iWE ASK EVERY READER OF THIS PAGE TO TURN TO THE ANNOUNCEMENT ON PAGE 7s National League Activities Dr. Harry Huntington Powers will deliver the third In his coarse of fire talks on "Why We Are in the War" in Central Ubrary, 3 P. Ak, today, under the auspices of the National League for Woman's Service. Everybody welcome. Classes in J'rench are now being formed. En roll at headquarters, Sixth Floor. x , - All Charge Purchases tomorrow will go on the October bills rendered November 1st. y Umbrella Re-Covering This Week at 10 Off ; Beginning tomorrow and continuing all week we will re-cover umbrellas at i0 off our reg ular low prices. Choice' of newest shades and black. Silk or cotton covers. Workmanship guaranteed. Prepare now for rainy days. Meier A Frank's: Umbrella Shop, Main Floor. The Duck and Pheasant Season will open Tuesday, October 1. Our Sixth Floor Sporting Goods Store will outfit you completely at lowest prices. We carry all standard makes of guns and ammunition. Special prices on. shotgun shells in case lots. All other hunting perquisites of highest quality and utmost service ability, including Duxbak and Kamp-lt clothing for men and women, hunting boots, etc. WE ISSUE HUNTING LICENSES. FOR SHIPS HINGE ;c;; Fleet Corporation's Attorney Ar- rives in Portland to Take Up Question of Providing Homes. BUILDING PLANS TO FORM Best rf tie New MORE CONTRAGTS faMrafBssBB,BWsssB,'"Jj ON M ORE HOUSES lie lire IT ISTl el lift m Season's Hffenigs N J Meeting to Be Held Monday . Ex pected to Result in Definite Scheme for Construction "Portland's participation In government aamtracts for shipping- and war material depends upon the prompt solution of Che city's housing difficulties, according to Monte Appel, legal representative of the Emergency Fleet corporation. Mr. Appel arrived In Portland Saturday and addressed a conference of the housing committee at the city hall In the after noon. At this meeting Mr. Appel announced the purpose of the Emergency Fleet cor poration to grant priority privileges to orders for building material made through the housing committee. He emphasised the necessity for immediate action on the part of the housing com mittee In preparing for an influx of several thousand additional workmen and their families to the city. Intimating that, the placing of further government orders with Portland industrial enter prises hinges upon the availability of housing facilities. Meeting Bet for Monday Mr. Appel recommended that houses be built in units of 1000 and that 90 per cent of the houses In each unit should range In price from $1500 to $3500, the remaining 10 per cent to range from $3500 to $5000. In Seattle, according to Mr. Appel, 75 per cent of the houses new being constructed must come with in the $3500 limit, 15 per cent being al lowed to cost from $3500 to $5000 and 10 per cent to cost as high as $7500 each. Ira Powers, who recently visited Se attle and studied the work of the "more homes bureau," in his report to the mayor recommended the adoption of the Seattle plan with certain modifications to suit local conditions. Definite plans ' for the building program in Portland will be formulated at a meeting of Mayor Baker's committee at the city hall Monday at 2 p. m. i Preparing to Bnlld Proposed plans embrace the encour agement of private building by owners of vacant lots. Several prominent realty - firms have already made arrangements . to engage in building on a large scale and others are awaiting definite action on the part of the housing committee before organising similar enterprises. Building permits for residence property will be limited to such projects as meet with the favor of the committee. While It Is impossible to estimate ac curately the number of houses required in Portland for the accommodation of workers now here and others who will be brought In by additional government crders, it is recommended by representa tives of the Emergency Fleet corpora tion that at least 2000 more houses be t ullt at once. Members of the Portland Realty Board familiar with the situa tion recommend plans for 3000 new houses during the next year. W. A. McClatchy of Washington, D. C, representing the department of la bor, arrived Friday and will make a survey of the city's housing facilities, assisted by MarkC. Cohn of San Fran cisco, member of the government's hous ing commission. To Proseeate Profiteers To carry out the work of the survey a United States homes "registration com mittee was appointed by Mayor Baker to act under direction of Mr. Appel. Another important committee appoint ed by Mayor Baker at the request of the government representatives was the fair rent committee, composed of H. B. Beckett' of the Emergency Fleet corpor ation ; B. F. Sleeman, president of the carpenters' union, and F. E. Taylor, representing property owners. The pur pose of this committee is to put a stop to rent profiteering. Violations of the commands of the committee will result In, the government commandeering the property of the landlord. Revision of Train Schedules Will Be Asked by Chamber Revision of train schedules between Eastern Oregon and Portland is to be asked by the Portland Chamber of Com merce, following complaints received from the eastern and central parts of the state that the present time tables do not adequately cover the situation. The latest complaint comes from Bend, the first from Central Oregon. It Is signed by T. A. McCann as general manager of the Shevlln-Hixon com pany, who says that since the through train from Portland to Chicago has been in operation, service from Central Oregon and Eastern Oregon to Portland la ; poor, depending upon local trains. which make the day in Portland one of rush. Dr. Hendershott Is Now Naval Officer Dr. Harry M. Hendershott, associated for aome time with Dr. Charles T. Cham beilaln, and well known as an eye, ear, nose and throat specialist In Portland, has been commissioned in the medical service of the navy, and is stationed at the Bremerton navy yard. Dr. Hender- ehoft spent yesterday in Portland closing up his affairs here, and will return to Bremerton this afternoon. New Japanese Silk Kimonos $12 Beautiful new Japanese kimonos made of habutai silk. Wide flowing sleeves. These kimonos are exquisitely embroid ered in daisy and rose designs. An admir able selection of colors, but not in each pattern. All sizes. New Japanese Quilted Silk Robes at $19.50 Women's full length Japanese quilted silk robes in long or short sleeves style with or without collars. Pleasing shades of navy, brown, old rose, red and black. Beautifully embroi dered. Meier & Frank's : Third Floor, Sixth Street. Many Late Arrivals Have Been Added to Our Stocks of New Fall Suits, Dresses and Coats already quite without a rival in the matter of extensiveness and variety of assortments and far excell ing all others in values. We invite your immediate inspection of these amongst others: New Suits 65c-$l Laces 49c Metallic laces for blouses and dressy gowns. Bands and edges embroidered in gold and silver thread on white, ecru and black net 3 to 15 inches wide. ' Metallic Flouncing $1.50 36-inch metallic flouncing for drop skirts and blouses. Embroidered in silver on white and black silk net. Net Flouncing $1.98-$2.50 New black silk net for afternoon gowns. Used in combination with satin and Georgette crepe. Heavy designs, scalloped edges. 24 to 36 inches wide. Meier & Frank's : Lace Shop, Main Floor. Portland's best and biggest showing of new Fall and Winter suits for women and misses will .be found at MEIER & FRANK'S. All the newest materials tricotines, serges, gabardines, wool velours, etc. Every new model approved by fashion. Black, navy, brown, green, reindeer, plum, burgundy and handsome mixtures. A host of beautifully fur-trimmed suits, many set off with plush and velvet collars. A wide range of prices $25 to 195. New Dresses Hundreds of new dresses have recently been added to our stocks which now Include the finest displays of Fall dresses ever exhibited at this time. Satin, crepe de chine, satin and Georgette crepe combina tions, Jersey, serge, tricotine, etc. Long straight line models, deep tunic and overskirt styles. Many trimmed with fringe, beads and fancy embroideries. These from 15 to 95. New Coats Greatest stocks of coats we've ever known. All the favored materials, styles and colors for Fall and Winter at such a broad range of prices that every taste and every purse can be satis fied. An especially fine showing of Fall and Winter Coats $35 Women's and misses' coats in dependable kerseys and vel ours. Full length models. Half lined. Large self, plush or kit coney fur collars. Navy, brown, taupe, green, burgundy and plum. v, l ' 'f' t if ' .'ftftft' . ,)& - l Meier & Frank's : Apparel Shop, Fourth Floor. Worthy Savings Are Offered in This Great Sale of Waists VALUES UP TO $15 $6.50 $10 Broken lines of fine Georgetti Crepe batiste, linen and voile waisisV In rose, fleshr white, gray and French- blue. - Dainty hand made waists with tiny tucks and narrow knife pleatings, drawn work, hemstitching and embroi dery; some have lace trimming. Limited number. All sizes 36 to 44 in the lot, but mostly one of a kind and size. None on approval, none exchanged. Meier & Frank's : Waist Shop, Fourth Floor. Mrrquisette Curtaining at 27c Here is a good opportunity to anticipate your curtain needs at a substantial saving on our regular lower than elsewhere prices. Splendid quality marquisette curtaining in all colors. Regular weaves and net effects. This material is worth from 35c to 55c yard. Very special tomorrow, yard 27c. Meier & Frank's: Curtain Shop, Seventh Floor. three Boys Arrested Roseburr, Sept, 28. Three bots from Portland, giving the names of Calhoun. Fletcher and Zweigart, were caught here - todar with a stolen . Ford automobile. " They had tried to burn up the car on : Bdberts hill, but were unsuccessful. They hid all day in the brush. The boys are - irom iv to is years oia. They had taken the license numbers off the car. ; .: 'MONDAY MEAT SPECIALS Ai Frank li. Smith's. 228 Alder Btreet. X009 pounds choice boiling beef ...12Vtc 1000 pounds necks of beef ........ .,ioo 1000 pounds round steak ,20c 1000 pounds sirloin steak ....,..,,.l7c Roast spring Jamb 20c .Liver i...,12Uc . Frank X Smith's Is 228 Alder st Adv. 0 ' ... I Beginning Tomorrow a Practical Demonstration of 6t Fry" Oven Glassware Come in tomorrow and let our demonstrator show you how convenient it is to use glass cooking utensils. Fry glassware is of high thermo endurance, comprising great strength with low expansion. Bakes an even crust top and bottom. Bake and serve in glass. Clean and economical in service. We have complete stocks of Fry dassware ranging in price from the 3-oi. ramekins at 1.50 dozen to the 9-inch casseroles (with covers) at 11.75 each. We have round and oval bakers, bread bakers, custards, pie plates and other pieces of oven glassware. Meier & Frank's : Housewares Section, Basement Housewives! Apartment, Hotel and Rooming-house Keepers Attention! Sale of 10,000 Turkish Towels Manufacturers' Seconds Famous "Mart ex" Brand 1 . On Sale Beginning Tomorrow At Sensational Reductions - Vz Off The name "Martex" designates the best Turkish towels made and the towels in this sale are all Martex. These are called seconds, but are the equal of most firsts, as the Martex towels are very closely graded. Imperfections, where such exist; are in most cases nothing worse than a little grease spot or drawn thread nothing to hurt the service qualities.- Sale Prices 25c to $1.25 Besides these prices there are lots at 3 Sc. 40c, SOc, 60c, 75c and $. We secured this treat lot in a spe cial purchase direct from the Martex factory we share our savings with our patrons. All of these towels are this year's goods and styles. Meier & Frank's All Sizes Are Included from the small baby size to the largest bath towel and everything in between. Mostly plain white, some with colored borders. All are exceptionally high grade towels and the most wonderful values at 25c to 1.25 which represent a saving of 1-4 to t-3 and more. Center Aisle Bargain Square, Second Floor. Fifth Street. Prices Advance Tuesday on These Popular Magazines Subscribe tomorrow and profit by present low prices on: Woman's Home Companion. American Magazine, Review of Reviews, Everybody's, Mothers Magazine, Metropolitan, Harper's Bazaar. McCall's, Saturday Evening Post. Indies' Home Journal, Scribner's, etc Subscriptions taken at Book Shop, Fifth Floor, or Magazine Section, Main Floor. Come in and Hear These Edison Records These new Edison "re-creations" just received, Sixth Floor. "They Go Wild, Simply Wild. Over Me" (vocal) "Darktown Strutters' Ball." "Ll'l Liza Jane" (dance). "Jazz Blues," "Umbrellas to Mend" (dance), "Melody In F." "Spring Song"-y Albert Spauldlng (violinist). Many others. Special Values in Furniture The Electric "Eldredge" Machine The electric two-spool sewing machine makes sewing a real pleasure. There are no bobbins to wind. This machine occupjes only a small space and can be used on any table or stand Just press the pedal and guide the goods the motor does the work. You may purchase it by paying $1 Down $1 Week Our Dress Form Club Join -our dress form ciub and pay for your dress form while using it. We carry a complete line of collapsible and adjustable dress forms. Our entire stocks marked at special prices for a limited time buy-now and save. Pay only DowntroOc Week .WDM MC la ' II eas k HfftH. re. MkaMb mi - -Meier A Frank's: Second Floor, Fifth Street, "h High back quarter-sawed oak rocker with removable spring cush ion' of genuine leather. 27.00 rocker for $18.95. Davnnnrt mide In our own workrooms onlv the best of materials used. Choice of several tapestries or velours. With three of the popu- iar loose "Komfy" cushions. Special S9S.50. : Large Colonial library , table made of quarter sawed oak: In wax finished or mahogany finished base, with, genuine mahogany veneer top. Top measures 28x48 inches. Priced 924.50.' - i Solid oak dtnfam ehair ia daU wmx finish. With bos eat. Btrooc - and diaable. : 'Sped! at 9tJbB. a. -; Our famous Solid Comfort mat tress made of 40 pounds pure cot ton felt and covered with good quality, art ticking. Rolled edge. A good value at $12-95. MAKE YOUR OWN -; .TERMS IN .REASON -' 1 1 r V- - Meier tc Prank's : y Furniture. 8&op, Klsh Floor., The Chance of a Lifetime to Learn Dressmaking Under Mme. Coates America's Foremost Authority on Dressmaking and Allied Lines Class A for beginners enters on its course of 15 lessons tomorrow at 2:30 P. M. in our Dressmaking School Room on the Seventh Floor. Class B for advanced students will begin work.in.its course of 15 lessons Tuesday at 2:30 P. M., Seventh Floor. If you missed the explanatory lectures, come to the Dress making School Room tomorrow at 1 o'clock, where Madame Coates will meet you and give all information desired relative to either class. If you wish you may enroll to enter on instruction with beginners Class A, commencing its first lesson at 2 :30 the same afternoon, or with advanced Class B, commencing aj 2:30 Tuesday. Tickets on sale at Notion Shop, Main Floor, $1.50 and $2.50, respectively, for beginners or advanced course each 'complete in 15 lessons. BEGINNERS' CLASS A embraces The 300 Fundamental" Points of Garment Making including the Cutting. Fitting. Altering. Constructing. Making and Finishing of Waists. Skirts and Gowns. Among the features are: Scientific fitting?. Body measurements. Selection of patterns. Pattern measurements. Fitting; specifications. Pattern alterations. Garment hang ing and draping. Economical cutting. Sleeves. Collars and cuffs. Re vers, Belts. Bands. Yokes. Pepluma. Vests. Girdles. PreparaUon of materials. Specific work such as the following is embraced in this course: The 7 buttonholes. The 3 loops. Many bands and folds. The 7 plackets. The 7 hems. The 30 seams. The 7 facings. The 15 ruffles. Many tucks and pleats. The 16 sewing stitches. The cutting, fitting, altering and constructing of garments are all done in the school room under the personal direction of Madame Coates. Special work is given for home study. ADVANCED CLASS B The advanced course of designing, analytical dressmaking, tailoring and millinery as taught by Madame Coates to class B includes the. following: tr; Designing Pupils are taught to design and copy skirts, waists, sleeves, collars, vesta, girdles, belts, gowns, coats and suits. The models are designed and copied with paper and cloth. Aaranecd Dressmaking An up-to-date analytical and finishing course In cutting, fitting, altering;, constructing, draping, trimming and finishing dresses, gowns and elaborate toilettes. Tailoring The 64 steps of tailoring. Including the cutting, fitting, con structing and making of the tailored coat, jacket and skirt. Instruction covers the most complex problems. The Dreamaking Bleek A new and highly successful article designed for SELF FITTING and taught for the first time In Portland. Can be used with or without a dress form. Kvery woman will appreciate the wonderful features of the Dressmaking Block. Millinery Course Includes making of willow and buckram foundations; constructing, making, finishing and trimming of velvet, satin, silk, sport, straw, lace, raallne.and ribbon hats and the making of millinery bows, flowers, etc. Classes Meet 3 Times a Week for five weeks 15 lessons in all fl.So (beginners) and 2.50 (ad vanced) for each course. Class A meets Mondays and Wednesdays at 2-.30 P. M. arfd Fridays at 10 A. M. Class B meets Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays at 2:30 P. M. The combined courses for less than the cost of having one dress made. Secure your ticket tomorrow at our Notion Shop. Main Floor. Tomorrow Our Millinery Shop Will Feature New Meadowbrook Hats for Fall Of Which We Have Jutt Received a Large New Selection The Jiew Meadowbrook hats have just been received and they are' good to look upon. Come in tomorrow and see these new arrivals. A hint of what you will find: Large droop shapes in velour and velvet com binations and chenille, close fitting styles in velour or chenille with smart ribbon trimming. Black and colors. Suitable for sport and street wear. Priced 59.50 to 18. New Tailored Hats A fine selection of new tailored hats from Phipps. Knox, Gage, Vogue. Hyland and other 'well-known makers now on display. Meier & Frank's : Millinery Shop, Fourth Floor. Dpn't Be Caught Again Relying on One Fuel Burn gas and coal or wood. Re member last Winter's chilly kitchen. Face the coming Winter with a new kitchen range one that will help conserve the coal supply (by burning gas) but one that will burn wood or coal when warmth is required or when gas is inadequate. . The Universal Combination is that kind of range. It may be changed instantly from an all-gas to an all-coal range. A simple turn of the key changes from one fuel to an other. Two complete ranges in one requires only 40 inches floor space. Compact, durable, complete. If de sired you can - MAKE YOUR OWN V 1 ' TERMS IN REASON r " : f Meter fc Frank : Sixth Floor, Fifth Bt ggpe1 ajjp rioiy