WINE OF FRESH BUTTER IS SHOWN ALONG PACIFIC COAST .Edited by Hyraaa XL Cohen NO r,1QRE 70r,r,E!l TO : GS MOVED rt"ER AGAIN VITH ,iST SUPPLYLL where Along Slope Demand filler 'Thwi OtTerinas fop ' ".jo4 torajie Sale Are 4, Former Figures. PORTLAND BECOMES CANNED MILK CENTER ViTH GROWING TRADE Four Plants at . Nearby Points Are Owned Here Henningsee Produce Co. Operating Scio Plant Deliveries Continue Short. t for. tro .hewing 6 tuttber dvne ,,"mm''M the trad asking Mother ed- 06 2 k deeea for randled of ferine. The oted ae blch m 89 ton while extra oerauy at 67sr6So a aoaen. - yer are today offering Bp to 62e ft dosen nUnar- candled atoek from U eountry, ;e Mm mad br these interests to wholo- at 54 4om. rket' for frh cu all lon th. FsHfio t e a ywry strong affair at th time. Cali V ranorta indicate that it la almost -Impos- t aeeora sufficient tock of freah of far en Bold-store stock ia alao scarce then. v lam erica eoniparatlvaly "ruling for (tot- v by no maana affecting tha piica or aala S fresh alferlnc sane u iooa aaminwira- ruled that storage good Bart ba aotd a mad sot simply M Further prico d- S are expected. BT MABhtET QUOTED BOWK , J1 tha greater ottering of eelsry from local rt. trend of tha trad 1 weaker with price -xMly reduced to "So a dpsea lor beat ana iize down to 600 69c during the day. K K ... tTDA " GBAPEFBUIT BOLLIHa Sertoad ef Florida grapefruit for tha lo tt , reported roiling for tha Kyan -wfflpanr of this city. Tbe stock will ar ( tn about two week and win probably tell 110 par ease. , . ; t-. . . - . UlAClOXLB APPLES ABE HIGHER A , rapert . room from Mosier that tha first a -load ehJjanenU of Delicious applea will ba ay froVf there- thla week. Bale are reported i hfghr ae 12.10 for extra fancy, which breaka K old records. , . m IP.OOW OB APES BECOMMEITDED That .fh keepina quality of GranU Paaa To ' 1 httr than tha aama rartety from other Iowa baa bean known for nine time. A Incal pay thla trlbuta in a circular letter to iu t ' "Tiara food aaaortment of crapea, sm a 4 ' and ' racommrnd the OretSft Tokaya for do hot more zhem rery quickly. The wibai hiaher than the California, 'iffloaUtjr la far nuperior." XfjQ PBAGGIO BADIY , waif bt ealrea ix draeiiine .nai way. Salea are ahown v joad for torn rather food t . wHtt, efferint of quality enn , 'o ay 'top prieea. OTE9 OP PBODUCE TBADK Tada bold firm at former prieea. ' Ue .etill--under demand; market '"i?! hof are ateady to firm at - V.- Bw1nf poor quality with prieea - .y vj - .-.trado Ottlat at former price; onlotaa .ier,';, Portland is beeemfni the headquarters for the escl milk trade and tha importance of tha tndoatry is anowisc a tremendous tot r ran recently. --- The Heanincaea Produce eotnpaey, awaera of the Hazelwood Creamery, with the transfer some time aco of its manager, Carl Schallincer, to tbe Waahoocal eondenaary. ia increasicf its bwai- nesa materially. Kome time age. it purchased to 8cio condensary and both plants will ba manned by Mr. BchaJUnfer from this city. The Washongal eondenaary baa acaln .started operations and the demand for products la greater than supplies. Portland is also beadqnartera for tha Talo bar. company as well as the Holly company, the latter baring its plant at Amity. Canned milk deUreries continue far tinder re quirements here and few ef the wholesalers hare any of the leading brands to offer their regular customers. Further Decline in Coarse Grain List By Joseph P. Pritohar-f Chicago, Sopt 80. (I N. g.) There were harp price breaks in the com mariUt today, tha net losses totaling S H $ 5 c SenUmerit was stm bearish. The oats market showed loases of 292: Tha cash corn, market waa aa moehxaa 10c lower, ana cash oats were IHe lower. Hog products were off sharply in price, and me market closed dull. Chicago, Sept. 80. (L N. 8.) Both grains opened lower today,, with corn mora than a cent oil Truss Satordar'a close. arlr in tha tradin howerer, short corerings in the OctoDer delivery of corn brought a sharp upturn toward tha termer level, which was sustained. Oat also followed corn, with prieea only fraction under tha preriourHerel. News that Bulgaria bad virtually surrendered seemed hare BtUe effect on either of the grains. rroruion were fairly strong, with trading BUTTER SCARCITY IS A PRONOUNCED FEATURE: ViTH PRICES HIGHER Fresh Extras Are Far Below Require ments. ' Everywhere en Coast at Thla Time and Record Values Again Established. a HOTICE FOB SHIPPERS "bureau ad rises: Protect shipments "t 86 hour against the following tatinpetatures: Going north, tO de- Aheast over tha Spokane, Portland A '"yi 78 degrees; ewt to Bakesv 78 sooth to Ashland, 80 degrees. The temperature at Portland tomorrow, .'degrees. r'gBI?Q PBICBS ITIk POBTLAKD t.-e ine-.pnnes retaUera CORN ' . Open. High. Ixw. Close.- Octobr 189 148 188 H 186 November 138 18H 182 1884 OATS September ..... 71 72i 70 70H tober 78 72 69 704 November ...... 78 73 70 PORK September 401S 4015 8930 8930 October 3080 4070 3980 3980 November 4070 LARD September S700 2700 2630 266B October 2662 2665 2630 2640 November .,... 2625 2627 2590 2595 RIBS September 2340 2340 2292 2292 October 2850 2850 2290 2295 November....... 2355 2855 2302 2305 PACIFIC COAST BANK 8TATEMEKT Clearings ' Monday .... Clearing Balances Clrertngs Balances Portland Bank This week. Tear ago. 6.573,032.41 $ 8,886,095.39 8okane Bank Tacoma Bank 1.891,979.00 870.547.00 1,076.817.00 263.655.00 V ' Dairy Prwduet V-SelUng price: Creamery prints client srrappen, extras, 64e; prim firsts, Uc;vfira. 67c; in 80 1b. boxes, e less; it boxes, la less; cubes, lo' less; cartons, la tionaj: dairy. 40e lb.; Jobbing price, cubes. 0. -gfiaittae: Drima flrvt 19a tTKaPAT Portiand delivery basis. No. POTATOES ALL ALONG THE COAST 'ir vmn, oie. tUCESK Selling price: TOhmoofc. tmt on Fancy fun ereara triplets, 889860 lb. Clearing Balances Clearings Clearings Seattle Bank f. 8 8.817.848.00 8 1.809,993.00 San Francisco Banks $16,586,495.00 Lo Angeles Banks 3 5,060,984.00 With the advance ef 2a pound In th price of creamery butter, which took affect bora dur ing the day. new Ugh record were not only es tablished in tha price, with extra is carton at So a maud, and olain wraooers la below this. but the shortage in the fresh output ef butter is so marked that s famine threatened along tne coast generally. ' Local creamery interests have for some time been unable to secure sufficint butterfat for their . actual requirements of butt from day to dir. and the. situation is steadily growing mora acuta instead ef improving a tha price vee higher. A special ad vies received by a local batter broker frog a San Francisco connection said that it waa impossible for tha trade there to secure its need of fresh butter at any price Just now, and there waa no nope .of sending supplies to outside markets. Market for cuafe extras is very firm at 610 62e a pound, with prima firsts 69c. Bei.w this grade it ia hard to dispose of supplies except at extremely low figures compared with others. fanta not being generally shown around 62c pound. Storage butter is moving freely, but supplies are somewhat las than had been generally ex pected. , . a ' Urgent Demand Is Shown for Stock at New York Opening 1 LATC MOVCMCNT VIOLENT New York, Sept. 30. (I. N. 8.) The most violent movement for the day occurred In tne lata deallne In the stock market when the strength In tha ' ell and motor- Issues was suc ceeded by urgent buying ef many of the railroad toek. Caanadlan aclfle moved up rapidly to above 170. clealna at 1694. white Union Peelfle sold up over t point to 127V4 and Reading was flnalle OV.. The araateet amount of oaln Wat In Tsias Oil, which Jumped to 188, a net upturn ef over 14 point, and was finally 185'i, while Mexican Petroleum showed a oaln ef 10 points at izi i and closed 1 eolnt below the high. Steel common was finally 112 A, Baldwin 89, marine preferred 104ft. Consolidated Gaa 03. Anaconda S9', Oeneral motor 124 and Stud baker B3. Sales, 781,000 (haras; bond. 38,287.000. New Tork, Sept 30. (T, N. S.) The over Sunday news from the battlefields and the new this morning of the submission of Bulgaria to armistice terms, caused an urgent opening de mand for many stocks, with several issues selling at new high prices for this movement. Stees common moved up to 113. and similar gains were made in tbe other steel indus trials. Mexican Petroleum moved up 2 to 118, and Texas Oil made a gain of over 8 point to above 177. American Sumatra dropped 2 to 107 4 on unusually heavy trading. The market waa strong in tbe late afternoon. with most of the active issues moving up 1 point Steel common rallied 1 to 112 . Bald win from 89 to 90 , an Bethlehem from 78 to 79. Texas Oil waa unusually strong, moving up to 185, a net tain of 11 . After the early advance a supply from profes- s'.rnals started a recession which was most pro- nruaeed in th steel industrials. Baldwin dropped from 91 to 89. Bethlehem from 82 te 79. Republic from 93 to 90 and United StateP Steel from 113 U 111. The ou stock continued strong; Texas Oil sold up to 180, a gain of over 6 points, from which it reacted later in the forenoon to 177 while Mexican Petroleum, after iu advance t 115. reacted to 113. Furnished bv Overbeck A Cooke Co.. RmH nf Trade building: Astoria' Asks T Portland Firms : For Fish Supply When Astoria ask Portland deal are M mm almoe to that dlrecUoa there la eemethlna wrong with th oaten wf fish -tn the Columbia. Not only baa Aetorto been trying te obtain saJmoa far It eww require ment from Portland deaf ere but ether plane atong the OefumoJa have atao tried to se cure supplies here. The catch recently rMrtosV ae . santonl. Cereal Situation Is Marking Time Here POOR CATTLE RULE VEAK WITH LIBERAL SUPPLY IN YARDS Good Stuff Is Again Scarce and Bids for Thla Quality Are Steady- Swine Price Maintained Early and Sheep Values Hold. PORTLAND LTPKSTOCK BUN Hogs. Cattle. Carre. Sheep. Practically Nothing Doing la Trade Along Coast on Ac count Congestion. the NORTHWEST GRAIN RECEIPTS -Cars- Portland. Moa . . Tear ago .... , . Season to data . . Tear ago. ... . . . Tseoma,. Sat . . Tear ago Season to date. . Tear ago Seattle. Bat. . ... Year ago Season to date . , Year, ago Wheat Bartey. Hour. Oats. Hay. Monday Saturday .... F.iday Ihursday ..... wedneoday ... Tweaday Week age .... Year age .. . ., Two year aeo. Three yean' aga Pour years ago.. 3092 .. 244 . . 812 . . 345 490 . 263 T7S5 2118 1641 2418 2501 . 1749 42 488 79 e e o 175 4 134 473 17 36 168 ... 338 153 7 86 1076 184 1029 2068 68 1283 1624 1 16'3 646 1 3838 44T 1 1984 80 . 115 4 .3295 825 . 880 88 ... IS . '19 ... .1627 IT . 602 22 'it "i 6 T 404 208 18 14 16 8 16 280 1147 849 4e . 3 2 1 6 65 417 70 843 14 12 602 78 423 295 1488 fPES Per .erate. tlack. 82.50; k J1.78; task 7e lb.; Comic bona, v t Tokay. 2. 00 02.16 crate; 1 " " .I....V., . . 1 rim w jtronevm. 1.0.0. -tie Point, triplets, 2 e: Young- America and moth, tine ones. a7e; Luaburger. R 3e block Swiss. 4647e ner lh. ' VIS Selling price, eandled. 54 0 66e dos. mg Price, 60 0 52c doxeo; selling price, se '1. ST d 58c; selected, in cartons, 68 069c. "PH - i-VbbHe marks retail selling price. i&OTjLTBT Hens, 26S37e per lb.: ? ,owf'e "00 hroilers. 37 08Oe; old i. -1 sxags. iBo; 'squab. 38 dos. ka, 26 0 300: pigeons, 81.50 02 dos. t, Mih Vaostablaa anaV reuM yBXSH FUU1T8 Oranges, 89 01O per box; na-8o lb.; lemons, 85.50 0 7.00; water- x. ao per jo.; plums, 2 0 3e perighlty ' tf BS -Per box. $1.40 01.60. jum axioue vanenaa, TSa0 32 per Malagas, i, crates. Sll 23 01.8 tJoneord, 80e basket vM(H-.r5ruetts, (1.6001.76 per box. vtvusil PRUIT8 Dates, Iromedry, 85.60: erds. Bx; -raisins, three crown, loose ascateV'lOo lb. in 60-lb. boxes; figs. 88.50 prt ow- tot. Hirn. peeaagea, tiNlOSS Sellirt price to retailer; nnwr-i ' "!.7S; aari'e. 14016o lb.; green onion. 830 oosen ouweDea, ' A BIK-Klli Northwert. 84.26 per bush- OBa--Serang price. 82.8008.00 USttJ0 lMC' rg else, (2.00 ; i.23 0-1.75 per cental; sweets. 5 Jttlta Pony. 81.75; SUndard. STABLES New turnip. 65a per do, earrota, 12 a sack: beets, lltia aaok; permlps. 81.23 per sack; eabbag. 4 y 8o peppers, 0 7e per lb.; head lettuce, t,0; oelary. 60070c doe.; artichokes, 61.00 15 doa.; eucumbers, 7 60 per box; tomatoes. to vrii escpiant, 100 per id. : emiulower, .AO02.OO dos.; horseradish, 12e per lb.; heaA,'7a lb.; green corn, 85c per doses. T 8et, Pish and Prevision r?Is."r.Belu.B s'Tict- Country vMMi,i ordinary. 28 0 21c; ordinary veal, 18 0 .my, iiwiH per lb. lamb, tee Seattle Market Seattle. Wash.. Soot. 80. ITT. P.l Patatnae Local, per cwt, 32.25 03.50; Eastem Wash ington netted Gems, 38.00. San Franclsoe Market San Francisco. Sent. 80.- rtt. P.) nfrfom Per cental, Australian brown. 31.40 01.50; mi ecoca, lower. Potatoes Per cental, fancy larm aeWnted Deltas, 32.25 2.4,0; with one mark as high aa s-.oa; ao snipping stock, 61.70 0 2.00: sali- I. a.UO(9B.20. Loa Angelee Market Lo Angeles. Sect. 80. (I. N. R.1 Pota toes atockton Burbanks, 83.10 0 3.25: fancy.; none Aoae, IJ.VUW1.1V, DALBT FBODTJCE OJT. THE COAST -Butter tan Franclsoe Market Sn Franciscd. Sent 80. U. P. I Extras, 65c; prime firsts, 66c; firsts. 660. iggs ttxtras, none; extra pullets, 86c Cheese California flats, fancy, 80c to Aneeiee Market Loa Angeles. Sept 80. (L N. S.) Butter creamery,' extras, 68c EggV Extra. 59 Me: ease eoant K- nnl. leto. 54c. With labor trouble and congestion or sup plies at sll Pacific Northwest terminals, tha grain market is showing a decided stagnant ' tone at this time. Operation are almost too scant at the moment in any Una to firmly establish quo tations. While rather liberal supplies of naulstuff are bing made here, demand continue to far ex eced (implies. Price unchanged. Hay market situation remains firm with de mand entire in practically all varieties. FLOUR Selling price: Family wheat floor, 310.25; barley flour, 611.00; Willamette val ley, ( ); local straight, 3 10.00: bakers' local 39.80010.00; Montana spring wheat, patent t.oiv.oo: rye flour. 812. 00: oat flour. 311.20; corn flour, $11.60 14.00 per barrel. Price for city deliveries in five barrel lots. HAY Buying price, new crop: Willamette timothy, fancy. 626.00 027.00; Eastern Ore-ton-Washington fancy timothy. 833.00; alfalfa. szs.uu; valley vetcn, gZB.UO; ebeat. ( clover, (26.00 69 27.00; grain. 326.00 per ton. GRAIN SACKS Nominal. No. Calcutta. 25 0 26e in ear lots; leas amount higher. MILL8TDPFS Mixed feed, bulk, 824.44; at wills, sacked, 830.65. ROLLED OATS Per barrel. 311.20. ROLLED BARLEY Per ton, 360.00. CORN Whole, 377.00; cracked. 379.00 ton. Merchants Exchange October bids: OATS Tear moa. Bat. m inura. wed. Tuea, age Feed 6850 6000 6000 8000 6000 6000 4950 BABLET Feed 4700 4800 4850 4850 4850 4900 4000 "A" 4800 4900 4950 6050 5050 5200 5100 November delivery: OATS No. 2 feed BABLET Fted "A" Eastern oats and corn in bulk : OATS No. S white , ; 38 lb. clipped white , CORN No. 8 yellow No. 3 mixed November delivery: OATS No. 8 Clipped , CORN Tallow . Mixed There waa a bigger run of beg and eattle and a amaBer one of ealrea and sheep ia the North Portland yard over Sunday. Total ar rivals were 84 earloada. Most ef the run of eattle appearing in the yard waa of poor quality and pleasure was shown against th fair to popr quality offering. Really wortb while steer ware not tn gooa luppry tor th day and killers were again bidder for this class of (tuff with early values maintained. General eattle range: Prime steer Good to choice steer .... Medium to good iteera ........ fanner (k.mmon to fair steer ........ Choice cow and heifer Medium to good cows and heifers Fair to medium cow and heifer. Conner Pulls Calves Stocken and feeder Swine Market Is Steady With an improved run of rwine in the North Portland yards for the day, there waa no pres sure against price. In fact early transaction in dicated a (teady to strong ton with former val uer continued. General hog range: Prime mixed Medium mixed Rough heavies Pigs Bulk .813.00013.00 . 11.0012.OH .T6011.4O I.MS 4.00 . . 00 0 8.25 s.000 t on 6.00 0 7.25 5.00 0 4 00 8.00 0 4.00 6.OO0 7.00 9.00012.00 6.00 0 8.00 BESEIITTOV011N in nnnru cum v trine luuuLiiomr ihnuo Complaints That Work Is Too Hard Causes Employment Bureau to Change Plans. Ftnowin4T tha receipt erf complaints from women ahipyar4 workers that tha dotlaa aaalcned them were tee difficult, Iflsa Hand Eater, la charco ef the nra nkipal employment bureau in the city hall haa decided not to send any mere women to tne Tarda. Explaining- ner stand en the question. Miss Eager today said: "Instances have been reported to me where women workers hare been re- em fred to unload 1 timber from railroad ears, push heavily-laden wheelbarrowa containing- iron bolts, and perform ether hard physical labor fit only for able bodied men. The women cannot stand the strain and those I have pat to work have thrown up their Jobs. I have con eluded not to send any more women to tbe yards. "Several hundred women applied to my office recently for work tn tbe local yards, the chances of obtaining- coed wares havtns appealed te them. Those who were placed were riven work in tbe woodan yards. COLORED MEN ON " BANCROFT 5800 4700 4800 5260 6160 6200 6100 6100 6150 American wheat visible supply, in bushels r 6200 6000 I Open High Low Close St. Loui Metal Market St Louis. Mc. Bent 80. fL N a t lA Firm at fixed price of 37.75. opener yuiet. ( Hew Tork Sugar and Coffee New Tork. Sent 80. ITT P. I rvff. No. 7 Rio.. 14c; No. 4 Santos. lSUe. Sugar Centrifugal, 67.24. lb.; beef. j,. nun, llf II , 1 -on. 860 61c; picnics, 2 00; cottage ct eJeat, 80 0 85; Oregon exports. .ciihNor MEATS Fancy steer beef. 30 0 tncy oow ooef. lft I7e; fresh spring ti. uuw, siiguc; ewes. bales, 88.10 0 8.66; fancy table and dairy. 330.23; lump rock, 320 per ton. BEANS California (salea bv a .n white. 13 He; Urge white. 12c; pink, 9o ia.; Siisnas, ie; lajmi viae; rea, IOC uregon beans (buying price): White, machine -lrsaort 8 V 0 9c: hand picked. 9 H 0 10c CANNED MILK Carnation. 87.351 Borden. 37.26; Y el oban, (7.25; Holly, (7.S5 er case. $7.25; Aster, 37.26; Eagle, 39.60; Libby. vje f XJ, Loeaieo. ia n w 5 oc. in sack or drums. SODA CRACKERS Bulk. 17o per lb. NUTS Budded walnut. 3031a Ib.t el. mends, 30 0 32c: fUberts, 27 He, in sack Iota; pes nuts, ii peoens, 11c; jorasu, sue Hops, Wool and Hid nrrpfl Nominal. 1917 croo. 20e Th. HIDES No. 1 salted, SO lbs. and up. 15e: No, 2 salted. 30 lbs and up. 14e; No. 1 greeo, 80 lbs. and up, 12e; No. 2 green. 30 lb, and up, lie; No. 1 salted bull, 60 lb, and up. lac; do, aaiiea onus, ew 10. ana up, lie; Nc 1 green bulls, 60 lbs. and up. 10c: No. 2 green bulla. 50 lbs. and up, 9e; No. 1. green or ;ii,"w --v, 1 srepwa utuue w asm - ws a. Bji sjajia w BD--JaetU rendered' ) ataadard, 29e salted calf skins, up to 15 lbs, 82e; No. 3 green lord compound. 28 Ha. jTiHS Olympla, gallon, 39.80: " 1 i ven e aos. cane. canned ' oon. SH FISH Dressed flounders, Te per Bm . Chinook, 18c: .Uverrida. IS a ii uerch, 80: olea, 8e: salmon tnnt. le A, 9 0100! clama, bard shell, 60 veg.boa; erabe, t ) per doaea; V"'??-7?, : Poered, 88.09 H i 4.05; D rsllow. 67.65; grauV 7-S extra c. 7.70; 9 e ,.,-eNew, $7 pet oas. V-." arorao. 100a. 91s par f 17.2B; tabes dairy.' 60s. (22.40; . jerkins Hotel &iakt V -iA -w fc- ...XT sreighte. 12H- or salted calf akixts. up to 15 lbs., SOHe; No. 1 araesi or salted atp SKina. ia lo BU lbs., laa- No. 2 green or aalted kip skins. 15 to 80 lbs.. 14 He: ory Hint. 1 10a. ana up, awe; ary I lint VUI, BDIHI . WW, Wf , HM, W p. B4e: dry salt can. unoer losu. e: dry euH or calf, H proe ; dry salt stags or bulla, 14e; dry euu Mag or duus, 1 pnee; ory norse, aoroeaing to six and take off, each, $1.60 02.60; aalted bora, aoaording to aiae sad toke off, each, 33 0 6: dry long wool pelt, eh., 40ei dry abort wool pelta. per lb., 2S0SOe; eaMed long wool lamb pelts. August take off, each. (2.5008.60; HllWtt . 1 a - . ' , nH,feVj dry aneep aneamngs, eacn, Hftw;, aalted sheep shearlings, each, 60 T5e; dry long hair. goat aains, per 10.. 20c: ory snort aair goat akin, each, 600 31 aone hair, toil, 8O02 nozse nair, man, in (Prices quoted above are per pound, Where otherwiae deaigaatad.) W(K) L, HoUui. jona atanla. aa. abort staple. 40o: asohsdr. Murry, Sue: We7i tallow. iaac, no. uun, ut! Mav rrease. Sc. i CASCARA BARE Qroa I'lfta' aad Washfwrtna Rte." e to VThoIaaale aad la Caater ef jaeuiii uiamet atoa 6Lt Per DayTf. - ecial, Low Rates to Vrmanent Guests ' 2E HOTEL meern, homellk and downtown. : 'r: ' wasnin(te , . i nwne IHWIiyai!) Rope, Points, Oil ROPE Sisal, dark. 24o; whit. 33 Ha lb. 33.01 anOoa 83J4 atandatd ManHa. 83 He. LINSEED Ull. s, BWa. kettle boiled, kbla,, 32.63 raw 1 boiled, case. (Z.1B gallon. f UOAb ulu water wnua., in hob., lOe gal. : case, zoe gaL : GASOIJ.nk iron oois... zL Ha ease, SIHe sngine distillate, iron bbla., 13c; eaaaa. tSe. V, WHITE LEAD Ton lota, 13 He Hat 600 b., 13 He. -, TURPENTINE -Tsoka. 84ci' eaaaa- ftat ia case iocs. 10 leas. . WIRE NAXUi Bsais price, 85.86. " - 48H 95 40 H 47 H 94 44 H 67 54 H iio" 124 46 92 21 H 34 H 116 55H 27 19 34 82 H 00 116 DESCRIPTION : Alaska Gold I SHI 3 T Allis-Chalmers, c. 31 HI 31 Hi tdo pfd Am. Beet Sugar ... . 68 H 69 Am. Can, c 1 45 45H Am. Car Fay.. C...I 88 H 88 H Am. uotton OU. c. . 42 43 H Am. Linseed, c... 42 H 42 H Am. Loco., c 67 H 67 Am. Smelter, e. . . . 78 79 Am. Sugar, c 107; 1074 Am. Tel. ek Ter.... 97 HI 98 H Am. Woolen. C...1 55a cs a. Anaconda Min. Co. . 69 I 69 H Atchison, c 80 87 Baldwin Loco., 91 H 91 H Bait. A Ohio, e. , . . 53 63 H Bethlehem Steal. B. 824 .il . Brooklyn K. Transit.! 40 Hi 41 H Butte at Superior.. 2ft 26 H Calif. Petroleum, e. 20 H 21 H Canadian Pacific... 164 1.70 H Central Leather, 70 71 C AfO f7. 67 58 C. A GC W.. e C M. V St P. . . 48 H C. A N. W.. e 95 ' Chino Copper .... 40 Cola F. As L, c. . 46 4 Consolidated Gas. . 90 Corn Products, e. . 44 H Cmible Steel, e. . 66 H D. As K. G.. e Distillers 1 S3 H Erie, c General Electric.. . 1148 General Motors. .. 1120 Goodrich Rubber..! 46 N. Or. Lands. . 1 Great Northern, pfd 91 Hide leather, c. 21 Ice Securities I 34 H lllinoia Central ..... Industrial Alcohol, ill 6 Inspiration 55 Int. Mer. Marine.. 27 Kan. City 80., c ... 18 Kennecott Copper . . 88 H Lackawanna Steel . . 82 H Lehigh Valley 60 LbUiaville A Nash.. 116 U Maxwell Motors, c. 28 I 29 -tO sh .. . . . , -, juexican rexroieum. 111s H 11-1 Aiuuaa tjopper 27 27 Miuvaie steel 03 I 53 si.. H- ek T., a Missouri Fke. I 28 24 H national Lead l . I 58 7,1 (k Nevada Con. ..... I New Haven 40 41 New York Air Brfke121 H 1122 New York CentraL. 78 HI 74 H . T.. Ont A W.. 204 21 Norfolk ec W.. c. 104 104 H Northern Pac . 87 H 84 Pacific Mail 31 81 Itunaylvaxua By. .. 43 43 People Gaa 49 60 Pittsburg, Coal. c. 61 61 Pressed Steel Car, c. 71 71 Ray Cons. Copper.. 24 24 l!y. Steel Springs... 71 71 Reading, c ...I SAW I sou Rep, L A S., 0..I 92 98 Rock Island. 25 26 s.. r.. a co. ...v Shattnck I 15 15 Studebaker, c 49 Hi 63 H oouxnern .racuic . . .1 B7H 08 Southern Railway, e.f 27 H 1 28 TBnn. , copper. .. . .1 17 I 17 lexas vll, ...... ,1174 A I1HR Tobacco Product. ; .1 69 70 Union Pacific. 0..125H127U u. at. jtuDoer, e...i 001 oia V. S. Steel, e 113 1113 U. B. Steel. Dfd..lllOi 110 tt Utah Copper. I 83 Hi 84 vir. t;nemtrai, e.i os 1 &sh Wabash ... ...,.. ! 9 Wabash A. . .. 39 f 39 Wabash B W. U. Telegraph..). ... .1 West Electric I 44 I 44 Willys Overland 20 21 .wooiwortn ....... .1. ... .1. ... . 3 30 '68 44 87H 42 42 S 77 H 107 97H 55 68 66 89 63 78 40 25 H 20H 162 69 57 H '48 H' 94 H 40 46 90 43 H 64 53 H 147" 118 46 '90H 20 84 112 64 27 18 83 80 3 30 82 68 45 86 H 42 42 67 78 107 H 65 69 H 86 H 89 S3 79 41 26 21 169 , 7 58 7 48 94 89 H 46 94 43 64 4H 53 H 15 147 119 46 31 H 91 20 84 H 95 113 64 27 18 83 82 59 I 50 116 1116 Sept. 80 Oct 1 Oct 2 Oct. 4 Sept 28 Sept Sept 1918. 1917.. 1916.. 1915.. 1914.. 29. 1918.. 80. 1912.. Total. , .86.015,000 . . 7.789.000 , .57.896.000 , .15,900,000 , .45.382.000 . .49.026.000 . .81.659.000 Increase 11,092,000 933.000 650.000 4.550,000 8.561.000 448,000 1.526,000 'Decrease. AMERICAN LIVESTOCK PRICES 112 27 61 ' 23 68 46 ' 121 78 20 H 103 87 31 43 48 51 71 24 69 88 90 25 14 48 H 67 27 16H 174 H 67 126 60 111H 110 83 65 9 38 43 20 Total aalea. 751.900 aharea. Ex-dtv. H . tEx-div. 2 . 29 120 29 51 5 24 58 20 40 20 74 20 104 80 31 43 49 51 71 24 60 89 91 26 14V 14 52 28 18 H 180 69 127 61 112 H 110 84 54 04 9U 88 23 81 44 20 111 Chicago Hoe S20.0O Chicago. Sept 30. (L N. 8.) Hog E fmeted receipts. 29.000: steady. Tops, $20.00; bvteher hogs, heavy, 819.50 0 20.00; packing kegs, heavy. $18.50 0 19.00; meditim and mixed. 318.75019.83; light 819.60 019.95; pig. $17.7518.60: rough. $18.00 018.50. Cattle Estimated receipts. 23.000; strong. Beef cattle, good, choice. $15.50 019.60; me dium and common. $10.00015.60; butcher stock, heifer. $6.79 013.50; cows, $6,65 0 18.50; cannen and cutters. 35.65 0 0.65; stacker- and feeders, good, choice, 810.50013.75; common and medium, (7.50010.00; veal calves, good, choice, (17.75 018.60. Sheep Estimated receipts. 70.0OO; strong. Shorn lambs, choice and prime, 314.00 0 17.25; medium and good, 814.00 016.00; yearling. good, choice. $13.35 018.76; feeder lamb, good. choice, -818.75 015.60; ewe, choice, prim. 811.00011.50; medium and good, $9.60 ft 11.00. Omaha Hog 819.40 Omaha. Neb.. Sent (0. (L N. S.) Hoes Receipts, (500; steady. Top, (19.40; rang. (18.75019.40: mixed. $18.85 019.10; good choice, 818.80019.00; roug. 818.75 018.80; bghta, 819.10 019.40; bulk. 318.80 0 19.00; pigs. $17.00 019.00. Cattle Receipts 1700. lowetC Beeves, $10 06 19.00: cows and heifer. $3.76 012.00: steer. $6.00 015.00; calves, $6.00 018.00. Sheep Receipt, 58.000; steady. Wethers. $10.75012.00: vearluaa. (12.00 0 14.00: lambs. $14.00 016.50; ewe. $9.00 0 9.60. Denver Hog (16.60 Denver. Cole. Sept 30 (U. P. 1 Cattle Receipts 4700. 25c higher. Steers, 39.50 0 15.00; cow and heifers, (7.00 0 9.25; stocker and feeders, (7.00011.50; calve. (8.000 11.00. Hogs Recefota 1100. steady. Top. 819.60: bunt. 818.40 019.80. sneep Becetpta 16. 000. ateady. Urnna, (15.2316.25; ewea. (9.00010.00. Kansas City Hogs S19.8S Kansas City.. Mo.. Sept. SO. (L 'N. 8.1- Cattle Receipts 37.000, steady. Steer 314.00 014.60; cow and heifers, 37.06 010.00; stocker and feeders, $7.00 014,00; calves. (8.00 012.00. tJn T 1 1 . A AAA 1.4.. tft. Top, 819.85: bulk. (18.75 019.60: heavie. $19.00019.85; medium,. $19.00 019.75; lights, (18.75 019.50; pics, 314.09018.50. Sheep Receipt 21,000, 26o to -60c lower. Lambs, (14.00 015.50; ewes. (8.OO0 8.DV. Seattle Hoe 820.25 - Seattle, Sept 30. (L N. 8.) Hoes Re- eeiute. 403: steady. Prim lights. (20.00 0 20.23; medium to choice. (19.50019.60; me dium heavies, 318-600 19.00; rough heavies. $17.50018.00; pig. 817.60019.00. Cattle Receipts. 194; steady. Best steer, $11.00 013.00; medium to choice, $10,80 0 11.50; common to good, $6.00 0 8.50; beat cows, (8.60 0 9.50; common to medium cow. $5.0007.50; bulls, $5.0007.50; calves, 83.00 0 10.00. , Sheep Receipts, 231; steady. Lamb. 814.80 015.00; yearlings. 810.600 11.00; v. , Liverpool Cotton Firm Liverpool. Sept SO. (L N. 8.) Cotton fu ture opened ateady today. Spot was firm. Price tirm, with sale of 200O bale reported. LIBERTY BOND SALES : Liberty bond Closed hi Mew Yorkt SH 1st 4 2d 4a 4M Tuesday" ..19012 9390 0570 950k Wednesday 10O2O 0594 : 9564 ' 9590 THarsday .. ... .. .lOVTU woaa 9568 - 9614 Friday . 10090 , 9588, 8574 c - 9593 Saturday' .,,....10040 0564 9560 - 9574 Monday .r, ... i . . 10OO0 , S539 - 8560 9560 319.50019.75 19.00019.85 18.00 018.60 16.00017.00 19.40019.50 Mutton Market Holding Mutton market was steady and no change in the Iamb situation was shown for th week1 eg ine at North Portland. Only a small run supplies was reported in the mutton alleys over nicht and these generally brought former value. General aheep range: Prime lamb $18.60015.90 Fair to medium lambs 11.00013.00 Yearling 10.00011.00 Wether 9.00 0 10.00 F.wa 6.50 0 9.00 Monday Llveetoek Shipper Hogs J. Burlingame. Groseop. Wash,, 1 load; Pendleton Meat -company, Pendleton. 1 load ; 1. W Chandler. Imbler. 1 load; L. L. Miller. Montour. 1 load: W. A. Wood. La Grande, 2 loads; W. Chandler. Turner, Wash., 1 load, Dayton, 1 load; A A. Steel. Parma. 1 load; R. H I lawn. Lostine, 1 load; Tbe Dalle Meat com pany. Th Dalles. 1 load; Loosly A Win mall. Montague. Cat. 1 load; A. Zink, Amity. 1 load. Cattle L E. Miller. Jefferson, 1 load; A. P. Furry, Ashland. 2 load; L C Holman. Robinetto, 1 load; Brown A Cummlng. Corral lis. 4 load; Cooper Bros., Ventura, 2 loads; T. P. Moors. Durkee. 1 load: J. L. Maxwell. Wal lowa. 1 load; W. Chandler. Hillgard. 1 load; C. E DeMaris. Milton. 1 load; Baldwin Sheep com pany, Redmond. 7 loads; H. J. Lister, 4 load; Charles Marks. Joseph. 8 load; Clemen A Hol- lyfiehi. Wallowa, 1 load; E. L. Mathews, 1 load R L. Noel. Bend. 1 load; J. L. Pateraoa, 1 load William Wureweiler. Terrebonne, 1 load; L. O. I arman, Condon, 2 loads; Will Ledford. Red mond, 1 loads . Cattle and Calve A, F. Conley, Condon, 1 load: Emil Von Allnun. Hermiston. 1 loa Gritman Bra., Hillgard, 8 loads; J. W. Toner. Walla Walla. 1 load; M. D. Wheeler. Lebanon, 1 load. Sheep W. B. Hunter. Lectin. 1 load; L. Davie. Walla Walla. 1 toad. Mixed Stuff E. Hackle. Maupln. 1 load of cattle and hogs; J. N. McFadden. Corvallis, 1 load of hogs and aheep; R. C. Challls, Hermiston. 1 load of cattle and hogs; O. E. GorsBne, Joseph, 1 load of cattle, calves and aheep; W. B. Hunter, Lostine. 1 load of cattle and hogs; T. J. Chan- d'.er. 1 load of cattle and hogs; Colas A Dodd, Haines, 8 load of cattle, calveeV and bega; Sol Dickerson. Weiser. 1 load ef eattle and hogs J D Diramor. West Stayton. 8 load of cat tle and bogs; G. W. Eyre, Salem, 2 load ef cat tle and hog; W. A. Leepar. Toncalla, 2 load of catfe, calves and hogs; Nash Bros.. Nashville. 1 load or cattle, nog and sbeep; Zimmer Bros.. YamhHl, 1 toad of cattle and hoga. United State bureau of markets reports live stock loaded September 29 in earloada Idouble- aecas countea aa two cars) : Cattl and Mixed calves. Hoes. Sheen. atAnk. Tnl Totals 1938 417 681 - 76 3113 one week aga....2ias s7 627 to 3811 Four week ago.. 1448 858 853 72 2808 state engine ef- Uvestoak loaded September 29 r or j-ortiano First Negroes. Signed by Sea Service Bureau Are Firemen. The first colored men signed by tha sea service bureau will ship on the Ban croft, the full enrlne room crew of six firemen and six coal passers being negroes. Peter M. Kuffold. who has been in the service of tbe Dollar Steamship com pany aa ebtet mate for several of their ships, haa been enraged aa master of the Holbrook, O. Kirwan has -een signed ae first officer and David Swln aon as second officer. Both mates are from Boston, two of a party of alx brought out for the merchant marine. The ether four are: William Mc Leod, first officer, and Cornelius Holmes, second mate, Wallowa, and Q W. Carlson and Alf Thorp, first and second officers of the Klneo, HOTORSHIP CARMEN HOME Craft Built at Astoria Benares Wei on Trip From Australia. Completing bar maiden voyare to Aus tralia, the motorship Carmen, built at Astoria by tha MeEachern Shipbuilding- company, baa returned to a Pacific port. The Carmen la tbe first ship built on the Columbia river to make the voyare. According to Captain aof Schilling. master of tha ship, the vessel handled beautifully, making the Pacific port 61 days out from Sydney. She brought ia a cargo of wool and hardwood. Captain Schilling ia high in praise of the ship. "We had no trouble with her on tha voyage and her behavior speaka well for the bunders." he said. "Her cargo ar rived in splendid condition." The Days of. the Dun Are Numbered; His rait Will Mark the Beginning ef the Great Contest for Control of the Trade of the Pacific, Oppor - tualty Knocks at Portland's Door. : ' ' .; Pert Aataerittee WBl Meet The fifth annual convention ef the Paetfle Coast Association of Port Authorities will meet In Los Angelee October. 8 to 16 In clusive. Rgprmenta three of all porta on the Paeifie from San Diego to Vancou- ', B. C' are included In the associa tion. The purpose of the aeaociatioxt is te consider questions of mutual Interest te Pactno eeast porta. It waa organised towr years are In Seattle by. the late Oeneral H. &C Chittenden, then president ef the Pert ef Seattle cotnmtwion. The convention waa held In Portland last year. Officers are: President. C M. Gordon, Los Angeles; vtce president. J. O. Cameron, Victoria, B. C ; second vice president. B, 1. Stone, Astoria, Or.; secretary, C H. Matson. Los Angelee. Free ties ef Hew Industrial Plant LeDoux A LieDoux have contracted to bufid a one' story frame structure 6 by, 100 feet In dimensions, on Thirteenth street between Raleigh and Saviar streets, for the Pacific Forging A aCa chine ry company. The cost of the build ing win be about 17000. Coaaty Waste Ante Tracks aad Mot- tereyelss Sealed bids will be received by the board of county commissioners at room 201 Courthouse, until 10 :S0 a. nv. October 2, for two auto truck chassis to have carrying capacity of not le than four cubic yarda of crushed rock in addition to body and hoist. The com mission will also receive sealed bids un til 10:30 a, m., October 11, for one new 1314 model motorcycle, equipped with electric lights, horn and speedometer. Bids tor Improvement Work Sealed bids will be received by City Auditor George R. Funk until 19 a. m.. October 2, for the improvement of East Fifty second street from tha south line of lots 44 aad 14. Kslross, te the south ime of -East Otiaaa street. Printed blanka end specifications will be furnished on ap- -plication. - . - i. ' . :; - . - Sale ef Inigatlea Bead . EesJsd bids will be received by A. D. Anderson., secretary of the North TJntt Irrigation district, Jefferson county. Oregon at ' his office tn Madras, until 10 a, nt October 22. for the eale ef $60,000 of par ceat, coupon gold bonds. In denotnln- ' atfona .of $190. Intersst Is payable en :. January 1 and July 1. and the bonds are -due January 1, 1325. v ? Proposed IrrigattoB Prejeet la Vmt Ulla Coaaty H. D. NeweU ia In charge of a party of engineers making surveys ; of possible reservoirs for the storage of ; water for Irrigation purposes In McKay 5 creek valley, Umatilla county. 'Artificial Silk Prom Weed Palp Our- lng the fiscal year ending Juue 30. ever ; 3.000,000 pairs of stockings manufactured -. from artificial slUc were exported from ; the United States. The value of exports of artificial silk from this country dur ing the year totaled $2,119,312. Imports of thla material during the past decade amounted to approximately 110,000,000. The failing off of the manufacture of artificial silks tn Europe since 1314 haa offered an opportunity for expansion ef the American trade. The silk la made of wood pulp treated with caustic soda to form n sodium cellulose and then dis solved rn carbon dlsulphide. The prod uct, popularly called viscose, is filtered and allowed to ripen by standing, after which it Is forced thmigh minute open-' tngs in a metal plate into a liquid which solidifies the threads. The threads are similar In appearence, dimensions and chemical qualities to the product of tha nllk worm. CONSERVAINJLErV INCLUDES PUBLIC AS WELL AS PUBLISHERS Intelligent Saving of Manpower and Raw Materials for War Purposes Is Urged. STATE POULTRY MART IS TO BE STABILIZED TO PROTECT GROWERS Feeds Run Higher in Oregon Than in San Francisco. Yet Prices , Are Much Lower Here. LIGHTSHIP MOVES SOLDIERS The lighthouse service is being called upon for almost everything during war times, the latest being to move troops on the Pacific coast, according to Rob ert Warrack, superintendent of light house inspection here. One of his ves sels haa been asked for movement of a company of soldiers from a Pacific port. The lighthouse service Is under the navy department and aa the array and navy are working closely together, the lighthouse service Is called Into action. there being no other naval vessels available. LIGHTSHIP 87 IN PORT Oi Tctab) Portland . On week age.... Frur weeks ago,. For Seattle Oregon Tetany Seattle . . . One week ago.... Fcur week ago.. No. Av. lb. Price. I No. A. ft 25 1200 812.59 1 26 1120 4 1092 11.00 ) 8 874 22. . . .1005 12.50 I 13 943 11.00 I COWS ,18.... 1040 8 9.80 I 7 1006 tl....'0 5.60 1 1....106O t 9 820 5.75 j 4 820 22.... 940 6.00 j 1....1080 26 924 7.50 I 80. . . . 960 000.... 1070 8.00 I HEIFERS 2 625 $ T.00 I 1 T1S BULLS 2 137S 3 6.00 I 1 1619 HOGS , 3.... 280 $19.00 I IS ... . 209 81.... 186 19.15 I LAMBS IS.... 79 812.75 I 17.00 0 9.5 Money -and Exchange New Tork, Sept. 80. (L N. 8.) Call money the floor of the New Tork Stock Exchange tcday ruled at 4 per cent; high. 6 per cent; low, B ber cent. Time money -waa Quiet. Bates were: Kixtv errs, sagu ner cent. Tbe market (or crime mercantile -neser waa i ...... - - Call money In London today was S per cent. Sterling excbe&c waa steady with business tn bankers- bills at 54.75 7-10 for demand: 34,73 to.- 00 day bills, and 34.71 for SO day bin. jrew Tork Metal Market New Tork, Best, 80. (L N, S.) TJnchaneed. - ; ? '-- Spelter Esa-y, East St. Leu) snot offered at $9.15 ; .October offered at 19.16; Kovsmbcy- Deeember ottered at 68.46. TBAItSPOETATIOW SAN FRANCISCO LOS ANGELES . 4 LOW RATES yBtaamgr, Inetodm Haan and Berth A THE SAM - fRANOISOO : A PORTLAND - ? b, a. co. - ' Ticket et TkM and Star Ticket at Third and Washington . , avisae. svetst . Lightship No. 67. stationed at Umatilla reef, has been relieved to come Into har bor for coal, having run abort of fuel be cause of tha unusual foga prevailing along the coast. According to Robert Warrack, superintendent of UgbthouseJ uivpwuvn in .!. uie &vaet mrm causing fuel sbortagea among the light ship fleet and vessel are being relieved often. Lightship No. $7 is at Pugst sound for supplies. 27 so I ALL ALONG THE WATERFRONT. 27 13 16 11 4 1 11 1 1 4 a Monday Morning Sales STEERS SO 37 21 1 16 IS Price. 118.00 8.50 8 8.00 6.0O 4.75 6.00 7.00 8 S.00 $ S.S0 a Charles B. Moorea, chairman of commission on public docks, and W. IbaRoche, city attorney, will represent the commission at the convention of the Pacific Coast Association of Port Authorities, In Los Angeles, October 3. The automatic water gauge of the weather bureau which haa been falling to work recently, will be In shape again soon. Dirt at first troubled, but It waa found the reason for Its failure to work nights waa the Inadvertent cutting out of the wires through a telephone ex change.. The Port of Portland dredge Colum bia haa been moved to Postoffice bar for channel work, Tha dredge haa com pleted the basin In front of the new coal dock at 8L Johns. BULGARIA JfEWS BULL PACTOB IK COTTOJT TRADE Wrw Tor. Sept. 30. (L V. S.) tnflu-1 eceed by the new from Bulgaria prieea opened up on the cotton market today. S3 to 44 point net nig her wttn tne tone stroma-. The final tone was ateady at a mat advanee ef 11 to 24 points. . ,MAKIJTE ALWAlf AO Weather at River's Mouth Korth Head. Weak. Sept 80. Condhiow at the month of the Columbia over at noon: wiao. 10 aaUca; weatoer, cloudy; aee, eaooin. Sun Record for October 1 Sua rise. 7:09 a. av Sun sets, 6:52 p. at. TMea for Tuesday High Water: Low Water: 11:42 a. m 7.3 feet I 6:40 a. m 0.S foot 1 11:47 p. 7.4 feet 6:01 p. m LS feet DAILT'BITEB KEABIHQS STATIOXS Jnuary . . , February .. Marcn . . . , May ..... July August ... October November . xseeembee . Open. 8818 $806 8298 High, 8322 ssii 8802 Low. 3286 S e 8267 3275 Cleee, 3268 I 3280; 8285 827T 8272 8242 ' 8874 8880 3318 i" I Chicago Dairy Predaee , Chicago. Sept. 80. (L N. lL1ntt.. tteceipta. 081 tub. Creamery, extra. 58c: firsts, 67c; packing stock. 89 H 040a. . fcesw Race!, 4257 ease. Ourreat reeeipta. 44 47 He: ordinary flrets. 46 47e: firsts. 4848He; d-cka, S3 860 UrUea. 36e)3t 8385 SS90 8840 . . S8SS 8840 8310 Umatilla Albany . Salem Oregon City Portland .. . J! ta gs 20 20 12 is 0.8 1-2.0 l.S 3.1 0 . o 0.8 0 0.00 o.eo 0.00 0.00 New Tork, Sept. $0. Further appeal to newspaper publishers and tha public to avoid wastes in paper have been sent out by the American Newspaper Publishers' association from its offices In the World building here, that tbe conservation pro gram may be carried ont Intelligently and manpower and materials saved for war purposes. Saving paper at the source Is one requisite, the association asserts, and saving It from destruction after it has served its original purpose Is another. The public la urged not to burn old paper but to turn them in for reman u factnra. As a rule all paper should be used aa sparingly ta possible that the Industries making it may devote ao much of their men and materials as possibls to the prime essentials of carrying on the war. , Weed Are Set Forth The war Industries hoard has declared : The government's requirements for all kinds of paper are Increasing rapidly and must be supplied. 'Taper making requires a large au-ount of fuel which ia essentia for war purposes. A pound of paper wasted represents from one to three pounds ef coal wasted. ' "Paper contains valuable chemicals necessary for war purposes. Econemy In the use of paper win release a large quantity of these material for making ammunition or poisonous gases. Paper making require labor and capi tal, both of which are needed in war service. "Paper making requirea transports tion space. Economy the use of pa per will release thousanda of freight cars for war purposes. Greater care In ths purchase and use of paper will savs money. Tour saving will help finance the war. "Strictest economy in tha use of paper will prevent a shortage." GsveraMgat Waats Baw Materials Ths government' wants and must have thewfhatertals used la making paper, sock aa pulp wood, sulphur, bleach and labor. Manpower ia needed on ths western front to win ths war ; chlorine employed In bleaching the paper It ia necessary in the manufacture of poison gss ; fuel for our war lndustrieh Is needed there will be a coal shortage from 54,006.904 to $0,000,004 tons. A saving of IS per cent in the use of paper will release for war Industries 2,500,000 tons : sulphur is needed if you waste paper, there win not be enough to supply both tbe gov eminent s needs and the paper manu facturers'. W satiny paper burning It up or dumping it into the ash heap- Is to destroy its vslue. Waate pa newspapers, magazines, "old paper," la converted into packages for sheila. packages for sending material and mu nitions abroad. Into paper again for our own use. Every sheet of used paper must be saved that it may be used ever again perhaps for letter paper that the boys over there may write to their mothers, sisters, sweethearts. Every sheet of paper that we refrain from using, that we use economically, that we save ; every bit of wrapping paper, box. paper bag. etc. la necessary, vital and essential to hslp win the war, and to help keep supplied our great paper Industries at home. Ordinary Wastes Utilised Waate paper of all kinds can ho used in making new paper or paper boards. All the chip board from which ordinary pasteboards boxes are made la manu factured cut of mixed waste paper scraps gathered up in the stores and other place a Newspapers make a better grade of board known aa news board. CoTvallls, Sept, 10. While poultry . fMria ran ahnnt 14 a Inn hlsrnep In Porte - land than in Ban Francisco and Seattle; poultry products are generally 10 to 10 ' xr cvni lewer, a o remoay uiia amatuoq - the Oregon Poultry Producers assocla- - - tion waa reorganised in eaiera. jrnaay ; last, ana commiiieea were appointed to conduct the needed work. 1 "Oregon poultry men stand good - finance, to have tneaa inonualltlM ail Mint- . ed at an early date," said Arthur A. Peters, federal poultry representative In tha coast, district, consisting of the states of Oregon, Washington. Califor nia, Art sons. New Mexico and Nevada..,. "But to lnsurs success they need a strong organisation. 1 ners is no in- '1, tentlonal d Incrimination and the matter ' probably will be straightened out aa soon . as brought to ths attention of the food - amleletretlAl " Oregon poultrymen pay as much as. - or mors tnsa, taose or any state in sir. , Peters territory, be said. - and get less -for the egga and poultry. In proof of tha lower nrlcea on soultrv sroducts In tha Tnrtlanil fnarkat TT T. TTnaon. f aA. oral poultry-man for Oregon, read the day's market quotations for eggs SS cents In Portland, and 64 A cento In the Bay City. A like discrepancy was ahown In the live aad dreeeed poultry quotations. A membership tax ef 1 .cent for each fowl ewnwd was levied, and all members present signed up. A committee of five, headed by C. F. Williams, waa appointed ' te conduct an eeucatvortai campaign en tbe need for organisation, on the use ef poultry and eggs aa protectlvs foods, and to encourage growers te stay la the business. Another committee, Mr. Miller ef Portland, C W. Brew at or of tbe Agricultural college and Mr. Cpson, was appointed to take -up with E. F. Ayer tbe question of prieea os poultry feeds and products. A third committee waa empowered to revise tbe constitu tion and bylaws and proceed with the enlistment of a membership that shall Include as nearly as poselble every pool try 'grower in-the state. New Tork spot market 3496. BITE at FORECAST Tbe Wfllaasetto river st Portlsad will main nearly stationary daring the next two er three days, except ss afleetsd by tbe tide. .Stocks, Beads, Cotton. Orals, Bte. sis'iji Boexc ei Trade Bunding -f Overbeck&CookeC a DIRECT PRIVATE ; WIRES S TO ALL EXCHANGES. EE Members Chicago BosjH ef Trad utuiiuiiiiiiiuimumiiiimiiiiimiiiiii Hall & Co. Liberty bonds s mvesTwntsrr Bonee issanser trroeae etewMTias PRBFgg LeeAi, 3 - Ceirespoadeats ef Leg - tueais. , s Bvas 2 iniiinmimminimimniiiiiiiiiiniirr SHIP WORKERS HEALTH GUARDED ef Health and Sanitatioa Scctlo Shipping Board Is Active. A health and efficiency campaign te. Deing tvnu kiwi aunviia 1 11 v Portland by tha health and aanitalToa section ef the United States skipping, board. Thla work looks toward sanita tion In the yarda, tn housing quarters and alao guards against the social evil. the shipping board holding that fitness of men physically la as neoeeaiary . la tha shipyards as tn ths army. Thirteen reetsurantr near Pacific coast shipyards already have been dosed. Strong wrapping papers mixed with sul phate pulp ars used In making test or strong chip board from which shipping coataiaers of all kinds are made, These are tsxinr tne piece ox wpoaea (xmwav thereby conserving the forests. . The fewer grades of waste paper such .te Mt.M SwtV., ,l.llinifti. - H VM tliwe , 1 vwwMnee ars sorted out- detnked. and used era la In making books, writing ' and other grades of vapor. In making bonds and ledgers, etc, a considerable quantity of rags is necessary, the supply of which Is becoming very scarce. It is Impera tive, therefore, that all old rags be saved. Every household should save all of ita old iwper and rags ae well aa old rubber, leather, etc, mrC dispose of them to the school children. Red Cross. Salva tion, Junkmen, or other collectors, ae that the supply may be kept adequate te meet the demands of the government other essential "Volulltees,, Wanted TF YOU hive not piddled yoor subscription to the r 1 4thUberty losn--00 NOW. to your btnk of lib erty Loan Hetdqaartert and sign your application ' : blank. . .'- ' - ' . ' It will bring COURAGE te mr boys, DEFEAT to 1 or enomy, HONOR te you town, rerun ty end sUto. ana DISTINCTION to ermelTes, - . . ' If you need inlortnatioa of tietaile cotne Sod f st then. ,-' EXCUSES ARE NOT IN ORDER. ' MULT3T0MAM COIXHTT POUBTH tlBEBTT tOAW COMMITTEB r ;Thls CeatrlkaUd hy Morris Bros.: j V:-: i