Religious - schooL Bible classes at
Central library, second and fourth Wednesdays.
Congregation A ha Tie Shoiom Park and Cle
a. mosi n. Aoranamson. rTiaay. a a. i
Saturday. 9:30 a. m.
Latter Oav Safnta
Church of Jesus Christ of Letter Dee
n. xaw ana uaaison. lu. 1 :sa.
St. Panto E. 12 th and Clinton Rev.
Kraute. 9 :30. 10 :80, 8.
Our Sariors E. 10 th aad Gnat Rev. M.
A. Christensen. 11, serrice ia English, fol
lowed by communion.
Trinity Williams and Graham Rer. J.
Reinbaeh. 9:15. 10:16. 7:80.
Bethlehem Norwegian 14th and Dark Rev.
Wilhelm Pattersen. 11. Service in Eneliah.
topic, "When the Blind Shall Beoeive Their
8ight"; 8, service in Norwegian, topic. "Nut-
areu unnsiiamty.
U race t-ngliaii Mason and AJblna. B :80.
10.80, preaching by Professor L. Blanken-
Hamilton Chapel E. eOth aad Glisaa Bev.
jr. j. Kppiing. ii.
Bethel Norwegian (Free) Wygant aad Rod-
ney jier. a. A. itorrevta. IX, 8.
Methedtr Kptoeooal
Centenary E. 9th and Pin Rev. J. C.
noil ins. ii, i:o.
" Central Tanoouver aad Fargo Rev. A. B.
uciean. 11, :ou.
What of future deysf v Where rests the
burdea in a democracy T : After all the costs,
at what point shell failure to suetaiu saeaa
eollapseT Whose, then, shall be the burden
in beerrng up future social ' etructuses?
Whose the duty bow to make them ready!
Whose the worn than eruel neglect. If we
shan. aot the oncoming generatioa to their
- - moral tasks oi tomorrow r v
t. tDWARD M. FKN0K, O. D- ' T
will aiscwsa these matters ia hia '
r aermoa Sunday morning at 10:80 -
,' EVKNiNa acRvieaa at Ttaa -
' r Subject of Evening Sermoa:
; "Missing the BalUeye;
V i Why Men FtdP9 ;
ExcrErriojrAxivT: Jianc mtjmc
tTKi "
hin; to ;appeii
Northwest women In the. Columbia i
river branch of the Woman's ' Foreign
Missionary ' society are planning for
their twenty-sixth annual meeting,
which is to be held in the First Metho
dist Episcopal church of Boise, Idaho,
October 17 taC 20. Rev. Wlllsie Martin
is pastor of the church Several Port
land . women are prominent In the or
ganisation and are to have parts on
the program just published. Among
them are Mrs. Matthew Simpson
Hughes, Mrs. A. N. Fisher. Mrs. W. M.
Usklne, Mrs. 'A. R. Maclean, fMrs. M.
B- Parounagain. Mrs. C. K. Larsen,
Mrs. Charles Bowen and Mrs. A. Hi
Bededicatlon of the service flag with
six blue stars and one gold star added
will take place Sunday morning at the
Bethlehem Norwegian Lutheran church.
The service flag will be In English.
Soldiers are Invited. Special music is
to be rendered. The evening service
will be In Norwegian.
The .Portland Ministerial association
will hold Its regular monthly meeting
Monday at 10 :30 o'clock in the T. W.
C. A. auditorium. Dr. E. H. Pence of
Westminster Presbyterian Church win
deliver the address. All ministers are
urged to be present. -
Vesper services for the benefit of
young people who are strangecs in the
city are to be held Sunday afternoons
at 4 o'clock in the First Presbyterian
church. These meetings are to be in
terdenominatloaal. A program is to be
rendered by the Warren Vesper orches
tra, led by Miss Gertrude Hoeber, as
sisted by Miss Marguerite Moore
Bourne, soloist. Dr. John H. Boyd and
James F. Ewlng will address the class
Following the addresses a social time
with refreshments will be given by the
friendship circles. The meeting is to
be held In room E.
Rev. G. A. Spies is to be assistant to
his father, Rev. Henry Spies, at Canby
Methodist church, Instead of being the
regular pastor at Boring Methodist
church, as was announced at the annual
Methodist conference. This announce
ment was made by the father.
The United ' Brethren church at Am
boy, .Wash., where Rev W. R. Revler
is pastor, will conduct a flag drill in the
Sunday school at 10:30 in the morning,
and at 11 :30 there will be a service flag
dedication. Mr. Askine of - Vancouver
barracks T. M. C. A., will give the dedi
catory sermon. At 8 o'clock there will
be preaching and special song service.
Clinton Ken B. 40th And Powell Rev.
John Parsons. 11. '
Kpworth 26th and Sarier. . 11, 7:80.
First 12th and Taylor ReT. Jostraa, Btans-
fieW. 10:80, "Workers With God"S 7:80.
Patriotic Rally."
Firxt Norweeiaa Danish 18th and Hort
Rer. Elias Gjerdias. .8.
Vancouver Ave .Norwatian I nth RWdmore
and Taaeouver Rev. Elias GjenUng. 11.
Lincoln EL 6 2d and Lincoln Rev. F. A.
Gina. 11.
Ht Tabor E. 61st and Stark. Rev. E. OBa
Kid ridge. 11, "Kew Beginnings"; 8, ."How to
Snnnyeid- E. 35th end .Yasahm-Bev.. B. E.
amita. 11. preaefaina y Dr. Clarence True wu-
i; 7:45, grand sacred concert.
St Johns w. Learitt ' and Syracuse -Rer.
J. H. Irvine. 11. 8.
Wilbur Multoomsh hotel Rev: Francis Bur-
gette Short 11, "Come to Church Sunday."
Dniyersity Park Fvka and Lombard. Rev.
J. T. Abbott 11. 7:80.
BeHwood Rev. W. S. Gordon. 11. 7:80.
Rose City Park Rev. D. Lester IUMl 11.
- Weatmorelaad Rev. F. A. Ginn. 7:80.
Lenm Luclen B. Jones. 11, 7:80. ;
Montarilla E. 80th and Pine R TTlran
uouia. ii, 7:80. '
Dletxict SUnerintMMlimt. tt-v -U7flllm Walln.
xoungaoo, u. d., 691 E. 62d st N. Tabor 2790.
SJ. E. South
First Union and Multnomah Ret. James
T. French. 11. 8.
First E. 7th and Couch Rev. CL Howard
Sellwood E. Sth and Spokane Rev. B. H.
Mono. Preaching by Mrs. Morse. 11. 8.
First 12th and Alder Rev. John H. Boyd.
10:80, quarterly communion and reception of
new members: ' 7:45. "Degenerate) Christianity
a. tne Holy I .and."
. Westminster East 17th and Schuyler Bev.
Edward H. Pence. 10:80. "After Berlin.
Where? After Victory, Wnatt"; 7:45. 'iMlsatng
rat muiseye; vrny as en rail.
Central E. 13tb aad Pine. Bev. Orlando B
Cairary nth and Clay Rev. R. W. Roger.
Mt Tabor E. 55 th and Belmont Rev. Ward
MacHenry. 11, communion and reception of
members, topic, "The Felt Need of the Christ
Mevage"; 8, "The Balkans and Modem Ciril-
Vernon 19th and Wyaaat Rev. J. R
Iatndsborough. 11, 7:30.
Piedmont Rev. A. L. Hutchison. 11. eo
munioa and recentioo of members, tonic. "A
Great World Tragedy"; 7:30, "Jerusalem the
born or a nation.
Fourth First and Gibbe 10:80.
- Kenilworth E. 34th aad Gladstone Rer.
Paul E. Ratsch. 11. 8.
. Hope E. 78th and Ererett ReT. Floyd. E.
ucrru. ii. o.
Rose City Dr. Robert H. MilHgan. 11. "The
Power of Enthusiasm"; 8, "The Proridence That
Shapes uur rjnds."
Forbes Graham and Gantenbein.
Trinitj Virginia and Nebraska Rev. Theo-
aore f. emitn. pastor-elect. 10. 11. 7:80.
Anabel Rev. John E. Nelson. Preaching by
cjTengeust vr . .. Asner. il, o.
Millard, Avenue Rev. W. Lee Gray. 11
"The Magic Mirror"; 8, Sunday school rally pro
gram. ... : .
Seventh Day AdVentrsts
Note Regular services or this denomination
are neia on eaturaay. .
Central E. 11th aad Ererett L. R. Dick
son, nastor. 11:15.
Tabernacle Arcanum haS. 18 th and Wash.
IBgtoa, 11, t:b.
' MontariUa E. 80th aad Everett Elder J.
A. uernan. ii.
Leats 94th st and 68th ave. EMef W. T.
First Presbyterian Church
12th and Aldar Streata !
Pastor -
, A. tf,
StOw 8S.
A atadr of Reiiftoa la
sHOsffni efstaasCllMb i-
of s
emces in r4?lany
?uIchf !." P'lHYFilH CYCLE WILL
of interest ;to 911
October and November are to be two
bic months In the history of leagued om.
In connection with the great centenary
movement, which Is holding the center
of attention In the Methodist !Furch to
day, the EDWorth league board of con-
trot naa set uias. uaoovr w i v.
November for the consideration of home
missions in Methodism. . January and
February. 1919. win be set aside for
study of foreign missions. The second
vie president of the chapters la to be
given full charge of these six special
meetings. Besides this work, the first
vice president is asked to lay plans for
the observance of "wln-my-chum" week
in November. One day during the month
is to be observed as "old folks' day" at
the church.
Evangelist F. T. Carlson of Idaho Is
coming to Portland to open a series of
revival meetings at Bible conference
hall on October 13. . Rev. W. Q. Asher
of Idaho Is to lecture in the hall this
Sunday at Z o'clock. Dr. A. L. Hutchi
son Is to lecture Tuesday at S p. m. on
"New Testament Prophecy." Evangel
ist Carlson wishes to especially reach
the shipyard men and their families
through his meetings. He will also con
duct open-air meetings. Song Preacher
Northup will lead the singing. The hall
is at 266tt Alder street. Ralph Geil
and Walter Duff are directing the meet
ings. .
The Sunday evening open forum will
be resumed this week at the Church of
Our Father (Unitarian). Rev. Barclay
Acheson of the army Y. M. C. A. will
be the speaker. He will talk on the
selective service question. In the morn
ing Rev. W. G. Eliot will preach.
Salvation "Dollar day" will be- the
unique celebration of the young people
of the East Side. Baptist church Sun'
day evening in their new church home.
At 6 :30 o'clock they "will show a splen
did line of goods and surprising oppor
tunities for investments which wJU
bring In the largest dividends for the
longest time on the dollar that can be
found anywhere." They also promise
"certain Imperishable materials at lower
Mission Will Open
The Redemptlonist Fathers will open
a week's mission in St. Charles Catholic
church Sunday at 10:30. Commencing
Monday there will be dally services at
5 :30 and 8 :30 a. m., and 7 :30 p. m.
Special Instructions will be given to
the school children at 4 p. m.
8t Johns Central ave. aad Charleston
Elder A. H. Folkenberci 11.
Mt Tabor B. 60th aad Belmont Elder W.
liugert 11.
Albina Skid more and nfalmrv Rev. A. A.
Meyer. C F. Knott, local elder. 11:15.
Bcanalnaytaa Ocden halL Vississinpl and
soever, jj. .
Sarrallea Arrr.l
Coroe No. 1 248 Ash at. Adjutant Frank
Genge. 11, holiness meeting: 8:16, testimony
meeting; 8, preaching by oionel Bcott
-Uorne No. 4-128 First Adjutant Jnaanh
uarnsoa. ii, 8. ,
New Church Secietv SI l . IsifYenoa Hev.
WUllara R. Reece. 11. "What' the New Christian
tnurcn ieaefcea Concerning God."
- Unitarian
"Church of Our Father .. Brnadwav arxt . Tanw
hill Rev. W. G. Eliot Jr. 10:15, Christening
service; 11, Shall Christianity Lose Its. Cutting
imager -; iz, communion semoe; 7:45, . loram.
Br relay Acheson of T. M. C A., on "The Work
of the Ijocal Inatrnctlas Bosnia for bWtli,
irail Men.
United Brethren
Conference suDerinteadant Rev. O. wi lfn-
First E. 1 Sth and Vorriaon. Tt. Htm T
Liara. 11, s.
Second E. 27th isl Rnmnjtr Rv' Tt O.
Svmmeriin. 11, "There Is A Lad Here." by
Ker. H. H. Austin of T. M P. A A TTin.h
myarey." by Superintendent O. E. McDonald.
Third 67th st end SSd im. a R H.
E O. JSbepherd. 11. "AggreeriTe or Defensive.
r-mcmi ; o, in a Atan bos uoar
Fourth Tnemont Rer. n. p. RlaMhanL
11. Sunday School rrnllT cxerciaea: "Tonne
i euiue e riace in tne unarcn.
United Preshrterlsfl
Church of the Stranger Grand and
Rer. 8. Earl Da Bois. 10:30. 8.
Chrlstiaa aad Missionarr AStanee L Otti
and Clay Rev. John E. Fee. 11. "The Joys
- uearen ; z:su, America In Prophecy'
.ou, -ins auiienniuna.
Bealisatioa Lara 1 He B. t n
Edward Mills. 11. "The 'Plus Life' and tta
Kiwarus' ; 8, "Daring to Trust the Infinite1
sruay class Wednesday. 2:80.
Church of the Universal Meaaianla
414 E. Ererbtt. 11. S. "Death.' Life's kliaeon.
cepnon -; w eaneaday . H, study class.
t ryTstadeipMae 621 E. Waahingtoa. 10:30.
Lnares ox una ana rauine. ji
gerical serf ices Sunday and all week.
mens jtesort tn and Burnaide Rev. Levi
.uuihuu, eupenmenuenr. a.
lrst IMTine Scienee TflfMri KM. n.. m
M. Minard. 11. "Freedom": Tneadav. 2; Woi.
Hear Evangelist L. K. Dick
son in This Great Lecture
on l?ib!e Prophesy
' Chrii texisen9s : Hall
Eleveath St, BeC Verrison aad Taaiam
y ' October;6 "
Avspices Western Orea-oa Coafersaee of
. Seveatk-Day idveatlsta .-
4 SOJTO EBTIci ' ItU ' P. X.
St Stephens Pro-Cathedral to
Work for Revival of Con
gregational Singing.
Incident to a popular movement in the
Episcopal church for the revival of con
gregational singing, a hymn cycle will
be held at St. Stephens Pro-Cathedral
at 7 :S0 o'clock Sunday evening. Bishop
Sumner will explain the history of lead
ing hymns and they will be sung by the
congregation. The bishop In former
years, as dean of the Chicago cathedral.
conducted hymn cycles.,
The bishop's pastoral letter to the
clergy and laity will be read from the
pulpits throughout the diocese Sunday.
It deals with the activities of the dio
cese during the past year. Its reading
was postponed from last Sunday, when
the -clergy gave thetr attention to the
Liberty Joan drive.
Grace Memorial church purchased
$100 bond to help Portland go ore the
top on the fourth loan drive. .
Services at Trinity church begin -Sun
day morning with the celebration of
holy communion at 8 o'clock In the
chapel. At 11 o'clock there will be reg
ular morning prayer and sermon by the
rector. Dr. A. A. Morrison. In the eve
ning at 8 o'clock Dr. Morrison will dls
cuss tne question: wnose siae of the
Great Fight Is God On?" Trinity Sun
day school Is under, the personal super
vision of the rector.
St. Davids church is formulating plans
to liquidate its church debt within the
next few months so that at the fiftieth
anniversary next year the church may
be consecrated, as the Episcopal church
does not consecrate Its houses of wor,
ship until the last dollar Is actually
paid. -
St. Mathews Episcopal church Is .to
hold Its annual harvest home festival
Sunday morning at 11 o'clock, when a
war service flag of 10 stars Is to be
Evangelist to Give
Lecture to Public
.Evangelist L K. Dickson of the Sev
enth Day Adventlst church will give a
public lecture- In Christensen's hall Sun
day niaht on Bible prophecy, entitled
"God's Last Appeal to the Motions."
In this lecture Mr. Dickson will bring
out some facta regard ins the church
among the nations. Every Thursday
night at 7:30 Evangelist Dickson con
ducts a special course of Bible study.
The public ia cordially invited to attend
these studies, which are held in the
Central Seventh Day Adventlst church,
corner Eleventh 'and East Everett
Central Presbyterian
Has Fine Large Choir
A large new choir will sing for the
first time Sunday morning at Central
Presbyterian church, under the direc
tion of J. T. Belcher. This choir Is com
posed, of young people and promises to
be an attractive feature in Central's
Homecoming Sunday
10:80 ERMOM
- Workers With Cod
ana at suwdat sohool rally
Honor Flag Service
Oreen 1K-Mlnwte PTaluaa
"Victory and Peace
AmeHean Flee aalute Bar aeevte
Mener Flae aatute Oewaretetlea
National an F-asrietlo A nth s wis
Aeeclas Music fey Quartet
War Time Education
Haadrede ef aiea aav been traiaed tat tie TTar JCaehlme" CAvtatlea.
Ante Tracks. Badlo, ladastry, Cestsaerre, eteJ 6 aria g the past year ky
the r. MU C A. rXheola, .
Day and Night
-RatUo TeUgraphy
Aviation Engines
Register Now for College
Kota Shipbuilding and halt time Electrical Engineering Schools, etc, will
begin October 14.
For detailed laformatlea address
. Department of Education Division A
. . Y. M. C. A.. Pevtbmd
Electrical y Engineer ing School
- " - - XHdlf Titne Plan) i C .
. ' PracticaL Ezperiemce) aael . Earning , Wkfla ' Yoa Are Learning .
-A plaa whereby tie cntfneerint student attains a thoroOKh technical
trainlne-secure practical electrical experience i which correlates
" with his school work and at the samt time earns sufficient to pay
sa expenses, -.. " ' .
- ; : kr tor Full Information Address i - : .-
-'"-. ,. - - DIVISION A f , ,w
ast Sidepaptists
to Worship, in ev
Home on Sunday
Sunday the East Side Baptist church
oonaregatlon will worship in the new
edifice- at East Twentieth and Salmon
streets for the first time. In bis morn
ing sermon. Dr. W. B. Htnson will em
phasize thav great fact that In -essentials
there Is unity to be found In the
commonwealth of the various churches.
Sunday evening Dr. Hlnson la to deliver
k sermon on- "A Wise Woman."
" Dr, William A. Waldo will emphasise
the desirability of all ettlsens purchas
ing Liberty bonds In his Sunday morn
ing sermon at the White Temple. The
Lord's Supper will be administered at
the close of the service and the hand of
fellowship will b given new membera
In the evening Dr. Waldo will talk on
the third subject In bis series on "Life's
Great Questions." A song service will
precede the evening meeting. The pub
lics is Invited.
Portland Men Are
At Synod Meeting
The Columbia conference of the
Augustana Synod is holding its seml-an
nual conference at Vancouver, B. C.
their closing session to be held this after
noon. No lay delegates are In attendance
at this conference. Among those attend
ing are the following from Portland
Rev. A. V. Anderson, of the Immanual
Lutheran church : Rev. Axel M. Green,
supervisor of the Emmanual hospital.
and Rev. V. G. Ogren, of the Augustana
Lutheran church. They left here Wed
nesday night. Rev. Albert Loreen, form
erly , pastor of the Bethel Lutheran
church at Arleta, who has been In
Sattle for the past two years, has ac
cepted a call in St. Paul. The Bethel con
gregation here has merged with that of
the Agustana church.
Rev. W. Lee Gray to
Begin New Duties
Rev. W. Lee Gray, the new pastor of
the Millard avenue Presbyterian church.
is to assume his duties Sunday morning
Rev. Gray wit called to the local charge
from North Bend. Hia new charge hag
about ISO membera. Rev. Amos, the
former pastor, resigned to take up war
work. Mr. Gray built the Unity Presby
terian church between Rose City park
and Parkrose, and was pastor of that
organization for five years. Ha Went
from the Unity church to North Bend In
January. The Unity church became well
known In Portland because the pastor
and a group of people In the neighbor
hood threw aside major beliefs and built
a community church.
Another Opportunity
Major T. A. Mills
First Congregational
Park aad Madlsoa Strosts
16tl6 A. X. .
Humanity's War Gains1
7C P. M.
"Jean Val Jean"
"Greatest Frenchman's
Greatest Story"
Special music both morning and eve
ning. Luclen E. Becker, Organist
and Director.
Come aad Worship With t7
Toa Will Eajey Both fiervlees '
Social Hoar for Soldiers aad Sailors
PoUowiav Evealag Strvlco
Bunder 6eheo4 1 0 Prsschlna 11 A. M.
The imperative NOW
WHsur Quartet glnat Tedar
Offertory Seietet
Old friends meet here, aad aew Meads
are aiade bere. Are ytra lonely ia Port
land? Conte to Wtlbnr U etaodist CImrea.
The moat home-like church in Portland
I shall look for yoo tomorrow moraias
frefloH Bureptte Bhert. Paster
Resldenc COS Twenty.T)ilr1 Be HortA
Pnene Mala 8786
CotUaw Preparatory
Preparatory Night School
Quarterly Services at the First
Church by Dr. Boyd in Morn
ing; Palestine Victory, Evening
Pastor of Westminster Will Dis
cuss After-War Conditions
Trinity's New Pastor to Preach.
Full communion services and recep
tions for new members are announced
by nearly all Presbyterian churches in
the city. At First church Dr. John H.
Boyd Is to conduct the quarterly com
munion service In the morning and In
the' evening; he will talk on a topic sug
gested by the recent victories of Gen
eral Allenby in the Holy Land.
; Dr. A. It. Hutchison, pastor of Pied
mont church, also announces the special
service and a new series of sermons for
both the morning and evening serv
ices. The morning service at Mount Tabor
Presbyterian church will be featured by
the reception of nsw members and com
munion. Frederick R. Mitchell will have
charge of the' choir Sunday for the
first time. The evening services will
be of interest In view of the welcome
news from Bulgaria.
Parents whoae children find ia West
minister church aad Bible school their
church home are urged by Dr. Edward
H. Pence to be present at the Sunday
morning service. The pastor will dis
cuss conditions as he sees them after
the war. ,
i The regular quarterly communion
Service will be observed Sunday morn
ing at Trinity church. In the evening
the pastor, Rer. Theodore P. Smith, will
speak on "Gain and Iosa.
Telepaoae eyeraUsg offers aaay
advaaUtes te yesag wernea who
are seeking smploymeat at a good
salary wit
LA efpenaames isr ae-
Good Pay
te tUrt with.
Bapld aad freaaeat laereates la
Work Is steady aad psTraaaeaU
Maay eiportaaltles for ad raa er
as aU
. Work
. PUasaat, eteaa faselaatlar.
Associates eaxefally seleeUd.
Light aad welt veatDated offices.
CeatfertAhle hack aad reereaUoa
Aaaaal vseatloa wlU pay.
Skk BsaefltSs Peath Beaeflts,
reasteas wltaeat eeet.
Good Character aad Good Health
are reqalred. Ysaar weaiea be
tweea the agts of 18 aad JS are
preferredi Prevleas experteaee Is
aot aecessary. Oar emptor meat
off lee Is leeated ea the - ftlxth
Vloer, Boesa 661, la the Ttlepheae
JaUdlag, Park aad Oak streets, .
aad Is eye a from 8:S6 A. U. te
it P. AU We la vita yea ta call
at this office aad meet Hls.
Theasas, who will gladly disease
the saatter perseaauy . wrtk yea.
An appolatBieat aaay ee jaade by .
eaUlag Broadway U666. - -
' - '
Beam Ml, Slxtk Floor, park aad
...v'Ort Streets !..!--.
As even the elilMrea Vjf '
I knew, to a real Vie. aa. 14 rl
lory ht War-Tkne T JLCTf
areas maklne X-CVV
at YOUR Of, V 1JV -a
HP 1 1
V - -.