THE ' OREGON DAILY T JOURNAL,' POR TLAND,;- TUESDAYi, OCTOBER i; 1313. 1 3 BC "DIES DESPITE BEST EFFORTS DE GWSPECIMT Forrest McCulIough). Portfand Sofdier, Succumbs to Abscess of Brain in Hospital in France. PRAISED BY CAPTAIN . WEST ! f Only Few Days, Case Devel- . op' Rapidly j: Was Engaged in Inortent Work Behind Unes, I A latter tram'. Captain Fre4'.M. lVwt, , Fourth corps, Rao'l Bn Infantry, i -pVL 8. ' In Pri6 Atrtt tbV'Xlmu'word t racelved laf''MrK7K'1bCtaiBgb.' Vr Lambrook apartineata, that her ohly on, ' , Jferreat. had paid ,tb auprema aacrlCca. i. The letter waa dated Anruat 20. Abacesa ? of the brali" tatwed death, despite the j enoru or one or the areateet eye ear. t tioae and throat kpeclallata of ; the United State iT;?:" --i- . 4;., 5 JThe letter follow" : , "The "a11 that haa taken, your eon and oar comrade from ua. forever haa brought ;eadnea to the heatta of every offlcei' flf i and man who had taw cieaaure of know- jk trig hint. Accept oar cympathy aa we bear -i niMin y tni nt your nour 01 greai aaaness. . . ; "lie jtave hfar life for the great -cauae s -4, .which jjh 'Oreateat Country on;, earth ' - haa sent na here to defend. And, where we know it will be the on Borrow of your - f life, yoo have jttat cause to be proud that i.ha4i-aorf who.waa, a man, who' : ! had the; courage to be one ot the 'first to ToluKteer hla services at our country's ; xtrax can-';," . y ' ,7 . m ! Tha, tio:aid not die on the firing line la hot 44. hla discredit, r for he was en- ; . gaged la a work iuat aa Important as ' - ':any other in the service and was ever readyand wiling to aerve at the front ' . or any other place he might be ordered.' U j': vVVo .'floo.! Soldier . V' J THO'JWaa trustworthy, energetic and 'V an excellent soldier and had he lived .' : another week he would have received , promotion, for at the time of hla death vu,ob my list of recommendatlofia ."HaWaa only under my command t , about six weeks but the facr that he was : J harw vWaa a compliment to him from '.., his previous captain, for the men that wore ordered here were specially aelect d from the different companies for thla l.'work.". -,. 4' . t, -Forrest was only alck a -few days. : He cAme to me and complained! of an , earache,, said he hadn't slept during the night, so J sent him' to the Infirmary .jand excused him from drill. The sec , he was no better and the doc . tor said an abscess waa forming.' About s the third or fourth day It broke and he --jtj was greatly relieved and the doctor '! thousrht he would h &I1 rtrht in mUni t a. ,...4. yuma "But a couple of days later the eec ood condition began to develop and the doctor ant hhn to the hosnltal. He waa . ; onljr there a short time when he became ao had mat the doctors decided the only .'Chance to save him waa to operate. Hla :"i brain bad become abscessed. DIES INi FRANCE IN i:-' ; SERVICEOF, COUNTRY: 1 , aa,. . II- '' ' ; ; Forrest lleCuIIough ; ; :. fe v One of the greatest surgeons of he United States, whoae specialty is ear. eye, ' nose and throat work, operated on him but the boy (passed away during the operation, just eight days from the time' he 'first complained. - ' i Ji ,"He waa. burled with military honors oy mentor tne company.. He reata In American military cemetery No. 4, grave Wo. . which is located at the city of Neufchateaa. I am enclosing a post card showing part of the city. The cemetery is about three blocks down the street to the left of the picture. Jf 'at any time I am able to get a picture of the cemetery. I will send It to you.; I am moloalnr under uiunta nls personal effects, which include a ko- ahavlng set and a few each things. i naa an tua letters destroyed. He mav have , had more things with; hira when sent to the hospitaL If so they will be sent to you through the effects depart ment. All of hla effects are supposed to be sent through that department as are the effects of every deceased sol. dier, but I am mailing them direct to you. , -- Was Ckamploa ; Shot "If there is afany time any Informa tion' that you want do .not hesitate, to write me and I shall do what I can to Infprm you. - "Again extending the sympathy of my self and me, I remain, ' - "FRKD M.- WKST." . Forrest McCullough was born October 31. 1896, at Joplin, Mo., and came ' to Portland with his mother about six years ago. He Joined Company B, Third Ore gon. July 9, 1914. and served: at "the border under Captain Daugherty. He reenllsted In Company It shortly before the national guard was federalized and left for overseas duty October 26, 1917. mccui lough waa a member of the Company B team which won first place among all class A competitors 4n a real- mental shoot of the national guard-at Clackamas range In October, 1917. tha team receiving: the state tronhv and bronze medals. LACK OF-TEACHERS CAUSES CHANGE TO m 1A0EAT NORMAL Certificates to Teach to JBe Is- sued to Students in November, February and April. , , , : Monmouth, Oct. L Owing to the war!-, conditions and the scarcity of teachers, the Oregon Normal school will divide the remainder of the year Into f three separate terms, commencing as follows: November 18, 1918 ; Feb nary fv"19i,'and Apra,12, 1919 Only two years of high ' school preparation will po required, instead of four, but appli eanta must be 18 years of age.'- At the end of each 'course, certificates to teach I will be issued to students. These certtri caxes are, vaiia ior one year, ana are not renewable, as are those of normal graduates. At the end of the year stu dents may: either secure another certifi cate by examination, or by coming1 back to the normal school and finishing the regular course, aa before. This action waa taken because the demands for ' teachers are ao urgent that many schools throughout the state have been forced to close for lack of teachers. - Although the attendance of the school la only 180, the capacity Is about 800, and it Is generally believed to be due to the lack of students rather than a lack or schools, t n - YOUR DUTY TO BE ATTRACTIVE Have! Pretty Dirk Hair "La Creole" Hair Dressing is the orig inal hair color: restorer, and not a dye. Applying It to your hair and scalp re vives the color glands of nature and re stores your hair to a beautiful dark shade or to Its' natural color. It is the only hair color restorer' that will grad ually darken all. your gray or faded hair In-this way. No matter how gray, prematurely gray, faded or tasterless your , hair might be, "La Creole"' Hair Dressing will make ;t beautifully dark, soft and lustrous. - 'La Creole" Hair Dressing will "not stain the scalp, wash or rub off. and Is easily appjted by sim ply combing, or brushing through the hair. Don't.e misled Into buying some cheap preparation. USB ' ' .- LA CREOLE" HAIR DRESSING for gray or faded hair and retain the appearance of youth. Also used by gen tlemen to impart an even dark color- to their gray hair, beard or mustache.: For aale by The Owl Company's Drug Stores and all good drug etorea everywhere. Mail orders from out of town customers filled, promptly upon receipt of regular price $1.20. "La Creole- Hair Dressing is sold on a money back guarant iee. Adv, ' ! niii.. . . . I i I in I i I .at mmmm i , And Here Only-2d Flobr. Are Best in Every .Way! ; And Here Only . J ; Second r loor. V " The October Victor Recorcf rtre acrc---viiio m cum a iui Them! Uctobertartslt With V ast A ri-ni Tn I s Shop for Christmas in October , Merchants cf the Country are Ordf ed by "the Council of National Defense to inform ihe Shopping Public of the United States that No extra salespeople are to berenjrated for the r Holiday season. r ' : : . Shopping hours are not to be lengthened. Deliveries are further restricted. - 1 Gifts of a practical nature re to be featured. t Holiday Shopping Is to be spread over October. And the Oregon: Council of Defense, in ah openr letter to the people of Oregon; says among other things: "We ask the public to make their selections now at a time when deliberation and well . considered action" are. possible when stocks have not been diminished and in volume, variety and. appropriateness, meet every thought or need, no matter' how exacting. Early Christmas buying, in the. truest, sehse, will conserve the manpower ot the Nation, and .fall compliance with these suggestions will denote a true1 spirit of patriotism and loyalty to our country."-.. - .ssortments o Pricings Rare and Unusual at In a season yhen selling merchandise is, largely a .question of hnving it atla fair price, of course it is gratifying to know that at this, store pne can find all the wanted merchandise the season demands in the shades dictated by Ahi jno4e-where1cb!prs are a factor and at prices exceedingly lov, in view . of .market conditions. Folk hefe.abouts will do well to come here FIRST for their personal and home needs this season for we are sure that from the values and assortments, they may supply themselves without the need of searching elsewhere. , . -. : r even New Models in Fall Coats at $38 And there are styles to please the most fastidious ! Clever coats of wool velour, American Pom Pom and some of plush. All are in the very newest models with belts and novelty double belts. Some are fully lined and' some lined just to the waist. . ' ; ' Deep collars of kit coney, plush or self material are cleverly used for utility and trimming for they button up close about the throat. The colors are taupe, reindeer, green. Burgundy, brown, plum and Navy blue. Third: Floor, Lipman, Wolfe & Co. s in Qualittea You Could Not Equal. In Styles You Could Not Match. With'Trimming Touches We Cun Not Duplicate, - ' . ' . ..''" ' .. . Lovely Georgette and -Crepe de Chine Blouses in a wide variety of styles plain kaijored-rnodelsiind dressy I models all are the kind of blouses that you couldn't pos sibly duplicate for five dollars 1 ONE EXCEEDINGLY DAINTY. MODEL IS FLESH COLORED GEORGETTE WITH WHITE AND BLUE BEADS IN ROUND BIB EFFECT A WHITE GEORGETTE HAS SQUARE COLLAR WITH TINY FRILLS AROUND COLLAR . ANEf fv VEST OTHERS ARE DAINTILY EMBROIDEREJ THE CREPE DE CHINES ARE IN EF FECTIVE 'TAILORED STYLES COLLARLESS OR WITH V-NECKS AND SAILOR COLLARS THE MAIZEr PEACH, BISQUE, NAVY COLORS ARE AND PLUM. WHITE, FLESH, -Positively no blouses reserved, sent C. O. D. or exchanged- 4 'or Owing to the Very Low Price Every Sale Mast Be Final. ; Third Floor, Lipman, Wolfe & Co. "Where. You Spend the Lea. t and Get the Most for It Make This Cash k Only Basement Your Source, of Supply for All Good Merehandisi fat Eow Prices A t . '.I n People who measure the dollar, not only by the quantity it will 1uy, but by . the quality-that that quantity possesses are finding out that this Econ omy Basement is planned specially 'for them. All furs and frills are cat oat down her4 and prices made, accordingly loweavl v" " ' ' " Sorely in tbeso days of conservation, an j national atreaa, it behooves everyone to make that place their source of supply that serves tho most efficiently at aa little cost as possible. To those in search of each a place, wo direct attention to this wonderful downstairs store. NOW Is; the. Time ttq, Christmas Gifts ! 1 Men's Whmcord :l Mosa Work Pants? of Cprton Whipcord Substantial '. and ideal ' . tor 'tho laborin a- mam . Raiurlu.1 ro&Me&lp&sS$i : ,. i Cotton niixturo pants for men in rrfcy ' and 4 khaki -a bartalh .prkoa,w, -V.-!;-v,V-.-.;,-... ... ' 7500 Yards Extra Heavy "Serges i VM ' rnnA WlnUr color. Srln. Mfr.'f ntn. BnTrnndv. - Bgray,., marino and black. Bonght over. year ago, benco so low. r 'i Jt i 100 Suits for Boys at $4;98 Boys' SuiU, broken lota in oddi and ends. Gray and I brown plaids and striped mixtures. ,izes 6 to 16-years. ' a aa eanei saa w a.W M . Y , V i Black Velvet Draped Turbans $2.95 i ' - ... . .... . An especially, good . look ing collection of these popu ran turbans in fact, six styles to choose from. Latest effects in . shapes and tai lored brimming. Children's Wash Dresses $1.39 Slses fres te 14 years In ChUdrea's S trine A aa Plata ' Dresses. "Variety of at tractive styles - mail alt exeeattoaally lew priced. Children's ' - Sweater. Coats $1,95 Plala Xalt Sweaters wlU eoaverUble cellars, leas; sleeves, two peek, ets aa belt at hack. Cepea m a eardiaal. Slses U to Si. . T lExqu isite Hat Modes Collections '. Embracing the Best of the New fine racijtfr iv ortnwesi rrom creators oj me v ogue HATS INDIVIDUAL EMBRACING MODES FOR-ALL OC CASIONS; PRICINGS WARRANTED by EXCLUSIVENESS Joseph sends us a Java Brown. Panne Velvet hat severe enouch for the street.-but' a rich brown marten edcinR, with a light' blue poppy on the side, makes it equally rood for afternoon wear. e 4 . a Kurzman brings out a snujr, fitting toque pf ''taupe , velvet, with "a beige burnt goose' feather encircling the crown. Bruck-Weiss develops "a large graceful" dinner hat of black velvet, with a fringed ribbon effecting a soft drape. A cluster of Frenchblue and rose silk flowers is its master touch. v . W -SK . . W . Waters sends a black velvet model that 'develops a graceful flare in fronts An ostrich fancy attached to the brim with maline is soft and fluffy touch. ' ... . w . Henri Bendel tailors an unusual new, large hat of taupe velvet and hatters' plush, with a graceful bow of the same material across the entire front " Rawak his turned out for its a semi-dress model of rich amethyst . velvet, .with a delightful orchid facing. The two. shades combine to make a ' bewitching wide ribbon as the sole trimming. r Attention is Also Directed to "La Marquise" Hats at $7.50 And "Chapeau Da Jour" at $10 Both Excluclusive in Portland at Lipman, Wolf m & Co. " Third Floor, Lipman, Wolfe & Co. Por Milady's Boudoir The Prettiest New Novelty Boudoir Slippers Priced $ 1 .00 Ever so pretty for gifts ! They're here in pink or pale blue poplin wjth large fluffy poni pom, or of cretonne in pretty colored; patterns-combinations ...!iL t-- i.., CI-.-rj-. wiui iLigc pwiii yum.' . 'opc3 irum a vo 7. Both dainty and comfortable. : Main Floor, Bargain Square. Waterbloom Petticoats Very iSpecial $1.95 These are unusually good petticoatsand they're Wonderfully good-looking, tool The tops are of Waterbloom material, with flounces of silk. The flounces are in, several Styles with ruffles, small pin tucks or pleating. In good shades of green, blue, purple, Navy and fancy changeable effects. At the .same price, Heatherbloom petti coats in fancy floral designs, with ruffles ,and small tucks. All have elastic tops f Fourth Floor, Lipman, Wolfe & Coi NOTIONS YOU NEED I BIAS ' TAPE Good trade lawn, assorted sizes, 6-yard bolt 8c MACEY HOOKS AND EYES .' ', 2 dor. to tube, black or white 3 tor 10c DRESS SHIELDS Size 3, light weight, flesh color, 12c CELLULOID HAIR PINS , Shell box. color, crimp style 5c Hook FrontHook Back Bandeaus 50c - VaTy tmusBal sale of Keavy mesh - baadaaoa, witk elastic . at back, and food heavy tap for ahoulder straps. Size from 32 to 44, and a' valua that neecls but little emphasia as te ' iU zoarit. ; , 4 Che Day Bed Spread Sale ftiAtP-atUV White Crocket 'DoubU JBed Spreads eacellent for wear mnd waabiBf, Lesa than x wholoaalo 1 rest CoWad Dotihla tUJ Spreads. Rod and hlae, in food ptttenu. , Lees i. than teoUqra cost, . ' - jt - FULL SIZE COTTQN BATTS AT 60c Special sala of Cotton Baits. Full size, sufficient tor comtorter. s ; 't - , - ; 100 Lirge HairboW Ribbons ; : " . fluffy hairbow rib- nnl bona of taffata - and other OoC avy, quality.' of ribbons. Plenty -of colors from wbicb to aeUct. Just 100 of, 'them. . . . j .., SilkrTaffeli' Umbrella ; CO QfT On beet Parao. framoe. tDO.UO short sport loop bWIoa fa tboao popular shades tanpo, brown, light . and ' dark' freen,- purple plsn, navyt and " black., ; Very rxceptioneiv prkiar. 1 ? , : ; . : MANY OTHER SPECIALS i 51 The Offers These' 3 FOR WEDNESDAY ONLY SPECIALS OFFERS THESE THREE SPECIALS FOR WEDNESDAY OiVW r " --and they are but three striking examples of the savings al ' ways toybe found inthe Household Section I V EXTRA. HEAVY WASH BOILERS $3.49 Extra - heavy, re-tinned wash . boiler No. 8, with heavy weight all-copper bottom. The fit-in covers and hook han-' dies are good features. NO PHONE ORDERS FILLED1 AND NONE SENT C. O. D. LIMIT ONE TO A CUSTOMER. r, ALUMINUM SINK STRAINERS 39c Strainers made to hi ' .good weight sheer al years: 'NO; PHONE SENT .CO. D. ion. 40Qi SiB Thin Blown SET. OF SIX 65c r ON SALE WEDNESDAY ONLY Danty table tumblers of first quality wlti six-point cot stmbnrst tits." ; ' - N Phonet Orders FHIed, Nemo Sent C 6. D. - UMTT 1 DOZEN TO CVSTOMER-POSl. TTVELY NONE SOLD TO DEALERS.' .. Sixth Floor, lipman. Wolfe & Co.' WINDOW SHADES SligbUy Imperfect Special 75c 85c 1 I I I u - - . , .HI I I "tdr-JLJ- -- 4 --. ' v "aJQBjfasBSS""- 'i' PEARL BUTTONS Assorted sizes, 3 cards 10c 4 "'""-. ''h'f- CHILDREN'S SOCKLETS Pink, blue, white 15c ; 1 COMMON PINS 300 count, assorted sizes 5c. KLEIN ERT'S TRITON CAR. MENT SHILEDS Brassiere tyle, sizes ( 32 to 44 55c. LIBERTY COLLAR SUPPORTS 6 sets for. ,5c. SNAP FASTENERS G ood trade, black, or white--Sc card. -.. : COTTON , MIDDY XACES Lieht blue,' pink and black- z tor 5c. ' ' MEN'S SHOE. LACES Black only, tlx to ' bundle 15c, , ' REAL , HAIR NETS.rrlnf:i iyie oc ...... oriKAKS xeai i fteei. : in as ' t., feet in finish only 69c V COTTON BELTING J and - 3-inch size, black or white , I?" i "1 -Main floors i Lipman, Wolfe KQo. If" v - f - xra oc i Shades classedby theinanufacturer as;sli;htly imperfect t the Corner Of your Sink Snufcly. Of ntt,;n fhat 'will mtairrmnraneittrAnrhttitv.ViAhi.'-i'..'' -4-';r-'. . . U ' . uminum, well finished.' Will last for ' . , n aft inrh Unth a t n ft AHWontnn Wrrt ... ,' OOWtt k lit ' find h ORDERS FILLED, AND NONE ,,crrm11pr lor are reen, vream and .whit.' .-V Tflfl tf-A AI ; i. "hoW sectionasemenu , :r kL-VX Ct Whk&wtii Machine : Q r . . . : i 'U ?; - - . --'-I- i -"Why nol lWTone pnt aside now l j us tow at i.nxs spcciat price , uoui, suosianuai siretcners- . , ana nave u parny paia ior vj ii , can be made to fit'sinr.slce curUin.; Simple ,t6rfc'widerr Tfi Silver Plated TEA SPOONS--Set of 6-79c V These On Sate t.tain Floor .-WmA. Roerers 1881 Silver. Plated Tea Sooons in the Lbeautiful "Grecian pattern "that -is. so popular. -These are v cuaranteea lor iu years". your. homers i . Fifth Floor. Lipman, Wolfe, ,Cb,. V i Second Floor. VLlpmanWolfe & Co. ...... v ..... . ..-....,: y . ' . .............. , 4 , . t " i -o-c ft